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SUMMER RESORTS. \ IIII.IMt. JORDAN WHITd SULPHUR SPRINGS, FItEDEltirK O >17.VTY, VA., M'lV Ul'KX Special rates for families. For terms apply to \Y\l W. PAMMIOWKK Piop . .1 'rtlan White Sulphur Springs. Vs. TT?j2:t r?2t ftORTH HILL. 60 MILKS FROM WASH.. VIA BInemont; mt., valley anil water scenery; bi cycling drives. shaded grounds: spring beds; no children taken; tlshlng. beating. swimming; 'J dally tnalN; first-class fare; fresh meats, fowls, milk, fruits; $7 per w?-t-k <>;>en till Nov. Procur# circular M A TRICK CASTLEMAN. CasMeman's Ferr. , Clarke Co.. Ya. J??10 7St IM1I i 1 And Summer nomeB In High Altitudes on Railway, WORLD'S K A III SCENIC ROOTB. Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, Warm Springs, HOCK BRIDGE ALUM SPRINGS. OLD SWEET SPRINGS. 8WEKT CHALYBEATE SPRINGS. NATURAL BRIDGE. RKD SI LP1IUB SPRINGS, SALT SUU'HUK SPRINGS, THE ALLEGHENY SANITARIUM AND REST RESORT. GOSHEN. VA.. ETC. STOP-OVER PRIVILEGES ON WORD'S FAIR ANI) THROUGH TICKETS. Low rate excursion tickets to St. I.ouls on Hale at resort stations dar ing exposition season. Vest lbuled, electric-lighted dining, parlor and sleeping ear trains leave Washington 2:30 p.m. and 11:10 dully, reaching resort stations iu from B to 8 hours. Excursion Tickets, Pamphlets and Summer Homes Folders and Information relative to stopovers At ticket ottlees. 009 14tli st. and 513 Pa. ave. H. W. FLLLElt. General Passenger Agent, Je2 tf Washington, D.-O. CROWN OASTLE. Colonial Beach. MRS. L. C MITJ'IIELL. Mgr. Next to The 1 >irg*? st and the most stylish and Im j?"Hlng house on the b.-aeh. Accommodations un nurpassed. Hoard, per week, $0 to $10. Hoard, |>er day. ?1 f>??. JyH 2t* Mrs. COVINGTON. Proprietress. THE Bt CKINGHAM, COLONIAL BEACH. VA. Now op* n. Cool. shady house: first class In evcrv res|M?et: exeellent table. Terms moderate, jys :?? ? Mrs l E. SEL'FFERLE. Prop. WEST VIKG1NIA. FOR RENT \T BERKELEY SPRINGS. W VA.. m ?st .- .mfortabb', .-??inpletely furnished cottage; medicinal water through house; pools and baths el > ? by: hours fr m Washington; very renson ahle to o?>tt?l?er or longer. Mrs. RRKJvSE. 1315 N ist. n.w. jyJKit IN I'11E BK.AI TP I L ALLEGIIENIES? RROOKSII>E INN AN!) COTTAGES. Rcflned surroiindirgs; magnlticent scenery; home comforts Season opens June 15. Send for hnnd s -me Illustrated b klet. E. J. KIRK PATRICK, Brooksbb'. Pr*'stan Co.. W. Va. my IS -w As. lf)t-6 TiHE Q^ASMERE. Fine lawn. Firs;-class r? ort. Modern conveniences. Near ni'*?. Address The Grnsmere. Round Hill, Va. Je11 s St? 4 AURORA HOUSE IN THE BEMTIITL ALLEGIIANIES. N< ?W OPEN One of nature's most favored spots, whbh a;.p- als especially to those iu uuest of health and fond oJ out door lift-. 6-hole golf course. Ro lifted envhonment. music, comfortable beds and ex C II Mt tu'.-l" (L/'For illus'rate l booklet. 'erms. etc.. address, J II SHAFFER. Prop.. Aurora. W Va. Booking ? 1; j,. s r.oti ."o7. Star building. n.yIP-th.s.tu.Sgt-11 "GREENBRIER White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. ? The ' i'l.l> WHITE" Sulphur).' now open. Fa ii)i)ii4 f i its sulphur baths. Modern Improve n.en's, with pruate Orchestra. Terms. $15 to $25 week. $5" to $IH) per month. ?.-? All tickets for 8t. Louis Exposition, via 0. A O. Ry., have stop-over privileges at White Sulphur. Write for illustrated b>..kb*t. Address GEO. A. MILLS, Jr., Manager, Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.* 3Pt.l4 THE LOCK WOOD ANNEX AND McDOWELL House now open. Extensive grounds. Service excellent. Harper's Ferry. W. Va. my 14 tf A P. DANIEL. Proprietor. Hull top house, Harper's Ferry. W. Va. T. S. LOYETT. Located on the top of the hill; noted for Its good table. All modern Improvements. Try It myl9-if.G Rystsc Mountain Camp. Blue Rhlg*? Summit. Excellent accommodations for pai ties and families. Cool, comfortable caolns. Moderate rates. Bluemont. Va. my28-78t HOTELS. LARGE. WELL FFRNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE or en suite, at exceedlnglv low rates for the hiinini'T HOTEL OX FORI) II. RALPH BFR TON Mgr 14th st. and New York ave. The in??sf centrally located hotel in Washington. JyT?t? SUMMER RESORTS TO LET. FOR RENT A NICE SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE Iu ise one tulle fr. m Bluemont; fine spring, s .de. i.n e grounds aid fruit of all kinds. At? rlj ? ISA \C B. Mil LKR, Bluemoot, Va. j/8-3* ST. LOUIS WORLD S FAIR. A (H?IDE TO WORLD'S PAIR VISITORS. THE Wnii. oTM." Delnior bio.; 5 minutes' walk to main cut-arice ?.f world's fair, $1 per day and up; first ? 1 accommodations. It* HOTELS. IThl* list ap pears every Satuiday.] For Travelers Information. Apply to 'Resort Bureau." The Star. Wash . D. C. American urul European Hotel Booklets GRATIS. New York Office, 3 Park Place. Hoiells and Resorts A. P., Am rican Plan. B P., Eurojiein Pisa. All WTTf fTTV N J Open all year. /\ l I.A.N UL V 11 1 rfdoi.F. 80) rooms. N Y i'!!i v .1 Park place. A.&E 1 Flue ocean front. \ 1 I \ \ \ 1 ( ( T I V ^ ^ SAVOY. Ocean AlLiiAliV V ii i front. Sea water baths. p \ I 1 | Yfnp 17 Md HOTEL RENNERT E K I?-\i * 1 1 X|' ' *n 1 . j.; j |? v Q'Connor.Mgr. Tn IQT( iV Masn 11< M EL VENOO.ME. A V. *?' ? (Back Bay.) Convenient location. irk W , 1 si \KDS GANANOUFE inn Now I (H HJ I " L. \ .\ 1 ,;)^f I ishing. tt* i > \ \ I ' 1,'AIJ'I' THE 1 MPER 1 \ E HOTEL. " r K .A A \ 11 1\ 1 Suites with bath. Jvi) t f Wants Ownership, Too. S(K'claI Correspondeiu'e of The Evening Star. AVON-ItY-TI IK-SKA. N. J.. July 8. 1004. Avon has fallen in line with the Ken* eral s -titimcnt <>t the resorts along: the north Jersey coast, and at a meeting held by the city council on the nitfht of the Fourth it was finally decided by that body to purchase all rights, title and in terest in the present sewer and water system from the Avon Land and Improve ment Company and also the railroad sta tion grounds, for the sum of $50,000. This is the result of the move made by the Taxpayers" Association, whose executive committee indorsed the proposition and presented it to the council the night of the Fourth. This is tlie first step taken toward municipal ownership at this place, and it properly managed this resort will become one of the most popular along the r.orth Jersey c ?ast. All the hotels are now entertaining a large number of guests, and the Fourth was spent in general celebration at each lions** Milestones. "\Vi it !'??; f ? the Evening Star by Charles W. Ste > ens.rtt. Not Hhafts of stone s- t up on rough hard ways 'I ? M ill, the eliuib. net temples hewn by hands That show bow might rules over many lands. But rather tho>?* convictions that amaz** And thrill, those mental lights that sudd n blaze, And burn away the darkuess, till there stands P.efor ? the man a lew life, that demands The de* p devotion of his fruitful days. For in the Individual mind and heart Auake the movements that arouse the world And build the social, as the civic. state No symbol have tbey, nor a ahrioe in art. Yet nevermore their mystic force la furled? Aiau's Judgments, that annul the rule of fate. THESUMHERBESORTS Seaside Visitors Seem More Numerous Than Ever. MANY NEW HOTELS WHAT MOUNTAIN GUESTS PASS THE DAYS IN DOING. Gossipy News in Which Washington Names Appear?Personal Notes. Special t'orrpsiionilpnrp of The Kti'IiIiir Stnr. ATLANTIC CITY. July S, 11KM. Atlantic City is still engaged in breaking tier own records. Every week of every 1110111li since last fall has been greater in point of patronage than the corresponding week of any previous year, and the Fourth, which is always the biggest day of the year with the possible exception of Easter Sunday, made a new record this season. Every hotel on the Island was packed to the limit, and thousands of people are said to have been unable to reach the resort. The bathing beach was black with humanity on the three days that were included in this year's holiday and, for the first time in many years, not an accident was recorded. Although the usual exodus took place on Tuesday that always follows a holiday, the places of the out-going visitors were quick ly taken by the incoming and the city is now almost as crowded as it will be in mid-August. There will be from ten to fourteen thou sand visitors next week in addition to the regular throngs who are coming to partici pate in the annual convention of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. The local committees have been notitied to prepare for ten thou sand pilgrims, with a warning postscript that the number may reach fourteen or fif teen thousand. Leading Lu Lus declares that the convention will be the largest in the history of the order. The annual sessions of the Jewish cha tauqua will open in this city tomorrow, and will continue for ten days in the convention ball of the Koyal Palace Hotel. Among the prominent educators and others who will address the meetings are Rear Admiral Melville, Prof. Max Margolis of the Univer sity of California, Dr. S. Schrecter of the Jewish Theological Seminary. New York; Gerson B Levi of Philadelphia, Dr. Henry Barkowitz. Kabbi A brain Simon, Rabbi Ed ward N. Calisch, Dr. Daniel Phillipson of Cincinnati. A novelty in the way of a convention hall is projected by Capt. John L. Young, pro prietor of the Ocean Pier. He is negotiat ing for the property adjoining the pier, to gether with the riparian rights and pro poses building the hall partially on land and partly over the water. It will have a seating capacity of The new Hotel Chalfonte, the largest and finest hotel on the Atlantic coast, was open ed on July in spite of the predictions tiiat the contract could never be completed on time. Although much work remains to be done before the immense building is fully equipped, the management made good its promise of receiving guests on the second of July. Hundreds ?? f" wagers were made on the race against time made by the con tractors. The building Is ten stories in h< ght. of tire-proof construction. and has a capacity of Too. The property Is valued at $1.5:10.000. Charles R. Myers, proprietor of the Hotel Rudolf, will entertain several parties of 11 iends during horse show week. He has entered a number of thoroughbreds for ex hibition and jxpects to capture several blue ribbons. Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Y Mittag of Park Ridge arrived in this city the cither day with their family in three big touring cars. J he family is composed of ten members and is accompanied by several servants. Mr. Mittag is an enthusiastic autoist and keeps three machines in service for the use of himself and family. They are stopping at the Marlborough House. A new boulevard will be constructed along the mainland rim of the meadows to con nect with the drive now building across the meadows. It will pass the country club and connect with many picturesque towns along the mainland. The Hotel Slielbourne. which was recent ly sold In settlement of a protracted liti gation, has been leased by John C Gossler formerly proprietor of the Hotel Isleworth '1 lie Shelbourne is one of the finest hotels in the city and is expected to regain its "Id prestige under the efficient management or Mr. (?<?ssler. The following residents of Washington are registered at leading Atlantic City l>o Shoreham?S. Kim. Mrs. H. Freund. Mrs. John Howell. Mrs. w. A. Morton. Miss E. Howell. Miss E. Samuel, R. J. Wright and family, sir and Mrs. J w. Thornton. Mr. ?"mi "? r. l oley, Mr. and Mrs. II E \\ IIkins, r. M. Sin, J. F. Bear, Miss Elsie K oy. (?ran<l Atlantic?Mrs. Klennor G Brown Irvington drowning. Mrs. McFarland, w! A Hall, !?r. E. Frenneybaugh, E. F Harr J T. Lewis, J. A. Hill. Mrs. O. D Bayard' I liartlett, Mrs. Joluj Hyde. 11 It Burton' Mr and -Mrs. F. E. McLean. E. F. Mitchall. Islesworth Mr. and Mrs. M. Frye White -V Feist, A. R C. Calhoun. M. J. Woodring! Mr and Mrs. H. Freldlander. Mr. and Mrs II. Kaufman. Iroquois .Miss Jessie T. Price. Miss Mary i'riee, Worth L. Harper. E. Everett Taylor. : H Cortlll, A. E. Sengeng, Leon V. Bar -ett. Miss Jessie Barrett. Miss Cora Hamil :on. Miss Helen Long, Mrs. Harriet Ather ton, \\ . N. Jones, Milton Fairbairn Berkshire Inn Mrs. .! Splied't. Miss . lara, Miss Ida Splledt, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. \\ edderburn. El wood Mrs. E. A. Mrlntyre, E W Mc tntyre. HerkeW -Mrs. Emma Schley, Miss Kath arine S. If nminuck. Wiltshire Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Paris. V li. Walker. Mrs. A. S. Browne, Mrs. J. R. N'isbit. Mrs W. II Dyer, 1.. Dyer. Mr. and Mrs J McLean. Beaumont ?Mrs. E Marshall. I s.'ech wood Miss May Kearney, Miss lelena MeCarty. Hail.Ion Hall- Mrs E. 11 McGill Miss \ Arnold. Mrs. H. G. Pureell. Mrs. II. Rin Traymore? J. D Davis, Mrs. C. H. Dick ?rman. M Itreneman. St. Charles?p. j. Granger, M. Prather D. M. Jordan. Seaside House Miss L. Daingerfield, Mr. ind Mrs. F. E. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. W. Liraliam. Mrs. M. C. Roller, Mrs. W. C. Alexander. Marlborough House?Mrs. T,. O. Rawle, Miss Brookes, James K. Jones, Miss Roe! Mr. and Mrs. T. F Walsh, W. J. Stone! iVilliam W. Smith. Mr and Mrs. C. A. Derr. Glendalrf?Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Simms. Young's?A. M. Travers, J. If. Reeve. H. IValton. Senate?Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harrod. Berkeley?L. K. Adams. Raleigh?Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Mills. Miss J. L. Nelson. Francis?Mr. and Mrs. T. Henry. Mount Vernon?Mrs A. Hosmer Brexton?Mr. and Mrs. F. Osseron. Miss Osseron. Westminster?Miss Hunter. Borton?B. C. Watts. Dennis?Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Chapman. Mr ui'l Mrs. C. Eaton Cressy, M. C. Motter. Green's?A. Sullivan. Rio Grande?J. I.. Clarkson, Charles 'Mil ler. William McCouch. Kenderton?A. H. Redinger. Louella?M. Hillary. Fredonia?I. B. Archer, Miss E. States. Roanoke?11. E Rottmer. Avoca?B. Lerch, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Mc Dermott. Champlain?A. C. Elsholm, G. C. Els lolm. Fontaine?J. F. Hess, Miss J. Bailey. Morton?Mr. and Mrs. William Wood ward. Aquarille?-T. E. Austin. New England?Mrs. H. West, Miss West, I C. Grove. Rudolf?S. Lyon. 1". Richter, M. L. r'rounse. Strand?Mr. and Mrs. G. J. May. Mrs. R. *1. Harper. Jackson?H M. Campbell. F. A. Dailey. Altamont?Miss M. Castle. Sothern?Mrs. A. W. Burt. An Issue of $000,000 4 per cent bonds, to run thirty-four years, was ordered by the Lynchburg (Va.) city council to pay for the construction of new water works. WAKENING UP. [ Old Glories Revived Spirit at Citizens Meeting. Special Correspondence of The Evening Star. LONG BRANCH. N. J.. July 8, 1SX)4. After several years of lethargy the cltl sens of this big resort, which for manj years bore the title of the capital of th< north Jersey coast, have thoroughly awak ened to the fact that strenuous action is al last necessary in order to preserve the repu tation of the great summering spot. Foi the past three months much conversatior has been heard on the subject and various attempts have been made in slight ways to bring about changes. The entire mattei culminated in a mass meeting of citizens held this week, which was presided over b> Mayor Blodgett, and which was attended bj ilie majority of Long Branch's representa tive men. The feature of the meeting was an enthusiastic address, made by Justici Wilbur A. lleisley. He outlined Long Branch's famous history and laid befort those present the great opportunities they were neglecting in not pulling together and keeping the standard of the resort up ti that of Asbury Park and Spring Lake, both of which have taken such immense strides tills year, by reason of the unanimity ol citizens and the vast improvements they had succeeded in bringing about on their ocean fronts, respectively. Judge Heisley's speech aroused gteat enthusiasm, and be fore the meeting adjourned resolutions were pasi-ed to the effect that the city council lie requested and authorized to purchase the entire ocean front of Long Branch and to build a handsome ocean promenade or boardwalk, and to erect a high-class casino at a suitable point on the beach front. The expense for this purchase and the proposed improvements Is to be met by a bond issue, as Asbury Park has done, and the finance committee of the council Is al ready busy estimating the proposed .fost ot the improvements. The sale of the West End Hotel by auc tion next month will have an important bearing upon the question, for It Is general ly understood that the Pennsylvania rail road will have a representative at this sale. This hotel is one of the best known, as well as one of the largest, on the Jersey coast, and has always been a big money maker. I In it Presidents, United States senators and I some of the most prominent characters In this country have been entertained from time to time during the height of Long i Branch's popularity. The object of the sale Is to close up the Hildreth estate, and the I purchaser will undoubtedly tear down the I structure at once and erect a handsome modern hotel there, as the site Is a magnlfl j cent one at the brink of a twenty-foot bluff, affording a commanding view of the ocean and vistas of the famous driveway. It has also been rumored that the Pennsylvania railroad has obtained title to the Ocean House property at the northern end of the Branch. The entire movement for the building tip of the Branch has awakened such a degree of enthusiasm among all of her citizens that it is now most likely that many of these improvements will lie perfected dur ing the coming fall and winter, so that the resort will have much to offer in the way of attractions before another season ar rives. Secretary P. J. Casey of the Monmouth County Horse Show Association states that the entries up to the present time have ex ceeded in number those of all previous years, and the show, which will be held during the latter part of the month will undoubtedly be the largest ever held here. The new grand stand has been completed and the workmen are now putting the fin ishing touches on the grounds and track. in spite of his daily trips to New York city. Mayor McClellan is managing to get considerable enjoyment out of his summer cottage at the north end of the beach. In fact, he spends very little time in it. ex cepting for sleeping, lie Is at present one of the most ardent automobilists in the vicinity, and has already visited the ma jority of the resorts on the north Jersey shore, as well as many of the picturesque spots inland. NOTABLES ON HAND. Washington Cottagers and Guests for Season Special Correspondence of The Kvfiiing Star. NAKRAGANSKTT PIER. July 7. l'.KM. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wylie of Washing ton r^re settled in their cottage after a stay at one of the hotels. Mrs. Gerrett Wheaton of Washington has given I ho young reslocni3 a valuable pool table. Judge Edward White of the Supreme Court, Washington, is at Needwood Villa, on the Boston Neck road. The Rev. Philip M. Prcscott of Washing ton opened his cottage here two weeks ago. Mrs. C.errett Wheaton of Wasninglon playjd tiie harp one evening last week at a dinner given at Canonchei by her sister, Mrs. Inez Weed Sprague. Mrs. J J. Almy of Washington, widow of the admiral, and Mi:-s Almy have arrived lor the Mason, after a stop en route on Long Is'and, to visit Coi. Clinton Gardner, brother oi Mrs. Almy. Mr. an 1 Mrs. Henry Cleveland Perkins of \\ ashington have formally opened Indian Rock co'tage on the cliffs. Mrs. Gerrett Wheaton of Washington has rented Ocean Spray cottnge on the beach to Mrs. J. Bolton Winpenr.y of Philadel phia. John C. O'Donnell of Washington lia.s leased and oj>ened Elberon cottage, one of the linest here. William C. Marrow, Edward A. Mitchell and Horace Wylie of Washington ure prom inent i:i the list of officers of the Point Judith Country Club. GOOD FISHING THERE. Excellent Sport for Lovers of Reel and Rod. Special Oorrpspondenee of The Kvenlnjc Star. OCEAN CITY, N. J.. July 8, 1901. liven the most exacting of fishermen could not ask a better week than this has been for wielders of rod and reel. Certainly the advance guard of summer visitors have been the fortunate ones this year, and it seems a pity that there have not been more to enjoy the really excellent sport. Hotel proprietors report every prospect of t splendid season. Many Washington ,.t-opIe have been among those making in quiries here, and a large number of fami lies are expected down later in the season. A "city of homes by the sea" such as this is certain to attract Washingtonians, whose love of home life is proverbial. W. H. Thomas of Washington registered at the Brighton early this week. Win. J. Creighton of Anacostia, who Is here with his family, is seen daily on the boardwalk. The entire force of life guards is now on duty, and the number of bathers Is rap idly increasing. The temperature of the water Is pleasant, although the air is still a little cool. Ocean City is well supplied with churches, the denominations being Presbyterians, Baptists. Episcopalians and Catholics. North Chesapeake Beach, Md. S|MH*lal Corre*poiHlemt? of The Kvpnlng Stnr. NORTH CHESAPEAKE BEACH, MD.. July 8. 1904. The 1904 season has started In well, and the hotel guests, cottagers and their friends have been enjoying themselves hugely In bathing, sailing, rambling among the pines, along the beach, etc. The Hotel Calvert Is open and many of the fifteen or more cottages are already occupied by their own ers or others. Some of the guests of the Calvert are Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Townsht-nd and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kent, Mrs. W. A. Trask and maid and Master Lyman Trask, Mr. Russell Abbott. Mr. Wm. Ab bott, Mr. Frank Whiting and Mr. J. M. Fowler, sr., and son. Mr. Jeremiah Wilt is putting the finish ing touches on his fine cottage, and he and Mrs. Wilt have moved in. Mr. J. K. Wightman of Washington, with his family, is occupying the De Paul cot tage for the season. Mr. Lucius H. Emmons and wife are at their pretty cottage on Bay avenue, where recently they were agreeably surprised by a visit from a party of twenty-eight mem bers of their Sunday school class and church. Major Charles Williams of the Post Office Department and wife and Mr. Wm. H. Fowle of the War Department and wife liave a cottage here. Mrs. Walter B. Randall has the Bay View cottage for the season. She has had with her her mother, sister and brother, Mrs., Miss and Mr. Mhs3er. Dr. George W. Boyd- }Irs. Boyd and Miss Mabel have recently been here Inspecting their cottage, the "Wild Rose," prepara tory to moving in. Mi-.'- Octavlus Smith of Cuba lias been a recent visitor. Mr. John G. Hlnkel and family are down for the summer at thftir pretty cottage. Mrs. Jane Hughes and family were h?Te a few days ago at their cottage, the "Fern." Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Royal were also ut their cottage. If Several gentlemen herp are now by pur chase the happy possessors of a sail boat. The members of the "None Such Euchre Club" of Washington wore recently enter tained for two days b>? Mr. E. J. Williams and sisters at their cottage, "The Pines and Holley," a game being played the even ing of their arrival. The party consisted of Superintendent and Mrs. Charles W. Vickery. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Law, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. 1 Gannon, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lowell. Mr. Hulse, Mrs. James L. Pugh. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Carroll and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W'm. Twombly. Dr. Richard Washington and Miss Helen Slee. Lately the German Hunting Club, the "Washington Jagd and- Schuetzen Club," which has a very handsome club house here, celebrated its fourth anniversary. The club house and grounds were beauti fully decorated by dozens of American and German flags, and the day was spent de lightfully by the club's 150 or 200 guests. There were many members of the Saenger bund, Germania Maennechor and the United Singers' Societies present, the mem liers of the latter organization rendering several songs very effectively during the day. Some of those noticed In the large crowd were: Mr. John Waldman, president of the United Singers: Mr. Max Cohen, Mr. Carl Gundlach. wife and daughters, Bertha and Susie; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ehnert and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Llppman, Mr Leon Pohlman and Mr. Faust. BIG WIND FOB THE FOUBTH. Fireworks Prudently, Kept Over for Another Day. Special Correspondence of The Evening Star. CAPE MAY. N J . July 8. 1904. The celebration of Independence day was somewhat curtailed, especially as to the display of fireworks from the beach strand In the evening. There was a high wind blowing from the south and after the set pieces had been displayed and a few rockets fired the mayor decided that It was not wise to continue the ..celebration. The sparks from the flreworks were blown far into the center of the resort and there, was great fear of a conflagration. The re mainder of the fireworks were set oft on Wednesday evening and witnessed by a crowd almost as great as that which waa on the boardwalk on Monday evening. This has been a good week for golfers, and many of them have done excellent work. The local record as to going over the c< utse has been broken and several ex pert players are now trying to even excel this week's successes. The bathing is now at its best, the water having warmed up to such a temperature as to make it most pleasant for the per son who may be most' susceptible to the slightest chill. At the bathing hours, be tween 11 and 1 o'clock, the beach is now thronged with visitors who are either bath ing or watching the others enjoying them selves in the edge of old ocean. Fishing is excellent. ?, Great strings are being caught by the diseiples of Isaac Wal ton. In the sounds adjoining Cape May the great number of snrtall boats are daily being used by the Visitors for this sport. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Baker of Washing ton are occupying their cottage on Jack son street for the sinnm-f Mr. Baker is a prominent member 6{ t}ie golf club and makes remarkable low scores at times. Major General Joseph V, Banger. I'. S. A., is a prominent guest of the week and is staying with Major Mar^ellus Bailey at his cottage on Atlantic. Terrace. Captain Charles Haw, who sailed the Re liance last year, and who is now captain of the Ingoinar, sailing in iiritish waters, has sfiit to the Cape May Yneht Club, .of which lie is a member, a souvenir of his recent succtsses abroad. Leon Tobriner of Washington is occupy ing a cottage on Jefferson street, near Beach avenue, for th^s'unwner. Rev. Herbert Scott S-nith, D.D., rector of St Margaret's Chirr-h, Washington. is ai r.ounced to preach In.-St..-John's P. E. Church here on July Right Rev. Leigh ton Coli-man, bishop of Delaware, is an nounced to preach at the Same church on September I. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Colbert of Washington have a cottage on Washington street. Henry E. Davis is among prominent Washington attorneys who are passing their vacation at Cape May. Mr. and MrST S. B. Pack of "Washington are located at the Star villa for an ex tended period. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Phillips of Washing ton have apartments at the Carlton for the summer. J. N. Whitney has joined the Washington colony at the Windsor. Mr. R. I.. Waters and Percival Waters have joined the Washington colony here. Miss Lillian Clarke of Washington is at the Chalfonte. Powell Grady has joined the Washington colony at the Cape. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Feltermajor have joined the Washington colony here. S. Solomon of Washington is located at the Aldine. Howard Willets of Washington is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Cassidy at their -cottage lipre. Mrs. Theodore Moore of Washington is a guest at the cottage of Mrs. Hester Souder on 2d avenue. Mrs. M. A. Lamont of Washington, ac companied by her son, A. W. Lamont, 13 here for the summer. A. D. Lynch of Washington is a guest at the Stockton Hotel Samuel G. Wilt of Washington Is regis tered at Congress Hall. William H. Bosley, president of the Queen Anne railroad, is a guest at the Stockton. S. G. Smith of Washington is a guest at Congress Hall for a short season. Mr. and Mrs H. T. Stratham and Harry Stratham are among Washingtonlans at the Brexton. Miss Marguerite Woodward of Washing ton is a guest of Mrs. lliller at her cottage here. Mrs. William M. Deverlns joined the Washington colony at the Baltimore Inn during the week. E. H. Brown of Washington is a guest at the Devon. Mr. Adam I,orando and family are among Washingtonlans who are at the Carlton, Cape May Point, for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Briggs are among Wf.shir gtonlans at the Carlton. Cape May Point. A NEW CASINO. A Summer Rendezvous All Spick and ? Span. Sjieeial Correspondence of The Evening Star. BELMAR, N. J., July 8. 1904. The formal opening of the new Beach Casino was held this we<-k. and in celebra tion of the event a' finei display of Dyro technics was held on the sand. Monday an Informal dance was given In the beautiful new assembly room T)f"tlfe Casino. The members of the Belmar Yacht Club held a regatta on Shark Piver bay on the afternoon of the Fourth. The race was over a ten-mile courae, and the prize was a club cup of silver and bronze. An exceedingly prosperous season is pre dicted at the resort, and ail the hotels are doing an excellent easly July business. Be tween the ocean-ffom ^ attractions, the yachting and boating-on the bay and river and the gaiety at Casino, the guests at the different hotels arc-assured of many good times. V J ? ' Among the Washington- arrivals at the | Carleton are: J. H. .Hill* C. S. McCoy, J. A Boteln and G. B. Breck. AT SNICKEB'S GAP. A Mountain Besort Not Far From Home. Special Correspondence of The Evening Star. SNICKER S GAP, Va., July 8, 1904. The Fourth celebration at Blue Ridge Inn was a great success. The cool weather en couraged out-of-door diversions and made attendance at the muslcale and dance great ly enjoyed. At the musicale Mr. W. Carl Mclnturff and J. Sidney McSween opened the program with classic numbers on the violin and piano, after which songs and ballads were furnished by other members of the Blue Ridge Musical Club. A dance followed, and among the guests of the evening were Secretary James Wilson, Prof. W. L. Moore and wife. Mr. A. 'Zap pone, Mr. and Mrs. T. Bowman, Mr. Frank TTpman, Mr. R. A. Reed. Mr. Ben B. Jen kins. Mr. E. B. Calvert. Mr. Charles K Wead, Mr. S. D. Scott and wife. Mr. W nr M. Mooney. Mr. E. W. Callahan. Mr. Not man E. Brooke. Mr. A. Goenner and win Mr. W. W. Stuart. Mr. A. H. Buell. Mr an Mrs. B. J. Roddy. Mr. B. H. Harvey an wife. Mr. W. A. Trotter. Mr. C. E. Beall* Mr Thomas A. Ritchie. Mr. John A. Milloi Mr. A. L. Gardner. Mr. H. L. Barnes. Mi W. Carl Mclnturff and wife. Mr. John Con diet Carpenter. Dr. Sothoren and son. Mi W. S. Davenport. Mr. C. L. Fethen. Mr. A W Richards. Mr. R. B. Valentine. Mr. \V S Po'well. Mr. A. B. Dowell. Mr. Jules A Demonet and wife. Mr. C. H. Demonet an wife. Miss Mary F. Bickford. Miss M. A Gilkey, Miss Hesta Coddington, Miss E. J Skinner. Miss Alberta Walker, Miss Jul*ett S. Stebbins. Mr. E. J. Keferstein. M s Spofford, Mrs. Shafer. Miss Frye. Mis Ai ma Kluge. Miss B. M. Jelt, M'88K- f Miss Rummell, Miss Wood, Miss Garland Miss Frances Carpenter and Miss Luclll N. Morton. AUTOMOBILE PARADE. Gayly Decked "Bubbles" Whiz b; Noted Judges. Special Correspondence of The Evening Star. ALLENHURST, N. J., July 8, 1004. The large number of early June visitor has almost succeeded in filling up the hand some big club house and the two hotels a this resort. Monday the entire mornlni was given over to a number of athletl games and races, for which gold, sllve and bronze medals were awarded. Th competitors were made up largely of activ men in Philadelphia and Washington ath lettc clubs, as well as some very able bodied college men. The automobile pa rade. the chief event of the afternoon, wa a delightful surprise to every one for th owners of the motor cars had secretly deco rated their machines very beautlfull> wit bunting and flowers. In fact, so mucl money and time had been spent upon tli decorations that the judges found it nj easv task in deciding the prize winners Mr F W Woolworth of New 'iork wa finally awarded the first prize, a hand some bronze vase, and second honors wer carried off by Mr. C. O. Burns. Th Judges were Mexican Ambassador M. a Asplroz. Judge Dixon and George B. Fns hie. president of the Monmouth Automo bile Club. . . .. Notable amonz those who were In th .parade were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gould who are spending the week at the Allen hurst Club. They are the guests of Mr ind Mrs. Leroy Baldwin, who accompaniei 'them in their automobile. . , All Allenliurst is Interested just now In . proposed carnival to be given on Deal lak this latter part of the month. at the old white. Recent Hospitalities in the Way o Dances. Special Correspondence of The Evening Star. GREENBRIER WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. July 7. 1!XM. Although no formal program was ar ranged for the celebration of the Fourtl at the historic old White, the holiday passec nevertheless very pleasantly. During the day numerous excursion partle: came in from the neighborhood. In th< morning and afternoon concerts of patrioti. selections were given upon the lawn, ant In the evening the immense ball room wa! thrown open for the first of the customarj hops. After the immemorial custom of th< White, the opening dance was the "Riley, Mrs. Chatard of Washington, who is i particularly graceful dancer, leading witl Mr. Chatard. In the morning a delightful howling part\ was given by Mi. W. Eeon Pepperman o! Washington, the winner of the prizes lie ing Mrs. T. A. Middleton. Mrs. McEwin# Johnston. Miss Elliott and Mr. Robert El liott. Others present were Miss McKenna Miss Hildegarde McKenna. Miss Kellogg Miss Baird and Dr. Stanley Warren, all o Washington: Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. far ter. Mr. Johnston and Mr. Garvin Thomas Mrs. Phillips, wife of Rev. P. P. Phillips rector of St. Pouls Church. Alexandria Va.. has had as her guests at her cottage during the present week her sisters. Mrs Arthur Pue Gorman, jr.. of Baltimore anc Miss Km ma Virginia Norris of Washington Mrs. Gorman is the daughter-in-law of Sen ator Gorman of Maryland, and one of th? most charming young matrons at the springs. Mrs. Sanford C. Kellogg and her daugh ter. Miss Kellogg of Washington, who have I,eon such prominent and popular guests at the White for the past two soasons. have returned for the present summer. Other re cent arrivals from Washington are Mr. and Mrs J. T. Huddle, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Nes bit, Mr Erskine M. Sunderland. Thomas Williams, F. P. Williams, Thos. David Will iams C. V. Zeblev. Dr. and Mrs. S. O. Richey and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Peregrine. SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING. Usual Summer Program Well Undei Way. Specif. 1 Correspondence of The Kveninp Star. OCEAN GROVE. N. J., July 8, 1004. Sunday school workers from all parts of the land are now in Ocean Grove attend'ng the sessions of the Sunday school assembly, which began Tuesday morning and will continue daily until a week from today. The dean of the school Is the Rev. Charles L. Mead of Hoboken. N. J. He Is assisted in the work by the Rev. C. F Sitterly of Drew Theological Seminary, the Rev. Dr. J L. Hurlbut of South Orange, N. J., and Mrs. A. B. Francis of Hoboken. N. J. The annual sermon to the visiting Sunday school workers will be preached tomorrow morn ing by Dr. Sitterly. The commencemant ex ercises will be held next Saturday. The early July throng almost completely fills the hotels in the resort, although the old-time saying, "room for one more," seems to be showing itself here. Prominent among the Washington con tingent at the La Pierre is Mrs. lia'e E. Fmith This hotel is also entertaining Miss Clara Cross. I. W. Stacy and Henry H. Stacy of York. Pa. , . . Mrs. Philip Jnoh and Miss Agnes Inch of Washington are guests at the I.angdon. Mr and Mrs. P. F. Garretson are Wash ingtonians domiciled at the La Pierre for a protracted stay. The La Chevalier is entertaining Edward V. Young of Washington. NO CRUSH AND JAM. Absence of Day Excursionists Gives Satisfaction. Special Correspondence of '1 hr Evening Star. CAPE HENRY. Va., July 7, 1004. The Fourth of July was celebrated by a decided quietness at the Cape. There were enough firecrackers and fireworks to prop erly observe the day and interest the younger generation, but the absence of the crush and jam incident to the one-day ex cursionist seemed to be appreciated by a vast number who came from Washington, Baltimore and Richmond to enjoy a short rest at the seashore. At Virginia Beach the crowds came by the trainload until both boardwalk and hotels alike were a ir.ass of people. Both resorts, however, had their quota of bathers, which Increased is the day wore on until bath suits de manded a premium. A display of fire works on the sand mountain, immediately jack of the Cape, and an informal dance it the Casino concluded the day's program. The second of the regular dances given jy the Casino company occurred last Sat jrday evening. It was well patronized by he younger element of both Virginia Beach ind the Cape, a special car being placed it the disposal of the former. It lias been leclded to hold these dances nightly ex cept Sunday, with an occasional formal ?erman semi-monthly, the proceeds of which will be devoted to some charitable purpose. Mr G. P- Joyner and Mr. Morris Garfield Evans of the Washington nnvy yard were ?nests at the Cape Henry Hotel during the irst of the week. Capt. Claude Nicholson, United States r.spector of steamboats, and family have leen sojourning at the Cape for the past re w dsiys. Mr John E Dunning and Mr. C. Ger lardt and wife recently stopped at the -.ape Henry Hotel for a few days on the vav of an extended summer trip. Mrs Charles Cawson of Capitol Hill is risitlng friends at Cape Henry. She will nake a visit to relatives In Richmond be ore returning to Washington. The following Washington people are reg stered at the Princess Anne Hotel. Vlr rinla Beach: Mr. George M. Anderson, Seorge A. Elshorn, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hurst. Messrs. John and William Hurst. Miss Margaretta Hazzird Mrs Mary M. Shrldaw. Messrs. Albert Pike. R. L. Har rison. J. M. Poor, O. P. Morrison and C. Herlghton In a party. Mr. George C. llen nlng and Miss Hennlng. H. A. Taylor and a party of friends. Mr. William Feldhel mer. Mr and Mrs. James O'R. Kahn. A. A. Alexander and wife, Messrs. Robert Burns. Joseph W. M'Kerwin and M. D. Miller. Miss Fannie H. Casklns and Mrs. E. K. Webster, Miss Webster and E. K. Web ster. U. S. A.; Messrs. Norman Elliot, Rob ert S. Cohen. H. F. Newton. Daniel W. O'Donohue. Mr. R. H. Bailey and wife. Mr. James Martin. Mr. J. B. Dowell, Mr. William F. Worcester, Dr. R. E. Stoops, U. S. N.; R. J. Tracy, Charlotte H. Crouse. Mr. Frank W. Carden. MaJ. W. H. Fleming. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Richards, F. B. Poe. G. C. Mlnnington. H. Humphrey and wife. Everett Partridge and wife. Mr. F. H. Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Yokel, Messrs. S. W. Semraes, E. J. Kelly and M. Neven and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Curry and child. Gen. Fitzhugh I-ee, U. S. A., retired, spent several days recently at the Princess Anne. Miss Emily Wilson of Washington Is vis iting Miss Minnie Baker at the beach. Miss Polly Mason and Miss Lina Shields will be the guests this week of Miss Lily Woodard at the Princess Anne. Miss Esther Stott and Mr. John D. M'Chesney are members of a party being entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Robert John ston at their cottage at the beach. Messrs. Arthur and Charles King have recently visited friends on Ocean avenue. Other Washington guests at the cottages are: Dr. Hoge, at the Fitzhugh cottage, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Towers, at the Sea View. THE WEEK-END THRONG. Saturday Night Hops for Hotel Guests. Special Correspondence of The Evening Star. ASBl'RV PARK, N. J., July 8, H*U. Even the most optimistic of Asbury Park's hard working citizens were compelled to admit their surprise this week, for the Fourth of July throng of visitors was the largest the resort and its oldest inhabitants ever saw. There was a falling ofT in the travel shoreward early In the week, but the arrivals today will foot up ten thousand, and the hotels tonight are comfortably tilled with merry vacationists. The usual Saturday night hops were given at the larger hotels down near the beach, and thousands enjoyed these social functions. At the Hotel Brunswick Proprietor A. R. Parsons treated his guests to a surprise on the morning of the Fourth in the form of a sunrise concert. The orchestra was hidden behind a screen in the dining room, and when the doors were opened for breakfast they began playing national and patriotic airs, which were continued throughout the meal. Each guest found at his place a small silk American flag. Master of Ceremonies Jeffries of the I.a fayette has arranged a program of daily amusements, which will, as far as possible, be followed out each week throughout the season. Tuesdays will be given over to young people's dances; Wednesdays. Infor mal hops: Thursdays and Fridays, euchre parties; Saturdays, dress hops and ger mans, and Sundays, evening concerts. The Coleinan House gave up Its parlors this week for a euchre party for the benefit of the Monmouth Memorial Hospital, in which about eighty players participated. The first of the weekly euchre parties at the West End Hotel was held. The Colonial Hotel has been selected as the headquarters for the State School of Methods and for the New Jersey Sundaj School Association, which will have its con vention here shortly. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Evans and Frank Boyd of Washington are guests at the Brunswick, at which hotel they will spend the grreater portion of the summer. Miss Dougherty of Washington is among the recent arrivals it the Magnolia. The Misses Dabney art- prominent among the guests at the Passaic. They hail from Washington. Washington is represented at the Fred erick by Mrs. A. 1,. Camp. Among the guests recently registered at the Coleman House is William Muehlusen of Washington, lie will spend several weeks at this hotel. William Warren Tower is at the Madison for a protracted stay. Washington is represented at the Frank lin by Mrs. R. B. Chew and W. B. Harden. Enjoying the sea breezes at the Albemarle is Tj. Bomberger of Washington. Mrs. Crounse of Washington is at the Coleman House for the season. ALL READY FOR SEASON. Early July Functions Will Be Rather Few. Special Correspondence of The Evening Star. NEWPORT. R. I., July 8. 1**M. Newport's social season has at last really begun in a small sort of way. The year-round residents had tlieir usual noisy Independence day. which never falls to keep certain cottagers out of town until It is passed. There was the salute by the artillery, bell ringing, band concerts, fire work, games and the cutter race, so dear to every native heart. Most of the expense of this annual car nival Is borne by the cottagers, who feel they owe the townspeople one day's gi>od fling before they begin their own weeks of merrymaking. John P. Mason of Washington is in town on his annual vacation. Mr and Mrs. Daniel B Fearing are en tertaining Miss E. McKeever of Washing ton. Mrs. Harwood E. Read. jr.. of Washing ton Is here to spend the summer with her mother. Mrs Gardiner B. Reynolds. Late Washington hotel arrivals include Dr. and Mrs. Chas. H. May. Mrs. W. B Bailey. Lewis E. Payson of Washington lias bought two parcels of land covering two and one-quarter acres in Middletown. and will build thereon a summer home for his family. Edward H. Bulkley of Washington is at the Dennison cottage. Catherine street, for the summer. Prof Chas. W. Needham and family of Washington are at their cottage for the season. Mrs William A Jack of Washington is here visiting her father. Dr. Chappelle. Miss Mary S. Hammond of Washington Is visiting her mother Mrs. K. S Hammond. James Oriswold Wentz of Washington has rented the Engs cottage on Kay street. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hague of Washing ton have now been settled two weeks at their cottage on Beacon Hill Senator and Mrs Geo P Wctmore, Miss I Maud Wetmore. Miss Edith Wetinore and Roger Wetmore are at last together at Chateau Sur Mer. Miss Maud Wetmore. as usual, is one of the stars of the young tennis contingent at the Casino. Heber R. Bishop of New York is now fairly settled at Horteden. which he has leased from Mrs. E. H. G. Slater of Washington during her absent * in Europe. JAMESTOWN DOINGS. A Favorite Place for Capital Folks. Special Correspondence of The Evening Star JAMESTOWN. R. I.. July 8. 1904. Jamestown has started on what promises to be a rather uneventful season. Washlng tonlans. as usual, plsy a mere or les3 con spicuous part in dally doings, especially through the army and navy contingent. Mr3. Richard Wainwright and Mrs. Tur pin. her daughter, of Washington, have ar rived at ilielr cottage on the north shore. Mrs. E. P. Rhett and her son. Dr. Rhett of Washington, have opened the Smith cot tage on Nariagr.nnctt .venue. I>ate Washington hotel nrrivals Include Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Gibbons. Admiral and Mrs. T. O. Selfrldge of Washington have reached their cottage at the Dumplings. The admiral has just been chcsen president and treasurer of the Conanicut Golf Club. Mrs. E. G. Davis of Washington has rent ed the Cottrell cottage on Lincoln street. Mr. and Mrs. Wili'am B. Johnston and family of Washinsrtcn have arrived to re main until fall. Rear Admiral George C. Remev. Miss Angelica Remey Miss Mary Rcrrey and D. Davis of Washington have taken rooms at a local hotel for the season. A Cottage Colony. Spcdal Correspondence of The Evening Star. ARUNDEL-ON-THE-BAY. Md.. July 7, 11MM. We have just entered on the fourteenth season at this little bay-side water resort, with a fair representatlo of cottage owners now occupying their cottages. Among the recent arrivals are: Mr. J. C. Courts anil family. Mr McCarthy and family. Mr. T. W. Smith and family. Mrs. J. Fr*nCl? O'Nell and Mrs. Van Znndt. Judge I- E Payson and family. Mr C. C. Collins and family. Mr. and Mrs. Win Jones. Mr. A. F. Medford and family and Mr. T. U Lin ton. Mr. Harry E Feldmeyer and bride are oc cupying the Gftotun cottage, and l ave as their guests Mrs. Mcitzler of Philadelphia and Miss Janle Feldmeyer of AmiaiHilis Miss Bonney and Mrs" R B. Shaver and son are the guests of Miss Medf?>rd. Mr. and Mrs. W. \V. Nairn have leased Mr. Wahls" cottage for the summer. Mr. Henry Kraak is the guest of Mr. Mc Carthy. at Deer Lodge. Mr. Frank Welltr. Mr. Win. Hall. Mr Roy Burnham. Mr Wm. IJnklns and Mr. C. P. Brown spent the Fourth at Wahno cottage, which they liavi leased again for the season. The Fourth was celebrated by a fine dis play of fireworks on the pier, followed by an Informal dance. Mr. Arthur Noble spent several days lu re last week, getting Camp Quiet In for the arrival of his mother and sisters. Miss Emily Fitzgerald. Miss (tattle Fitz gerald. Mr Ace Ling. IJeutenant Sander son and l.ieutenant I ye wis were guesta of the Misses Smith over the Fourth. ELABORATE PLANS. Visitors Need Expect No Idle Time. Special t'<>ir?aM|x>ml?'nr*' of The Krenlng St:ir DEAL BEACH. N. J . July S. 1!#>4. The officers of the Deal Golf Club aro arranging a series of elaborate entertain ment* to be inaugurated next week and which will be somewhat of an innovation in golf circles as well as in social life here. An orchestra has ln-en engaged for regular concerts and to furnish music for dancing at least once a week. Later in the sea son there will lie several musical<*s and per haps an amateur minstrel show. Ileal cottagers and hotel guests have always given themselves up very merrily to func tions of this kind, and some of the iiest au.ateur performances seen on the Jersey shore have been held at Hathaway Inn and at the l>eal Golf Club. The reason for this Innovation has been the renewed Interest that visitors have shown in the Golf t'lub [ this season, for during the past ten days j the links hav?* been well crowded from early morning until sunset. The opening tournament 011 the Fourth of July wis one of the best attended events that has been held here in several years Many prominent playi rs were entered .md the ganrv-s were hotly contested throughout the entire day. The Hathaway Inn management is offer ing to Its guests a continual round of pleasures In the form of Informal dances, euchre parties, coaching trips anil dress balls, t'nder the new management of M. Lindsay the hotel has filled rapidlj during the past week and but few rooms remiiu unengaged. TURNING GUESTS AWAY. Opening of New Hotel Proved Good Attraction. Special Correspond-in* of The K.TonlnK Star SPRING LAKE. N. J.. July R. 1!*U. The extensive improvements made throughout the resort by the mayor and council and the building of the handsome New Monmouth Hotel have borne fruit already to such a>t extent that practically every hotel in town is filled to overflowing, and the season this year will undoubtedly be the greatest that Spring Lake has ever experienced. At tlie New Monmouth alone over KiO guests were refused last Saturday night. The exodus after the holiday period was very slight, leaving but few vacant rooms, and these the hotel proprietors ire not worrying about, for there is little doubt but that they will be t iken before another week has passed. The management of th > Herald tendered an o:>eniner bail to its guests on the night of July 4. and henceforth a grand ball will tie given ? Very Saturday night, with informal hops twice a week. Among the lite prominent arrivals it he New Monmouth are Miss Amelia Pilson and Maurice V\ Pilson of Washington. Mrs. George Maxwell Itobeson and her daughter. Miss Ethel Itobeson of Washing ton. are spending a month at the Breakers. I'nited States Senator John Dryden is a late arrival at the Monmouth. THE riFTY-EIGIITH SEASON. Favorite Summer Resort ill the Moun tains. S|?eeial Correspondence of The Krening Star. DOUBLING GAP. WHITE Sl'LPHCR SPRINGS, Pa.. July s, l:w??. Tl.e fifty-eighth season of this famous mountain resort opened very auspiciously so far as the prompt and continued arrival of booked and unbooked guests and visitors and delightfully pleasant weather during the past ten days are concerned. The frequent comments of the colony ol early arrivals at Doubling Gap, White Sul phur Springs, are: "Better than ever," "as good as the best"?when referring to thl? resort's varied attractions, for nature hat been most lavish in her gifts here, and wiiai nature has omitted the present manage ment has certainly endeavored to suppl) and add to this season Scenic beauty is here enhanced by all up to-date comforts in the n?w and spacioui hotel, and a series of amusements wil continue during the entire season, whict will make the sojourn of guests and visit ors, young and old, most enjoyable. Man} who come here but for a day make im mediate arrangements to prolong their staj for a week or more, so great are the fasci nations of climate and surroundings, amusements and comforts. PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE. A Washington Hostess Opens the Sea son. Special Corrertpoodenc,' of *1 lie Kvi-ning Star. CAPON SPRINGS. W. Va? July 8, l'.KM. With the arrival last week of some ol Capon's best known and most popular guests the gaieties began in real earnest. Three of those who spend a part of every summer here and who are prominent as leaders in all sorts of amusements and [>ntertainments are: Mr. Joseph K. Gr.rr jf New Orleans. Mr. Jamts Hay and Mr. Eugene Carusi of Washington. Amang the latest and most enjoyable event? which have taken place here this week was a [irogessive euchre party, arranged by Mrs lames McO. Maekall of Washington. The ;>rize winners were Mrs. A. L. Worth'ng ton of Washington, first prize; Mrs Cbas. F. Carut.i. Washington, second prize; ivlr. P. A. Wright. Cincinnati, tirst gentleman's ;>rize, and Mr. J. McO. Maekall won the second gentleman's prize Thought Everybody Saw Double. ?"torn the Kansas City Jo'irual. A remarkable story can be verified by a veil-known oculist In Kansas City. In one >f the counties of western Kansas Is n cat leman who has grown wealthy. His wife, l charming woman of some forty years, ecently began to have severe headaches, k. local physician decided that the trouble ras with her eyes. The family could not >elieve it, as she had very keen sight from 10th far and near. However, the husband 00k her to an oculist in Kansas City for xpert examination. In the course of tho xamlnation the professional man held up , candle and asked her what she saw "I ee the two lights." she answered calmly. "Two!" exclaimed the surprised husband. Have you always seen two of me when ou looked at me?" "Why. certainly, dear." was the answer. Don't you always see two of me?" And then came the revelation that this ducated. intelligent woman had never nown in all her forty years of life that very body didn't see double. She had ac epted her own condition as a matter of ourse. It Instantly accounted to the hus and for little indefinite movements whicb e had frequently observed in his wife rlien she was reaching for an object, and It ?as a matter of great astonishment to the roman when by an adjustment of glasses nd through treatment she began to see as ther people do. The negro, James Goode, accused of _klli lg Inspector Shinberger and Richard Won, he latter a negro, will be tried at Rtc.h lond, Va? J"uly 25. He will be tried tlret Shinberger's murder.