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FOE SALE?HOUSES. roll SALB-KLKOA..VT K?W 6-ROOM BRICK; tiled h4th, porcelain tub: handsome ?aDteIat aturM and papering; esllar and furnace; will il for |8.800; coat $4,850 abort time ago; obllgsd tolam thla city. Addreaa ROCHESTER, Star offl<*s. Jy*-8t# FoS SALD-TWO NEARLY NBW S-8TORY. ? room bricks. In'excellent condition; cellar; paper ad; jarl and parking; only $3,000 aacb. Most ?all to tattle aatata. Address Box 00. Star office. Jy4-at* rOR SaL?-BY owxbm. Tba lntarlor arrangemaot of theae bouses ara ao new yoa bare neror aaen anything Ilka them. $8,810. A complete borne In the n.w. Six rooms, all lmproTementa; bard wood; fnrnaca. Randolph at. n.w. bet. N. Cap. and Flrat. Open oterj daj and ulght except Sunday. It MIDDAUQH St SHANNON. OWNERS. for SALE? 1280 12tb at.; only plere of property of Taylor estate left In Washington onsold; 3-atory frame; brick stable, isn't tbls lot alone wortb more than $2,800? THOMAS J. F.'SIIER * CO.. Incorporated. 173 6t 1414 F at. n.w. FOR HALB-1919-1928-19S6 CINCINNATI ST.; S atorlea, cellar and attic; 11 rooms, 2 baths; double floors; hot-water beat; 13-lnch walla; plate glaas front windows. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST HOUSE ON WASHINGTON H EIGHTH FOR $9,500. Efc?y terma will buy. You will not $et an other chance aa good on Washington Heights. Wldo street In front?NATION AL PARK IN REAR. BOTH CAR LINES. Of EN SUNDAY. THOMAS J. FISHER & CO., incorporated, Jy**t 1414 F at. n.w. FOR SALE HOUSES! HOUSES! HOUSES! In all sections?of all descriptions- and at all prices. We will be glad to show them or aend mem orandum. Drop us a line giving description, location and price desired. THOMAS J. FISHER 6 CO.. Incorporated. Jj2 lOt 1414 F st. n.w. FOR SALE? COLUMBIA HEIGHTS BOMB AT A SACRIFICE. Dost about $11,000. Can he bought for $8,000. Wide and de-?p lot to 16-ft. alley. 11 rooms, 3 baths; hot-water heat. Owner leavi s for Europe nn-l must sell at once. THOMAS J. FISHER & CO.. Incorporated. Jy2-Ht 1414 F St. n.w. FOR 8 A LB? $5,000 will buy a nice new 7-room and tiled bath r*?d brick and browns tone house on Sheridan ave. between 14th and new 16th sts., Mt. Pleas ant. Built on reception hall plan; heated by fur nace; handsomely decorated; hardwood finish; cabinet mantels. Can put tenants In at $32.50 p?*r mo. Open every day and Sunday. See these at once. Only 3 left. THOMAS J. FISHER & CO. (Inc.), Jy2-6t 1414 F st. n.w. FOR SALE? ~ 12f?0 Columbia road. The beat new house on Ool. Heights for $7,250. 10 large rooms, 2 tiled baths, steam b**at. Terms to suit. Op??n Sunday. THOMAS J. FISHER Sk CO. (Inc.). Jy2 Ot 1414 F st. n.w. FOR s \LB UBS HOWARD AVE... MT. PLKAS ant, at a figure very much below regular price of $8,00o. Red brick and brownatone front; b illt on recep* Ion hall plan; hardwood finish, cabinet mantels; kitchen on 1st floor; 3 large bed rooms and tiled bath on. 2d floor; 3 finished attic roon? on 3d floor. Inspect this house and see us at once. THOS J. FISHER A CO (Inc.). Jv2 .".r 1414 F St. n.w. FOR SALE?WE HAVK TWO (2) LEFT. 1463 AND 65 SHERIDAN ST. The prettiest, m >st modern, best located 2 atory houses in the city. $.">.000 houses In n $10,000 neighborhood. Near the two l2) l?est car lines in the city? 3-MINUTE SCHEDULE. The beat constructed and most complete 2-story houses ever offered In this city. TAKE A LOOK AT THEM. EVEN SHOULD YOU NOT WISH TO BUY. TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THEM. STONE A FAIRFAX. 804 806-808 F st. n.w. Jy2 3t FOR SALE?BEATS THEM ALL. $5,750?$5.750?$5,750. BEAUTIFUL NEW 3-STORY HOUSES. 1450-60 Howard ave.. a few steps from curs, near 14th st. cars, near new 16th si.; one of the choicest resident sections. Parlor, reception hall, dining room, pantry and kttrhen on first tloor; ALL IN HARDWOOD; 6 lovely b*d rooms; BEAUTIFUL TILED BATIIS. Rear porches; haudsome decorations; elegant mantels. Ooen. STONE & FAIRFAX, Exclusive Agents, Jv2 3t 804-800-S08 F at. n.w. FOR SALE?THEY ALL SAY THEY ARE THE beat Builders, agenta and other ownera aay that those houses on Columbia road near 13th, at $7,250 each, are the cheapest houaea ever offered on The Heights. They are cheap at $8,250. ONE OF THE BEST LOCATIONS; HIGH GROUND; LEVEL, PAVED STREET; 10 rooms; TWO baths; TWO at airway a; TWO-story rear porches; STEAM HEAT. J>2 3 STONE St FAIRFAX. 804-9O6-SO8 F at. n.w. FOR SALE-TWO (2) CHEAP HOUSES. FULLY $1,000 BELOW VALUE. Only $5,854) each; beautiful, new 3-story bousea; 4 rooius deep; TILED BATHS; 2 stairways; STEAM HEAT; 3576 and 78 13th; a square lui proved by many handsome houses costing from $7,000 to $15.000. The extension* of the 14th and 11th st. car llu?-s come within a square of these houses. Jy2 3 STONE & FAIRFAX. 804 806-808 F at. n.w. FOR SALE?IMPORTANT TO BLYKItS! Particularly to thoae who like to get the beat In the market. We have the exclusive aale of many of the beat bar gaina ever offered In thla city. Many of them we do not advertlae. Before buying look over our list. 'Phones Main 6S0 and 3155. STONE & FAIRFAX. J.v2 3t 804-806-808 F at. n.w. FOR HALE? $3,300 CHEAPEStIjOUSE IN N.W.; large lot; modern house; 6 rooma and bath; porches; vard ft?led with ahrubbery, flowers and vegetables; n? ar schools, markets, railroads and churches. An e amlnatlon only will enable you t> appreciate It. See OWNER. 1313 5th st. n.w. Jj2-2t* FOR SALE $4..-?oO A CONVENIENTLY LOCAT ed dwelling In 8th st. n.W. near R st.; two-story and cellar brick, with six large rooma and bath; always occupied at good rental. JOSEPH I WELLER, Realty Broker, Jy2-3t Tel. B. 853. No. 602 F st. n.w. FOR HALE?$8,000- NEAR BUSINESS DISTRICT. H st. n.w. near 9th at.; a three-story and cellar brick dwelling with 11 large rooms and bath; very Urge lot to alley. Can be readily changed Into well-paying flat. JOSEPH V. WELLER. Realty Broker. Jy2 3t Tel. F. 853. No. 602 F st. n.w. FOR H %LE~ $7,800 - THREE WELL-BUILT TWO story and cellar bay-window brick dwellings with six large rooma and bath; deep yards each; lu excellent condition and good renting section of s.e.; near two car lines; will rent for $60 per mo.; houaea alone would cost to build $7,500. JOSEPH I. WELLER. Realty Broker. Jy2 3t Tel. K 853. No. 602 F st. n.w. FOR SALE- $ft.20(> NEAR PENSION AND PR1 NT lug offices In O st. n.w.; s desirable three-story and cellar brick dwelling uuder good rental; has V rooms, lsrge cellar and bath; splendid renting section. JOSEPH I. WELLER. Realtv Broker. Jy2 3t Tel. E H53. No. 602 F st. n.w. FOR SALE?$5,700- P ST. N.W. NEAR 0TI1 ST. car line three-story and cellar very substantial dwelling with 10 rooms, bath and pantry; wide frontage; house lu splendid condition; good teu* sut. JOSEPH I. WELLER. Realty Broker. jj2 it Tel. E. 853. No. 602 F st. n.w. FOR HALE?$3,2tMV NEAR UNION STATION; t>cund to enhance In value; 2d st. n.e. near G St.; s two story and cellar pressed brick dwell ing: 6 large rooms and bath, rented at $20.50 ner mo. Many other bargains lu this aection. JOSEPH I. WELLER. Realty Bmker. Jy2-3t Tel. E. 853. No. 602 F st. n.w. rOR SALS?BEAUTlFt'L 9 R. BRICK.ON ?TH at. s.w.; two-story stable on rear; $6,500. An | Mml h?ui* uear St. Dominic's Church; ? r.; B.m. I ? wide lot to alley. 4 hrlcka on L it. a.w., rent iu'x for 184 00: in Ice, $4,000. 2 dwellin*. on 11th ?I. . e : Hilt for $27.00; price. $2,790. B. I.EON AKH. MO 4^ ?t. ?.w. >fMt* rOK SAl.K Dttl.lOHTrnL COTTAOE ON ONF. of flne.t thoriMifhfarea. Mt. 1'lea.ant; 11 room., battr. mrn?ce beat; trint $2,000 at 5%. Reduced price $?.2A0. \V 11.1.14.K. C.IHIiS * DAN1EI.. 60S 13th. I OK SALK-JI 8T WHAT YOK ARB UK>KINO fur Fine, newish 7 roon. brick. In aplendld con dliloii; larse tot. 2D i>j 110; truat $3,000 at 3ft $2..V?i will bar thla. _JJ2^4I Wll.l.KiK. tllBBS A r>AXIBt.. ?0S 13th. K?K SALE K1HST I I.ASS tl-ROOM BRICK N.E. price. $1.:W>; rented at $12.90: truat of $750 at &*?'.. a wund 10"t Ineeatment. JL*2_? illBBS h HANI EI.. ?06 ISth FUR 8AI.E-FINE I.ARGK HOt SE NBAS UTIl and E. Cap. eta.; 8 rooma. bath; lot 18 by US. $0 ft. an?J. Reduced to M.900. Jy2-4t WlLLIOl. OIBBS it DANIEL. ?08 ISth. Fob sals ? BBArTirn. home in otter bourn*, opposite Cbeey Cbaae Inn: reception hall bath: every modern convenience, lot 104 by 12f> Only $9,909. Jyl 4t WII-MOB. OIBBS * DANIEL. AOS 13th. FOB SALE?HOUSES. FOR SALE?ONF.-8TORV BRICK STORK ON wide ave. n.w.: (2,400. Jy8-4t WILLIGB. G1BB3 A DANIEL. flt>5 13th. FOR BALE?FINE, LA RGB. 1S-ROOM HRIfK j near 12th and U ets. n.w.; admirably suited for | roomers; lot 25 by 110; brick stable oo rear; re duced to 18,000. Jj2-4t WILLIOE. GIBBS A DANIEL, 005 13th. FOR SALE-Iorru NEAR B N.E.; DELIOHTFUI | brick residence. In flrat-rlaaa condition; T rooms, bath, pantry: cellar under entire bouse; furnace heat; a bargain at (4,800. Jy2 4t WILLIGE, GIBBS * DANIEL. 605 13th. FOR SALE?ATTRACTIVE COTTAGE IN MT. Pleasant, near terminal F at. cars; 2 atorles and attic: 8 rooma. bath; lot 00 by 140. Leaa than 15,800 will buy. jy?-4t W1LLHJB. GIBBS A DANIEL. 805 13th. FOR SALE?FINB 3-STORT BRICK AND BROWN atooe dwelling near 14th at. n.w.; 9500 caab, bal ance monthly. Jj-2-4t WILI.IOE, GIBBS & DANIEL. 605 1.1th. FOR 8ALE?IDEAL HOME ON RIGGS STREET I n.w.: 8 rooma, bath: In eicellent condition; con- | venlent to market, cars, schools, churches: |>1.000. jy2 4t WILLIOE. GIBBS A DANIEL. 800 13th. FOR 8ALE-A SUBSTANTIAL INVESTMENT? . 12,500 will buy two ft-room bricks, i.e.. rented for (20: not vacant since built. Jy2-4t WILLIGB. GIBBS & DANIEL. 805 13th. FOR SALE-A FINE HOME ON WIDE AVENUE, Capitol mil; l.)-r>iom bona? an 1 stable; a bargain. Address HOME P.. Star office. Jy2-3t* FOR SALE?(4,500?SPLENDID NEW SIX-ItOOM dwelling. Holniead arc. Tiled bath. Every niinirrn convenience. Can be S1 >ld on ea*y terms. $3,500?Center Eckington. 6 rooms and bath dwelling. Well constructed. Convenient to car line, offer wanted for this desirable property. Terms can be made to suit purchaser. (5,<tOO?Splendid 6-room dwelling on Corcoran St. Convenient to 14th st. car llue. Handsomely decorated and everything In first-class order. Inspect these houses tiefore buying elsewhere. Jy2-3t T. A. HARDING. 1310 G st. n.w. FOR SALE-SEE THIS BARGAIN IN A FINE i HOME NEAR MASS. AVE. N.W.; house 23 ft. wide; large double parlors, dining room, pantry and kitchen on 1st floor; 5 bed rooms and bath i (new plumbing) 011 2d floor: 3 bed rooms on 8d; first-class condition. Can sell for 25% less than | value to quick purchaser; terms easy. Jyl 3t 8 A ML. T. SMITH & CO.. 1321 (1 st. n.w. FUR SALE?BY OSCAR W. WHITE. 1116 F ST. N. side R. I nve. near 15th st. n.w.; 3-story brick; 14 rs.; lot 24x100. Bargain. Elm st., Le Droit Park; 2-story cottage; 7 rs.; lot 51x108. $3,500. R st near 3d n.w.; 2-story frame. $2,000. Washington Heights; south-front. 3-story brick; 10 rs.; 20 ft wide. $0,000. Mass. ave. n e. near 3d St.; 2-story brick; 6 rs. $.4,700. Jyl-3t FOR SALE? Snap i d Wellington Heights. 10-room and bath dwelling, nearly new; southern exposure. Re duced from $8,500 to $7,000. First deposit gets it. A comfortable 0-room and bath dwelling on U St. n.w.; lot 19x100. Rent. $40.50. Price, $0,300. 10-room and bath dwelling, 21 feet front, on G st. n.w. Rout, $40.50. Price. $0,100. ATKINSON & BALLARD CO. (Inc.), Real Estate. Loans and Insurance. }yl-3t 1411 G st. n.w., Washington, D. O. FOR SALE? -NICE HOMES ON HARVARD STREET, IN ?TIIE MOST DESIRABLE RESIDENCE SEC ?TION OF THE NORTHWEST. ?'Two-story and cellar bay-window press-bricks. ?Six rooms. Porcelain baths. With furna?e ?heat. Rent for $20.50 per month. Price only ?$2,850. Terms to suit. Pays over 8% as an ?investment. E. J. WALSH & CO.. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance, 519 14th >t. ap23-3m,28 'Phone M. 3778. FOR SALE?NEAT 5-ROOM FRAME, 7TH NEAR East Capitol st.; price, $1,700; rented $13 jer month. Oth st. near Pa. ave. s.e., ideal home, only $3,500; easy terms. H. S. WELCH, 810 F n.w. jyl-3t* FOR SALE-SOME VERY DESIRABLE PROP" erty for homes or Investment in all parts of city and suburbs. Je24-26t* GRACE M. THOMAS. Corcoran bid*. FOR SALE A 10-room and bath dwelling on R st. n.w., near car line; lot 104 feet deep to paved alley; large brick stable. Rents for $35.50. Price, $5,250. Pierce place n.w.?6 rooms and bath, press brick; concrete cellar; lot 17x90. nas had same tenant over 12 years at $20.50 per month. Price, $4,200. 7-room house on Q st.; rented for $26.50. Non resident wants otTer. BARNARD & MARK, The Oval Sign. 1412 G n.w. je3Q-tf,20 FOR SALE?CHOICEST PACT OF WASHINGTON HEIGHTS?Elegant 3-story mottled brick resi dence. with brown-stone trimmings; finished In finest quartered oak; paneled dining room; cab inet mantels; open fireplaces; conservatory; ser vants' quarters and bath; combination gas and electric fixtures lr colonial brass; less than $11,000 win buy. Je30-fit W1LL1GE. GIBBS & DANIEL. fr>5 13th. FOR SALE?ONE OF THOSE FINE BRICK RESI dences on the south side of R near 1st n.w.; fine yard; frame stable; only $3,850. Ji 30 4t WILLIGE. GIBBS & DANIEL. 605 13th. FOR HALE?10% NET INVESTMENT IN 3 BRICK houses; central northwest; 6 rooms each; in per fect condition; always rented; $3,750 for the three. L. W. GROOMES, 1405 N. Y. ave. je2?-12t? FOR SALE? INVESTMENT PROPERTY. $4,250?Four frame dwellings on 12th st. s.e., close to Pa. eve., each with 4 rooms; water an-I sewer; running closet In yard; rented at $39.50; white tenants. BEAUTIFUL 8-ROOM HOME. $5,400?On North Capito' st near S St.; fine 3 story bay-window br??k. 8 rooms and reception hall; elegtnt bath; pantry; cabiuet mantels; hdrdwood finish; concrete cellar; furnace. Five other similar on same block recently sold at this price. In v. stijate. TWO ATTRACTIVE VALUES. $4,500?2-story brick GROCERY STORE, ON CORNER; well located on C st. n.e. $9,000? Look at 1508 Q st. n.w. Elegant 10 room dwelling; trust, $6,500. Make offer. Keys at office. JAMES F. SHEA, ?PHONE E 896. 643 LOUISIANA AVE. N.W. Je27 tf,3U FOR SALE-CONYENIENT, DESIRABLE ILOCA tlon, west side of 15th st. bet. It. I. ave. and P st. house lOr. and b ; lot 21'4x100; sold to close bankruptcy proceedings; $10,000. Je25- tf.5 H. L. RUST. 60> 14th n.w. FOR SALE--HOW TO BE YOUR OWN LAND- j lord on Conectlcut ave. with $100 to $200 cash 1 and $20 to $25 monthly. For full particulars drop postal, telephone or call for new handsomely Il lustrated 20-page booklet, plat, &c., of Con necticut Ave. Highlands. Automobile free to show the property. FULTON R. GORDON, 613 14th n.w. Telephone Main 529. ]el8-26t FOR SALE-ONE OF THE MOST DESIRABLE bouses in Bloomingdale; near N. Cap. and V sts.; 9 rooms, bath; entirely modern; reduced to $4,500; the cheapest bouse on our books. )e!8-tf WILLIGE. GIBBS A DANIEL. 005 13th. FOR SALE-MAGNIFICENT NEW HOUSES. N. Capitol and Thomas sts. n.w.; 9 rooms; bath; splendid press-brick fronts; first floor flulshed in oak; storage r*>m; electric attachments; furoace heat; fine bargains at $5,500. )e22 tf WILLIGE. GIBBS ic DANIEL. ?06 13th. FOR SALE? ONLY $3,550. 13th st. north of Lydecker are.; ?r.. bath, col lar. furnace; lot 17x127 to 15-ft. alley. Torn to salt. W. 8. MINNIX, >e8 tf Rooms 4. 5 and 6. 1416 F. FOR SALE?TWO STORY FLATS FOB $3,250; rented $30 per mo.; In Improving section, 15th and A sts. n.e.; well srranged, substantially built, and will prove a profitable Investment. Several sold to a careful Investor. U. L. RUST. 608 14th st. n.w. Je7tf,* FOR EXCHANGE. FOR RXOHANGB?DO YOU NEED OASHT WK offer the equities In several well-located north vest bouses and lots, subject to small trusts at 4^ and 5 per cent; will give the equities In one or more of ths properties and from (1,000 to in cash. A good opportunity for owner with trusts coming due. STONE & FAIRFAX. 804 80?-808 F at. n w. jel8-tf FOR KXCHA_NGE-Wni NOT LET US TRAD! YOUR REAL ESTATE FOR TOUT ONE EX CHANGE DEPARTMENT 13 STB1CTLT OP 10 DATE. WE MAKE TRADING A SPECIALTY AND NOT A 8IDR ISSUE. ALI. PROPERTT LISTED wiril CS FOR EXCHANGE BR CEIVES TIIK IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OF THE HEAD OF THIS BRANCH OF OCR BUS I NESS. STONE * FAIRFAX SM-O-S F St. B.W. my7 tf FOR EXCHANGE?OCR LIST OF PROPERTIES FOR TRADE IS TOO LARGE TO PUBLISH. IF TOO ARB INTERESTED COMB IN AND TALK IT OVER. STONE * FAIRFAX SMS-* F sL B.W. my7 tf ~ FOE SALEOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE-OR EXCHANGE FCR D. C. PROP erty. a modem cottags at Laurel, containing I rooms and bath room; a mi.; electric light#; city water; electric and steam railroad service. For plana and Information see )AI C. HOWEIX, 40T Colorado hldg. Jell-tt MEDICAL. nR^WRlQHT. SPECIALIST. TSO UTH ST. N.W. ilP'f.5.*1?.- ot.obecura ?hum. New treatment sr wl ?? FOB SALE?LOTS. FOU SALE?TAKE THE BIO GREEN CARS FOR Ellaston. Terrace, ine suburb that lead* tbem all. HO a inoutb put Into ao El 1*3ton Terrace lot can not fall to pay handsomely as an Investment. No better place In the District for a home. 15 to 80 minutes from departments and business centers. Get off at lied Tent. Ellaston Terrace. HOWARD F. JOHNSON A CO. ?Phone North 1499 It. jy4-tf FOR SALE-CHEAPEST BUILDING LOTS N.E.; one square from 2 car lines; sewer and water; 23c. ft. Also 5 lota In Le Droit Park, lfl ft. front; $400 each. E. L. WILSON. Attorney for Owner. Kendall bldg. Jy2-3t FOR SALE-ONLY $1,700 FOR 4 BEAUTIFUL lota. Harvard near Brigbtwood are.; water, gas, sewer, sidewalk; owner compelled to sacrifice; will aell aeparately or together on easy terms; a snap for speculators or builders. J/2-2t* F. T. EVANS, 013 Utb at. FOR SALE-BARGAIN-LOT 40X72H; 4TH 8T. b?t. A and B n.e.; suitable for two boves or flats. Will exchange for amall hooao. Je28-tf O. W. WEBER, 1333 F (basement). FOR SALE-BEING IN IMMEDIATE NEED OF cash, will sell magnificent lot on Waahlngton Heights, worth $4,000, for $2,800. Address W. L. J.. Star office. je27-tf FOR SAI.E?WE*" PREDICT THAT THE BUILD lng of GREATER FASHIONABLE WASHING TON will begin t'je present aummer across Rock Creek along Coneitlcut arenue extended and will continue even faster both as to the quantity and ?utility of the buildings than It has la the past ew years from Florida arenue to Chary Chase loop. The bnlldlng of the new $1,000,000 Connecticut arenue bridge (which la now under conatractlon) I* the connecting link which unites old and new Connecticut avj Hie at Rock Creek and makea our prediction assured. You must buy before (not after) the comple tion of these magnificent improvements If you wish to teccive the great Increased realty values that will surely follow at Connecticut Avenue Highlands. Remember, those wuo bought in ad vance of the Improvements on the Heights be tween Florida avenue and Chevy Chase loop real ized a net profit of 500 to 1,000 per cent. For full paitlculars of Connecticut Avenue Highlands, dror postal, telephone or call for handsomely Illustrated twenty-page "Booklet," plat, etc A few lota will be sold for $100 to $200 cash and $20 to $25 monthly. Automobile free to show the property. FULTON R. GORDON, 613 14th St. n.w. ? Telephone. Main 520. Je24-15t FOR SALE?$2.00 CASH; $2.00 PER MONTH. WASHINGTON HIGHLANDS. Beautiful lots '25 by 100 to 250 feet. $100 to $250 each; no Interest; no taxes; granolithic sidewalks; short distance from end of car line at Congress Heights; one fare; District property. WASHINGTON HIGHLANDS COMPANY, 'Phone M. 1400. 01$ F at. n.w. Je21-3m-l') FOR SALE-BUY A LOT IN BEAUTIFUL CLEVELAND PARK. Buy before the new Connecticut avenue bridge is built (new started and will coat $1.000,uOO); deslrsbly located lots, only $1,000; $100 cash. Call for booklet and plat. MOORE A HILL (Inc.). EXCLUSIVE AGENTS, jel6-tf 717 Fourteenth street. FOR SALE?LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. IN ALL SECTIONS. YOU'LL SAVE TIME AND MONEY BY GETTING OUR LIST. IN THE FASHIONABLE SECTIONS. ON COLUMBIA AND WASHINGTON HElOnTS. STONE & FAIRFAX, 800 and 808 F St. n.w. myl7-tf FOR SALE-A VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING site on Mass. ave. near *2d at. n.w.; size 2S&X 100. Fine hlte for handsome residence. EDWARDS A REEVES, Inc., delO-tf 614 13tb at. MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN. WANTED?A LOAN OF *1.800 FOR 3 YEARS ON large bo.ise, burns and 130 acres (a fine dairy, fruit and stock farm). 7 miles from city, on car line. Will give 2 per cent commission and 6 per cent Interest. JAMES F.. CLEMENTS. Attorney at law, ?Phone Main 1080. 1406 G St. n.w. Jy2-3f $5,0<>U TO I.OAN AT 4% O.N IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY; STATE SECURITY OFFERED; 1?( COMMISSION. ADDRESS Jyl-3t BOX 20. STAR OFFICE. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT AT CUR rent rate* o* Interest ol real estate In the Dis trict of Columbia. FITCH, FOX A BROWN, Jyl-tf.5 1406 G at. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS OF $300 TO $5,000; interest 5 to 6 per cent; com., 2 per cent. C. H. PARKER. 435 4U s.w. Je23-12t TO LOAN?$3,000. $4,000, $5,600 AND $6,000 ON CITY REAL ESTATE at lowest rate of Interest and comuilsslou. aiyM-tf L1EBERMANN * HAWK. 1303 F St. MONEY ADVANCED TO SALARIED PEOPLE; no mortgage; no lndoraers; on atoeka, bonds, warehouse receipts, life ins. policies, Ac., Ac. Washington Assignment Co., 623-24 Bond bldg. myl2-tf-4 MONEY TO LOAN. We have a fund of $40,000 To loan on special terms and at reduced rates of Interest, In sums of $1,000 and upwards, on D. C. real estate security. No delay In passing on applications and closing loans. n;y3-tf STONE A FAIRFAX. 804 to 808 F n.w. WE HAVE IN HAND ANY AMOUNT FROM $500 TO $50,000 TO LOAN ON 1ST DEED OF TRUST ON D. C. HEAL ESTATE AT 4Vi AND 0% IN TEREST. PROMPT REPLIES AND SMALLEST POSSIIlLE EXPENSE. my3 tf MOORE & HILL (Inc.). 717 14th at. n.w. MONEY IN SMALL AND LARGE AMOUNTS TO loan on second trusts. Indorsed notes, UCe Ins. pol's and other securities at 0% per annum; no delay. ATWELL'A TREADWEI.L, 60? 13th n.w., bet. F anil G. ap30-78t MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OF 1N tereat on D. 0. real estate. No unreasonable delay. WALTER H. ACKER, mh29 tf-5 1420 F n.w. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM $10 TO $2,000, at lowest rates of Interest,- pa}able back monthly if so desired, on Indorsed notes, life Insurance policies, second trusts and other securities; $100,000 Immediately available. T. W. STUB BLEFIKLD. 1224 F at. n.w. ap21-3m-6 TO LOAN? CN DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE. $10,000. $3,000. $7,000. $2,000. $4,500. $700. THOS. E. WAQGAMAN. mhlO-tf 017 F at. n.w. IF YOU WANT TO BORROW OR LOAN. BUY OR sell on real estate, I can aave you time and caab, as I give personal attention to all deala. deC-tf-4 J. EAKIN GADSBY. 520 13th at n.w. MONEY TO LOAN AT 3*. 4 AND 4"A PER CENT. In aums of $1,000 to $100,000. on D. C. real es tate; pay off 5 per cent and 6 per cent loana and begin anew at lowest rates of Intereat; all trans actions conducted with economical consideration for borrowers. WM. H. SAUNDERS A CO., je8-tf-7 1407 F at. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN ON D. O. REAL ESTATE? Lowest ratea of Interest. Payment on principal in amounts of $500 or more received at any In terest period. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY, Bond bldg.. 1408 N Y. ave. n.w. de4-tf LARGE OR SMALL LOANS 8ECURKD; STOCKS, bonds bldg. and oan asso. shsres, life Ins. poli cies syndicate certifs.. warehouse receipts and real" estate trusts taken. C. A. BAKER, 40-42 Metserott bldg.. 1110 F St. sel6-tf-4 MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED REAL Es tate within the District of Columbia. In amounts to ault appllcanta, at lowest ratea of Intereat. Jal9-tf,4 GEO. W. LINKIN3. 800 19th St. n.w. TO LOAN?ON CITY PROPERTY ? $50,000. 4%. $60,000. 4 4 10%. $100,000. 4V4 %. $300,000. 6%. Large sums a specialty. aefl-tf 8 EARLY * LAMPTON. 615 14th St. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN ON D. C. REAL ESTATE. IX)WEST RATES. R. W. WALKER A 80N. 1009 t N.W. ap!4-tf MONEY to I.OAN ON APPROVED CITY REAL estate at 4, 4 to and 5 per cent Interest. Special privileges with respect to prior payments. Largs amounts a specialty. TYLER * RUTHERFORD 1307 F St. n.w. feO-tf-S H. K. FULTON'S LOAN OFFICE. 814 OTH ST. N.W. ESTABLISHED 1870. MONEY LOANED ON WATCHES. DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. SILVERWARE. Ae. OLD GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT. ja31-tf-? LEGAL NOTICES. A. B. DUVALL AND A. L. SINCLAIR. ATTOR neys.?In the Supreme Court of the Dlatrlct of Co lumbia. holding a District Court. In the matter of the extension of Twenty-third street from S street to California avenue. No. 616, Dlatrlct Court.?No tice is hereby given that the Commlsalonera of the District of Columbia, pursuant to the provlalons of an aet of Congress approved April 23. 1804. en titled "An act for the extenalon of Twenty-tbld street from S street to California avenue," have tiled a petition In this court praying the condemna tion of land necessary for the extension of Twenty third street rrom S street to Csllfornla avenue, in the District of Columbia, with a uniform width of fifty (50) feet, aa abown on a plat or map pre pared by said Commissioners snd anexed to their said petition and marked "Exhibit No. 1;" and praying, also, that a jury of aeven (7) judicious, disinterested men, not related to any person Inter ested in the proceedings, and not in the service or employment of the Dlatrlct of Columbia or of the United States, be summoned by the United States Marshal for the District of Colombia, to assess the damages such owners of land taken may sustain by reason of such sxtensloo of said Twenty-third street snd tbe condemnation of lands for the pur posea of auch extenalon, and assess tbe benefits re sulting therefrom, as provided in ssld act of Cuo greaa. It Is, by tbe court, this Second dsy of July, A.D. 1804, ordered, that all persons having any In terest In tbe proceedings herein be, and tbey are hereby, required to appear in this court on or be fore the Twenty-seventh day of July, A.D. 1004. and continue In attendance until tbe court shall have made Ita final order ratifying and confirming tbe award of damagea and aaaessment of benefits of tbe jury; snd It is fmther ordered that a copy of this notice and order be published once In tbe Washington Law Reporter and on six secular days In Tbe Evening Star, tbe Washington Post and the Waahlngton Times, newspapers published In (aid District, before said Twenty-seventh day of July, A.D. 1904. It la further ordered that a copy of thla notice and order be served by the ?r his deputise, upon such owners of the land to be con demned as mar be found by said imntsl er Us stfsz: vr MEIGS. Jr., Asst. Clerk. jfr*-m,wAf-tt SUBURBAN PHOPEBTY. FOR LEASB-ONS -JBAB-MAONIFICBNT Suburban home; floe acreage; splendid grove; convenient ro ator? and cbnrchee: wltbln 8 mlnutea" walk'of Ittam and electric car*; brick walk to (tattoo; would Ieaae for *>t? year at $88 per mootb to a dealraHle tenant. Thla la a aplendld opportunity to atcurs a beau tiful auburbau home tt ?: nominal rent. Apply to MARTH BROS.. 1B2S and 1*2T p^. are. Jy4 2t 'Phone Main 1211. i 11 $ ?; *'! *t? it i W FOR 8AI.R?IN BSAVTIFCfc KBNSINGTOK A 10-acre farm, wtth On* dwelling and outbuilding*; wlthfa fi mlnutea' walk of ?team and electric can. For prica and particulate aee _ MARTIN BROS.. Real Eatate and Inauranca Broken, jy4-2t 1925-1927 Fa. are. WK8T HYATTSVILL1D?ACBEAGE FOR SALE, m to T; fine groraa for cblcken run; beat cleared land In thla country for trucking: $280 to f}00 per acre, tt* la. B, J. TOTTEN * CO., 618 F at. n.w. jy*-8t NORTH BRIGHT WOOD. Hlgb, healthy and beautifully located; lota, 10c. and 18c. per foot; eold on eaay monthly paymecta; money furnlahed to build. TBHREI.L A LITTLE. jy2-3t Colorado building. FOR SALE A 70-acre farm north of Kensington. Can be bought very cheap. Owner anx loua to sell. TERRELL & LITTLE. Agenta, Colorado bldg., 14th and O at*. FOR 8ALB KENSINGTON?A beaut,ful new It room bouae, artistically decorated; all modern Improvements; bath room, sewer contectlon, artesian well, large grounda and wide verandas. Price very low; terms made to suit. FOR SALE KENSINGTON HEIGHTS. 15 mlnutea' walk from atatlon; new bouse; all modern conveniences; furnace heat; two acres of ground; beautifully located. Can be bonght at a rery low price and on easy monthly payments. FOR SALE? 200-acre farm lying between Washing ton and Itockvllle on the Met. branch of the B. and O. R.R. This property haa three exceedingly valuable stone quarrlea that can bu developed with very little n.oney, and with the preaent great de mand In thla city for broken atone a fortune can be made from the atona Qnarrlea alone. Price of property only $00 per acre. TERRELL & LITTLE, Agents, Jf2-3t Colorado bldg.. 14th and G at*. FOR SALE-ONE CASTfAReTtO HALF-ACRE LOTS IN THE DISTRICT. Oesrable location. One block from electric can; twenty minutes from petialon office, on direct car line. PRICES, MOO AND $700 Per Half Acre. S. W. PICKFORD, 311 COLORADO BIDG. Jy2-3t FOR SALE?CHEAPEST LOT IN RIVERDALE, Mi.: 80x135; corner Washington and Arthur ats. paid (500 for It 12 years ago; will sell same price. E. J. TCTTPX. B18 F at. Jy2-3t FOR SALE?DESIRABLE 7 ROOM HOUSE IN Takoma, D. C. Attrartlve surrounding. Only $3,300 If sold at once. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER, 920 F at. n.w. J>'2-3t NORTH BKIGIITWOOD. Charming building sites In this attractive sub division only 10c. and 15c. per foot. TERRELL Sc LITTLE. Jy2-3t Colorado building. FOK KENT?AT OARIIKTT PARK MD.. CON ven'ent to station, a very desirable home; 8 rooms, bath and city conveniences; ample lawns end abundant shade. HERBERT A. (JILL, 1819 F at. n.w. Jy2-3t FOR RENT?AT ARGYLE. 16TH EXTENDED, A very desirable dwelling: 11 room* and bath; all city conveniences; amide latins and fine shade trees and shrubbery; stable ir desired. HERBERT A. GILL. 1319 F at. n.?.. Jj2-3t FOR SALE?SL'Bl'RBAH. ? EXTRAORDINAY OFFER. HALF-ACHE TRACTS. 20 minutes from patent office, on direct car line. 5-CENT FARE. In an Improving section; .high elevation; one block from electric cars.. PRICES, *000 JA.VD *700 Per Half Acta. S. W. PICKFORD. Sll COLORADO BLDG. Jy2-3t NORTH BRtGflTWOOD. Visit thl? attractive subdivision and Inspect the new houses that art- now being erected. Con tracts for the construction of bouses of similar character will be signed next. week. Now is the time to Invest money in North Brlghtwood. Prices extremely low; terms reasonable. TERR?LL A LITTLE. jy2-3t ? t Colorado building. FOR SALE ? HALF ACRB LOTS! HALF ACRE LOTS! 5c. CAR riRB. Rhode Island-itvenue wue*Kledf one block from cars. Very high elevation, desirable location. Thirty minutes from treasury. PRICES. $??*> AND- $700 Per Half Acre. 5*. W. PICKFORD, 311 COLORADO BLDG. Jy2-3t FOR S A LE ON JULY 4. VILLA SITES, containing 12,500 square fe.-t, with fine large shade trees. Price, only one cent per root. Terms: $5 down and $1 per week. 5-cetit fare to any part of city. Also 10 large building lots. Only 185 each. Same terms. Also several small and large farms near city. Cheap. Jy2-3t* JAMES E. CLEMENTS, 1406 G at. n.w. FOR SALE?A BEAUTIFUL HOME OS ELEC trie road, near city; fine, large house with eru improvements; spacious grounds; abundant shade; delightful water; convenient to churches and scl?x>ls. Address OWNER, L*x*k Box No. 1, City Post OtBce. J7*?t FOR SALE?BRIGHTWOOD LOT; 80ll50; FINE view of Columbia golf links; only $000; worth double. . ... Jy2-3t* W. P. SMITH. Colorado bldg. iTOR SALE?WHY DON'T YOU BUY LAND WHEN can doable vour*money? Uo out on tbe Itockvllle cars aud look at "Alta Vista," wlie^e you can buy from 1 to 5 acrea. Small cash ifeyment, balance monthly. J. MILIJjR, o Jy2 3t* First Boor. 1304 F. FOR SALE?AT EAST FALLS CHURCH, VA. 8 roorn house, one square from depots; $3,200: bar gain. H. S. RYF.It, Easf Falls Church. Va. jyl-2' FOR SALE?3 ACRES AT ltlVERDALE, Md.. Im Sroved by 9-room dwelling, bam and stable, hen cuse, summer bouse; nice oak grove, and a fine place to raise children aud chickens. Offered for 10 days only at $3,600. 1 acre on electric car line and near cars, imprc\ed by new, 8-room and bath dwell ing; cellar; furnace; fruit aud shrubbery. Re duced $800 for 1 week only. Corner 100x65, 1 block from steam and electric cars, 8 rooms end bath, cellar, furnace; never been occupied. Reduced $350 below actual cost Near Blue Ridge Mountains, Hue hotel. stout 2 acres in grove, 19 large rooms, 3 lajfJp cellars, 2 fine wells, smoke house. Ice house, dairy, large as? $w.n^e.rn^u ATKIN1 SON** BALLARD COMPANY (Inc.>. Real Estate, I.oans and Insurance. lTl_St 1411 G ?t. n.w._ WANTED?FOR CASH, TWO OR THREE ACRES of fertile laud In the suburbs or vicinity of Wssblngton. Address, with description and price, Mra. HOLLAND. 1204 O at. n.w. Jyl-3t? FOR SALE-BY OWNER, IN CHEVY CHASE, new bouse; Sr., pantry, large attic and cellar: fireplaces In parlor and dining room; papered throughout; a.m.l. Price, $4.800-^02,000 c**h FREDK. SONNEMANN, Melrose at. and Broad Branch road. ? "13t FOR SALE?AT TAKOMA PARK. SPECIAL BARGAINS. H? Takoma Hall bnlldlng. The Takoma Club bnlldlng. One 4B-room dwelling. One 10-room dwelling. All modern Improvement^. Shade and fruit. j VANCE LEWIS. Takoma Clab building, lyl 8t? Takoma Park. FOR SALE?CATHEDRAL HEIGHTS, Masa. aVe. extended n.w. Lota and acreage pnyesty tfcta aeetlon. T. C. DANIeLHEALTY CO.. lyl-St? 1410 Q n.w. BOY FOR A SOME. BUY FOB AN INVESTMENT. BUY BECAUSE YOU ARE SMART. O*O L O R A D O,, 5 O H T flu The ctaolceat secttoa. t(i? ^'t Im proved, and will a&fraoce moat rap BA^i'L. C. HILL & K LODGE HILL, Exclusive Agenta. 802 V at. n.w. J?29-wAm-tf * ?; rOIl SALE-BY OWNE|t~SO ACRES OF III proved land altuated sear Obeaapeake Junction and adjoining District line; convenient to ears aud H-hour drive to city. Address Box 127, Star office. ' ^?l?t FOB SALE?$2.00 CASH; fi.00 PMK MUHTH. WASHINGTON BIGHLATOS. Beautiful Iota 28 by 100 to 290 feet. 9100 to |280 each; no Intereat; no taxes; granolithic sidewalks; ahort distance from end of car line at Congrtaa Heights; one fare; District property. WASHINGTON HIGHLANDS COMPANY, ?PLone M. 1400. WIS t at. n.w. Ie21-8m-10 FOB SALB-pmS OAR FABE. FOB ZD eta. to Roger*' Addition to Mt. Rainier. Lots 2 to 8 eta. per foot; convMancea, recording aad abetract free. J. O. ROGERS, owner, feodall bldg fel?-18?t FOB BBNT-COUNTBY RffilDENCE, ? BOOMS, rv? yvv*'*awk *?'P" . ? at Glen Ellen Far?. otf Rldge foa4, nw new Methodist University. Inquire Boom 724 Oolora*? bnlldlng, corner 14tb and xT ats. n.w. Je4-tf ? EIGHm Desirable lota, $180 up. 1 . vnu s.t??oo .*,j BRAD DOCK ? j 4e4-tf GEO. B. HILL, SUBURBAN PHOPERTY. FOR ? ALB?FINEST LOTS IN TAKOMA PARK, mc elec. and (team ear 11dm: water, eewer and (?a; cheap and oo eaey tenna. A. A. LIPSCOMB and J. P. EARNEST, Trustees, 821 ?Vfc at n.w. mblS-lMt COUNTRY BOARD IDLE WILD?ROOMS NEAT AND AIRY; HOT and cold bethe; large porches; food table; pure water; mountain air; piano, etc. Apply Wrm. A. Q. CCBBY, Paeonlan Springs, Va.. jy*-St* BERKBLET SPRINGS, W. V A.?PRIVATE board; cool rooms; good board; pleasant porcbea and lawn; one square (rem celebrated springs and batba. Terma, (S per week. MRS. J. J. TRIMBLE, Berkeley Bp rings, W.V?. P. O. bo* IS. EXCELLENT COUNTRY BOARD IS FURNISHED at a pleaaant borne near Bine Ridge, Including pleaaant rooms and abadr Tarda, at moderate terma. Apply to Mrs. A. M. CHAPPCLLE, Marshall. Va. jyt-ilt* SOME MORE PLBASANT ROOMS AT "GLEN Manor." Forest Glen; cool bouse; porches and ebade. Tike 9tb st. cars, cbange at Fla. are. and Ttk. Pare, 10 cents. Leave every bait boar. J?8T-at? BLUB BIDOE MOUNTAINS-BATH BOOM COM .plete; convenient to poet oOce, 'pbone and depot; vegetables from adjoining garden; large, venti lated rooms; scenery not excelled; porches; flah lDg. Potomac river; good tsble; 40 miles west of Washington, the B. & O.; |6 to $0 per week, conditional. Je4-30t GRAND VIEW HOUSE, Knoxvllle, Md. GENTLEMAN. WHOSE OFFICE HOURS ARB 8:30 %.m. to S p.m., would like board for self snd wife for 1 month from July 12; location not fur ther tban 10 inlles from city and on Metropolitan tranch. Address No. 810 a St. n.w., giving fall particulars. Jy2-3t* WANTED?A FEW BOARDERS AT BELMONT Dairy Farm. Address E. P. THOMAS, Ednor. Md. jy2-3t* BOARDERS WANTED?FIRST-CLASS ENTF.R tainment furnished at Glenbourne, better known as the Hampton House, three miles from Blue mont station on the Southern R. R. Apply G. W. FINXEI.L. Alrmont, Va. Je3Q-6t* WARREN WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS? Charmingly situated In mountalna; excellent ta ble; pleaxant rooms; rate, $23 month. Special rates to families. Mrs. E. D. Ct'LLEN, Totten P. P.. Va. jeSO-flt* AVALON COTTAUE. BRADDOCK HEIGHTS. MD.. will open Its Sd season June 1 for boarders. All modern conveniences; batb; 'phones. For particu lars address Mrs. THOS. H. MYERS, Brsddock Heights, Md. Jp28 L2t "BEL-AIR." OVERLOOKING FRONT ROYAL; rooms large and airy; good water; plenty ahade; large grounda; fruit, Ice, milk; services first claas; $8 week. Mrs. ROBT. M. MARSHALL. Front Royal, Vs., Box 33. Je26-12t' COME TO SUMMIT HOUSE FOR GOOD ROOMS, high elevation; shaded lawn; porches; boating, bathing, fishing; fine table; 15 mln. from atatlon, 1 hr. from Wasblngotn. Open June 23; terms moderate. Address R. E. WINS, Brentsvllle, Va. ft23 20t? SILCOTT SPRINGS. LOCATED NEAR THE BLUE Ridge mts., 2V4 miles from Purcellville, Vs.; ex cellent tsble; plenty fruit; good shade snd water; comfortable rooms; terms moderate. Apply to Mrs. EDWIN SHOEMAKER, SUcott Springs. Loudonn Co., Va. Jel6-16t*3 THE POWHATAN. CHARLES~TOWn7 W~Va7. opena June 13; healthy, mountain climate; well furnished roomsi bsth rooms on each floor; ma cadam roads; fishing near by In the Shenandoah and Potomac rivers. Mrs. BOLL1NO, Anns polls, Md. Jel4-26t,0 AT DEER PARK. MD.?LARGE. COMFORTABLE rooms; extensive, shady grounds; flrsi-class table; near depot and hotels. Apply FAIItVIEW COTTAGE, Deer Park, Garrett county, Md. JelO-f.m. w,13t*-4 L1NGANORE HILLS INN. NEAR FREDERICK. Md., near the mountains; sIMisted on large farm, which supplies the table with vegetables, milk, cream etc.; artesian water; boating, bathing, llehlng; ball room; weekly dances; modern con vtolences; references exchanged. E. M. BROWN, myl l-78t-fl "THE INGLESIDE"?OPEN MAT IB; BATH; HOT and cold water; RockTllle and Georeetown cars pass the lawn. Address FRANK REPP (Prop.), Randolph, Md. myT-S2t EIGHT MILES FROM WASHINGTON, ON CHES apeake Beach R. R.; Berry sta. 5 mln. walk from house; trains convenient for office holders; lar rooms, fine shade. Iron water, Ice, fruit, milk; ref. required; SB per week. Address Miss If. B. ref. required; SO per week. Address Miss It. B, BERRY, Ritchie, Pr. Geo. Co., Md. Je7-2?t* THB WASHINGTON COLLEGE, 3D AND T STS. n.s.. Is upon to summer boarders; rates. 130 and up per month. Rooms may now be engaged; do children. niy4-tf BOARDING. MRS. E. S. PALMER. CATERERS. 1116 13TH ST. n.w.?First-class tsble bosrd; meals served out; 23 years' experience In prlvste families; reason sble rates. Jy2-2t? "R0BIN80N," 1602 14TH ST. N.W.? MEALS AT all boars; everything In season. Dinner all day Sundays snd holidays. mjSl-tf GEORGETOWN REAL ESTATE. Fine Income-Producing Business Property. Sooth side of P st. n?*ar 14th, oceupled as saloon and summer garden?old-established frtand. Bis lot, 60 feet front and over 120 deep. A gilt-edge Investment proposition, such as seldom gets on the market. MAKE US AN OFFFR. The Miller-Shoemaker Real tfn^te Co" 1323 1323 32d st. 'Phone West 40. Jy4-28d FOR SALE?8141 DUMBARTON AVE.; 9 ROOM frame; bath and A.M.I.; on car line. Rents for $21.30. Price. *2,700. R A. CASILEAR & CO.. Je28-6t-6 1323 32d st. n.w. INfeFECT THESE PROPERTIES FOR SALE"" fine opportunity to secure s home or a well-pay ing Investment In Oeoigetown. 2btb near O St.; lot 23x128; fine site for a home ?1 aoa 31st resr P St.; lot 32x110; one of the ' most desirable locstlons In Georgetown. Offer Cooke row, Georgetown; thorough repair; front and side yard 10 000 83d st. near P st.; 9-rm. dwell.; thorough repslr; dirt chesp 4 500 8023 Csmb. pi.; 9 rms.; a.m.!.; thorough repair; shade 4,500 Dnmb. ave. near 31st; home; 8 rooms; a.m.l.; steam heat S3 000 P st. nesr 32d st.; nice' little home, 5 rms., gas and bath $2,700 28th st. near Q st.; 8 rms.; e^ery con venience; front and rear yards 3,500 80th st. bet. M and N sts.; 9 rms.; a.m.l.; good Investment: rents $28.50 8,700 Q St. near 30th; 7 rms.; every convenience; cost $6,000; price now 3,000 Q st. near 29th; 10 rma.; a.m.l.; choice location lot 25x100 6,300 O st. rear 34th st.; 10 rms.; a.m.l.; rents for $21.50; price 8.000 J. McKENNEY BERRY, Successor to P. T. BERRY, 1214 31st st n.w. Je23-tf 'Phone W. 618. ALEXANDRIA REAL ESTATE. Beautiful Home in Alexandria at a Bargain Figure. We are authorised to offer the very handsome residence of the late Oapt. Natbaulel Baesh, ad Joining St. Paul's Cborch. one of the most deslrsbl* bouses In Alexsndrls; elegant 8-story brick boaae; fine lot. 28x108 ft. To close estate i ^ OftSiTt will sell to Immedtate purchaser St.. Wl* M. B. Harlow & Co., Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Brokers, Harlow bldg., 119 S. Fairfax St., Alexandria, Va. 'Pbone Bell 2B. Jy2-Ud SEWING MACHINES. Sewing: Machines Of any make, including the New Home, Domestic, Wheeler & Wil son, Singer and Standard; all the latest styles. Sold on 50c. Weekly Payments. See the new Oak Drophead Ma chines, $15.00. Machines repaired and warranted, $1.00. Machines rented, 50c. per week. At Oppenheimer's, ? tot Knife and accordion plaiting, 2c. yard up. Skirts Sun Plaited, $2.00. jel-TSt.88 STORAGE. ~ too SBP ABATE STORAGE ROOMS ^STORAGE BY the load; packing, hauling and shipping. See as ? ? THOMAS DOWLING * OO* storing. Auctioneers, 012 ? St. n.w.; 'phone E. ?7i TOR SALE?TYPEWRITERS. FOB BALK?NO. ? REMINGTON TYPEWRITER; eoadttloa. On easy monthly terns f party. Addreas Bos 4T, Star oflee. K yOUWQg POSTAL SERVICE, WASHINGTON. D. 0.. PO?T OFFICE NOTICIE. Should be read dally, m chang.a may occw ?? *?oRMGI? MAILS in 4J*i??tcb^a t"th? port! of sa SireWS1?? sax 1?. Uu k.u>* orrioa follow#: . ? _ TRANSATLANTIC MA1IJB. MONDAY-(c) At 11:? PM- for NETHHTU.ANDJJ 4'rect, per ? Noordam. from New *otk- ??U must be directed "Per s.s. Noordam. <c> At P.M. for ITALY direct, per a... Lombardle, from New York. Mali muat be directed "Per a.a. L?m b*TL'KSr)AT?(a) At T:15 P-M. i.e. Teutonic. from New *?rk. ria Jfreenetown. Mall for GERMANY moat be dlre^tri Per a.a. Ten tonic." (c) At 11:? PM. forDKSM AR*^; rect. per a.a. United States from New York. Mau muat be directed "Per a.a. ^nltad State#. vm WEDNKSDAY-(c) At ll>:80 P.M. for FRANC*, ?r a.a. La Lorraine, from New York. via all for etkar part. of EUROPE muat 1? directed Per a.a. La Lorr.lM.' <c? EUROPE, per a.a. Deutscfcland. from New Tors, rla Plymouth, Cherbourg anil Hamburg. FRIDAY?(?) At T:1B P.M. for EUROPE. Per St. Paul, from New York. rl> Plymouth and Cher bourg. Mall for IRELAND tcuat bo dl?cted 1 cr a.a. St. Paul." (a) At T:15 P.M. for EUmnrW. per a.a. Umbrla. from New York. via (e> At 11:45 P.M. for BELGIUM direct, pn a.a. Kroonland. from New York. Mall "*** dl rected "Per a.a. Kroonland." (?"? At 11.45 P.M. fo- SCOTLAND direct, per a.a. Ethiopia, from New York. Mall muat be directed "P?r a.a. E'Wopla. MAILS FUR SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA. WEST INDIES. ETC. MONDAY?(c) At 11:46 P.M. for HAITI, per a a Prlna de Netherlander from Now'York. Mall for CAPE HAITI. PORT DE TAIX. CI RACAO. VENE ZUBLA. TIUMDAD. BRITISH and DUTCH GUI ANA muat be directed "Per a.a. Prlna de Ni''>i'r lacden." (c) At 11:45 P.M. for BRAZIL, per a a. Byron, from New York, via Pernamlmc'. B.bla, Rio Janeiro and Santos. Mall for NORTHERN BRAZIL, ARGENTINE. URUGUAY ami PARA GUAY must be directed "Per a.a. Byron. <c> At 11:45 P.M. for BARBADOS and NORTHERN BRA ZIL, per a.a. Grangenae. from New York, via 1 ara. Muranham find Ceara. _ vcu'pnrvn. IT' BSD AT?(c) At 11:45 P.M. for NEWFOUND LAND, per s.s. Sllrla. from New York. <c)At 11-46 P.M. for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per a.a Ad vnnce from New Yorlc, via Colon. Mall for GCATEMALA muat bo directed "Per a.a. Ad "wEDNESDAY?(cl At 11:45 P.M. for YUCATAN and CAMPF.CHE. per a.a. Vlgllanctii. from New York. Mall for other parta of MEXICO muat be directed "Per as. Vlgllancla." (??) At 11:45 l.M. fo* the BAHAMAS, per s.s. Saratoga, from New York. Mail for MEXICO, rla Tamplco, muat be directed "Per a.s. Saratoga." i^n-rn Till ItSDAY?(b) At 2:30 M for P^f? PLATA, per a s. Verona, from Boaton. <el At 11:45 P.M. for INAGUA. HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per s.s. Alone, from New York. Mail f?r other parta of COLOMBIA via Sa*anlUa. muat be directed "Per a.s. Alene. (c) At ll:4o P.M. for ?he PROVINCE of SANTIAGO. CUBA, per a.a Jaaon. from New Y?rk. Mall muat be directed "Per a.a Jaaon." (c) At 11:45 P.M. for YLt.A TAN and CAMPBCHE. per a.a. Daggry. from New YFRlDAY-<b) At 2:30 P.M. for BERMUDA, per steamer from Halifax. (c) At ^ ' PORTO RIOO. CURACAO and VENKZI hl.A. p*r a.a. Philadelphia, from New York. Mall for <y> LOMBIA. via Curacao, muat be directed let ss. Philadelphia." (c) At 11:45 P. M. for ARGEN TINE. f-RUGUAY and PARAGUAY per a.a. Cfnova. from New York, (c) At 11.45P.M. for Ft.RTI NE ISLAND. J A M AIOA C RF.YTfiW N and COLOMBIA, eicept Cauca and Magdalen. Depart ments. per a.a. Alleghany, from Ne?lork Mail for COSTA RICA muat be directed 1? 8 " Alie chnnv" (ci At 11:45 P.M. f..r ST. THOMAS ST. CROIX LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS. BRITISH. DUTCH AND FRENCH CHANA. pr a.a Parima. from New York. Mall for ORENA1 A end TRINIDAD must be dii-eetrd "Per a. s i jari ma " (el At 11:45 P.M. for GRENADA. THIN I DAD and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per a a. Grenada. f'cURA "MAILS el,me here at 3 P.M. Mondava. Wednesdays and Saturdays, via Port Tampa Via., and 10 P.M. on Thursdays, via New Orleana?-if MEXICO, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamers sailing from New ior<, here dally at 10:05 A.M. (f), and ^NEWFOUNDLAND, by rail to North Sydney and thence via steamer, close here daily except Sun days at 2:30 P.M. (b). and on Sundays at 11.-0 A.M.* (k). the connecting closes being on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. J VM AIC4 by rail to Roston and thence via steamer, close here Tuesdaya and Frldaya at -'30 rMiOUTEI.ON. by rail to Boston and thence via steamer close here dally. ??ept ISundaye at ..30 P.M. <b>. and on Sundays at 11.30 A.M. Ik) REI I7E PUBtTO CORTEZ and GU ATEM ALA, by rail to New Orleans and thence via .{earner, close here dally at 10:05 A.M. if) and 10 P.M. (h). the connecting cloaes t.elng on _Mnndays. 0">STA RICA, by rail to New Orleans and tb n e via atein'er. cloae here dally at ll':05 A-M <f) and 10 P.M. (h), the connecting cloaea being on Tu J rtaJ"' TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. CHINA JAPAN. HAWAII ar.d PIIIUPPINE IS I \NI?S via San Francisco, cloae here dally at C:30 P.M. up to July 4. for dispatch per s.s. KCHINA(.?JAPAN. HAWAII and PHILIPPINE IS TiWDS via San Francisco, close here daily at ?:.V) RM. up to July 9. for dispatch per * ?? ^HAWAI? via San Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 P.M. ud to July 11. for dispatch per s s. A,\rOTRALIA fexcept mafls for Wo?t Australia), PITT ISLANDS ind NEW CALEDONIA, via \ an wuver and Victoria. B. C.. cl,se here daily at .;30 P.M. up to July 16. f?r dispatch per s-8 ^PHIVA ind JAPAN' via Vanronver and Victoria. B C <d,?se here daily at 6-30 P.M. up to July 10. for dispatch per s.s. Empress of India dlse for the U. S. P.?tal Agency at SJiangh il. China, cannot be forwarded vli Canada vnSTR\LH (except mi.lls for West Australia). N^W ZEALAND NEW CALEDONIA. SAMOA. HAWAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via San Fran-i;co cl^e here daily at 6:30 P.M. up to July 23, for dNimtch T>er s.s Sonoma, (o) PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, clnse hire dally at 6:30 P.M. up to July 27. for dispatch I>TAHni 'and'>MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, cloae here dally at 6:30 P.M. up Auinist 4 for dlanatcb per a.s. Marlpoaa. (oi lS5m-M.lla for COCHIN CHINA are dis patched to N-w York. N. Y- for connection with KMX"?or mTn?HURIA and EASTERN SIBERIA e ^tTcrV;r?i0n.m^?Sr^Nder.,nanA^ 'via Russia, instead of via Japan theoanal rcrate. _ _ . Unless otherwise addressed. WET AUSTRALIA malls will he dispatched via Europe and those for VFW 7K\IjAND via San Franclaco. Cal. the quickeat routes. Malta for the PHILIPPINE IS Ifc\NDS, apeclally aildrenaed Y la Europe. < "Via Ccnada." most be preiiald at the foreign rnte of poatage. Malls for HAWAII are dispatched to Sar. Fronclaco. Cal.. exclualvely. REGISTERED MAll-S close at the MAIN OF FICE as follows: (a) At 6:30 P.M smme day: (b) at 1:45 P.M. same day: (c) at 9:45 P.YL ^ day; (d) at 5:30 A.M. same day; (el at 3:45 P M_ same day: (f) at 9:35 A.M. same day: (h> at 1.15 PM aame day: (k) at 8:45 P.M. prevloua day. (o) at 2:30 A.M same day. Jy2 JOHN A. MERRITT. Poalmast>r. PROPOSALS. OFFICK COMMISSIONERS OF TI1E DISTRICT of Columbia. Washington. June 29. 1904.?Sealed proposals will-be received at this office until 12 m. Saturday. July 9. 1904, for plumbing work iu the Bradley School. Foims. *i>ecIdeations and neees jiary Information may l>e obtained at this office. HENRY B. F. MACFAIILAND. HENRY L. WEST. JOHN BIDDLE. Commissioners. Jy2-0t MASSAGE. M A 3 8 A G K. SCOTT. The Shoreham. Ladles and Oentleoien. Je21-12t# PALMISTRY. HAVE YOUR HAND READ BY MME. RITA. THE world's greateat palmist and aatrologlat. now holding receptions at 723 9th at. n.w. Fee, 29c. and 50c- ap21-64t* STEAM CARPET CLEANING. THE AMMONIATED STEAM CARPET CLEANING and U. S. Metal Bed Co.?Carpets takeo up. cleand. stored and relafd. Mattresses made to or de/ and remade. Iron beds, springs, couches and divana. M. NEWMYER, .*S07 11th st.n.w. Rochdals ?Works. 1005 & 1007 28tb st. Tbone Main S04. Jel?28t*e EDUCATIONAL. IN WAIH1NOTOR. TEACHER OF PIANO AND ORGAN. 2156 L ST. N.W. Special rate, to beginners. Circulars. JyS-2t* THE COLUMBIA KINDEROARTEN TRAINING School 1011 New Hampablre avenue. Waking ton D. C.. opens 8th rear Oct. 5, 1904. jyl-tf Mlaaes LTPPINCOTT and BAKER. FRENCH LANGUAGE SCHOOL. MLLE. V. PRUD HOMME baa lesaed 301 D et. n.w.; good room, and board, wbere a few atudenta can have French spoken at tabta. Summer term. je2#-tf,4 SUMMER TERM. College - Preparatory and Grades. Best native teacher. French, German. Spanish. Teachers of I Attn. Greek, Math., English hranchea, college-bred experienced, thorough. Principal has had 11 yearV engagement (Latin and Math.) CentrsI High School. Sessions throughout year, morning, late afternoon and evening. Day and boarding depta. Catalogues. - F. M. HALL. A.M.. , ? Principal HaU-Noyea School. ?14 Si E at. n.w. HE DRILLERY. <100 NBW YORK AVENC*. Shorthand, Typewriting, book keeping. Telegraphy, Business and Civil Service Preparations. Seaalons dally. ? a.m. to B p m. No summer vacation. myl4-a,m,w,tf French-Spanish-Oerman BERLITZ SCHOOL. PKIN.. A. GONABD. 7ZS 14TH nr. OPBK ALL SUMMER. Jel-tf-4 ^AyMaLAXGUAQE SCTOOU^^ ^ SESaaTsSS: Mil fees. N. T. an Prof. JOSE da ap!4-tf-? LOAJT COMPANIES. Going Away? ORROW the extra money you'll need from Horning on Dla monda. Watches, Jewelry or Household _ /r>^d Oooda In ator- J? U a?e. Strictly VdJj confidential. Interest at f\M Money loaned salaried people. HORNING, Jy4-14d MONEY Loans from $5 to tOO on fnrnltare, plim. borses, wagons, Ac.. wtthoet remorsl. at rate* lower than the lowest. No recording. No toiatrtn o ids of friends or ?tnplo/rr. No publicity. Esst mi term* and loafeet time. Tbe cheapest place la the city. Mutua' Loan and Trust Co., 918 F St. N.VV. Rooms 12 and 13. Ea<y stairway or elevator to secvad door. J??-tf 20 Money Loaned Salaried People And others wltbmit aerorlty; essy psymTits. Lsrg. est business la 48 principal cities. TOI?\lAV, <x 28 If B Boom 101 833 18lh st. n w PRIVATE party Will make loans on furniture, pianos, etc., without removal, at short notice. Addrcs9 Room 24, Atlantic Bldg., And Man Will Call. spSO-tf-tO Left $ 110,000. A prominent Washington man who bat Just gone abroad baa left with ua tba abort amount to be loaned to need/ people om furniture, pianos, Ac., at a very low rat*. Representative will call. Addrcaa P. O. Box M. mj2 tf 20 I OAN8 mart# on rurnlture. piano*. Ac., without removal. Do not beaitate If you want money, aa you can make your own tcrrna, aud we make no lnqulriee among your nelghbora, friends or employer, lour transactlona with ua are not pub llahed. Everything atrlctly contkleo tlal. If you waut to save mouey time aud worry?SEE US. Washington Mortgage Loan Co., 610 F St. N. W. JaSltf-20 Us. HONEY For everybody af ratea lower than the loweat. Don't be deceived; come to us aud luvestlgat*. Btialness atrlctly confidential. No one knows of your transacflona with ua. We lend on furniture, planoa or salary. If yog hare a loan now any where and need more money, come to ua. Noth ing deducted from loan. You get full amount. Ex tensions In case of slckneea without extra charge. Metropolitan Loan and Trust Co., 505 E St. N.W. fe?-tf 20 LOANS ON Pt'RVITtltl. MAY nE OBTAINED FROM TOE COLUMBIA GIARANTEB CO.. 613 F St. N.W. Absolutely No De'ay. LOANS TAKBN CP iEOM OTHKH COMPANIES. feft tf A LOAN OF $S0T On Furniture or Fiano Will Cost Can you afford to pay the high ratoe charged by other companies, when you can get money from aa at this small charge? You can carry the loan aa long as you like, ami there is no other ex|>eiise. No fake charges for papers, commissions. recording, Ac. No publicity, red tape or delay. Any amouut from $10 upward. THE ONLY INDEPENDENT COMPANY. National Loan and Investment Co., N.E. cor. 15th aud O ata., 4th floor, opp. Treaaury. fe2-tf.24 LOAM Of $10 or upward on futnltnre. planna. aalary aa slgnment. etc.. at the lowest ratea of any com pany In the city. No recording. No publicity. Private rooms on the second floor. Every payment on loan reduces interest Loans with other com {>anlea paid off and mon money advanced at ? ower rate. No expense to make loan. Surety Loan Company, Room 1. Warder Building. 9th and F n.w. Jafc-tf .20 DENTISTRY. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES; NO EXTRACTING: no pain; feel, act *ni last longer than natural teeth. Shrunken faeea made c?>rmal. Palnleaa filling. Dr. J. L. WILSON. 1203 F at. m.w. Ja22-186f FOR PERMANENT ORGANIZATION. Committee Appointed by tlie Old Boys' Fremont and Lincoln Club. A largely attended meeting of the Old Boys' Fremont and Lincoln Republican Club was held last Saturday evening In the parlors of the Rlggs House. Mr. Eilgar M. Marble, chairman pro. tern., presided, and Mr. William S. Odell acted as secre tary. The membership of the club Is oi*n to all persons who voted for Hale In WiS or Fremont In 1858, or Lincoln In 18*10. or Lincoln In 1804. The object of the organi zation Is to assist In tlie perpetuation of the principles of the republican party, and to use all lawful means to assist in the election of a republican President next fall and thereafter. The original members will probably be known as "ancestors," ind their sons and daughters as "descendants" of the Old Boys. The particular purpose of the gathering Saturday evening was to take ste|>? to make permanent the organisation. which Is now temporary. A committee was ap pointed to nominate permanent officers. The committee, which wiU report at a future meeting of the club to be called by the chairman pro. tern., consists of Dr. Robert Reyburn, chairman, and Messrs. Theodore L. De Land. George W. Hon"y. William S. Odell and E. M. Marble. It Is understood that the plans to perfect a national organisation will mature about the 15th Instant. At the meeting Saturday It was an nounced that the "Old Boys" would be the guests of honor at the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of the republican party, In the National Rifles' Armory, the (Jth Instant. Mr. Marble and Mr. Simon Wolf, members of the Old Boys, will deliver addresses on that occasion. Among the letters read at the meeting Saturday was one from Mr. Wolf, who stated that he was proud of the recogni tion accorded him by the placing of hJs name on the roster of the organisation. He added that he should take great pleas ure In doing whatever -Is In his power lo show that he is alive to the Issue that confronts the country. Mr. John A. Kasson, after regretting his Inability to attend the meeting, wrote: "I was a very young delegate to the "Free Soil' convention at Buffalo, 1848, as well as delegate to the great convention at Chi cago. I860, and, therefore, beat the old Boys by a length." % ? a i On Practice March. Company K, 2d Regiment, the T. M. C. A. organisation of tbe National Guard of the District of Columbia, Is indulging in a practice march today to Bull Ruar Va. Tbe company left here Saturday evening, marched to the south end of the Aqueduct bridge, and there took electric can to Ounn Lorlng Prom the Utter place the Stardsmen marched to Fairfax Court ouse. where they remained Saturday night The command VU1 return this even ing.