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THE EVENING STAB. PUBLISHED DAILY. EXCEPT 8TJNDAT. ?uinMa Ofiee. 11th St-wt tad PlBujirulft A' The Evening Star Newipaptr Company. B. B tACFTMAKN Frwldmt. Vev York OiSee: Tribnna Building. Chicago Ofioe : Tribune BuOdlftg. Tbe Rrrnln* Star 1Is serred to snbtrrlbert Id tbt city by carriers, on their own account, at 10 cent? per week, or 44 rents per month. Copies at th? counter. 2 rents each. By mail?anywhere In tbe U. B. or Canada?postage prepaid?60 rents per montfc. Saturday Star, 32 pagea. $1 per year; with for eign postage added. ?3 60. lEfit^red at the Post Office at Washington, D. t| %m iifcond olrnw mall matter.) %^T All mall subscriptions mnst be psld in adTlMfk Part 2. WASHINGTON, fat Pages 17=20, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1904-TWENTY PAGES. Summer Resort Information Bureau. Booklets at The Star Office. Hundreds of Summer Hotels have booklets at The Star Office, which may be had free by calling at the business office counter. SUMMER RESORTS. MCW JERSEY. Atlantic City. THE AUTAKILLE, Ocean end Tennessee Ave. Electric bells. homelike and ccmfortable. $8 up vw-eklv. Booklet. Open all jear. MARION E. lll/Ml'TON, SAP AH II. Fl'LLOM. jj ^ 28i \ HA MILTON H \LL OF ('IIEI PEA, ATLANTIC <"Ity, N. J. Directly on the beach overlooking the sea. New Management. Ocean view from every room. 100 rooms and 25 private batlis. $10 per week and upward. Excellent table. Send for booklet. SAMIEL C. KIM'. Manager. jyS-26t Hotel"new england, Ocean end South Carolina Ave. Very convenient to Boardwalk. IMers and all ar. usements. Boo ins en suite with private baths. Elevator from street. Booklet on application. mhO-lHO, 10 BUY AN & WILLIAMS. THE HOWARD, T*>nnepfe<* are., near beach. Gc??d table; largo {torches and lawc; to $12 weekly. E. Y. DeDAN. Jelfl 20t-tf-4 HOTEL SHQREHAM, Ocean End Virginia Ave. Special rates for July. $12 .10. $15. $17.50. Capacity. 300. Open on all sides; excellent view from each room: elevator to str^t; private baths; telephone In rooms. Table and service the l?est. Booklet. Inquire II. Ralph Burton. 133tl N.Y. are. n.w. W. B. COTTEN, Prop. Je2?-20t,8 TOE SAN MARCOS. Near Beach. Pacific and Massachusetts aves. Ill^h class family hotel. Capadtj, 800. Will make spe cial rates. $7 tc? $10 up weekly. $1.50 up dally, for j large, cool <?cean view rooms and unsurpassed ta bu* Elevator, rmtiiM and every convenience. Ex tensive porches, lawns and balconies overlooking <?cean. Ueliglitfullv situated, near ail attractions. Booklet. Sat. to Mon . $3. W. F. WATTS. Je27-2tlt 10 WE A Hi: THE A l THORIZED REBRESENTA Atlantic City Hotels And can give you information. looklets. quote rates and reserve you rooms in advance, absolutely with out charge. 1330 N. Y. avc.. TRAVELERS' EXCHANGE. 'Phone Main 1228. II. RALPH BURTON, Mgr. J.v7-3t*10 UoTKL ClIAMl'LAINE. MODERN. HIGH-CLASS. Grand location. Kentucky ave. near beach. Beau- I tiful ocean rooms. I'nexcelled cuisine. Elevator; 1 baths; 'phones; cafe. Capacity. 300. Liberally ( managed, 'iooaiet. Special. $10 to $18 weekly; $2 to $3 daily. A. C. EKHOLM. je28-20t.0 HOTEL RICHMOND, Ocean Front Kentucky Ave. Elevator, baths, etc. Special rates. C. II PEASE. Mgr. J. I>. PEASE. Jy0-52t-0 MILLER COTTAQE, P to 15 N. Georgia ave. Table a special feature. Electric lights. Rates, $1.25 daily; $7 &. $8 weekly. Je4 52t 4 THE "ALBEMARLE, Virginia ave. near Bench and Piers. This elegant, m<'<icrn hotel, new throughout, capacity 4<x?. ofTers reduced terms of $K $10. $12.50 weekly,$2 dally. for very superior accommodations. including over 100 large, cool front all metal beds, and excel lent table and service; elevators, private baths, ?phones. &o.; 4,000 ft. of porches. B?M>klet. "q'alen hall, Atlantl Cltv. N. J. IIOTIX AND SANATORH'M. New buildings, with every comfort; elevators, It*if solarium and three sun pirlors. A complete bath department, giving electrical, Nnuhelm. Roman hydrlatic. using sea water, for ladles and gentlemen. Trained operators only. For t?M>klet se?? Mr. Foster. apS-1011 12 F I YOl NO, General Manager. Green's European Hotel. Boardwalk and Ocean Ave . Atlantic City, N. J. Fireproof. 75 private sea-water bath rooms. Artesian well. Flemish cafe. Club breakfast. Table d'hote Dinner. Ocean view every room. Rates $1.50 per day and up. Capacity 400. White service. Booklet. GREEN A FLYNN. Props. lt'Oal Hungarian Band. Jy4 2flt 10 HOTEL R1DOLF. C>n the beach front. Open all year. American and European plans, not and cold sea water baths en suite with rooms. Orchestra. <jy4 tf> C R. MYERS. THE WESTMINSTER, Kentucky ave. near Roach. Elevator from street. Hatha. Send fur booklet. CI1AS. BUHUE. ]e2-52t ? HoteJ Brad dock ? Ave. Select family hotel. Elevator to street level. Moderate terms. Fatlsfaction guaranteed. W. I. BRADDOCK. )e2-52t -4 HOTEL FRANCIS, ' fU. Michigan ave., near beach; tlr*t class house; $8 bj? weakly. Booklet. Mrs. A. OOOGAN. jy2-26t-4 HotelOsborne^sr^l^'1 Good table. Elevator. Rates. $1 50 and up per1 day. $s ami up per week. R- J- OSBORNE. BERKSHIRE INN, Ocean Virginia ate., Atlantic City. Special rates. June und July?$2 to dally; ?8, 10 anil $13 weekly, for large, cool rooma. Japaclty. 800. Cnohstructed view; excellent tahle and service. Klevator; large porches; private hatha, ?tc. Booklet. J. O. & J. E. DICKINSON. J.14018 C Cleaver House, Tennessee ave. . near ttcach. Remodeled. refurnished. $1.50 day up; $H week i.p. Jy 1-261-4 Mrs. C. LEIBFRIEI). NEW MANAGEMENT. HOTEL SHELBURNE ATLANTIC CITY. Directly on the beach. Thoroughly modern. Ca pacity, ?00. Jj 1-261.7 J NO C. GOSSLER. Propr. Auditorium Hotel,^veVn end"'1 Center of all attraction*. Cap WV Elevator. Pri vate hatha. Popular ratea. AUSTIN & SWAIM. Je27 26t 4 THE Altl.INGTO.N. Michigan are. and lleacb. Capacity S00. Spe cial ratea. ?10 to *10 per week. Open all year. Booklet. aplS-TSt-3 I>. K. KTNZ. Owner and Prop. HOTEL SEABRIGHT. Rhode I .land ave. aeccnd Ik wte from t?ach. Most ilatlmble location: excellent tulalue; open sinloondtuga. Special June ratea. Jell-2flt O. C. MII.I.ER. CHeTseX ARTESIAN WEIX. 800 feet deep. Abaolutelr pure. I'aed for all purposes at tha HOTEL CHELSEA 900 Ocean View room*. 100 private baths. Thirty mloatea to Golf Course by trolley three ?wiarea from hot.L J. B. THOMPSON k CO. Jail Wt.16 ^ Bclle J.^Un'oBLOOD,' MU W*SeW.fer^a Hotel!* IrtllM SUMMER RESORTS. NEW JERSEY. Atlantic City. THE QRHOLE, 2120 Pacific ave. Terms, $1.25 to $1.50 per day; $7 to $8 i>er week. Mrs. C. T. BL'ZBY of Balto., Prop. je2ft 52t THE CLIFTON, for. Connecticut & Atlantic aves. All conveniences; newly renovated. $1.25 to $2 per day. $7 to $12 weekly. Family bouse with borne comforts. Booklet. C. A. SHAW. je25-52t-4 n WHOLE BLOCK BEACH FRONT. 400 Rooms?ATLANTIC CITY?200 with Bath. Thoroughly rebuilt, refurnished, reopened and complete. Hydrotherapy Baths. Swimming Pools. Rates reduced, $2.50 dally, $12 to $15 and up weekly. Automobile. Booklet. Orchestra. A. C. MITCHELL & CO. MID kwxm Under new liberal management. Virginia are. nnd Beach. Capacity 000. Hot and Cold Sea-water Baths. Improved cuisine and service. Fine Cafe. Musical Concerts. 'Phones In bed rooms. Rates, $2.50 and up daily, $15 up weekly. American plan. Coaches meet trains. Photo. Booklet. my 11 -78r-:iU A. C. MITCHELL & CO. The St.Clharlles Directly on the Ocean Front. Remains open throughout the year. Bell telephones In rooms. High-class music. Sea water In all baths. Golf privileges. For booklets and Information ask Mr. Foster. 1333 Pa. ave. n?h30-104t-10 NEWLIN HAINES. H A M A 2110 Pacific ave. Capacity 11 20n. Accommodation com nlete: one block from P. & R. Sta.; 3 mln. walk to beach; indlv. table sevlce, $1.25 to $1.50 per day, $7 to $10 per week. L. E. REDIKER BROWNE. Je2S-52t 5 TBI It: BERKELEY, Kentucky ave., near Beach. The hotel for comfort. Excellent cuisine. Capacity 250. $10 up weekly. Booklet mailed. W. A. ARMSTRONG. f?'2tM30t,5 Hotel ESberon, Tenn. ave. near Beach. Opposite Catholic Church. New metal beds. Windows screened. Central location. White service. $S to $15 weekly. Jc27-2<it-0 R. B. LUDY, M.D. HOTEL G LEND ALE, ?t. James Place and Beach. Rooms en suite, with bath. Elevator from street level. $10 per week and upward. Open all year. Write for booklet. L. F. BURGH. je!5-26t.5 The Owe flop, BOARDWALK AND OCEAN AVENUE. European plan. Rooms en suite, with private baths. Ocean view from every room. Restaurant of superior excellence. Sea foods a specialty. J? 22 20t,10 R. T. DUNLOP. NEW BELMONT. Open always. Fire-proof brick. Ocean end Vir ginia ave. Elevator. Private baths. Long-distance ?phones in rooms. Excellent table. Booklet. Je21-20t.6 W. J. WARRINGTON. THE MARYLAND, New York ave. Ocean end. Capac. If0. Large rooms; fine cuisine. Mod. rate?. Jel8-20t R. M. SWA1.M, Owner. Till: KVARD. KENTUCKY AVE.. FIRST" HOUSE from beach?Full ocoan view; renovated; refur nished; $S up weeklv. Jt 17 26t 4 FAIRBANKS A MACKENTHUM. AVON INN, VIRGINIA AVE. NEAR BEACH. Elevate r to street level. EVERY COMFORT. Mrs. GEO. D. REEVE. Je13 26t.5 HOTEL WOLCOTT, OCEAN FRONT VERMONT AVE. Absolutely FIREPROOF and elegantly equipped; piazza connected with ocean promenade by a pri vate approach. Dining room overlooking ocean. Bell 'phones and running water in rooms. 50 suites with private baths. Booklet on request. GEO. II. CORYELL, Owuer and Proprietor. rg30-78t,10 hotel oennbs, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Beautiful sunshine; golf course In superb condition. Every known resort attraction and convenience for summer months. The Dennis, directly facing the ocean and famous boardwulk. Is liberally appointed and conducted. Hot and cold sea water In private baths. For detailed Information see Foster & Reynolds, 1C33 Pa ave. apl5 78t-15 WALTER J. BUZBY. '9 NEW JERSEY AVE. AND BEACH. Hotel Yarmouth, ON THE BEACH FRONT AT BELMONT AVE. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Both of these newly built, modern and beauti fully equipped hotels, with excellent ocean view, contain elevators, private baths and every modem luxury. They are personally conducted by the manager of the famous Hotel Rittenhouse, Phila delphia. Special season rates for families. Write for terms and Illustrated booklets. ALFRED WYMAX, Manager. J el 1-261.20 HOTEL STICK NET, VIRGINIA AVE., SECOND house from betcb, Atlantic City, N. J. 1 minute from Steel Pier. $10 per week and up; $2 to $3 daily. I>?ug distance 'phone 835 A. jeltt 2f>t,5 L. V. BT1CKNEY. THE CHETWOODE, Pacific and Illinois aves. Private baths. Special rates. ap7-104t-5 Mrs. P. A. DEMP8BY. ~ THE FRONTENAC, Ocean end Kentucky ave., 100 yards from beach. Special term*, $8 up weekly. fl.60 op dally, for larae ocean rooms and superior table. Elevator. bat (is, 'phones, etc. Capacity 250. Booklet. Sat urday I, Mouduy, $3. Mrs. U. X. MOVER. uiyl2-52t.T HOTEL LAWRENCE, Occan end of Maryland Are. New, modern 80-roora hotel, 2 minutes from Ituordualk, finest bathing anil Steel Pier. Every Comfort and convenience. Good table and service. Managed by owner. Mr?. 1. O. Kendrlck. 12 TO I'ER DAY. *10 TO $18 I'EU WEEK. je2 TSt 9 HOTEL RALKIGn?Ocean end St. Charles place; capacity, 400; modern; service and cuisine first class; elevator to. itreet level; private bath*; rooms en suite; electric 'bus meets trains; booklet. ap23 78t 0 O. O. 8H1NN. XHK VERMONT. VERMONT AVE. NEAR BEACH. OPENS JUNE IS. Ocean view. Special rate* for Juue. Large, airy rooms; wide, comfortaale porches; opeu surroundings. Booklet. fclOiMta M. K. OKI PER. T11E WAVERLT. OHIO AVE. NEAR BBACU-? Open all year. Capacity, >00; f8 up weekly. Excellent table. Every appointment. iel-Ut-4 Mrs. A. N. TAY10B. New York Hotel, SUMMER RESORTS. NEW JERSEY. Atlaatlc City. NEW FIREPROOF RIO GRANDE, Nfw Tork are., overlooking ocean pier. Conceded to be Atlantic City's moat modern hotel; elevator; running water In rooma; bath*; cafe; 911.00 per wk. and upward. Booklet. The proprietor'! ocean-going power yacht, Rio Qrande, tree to gneata. J. PAUL K1 LP AT RICK. (e3t>lMt-10 HOTEL IROQUOIS, Booth Carolina a retmm and Beach. Bu wdocfd ltc rates for June to (10. IIS, S16, $17ft0 weekly. Saturday to Monday. $4. Capacity, 400. Ltrgr, rool, elerantly fnrnlsfcea rooms. Pri vate hatha. 'Phones in rooms. Elevator to street. Elegant porches, with ocean view. Excellent table and service. Booklet mailed. fel2-180t-10 W. F. SHAW. THE SAVOY, Directly on the Beach. Running water In all rooms. Rooma en suits, with artesian and salt water baths. Booklet mailed. S. M. OAKLEY. fe25 130t-10 LA FONTABNE, Kentucky are. near Bench. Refined, homelike, excellent table; $8 to $12 weekly. R. B. PARKER. my2&-62t,4 HOTEL PONCB DE LEON. Virginia are., 2d bouse from Beach. Capacity. 360. Cuisine unexcelled. Special rates. op20-78t.4 8. E. SWEENEY. Owner & Prop. MftlTIPI! Ocean End Maryand are. Admirably attuated. IMPERIAL M<&?.!t,u5& Atlantlc City, N. J. W. CHANDLER STEWART. fel-lSat-B A'i'Ttt ACT1VE IN SIZE. LOCATION AND EQUIP MENT. HOTEL 2SLESWORTH. Directly on beach, at Virginia a we. Hot and cold salt water In all baths. 'Phones In bed rooms. Special inducements made as to rates for June, the most delightful month at the seashore. ja27-lB6t.1Q OSBORNE & PAINTER. HOTEL BREXTON, So. Michigan are. near beach. New electric ele vator. $2 and $2.50 per day, $8 to $15 per week up. Booklet. J. A. MYERS. my!7-78t,B HOTEL CLARENDON, JESftftSF Newly Improved; large piazza; spacious rooms en suite, with tiled baths; telephones, elevator, etc. Booklets mailed. M. D. NEIMAN, Prop. my21-32t.5 hotel Jackson; ' Atlantic City. On the beach, Virginia ave. and Steel Pier; central and delightful location; 200 octan rooms; hotel is fireproof, built of brick, stone and steel. Special rates. American plan; $10, $12.W). $15 weekly. Orchestra. Literature mailed. apl5-78t-8 JOHN CRUSE. Hotel Pitney, ^',7 Cuisine first-class. Prices, $8 to $15. Baths. *Bus meets trains. (Jel5-26t-4) S. C. ItEAD. HOTEL MAJESTIC, Virginia ave. and Beach. Thoroughly modern. Rates, $10 and upward. Write Tor booklet. SAMUEL ELLIS, Prop. tnhl0-130t.5 CUD \ZIPOQUrblP ?cean end 80 Carolina OulL* V iCrilxOU ?> ILif ave., between the Piers. Table and service unsurpassed. Large, airy rooms. Special June rates,$7 to $10 per w'k. A. II. HURFF. Je8-52t,4 HOTEL GLADSTONE, Directly on the Beach, with unobstructed Ocean view. $2.50 per (lay and up. Saturday to Monday, $6, Including sea-water bath. Je9-26t-8 N. J. COLLINS. Anbury Park. HOTEL BRUNSWICK, ASBI7RY PARK. N. J. NOW OPEN. The leading hotel In erery respect. Directly on tbe bench. Noted for Ita high standard of excellence. Booklet. my21-tf-10 MORGAN A PARSONS. OCEAN HOTEL, ASRURY PARK. N. J. Largest and Lending Hotel. Je25-26t-5 GEO. L. ATKINS' SONS. a Facing Ocean, Esplanade and new Casino. Capacity 400. FRANK L. TEN BROECK. Prop. jel3 26t-5 Beach Haven. MOTEL BALDWIN 11 11 NOW OPEN. Tnder management of owner. ESTATE OF CHAS. T. FARRY. The largest and most modern hotel In Beach Haven. Rooms with private baths, electric lghts, best service. Artesian w>ll, absolutely pure water. Send for booklet. Beach Haven la unequaled for flfcalng, sailing and bathing. mylC 52t,10 Cape May. THE ALDI.NE, CAPE MAY. N. J. DECATUR atreet near beach. Large, airy rooms. Cuisine the Long Distance 'Phone 45. Jy4-26t THEODORE MUELLER. THE STOCKTON. OPENS JUNE 13. For information and rates call or write Normandle Hotel, city. my28-G8t-8 H. M. CAKE. Prop. THE BREXTON. Now open. New management. Booklets. mj30-62t,4 J. C. F. SPRINGER. SHotd Lsifsiycttc cape may. n.j. Directly on Beach Front. All modern Improvements. Special rates for July. Je20-tf 5 JOUN TRACY & CO. CONGRESS IIALL, Cape May, N. J. Only brick hotel here. On edge of ocean. Or chestra. Special rates for July. The Windsor. Private baths; rooms en suite. Jy4-2flt Cape May Point. THK SHOREHAM. ON THE BEACH. NEW and experienced management. Special attention to table. Music. Bath houses free. Special rates for June. ALBERT R. HAND. Jel7-f,m,w,13t,4 Til 15 CARLTON. New management. Newly fitted up. Directly on Beach. Accommodating 300. Orchestra. $7 to $12 weekly. (Jell&Jel5-52t-4) L. MADDOCK. Ocean Grove. Sea Sfide Hotel. The largest and leading hotel on the ocean front. All guest rooms overlooking the ocean. Booklet. le8-39t-C A. II. STOCKTON. Prop. Sprlsg Lake Beach. Wil burton-by-the-Sea. DIrrc 'y on ocean. Now open. Elevator. Jel-52*.4 A. C. & S. H. LETCHWORTH. CONNECTICUT. New London, Conn. Famous Pequot House *4.60 DAILY. $17.BO CP WEEKLY. 22 COTTAGES. OPEN JUNE 15. Full hotel service; no housekeeping cares: 8 to 12 rooma each; $300 to $1,000 for season. Table, $15.00 weekly. HARVARD YALE 'Varsity Race June 30. New York Yacht Club Rendeavous. Aug, 13-14-10. W. H. IIAOKR, Proprietor. my21-s tb.f.20t,14 DELAWARE HOTEL HKNLOPKN, REHOBOTH, DEL., WILL be open for guests Juno 10. Correspondence so licited. W. O. LOFLAND, Proprietor. Proprietor of Douglass for 10 years past myll-82t-4 MAINS. FURNISHED COTTAGES FOR RENT ON THE ilalne coaat, $00 to $150 for the season. Board at Dining Hall, $0.00 per week. Purs artesian well water; deep sea and shore Ashing; sailing, beautiful drives: dally steamers. Call or write for booklet. HILTON TIB BUTTS, 606 F at., Jell-aat.8 Representing Castle View Cottages. MARYLAND. RIVER SPRINGS. ON THE rOTOMAO, OPEN Jaae 15- Hotel and cottages; Baa nsfi; SUMMER RISORTS. MARYLAND. OCEAN CITY, MD. ' The Plimhimmon Hotel. Open June 4. Sltanted directly on Ocean Front. Superb bathing; bSth liouse connected with hotel. Fishing and failing to the bay. Excellent cuisine and Herrice. Spring -Water serred at table and rooms. Ball room, billiards. pool and bowling alleys. Write for booklet a?d address. Je9-52t.l0 ' R. T. SIIKEVK. THE COLONIAL HOTEL. SPLENDID SITUA tion, on the frost. Spacious verandas; distilled drinking water. Excellent table acnrlce. Rates. tZ per day. Addreaa Mrs. B. SCARBOROUGH, Proprietress. Ocean City, Md. Jy5-2flt* HOTEL ST. GEORGE, ST. GEORGE ISLAND, MD. Opens July 11. Boating. Batblng and Fishing. Excellent table. Terms moderate. Take Wee in a Line steamers. Jy2 20t* HOBBS *. CHESSER. HOTEL BOHNGLY, QUEENSTOWN, MD.?UNDER new management. Terms moderate. Accommo dations flrst-class hi every particular. Fishing and tint hi up. Magnificent shade. M. E. DAVIDSON. Je30-aet* Brighton Hotel, OCEAN CITY. MD. Trice, J7 to $1# per week. Dinners, SO cents. Sanltarv arrangement!. R. C. QU1LLIN. Je25-2?t*-4 SWANK'S HOTEL, riNF.Y POINT. All'. Now open. Good Bathing, Fishing, Crabbing and Sailing. Music and Dancing. I'ost office in the hotel. ITnlly mails from Wasli.,. I). C. Rates reasonable. Take Weems Line steamers. For further particulars apply to J. T. SWANN, I'rop., Plney Point. Md. ]e25 to au25 fi CarroHI SprimgsSaniitariuinri FOR INVALIDS AND CONVALESCENTS. Forest Glen. Md. Open all the year. Uaths, elec tricity, aun parlor, corired veranda*, hot-water Heat, open Area. Pure spring water piped through the buildings. Its convenience to Washington especially recommends It. Send for Illustrated booklet. _ Jy8-tf-10 Addresa G. H. WRIGHT. M.P. THE BREAKERS^ Directly on tlie Beach, Ocean City, Md. Large, airy rooms; sanitary plumbing, Mlaa NEWTON. Je6-52t* POTOMAC BEACH HOTEL. NEAR ST. GEORGE Island. Plney Point P. O., Md.?Now open for cummer boarders or transient boarders all the J ear; boating, bathing, lisMng, &c. Music and accing. Good table. Mxa. M. A. GRAVES, Prop. Jel7-26t B THE DENNIS. Good table. Low rate?. Twelfth Reason. Same management. Mrs. R. J. DENNIS, Ocean City, Md. Je22-lo?.-4 ___ " POTOMAC I10TEL. St. George's Island, Md., Orens July 1st; boating, bathing and fishing: mnslc and dancing; excellent table; rates moderate; take steamers of Weems Line, which touch at the Island wharf. See Evening Star for sailing hour. Hand some new pavilion. ADAMS BROS. Je20-43t* CHESAPEAKE BEACH. HOTEL BELVEDERE. Best equipped Hotel on Bay. Large, airy rooms. All city accommodations. JelS-2Gt* IDLKWHILK, IN THE HEART OF MARYLAND.? | Select boarding; reasonable rates; best location. Bathing, fishi'.g. sailing. Write for booklet. A II SCPLEE, Better-ton. Md. JeI-52t-4 NEW HAMPSHIRE!. AND COTTAGES. WniTE MOUNTAINS. JEFFERSON. N. H. A. J. MURPIIY, Manager. NOW OPEN. Accommodations for SOO guests. Select patron age. Superb golf links. Winter hotel, Laurel House. Lake wood. N. J. my23-52t,10 NEW YORK. ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS. ORLEY'S In the heart of the Adirondack*. Two large hotels and cottages overlooking two of the most beautiful lakes in the region. Excellent trout fishing, bcwlidg, boating, bathing, music, GOLF, tenn's; sanitary plumbing. No pulmonary Invalids. Absolutely pure*?prlDg water. Moderate rates. Reduction In Juue^aud September. No He brew patronage. Send for artistic catalogue. MOR LEY'S. on Lake Pleasant, Hamilton county. New j York. 14 PENNSYLVANIA. Hotel Chalybeate, BE^ORD Finely located and fnmlsbed. Brick buildings. Electric light in each room and on the grounds. Screen doors and windows. Cool nights. Rates moderate. G?0. U. DAULER, Jr.. Prop. niy21-r.2t,6 BEDFORD. PA. IDEAL SUMMER HOTEL. Spacious. shady grounds. Cuisine excellent. Fresh vegetables from farm. Fine mineral waters. Book lets. <JelS20t-7) ALS1P & SMITH. THE ESSICK, ESSICK H BIGHTS. PA.?ALTI tude 2,500 feet: finest location In tlio Alleghenles; excellent cuisine; casino, golf, orchestra; book lets. Terms reasonable. H. M. ESSICK, M.D. my25-78t*-4 - The Kittatiminiy DELAWARE WATER GAP, PA. The paradise of America. Oi>en until November 1. More than $7.r,,000 expended in improvements and furnishings; elevator, electric lights, private baths, boating and fishing, grand walks and drives, livery attached, golf, tennis, amusement ball, orchestra. Write 'or special June and July rates and booklet, beautifully illustrated. Capacity 400. Coaches at all trains. CHARLES E. COPE. je9-2ttt-14 Formerly of Atlantic City. RHODE ISLAND. Tlhe Oladstomie NARRAGANSETT PIER, R. I. Opens June 25. Overlooking ocean. Four acres ! shaded lawns. Rooms single or en suite. Private i baths. All modern improvements. Orchestra, Gre cian Gardens. American or European plan. Su perior cuisine. Select patronage. All water used from the famous Gladstone spring. Je27-26t-14 EDGAR B. MOORB. PROP. Sprang House, Block Isiland HAS BEST LOCATION ON THE ISLAND. As perfectly recuperating as life on shipboard. Pioneer Hotel on the Island; twenty acres of beau tJful lawn; good fishing, boating and driving; ex cellent bathing. Two concerts dally. Owns the celebrated Mineral Springs which first attracted visitors to the island. Jel0-26t-10 B. B MITCHELL. Proprietor. VIRGINIA. ira? And Summer Homes to High Altltudea on Chesapeake & Ohio WORLD'S FAI* SCEXIO ROOTB. Virginia Hot Springs, Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, Warm $prings, , BOCK BRIDGE ALDM BPBIKGS, OLD SWEET SPRINGS, SWEET CHALTBKATE 8ERLN OS,. NATURAL BRIDGE, RED SUU'HUB SPRINGS. SALT SGLPHUR SPRINGS, THE ALLEGHENY SANITARIUM AND REST RESORT. GOSHEN. VA.. ETO. STOPOVER PRIVILEGES ON WORD'? FAIB AND THROUGH TICKETS. Low-rate excursion ticket* to Bt. Louis on sal* at resort atatlona dar ing expoaltlon season. .. . Veatlbuled, electric-lighted dining, pallor and sleeping-car tratna leave Waahlngton 2:80 p.m. and 11:10 p.m. dally, reaching resort atatlona la from > t. 8 hoar*. ? Excuralon Ticket*, Pamphlet* and Summer Domes Folders and Information relative to stoporeia at ticket offices, 60B 14th at, and S13 Pa. are. H. W. FULLER. Gebaral Paasenger Agent. Je2-tf ? Waahlngton. D. O. CROWN' OASTLH, MRS. L??a ift^?^L. Mgr. Neat to the largest and the moot styllj* snd Im posing house on the bench. Accommodation* un surpassed. Board, per Mk, to |10. Board, per day |1.5Qt ly8-2t* Mrs. COVINGTON. Proprietress. THE BUCKINGHAM, COLONIAL BEACH. VA. |j?r a?.B. Cool. *Mr house' Brat class In SUMMER RESORTS. VIRGINIA. STONY MAN CAMP, SKYLAND, PAGE COUNTY, VA. ?No mosquitoes. ?No flies ? THE RUSTIC GEM OP THE BLUE RIDGE. The former patrons of the Camp will he (dad to bear that new cottages are lieing erected tbl* spring, and Increased accommodation afforded. Those who hare not visited Skyland should send ."im, ,most unique resort In America. Altitude 4,028 feet?moat elevated this side of tbe Rocky mountains. 20 RUSTIC COTTAGES. ?-nv>rKxVf'?.'IN1Nr' "ALL AND PAVILION. WONDER! UL MOUNTAIN SCENERY ,.2"0 WASHINGTON REFERENCES. ALL THE PLEASURES OF CAMP LIKE. WITH NONE OF ITS INCONVENIENCES. Modern sanitary sewerage. Acetylene gut , Address G FREEMAN rOLLOCK. Propr. Je27-m,w,f,15t.21 OPEN UNTIL OCT. 1?CEDAR VIEW HOTEL? bathing. boating. fishing. crabbing. We meet excursion boat every Saturday night at Colonial Beach. Terms. $r, i?er week. W.M. S. WII.KER SON. Wilkerson's P. ()., Va. j.v7-17t* FOR RENT?8-ROOM COTTAGE, FURNISHFD_ON top of mountain; Rlu;>mont. Va.: $3.r. for the ca son. Inquire S21 141li st. n.w., store. Jy(!-3t* GO TO HOTEL ItlVKIlTON. RIVFRTON. VA TO spend the summer. C.oo<l tearing. bathing, bat* fishing. rile most beautiful scenery arid drives In the Shenandoah va'lcy. Address T. S. DUNCAN Hlverton. Va.. for pamphlets. JelO^StVU * THE LOUDOUN?OPEN MAY 15. MODERN CON venlences. Address JOHN D. CHAPIN Blue mont. f-oudoun Co.. Va. my7-tf TIIE ELKTON ' In mountains of Va.; llthla water In hotel; large company. Information at Room UK). Corcoran bid* yn'"fit"" A t- UliAH'BALGil, I?rop.,Elkton,Va. THE WESTMORELAND la now open Large grounds; artesian well; salt water bathing, fishing, crabbing. Table tervlce tbe best. Address 1. F. POST. The Westmoreland. Co lonial Beach. Va. Je24-lm?C JORDAN WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, FREDERICK COUNTY. VA.. NOW OPEN. Special rates for families. For terms apply to WM. W. DANENHOWER, Prop.. my23*'<2t'!in S"'Pllur Springs, Ya. NORTH HILL. 60 MII.KS FROM WASH.. VIA BluemoDt; mt., valley and water scenery; bi cycling. drives, shaded grounds; spring beds; no children taken; fishing, boating, swimming; 2 daily mails; ilrst-class fare; fresh meats fowls milk, fruits; $7 per week. Open till Nov. Procure circular. MAURICE CASTLEMAN. Castletnatri Ferr.-, Clarke Co.. Va. JelO-78t A DELIGHTFUL PLACE FOR PLEASURE. RE cuperatlcn and rest In Blue Ridge Mountains. HOTEL ROYAL, Front Royal, Va. Je20-eod-lSt WEST VIRGINIA. Rustoc Mountain Camp. Blue Ridge Summit. Excellent accommodations for parties and families. Cool, comfortable cabins. Moderate rates. Blaemont. Va. my28-7St THE LOCK WOOD ANNEX AND McDOWELL House now open. Extensive grounds. Service excellent. Harper's Ferry. W. Va myUtf A P. DANIEL. Proprietor. HfiLL TOP HOUSE, Harper's Ferry. W. Va. T. S. LOVETT. located on the top of the hill; noted for Its good table. All modern Improvements. Try It. myl9-.f 8 HOTELS. LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE or en suite, at exceedingly low rates for the summer. HOTEL OXFORD. II. RALPH BUR TON. Mgr., 14th st. and New York ave. The most centrally located hotel In Washington. Jy7-6t? SUMMER RESORTS TO LET. FOR RENT?A NICE SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE j house one mile frcm Bli.eniont; fine spring. Bhiide, nice grounds ar.d frnit of all kinds. Ap ply to ISAAC B. MIILER. Bluemont. Va. JyS-3* COUNTRY BOARD MAPLE GROVE COTTAC.E?10 MINUTES' DRIVE from Front Royal, Va.; beautiful situation; l'ealtliy mountain climate; excellent table, etc. Address Mrs. M. W. PEACOCK. Front Uoval, Vt. Jy~-3t? AVALON COTTAGE. IIRADHOCK IIElGIirS, Fred. Co.. Md.; lieautiful scenery; pure air and warer; sanitary improvements: first-cla?s table and ref. For terms address Mrs. THoS. 11. MYERS. Braddock Heights. Fred. Co., Md. j(28-2(it-5 WANTED?BOARDERS-ATTRACTIVE SI'MM ICR borne; pleasant situation; comfortable rooms; high, on hill; well shaded; not far from tbe j springs: good table board. Mrs. BELL RICH ARDSON. Berkeley Springs. W. Va. Jv7-3t* SOME MORE PLEASANT ROOMS AT "GLEN Manor," Forest Glen; cool house: porches and shade. Take 9th St. cars, change a! Fla. ave. and 7th. Fare, 10 cents. Leave every half hour. Jf27-12t BLIEMONT HOUSE. IN THE BLUE RlDtiE nite'.. is open for summer guesrs; cool, shady, de lightful place; piano; large rooni^; porches; good table; home produce. Terms, $G per week. Ad dress .Mrs. I. C FOSTER. Hlnemont. Va. Jjfi-tit* AN ADULT PRIVATE FAMILY WOULD LIKE ~A few summer boarders; large, alrv rooms. Ad dress Mrs. G. G., ]y(i-3t* Falls Church, Va. FEW BOARDERS, BENNETT I AIt\7 CONTEE | Station; steam or electric cars; large grove; home comforts; 3 minutes to cars. For particu lars telephone North 704, or apply 1S4U 14th st jy6-3:* NEAR THE MOUNTAIN'S. FINE SHADY LAWN mineral water, milk, fruit, etc. Mrs. W. F. OSBORNE, Silcott Springs. Va. jy5-6t* BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS?BATH ROOM COM piete; convenient to post office, 'phene and depot; vegetables from adjoining garden; large, venti lated rooms; scenery not excelled; porches; fish ing, Potomac river; good table; 40 miles west of Washington, tbe B. & O.; $5 to $(5 per week, conditional. Je4-30t GRAND VIEW HOUSE. Knoxvllle. Md. "BEL-AIR," OVERLOOKING FRONT ROYAL; rooms large and airy; good water; pleoty shade; large grounds; fruit. Ice, milk; services first class; week. Mrs. ROBT. M. MARSHALL. Front Itoyal. Va.. Box 33. je25-12t* COME TO SUMMIT HOUSE FOR GOOD ROOMS, high elevation: shaded lawn: porches; boating, bathing, fishing; fine table; 15 mln. from station, 1 hr. from Washingotn. Open June 25; terms Address R. E. WINE. Brentsvllle, Va. THE POWHATAN. CHARLES TOWN. W. VA.. opens June 18; healthy, mountain climate; well furnlsbcd rooms; bath rooms on each floor; ma cadam roads; fishing near by In tbe Shenandoah and Potomac rivers. Mrs. BOLLING, Annapolis, Md- Jel4-2<Jt,0 AT DEER PARK, MD.?LARGE. COMFORTABLE rooms; extensive, shady grounds; first-class table; near depot and hotels. Apply FAIRV1EW COTTAGE, Deer Park, Garrett county Md. Jel0-f.ui.w,13t,-4 L1NGANORE HILLS INN. NEAR FREDERICK. Md.. near tbe mountains; situated on large farm which supplies tbe table with vegetables, milk, cream etc.; artesian wster; boating, bathing, fiebing; ball room; weekly dances; modern con veniences; references exchanged. & M. BROWN myll-78t-6 THE WASHINGTON COLLEGE, 3D AND T STS. n.e.. Is open to summer boarders; rates. $30 and np per month, v Rooms may now be engaged; no children. my4-tf Earnings of the Sibpping Trust. A dispatch from New York last night says; The first annual report of the In ternational Mercantile Marine Company, made public today, shows the gross voy age earnings as *29,677,75(5; miscellaneous earnings, $1,350,061; total, $31,037,420; gross expenses, $27,036,808; net, $4,000,522; charges, $3,045,227; surplus earnings, $355, 205; surplus insurance account, $1,442,502; total surplus for the year, $1,797,707. The gross earnings of $31,037,420 do not Include the gross earnings of the Leyland and National lines, which bring the ag gregate of the fleet to nearly $37,500,000. With the continuance of the organization It is stated that there will be an elimination of unnecessary duplication of expenditures and a consequent Increase In the surplus euch year. Killed in Electric Line Collision. A dispatch from Richmond, Va., last night says: In a collision between two cars on the Seven Pines electric line this morn ing John Muse, foreman of overhead con struction for the Virginia Passenger and Power Company, waa almost Instantly I killed. 1 GENERAL CONFERENCE EPWORTH LEAGUE TO MEET AT MT. LAKE PARK. Large Delegation Going From Wash ington?Features of the Pro gram of Exercises. Epworth Leaguers of the eastern section of the United States are anticipating a grand time at the fourth general confer ence district convention of the Epworth League next week at Mountain Lake Park, the Ocean Grove of the Alieghanlos The convention will last four days, opening Thursday evening. July 14. with an Kp worth League camp fire and social time, and closing Sunday evening. July 17. with revival services. Among the Washington ians who will take part are Mr. Frank T. Israel, who will have charge of the devo tional services Friday morning, and Mr. Edwin S. La Fetra, who will deliver an ad dress Friday afternoon on "The League and Municipal Reform." Bishop Luther B Wil son will deliver an address Saturday even ing on "Summits and Outlook." R v. Don S. Colt. Baltimore, will speak upon "W:n ninif of Men." Rev. C. M. Boswell. Phila delphia; l>r. 8. J. Herben, Rev. E. M Ran da'l, general secretary, are also expected to be present. Rev. John T. Kerrin. D. D., will give Bible readings daily. Prof J. M. Black will be assisted by two cornetists, an or ganist and a pianist in providing music for the occasion, and topics vital to Christian work will be discussed by prominent min isters and laymen. The convention's place of meeting is on the main line of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. 2.800 feet above sea level. It Is said to be a most charming place in sum mer, as excessive heat has never been known there. The park with its Mto acres of forest trees, splendid drives, golf links, base ball grounds, athletic park, and boat ing and Ashing upon Mountain lake will af ford all kinds of recreation. The railroad company has granted a re duced rate from Washington, good return ing until July 2*\ and entertainment can be procured at low rates In hotels and cot tages. Hotel Chautauqua has been selected as the headquarters of the Washington dele gation. Arrangements have been made for the party to leave the Baltimore and Ohio station Thursday morning. July 14. at 10:03 o'clock, the train being due at Mountain Lake Park at 4:4t> p.m. the same day. Washington Delegates. Among those going from W ashington are: Mr. and Mrs. E. S. La Fetra. Mr. Frank T. Israel. Mr. J. Finney Engle. Mis. J. H. Wesler. Mrs. M. M. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Ison, Mr. and Mrs. \\". E. Wright, J. R. Stokes. J< hn E. Fort, A. O. Latham, Rev. Geo. E. Maydwell, Mr. Atha, Miss Annabel Crandall, Miss Rhorback, Mr. and Mrs. George. Each chapter is entitled to two delegates and any friend of the league can secure the reduced rates on applying to local head quarters at Hotel La Fetra. The railroad tickets can be purchased on July 13 at the city ticket office, corner of 13th street and New York avenue. The local commlttea In charge coi-.s'sts of Mr. Frank T. Israil, charman; E. S. La Fetra, J. Finney Engle and Dr. J. H. Wesler. CRANKS WRITE LETTERS. Judge Parker's Mail Already Burdsned by Erratic Missives. A dispatch from Esopus. N. Y., last night says: Judge Parker received a letter to day from the west in which he is informed that there Is a plot against his life. The writer, who professes to be in the con fidence of some mysterious band, cautions the jurist to remain at home and protect himself against bodily injury. He writes that "certain persons in the west" are planning to take advantage of the first op portunity to make an assault upon the judge, and adds that in subsequent letters he will keep Mr. Parker informed on the movements of the alleged conspirators. There is a vague hint that the plotters are going to carry their threats into execu tion when Judge Parker Is in a railroad train or a carriage and when he would most likely be without protection against a sudden attack. In consequence the writ er warns Judge Parker to remain home, but if he should find it necessary to make a trip to surround himself with a body guard. The signature of the letter cannot be de ciphered and it Is believed that the writer purposely made the scrawl to prevent h s identity from becoming known The letter Is so vague and disconnected that Judge Parker is satisfied that the writer's mind is disordered. After glancing at its con tents the judge threw the pages into a waste basket. Other letters and postal cards are com ing In the daily ma:ls to Judge Parker from persons about whose mental obliquity there can be no doubt. One who is frank enough to sign his postal card. "A Luna tic," put on it "No. 1." Above a semi-cir cle was written the motto, "Safe and Sane Democracy." "A Lunatic" then went into a general denunciation of democracy, and part'eu larly that brand known as "safe and sane." The argument was that there is no such kind of democracy and never could be. Other missives from undoubted "cranks" are sandwiched in the bundle? of mail, which consist chiefly of letters of con gratulation. There has been nothing received so far to cause Judge Parker the slightest worry, and he has not thrown out a picket line around Rosemount, and does not contem plate so doing. He congratulates himself on the fact that the letters are mailed at far distant points and that the "crank'" authors are not living near at hand. ONLY BY APPOINTMENT. Gov. Odell and William Barnes to Pay Visit Today. A dispatch from Oyster Bay, N. Y.. last night says: Several persons came here to day expecting to sfce the President, but were stopped by secret service men on the hill, because they had no appointment This happens every day. No one who has not previously made an official appoint ment through the secretary gets beyond the big gate that opens the way to the President's grounds. President Roosevelt expects to have busy times for the next two days at least. To morrow Gov. Odell and William Barnes of Albany, chairman of the state republican executive committee, will be here to talk over the republican program in the state, and on Saturday Senator Fairbanks is expected to discuss the national cam paign. He will probably remain at Saga more Hill until Monday. The governor and Mr. Barnes are expected on the noon train. The. President is to select the nominee for governor on the republican ticket. It Is believed that he favors former Gov. Frank S. Black, whom he chose to make the speech of the Chicago convention nomi nating him for the presidency. The matter will be settled definitely when Gov. Odell, as Chairman Odell, calls upon the President. Senator Piatt favors former Lieut. Gov. Timothy L. Woodruff. Gov. Odell Is dis posed to let the President select the man he prefers, so that there may be no subse quent criticism when the votes are counted on November ft. Enterprising and ad vertising are almost synonymous terms. ON THE RIVER FRONT POWER CRAFT PROPOSED FOR FARMINGTON ROUTE. An Old Potomac Freight Line Pleasure Craft Sail on Cruise ?Personal and General. The route on the river between Alexan dria and Farming-ton. Met, on Plseataway creek, below Fort Washington, has always pen ?overe.d by a small steamboat until the last two years, when the steamer Harry ?r be^me unfitted for service and wag condemned and torn up. The route is now kept open by Capt Wm. Coombes. who makes three round trips each week with a sailing vessel. It Is probable that within a short time the sloop now on the route will be replaced by a power boat, and dally trips will be made. Trior to the war be tween the states the little side-wheel steam er Gypsy was on the route, but when the war began she was taken possession of by the 1'nited States army authorities. I^ter low. d^l'l fl ,0V r?""' and wa" f"' the service ^ Wh'ch Played out "n SU|il'ly of frc-sb fish on sale at the 11th iir mm / wholesale market this morii o comes from the fishers about Virginia wafiJot'lfr i/'?lnt' :""1 wh,le *upj?ly m J T,I ; . W"S am|ll? to m,'Ct the de ?Ttuted H ? ; l!'',teifish "'"1 croaker con X? % ? x?xt ZJZli For pan rock. * to 10 eents per pound me ?, rrock v3?to,'' rpS-a?? perch small e . T"* ',< r ',ound- ??''?? I spil er SI ',<? tn '??' cents per pound; croak "if," nVo-unT ? ?,? iT\j; ."rnT"ri" cents per pound; eels, r, eents eachm.rRies cents btrnch yp""w "Prc"' m'"L?;ir ,i",?"*? bhxra"'' ????? sr. r?7- "? ? large Rfliljl]?r sli><t?i j'l i no| while the yacht is m-,,- J? .. , Ded with .. .. ' > " he wi" '>e eqaip enough to Blve herV'ood S?* P?W<*r rrP Err T^C^Z:'^,'5 al?n* ?>' "'"er. ,nP the resort J > ? m"s)c and lancing at wT'prid^^^rg";^0 ^ir/he '?g?^ been unsuccessful but It il*" " have will be raised an ,R."pecUd she in p. As stited 11,!^ by thiseven tomac Dredging ?' omn ,nv ",,V f?r F'"" pairs are m-ide PJ"y as soon as re w^h/r? Alexand^iaF v*esterday'B way the huli of the tjwri" *he was calked and , ?"d to a point on th- low.'r Pot , ul" cargo of cord wood for .his city tOT a General News. Norfolk' of''the'^Norfbi'k'el T w? ",f"Uncr whlie^ this Mr. Daniel Webster ei.i r ? "!e Baltimore and Ohio rnnC of on duty. ' 1Uh 'eeovered and is again has c<,'! rf" wn,'k h"''S" ,,'n'I,'r ""Hy houses about the ow,^ of "?ht a fid has returned t u', ??? heM;ip??ako, tor McCrei abo!,d Balt"nor* InspeT into port %esVerd"yl .ft'e^6 W i"'arr"* came cargo ?f pi,,,. ,?J)er Vro'm"" vlJr't,'4 ?'?"** lit.a sound port. She brin-K 1 ' ?""* eral hundred thousand few! K" ?f Jcv wood fn'ni" a'ri ver' [I,,' '[' '' w,,h ",r<> port consigned to the dealers a'rlVed on theSSerenrrriver's:" ?'"d of (he glass bottle f u t ? c'ia*"ter for one The schooner'a M Priced cargo of bricks, luml^i .1 .,1 " lor"l,1<l a and all the material for the . hl""ld and laden ?ft"r^,a]'jw 1 wo bar^e.s Port here yesterday evening l"l? Labor Situation Critical. ^etC^VuronT^burg ^ ^ wmath T"" rrkmcn of ?'w"'%%!? atjoungstown. employing, airjd"^^ of' failm c' of'th^>fir?tanttemnfal of the employers to ^rce' he^r^TucVlo "2rt manded. On last t..?c t. .. rcauct'<?n de unlon workmen to return t!r>th"KktHli Death of Gen. D. H. Kenzis. Brig. Gen. David Hunter Klnzie, 17. S. A., retired, died Tuesday at Marietta, Ga. He was born in Illinois and appointed to the Military Academy from Kansas In July, 1851*. In May, ltstil, he was appointed sec ond lieutenant of the 5th Artillery and served with credit during the civil war. He was brevetted first lieutenant for gallant service in the battle of White Oak Swamp, Va.; captain for gallant and mer itorious service In the battle of Antietam, Aid., and major for good conduct and gal lant service during the war. He reached the grade of colonel in the artillery corpa in July, 1901, and was appointed a briga dier general August 10, l'JOS, and retired the following day. "In the Bishop's Carriage." The Star will, tomorrow, begin the publi cation of "In the Bishop's Carriage." by Miriam Michelson, with fine ha)f-ton? Il lustrations. This story has made a great hit. It is bright, clever, full of surprising situations, and intensely Interesting throughout.