Newspaper Page Text
AUCTION SALES. TOMOHROW. J. G. Sinclair, Auct., (W LA, AVE, Pile TOMORROW at TBM A.M . <vns?stlng of J\.rlor aud B*d B-^ra BidtM, Carpets, Chiira, Mat ting Iron Hcili. ("Mine a?xl (iUh Were. etc. Oon sigmmnt* ti; o boat of sale. it* JAMES W. RaTCLTFFE, AUCTIONeer. Assl^rse^'s sa!e off stock of dents* Furnishings, &c.. Including Shirts, Collars, ties, Gloves, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Mats, Caps, &c. B7 virtue of n deed of assignment given to me. and duly recorded. I will sell, by public nuctl??n. within The sales looms of James w RatiMffc, No. *2?> Pa. ?ve i! w . on TCESDAY. THK TWENTY J-'l Rs T DAT Of JlM, AD 1904, AT TEN O A.M.. a well assorted stork <?f gents* furnishings, etc.. to which I Invite the attention of the trndc and private buyer*. Term* cash. EUGENE A. JONW. Assignee, Jel5 dAdl* Columbian building. \\7ln? IN a MAYERS, AUCTIONEERS! ENTIRE FURNISHINGS (IFHKVKN H?n?M HOUSE 11 auction On TUESDAY, JUNE TWEN TY-FI RST.we will sell on the prem ises, 750 3d st. n.w., corner II St., the entire furnishings of seven-room house. Five Bed Room Suites. Mahogany Dresser and Withstand, Ename led Reds, Springs. Mattresses, 4 (Jr. <hik renter Table* and YVardrol?e, 2 Kxt. Tables. 4 Wool Art Souuree, Refrigerator, Dishes, Trunks, Crooking Utensils. Chiffonier. China Closet, T??llet Sets. Comforts, Blankets. Shorts. Table Linen. 7 to Da Coal. 2 cords Wood. Rubber Mats, et<* This furniture Is practically new, having Ih? >n but little used. All goods to Ik* removed imme diately after sale. Tonus rash. Jcl7 3t Wfl^'N A MAYERS. Auctioneers. FUTURE HATS. C. U. SLOAN A CO., Auctioneers, 1407 G st. TRUSTEES' SALE r.F EHJIIT -NEW TIIREE 8T0RY llRH'K DWELLINGS. AT TIIK ' <>K NER OF MORQAN AYENEE AND LAMAR PI?ACE N.W 114?LM EAI? MANOR I). C. By virtue of eight ^|>aat deed* . f trust, all dat ed August 7, lia?2 and duly recorded in IJber 207U. xollo to 280 et seq., Inrluslve, we will sell at {?ubllc auction In front of the premises on SATUR )AY, JI NK TWENTY FIFTH, 1004. AT FIVE O'CLOCK F M , the following described property, Situate in the county <-f Washington, District of Columbia, kn-wn and distinguished as lots number ed 85 to !?2. b:?th Inclusive, of St mind E Redfcrn's Subdivision of parts i?f lots thirty nine (39i and forty (4oi, In block numbered forty-five <4flE "II' 1 lijnad Manor." a* per plat recorded In the offlc . f the surveyor for the I>1 strict of Columbia, in Liber County 1 ??. at folio 38. each lot Improved by new three st' ry brick dwelling, to be sold separately. Terms: one third cash, balance In one and two years, with interest at ft*"/. payable semi-annually and secured by deed of trust on property sold, or all cash, at the nurchaser's oi tloii. A deposit of tWO will b?- required on each house at the tim?> f Sale, and If the terms a? above mentioned are not fully compiled with In 15 days from the day of sale. the trustee* may resell the property s? in default at the 1 isk ami c<>st of the purchaser. aft.?r au< h read vert lilng as tbey may deem necessary. All recording, conveyancing aud notarial fees at pui chaser's cost. HENRY A NFSRIT. LYNN o. De LA 811 MUTT. Jel.Vdts Trusties. Til OS. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRESTLES s \ I R OF VALUABLE INIMPBO? I:I? PROPERTY ON MADlSnN STREET BE TWEEN 17111 ANI) 18111 STREETS N W. By virtue ? f a deed of trust, duly recorded in J J !?*r No. 22?is, at folio 200 et wq., one of the laud records for the District of Columbia, and ai th? request of the party thereby secured, we will Sell at public auction on MONDAY. .TUNE TWEN TY-SEVENTH. W04. AT FIVE OVMM'K P.M. the following described real estate In the city -?f Washington. District oT Columbia, known and d's tlngulshed an lot numbered 32.1, In Charles Early and William II Allison, trustees', suNlivjsion of l<ts in square numbered ISO, as per plat recorded In Liber No. folio 79, of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Colum! in. and contained wiihln the following metes and bounds, viz: Beginning on the south line ??f Madi son street, at a point distant 115 feet we?t of 17th street; arid runnirig thence west on said M idi son street eighteen 118) feet: thence south !?f? feet; thence east 18 feet and thence north 1*5 feet to the place of Iteglnulng. Terms: One-third cash, of which a deposit of $i<hi most be made ?t the time of sale, and the balance In two equal installment* In one and two years from day of sale, for which notes of the purchaser bearing Interest from day of sale at H per cent, payable semi-annually, and secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. All conveyancing and recording at purchaser's cost. If terms of sale ate not complied with within fen days from da'e of sale, trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk aud cost of the defaulting pur chaa* r. JOHN MAR1U RY. Trustee. 3.*U>7 "1"' st. n.w. W. RILEY DEERLE. Tiustee, 1el4-dAds 1310 "F" st n.w. TRUSTEES SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED real usi ati in <;e?h;i;etown. heinm PREMISES No i:,i8 THIRTY FIRST STREET NORTHWEST. Ry virtue of :? deed of trust, duly recorded among the land r?'- !'ls of the District of U(dinnbla. in l.'i?er 1307. ft li. 1"**, we ah all sell. ?t public auc tion. in front of the premises, on M??NDAY. THE TWENTY SEVUN'TII D\Y oF JUNK. 1W?4. AT I1A I F PAST FIVE i> CL?m*K P M . that parcel of ground In that part of said District formerly known a* Georgetown, being an unnumltcred lot in square now nnintn'red 12TO fr-ntlne 36 feet 3>v; inches on the west aide of :n?4t srroet. with a depth of ab?>ut 111 feet, as deserlbt^d In saifi trust, together with the Improvements, etc., consisting of a three story brick duelling house. Terms: One quarter cash, residue In three equal psyments, at 1, - and 3 jears, 6Interest, pay able quarterly, se?ure<l by the notes of the pur chaser. aiul a deed of trust on the property, or all cash, at oj tioti of purchaser. .*2ih> deposit. All conveyancing, et. at purchaser's cost. Terms to be complied with In 15 days or trustees reserve th ? right to readvertlse and sell at defaulting pur 1h!ser s cost and risk. CI! \RLES II CRAOIN, WILLIAM McK. OSBORN. Trustees. TIHIS J OWEN A SON. AuctS. JeltEdAda C., JA.V1K8 W HATILIKKK. AUCTIONEER. TrusHees' sa'e of va!lu= able farmra on the R:ggs read, near *'C!hi51iluinn," li. containing about 12 1 = 10 acres. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, passed In Equity Cause No. 2251K we, the undersigned trustees. ?111 sell at public auction, in front of the premises on THURSDAY. THK THIRTIETH DAY OF JUNK. A D ll>i*. AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following d**scr1bed loud ami premises, situate In the county of Washington. In tlie District of Co lombia. and designated a<* and lieiug part of a tract of land In the District of Columbia called "Chlllum Castle Manor," U-gmnli.g for the same at a stone marked No. 8. said stone l**iug a Ixtiind stone of a Southeast corner of the land of Samuel Stott. and running 'hence from said atone north 13'^ degrees west 13 f 10 perches to stone No. 7 thence north degrees west 21 fl-lu perches to s stone 6; thence north IS degree* west IO perches to tlfe a<uthwest corner of the Jews' Cemetery; thence north 145*4 degrees east ?i 3 perche-; thence north 10^ degrees, vest I 10 perches, to the south line of the country road; thence with the said road north 34'*^ degrt*-* esst 1H 7-10 perches; thence south 30 degrees ea?t 60 perches to the line of Hotle'rt land: thence with said line south 32^ degrees wrrst 41 perches, to the [dace of tteglnning. Containing 12 1 10 acres of land, together with the Improvements. Ac Terms of sale One third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, and the balance In two equal liiatallrnent*. payable In one and two years, with Interest at six |?er centum per annum, payable semiannually, fiom day of snle. secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the Option of the purchaser A deposit of $2>>o will 1?e required of the purchaser at the time of sale All conveyanclng. recording and notarial fees at the cost of the purchaser. Terms of sale to be com plied with within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the trusters reserve the right to resell the nropert\ at the r:si and cost of the defaulting riirchaaet. after five days' advertisement of such esale In The Evening Star, a newspajier published In the city of Washington. I?. c J CLARENCE PRICE. Columbian building. A. IE REEL. No. 313 John Marshall place. JAMES It AltUilKIt. Jr.. 458 La. ave. n.w.. jcl 1 d&d* Trustees. TRI STh i s s\EK OF VALUARLE I^HS. KKcNtim; l\ \ EE '.h; FEI-.T ??N E STREET It EI W i; EN 17*111 AND 1ST II STREETS NoR'l (I WI-NT. NE AR roid oi: \N ART ;; \L EEin \NJ? IMPROVED IN P\R| RY SIX T\\oST.|;> FRAME DWEIJ.INiSS. \ E M - IH* RE'? 17.*:; 17'?5. 1737. 1 T::?? 1711 \M? 1743 E STREET NOltniwi s| 1?.? vl 11ue .f h ?ict-d ..f tmst, duly recorded In N., 253 f 1J ;(VS et s.q . of 1 he land I ec or<i?. of th?- Distrlc of Columbia, and at the re qu? Mt of the party thc-eby neeiircd. we will sell, at wabllc auction ti fn?nt <?r the premises on MoN D A Y 11 N | TWENTY >E\ E NTII lbo? \T TI VF O CI (M K E \I . the following tics iIInmI real es tate. in the city of Washington District of Colum bia: I t 7. in ><pi.ire 171. ami lot 23. in C S Drurv et mE sub.livision f lot 8, in eaid s?ttihiv. | ,.r | i ?? re . r led in liook 11. |Mge ?.f4. of the -efU ? >f the surveyor's oftfee of said Dis trict. with the improvements above stated 'Ttrme: On%- f?>uith cash, of which a dt js-slt of :ni"*t be male at the time of s.ile, and tie} balam ?? In three ? ? iira 1 installments. In one. two slid three y? trs f. ai lay ??t *jilc. for which notes of the | or.-: . *er. t.- irlng Interest from day t.f sale ?p i v aide qusrteilyi, slid secured by deed of tiust oil the pro|M?rty -??Dl. will be taken, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. All convey ancing and ie<?u.i'iig .?t fanch:is?*r's c??st. If t?'rms a- not coiiipEcti with In fifteen days from sale th?? trustees res. r*c the right to r?sell th pr. perty at the risk and cost of the defaulting | nrehaser ?>r lMi'ehaser? ;ifter eight days' a<lvertiscment in The Evening Star newspuper. TIIOS. E. W AUG AM AN, lliVTN'tj YY II J.l ANI SON, J?1C CO Ada Trustees, AUCTION SALES. PI'TIHB DAYS. JAMKS w. ratci.iffb. auctioneer. Trustees* 5a^e"of Valuable Improved Real Estate, Being Two Brick Houses Nos. 1201 and 1203 F St. N. E., With Adjoining Lots. . bt virtue of n certain deed of tmiit duly re corded in Uber No. 255<i, folio 485 et aeq , of ?e land records of the District of (olumMa, snd at the request of the party secured thereto, we, the underidKned tniateea will ?ell. at Pl'5,,'''a iViti. In front of tbo premises. ?"111I ^1' Nr. T; wI)F TWBNTY-SEVENTll I?AY nh JI'NEj A. l>. It*". AT HAI-K-1'AST K<H'll OTI/N'K P.M.. the fol lowing described land and premises, situate in the ,-lt\ of Washington. In the district of < olomhla. and do*lKnated as and being all of original lots numbered eight <K>. nine i!1l and ten (101, and the west f.Tlv IWM feet i ?2 ft.i nine inches (!? In I on F street." by full depth of original lot numbered eleven <11). in square numbered ten hundred and *evcn (HI07),'together with the impr -veraents, con Hlxting of two brick dwelling*. one containing six looms, a.m.I., known as No. 1203 F st. n.e.t and the other containing eight rooms,, and known as No. 1201 F ft. ne. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash. and the balance in two equal installments, pavable in one and two years. Interest :i t six per cent p?*r annum. payable* semi annually, from day of sale, secured by deed of trust upon the property Hold, or a'.l cash, at the option if the pur.-haser. .\ deposit ?.f $500 will be required ??f th* purchaser at the time of sale. All conveyancing, recording and notarial fees at the eost of the purchaser. Terms of sale to I* complied with within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve th right to resell the property at the risk and cost cf the defnultlng purchaser, after five days advertise iiidtt of such r 'sale In The Evening Star, a nevvs naper published in the city of Washington, D. C. ELM Kit E. RAMEY. Room 407. Colorado bldg. UPTON II. RIDENOUR, Jr., 10th and F sts. n.w. jdHMl Trustees. JAMES W. BATCL1FFE, AUCTIONEER! TRUSTEES' SAI.E OF FINE unimproved PRiiPEHTV <>N 84TH STREET BETWEEN M ANI> N STREETS NORTHWEST. FINE CHANCE l'olt COOD BUSINESS OR resi dente property. Rv virtue of a decree passed on the 10th day of June. 1!N>4, by the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, In Equity Cause No. 24.V53. known a* the Westminster Savings Bank vs James F. Shep nerson et al . the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction on U'EHNISDAV, THE TWENTY SECOND DAY OF JUNE. liKU AT IIAI.F-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M . In front of the premises, original lots 2?J and 3". in square numb Ted 24, being 101.B feet front by 2o8 feet deep to an alley, containing 21.0&4 square feet. Terms of sale: One-tbird of the purchase price to he paid In cash, and the balance In one and two Tears fr?m date of sale, evidenced by notes of the purchaser, bearing Interest and secured by deed of triwt on the property sold, or all cash, at pur chaser's option and n deposit of ?2I\0 will b> re aulred at the time .?f ale. If the purchaser falls to comply with the terms of sale within fifteen days from dnv of sale, the undersigned reserve the right, not In substitution for, but as cumulative with their other !? gal remedies, to resell the prop erty at the risk and coat of the defaulting pur chaser The expense of conveyancing and record ing to be paid by the purchaser. W11,1.1 AM M. HALLAM. Trustee, 458 Louisiana avenue. R GOLDEN DONALDSON. Trustee, Jell-d&ds Century building. 412 ath street. Tllotv J. OWEN A SON. auctioneers. TRUSTEES' SALE OF TWO-STORY FRAME DWFI.L1NG. NO. 1522 L STREET NORTH Ry virtue of a certain deed of trtist. duly re ceded in Liber No. 2544. folio 93 et seq. nne of the land retards of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the parties secured thereby, ?? will tteir, at public auction, in front of the prem ises on WEDNESDAY. JUNE TWENTY-NINTH. lt*M AT FOUR O'CLOCK P M.. a" of those parts of lots numliered 1.1 and 14. in Samuel Davidson s schdivision of lots in square li?. ns per plat re curded In L'lier N K.. folios 20 'nd * ,, h records of fflce of the surveyor of the Dla.rlct of Columbia, contained In the foil,.wing metes and Is ends viz.: Beginning for the same on L street 2>i fee' l1. Inches west of the northeast corner of said lot numbered 14. and running thence west on sal 1 street 17 feet 10% inches; thence south 100 feet; then.e east 17 feet 10% inches, and 'hence north l?si feet to :he place of beginning, with the Improvements thereon. Terms of sale: One-third ce.ab. balance In one and two years, with Interest, secured by a deed of trust on the proiierty sold or all cash at the opt Mm of 'he purchaser. A dej?*it of $101X00 re quired at time of sale Conveyancing. and etc.. at purchaser s c?st. Sale to be " within ten days or deposit forfeited. THOMAS I! JONES. Trustee. jel7-d&ds ALBERT L. STURTEVAXT. Trustee. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. VERY IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE IM PROVED AND U N I M - PROVED REAL ESTATE SIT UATE IN ANACOSTIA AND GARFIELD. D. C? TO CLOSE THE AFFAIRS OF AN OUT OF-TOWN CORPORATION. Bt virtue of authority vested in us. we will sell, to the highest bidder, at public a"^b>n. tn front ?>r respective premises, on Jl \r TWKVi'Y-SECOND. lt?'4, AT THE HOURS HFREIN.VFTICR MENTIONED, the following de scribed land and premises, situate in the county of Washington l\g.,;:TwO OTUiCK P.M.. lot 14. in Garfield fronting 42.40 feet on Alnger aven le by a depth < f 342 feet, improved by a two-story fr"'\D Tmmkimatei.Y THEREAFTER, lot ??. in Garfield D C.. fronting 47 41 f.>et on Bruce ave. by a depth of 300 tcet. Improved by a two-story ''at" k!f'i'k"i'n MINITES PAST THREE P.M S\ME DAY' |?rt of original lot one In section K ;,f tbe sub known as Barry Farm. Improved by a frame dwelling, situate on "T" street Anacostla. \T HALF PAST THREE O'CLOCK SAME DAY sub lot 33 of section sli. Barry Farm. Improved hv a two Story frame dwelling, situate at the cor lkLr ?.f Sheridan ave. and T street. ?\T FORTY-FIVE MINUTES PAST THREE OH OCR SAME DAY, part of lot 58 in section 8, Parry Farm. 4ft bv 120, improved by two two story frame dwe llnps. four rooms each, situate Month of Sumner ave.. Anacostla. \T FIFTEEN MINUTES PAST FOUR 0'CI OCK SAME DAY', three unimproved lots. Nos. 110 'ill and 112. in block 2. A. L. Green's sub division. each 2<i 71 feet front, situate on Staun tou road south of Jefferson st. .... AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M. SAME D\Y lot 101 In block 2. A. L. Green s sulidlvlslon, improved by two-story frame house, situate cn Madison street above Staunton road. . AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M. SAME DAY, lot IS in block 2 A L. Green's sulsllvision, fronting 222.91 feet on Jefferson street by an average depth of alsiut 260 feet, containing 37.397 feet. Improved by two frame dwellings of seven and eight rooms e8AT HALF-PAST FIVE O'CLOCK P.M. SAME D*Y lots 11 and 12 Avalon Terrace, Improved by a tw'o-atory frame dwelling of six rooms, being a very desirable property. The aisive pro|iertles will be sold without re serve and should command the attention of in vestors, as the Improved properties are all well rented. Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance In one and two years, with interest, secured by a deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the pur chaser's option. A deposit of $1i)0 will be reoulred on each parcel of improved property and $2ft ?.n each unimproved lot at time of sale. Conveyanc ing, recording, etc., at purchaser's cost. Terms to be complied with within ten days or deposit forfeited. THOS. J. OWEN & son, Auctioneers, Je 13-dta 913 F st. n.w. THOMAS DOV1JNU it Al.'LTlUXJuKiiS, 612 K st. n.w. CHANCERY SALE OF HOUSE AND lot. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the Dstrlct of Columbia, passed In equity cause No ?41ol, the undersigned, trustees, will offer for sale, at public auction, lu front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY. THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF JCNK. Its>4, AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., all that parcel of land known as and being the south eigh teen (1H) feet of oririnal lot sixteen <1H? in square fifty-four (54), in the city of Washington, Distil t of Columbia, the same being more particularly dc scrlt*ed by metes and bMinds, as follows: Begin ning at a point In the west line of 22d st. 54 feet north of the southeast corner off said square 54; thence west 75 tw\ thence north 1H feet; thence east 75 feet; thence south 1H feet to the beginning. The said property Is improved by a seven-room duelling house, known as No. iM>6 22d st. n.w.. In said city. Terms of sale: On?third of the purchase money in eash ??n the ratification of sale, and the residue in two equal payments, at oiuf ami two years, with interest, payable geuil-annually, at rate of six per cent j-er annum, for which notes of the purchaser are to U* given, secured on the laud sold, or ail cash, at option of purchaser. A deposit of $154) will be required at time of sale. Terms of pale to ?*? compiled with within twenty days from date of sale, or property will l?e resold at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser. AKTlU'K PETER, Trustee. Washington Loan and Trust bldg. WILL W DOUGLAS Trustee Jel7 dAds Atlantic bldg. THOS. J. OWEN A SON, auctioneers. TRUSTEE'S SAIJC OF NO. 315 "W" STREET NORTHEAST E< KIN?TO.N, D C. By virtue of a deed of trust, duly recorded in Lll-er No. 2749. at folio 2fi!) et seq., of the land rc< <>rds of the District of Columbia, ami at the request of the paity secured thereby, the under signed. tlustre, will offer for sale, at public auc tion. in front of the premises, on FRIDAY. THE TWENTV-F??UKTH DAY OF JUNE. A.D. HM4. AT FIVE O'CT.oi'K 1VM.. the foll owing described real estate, situate in Center Eekington. District ?f Columbia, to wit: Consolidated lots numbered twenty (No, 2<?) and twenty-one (No 2D, Into lot numbered thirty-eight iNo in bl?M'k numbereil nineteen (No. 11)?, Center Eekington, as recorded in the olflce of the suiv.yor of the District of Columbia. In County I?o.?k * No. 16. i age 74 Subject to prior deed of trust of $3,<MKMM>. re<-orded In Lllter No. 2683. at t< llo 17C et feq Terms All cash deed of trust above men tioned A deposit of $lisi.(H? will be required a time of sale. an.I all iN.nveyancing and recording to be at purchaser's cost. Terms to be compiled with within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise tnistee reserves the right to resell at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser. WIiaiLU F. NASII, SurviviiiK Trustee, ie!7-d&da Address 122 ii n.w. AUCTION SALES. Fl'TtBE DAYS. TUOfi. J. OWEN & SON, AUCTIONHEM. TBl'STEES' SALE OF A VALUABLE THRKBr STORY BHIOK DWBLLIM1, NO. 1H22 13TM STREET NuKTHWHBT. By virtue of a <!ewl of truat, dtlly recorded lu Liber NV I486, folio U4 et *eq.. of the Utul^rec ords of tbe District of Columbia, and at tee le outst of tbe party theieby secured, we will seii. at public auction. In front of the premises, on THURSDAY. JUNE THIRTIETH, 1904. AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., parts of lots 64 66. 66, In Geo. B. Coburn'a aub. of ?q. 237, as per plot recorded In the office of the surveyor for District of Columbia In Llbcr H. D. C.. at 'olio 21. Beginning at a point 20 ft. aouth of the northeast corner of aald lot 66, and running thence west 04 ft. 5 in., thence aouth 20 ft., thence east M ft. O In., thence north along 18th at. 20 ft. to the plaos of beginning. _ Terma: One-third caab, of wblch a deposit or $200 must be made at the time of aale, and the balance In two equal Installments In one and two years from day of sale, for which notes of the pur chaser. 1 taring Interest from day of sale at 5 per cent (payable semi-annually) and secuied by deed of trust on the proj?eTty sold, will be taken, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. All con veyancing end recording at purchaser's cost. If terms of sale are not <i*npUed with within ten days from sale, tbe trustees reserve the right to resell the pioperty, at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser or purchasers, after eight days' advertisement of such resale. WALTER H. AOKER, J. EAK1N GAIM3BY, Jel8-d&ds Trustees. WALTER B. WILLIAMS & CO., AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF THREE-STORY BRICK dwelling, 10 Rooms and bath, no. 1422 CORCORAN STREET X.W., CITY OF WASH INGTON, I). C. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, recorded in Liber No. 2397, at folio 461 et seq., one of the land record? of the District of Columbia, we shall sell, in front of the t>reraises, on MONDAY, THE T\\ ENTY-SEVENTH DAY OF JUNE, A.D. 1904, AT IIAIaF-PAST FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., all of lot forty-three (43) of Rlggs and Plant's subdivision of square two hundred and eight (208),^togett?er with the Improvements thereon. Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance in one and two years, with interest at six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. $200 required at time of sale, and tbe purchaser allowed ten days from date of sale to complete the purchase. CHARLES F. BENJAMIN, je2o-d&ds Surviving Trustee. C. a. SLOAN * CO., AUCTIONEERS, 1407 O ST. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. NOS. 1112 AND 1114 H STREET NORTHWEST. By virtue of two certain deeds of trust recorded in Liber No. 1900, at folios 3G9 and 374 et seq., ! respectively, of the land records of the District of Columbia, the undersigned will offer for sale at | public auction, in front of premises, on THURS DAY. THE THIRTIETH DAY OF JUNE. 1904. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., the following described real estate situate In the city of Washington, In said ? District, viz: Part of original lot numbered nine (9), in square j numbered three hundred and nineteen (319); th'gln- | ning for the same at a point on II street north, distant 47% feet east of the northwest corner of said lot and square, and running thence east on H I street 22Mi feet; thence south 65 feet; thence west 22% feet; and thence north 6ft feet to tbe begin ning, together with the improvements thereon, con sisting of a three-story and basement brick dwell ing known as No. 1112 H street northwest. And immediately thereafter, part of original lot numbered nine (9), in square numbered three hun dred and nineteen (319); beginning at a point on H street north, distant 26 feet east of the northwest , corner of said lot and square, and runuing thence J east 22% feet; thence south 0?> feet; thence west j 22% feet; and thence north 65 feet to the begin ning. together with the improvements thereon, con sisting of a three-story and basement brick dwell- j ing known as No. 1114 H street northwest. I Terms: One-third cash; balance in equal install- | ments at one and two years, with interest at 5 per centum per annum, payable semi-annually from the day of sale and secured by deed of trust on 1 the property sold; or all cash at the purchaser s option. A deposit of $54)0 on each house will be required at the time of sale. All conveyancing and recording will be at the purchaser's cost. Terms to be complied with within teu days, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell at the risk and cost of the defaulting pure-baser WILLIAM E. EDMONSTON, 600 5th st. n.w. ALDIS B. BROWNE, 1419 F st. n.w. JelH-d&da Tru.te.-n, Trustees'Sale off About 14 Acres off Land in "Chi chester," O. C. Bv Tlrtue of a decree of tbe Supreme Court of the'District of Columbia, passed lu Equity Cause No 151423. the undersigned trustees will offer r>>r gain at public auction lo front of the premise!, WEDNESDAY. THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF JVSE A D. 1M04. AT FOIR (KX(X K P.M., the folinwlDE described real estat.- situate In the coun ty of Washington, District of Columbia, to wit: Lots numbered eighteen <18> and nineteen <1?), In the ?ubdlvls</n of part of tbe tract of land known as "Chichester," made by the trustees In Equity Cause No. 1638. as the same is recorded In the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, In Liber Levy Court No. 2. folio 72-73, and part of old Fort Stanton, and consisting of about four teen acres of land more or less, together with all the improvements,? rights, etc. Terms: One-third cash, the balance In equal In stallments at one atid two years, with interest from the day of sale at the rate of six per cent (6%) p.r annum, payable semi-annually, repre sented bv promissory notes of the purchaser, se cured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit "t $.'100 required at the time of sale. If the terms of sal*' are not complied with in 15 days from the day of sale th?* trustees reserve the right to re sell the property at the risk and cost of the de faulting purchaser after live days* advertisem,vnt of such resale in some newspaper published Hi Washington. I). C. All conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser's eost. WILTON J. LAMBERT, Trustee, 410 5th st. n.w. ARTHUR A. BIRNEY. Trustee. Washington Loan ami Trust bldg. BENJAMIN S. MINOR, Trustee, Colorado building. JAMES W. RATCLIFFE, Auctioneer. JelS-d&ds C. G. SLOAN & CO., AUCTIONEERS, 1407 G ST. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. CONSISTING OF EIGHT (8) TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS, NUMBER ED 310, 312 AND 314 21ST ST. N.W.. AND 2100. 2102. 2104, 2112, 2114 NEW YORK AVE NUE N. W. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, recorded in Liber No. 1715, at folio 314 et seq., of the land records of- the District of Columbia, the under signed will offer for sale, at public auction, in front of premises, on TUESDAY, THE TWENTY EIGIITH DAY OF JUNE. 19<>4. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., the following described real es tate, situate in the city of Washington, in said District, viz.: Lots numbered thirty-four (34), thirty-three (33), thirty-two (32), thirty-one (31). thirty (801, twenty-nine (29), twenty-five (25) and twenty-four (24) of Edward T. Forrester's subdi vision of original lot numbered eight (8) In square numbered eighty-seven (87), as said subdivision is recorded iu Book 19, at page 152, in the office of the surveyor of the said District, with the Im provements thereon, consisting of the eight (8) bouses and premises above described. The lots will be sold separately. Terms: One-third cash, balance In equal install ments, at one and two j'ears, with interest at tive per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from the day of sale and secured by deed of trust on the property sold: or all cash, at the purchas er's option. A deposit of $50 on each lot will be required ar the time of sale. All conveyancing and recording will be at the purchaser's cost. Terms to l>c complied with within ten days, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. ALDIS B. BROWNE, GEORGE E. EMMONS. JelS-d&ds Trustees. JAMES W. RATCLIFFE, AUCTIONEER. Trustees' Sale off Two 2 story Brick Houses Nos. 434 and 436 N Street N.W. and 2-story Frame House No. 11217 Madison Street N.W. By virtue of a certain deed In trust duly record ed 011 June 10, 1904, among tbe land records of the District of Columbia, we, the undersigned trustees, will sell at public auctiou, lu front of the prem ises, on SATURDAY. THE TWENTY-FIFTII DAY OF JUNE. A. D.. 1904. AT FOUR-FORTY-FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., the follow lug described land and premises, situate in the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being all that piece or parcel of bind known and de scribed as part of lot numbered 22 In square num bered 513, beginning for the same at the north west corner of said lot, and running thence east along the line of north N street 40 feet and 4 Inches, thence south 100 feet and 8V2 Indies to the rear line of said lot; thence west along said rear line 40 feet 4 Inches, and thence north 100 feet and HVj inches to the place of beginning, the said property being numbered 434 and 480 N street northwest, together with the improvements, con sisting of two 2-story brick dwelling houses. Ami on the same day, at 5 o'clock p.m., we shall also sell the following described land and preiuist s in said city and District, designated as and being the soittherif half of lot numbered 42 in square numbered 44*. according to the subdivision of said square duly recorded in tbe office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia In Liber N. K. No. 1, folio 275. and described by metes and lK)unds as follows: Beginning for the same at the southwest corner of said lot. and running thence due north along the line of Madison street 12 feet, thence due east to the east or rear line of said lot to a tifteen-foot alley, thence due south along said alley 12 feet to another 15-foot alley, thence due west b> and witli the line ?>f said last num bered alley to the place of beginning, being num ln*red 1217 Madison street northwest, together with the improvements, consisting of a two-story frame dweliing house. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, aud the balance in two equal installments, payable in one and two years, with interest at 0 per centum per annum, payable semi annually, from day of sale, secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at tbe option of the purchaser. A deposit of $200.00 on each parcel will be required of the purchaser at the time of sale. All couveyancing. rccoidlng and notarial fees at the cost of the purchaser. terms of sale t?? be compiled with within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of (..o defaulting purchaser, after the days' ad vertisement of such resale in The Evening Star, a newspaper published iu the city of Washington, D. C. CHAKLES BENDHEIM, Jtl8-d&ds WALTER 0. OLEPHANE. Trustee* AUCTIOH -SALES. FfTUHB j>AY?. 0. O. 9LOAW * CO.. AUCTIONEERS. HOT Q ST. TIU'WnEK'fl 8ALE Ofr TAIA ABI.E IMFBOVED REAL B8TATJB, .NO. tM? SIXTH BTUnJj. C with bhic?c an able in TUB REAR THEB.EOi'\ By virtue of a certain deed of tru?t, recorded 1ft Liber No. 8838. ?t folio 808 et acq.. of the Jii"? rttoi J? of the District it Columbia. the under signed will otter for ??le. at t^S,c<U?IVi front of premie**, on FBEMY. THB FIW5T DAY OF JULYV1904. AT FIVH O'CLOCK PM., the tot lcwlnf described reel eetatc. situate In the city of Woatilugton, In said District. W?.: P*r* ?* ori? luil lot numbered twentjwtwb (22). ^ ?<Ia*r*. n^*?1" I beied four hundred and'tlfty-al* (468), contained within the following metee- and bound#, namely: Beginning at the sou tbe??t> earner of said lot and running thewe north oil 6th etreet forty-six (48) feet ?1? and one-half I#H) Indies: ">ence weat nic-ty-eoveu (97) feet three (8) Inches, theore north tluree (8) feet and doe-fourth (14) of an loch t) the north line of eald lot; thence west twenty two (22) feet seven (7) Inches to the nor,?w''*; corner of said lot; thence eouth forty-nine (49 fe? t ail and three-fourths (0%) inches to the south* "*! corner of said lot. and thence fast one hundred and nineteen (119) feet ten (10) Inches to he place of beginning, with the Improvement! then jo. consisting of a three-story brick dwelling, numbered B20 6th street northwest. and also a lirlck statue In the rear thereof. . ,, Terms: One-third <?ah. balance In equal ?n**?'1" m<nts at one and two years, with Interest st ?ve per centum per annum. payatJe semi-annually from the day of sale, anil secured by deed ?f the property sold, or all cash, at Uie purchaser s option. A deposit of *500 will be required at the time of sale. All conveyancing andreconMngnll be at the purchaser s cost. Terms to be compiled with within ten days, otherwise the r*I serves the right to nwell at the risk and cost of the defaulting purcb-er^^ p MOW!SE Surviving Trustee, je20-dA-ds Glover building. THOS. J. OWEN, AUCTIONEER 913 F ST. N.W. CHANCERY SALE OF VERY Dl^ABI^ ,TaNT ??ri)(NKAB'Til^NTORfflOTON LAND. THIS PROPBim IS flCAT?? TWEEN THE C'HBVV CHASE AND rENNAL LYTOWN RAILROAD. BEINGI A BHAIITIFLI* ANO CONVENIENT LOCATION tOR A SUB URBAN RESIDENCE. ? rv,..,? ?? By virtue of a decree of the Ru^me Ociurt the District of Columbia, passed In ?J"1'* "fj! No 22214, the undersigned, trustees, will offer for "sale, at public auction, In front of the premises, on FRIDAY, THE TWEjm-FOURTH DAY OF JUNE. 1904, AT FIVE O'CUKTK P.M-.vB'1?f_7he estate described In said cause, ??*'*? Being plat and certificate of survey Nelson, surveyor, marked Lot Ex^ilt N<x ^ tjie report of testimony taken by Dudley i. ?,n. examiner, published In said ??? on t he 2M day of December. M01," containing 4.300 feet oi '"iVrmiT'of sale" as presrrllied hy tlie deerv^ One rhlrd cash, balance In one ami two yeaw. with In terest at 6 per centum per annum, payable semi annually; said deferred payments to . . deed of trust on the pn.^rty at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of one hundred dollars (8100.00) at theJ1?10' veyanelng and recording at purchaser s cost, lenna of sale fo be complied with In fifteen daysifrom date of sale, or trustees reserve the right to sell at cost and risk of 480 I?. ave.. LORENZO A. BAILEY, 624 F St. n.w., Je20-5t Trustee*^ WALTER B. WILLIAMS A CO., AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE J^ACT OF 20.40 ACRES OF I'* ..ON.,,s"piU(-T OF ROAD, NEAR GOOD HOPE, DISTRICT' W p/tT immRl \ SUITABLE FOR nX)ll-ISl, M\RKET GARDENER OR FOR 8UBD1M By'vlTtue'irf'Stf terms of a deed In trust, ed In I.ll>er 2454. folio 389 of the land >*cords <>f the District of (lolumbia. and tiy order of the ma jority of the '"KVwE TOWhV m"day w"m at thhtee OCUJOK P M sell, at public auction. In front of the pn m lw??"to the htghePt bidder. *>M) acres of land, fronting at?out l.-KK) ffct ?>n Hamiiton road near fkvod Hooe District of Columbia. ?aid land l>eing more particularly described hi said deed In '"I"1 Terms of sale: One^thlrd cash and balanie In two <2> equal annual ttistailments In one and two yea is from day of sale, or all <-asb. at option of purchaser. Tteferred payments, If any, t>> be evi denced by notes of purchaser and to be s<'?-ured by deed of trust on pn.p^rty wld. with iatertitl at rate of 6 tier cent |>er annum. A deposit of will be required of i)un-ha*r at time of sale Conveyancing, etc., at purchaser s cost Terms to be complied with within 15 days froin day of sale or pn.perty will b.. re*>ld at risk and cost of de faulting purchaser after 5 days' advertising. L. CABELL WILUAMSON, Trustee, JOHN A. Bl!TIJ?K, Trustee. JelR-dta 458 I^i. ave. n w. CHARLES G. SLOAN A CO.. AUCTIONEERS. CHANCERY SALE or THAT MOST DESIRABLE PARCEL OK LAND, FRONTING 155 FKE1 ON 14X11 STREET A?fo 150 FEET ON BACON STREET AND SPTTABLK FOR A LARGE APARTMENT HOl'8R OR FOR STORES OR DWELLINGS. AND IMPROVED BY FRAME DWELLING. NO. 2910 MTU STREET, AND BY STAB LP. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme C??urt of ! the District of Columbia, passed fn equity cause No. 23b26, the undersigned trustee* will offer for sale at public auction. In front of the premises, on MONDAY, THR TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY OF JUNE. 1904. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. all of those parcels of land known as nil of lots one (1), twenty-three (23) end twenty-four (24) In block thirty-nine (8ft? in the subdivision known as the North Grounds of Columbian University, as per plat recorded in Liber Governor Shepherd, folio 149. of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, said lots, together, front ! ing one hundred and fifty five (155) feet on 14th street and one hundred and fifty (150) feet <n ! Bacon street, and improved by house known as No. 2910 14th street. Terius of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid In cash on the ratification of sale, and the residue in two qual installments, at one and two years, with lnerest, payable semi-annually, at rate of five per cent per annum, for which notes of purchaser to be given, secured on the land sold, or all cash, at ootioo of purchaser. A deposit of $1,000 may be required at time of sale. Terms of ! sale to be complied with within twenty days from day of sale, unless time shall be extended by the trustees. This sale offers a rare opportunity to secure one oi the finest sites in the most valuable ! part of the property on FOURTEENTH STREET extended. I 1'lats of the property can be seen at the office of the trustees. W. E. EDMONSTON, J. D. COUGH LAN. Trustees. Office. 500 5th St. n.w., Washington, D.O. Je4-d&ds PROPOSALS. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ALEXAN dria county, Va.. will receive bids In their en tiiety for the construction of an addition to the county Jail, as per plans and specifications now on file In the office of the clerk of the court at the court- house, and also on file in the office of the architect. B. F. Smith Fireproof Construction Company, Pope building. Washington, I>. C. A certified check on a national bank In the sum oi ??*? made payable to the l*>ard of su|*'rvlsors of Alexandria "county, Va., shall be required to accompany each bid. The board reserves th? right to reject any or all bids. All bids must l>e filed before 12 o'clock noon July 16. 1004. Ad dress all projstsals to Dr. I>. N. Rl ST, Chslrniau of Board of Supervisors, Alexandria County, V a. Je20-3t , ,pKI['K COMMISSIONERS DISTRICT OF < 0 lumbla. Washington, June 1T>, HM)4.?Sealed propo sals will be received at this office until 12 m, Sat urday. June 25, 1004, for plumbing In Glddlngs School. Forms, specifications awl neceMary In formation may lie obtained at this office. HENRY K K MAOFARI.ANl>, HENRY L. WEST. JOIIN BIDDI.E. Commissioners. Jel8-6t RATIONS FOR UNITED .STATES MARINE Corps. Headquarters C. S. Marine Corps Qaartei master's Office, Washington, I>. O June 11, 1904.? KchIftl oronosaIs In duplicate, will lie received In thls offlee unt"i NOON ON JfNE TWENTY E GHTH lisi4. and then 1* publicly opened, for i furnishing rations at Portsmouth. N. H.; Boston, Mass.; Narragansett Station L. I.; Iona N Y ? Brooklyn. N. Y.; Philadelphia, Pa.; An napolis, Md.; Washington. D. C.; Norfolk. Vs.; Charleston. 8. C.; l'ort Royal, S. C.; Dry Tortugas, Fla and Fenseoola, Fla.. during the fiscal year ending June-60, 100ft. Proposal blanks and other Information can be obtained ni?n application to this office, the Assistant Quartermaster. U. S. Marine Corps. 110o S<uiHi Bmad St.. Philadelphia, i'a and from isist quartermasters or commanding officers of the barracks at the stations named. This office reserves the right to reject any or all bids anil to naive InfortnaHtles. Bids from reg ular dealers only will be considered. F. L. DENNY Colonel, Quartermaster, U. S. Marine Corps. ' Jel3-law2t RF.FORM SCHOOL FOR GIRI^ OF THE Dis trict of Columbia. Sealed proposals, will be re ceived at the superintendent's office until JUNE TWENTY-FIFTH AT TWELVE O'CLOCK M., and then opened, for furnishing at Bald school during the fiscal year ending June 30. lis*, supplies of Groceries, Meats. Hay. Straw and other provisions, and separate sealed pro|s.?al* for Coal. Supplies to lie delivered f 'om .tline to time and In such quantities as may lie ordered Specifications may tie obtained on application at the school. The right to reject any and all proposals Is reserved. CllAl'IN BROWN, Pre*Went Board of Trustees. jelftit't TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF THE Supervising Architect. Washington. I>. C\. June ltl l!t<>4 ?Sealed pr?>|?i*als will be received at this until THREE O'CLOCK P.M., on the SKVBNTH DAY OF JULY. KM*4, and then opened, fo. furnishing and delivering the Drafting Ma t. rials required in accordance with the specifica tion and schedule, copies of which may be had at this office JAMES KNOX TAYLOR. Supervising Architect. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF EN , graving and Printing. Washington, IJ. C., Juno 1(1. j i<mii ? Sealed proposals will be received at this .ffice until - p.m.. Monday. June '.'7. I'.Kit. for sl I terinc and rearranging heating systems of m:tln I building and south outbuilding of II. S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Blank furms of proposals 1 and further Information will be forn'shed on ap plication to WM. M. MEREDITH. Director of Bu i reuti. Jel3-w.f,m-3t TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE Supervising Architect, Washington. D. C., June t), I!'(i4. SEALED PROPOSALS will lie received at rhis Iithce until :t o'clock p.m. on the 2?th day of June. Ilsi4. and then oiieoed. for the construction of new mechanical cqulpn.eiit and fixtures in and remodeling of ti.e laboratory of the Supervising Architect In the U. S. Treasury Building. W ? sh [ ington. 1). C.. In accordance with drawings and specification, copies of which may be had at this ortlce, at the discretion of the Supesvlsing Archi I tect. JAMES KNOX TAYLOIt, Supervising Archi 1 tect. J?10-f.m.w-at HONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN. WANTED?A 9-YEAR LOAN OF ?1.000: ALSO vf $21,500; to bear S per ornt annual lnterFot, Kijrable aeml annuaJly. wompd by flrat lien op al estate acceptable to tbe lender. AUtlrraa W. A. MEI.OY. 115 0 ?t. n.w., Washington, D. C. >20-m,BAf-3t'-6 MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SPIT AT 4. 4V4 aril B per cent, on Dlitrlct real ettate: no delay; charge) ivaaonaMe. WILLIAM K. ELLIS. 6^6 11th at. n.w. jel8-8t 186,800 to loan on Dlatrlct real eatate; low rates. ATKINSON & BALLARD (X)., Inc., Jel8-8t Real Eatate Loans and Ina., 1411 Q at. n.w. ?1,000,000 TO LOAN ON CITY REAL B8TATB. Any amount. Lowest rates. L. O. DB LASHMUTT. je6-tf,4 Dome Life bldg.. 1Mb snd O sta. TO LOAN?83.000, 84.000, 85.C00 AND 16.000 ON . CITY REAL ESTATE at lowest rats of Interest and commission. my!4 tf LIKRERMANN * HAWS. 1808 V St. MONEY ADVANCED TO SALARIED PEOPLH; no mortgage; no lndorsers; on stocks, bom's, warehouse receipts. Ufs Ins. policies. Ac., Ac. Washington Assignment Co., 623 24 Dond bldg. my!2 tf-4 MONEY TO LOAN. We bare a fund of 840,000 to loan on apeclal terms aud at reduced ratea of Interest. In snms of 81,000 aud upwards, on D. C. real sstate security. No delay In pasalng on applications and closing loans. my3-tf BTONE it FAIRFAX, 804 to 808 T n.w. WE HAVE IN HAND ANY AMOUNT FROM $500 TO *60,000 TO LOAN ON 1ST DEED OF TRUST ON D. O. REAL ESTATE AT 4ft AND 0% IN TEREST. PROMPT REPLIES AND SMALLEST POSSIBLE EXPENSE. my3-tf MOORE A HILL (Inc.). T17 14th st n.w. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT AT CUR rent rates of luterest on real estate In the Dis trict of Columbia. FITCH, FOX & BROWN, Jel-tf.B 1406 U st. n.w. MONEY IN SMALL AND LARUE AMOUNTS TO loun on second trusts, Indorsed notes, life Ins. pol's aud other securities at 6% per snnum; no delay. ATWELL & TREADWELL, 609 13th P.w., bet. F and Q. ap80-T8t MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OF 1N terest on D. O. real estate. No unreasonable delay. WALTER H. ACKER. mt28-tf-5 1420 F n.w. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM |10 TO 92.000, ?t lowest rstes of Interest, payable back monthly If so desired, on Indorsed notes, life lnsursncs policies, second trusts snd other securities; 8100,000 Immediately arailable. T. W. 8TGB BLEK1ELD. 1224 F St. n.w. ap21-8m-6 LOANS MADE ON SECOND TRUSTS. LIFE IN surance policies, stocks, bonds and indorsed notes ?t low rates of Interest. Q. L. THORNTON, TIB 14tl) St.. second floor. mb26-3m-4 TO LOAN ON DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE. 910.000. 93.000. 97.000. 92.000. 94.000. 9700. THOS. B. WAUOAMAN. mhlO-tf 917 F St. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN AT S\4. 4 AND 4W, PER CRNT. in sums of 91.000 to 9100.000. on ?>. C. real tate; pay off 6 per cent and 6 per cent loans and begin anew at lowest ratea of Interest; all trans actions conducted with economical consideration for borrowers. WM. H. SAUNDERS * CO., Je8-tf-7 1407 F St. n.w. IF YOU WANT TO BORROW OR LOAN, BUY OR sell on real estate, I can aave you time and casb, as I give personal attention to all deala. deC tf-4 J. EAK1N UADSBY. B2C 1.1th st. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN ON I). O. REAL ESTATE? Lowest rates of Interest. Payment on principal in amounts of 9800 or more received at any In terest period. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY, Bond bldg.. 1408 N Y. are. n.w. de4-tf LARGE OR SMALL I/OANS SECURED; STOCKS, bonds, bldg. and loan asso. shares, life Ins. poli cies, syndicate certlfs., warehouse receipts and real estate trusts taken. C. A. BAKER, 40-42 Melserott bldg.. 1110 F St. ael6-tf-4 MONEY TO_LOAN ON AI'PnOVFXI RRAL KS~ tste within the District of Columbia. In amounts to snlt applicants, at lowest rates of Interest. Jol0-tf,4 GEO. W. LINKINS, 800 18th at. n.w. TO LOAN?ON CITY PROPERTY ? f.WOOO. Vfc. *(>0.000. 4 410%. 9100.000. 4 <4%. 9300,000. BTr. Lnrgc sums a specialty. se9-tf-8 EARI.Y & LAMPTON. 615 14th st. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN ON D. C. REAL ESTATE. LOWEST RATES. R. W. WALKER & SON. 1006 W N.W. ai>14-tf ?MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED CITY REAL estate at 4. 4H and 5 per cent Interest. Special privileges with respect to prior payments. Largs amounts a specially. TYLER & RUTHERFORD. 1307 F St. n.w. fe9 tf-B H. K. FULTON'S LOAN OFFICE, 314 9TI1 ST. N.W. ESTABLISHED 1870. MONEY LOANED ON WATCHES. DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. SILVERWARE. Ac. OLD GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT. Ja31-tf-6 LEGAL NOTICES. A B DUVALL AND A L SINCLAIR. ATTOR neys.?In the Supreme Court of the District of Co lumbia, holding a District Court.?In re the Con demnation of Land neeessary to Extend Euclid place so as to connect with Erie street. &r. No. 017, District Court.?Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, pursuant to the provisions of an art of Congress, approved April 2&, 19<>4. entitled "An act to con nect Euclid place with Erie street," have filed a J jntition in this rourt praying the condemnation of land necessary to extend Euclid plaee, so as to connect with Erie stre.-t, through lot "A," of University Park subdivision, and lots fourteen (14) and tlfteen il.Vt, of llall and Elvan's subdivision of Meridian Hill, with a width of fifty (80) feet, as I si-own on a plat or map prepared by said Commis sioners and annexed to their said petition and marked "Exhibit, D. C., No. 1;" and praying, also : that a Jury of seven (7) Judicious, disinterested men, not related to any person Interested in the proceedings, and not in the service or employ of th?- District of Columbia or the Ikiited States. l>e j sui moiled by the United States marshal for the District of Columbia, to assess the damages such | owners of land taken may sustain by reason of the ! extension of said Euclid place and the condeiuna I tlon of lands for the purposes of such extensijn, and assess the benefits resulting therefrom, as provided in said act of Congress. It Is. by 'hie court, this 3d day of June, A.D. 1904, ORDERED, That all persons having any Interest In the pro ceedings herein be. and they are hereby, required to appear in this court on or before the 21st day of June. A.D. 1904. and continue in attendees until the court shall have made its final order ratifying and confirming the award of damages and assessment of benefits of the Jury; and It is Fl.'R TFER ORDERED, That a copy of this notice and order be published once in the Washington Law Reporter and on six secular days in The Evening Star, the Washington Post and the Washington Times, newspapers publlrhed in said District, be fore said 21st day of June. A.D. 1004. It is PUB. TDEK ORDERED, That a copy of this notice and order be served by the United States marshal for the District of Columbia, or his deputies, upon such owners of the land to be condemned as may be found by said marshal, or his deputies, within the District of Columbia, before said 21st day of i June, A.D. 1004. By the ciurt: ASHLEY M GOULD, Justice. A true copy?test: J. R. YOU NO, Clerk. By F. W. SMITH. Assistant Clerk. Je4.8,11,15,18,20 Ct EDUCATIONAL. IN WASHINGTON. Vacation Term! College?Preparatory and Grades. Best native teachers. French. German Spanish. I>atin, Greek, Math, and English branches by teachers all college bred, experienced, thorough; principal has had 11 years' engagement (I>atin and Mathematics) Cen tral High School. Sessions morning and late after noon. Opens June 22. F. M. HALL. A.M.. Principal. Hall-Noyes School, Jel7-6t* 221 E n.w. W. P. DALES. PH. D., 1212 12TH ST. N.W.? Classical teacher; fifteen years' successful expert, ence; thorough and skillful coachlug for college entrance or other examinations. Je1-2flt* Frerc'n-Spanislhi.German BERLITZ SCHOOL. PRIN.. A. GONAIID. 723 14TH ST. OPEN ALL SUMMER. Jel tf 4 Boys' Summer Class in Electricaty Beginning Monday, June 27, and ending Friday, July 29. Elementary principles taught and simple elec trical deviccs constructed. Class limited in number. For application blank apply at school. Bliss Electrical School, 219 G St. N.W. Jel-?f TOPOGRAPHICAL DRAWING, LETTERING. PATr c it drafting, map projeetion, mathematics. Clvlfc service commission advertises inability to furnish rllgihlc8. Instructors, experienced government em ployes. Address Box 195. Star office. mySW 28t*4 FRENCH LANGUAGE SCHOOL^ Eesy. quick metho?! for learning to si?eak. read and understand French. Lessons during summer. MLLE. V. PR ID* HOMME. 314 Ind. ire n.w my23-2fft ~ HE DRILLERY, 1100 VEW YORK 1VKX"P, Shorthand. Tvpowrlt?ng, Book keeping. Telegraphy, Business and Civil Service Prepa-ations. Sessi ns dally. 9 a.m. to U p m. No summer vacation. myl4-s,m,w,tf SPANISH LANGUAGE SCHOOL. Speaking, commercial correspondence and trans latin? rapidly learned. Summer rates: trial fre?. -iatl.e leecue-s 1231 N. Y. uve. Prof. JOSE do GOMAB. Prtn spl4-tf-S By the explosion of gus from a new well ? on the Henry Farster farm, in Wayne township, near Goheenville, Pa., two men were killed and a third will die, while a ' fourth is aerioualy burned. LOAN COMPANIES. Don't Hesitate to aak Horning If yon w?nt to borrow money Sn Diamond,, Watcliea, ?*) ewelrj or Household good*. In atorme. No deity. In- f\ 1/ tereat at the low rate of Money Loaned Salaried People. HORNING, Sff'Sl, rEr,"?p*ulr* j?aO-l?l A LOAN OF $SQ On Furniture or Piano Will Cost Can yon afford to paj the hifh rates charged t?y other companies, when you can get money from iia at thia aiuall charge? You can carry the loan a* long aa you like, and there ia no other expense. No fake chargea for papera. coniinitiHluna. recording, Jfcc. So publicity, red tape or delay. Any auiouut from S10 upward. THK ONLY INDEPENDENT COMPANY. National Loan and Investment Co., N.E. cor. 15tb and G ate.. 4th floor, opp. Treasury. fe2-tf,24 Of $10 or upward on furniture, plnnos, salary at algnmout. etc.. at ths lowest rates of any com pany In the city. No recording. No publicity. PrlraK rooma on the second floor. Kvery payment on loan reouces Interest. Lnuns with othor com panies paid off and mori money advauced at ? lower rate. No exptnae to make loan. Surety Loan Company, Room 1, Warder Building, 9th and P n.w. Jae-tf.20 Money Loaned Salaried People ,nd other* without aecurlty: eaay paym^nta. Mrf ?t buslneaa In 48 principal cltloa. TOIAIAN, ocM tf-B Room 101. 688 lBth at. n.w. MONEV^ I/Onn, from f6 to JflOO on fnrnltnre, piano*, horaea, wagona, Ac., without remOTal, at rate* lower than the loweat. No recording. No Inqolrte, made of friend* or employer. No publicity. F.nai eat terma and longeat tluie. The cheapest place In the city. Mutual Loan and Trust Co., 918 F St. N.W. Rooms 12 and 13. jaB Easy stairway or elevator to second floor. " tf 20 Left $ fl 0,000. A prominent Washington man who baa juat gone abroad hua left with ua the above amount to be loaned to needy people on fnrnltnre, pianos, ftc., at a very low rate. Repreaentatlve will call. Address P. O. Box 63. my2 tf-20 a OANS made on furniture, pianos. ^ &c., without removal. Do not bealtate If you want money, aa you can make your own terms, and we make no. Inquiries among your neighbor*. friends or employer. Your transsctlons with ns are not pub lished. Everything strictly conflden tial. If you want to save money time and worry?SEE US. Washington Mortgage Loan Co., 610 F St. N. """ JaSl tf-20 Us. nONEY Por everybody a* rates lower than the lowest. Don't be deceived; come to us and Investigate. Bualnesa strictly confidential. No one knows of your transactions with us. We lend on furniture, planoe or salarv. If you have a loan now any where and need more money, come to us. Noth ing deducted from loan. You get full amount. Ex tensions in case of sickness without extra chargs. Metropolitan Loan and Trust Co., SOS E St. N.W. fefl tf 20 P R1VAT E P A RTY Will make loans on furniture, pianos, etc., without removal, at short notice. Address Room 24, Atlantic Bldg., And Man Will Call. ap30-tf-20 LOANS ON FI'UN'ITI'lil. MAY 1IE OHTA1NKD FKOM THE COLUMBIA GUARANTEE CO.. 613 F St. N.W. Absolutely No De'ay. LOANS TAKEN UP K60M OTHER COMPANIES. feO-tf SEWING' MACHINES. Of any make, including the New Home, Domestic, Wheeler & Wil son, Singer and Standard; all the latest styles. Sold on 50c. Weekly Payments. See the new Oak Drophead Ma chines, $15.00. Machines repaired and warranted, $1.00. Machines rented, 50c. per week. At Oppemheirmer's, Bole Agency for New Bom. Sewing Machine. Knife and accordion plaiting, 2c. yard up. Skirts Sun Plaited, $2.00. lel-78t.3? BANDIT (JHIKF SENDS A MESSAGE Tells Correspondent Why He Kidnaped Men?Aim Was Revenge. A cablegram from Tangier, Morocco, last night says: The correspondent of the New York World has received the following letter from Ralsull, the bandit chief, in which he says: "The cause of the present trouble between | me and the government Is the house of j Absadek. the governor of Tangier, who is 1 now deposed, and his uncle and relations, ' who have held the governorship of Tangier for generations. Absadek and his people have for years persecuted by tire and sword | my people. With his soldiers he killed our young boys, spoiled our young girls, muti | lated our children and robbed us. "You may wonder why I took Mr. Perdi I caris. Well, for a long time I considered the advisability of raiding Tangier, retal iating on the governor, but I saw a diffi culty owing to the presence of a large num ' ber of fpreigners of all nations assembled in Tangier. Not wishing to offend the pow ers,';! decided to come to Tangier and carry away some European of standing. When 1 came I had no intention of taking Mr. Per dica'ris any more than any other man. "I am glad I took an American, for America forced the sultan to overthrow the governor and release from prison a large number of men innocently suffering. "Mr. Perdlcaris is well and safe. He wants for nothing except to see his wife. "I hope I have made my position clear to the American and English people." Four Boys Killed by Lightning. A dispatch from Chester, Pa., last night says: Four boys standing under a cherry tree on a farm near Fe'.ton, three miles from here, were killed today by a stroke of light ning. Three of the boys?Smith, Fullerton and Davis?were killed instantly. The other boy was so badly injured that be died on the way to a hospital, ON THE RIVER FRONT AUTHORITIES' ORDER HURBISf WORK ON WHARVES. Schooner Walter Returns to Service oq Chesapeake?Pi lee (or Bridg* ?General Matters. The old wharf used by the Home Ice Company, at the foot of street routtyk west, Is being torn down, and will be re? built tn a strong and substantial manner. The rebuilding of the wharf at the foot of 8tli street southwest, used by the Randal) line of steamers, is being pushed, and will be completed this week. The war made by the District building Inspector on the old wharves has caused most of them to be ro? built and put in good order for service. The wharf owners, while complaining bitterly of the requirement to rebuild old wharves which are the property of the I)i? trlct. realize that they would have Jo <em? ply in order to keep possession. As wharl property along the river front here is scarce and in demand they complied with the demands of the authorities Within the next few weeks all the wharves here will be in good condition. The two-masted bay schooner Walter ha? returned to service on t'hesapeake bay and its tributaries, after an absence of tifte?n years in northern waters. The Walter was built at Church creek. Md., In 1*75, and fofr several years was In the bay service. Shs was sold about fifteen years ago to parties residing in Connecticut, and has l>een run* ning from southern lumber ports to New England. Recently the vessel was pur? chased by 8. J. Cooper & Co. of Sharp*, town. Md., from Bridgeport, Conn., owners and brought back to the Chesapeake. She Is under the command of Capt. Elsey. The steamboat men on steamers running to the lower river report the bell buoy on the Kettle Bottom shoals so badly broken as to be practically useless. It Is stated the lighthouse service will shortly replace the broken buoy with a perfect one. to ring out its warning against near approach to dangerous shoals. General News of the Port. The big freight lighter built at the yard of Cumberland & Son, at the foot of ftth street, was put overboard Saturday last at high water, about noon. The lighter will be used for freighting business on ths river. The new tug Imperial, built at Baltimore and which went into service a few weeks ago. paid her first vlsrtt to this city Sat urday last, when she brought a big Ice laden schooner into port. The tug Is un d< r the command of Capt. Cannon, well known here as commander of other tu? boats. The tug Volunteer of Baltimore has gone to Pungateague sound and the I.lttle river on the eastern shore of Virginia to tow a big raft pine piling to this city. Ths piling, it is stated, will be used In the work on the new highway bridge, the con struction of the piers of which have just been started. Mr John 1'. Phillips, wharf clerk of ths B.indall line, who has been confined to his heme in consequence of having run a nail into his foot, has recovered sufficiently to return to duty. Mr Phillips Is badly crip pled by the accident. Shipments of calves and other live stock from points on the river to this city have been very active In the pist few weeks, and the steamers on every trip bring up quan tities of stock. The big hydraulic dredge of the Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf Dredging Company, which is employed In the dredging of the river channel above the lying bridge. Is now at work In the channel about a mile above the bridge, and is pumping the material taken from the bottom of the river ui?>n the Potomac park. It is stated the dredge will complete Its work during the present month. The schooner Colbtirn has arrived In port with a full cargo of laths from the north for the dealers. The Five Sisters and the Ell? have arrived with full cargoes of cord wood from river points. The tug Camila came Into port Saturday evening last lowing barge No. ?! of the Con solidation Coal Company, which is to load soft coal at Georgetown for Boston. The big four-masted schooner Estclle Fhinney completed the unloading of her cargo of ice Saturday, and will load coal a. Baltimore or Norfolk for Boston or an other New Kngland port. Gef Rioh-Qui. k Firm Disappears. A dispatch from New York says: The t riited States Cereal Company of No. 27 W'lllam street has folded its financial tents and silently stolen away. The last seen of the company was on Thursday, when it locked the door to its line offices and l' oil its departure. When Friday came the coi-ipany did not put in an appearance, nor did it show up Saturday to pay Its usual weekly dividend of :i per cent to Its hundreds of patrons. According to the official corporation di rectory the president of the missing com pany is Orlando B. Blackburn. In the circulars of the company he figures alpo as ti e secretary and treasurer of '.lie In ternational IJve Stock Products Coiinanv. w ith offices In the produce exchange. The treasurer of the company is John R. Vic Knight, who is listed as having come to it fiom Franklin Everhart & Co. The sec? retary is Frank E. Holbrook. Stingprs .'or Rheunu' A dispatch from Philadelphia says: After lon.v experiment by bacteriologists in their employ an incorporated firm of wholesale chemists of this city has sent ag.?nts to Texas with instructions to obtain nil I he bee stingers they can for medicinal pur poses. An offer for 50 <100 stingers was placeo with one l>ee farmer In that slate. A serum for injection through the skin will be made from the potent fluid with w nit h the tiny weai>ons are charged. Of stliifcers' efficacy for the cure of rheu matism the chemists say their experiments have left no doubt The tale of how scientists hit upon the Idea of experimenting with tlie stingers is told thus: A farmer afflicted with rheu matism was set upon by a swarm of bees aid frightfully stung. His face, neck and limbs were covered with red spots iind swollen for days. When the swelling sub sided, to the farmer's delight, me rlieu'sm was cured. A special laboratory Is being constructed near Philadelphia for the transfor.nation of the bee stingers into a serum. Tibetans to Resist British Advance. A cablegram from Gyang-tse, under date of June 17, says: The chief alteration in the situation is shown in the presence of a large body of the enemy between Khang ma and Ralung. According to a report from a source probably trustworthy, 7,oo0 Tibetans are holding the southern route to Ralung. The existence of this force, to gether with the 1,000 men concentrated at Gyang-tse, and smaller contingents defend ing posts on the Lassa roid. proves that the Tibetan hierarchy Is making strenuous efforts. Probably the last reserves have been called out. as, at one time or another, 20.000 men have been engaged. The Til?etans having llius decided for war. It is perhaps unnecessary to sty that operations in the future are likely to be more serious than our previous experiences seemed to warrant. Not only are better aims and ammunition continually Increas ing the enemy's power of resistance, but It is indisputable that the Tibetans are daily learning most important lessons in the art of war. Outbreak in Finland A cablegram frrtm Ix?ndon last nlglit iys: A dispatch to the Express troin Copenhagen says that Information has been received there that a revolt has broken out In Helslngfors, tlie capital of Finland, where Governor General Bobrikoff was as sassinated last week. A band of Swedish revolutionists sacked the offices of the governor general on Sat urday night and killed eighteen emplo>es, Including a son of Admiral Pinken. They also attacked and demolished the police offices, it is believed that the revolt will spread. More serious news is anticipated. All Information is suppressed in offlcllU quarters.