Ul??dwatd & Hotbrop . New York?WASHINGTON?Pans. Store will close at 5 130 p. m. until further notice. Our Japanese Tea Room serves dainty between-time luncheon every day from 3 to 5?Sixth floor. Our Mail Order Department is equipped for satisfactory and thorough service, and all orders, large or small, will be filled immediately upon receipt off same as ffar as possible. New i^eady=to=Wear Garments For Women and Girls. E announce the arrival of new spring goods in pleasing variety, and will show tomor= row some advance styles in Ready-to-wear Suits, in full and semi-tailored effects, in the ac cepted spring cloths?Panamas, voiles, eoliennes, etc. New Spring Skirts, in new cloths and the smart new styles. New Lace Waists, Lingerie Waists, Tailor-made Waists, etc. Girls' New Spring Coats and New Wash Dresses. Many new things will get first showing tomorrow, particularly the sorts now in demand for day and evening wear at Palm Beach and other southern resorts. Also a charming assortment of outer and undergarments for the little tots for southern wear. Third floor, -/* Eftdt 20c ?Jown*. of cambric and italoftook, low aii?l Ve neck. Kadi 3) ? I'ettlroRta, cambric artd rauailn; aultahle for wrar with walking aktrta: trimmed with yCc h'*raa