Newspaper Page Text
BRANCH OFFICES If not convenient to call at The. 8tar office, tlth street and Pennsyl vania avenue, leave your adverilae ment at any Postal Ti*lef?rnph office, all of which are branch office* of The Evening Star. ADVERTISING RATES One cf*nt a word each Insertion for Rooms For Rent ?Rooms anil Hoard ?Boardtr k?Wanted Help and Situa tions. Minimum charge. lf?c. NORTHWEST BRANCHES. 14th and Welling?Eppley's Drag Store. 14th and 17 sts.?Gentner's Pbarmncy. 14tb and II I. ave. Port man Pharmacy. 7tb and T sts.?CrlswelTs Drug Store. Vt. are. ami 1 at.?King's Drug Store. 23th and Pa. are.?Ilerhst'a E'rug Store. "Woodward & Lotbrop'a--Telegraph Office. S. Kann. Sons A Co.?Telegraph OtHce. 8th and F ata ?Government building. V. S. Capitol?House Corridor. Columbian Building. Jenifer Building?'7th and D ata. n.w. EAST WASE15QTON. 2d and Pa. are s.e.?Dohyns* Drag Store. 8th and E i.e.?Bradley'a Drug Store. 11th and R. Cap. ata.?Haley's Drug Store. SOUTH WASHINGTON. Tth and D ata. a ??.?Sullivan's Pharmacy. NORTHEAST. 631 North Capitol at.?lvenealy'a Pharmacy. GEORGETOWN. 32d and M sts.?O'Donnetl's Drug Store. WANTED?HELP. IH ALU. WANTED?MAN KOR QENEIIAl, WORK; GOOD _weg.n. <?|] li a.m., 015 13th St. u w. JjrH ^t* WANTKD?WI1ITB MAN Tu DRIVE UI'MIHV WHiC'.n. cash ili required. Ayply Ivt. 12 and 1, 43 G st n.w. It WANTED-OFF113C MANAUERS~EVBRVWHERK~ $2? weekly salary and expenses guaranteed; no cauvassllig or Investment required. MANUFAC TIREKS* HKoKKUAliK CO., Chicago. 111. JyM-at* W ANTED TEN GOOD MEN FOR FORTY DAYS t<> handle gla#s and Iruu cans. MKRt'ilANTS' TIJ vNSFKlt AMI STORAGE CO.. 990 B n.w. JyU-at WANTKD A YOCNO MAN. ABOUT EIGHTEEN years of age, with some mechanical Ingenuity, of good hablta and neat In appearauce; willing to work and learn the optical business. Address LENSES. Star oflM. Jyl4-8t WANTED BOY WHO CAN FEED CYLINI >ER press. Apply McGLLL & WAL1*ACE, 1107 E st. n.w. Jyl4-2t* WANTED- TWosoiJCITORS FNTrTaRGE~UM' AL corporation; must be neat. of pleasing address and anxious for work; salary. $1.50 per day. Address Box 2O0, Star office. Jyl4-2t* WANTED^ FIFTEEN TEAMS. $4.50 PER DAY* to haul bn?kei? stone. MERCHANTS* TRANSFER AND STORAGE <M>.. l>2o E n.w. Jyl4-3t WANTED - MESSENGERS'"WITH BICYCLES; Crmanent position. Apply to S. HA'RT, Supt. ansburgh & Bro.. 420 7th st. It Wanted bright yoi no man as clerk In lcrge real estate office; state age, qualifications and salary expected. Atklress Box 209. Star office. Jyl4-3t WANTED?BARTENDER; MUST HAVE GOOD references. Address Box 210, Star office. It* WANTED WHITE BOY TAKE CARE HORSE ?nd garden; Swede or German preferred; refer ence. CHAS. H. KALBFl S, P. O. Dept.. Room flOfl. Jyl3-2t* WANTED--COAL ?TJCRK ; BRIGHT. ENERGETIC, reliable, with some knowledge of bookkeepiug; good opportunity for right man. Address, giving age and references. Box 186. Star office. jyl3-2t* WANTED" EXPERIEN* JElT SODA CLERK; ONLY those willing to work need apply. W. ASHTON EVANS. Astoria Pharmacy. 3d and O eta. n.w. jyta-at WANTED?A BOY TO LEARN DRUG BUSINESS; one with experience preferred; a fine opportunity. Address Box 183. Star office. Jjrl2-3t* W A NTED ELE< TRICA L EXPERT AID. $5.04 per diem, Nary Department, Washington. D. C.; electrician. $1,400 per annum, nary yard, Peusa cola. Fla. An examination will be held at the oary yard. Brooklyn. N. Y., July 19, 1904. to fill the above positions. For application and fur ther Information address COMMANDANT, Nary Yard. Brooklyn. N. Y. JyT-law 2t WALE OH FEMALE. WANTED BRIGHT MAN OR WOMAN FOR management of branch <'fflce; $900 yearly salary and commission. Address B. M. N., Star office. JyP.12.14A10.4t* FEMALE. WANT!??WOMEN FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; no washing; good wages. full 11 a.m., US 18th st i. w Jy 14 2t* WANTED MAID FOB DINING ROOM AND chamberwork, and to assist in laundry; $12.00 per month; references required. Apply at No. 10 Washington barracks, foot of 4^ st. jyl4-2t* W AN PED A NI11SE FOR A BABY; STAY nights. Call at 1381 Kenesaw ave. It* wT?"vFlED GOOD WHITE CI HI. TO 1H> PL UN cooking; no washing or ironing; stay nights, with good whip's, \pply at 1019 B st. n.e. Jyl4-2t W ANTED?A GOOD WOMAN FOR GENER \ L housework, with reference. Apply ut 1137 N. II. eve. n.w. It W.\ NTFD W HIT E HOT EI, PANTRY GIRL < 'it woman. $2*'. for resort. LADIES' EXCHANGE, 90ft Vermont ave. It WANTED NTK.N?HJRAPHER AND TYPEWRIT er. Call at oSd of NATIONAL TRIBUNE, 339 Pa ave.. at 9 a.m. It* W.'.NTKD- Wn iTE WOMAN FoR GENERAL housework; must be first-class cook; wages. $15. Apply hot ween 9 and 12 a.m. at 1713 Riggs place. JyH 2t? WANTED - EXPERIENCED CASHIER. AD dress. In "wn writing. Box 2"H. Star office. Jyl4-3t WWTKD \H*E WHRE GIRL VOB STORE ROOM position; first-class hotel; wages. $20. Call 1523 14th st Q.W., fr<?m 10 to 12 a.m. It | WANTED?COLORED GIRL AS MAID. APPLY ? t 1912 M st. It WANTED?AN EXPERIENCED IWH'BLE ENTRY bookkeeper. Address Box 211. Star office. It W ANTED? EXPERIENCED COOK AND LACN dre?s, two women, for private family; willing to go to country near city. Call after 5 p.m., 122 M If WA>TF3>- A GiH>D FAMILY COOK FOR 8UBCR l>sn home; wages, $20. Address Box 187. Star ogca. jy 13-3t* WANTED-A MIDDLE AGED WHITE WOMAN to do general housework for small famllv. Box 189. Star office. Jyl3-2t* WANTED A GOOD COOK AND TO DO LIGHT housework; bring reference; wages. $15 Apply at 1313 14th st n.w Jyl3-2t WANTKD AT ONOR. A COLORRD WOMAN; must be a g-Hxi cook; wages. $2?>. DUMBART1N CU B 32d and You st. Jy 13-2t* WANTED?A GOOD LACN DRESS, WITH KEF- | orenees. to work three days each week in tho country, near <"bevy Chase. Address Box 201, ! Star >>rflce. jyl3-3t* WANTKH ( Ml/IHKI) UIRL, NOT UNDER 13 | years old. washing given <?ut. 405 H n.e. Jyl3-2t* WANTED <'OlxOKHI> C<M>K; STAY AT NIGHT; pay good wages. Apply at 306 st. a.w. Jy is W.4 NTED GERM AN GIRL Ft)R GENERAL biHisewtirk; o?> wash; $14 j?er mo. 104 Eys j.v?. 4 WANTED FINE BUSINESS OPPORTI'NITY FOR young ladles; rsust be neat and well educated. 1 tu 3 p.m.. K<K>a 36, 918 F st. n.w. Jy9-6t* WANTED?SITUATIONS. MALIC. WAM"I> IIY (OI.CMIK1I MAN. TI.ACK D1UV lag delivery wagon Addrees 1410 1st st. n.w. It Wanted by nrat white rot. wou or any kind; willing to work. 16!1& 11th at. WAN 1 KD PI A i K B Y Ol >LORED~ BR RAND B? >Y~ ref> r-n Call H2^ Tth at. o.w. It* WANT ED PLACE BY A GOOD SHIPPER; a?C round f*irnltun? u??n; reference O. K. Address R. I. M . Star oflk-e. It* W AV. ID in Ml mOW AE ICOUJCTOt FOR 1N atallrueut bouse; Mtlafactory references and bond. Add . *? W \ 1%4. Star effi. e JylS-3t* WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG MAN. BOO? k?c|?'r with knowledge of atenography and type arli eg AdiW sa B??x 179. Star office. jylS-St* WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN. STENOGRAPHIC or mtdlttng work for evenings. Box 182. Star sRf Jyl2-3t* WANTED CORRESPONDING CLERK AND AS slstsnr bookkeei>er In national bank In Baltimore will jtlve $loo to any one securing him a $l5-a week Job In Washington; good bookkeeper; excel lent refeieneea Address Box 167. Star office. MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED BY A (.IILOKttD MAN AND WIFE, pla -- to leave city for the summer or a year, as house man t?r any other wi?rk. 15SO Q et. It WANTRD-TELKPHONE~ El REK A EXCHANGE Main 2SQS- Tf. 1013 N. Y. ave.; trained bolp. every capacity; resort* or city. Je23-tf FEMALE. WANTH) BY Ci>l>ORha> WOMEN. EXCELLENT workers, places, nuree. mnld. cook or lanndress. 1747 Oregon a?e. It* WANTED BY A NRAT. HONEST WOMAN. pla? e c?mm1 took or laundry work In prtvate fam ily. Call 50 Pierre at. n.w. It* WANTH> BY A IdanNED and"capable wo. man, place as housekeeper or patatry; parlor maid, care of Invalid. M. F. C., The Marl borough. Flat 74. Jyl4-8t* WANTED A PLACE TO DO GENERAL HOC8E work by a respectable colored girl. Addreot or cell et 171# Bralnard at. a.w., city. Jyl4-lt* WANTED?SITUATIONS. FEMALE. WANTED-BY A RFKPE4 TABLE WHITE GIRL, a pinan chsmt>ermaid and plain aewing. Call at 1100 13th at. n.e. Jyl4-3t* WANTED?BY A RESPEfTABLE SINGLE QIRL, general housework; willing to stsy nights. 2028 Vermont are. It W ANTKP?BY COLORED WOMAN. WORK IIY duy or washing: city or out. 2u22 Vermont ave.l W NTED? BY A COLORED WOMAN. PLACE AS flr?t cook or housework; can stsy nights. Dcfioed n.w. , It* WANTED?SHAMPOOINO LADIES* HAIK. 25c.; also niHs*sging. 33c.; will go to the house. Ad dre*< Box 102. Star offlrp. It* WANTEIX?PL ACE~AS TOOK IN SMALL FAMILY living near Iowa Circle. Address 1416 12tb. It* WANTKD?BY HALF (1HOWN GIRL. PLACE AS nurse or help around house. 910 11th st. n.w. It* WANTED?BY COLORED WOMAN. PLACE TO co<>k, dty or country. 2206 7th st. n.w. It \\ ANTED--TO NUKSE INVALID OR AS COM pnnlon; reference, present employer. 1537 Eye nr. n.w. Jyl4-2t WANTED- BY KUSPVJTARLE GIRL. PLACE AS nurse or general houseworker. 1719 20th st. n.w. JyW 3t WWTED- BY A COLORED GIRL. PLACK AS light general houseworker. nurse or chambermaid. Apply 1321 Cedar st. It j WANTED?BY 2 WOMEN; GENERAL HOUSE hous**work. chamber work or day's work. Inquire 1635 11th st. o.w. It j WANTED?A PLAf'EASCIIAMBERMAIDTSTa^ j slst at housework. 1014 14th st. It WANTED BY RESPECTABLE COLORED'ThRU j place ss nurse or chambermaid. 2232 8th st. n.w. Jyl42t WANTED?BY RELIABLE COLORED GIRL, place as chatuU'rmald or waitress. 1632 -Madi son at. Jyl4-2t j WANTED ? 8ITUATK?N8 ? IW R COMPETENT | women. cook. laundress, chambermaids. nurse. 1211 loth at., 'phone North 715. Trained help, every capacity, city. away. It* WANTED?BY WHITE GIRL, A PLACE AS | chsmhermaid or plaiu cook. Address 1115 23d at. n.w. It WANTED-"lNWriONS BY GOOD HELP OF ALL I kinds: references; city or away. 712 M. 'Phone North 2089. It* WANTED- BY" COLORED GIRL, PLACE DAY work or foundry or restaurant work. Call 1138 3d st. n.w. It* WANTED -RELIABLE <X>LORED GIRL DESIRES place sa rharol>erruald or aaslatant cook. Address 2038 8th at. n.w. Jyl3-2t# WANTED?BV~A COMPETENT DRESSMAKER^ sewing outside or at home. Address Box 190, 8tar office. Jyl3-2t* WANTED ? PLA<TJ FOR~~HHMBERM AID OR genet housework. Apply at 1216 13th st. Jyl3-St WANTED?BOOMS. W .? XT ED?ON OOLl'iMBIA HEIGHTS?A GKN tleman wants a third-story back room, house away from the cars, in a very quiet family; positively state price. Address L. A. N., Star office. Jyl4-3t* WANTED-THREE ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOT?SB keeping; two adults; in northwest, between 12th and 14th. N and R sts. Address "NORTHERN." 1703 13th st. n.w. Jyl3-3t* WANTED?BOARD. WANTED?MAN AND BIKE DESIRE TABLE board convenient to the Partner. State price. Address EXAMIMOR, ll* Star office. WANTED?HOUSES. W A NTED?T OH K-R<X >M HOUSE. NEAR WASH ingion and electric cars; two or more acres; shade, outhouses. dec.; fair rent; would leasa, with privilege of buying. Address Box 203. Star office. Jyl4-3t* WANTED HOUSES I WILL PAY AIX CASH for an 8 or 9-room house, in good condition, not over $7,500. Owners or brokers send full par ticulars or answers will receive no attention. Address JULY. Star office. Jyl4-3t WANTED ?IF YOU HAVE A 6-ROOM HOUSE TO sell for $1,500 to $3,000 we can sell it for you right away. Postal or 'phone THE MILLER SHOEMAKER REAL ESTATE CO.. Inc.. 1323 1325 32d st.. 'phone West 40. jyl4-tf,5 WANTED--IT WILL PAY YOU TO LIST YOUg houses for rent or for sale with me. Remember, I have great demand for furnished houses In the fall GRACE M. THOMAS, Corcoran building. jyl4-26t* WANTED-TO BUY SEV ERAL SMALL HOUSES | In the uortheast or southeast section; ranging In prices from $l,5oo to $3,000. LUCKETT & Ml HLHOFKR, 206 East Capitol. Jyl3-3t WANTED? FIVE. SIX OR SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE; a.m.l.; rent approximating $20; state partlculais. Address PERMANENT TENANT. Star office. Jyl2-3t* WANTED?NOTICE TO OWNERS?WE WILL print daily a list of houses wanted by custom ers. A. soon a? the want Is filled, the Item will be withdrawn. Have immediate purchasers for the following: Sultable house for colored physician, bet. 9th and 12th sts. n.e.; $3,500 to $4,000. 6 or 8-room house, n.e., with stable; must be cheap: about $4,000. 8-room house n.e.; $3,800 to $4,000. 6-room house n.e.; must be a bargain; $3,500. Two p-room hou?es, deep lots; in any good lo cntiou; must be bargain; $5,000. Brick house n.w.; 8 or 10 rooms; convenient to I lltli st. cars; $5,000. 5-niom house w.. in good condition; $5,00&. 8-room house In desirable section; cash pay ment $.'100 to $500; balance $50 or $75 monthly. 6 to 8 room trick, near pension office; will pay all cash; not over $-3,500. 8-room brick, n.e.; south of F St.; must have cellar; not over $4,500. 7 room brick near Washington Circle; modern; oj>en plumbing; not over $4,500. 6-room brick near Washington Circle; $3,750. 6-room brick, bath, cellar; in good condition; near Lincoln Park; $4,000. WILL1GE. GIBBS & DANIEL, 605 13th. jyl2-tf WANTED HOUSES For SALE OR RENT; IN all sections of the city or suburbs; satisfactory | results guaranteed. ATKINSON & BALLARD CO., Inc.. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. 1411 G st. n.w. Jyll-tf WANTED?WE'RE RENTING HOUSES-WE don't let np on account of the so-called "dull seasou." If yon want an Income all the year place your houses with us. STONE & FAIRFAX, Rental Agents. j>9 3t 804-806-808 F st. n.w. WANTED $3,500 HOUSES ON CAPITOL HILL, not beyond 7th st east. Have seven purchas ers for siich at on<*e. Jy7-tf WILLIGE. GIBBS & DANIEL. 60S 13th. WANTED?WE WANT MORE HOUSES TO SELL. The great number of sales we ere constantly consummating has diminished our list consider ably. We claim ws have facilities second to none?II a property can be sold we can find a buyer?ae raarge unless we do, snd then the usual brok erage. Send us the description today. Special attention given to handling all claaaes of properties?i discrimination?from the smallest to ths largest? all will receive ths sauie personal attention. MOORE & DUX (Inc.). 72T 14th st. d.v. myl4-tf PERSONAL. GOOD-BYE! GOOD-BYE! SHE YOT NEXT FALL, but lc the "Interim" Ju6t have us call and offer j you progressive cash ratea for's worn gar ments. Senil for us to call; we have a 2.40 trotter. JUSTU S OLD STAND. 619 D. Jyl4-tf,5 NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY. SUITE 224, 2d floor. Colorado bid*., 14th and G sts.?Never I closed. Absolutely reliable. Strictly confidential. Phone 2525 Main. M. BRADFORD. Supt. jy13 26t*-4 FOR THE SAKE OF HUMANITY I HAVE SAID If I was lured of my rheumatism I would let people know what cured me. After Buffering twenty years I have been cared, and quickly. If you send me a self-addressed and stamped envelope I will Inform any one the cure for i rheumatism. I have nothing to sell. GF.OHGR DALTON. Sr.. Jyl2-3t* 469 I st. n.w.. Washington. D. O. CURIOS, ANTIQUES. OLD COINS* PEARLS, rubles, diamonds, old gold, silver, watcbes, den tist gold, platinum, nswu tickets, Ac. Highest ?ash prices paid. ABRAHAMS, 433 9th n.w. Jr6-t f.4 TOU MUST BEAR IN MIND THAT YOU CAN | nt more t jt your household furniture, ? urpets, etc. from D NOTES AM I-a. ITI. than >?y where else. Call E. 1317. Prompt stteottoo. J-l?* Fl'KBER'S PATENT SHOES GIVE EASE TO tender feet: made to order for men and women. 717 13th at. ?.?. Call 11 to 1?4 to 8. Mine (OLE. Take elevator.*,13t* STEAM CARPET CLEANING? Ecklugtoo Steam Carpet Cleaning Works. All frudra. 3 centa per yard. Drop postsi M Sestou at. a.*. frgoaef MRS. WINSLOW8 SOOTHING SYRL'P Ha* been uaed for Df.r SIXTY YEARS Iit MIL UONS of MOTHERS for their CHII.D8KN WHILE TEETHING. WITH PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN; (TRES WIND COLIC, and la rb- beat remedy for DIARRHOEA. Suld by drug gists In eeery par* of the wurld. Be sure and ask fur MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRCP. Jii21-th.s.tu.lS6t->0 PRTVATK PARTY wTliTlOAN YOI' MONET ON your KI'RNITtJRE. PIANO. ORGAN, etc I will csll. Address Boa 2S43. Station G. JsS-tf.4 PALMISTBY. HAVE YOUR HAND UKAD BY MME. RITA. TBS ?arid'* greatest palmist snd astroloflat. sow holding receptions at 723 Mk St. s.w. Tee, 2Sc. ?ad 00c. Jy?-12:? WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-FEATHEK BEDS AND FEATOEM la balk, old or new stock; highest pne? paw. HOME MARKET. 1014 7th n.w. " WANTED?CASH PAID FOR rimN-lTORK. CAR pets, stovea sod office E*tur?? at all nlture .tored. packed ??> ?ble?? Addre BAUM. 812 Pa. are. n.w. Pbooe 12B4. jy!4-tf WANTED?KASTERN FEATHEK COMPANYTHIS month. 50,000 lbs. old feathers; bl^?t cm?b price. Also furniture. ladles Send postal; will call at one*. 213 7tta at. n.w. Jy 14-181* WANTED ? TO BUY OLD FKATHEE BEDS: when selling, why not drop a poetal to an old, reliable Arm 7 H. MARKS. SOfitb at.. ?P??* Saks' Jyl4-W WANTED?OLD GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, diamonds. Jewelry and antiques of tlon. bought f'ir the highest cash price. Fine watch repairing. J. SELINGBK. 816 t at. n.w. J?20 26t* WANTED-TWH SECOND-HAND POOL TABLES. C. T. PRICE, cor. E. Cap, and 14th sts. Jyl4-3t WANTED?HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FO? CAST-OFF CI/OTHES. LADIES' OR OENTl^ MEVS. ADDRESS POSTAL. I WILL CALL. ?Phone North 1756. W. RICK 1382 Tth at. n.w. Jyl3 18t? WANTED?FURNITURE, CARPETS. ETC.; BLY lng contents of houses a specialty; literal spot cash prices; uiall orders given prompt attention. LEVY'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE, 410 10th n.w. Jyl2-19t' WANTED?TO BUY?10 DISABLED HORSES TO take to my farm; please state siie, condition, age and price. Add/ess M. C. H.. Star office. jyI2-3t WILL FURNISH LARGE HOUSE IN THE FALL, but will bay furniture of all kluda now If reason able. Dealers not solicited. Address Bo* 174, Star office. Jyll-qt WANTED?HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR WORN GARMENTS, LADIES, OEJrm1 AND CHILDREN'S SHOES ASD HATS. ANY AMOUNT. ADDRESS POSTAL. I W ILL CALL ANY HOUR. J. TARSHES, 1308 TTH N.W. jyfl-24f WANTED?IF lOU HAVE ANY KIND OF FUR nlture too want to boj or sell, It will W JW to consult H. ROSENBERG, 039 La. are. Teto phone, Eaat 1316. jea4-tf 'SSS^^SSJTSSr?'25? myl2-78t?-4 W'*L(^??>Ubrarla? or email Iota at books pveksnl nhlffiyr.4 Ad3d?MES F. MWEOAN. 43fl Bth u.w. WANTED-WILL PAY SPOT OA8H FOR second-hand upright pianos. DB MOLL 8 MUMO HOUSE. 1231 q at. n.w. !*?-?_ K00MS AND BOARD. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS ? FINE. MODERN horse, overlooking city and ten degreea cooler, large, airy rooms; excellent ta-ble; near two car lines. 1868 Wyoming are. 11 ISM YALE ST.. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS LARGE 2d or 3d-lloor front and smaller room. furnMljea. with board. jy!4?f ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY FOR gentUuvan, at $18 per month; comforts of home. 1408 8th at. n.w. Jyi4-Jt TABLE BOARDERS ACCOMMODATED AT 1724 20th St.; pleasant rooms for rent; terms reason able; excellent home table^ Jyld-at BEAUTIFUL SOUTH-FRONT ROOM. WITH RAY window and awnings; good home tttbJe. Welling place. jyio-ot TWO DESIRABLE ROOMS; SOUTHERN EX posure. with Iward. 1119 K st. n.w. jy!3-3t 933 G N.W.. DESIRABLE FUR. ROOMS; GOOD board; transients accommodated; location tral; prices reasonable. Jyl3-^t FOR RENT?1120 ?TH ST. N.W.? NICELY FUR nlshed room; southern exposure; good whole some table i>oard; for gentleman. .iyi^-Pt FOR RENT?LARGE. AIRY THIRD-FLOOR front room, with good table board. 1015 L St. n.w. J"*'" 1104 12TH ST. N.W.? FACING TWO PARKS', rooms, with or without board; table board; refer ences fr!14f 717 10TH ST. N.W.?NICELY FUR. ROOMS. COU ner house; large closets; sanitary plumbing; good table; reasonable rates; gocd location. my30-5~t BOABDING. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. 1353 PRINCETON ST.? Table hoard, $4 per week. Jyl3 6t '"ROBINSON." 1602 14TH ST. N.W.?MEALS AT all hours; everything In aeaaon. Dinner all day Sundays and holldaya. my31-tt BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES. WHITE MAN OF EXPERIENCE WANTS GEN tleman or lady as partner, with small capital, to assist In establishing second-band furniture uoss: good location already secured. Address Boa 2t>5. Star olBce. It* FOR SALE?I HAVE 2.000 ACRES OF HIGH rich lrnd within 12 miles of Washington at $25 per acre for entire tract. Address GOOD IN VESTMENT. Star office. Jyl4-:tt FOR RENT?OFFICE AND YARD FOR RETAIL wood ami coal business; fine corncr; rent, $15 tier month. JOHN H. WALTER, jj 14-3t 203 Oolors'lo bMg.. 14th and G ?ts. F,NE RESTAURANT BUSINESS. SPLENDID LOCATION. PRICE. $6,000. no* 1S8. Star office. Jyl3-3t 8 FOR SALE?CONTENTS (ALMOST NEW. OF large rooming bouse; splendid location. Bargain If ?,>ld at onco. Box 136. Star office. Jy0-6f FOR S\LE -A SMALL BLOCK OF STOCK IN the Shenandoah Slate Co. at $25 per share. Ad dress Box 104. Star office: Jyl3-3t? FOR RENT?A VERY BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE, now used by the owner as a select boarding bouse, who will remain If desired: lious-e is very hand somely furnished; erery room occupied and more wanting rooms; paying now orer $330 i>er month. Will make a fair arrangement with right party. Addrefw Bon 198. Star office. Jyl3-3t WE HAVE A SMALL BLOCK OF STOCK placed with us for sale that offers an excep tional opportunity for a modest Investment that rarely comes but once In a lifetime. Gilt-edge security buslueas; has been established twenty five years; has been paying oyer 10 per cent divi dends. Apply immediately. INCORPORATING TRUST COMPANY. Room 406 Colorado building. Jyl2-tf FOR SALE-CORNER GROCERY; SPLENDID location; store rent low to good party. Ky. are. and E st. s.e. Jyl2-3t* W>NTED?AN INFLUENTIAL GENTLEMAN FOR president of a company now Incorporating for a new system of banking; system absolutely safe. Address BANKING, Star office. jyl2-3t* PROMOTER WANTED TO ASSIST IN OltUAN ltlng Institute for cure of liquor and drug habits. Profits usually exceed $1,000 per month. Ex clusive rights for District, including formulas. Ret ord of cures perfect. Address Box 12IJ. Star office. jy8-8f THE BEST OPPORTUNITY IN EXISTENCE FOR the Investment of small and large sums of Idle money. Boslues* has been established over twenty-five vears; 10 per cent guaranteed In shape of a bond; no risk or loss; principal back the demand. Address Box 180, Star office. jy!2-tf - AT RAMSAY'S. YOUR WATCH CLEANED. 11.00. WATCH MAINSPRING, ?1.00. ALL WORK WARRANTED ONE YEAR. mhS-M 1?1 T ST. W W. LOST AND FOUND. LOST ?JULY 13. BAG CONTAINING VALU ables. at Capitol gronuds. Liberal reward. R. G. CRAERIN. 35 K St. n.w. It* LOST -LAST FRIDAY. SMAU- GOLD PIN. WITH one p??rl. from 8130 P St. n.w. to Nat. Metro. Bank, tla F et. car. Suitable reward if left at the above address. It* lost-july" 11, on or about penn. ave. bet. Mh and 7tb sts. n.w.; 1 amber lorgnelt* and gold chain attached; 1 bracelet formed of cameos and 1 cameo breastpin. Liberal reward If returned to 1121 14th St. Jyl3-2t? LOST -SUNDAY. BET. 6TH AND F STS. AND 13th and Pa. ave.. In car or on street, red charo laln watch, with gold chain, fob. amethyst charm. Reward for return to STELLA JOHNSTON, 6th st. n.w. Jyl2-3t* LOST-BULL BRINDLB DOG; ANSWERS TO name "Tripper." Finder will receive moat liberal reward If returned to OWNKR, Apartment 10 Prince Karl. l?th and K. Jy*-?t* PBOPOSALS. DEPARTMBNT OF THE INTERIOR. GENERAL I?nd Office, Washington. D. C., Jnly 13. 1804. - Seated proposals will be received at this office ontll 2 o'clock p.m., Monday, August 8. 1904. for photollthographlng and printing S.OOO copies, more or less of each of the maps of the land states and Insular possessions prepared in tike General I-and Office daring the fiscal year end tag June 30, 1006. Specifications as to the character of the work, stse of maps, and quality of paper, may be procured at tbls office, where specimens will be exhibited to bidders. At the same time and place proposals will also be opened for photollthograph lng and printing copies of township plata and ither official plata conatttuttng part of the official records of the office. Specifications aa to the char acter of the work, quality of paper and number of coplea of each plat required. wAl be furalahed on application. Bonds with approved snretles for faithful performance of the work will he required. The right la reserved to reject any and all hid*. Bidden are Invited to be present at snch opening. J. H. FIMPUS. Acttn# Commissioner. Jyl4-law 4t ^ BTEAM CARPET CLEANING. t ???? THE AMMONLA1ED STEAM CARPET CLEANING and U. S. Metal Bad Co.?Carpet* taken ap, cltaiv 1. atored and retold. Mattresses made to or ! dc.' and remade. Iron beds, springs, coochsa and dlvana. M. NKWMYRR. 907 11th sTo.w. Rochdale ?Works. 1MB ft 1007 28th at. 'Phone Mala tot. Je1?-*t*C ACCOUNTANTS. i. E. BATES. Public Accountant and A editor. Offices. 70" and 70# Waahlagton I>ean and Treat building. Mh and r ata. a.w Telephone t75. Merraattle. C-uporatioa tad Legal Accounting, FOB RENT?BOOMS. FIHHISHKD. FOB RENT?A BEAUTIFUL. SBOOND-STOBY front room; veil furnished: cool, light and large; private faaUly. i?2 L ?t. n-w. Jyl4-3t* roR RKNT-UAKOK. COOL ROOM IN THE Bin?wick. Apply to JANITOR. jjrl4-at? FUR RENT?FUIINI8HJ? ROOM?, TWO OOMMU nlcatlng; northern and southern exposure. 1424 Q at n.w. Jy 14-th.s. tuAth.s,n>-6t* FOR REST?TWO ROOMS. $10 EACH PER MO. until Oct. 1. loiq Efrw n.w. It* FOR RB.VT?HBx>ND FLOOR BACK ROOM"; . large closet; new porcelsln bat ha; al#u hall room. 1002 11th n.w. It* FOR RENT-THREE VERT OOOL ROOMS AND bath; elegantly tarnished for housekeeping; cen trally located. 'Phone Main 33U8, or address 1'. O. Box 7. city. jy!4-3f FOR RENT?IN NICE, LARGE, COOL HOUSE. 2d floor front ruom, with hay window and alcove: back rooms same floor; also hall rooms; excellent table board If desired; northern family, 1514 12tli st. n.w. It* FOR RENT?l;;:iu K ST.. OPPOSITE FRANKLIN Park, beautifully furnished rooms; out-of-town rlsltors accommodated. Jyl4-6t* FOR RENT*?Ft RnIsiTeD, DESIRABLE BOOMS on 1st and 2d floors; most convenient locality in the city. $12 Mass. in1, n.w. private family. 1* FOR REIfm-MOHLV FURNISHED. COOL, 2D and .'<d-Aoor front rooina; nice bath; board If ctsired. 126 U it. n.w. Jyl4-2t* I OR KF.NT^iloo H ST. N.W.. I^ItGK, COOL mom; reasonable to 2 or 3 young men; single jcorns; transients. Jyl4-3t* till! ItKNTt-13M iyni ST., LARGE, COOL looms; tery cheap for summer; modern private home. It* FOR RENT? SECOND-STORY WELL-FURNISHED room; alcove; southern exposure; summer prlcea. 1009 S at. n.w. Jyl3-2a* FOR RENT^FOR THE SUMMER. CHEAP. FU fi nished. two rooms and bath. THE BERKSHIRE, 1412 Oha.pi? at., Jyl3-3i* FOR RENT?ONE LARGE FURNISHED FRON1 room; also hatl room; aultable for gentlemen. 1232 Mass. ave. n.w. Jyl3 2a* FOR RENT?TO GENTLEMAN. FURNUTHED room, third story; rent. $8. 030 Mass. are. n.w. jy!3-3t* FOR RENT-1220 H ST. N.W., FURNISHED rooms; gentlemen only. Jyl3-4t* FOB RENT?T Wo" NIOELY FT:RNISHED COM njunlcetlng rooms (four windows), for gentlemen; UMHjern. 10u2 K at. n.w. jyl3-8t? FOR RENT?LARGE FRONT ROOM FURNISHED for gentlemen; newspaper men preferred. 007 O at. a.s. Jyl3-3t? FOR RENT?DESIRABLE SECOND FLOOR south frout room; porcelain bath; awiilngs; pri vate family. 807 Mt. Vernon place n.w. Jy13-6t* FOR RENT?NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; POR celaln bath. 810 0th at. n.w. jy13-2t* FOR RENT?LARGE EAST FRONT ROOM; AL cove; cool; fumished for three; l.h.k. 1230 11th n.w. Jyl3-3t FOR RENT 720 12TII ST. N.W.?PERMANENT aud transient; ceutral; near cafe; large grounds; cool rooms. Jyl3-3t* FOR RENT?717 13TH ST.. STORY APARTMENT; flnely furnished; southern exposure; out of city visitors accommodated. Jyl3-3t* FOR RENT?THREE SECOND-STORY COMMUNI cating rooms; l.b.k.; $20 iw?r mo. 1010 K st. u.w,,3t* for rent?very Yibsirable furnishf.d rooms In corner bouse one square from Capitol. Library and cars; southern exposure. 101 2d St. n.e. Jyl2-3t* FOR RENT-1014 K N.W.. 1*LEASANT ROOMS; delightful, cool, convenient location; near de partmt nts; Bummer ratea. jyl2-3t* FOR RENT?1110 16T1I ST. N.W.. TWO LARGE, three small rooms, with bath; summer rate*. 12-0a* FOR RENT?tt: 13 N. "7 AV" E.. NICELY FirR., large, cool, tlrst-floor front; southern exposure. Jyl2-3t* FOR RENT?NICEI.Y FURNISHED SECONI) story room; no children; avenue cars. lt?4 New natnpshlre ave. Jy'.2-3t FOR RENT -FURNISHED ROOM?1011 NTH ST. n.w., one 2d-story front room. jjlMt' FOR~RENT?GENTLEM EN ROOMERS WANTED. Two cool, pleasant furnished rooms to rent; de lightful snnimer locality; In a quiet, small fam lly. Call 3070 Q St. Jyl2-3t* FOR RENT?SEVERAL DESIRABLE ROOMS IN modern home, furnished or unfurnished. 1370 Harvard st. n.w. Jyl2 3t* FOR RENT TWO FRONT ROOMS. FURNISHED, for light housekeeping; bath on aame floor; adults only; <14. 520 1st St. n.w. jyl 1-tit* FOR RENT?ROOMS FOR RENT. NEWLY FUR Bished, papered and painted. 906 H St. n.w. Jy9-6t* FOR RENT?1123 11TH ST. N.W., ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms; comfortable; modern house; moderate prices Jy9-7t FOR RENT?TH E PATIENCE, 910 E N.W ? Newly furnished rooms; ru.i.; single or en suite, with bath; CENTRAL LOCATION; cool, quiet, and rates reasonable. To see them Is to like tliem. Call and investigate. R. P. HALLADAY, Mgr. JyS-26t UNFURNISHED. FOR RENT?UNFURNISHED FLAT OF 3 NICE ) larg" cool sud bright rooms. 132U 12th n.w. Jyi4-3f FOR RENT?'TWOI.AROK UNFURNISHED ROOMS I with gas and Iwrh; no children. 306 A st. s.o.l" FOR RENT?:i Vtri KIJXIU ROOMS; BATH f GAS; use of cellar for storage; southern exposure. ^ 704 A st. n.e. It* FOR RENT?THREE NEW ROOMS AND TILED j porcelain t.ath. 2d floor, gas and heat, fur 1. h. k.; large yard, basement for storage. 1300 E. Cap. ? FOR RENT?TWO ELEGANT UN FUR NI.SHED Mums; south front; no children. 52 New York ave. n.e. Jyl4-3t* FOR RENT UNFURNISHED. THREE BEAUTI ful communicating rooms, 3d floor. 941 M St. n.w. Jyl4-2t* FOR RENT?927 P ST N.W.. FOUR ROOMS, 2D floor. porcelain bath, for light housekeeping, with gas and heat. It* FOR RENT?1 UNFUR. BOOMS, NEWLY l'A pered aud painted; cab. mantel; l.h.k.; no ntlier roomers. OWNER, 1709 13th St. n.w. Jyl4-2t* FOR RENT-2D FLOOR. 3 ROOMS; BAY WIN dow; large closets; bath; l.h.k.; $17. OWN'vR, 1707 13th n.w. jyl3-w,tb.g.3t? FOR RENT-FOUR SECOND FLOOR ROOMS and hath; very reasonable. 1520 Oth st. n.w. Jyl3-3t FOR RENT?UNFURNISHED?3 ROOMS, FOR l.h.k. 742 Oth st. u.w. Jyl2-3b* FOR RENT 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; L.H.K.; no children. 30 Mass. ave. n.w. Jyl2-3t* FOIt RENT?1008 10TH N.W.. 2 3-ROOM FLATS; large rooms; closets; gas; private bath. Jyl2-Si* FOR RENT?AN UNFURNISHED ROOM IN AN apartment, centrally located In the northwes;; references exchanged. Box 181. Star office.Jy 12-6* FOR RENT-ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR, TWO rooms; next to bath; heat, light; light ltuuse keeplng. Apply 2123 I. at. u.w. Jyl2 3t* FOR RENT?LARUE UNFURNISHED ROOMS; private bell and water In rooms. 1224 6th st. n.w. Jyl2-3t* FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED?2D FLOOR. 612 Oth St. n.w.; suitable for housekeeping or busi ness. Apply to V. BALDWIN JOHNSON. je30 tt FIHMjHEI) OH INKIIKKIUHKU. FOR RENT-13.'t? Q ST. N.W.; LARGE, MEDIUM and small rooms; desirable nelghbortHMMl; ref erences exchanged. Jyl4-0t* FOR RENT?AUG. 1. TWO LARGE, A IKY, COM. rooms; furn. or unfurn. 632 E st. n.e. Jyl4-2t* FOR BENT-PARLOR FLOOR-DOCTORS Es tablished office; other cool rooms, cheap. 1017 1.1th st. j.v 14-3t* IOR RENT-ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFUR nlsbeU. 1322 R. I. ave. Jyl3-2c* FOR RENT-VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS. SINGLE or en suite; board If desired. 110 B ?.e. Oppo site Oongresslonsl Library. Jyl3-3t* FOR RENT FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms. 1241 Princeton St., Cblumbla Heights. Four moms; private bath; suitable for Tight housekeeping. J712-J t FOR RENT?IN THE RAYMOND, 814 22D_ST. n.w.. 3 rooms and buffet kitchen and tiled bAth; rooms all outside. Best apartment In city at *20.00 Convenient to car lines. Sss JANTTOR or H. C. WILSON, Bliss bldg., 35 B St. n.w. apSOtf FOR REVT?F. H. SMITH CO.. 1408 N. T. AVE., RENTAL AGENTS. bOND BIJ)G. 2010 G St. n.w., first floor, SIX ROOMS AND BATH; porcelain tub, gas range, steam heat, janitor aerrlce; newly papered; $40.80. ap3? tf FOB BEHT?0FFICE8. FOR RENT-DESK ROOM OR ENTIRE ROOM, 3d floor. Colorado bid*. LEON M. EtSTAIWUIOK, 307. Colorado hldg. Jyl4-3t* FOB BENT?OFFICE BOOMS IN TnE "EVANS building." No. 1416 to 1424 New York are. n.w. Hist centrally located. Rental very low. Apply to JOHN O. EVANS. 1424 New York ave. Jyl2-i2t FOR RENT?2D FLOOR. 612 9TH 8T. N.W., suitable for business or boosekeeplng. Apply to V. BALDWIN JOHNSON. jeftO-tf FOR RENT?FIN*. LARGE ROOMS. 2D FLOOR. 1821 G at.; rent very reasonable. my7 tf T. A. HARDING. iaiB Q st n.w. FOR RENT?OFFICE ROOM IN BASEMENT. TIT 14th st.; most desirable locality; rent. ISO. In cluding beat and light. my4 tf MQORK * HH-L (Inc.). TIT 14tb st tt-W. FOB RENT ? LA ROB AND BRIGHT OFFICII rooms in the Firemen's Ins. building. 7th snd La. ave.; newly papered and painted. Elevator. Rent very ressonabl* ap21-78t-? FOB BBHT?T^PEWBITEBS. FOB RKNT-OLIVEtt TTPEWRITEBS. CONDI tisa gnaraateed, with stand, tws months to sppiy on purchase ot s?w machine. Limited free nas of oar mscklaes In this odtee tasperatarssfWthsr machines snd others qnallfled. THE OUVEB TYPEWRITER COMPANY ee>-tf j i ? 1337 Peons, see. s.w. FOB BEHT?STABLES. FOR RENT? Bear U16 Vt..?*e. n.w.. good sice $90.00 Bear 1?1 L ??. n.w nod stae 20.90 FILL. VAN DYKE * FILL, jjrl2-tf 1323 a St. a.w. FOE BEHT?HOUSES. Fl'HUUHKD OH CBFCHIIISHED. FOR RENT? KV.1? I. Mr, 3b..T3 00 KW.I B, Mr, Jb...80.00 NW.1706 De8aln.ttr4.100 NW.17S1 R, lOr. b.. 41.00 NW.228 1* J nT.ttr.h.40.80 NW.1B06 lJth.10r.b 3S.50 NW.938 Snow's r.5r..T.S0 N'W.Rflf 526 21st ,4r.T.36 NW.180# Caton, 4r...7.00 NW.2636 B. ?r T.00 NW.420 Oat al,4r....6.30 NW.936 Snow'a r. 4r 8 00 NW,122?S 7th. k. - 8 00 NW.B8 V. Or, b... .30.50 NW.114 Madls'n al.2r5.70 NW.1952 2d. 8r. b.,.80.00 NE.1104 7th. 8?. b. XIM NW.228 F. 8r. b... .22.50 NE.712 L. 8*. b 2160 KW.2009 L. 5r 16.60 NW.419 10th.hase.lr15.00! NW.400 O. ball. lr..15.oa; NW.400 O. 3d fl, lr..15,oo! NR.720 L. 8r. b 20.40 NE.140 L. Or. t> 1? ?0 NK.041 2d. 6r, b 18.80 | NE.1106 (Wh. 7r. b..18.40 t'.5.-,son 8,h- 4r 12.30 NE.32 G. 5r 10.80 ??I2ST 3s,h- Or. .12 30.SR.119 N C ar. 7r. b25.42 NW.1245 S3th, 7r.. .12.30 SR.122 E. 8r. h 25.42 NW.30C O at aller.4r.8 00;SR.631 Oa ar, 7r....12.00 I NW.012 Rlckcr tact.4r7.50l 1 FURNISHED HOUSES. SW.802 lltb, 13r, b 80.00 __ _ OFFICES. NW.Gnnton M4f..OBrM,XW,Central bldg...Offices NW.468 La a* Offices, NW.703 13th (4th story). NW.908 O. 3d fl...Omces NW.703 IStb (3d story). NW.811 7th. rtn 6...6.00! NW.803 O Offices NW.6I0 Oth.3 fl.2r,b.l7.00' FLATS. NW.1114 G (3d floor). 4r 30 00 NW.20B D (lat floor). 4r. and b 2S 00 SR.300 Pa. ave. (3(1 floor). 8r. and b 25 00 NW.618 9th, 2r. and b. . 17.00 STABLES. NW.Rear 1118 14tb, 3 stalls 2O.00 NW.Rear 1323 U. S at nils and e b 10.50 NW.Rear 532 21at 10 00 NW.Rerr 1221 18th. 0 ataUa and 2r 9 00 NW.902 R. 2 atalU 6.00 STORES N.W. near 823 F (shnp), 2r 6.00 jy9-6t THOS. K. WAGGAMAN. 917 F at. n.w. UKFIHNHHKD. FOR RENT? 1103 H ST. N.W. 11 -room house; modern plumbing; good condi tion; dw.ilrable location; $50. Jyl4-6t* FOB RENT? 3221 U at. n.w.. 12rAt> #45.00 3218 V at. n.w., 10r*b 40.00 1001 Vt. are. n.w., 12rSb 40.00 1308 10th st. n.w., 14r. 2b 123.00 80.3 8th st. n.e., 8 r*h 25.30 5221-25 Brlghtwood are., flr&b, ca 18.00 ATKINSON A BALLARl) CO.. Jyl4-3t 1411 G at. n.w. FOR KRNT? BY GEO. W. LINK INS, 800 19TB ST. 220 E nw, 13r, b...$50.76 1910 Pa ar. atom.. .20.00 1232 9th nw. llr.b...B0.83 229 22d nw. 5r, wa.,10 50 f 1O30 25th. 9r. b 80.50 237 22d nw. 4r. wa...7.30 428 Oth ne. Sr. fur. .25.00 Storage rooma 5.00 715 20th nw, 7r, b. .18.50 Jj-13-tf ' FOR RENT?1232 00*11 ST. N.W.; 11 ROOMS AND bath; a flue house. In first-class order, at low rental. GEO. W. LINKIN8, Jyl3-6t 800 19th n.w. FOR RENT-1H04 13TH ST. N.W.. NINE ROOMS; (40.50. JOHN T. KNOTT. Jyl3-3t* 018 F at. FOR RENT?BY H. L. KI'ST. 808 14THM N.W. FURNISHED ) UNFURNISHED. 1500 Vt ar. 20r.4b$2.'0.00 1754 y. 17r. 3b. .$ 1713 1. 16r. 3b 208.33 1750 Oregon ar.lOr.b 1004 K. 13r, 2b 106.66 1734 Conn ar.15r.2til00.00 | 2023 Conn ar, lOr. .186.00 2021 Conn ar.14r.3b.83.33 1754 N. 14r. 2b.... 150 00:2818 13th. 12r, 2b. .55116 1744 1*. 14r. 2b 125.00:1425 21st. llr, b....52.50 1405 21st, lOr. li 85.O0 1406 15th, llr, 2b..50.80 1203 N II ar. 10r.b.65.0-) 1134 N II ar. 9r. b..40.50 2120 N. lOr, b 50.50 514 2d ne. 7r. li 25.50 1248 Princeton, 10r,l>35.50i213 Oth ne, Or, b.. .20 50 APARTMENTS. "Kenora," lst&Mass.a v.n.e., 5r.b,at reduced rental. 1110 Conn. ave.. 3r.. bath 22.50 15th and A sts. n.e., tew. lat 11.. 4r.,b.,a.ra.l. 15.50 474 O n.w., 3r.. b.. 1st fl.. $13 30 ; 4r.. b.. 3d fl.. 11.50 STORES. N. Cnp. and E sts.. large warehouse & yard.100.00 425 12th nw 60.0$ Stable. 3? stalls.... 100.00 Jvl2-t f,20 FOR RENT? 831 20th St., 7 rooms, mod. Imp $25.50 1310 Oth St.. 9 rooms, mod. Imp 40.50 802 L at., 12 rooms, mod. Imp 45.80 1 jy 12-3t A T. COl'MBK. 1425 N. Y. are. FOR RENT -BY R. O. HOI.TZMAN, REAL ES titte and Insurance Broker. 10th and F ata. n.w. 220 N Capitol, 80r, 933 N, apartment.Or.45.00 per annum $3,800 00 1321 M, apt. 5r 40.00 812 Conn ar. lOr. ...83.83 1327 14th, 3<1, 8r 40.00 300 13th nw. 22r... .75.00 1919 17th nw. 9r...40.00 2013 O. lOr 70.00 1716 ?th nw. lOr. ...40.00 1867 Mlntwood pl.2b70.00,1745 F nw. lOr 35.60 a-17 K nw. 12r 66.08 935 P nw. 8r 30.00 1907 H nw, lOr 63.00 1401 W. 7r 30 40 2013 19th, 12r, 2b. ..05.00 924 N nw. 6r 30.00 911 I, 15r 00.00 3d fl 000 12th nw.Ov.30.00 2112 R. 12r 60.00 611 9th ne. 6r 22.50 401 G nw, 14r 50.50 1217 K ne. 8r 20.50 942 N Y ar. 12r 00.00 1711 T nw. Or 20 00 1321 M. 6r, apt 50.00 1230 11th ae. 7r. sto.20.00 1532 Park. 9r 30.00 3207 P nw. 9r 18.30 939 N Y ar, lOr 45.50.914 E nw.baaement..13.00 1840 R. lOr 45.00 73 N Y ar ne. 3r 10.50 OFFICES. Snn bldg 150.00 425 12th nw. 3d floor, "Atlantic Coast Line bldg," from $10 to $35 with heat 20.00 408 7th nw 7.00 STORES. 42b 12th n.w 68 00 Jyii-tf FOR RENT-BY SAM'L T. SMITH & OO. No. 926 23d st. n.w.. llr., 2b.. fur $45.00 No. 1513 Oth st. n.w., 9r. and b.. stable 30 30 No. 14 P st. n.e.. 6r. and b 20.30 No. 2133 Newport place n.w. (flat). 4r. & b. 12.50 l)9-6t SAMI. T. SMITH ACQ.. 1321 G st. n.w. FOR RENT-BY WKSCOTT & WILCOX. 1907 Penna. are. 1012 R.10,b,fur,eel.$30.73| STORE. 1307 13th.10r.b.cel..50 50; 1900 H. lr, w. b...33.00 72! 19th, 8r. b, fur..40.30; 1917 Pa ar. lr, cel...30.42 1517 28th.!..35.TiO GOO 10th sw.3r.cellarl5.50 30<>9 O. lOr.b.ami. ..35.50 2110 L. lr, cel. w... 15.00 .'113 Pa av.l2r.b,eel.35.50, FLATS. 1107 Ml ar,7r.b,lat.30.50 THE CARLISLE. 1213 N, 3012 Duro aT.8r.b.lat30.50 non-housekccpliig fiats? 911 23d. 30.50 $10.50 to $35.00 1003 24th. Or. b. lat 25.501914 23d, 3d fl. 4r, b..25.00 1128 19th. 6r. b, lat25.50 1710 3d. 5r. b. 2fl....22.50 1516 Klng'n.6r.b,lat.25.50 952 28tli. 1st fi. 4r.h. 17.30 I 1414 30th. Or, OFFICE ROOMS. [ 2021 L. Or. h, lat.. .25.30,482-486 La ar. heated 2431 I. Or. w. and g,16.30| rniB..$8, $10, $12.50,$20 802 N II av,6r, STABLES. 817 20th. Or. w 10.30 1912 G. rear,2s.c r.wlO.OO ! 2429 F. Or, w 12.30,716 19th,r r.3a,c r. ..10.00 1010 Chaae ct,6r,w.,.12.30' J.v9-tf FOR RENT-R. W WALKER & SON. 1006 F ST. 1027 R 1 ar nw,12.b$70.00 614 N nw, st & dw, 1524 P nw, 12r, b...60.00 6r. b. stable 35.50 I 2419 11th nw. i0r.b.45.00 1038 How ar, Mt Plcas 2421 11th nw. lOr.b.45.00 ant, 9r, b 32.50 806 21st, 9r. b 37.50 3136 Q nw. Or, b 30.50 1456 How ar, 9r. b..37.50 N Chery Ch,Md,10,b30.00 1458 How ar nw.9.b 37.50 Stable rear 1719 S. .12.00 1460 How ar nw.O.b 37.50 Statde r 2025 14th..10.00 922 23d ?t.. 9r.. b.. fur., July & Aug., per mo. 25.00 1300 N st. n.w., I2r., b.. furnished, por year.$1,500 2210 Liberty at. n.w., 4r., water 9.00 FOR RENT-D. D. THOMPSON. 1335 F N.W. Sereral 6r. c?ttages, Colored?2323 Connor's Kenning road... .$10.00 ar nw, 4r 8.30 1808 S nw, 8r. anil.35.00 1461 Sheridan ar nw. 1244 E ne, ft.-, ami. .20.50 6r, ami 32.00 Desirable desk room In <iu!et office. jy9-tf FOR RENT $75 1310 O nw, lOr $70 2110 O nw, 14r; $70 1806 N n ar. 14r $70...The Marlborogb. flr $71.20. .1000 9tb nw. llr JOO.00. .1819 Adama Mill road, lOr. 5..The Cumberland. 7r $30....The Cambridge, 4r $30 911 E nw, 4r fcl5 The Cameron, 6r $30. .432 Oth nw.up'r floor $32.80 1210 O nw, 8r $32.50 . 2819 11th nw. 8r ,$32.50.The Montgom'y. 4r $32.50.. 1009 20th nw. 8r 60. ..217 10th nw, ator?:$30.50 1009 S nw, 7r f# 429 6th nw, 12r $30.50... 1430 Fla ar. 9r ?6 80.. ..1000 22d nw. 9r $30.50. .1405 29th nw,10r S5 60. .1130 12th nw,12r $30.50. 3417 Morgan ar.ttr S3.00.1814 Belra't ar,12r $30.38.. 1930 14th nw, Tr ^00 70. ...1927 K nw. llr $30 1743 13th nw. 6r $50 60.1309 Roan'e nw.U ;30. .The Montgomery. 4r $50 50 1107 P nw, lOr $28 50 611 3d ne, ttr $50.50 . 3012 13th nw,13r; $27.30 1306 L nw, 8r $00. .The Cumberland, 6r $50.. 1787 Colombia rd,8ri $00 The Phoeni*. Or $40.40 .1412 Hopklna, 9r $27.50..1408 Corcoran, 8r $27.00.. 1406 10th nw, Br >27,50 3100 P nw. 7r $20.50..806 Qulncy nw,9r $40 ...The Brunawicii, 4rl $25.30... .243 8fh ne, 8r 145 The Victoria, Br$25.30 28 7th ne, 8r $48. ...The Franconla, Or $28 911 E nw. 4r $40. .The Leamington. 5r $25..The Cuml>erland. 2r $43 The Cameron. Or $25 1322 12th ne, ttr *46 1016 22d nw. 9r, $23 400 10th se. 7r $40.80 226 3d nw, 14r $40.85..1321 11th nw, lOr $40.50 800 ttth nw. 9r $40.00...2472 Ontario, 8r $40 The Miller. 5r $22.50 The Miller. 2r $20.50.758 Harrard nw.6r *20.40 56 Fla ar. 6r $20 810 F nw, offlc* $17.38 121 Cal ne. flr The Phoenix, Orl *15 #11 7th nw. 3r $40 The Cameron. 5r,$16.. .60 C nw. rear, shop $31.50. .The Parkslde, 6r $13 801 D nw, office $87.50. The Cameron. Br! $15.40.. .622 11th aw. Br $37.50,The Cumberland 4r,$12.50 2440 P_nw, 8r 5.50..1911 13th nw. lOr S5.50 ..1418 6th nw, ttrI 1.00. .3219 11th nw. 8r 5.00 1624 Q nw, 8n ^35.50..613 NY ar.wareha 112 1420 N I if, h $10.30. .908 21at nw, ator* ? $10 lat & K aw .coal yd |$10 329 7th ae, store i $10 610 F nw, oflV-e T_J.50..2831 11th nw, 8r;$9.30 4 Col ar. 4r $35.50...1322 W nw. 10r,$8.30 1303 K ae. 4r $35..The Marlborough. 2r! $8 511 Tth nw, office For complete ilat of property for rent (end for weekly bulletin. Jytt-tf B. H. WARNER CO.. ttltt F n.w. FOR RENT? 1366 b 22.50 1204 H na. 6r. b. .18 30 141 Hickman ae.6r.hl7.30 .636 17th nw.ttr.b. .(50.60 2418 14th, ttr. b 40.00 132 II nw, 5r. b. ...26.29 1425 O ne.sto It dw..28.00 . 111C to 20 C nt. n.e. flat. 4r. and bath 15.06 my28-44t* WM. A. BAirilwDAT. Bond bldg. FOR RENT?BT B. F. SAUL CO., TTH * L N.W 1206 It I ar. llr.b..?BO.OO;614 K nw. 6r. w "" " 100# 8th nw. ttr, b. ..42.50 1018 10th nw.ttr.b....37.50 448 M nw. lOr. b 32.50 1085 10th ne. flr. b. .30.50 756 Sheiidan.ato.T.b.80.00 1313 L aw. 8r, b 27.90 )14 H nw. ttr, b... .M.OO 1445 Q nw. 8r, b. ? -26.35 615 R I ar nw, tr.b.25.30 1021 4% aw. store 20.00 814 O ae. Tr.b.fnr. .23.50! 1433 ttth nw. Sr. b._23.60 107 Fla ar ne, 7f,b. .22.50 638 2d ne. 6r. b 20.56 1427 Danean ne.6r,b.l5.50 1263 H ne. 3r, 2d 0..15.30 1400 N Cap, 4r, 0at.-13.00 1863 N J ar nw 13.30 422 O nw, Br, b 12 50 134* 6th aw,ato*c*1.12.00 718 ttth ne, store 12 00 1318 7th nw. Sr. 21.10.00 1010 S Cap. Or, W...S.30 1332 Frlatoa et. 4r.w.? 36 Rear Tth ft O 402 D aw, office ra..$7AS8 716 P nw. 2r 7.00 1066 31at aw. 4r 5.00 3.80 Office Q nw. Tr. b... .30.50 Rear 611 M nw. lr. .3.! ( rooms at 512 F st. n.w., steam beat. Jytt-tf FOR RENT?BY JAMES F. SHEA. ?43 Louisiana are. n.w. FLAT. 1130 10th n.w..4r.*b., beat. a.m.!...$2>.?tt Brlghtwood and Scott ares, n.w., 5-room and bath Oats. a.m.I.; rent redmred to... 17.50 1822 13th st. n.w.. Br. ? bath. a.m.1 40.60 651 2d at. n.e.. Sr. * bath, a.m.l 86 00 1301 *% at. a w.. 8r. * bath 20.00 1134 K at. n.e.. store 16.00 13H and Water ata. a.w.. stable 12.00 R* ar 220 ttth at. a.w.. atable 6.00 Jy?-tf-ii 21st n.w., 15r.. Sb., hot-water heet.. .$136.00 m st. a-w.. 12r., 2b.. steam beat 66.6# ttth st. a.w., lOr. and b 40.50 Csroitae St.. lOr. snd b.. fornacr.... 40.80 FOB rrKNT 1623 1013 1334 1524 Csroitae 1837 Bw- st. B-w.. llr. and b OT.Jtt 1335 C.?c?r?r. ttr. * b.. formace beat. rent. 35.80 10 13th st. a-e., Tr., b., heated by latrobaa W.M 1#Sal 17tb a.w . lOr. and b.. 1st robe beat... M.M 406 G si- a.r.. Sr., h., heated by latrobs^. THE H ASHINOTON LOAN AND TRPST CO.. jaSO-U KUL E8TATB DEPARTUBJIT. FOB RE1CT?HOUSES. PWrURWISHKP. FOR RENT? THOMAS J. FISHF.R * CO.. REAL BSTATK. LOANS AND INSURANCE. 14M K ST. N.W. TELB.P0ONEM M. 348 AND M. UNFURNISHED. 1408 n DW.4Br.4h. $4,500 1443 Q nw. ?r. b .g.50 1T1T I nw. 13r. 3I>.. 1.SD0 810 N J av nw. 9r.b.40.00 818 15th nw.1 lr.2b. .1.800.1742 N nw. 8r, h....40.00 3406 U nw. 14r. b. 1813 1Mb nw. Sr. b..40.00 $1,000 per animm 2418 14tb nw. 9r. b.40.00 1400 Cbapin.lSr. 2b. .1.000 1448 N nw. lOr. b...3S.55 1308 Conn it nw, llr. 2W0 32<1 nw. 9r. b.37.50 |> $1,000 P* r ?" 1'23 O nw. 8r. b...35.80 1325 O nw. 21r 8b..150.00 1407 StaugMon.9r.h.S3.50 1101 141b DW.lTr.lbl4O.O0 141? Staughton.9r.l>.S5 ..0 3043 1? nw. 17r 125.00 Ana coat la Hts.?r.b..3.y<io 1428 Mum ?T,12r.b..85 i>0 1530 2Pth nw. 9r. h.,30.40 617 13th nw, 10r...75."0 11>I 8 nw. 8r. b 2? 50 1925 CIn nw. llr. 2t>?R (>0 2t?2(> 12th nw. 4r. b 25 OilI 1204 1* uw. lOr. b 6O.00 64 I> n?. 8r. b 23.00 1806 Krncnw av nw. ;.J28 I>el av ne. 5r. h21.50 lOr. 2b 56 00 134 F nr. 7r. b 20.50 1640 21st nw, llr, b55 00 2ii20 12tb Dw. 4r. b 2" '*> 1525 1 nw, 12r. b...56n0 4:?6 1st ne. Tr, b 18.00 1331 Farranl.Sr.Sb ',<> 00 440 lat ne. 4r. b 17.50 4109 Conn sv,llr.2h.50.00 31? lat ne. 8r 14.50 1205 R I it nw.12r.W0.00 234 Quiney ne.4r.b. .13.00 1316 KrnTon,10r,b...-iO 00 J32V, Qnlrn-v ne.4r..>13 00 | 1638 U I it nw.Sr.b. 30.00 228 Qulucy ne.*r.b...lS.00 1213 R I it nw.10r.b45.00 2513 M nw. 6r 10 00 917 N Y it nw,?r,b..4? r? r,9 .Isckson ne. 5r 9 30 1905 K nw. lOr. b. .45.00 57 Jsckson ne. 6r....9 30 1411 20th nw. 8r. b..45 00 Lot 1. aq 835 Offer KINK HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS IN THE MARION, STODDKKT, THE B. & O . THE MAURY, THE RKOINA ANI) THE AUDOUN. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED APARTMENTS IN THE IHJRTLAND. OFFICES. ? Office*. 1324 N. T. ve. n.w.. 2r.. 2-1 floor JB .00 Office*. 11 D nw. 2(1 Ic ISw cor 8th A 1> nw. 3d floors 55 00 2<l ind 3d floor*. .100.00 502 E nw $4 to $30 1423 F nw $8-$l? Se cor 12thAF nw.$15-$50 Sw cor llthAEnw.r8..8.00 1411 G nw. lr 18.00 Sw cor Ilth ? E nw. Century l>ldg... .$12 $123 room 1 6.00 1421 F nw $10-$ 10,605-7 71b nw $3-$4# 620 F nw $1(1 $25' UNSURPASSED FACILITIES FOR THE COI, LECTION OF RENTS FROM ALL CLASSE8 OF PROPERTY. A* tbe aboTe 1* only part of the llat of proper tie* under ?ur chsrge we will gladly furnlah com plete bulletlna on ippllritlon being mule it tbla office or by mall. THOS. J. FISHER A CO.. Inc.. 1414 F ?t. n.w., adjoining the New Wiliard. 5y0'f FOR RENT? 58 V nw 9r b. . ..$32.5013 office mil. 907 (1...25 00 Cottage.'.N Takom*.35.(10 office rail, 1.107 F it nw Store r, 907 O nw.. .SO.OOjStable. Water bet 32d Barber s,HtIJohnaon40.00 and 33d...........25.00 26 to 34 Seatoo at. n.w.: 5-room apartment! 25 50 6-rooui apartments 26.50 TYLER & RUTHERFORD (Inc.). 1307 F it. , fr2 12t? FOR RENT-BY I. J. MILLS. 0(15 6TH ST. N.W. 55 N Y ay,nw,7r,b.$30.5012310 Champ 18 50 409 L nw. Sr. b. . . 22 5n|l243 H ne.large sto. 16.50 13.U)4 N Cap, 5r, b..21.50iFlat J245 II ne.4r.b.l3.*> Jy8-tf.4 FOR REXT-BY E J. WALSH & CO.. 519 14TH ST. 1401 21at nw,10r.2b$75.00?B53 Md av no. llr....36 SO 215 N Cap 7r, b. . . .50.00:3421 Brown uw. 10r,3." 50 047 Md it ne, 9r, b..37.3o'513 lOtb ne. 5r 16.50 JyH-tf FOR RENT? ELEG A NT PRESS BRICK RESI deiice. No II T St. lie.; 6 looms; liath; furnace boat; only $-7.50. Jy7-tf WILUGE. GIBBS it DANIEL. 6Q5 13tb. FOR RENT?AN" ELEGANT RESIDENCE, NO. 1306 Conn. ito. n.w.; In faahlonable locilltjr; per fect order; it low rent. _ THE PHILLIPS COMPANY. Jo23-tf 330 John Minbill place. F03 RENT?COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. 2818 13TH ?t nw., Tery attractive house; newly papered and painted; In perfect order; 12 roorui and 2 baths with reception hall; laundry In cellar; bot-water beat. fl. L. RUST, 608 14tb it- D.w. Jel7-tf 5 FOI. RE? '-5 IOWA CIRCLE. 13R. & B...$125 no 1513 Kenesaw aTe. n.w., 9r. and b 35.00 1317 Colnnilil* road n.w., lOr. and b 55 50 1753 6 ?t n.w., 13r. and 2b 125.00 1822 16th at. n.w.. 7r. and b J*. 00 925 1 at. Q.W.. 8r. and b 30.50 RALPH W. LEE. Real Estate aud Inaurance, 1406 O at. n.w. Jell-tf FOP RENT?DWELLING 326 O ST. N.W.; 10 rooms and bath room; with large porch In rear and deep lot: $38.50. Inquire of JOHN H. BRENT. 1819 H it. n.w. iny!7-tf FOR RENT?DEEBLE A CO.. 1319 F ST. N.W. 2121 N n w., 10r.t 2b W0.00 1519 N. H. it*, n w., 7r. and b 35.50 2906 N n.w.. 10r., b 82 80 my28-tf FCrt Rr:NT?UNFURNISHED? 25 Lanier place. .4150 00)1613 S ?t 80.00 1732 K it 112.50,1118 10th it 46.00 2024 G it 75.00 812 18th it 45.00 Alio Tery desirable ipartmenti In Stonelelgh O rt at frtm $50 to $175 per month. Also a largf list of desirable furnlahed housei. FITCH. FOX & BROWN. mh5-tt 1406 G it. n.w. FOR RENT? 1454 V at. u.w.: 7r.. n.m.l.; $30.50. ReJlnctlon for summer months. Apply R. M. IIETH. Port ocr F'it*. np3U tf FOR RENT? ? 1349 L St. n.w.. 16 rooms, 2 iMithi $<00 00 Georgetown Heights. 16 rooms and bnth.. 100.00 415 4th st. n.w., 16r. and liath 60.00 1205 Q st. n.w.. 10 rooms and bath 40.63 11)09 ?d St. n.w., 11 rooms and bath 35.00 Stabl- rear of 1016 14th n.w.. 5 stalls, room for 5 carriages $3." |ter mouth ap21-t; WEAVER BROS.. 1416 F al. n.w. FOR RENT? . 2462 Wisconsin arc. n.w., new, 8r.. h $40 00 111' N st. n w.. llr.. b.. a.m.I., sttihle 78.75 ne4 tt LOUIS I). WINE & CO.. 1304 F st. n w. FOR RENT? 1704 G. 4 floor*.. .$100 00'FI the N York.Sr.b. .35.50 1311 S St. 9r 40.00 1620 Q st. 8r. b. . . .3.V.V) 1313 S st 9r. b 40 00 1235 N Y aT.20r.3b. 150.00 Jal8-tf OASCH k BIRGE. 1326 N. Y. stp. n.w, FOR RENT?STORES. FOR RENT?21") H N.W.. LARGE NEW STORE. 22x00; on oar line, near gov't printing office; low I rent. W. F. NA8F1. .VX) ( enter Market. JyU 3t i FOR RKNT?FINE STORE AND DWELLING. NO. 645 C at. n.e. Inquire C. A. PETERS, Congreas , Heights. Jy? FOR RENT?425 12TH ST. N.W. Large building as a whole, for $100, or store room and cellar, $60. Suitable for any business. Jyll-tf.5 H L. Rt'ST, 60ft 14th st FOR RENT?FINE STORE AND DWELLING. 3021 M st. n.u\; 11 rooms; bath; newly papered and painted; only $37.50. Jy7-tf WI LUGE. GIBBS & DANIEL. 600 13th. FOR RENT?WAREHOUSES. FOR RENT?AUTOMOBILE WAREHOUSE AND repair shop, in rear of No. 60 (' st. n.w.; tbive floors; water, gas and W. C. on each floor; $25 per month. Address THOMAS W. SMITH, cor. 1st and Ind. ave. n.w. Jyl4-6t PROPOSALS. CfFlCE OF THE COMMISSIONERS, D. C., Washington, July 11, 1904.?Sealed proposals will b? received at this oflloe until 12 o'clock m. July 23, 1904, for constructing quarantine buildings for the health department on the WushinRton Asylum giourds, 19th and B sts. s.e. Forms, specifica tions and ncccBsary Information may )>e obtained at thU office. H. B. F. MACFARl.ANIJ. HENRY L. WEST. JOHN BIDDLE. Coinmlsaloners, I>. C. Jyl3-6t THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ALRXAN drla county, Va., will receive sealed ]>roiioiisL? un til 10 o'clock a.m. July 16. HMM. for the con atiuctlon of an addition, In Its entirety, to the Jail at Fort Myer Heights, In accordance with draw luga and specifications prepared by B. F. Smith. Fire-proof Censtnwtkm Company, architects I'ope building. Washington, D. C. Drawings and s|iecl flcitlona can be seen it the office of the architects or at the office of the clerk of the court of Alex andrla county. Each bid must be accoin|iaiiled by a certified check by a rational bank for the sum of $500. u ade payable to the lioird of iui?rrlsors. Bids should be marked "Estimate for Jull addi tion" and addressed to Dr. D. N. RUST. Chalrmiu. 1yl3-3t PTRi'lTlVK OFFICE. COMMISSIONERS OF the District of OolnmbU. Wi-shlngtoo, July 9. 1904 ? Sealed proposali will be received at ihU office until TWELVE M.. JULY SIXTEENTH. 1904 to furnish forty or more Horse# during ihc flicai year 1903. for use of the Fire Department of the District of Columbia. Specifications and ill nciisiary information may tie obtained from ".lie (?hU-f Engineer of the Fire Department. HENRY B F MACFARLAND. HENRY L. WEST. JOHN RIDDLE. (Commissioners of the District of ( oluui bU. PASTURING. WANTED HORSIS TO PASTURE. ADDRESS J AS. L. PUMl'HREY. Upper MirHioro', Md. toi*-iw? WANTED ? HORSES TO PASTURE; $5 PER month: 100 acres of One meadow pasture; plenty water and abaci*. Horecs ca'led for and delivered. Tel. Call U. 2326. C. U. PARKER, 433 4lj st. a.w. frmst MEDICAL. DR. WRIUHT. SPECIALIST, T37 13TH ST. N.W. ?Dlag! ( <ta at obscure diseases. New treitiuent for chronic diseases. (VmsiiltJtlon free. 'Ner vooa i>>ostratkm, lung troubles ind difficult dis eases ci red. Honrs; 9 to 8. dally: 9 to 1 San day. Phone North S58 F ly* tf HOTEL APARTMENTS. THE HIGHLANDS. COR. CONN. AND CXU avaa.- Several apart menta are now available for summer months or by the year. Cafe (Biropcaa and American! open throughout Ibe year. K. L. WESTON. Manager. The Hlghlaada. WEAVER BROS.. Ageats. 1411 F at. ?.w. ap28tf APARTMENTS TO LET. ^iUlSwi) COURT. 30TII AND Q N W. 8 ROOMS AND BATH W" AMWWOHT?BiND V N.W.. ? ROOMS AND BATH ? T ?tvARRB. 116-211 K 8T., 5 ROOMS AND ^ ?DntSoss.' ViVb rrn" itooiii' and _ the oo. APARTMENTS TO LET. I <>K RTNT?rvrtL, NOVEMBER. A OOUTIOTB ly hiruWwl apartment; i*? children. Address, by letter. 401. The Ontario. 7 rooms. Jyl4-3t* FOR KtSNT-DESIRABLE MITTE OR 5 ROOMS and bath in tbe Dartmouth. 266 N at. n.w.; beat and hot water furnished; $32 75 per month. EDW. T. KAINRR. 8lO F st. n.w. myl2-th.s.tu.3m* for rent- a o rim >m~ a pa ktm entTIn* THl Berkshire; tine and twrf; awuluj-i and screens; the largest rex una in the city. Mim'KE * II ILL (Inr >. Jyl4?3t So. TIT 14th at. ?.w. FOR RENT T^VfTFA MIKY FLATS Briirhtwood ave. bet wees Whitney and fleott avenues. Each flat ortitalns Ave mom* ;?ml t?ath, with cellar; a m.i.; newly finished ami in excel lent coudltlon; cam j?a.*H the d<*?r. Rent. .$ 17.50 JAMES F. SURA, Jyl4-tf 643 lxuilaiana ave. n.w. FIRMT-CTA88 APART? 5K.. BATH~A MX KRI;7 The Kettka. 1214 Maw* avp ; *40 .30. The Ki n-ore. SOO llth. Sr.. bath, looker: dealrable loca tion: $30.50. Jv7 I2t* FOR RENT DELhl.HTFI I. 2 FAMILY A PART ments. 5 larjrc rooms, porcelain bath. Acr., <n Rhode Island a *e. n.e.; ?*ily $19. worth $25. Jy 11 3y V. H SMITH CO.. Bond bldg FOR RKNT SPLENDID* APARTMENT. 1365 O at. n.e.; 4 rmtiiw, bath; fine condition. Only $1 jy 14 tit WILLItlE, (ilRBS & HAMKL Ha", nth. FOR BENT? 1214 Mush. nve. n.w., 5r&b $40.50 SOOJlth st. n.w. 3r and 4r&l> ea :i0..*i0 lfMG-lK Mass. ave. n.e.. 5r&b . 23.50 ATKINSON ?v HA 1.1. A HI? CO.. Jyl4-3t 1411 O at. n.w. FOR RENT?A BE AI TIFII. 5~R< M )M AN1? BATS flat in tiie Myrene Flats. No. 703 6th at. n.w.; laige rooms, conveniently located down town. Jyl3 .lt EARLY A LAMPTON, 615 tlth at n.w. FOR KENT A 5-ltOONl \Vd RATH APARTMENT In The Thoiuas. overlooking Thomas Circle. EARLY & LAMPTON. 615 14th st n.w. APARTMRNTS " "Tbe Audouu." 14th sml L ata.? 5 rooms sml bath. . $*18.00 4 rooms and bath 46-00 4 rooms and bath. 47.50 "The Marion." 20th aud U ats.? 4 rooms and bath. $40.00 5 rooms and bath 15.00 5 rooms and Iwth 50.00 4 jrooms and bath . . . 37.30 **Tlie Maury." 19th and <i sts.? 5 rooms and bath $73.00 4 rooms ami bath 40.00 "Tbe Renins." 1214 1220 I st.? 6 rooms and bath $15.00 1 rtwms and bath 25.00 6 rooms anil bath 45.00 "The Stodderf " 29th nnd Q ata 6 r?wnw and bath &&.00 THOMAS J. FISHER * CO.. Inctrporsted. t Jyl3-4t 1414 F st. n.w. FOR RENT APARTMENTS; NEW. RRIOUT. HEALTH Y. CHEERFCL. LOW RENTS ON BEATON ST.. JI ST OFF NORTH CAPITOL tear line at corner*. 5 and 0 ra.. bath each, everr known comenJence. Prices. $22.50 and $23.50. 2211 and 19 N at. n.w. -6 r*. eseh; storage rooma; between main car lines. $20.50 each. For $15.30 YOC CAN OET A WELL ARRANG ED APARTMENT ON DI NCAN ST. N E llET. 12T1I AND 13T1I. D AND E STS 4 ra.. bath; modern. ' THE MELTON." 4TH AND N. J. AVE N.W. ?Engage apartments now. ?The uiodcl Hpartment house of the city. Janitor, elevator and telephone service. Low rates. "ONEANTA." 70 N. Y. AVE. N.E.?3 apt*.. S to 6 ra. Prices. $10 to $20. Janitor and tele phone service. All front rooms; csra at door; new building. BLl*Nl>ON. O'BRIEN & BELT (Inc ). 1220 O n.w. AT THE CONCORD TWO C1IARMINO. COZY rooms, with bath, for the summer, pleaaant apartments for one or two young men; terms very reasonable. Address Box 294, City Post office. Jyll 6f FOR RENT-BY B. F. SAUL CO.. 7TH & L N.W. 7th and Msss. ave. n.w.. "The Home." 4 rooms and bath, all front rooms, elevator, rent low. 1301 7th st. n.w.. 6r.. 3d fl.witb use of bath 30.09 1607 7th st. n.w., "The Lafayette," 5r. and bath $27 50 3452 O-^in at., "st floor. 5r. and b 27.50 20 Seaton st. n.w.. 5r. and b.. 2d floor 26.50 10 T st. n.e.. Sr. and b., 2d floor 20.50 817 R st. n.w.. 2d floor. 5r. and b 22.50 1215 Duncan st. n.e., 4r., b 19.00 1826 12th st. n.w., 3r.. 2d floor 15.00 1406 1st st. n.e., 5r. and b.. Isf floor 20.50 1440 Howard ave. n.w., Rr. and b 15 <*0 815 R n.w., lat fl , 5r. and b 22 50 021 7th n.w , 2d fl.. 4r. and b., gas add heat. 25.00 Jy?-tf FOR RENT - NEW, MODERN. ATTRACTIVE flat; 5 rooms, bath; front and rear yards; oellsr, corner building; all outside rooms; ou car line; $25 per month. 725 12th st. n.w.?Modern flat of 7 rooma; down-town section. Reduced for tbe summer months. 5 and 6-room apartments. Columbia Heights, corner 14tlv and Princeton; attractive and well arranged apartments; now In course of construc tion; will be ready for occupancy by early fall. Secure your apartments now, aa we have dally applicants for them. Call for plans and prlcea. Also attractive 5 ..nd 6-room njmrtments In two-story apartment houses, Columbia llelgbta. Ren reasonable. N. 1^ SANSBl'RY, Real Estate Broker, 719-721 Llth st. n.w. THE WINDSOR-APARTMENT HOUSE. 1429^ n.w.-NEW. 6-*tory, FIREPROOF BCILDINO, MODERN and TP Tv>-DATE?FOR RENT? Apt. 105?3 rooms and bath $30.00 Apt. 301?4 icoins and hath 40.U0 Apt. 104?6 rooms, bath and pantry 50 in* Convenient to 14th st. cars INSPECT TODAY mh26-104'* WM. A F.ASTERDAY. Bond bid*. FO R R E N T BE A CTIFCL .TROOM AND BATH apartment in ' Albemarle." Fine condition; $3J. Apply Apartment 4C?3 or 704. or mh!9 !Q4t* WM. A EASTERDAY. Bond bldg. FOR RKNT DEKIBABLE 4-ROOM USD BATW front apartment in the Virginia. 2120 ?; st : only $32.50 3 rooms and bath, front. $!0.0O. Cars pass the building. mhl9 104t* WM. \ EASTERDAY. Bond ??W*. FOR RENT COY WOOD 1223 L ST . ~l >F.S 1R A I*LB 4r and bath apt . $30. Apt. 2S. $22.50. Also beautiful 5r. nnd bath. $4" Immediate jk>sscs slon W3L. A. EASTERDAY. Bond bWg. my7-fi0t* FOR RENT-CHOICE APT~ 3 ROOMS AND bath. Ethelhurst. Immediate (tossesMou; hlsb class liiilldinc. choice location iny28-44t* WM. A. EASTER DAY Bond bldg FOR R E NT- A PARTME^ TS - THE OARF1KLD. 13th and 1 sts. n w.; 5 rooms and bath $35.00 and $40.00 THE Al Gl'STA. N. Y. snd N. J sves. n.w.; 4 to b rooms and bath $25 00 and $32.50 THE HAWTHORNE. 1527 I st. n.w.; 4 rooms and bath $27.00 and $30.00 THE LOCISA. 216 N. Y. ave. n.w.; 4 rooms and bath $22 50 and $25.00 2506 Pa. ave n.w.; 4 rooms and bath $18.50 and $20 50 70 O st. n.e. 4 rooms and bath 15.30 J?24-tf WEAVER BROS.. No. 1416 F st. FOR KENT? 1445 E Csp, 5r. b. . 17.30 725 7th sw. 5r. b. .15 50 7 15th sa. 5r. b 15.SOI 727 7th sw. 5r. b..,10.56 721 7th sw, 4r. b ..l4.5OW00 H sw, 5r. b 20.00 THE PHILLIPS COMPANY. 330 4Va st. n.w. Jet-tf FOR BENT?ONE MONTH'S RENT FREE. The best lo< sted. 2323 25 27 31 18th at., Wsshlnnton Heights. FIRST FLOOR-5 rooms and bath, rent, $30. SECOND FLOOR?6 roctus. bath and attic; reo^ $32 50. O at. bet. 30th an^l 31st sts Dumbarton ave. bet. 30th and 31st. stn. Q st. hf?t. 30th and 3!st sts. North Capitol and V sts. First floor, reut $25 50 Second floor, rent $20.50 All have tje same plan: large yards, cllarst pori'hes, etc. OPEN*. JelK-tf MOORE k FILL tit** ). 717 llth st. n.w. ROXRunGii ooorr The new fire-proof apartment house af corner of Connecticut avenue 1. street. Apartments varying from two r. otns and bath at $50 to eight rooms and three baths at $175 per month. Ex cellent restaurant. rooms. xmokfng room and rooms for private alnners L>*ng-dls tsree telephone II es h suite For dlag uis and further particulars aj ply to FITCH. COX A BROWN. 1406 ii ?t.. ?r D K. STKPI1A \ Man ager. ).17 26t FOR RKNT FI.AT 14?W I4TI1 ST N.W : FlTi rooms ami bath. F. IS. MARI.OW. < or- oras bldg. ap!l)-t;<. h.s-tf FOR KENT FLAT; FIVE i:o<;M2? AND BATH; the Owssro. Jell FOR RKNT NEW FL \ T **!<?? It TCI IT N.E.; 5 rooms; porcelain I nth; ?ta?h>u*ry ??#!>iistaod; handsomely papered; *arge yard and i/o: b; $20. j. ia-tf-4 Barnard & m\rk. 1412 c st. s.w. FOR RENT-DESIRABLE APARTMENTS 2750 !4rU St., 5 rooms snd Imtb .$96.00 12o4 <) St., 5 rooms ami i*atl? 86.06 1905 Pa. ave. 4 rooms aud bath 25.0# Apply for kejr st T. A. II AUDI NO s 1316 <! st. n.w. Jetl-tf FOR RENT?APARTM EN1S-THE UNUMOIflL 1133 24th st. n.?. Two excellent Id-flwcr siartments. 4 sa4 6 rooms, with retention hall snd i?s:h; lignt ss4 bright; well arranged aud In sfd**n*]Wi ?->?,.dittos; convenient to Pa. sv??. ear line. my 14-1 f THFO A. HARlHNi;. 1316 H S.W. "?VA1a.HH." 1330 MASA. AVE.. OVKRI.O >KIM Thomas Clrcks; one 5-rsotn ai*arf???eiit; iw ? rssa spartment for rent. .%Pidj to anlfor nthM-tt KOR 1IK.\T-T*oTcoi)M AXD n.lTH APA? meet.: J1 ^oDvMkvei; i.Dt. <35 and $4o. ' LOCVt V WINK * ttl. jeS-tt 1304 K ?? w. PUS RKNT?TUK I'ORl -\KK. l-ltt 1MI L STB.. ? bfxalifai Birroo.. ud l?:b boufLnptl^ auuinrat; tom r.ul fur .umuirr ,t !k. ofci*. l"OB KKNT-BA.MMOND COURT. e ROOMS AMI BATH. PRIVATK IMAZZA. i#.oeo pest or uvvr.v NORTH ERV. SOUTHKRV A\U WBSTKRV II POHt'KBI. ONLY TWO I.KIT. LOW RENT. THE WASHINGTON l?AN AND TRVWT OO. ESTATE UEI-AKTMK.VT. mk2S-lM FOR RENT?C8.JS?Kl. AT. 1ST FT0OII. NO. I<2 O ?. B.W.; ft ruaaw. bath. < .ll,r ?Bd yard; room, larf. brlrht and ? urai-tlre; ?wichkorb.Md dr?t cim. qao. j. EAsrffKUAT. i?Tp a. I OK BIKT-lfUH-AN OPPOBTUNIT* TO a*T *2* ?*- toot IMrtlDMtl la tk* TjIkmU" au. 199T liU ? 94; ? IMH, katkl k.B.L AM wr tk. Jail tor. latt nodarat*. EDWARD* ft 1=1 "