OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, June 03, 1906, Image 50

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Special Correspondence ?f I**1? Stsr.
NEW YORK, June 1. 1006.
NO prettier models for afternoon
frocks could be desired than the
frocks worn by the bridesmaids
at the recent weddings; many of
these by the removal of their
yokes or gulmpe*. make charming dinner
riibes as well. .
The graceful blue mull frocks worn by
the attendants of Mis. Sara Franceslea
ner. who married Dr. Ejnar Hansen a few
days ago In the Church of the Epiphany,
were illustrations In point.
These frocks were princess rcbes. "w th
lare panels from yoke to feet and Sengt ^
wise tucks and lace Insertions at the sides
and back. The skirt P?rV?? h?Jfd?*J?a
more In the back, touched at the sides an
fronts, and were finished ? ?JJ
t? -inch hem by a cluster of three or four
very narrow tucks. vnk,, the
Valenciennes lace formed the yokes, tne
neks. if the writer recalls aright, were ,
round. The body of each robe was divided
In panels by lengthwise groups of three
or four narrow tucks, each group, say, an
Inch and a quarter wide, extending from
the yoke to the group of tucks at the bot
tom These groups were perhaps two
Inches apart at the waist line, separating
'j.3 they went up or down; between them
were narrow Insertions of V alenciennes.
The panel fronts were close fitting and
formed of inch-wide Valenciennes insertions
Joined together and slanting In toward the
center, and up at the outside, each strip
ending in a picket point. Pale blue velvet
ri!.!x>n, perhaps three-fourths of an Inch
wide crossed the lace p;inel, forming
crosses or X's, each end of the velvet ter
minating in a tiny bow at the picket points
of lace At a guess, these bows appeared on
every fourth picket point of the panel.
The sleeves were exceedingly summery
looking as well as the frocks. They were
large single puffs of the blue mull ending
Just around the elbows and were covered
from top to bottom with narrow ruffles.
Bay an Inch and a half wide, of \ alenciennes
lace, each ruffle overlapping the head of
that beneath, but all standing crisply out
so that glimpses of the blue foundation
could be seen. Wider ruffles of lace fin
ished the elbow bands.
The hats were rather small French hats
of pale blue Neaplltan. rolled at both sides,
but most at the left and turned up at the
ba k. The whole of the back and the rolled
left side were covered with white lilacs
massed flatly against the brim, and these
extended around, forming bandeaus at the
right From the omwn two pale blue os
trvh tips swept softly across the crown
>nd down over the lilacs. The attendants
c.irrled armfuls of white lilacs and the
* hurch was decorated with both white and
mauve lilacs.
Mrs. Faneull S. D. Bethune. a sister of
the bride, was her maid of honor, and the
other attendants were a younger sister.
Aliss Anna J. Jenner, whose engagement to
S ^r.ing T Foote, a grandson of the Rev.
Thomas Hastings. D.D., was announced
several week? since; Miss Edith Van Rens
selaer Mcllvalne, Mrs Howard Bartow Key.
Mrs John Izaard Mlddleton and Miss Emi
lia de Apeziegula. the latter daught?rs of
the late Marquis de Apeateguia.
The bride's gown was one of the most
summery and youthful of the recent bridal
gowns, and will be worn by Mrs. Hansen
when she makes her bow this summer at
the court of Denmark. Dr. Hansen has
taken his bride to Denmark for the sum
mer His father received from the late
king. father of Queen Alexandra, the title
of Canclleraad, the equivalent of the Eng
lish knighthood.
This wedding gown was white chiffon, a
princess, close at the waist line and spread
ing from that point, full folds to the Boor.
The train, not very long, was round, very
full, and, like the entire skirt, was bordered
with Irish point lace set In around the edge
over a full ruchlng of chiffon. The deep V's
of point lace extended up some fourteen
Inches, the lower edge being, of course,
The top of the robe had a Dutch neck
and a square removable guimpe formed of
tlimy lace, below which the corsage por
tion was drawn In, apparently by shlrrlngs.
about the waist and hips. A short, square
bolero of Irish point matching the border
of the gown was worn, and each sleeve was
two full puffs of chiffon finished at the
bottom with point lace.
" The voluminous tulln veil, a double one.
fell around her like a mist enveloping her
from bead to foot in both the front *nd
the back The two veils were gathered In
a low very full ruche just back of the low,
dark pompadour of her coiffure.
Point d'Angleterre lace formed the bridal
robe of Miss Elizabeth Davla, now Mrs.
John Klrkman Berry. This wedding was
of much general interest, as the bride, who
bas for some time made her home in New
York with her sister. Mrs. Fairfax Land
?treet. Is a niece of Mrs. Stephen P. Elkins
and a granddaughter of ex-Senator Henry
Gaasaway Davis of Washington.
The wedding took place In St. Thomaa
Church, and was followed by a reception at
the St. Regie. ?? conveniently near thai
church that many are giving the wedding
receptions there, saving the upsetting of
their homes, and also proving most con
venient to the guests.
The picturesque church, a temporary
structure built entirely of dark wood In
side the walls o? the burned edl9c?. was a
forest of dogberry, api^le boughs, and other
large boughs of spring flowers, covering
the pillars from pews to celling, banking
the wall, filling the chancel, and also fas
tened in profusion to the ends of the pews.
Unfortunately, however, the day was an
extremely hot one, and the flowers drooped
The bride was escorted to the chancel and
given In marriage by her uncle and guard
ian. Colonel Davis. She wore a soft satin,
probably a liberty, completely covered with
flounces of point d'Angleterre.
The train was a long round one. also
flounced. The lace flounces were nine or
ten inches deep and overlapped the least
bit. They extended from the waist line to
the floor, and the bodice was draped with
them. This bodice had a stock and small,
square guimpe of tucked chiffon.^ Small
puffs of chiffon extended from the shoulder
seams out and formed narrow puff epau
lets over the lace flounces of the elbow
sleeves The bride, being very tall and
exceedingly slight, the many lace flowers
and shoulder puffs suited her.
The bridal veil was a voluminous one to
the end of the train, made of tulle and
fastened behind her dark pompadour.
The maid of honor and bridesmaids wore
white Valenciennes frocks, trimmed with
narrow ruffles of the same lace. The maid
of honor, Miss Katharine Elkins, had white
silk undersllp, the lace robe and a white
sash, and the bridesmaids had pink slips
and sashes. The bridesmaids were the
Misses Katharine Berry. Mary Wheeler,
Kathleen Sheridan and Lucy Young. The
gowns were on princess lines, with sheath
skirts, the material allover Valenciennes
lace. <Dr!<le4 erary six lnche# \yf ? three
or four Inch ruffle of Valenciennes. Tn*
girdle* were quite wide and *&? ?**?*
streamers went nearly to the end# of the
short trains. . _ . , .
The shirred bodices had Dutch necW.
form?d by ihe shaping of a band of Valen
ciennes edging, some Ave inches t>ro?d. to
St the neck and open in front, the necks
being lower in the front than the "Ac*
The elbow sleeves were puffs of the ali
orer Valenciennes ruffles. Tn?r were most
summery-looking gowns, and Che bride s
was quite the most filmy and cool-ioftklnf
bridal gown so far of the season.
The hats of the attendants were enor
mous, of pale yellow straw, with Immense
ly wide brims and crowns perhaps an inch
and a half high. Huge pink roses filled in
around the crowns and partially covered
them as well as the brims. These roses
were arranged flatly and showed Incon
spicuous foliage. The brims were quite as
wide In the back as elsewhere, and from
the head bandeaus were probably built out
vifth tulle, but those did not show.
Each girl carried a sheaf of shaded and
vary large pink roses, so arranged that
many of the rosei extended from the rlb
bon-tled section downward as well as up
There was also a bevy of four little girl
tots ranging from four to six years of age,
all niece!? of the bride, who were charm
ing In their hatless heads, white 'Valen
ciennes slips ruffled with Valenciennes and
having wide pink sashes. Each carried a
leghorn hat basket tilled with pink roses.
Mrs. Liandstreet, a slter of the bride,
wore a princess robe of white guipure lace
over white silk and a white plumed hat.
Mrs. Paul Morton, who came with her
husband. Secretary Morton, was in a white
writing costume of most unusual material
for a coat costume of the utility type. It
had a three-quarter length, three-quarter
fitting coat and a skirt that cleared the
floor fully four inches and had Insertions
and fiouncings of heavy white lace ma
terial. evidently a figured or embroidered
linen. The linen, or whatever it was. was
divided Into strips some three or four Inches
wide, each marked nearly its whole width
by spear-point design* an inch and a half
apart, the strips being joined by heavy
lace. The coat was bordered by the lace,
and the sleeves, of a bit more than elbow
length, had cuffs and collar of it. The
skirt app l red to be formed of insertions
of the material and lace running around.
It was finished by a lace and linen flounoe
some nine inches wide, and seemed to have
another one two or three inches above it.
The coat came to within sixteen inches or
so of tiie skirt's edge. Her hat, of medium
size and white chip, was trimmed with
white ostrich plumes.
A handsome White linen gown worn by a
young girl at this wedding was of heavy,
soft material, with a skirt formed of many
panel-shaped gores that tapered in to the
waist line with the closeness of a circular
skirt and formed a sheath. These panels,
of course, widened as they grew near the
bottom, and each one had an enormous
white flower nearly the whole width of the
panel embroidered on it. These flowers were
twelve inches across, and from each one a
spray of leaves, five in number, embroid
ered in outline, extended up each panel to
a point above the knees. At the bottom
there was a three-Inch plain hem.
The bodice had a stock and square guimpe
of Irish crochet. The bodice itself was
embroidered in irregular scallops where it
lapped over on the guimpe. It was square
at the top and had six half-Inch plaits,
over the tops of which the embroidery pass
ed. These tucks turned from the center
and gave spring over the bust; at the bot
tom the material was plaited in under a
five-inch girdle made of inch-wide blas^inen
folds with pearl buckles, one at the front,
the other at the bafli. In the center front
of the corsage was a flower matching those
on the panels, but only eight Inches across,
and on each side of it was a spray of the
leaves. The back was similarly done, only
there were two flowers, one on each Bide,
and the leaves extended up the center, cov
ering the overlapping sections that lnvitlbly
closed the bodice.
The sleeves were a new design and ex
tended nearly to the knuckles, the lower
edge forming a cup-like flare from t.ie
wrists out and having at each seam a little
V-shaped design In Irish crochet inserted,
the sharp point turning upward. These Vs
were three Inches long and gave most of
the flare to the linen extension The linen
was hemmed an inch dee?), and a border
ruffle of Valenciennes lace was set In under
the edge ail around. The top of the sleeves
was quite large and full, the general shape
of the sleeves being a leg-of-mutton from
the top to the elbow and a coat sleeve from
the elbow to the wrists. Bach top had a
large flower embroidered on It. and the
leaves trailed from it down over the elbow
and the outside and upper part of the
rather close coat sleeve section.
Topping this costume, which, by the way,
had a quite long skirt, waa a white chip
hat turned up very high at the right side,
where bunches of blue hydrangea blossoms
were massed, and bands of blue moire rib
bon could be seen. This ribbon was also
folded around the crown and appeared at
the back in soft chous again the bandeau.
One of the prettiest organdy frocks yet
noted also blossomed out at this ceremony.
It had a white ground and clusters of palest
pink roses with the faintest possible foliage
In large leaves. It was worn over a soft
pale pink slip. It was a princess robe, and
the bodice top, formed of strips of the
organdie just wide enough to show single
roses Joined by Inch-wide Valenciennes in
'flpMltl OKTMPOBdcttM <* Th? 8t*%
Paris, ?, >sc*l
HOITLD Vomio ?moker For
the past weak this problem has
been filling the mind* of cer
tain Parisians who take their
ideas from the editorials of &
well-known morning paper here at the gay
capital. It has always seemed to me that the
easiest way of answering a Question Is to
put another. To carry out my pet theory It
might be pertinently asked, "Wtiy
shouldn't they?" And this, Bf course,
brings one to the everlasting subject of
the Inequality of the sexes. I reckon there
never was a time when women were con
tent with their position. If ttiere was, pre
sumably smoking was not the prerogative
of one sex alone. In these advanced days,
however, women In the upper classes smoke
In nearly every country In the world, with
the possible exception of Germany. There
Is an imaginativeness about tobacco that
one does not associate with the stolid haus
frau. The Spanish woman Is an inveterate
devotee of the cigarette; so is the Rus
sian. The Parisian takes dainty little puffs
at the weed, and her American sister Is
said to do likewise on occasion.
Even In virtuous England the custom pre
vails to a certain extent. Certain people,
the world over are bound to be shocked at
something, but to those among us who
move In an atmosphere of more or less
genteel toleration such ideas doinot count
Whether we are personally in the habit of
enjoying a cigarette with our coffee or not.
we have been used for so many years to
seeing our friends doing It that we aro
Inclined to wonder In what primeval
caves the "shocked" ones have their hab
itation. How many women smoke for the
p'easure of it and how many simply be
cause it is the fashion is of course not an
easy matter to estimate. But can it se
riously be contended by any one born in
the last twenty-five years that all the
women are necessarily unsexed and un
sound, living without the fear o? God or
the respect of man. because they whiff at
a usually nasty cigarette in the Intervals of
sipping their equally nasty coffee. I,, at
least, am not to be numbered among the
? Apropos of'the subject we have been dis
cussing. cigarette cases naturally play
quite an important part among the et cet
eras of the toilet of the fashionable womwi.
The style considered most chic by the
smart Parisienne Is a plain gold case with
a monogram in precious stones in the cor
ner - A decided novelty, though in the
cigarette case is of gun metal mlaid with
silver with the re%-erse side of clear cr>s
tnl framed in a deep band of silver. But,
again perhaps enameled boxes are the
nfost beautiful and uncommon. Enamel in
vivid shades of blue and green is often
used by a smart womau for her cigarette
e*cfusive 'dressers'thefre ^is TA c.gS
v nrMinfiv turned out women that one
owes thi dStful freaks and fancies
S are often the forerunners of a very
PNowaday??d?tails of dress are more ap
sertions. was shaped into a girdle made of
fiVTheCsk^ldew^leform^eofnpearnels of or
Klin'e ace"^ Ea ch' panel' was"tucked ^1 ength
Xe f r o m the waist line down some nine
Inches, there being live tiny tucks in each
panel This paneling terminated Perh*P?
four inches below the knees, each Pa"?'
beii.g pointed and outlined by the lace In
sertion. and each point being also outlined
by ruffling of the lace an inch and a hair
wide joined to the lower end of the pointed
extensions. These .points hung looseiy over
a triple flounce arrangement of the organ
die The basis of these was a deep shaped
flounce of the organdie edged with lace
and having on it three overlapping circular
flounces of the organdie, each edged with
an inch-wide ruffle of the Valenciennes.
The top of the gown was an old-fashionea
round-necked gathered tucker of white net,
the pointed neck, as low as the Dutch sort,
having a band of heavy white lace as a fin
ish, the net being shirred into it. This
tucker had shirrings every Inch and ended
under the overlapping bodice. The latter
was also edged by heavy lace an inch wide,
having little points, and also, openings
through which pink liberty satin was run.
this ribbon being tied In the center front
with bows four Inches and ends six inches
The sleeves were full puffs of the organdie
ending several Inches above the elbows in
bands of heavy white lace, having pink
ribbon run through and tied at the outside
In bows matching that on the bodice.
Double ruffles of white net, each edged with
a two-inch Valenciennes border, some four
Inches below the elbows fell over long white
silk gloves.
The hat was a white net with lace-edged
ruffles of white net standing up around the
crowns and an .all-lace ruffle over one of
net extending out over the brim. A pale
pink liberty ribbon was wound around the
crown, tied In a loose bow with ends at
the back and at the left side two very large,
very pale pink roses, with loose petals, and
pale-green leaves were placed.
Another hat noted was a black chip with
a mound-shaped crown and round. Irreg
ularly bent brim, the latter rolled back
against the crown at the right side near
the back. It was trimmed with clusters of
pale green grapes that looked like crystal,
Interspersed with white roses In three sizes,
the smaller ones being at the right and the
larger ones at the left and back. Glimpses
of pale green tulle showed at the back and
covered the narrow bandeau. The flowers
went around the base of the crown, resting
partially on the brim. At the left side the
liat was raised by the bandeau and was
filled In with white rosefouds and grape
tendrils. It was really an exquisite millin
ery creation. MARIE WQLDON.
Have a "Bat" or Curls Made.
Falling hair Is the bane of more than
one woman's existence in these days of
much curled coiffures and endless ner
vous cares. The cause of It 1s very ap
parent. "Rats" and other forms of pad
ding to make the hair look full have
overheated the head and prevented the
air from reaching the oil glands of the
scalp. Tongs, too. have done their share
toward thinning luxuriant locks, until at
last the majority of women have but a
handful of their hair left, and false pieces
have become an actual necessity.
'The curious part of It all to me," said
pfcUtod aatf bstter attended to than thsy
before. The Importance of th?
h*J?4 "Nft th? waistband, the hatpin, the
?implant collar or etufl U taken into con
sideration wr the woman who re?Uy 1? wall
turn ad out. J? used to ha a matter of
?rtth ahoaa, gforer ami ivut to
now It is everything either !tl
wonderful oontrast or beautiful harmony.
The greatest stress today In the dresr
malUMf world Is put upon the matter of
oonqiM, Indeed, not long ago the wife of
an American rauttimlUlonalre went to a
celebrated couturiers In the Rue de la
Palx to order a oouple of expensive dresses.
After the measurement had been taken the
head Of the establishment called the lady
apart and said: "Madame, unless you prom
ise to (o at once to a good corsetlere and
have the correct stay* made we will be
oWigsd to. consider your order off." The
patron's eye grew warlike, but she re
strained her anger and did as she was ad
vised, with a result that was satisfactory
on both aides.
If ever a perfect figure were essential to
the followers of Dame Fashion it it surely
at the present, when the corselet skirt and
princess dress are dividing the honors be
tween them. For an 111-fltting corset wtll
ruin the effect of either of these gowns
most effectually. In fact, there may be a
few naturally perfect figures, but the ma
jority of women with the "form divine"
owe it to their corsetlere. These clever
artists know Just the requirements of the
slim and stout figure. They know that a
slight form must needs have a corse<t that
will give free play to the lines at the hips,
and they wtll be equ&iiy as insistent upon
giving the women verging upon avoirdupois
a corset long and exceedingly snugly cut
over the htp curve and abdomen. Busts
are made high or low according to the gen
eral tendehcy of the customer, a filling out
here and a taking in there producing mag
ical transformations. A clever and artistic
corsetlere can and does do marvels for a
the girl with the scraggy ends of hair
projecting from her pompadour, who
knew something about falling locks her
Stfir, "IS that though my comb and brush
seem to |>e tilled with a perfect wad of
eonfbhigS every time I dress my hair the
amount of hair on my head, scrimpy as
It may be, always remains the same."
The girl with the smooth and finished
coiffure gave a smile of fellow-feeling.
"Yes, that's my experience, too. My hair
grows in as fast as it falls out. Never
theless. no matter what tonics I use, nor
how good care I take of it. the quantity
of oombings does not change, and as
often as once in two weeks I have enough
to fill a pound candy box. This is, of
course, when they are thrown in loosely.
"You see. I've been saving my hair for
customer wtinw two sl<Va are not exactly
aiiks. Perhaps one hip may be higher
than the other or the shoulders are not
quite straight, or t&ere may be some alight
disfigurement. AM of these obstacles may
be overeoma by the right treatment.
The new corsets are straight in front
tod beautifully shaped at the waist, cut
deep in front and on the hipe and finished
with hips and front suspenders. The num
ber of corsets in a well-balanced wardrobe
include several pairs tor all occasions For
instance, there la the corset built especially
with a view to tailored lines. There Is also
the empire girdle, which merely supports
the bust and gives a svelte, graceful round
ness at the waist. Then there are the sum
mer and winter varieties In all these types.
A clever invention, too, is the sports cor
set in elastic. This is very lightly boned
and gives with every movement of the
wearer, and is proving Itself an Ideal gar
ment not alone to the sportswoman, but
to the woman who sings, allowing full play
for deep breathing, strenuous exercise and
the Hks. There is a variant of this corset
made with elastic gores all the way up
each side which Is lees pliable and more
acceptable to wearers who Uke to feel more
support than the all-elastic model can sup
ply. Then there is a riding corset in
broche coutil, high above the waist and
short In front, dipping gradually on the
In materials the choice is limited only
by the pocket book. Brocades of priceless
value are pressed into service, and even the
popular broderie anglaise finds Its way
into the making1 of corsets. This model,
of course, is designed for summer wear. It
is of openwork bjiiste, trimmed with the
embroidery, and is the smartest little sum
mer corset that has appeared. Yet another
novelty which is a boon to women of slen
der figures is a very light corset short
on the 'hips and shorter still at the back.
The great point, however, is the arrange
ment of the^batlste embroidery at the top,
quite a while now, and you've no Idea
how much it helps in making a really
becoming and up-to-date halrdresslng.
When I first started In to keep the comb
ings I twisted together in a tight roll
every spear of hair that was left In the
comb and brush, and even picked up those
of any length which might drop to the
"It wasn't long before every paper box
I possessed was crammed with tangled
masses of hair. What to do with it I
didn't know until one day a hairdresser
tried to sell me a 'rat' at the very Im
moderate sum of two dollars and a half,
and it came to me instantly that here was
the very use for all those combings. What
was the sense In paying an exorbitant
price for a false piece of hair when I had
whioh does awajf with the necwsHy of *
bust bodice to wtmr under the bloti**
and round* th? figure In a becoming and
comfortable manner. For the woman w?u>
goes la for the so-oallod hygienic cornet
Ihere la a new model that is #eltgiitfuiiy
cool and smart composed of finely woven
strapplnri of Interlaced webbing and at
i tractive "bust girdles" to be worn w:th
empire robe*.
* *
I' When clerer brains and able Angers have
devised such Irreproachable models fcr our
benefit there Is no Just cause for the ex
istence of a really bad Agure Inttaed. the
wearing of corset* of Indifferent quality
and unscientific construction Is responsible
for more bad figures than that mu- h
mallgned lady. Dame Nature.
But to come back to the talk of the town,
the gay Parisian tittle tattle of the day,
the vernalasage of the Salon des Beaux
Art*, was quite a brilliant affair. 8- me
of the dresses were lovely, and there were
lota of pretty women present. The robe
princes* waa very much to the fore, but
I noticed a great many gowns worn by
the ultra chic women which reprea.-nt"<?
outline* that were neither "prln< .-ea nor
"empire." but which borrowed from both
If you can Imagine a very short-waiste<!
princess dress accompanied by a t>.?lero
or by a shoulder cape you will have a
food Impression of the gown I am trying
to describe. It Is a little eccentric an 1
I think a little unbecoming to most figure*,
but It Is a fad of the moment. A very
charming actress, whose stage gowns al
ways herald the styles of the day aft or
tomorrow, wore on Saturday afternoon at
ths exhibition a gown of this kind The
material was suede cloth In a light biscuit
shade. The skirt was set in flat pairs
all round the waist, which was exceedingly
short for a long waist and long for a waist
a la empire. There was a folded waist
band. terminating In a big flat chou m
front of fJ?f green chiffon velours and j.
round bolero of pure white chamois leath. r,
with some delicate embroideries In gold ati.l
fig green chenille. The sleeves in "pagoda"
style reached to the elbow and wen- trim
med with voluminous frills of accordion
platted white mousseline do sole. This
gown did not for an Instant sukk. st the
empire outline, and certainly It not a
Just a word about the pictures at the
Salon des Beaux Arts, which were good
bad and a few IndllTerent. There were an
enormous number of "nude" studies, and
the best thing about these Is that they
will not injure the morals of any living
beings, for almost without exception th.^y
are pictures of ugly, badly built women.
Boldlnl's portraits were the sensation of
the day. They are extraordinary as color
schemes, but as portraits Impossible If
this artist had painted the much talkt d
about "Paquln a Cinq Heures," the dress
makers" picture, It would certainly have
been the sensation of the year for Bol
dinl's women are always chic as to th.-ir
pose, their gowns, their atmosphere, but
these attributes have no. piace in M Ger
vex's "Paquin a Cinq Heures." in tha
center of the picture there is a manikin
wearing a historic empire model robe, Poor
manikin! I only hope that she Is not de
pendent on engagements In the big ateliers
of the Hue de la Palx.
plenty of my own at home which matched
perfectly and which could be made up for
much less money?
"The result Is that I have discovered
something that is far ahead of any ex
pensive 'rat' or wlre-cuihlon pompadour,
and It cost me only seventy-live cents. It
Is a 'string' of hair Just long enough to
reach from ear to ear over the top of my
head. Hairs long and short are fastened
the length of this string as closely as
they can be woven. The finished string
ii pinned exactly like a rat underneath
the circle of front hair which is parted
for the pompadour. The string and the
real hair are then handled and pinned In
place as though they were one and the
same. As you see, there Is never any sep
arating of locks to display matted hair or
ungainly wire rolls.
"The string of hair doesn't work very
successfully when I wear a part In the
middle of my coiffure for the low style
of halrdresslng. so I have had two short
strings made, and they tit Into each of
the side puffs. The beauty of the string
is that It can be made all sorts of differ
ent lengths and helps to puff out tajri rt
of the colfTure Where your own hair
happens to be scant. If you try one of
them, though, remember not to twist your
combings together tightly, as when this
Is done It Is almost impossible to un
tangle the silken hairs, and the string is
consequently less full and even."
Give the Baby a Chance.
From tbe Outing Magazine.
Love isn't a sickening mush of concession.
Love Is firm. Love Is just. Love has go ,d.
red blood In Its veins. Looking over to the
ultimate good of Its object, love frequently
decrees suffering and anguish of spirit.
And I tell you what, my dear madam:
Some day, for his bad temper and Impu
dence. you are going to slap or spank that
child you are now too tender hearted to let
cry. Yes, you are. Just as sure as you are
born. And you won't slap him in love,
either! Think of the shame of it!?you are
going to beat the child for the evil qualities
that you yourself instilled In him. Vou are
going to beat him In anger, thereby making
open confession that your mean, petty,
starved nature has not enough moral force
by which to rule him. Shame! shame!
Give the baby a chance to have a healthy
brain and nervous system. Do you realize
that his brain grows more during his first
year than in all his other years combined?
That means don't ever play with him dur
ing his first year, or let any one else p ay
with him. "Kltchee-coo!" cries the visitor.
"Oh, oo sweet, precious 'jttle dear!" And,
poor baby gets pocked In the ribs and
tossed up in the air. Very bad. Baby may
laugh, and baby may crow; but by and by
will cotne the Inevitable wall and sleepless
hours to teH of the over-stimulated brain
and the severe tax on the nervous system.
The Latest Veils.
From Harper's Bazar.
The new Tells are fascinating and oovel.
There are. as always, the plain and dotted
nets, the chiffon In every color, and ths
sheer lace veil, but the latest fad Is the laca
mesh aa sheer as possible, with round dot
woven tn. and the veil two yards long,
edged on either side and at the ends wltn
narrow pleatlngs of chlffion or silk. These
are In ail colors and can be draped easily
and In becoming fashion so thai the ends
fall at the back.

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