Newspaper Page Text
SIX PARTS Including Star's Sunday Magazine and COLORED COMIC SECTION. WEATHER. Rain today. Tomorrow fair. No. 132.? No. 17.171. WASHINGTON, D. C., SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 29, 1907* FIVE CENTS. FLYER HIT FREIGHT; FIFTEEN MEN DEAD BacI Ccllision on B. and 0. at Bellaire, Ohio. SCORE ARE SERIOUSLY HURT Accident Laid to the Failure of an Operator. CRASH IN THE RAILROAD YARDS Only Two Cars Were Damaged, But They Were Awful Wrecks. Locomotives Demolished. WHEEI.ING, W Va. September 2S.? Flf* en men w? re killed ar.d a score in jur.-.] .1 number fatally, at Bellaire. Ohio, lit :t: 1 r. this afternoon, when the Chicago an.) Wheeling Express triin on the Balti more .iml Ohio r.i road > rushed into a freight train which was moving slowly on a Killing. The dead: K.l 14th street. Wheeling. W Hi,,m Shaw. '.-11 Market street, Wheel ing. *' irl l!er; ran. ITS'. 127th street. Milwau kee I., n Galbratth fr ig:-.t engineer, Nor w i 'k < iii.? F K Motz. freight conductor. Newark. Oh o. T. A. Tninlap. passenger fi-cman. W J Johns..n. freight engineer. N wark. Ohio. Han y English. Connorsvllle Ohio. Curtis Lafferty. Cambridge. Ohio. 11 Peterson. 7<>4 Willow avenue. Hobo ken N. J John Hawk. ??'. 4th street, . Tliree unknown. Following is a partial 1 st of the injured: Alfred Dalby, New York. Win. i'arrell. Albany. N. Y. F. Wilson. Patrick Elwood, 1*14 Is'h street. Wheeling. Barney Daily. I'ittsburg._Pa. W. L. Zimmer. F Jackson. Cambridge, Ohio. 1'. l.awson. Boston, W. v a. C. Johnson, North Addison street. Cam Lridg.. Ohio. D K. Glover, KIoo, Oh o. Atnootier, Newark, Ohio. W. C. Besaut. B. E. Kneer an<1 B. J. Blumbnugh, mail clerks; residence unknown. H. A. Lipscomb, passeng-r engineer, Newark Switch Was Open. The wreck was due. it is said, to the fail ure of an operator to throw a switch. The westbound freight had received orders to meet the passenger at the western im ts of the B. llaire yard, and was moving slowly s'otig ihe siding. At the point where the wreck occurred there is a very sharp curve, which prevents the engineers of eastbound trains from seeing more than a few feet : ahead. The passenger train swung around the curve very rapidly, being three hours late, and should have gone on in safety on tie main line. The switch to the siding, however, had not been turned, and the train shot onto the siding and Into the freight. There WSS Scarcely time to apply , the brakes and no lime lor the enginemen , to Jump. The two l.lg engines were reduced to | Junk by the hi!pa. t. bat the worst damage j was done to the smoker, which was tele ? .[ed so completely by the baggage car that every seat was thrown out of the cone':, livery occupant of the smoker was badly injure.!. The j assengers in the otlu r day h an.l the two Pullmans w.-re tumbled I rum their seats, hut not seriously Injured Engint er flail.raitli was burned to a criso by > s, aping st.-am The injured w.-re taken to the Glendale, \V. Va., and Bella re hos pitals. General Manager Fltzg. raid, who was in th. neighborhood on an inspection tour, itMi :..-rai Sup. rin'.er.dent W C. I.or ? ??? of i Wheeling personally superintended the res cue work (}r>-at difiii ulty was experienced In removing the injured passengers from the wr> k. .1 smoker. Work was slow be cau*. i very movement of the debris caused ?>.me on*- to shri. k with pain as the vic tims w?r. entangled In a mass of tim bers and twisted irons. Opera Company Caught. Arti..:.- the nassengers on the wrecked tra:r ?.-re the members of KicharJ Carle's "Spring ieken" comic (.pera, which was ti ha\- played at Wheeling this, afternoon and . u nlng. All the members of the com pin v escaped serious Injuries except Alfred l ilb> tlie musical dire.-t. r. It was found li" ? ,-sary to amputate his right arm, thus I niJint h-s i a tier in his pr fesslon. He was ib.lug in the sin ki-r and was found ?!tr i heavy tinili. r tightly binding liini by tt.. arms. l';n wr. eked passenger train left Chl*. f-.r Pittsburg huiI Wheeling at !>::?> |M1 night, and is known us train No. II. "I ,. tra'.n Is dlv.ded ai '"hleago Junction, part g ,:ik on to 1'ittsburx by way of Ak T n and tl. other part eoinlng through to Wheeling via Newark. The Wheeling end of tin- train consisted of six coa. lies. A: the of..- of Supt. l,oree tonight it was said that they w.-re not yet certain win. ii operator is t<> blame for the ac.-ldent. b it a thor. ugh Invest git Ion was under way The prop, rty damage will amount to Sh ut Jii".i?>.'. A eur.ous feature of the wr>. k that the baggage car and the smoker w. re the only cars on the passen ger train ilamag.-d. CORTELYOU AT CANTON. Preparations for the McKinley Monu ment Ceremonies. CANTON Ohio September 27. Th ? tlrst of the national guests of Canton to arrive for the Mi K nley monument dedication was Be'-r tary Cortelyou He came in today, snd Is at the horn-' of Justice Day tonight. Thl? afternoon le and Justice Day went ovi r l-.e details of the program for Monday. Gov Harris w.ll reach i'anton Sunday ?v.-nit g Vice President Fairbanks and Jam.s W'hlteomb Hiley, who Is to read a pot in at th;- dedication, will reach Canton tog* t her Monday forenoon. Col H 1> I'otts of the general staff corps ?f the I'nlted States Army, Atlanta, and Lli Ut A F Comiskey of the 7th I'llited States Cavalry, with Col Wright, chief of Staff of Gen. Charles DP k of the Ohio National Guard, today went over the line ?f mari-h for Monday The plans were ap proved and arrangements are completed for \ ? big military pageant. "SECRETARY OF PEACE" Mr. Taft Assumes a New Title in Japan. CORDIAL PUBLIC WELCOME Newspapers All Greet Him With Friendly Editorials. PHILIPPINES ARE NOT FOR SALE Makes This Flat Statement in Reply to the Question of a Native Interviewer. TOKIO. September 2S.?Secretary Taft ar rived at Yokohama early this morning and already hi? first day in Japan has contrib uted much toward reassuring the Japanese in the rr.nt!< r of the fe ling entertained re garding them in America. Thomas J. O'Brien, the new American ambassador to Japan, who arrived with Mr. Taft. did not fail i-n doing his part in the creation of a b'tter fee'inc between the two countries. The Tfnchl Shimhim. displaying commend able enterprise, publishes this evening a half-tone picture of the Secretary landing at Yokohama and an interview in which Mr Taft is quoted as saying: "America and Japan will always be friends. The ne cessity for arms in trade is something we do not recognize. I sp' ak as the Secretary of War of America, and also as the secre tary of peace." The newspapers tomorrow will publish simi'ar interviews as well as lengthy editorial articles, welcoming Secre tary Taft as the representative of "Amer ica. the friend of Japan." After an uneventful voyage across the Pacific from Seattle, which port she left September IX the Minnesota stole up Tokio bay just as dawn was breaking this morn ing ami anchored at the Yokohama quar antine station. No Function Sunday. The entertainment of the Secretary was* chang-d at a late hour today and all the arrangements made by the navy depart ment and the committee of the imperial household will be subordinated to this new plan. According to the expressed desire of the emperor, Secretary Taft will be re ceived in audience and entertained at lunch eon Wednesday. There will be no functions Sunday. Monday Count Havashi, the for eign minister, will give a lunch in honor of Secretary Taft. and Monday ntglit the mu nicipality of Tokio will give a dinner in his honor. Two hundred invitations have been sent out for this latter function. Tuesday the Secretary will lunch with H. Percival podge, the American charge d'affaires, after which lie will be given a reception by tin- residents of Yokohama, while Tuesday ev nir.g lie will be enter.ained at dinner by the minister of war, Lieut. Gen. Terauchi MasttkL \mong those who were received by Secre tary Taft on board the Minnesota this moining were a number tof the leading Journalists of Japan. Keplying to a felic itous speech of welcome. Secretary Taft said, referring to the matter of racial prej udices. that it was only necessary to refer his questioners to the message of President Koosevelt on this subject. As to the Philippines. The Secretary of War was then asked if the United Slates intended to sell the Phil ippine Islands. To this Mr. Taft replied that America had no int- ntion of selling, adding that he had no mission in Japan ex cept to bring a friendly greeting to and visit old friends on his way to Manila. Continuing, the Secretary outlined his proposed trip around the world and spoke of his plans for the future government of the Philippines. In conclusion Mr. 'laft said: ? The future lies in Mr. O'Brien's hands." Mr. O'Brien then made a brief address l-i* which lie said his mission was a peace ful one. and that lie was extremely grati fied at his reception here. The various re i ption committees, the members of the American embassy and others who had gun- down u Yokohama to welcome Mr. Taft were awakened by runners at an ?any hour this morning and by <:.(<> they boarded the Minnesota amid the bring or saluics from the shore and-the booming of seventeen guns from the American Chattanooga, -nchored in the bay. After the reception on the Minnesota Mr. and .Mrs Taft and Mr. and Mrs. O Brien had breakfast on hoard the steamer. 1 hen Mr and Mrs Taft came ashore In a launch from the Chattanooga and landed at the 1 ier, whence they were driven to tile (.rand Hotel, preceded by a squadron of cavalry. Mr Taft then rested for a few hours, after which be was entertained at lunch Dy Count Terashima. The Japanese commit tee of Welcome and several ?"cmhere ofMr. Taft's party also were present. Mr. O Brten, accompanied . y Mr. L>..dge, Peter Augustus Jav lirst secretary of the American em ba?*v and other members of the embassy staff came to Tokio at 11 o'clock and are temporarily quatered at the Imperial Hotel. Lodged in a Palace. Mr. and Mrs. Taft left Yokohama at 4 p.m. and arrived here at ten minutes of 5 They were received al the railroad sta tion by a delegation of high government officials and representatives of the Ameri can embassy. The outside of the station was gaily decorated in honor of the visitors. Owing to the fact that the hour of their arrival here had not been announced, only a small crowd of the populace had gath ered to greet the Secretary and his wife. At the railroad station Mr. and Mrs. Taft entered one of the imperial carriages and were at once driven to the detached pal ace of Shlba, one of the picturesque an cient residences of the imperial family. Once installed in the palace Lieut. Gen. Terauchl-Maoaki called upon Secretary Taft. and this visit the Secretary returned Immediately. HcCAMUON DEFEATED. Loses in Semi-Finals on St. Martin's Links. Special Dispatrh to The Star. PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. September 28.? The golf tournament of the Philadelphia Cricket Club at St. Martin's was finished today in a drenching rain, which, how ever. failed to interfere with the keen ness of the struggles for the various cups H. A. Mackey of Mt. Airy defeated O. McCumtnon of Chevy Chase in the semi-final round for the President's cup. The match was bitterly contested at every point, and it was not until the nineteenth hole that Mackey landed the victory. In the final round Mackey lost to A. 11. Smith of Huntingdon Valley by 2 up. A SUGGESTI LADY WARWICK ARRIVES NOTED ENGLISH BEAUTY AND SOCIALISTIC WORKER. Che Is Traveling Incog, as "lbs. Gre ville" and Denies Herself to Reporters at New York. NEW YORK. September 28.?'The Count ess of Warwick, traveling incognito, under the name "Mrs. Greville," was a passenger today on the steamer Campalna from Liverpool. The countess Is widely known for her socialistic work in England. The countess was met at the dock by former Representative Jefferson M. Levy of New York, whose guest she will be at the old Thomas Jefferson home at Monti cello, Va. The Rt. Rev. Arthur Foley Wlnnlngton-Ingram, Lord Bishop of Ixin don. will also be Mr. Levy's guest at Moii ticello. The countess denied herself to interview ers, saying that she was on a private visit and did not wisii to be bothered by re porters. Mr. Levy stated that there wad no truth in the statement that the countess had come to America to discuss socialism with the leaders of that cult In this coun try. She will remain at Monticello for two weeks, anil-will then return to England. SO-CALLED LUMBER TRUST. Grand Jury to Get Busy at Minne apolis This Week. ST. PAUL, Minn., September 28.?The federal courts will be in session In Min neapolis next week, and the grand Jury will begin an investigation of the so-called lumber trust, which Is understood to have its headquarters in Minneapolis, witnesses to the number of fifty having. It is re ported, been summoned to testify. Of this number, twenty are from this state and the rest from Iowa and the two Dakotas. It is understood that the government has been collecting testimony to show that the lumber trust has been using the mails for unlawful purposes in its crusade to squeeze the independent companies to exhaustion. The report of the grand Jury on this par ticular line of law infraction may be of a sensational nature. THE CINCINNATI MAYORALTY. Republicans Name Editor of the Volksblatt as Their Candidate. CINCINNATI, Ohio, September 28.?Col. Leopold Markbrelt, editor of the Cincinnati Volksblatt, past commander of the Ohio Commandery of the Loyal Legion, and widely known in both capacities, was today nominated as the republican candidate for mayor of Cincinnati. Representative Nich olas I.ongworth presided as chairman of the convention, which indorsed President Roosevelt and the republican national declaration of principles. While the platform did not make specific mention of Secretary Taft, former Mayor Fleischmann. who reported the resolutions, paid an eloquent tribute to the Cincinnati representative In President Roosevelt's cabinet. WILL RECEIVE APPOINTMENTS. Successful Candidates for Revenue Cutter Cadetships. The following named candidates success fully pass.-d the recent competitive exami nation for cadetships in the United States rt venue cutter service and they will receive appointments within the next few days: Eugene A. Coffin. Bayonne, N. J.; Jacob F. Guthrie. Chicago. 111.; William J. Kees ter, Chicago. III.; Ira W. Bird, Milwaukee, j Wis.; John A. Brlstow. Washington. D C.; Robert E. Messersmith, Fleetwood, Pa.; j J< remiah A. Starr, New York; Charles E. | Gray. Portland. Me.; John S. Baylls, New I York, and Henry Coyle, Portland, Me. Carmack Out for Governor. COLUMBIA, Tenn., September 28.?For mer United States Senator JMward W. Carmack today announced himself a candi date for Governor of Tennessee against Malcolm R. Patterson. ON TO THE ARMY'S NEAR-HC DENIED A NEW TKIAL CONSTANTINE SENTENCED TO LIFE IMPRISONMENT. CHICAGO, September 28.?Frank J. Con stantlne, recently convicted of the murder of Mrs. I.ouise Gentry, was today denied a new trial by Judge Kavanagh, and in ac cordance with the verdict of the jury was sentenced to life imprisonment at Joliet. THE STAR TODAY. The Star today consists of six parts, as follows: Papes. Part I?News 18 Part II?Editorial 12 Part 111?Magazine 20 Part IV?Women's anil Fashions 8 Part V?Sports 4 Part VI?Comic Srction 4 Part One. Page Fifteen Dead in Wreck 1 "Secretary of Peace" 1 La Follette Is Busy 1 Hearst's League Attacks Judges 1 Stranded in London 2 Canada Is Maturing 2 Warfield a Candidate 2 Mexico's Guests 3 New Jersey Politics 3 Alexandria Affairs 5 Government l'ier at Jamestown 7 , May Speak at Polls 10 Musical Mention 11 Army and Navy News 12 Ore of Mesaba Range 13 As the Cartoonists See the News 13 Delegates to S't. Andrew's Brotherhood 14 Anglo-Russian Pact 14 Financial Page 15 Part Two. Page. Society o Richmond Society 3 Alexandria Society 3 Editorials 4 In the Uealtu of Higher Things 5 The Theater 6 The Foreign Stage 7 Classified Ads s Classified Ads 9 The Midnight Guest 10 News of Local National Guardsmen 11 Local News 12 Part Three. Pag< THE STATUE. BY EDEN PIIILLPOTTS AND ARNOLD BENNETT 15 The Vanishing Fleets. By Roy Norton 3 The Spider and the Fly. By Ramsey Benson.. 5 Why I Became a Republican. By Speaker Cannon 7 The Record of Rusty Quinn. By Sewell Ford. 0 Campaigning With Sherman. By Oliver Otis Howard 11 The District Attorney. By Walter Hackett... 13 Part Four. Pace Stokers Delay Big Ship 1 For the Home Dressmaker 2 Practical Aid for Artistic Needlewomen 3 McKinley Memorial 4 Mr. Dooley 5 To Entertain Fire Chiefs 0 The Powers and Maxine 7 England's Parcel Post 8 Part Five. Tage. Local Foot Ball Season Open 2 Nationals Win 2 Ballot the Winner 2 Early Days of College Base Ball 3 Hope to Beat Last Year's Record 3 Batting and Fielding Averages of Nationals.. 3 Stories of#Base Ball Players 3 Foot Ball Prospects 4 Race Track Superstitions 4 Weather Favors Harness Horses 4 Tom Morris on Golf 4 Part Six. Page Sambo and His Funny Noises 1 Nlcodemus Napoleon James Crow, Esq 2 Wags?The Dog That Adopted a Man 2 Bub?He's Always to Blame 3 Prof. Fakem, the Naturalist 3 Brownie Clown of Brownietown 4 )RSEMEN. EDITOR OLDER IN HOTWATER PHASE OF THE SAN FRANCISCO GRAFT PROSECUTIONS. Arrested, Practically Kidnaped, and Taken Off Train on Writ of Habeas Corpus. SANTA BARBARA, Cal.. September Z> ? Fremont Older, managing editor of the San Francisco Bulletin, arrested In San Fran cisco late yesterday on a warrant charging criminal libel, was released at Santa Bar bara today by Judge Crow of the superior court In $:t,000 bonds. Older left for homo tonight. Older corroborated the statement that he was hurried out of San Francisco and placed aboard a train for Los Angeles af ter his arrest. He said that at San Jose he was allowed to telegraph to Rudolph Spreckels, telling of his plight. After some rapid work a writ of habeas corpus was Issued in Santa Barbara at 2 o'clock this morning, and Older was taken off the train to Judge Crow's court. The complaint on which Older was ar rested In San Francisco was tiled in Jus tice J. C. Summerfield's court In Ixis An geles by Luther Brown, an attorney. It charged criminal libel In the publication in the Bulletin ftf a story In which the name of Luther Brown Is alleged to have been confused with that of R. Kr.iwn, a detec tive, charged in the newspaper with con sorting with immoral women. FOUND DEAD IN AN OFFICE. Sudden Death of Bath (N. Y.) Man. Sisters Reside Here. Special Plspatch to The Star. ROCHESTER N. Y.. September 28.? Charles H. McMaster, a brother of Misses Juliet and Clara McMaster of Washington, D. C., died in liath, X. Y., last night at 7 o'clock. Mr. McMaster went into the sur rogate court at Bath last evening to read a newspaper. Later he was found up stairs dead by Surrogate Monroe Wheeler. His death was due to a combination of dis orders. Mr. McMaster was at one time an editorial writer on the New York Times and had gained prominence throughout the state as an orator. His remains will be in terred at Bath. TWO WOMEN KILLED. Shifting Train Runs Them Down in a Norfolk Street. NORFOLK, Va., September 28?Mrs. U. G. Munsell and Mrs. Henry Holmes, both of Springfield, Mass., here to attend tha Millenial Dawn Tract Society convention, were killed tonight at the corner of Main and Matthews streets I y a Norfolk and Western railroad shifting train. The police had to interfere to prevent Mr. Holmes I from Jumping Into the dock. CUBAN BANDITS DISPERSED. Not Believed to Be Members of Re cent Conspiracy Band. HAVANA, September 2.8.?A band of four teen bandits attracted the attention of the authorities of Santiago province recently, and today a detachment of rural guards was sent to apprehend them. Shots were exchanged and the bandits were dis persed. The government does not believe that the appearance of the bandits in Santiago province was part of the movement planned by the conspirators recently arrested here. They are believed to be outlaws, represent ing several foreign nations, who have been employed at the Santiago iron mines. Capt. Dougherty, supervisor of the rural guards at Santiago do Cuba, has left that city for the scene of the disturbance with an additional detachment of rural guards, and It is believed that the bandits will be captured within a few hours. Reports received from all other sections of the island say that quiet prevails. Guards Sent to Round Up Bandits. SANTIAGO. Cuba, September 28.?A train left San Luis today for the vicinity of Cueta Nlepe with a detachment of rural guards and their camp equipment to hunt down a band of so-called bandits, who have been located In a wood near Herrcra, in this province. Wisconsin Senator Candidate for the Presidency. AFTER HOME DELEGATION His Lieutenants in Clcse Touch With the Country. THEY KEPT HIM WELL POSTED Stories Rife Over Recent Conference With Isaac Stephenson?Rumors of Break?Taft Men Active. Special Dispatch to The Star. MILWAUKEE. Wis. September i!S ? Senator Robert M. La Toilette's determina tion to have his name presented to the next national republican convention as a presidential candidate Is no longer In doubt. His personal organization of the movement to secure at least the Indorsement of the Wisconsin delegation and his establishment of- headquarters at Madison, which will carry on a national campaign )n an effort to organize the La Follette sentiment In the various states, have made certain the fact that the senior senator from Wiscon sin has his ambitious eye on the \\ lute House. Speaker Herman L. Ekern of the [ last legislature has been selected by Sena ' tor La Follette as his campaign manager, the Madison headquarters have been opened and the dissemination of literature through out the country Is about to begin Even those closely in touch with the T.a Follette boom do not believe that he has any idea of landing the nomination plum this year, seeing Instead In the aggressive beginning which he is making but a fore runner of the tight which Is to be made In earnest in 11H2. Memories of the rep'ated defeats whieli lay between the struggling young lawyer and the gubernatorial chair at Madison, and which Instead of discour aging him aroused the spirit of dog?*>d persistence which has won him every vic tory in his political career., strengthen the conviction that La Follette is but paving the way. At a secret conference recently held In Milwaukee, where the movement to present his name to the national convention started with a few of his henchmen several weeks ago. reports covering the entire national field are said to have been submitted. These reports. It is declared, revealed a surpris ingly strong sentiment for the Wisconsin senator in all parts of the country, and his lieutenants assert that if this sentiment can be organized and induced to evpress itself in the selection of delegates to the national convention he will be a candidate to be reckoned with. Even while the conference wap in session men connected with the Taft campaign were in the city working energetically, and there is every indication that Wiscon sin will be regarded as one of the storm centers of the coming campaign. Methods to be followed by La Follette's bureau will .be marked by the same thoroughness and attention to detail which have been such vital factors in his former successes. It is known that La Follette men anticipate opposition to the senator's control of the state, and Speaker Ekern has power to call to his assistance all the lieutenants who have been prominent in the La Follette movement from the start. Each county is to be organized. In Wisconsin the contest will be more or less along personal lines, but while the exact nature of the campaign to be waged In other states is not known, it is gen erally believed that advantage will be tak n of the popular feeling of discontent against existing conditions, the trusts and tlte railroads. It is held that Senator La Fol lette's views are extremely popular. Plenty of Funds Despite Poverty. It has been a peculiar fact connected with La Follette's career that while per sonally a poor man his political interests have never suffered fo.- lack of funds It is announced now that the Wisconsin cam paign will be financed by local men, the senator's supporters in each county, and that In addition to this, money in suh?i stantial amounts will not be lacking to do th" work In the oth"r states. Closely ld-ntlfled with the financial side of the campaign is a general curiosity as to what took plac? at a lengthy meeting btw-en Senator La Follette and Senator Iraac Stephenson, his special political angel, at the time of the general conference. Two stories regarding this meeting nre current, one that a harmonious understand ing was reached and the other that a break occui rt d. Those believe that La Fol lette still has use for Uncle Ike, the man who has born the bulk of the expense of the La Foiled- movement In Wisconsin, assert that the man from Marinette Is expected to stc-etly contribute J100.000 to th* presidential fund in exchange for the promise that ho shall succeed himself in the United States Senate after the expira tion of his short term as the successor to former Senator John C. Spooner. Two vers!'lis of the break between the two senators exist. < whieh is known to be authorized by La Follette himself Is tliat he has ref".s~d to support Stephen son for the long term and that he has served notice r>n him to this effect and that he will refuse all offers of financ-ial as sistance from Uncle Ikej's millions. Others ? ass- rt that it was Stephenson who did the serving of notice, he declaring that he in tended to pay his obligat'on to Lieut Gov. W D Connor, who threw l is support in the last legislature to Stephenson and broke the el"adlo< k. with the understand ing. It is said, that he was to have Ste phenson's support in the fight for the long term It Is known that Conno plays no part in La Fi Uette's political plans with the possible exception of his pr? sent posi tion as lieutenant to Gov. DavW.son, who will be supported for renomlnatlon by La Follette and his henchmen. Indications are that La Follette has succred-d in get ting Davidson back into th? fohl. In fact there are wlie< is within wheels in the poli tical situation in Wiscon3hn. Lost No Time in Flannin<j. Immediately after his return from Wash ington La Follette began laying t'.ie foun dation for the political program which hael as its first siep the executive mansion at Madison. He anr.ouncrd himself : s a can didate for the republican nomination for governor in IS!'*? and was defeated. He an nounced himse-if again In 1898 and again he was defeated. Then came two years more of quiet campaigning, and in 1!*K> his biennial announcement was followed by the nomination and election. Re-elected twice In spite of opposition which rent the party in Wisconsin in twain, he had scarcely entere.i upon his third term as governor wi n the legislature was e tiled upon to eWt ?? successor to Senator Joseph Very Quarles, for whom the political knife was unshea.h-d. and when the smoke of the contest lifted La lr diette had d< -id d to have Madison for Washington. Assum ing his position in l!*o.~>. he liecame ih< senior senator from W isconsin a year later through the resignation of John C. Spoon- r. His term In the United States S>natc ex pires In 1U12. H" hf.s two national conven tions before then in v hich to make gi.od In his aspiration to step direct from tie Seenate house . '<> the House. To those who have followed the relentlessin-s ? of his career ti.e outcome Is trau-jh* with a personal interest outside of th< national issues involved. HEARST'S LEAGUE Aim JUDGES Accuses Them of Favoring the Trusts NULLIFYING STATE LAWS Attorney General Jackson Makes Bitter Arraignment. APPOINTIVE SYSTEM OPPOSED Independent Candidates Named at a Vociferous Convention Held in Carnegie Hall. Speclnl From n Staff Orresponflfnt. NEW YORK. September Vr. William R. Hearst's Independence J/eagu? In con vention called to nominate two candidates for judges of the court of appeals, made a violent assault tonight upon the Judiciary of the state of New York. Sensational speeches were delivered and a platform adopt-d which scored in bitter terms the Judiciary, and even mentioned by name ona r.f the proposed candidates for re-election In a highly uncomplimentary connection. The attorney general of the state of New York, llr. William S. Jackson, who was electee on the Hearst ticket. In the cou so of a speech before the convention made this bold statement: "It is not exaggeration to say that every law. without exception, adopted to check the operation of trusts In restraint- of trade or to bring their promoters within the range of the criminal law has been com pletely frustrated and pa'alyzed In the coui ts. "The efforts of the attorney general huve been thwarted, not by decisions upon the merits of the actions he has sought to In stitute. and has Instituted, but by Judicial delays, which have held him at the thresh old of the court "In the meantime, the men whom the Attorney General believes and alleges to be criminals, and whom the law declares to be criminals, are still administering the high responsibilities attached to their con trol of great corporations." "No Office Above People's Control." Mr. Hearst himself, in addressing the con vention. of which he was chairman, said In the course of his remarks: "Beware of those who would take the judiciary out of politics by placing it In the hands of politicians. Look for no clean ju dicial ermine that has been a can didate by the grimy hands of political bosses. "Tnose who favor the nomination of judges in behalf of special interests by a back room committee dominated by party bosses would take the judiciary out of the hands of tiie people, out not out of politics. "I admit that a Judge must construe the law according to his lights, but I declare that when a judge Is found who continually, persistently and almost uniformly con strues the law in favor of special Interests and contrary to the welfare of the whole people. It is time, at least, to turn on an other ligiit. "1 maintain that the people have a right to consider a judges acts and to criticise a judge s acts, and to reward, punish, elect or reject, or re-elect a Judge according to his acts. There is no office created by the p -opie that can be above the commendation 1 ul ti.e people, above the criticism of the peopie, above the control of the people. "-Moreover, it is not necessary that a judge be corrupt, it is not necessary even that ho become incompetent, for the people to reject him; It is sullicient if tlie natural bent of his mind leads him continually to render opinions contrary to the good of th.i state and the welfare of the citizens. "The fact mat an unsatisfactory Judge has been on the bench for fourteen years is not an argument for his retention, but for his retirement. Indeed, it is a potent argument for shorter terms In order to give the people an earlier opportunity to retire unfaithful judges. "1 believe in the direct responsibility of all officials. Including judg.-s, to the peopie, and in short terms, to keep those officials constantly conscious of that responsibility." The occasion for the outbreak against the Judiciary was afforded In this way. By authority of the last state conventions, the republican and democratic state committees were empowered to nominate candidates for judges of the court orf appeals, without call i ilig a convention, and plans are now under I way for making those nominations. Mr. 'H-arst's Independence League thereupon called a convention and decided to nominate candidates in that way. Attack on Judge Bartlett. The platform adopted at tonight's con vention calls attention to this difference between nomination by convention and al leged dictation by party bosses, and takes occasion to criticise severely Judge Edward Iiartlett, one of the proposed democratic candidates. The Independence Leagu . of which Mr. William R. Hearst is the originator, sponsor and supporter, held Its convention in Car negie Hall to nominate candidates for elec tion to the bench of tiie court of appeals. 1'hese were chosen: Reuben R. i'>011 Steuben county; John P. McDonough of Al bany. r publican. , , . . It was a miserable, rainy night, anil the attendance in the hall was lessened In con seouencJ. l?ut what was lacking In num bers was mad ? up In voclferou'ness Inside the hall there were two elements th. usual claque of the ordinary Hearst me 'ting, noisy, demonstrative and quick to respond, and the little groups ot minded men fre.m up-state who real J,'take the tiling seriously, iou can .-pot them in a minute; they are very intent upon the business In hand and think they are en gaged In a movement for the upl.ft. On the back of every mans seat was a small American flag to come In handy when the word was given for a demonstra te n As the evening wuxed. some march ing clubs rolled in. and. pervading the hall with drum and trumpet, aroused the be draggled and wet-footed crowd almost to a point of enthusiasm. Attorney General's Accusations. The sensation of the evcn'ng was cre ate .1 by the attorney general of the state of New York. Jackson, making a bitter attack upon tiie judiciary of the state, li will be ree ll-d that Attorney Ui neral Jackson was elected to office on Hearst ticket, along with the entire democratic tick.t below iht- governorship. The a'.torr.ej geni al, after making his o'lenin" charge, went on to particularise. II. l that I eiT >ns to enforce the 6i>-cent ta.8 aw been crippled by quib