OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, June 13, 1907, Image 13

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1907-06-13/ed-1/seq-13/

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offrrT is a rigid rule of t!h
brokers sizes arad ass?
JU week. Ira this way r<
The remrsamts ad^
^ ping will be rewarded tomr
Friday Bargain ira
Wash Dress Goods.
%V off r a special purchase of Parts Chiffon
Silk at nearly half the reftuli..- price.
Paris Chiffon Silk is one of the sheerest
ami most brilliant silk fabric woven, and
oil'- of the daintiest and most beautiful offered
for this season. It is made of the
l?e>t uualitv of silk and line mercerized
Kg> ptian cotton The surface is plain and
has i tiny woven diamond-shaped figure
scattered over it Shown in a wide range
of the most wanted shades of pink, light
l>lu yellow, canary, heliotrope, cardinal,
jasper, etc.
These goods are new and fresh (and not
secou Isi. hut bright and perfect in every
wax T! e\ are recommended especially for
la-idosniaids' dresses and for evening wear
at se-tsl'.?>re anil elsewhere. "21 inches wide.
2<>c a yard. Regular price, 50c.
And these remnants:
(Lengths. 2'i to S'A yards.)
40c Ciingliani, 25c yd.
50c lianzai Silk. 37^2c yd.
17',l*c Mikado Silk. 25c vd.
i n m.A
250 Mousseiine tie _vm.
40c Printed French Organdie, 25c
300 Printer! Iri>h Dimity, 15c yd.
I2'jc Printed Batiste Lawn, 1 exYard.
14c Printed Percale. 121 yd.
12' jc Pates' Gingham, 10c yd.
t2' jo Linen-finish Suiting, 10c yd.
Second Boor, G ?t.
Friday Bargain m
Ch!2drem'? Lingerie Hats.
\w what remain of our Children's
T.ingerie Hatsat one-lialf the original prices I
to close. Tlit y are imported models and
made of soft mulls. French piques, silks. .
etc . and more or less elaborately trimmed
nrlMi lares, insertions and ribbons; some are
band embroidered in beautiful designs.
They are reduced as follows:
$7.50 Hats, now $3 75.
$8.50 Hats, now $4.25.
Sio.bo Flats, now $5.00.
And those remnants:
? ? V-:T /vn? nraao^j fftHnd vr>kf?s of 1
o imam* .^innn<^?i? >? ! ? ?' ?? ..
?*&!broidery: also lare-trirunied yokes: lace on neck
mo<1 sleeves. Reduced from $2.25 and $2.50 to
$1.75 each.
4 Infants* Cream Bedford Cord Long Coats, cape
ami turn-over collar trimmed with scallop. Reduced
from $*> 50 to $4.75 each.
Infnnts' Fine Tucked Mull Caps, close fitting.
Reduced from $1.00 to 50c each.
2 Children's White Pique Coats, buttoned down
side, brimmed with insertion and embroidery. Redwcd
from $7 50 to $3.U5 each.
4 Gbifdno's neaty Linen Presses. made with
tftree plaits: hand-embroidered yoke and caffs;
belt of same. Reduced from $3.00 to $1.50 j?ach.
"fliird floor. Eleventh at.
Friday Bargain in
Linen Department.
50 Scotch Damask Hemstitched Pattern '
Cloths, good designs and good quality; size
-x-Vi yards.
$2.50 each.
lft dozen Hemstitched Huck Towels, damask
designs through the center of towels;
size 24x4?) Inches.
50c each; $6.00 per dozen.
'J."> dozen Hemmed Huck Towels, very
good value; size 20x39 inches.
?- - ,1
O? -/ jfci u'Jivu,
,A small lot of Hand-embroidered Linen
Bed Spreads and Table Cloths, soiled.
$15.00. Si7.00 and $18.00 each.
Were S22.50. $25.00 and $27.50.
S*pron?l floor. Eleventh st.
Friday Bargain in
"J. B," Corsets.
10 dozen pairs Women's "J B." Corsets,
m.ido of batiste, with straight front, dip
hips and elastics attached; siies IS to 30.
Special price, 79c pair.
Regular value, $1.00.
And th ese remnants: i
4 pairs French Corsets. fancy batiste, straight
front. with real whalelnme, elastics attached;
sizes r.?, 2?), 21 and 23. Keduoed froiu $s.50 to
pairs Sapphire Corsets. French eoutil. straight I
front. low dip hip. honed witti real wnaietn.in'.
?'l:isfic< attached: sixes 20, 21, 22 and 23.
Keduced from to $L~.00 pair.
r? pairs Ivy Corsets, French coutil. straight front,
dip hip. with real wlialel?one. elastics attached;
sizes 1!?. 28, 30 and 31. Reduced from
$s IN) T.? ??? pair.
H pairs |\ V Corsets, straight front, dip hip;
22. 23, 2H and 20. Reduced from $2.00 to
$1 *> pair.
1 "> pairs Black Silk I aces. Reduced from 38c to
10c pair.
Third door. Eleventh st.
Friday Bargain in
Corset Covers.
Nain-ook ami Cambric Corset Covers,
maJe with full fronts and trimmed with
ldie. embroidery and ribbon.
Special price, 25c each.
And these remnants:
3 Women's Nainsook clowns. low neck, elbow
*Wves. trimmed with ilerman Valenciennes lace.
Reduced from $IV50 to $1.05 each.
2 Women'?* Nainsook Chemises. trimmed with bias
fold and rihl>on. Reduce*! from $1.?H> to 50c ea< h.
" Woman's Nainsook Clowns, round neck, elbow
slaves, trimmed with ribbon. Reduced from $1.00
to ??!* eaeh.
H) Women's Cambric Petticoat*. trimmed with
ft^ lawn flmince finished with ValMciennpg lace.
H^ncf.1 from $*.1.25 to $1.50 ea? h.
4 Winupn's llitiHl-fniliroidfretl Percale Petticoats.
Redtv-ed from 75 t?> $211) rich.
r? Women's Pink I.awn Slips. for wear under
shirt waists. Reduced from 50v to 25c each.
Third ttoor. Kleventh st.
Friday Bargain in
Women's Cotton Vests.
*Ji> dozt*n Women's Swiss Ribbed ('otton
Vests, with low neck no slaves and narr
?w strains a? ro<s shoulders; excellent
Special value. 20c each.
3 fur 50c.
And these remnants:
11 Women'* Jersey Kildied Corset Covers, hi'4h
neck. l?*nif size .1. Reduced from 50c to
25c CHill
H pairs* Women's Rild??d Cotton Drawer*. umbrella
stvle. trimmed with lace; size 5. Reduced
from :55c to 25c pair.
14 Women s Swiss Ribbed Black I.isle Threat!
\?*st? high neck. short sleeves; size 4. Reduced
from 75c to 50c each. a
Main t)<?or. F at.
UmbreiSa Department.
Women's Black Twilled Silk 1 uibrellas. selvage
finish. < lose roll, paragon frame. httndlvs of silver
trimtued pearl and silver-trimmed leather crook*
and straight bandies. Reduced from $10.00 to
$4 IK* each
J Women * Silk rrabrella*. with silver--and pearl
and :ulil plaiiil handle*; slightly damaged. Ke?jtt?
? <i from *7. *? and $1(1. AO t?> &.50 each.
1 Wumen'i IMald Silk I'mbrella. suitable for sun
o* rain. Reduced from 00 to fcr.V).
2 Men's Kngliah Silk I'lnhreHaa. with natural
wugti handler. Reduced from to $4.Do each,
kit: ttoor. Eleventh and O iu
New York?WAS
Store Will Close at 5130
y Is Our
is store to dose oiat at t!he
artmeots, small lots arad tfl:
A *1 A ? fl
emnants do not remain uon
t'ertised below are especial!
sorrow by appreciable savin
Friday Bargain nn
Lace Curtains.
Several small lots of I-ace Curtains, consisting
of Irish Point. Arabian. Marie Antoinette
and Novelty Net. offered at very
sper-ial prices for quick clearance.
Were. Now.
10 pairs Fine r
Irish Point Lace
sar'?; ?$7.00 and $8.00 $4.00
pairs Fine
Irish Point Lare
"alrs $8.50 and $9.00 $5.00
2 pairs Fine Irish Point W rn rn
Lace Curtains, soft cream tint *PA~ >-*-' NvO*-'
2 pairs Novelty Net Curtains.
trimmed with dainty <lvC ,-w^ on
lace motifs $0.00 Stf.OO
2 pairs Marie Antoinette CO Sc OO
Lace Cnrtains. Arabian color. *ri)*
2 pairs Real Arabian Lace
Cnrtains. trimmed with lace (J?T - ^
pdzinj; and insertion *r/'j^
2 pairs Real Arabian Lace
wl,h dp,;? $16.50 $10.00
2 pairs Fine Arabian Lace
Cnrtains. trimmed with broad rn
insertion and lace edging spi^.^u
And these remnants:
.1 Leather Rope Portieres, red and jrreen; imperf?H?t.
Reduced from $7.."SO to $.">.0Q each.
1 Roj>e Portiere. blue mixture: slightly soiled.
Reduced from $4..V> to $2.7.">.
1 Roi?e Portiere, preen and tan: slightly imperfect.
Reduced from $4.."i0 to $1.75.
"" >-!? "1 r-nnnK \fdilrnc Prtptiapoa In crroon
anil-white and olive jrreen-ami-red. Reduced from
00 and *10.00 to $0.00 pair.
Fourth floor, G st.
Friday Bargain ara
Decorated French Ghana.
A lot of Decorated French China Covered
Vegetable Dishes, among which will be
found many choice decorations. Offered at
less --than half price.
85c each. '
Regularly $1.75 to $3.00.
And these remnants:
5 Imported Odd Decorated Susrsr Bowls. Reflttce-1
from $1.00 to ."iOr each.
1 f?ecor:ite<l English Porcelain Soup Tureen. Re
duced from $2.."?0 to $1.00.
H Decorated English Porcelain Covered Vegetable
Diwhw. Reduced from $1.00 ami $l.rv> to r?0c each.
1 Riohlv Decorated French China Covered Dish.
Reduc*?d from $T?.00 to $1.50.
1 Richlv Deeoratcd French Chic* Meat Dish.
Reduced from $5.00 to $1.50.
2 Decorated French China Sauce Tureens. Reduced
from $2.50 to 75c each.
2 Decorated English Porcelain Covered Butter
Dishes. Reduced ffnra 75c to 35o eac^i.
4 Decorated French China Meat Dishes. Reduced
from $1."?0 to S.V each.
4 Imported Decorated Sugar BotIs. Reduced
from 75c to 35c each.
IS dozen Imported Richlv Decorated Tea Plates.
Reduced from $ft.00 to $4.00 dozen.
.1 Imported Decorated Salad Bowls. Reduced
from $1.50 to 50c each.
4 Imported Odd iworated Chocolate Cups and
Saucers. Reduced from 50c to 25c each.
0 Imported Decorated Oatmeal Saucers. Reduced
from 30c to 25c each.
*7 rW>nr?loH l'rvp.->?l?j n Pnto <\p Rrot.l Platoa Ra.
linear from 50c to 35r each.
2 Decorated Porcelain Sugar Bowis. Replaced
from SOp to 25c each.
Fifth floor, G St.
MLIfMnery Department.
8 Trimmed Hats, suitable for
walking, traveling and general wear.
Reduced from $6.oo to $3.00.
Seoond floor. Tenth at.
Robe Department,
1 Linen Robe Pattern, elal>orately hand-embroidered:
slightly soiled. Reduced from $20.00 to
1 Batiste Robe rattern. embroidered in eyelet
effect; slightly soiled. Reduced from $18.00 to
1 Batiste Robe Pattern, flounce effect, embroidered
in blind embroidery; slightly soiled. Reduced
from $1^.00 to $ft.00.
Main floor, G st.
Colored Dress Goods.
3% yds. 43-inch Wood Brown Voile. Reduced
from $3.38 to $2.00 for pee.
2 yds. 48-inch China Blue Serge. Reduced from
$2.00 to $1.00 for nee.
3-% yds. 43-inch Navy Blue Striped Batiste. Reduced
from $2.K1 to $2.00 for pee.
5V4 yds. 45-inch Green and Brown Check Voile.
Reduced from $5.25 to $3.94 for pre.
J yds. 45-fneh Green and Brown Check Voile. Reduced
from $0.00 to $4.50 for pee.
3 yds. 40-inch Green and Red Plaid. Reduced
from $2.25 to $1.00 for pee.
5 yds. 40-inch Green and Blue Plaid. Reduced
from $3.75 to $2.50 for pee.
yds. 36-inch Green and Blue Check Mohair.
Reduced from &**< to 50c for pee.
3V4 yds. 30-inch Olive Green Drap Satin. Rednced
from $2.44 to $1.63 for pee.
5u2 yds. 42-inch Blue and White Fancy Mohair.
Reduced from $5.50 to $4.00 for pee.
Second floor, G at.
B!ack Dress Goods,
7 yds. 44-inch All-silk Stripe Marquette. Reduced
from $12.25 to $10.00 for pee.
2*4 yds. 44-inch Silk-warp Tain5Be (Priestley's).
Reduced from $3.75 to $2.00 for pee.
3 yds. 44-inch All-silk Chiffon Cloth. Reduced
from $4.50 to $2.00 for pee.
5 yds. 44-inch All-silk Panama. Reduced from
$6.25 to $5.00 for |>ce.
S yds. 44-inch Silk Stripe Voile. Reduced from
$12.00 to $10.00 for pee.
5 yds. 52-inch Venetian Cloth. Reduced from
$10.00 to $7.50 for pee.
4% yds. 54-inch Chiffon Panama. Reduced from
$3.1*4 U> $4.75 for pre.
5 yd*. 44-inch All-wool Batiste. Reduced from
$5.00 to $3.75 for pee.
ViIk. 44-inoh All-V(Vtl f!hn1lla frnm
$10.tK) to $K.OO for pee.
5 yds. 42-lnch All-wool Panama. Reduced from
$.VOl> to $3-7$ for pee.
4 yds. 54-inch All-wool Panama. Reduced from
$(?.25 to $4.00 for pee.
yds. 44-inch Voile (Lupin's). Reduced from
$4.54 to $3.50 for pee.
Second floor. O st.
Hosiery Department.
15 pain* Women's Black Lisle Thread Hose, with
lace ankles; slightly damaged; sizes 8V?. 9 and 9*6.
Reduced from 50c to 35c pair.
19 pairs Women's Cotton Hose, in French blue
with white |K>lka dots; sizes 9 and 9Vi- Re.1
?l #. n* *- n*- -? -
uucru trutn >.?: u> m* pair.
11 pairs Women'* Cotton Ilose. black boots with
pink. blue. lavender and nile creen tops; sizes 8Vfc
and 0. Reduced from 30c to 35c pair.
Main floor. F st.
Basket Department.
1 Willow Clothes Hamper. Reduced from $1.85
to $1.50.
1 Fancy Clothes Hamper. Uedticed from $4.00
to $3.25.
1 Automobile Basket, fltted with knives, forks,
spoons, plates, etc. Reduced from $20.00 to $12.50.
Fancy Covered Baskets, reduced from 25c to
15c each: 3 reduced from 50c to 25c each.
2 Sweet Grass Covered Baskets. Reduced from
85c to 50c each.
rt Straw Whisk Holders. Reduced from 15c to
10c each.
Fifth floor, G st.
Picture Department.
25 Framed Picture*, various subjects. Reduced
froin $1.00. $1.05. $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 to 50c
8 Framed Pictures, varlous^subjects. Reduced
?<?..? *o.w, #-* W, *?J.w auu ?i.UU to yoc
s Framed Pictures. Red\ic?l from $1.00, $5.00,
,$ ; mi. $s.U0 ami $10.00 to $:!.<*> each.
10 Framed Picture*. Reduced from $10.00 to
each. v
Fourth floor, Tenth at. ~
Comb Department.
1 Cut Jet Back Comb, slightly damaged. Reduced
from $2.50 to 11.23.
1 Fancy Back Comb, with amethyst settin?. Reduced
from $*>.<*) to fci.OO.
1 Fancy Back Comb, with rhineatone nnd cameo
setting. Reduced from ffi.00 to $.'{.00.
2 Fancy Bark Combs, with Jewel setting. Reduced
from 00 to $2.50 ea"h.
J Fancy Back Comb, with turquoise setting. Reduce?l
from fcl.OQ to $1.50.
Mairt fl?x>r, G st.
P.M. Until Further Notice.
' *
end of each week all the od<
ae like which may have coll
ig enough to become old am
1 y strong arad worthy off att
Friday Bargain io
Men's Negligee Shirts.
7 dozen Men's Negligee Shirts that do not
come up to the standard of size proportion
that we require in shirts we carry. Hence,
to close them out at once, we offer them at
half prices. There are two grades in the
combined lot. in sizes 15%, ltf, 16%. 17 and
Tlin T nn nrrl/lp \farL'pH C(V
X 11V- 1 . ^1UUV4 iuuinvu
The $1.50 grade. Marked 75c.
Friday Bargain an
Mera's Madras Pajamas.
2."> dozen Men's Printed Madras Pajamas,
all good colorings, in neat and desirable
stripes, figures and spots: made with military
collar and finished with pearl buttons.
At the present high price of cotton these
pnrmonfq arr> hnr?r?fn? nt TuO Th*? nrdf?T
placed months apo allows us to sell them at
the special price,
$1.00 per suit.
All sizes, including extra large.
And these remnants:
30 pair* Men's Fancy Colored Cotton and Lisle
Thread Sox?end* of severn 1 line*: sires 10 and
10U?. Reduced from 2-V to 3 pairs for T?0c.
20 pairs Men's Fancy Lisle Thread Sox. in light
and dark ^tfeots?ends of sever-*! lines; sizes 10
and 101... Reduced from l?0c to 2-"?c pair.
20 Men*? Four-in-Hand Ties?ends of several
lines. Rpdneori from .*10#? to 2So en eh.
15 Men's Plaid Ratali Silk Four-in-IIand Tie?.
Reduced from $1.00 to 50c each.
Main floor. F at.
Men's Clothing; Dept.
7 Men's Fine All-wool Suits: size* 34 to 40. Reduced
from $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00 to $10.00
12 Men's All-wool Suits, single and double
breasted stvles: some half-lined: all sizes. Reduced
from SIS.00 and $20.00 to $12.50 each.
22 Men's Finest Worsted Suits: all sizes. Reduced
from $22.00. $25.00 and $27.50 to $15.00
1 Men's Worsted Si;it. In dark mixture; StelnBloeh
make: size 44 stout. Reduced from $35.00
to $20.00.
2 .pairs Men's Separate Trousers: 90'md 32 waist
measure. Reduced from $4.50 to $2.00 pair.
17 pairs Men's All-wool Separate Trousers, handsome
patterns; to wear with dark coats: all sizes.
Reduced from $5.00. $T, 00 and $7.50 to $3.05 pair*
3 Men's Fancy Ton Coats, fine quality material;
slz#?s 38. 30 and 40. Reduced from $20.00 td
$12.50 each.
12 Men's Faner Vent*, all sizes. Reduced from
$2 00. $2.50 and $3.00 to $1.50 each.
Main floot. Tenth at.
Boys' Clothing Dept.
3 Youths* All-wool Loner Pants Suits: sizes 14
and IS. Reduced from $12.50 to $5.50 each.
IS Bors* All-wool Doable-breasted and Norfolk
Jacket Suits, with bloomer pants: blue serge and
fancy grav mixtures: sizes 8 to 17. Reduced from
$7.50 to $5.00 each.
20 Boys* Double-breasted Suits, in fanf*y effects,
with straight-cut and bloomer pants: sizes 8 to 17.
Reduced from $5.00 and $0.00 to $3.75 each.
7 Boys* All-wool Double-breasted Suits; sizes 9.
10. 11. 14. 15 and 10. Reduced from $5.00 to
$2.50 each.
9 Boys* TJght-weight Reefers, in fancy gray effects;
sizes 2U. 4, 11 and 12. Reduced from $5.00
and $0.00 "to $2.50 each.
15 Boys' Fancy Gray Plaid Sailor Blouse Suits,
with bloomer pants; sizes 3 to 9. Reduced from
$5.00 to $3.25 each.
5*Boys* Russian Blouse Suits, ia fancy gray effects;
sizes 2% to 3. Reduced from $0.00 to $2.50
18 Boys* Wash Sailor Blouse Suits, of madras
and gain teas: sizes 3 to 12. Reduced from $1.50
to 79c each.
3 Boys* White Duck Norfolk Jacket Suits: sizea
8 and 10. Reduced from $4.50 to $1.00 each.
15 Boys*. Russian Blouse Suits, of white madras
and pique: sizes 2V> to 7. Reduced from $3.25.
$3.50 and $3.95 to $1.95 each.
Third floor, Tenth st.
Boys' Fyrraislharng Dept.
25 Boys* White Wash and Colored Silk Tieg. Reduced
from 25c to 12^c each.
IS Boys' Colored Madras Blouses, with dollars attached;
sizes 7 to 16. Reduced from 75c to 59c
10 Boys' Livrht-weieht Jersey Sweaters, in red
and blue. Reduced from $1.25 to 50c each.
10 Boys' Shirt Waists and Blouse^, in white and
colors: sizes 2Va to 7. Reduced from 50c and 75c
to 25c each.
Third floor. Tenth st. y
Shoe Department.
22 pairs Women's Lace Shoes-, of patent calf and
l>ox calf: sizes 4. 4V2. 5. 5 Vfc. 0 and 7 A A?3. 3V?. 4,
4*4. 5. 5V, and 7A?3. 3*4. 4K and 7B?2Vt and GC.
Reduced from $3.00 and $3.50 t? $1.50 pair.
14 pairs Women's Patent Leather Slippen*. with
straps: several stvles: sizes 4 and 4V*A?3. 3*?
4and OB?5* 6 and 7C?3M?. 3 and 6D. Reduced
from $3.00 and $4.00 to $1.50 pair.
23 pairs Women's Patent Coltskin Blucher Oxfords:
sizes 4. 5. 5f/? and 7AA?3*4. 4^ and 6A?
2. 3. 4. 4Vj and 7B-2??. 4 and 6C-2*4. 3%. 5, 5V4
G and 8D. Reduced from $3.50 to $2.25 pair.
Third floor. Tenth st.
Parasol Department.
5 Women's 24-inch Red Silk Parasols. Reduced
from $3.50 to $2.00 each.
1 Women's Bine Silk Parasol, with Roman l>order.
Reduced from $5.00 to $2.50.
1 Women's Red Silk Parasol, with Roman border.
Reduced from $5.00 to $2.50.
Main floor, Tenth st. ?
1 \
Traveling Goods Dept.
1 Men's Wardrobe Trunk, made of 3-ply basswood
and covered Vitli pegamoid; bound with tll?er; malleable
iron clamps; all parts riveted; cloth lined:
hangers for 7 suits; hat box and small compartments.
Reduced from $50.00 to $20.85.
1 36-inch Steamer Trunk, made of 3-ply basswood
and covered with l?est canvas; t>ound with leather;
two straps; best lock: cloth lined: one tray and
bat l*)x. Reduced from $30.00 to $21.65.
1 16-inch Blatk Walrus Fitted Bag. with sterling
silver fittings: leather lined; inside pocket. Reduced
from $60.00 to $20.00.
1 17-inch Brown Horn Alligator Fitted Bag. with
ebony fittings; leather lined. Reduced from $40.0C
to $1K.75.
Basement. E<i?iitable bldg.
Bed Department.
1 4%-ft. White Enameled Bed. with gilt trimmings.
reduced from $15.00 to $10.00; 1 reduced
from $20.00 to $14.00.
1 4^-ft. Plain White Enameled Bed. very heavy.
Reduced from $10.00 to $7.75.
1 4^-ft. White Enameled Bed, with braes trimmings.
reduced from $8.50 to $5.00; 1 reduced
from $6.50 to $4.00.
1 3%-ft. Enameled Bed. with, brass trimmings.
Reduced from $10.00 to $0.50.
1 3%-tt. All-metal Coll spring, for metal bed.
Reduced from $6.50 to $4.00.
1 4Vi-ft. Cotton Felt Mattress, made in two parts
and covered with art ticking, reduced from $15.00
to $12.00; 1 3Vfc-ft.. reduced from $10.50 to $8.50.
1 VI/ ft II.. I ~ ?
a ..T3-4 1. iinu .uniurBS, IUBUV 111 OUT OWI1 WOrKrooms;
ticking soiled. Reduced from $15.00 to
1 4%-ft. Felt Mattress, made in two parts: 60
lbs. in weight: ticking soiled. Reduced from
$18.50 to $15.00.
Second floor. F st.
Leather Goods Dept.
2 Imported Suede Vanity Bags, violet and red.
Reduced from $10.00 to $7.50 each.
3 Imported English Morocco Hand Bags. blue,
green and black. Reduced from $1(3.00 to $12.00
2 Lizard Skin Furses. Reduced from $15.00 to
$8.00 each.
2 Pigskin Purses. Reduced from $10.00 to $5.00
1 Imported English Morocco Vanity Bag. Reduced
from $35.00 to $15.00.
Maiu floor. Eleventh st.
25 Japanese Chiuu Trays, Bonbon Boxes and Puff
Boxes. Reduced from 25c, 50c and 75c to 15c, 25c
and 35c each.
Hammered Brass Flower Vases. Reduced from
$4.00 to $2.00 each.
2 Hammered Brass Fern Dishes. Reduced from
$8.00 to $4.00 each.
1 Hammered Brass Jardiniere. Reduced from
$10.00 to $5.00.
3 Hammered Brass Pictures, in wooden frames.
Reduced from $."{.50 to $1.75 each.
1 4-burner Bronze Electric Lamp. Reduced from
$42.50 to $30.00.
1 2-burner Electric Lamp, with green glass shade.
Reduced from $42.00 to $25.00.
I 1 ."{-burner Electric Lamp, with glass and bronze
I shade finished with bead fringe. Reduced from
$?>.00 to $43.00.
Main floor. G 8t.
& Lothrop.
is and ends, short lengths,
lected during the current
i undesirable.
tention, and careful shop=
Friday Bargain in
Women's Separate Skirts.
A lot of Separate Skirts, of figured mohair
and plain Panamas, In assorted styles
and colors.
ti ni"
i Regular prices, $7.50 and $10.00.
Friday Bargain in
Women's -White Suits.
A lot of White Duck~ and White Linen
Suits, embroidered Eton jacket, with flowing
sleeves and embroidered skirt to match;
assorted styles: all sizes.
$5.00 each.
Regular price, $15.00.
And these remnants: f
1 Wmnpn'a Tun Pherk fViflt Suit, with RtrftDlWl
seams; plaited skirt; sire 38. Reduced from $25.00
to $10.00.
1 Women's All-wool Jumper Suit, with Ftton
jacket and full-plaited skirt; size 36. Redu<*ed
from $38.00 to $18.50.
1 Women's Mousseline "Princess" Dress, with
fancy bolero, trimmed with Valenciennes lace;
size .18. Reduced from $08.00 to $28.50.
1 Women's Gray Voile Eton Suit. with fancy
jumper and full-plaited skirt: slightly faded; size
- \36. Reduced from $00 00 to $25.00.
1 Women's Green Chiffon Taffeta Silk Dress,
"Princess" style, trimmed with lace: plaited skirt;
size 36. Reduced from $35.00 to $18.50.
1 Women's Violet English Rep Eton Suit, "sample."
elal?orately trimmed with braid and lace;
box-plaited skirt; size 36. Reduced from $38.00 to
Friday Bargain in
Women's White Jackets.
A /* 9 WViHrt Fin nlr Qonorafa T a nlratff
in assorted lengths: sTzes 34, 36 r.nd 3&
$3-95 each.
Regular prices, $7.50 and $10.00.
And these remnants:
1 Women's Golden Brown Silk Coat. *4^*' length,
loose front, semi-flttinir back, braided collar; size
30. Reduced from $23.00 to $12.50.
1 Women's Gray Silk. RnW>er "Tourist" Coat,
trimmed In red; size 36. Reduced from $25.00 to
2 Women's Tan Raincoats, semi-fitting; sizes 36
and 40. Reduced from $25.00 to $15.00 each.
1 Women's Black Voile Coat, pony effect, trimmed
with braid; size 36. Reduced from $30.00 to
1 Women's Blacli Broadcloth Coat, strapped
seams, lined with gray silk; size 34. Reduced from
$25.00 to $12.50.
1 Women's Black Cheviot Coat, loose style, broad
strappings; size 38. Reduced from $12.50 to $7.50.
Women's Waist Dept.
A lot of Women's Fine White Lawn Waists, with
embroidered fronts and trimmed with lace; all
$1.90 each. Value, $2.50.
5 Women's Silk Clrlffon Waists. lace yoke*, silk
lined: nary bine, brown and green. Reduced from
$12.r,I) to $5.00 each.
4 Women's Ulack Taffeta Silk Waists. Ion?
sleeve*, buttoned down back: sixes 38 and 40. Reduced
from $7.no to $Ti.OO each.
2 Women's Navy Bine Silk Jumpers; slues 86
and 3S. Reduced from $8.00 to $3.7r> each.
J 4 women s wnite niina waists. nanu-emi
broidered fronts, elbow sleeves: sizes 34, 30, 38 and
40. Reduced from $8.75 to $7.50 each.
A lot of Women's Fine White Lawn Shirt Waists,
in assorted styles and size*",, at greatly reduced
prices. V *
Third floor, G st.
Masses* Department.
1 Girls' Black All-wool Batiste Dress, boxplaited.
trimmed with silk braid; size 12. Reduced
from $10.00 to $5.00.
1 Girls* Light Blue All-wool French Batiste
Dress, trimmed with silk and fancy braid: skirt is
plaited, and finished around bottom with tucks;
size 12. Reduced from $12.50 to $7.50.
2 Girls' White Dotted Mousseline Dresses, with
lace yokes, trimmed with lace and embroidered
medallions: sizes 8 and 10. Reduced from $13.50
to $7.50 each.
1 Girls' White French Lawn Dress, elaborately
trimmed with embroidery and lace; size 12. Reduced
from $18.50 to $10.00.
2 Misses' Pony Jacket Suits, in light tan and
green check, trimmed with velvet and fancy but|
tons; full kilted skirts: sises 14 and 10. Reduced
from $.'i0.00 to $18.50 each.
Third floor, G st.
tp rr> jl a.
jioy oepaatirxmeHiu
3 Mechanical Doll Swings. Reduced from $1.00
i to 25c each.
G Whirl-a-Mobiles. Reduced from 50c to 10c
G Children'* Weathered Oak Chairs. Reduced
from $2.00 to 95c each.
1 Felt Cat. Reduced from $2.00 to 50c.
3 Steam Engines. Reduced from $5.00 to $1.00
2 Electric Engines. Reduced from $15.00 to
$1.00 each.
1 set Lead Soldiers. Reduced from $3.00 to $1.25.
3 Dolls' Natural Hair Wigs. Reduced from $2.00
to 75c each.
2 Roly-I'olys. Reduced from $1.00 to 25c each.
1 Large Noah's Ark. Reduced from $3.00 to
1 Lawn Swing, with seats for four; slightly damI
aged. Reduced from $5.00 to $2.05.
Fourth floor, Eleventh st.
Fia mature Department.
1 Weathered Oak Magazine Stand, with three
rests for music or books. Reduced from $0.00 to
4 Weathered Oak Chairs, with leather seats on
wood: suitable for dining room or library. Reduced
from $5.00 to $2.05 each.
I Weathered Oak Table, mission style. Reduced
from $0.00 to $.'{.95.
1 Handsome Turkish Leather Rocker, for library
or club. Keduced from $.70.00 to $18.50.
1 Solid Mahogany Arm Chair. Reduced from
$35.00 to $13.05.
1 2-piece Parlor Suite, upholstered In silk plush.
Reduced from $35.00 to $22.75.
1 3-piece Parlor Suite, upholstered in silk tapestry.
Reduced from $45.00 to $27.75.
I Mission Ilall Rack. Reduced from $27.00 to
i 1 High-grade Golden Oak China Closet, Nelson Matter
make. Reduced from $85.00 to $40.85.
1 Golden Oak Buffet, with large linen drawer
and small lined drawers for silverware and napkins.
Reduced from $40.00 to $34.85.
I Refrigerator, fourth size; a good, reliable refrigerator.
Reduced from $21.00 to $15.75.
1 High-grade Refrigerator, good size. Reduced
from $18.50 to $14.35.
Sixth floor, G st.
Glassware Department.
3 10-Inch Pressed Glass Fruit Bowls. Reduced
from 50c to 25c each.
3 Pressed Glass Butter Dishes. Reduced from
Or r* fn 1 Al oopli
3 dozen Plain Glass Sherbet Cups. Reduced
from 85c to 30c dozen.
35 Imported Glass Vases, assorted shapes and
sizes. Reduced from 15c and 25c to 10c each.
8 dozen Pressed Glass Finger Bowls, two patterns.
Reduced froui $1.20 to 00c dozen.
1 Large Colonial Pattern Vase, damaged. Reduced
from $1.75 to 5Qc.
Fifth floor, Eleventh st.
Hoiuisefiuiriniislhilirag Dept.
2 Floor Sweeps, with hatfclles. Reduced from
$2.00 to $1.50 each.
1 .'{-burner Gas Stove, slightly damaged. Reduced
from $3.75 to $2.50.
1 Aluminum Chafing Dish, reduced from $5.00 to
$4.00: 1 reduced from $4.50 to $3.75.
1 Nickel-plated Tea Pot. Reduced from $1.50 to
3 Alcohol Stovea. Reduced from 50c to 25c each.
0 Nickel-plated Toilet Paper Holders. Reduced
from $1.00 to 75c each.
3 Nickel-plated Soap Dishes. Reduced from $1.00
to 05c each.
G Nickel-plated Tooth Brush Holders, reduced
from G5c to 50c each; 0 reduced from 10c to 5c
1 Nickel-plated Soap Dish. Reduced from $1.75
to $1.00.
6 Nickel-plated Tumbler Holders. Reduced from
35c to 20c each.
3 Enameled Ware Pitchers. Reduced from 75c
to 35c each.
1 Copper-hot torn Wash Boiler, reduced from $2.25
to $1.50: 1 reduce*! from $1.50 to $1.00; 1 reduced
from $2.00 to $1.25.
1 Copper Wash Boiler. Reduced from $3.00 to
1 Large Sheet-iron Oven. Reduced from $2.G5 to
2 a-quart "Alaska" Ice Cream Freezers. reduced
from $1.65 to $1.25 each: 1 reduced from $1.95 to
$1.50; 1 reduced from $2.35 to $2.00.
1 Patent Clothes Horse, slightly damaged. Rp.
I dured from $1.2T> to U5o.
! 1 Imported Kltrhen Shelf, reduced from *2 50 tn
I $1.00: 1 reduced from $:t.00 to $1.50.
I Fiftli floor, Eleventh at.
THE HAGUE, June 13.?The delegates of
various countries to the second Hague
peace conference, which will be formally
opened June 15. accompanied by a host
of Secretaries, technical experts and attaches.
together with a small army of
newspaper correspondents, are arriving
here by every train, and the lazy old Dutch
capital is beginning to buzz with an animation
such as has not been witnessed since
the conference of 1899.
The Austrian delegation arrived Tuesday
and were first on the ground. Gen.
Horace Porter, former ambassador to
France and one of the American -plenipotentiaries,
arrived yesterday, as did the
French delegates, Keirofcu Tsuruki and a
section oX-the Japanese delegates. Dr. Ruy
Barboza and his fellow-Brazilians, Gonzalo
de Quesada. Senor S&nguily and Dr. Bustamente,
representing Cuba, and John W.
Foster, former Secretarv of State of fhe
United States, who represents China.
The delegates from Central America
must make adhesion on behalf of their
respective countries to the convention of
ISO!), and this formality will be carried out
Friday, the 14th.
Already the feeling is prevalent among
the arriving diplomats that the United
States Is destined to play a great role in
the coming conference. Under her auspices
the countries of South and Central
Amprira will hp intrAHn^aH fn An a
footing of equality. The European delegates
entertain no doubt that all the representatives
of America will present a
practically united front at this conference
and that henceforth they will be an
Immense factor in such world conventions.
Some surprises are expected from the other
side of the Atlantic.
Late Instructions. ,N
Late instructions from Washington await
the delegates here, but the general position
of the United States may be summed up
as follows:
The most advanced position on every
question involving the peaceful adjustment
of international disputes, whether the sub|
ject comes up in the form of a proposal for
the limitation of the expenditures for nrmampnts
" iMitiij v/i ty
at sea, the extension of the principle of
arbitration, the permanent strengthening
of the personnel of The Hague tribunal or
the Drago doctrine.
The delegates are assembling in a .spirit
hopeful of furthering the unfinished work
of but upon the main question?the
limitation of armaments?much skepticism
is displayed.
Speculation preliminary to the formal
opening revolves about two questions:
Which power, if any, will present a concrete
proposition regarding the limitation
of armaments, and the publicity?of the
sittings? According to the latest information
Great Britain now desires America
to take the initiative in the matter of limitation.
M. Nelidoff. one of the Russian
delegates, at the first business session on
June 17 Intends to' propose the acceptance
r\ f tVia Pncolon nrncrro m TTtllPRR thfi (1UC8*
tlon of limitation Is formally raised on
Monday its postponement until the discussion
of the Russian program Is completed
would seem inevitable:
In the matter of the publicity of the
plenary sittings it is learned that Germany
has decided to advocate publicity, and. consequently.
the chances therefor have suddenly
become brighter. Germany, It Is declared.
fears that her position might be
misrepresented before the world if secrecjr
were observed. This change In her position
Is regarded as practically settling the question
in the affirmative, as America, pursuant
to her traditional policy in playing
the cards above board, openly advocates
publicity, and. with Germany favorable, no
Kuropeaa power is likely to assume the
onus of objecting. The motion for publicity
will be presented by the Dutch delegates.
Bishop Paret Says There Should Be
Kore Men for Ministry.
BALIMORE, Md.. June 13.?Bishop Paret
has Issued a pastoral letter to the clergy
and members of the Protestaut Episcopal
Church in Maryland, in whlth he speaks of
the lack of men taking orders in the church,
and in which he gently asks if some of the
fault does not lie with the clergy. The letter,
which is to be read In the churches,
follows. In part:
Dear Brethren?I ask your thought, your
prayers and your help in trying to meet a
need of the church which is very sorely felt
at this present time. We are praying, and
have long been praying, that 'the Lord of
the harvest would send forth laborers into
his harvest.' But our prayers seem to bring
no answer. For many years the number of
men seeking and entering Christ's service
fh the sacred ministry has been growing
less; not In Maryland only, but everywhere.
Rrethren ht the clergy, is it possible that
some part oT the fault may be with you?
Four times in a year there are the stated
times of ordination, and in connection with
them the Ember days and their special
prayers in relation to those to be ordained.
Every one of those Sundays would be a
grand opportunity for speaking to the people
about the sacred ministry and Christ's
call for ministers. If we emphasize these
Ember days and make their observance
real, might we not expect some result? Dear
brethren, I entreat you, speak warmly and
often to your people about this. Give it fair
place In your preaching. Why can it not be
made a custom that at each Ember time
one of the Sunday sermons should be concerring
the ministry, its nature, its divine
institution, the need of it, the work, and an
appeal to parents and to youftg men? It Is a
matter to which, in the training of his first
aiwistles the Lord himself gave a large part
of his three years of labor, to which he gave
his personal interest in the selection of men,
and about which he spake and taught much.
But is there not another fault? How
many of you, brethren of the clergy, are
watchinK and studying your boys and;
young men for this purpose? Are the boys
in your Sunday school ever warmly reminded
that Christ is calling some of them
to this grandest .'f all ways for using life
for him? I think of one parish where for
many years it has been the pastoral usage
to go personally to young men, inviting and
persuading them to this holy calling, and
that fidelity has been blessed with good results.
I must appeal also to Christian fathers and
mothers. Your influence In determining the
course of the lives of your sons is very great.
The calls of the world are very tempting:
its business and Its vari'ous proesslons, its
money-making methods. Will you add your
influence to those calls? Or have you faith
to suggest something better? You cannot
Wo Hn not ??lc it Phri?t rinpa nnt
ask that. But do not hold your sons back
from that higher calling. Help them to
choose it, and pray that they may do so.
Besides the clergy and the parents, the
parishes'or congregations have their special
duties In this respect. Every iairly strong
parish ought always to have at least one
candidate for holy orders', but out of our
more than 100 there are not more than five
that do so. And more than this, every really
strong parish?strong enough to be self-supporting?ought
to be making generous provision
for the expenses of the work <jf theological
education. Theological seminaries,
learned professors, the personal expenses of
the students all call for money.
Steel Trust in Minnesota. '
ST. PAUL, Minn., June 13.?The Minnesota
Steel Corporation is incorporated in
this state with W. E. Corey as one of the
directors. The organization is a branch of
the steel corporation. The purpose is to
erect fi steel plant at Duluth to cost $10,000,000
to manufacture steel rails and
structural iron right from the dump of the
iron mines instead of hauling the ore down
the lakes to Cleveland. \Y llllam B. Dickson
is named as president; George L. Reis. vice
president; William J. Elbert, secretary anil
auditor; Richard Trimble, treasurer. Others
on the board of directors are; Libert H.
Gary, William Corey. Thomas Cole, William
J. Olcott and Joseph Cotton. George
O. Swift is assistant secretary ; id assistant
treasurer. %
The final commencement- Exercises of
Washington and Lee University were held
at Lexington. Va . yesterday In Lee Memorial
Chapel, and sixty-six graduates received
their degrees In the various departments.
The annual address before the literary soninfino
nm a Haliirat'ail hv TV Hll ITliltlin I
Wright Mabie of New York city. The law
class oration was delivered by David Scott
MacDonald of Keyser, W. Va., and the
valedictory by Carl Converse Crockett of
Wllmore, Ky I
Tbo prtntf rooms la our nv Fireproof {
tfeo fir* Underwriter*.
'! Founded 1861.
) ) The Mnn Furnitnre and Floor ToIIAm i
J, prtatnatlre for weathered oak pieces.
| Some Special Y
| Sale of Mattii
| Bordered Carpet Rugs.
\ TamesH-rv Rrussells
I Reg. value. Special.
8 ft. 3 in.xO ft 4 in $18.05 $1075
8 ft. 9 in.xl2 ft $22.50 $14 85
8 ft. 3 In.xll ft. 9 In *21 .SO $12.85
9 ft.rtl ft. 3 In ..$20.10 $11.50
8 ft. 3 In.xll ft. 6 In $24.00 $1895
? 8. ft. 8 in.xlO ft. 1 In $17.50 $10.45
X 10 ft. 6 In.xll ft. 9 In $20.10 $19.50
v io ft. fi in *11 ft r. in vi-rir* sis riri
^ 10 ft. 6 in.xlO ft. C in $24.50 $1?.50
J 10 ft. 6 in.xll ft $23.25 119.50
| 10 ft. 6 in.xll ft. ? in *20.15 $19.00
t Velvets.
*f Rp|j. vnlue. Rpool?l.
8 ft. 3 in xll ft. 5 in $22.00 $10.75
5 8 ft. 3 In.xlO ft. 4 in $20.10 $17.25
V 8 ft. 3 In.xlO ft. 6 in $28.50 $20.00
i 9 ft.xll ft. 6 in $37.00 $181(6
X Axminster Rugs.
A ltrg. Jrslup. Sjh-oIHI.
18 in.xSO In $1.23 $1.00
27 in.x54 In $3.50 $2.50
? 36 in.x72 in $4.50 $4.00
J Luzoni Wiltoo Rugs.
J* Reg. value. Special.
I 27 in.x54 in $1.50 $1.39
X Smyrna Rugs.
Y " Rcc- value. Special.
? 21 in.x45 ia $1.73 $1.00
A 2C In.x54 in $2.30 $1.89*
4- 30 In.xOO in $2.75 $1.95
? 36 ln.x72 in $3.30 $2.25
?* in.xo-t in
| Heavy Tufted
A ' Reg. Talue. Special.
A 36 ln.x83 in :$7.50 $4.83
| Empire Rugs.
A Reg. value. Special.
J2C> in.x54 in $2.00 $1.50
30 ln.xOO in $2.50 $2.00
3G in.x72 in $3.00 $2.30
48 in.x84 in $4.50 $4.00
| Velvet Rugs. Y
Beg. ralue. Special.
X 10 ft. 6 in.xll ft $25.GO $20.00
A 9 ft. 8 ln.jtf ft. 10 in $27.60 $15.00
J 10 ft. 6 ln.xlO ft. 6 In *23.55 $18.25
| ^The sale of Din
offers exceptional val
| Sale of Towels
I -Covers, Napkins, Pil
I at Special Prices.
| W. B. MOSES & SONS, 1
IBon Marche. j 314=31
Special Sak
| at Very Lit
X When a woman once buys
jj without one?it is the most usefu
& it is economy to buy one for the p
X rain and dust. All styles in this s
in warranted rainproof and craven
$ $7.50 for $112,
I $10.50 for $113,
? $114.50 for $117,
| $117.50 for $22.
| All the Suit
i All the fine Spring'Suits are t
I- fice$10.00
for s:
$116.50 for $,
Others reduced proportionat
Sfilk Jumper
5 Very beautiful styles in tlies
X will sell tomorrow at $7.98. Wor
| 2 Special Lots 1
| at $2.98 a
X Very fine selection of pretty
X ers, foliage and ribbons, worth $7.
4 Special lot Hats trimmed in fl
5 ors. Worth $5.00 and $7.50. Cho
| Lot Burnt Straw Hats, in th
? leading colors; worth $1.25, $[.5.
Y opctidi iui rdiity rtdiiicib?
X black, white, navy brown, light
natural. Worth 75c to $1.50. C
| Bargains in Ch
*| Infants' 25c Mull Caps and K
|? Infants' Nainsook Slips (only
Infants'$1.75 Long Bedford
S Children's $1.50 White Dres
Y A A ~
x imfc lumueriii]
X Garments worth 89c ? F
? Drawers, Night Robes and Corse
y Lot 39c Kirponas?pretty pati
i* Lot 69c Batiste Corsets?sidi
I Marche. 314-316
John Burks, a young white man, who was
indicted several days ago for perjury in
swearing falsely to the age of his wife, Mrs.
Storage BuiMlag tr? tliormifhly ?i>pr. rd hj y
F St., Cor. S 11th. |
) rove absolutely satisfactory* A special vrii X
ralues From the |
lgs and Rugs. I
Chinese Mattings x
In neat effects. X
Special 8 J4C yard ?
jSpecial io'^c yard*
Special i^K,c yard I
Special 15c yard?
A flop heavjr, quality?absolutely fresh X
from China. In blue, erwn, red. t in A
atnl niultl-colorod effects. Regular o
value. "30C yard. Special, p .. J] <
JT per roll of 40 yards, or. ? j U > v>
Chinese Mattings?a line, clean, smooth X
Matting, in neat plaids, checked and X
striped effects. A very satisfactory- ?
wearing matting. Reg- 6
Special .3^../.ar, .23Iv4c vd.S
/A ^ I
Chinos? Matting?an extra heavy Mat- J,
ting, in multi-colored straws, in stripes, 3,
plaids, checks and mottled effects. An j>
especially fine, well-wearing A
mattiriR. Hesular value. A II / r> ?
37>/2C. Special Y
Peerless Matting?the Pride of Pekln? J
absolutely the liest value ever <^
In all colors and corr.t'inations of colors. X
Would he an excellent Ifkr* xinHi V
j value at 45c. Special o5U'^ A
nrvTT^ ? f..n 1 m ?? r?u:..??? %
i'lAi r* a 1 u 11 i ? v> .1 I villi irnw *
Matting in 30 of the prettiest effects X
ever produced in China Mattings. X
] Colors and patterns to suit every A
I one. Regular value, 50c
, yard. Special tVoJ'V JJf <Ui a
I CROWN ? a beautiful, smooth. Y
| clean China Matting; little color: X
I particularly attractive rnd inviting X
for bed rooms. Regular ^ A/-. ?.> # ?.
value, 60c. Special X
ROYAL?Tiiis is the finest Matting V
Imported. The patterns are ex- Y
clusively our own; finely and evenly Y
woven. Will wear splendidly and Y
! makes a * very pretty X
| special
..Extrtt 50c yd. I
Japanese Mattings. \
Japanese Matting, in striped and X
plal j effects. Regular X
cia\ue. yard . Spe: n?/2c yd. I
Japanese Matting?in carpet er- o
fects. In red. blue, green, tan and &
natural. A pretty Matting for the
parlor, dining room and bed room, y
Excellent value at T>SllZ,/? V
35c yard. Special for. ?"3/2** yU. 9
Japanese Matting?In plain white
ground with printed floral designs. I
26^c yd. f
Japanese Mattings?a variety of y
pretty effects in carp4t designs, also Jr
plain white ground with Inserted V
llgures. Suitable for parlor, dining
room, bed "room or sitting room. A
yard. W/jC yd. \
Japanese Matting?a f.ne matting
In red, blue, tan and multi-colored 9
?* ? ? D>v>?<ilna< tialno 4 0 _ _fl
on aw. i\tr?vnai
50c yard. Special /u? <>
ing Room Furniture ]\
ues. |
, Tea Cloths, Tray ::
low Cases and Sheets I
? !
" ? x
6 7th. Bon Marche. x
i Raincoats |
ttle Prices. |
a Raincoat she will never be A
i garment in the wardrobe; and V
rotection of other garments from y
ale tomorrow at reduced prices,
ctte. j;
,<0x0> Raincoats.
.50 Raincoats. |
SO Raincoats. ;?
JO Raincoats.
. TTVv II ? 11 f
s $
o be closed out now at a sacri- ^
2S.0 ) Suits.
30.0? Suits. ;!:
eIy. ?
Softs, $7.98. |
e desirable summer costumes ?
tli $10.00, $12.00 and $13.50. X
Primmed Halts I
nd $5.00. I
Leghorn Hats, trimmed in flow- X
50 and $10.00. Choice, $5.00 ?
ewers and wings?black and colice,
$2.98. &
e newest shapes and ^ tl ^ y
s.75 4 U
the wanted hat trimmings, in
blue, pink, tan and -5 tl &
Iioice aJ) 11 L X
. 2 mi ~ ,
ill mm ire hi s vv<eair.
nit Booties 10c x
tomorrow) 2 D C !?
Cord Coats 9>4c ):*
ses, 2 to 14 years 89c *
aosISn Sale. |
riday only, including Chemise, ?
t Covers?choice, 44c. ?
cms 24c X
.! supporters 43c X
> 7tlh St. I
" ^u Marciiie. X
Maggie Perkins Burks, to whom he was
married several months ago, was p.onultted
at Danville, Va., Tuesday >
--* .

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