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Kccwit? of Draper.! 1 'Written for The Star by Rev. Ignatius Fealy of St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Taking for granted the universal admis sion of the existence of the Supreme Being, and the disposition on the part of every creature to render due homage to this In flnlto Majesty, it might be fitting to make a number of observations on the neccesslty of prayer as ona of the most character istic acta of religion. Of all the elements of divine worship none, except sacrifice, is more essential than prayer. Indeed, it Is the most exalted function In which man can be engaged. This act of worship Is the elevation of the ?oul to God. to adore Him. to bless His holy name, to praise His goodness, to re turn Him thanks for His benefits, or to humbly petition Him for some necessity of soul or body. Among the various aspects ?f prayer, the most prominent is the act of petition. It Is as a beggar that man most frequently has recourse to his Mas ter; and it Is not merely the Importance, but it Is the necessity of the act of petition that is too often underestimated. Many persons, readily* admitting the utility of acts of praise and thanksgiving, reject acts of petition on the ground that they Rev. Ignatius Fealy. are Infringements on the eternal decrees of God, and therefore at variance with the unchangeablencss of the divine order. Our entreaties, on the contrary, are not intend ed to enlighten an omniscient God as to a condition which He has seen from all eternity. The aim of prayer is not a change In the arrangement of God; in re ality It concurs in obtaining what God has determined to grant us through our prayers; and in this sense prayer is an Important factor in framing the eternal decrees of God. The copious supply of rain which heaven sends at the entreaty of a famine-stricken people comes not as a re ault of any disturbance In the established laws of nature, but simply from an at mospheric change caused by Providence. Neither were the laws of physiology upset to prolong the life of Kzechlas, who had asked for the recovery of his health; for God had merely to so dispose secondary causes that, being properly directed, they might gradually cure him of his dlseas& Do we not in that model of prayers, which Christ Himself dictated to us, cry out in all humility, "Not our will be done, but may Thy will be done?" Nor should it be fancied that because God la Infinitely above human creatures In dignity He would be above listening to their requests. The very creation of us miserable crea tures Involves a greater act of condescend sion than the mere answering a request. The adversaries of prayer say that It ia no better than useless, from the fact that God has endowed man with powers entire ly adequate for the attainment of his end, and therefore he has no need of prayera. This Is true as far as It goes, but the most powerful of these means for the ac quisition of thfs end is none other than devout supplication to God. Prayer Is the one great channel through which strength flows down to us from an all-wise source, which Is ever solicitous for the welfare of all His creatures. PILGRIM FATHERS' HALO IS IK DANGER The halo usually accorded the Pilgrim fathers was rudely shattered last week by John D. Long, former Secretary of the Navy, who gave a distinct shoek to his hearers by declaring that they were no better than they ought to be and that some among them were the equals of present-day grafters. Mr. Ixmg's remarks were part of an ad dress delivered at the tercentenary of the First Church of Plymouth at Plymouth, Mass. Among other things he said: "The saints in Plymouth colony can be counted on the fingers. Some of the very elect were false to their trust and used their positions to feather their own nests falser to the trust than any president of a modern insurance company. Within the first decade social vices Infested the com munity; drunkenness, bickering, slander, licentiousness and even crimes against na ture were common. All this took place In a community of very limited numbers. No New England village of today need fear comparison with the early Plymouth col ony." ? Cardinal Gibbons Aids Hackmen. Cardinal Gibbons has signed a petition prepared by the Baltimore hack drivers' association against the holding of Sunday funerals, and has promiasd to give bis aid also In preventing weddings on Sunday at which carriages are used. The hack drivers have also enlisted the aid of many clergy men of various denominations, as wall as of all undertakers. * The necessity of prayer cannot be better exemplified than by recalling that it was while wrapt In prayer that the great apostle of the Gentiles learned the "Mys teries of the Kingdom of God." And who was more successful In his undertakings than David, who made it a habit to recur to prayer before embarking on any one of them? So much so ts prayer a means that I Divine Providence has placed at our dis posal for the attainment of our end that the poet hardly exaggerates when he ex j claims that "prayer moves the hand that moves the universe." Prayer is of almost incalculable worth in keeping man ever cognisant of his dependence upon God, and thus insuring a careful use of the gifts he has already received from Him. Oper- : atlng against a constant tendency which Is in every man to draw Mm away from God, prayer Impels the creature to God; It teaches him to master hU faculties more easily, whereas If everything should c<yne to hand unsought God might be soon and totally forgotten. It is a natural Impulse for human creatures to depend on some one of a higher station and to look up to him for assistance; and thus it should be with all men in respect to God. As the child finds It advantageous to hug closely to Its parent when it is anxious for some favor, so mankind, while kept conscious of their dependence on God, will also stick rather close to Him, and communicate with" Him perhaps through the medium of prayer. God wishes to hear our prayers. Is It not reasonable that the Supreme Author of all Being, after bringing a creature from mere nothingness Into existence, would be naturally solicitous as to his future wel fare? Indeed. God is ever ready to accede to a request, provided It Is conducive to an in dividual's eternal welfare. If prayer, then, has been made a means so useful In the economy of salvation, does It not appear most probable that God has appointed it as a moral necessity for the possession of thi best of all His good gifts?final per severance? That we need the assistance of God is evident only after the most I cursory study of poor human nature. May not any creature exclaim with St. Pault "1 do not that good which I will, but the evil which I hate, that I do?" The great apostle of the Gentiles knew hia weakness and. seeing his Inability to overcome it by merely natural efTorts, had recourse to God through the medium of prayer. When consideration Is made of the sovereign majesty of Him of whom we are to ask such aids, and the facility with which we can approach this "Throne of Grace." the obligation to pray becomes still more Im perative and its neglect leas excusable. The necessity of prayer Is well demon strated from its universal usage among men. While the forms of religious wor ship have differed?and that very widely among men?the world has never yet heard of a nation or people, whether an cient or modern, savage or civilized, pagan or Christian, which has not poured forth supplications to the Supreme Deity in one form or another. Prayer Is the expression of a sentiment deeply ecgraved In a soul of every man; it was for other men what It cannot but be for each and every one of us?light for the intellect, comfort for the heart and strength for the will. Why then can it not follow that prayer is a necessity since It springs from an Instinct so common among men? This widespread practice of prayer, this universal aspiration, springs from an in nate sense of our own misery and depend ence and our Inborn conviction of God's infinite power and boundles mercy. Inline, since prayer holds so conspicuous a place among the elements that go together to form human actions, since It is not only so advantageous, but even morally neces sary for the attainment of our eternal hap piness, we should endeavor to remain free from the reproach which Christ Himself I cast upon His own disciples for their neg lect of prayer, when He said: "Hitherto you have not asked anything in My name; ask and you shall receive, that your Joy may be full." BARCELONA'S GREAT NEW CATHEDRAL Frank S. Bond, writing from Spain to the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, says: ?The most conspicuous part of every town or village Is Its church, whose steeple towers far above everytlvlng else. "One of the most Interesting things. In that line, which we hav? visited is what Is called 'La Sagrada Familla.' This Is a magniflcant eccleslastl&il pile which Is slowly rising In the northern suburb of Barcelona. It has already been under pro cess of construction for twenty-four years, and as It Is the product of 'alms of the faithful.' It Is probable that a great deal of time will yet be consumed before it reaches completion. "Without seeing it, one can not appreciate the beauty of Its exterior design. Its gen eral architecture surpajses anything else w? have seen In the church line, even in cluding fit. Peter's and other fine churches ?'"U?f!i*sald that the entire cost of this enormous work cannot oa less than a roli Uor and a half sterling. Some distance away Is a large convent where many nuns are stationed, and It 1s (aid upon goo* au thority that this convent la connected wltn La Sagrada Familla by an underground passage, and U la also stated that under neath the church, ceBs hare been con structed." Stuck On All Kind*. Prom the Yonkera BUtcsmia. Redd?"Ever buy an* thornless rosesT' Greene?"Oh, yes; r* been stuck om those, too." NOTRE DAME CONVENT. The $20,000 Bnlldlng That la Nearlnj Completion at the Corner of North Capitol and K Street*. AMAZING RELIGIOUS WORK OF A POLISH WOMAN UNDER BAN A singularly interesting document in the form of an encyclical by Pope Pius X has been received in this city and translated In to English. It has to do with the M&riavites of Poland, a society of priests that has been put under the ban, afld the encyclical is addressed to the archbishops of Warsaw and the bishops of Plotsk and Lublin, among the Poles. Perhaps no country in the world, and certainly no country In eastern Europe, can show so many in stances of feminine influence in all move ments, pplitlcal and social, as Poland. Once more Is history repeated, and a woman is at the head of a religious revival which has set the country agog with party i faction; for the new sect has declared open war against politics In general and pa triotism in particular. As a matter of fact, the idea of* the revival first originated in the brain of a pious Capuchlne monk, a cer tain Father Honoratus of Nove Miasto, who mere than twelve years ago tried to In duce the priests of the Roman Catholic Church In Poland to lead simpler lives and cease to extort money from the poorer classes, especially in lespect to fees for performing baptisms, marriages and fune rals. Indeed, there is a proverb which says that the cow generally follows the Polish peasant to his grave, meaning that the priest will not bury the deceased under an extravagant fee. which necessitates the sale of the family cow. But Father Hon oratus died before he could win more than four priests to his way of thinking, and no more was heard of the revival until some three or four years later, when a women. Felicia Kozlowska, a clairvoyant, who pre viously had earned her living by making church vestments in the cathedral city of Plock. suddenly came upon the scene and assumed the leadership of the crusade. It is difficult to say exactly how much power she claimed at the beginning, but it seems to be quite certain that the few young priests to whom she spoke her ideas of reforming the clergy believed her to have received her directions from God dur ing a vision. They eagerly adopted her plans for organizing a revival, and the movement rapidly spread among the lower clergy of the diocese of Plock. The woman now numbers among her ad herents 900.000 laymen and over a hundred priests. * * * The message from the pope In regard to this sect Is very rigorous. It Is translated as follows: "About three years ago this apostolic see was duly informed that some priests, es pecially among the junior clergy of your dioceses, had founded, without permission^ from their lawful superiors, a kind of pseudo-monastic society, known as the M&riavitea or -Mystic Priests, the members of which, little by little, turned from the right road and from the obedience they owe the bishops 'whom the Holy Ghost has placed to rule the church of God' and be come vain in their thoughts. "To a certain woman, whom they pro claimed to be most holy, marvelously en dowed with heavenly gifts, divinely enlight ened about many things, and providentially given for the salvation of the world about to perish, they did not hesitate to Intrust themselves without reserve and to obey her every wish. Relying on an alleged mandate from God they set themselves to promote, without discrimination and of their own initiative, among the people frequent exer cises of piety (highly commendable when rlgbtly carried out), especially the adora tion of the most holy sacrament and the practice of frequent communion, but at the same time thsy made the gravest charges against all priests and bishops who ventur ed to express any doubt about the sancttty and divine election of the woman or showed any hostility to the society of the Maria vites. Such a pass did matters reach that there was reason to fear that many of the faithful in their delusion were about to abandon their lawful pastor*. "Therefore, on the advice of our vener f able brethren, the cardinals of the general inquisition, we had a decree issued, under date of September 4, 1904. suppressing the : above-named society of priests and com , maftdlng them to break oft honestly all j relations with the woman. But the priests i In question, notwithstanding that they | signed a document expressing their subjec | tion to the authority of their bishops, and that, perhaps, they did, as they say they did. partly break off their relations with the woman, still failed to abandon their undertaking, and to renounce sincerely the condemned association. Not only did they condemn their exhortations and Inhibitions, not only did many of them sign an auda cious declaration In which they rejected communion with their bishop, not only in more places than one did they incite the de luded people to drive away their thus lawful pastors, but like the enemies of the church, asserted that she had fallen from truth and justice, and hence has been abandoned by the Holy Spirit, and that to themselves alone, the Mariavlte priests, was It divinely given to Instruct the faithful in true piety. "Nor In this all a few weeks ago two of these priests came to Rome?Romanus Prochiewsky and Jannes Kowalski, the lat ter of whom Is recognized in virtue of some kind of delegation from the woman re ferred to. as their superior by all the mem bers of the society. Both of them, in a pe tition alleged by them to have been written by the express order of our Lord Jesus Christ, ask the supreme father of the church or the congregation of the holy office in his name to issue jbl document con ceived In these terms: * * * " That Maria Francesca (the woman men tioned above) has been made most holy by God; that she is the mother of mercy for all' men called and elected to salvation by God in these days, and that all Mariavlte priests are commanded by God to promote throughout the world devotion to the most holy sacrament and to the Blessed Virgin Mary of Perpetual Succor, free from all re striction of ecclesiastical or human law or custom, and from all ecclesiastical and hu man power whatsoever.' "Prom these words we are disposed to believe that the priests In question were blinded not so much by conscious pride as by ignorance and delusion, like those false prophets of whom Ezekiel writes: 'They see vain things and they foretell lies, say ing: The Lord salth: whereas as the Lord hath not sent them; and they have per sisted to confirm what they have said. Have you not seen a vain vision and spoken a lying divination, and you say: "The Lord salth," whereas I have not spoken,' We therefore received them with piety, ex horted them to put away the deceits of vain revelation, to subject themselves and their works to salutary authority of their supe riors, and to hasten the return of the faith ful oif Christ to the safe path of obedience and reverence toward their pastors, and finally to leave to the vigilance of the holy see and the other competent authori ties the task of confirming such pious cus toms as might seem best adapted for the fuller increase of Christian life In many parishes of your dioceses, and- at the same time to admonish any priests who were found guilty of speaking abusively or con temptuuosly of devout practices and exer cises approved by the church. And we were consoled to see the two priests, moved by our fatherly kindness, throw themselves at our feet and express their firm resolu tion to carry out our wishes with the de votedness of sorts. "They then caused to be transmitted to us a written statement which Increased our hope that these deluded sons would sin cerely abandon past Illusions and return to the right road: " 'We (these are their words), always ready to fulfill the will of God. which has now t>een made bo clear to us by his vicar, do moat sincerely and Joyfully revoke our letter, which we sent on February 1 of the present year to the archbishop of n ar iaw. and In which we declared that we sep arated from him. Moreover, we do most sincerely and with the greatest joy profess that we wish to be always united with our bishops and especially with the archbishop REMARKABLE LETTER FROM RUSSIAN JEWISH NOVELIST Special Dispatch ^ to The Star. NEW YORK, August 18.?A letter was re ceived In this city by Johan Paley, editor of the Jewish Daily News, from Jacob Di nesohn, one of the foremost Jewish novel ists in Russia., giving his reasons for re fusing an Invitation to come to America out of danger of the seething revolutionary volcano In Russia. The Invitation was tea. dered by the Jewish Dally News. The let ter sheds light on a very peculiar condition noticed In Jews who cling to Russia as their cherished fatherland, though It be the home of the most oppressive tyranny. After expressing surprise and pleasure at the receipt of a first-class steamship ticket and a telegram inviting him to come to America, Herr Dlnesohn answers his friend: "My only fear Is that possibly the dubious tone in my last letter regards the danger In which the Jews In Russia are situated may have led you to believe that I was con cerned about my own life, but yet it Is not swerving from the truth to say that the danger in which life stands at the present moment Is exceedingly great. The dubious tone of my previous letter ts exactly like the dark, uncertain condition of the Jews In Russia. "But where a whole people are under eon sideratlon a single Individual la of very lit tle account. It vaa not for my own person that I expressed the pessimistic view of the future In Ruaala; It was of the atx million Jewish souls In whose blood our red-handed government seems determined to drown the revolutionary activity in Ruaala. And this I see day after day with my own eyea and feel it with all my senses. And in this gen eral terror of what account is the individ ual? I feel myself merely a minute drop in the sea of blood and tears; and my own person, believe me, has lost in my eyes Its weight and value above those who are in the same danger. Besides, one becomes -accustomed to anything; when you aee death every minute before your eyes, you ceaae to fear him yourself; and are even able to outstare him. A great many of my friends have already been killed or shot almost before my own eyes, and they were as innocent and harmless as can be imag ined. "It Is Just Saturday a week ago that my friend, the well-known writer J. L. Pereta, came near being an Innocent sacrifice to the times. At twelve o'clock noon he started to take a walk, having been confined to the houae for some time. He had not gone twenty paces from his door when a Cossack of the street patrol took the fancy to dis charge his gun behind his back. The ball was so near to Pereta that It touched his of Warsaw, as far as your holiness will or der this of us. Furthermore, as we are now acting In the name of all the Marla vltes. we do make this profession of our en tire obedience and subjection In the name not only of all the Marlavites, but of ad the adorers of the most holy sacrament.' "It was, therefore," continues the en cyclical, "very pleasant for us to be able to believe that these sons of ours, thus par doned, would at once on their return to Poland give effect to their promises. On this account we hastened to advise you, venerable brethren, to receive them and their companions, now that they professed j obedience to your authority, with equal mercy and to restore them legally. If their acts corresponded with their promises, to their faculties for exercising their priestly functions. "But the event has deceived our hopes, for we have learned by recent documents tnat they have again opened their minds to lying revelations, and since their return to Poland they not only have not yet shown you, venerable brethren, the respect and obedience they promised, but they have written, to their companions a letter quite opposed to truth and genuine obedience. "But their profession of fidelity to the vicar of Christ is vain In those who. In fact, do not cease to violate the authority of their Ushops. For by far the most august part of the church consists of the bishops, as our predecessor. Leo XIII of holy mem ory, wrote in his letter of December 17, 1888, to the archbishop, inasmuch as this part, by divine right, teaches and ru>es men: Hence, whoever resists them or per tinaciously refuses obedience to them puts himself apart (from the church. On the other hand, to pass Judgment upon or re buke the acts of bishops does not at all be long to private individuals; that comes within the province only of those higher than they in authority, and especially of the sovereign pontiff, for to him Christ In structed the charge of feeding not only His lambs but His sheep throughout the world. At most, it Is allowed In matters of grave complaint to refer the whole case to the Rorman pontiff, and this with pru dence and moderation, as zeal for the com mon good requires not clamorously or abu sively, for in this way" dissensions and hos tilities are bred or certainly increased. ? * * "Idle and deceitful, too( Is the exporta tlons of the priest Johannes Howalskl to his companions In error on behalf of peace, while he persists In hi; foolish talk and In citements of rebellion against legitimate pastors and in brazen violation of episco pal commands. "Wherefore that the faithful of Christ and all the so-called Marlavlte priests who are In good faith may no longer be led astray by the delusions of the woman above mentioned, and of the priest, Johannes Howalskl, we again confirm the decree whereby the secretary of Mariavites, un lawfully and invalidly founded, is entirely suppressed, and we declare it suppressed and condemned, and we proclaim that the prohibitions are still In force which forbids all priests, with the exception of the one whom the Bishop of Plotsk shall. In his prudence, depute to be her confessor, to have anything whatever to do, on any pre text, with the woman. "You, venerable brethren, we earnestly exhort to embrace with paternal charity erring priests Immediately they sincerely repent and not to refuse to call them again, under their direction, to their priestly du ties, when they have been duly proved worthy. But should they, which may God forbid, reject your exhortations and perse vere In their contumacy, It will be our care to see that they are severely dealt with. Study to lead back to the right path the faithful of Christ who are now laboring un der delusion that they may be pardoned, and foster in your dioceses those prac tices of piety recently or long since ap proved in numerous documents issued of the apostolic see, and do this with all the more alacrity now when, by the blessing of God, priests among you are enabled to ex ercise their ministry and the faithful to emulate the example?of the piety of their fathers." cheek, leaving a red mark, and grazed his ear. The bullet that missed Peretz lodged In a fourteen-year-old Jewish boy who wis standing by and crippled him for life; It wjs necessary to amputate the boy's arm. Re gardless of this narrow escape, Perets and I took a walk a few hour* later through the same street, where we met fully armed mili tary guards who are permitted to shoot or stab whomever they please without any re sponsibility whatever. And this Instance Is by no means an exception; they happen every day in almost every street, especially in the Jewldi quarter, and I have neither heard nor read of any investigation made to determine whether the murder by these sol diers is according to law or not. "There are people who tremble at the sight of a raw recruit, and who hide them selves under a feather bed at sight of him. Such people have our contemptuous laugh ter just as now we laugh at those who tremble to step foot into the street for fear of being shot or stabbed. Just as a feather bed Is no protection against a recruit with a gun and bayonet, so 1s the policy of "sit at home' no guarantee of safety fr<?m sud den and horrible death. The Jews in Blaly stok met their deaths In their homes, upon their roots and In their cellars. With us In Warsaw as soon as there is a talk of a pogrom we are all ready to die upon the street rather than like * rat cornered In .Its hole. I myself went to the funeral of the first seventy-one Jews killed In the Blalystok pogrom. The Impression the sight mads on me I coukl not give you an inkling even If I wrote you a hundred letters. Again let me assure you I fully appreciate. But to maks use ot your steamship ticket is quite out of tb' question. My place Is her* with my psopls, come what m*|." about tk {ftaoris N ativcs of the Land of ihe Wingless Bird "Who Are Be ing. Reached By Christianizing and Civilizing Influences?They Are the People Who Originated Nose-rubbing Custom. BT WILLIAM EDQAR C.EIL F. R. O. 8. (I'op.rrljtht, 1908, bj Church New? Association) New Zealand ts a batch of islands lying a lone way from everywhere. And the New Zca Landers are a long way In advance of many more pompous peoples. Every Islander loves his sea-girt country, and. I am glad also to say. thinks kindly, even affectionately, of his dark-skinned native race. Here are no paupers, no millionaires, no strikes! But the land boasts of wing less birds, flying fish and a lisaid which moved so slowly that it was left out of the ark Here are also to be found the Maoris, who. in a few score years, have changed from cannibal* to politicians. Some sour, inquisitive people ask: "What is the dif ference V I leave the question to be an swered by the ghosts of departed warrior chiefs and the rtiadee of the toaztmasters at banquets on human flesh. The oldest and the youngest of the popu lation in New Zealand receive great care. This Is a proper expression of a humanised population. Every one in civilisation agrees that wee ones, the very young, should have the best care which conscience, cniture and Christianity can provide. But tiiu number who hold that equal consideration should be given to extreme old age is unfortunately out of proportion to the need. In New Zealand there are pensions for oid people. In New Zealand there are sheep railway excursions for young people. It is not an infrequent sight, that of train loads of children being brought into the cities at a rate of four miles for I cent, and, vice versa, strings of railroad car riages bulging out with city children en route to the beauties and exhilarations of the rural districts. Geographically, geologically and ethno logical!}-. these islands are packed with in terest. In the realm of mineralogy there Is plenty ifor the scientist and the financier. The tourist sees Mount Cook and its con tiguous mountains, with their dark heads enveloped in sheets of snow and tiie valleys fll>ed with living green. The North island particularly is a mixture of Paradise and Gehenna. Fragrant flowers, exquisitely colored birds, trees of semi-tropical aspect and a wide range of landscape suggest the first home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam. And then the active mud puddles, hot springs, spurting, sparkling geysers and smoking mountains tell of regions closely aided to the infernal tract. A glimpse of the Maori race. Whence came these nose-rubbing, w 006-carving, mystical, parable-speaking, copper-colored people of the wonderland of New Zealand? The Maoris, being a wandering, shifting race without a literature or hlstoilcal- rec ords, their knowledge of the past being wholly confined to oral tradition, little can with accuracy be said of their origin. Eth nologists attempting to trace theli wander ings And that they trod lightly on the soli and their naked footprints were long since obliterated, as was the lot of many of their abiding places, by volcanic eruptions, tidal waves and Invading hosts, with all the carnage and -devastation accompanying in tertribal wars. Whence are these good-natured, orator loving folk going? It may be that the wonderful vigor and splendid physique of the Maoris will preserve the race. They arc come out of the darknes of the past. 1 chased by a strange and tenacious destiny from their birthplace, and unless Chris tianity rescues them they are doomed, like other unfortunate people, to annihilation before their time. In the meantime they furnish a study of marltwi Interest. It Is offered that as their idea oI creation is Identical' with the Peruvian, the Maoris came from the west coast of South Amer ica. The argument Is scarcely worthy of serious attention, for Max Muller says that the Idea of the creation is similar In all cosmogonies. The Maori legends relate that the people came from an Island In the south Pacific which would have been but a resting place. This is sufficient for our present requirements, leaving It for For nander, Tregear, Hale and Muller, and forty other philologists, to give it as their opinion that the roots oir the language of Polynesia are from the Sanscrit. The last census gives the Maori popula tion as 42,851, which is an Increase of 3.228. Too much store must not be made of this Increase, because the figures of the previous census may have been inaccurate. I found, however, a consensus of opinion among men who know things about the Maoris Sunday Morning Talk All Hail to the Bread Winner. 1 The other day a little bevy of people entered a railway restaurant and took | possession of a table. There were four children to begin with all of school age, besides a toddling youngster. There was a youngish appearing woman who seemed to be acting In the capacity of a mother's helper and a woman with a good many wrinkles in her face who was plainly the mother of the little tribe. Last of all came the father, well loaded down with bundles and of a serious, not to say solemn, de meanor. He took his seat at the head of the table and told the waiter to bring fonr orders of chops and potatoes with a "side" of cold tongue. The family was evidently on its way to a summer resort, and good cheer was abundant and expectation ran high. A happy, healthy, harmonious family it seemed to be, both in quality and in quantity, the kind of family that President Roosevelt would approve. At a little side table In the same res taurant sat a gentleman and lady watch ing the pretty scene. "How Jolly they all" seem," said the gentleman. To which his companion replied: "All but the father. Do you notice how grave he is, and I don't wonder. Think of providing bread three times a day for those seven hungry people, to say nothing about chops. I declare. I sometimes marvel at the courage and en durance of the father or a family. Perhaps his dally effort with hand or brain is the only thing that keeps off starvation from those chlldrr.-n. And there must be millions like him who have the sole responsibility for other lives." Undoubtedly there are. Not only do 1 countless fathers win the bread for wives I and children, but brothers* do It for sisters . and sons for mothers. It has always been so since civilisation began. One-half the world carries the other half on Its back. Socialistic theories break down at this point. No reconstruction of society can ever relieve the true man of the duty or deprive him of the joy of winning the daily bread of those dearest to htm. This ambition steadies and Inspires him as he toils all day long at the counter or the loom or the an vil or the bench. Had he no such motive J work might become unendurable. But do those for whom be works always appreciate what a load recta upon "father's** shoulders? Is it any wonder that some- 1 times his face gets tense and the Unee In it , deepen? These are days of tremendous strain and competition hi the Industrial world. Sometimes when a man kisses his 1 wife good-bye in the morning he hardly knows what will be hie fortunes or misfor- < tunes before 1?e greets her again. Temp tations, too, confront the business man to day from dawn till sunset. He is In con stant danger of becoming mean or sordid ' or tricky or false. He needs therefore the i appreciation and help of those for whose i that they have ceased to diminish In num ber, and I am personally Inclined to be lieve that they are on the increase. This la gratifying, for to have such a noble and heroic aboriginal race become extinct would be cause for great regret. The education of the Maoris. unMke that of the Fljlans and Samo&ns, Is almost entirely In the hands of the government. The ninety pub llo schools, with an attendance of over 3,000 pupil*, are conducted exclusively for the beneflt of the native race, at an ex penditure of $100,000 gold per year One of the most hopeful tokens "for the remnant that Is left" of the native races in thla new century Is the active Interest now being taken In their welfare by educated men and women of their own fletih and blood. The Duke of York laid the comer stone of the Victorian Maori School for Girl* In the city of Auckland during his re cent visit. This movement reminds u?e of the similar effort of the Bey of Thyatlra. who In that city opened a school for girls and marked a new era in Moslem history. I have noticed a similarity In manners and mind among the Bemoans. Tongans and Maoris. First, self-esteem Is n national characteristic, the Maori, like the others, having a fairly good opinion of himself. Second, ceremonlousness. They are fond of etiquette, the breach of It leading to war when occurring between orders of chiefs. Third, they are hospitable to strangers and to the needy. Fourth, generosity, as exemplified In the daring deed of Honl Heke. the greatest warrior In New Zealand. The taie is worth the telling. He displayed the national trait of mag nanimity at the siege of the fortified vil lage of Chaeaat. The British troops were besieging and had surrounded the place, and the Maori clan seemed to be In hope less State behind their fortifications. Boyd, a British officer, grievously wounded In the lower part of the stomach, fell into a trench and was heard calling loud'.-y for drink, but no one cared or dared to go for water, fearing the frequent missiles. To the great surprise of all, Honl Heke was seen coming down from the pa (village) without a weapon and wholly unprotected. He went straight to the wounded man In the ditch and. sullenly walking out In front of the British Hne, filled a gourd at a convenient stream, brought It to the dying officer and said to him In a determined tone: "Drink this, and If thou hast to die. die consoled, for even thy worst foe has had pity on thC6." Here again is a point of similarity?ora tory. The Maori is never at a loss for speech and can express himself In the most extra" ordinary figurative language. I have heard them, on short notice or with no notice at all, rise in their public meeting houses and deliver Impassioned Fpeeches. These are usually, like Te Whitl. the Sunshine In very florid phraseology. Here is a sample: "A German was capsized and drowning, when at the last moment Te Whitl came to his rescue. The natives repaired him and his canoe and <ent him off liberally pro visioned. The man from the fatherland ex pressed- his appreciation by presenting Sunshine with a beautifully bound book. Te Whitl accepted it, and when sent to Jail made good use of it. i*aler he re turned the volume with this inscription on the fly leaf: 'When a traveler has eaten the oyster he throws away the she.!.' " There is at the present time a general and hearty reception of the aosp'el on the part of the Maori race. The missionaries have performed prodigious feats of service in tak ing very raw material, cannibals, and out of it making humanized, civilized ana Christianized citizens of the greatest em pire In Christendom. Formerly the plan of operation was for a Maori chief to turn, after which the whole tribe would follow and profess Christianity. Fortunately this has ail changed. The tribes are now converted by the accumulation of individual believers. The Maori seldom commits murder. ver> seldom becomes Insane, but his nature is riotously revengeful. In the good old aay?. If a crime was committed, a tribesman of the victim would take any man of the or fending man's clan and atrociously mur der him. This has all been modified by the missionary and his message, lhe Maori chiefs are gentlemen, noble characters who always keep their word and are absolutely honest. When stealing occurs, the Maori says- "That Is what rats do. not men. A few score years ago savagery a.nd heathenism prevailed among this naturalij noble and able warlike people. Now every night and morning. In many districts 011 the North island, all come to the Chris tian teacher s house for prayer and read ing of the Scriptures. sake alone he ventures into the difficult and perilous places. _ . So, then, honor and guard the bread-win ner. When you get your chock at the regu lar time, college boy or college girl, don t take It as a matter of course but write a line of gratitude to 'dear old dad. And you the wife of his bosom and the other bairns still in the home nest never let the one who wins for you your dally bread g? hungry himself for lack of love and consid Happy bread-winner, gifted with the abil ity to provide for the material wants of anderwi?Mfor" ^oyreelf ^hat ^eariof 'great price, a good name and a noble ???? the absentees. Work of * Christian Endeavor So ciety In Summer. From the Church Economist. The Sunday school of the Baptist i hurcli In Norwood, Ohio, makes an extra endeavor during the summer months to hunt up its absentees. This Is done through the energy of the teachers and the church missionary and the use of'a little card of Informa tion. This card has blank lines for t e number of the class, the name of the teacher and the date when It was returned by the teacher. Below are four columns headed. "Absent Last Sunday." "Date Visited," "Reason Absent" and "Back n 3. 8. This Sunday." The first Is filled n t>y the teacher at the end of the lesson nour, with the names of those absent, t ie next two during the week, as Information >an "be gleaned, and the fourth on the following Sunday, after which the card \? returned to the officials. The missionary ooks up all the pupils absent two consecu Llve weeks. Splendid results are reported. Oldest Christian Prelate. Prom the Loudon Chronicle. On June 18 the oldest prelate In Chris tendom. Dr. Daniel Murphy, Koman catn olic archbishop of Hobart. the ?f Tasmania, entered on his ninety-second rear. Born in Cork on the day ? wh?0 the battle of Waterloo was fought. Dr Murphy was ordained In 1K? volunteered ?rtJ Indian mi-ion. and toward the ?lose of 1MB was nominated by Pope Greg xVI as bishop of a new diocese in H> lerabad. He labored in India for a couple ,f decade*, and was then transferred to ^aniaby Pius IX. His health was sup >osed to have been undermined by twenty rears- hard work in India at the time or ttis transference to Tasmania, so that the rasmanlans are particularly proud of him is a splendid testimonial to the recupera tive qualities of their delightful cimaU