Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING STAR. With Sunday Morning Edition. WASHINGTON. SATURDAY September 19. 1908 j I THEODORE W. NOYES Editor j latered <. second-Mess mid natter at the pat} office at Washington, D. O. t'HE STAB hat n regular and perms nrnt Family Circulation much mora i than the combined circulation of the other Washington dailiea. Aa a Vewi j and Advertising Medium it has no competitor. I C7in order to avoid delays on account I of personal absence letters to TBB I GTAB should not be addressed to any j I Individual connected with the office, bat I Simply to THE STAR, or to the Editorial I or Business Department, according to j I tcjtor or purpose. I Opening of the Schools. I Tli# s hool vrjir wlil begin Monday. Va < at ion davs have passed, with exceeding spc i d f">r nm^t children, and the season I for work and earnest effort for pnpils and I teachers lias come around again. MonI day \\>1] he an epoch-making day in near-; I 1} all families in the District a day of j I trial and solicitude for parents and joy I ?n trembling f?i the children. I It is believed that if the emotions nt I the children, stirred by the return ot I school days, could be weighed, joy would I hold down the scale. In this fact is a I suggestion of the advance made in teachI ing methods. School tasks have been I made more interesting to the pupil than I school tasks were in the olden time. I It is the charge of adverse critics ot I present educational wavs that school I tasks arc not now real tasks that 'learnI ing" has been made too easy and that I the i hiid does tint net the stern mental discipline which bettor tits him for the tasks of life. There is doubtless a happy medium between the system ot education which loses a percentage of its efficiency because b\ its narrowness, rigidity and severity it repels the pupil and the system at the other extreme which so coddles the pupil that lie gets no mental discipline at all. Another charge lodged against, some pnbli- school methods, and no doubt with equal justice against private schools, is that the variety of subjeets taught is too j great and that children are not grounded j in the elemental English subjects. It ] would seem, though, that responsibility J for thoroughness in the basie branches j rests on the teacher and the pupil rather than on any method or school system. Anyhow, the people of the District of t'olumbia have faith that tlieir public schools are efficient, despite the storm and stress through which they have passed. A school system to survive in good shape the shaking up. rattling around and general disturbance which the local school system lias borne ought to be considered pretty sound. In every household in the District there is a fitting of new clothes or a furbishing of the old. in preparation for the momentous first day of the school term. Let the boys and girls resolve to do the best they can in the matter of lessons and behavior, and let narents strengthen their children in this resolve. Reports published in The Star, regarding the physical condition of the school buildings, indicate an improvement over last term. Despite the increased enrollment the pupils will have more room than heretofore. Four new buildings ready for occupancy and additions to older structures relieve the congestion and the strain will be further eased when the structures building shall be complete. The fire risk in the older schools has been reduced by the judicious expenditure i f the money appropriated for that purpose. in substituting metal for wooden staircases, llreprooflng the furnaces and furnace rooms and installing fire escapes. It is unfortunate that the new buildings, though measurably safe-guarded from fire, are not fireproof. All buildings constructed for the accommodation of crowds should be fireproof, and this statement applies with especial emphasis to school buildings. Though the danger is small, much responsibility rests on the teachers in the enforcement of fire drill until the execution of this movement becomes automatic, and on the men in charge of the heating piants in the schools. n? i National Parks. A telegram reports that important California interests will press upon Concress a proposal to buy a large tract of land, in Tulare and Fresno counties containing big trees and set it apart as a national forest reserve. The idea pleases. (t is no doubt a beautiful- bit of terri* tory and deserves to be held in perpetuity for the people as a national park. It is certain that the Californians will press the proposal upon Congress without too great a display of bash fulness and timidity. Very well. National parks are desirable f ines. Washington is also interested in national parks. It believes tiiat some sl.ou'd be set aside in the District of Cormhia. The National capital does not s-eK to have thousands upon thousands of a- res so set aside. It does not hope iti such big figures. It wants the national government first to defend existing parks against seizure for public building sites, and. second, to exercise common sense a i get possession of available and eligib' pa'k lands before the city builds over m a'<<. nepire trie iifl<ancp in real es;? ' values makes their price prohibitive. \V i shington has no giant specimens of 'la sepuoia to offer, hut it lias historic fttr-s t at ought to be preserved to the whole people us parks. iifli.-ials expert trouble with the dwell in .rowded rpiarters of St. Petersburg when an efTort is mule to clean up and prevent eholera The average Russian i .1 7,en finds it hard to understand that .in) official visit may have the objeet of I res. i wns life an,j inereasing rumfort. Some of the speeches sound as if the month of October might develop a pretty lively campaign after all. Mr Hearst is demonstrating to several siiiipsnien wiiai a nuisance a man witn a > rapbook may liecome. Candidates and the Canvass. Senator Dixon, chairman of the republican speaker?" bureau, thus disposes of I a current yarn: "This talk that Judge Taft did not care to meet Mr. Bryan was all twaddle. It did not look as if he eould appear both at (talesburg and Chicago, so I canceled the Chicago engagement because Judge Taft already had one engagement for a Chicago speech on October 7, opening the waterways convention ;n the forenoon When I found that wo could get him from Oalesburg bv special train 1 < hanged m\ mind al>out it." J olgo Taft and Mr. Bryan should enjof lie meeting IO the full. There :s nothing, -aturnine or offish about cither man. Both are healthy, ros\ and well conditioned The sparring they are indulging in as opposing presidential candidates is strictly according In lloyle. so t > say. There is nothing en it canceling personal I good feeling. Rather is each assured byit that the other has a high opinion of his ability. They realize, as the countrydoes, that two strong men are pitted against each other. At I.ouisville the other day John W. Kern was the guest of honor at the Kentucky state fair. Upon arriving In town he received a challenge by wire front John Temple Craves. then at Chattanooga. to a joint debate. To this Mr. Kern made the following reply; '"My engagement for tomorrow afternoon is for non-partisan address. Cannot be In I.ouisville at night. Have pleasant memory of long conversation with you in July. We agreed perfectly on everything but baptism, and that is no longer paramount issue. Come and visit me in Indianapolis. Promise you good time." This was in the best possible spirit, ami : rlrver to a degree. The men are wholly j unlike. Mr. Kern being a lawyer in praetiee and rather prosy as a speaker, while Mr. Graves is a writer and lecturer and of the florid school. He paints rainbows with tongue or pen while you wait. He would "hold over" Mr. Kern before a popular audienee as an entertainer. But if tihis telegram may be accepted as a sample of his quality. Mr. Kern would fare well ia a contest where readiness and good temper count. The victory in a deflate is not always to the word-spinner and skyscraper. As a rule, our political battles are fought upon a plane which leaves opposing leaders, where they have been good friends before, still good friends. This year, as between the two great parties, there is 110 warrant for offensive personalities. Both national tickets are composed of good men, who enjoy the respect of their neighbors and each other. Judge Taft knows how Mr. Bryan stands at I,incoln, and Mr. Bryan how Judge Taft stands at Cincinnati. Mr. Kern is popular in Indianapolis, as Mr. Sherman is in T'tica. All four are vigorous fighters, but all keep the rules of the ring rigidly. When the result at the poils is declared. if it is for Taft and Sherman, Judge Taft will receive congratulations from Air. Bryan, and Air. snerman worn Mr. Kern. and vice versa. On personal scores everything is going well; and when Judge Taft and Mr. Bryan clasp hands next month it will be worth going some distance to see. Government by Night Riders. The night-riding movement to control the prices of farm products is spreading. Beginning in Kentucky, with tobacco as the issue, it has now appeared in Arkansas and Mississippi, with cotton as the issue. May it not inwade the corn states and the wheat states, with those crops in view, and in time attempt to rule the cattle ranges? The problem is one of the gravest ever presented in this country. At the outset this fact was not appreciated. In Kentucky the tobacco trust had made it impossible for the tobacco growers to thrive. To free themselves from the oppression a large number of the growers organized for the purpose of holding their tobacco for paying prices. The movement was legitimate, and had the sympathy of the business men and the bankers of the towns and cities. I^ocal bankers financed the movement. So far all was well. But now appeared the night riders on the scene. They insisted that all the growers must join in the movement, and such growers as refused were marked for punishment. Some were taken from their beds and whipped. The barns of others, with all the contents, were burned. Plots where the infant tobacco plants were growing were scraped, and the plants destroyed. The perpetrators all wore masks, and operated only under the cover of darkness. Towns of good size even were invaded and the torch applied. Then the people of the state and the authorities awoke to the real situation. Here was anarchy. Whole counties were under terror of the torch and the bullet in the bands of desperate men. The organizations of growers repudiated the infamies, but tlie hideous work continued. And toda^ companies of slate militia, under the orders of the governor of the state, are on duty protecting life and property in exposed localities where once perfect trust and good feeling prevailed among the inhabitants. Do the cotton states like the picture? Will they allow the acreage of their crop, or the time for marketing, to be controlled by bands'of lawless men riding at night with masks on their faces? If not, they would do well to take the gentry in hand at once and with all the strength they can command. Experience in Ken tucky has shown that toleration is a dangerous thing. Prices of any product put up or kept up in that way and by such means are incalculably dear. Personal security vanishes. Society is all but disrupted. Neighbor suspects neighbor, l.and values fall. Where was peace is now guerrilla war. Bad men, without a thought of benefiting planters, find it easy to work vengeance on personal enemies and have their performances charged up to the planters' movement. It is anarchy, in a form more dangerous than the black hand brand, and calculated to oppress anil distress whole communities for a very long time. New Masonic Temple. The new Masonic Temple will be dedicated with impressive ceremony this evening. and a purpose which has interested Masonry in the District for many years will have been achieved. The new building, handsome in architecture and commanding in site, is a credit to the capital. That the Masons have been obliged to make sacrifices of time and money to the construction of such a home is strongly to their credit. It is the custom of Masons, however, to do bis things and do them right. The new temple is a big thing rightly done. Mr. llisgen is said to be a musician. Kut he will scarcely be permitted to display his talents in public unless lie ran prove his affiliation with the musical union. "Shall the people rule?" is a question that can be answered in the affirmative without hesitation, especial enthusiasm being manifested by any statesman thoroughly convinced that he is the people. Politicians have become-so much afraid of trust money that there will presently he nothing left for the big corporations to do with their profits except declare dividends. Kven the man who says "I told you so" was silenced by the seriousness of the aeroplane accident. Mr. Bryan is evidently the style of political debater who believes in asking questions instead of answering them. Jefferson Davis and Cabin John. In some of the newspaper articles concerning the death of the venerable citizen or Montgomery county, Md.. William H. Pylos, it was said that he was the only man who knew how the name of Jefferson Davis came to be erased from Cabin John bridge. It was believed that the "mystery'* of the erasure of the name of Mr. Davis was solved a good many years -go. At least a plausible and circumstantial account was written by William R. Button, who was an engineer employed on the aqueduct construction and who at one time was chief engineer of the work. Mr- j Button attributes the mutilation to Caleb U. Smith, who was Secretary of the In ; terior. and to the late Galusha Grow, a member of Congress from Pennsylvania. i Mr. Hutton tells that in June. 18t>2. he 1 accompanied the Secretary of the Interior tto whose department the aqueduct had been transferred>, and a party of congressmen on an inspection tour of the aqueduct. They went by way of tlie I canal. When the party arrived at Caoin John run several of tke members walked ! up to where the bridge was building. AeI fording to the narrative of Mr. Hutton, Secretary Smith remained on the boat, but Mr. Grow went to see the bridge. Grow returned in haste and asked the Secretary if he knew that Davis' name was on the bridge. "Turning to mo." writes Mr. Hut ton. "the Secretary then said: "The first order I give you is to cut Jeff Davis' name off the bridge.' " Soon after this episode, Mr. Hutton says, tie was appointed chief engineer of the aqueduct construction, but. not taking the order of the Secretary of the Inierior ! seriously, he did not cause the removal of Mr. Davis' name. About a week after i tin's, writes Mr. Hutton, the contractor, | Robert Mclntyro. returned to WashingI ton to resume his work on the building of the bridge. He called at the I?epartment of the Interior to pay his respects to Secretary Smith, and the Secretary directed him to remove the name of Davis from the arch. The contractor soon after reaching the bridge directed a mason to cut out the name, and it was done. There is no doubt that the public demands some kind of fitting tribute to the memory of Lieut. Selfridge. Some question may be raised, however, as to the expediency of conspicuously marking the spot on the parade ground where he fell There are many airship tests to be made and the work of the aviator is one which requires perfect nerve control, and if tlie parade ground is to be continuously emj ployed for this hazardous experimenta, tion, a reminder of the fate of Lieut. Self' ridge might prove a most unhappy sugi gestion to the brave men whose trials are j yet to come. "\,f - T 1 I *?ii . i.A?cu a ua mi auuii iiidL lutr x icmdent will not take the stump Is necessarily based on more or less limited information. Even Mr. Loeb cannot bf sure that the President will not lie tempted by stress of emotion to utterance the more vivid because it is unexpected. Some democrats love to refer to Mr Bryan as "the peerless leader." Others who hold to the doctrine of the victor's right to spoils regard liirn as the pie-less leader. It is not likely that E. H. Harriman 01 J. D. Rockefeller will ever get far enough ahead in American politics to even be appointed on a notification committee. n mum ? Europe's lack of confidence in American securities is never serious enough to materially lessen the demand for U. S. monej in exchange for titles. Richard Olncy's idea that a candidatf is merely the mouthpiece of a party calls attention to the length of time he has been dissociated from active politics. Tilings are never evenly distributed. Emperor William is positively pining for excitement, and Abdul Hamid Is getting about all there is. SHOOTING STARS. BY PHIbAXDF.R JOHNSON. Discreet Silence. "You ought to have more to say in your household." said the old-time friend. "No," answered Mr. Cumrox. "The less I say. the less chance mother and the girls have to criticise my grammar." "Dat Darwinian theory," said Uncle teben, "wouldn't worry me none if I could be good an" sure dat some of us weren't doublin' on de trail." The Misanthrope's Observation. Some people talk from day to day Until mine ears rebel. It seems the more they have to say The less they have to tell! Brevity's Value. "An author should always strive to use short words," said the man who admires literary simplicity. "Yes," answered the busy magazinist, "when you get a dollar apiece for 'em, the smaller they are the bigger % the profit." The Crowning Criticism. "Do you expect to make people believe all you say in your speeches?" "Of course not," answered Senator Sorghum. "An auditor never wants to be enlightened by any new facts. What he wants to hear is something he already be; lieved, so that he can say 'Them's my sentiments!" " Procrastination. For a long time we've expected Great improvements to arrive, But they've somehow been neglected, Though we re glad that we're alive. Have we stopped the operations Of the big financial set That has caused such apprehension? Not yet. i , Have we rounded tip the tariff In a way that suits us all? Have we spanked the bumptious ruler i Of a country fierce though small? And e'en that borrowed five-spot? Have I .paid the little debt? Truth compels the sad confession: Not yet! ?> The Aeroplane Accident. From the New York Her*Id. Kvery great step in human progress is marked by danger, even peril of death, but no reasonings of that sort will make less keen the regret of the nation over the death of a promising officer of the army and the crippling of the foremost pioneer in human flight. Just a Novice. From the Columbus Journal. Col. Bryan must feel almost sorry for . Bi.l Taft when he notices that here he is : titty-one years old and with only one presidential nomination to his credit. Common Fault. From the Atchison Globe. The average young man worries too much about getting his salary and not enough about earning it. Comfort. Front the Birmingham Ledger. Anyhow, we have forced a presidential I campaign to be fought on the issue of which man will be able to do the most good to the people. Will Not Mention It. From the Newark News. However, the fart that Candidate Chanler is related to the Astors will not be unduly exploited by his campaign orators. Unwriting the Laws. From (he Brooklyn Standard-L'nion. Granting for the sake of argument that the unwritten law is all right, is there I any reason for unwriting all the laws? A Tip. From iho Boston Transcript. The furnace-fire season has o|>ened. See jthat the flues arc thoroughly cleaned 1 out 1 TYPHOI D HOUSEHOLDERS CAf'TlON F.D. How to Aroid Infection. Typhoid fever !? prevalent. Thoroughly boll | nil wafer nnd milk used for drinking: all water used for cleansing nnconked eatables nnd nil nsrd in hrushlnr the troth. l'nrify the want* pipe*, rink*, closets nnd cellars with Flatt'J Chloride*, the odorless disinfectant. ITio dntly use of just a little of this pow- j H???W "tr#a nitsii olp it* 1 ho liOlllf HIl'l n hottlo tvi 11 last th? ?Tcr?gi< family a month. It la sold by druggist* ovorywhoro In full quart bottles only, and manufactured solely by Hrnrj R. Piatt. N>tv York. ;U -v.1 Call l: ?? ' z I andl I I . Select I -rt i v. I Your I % 't I Plan? to I, ? ~? *,* : I Rent 1 I I1 * ?while we have such a large ? , ^ and excellent stock to choose ?v * from. ? f- - *.v . ? W e have alwavs been leaders here in this line, and our ?> ^ prices arc the lowest con- *; I cictr?nt with the crr;tt]f? nf the il i kj I vJ I. v. 111. ? * V ? * L I 1 XK ^ w v? v '?' ? ? a w -j [ ^ instruments. ? jJ* *tr i & ?? * ' ^ ' ; ; 1 Sanders & I Staymiani Co., | ' Weber Pianola-I'iano * i f- : ; i Warerooms, : ? I IS 327 F St. I aplO-sa.m.tu-St i y?nnnnnn?t?nnn??8t:;:?i;?>?::Krj| 1-lb. loaves to the barrel. H ; | Would You J : | Not Begin j 11 Baking j At Home j /Xi-\<i1/l nr?l enrn 4# + 11 x ^ LI ^ISUIU 1 V_ V. I OH IV. H tliat your efforts would in- || variably result satisfactorily? i:? p You can have this assur- | : ancc by ordering and using ji! :1 CREAM I BLEND 1 FLOUR, jr i By exercising ordinary |:j :| care, even a novice can || I make light, nourishing and g delicious flour products |: with "CREAM BLEND." |; Order a supply tomorrow || and make your Bread, Cakes and Pastries AT f: HOME. I !j AT YOUR GROCER'S. g! fB.B.Earnshaw&Broji j I^Tolcsalcrs, ^ ^ S iw iimujson ! ittakc | ' I - - I Try one ol the Sack Suits I am making toorder for 11 and you'll find out the dis- ||| j tinctivc characteristics that jj have put "THE SIMPSOX MAKE" up front. ! Get Acquainted With Good Tailoring. !j A The HOME of il gooi> !' TAILORING. 1208 I-' St. j X??nr 12th st The Postal Telegraph-Cable Company announce that they T**ill Kr. in nneitinn t?t fnriduli ?? III l/v> III |IVI1IIIV|I V "J ? k? > IIIUII prompt and reliable bulletin service on the eoming election. Hates furnished on application to Main Office, 1M45 Penna. ave., or at any Branch Office. ?M9-tf-28 rjTfsV lan-os for Rent? N) Uprights and <rnirflim<pi?s a month LLLL Oufitini<yD, an<i upward. i FREDERICK MUSIC CO., | Cbickering. tlardman. Fischer Fisnoa. 1328 F Street. Bloods is Until fi We Are Disj *V V * ' ?l ? A Newbellect For the Auti HE wholie store inv (T 1 both foreign and t gree of excSu?5ven< latest importation tion of extreme novelties, Ready for Your Unsped New Dress Fabrics, including f< .eluding Real Point Applique Novelties. New St/(iall S ties, hand and maehi New \ el vets. NewNew Scpar New* Lingerie W aists. New Fre \' T-v T ' 1 X* i\c\v uomestic i nucrwcar. .\cw ncl Negliges, Xcw Silk Dressii ncl Dressing Sacques. Xcw Ilannel Gowns. Xcw Outi Knit Petticoats. Xcw Clo Xcw Clothing for Jnfj for Women Xcw Handkerchiefs. Xcw Hosic Xcw Clothing. Soft and Stiff I Cnderwear. Hosiery. Bath R< Shoes for W omen, Girls, Gloves. Xcw Cpholstc tiercs. Xcw Furniti T oilct Xcw Lace Curtains, including n< Cauterized Points. Irish Point: Rugs, including Anglo-Pen Smyrna, Brussels. Axmii mirs: Xcw Oriental I Lnamclcd Bedst kcts and Com fori Xcw Dress New J< Xcw Lam I . * New Clocks. Xcw Buttons, Xew and Pressed Glass, Xew J)inn< Fish Sets. Xcw Jardinieres, China for W edding Gif Canned Goods, Xcw feet ions, and n Novelties in A The NewD For Autumn HE Dress Goods Store. 01 ([ \ ings, broad, richly carpet* V^sly in splendid condition to s The Exclusive Novelt tiful Broadcloths and Serges fron oils other plain and fancy fabric Tossah Royal, Bordere Biagonais, Chevron S Phantom Stripe Cashmer Unfinished Worsted S toned Fabrics, Two=toned Herringbone Stripes in s fancy weaves, etc., etc. The colors include? Gray, in every shade from eh to the pale camomile grayish-whi Blue, iu pale peacock, electri and the Oriental shades. Brown, in dullest golden, cc tints. Green, in the olive or yell laurel and a few brighter shades. And then concord, catawba a old rose" shades and the amcthy like the colorings seen in Egyptia Fashion is very decided this s immense bordered and plisse effe cheviots and serges, in the pccu colors. Stripes and shadow cflFcc 'idie exclusive novelties from Pari of distinction. The display of New Dress (it Special==Biigh=1uster Spot the popular and newest i BUyes. Greens, Navies, Olive, ? ? * i i i Kovais. i eacock. Peacock, Myrtle, (jendarine. P>ronzc. Copenhagen. Special shades in reds, mnlbe 54 inches w?d<! The New Black i JLACK is as fashionable lOk novel and attractive effe Manufacturers have to the weaves selected soft, sheer, graceful fabrics are as Special attentiofi is called to displayed, from the leading man Priestley, of which we show a v< productions are pre-eminently first Pnestlley's Tussah Royal, $1.75 and $2.00 a yard. Satin Cloth, $2.50 a yard. Lorento Pekin Stripes, S1.00 a yard. Chiffon Panamas, $1.00, $1.25 and Si.50 a yard. W ool Taffetas, $1.00 and Si.25 a yard. Striped Voiles, $1.25 a yard. Checked Voiles, $1.00 and $1.25 a yard. Plain Voiles. Si.00, Si.25, $1.50 and Si.75 a yard. Silk-warp Henriettas. Si.25. Si-50. S2.00 and S2.50 a yard. Fancy Rough-finish Cheviots, $1.45. $1.50 and S'-75 a yard. Spronil floor. U Hi. r varb & % lew York-?WASIIIN(?TON?I'ari irtlicr notice store will close at 5 playing in All I ions and I mm jmn and Winter Season 'ites you to a most unusual domestic manufacture, repi ess, individuality and ref5n < res we introduce a most urr.: , particularly adaptable fo; tion and Selection Are: ircign novelties; New Laces. in. Irish Crochet. New Tinsel icts. New Colored Nov'cine made: New Silks. Tailor-made Suits, ate Skirts. licit C orsets and Cndergarmcnts. Silk Negliges. New French Hating Sacques. New French HanSilk Petticoats. New (hiting ng FJannel Kimonos. New tiling for 1'oys and Girls, mts. New Xecktixings i and (iirls. ry for Women, (iirls and Hoys; lats. Neckwear. Handkerchiefs. >bes. Pajamas for Men; New Hoys and Babies; New ry Fabrics, New Porlre. New Table and Linens. nclties in \nglai-c Fmbroidcric, ; and Louis X\T Points; New dan, Anglo-Indian. Wilton, nstcr. Ingrain and Kash ^ugs, Xew Brass and eads. New Blan- . :s. Xew Flannels, Trimmings, nvclry. j) Shades. Fancy Leather Goods. Xew Cut er Sets. Xew Game Sets. Xew New Baskets. Xew Fancy ts. Xew Pictures, Xew Cereals. Xew Contanv interesting utumn Goods. rass Stuffs and Winter. i second floor, with its lofty ceiled aisles, perfect, natural light, is ervc you. :ies from Paris are here*; the beau1 France and Germany: the varis, foreign and domestic, such as d Cheviots and Serges, tripes, Chevron Serges, ^ tl- S /\ AfWAIi/%r? e, oamuuiw cj ii.ii ultlngs, Wlde=Wale Two= Chevrons, Novelty Plaids, olid colors and two=toned ^pliant, taupe, old and new silver, tc. c, old Dutch, Copenhagen, royal ;dar, leather, loutre anil kindred owish shades, peacock, myrtle, nd other grape tints, the ''purple st red purples?all dull in effect n pottery and other antiques, eason. It is plainly shown in the j 'cts, in the wide-wale diagonal liarly beautiful and refined new ts are seen in almost everything, s show this very pronounced note )ods will interest you. proof Broadcloth, In all shades, soch as Browns. Grays. Cedar, I'carl, i i i i.outre. Mnokc. .Marron. Klephant. Taupe. rry, catawba. vicux rose, buuffon. 5, $2.5? a yard. | Dress Fabrics. as ever, and is shown in many cts. done their best to add new beautv for this season's favorites. The popular as ever. the very broad assortment, now ufacturers. including Lupin and :rv attractive assortment. Their : in quality, weave, dye and finish. ! Lupin's Wool Taffetas, $1.00 and ?1.25 . a yard. Plain \V?i1pc r?r? Ci or Ci I A ? v*-"? y* .vfw, y i y i ' and $1.75 a yard. Checked Voiles, $1.00 and S1.25 : a yard. Striped Voiles, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 a yard. Checked Serges, $1.00 a yard. Checked Batistes, 75c and $1.00 j a yard. Striped Batistes. 75c, $1.00 and '$1.50 a yard. Chiffon Panamas, $1.00 and ($1.25 a yard. j Woodward & Lothrojp. otbrop, s. :^u p.m. departments portatSoos IS ol BVU8-OT. display of merchandise or resenting the highest de ernient, and among 012.' ique and artistic cohecr October Wedding Gifts. New Hand Made French Lingerie. ?cr O^TjCI I- II WK i'l-J re71 /( T1 ceived through the yVJAVlylL Georgetown i I louse our first shipment of Handmade French Lingerie. which was personally selected by our Mrs. K\ans in Paris a few weeks ago. The goods are more dainty and l.n'int . 1 ? O >v ci u 111 u i in.hi i-ii'i, <11111 \\ c can the attention of prospective October brides to the splendid collection ?>t matched sets and individual pieces as now displayed. Monday, Sale of \ French Gowns, C hemises and Drawers At Attractively Low Prices. ' ( XewGoods, just from the cases.) French Nainsook Drawers. trimmed with full wide ruflle finished with handemhroidercd button-hole edge. $1.00 a pair. French Nainsook Drawers, trimmed with hand-etnhroidered ruffles finished with hand-einbroidered button-hole edge. I $1.25. Si-75, S2.00 and $2.25 a pair. French Nainsook Chemises, hand-embroidered in various pretty designs: nerk and artnholes finished with hand-embroidered button-hole edge. $1.00 each. French Nainsook Chemises, hand-embroidered in various pretty designs and finished with hand-embroidered buttonhole edge and eyelets run witli ribbon. Si.25, Si.75 and $2.25 each. French Nainsook Gowns, low round nerk: short, wide, flowing sleeves: neck a nfl clpot'pt fillicbod ndtll lviwd-OmKreia. - ? -I mm luiiiU VIllui \J l KA ered scallop. $1.50 each. French Nainsook Gowns, high neck, long sleeves, tucked front: neck, sleeves i and front trinime.t with ruffles flnisheil j with hand-embroidered button-hole edge [ and featherstitching. $1.75 each. French Nainsook Gowns, hand-ombroidered in several pretty designs; low. round neck: short, full sleeves: neck and sleeves finished with hand-embroidered buttonhole edge. $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.75 each. Hand-made French Nainsook Gowns, high neck, long sleeves, tucked front; neck, sleeves and front trimmed with hand-emhroidered ruffles finished with hand-embroidered .wallop. S3.00 each. Fine French Nainsook Gowns, with richly hand-embroidered fronts; low ne< k short sleeves; neck and sleeves finished with hand-embroidered scallop and e>elets run with rinhon. $1.7^. $2.00. $2.2=; and S2.7:; each. ' ' w 7 / %J Thin! floor. Eleventh xt. New amd OesSrabfle Books. HE United States as a * /f \ W orld Power, by ArchiV>iy bal<l U. Coolidgc of Harvard Univcrsitv S2.00 " Parliamentary, with a diagram of Motions, exhibiting in a graphic form the place and character of alt nations. ^ By Nanette B. Paul 1M.OO In Mie Track of R. L. Stevenson, and Klesewhere in Old France, by J. A. Ilaminerton. with scores of beautiful ^, illustrations from photographs Religion and Medicine, by I>rs. McComb and Coriat; the official book of the ^ Kmmanuel Movement in Boston?ol.JO Webster's New Century Dictionary of the Knglish Language. revised and brought up-to-date, by Kd ward T. Roe. with an appendix, containing synonyms and autonyms, foreign phrases, coins, weights and measures, word phrases and proverbs, familiar allusions; famous characters in poetry and prose, decisive battles, etc., etc. l.oon pages ol-OO Better bindings $1.25 and Sl.bO Webster's Practical Dictionary of the Knglish Language, edited by Dorsey Gardner; ."i3? pages and l.jOP illustrations ; 2^C The Immortality of the Soul, by Sir Oliver la>dge; lectures first printed c in ttie Hibbert Journal s*I.OO Good Citizenship, by (Jrover Cleveland: cloth binding JOC Esperanto. the student's complete text book sOC Ksperanto at a Glance; history, grammor o n.l \*i hi-sa Vn 11:? r bv Kdmnnd I'rivat *5C Main fl'Mir, Traill ?t. New Department of Interior Decorations. ofTJT N COXXECTION with our Mil I " 1, . . 1? .n ? . . J I II I y <tnu Y-Ji djjci y MM Department we have added a complete line of the best Foreign and Domestic Wall Papers, and are now thoroughly equipped to execute in a first- # class manner all orders for interior decorations, including Fine Paper Hanging, Frescoing and Interior Painting, ? . ReEief Work, Etc. Fourth floor, ti >1.