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THAW IN CONTEMPT' MAYBE ; BUT LAWYER FAILS TO HURRY " REFEREE TO ACT. > (i Bankruptcy Case Up?Counsel far Creditor Objects to Absence " of Debtor. * PITTSBT'RG, Pa.. September 11?The " econd hearing in the bankruptcy case of | Harry K. Thaw was held this morning ' before Referee 1n Bankruptcy W. R. 11 lilair Two attorneys, \V. C. BoyJ of a. I Poughkeepsie. N. V., and S. A. P. Meyer of Stone .y Stone, were present. f . Attorney Boyd asked what had be n y dor e with a view of bringing the bankrupt ^ to attend the meeting of his creditors to- ^ day. Referee Blair informed him that ^ Attorney Meyer had personally served . notice on Thaw at the .'ail In rough- * t kecpsie. Attorney Boyd, who represented H. X. gt Blain, proprietor of a restaurant at " . Poughkeepsie. called Referee Blair s at tention to section No. 41 of the bank- ^ ruptcy act. and alleged that the absence ^ of Thaw frotn the meeting today practi- ' cally amounted to contempt. 1+e asked ~ * the referee to issue a certificate of the y proceedings, so that it might be brought ^ to the attention of a judge in the United State- ' district court, who mi^ht take 9i proper action on learning that the bank- y rupt had failed to put in an appearance. Referee Blair stated that he did not think It was altogether right and fair for y a petitioner in bankruptcy to be cited for ' contempt of court five minutes after the ~ calling cf a meeting of the creditors, at * which he had b'sm asked to be present y He said 1 v ould refuse the certificate. J and requested \ttorney Boyd to be sure of each step he took in the proceedings. y Attorney Boyd then left tlie referee's ' office with a promise to return later. A second a;tempt by Attorney Bovd 9S to secure a certificate to Judge young y of the United States court was made ' shortly after noon today and failed. * Referee Biair held that the bankrupt 9 who was ordered to appear today is not y in default until tiie day is over, and sug- gested to Attorney Boyd that tomorrow * will be time enough to secure tlie certifi- y rate. He also suggest' 1 that the petition for the certificate should show a reason ^ for taking the matter in:o the courtroom. * STAMPEDE AT RACE TRACK. *J Horse Runs Into Crowd at Wheeling, * W. Va. J WHEELING, W. Va., September 11.? 5 Three persons were injured, two of them * probably fatally, at tlie state fair grounds ^ last evening when the spectators crowded upon the race track and were run into by 9 one of the contesting horses. y The injured?Eugene Keyser, Wheeling, struck in the breast by the horse, will * probably die; Frank Jones. Wellsville. * Ohio, upon whom the horse fell, internal injuries, condition critical; \V. L. Rhodes of Guttenbtrg. N. J., driver of the horse. " thrown to the track, hip and shoulder in- y Jured, will recover. ^ Scores of other persons had a narrow escape in a stampede.The crowd, estimated y at 35.000. in its excitement to see the tin- y lsh of the 2.16 trot, made a rush for tlie * track and the police and fair officials were powerless in their efforts to keep the y people back. * The horse Margate was nearing the wire * at full speed when he ran into two spectators, throwing Rhodes from his sulky J. and starting a panic in the vast throng. * . *, SOUTH CAROLINA'S PRIMARY. ^ Renomination of Railroad Commis- y sioner the Feature of the Election. 9 COLUMBIA, S. C , September 11?Of- * ficial and complete returns from Tues- y day's democratic primary show that y Banks L. Caughman, Incumbent, has been re-elected railroad commissioner over ^ James Cansler by the small majority of 797 votes out of a total vote of 110,021. A ^ feature of the contest is the fact that * never before has a railroad commissioner 9 succeeded himself in office. V The total votes for the various offices y follow: For United States senator? E. D. Smith, ^ 60.318; John Gary Evans. 59,655. y For superintendent of education?Swear- ' lngen, ?',l,2S8; Mellichamp, 48,291. * Rai road commissioner?Caughman, 55,- 9, -itw#; Cansler, 54.612. y Smith, Swearlngen and Caughman have been nominated. Congests for other state ^ offices were settled two weeks ago. ? These nominations are equivalent to ' * election. * * SAYS HE S BEAL PRIEST. ! * * Chicago Authorities, However, Ar- t rest Antonio Lubicz. ? CHICAGO. September 51.?Antonio Lu- f , biez, accused of obtaining money on a i y false pretense of being a Catholic priest, i J surrendered himself to the police jester- , day. lie denied the charge, and said the scandalous stories circulated about him \ originated with Mrs. Mary Pillars, for-) * merly employed by him at t?he orphanage j * ; in 3?>tli street, whic-h is known as St. } * Joseph s Orphan Home. V "I am a regularly ordained Catholic j priest," he said. "The orphans' home is j legally incorporated. I solicited alms, but 1 had a right to do so. I ain an independent Catholic priest." The independent Catholic movement, which started in France, was represented in America by the Rev. Joseph Rene VI- ! latte. w ho termed himself the Catholic j archbishop of America. Lubicz had in his possession a brief dated January .'t. ' and signed by Archbishop Vilatte. authorizing him to build churches and solicit funds for charity. The three sisters who were employed , by the priest to collect alms for the or-1 phanage will be arraigned today on ! ' charges of disorderly conduct. They will ; be questioned also concerning the reports . of immorality at the orphanageON WAY TO NAPLES. Advance Guard of Battleship Fleet Leaves Port Said. PORT SAID. September 11.?The American battleships Maine and Alabama, which are acting as an advance guard . of the main battleship fleet on its voyage around the world, left here today for Naples. They arrived yesterday from Suez While steaming from Colombo and Aden they ran into a monsoon, which delayed their arrival at the latter port by twen. ty-four hours Otherwise their voyage lias been without incident. Atlantic City's First Mayor. ATl.A "!' TY. X. J.. September 11. ?Oh;-' ' tn Leeds, aged elghtythre* ?. . mayor of Atlantic City immediate.> after it was incorporated in i 1K.V4. s ?'< if] at his home here. Mr. heeds was mayor for three terms antl was for i twenty-three years treasurer of the re- i sort j lie was the son of Jeremiah I.oeds. the : first settler on the island on which At- i lantic City now stands. Mtouei Won't Yield to New SultAn. CASABT-ANCA. Septcmher 11.?Abd-KlAziz. the former Sultan of Morocco, has written a letter to Mtough one of his leaders, thanking him for his support, but saying that he had decided to abandon the struggle. Mt"Ugi replied that he j would never submit to Mulai Hathl. and I it is believed that he intends to enter the j - field against the new ruler of the empire, i * : Sues Lynchburg for $250,000. LYNCHBI'RO. Va.. September 11.?C. G. Williams of New York the contractor for the elght-hundred-thousand-dollar ' gravity water system, completed for . - Lynchburg a year ago. has lnstl- > *. tuted suit against the city, claiming.' - $2.ri0.ono damages for extras and other * ' charges in connection with the contract Former Gov. David B. Hill of New York m will be among his counsel in hhe cace which will be brought up at the March 1 term of the federal district court here. s Girls' Sailor For School Wear. ( Regular $5 Value, c Special sale tomorrow of a lot of Girls' Suits?a favorite style for school wear. ^ collar, trimmed with white braid, finished 1 blem and silk tie. Skirts made extra full and wide. Sizes Tnmnrrniv at $2.o& instead of five dol (Juvenile Women's New Fa Regular $25.00 Values The woman who is ready to purchase here tomorrow of such a character as to c< man-tailored garments bought under regul; facturers?brand-new styles of unusual wor Stylish Man-tailored Suits of all-wool visible stripe cheviot and striped serge: new semi-t models. 32 inches long: trimmed with bands of silk tache braid: man tailored collar and natty coat Vc skirt made with wide flare, all gored and trimmed wil sets of braid. Another model is smartly tailored with new low revers, semi-fitting cutaway front, but Sale ?f Hand Regular $7.00 Va See these New Fall Waists tomorrow beauty of designing at a moderate cost. Charming Waists for street or eveni styles, elegantly tucked and trimmed with Waists in tailor-made designs; Beautiful handsomely inserted with colored effects. Choice of long or three-quarter-length white. Regular seven dollar values tomorrow ] i Mera's aed Yooinij I FALL StJ ; A Remarkable Offering c weight Suits, Worth $1 and $16.50. !! Tomorrow at I! Another illustration of the Goldenbe , Men's Clothing at noticeably lower price , where for as good quality garments. 1 the more important when you consider t the most desirable character, stylishly i ? ; lored?in just the weights required for fz Materials consist of worsteds, cassir ' ! in plaids, stripes and neat dark mixtu * grays and browns. Three-button sack coat models; size; ^ Every man who has a need for a net i should be on hand tomorrow to share tli > " Choice of values worth $12.50, $ij k $8.75. Men's Fail Hats No^ Our new fall stock of Men's Hats is ' the new shapes are shown In Soft and Stiff Ha ' greens, which are destined for great popularity. , ,, $2, $2.50 and $3. fTTKl O Tl T7TT J mmmea Mat! New Fall Styles Actually W The new fall and winter styles are stril artist-milliners have successfully caught tl dashing French hats and modified them ments of Washington women. Many new and lovely hats will be on low price of $5?an illustration of our polic for small money. An immense assortment of styles, in large, medlut the soft, rich color tones of autumn. They are of fine quality felt or covered with faille Many are trimmed with fine quality feathers, breasts and fancy effects. Hats that are actually worth seven to nine dollars ?oOo UetrSmniinnied Hal Regular Price, $1.98 A beautiful assortment of new fall < Hats, made of tine quality satin, in black, brown, n leather. Mushrooms and other new shapes, with hi) small and medium shapes. Regular $1.98 value tomorrow at 98c. | ? j Sturdy "Insure | and Girls5 (We're readv to meet the increased d< brand-new stocks of reliable quality foot' Our aim has been, and always will I with the oualitv offered. Such shoes art * * f | which binds us to "make good" for any ' T Girls' "Ideal" School Shoes; spring anr ' I lieels. made of high-class leathers by the best wor t I and famous for wear and comfort. Choice of all 1 I ers, including black, tan and patent leather. ? I 5 to 8 at $1.25. f T 81/2 to 11 at $1.50. I | \i]/2 to 2 at $1.75. f, I 2x/z to 6 at $2.00. i f Boys' "Economy" Shoes, built of si * ? materials and intended for hard service. Made o * 1 calf and kldskin. in blucher or lace styles. E wid *J ? 10 to xy/z at $1.25. j I 1 to 2 at $1.50. (i t 2}/z to 5 at $1.69. >: \ Women's Broadlc l tn ? H ^ New fall models in Women's Coats?j it Particular women will like the superior tai it garments?which cannot he duplicated els< It Fashioned of satln-flnlsh broadcloth and imported 1 med with cloth straps cf self-material down front ar i Nobby velvet coat collar, finished on front with ^ Lined throughout with satin. The covert jackets rich black. ^ Regular $12.1'8 value tomorrow at ?.Ti. JT |T |P JT |T r IT ?r |T ?C |T ?e |C |T |C |T |T |T ?T |C __________________ /j _______ _ _ _ m _ ______ S_ ?>1__ ) i OPEN UNTIL 9 0'( ^ Mllt?9 | I 11-wool Serge Sailor j i lade with deep sailor i 1 with embroidered em- | ? "THE DEPE1 6 to 14 years. j | ?JgV]gNTH ^ Departmpnt. Third Floor.) I * .ir Suits, CIO 7E mrsi*r> tr* ir r> tvk r ill I W m m # >9 U H-PUJIIOWU U VV 9 A y V her New Fall Suit will find the advantages of buvit ampel attention. W e offer a special lot of handsome ar price from one of New York's foremost suit man th and smart styling, at $19.75 instead of $25.00. I through with four buttons, finished with pocket at breas finished on edge of coat with satin fold: rich, plain fla itting skirt, finished with fold and trimmed with satin. sou" Choice of black and fashionable shade ipels; such as dark green, navy blue, smoke and brown. Included in the assortment will be four I the smart styles suitable for small sized women. toned Regular $25.00 values tomorrow for $19.7 .soma? Fall Waists dyes at ?, <, , ? * at $4.98?they will prove a revelation to the woma ing wear, of messaline satin, rich taffeta silks, plain i fancy net yokes; Messaline Waists, all tucked and Net Waists, embellished with rich medallions and 1 1 sleeves. Black and new fall shades, such as browi at $4.98. # I' Children's Clot Men's I Sold at Three C I ' r TT [/~| r\l f Special sale tomorrow o i Fall Reefers, made of plain k/j) ? trimmed in several stvles. S J LUiiais. f 11 * Sizes 2 to 7 vears. Reg )f 200 Fall- j * 2.50r $15 j Men.g paJ| (Men's Medium-weight TTnderw in merino and derby ribbed cot shirts with long sleeves; drawers with reinforced seats. ^(1 Special for one day at Men's Fancy Seamless Half H w jp ^^ i made with spliced heel and toe. i large assortment of embroidered rer Dollar of Sflhnrr 4 fects, sizes to 11. < prS Hullt? OI i Regular price, 2oc pair. j[ A s than prevail else- * Special ;he savings are all | -otis-'ii'ibrtegan Under? hat the SllltS are of I shirts with long and short slee maHc niirl well tni- I drawers with reinforced ^ rnaue ana well tat , seat; all sizes. Sold regularill and winter wear. I ly for 50c. special at nere< nnrl rlipviotc * ? Men s W ool Sweaters, in graj, 1 neres ana cneviots, I whUe blaf.k and gray res, overplaids, in ? and blue; extra well ao <** * f made; sizes .14 to 44. Spe, , f oial at ? 33 to 42 m the lot. j lis unusual bargain. ft , 9 5.00 and $16.50 for | WOOIldni S m, . II $2.50 Shoes, W R?3Lyy<. f ! vi now complete. All ? I ^lloVOo its, including the new | j Women's New F a 1 1 f Shoes of calfskin, kidskin am i ? shiny leathers, in button, lac ?'? ?. ? .>..? >??. j and blucher styles. ^ i Light, medium and heav; i weights. rrlm rM Sizes 2% to 8. Special at 510 ^ (\J/ o j pair. Wth) $7 to $9. :y of selling fine hats ^ wllii 1 ill 11 n and small-size shapes, in MerCUlV W ing Combs ( . silk or 8atin. actly like illustration), brilli others with large wings, rllinestOlie Studded, lUOSt S' i tomorrow at five dollars. ish and popular shape, sil setting; beautiful tortoise si t?, 98c? finish. Regular S2.50 va! ' ? Special at 08c. I Fach ' *?Hair Barrettes; tortoise shell shapes in Untrinimed amber finished shapes and designs aw blue green arav and eluding the new Venus barr Sh or low crowns. Large. which cannot slip or lall out |i a oi tlie hair. Values worth up ^ to lite. Special at ill if f f ' t > f if if if if f if f .f .f if if if if if if ?f ?'Tf -*" d5' Shoes for Boys' School WeaFo emands for Goldenbcrg's "Insured" School Shoes with wear at prices that carry saving with satisfaction, be. to supply reliable shoes at lowest prices that agree ? those which are sold under the insurance guarantee possible fault in quality or workmanship. 1 low Girls' "Wear-Well" School Shoes; in lace, krnen button and blucher styles. Choice of box calf and gun eath- metal leathers; lhw and spring heels; D, E and EE widths. The'sturdiest and best wearing shoes you can buy for the children. 5 to 8 at Sl.OO. 8>j to ii at Si .25. 1 i kS to 2 at $1.50. ;urdv 2>S to 6 at $1.69. ithb?X Boys' "Ever-Wear" Shoes, made of solid leather, in box calf, gun metal calf, kidskin and patent colt; blueher and lace styles: sizes 1 to ."ho; D and E widths: broad and narrow 11 /Th O toes. Every pair INSl'RED for wear Crt H and satisfaction ^ sloth audi ^7 K ;gular \<n,frd?<U'o U (& 2.98 ValuesJ/dl^r ^ u ^ list the styles and weight suitable for early fall wet loring and the excellent quality fabrics found in the tvvhere in Washington for less than $12.98. English covert cloth; 30 inches long; half tight-tilting models, trii id hack. small lape'.s; plain tailored coat sleeves. are in fashionable shades of tan and the broadcloth garments a ... . ??? ?? ?* :lock tomorrow night. new i u Imported Brooch* n beautiful enamel s || 11 plated finish; also i set^ designs. Choic? 1 preen. etc. with ndable store." " ii t^el; r^u,ar ? " || Imported Nickel iMO Ikf STPIPIPTS. :: :: 44 * **?? ? 44 ^ 4,?" m ~ i i ring: mesU, long t k value. For..., : BELTS. * ] gale New Fall Styles at iv Little Prices. ^/j U- Special lot of new style Belts, in- Zj^^V eluding the popular "Directolre" Belt. made of good quality taffeta silk and I I 3t; peau de soie, black only, six I I re new designs, with silk tassel a .r*. ' ^ and fringed sash effects. Spevial at Elastic Belts, in black and colors, ~ " " plain and shirred silk elastic, all made \ou'll alwa id with stylish buckles, includ- Satnrrlnxr ci ing tlie new dip effects, in => UUi odllirUd\ Sc gilt. French gray and black Rainbow. (Vocal > enamel hnisli. Special at Are You Slncerei ' Taffy. S Summertime. /~| /7*\\ Take Me Out to /A I I I 1 \ I V )) My Dream of tin // I II 1 I Smarty. // J. \\^| I AOx Sweetheart Days. 3^. n O Star Dance music. Special m who appreciates smart style and r" 9 nets and La 1 osca nets. Tailor-made 4 ^ J. trimmed with fagoting; Plain Satin | 03.ll ace yoke; Waists of La Tosca net, ? n, ecru, light blue, cream, pink and 1 ExtfclOrC i | These S; I* age early si quoted on ju specified hoti , al2ke'. C0Sm? and novelty cloth materials, prettily I Dr- J P- Pray s 11 ,i -.i f Regular 50c bott some have collars, others are without t and Almond c f Regular 25c boti i c i n I P-a Parisienne T pilar $3.00 values tomorrow at $1.98. | soap, large ha intra * toor?juventie uepartment. xwguiar iuc ,, Seltzer ' ,, Regular 50c bo 1T|-?q o ft o for the hair... Furnishings. : t&,wsjss ' various shape: ear. Men s Neglige Shirts, extra full cut <> lar prices. 50c ton; and well made, in a large as- " Electro Silicon, ?. soriment of light and dark " cleanser. Reg J)C colors; sizes 14 to 17. Spe- Sewing Machin cial at (l will not gum; ose. Men's Glastenbury All-wool Medium- ,, 79c 10-4-size in a weight I'nderwpar. In gray; shirts Blankets; pir ef- with long sleevefef draw- fl /f> ders s ers with reinforced seat; || $3.00 Soft-top Q sizes up to 50. Special at... i covered with i Men's Bath Robes of eiderdown and \ bound edges; terry cloth, in a large assortment of ? feet H ear; designs and colorings; made with ? $1.50 Lacj Curtt ves; fancy border on sleeves <?> -ri <T) I and 3% yards >. and bottom. Worth $5.00 ! ured centers.. yQ and $5.98. Special at ^ ^ J $3.00 All-wool Sr ^ Men's Pleated Bosom Shirts, in a 4 ends", floral, o >lue, large assortment of up-to-date styles. tional designs. in light and dark effects, made coat f *eel i v/f> style, with cuffs attached; <p> T ,?rr^ . una ])([]) sizes 14 to 10^. Regular S 11 flDjj) ? price, $1.35. Special at...^ t 20 dozen VVon I coats T Women's Knit - < ) tt\t 7 e * and striped eff Woraen s SS | $2.00 Petticoats, { i /fts <0) Women's Ravi * ? _.Pressl.ng_Sacq ? I ? women s Fiann T i \r _? ... . If Dressing Sacq ? weve just received another | f Mens Heavy-* ] t '?t of those Black Nearsilk Petticoats s cassimere. In d i to sel' at half regular value. On sale I tailored and g e j tomorrow at 98c instead of two dollars. i to 40. Regula i Made of superior quality nearsilk, I cial at y with a rustle and sheen like real silk. * Men's $1.25 Pajj I Trimmed with deep flounce and em- I Men's 25c "Brig g broidered ruffles and plaitlngs. All reg- Men's 50c "Guy ular lengths. f Men's 25c Teck f Tomorrow at 98c. f Men s 25c Krei .-# 3 ? ... i tons Special lot of Women's Gingham Pet- f Men's 10c Cuff ] tlcoats. made with double flounce. In f Best Grade M m at washable stripes. War- . f bound all ar b ranted fast colors. All j brass lock. B ^ lengths. Special value at " ^ : Special ^ L Solid Leather ? 1 -ri ? c,ub Ba^sCaps and Bonnets. 1(*nd Cf New Fall Styles for Little f 3/39 Extra "h Children. f Spreads: doub - t 25c 5-4 Fancyex A 4- ? Plain White ( t ~ /<- | 45c 7-8 White i tlvl_ Regular $1 Values. I nel Little Children's Fall-weight ( ) x er Caps, made of embroidered silk and n 1 ell Faille Francaise silk, trimmed with C Uti ribbons, rosettes and laces. Lined with 1 If 116=3 ( 1) I |llc> silk. A ^ ^ Dainty styles for little folks. Regular *1 value at 49c. T7V" o tj ,"n- Fall Corsets at ^ , ptte. Our first sa )C $ 1 o(Q)(D)o is to be expectet mj. o ^ ^ o upon unusual m X " a a a . a * -No corset tJtat has the slight- We offer re est claim to popularity is missing trom ma " our one-dollar assortment. Ail the IN. Ill vjjuvc., iuu leading makers' trade marked brands sizes, at $I.q8 a are to be found here in ail sizes and' i .. p ; every shape. button-length L | Expert corsetiers are here to see that T you are properly fitted in the corset In6 , that best suits your figure. The assortment of one-dollar Corsets At $1.00 ,, includes American Lady, R. and G.. C. Heavy Quality Ent B., Warner's, W. B.. Thompson's Glove- Gloves, In the ne' fitting. Nemo, Ferris Waists, etc. With From a world-famo garters front and back. whose name we c Made in the new long-back, high- connection with this " bust effect; sizes 18 to 36. jy worth $1.25. and All corsets at ?1 and more fitted free every other store. || of charge. $1 a pair. " ! i mm* ( I Sal? of Boys' | Active preparations for sending the boys ha t before and we say it again that no other Washing stock of Boys' Suits and Furnishings at such lo^ | their boys satisfactorily and economically should I make their selections. I P vpIII ci I*A W oclnnnrtAM A ^ ^ I A-AVIUOl * V- M U^UUI^IVJII 1U1 ictlll* ' ll> I j Waists and Shirts. ) BOYS' SUITS AT $5.00?The greatest lin 1 and the greatest values. Fall weights In Fancy Cassimer including olive and reseda green, new browns and mode Derby fhape and belted style; some with patch pockets ai )with strap and buckle bottoms. Sizes 7 to IS years. EXC Boys' Sailor Collar Blouse Suits, in brown, garnet and royal blue Venetian cloth, trimmed with fancy silk soutache braids: pants <tf* ^ /n\0 ir. cut in full bloomer style. Sizes 3 to 9 years. 5}^ se Regular $4 value for ^ Boys' Pure Worsted Serge Suits, in the fashionable shade of garnet. Heavy winter weight for little fellows from 2^ to 8 years of age. Rusiro elan belted style, with full cut sailor collar a /fvrj and blouse shape. Excellent styles, sold >5 regularly at $3 00 and $0.00, for ^ * F x* ** $r *1 ic* ?r ?r i? ** ** if ?r a? IK* ?r arje* * * * r FADS IN JEWELRY. f >s and I*ace Pins. Gold-plated Locket Chains, variety " ind gold- * of styles, including new " rew stone 1 rope chains. Special IJyC ) ^ ^ * new designs, tur- Gold-plated Collar Pins, two in each 11 earl pen t>eautiful designs; < a _ designs, jr (p. strongly made; large sire. R 4>C lue. Spe- Worth 25c. Special at ' eck Chains nlaited N>w 146,1 and Sash Plni'' beautiful , m) mK^r* stone-set and enamel de- a ,rv _ 11 beaded ^ signs; stylish shapes. Values Oc value J ^C "orth UP to Kor ! Gold Shell Signet Rings, new chased ,, Mesh Hags, new and engraved designs. In a large as- ,, -ved heavy nickel sortment of patterns; bright, polished n d flat yjte * an<1 Roman gold tinish; " chain. ^ j[ . wear guaranteed. Special 1 of" Sheet Mesiei 'I n *3 s*0 ?f a M 1 s rt A ror Choice oi ah * * 0 Song Hits and \ Successes. i lvs find everything that's new and up-to-date in ^ des of Sheet Music. These for tomorrow: ind instrumental). Bye Bye. Dearie. I'm Afraid to Come Home in the Dark. . Violetta. (New Intermezzo). * the Ball Game. You Will Have to Sin* an Irish 't, ; U. S. A. Song. (Sung in the Follies 1H0K). r. Down at the Sign of the Stein. Hang Out the Front Door Key. r* 0O0 Folio No. 8. containing all the latest dance f" at | * irday Morning Sales. j; J linary List of Special Values ; From 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. ;; <* aturday Morning Sales are planned to encour- I! ^ lopping on Saturdays. Lowered prices are '; rA st the things you want?and a visit during the < A irs will prove highly profitable. !! ^ lot fill mail or phone orders. s Buttermilk Soap. 8c Standard Apron Ginghams; 11 % 4Vzc large assortment; fast col- r Rosaline 15c ors 5%c " ' les of Hind's Honey ir.c 86-inch White Percale 9%c * r.iom 'I'lr* . _ - _ , ?', Twelve-yard Piece or < lotn; <> * Lies of Llsterine.loc regular price, $1.05. Special " ransparent Glycerin at6 * $1 19 ,, * &Tof Bromo ** 30-inch White India Linon; i * r(C tine sheer quality !l%c ,, * tties of Danderine. 25c 45-inch White Persian .1 33c Lawn 12VjC < wn "Keep Clean" 45c 07-inch Black French Or- 1' , ; all pure bristles; gandy; fast black 25c 11 * s and sizes. Regu- 75c Heavy Iron White Porcelainand 69c 30c lined Preserving Kettles; 12-quart r, the magic silver size 49e (l ular 10c boxes... 6c Wilson's 35c Bread Toaster; will ,, * e Oil; best grade; toast four pieces at one time.. 15c ,, ^ large bottle 3c 20c Heavy Galvanized Iron Water ? White and Gray Pails; 10-quart size 12c * lk and blue bor- One-pound packages of Paraffin " ^ 55c Wax; for preserving 8c 1 1 r Straw Mattresses. Mason's Best Quality Machine-made 11 * striped ticking, tape Fruit Jars; porcelain-lined tops; 1 6 sizes 3 feet to 4 one dozen one-quart size in $198 box 69c ] ? tins, 50 inches wide Regular 25c cans of 6, 5, 4 Stove , * long, plain and tig- Polish 15c , A 85c Best Quality Crystal Glass Jelly ,, c. nyrna Rugs, fringed Tumblers; with tin tops 1V?|C , riental and conven- Mason's Best Quality Porcelain- < * $1.79 lined Jar Tops; dozen 25c < ^ Corrugated Oak or Mason's Best Quality Pure White r. in Poles, complete Rubber Jar Rings; dozen 3c * 7c 49c Gray Enamel Tea Kettles; 8- * len's Lawn Petti- pint size 29e 19c 35c Blue Brilliant Enamel Preserv- , Petticoats, white ing Kettles; 12-pint size 17c * eets 15c Borden's Evaporated Milk; 3 fe slln and Cambric for " 10c ,, cistitched hem and Gillies' Jav-Marmo Coffee 19c ,, , i 12'4c 20c Old Virginia Fresh Herring ? nelette Nightgowns, Roe 12V*c ^ 39c Tall Cans of Golf Brand Sal- 11 ^ ,-n Kimonos and mon 8c 11 * ues 25c Gold Dust; 3 for 5c " elette Kimonos and Fairbank s Lion Brand Soap for " ues 49c Laundry; 4 for 5c [ T weight Trousers of Five-pound Sacks of Best Quality " dark grounds; well Granulated Sugar 25c ,, ;ood fitting; sizes 32 Armour's Shield Brand Bacon. ,, r. .r price, $3.00. Spo- per pound 13%c <> * $1.49 Boys' Fancy Wool Cheviot and i> * imas 69c Cassimere and Mode-color Cor- 11 ^ iiton" Garters ? 15c duroy Knickerbocker Pants; all " ? ot" Suspenders..35c sizes; 5 to 16 years 69c " " Ties 15c Boys' Fancy Cassimere Eton Col- " rA nentz Collar But- lege Caps and Full-shaped Golf r. 12VjC Caps, regularly 50c, for 25c ^ Holders 5c 10c Mercerized Silk Oxford Laces, \ * atting Suit Cases; in tan 4c r& ound; cloth lined; 35c Nova Canvas Shoe Dressing in i, Legular $2.50 values. blue and pink 19c <> * $1 09 Betsy Ross Black Shoe Cream and " Imitation Alligator Eagle Brand Shoe Paste, in .tan r. with Inside pocket and black; worth 10c and 15c.. 6c f le; size 12 inches.OSc Whitmore's Black I.iquid French * ; Bleached Cot- Gloss Shoe^Polish 6e " ? 6%c Women's 19c" Dutch Collars I'-'Vfec eavy Crochet Bed Women's 5c Hemstitched Handker- , - . le-bed size 98c chiefs 2'Ac * Table Sanltas and New Extra-wide Ruching, worth ,! 'a Oilcloth 19c 25c yard. Special, length. 10c .. ? Saxony Wool Flan- 39o New Plaid and Check Rib- <1 * 29c bon 25c " rA * itton-length Blaek I mm (RIf uPa,r'yX Sio98o le of New Kid Gloves of the autumn season. As ^ I when we announce a special sale, you can count oney-saving". ^ 1 a. 1 11 _ S" 1 a a I 1 ? P* 1 ? :guiar turee-uuuar quamy io-Duuon-iengih niack * de of the finest grade kid, soft and pliant, in all ** pair. Just think of buying these fashionable 16- r* Hack Kid Gloves at a saving of one-third. w Kid Gloves Under Price. ? pair?Women's At $1.00 pair?Superior qual- '* jlish Cape Walking * w tans and black. ity 2-clasp French Kid Gloves, in ^ annot*^ad ver tiso%^n black and leading fall shades, such as U ; low price. Actual- tan, mode, gray and white. The equal 1b 8S^,,ror'S?e LI?< '-yslov, -Id in .hi, cily rov ?.?. ^ Fitted to the hand by experts. * ? * School Sails. ; ck to their studies have begun. W e have said it 'ton store presents such a broad, comprehensive * iv prices as we ask. Parents who want to outfit ^ pay our third floor section a visit tomorrow and ^ ? ^ "Mother's Friend'' brand Wash Suits, Blouse % ? ? - *, 1 e of Boys' Suits you have ever seen, at the price, ut e Knickerbocker Suits, in all the latest shades, mm * colorings, showine stripes and broken checks. id welt seams. Full-cut Knickerbocker pants, yj EPTIONAL VALUE AT ^ ? Boys' Fancy Cassimere Belted Bloomer *, Suits, in light and dark patterns: made with yi deep square saiior collar, trimmed with silk g* e O * soutache braids. Fall weight, sizes to 7 || ? years. Regular value for ^ Boys' Navy Blue Serge Suits; made of all % pure worsted serge, heavy winter weight, guaranted fast 2*, color. Knickerbocker shape, choice of ~ ' derby or belted coat styles, with full lined a * ? _ pants, finished with tap^d seams to prevent >^^11 \7^ ^ ripping. Regula- $d.? value ^ H ? (Blue Serge Eton or Golf Cap to match given free with ^ each Serge Suit at $4.73 tomorrow.) ^