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If you have catarrh STOP fT - Don't allow it to get the best of you. Try CATR COLE CATRRHCATRRE U- I Do you cough ? Do you snore ? Do you smother at night? Do you know that you z can be instantly relieved and permanently cured hv this efficient ren-edy? It's true. Thousands have testified to this fact. Price, 2.5C., Soc. and $1.oo. Free sample and book let. L. S. DAY & CO.. 14th and P at@. n.w. F. S. WILLIAMS & CO.. 9th and F sts. n.w. HENRY EVANS. 024 P at. n.w. MODERN DRUItG CO.. 414 7th at. n.w. A. M. KL,4;ZFW 'Kl. 9th and E st. n.w. CHAS. C. HORNtNUNG. 7 th and M sts, n.w. ASTORIa PHAIRMACY (W. Aston Evans. Mgr.. 3i and 4; sts. n.w. SAM. T. STOTT. 505 Pa. ave. n.w. V. R. ItIC1APRSON & CO.. 3.d&Pa. ave. n.w. FRANCIS IPRTROI.A. UXI Pa. ave. s.e. J. P. AFFLECK. 1429 Pa. ave. u.w. CHRISTIANI DRI . CO.. 484 and 647 Pa. E. E. CIFSEL. N. I. ave. and 10th St. :1, r.r U- L1: - -- : rr. ~ W ! i rU-aNIW,,V'IIIIIIIww ~ g BOYS WAHTEJDU Boys with bicycles can make good wages as messen= gers. Can also use a few without bicycles. Apply Messenger Department, POSTAL TEL.=CABLE CO 1345 Pa. Ave. N.W. *9 de28-42 -nd teat for yourself Its value as a -fuel for cooking. It gives the limit -of sattsfaction and costs a trifling -amount. 25 Bushels L.arge Coke, delivere 25 411 Buphels L.arge Coke, deliverd. 70 00 Bushels LArge Coke. delivered .....30 25 Bushels Crushed Coke, delivered... $.53.00 40 Busbels Crushed Coke, delivered... .$4.50 W4. Busbela Crusbed Coke, delivered.... $46.50 Washington Gaslight Co. 413 10TH ST. N.W. fel11-28d John Hierbert Corning, TILE SHOP, 520-522 ThIrteenth street. Anidirons Spark Gftuardls, e10%~ DISCOUNT. ee-.w.f.f1.iMS Cola "Dsc" Oraphophone & Outfit for : : : dTheM reatt eronetainer you can intro Columbia Dise Gaphophone, oak cab recr 21-inotgold ad blk orn si 10-inch records or twelve 7.Ioch rec. box. The greatest entertainer of the age. IColumbia Phono= graph Co., 1212 F St. fe1-2141 _ _ For Pure Olive Oil that is used as a food and medicine, for salads, for the stomach, for constipation, for stone in the bladder, to prevent the formnation of uric acid, Full qt. cans, as imported..65c. Full % gal. cans, as imported.$1.15 Full 1 gal. cans, as imported..$2o Oo to Evans' Drug Store, 922-24 F St. N. W. dr7-7S 28 A FREE PACKAGE inee ilts i a ant etonee ciRivt al MUNON PiladW ephia. f A49M1M , lAW Brilliant Scene atlast White House Levees THOUSANDS TRXSEWT -AE3 U1VA=AND -0 rnG GOnS. Capital Society in Kost of Its Branches Wel Represent ed' Everything contributed to make the re ception last night at the White House a brilliant finale to the official hospitalities of the present season. As the officers of the army, navy and marine corps were the guests of honor, every other -man wore a uniform, and the procession of guests which started to the blue room precisely at 9 o'clock did not stop until close to half past 10, the number present almost ap proaching the proportions of the first levee in January. The President and Mrs. Roosevelt had In the line receiving with them Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Taft, Mrs. Wynne, Mrs. Morton, Mrs. Hitchcock and Mrs. Metcalf. Mrs. Wynne received many congratulations on her happy recovery from her severe illness of the win ter. Secretaries Shaw and Taft, Postmas ter General Wynne, ,Secretaries Morton, Hitchcock and Metcalf, Attorney General Moody and Secretary Wilson were present also, as were Mr. and Mrs. Loeb. Mrs. Roosevelt wore an elegant brocaded silk in buff shades, with flower garniture. Her assistants all wore light colors. Miss Roosevelt was in pale blue. Happy family parties joinint the blue room coterie were mr. and Mrs.' W. C. Potter, the latter a daughter of Secretary Morton. with Miss Pauline Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Pitts Duffield of New York, with Miss McKenna and Capt. Frank Wynne, U. S. M. C., and Mr. H. B'. Wynne, sons of the Postmaster General. The corridor was pro fusely adorned with the national colors, the President's flag and the special emblems of the heads of the army and navy. The first guests to pay their respects to the President were Lieut. Gen. and Mrs. Chaffee, the ab sence of the admiral of the navy and Mrs Dewey being accounted for by the indispo sition of both. A number of guests with the cabinet families were afterward enter tained at supper, which was served at small tables in the upper corridors. A group of late arrivals consisted of the Vice President-elect and Mrs. Fairbanks. the latter looking very handsome in a blue chiffon velvet. They had with them their daughter. Mrs. John W. Timmons, and their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Warren Fairbanks of Chicago. Count Cassini was present, as were a number of other diplomats, including the German, Italian and French ambassadors, the Hayttan and other ministers. The following were invited: A. Maj. and Mrs. Frederic V. Abbot, Brig. Gen. Henry L. Abbot, Miss Abbot, Maj. Lemuel A. Abbott, Dr. Lyman Abbott. Lieut. C. A. Abele, Lieut. Commander and Mrs. A. A. Ackerman, Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Addicks. Assistant Paymaster G. M. Adee. Mrs. D. G. Adee, the Misses Adea, Miss Mary E. Ailinger, Mrs. G. C. Ainslee. Maj. Gen. and Mrs. F. C. Ainsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Akins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Albert, Maj. and Mrs. James B. Aleshire, Mrs. A. J. Alexander, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Charles T. Alexander, Miss Alex ander, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander, Mr. Upton Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Alger, Col. James Allen, Mrs. L. M. AllInger, Mrs. John J. Ahny, Miss Almy, Capt. and Mrs. Benjamin Alvord, Dr. R. A. Amador, Capt. and Mrs. Thales L. Ames, Lieut. Comman der and Mrs. E. A. Anderson, Capt. and Mrs. Edward Anderson, Mrs. Frank Ander son, the Misses Anderson, Mrs. R. Ander son, the Misses Anderson, Mrs. R. H. An derson, Second Lieut. William D. A. Ander son, Ensign Adolphus Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Avery D. Andrews, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. George L. Andrews. Mrs. Jennfe P. Andrews, Mrs. K. H. Andrews, Lieut. and Mrs. Philip Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Will lam Whiting Andrews, Mrs. W. H. An drews, Assistant Sultg. W. A. Angwin, Maj. George A. Armes, Mrs. E. F. Arnold, Mai. and Mrs. William H. Arthur, Mrs. H. P. Ash, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ash, Mrs. William H. Ashton, Miss Charlotte V. Ash ton, Lieut. Commander and Mrs. Charles N. Atwater, Mr. and Mrs. Jewell H. Aubere, Mrs. J. C. Audenredd, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Austin, Maj. and Mrs. F. L. Averill, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Averill, Capt. and Mrs. Nathan K. Averill. Capt. Frank P. Avery, Mrs. A. W. Axson, Mrs. Daisy Fitzhugh Ayres, Mr. and Mrs. Romeyn B. Ayres, Dr. William Watson Ayres. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Babbitt, Mrs. L. S. Babbitt. Mrs. Florence H. Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. Francis McNeil Bacon, Miss Maud Baggett, Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Bailey, First Lieut. Howard H. Baily, Miss L. T. Bain bridge. Miss Baird, Capt. and Mrs. George W. Baird. Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Abbey G. Baker. Maj. and Mrs. Chauncey B. Baker, Mrs. E. D. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Baker. Passed Assistant Surgeon A. W. Balch. the Misses Baldwin, Mrs. Isabel Worrell Ball. Mrs. Lucy A. Ball. Mr. Her mann Balz. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bangs, Capt. and Mrs. William J. Barden, Mrs. A. S. Barker. Miss Barker, the Misses Barks dale. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Barnes, Mrs. 3. K. Barnes. Miss M. F. Barnes, Mr. 0. R. Bar rett, Miss N. D. Barney, Miss Fiorence W. Barrie. Mrs. J. W. Barriger, Miss M. H. Barriger, Commander and Mrs. H. H. Bar roll. Mr. and Mrs. John V. Barross, Ensign B. G. Barthalow, Mrs. H. L. Bartlett, Mrs. John R. Bartlett, the Misses Bartlett, Miss Elizabeth Barton, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bate, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. James A. Bates, Lieut. and Mrs. John S. Bates, Capt. and Mrs. Walter T. Bates, Miss Battles, Mrs. J. H. Baxter, MrS. L. D. Baxter, Mrs. T. jK. Bay ard, Commander and Mrs. Warner B. Bay ley, Miss Margaret Baylor, the Misses Bayne, Maj. and Mrs. William D. Beach, Lieut. Col. William H. Beck, Mrs. Beck, Miss Carrie Beckham, Mrs. E. G. Beckwith, Miss M. Beckwith, Miss Cornelia Beekman, Mr.. Gerard Beckman, Mr. James William Beekman, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Beer, Mrs. Belknap, Assistant Surgeon and Mrs. A. L. Beiknap, Miss Bell, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. George Bell, Miss Bell, Maj. and Mrs. Jam. E. Bell. Capt. and Mrs. Horace M. Bell, Gen. J. H. Bell. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. James M. Bell. Capt. and Mrs. Ola W. Bell, Maj. and Mrs. John B. Bellinger, Mr. August Belmont. Rear Admiral and Mrs. A. E. K. Benham, Miss Benham, Dr. and Mrs. M. M. Benjamin. Mrs. Frank M. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Ira E. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bennett. Miss E. Benson, Mrs. J. G. Benton, Mrs. R. F. Bernard, Miss E. Bernie. Mr. and Mrs. William Berrn, Miss Katherine V. Berry, Mrs. Thomas A. Berryhill, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Berryman, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Berryman, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. Bessel ievre, the Misses Besselievre, Surgeon H. G. Beyer, Major John Biddle, Miss S. D. Biddle, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Biggs, Miss Katherine R. Billopp, Brigadier General and Mrs. T. A. Bingham, Mr. William T. Bingham, Miss Birch, Miss Emily Bird, Mr. H. L. Biscoe, Dr. Frank L. Biscoe, Miss Biscoe, Commander Joshua Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. George-W. Z. Black, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. S. Blackburn, Miss Blackburn, Mrs. James G. Blaine, Second Lieutenant Winn Blair, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius N. Bliss, Miss Bliss, Mr. C. -N. Bliss, jr.; Brip er General and Mrs. Tasker H. Bliss, Leutenant and Mrs. C. C. Bloch, Mr. and 'Mrs. John W. Blodgett, Miss Bloodgood, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Bloomingdale, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Blow, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 0. Blythe, Mrs. W. Benton Boggs, Lieutenant and Mrs. Charles H. Boice, Mrs. Margaret Boice, Miss Boll ing, Mrs. Henry C. Bolton, Mr. Ira M. Bond, Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Bone, Major and Mrs. William C. Borden, Rev, and Mrs. Nelson It. Boss, Mrs. F. M. Boetwick, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bewden, Miss Boir ditch, Colojel and Mrs. llward Bowditeh, Miss Martha Bowers, Mrs. HL. D owie, Brigadier General and Mrs. Alpheus H. Bowman, Commander and Mrs. 3. B. Bow yer, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Boyd, Medical Director and Mrs. 3. C. Boyd, Mrs, 0. B. Boyd. Mr. John Bpylq.M~~~~G Boyle, Mr. and Mrse O. A.: nDuOnMisi Boynton, Gueral anid Mrs. I. *Boynten. Miss Boynton, Mrs. A. G. rkei Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Bradfar, Mrs, R9'I~ Brad. ford th ~Ii DaI~vg 'M Dfrct Dradofaw. KIP.?.B t Mrs. B. I. Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Charln* R. Brayton, C0l1nel d Mrs. GoOre 1. Bryton. Ws Brennan, Mr. Jobn . bren lUeutengnt Colnel and Mrs Lloyd IL t, Mr. an Justice Brewer,.-M J. W. Brewer, the Misses Brewer, tbln Steiwart 3L Bte., W. and Ys. * U Briek. Miss Estie S ,Miik UN& tIs Frye Brigg, Medial Direitor and Mrs. George A. Bright, Miss Bright. LIeutenant Mark L. BristoL Mr. and Mrs. James W. Brook, colonel A" Ms.~~ I. re --- aein-1A i - ., ko Mrs Gbftiaw w Breske" Mr. Mr's. 3 ., arsinze, Mr. and Mrs. J3 ties Brown,- esptain -Bl L - and . -Mrs Brown, Mftn Brown, Mir. and Mr. George -R. Brow, Mr.- nu Mrs. NirT.BOWon, -tenant -Nekry%~L. +rown, Mr gadMse Aenry 9dfkoff 3ed, Mrs. 'W DuiV.i r ars. jA -Mils Brewne, Mr. Louise3rewn -low, -Miss IL W. Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Geoge . en= -Leue..nConmmander and Mrs.-Bea -Mrs.- C. -. Bryan, Mrs. B. H. Bryant, Mrs. A. Bry son, Miss Bryson, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Buck, Mrs. Nellie Hobart Budd, Mrs. 0. P. Buel, Mrs. Bull, Mrs. E. R. Btillens, Lieutenant H. C. Bulmer, Miss. Alice E. Burbage, Mrs. William D. Burbags Mrs. Wade H. Burden, Lieutenant 'Commander and Mrs. W. L. Burdik, Mrs. W. -Burns, Miss Burns, Mrs. Edward N. Burns. Mrs. W. W. Burns, Miss M. A. Burns, Major and Mrs. Edward Burr, Mr. Harry R. Bur rill, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burrows, Brigadier General and Mrs. Andrew S. Burt, Mrs. A. C. Burton,. Brigadier. General - and Mrs. George -H. Burton, Mr. and Mr-s. L. White Busby, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bushnell, Lieu tenant and Mrs. Henry V. BUitler, Miss J. C. Butler, Brigadier General and Mrs. John G. Butler, Miss Butler, Lieutenant Law rence P. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. But ler ,the Misses Butler, Captain ArchibaldW. Butt, Mrs. Joshua W. Butt, General and Mrs. McCoskey Butt, Lieutenant and Mrs. James T. Buttrick, Brigadier General C. C. Byrne, Miss Byrne, Miss Ellen Byrne. C. Capt. Julian M. Cabell, Mr. -and Mrs. C. M. Cade, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Call, Mr. Edward W. Callahan. Mrs. Fred M. Camp, Miss Camp, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Campbell, Lieut. and Mrs. E. H. Campbell, Mrs. W. S. Campbell, Commander and Mrs. Alfred Canaga, the Speaker of the House, Miss Helen A. Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Capers, Mrs. William B. Caperton, Rear Admiral W. L. Capps, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Capron, Mrs. A. M. Capron, Miss Helen Capron. Mrs. Allyn Capron, Miss Capron, Mrs. Allyn K. Capron, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Card, the Misses Card, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Carey, Brig. Gen. Caleb H. Carlton, Mr. 0. J. Carlton, Mr. and Mrs. F. Carl-Smith, Mrs. Francis J. Carmody. Paymaster and Mrs. John R. Carmody, Miss Carmody, Mrs. Robert E. Carmody, the Misses Carmody, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carnegie, Mr. Fred W. Car penter, Mrs. J. S. Carpenter, Mr. Marsh S. Carpenter, Mrs? T. H. Carpenter, Miss Sara H. Carpenter, Mrs. W. L. Carpenter. Mrs. Carr, Capt. Daniel J. Carr. Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Eugene A. Carr, Lieut. and Mrs. James Carroll, Mrs. Harriet Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Carson, Mrs. J. Armi stead Carter, Capt. and Mrs. Robert G. Carter, M!ss Natalie P. Carter, Mrs. T. L. Casey, Assistant Surg. D. C. Cather, Gen. and Mrs.' Isaac S. Catlin. Mrs. R. Catlin, Miss Catlin, Miss Cecil, Miss Chabot, Pay master and Mrs. David V. Chadwick, Mrs. L. D. Chadwick, Miss Chaffee, Lieut. Gen. and Mrs. A. R. Chaffee, Miss Helen Chaf fee, Mr. and Mrs. B. Percy Chain, Mrs. A. E. Chamberlin, Mr. Justin M. Chamberlin, Mrs. L. A. Chamberlin, the Misses Chamn berlin, Civil Engineer F. T. Chambers, Lieut. Conmander and Mrs. W. . Cham bers, Capt. Charles de F. Chandler, Lieut. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. William E. - Chandler, Lieut. Commander and Mrs. F. L. Chapin, Assistant Surg. and Mrs. R. B. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Chapple, Miss Georgie Charrington, Mrs. C. Chase, Miss Chase, Mrs. J. V. Chase, Lieut. Commander and Mrs. V. 0. Chase, Mrs. B. S. Chase, Mrs. W. L. Chase, Lieut. and Mrs. A. T. Chester, Rear Admiral and Mrs. C. M. Chester, Miss Edith Harlan Child, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Child, Miss Dean Child, Mrs. E. G. Warrington Chubb, Mr. and Mrs. James C. Churchill, Miss Churchill. Mrs. J. R. Clagett, Miss Clagett, Mrs. Clark, Rear Admiral and Mrs. C. E. Clark, Mrs. Churchill Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Clafk, Miss Evelyn F. Clark, Mrs. Watson F. Clark, Mrs. J. W. Clark, Mrs. M. M. L. Clark, Maj. Sidney E. Clark, Mrs. T. S. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Clark, Miss S. R. Clarke, Miss Isabel Clay, Mr. and Mrs. Powell Clayton, Mr. John K. Clement, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cleveland, Assistant Surgeon A. B. Clifford, Capt. Sid ney A. Cloman, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Henry W. Closson, 'Miss Closson, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. John W. Cloud, Mr. Robert C. Clowry, Mr. Woodworth Clum, Mrs. W. T. Cluve rius, (Mrs. E. M. Cobb, the Misses Cobb, Mr. F. M. Cockrell, Mrs. B. C. Cockrell. Miss Carroll Coe, Mr. and Mrs. Myer Co hen, Dr. Charles de Witt Colby, Major and Mrs. Eli K. Cole, Assistant Surgeon H. W. and Mrs. Cole, Jr.; Mrs. Edmund R. Col houn, tihe Misses Colhoun, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Collins, Mrs. J. B. Collins, Mrs. Jean .Collins, Mrs. R. F. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Colman, Col. George Radcliffe Colton, the Misses Colton, Mr. H. F. Concklin, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Concklin, Miss Alice Concklin, Mr. Arthur Concklin, Mrs. M. F. Connolly, Miss Conrad, Rear Admiral and Mrs. G. A. Converse, Miss Shelby Converse. Mr. W. P. Conway, Mr. Cassilly Cook, Capt. and Mrs. C. Fred Cook, Brig. Gen. Henry C. Cook. Ensign H. E. Cook, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Henry C. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cook, Miss Cook, Mrs. H. N. Cooke, Miss Cooke, Mr. L. Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Coolidge, Mrs. R. H. Coolidge, Miss Collidge, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Coombs, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Michael Cooney, the Misses Cooney, Mrs. Silas Cooper, Brig. Gen. John J. Coppinger, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Cotterill. Mr. W. S. Couch, Mrs. R. F. Couch, Mrs. Elliott Coues, Miss Margaret Coulter, Rear Admi ral and Mrs. Frank Courtis, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Courtis. Miss Courts. Mr. R. G. Cous ins, Lieut. and Mrs. W. A. Covington, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Cowdin, Commander and Mrs. Walter C. Cowles, Miss Cowles, Mrs. William S. Cowles, Mr. M. T. Copper thwaite, Mr. E-dw. E. Coyle. Mrs. Randolph Coyle, the Misses Coyle, Capt. Joseph T. Crabbs, Mrs. J. N. Craig, Mrs. J. N. D. Craig, Lieut. ('o1. and Mrs. Robert Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Craighead, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. David J. Caigle, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cramer, Mrs. Benjamin Crane. Lieut. and Mrs. John W. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crawford, Mr. Harris M. Crist, Mrs. M. F. Crist, Mrs. T. T. Crittenden, Col. and Mrs. W. H. Crook, Mrs. Pierce Crosby, the Misses Pierce, Lleut. Matthew A. Cross, Brig. Gen. William Crozier, Lieut. Donald C. Cubbison, Lieut. Robert M. Cul ler, Mrs. Md. K. Cunningham, Dr. and Mrs. H. Holbrook Curtis, Mrs. L. A. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Curtis, Miss Curtis, Mrs. Samuel T. Cushing, Miss Cushing. Mr. Samuel D. Cushing, Capt. Herbert Cush man. Mrs. Paul Dahlgren, Miss Dahlgr'en, Lieut. and Mrs. Frederick A. Dale, Mrs. A. J. Dallas. Miss Dallas, Capt. and Mrs. N. J. T. Dana, Mrs. Alfred L. Dana. Mrs. David Daniels. Miss Margaret Daniels. Major John A. Dapray, the Misses Dapray, Capt. Jeremiah Z. Dare, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Darling, Mrs. Flora A. Darling, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Darlington, Miss Darlington, Capt. and Mrs. Carl R. Darnall, Commander and Mrs. R. G. Davenport, Major W. D. Davidge, Mr. F. Stewart Davidge, Mr. John W. Davidge, the Misses Davidge, Mr. B. R. Davids, Mrs. Clara B. Davidson, Miss Davis, Miss Edith L. Davis. Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Edward Davis, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. George B. Davis, Capt. Henry C. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ban croft Davis, Mr. J. LeConte Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davis, Lieut. and Mrs. William R. Davis, Mr. and.Mrs. H. P. Davison, Miss Lavinia Davison, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Dawes, Mrs. Ida W. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Justice Day, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Day, Mr. Rufus M. Day, Miss Grace R. Day, Mr. Oswald Day, Miss Day, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Dayton, Capt. James H. Dayton, Medical Director and Mrs. R. C..Dean, Mrs. George A. IPeer ing, Miss Katherine Peering, Passed' As sistant Paymaster Gegwge A. Peering, Lieut. Thomas M. Defrees, Mr. and Mrs. P. V. De Gnaw, Mr. E. B. De Graw, Mis K. B. Dehon, Miss F. B. De Krafft, Lieut. Matthew A. Do Laney, Mr. and Mrs. Phineas J7. Dempsey, Lieut: Commander G. W. Denfeld, Col. and Mrs. Frank L. Denny, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Denny, Lieut. Elliott 3. Dent. Mr. and Mrs. Y. Derr, Brig. Gen. T=iac D. De~ Russy. Le Vte. Henri de Si bobir, La Vtesse, do Sibour, Mrs. Paul T. I~ases, Miss Desses, Mrs. Ellen Appleby De Valin, the Admiral of the Navy, Mrs. Dwey, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Calvin Do Witt, Mr. Rudolph Do Zapp, Mr. Albert B. de Zerega, Mr. and Mmne. Ricardo Dia-Albertini, Mrs JT. E. Dickerman, LIeut. Col -. Dickens,. Capt. . pnd Mr.Josph T. Dimeman, Mrs. 0.Ii. IAut. Commander A.CDienb Capt a Mrus. ,W,- Diehl, Dr, M. A. aIS __ 5DhRo g. Iin im Mr A-thmr j And r & 25U1& 3 Dbet Mr. U. E A. Dor8. Mia Do sDoubledF, I re.. A. .4D ig, Mr. . A. DoDwng e N V 1Un e n Us. and.E Wnam m Erig enu. tMra C. Drma,& and M.M P. Mrs. Bmman Mu ifwoo 9arrl, ( ~ aNd I -Mis Dule, Mis. -h B. Dudley, Mr. . William A. Duer, -Mr. and Mms. Pitts Duf- I Aeld. Mr. and Mrs. EL C.. Duncan . Mrs. T. Dunoan, Mui.- Dunham, 300 Dunlap, Mt. and Mrs. Irving H. Dunlap,- Mr. and Mrs. ] Arthur W. Dunn, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Hen- I ry H. C. Dunwoody, Miss Dunwoody, Dr. T. V. Dupuy, Miss Mary Durham, Mrs. G. ] W. Diryea, Mrs. A. EL Dutton, Maj. and ] M's. Winiam P.' Duval1, Miss Dwyer. Mrs. Charles W. Dyson, Mrs. N. E. Dyson. Mrs. D. S. Earle, Mr. Charles T. Earle, Miss Rose Earle, Mrs. Robert L. Eastman, Mrs. T. H. Eastman, the Misses Eastman, Capt. and Mrs. Joseph G. Eaton, Mrs. E. W. Eberle, Mrs. A. R. Eddy, Miss Mary H. Eddy, Miss Edelin, Maj. and Mrs. Guy i . Edie, Mrs. J. R. Edle, Miss C. A. Edmon ston, Mr. Thomas F. Edmunds, Mrs. S. B. Edson, Col. and Mrs. Clarence R. Edwards. Mr. and Mrn. W. H. Edwards, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Egan, Miss Patrice Egan, Mrs. W. A. Egerton, Prof. and Mrs. W. S. Eichellperger, Mr. Henry E. Bland, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Elkins, Miss Katherine El kins, Mr. Davis Elkins, Mr. S. B. Elkins; Jr., Mr. Richard Elkins, ieut. Commander and Mrs. John M. Ellcott, Mrs. John M. Ellicott, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliott, 'Brig. Gen. and Mrs. George F. Elliott, Mrs. George H. Elliott, Mr. Jackson S. Elliott. Miss Margaret R. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Norman G. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A." Emory, Miss Emory, Mrs. Charles R. Emrich, Rear Admiral and Mrs. M. T. Endicott, the Misses Endicott, Miss Myra English, Mrs. T. C. English. Mrs. H. S. English, Mrs. E. Er'ington. Mr. J. J. Each, Mr. and Mrs. George Esch, Gen. and Mrs. L. G. Estes. Lieut. and Mrs. F. T. Evans. Lieut. Frank E. Evans, Rear Admiral and Mrs. R. D. Evans, Maj. and Mrs. William P. Evans, Mrs. W. H. Everett, Mr. Thomas M. Exley and Mrs. C. M. Exley. Miss Fague, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Fairbanks, Miss Fakes, Miss Farber. Mrs. Farmer, Miss Ethel Farmer, Rear Admiral and Mrs. N. H. Farquhar, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Powers Farr, Assistant Surgeou. W. G. Farwell. Lieut. and Mrs. Albert N. Faulkner, Mrs. T. J. Fealy, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee Fearn, Lieut. Commander and Mrs. A. F. Fechteler, Mrs. C. W. Fenton, Miss Fenton, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pen wick, Naval Constructor and Mrs. H. L. Ferguson, Mrs. R. V. Ferguson, Mr. Thos. B. Ferguson, Miss Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Field, Rear Admiral and Mrs. W. L. Field..-Miss Finch, Dr. J. H. Finley. Lieut. Harold C. Fiske, Chief Engineer and Mrs. Henry W. Fitch, the Misses Fitch, Miss M. Fitzgerald, Mr. John Fitzgbbon, Medical Director and,)Ars. Paul Fitzsim ons, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Flanigan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Fleming, Miss India Bell Fleming, Lieut. and Mrs. Arthur H. Fletch er, Miss Fletcher, Cdmmander and Mrs. F. F. Fletcher, Chief. Engineer Montgomery Fletcher, Maj.. and Mrs. William Fletcher, Medical Director James 1. Flint, Mrs. Al fred Foot, Maj. and 'M. George F. Foote. Capt. and Mrs. Ste#?4 M. Foote, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Foraker W-fs Louise Foraker. ( Col. and Mrs. S. W.w Fordyce, Judge and I Mrs. C. M. Forec, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph I Forster, Brig. Gen. and, Mrs. George A. i Forsyth, Mrs. L. C. Forsyth, Lieut. G. R. I Fortescue, Brig. Gert. and Mrs. William H. I Forwood, Mr. G. Foss. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Foster. a and Mrs. Percy S. Foster, Mrs. M. K. Fountain, Miss Foun tain, Mr. and Mrs. Alvan L. Fowler, Maj. Edward S. Fowler, Miss Silve de Grasse Fowler, Mrs. A. H. Fox, Pay Director and Mrs. L. A. Frailey, ',Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Francis, Jr., Brig. G#n. and Mrs. Royal T. Frank, Rear Admira and Mrs. S, R. Frank lin, Mr. and Mrs. Ge ^e B. Frease, Mr. and Mrs. Jacaf) Frec, s.-Frech, Mrs. D. A. Frederick, Mr. Frederick N. Freeman. Lieut. and Mrs. Paul L. Freeman, Dr. and Mrs. Paul C. Freerer, M's. Charles Fre mont, the Misses Fremont, Miss F. G. Frencb, Maj. and Mrs. John T. French. Jr., Prof.- and Mrs. Edgar ..F-isby, Miss Frisby, Mr. William P. Frye, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Frederick Fuger, Miss A. T. Fuger; the Chief Justice and Miss Fuller, Miss Frances M. Fuller, Capt. and Mrs. Lawson M. Ful ler, Lieut. and Mrs. S. P. Fullinwider, Miss Fullinwider, Mrs. Emma W. Fulmer and Mrs. F. M. Furlong. G. Mr. and'Mrs. T. St. John Gaffney, Dr. and Mrs. Fred B. Gage, Mr. Lyman J. Gage, I Major and Mrs. David Du B. Gaillard, the 1 Misses Gaisberg, Capt. and Mrs. Hugh J. Gallagher, Miss Gallagher, Mr. and Mrs. J. J H. Gallinger, Lieut. and Mrs. C. D. Gallo- I way, Mr. ond Mrs. Isaac Gans, Mrs. Eliza- r beth A. Gardner, Miss Marion Gardner, Mr. I and Mrs. H. Gilson Gardner, Mr. Louis I Garthe, Mr. and Mrs. James Albert Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gates, Mrs. J. D. Gatewood, the Misses Gatewood. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gauss. Capt. and Mrs. Andrew Geddes, Miss Geddess, Mrs. Lizzie Geddes, I Mrs. Alfred George, Mrs. G. W. Getty, Capt. and Mrs. David J. Gibbon, Lieutenantt Commander John H. Gibbons, Capt. and( Mrs. George S. Gibbs, Miss Kate M. Gibbs,t Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Gibbs, Brig. Glen.( and Mrs. Horatio G. Gibson, Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. John Gibson, Lieut. and Mrs. Samuel H. Gibson, the Misses Gibson, Lieut and Mrs. Daniel H. Glenty, s Lieut. Henry L. Gilchrist, Miss Glillan, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Gillen, Maj. Glen. and Mrs. George L. Gillespie, Miss F. GhIllis, Mrs. ( James Glliss, the Misses Gilliss, Miss Alice ( Inex Gilman, Mrs. B. H. Gilman, Mr. Hugo I A. Filmartin, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. John C. .4 Gilmore, Miss Gilmore, Capt. John C. Gil- a more, Col. A. C. Girard, Lieut. W. K. Glise j Maj. James D. Glennan, Miss Frances Glen nan, Lieut. Commander and Mrs. J. H. Glennon, Miss Isabel H. Glennon, Mrs. H. D. Glover. Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. lynn, Maj. and Mrs. George W. Goethals, Mrs. H. Goodfellow, Col. and Mrs. Green Clay Good boe, Miss Goodioe, Mrs. Margaret W. Good win, Capt. and Mrs. Walton Goodwin, the y Misses Goodwin, Mrs. W.- P. Goodwin, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. David S. Gordon, Miss Gor don, Mrs. C. A. Gordon, Mr. H.'H. Gordon, Miss Gould, Mrs. Gouverneur, Miss Gouver neur, Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. C. A. Glove, Lieut. and Mrs. J. W. Graeme, Brig. (len. Lawrence P.'Graham, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Granger, Miss Granger, Brig. (len. and Mrs. F. D. Grant, Mrs. J. B. Grant, Lieut. U. S. Grant, 3d, Mrs. W. P. Graves. Miss Emily Graves, Miss Emma Gray. Assistant Sur-1 geon C. T. Grayson, Brig. (len. and Mrs. A. W. Greely, the Misses Greely, Miss F. M. Green, (len. and Mrs. F. V. Greene, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Greene, Miss Anna P. Greenough, Col. G. G. Greenough, Miss Byrd Page Greer, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gregg, Mrs. Thomas J. Gregg the:'Misses Gregg, Mrs. A. E. Gridley, Surgeon Genetral William Grier, Mrs. R. S. Griffin, Rev. Paul Griffith, Mrs. F. H. Griggs, Mr. an MA's, John W. Griggs, Miss Caiggs, Mr. John A. Gross, Mrs. Cu vier Grover, the Misses Cuvier, Capt. and Mrs. Edward I. Gruliiley, 'Mrs. A. G. Grun well, Miss Florence 'Ghernsey, Capt. John Guest, Mrs. John Guet, 'Mr. and Mrs. Cur tis Guild, jr., Miss Ethe? Gulick, Medical Director and Mrs. Fl M. OGunnell.4 Capt. William G. Naas, .Mr. and Mrs. Arthur N. Hacker, Dra.on4 Mrs. Arthur T.I Hadley, Mr. and Mrae.~redtrJ. Hager, Mrs. 4 I. IThomas Hagner, 3$iss.:Isabella L. Hag-. 4 ner, Brig. Gen. and 3rs.-'Eeter C. Hains, Capt. a~nd Mrs. PetM' GL.ains, in., Miss Haldarne, Miss Halerman.. Mr. Eugene I Hale, Capt. and Mrsi Barry C. Hale,- Mr. 4 Matthew Hales Mrs., V..5 Hale, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Halford, ~iss Halford, Mr.'1 Henry Hall, Mrs. J. T. Hal, Brig.- Gen. and Mrs. Robert H. Hail, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. William P. Hali, Mr. H. C. Hallam. Capt. * and Mrs. Walter F. Haleck, Lient. and' Mrs. John Halligan. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Halstead, Miss Hamilton, Mr. and: Mzrs.' Charles A. Hamilton, Miss Hamnttoi, Mr. Emmiet Hamilton, Mr. .7 0. Hamimilt Mrs. John Hays Ha~ma.Mrs. J. A. .Hup 50on, Assistant aPU8It andMt.. lSancock, Mr. U. P. '.FrMa, <Mme Hanna,.M**. . ?~.U.'Mapperst M~iM ap persett, Mrs. S.F. Hardesty, Capt.. siid Mrs. Chfester Mrig., nd, Mrs. H~sielar Ian,' the Misse lrn, eJdl&I. U. Harmony, Mr~j~i Mns. -.~niw? and Mrs.- William . Gaen.r fra, . 4 . U. Eawstia, Mv.. Mia Har -.niaa n Mis. W. M& Brrmon NesitMs W. .U. Ma-n=Mr. and irs. Ernst 3. !rt, Mat IL fart, Miss Mary m. Hart, Mrs.-A. U. Has n. Miss Masoen, Mr. and Mrs, WmtlM I. Iawk, Mrs. 3.- Townsed Ha~whs, Brig. len, and r mfnann U. Hawkins, Wiss 4as, Jbhn ). -Hawley, Mr. an" 1. V. RNawfy, M1i18 Margaret HawIey, retary o State, Mrs. Hay, LiUt. 6fd Mrs. Charles E. Hay. j., Mr. and Mrs. lames , Capt. d .Mrs. .re B. RAyme-A -Mrs.d- Moott Basse,X -Hacoc,_ - k Aff aboe - 3M. Cc aset. n-----~ Ue. 3.3 U. mydsa, Iine Mary flslet. 1. N. .Hayward, Ir aud Mrs. --. Aard, La i. 3. Emssna, Mr. -and Mrs. Edward Wentworth awell, Lieut. Commander Isaac Has -tt, Hi. - e 0. Hed Mr. 49b M *r %b -er a sige aeu Col. and Mr. -Otto L. Hin.s -s.' 3eiestie Hein, Assistant Surgeon- and Mrs. I. GI. Heiner, Mrs. RI. 0. Heiner. MIss leiher, :Mirs. -A. -H. Hekuisin. Mr. and Mrs. L R Heis., Col. and Mrs. Charles L. leiumann, Dr. Joseph M. Heller. Maj. and drs. George Henderson, Miss Dorothy Hen terson, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hendley, Mrs. Aena Henning. Mr. James A. Henry, Mrs. Cate Kearney Henry, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mal olmn Henry, Mr. and Mrs. J. William Hen y, Capt. Morton . Henry, Mrs. Frances . Herbert, Mr. Hilary A. Herbert, Lieut. Lnd Mrs. John K. Herr, Mr. and Mrs. dyron T. Herrick. Mr. and Mrs. J. Whit erron, Miss Herron, Mr. and Mrs. Na haniel Hershler Miss Hershier, Miss Sallie lickett Heth rs L. J. H. Herwig, Col. harles H. Neyl, - s. T. C. Heyl, Chief onstructor and -Mrs. Philip Hichborn, Rear Ldmiral and Mrs. F. J. Higginson, Mrs. 3. 8. Higley, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. George Gris vold Hill, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hill, Lieut. ol. Elbridge R. Hills, Capt. and Mrs. Ernest Hinds, Miss Hinkley, Maj. Charles 3. Hinton, the Secretary of the Interior. drs. Hitchcock, the Misses Hitchcock, Mrs. tosa Hite. Miss Hoban, Lieut. Col. -and drs. Charles Hobart, Mrs. Garrett A. fobart, Mr. Garret A. - Hobart. Jr., daj. and Mrs. Harry ' F. Hodges, ommander and Mrs. H. M. Hodges, Medi al Director and Mrs. A. A. Hoehling, Miss loehling, Chaplain and Mrs. R. R. Hoes, drs, W. S. Hogg, Brig. Gen. Samuel B. lolabird, Mrs. J.*H. L. Holcombe, Mr. and drs. E. S. Holliday, Mrs. John G. Holliday, 4r. and Mris. Justice Holmes, Miss E. G. ones, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hood. Miss food, Mr. Richard Hooker, Lieut. and Mrs. ichard S. Hooker, Mrs. Grace Porter Hop :ns, Mr. and Mrs. - Henry. T. Hopkins, Capt. nd Mrs. T. N. Horn, Mr. and Mrs. James . Hornaday. Mr. and Mrs. Frark . .HQB ord, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Hoskins, the disses Hoskins, Maj, api Mrs. John D. C. oskins, Maj. and Mrs. James B. Houston, 'apt. and Mrs. Duane, C. Howard. Mrs. A. V. Howe, 'r". 'and Mrs. Frank T. Howe, he Misses Howe, Maj. and Mrs. Henry S. owe, Mrs. Jbbhr -W: Howikori, Mrs. R. L. owze, Maj. and Mrs. Eli D. Hoyle, Miss mnogene Hoyle. -Mrs-. Charles -H. - Hoyt, -Miss dith Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. Colgate Hoyt, ommander John. -Hubbard. Mrs. Perry ubbard, Mrs. John M. Hudgins, Miss Eva -Iudson, Miss Marion B. .Hudson, Rear Ad niral and Mrs. A. K. Hughes, Miss Hughes, 4eut. and Mrs.. , F. Rugies, Mrs. E. M. ughes, Miss Martha Hughes, Mr. Fred 'rick E. Hughitt, Miss Caroline A. Hughitt, ssistant Surgeon and Mrs. I4. F. Hull, Mr. mnd Mrs. J. A. T. Hull. Miss Annette Hull, diss Nannie Hure, Brig. - Gen.' and ' Mre. harles F. Humphrey, the Misses Humph ey, Lieut. 'E. -H: Hitrnphrey; Mr. - Humph eys, Miss Humphreys, Lieut. Harry - G. -umphreys, Miss Humphries, Mr. -and Mrs. . S. Hungerford, Miss Clara L. Hunking, drs. 'L. 9. Hunsacker, Mr, and. Mrs. C. P. lunt Mrs. H. J. Hunt, the-Misses Hunt, 'ay !inspector. and .Mrs..Livingston Hunt, Irs. George E. Hunter, Mr. a'nd Mrs. W. H. lunter, Miss.Jane Huntogn, Capt. and Mrs. rote Hutcheson, Mrs. C. T. Hutchins, 4aj. and Mrs. ' William P. Huxford, Miss iuxford. L Mr. Robert A. Inch, Miss M. Agnes Inch. apt. and Mrs. R. R. Ingersoll, Miss Kath een Ingraham, Paymaster and Mrs. Hugh taymond Insley. Archbishop Ireland, Maj. nd Mrs. Merritte W. Ireland, Mrs. Sarah reland, Mrs. Leslie Irving, Mr. A. R. srael. IT.. Lieut. Robert F. Jackson, Medical Direc or Samuel Jackson. Miss Jackson. Pay naster V. S. Jackson, Miss Harriet G. .acob, Mrs. Ida Jacobs, Mrs. N. L. ames, Miss James, Mrs. F. J. Janez. r. and Mrs. Harper Jarden, Lieut. ommander and Mrs. J. L. Jayne, Mr. .nd Mrs. William Jeffers, Miss Alice 'hornton Jenkins, Miss Sarah Eliza eth Jenkins, Lieut. Thomas H. Jennings, r. and Mrs. W. W. Jermane, Mrs. Jester, iss Elizabeth John, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. ohns, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Johnson, Mrs. . C. Johnson, Miss Isabel L. Johnson, Mr. nd Mrs. S. E. Johnson, Miss Virginia T. ohnson, Lieut. and Mrs. Edward N. Johns on, Gen. and Mrs. John A. Johnston, Miss ones, Lieut. and Mrs. H. W. Jones. Miss V. M. Jones. Miss Mary Cadwalader Jones, aiss Beatrix Joncs, Mrs. Needham L. ones, Ir. Ale1[ Josephsson, Acting Assis ant Surgeon H. W. Judd, Mr. and Mrs. wan Justice. Lieut. L. A. Kaiser, Mrs. F. G. Kalk, Mrs. lelen P. Kane, Mips A. F. Kane, Mr. and irs. G. J. Karger, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Lin oln Karmany,4Ars. F. D. Karns, Mr. John ,. Kasson, Mr. S. H. Kauffmann, Miss Eaffmann, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kauff ann, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kauffmann, Ma or and Mrs. Jefferson R. Kean, Mrs. R. G. I. Kean, Miss Kean, Ensign C. R. Kear. en. and Mrs. John W. Kearny. Mr. and irs. E. L. Keen, Mr. and Mrs. De B. Ran olph Keim, Mrs. Keith, Mr. Julius Kelley, ilss Nellie Kelley, Mrs. S. C. Kellogg. Miss ellogg, Miss Kelly, Col. and Mrs. A. C. elton, Mrs. J. C. Kelton, the Misses Kel on, Mrs. F. M. Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. George '. Kendall, Major and Mrs. Henry M. Ken all, Mrs. Beverley W. Kennon, Paymaster leneral A. 8. Kenny, Lieut. William A. ent, Mr. Kent. Mr. William T. Kent. Mrs. Villiam A. Kent, Miss Adelaide Kenyon, ir. and Mrs. Charles E. Kern, Lieut. Col. nd Mrs. James T. Kerr, Mr. J. H. Ketch n, the Misses Key, Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Keyser, Lieut. Henry S. Kilbourne, Jr., 'mmander' and Mrs. William Kilburn, Brig. len. Amos S. Kimball. Miss Mary Kimball, .ieut. Commander and Mrs. Harry Kimmel, rs. E. L. King, Mrs. Horatio King. Lieut. ohn.J. Kingmnan, Chief Engineer and Mrs. bsalom Kirby, Mrs. Kirkbride, Mrs. harles P. Kirkland, Cal. and Mrs. Joel T. irkland, Miss Adrienne Kirkland, Mr. and irs. Gustav E. Kissel, Mr. W. W. Kitchin. ir. and Mrs. Charles I. Knight, Mr. and irs. George A. Knight, Capt. 'and Mrs. Iarry Knox, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Knox, Mr. teed Knox, Mr. Hugh S. Knox, Mrs. E. F. oehler, Cal. and Mrs. Egon A. Koerper, the isses Koerper, Mrs. John C. Krause. Mrs. .. Kuhn, Capt. and Mrs. Chas. W. Kuts. Miss Marie La Boyteaux, Mrs. CIlarles ,ard, Rear Admiral and Mrs. B. P. Lam serton. the Misses Lamberton, Mr. and Mrs. )aniel S. Lamont, Miss L'Amoureux, Miss lmcaster, Capt. and Mrs. Edward Landon, rs. Langenbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Langen eck Mr. and Mrs. Langford, Capt. George '. Langhorne, I,,eut. Harris Laning, Mrs. .aning Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lansing. Miss Dmma Sterling Lansing. Lieut. Cal. Daniel . Laned, Miss Larner. Mr. and Mrs. R. . Laner. Senorita C. Larralde, Mrs. La at Capt. William Lassiter, Lieut, and Mrs. L. Latimer, Lieut. Col. Charles H. Lauch elmer. Capt. and Mrs. Frank H. Lawton, 'apt. . R. Lay, Lieut. Cal. and Mrs. Smith I. Leach, Mrs. S. P. Lee, Lieut. Charles T. nd Mrs. Leeds. Mrs. G. K. Leet, the Misses ,eet, Mrs. Albert C. Leitch, Capt. H. Leon md, the Misses Lester, Capt. and Mrs. E. 1. C. Leutse, Miss Leutze, Paymaer 'revor W. Leutie, Mr. and Mrs. Charles i. Lewis, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. 0. Norman jeber, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lindsay, Naval onstructor J7. B. Linnard, Mr. and Mrs. Iraig Lippincott, Mrs. Emerson H. LUseun, 'rof. and Mrs. F. B. Littell, Maj. and Mrs. aac W. Littell, Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. iittle, Pay Director Charles W. Littlefield, sol, agd Mrs. W. R. LUvermore, Mr. and Mrs. leorgie Livingston, Miss Locke, Mr. and drs. Charles B. Lockwood, Lieut. Col. and drs. Daniel W. Lockwood, the secretary to he President and Mrs. Loeb, Maj. and Mrs. Iharles D. A. Loeffler, Miss Loef~er, Mrs. ohn A. Logan. Miss Logan, Mrs. A. K. ng, the Missem Loang Lieut. -Andrew T. ag Ensign B. A. Long, Maj. and Mrs. amans W. Long Miss Annie F. Long, Mr. and Mrs. John b. Long, Psi Director Thos. 1.- ooker. Miss Looker, Miss Loomis, Mr. sose, Mr. and'Mrs. C. E. Loose, Mr. 0, A. a.ud, Miss Loud, Lieut. James N. Loud, Aut. Col and. Mrs. J'ohn S. Loud, Mis oud. Mr. and Mrs. HI C. LopRenslager, iur. H. I. Laudenslager, Mrsa. Arthur Lou re, M4ia lsctor and Mrs P. A. Loy ad Mrs. John J~wthe isTe.Mr. n~Ms 4wr .LW7 uGs*Mw nd lmp -ia W :A. Mr do". . ana, Mrs. Fran s L Mrs. A. McD. A.- 4 Mrs. 3. 3. MeCook, Miss inlasbeth I P. . Mr. Cyrus MoConalek, Mr. and Xra, M . Mea~y, MAi. Adele McCrea, I tms M Commander- and Mrs. Henry 4 MaCea, e General Tully ant MrIs. MeCree, Mr. Alex. McDonald,' Assistant 4 -nemmn W. -N. McDoelL Ps Aossit- 4 ,nt'4-sgaMa P. A.-MesasfMn ZeAt. D. Cw 1 EdDouga'f W 6,- D; Mdefery,-%* 4o Jan== yMr-0 M MS YMyMrs . . I Maiterran,- r andw& o Mrs -os no Gewan. Miss McGewan. Pasanter & Me- A 4Gewan Mrs. N. L Mewsa, Mr. and Mrs. I B. ILe : Mrs. D. MeAtesh IMt mer George A. sem, shM It e ar Mrs. ;Pederick 0. McKeea, Mr. and Mrs. Jufoe Uema, the Misses M enna, I O--and -Mm Aaender .cNKeanle. Mr. I Ralph X. McKenzie, Mrs. William McKin- I ley. Mrs. J. B. McLaughlin. Miss Lilian I McLa nl, Lieut. CoL and Mrs. William I H. Mc ahlin, Mrs. N. H. McLean, the 4 Misses McLean, Assistant Surgeon and Mrs. I N. T. McLean, Mrs. G. I. MaLean. Lieut. 1 R. McLean, Lieutenant Commnander and I Mrs. W. McLean. Miss Elsie McLean, Capt. I and Mrs. Albert S. McLemore, Lieut. Col. I and Mrs. James McMillan, Lieut. Col. and 3 Mrs. Valentine McNally, Lieut. and Mrs. R. I W. McNeely, Dr. and Mrs. Dorsey M. Mc- I Pherson, Miss McPherson, Mrs. D. G. Mc Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Angus- McSween. -Capt. and Mrs. Lafayette McWilliams. Mr. D. Hastings MacAdam. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Macl~ride, Lieut. H. G. Mactarland, Mrs. Robert Macfeely, Mrs. Oscar A. Mack, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Mackay, Civil Engi neer and Mrs. George Mackay. Miss 3 MRZkay. Brig. Gen. Alexander Mackenzie. I Lieut. William E. W. MacKinley, Mrs. J. 3 N. Macomb. the Misses Macomb, Mr. and , Mrs. Wayne MacVeagh, Miss Mac Veagh, Major and Mrs. L. J. Magill, Miss Magnuson, Surgeon and Mrs. A. F. Magruder, Major J. E. Mahoney, Chief Engineer and Mrs. Herschel Main, Miss Main, Mr. N. Main, Mrs. G. Mallery. Major and Mrs. John S. Mallory, Mrs. J.] D. Mann. Major and Mrs. William A. Mann, Rear Admiral and Mrs. H. N. Manney, Mrs. D. Pratt Mannix, Lieut. and Mrs. Frank Marble. Capt. Peyton C. March, Lieut. and Mrs. Edward M. Markham, Miss F. E. Mar low, Medical Director and Mrs. R. A. Mar mion, Mrs. Annie G. Marshall, Miss Elsie Marsteller, Miss C. E. Martin, Mr. Frank Martin, Mrs. Marlan Martin, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Martin, Mrs. W. P. Martin, Mrs. Rosa M. Martyn, Miss B. May Martyn, Mr. and Mrs. George U. Marvin, Mr. and Mrs George T. Marye. Major and Mrs. Charles F. Mason, Miss Ethel Mason, Jiidge and Mrs. J. E. Mason, Mrs. J. S. Mann, Rear Admiral and Mrs. N. E. Mason, Mrs. Susan H. B. Mason, Miss Sarah 0. Mason, Mrs. T. B. M. Mason, Mr. William M. Mason, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Leon A. Matile, Miss Eliza beth Matthews, Capt. H. L. Matthews, Mrs. Stanley Matthews, Major and Mrs. Washington Matehews, Civil Engineer and Mrs. Frank 0. Maxson, Miss Evelyn J. Maxson, Miss MaxwelL Miss Francina M. Mawell. Dr. and Mrs. Calvin May, Mrs. Edgar Hale May, Assistant Surgeon and Mrs. H. A. May, Miss McCance. Major and Mrs. Edgar A. Mearns. Miss Mearns, Mr. L. Memminger, Civil Engineer and Mrs. A. J. Menocal, Capt. and Mrs. Charles T. enoher. Capt. and Mrs. W. M. Meredith. Mr. C. H. Merillat. Miss Mertllat, Paymas ter and Mrs. J. H. Merriam, Capt. and Mrs. Lewis Merriam, Mrs. J. C. Merrill, Major Gen. and 'Mrs. Wesley Merritt, Mr. and Mrs. N. 0. Messenger, Mrs. L. R. Messenger, the Secretary of Commerce and Labor and Mrs. Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Metsgar, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Meyer, Gen. and Mrs. L. T. Michener, Mrs. P. S. Michie, Miss Michie, Capt. and Mrs. Robert E. L. Michie. Mr. Frank Michinard, Mrs. Joseph P. Mickley, Miss Minnie F. Mickley, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Micou, Mrs. Edward Middleton. Miss E. V. Middleton, Col and Mrs. Johnson V. D. Middleton. Mrs. J. D. Miley, Capt. and Mrs. Edward A. Millar, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Crosby P. Miller, Lieut. Commander and Mrs. Frederick A. Miller, the Misses Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin Miller, Miss Miller, Maj. and Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. John L. Miller, Mr. #nd Mrs. John P. Miller, Miss Miller, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Marcus P. Miller Miss Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur G. Miller, Maj. and Mrs. William A. Miller, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. An son Mills, Mr. C. Wilson Mills, Col. and Mrs. Stephen C. Mills, Assistant Surgeon 0. J. Mink. Miss Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. C. Piquette Mitchell, Mrs. John L. Mitchell. Miss Mitchell, Mrs. M. D. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Horace J. Mock, Miss Moncure, Lieut. and Mrs. Albert J. Monde, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Mondell, Mr. John E. Monk, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Montant, Maj. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Montgomery. Capt. George 3 Montgomery, Lieut. John C. Montgomery, 3 Mr. and Mrs. Mack A. Montgomery. Maj. and Mrs. Robert H. Montgomery, the At torney General, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Moore, Lieut. Dan T. Moore, Miss Irene Moore, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. John Moore, Commander and Mrs. John H. Moore, Mrs. W. G. Moore, Capt. and Mrs. W. I. Moore, Mr. R. M. Moorman. Mr. and Mrs. Francis B. Moran, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Alfred I Mordecai, Miss Rosa Mordecai. Miss Alice 3 Morgan, Mrs. Evelyn Clark Morgan, Mr. 3 and Mrs. J. Pierpont Morgan. Miss Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Morrill, Mr. and 3 Mrs. Frederick P. Morris. Capt. and Mrs. John F. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mor row, Miss Morrow, Capt. and Mrs. J. J. Morrow, Maj. Charles E. Morse, the Misses Morse, Dr. E. E. Morse. the Misses Mor timer, the Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. 3 Morton, Miss Morton, Maj. and Mrs. C. G. Morton, Col. and Mrs. Charles Morton. Miss Morton, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Moseley, Maj.] and Mrs. Theodore Mosher, Miss Marian T. Moss, Mrs. M. 3. Mount, Mrs. J. A. Mower, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Mudd, Miss Eleanor V. Mudd, Capt. and Mrs. Charles H. Muir, Capt. and Mrs. Stephen J. Mulhall, Lieut. Commander and Mrs. R. T. Mulligan, Mr.] and Mrs. David W. Mulvane, Mrs. Margaret F. Munday, Miss Munday, Mrs. C. E. Munn, I Mr. Charles A. Munn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles] . Munroe, Miss Munroe, Mr. Frank A. Munsey, Miss Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank lin Murphy, Passed Assistant Surgeon J. A. I Murphy, Miss Murphy, Mrs. Alexander Murray, Mr. and Mrs. J7. Archibald Murray, Mr. Oscar G. Murray. 1N. Mr. Charles Nagle, Dr. and Mrs. F. S. Nash. Miss Carolyn Nash, Mr. Pickens Neagle, Acting Assistant Surgeon H. T. Nelson, Lieut. Commander and Mrs. V. S. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Nesbitt, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Netherland, Maj. and Mrs. E. H. Neumeyer, the Misses Neumeyer, Lieut. E. H. Neumeyer, jr., Mr. William 0. Neumeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. New, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Charljs Newbold. Prof. and Mrs. Simon Newcomib, Miss New kirk, Mrs. John Newton, Lieut. John New ton, Jr., Mrs. John Newton. Miss Newton,. Miss Nicholson. Maj. A. S. Nicholson, Mrs. J. J. Nicholson, Mrs. C. T. Nicholson. Corn modore Somerville Nicholson. Maj. and Mrs. William 3. Nicholson, Miss Nicolay, Mrs. John 0. Nicolson, Miss Nicolson, Mrs'. Niles, Miss Katherine W. Noel, Capt. and Mrs. Dennis E. Nolan, Mrs. N. Nolan. Miss Nolan, Lieut. and Mrs. Edward P. Nones, Mr. and Mrs. John Nordhouse, Mrs. C. E. Nordstrom, the Misses Nordstrom, Comn mander and Mrs. John A. Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Irving C. Norwood, Mrs. Charles .. Nourse, Miss N!hnma 3. Nourse, Mr. and Mrs. Crosby S. Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. Theo dore W. Noyes, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Noyes, Miss Nuckols. . 0. 1Brig. Gen. and Mrs. James Oakes, Mr. and Mrs. 3. W. O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lincoln O'Brien, Mrs. M. L. O'Donoghue, Mrs. Cleland N. Offley, Mrs. ulien~ S. Ogden, Mrs. Ogston, Mr. and Mrs. .7 K. Ohl, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. O'Laugh h, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw Oliver, the Misses Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Orcutt, Maj. and ar. James C. Ord, Miss Mary C. Ord, Bik. Gen. and Mrs. Robert M. O'Relly, Capt. Louis H. Orleman, the Misses Osood. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Osgood, ~ Mr. and r.U. V. Oulaban, Maj. and Mrs. Charles H. Ourand, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Samuel Ovenshine, the -Misses Oven shine, Mrs. E. 8. Overby, Miss Christin'e Q. Owen.,iMr. F. D. Owen, Lieut. Leartus 3. Owen, Mrs. A. M. Owen, Miss Amelia.- E. Gwen Maj. W. 0. ,wn Mrs. Robert Owen, As'sistant 6iirgeon W. D. Owens. Miss Pack Mr. and Mrs. H. 3. Pack. Mr. and Mrs Uamer E. Paine, Mrs. Palasotto. f Mrs. Raymond P. Palatenberg, Lieut. ad I Mrs. OrlandO 0. Palmer. Mr. ad Mrs. g Henry Parish, Jr., Capt, an4 frs. Andrew ( r, Dd Gen. and iMa Dai"ged^ld I Parker, Mr. and arr. John I. Parer sr. -1 and Mrg. Lysea Parkers.-38 Madnes Usa I war , Mars. R; C. Parke, Mmeand I Wi. Ie V. -s Amee 0Grde Par-E ker Mr. - Us, Rert U., t Ewe I * nd- Man. W. I k sgga]g sA C.I E-rsn4,. 06 Mr, K. M, Paul. Xr Leonar4 Niw b& pagne, nw. A" Us. Emmestt bd.M20 V. T. V4460011r Dr. and N01. L.L 8m.setwa Ungisr Cind Mrs. R. I. eary. Mrs. George Peek Miss Peck. !6amander and Mrs. bobert G. Peck, Miss ek, Lieut. Ernest D. Peck, Mr. and Mri, ru Peekham, Mrs 0. W. Peirce, Jr., dr. T. J. Pence, Capt. and Mr. E. C. Pen ieton. Capt. and Mrs. Bethuel Penniman. lfr. Bole Penrose, Paymaster and Mr. f Peoples. Mr. W. Leon 1. C. PerJins, Mi.. P me G. ad Mrs. Geoesq W. P.=eIna. Mrs. p-, Os. P. Pary. Capt. MA Mrs. Jaeis .rr. Min Ausa Pter. Mr an Ms. 3. P. -Peters, Camanftr and Mrs. 0. H. Pe or, Miss Peters, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pet as, Mr. and Mrs George .E. Perton. Mrs. L Petps. Mr. and Mrs. Leemard PhisW, Sr.;aad 2s. tar9w L Ph g, Mrs. Pk ftMaj. and Mrs. George . Pickett, Mrs. ANe's C. Prebett. Chaplain and Mrs. . C. Pferoe, Mrs. C. R. Pierce, Lieut. G", - Pillsbury. Capt. and Mrs. John E. Pills rf. a ae Ribert Platt, Mis Platt. r. and Mrs. T. C. Platt. Surgeon and Mrs. r. L. Pleadwell, Mrs. C. M. Pleasant, Lieut. ommander and Mrs. C. P. Plunkett, . Lnd Mrs. W. B. Plunkett, Mr. CharlesK. P. Poe. Mr. and Mrs. George F. W. Poggen mrg, Major Adrian S. Polhemus. Mrs. A. I. Polhemus, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. Otis W. Mollock. Mis Pollock, Col. and Mrs. George I. Pond, Mrs. Samuel Hartt Pooke. Miss 1 F. Pooke. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Pope, dise Theodore Pope, Mrs. C. E. Porter, ..ieut. Col. and Mrs. C. P. Porter. Miss 'orter, Mrs. Charles Porter, Assistant Sur ,eon F. E. Porter, Major and Mrs. John liddle Porter, Mrs Andrew Porter, t Kisses Porter, Mr. A. M. Potter. Mrs. Car oil Potter, Mrs. Carroll H. Potter. Mr. nd Mrs. W. C. Potter, Capt. and Mrs. W. '. Potter. Miss Potter, Chief Engineer and frs. Robert Potts, the Misses Potts. Com nander and Mrs. T. M. Potts, Capt. and Ire. W. 0. Powell. Mrs. W. Ht. Powell, diss Prentice. Medical Director and Mrs. L. F. Price. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Price, Mr. rames H. Price, Miss Priddy. Mr. and Mrs. W. Prince. Civil Engineer and Mrs. F. . Prindle, Mr. Redfield Proctor. MWm. Au ruste Proux, Ensign and Mrs. W. I.. Pryot. Wiss Edith Agnes Punett, Mr. Itufus it. ?utnam. Q. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Quarles, Mrs. Walter V. Queen. R. Miss Marian Radcliffe. Rear Armiral and Ars. C. W. Rae, Mrs. Arthur rtamsay, tear Admiral and Mrs. F. M. Rams iy. Miss Ramsay, Capt. Frank De V. Ramsay, M4. Lnd Mrs. Charles F. Rand. Pay Director ind Mrs. Stephen Rand. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Randolph, the Misses Randolph. Mis dary Randolph, Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Wal ace F. Randolph, the Misses Randolph, kirs. Robert C. Ray. Commander and .Mrs. .. L. Reamey, Maj. and Mrs. Samuel Re ier, Miss Reed. Mrs. Reed. Capt. and Mrs. k. V. Reed, the Misses Reed, Liet. and drs. M. E. Reed. Mrs. W. Reed, Miss leed, Paymaster George W. Reeves, Jr.: ommander and Mrs. I. S. K. Reeves, Miss Reeves, Mrs. 1. S. K. Reeves, Jr.: Capt. and drs. Carl Reichmann, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. ;. C. lIid, Mrs. H. J. Reilly, the Misses iellly, Capt. G. C. Reiter. Rear Admiral .nd Mrs. G. C. Remey. the Misses Remey, irs. Frederic Remington, Lieut. William V. Reno, Mr. and Mrs..Alexander H. Re rell, Lieut. Charles R. Reynolds. Mrs. J. . Reynolds, Miss Lulu Reynolds, Miss Rhodes, Capt. and Mrs. Charles D. Rhodis, drs. Thomas B. Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Riahard ion, Maj. Wilds P. Richardson. Mr. and kirs. William W. Richardson. Burg. Charles E. Riggs Capt. and Mrs. Edward F. Riggs, klaj. anA Mrs. Benjamin F. Rittenhouse. Kaj. and Mrs. Wright Rives, Mr. and Mrs. r. F. Rixey. the Misses Rixey, Surg. Gen. Lnd Mrs. P. M. Rixey. Capt. Alfred P. Rtobbins, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Robbins. Mut. Harry H. Robert, Naval ConstructOr tnd Mrs. W. P. Robert, Mr. and Mrs. IL W. Roberts, Miss Elizabeth S. Roberts, diss Janet Roberts, Mrs. Lydia Roberts. apt. and Mrs. Thomas A. Roberts, Mr. Lnd Mrs. A. G. M. Robertson, Lieut. Cal nd Mrs. E. B. Robertson, Miss Roberto, brs. L C. Robertson, Mrs. RobesonMIs tobeson, Chief Engineer and Mrs. E. V. tobie, Lieut. Thomas M. Robins, Mr.4d dre. Douglas Robinson, Maj. E. R.ob neon, Commander and Mrs. J. M. Robbi ion, Lieut. James P. Robinson, Mr. NOr >orne Robinson, Lieut. and Mrs. I. I. 1obison, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. William D. Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. ROCkbill, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Rockwell, Rear kdmiral and Mrs. Frederick Rodgers, Pay naster R. B. Rodney, Miss Lavinia Ro0ey, faj. Gen. and Mrs. Charles F. Roe CaPt Lnd Mrs. Fayette W. Roe, Mrs. Liom L. Roe, Rear Admiral and Mrs. C. R. Ree [er, the Misses Roelker, Maj. an4 Mrs. lolomon W. Roessler, Miss Anne Rogers. &ia Clara J. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Geofge togers, Miss Amy Rogers, Miss Mary A. togers Dr. P. B. Rogers, Brig. Gen. and gre. *illlam P. Rogers, Maj. and Mr. fenry Romeyn, Miss Romeyn, Mr. ir.. C. A. Rook, Miss Rook, Capt. and 3q 1. L. Roosevelt Mrs Nicholas LatrO loosevelt, Mrs. J. West Roosevelt, Mr. and lir. Ellhu Root, Miss Edith Root, 10 Imeretta, Root. Lieut. James 0. Ross, MIN Clizabeth Rox, Mr. and Mrs. George W. touzer, Miss Rouser, Mrs. 1. P. Roy. M toy, Maj. Gen. Daniel H. Rucke, disses Rucker, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. tuhlen. Mr. Howard M. Rundlett, C. Lnd Mrs. Benjamin P. Runkle, Capt. and ,fr. Richard Rush, Miss Rush, Mrs. INP tuss. Miss M. Russ, Maj. and Mrs. Edgr tussel, Miss Grace Russel, Lieut. CoL Ane rew H. Russell, Lieut. Col. and Mrs. B. JL tussell, lieutenant Commander and Mrp. I. L. Russell, Mrs. W. R. Russell, Mrs. A ). Rust, Mr.. Mf. 0. Rust, Capt. and MrS. lobert G. Rutherford, Lieut. and Mrs. Rob rt G3. Rutherford, jr.; Mr. Edwidi Rylis, Irs. John Ryde. B. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams Sa k lias Sackett, Mr.. Hattie Sadowski,Mj .nd Mrs. William N. Sage, Mrs. Frederi lage, Mr.. W. L. Sampson. Miss Sampson, ire. W. T. Sampson, Miss Sands, Mrs. lands, Miss Sand, Mr. William F. Sands, iaj. Gen. and Mrs. Joseph P. Sanger, Miss langer, Mr. and Mrs. William Cary Si :er, Mr.. Nathan Sargeant, Miss Sare. ir. Milt H. Saul, Mrs. T. M. Sanders, Lout. 301. E. B. Savage, Mr. Henry H. Savage, 3rig. Gen. and Mrs. Charles G. Sawtelle, lisa Sawtelle, Mr. Henry D. Saxton, Miss laxton, Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Rufus Saxton, Ira. L. If. Sayer, Lieut. Crol. and Mrs. John 3. Scantling, Miss Virginia Shaefer, Capt. .nd Mrs. Louis C. Sherer, Mr.. John I. Soher rierhorn, Miss Mary Egmont Schermerhorn, tev. Dr. and Mrs. John M. Schick, Mr. James '. Schick, Miss Mary Schick, Mr. and Mr. acob H. Schiff, Rear Admiral and Mrs. V'. S. Schley, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Schneidei Kiss Schneider. Mr. and Mr.. Fred ~. chrader, Major and Mrs. Herman Sohreii r, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Schroeder, Cap arin and Mrs. S. Schroeder, the Missim chroeder, Mr. H. W. Schulz, Lieutenant olonel Walter S. Schuyler, Brigadier Gen ral and Mrs.. Theodore Schwan, Mr. and Ira. John 13. Scofield, Miss Scofield, Mr. nd Mrs. Charles H. Scott, Mrs. N. Scott, Er. and Mr.. N. B. Scott, Captain and MrS, E. T. Scott, Mrs. R. N. Scott. the Misses cott, Mrs. S. L. Scott, Miss Seabrook, Mr. Villiam D. Searle, Miss Searle, Mrs. A. W. eaver, Captain and Mrs. Uriel Sebree, Kr.. A. H. Sefton, Mrs. J. C. Seldeni, Rear dmiral and Mrs. T. 0. Selfridge, Mr. ad Ers. Isaac N. Seligman, Mr.. A. A. Semmes, he Misses Semmes, Mrs. Semple, Chief Ingineer G. W. Sensner, Miss Senaner, the Kisses Sessions, Mrs. H. I. Bewail, Captain nd Mrs. John E. Sewell, Mr.. Charles Sey aour, Miss Elsie Seymour, Mrs. T. Boy. sour, Mrs. Dr. Shands, LUeutenant James .Shannon, Colonel and Mrs. Henry G3. harpe, .irs. Nellie D. Sharp., the Seers mary of the Treasury, Mrs. Shaw, Miss 1haw, Mr. Earl B. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ed a.r D. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shaw, frs. E. If. Shepard Miss Shepard, Miss I. Sheridan. Brigadier General and Mrs. fichael V. Sheridan. Mrs. P. H. SherM=aa he Misses Sheridan, Lieutenant Philip H. heridan, Miss Elisabeth Sherman. Lieu enant Clarence 0. Sherrill, Mr. and Mr. . M. Shlnn, Miss Flora Shino, Mr. and irs. Justice Shir .s. Engineer-in..Chief W. E. Shock, Mrs. Wilton, G. Shoekr, Mr. and fi-s. Edwin I. Shope, Mr. and Mrs. Gog L. Shriver Mr. John S. Shriver. Mrs. W.V. laugert, Mrs. F. H. Shults, Mrs. Mary Vard Shuister, Mr. John Wsld ,hst Feeas D. E. SMekiss, Mr. and Mr.. Sn on Slekis, Miss Bessie Ubiferthorn, 30s, [. P. Smnpsen, Lsie mat emmadi W1 I. Sims, Brigadier General and Mrs. las Sindair, Mrs. Bele Sindini, Mrs. itgra.ves, 'Miss Sitgraves, Mns fla. kserrett, Professor and Mrs. A. N. Skhp er, Miss strinner, Major and Mrs. lh I. Skinner, the Mises Ukims A. aors, - Mj* end- em K. Slavens, Mr. ad Mrs. J iayden, Miba denu..Ms. oins A. Kr. and Mrs. John Ssne. Miss leig. G~en, Cheriss Samart, Mr. ead. hibetes ny tith. Bob. Gi. a4 InSit, Mrsa D, F. Seitb. 35r. and