Newspaper Page Text
.?Jbrop, New York?WASHINGTON?Paris. During the heated term the store will close at 5 o'clock; Saturday at I. A Special Remmiainit Day. E have cleaned out our stocks in all tine various departments more thoroughly than usual this week and assembled the remnants for quick selling tomorrow. Prices are way down?not in a few parts off the store, but everywhere that remnants exist?and there are splendid bargains in merchan dise, both for personal and household uses, iff your want happens to be repre sented. Many eqiualiy as good things are not mentioned. Cohered Dress Goods. (Half Price and Less.) 25 remnants Voiles, in tans, grays and reseda greens, at a half and a third original prices. They are 42 to 48 inches in width and range in lengths from 2 to 7 yards, being suitable for women's waists, skills and entire dresses and children's wear. In order to close them out tomorrow we have marked them at the one price. 50c. a Yard. Were $1.50, $1.25 and $11. Cotton Dress Goods. (Lengths from 2 to 12 yards.) Special lot of Fancy Printed and (Woven Fabrics, a great variety of styles. Reduced to 15c. a yard. Were 25c.. 40c., 50c. and 60c. All remnants of 37^c. French Organdies Reduced to 15c. a yard. 12]/iC. Printed Lawns, 8c. a yard. J2J/2C. Printed Percales. 8c. a yard. 1254c. Fancy Ginghams, 8c. a yard. J2b6c. Melange Voiles, 8c. a yaid. Alain floor, G Bt. 1135 Short Lengths off Colored Silks Halff Price and Less. 75 short lengths Fancy Silks, 1 to 5 yards. 50c. per yard. Were 75c. to $1.25. fio short lengths Plain Colored Silks, I to 4 yards. 50c. per yard. Were 75c. to $1.50. Main floor. G st. Friday Bargain in Dimity Dressing Saccjues. A lot ?>f Woman's Dimity Pressing Sacques. fitted t-a'k. loose frorir. round collar: rutlk- around sleeves *nd collar. All colors. (k)c. each. Regularly $1.00. And these Remnants: a Nainsook C.wns. club -irately trimmed with Valenel.'I'M -s laee aronnd neck anil short sleeves. Reduced frem $4 fs? tc *2.75 each. r, Cambric Short Skirts, trimmed with tucks. ruf fle ntnl Viil. lin-e. Reduced from *1 <?> t" 7!i.-. each 7 |ii. Women's Nalrsook Drawers trimmed with tneks ?n l ruffle of emhioldery. Reduced frem $1.00 to Cutr. pr. 10 Cambric Corset Covers, trimme I with torchon laee and embroidery. Reduced freui 25c. to l?c. f"r. White I.av.n Pre?slnc Sacqne*. titled ba k l.iese fr I t. r und collir. rrimmed with narrow >al. lace Ret'uct d frem .*1 te <Sie each. 7 Nalfisook Corse! Covers, elaborately trimmed ?with laee :iih1 embroidery. Reduced from ioc. t ' 1)0' eneh. Tl trd fleer. 11th et. Friday Bargain in Women's Sitae Umbrellas, \ ],.t of "rt-lnch Soft Twilled Silk I'mbi-ellas; fevernl e.dors. finished with selvsce; paragon In Uie; ste? 1 r<-d; tiatnral w.<sl handles. $2.oo each. Regular price, $2.50. Wain lk-or. K st. _ Friday Bargain in While Oocds Department. (100 yds. All-linen Strii^d Etamine; jsood assort tnent of ?olors. 15c. a yard. Regular price. 50c. l.OfO yds. CordW White Indian Dimity, sheer >nd fine toe. a yard. Regular price. 15c. A lot of l>??tted Swl?*s. balance of stock, In blue, fdnk and red. 25c. a yard. Regular prices, 50c. to 75c. Second 11th st. Friday Bargains in Wounen's Neckfiixings. A lot of White Linen Collar and Cuff Sets, em broidered In colored l'ersian effect* and cross fctltch designs. 50c. a set. Regularly 751"- ant^ Si.00. Also a lot Of White Madras Stock*, embroidered lu color* fuchsia design 11 -ilf price. 75c. each. Regularly $1.50. Wain floor. G at. Friday Bargains in Women's Hcs;ery. 7JS do*en Women's Black Cotton Hose. with dou ble heels and toes: pretty drnp-stItch effect. 17c.; 3 pairs for 50c. Regular price, 25c. pair. ??r. dozen Women's Fast Black I.Isle Hose. laee frT-nts drop stitch haeks. double heels and toes. 29c. a pair. Regular price, 35c. And these Remnants: L'7 prs Women's last ltlack Cotton llo.-e. with vhlte soles, size 10 llediiceil from 3.V. to 2.V. pr. 17 prs Women's Tin C.ttoti llose. eitra slue,., double soles, high spliced heel nod toe. Reduced from MV. to 35c.; .'1 pr? for Jl.tsi. Friday Bargain in Swiss Ribbed Underwear. 100 dozen Women's Swiss Ribbed Vesta and Um brella Drawer#; all 17c.; 3 pieces for 50c. Regular price, 25c. !And these Remnants: 04 Women's Swiss Ribbed l.lslc Thread Vests, low neck and no sleeves. with lace Insertion and (dire. Reduced from .Vie. to 23c. each in Women's Light weight Jersey Ribbed Corntii Dtttlon Suits, high neck. Ion* sleeves, hitch neck, short sleeve**, low neck, no sleeves. Reduced from $1<*> and $ 1. to 02H|C. each. Main floor. F at. Infants' Department. 2 Children's India Unon Dresses. made with long waUtn and trimmed with insertion, tucks ami embroidery. Reduced from $0.50 and $7.50 tu fr. OO each. 1 Infants' China Silk Ia>Q? Cloak, made with de*p rape and trimmed with lace insertion. Reduced |r>?m $15.00 to $10.OO. 10 Children's Nainsook Skirt*, made on waist?, umbrella ruffle, trimmed with lace. Reduced from 75c. to 50c. each. 5 Children's Gingham I>resre?. made to wear with guimpes. trimmed with white braid. Re duced fn?ni $1.00 to &Oc. each. 2 Children's White I'lque Reefers, three-quarter Unfth. with larire collar-can l*? worn with or without belt. Reduced from $2.fWi to $t.7S each. 1 Children's Red Straw Hat. trimmed with rib fcon. Reduced from 13.90 to $1.00. Third floor. Kleventh St. . Friday Bargains in Upholstery Department. We have just moved our Uphol stcrv Department to the fourth floor, G street side. Alterations to be made on the second floor neces sitated this change, which, we be lieve, you will like when you get accustomed to the new location, as it affords excellent light and bet ter facilities generally. Siip Covers Specially Priced. We have a limited quantity of cotton material, from which we will make, while it lasts, slip covers for a 5-piece suite of furniture (allowing 20 yards), at the special price, $6.50 the suite. At the same time we offer 100 pairs Swiss Mus lhi Ruffled Curtains at 42c. a pair. Regularly 69c. And these Remnants: 36 Linen Cotich Covers, best quality and full size. Reduced from $2.75 to $2.00 each. 14 Vndor Porch Blinds, sixe 4x8 feet. Reduced from $1.05 to $1.50 each. 4 Bamboo Porch Blinds, size 8x8 ft- Reduced from $2.75 to $2.00 each. 3, sire 0x8 ft. Reduced from $2.00 to $1.50 each. 14 Sofa Cushions, many beautiful effects. Reduced from $2.25, $2.50 aud $2.05 to $1.48 each. Screen Doors Reduced. 32 Doors, 69c. each. Were 85c. 12 Doors, 79c. each. Were $1.00. 17 Doors, $1.00 each. Were $1.^5. 23 Doors, $1.50 each. Were $2.00. Please bring correct measurements (height and width), and avoid having to exchange them, as they are liable to be sold out quickly. New location, fourth floor, G st. Notion Department. A lot of Satin Fagoted Collars, pink, blue and lavender. * . ioc. each. Were 25c. Leather Goods Dept. A lot of Black and Brown Leather Iland Bags, with leather handles. 25c. each. Were 50c. Also a lot of odds and ends in Leather aDd.Suede Belts, dark colors, with French gilt buckles. 256. Values up to $1.50. Toiaet Goods Department. A lot of Synthetic Camphor for destroying moths and insects; stronger than gum camphor. 19c.; 3 calls for 50c. Regular price, 25c. can. A lot of Odds and Ends in Colored Envelopes no paj?er to match. 5c. a package. Rej^ilar prices, ioc. and 15c. Also 5 Cabine-ts Writing Paper and Envelopes, in assoited white, blut1 and gray; 4 qrs. paper aud 4 pekgs. envelopes in pekg. 75c. per cabinet. Regular price, $1.50. Also a lot of French Organdie Paper and Enve lop s, in russet only. 1 (jr. paper and 1 pcitg. eu veiopes for 20c. Value, 40c. Main fl> or, tj st. Bi.ack Dress Goods 7& yds. 44-inch I>aee Voile (Priestley's;. Re dm ed from $7.50 to $3.5o for i>c. 5 yds. 44-inch Lace Voile (Priestley's). Reduced Iit'li $5.00 to $2.5o for pc. ~i\-> yds. 44-iiu-h French Voile (Lupin's). Reduced from $11.25 to $5.00 for pc. 7 yds. 44-inch French Voile (Lupin's). Reduced from $h.75 to $5.25 for pc. *j yds. 44-inch French Voile (Lupin's). Reduced from $7.50 to $C.,00. 5s yds. 44-inch French Voile (Lupin's). Reduced from >8.81 to $0.75 for pc. 4 yds. 42-inch Silk-warp Tamise. Reduced from $6.00 to $3.00 for pc. 7 yds. 44-inch Wool Crepe de Chine. Reduced from $7.00 to $5.00 for pc. Main floor, O st. Parasol Department. 2 White and Black Silk Parasols, brocade ef fects. Reduced from $5.00 to $2.50 each. 1 Light Pink Silk Parasol, with pink enamel stick. Reduced from $5.00 t?? $3.00. 1 Light Pink Silk Parasol, with black enamel stick. Reduced from $5.00 to $3.<K). 1 Gray .and Lavender Silk Parasol. Reduced from $5.00 to $2.50. 5 Misses' Silk Parasols, fancy effects. Reduced from $1.50 to 75c. each. Sihoe Department. 12 prs. Women's Russian Calf Tan Oxfords, welt soles; sizes lfc, 6, 7, G~-5^? l>- Reduced from $3.on to $1.50 pr. 2o prs. Women's Black Kid Skin Oxfords, turn and welt soles, few have patent tip, others plain t??c; sizes 31/a, 4, 4Va? 5 AA?2^, 3, 3Vi, 4J-^ A?2, 3, 3'4 B 2. 3, 3?m C. Reduced from $3.00 aud $3?50 to $1.50 pr. 13 prs. Youths' Patent Calf Blueher Oxfords, welt sole, low heel; sizes 1, 1Vi. 2 B?13*4* 1 O? 13, 13'... 1 1>. Reduced from $2.50 to $1.?J0 pr. A lot of Children's Black Kid Oxfords, with turn hole, patent leather tip and full round toe; sizes 5 to 11 B, C, 1), E. Reduced from $1.35 and $1.5o to 50c. pr. 17 prs. Misses' Black Kid Shoes, spring heel, narrow ttx*; sizes 11 to 1, all B lasr. Reduced from $2.<k> to 50c. pr. Third floor. Tenth st. Cursst Department. prs. French Corsets. honed with riul wbalebonn, slirlght front; si>.s IS ami 10. Iteducetl frum JS.60 to $2 .50 pr. . lo pis. "I*. 1)." Corsets. English net. straight fiout, sizes If. 11>, ill. 21. 23, 24 ?ud 27. Re duced frum J2.25 to $1 75 pr. 12 prs. Batlete Cors-ts. straight front; sizes Jb, 27. 2s. 21# and -Ui. It* duced fruui 75c. to GOc. pr. Third floor. Eleventh st. Travelling: Goods Dspl. 1 18 Inch Alligfftor Bag. fewed frame; leather lined; gilt trimmings. Reduced from $14.00 to $5 t"? 1 10-inch Sea Lion Bag. leather lined; three oo'kets; sewed frame; glit trimmings. Reduced ir6m $13.00 to $7.75. .... .? 1 10-inch Leatherette Suit Case. with leather nets; brass lock and catches. Reductd from $3.00 T?One ^lot Small Teles?-ope Cases, cloth lined; sizes lO-lnch and 12-inch. Reduced from 25c. ami 30c. to 10c. each. , . , 1 38-inch Man's Trunk, three-ply l<ass\NOOd, i rawhide l?ound, brass clamps, two leather straps, linen lined, full riveted. Reduced from $30.00 to ^ 1 30-inch Steamer Trunk, with lea thereto cov ering; malleable iron bronze clamps; excelsior bolt lock; leather Umnd; linen lined; full riveted. Re duced from $23.00 to $15.00. Basement, E<juitaole bldg. Bedding Department. 1 Cotton Filled Sllkoline Comfort, for double bed, soiled. Reduced from $3.50 to $2.60. 1 Cotton Filled Comfort, silk on one side, s.lko llne on other, slightly mussed. Reduced from $4.00 l?2 ^fp4* Marseilles" Spreads, soiled. Reduced from $3.50 to $3.00 each. 1 extra large Spread, Marseilles, 90-100 inches. Reduced from $4.50 to $3.25. 3 Crib Marseilles Spreads, soiled. Reduced from $2 0O to $1.50 each. 5 prs Fit neb Muslin Pillow Cases, hemstitched a'i around; size 27x36 inches. Reduced from $1.50 to 75c. pair. Second floor, F St. Metal Bed Department. 2 <V4 ft. White Beds. R*-du'Vd from $13.50 to White Be?l?. Heduced from $6.00 to ^ I 1^ fj Green and Gold Bed. Rfdnwd from Ho oUfto Foot whlte B<d, slightly marred. Reduced from $7.50 to 15.00. 20 Good Feather Pillows, ticking soiled. Re duced from $1.75 to $1.00. Second floor. F st. Woodward & Lothrop. Women's Waist Dept. 2 dozen White lJiwn Shirt Waists, with ?m?U jHilka dots; sizes 34. 36. 38. 40. Reduced from iHk\ tn 6<K'. each. 17 White Uitn Waists, full tucked front, em broidery yoke, atock awl cuffs; sizes 32. 34, 8S, 40 and 42. Reduced from *2.115 to *1.90 each. i) Pongee Silk Waists, all-over lace and tucked front, sizes 32. 34 . 30 and 42. Reduced from lti.00 to $2.05 each. , 4 White China Silk Waists, trimmed with lace an.l tucks; sizes 32. 42. 44. Reduced from $*.50 to $2.75 each. 15 Madras Waists, white grounds with small black figures; sizes 32, 34 and 36. Reduced from $1.25 to 65c each. 7 Foulard Silk Waists, black grounds with white flgi.rea; sizes 32. 34. 40, 42. Reduced from f?.00 to *3.75 each. Women's Suit Dept. 1 Embroidered Robe Shirt Waist Suit, of fine white lawn: sire 36. Reduced from $18.50 to $10. 2 Batiste Shirt Waist Suits, black and white dot, trimmed with black and white embroidery; sizes 30 and .18. Reduced from $10.00 to $5.00. 4 White Lawn Shirt Waist Suits, trimmed with lace and tucks; sizes 30 and 38. Reduced from $12.50 to $5.00. 1 All-Ltnen Shirt Wuist Suit, ecru with blue and white ring trimmings; size 32. Reduced from $8.75 to $5.00. 7 Silk Shirt Waist Suits, blue, black and brown, with small white figures; assorted styles; sizes 34, 30 and 38. Reduced from $18.50 to $10.00 each. 2 Black and White Shepherd's Check Brilliantine Suits, braid trimmed; sizes 34 and 36. Reduced from $42.50 to $18.50. 3 Brilliantine Norfolk Suits, black with white stripes, and blue with white stripes; sizes 36 and 38. Reduced from $18.50 to $0.25. 2 Gray Linen Eton Tailor-made Suits; sizes 86 and 38. Reduced from $12.50 to $5.00 each. 5 Tan Covert Cloth Jackets, silk lined; sizes 32, 34, 38 and 40. Reduced from $6.00 to $3.75 each. 2 Black Silk Eton Jackets, lined with white silk, large sleeve with full lace cuffs; 36 and 38. Re duced from $12.50 to $tf.00 each. 21 Fine Bnglish Rep Wash Skirts, assorted styles and sizes, all chami*ague shade. Reduced from $6.00 to $2.05 each. 3 Blue English Rep Wash Skirts. Reduced from $G.00 to $2.25 each. ' Third floor. Misses' Department. 0 fane; Mixed Cheviot Suits, trimmed with plain cloth to match; sizes 14, 16 and 18. Reduced from $15.00 to $7.50 each. 4 (Jiris* White Pique Skirts: sizes 12, 14 and 16. Reduced from $2.50 to $1.50 each. 10 Girls Skirts, navy blue, with white polka dot, strapped with plain navy blue duck; sizes 10, 12, 14 and 16. Reduced from $1.50 to 05c. each. 1 White Net Dress, elaborately trimmed with white satin ribl>on; size 8 yrs. Reduced from $18.50 to $7.50. 5 Girls' Percale Dresses, guimpe style, with white duck square collar; sizes 4, 6 and 12. Re duced from $1.25 to 85c. each. 4 White Linen Russian Dresses, embroidered em blems on sleeves; size 4 yrs. Reduced from $3.75 to $1.50. 7 Girls' Fine Woven Chambray Dresses, pique trimmed; sizes 4 to 12. Reduced from $3.50 to $1.50. Third floor. Millinery Department. 1 White Lace Hat. trimmed with small roses, whlfe rlblKMi bow and faced with white chiffon. Reduced from $10.00 to $5.00. 5 Trimmed Hats, pretty effects. Reduced from $4.00 and $5.00 to $1.50 each. 3 Trimmed Hats. Reduced from $5.00 and $6.00 to $3.00 each. 6 Trimmed Hats. Reduced fom $10.00 and $12.00 to $5.00 each. 1 lot of Flowers, including poppies, forget-me nots, roses, foliage: also hldck rose* and foliage. Reduced from 50c and 75c. to 15J*. bunch. Second floor. 10th st. Men's Department. 75 Men's Shirts and Drawers, thin cotton mesh; shirts, sizes 34. 36, 40. 44: Drawers, 32 and 44. Reduced from 25c. to 10c. per garment. SO pairs Men' Fancy Lisle Thread Sox. many of them exclusive, all sizes in the combined lots. Re duced from 50c. to 25c. pair. 27 Men's Cheviot Stocks, plain pink and plain blue Reduced from 50c. each to 3 for 50c. 8 pairs .Men's Driving Gloves, llsb* thread backs, leather palms: black and gray: medium sizes. Re duced from $1.00 to 50c. pair. Main floor, F st. Boys' Department. 26 Russian Blouse and Sailor Blouse Washable Suits, stylish, dressy effects; sizes 3. 4. 5 and 6. Reduced from $1.08, $1.05 and $2.85 to $1.00 each 20 Russian Suits and Regatta Sailor Suits, in linen and chambrays. plain colors and fancy ef fects; sizes 3 to 10. Reduced from $2.50, $2.95 and $3.75 to $1.05 each. 15 All-wool Suits, fancy light and dark effects, some with bloomer pants: sizes 8. 0, 10. 11. 12, 14. and 16. Reduced from $5.00 and $6.00 to $2.95 each. 4 prs. All-wool Separate Golf Pants, size 10 Re duced from $2.5o to $1.00 pr. Third floor, F st. Boys' FyrnSslhiaog Dept. 3 White Cheviot Blouse Shirts, some with collar of same and some with laundered neckband; sizes 5 to 16. Reduced from 75c. to 50c. each. 3 Bathing Suits sizes 3 and 4 years. Reduced from 50c. to 25c. each. 3 All-wool Jersey Bathing Suits, navy and red: slz?*s 2, 3 and 4 yrs. Reduced from $1.25 to 50c. each. 25 Straw and Duck Sailor Hats, for little boys and girls. Reduced from 75c. and $1.00 to 39c. each. 18 Boys' Straight Brim Straw Hats. Reduced from 5<>c. to 25c. each. Third Floor, G st. Rug Department. , 1 0x12 Brussels Rug. Reduced from $17.50 to $12.50. 1 0x12 Ingrain Rug. Reduced from $12.00 to $8.00. 4 Rolls Japanese Matting. Reduced from $12.00 to $6.00 roll. A lot of Remnants Mattings. 5 to 12 yds. each. Reduced from 30c., 35c. and 40c. to 15c. a yd. Second floor, 11th st. Furniture Department. 1 Fine Rattan Writing I>esk. large top, pocket at side. Reduced from $20.00 to $12.00. 1 Handsome Rattan Library Table, weathered oak finish, Spanish leather top. Reduced from $47 00 to $25.00. 1 Large lllgh-back Rattan Reading Chair, broad arms, with magazine basket oft side. Reduced from *18.00 to $12.on. 2 High-back Adirondack Birch Rockers, woven reed seat and back. Reduced from $6.00 to $3.00 each. 1 Fine Mahogany Dresser and Chiffonier to match, full swell front, heavy pulls, large mirrors. Drff.ser reduced from $70.00 to f" oo. Chiffonier reduced from "$60.00 to $45.00. ! Handsome Curly Birch Dresser and Chiffonier to match, swell fronts, oval mirrors. Dresser re duced from $60.00 to $45.00. Chiffonier reduced from $50.00, to $35.00. 1 Handsome Solid Mahogany Toilet Table, large size. oval mirror, hand carved. Reduced from $9??.00 to $50.00. 2 Birch Chairs, slatted seat ar back. Reduced from S2.00 to $1.00 each. 1 Roll-body Rattan Go-Cart, adjustable back and di sh, auto gear. rubt>er-tlred wheels, parasol lix ture. Reduced from $12.00 to $7.50. 1 Fine Large Oak Wardrobe, heavily carved, double doors. 3 drawers. Reduced from $45.00 to $20.00. 1 Very Fine Grocers' Refrigerator, made of thor oughly seasoned oak. dark finish, roll front with double bent glass in doors. 3 display chambers als ve and 3 large chambers underneath; enamd lined, marble slab In front, nickel trimmings ? capacity. 1,000 lbs. ice. Reduced from $175.00 to $100.00* Sixth floor. China Department. 1 English Porcelain Dinner Set, one soup plate missing. Reduced from $10.00 to $5.95. S Daintily Decorated Austrian China Cracker Jars Reduced from 51.00 to 50c. each. 2 doz. American China Bread and Butter Plates. Reduced from $1.75 to $1.20 per dozen. 15 Pink Decorated German China Cream Fitchcrs. Reduced from 25<*. to 15c. each. 2 Decorated Limoges China Gravy Tureens. Re duced from $2.50 to $1.00 each. 1 10-lnch Flat Cut Glass Fruit Dish. Reduced from $7.50 to $6.50. 2 Cut Glass Water Pitchers, floral design. Re duced from $2.50 to $1.05 each. Fifth floor. Houseffurnislhing Deot. 1 2-qt. Nickel Ross Coffee Pot. slightly damaged. Reduced from $1.15 to 75c. 6 25-ft. Lengths Rubber Garden Ilose. Reduced from $2.25 to $1.50 complete. 1 Infants' Fit?er Bath Tub, shopworn. Reduced from $3.0? to $1.50. 1 Japanned Flour Bin. shopworn. Reduced from 96c. to 65c. 1 Oak Plate Rack, imperfect. Reduced from $1.50 to 75c. 12 cans Chloride of Lime. Rcduced from 10c. to 4c. each. 4 Enameled Stew Kettles. Reduced from $1.10 to 75c. each. 1 Enannlcd Double Boiler. Reduced from $2.40 to $1 85. 1 White Enameled Pitcher, slightly damaged. Re duced from 90c. to 60c. Fifth floor. TBE MERCHANT MARINE JOINT CONGRESSIONAL COMMIS SION AT MILWAUKEE. Seeking Information for Legislation to Raise the Standard of Ameri can Shipping. MILWAUKEE. July 21.?The joint con gressional commission merchant marine opened its Milwaukee,'Jiparlng today in the United States court r6om. The commission Is represented by United States Senator Galllnger and Representatives Minor and Spicht. Mayor Rose welcomed the delega , tion to Milwaukee, but refrained from enter | Inglnto a discussion of the subject, deeming it a political one. Senator Gallinger re [ sponded, explaining the objects of the com j mission. He said that he hoped the in vestigation now In progress would lead to legislation that would raise the standard of American shipping to the front rank where It belonged. Julius Bleyer, associate editor of the Evening Wisconsin, who has given much study to the subject of marine, read a lengthy paper on the development of lake shipping. \ The Foreign Trade. On the question of merchant marine en gaged in foreign trade, he Indorsed the views of Thomas Clyde of the Clyde line of steamers, given before the hearing In New York city. Continuing, he said. In part: "It has been said the extra cost of the American ship would not deter Investment in shipment for the foreign trade If the cost of operating the American ship were not higher than the cost of operating for eign ships. Tills is probably true; but a subsidy plan might be made to compre hend an interest return for a fixed period? an annual rebate large enough to pay a nominal rate of interest on the extra in vestment. plus a percentage for deprecia tion. Rebate Suggested. "Roughly, a rebate representing a 4 per cent rate of Interest on" the extra capital and a 5 per cent rate on the same extra capital to cover depreciation, ought to put an American Investor on an even footing with the foreigner so far as tne ship is concerned "If a rebate of this kind were provided it cculd be limited to a fixed term of years, as it Is possible that with a revival there would be established gradually a systematic standardization of hulls, like that which has obtained in the ship building trade of Great Britain, and In eonsequence ships might eventually be built as cheaply on this side of the Atlantic as in foreign yards.This element of the proposition Is within the scope of the protective tariff idea?that of building up struggling industries. Extra Cost Problem. "The problem of extra cost of operation is one that will probably resist ultimate solu tion. It cannot be solved unless American wages decline to the level of European wages, or foreign wages increase to the level of American wages. As neither of these changes are within the bounds of ra tional expectation, the disadvantage in the matter of operation must be regarded as permanent. As the aim of protection to American Industries is to provide a barrier against the foreign competitor equal to the difference between foreign and American wages, a rebate is suggested in the case of shipping based upon a close estimate of the percentage of increased cost of operation. Rebate Based on Expense Account. "For instance, after a vessel owner had presented his statement as to cost and re ceived his annual rebate in interest upon the extra capital invested, plus an allow ance for depreciation, he could be allowed a rebate based on his expense account for the year, or a rebate per head based on his shewing as to the number of men em-, ployed during the year ami the number of days of employment This would keep the subsidy or rebate down to actual losses, and obviate payment by the government for the time during which ships are lying idle. "The mail service bounty could be extend ed on the principle upon which compensa tion for mail train service is based. Speed is costly, and in order to insure it a liberal price should be paid the mail service." NEW RAILWAY TERMINAL. Site Selected for Improvement at Cost of $2,500,000. I CHICAGO, July 21?A site for a general | terminal of the Illinois Tunnel Company's system of underground electric railways has been secured by the company at a cost of $2,500,000 through the purchase of the property on the west bank of the Chicago river, north of Taylor street, now occupied by the Albert Dickinson Company's seed warehouses and owned by the Chicago Dock Company. The tunnel company will proceed imme diately to remodel the property, and prom ises to have its lines in use by November for general transportation under the streets of much traffic now carried on the surface. On all sides of the purchased tract, which measures 4<M feet north and south and 700 feet east and west, are the terminals of trunk lines. The property has connection with all the railroads and is adjacent to the tunnel company's large c-onduit under Taylor street, which connects the tunr.els under the business district of the south side with the west side tunnels. The most important significance of this practical completion of the tunnel com pany's equipment will be the probable end ing of street congestion in downtown dis tricts by heavy teaming. STRINGENT LABOR INJUNCTION. Illinois Judge Issues Order Restrain ing Picketing Plants. CHICAGO. July 21.-What is said to be the most stringent labor Injunction ever is sued by the Cook county superior court has been granted by Judge Hanecy. It was given in bell i If of twenty firms in the Chi cago Aletal Trades Association restraining members of District I^odge 8. International Association of Machinists, from picketing the plants. The injunction also forbids strikers and their sympathizers trom even talkli g to workmen of the complainants without the consent of those employes. 1'itty affidavits telling of violence were presented. CHICAGO'S CENSUS FIGURES. New Directory Affords Basis for Popu lation of 2.241,000. CHICAGO, July 21.?The new city direc tory for Chicago has heen given to the pub lic. Based on the number of names it gives Chicago a population for 1!K>1 of 2.211.1,00. 1 he directory of liio.'s cave Chicago an es timated population of 2.231,W. The new directory contains (>57,000 names, l'^M reUSe over the directory of N0RGE SURVIVORS. Forty-Eight of Ill-Eated Crew Reach ed New York Today. NEW \ORK, July 21.?Forty-eight sur vivors of the ill-fated Danish steamer Norge, which foundered off Rockall, Scot land. were brought here today on the Cun ard line steamer Aurania, from Liverpool. These passengprs landed at Stornoway in two of the ship's boats after untold suffer ing and hardships, but all looked well when seen today. The Aurania also brought seven members of the Salvation Army returning from the congress held at London recently. Capt. Dow of the steamer reported that when about ten miles east of Fire Island last evening he sighted a craft on fire. The vessel, he said, was about 200 feet in length. He thought It might have been a barge either oil or coal laden. A steamer was close to the burning craft when sighted by the Aurania. r *- >->? TVVTTTTTT VTTT'( rvr r vimnr-r v t ? * v -r ?? ?? ?" ? ? ? < The Busiest P. R. Day. FRIDAY IS THE DAY. Saturday being a Palais Royal half holiday?the store closing at I o'clock?Friday is made the busy day. Tomorrow's special attractions are to include most needed things?not remnants, but at less than remnant prices. Coupon for Men. This Palais Royal Coupon and Ilk- entitles bearer to one 5<>c triplicate Shaving Mirror. G^od only for Friday, July 22, ll'tM. Coupon for Ladies. This Palais Royal Coupon entitles bearer to l."> per cent discmint on an> Nec k Piece at $1 to $2o. Good only for Friday. July 22. 1M>4 19c for These 25c Qarnmemfs For tomorrow only The Palais Royal 25c Ribbed Lisle Vests and Lace Lisle Hose are known to thousands as the best at 25c in Washington. The announcement that they are to be a Friday Bargain?at 19c?will help to make tomorrow a very busy (lay. Men's Half Hose included. Men's Black Socks, with white soles and white feet .arc the host for summer wear. Best of iiTic kind are here?at Ilk* for tomorrow only. SB Corsets, 69c. Tomorrow's Friday Bargain. Famous makes?"W. R.." "C. B." and "W. T." Fitted with the same skill and rare as if regular price were a-s/.ed. 50c Covers, 25c. Tomorrow^sjM|ida\_J?arga^ All sizes in these Camhric and Nainsook Corset Covers. Note qual ity and beauty of the lace, embroid ery and ribbon trimmings. 75c Kirnonas, 59c. Tomorrow's Friday Bargain. White and Fancy Kimonas and Sacques. Don't claim them worth more than 75c, but not a few $1 garments are to be included. 75c Yokes, 59c. Tomorrow's Friday Bargain. Sheer I>ace Yokes, white. As dainty and attractive as many you see at fl. 5Sc for tomorrow only. 50c Neckwear, 43c. Tomorrow's Friday Bargain. The reduction In price Is not much, but you choose from the best variety of best OOc collars in Washington, "Dutch." "Buster Brown," "Van dyke;" all the new styles. 25c Neckwear, 21c. Tomornnv^jMjida^ Choice of Dutch Collars. Kyelet Kmbroidered Soft l.inen Collars and Stocks of lace, linen and lawn. Veils, 79c. Tomorrow's Friday Bargain. The new Circular Veils for Sailor Hats, here, in black. br< wn and navy; 7!>c for tomorrow only. $4.00 Veils, $2.68. Tomorrow^sJj|ida^^ The best of new Automobile Veils, 4 yards long; patent kind, made on ring and proof against wind and dust 25c Ribbons, 17c. Tomorrow's Friday Bargai .C-nn. Best quality plain and satin Taffeta Ribbons. 4 inches wide. White, black and every best shade Toilet Articles. Tomorrow's Friday Bargains. Only best articles. Ample quan tities. Intelligent and polite attend ants. A visit to the Palais Royal's department for toilet articles is al ways enjoyed?especially on Fri day. Oxzyn "Peter's" Chocolate. tomorrow's Friday Bargains. Secure supplies for the later vacation. Note tomorrow's special prices: 19c instead of 30c for 2 lb. 10c Instead of 15c for jfo 7c Instead of 10c for DtTTb. 4c instead of 5c for 1-1t! ib. Bottles for 79c. 25c l>ottles Woodworth's T<?il<?t Waters; all odors $1.00 ounce Ve-o-lay's Extracts; Aml?er Royal; Extra Violet $1.00 bottles Lambert's Listerine, largest size 50c littles "Danderine," the great hair tonic $1.<K) jars Dr. CbarleH* "Flesh Food" 25c box B. k. I'. Wrinkle Eradica tes $1 .IK) jars "Oxzyn Halm;" highly recommended <H*c buttles Murray & Lanman's Florida Water $1 .00 bottle Kenzel's Face Bleach... 14c 69c 59c 43c 45c 22c 79c 45c 63c 50c Manicure Sets, complete; bandy _ to take away 34^ $1.00 Manicure Nail Scissors; Reg- o ers' make C^C Gftc Ebony Nail Buffers; sterling mounted 50o bottles Pond's Extract; aiwavs useful 50c bottles Caswell Massoy's Cucum- -5^^ ber Cream 3^/^ 50c Poudre de Poche, Dorins. Very handy ". 3_/*~ $2.00 "Godlva" Hair Brushes; CT ir. world famous v 1 "rj 35c Unbreakable Dressing Combs; never disappoint * / 25c tubes I>r. Sheffield's Creme Den- T/'.r> tifrice 2T<r I.,.*? Armour's Fine Art 3 cakes. Tomorrow 2fte town White Htniso Buttermilk S< aj?; 3 cakes. Tomorrow. . 25c tNixes Bathasweet Powder for the bath. Tomorrow 25c each Long Handle Bath Brushes; "all bristle." Tomorrow 5<?e sire Hofieycotiib Bath S[?onges; la: g ? sixes. Tomorrow... ... . 10c bags White House S-a Salt; very invigorating. Tomorrow. 25 Km x v "4711" Shine Tal cum Powder. Tomorrow.... 1 .V pair Imported Bath Mitts. To morrow 35c Nail Brushes. Best Imported kind. Tomorrow 14c 14c 18c 14c 25c 6c 15c IOC 25c : I v V y ? t y y | ? ? y y y V t y X 1 y y ? ? y y y y y y ??? Trunks and Bags. Tomorrow's Friday Bargain. Best $10 Trunks, for tomorrow only Best $6 Trunks, for tomorrow only Best $5 Trunks, for tomorrow only Best $3 Trunks, for tomorrow only Best $4 Suit Cases-tomorrow only Best $1.50 Oxford Bags?tomorrow only Best $1.35 Suit Cases?tomorrow only Best $1 Club Bags?tomorrow oniy $8.98 $4-77 $3 79 $2.19 $2,98 96c Books and Bboks And Stationery. 5.000 Copyright Books, cloth lH>und. Tomorrow only 75c Burt's Home Library of Stand ard Authors. Tomorrow Personal and Biographical Sketches of American Writers. Boys' ativl <Jiils' Bookshelf. $1 edi tion. Tomorrow 3i?e edition of Children's Painting Books. Tomorrow French IMmlty Writing Paper. 80 sheets to the {>ound Eaton-Hurlbiit's Highland Lln^t Stationery; 50e tn?xes Envel?.|?es, commercial; 250 in box, for only... 25c 39c ay 35C 19c 18c J2tJ 22C $4.98 for $10 Dresses amdl Snufltts. The Falais Royal's ?8 and and lace trimmed. That's new $3.50 Soils, $2.69. Tomorrow's Friday Bargain. Bathing Suits?Ladies' Navy and Black Mohair, with large sailor col lar and shield front, braid trimmed; all sizes. $2.50 Waists, 98c. Tomorrow's Friday Bargain. Ladies' White Waists, elaborately trimmed with best laces and embroid eries. All sizes $ .50 Skirts, $1.29 Tomorrow's Friday Bargain. The Tourist Petticoat of black lus ter cloth, Italian cloth and Trimmed with ruffles and liounces. Tomorrow's Friday Bargains. $10 White India Linen and Lawn Dresses and Shirt Waist Suits, plain s enough for a host of regular patrons. $-|.<j8 for tomorrow only. $1.25 Si am mocks, 97c. Tomorrow's Friday Bargain. Good looking, and as reliable as good looking. Note the valance. 97c for tomorrow only. 75c Stools, 47c. Tomorrow's Friday Bargain. Camp Stools, with carpet seat, for only 47c. Best folding Camp Chairs for only <>i)e. 10c Lanterns, 5c. Tomorrow's Friday Bargain. The large 10c size Lanterns for lawn parties, etc. On fourth floor, with hammocks, camp stools, etc. Children's List. Tomorrow's Friday Bargains. $.'! Dresses, white and colors all styles, in sizes ff it Tjjjr 1 to 14 years J."> to $7.!?8 Summer Cloth Reefer Coats; all sizts; ?T) {JQ choice for 4#a.>0 75c to J1 Gowns, Skirts and TQ)C Drawers. All sizes. Choice fora'y*' J1 to $1.!?8 Wash Dresses, sizes 1 to 14 years. Choice for enly $1 Infants' Long and Short Dresses and Hand-made Caps Choice for 75c to $1 Infants' Shirts; all weights in all styles. Choh "39c r79c 43c yard for 60c TafoUe Linen. Tomorrow's Friday Bargains. The favorite Mercerized Table Linen ? thousands of pieces have been sold at 6oc yard. 43c for tomorrow only. 12%c a yard All Linen Crash, <7J/ for tomorrow " /2? 5c Linen Glass Doylies, for tomor row ?Sv. $1 a dozen All Linen Table Nap- 09. kins. Tomorrow 50c L'nen-finlsh Sheets, slxif.) inches. Tomorrow ? 40c "Monarch" Sheets, r>4x!*l inches. Tomorrow 12VjC Pillow Cases, 45x30 Inches. <1 n Tomorrow " TOMORROW'S BASEMENT FLOOR FRIDAY BARGAINS. x * f I T V y v y y y Babbitt's Soap 4c Brown Soap 4c Ivory Soap 8c Gold Dust. 7 for 25c Sunshine Soap, 4 for !)c Pyles' Pearline 4c Babbitt's Soap Powder...4c Finola, package 4c A. & N. Scouring Com pound, 2 for 7c Sllexo Sand Soap, 2 for?5c Brooke Crystal Soap 4c Safety Matches, dozen 7c. Whisk Brooms 10c Knameline Stove Polish...4c Clothes Line. 25 feet 4c Scrub Brushes ac Up-to-date Kitchen Clothes Line 25c Palais Royal, Peterman's Roach Food..8c Black Flag Insect Pow der Sc. Deadstuck, for bugs 16c Deadsure, for bugs N'c Red Seal Lye *c Japanese Toothpicks .'tc Asbestos Iron Holder 4c Lunch Boxes i?c Fly Paper. S sheets 3c Sink Strainers 19c Clothes Bars 0c Borax, per pound 8c Ceiling Dusters 9e 4-String Brooms 22c Patent Mop Handle 7c <"otton Mops 14c Magic Cloth, for silver...15c A. Lisner, Q 1111 h Sti AFTER insurance companies. Texas Agents of Leading Corporations Summoned to Court. SAN ANTONIO, Tex., July 21.?Attorney General Bell of Austin lias summoned be fore a local magistrate four insurance agents, representatives of the greatest In surance companies of the world. In a pro ceeding to disclose Information In reference to violation of the anti-trust law in Texas. The proceeding grows out of a rate war in this city and a truce which was intended to be a permanent adjustment of rates. The testimony was reluctantly given and many witnesses declined to answer on the ground that they might incriminate themselves. This may result In proceedings to deny for eign insurance corporations the right to do business in Texas. Arrest of Two Who Stole Picture. ST. PETERSBURG, July 21.?The man and woman who stole the "miracle-work ing" picture of the Madonna from Kazan Cathedral have been arrested at Nizhni Novgorod and will he taken hack to Kazan. The jewels which adorned the picture have been recovered, but the ikon itself la said to have been burned. THE SATURDAY STAR. By Mail $1.00 per Year.