Newspaper Page Text
? On account of bolide ? ht X I?''1 ..? ?. The maple fflav< 11 the chocoSi <| t A chocolate-covercd. map i ? candy that >clls regularly at y y | cnlv v I yi First Moor. % t ? ^ 999999 ^ # # ^ I ' ~ TI i 4> y I ^ v I Values $25 ! to $30 I ? * j' r t .. r t t t i I Unprecedentei | DRESS $ Remnants and full piece X REMNANTS of black chc y ,hair, panamas and mohairs. At Si.oo All-wool Rainproof Chevi X $1-25 All-wool 56-in. Black Thi j* Si.25 Black All-wool Chiffon Fa | $1.00 Scotch Suitings, gray chec X $1.25 Cray Stripe Suitings, 56 ii ? Si.oo Hairline Stripe Colored 5^ F"ir*t Floor?Dross (loods Section. | MEDIUM-WEIGH I FOR UNCERT/ X MEDIUM-WEIGHT VESTS, high ?? nock, long sleeves, Jersey titling, ribbed and in bleached and unV bleached styles. Also < ankle-length pants to Y match, in all sizes, either, V tomorrow Y I Sheet mi T ? ffl <1 ISsp 1 I copy 11 X A list which includes many of th< A them such popular compositions as th< |? and taking the fancy of popular-music '{ VOCAL, 15c Y Rainbow > My Rosic Rambler Mandy Lane Y I Want Some One to Call Me Y Dearie Y It Looks Like a Big Night ToX night A Are You Sincere? A The Garden of Dreams * w nat .mi gut ttave bppii S? l,et's Go Home V Road to Yesterday J* Take Me Out to the Ball Game Ask to have them played or sung f< |? Floor. I 5<0)c "Direct > | special for I V 'n hla<*k only, of silk and satin, am V helts Women are more than pleased t Jl f?r f?Oc. the regular pri<e. Tomorrow s % at special price, choice. FINE GRADE ELASTIC* BELT, in ail colors, and finished with T gold-plated or silver bue- a ^ Jf. kles. Regularly $1.00. fcpeX tial tomorrow ^ t % Belt Itept.- Kir*t Floor. ? | 15e Trouivil | resembles w This is just the suiting tliat will ma A into children's school dresses; a new > and is a close* imitation of wool goods, gray grounds, with neat stripes, check plaids. For Friday tliese "Mill Ends V fresh and new a yard j! UNBLEACHED MUSLIN. :ii; inches A tirni and strong and from 'J to 8 var length. Regularly 8c a yard. Speci yard, tomorrow % BATES JC- RENFREW SEERSUCK X a new lot of ends just received, o.'NiO A large assortment of the best styles at ?S from two to ten yard lengbhs. This I A chance to fit the children out with s i dresses for fall wear, in fast colors. ] *> larly 12Vic. Special tomorrow, a yard. Y FLANNELETTES, large assortme i floral patterns, thick and warm, sutti a wrappers and kimonos and also for a eringe for bed comforts. Regularly A Speoial remnant price, a yard ly, Saturday, this store >urs, The usual Saturc or is delicious witO ate covering le flavored cream wafer J J J J nc a pound. For Friday // // pound h/P irp>entiHlf <Th1f i II u Vy^lMlU W u >t thats We certainly were g Sack of husianess ami taiio The manufacturer was c and salesmen's expense out a week. Thfis morni They are mostly plan suets are just the kinds purchase. The colors anc No suit wor PT/TnVC AT $3.< Xo Skirt in the sale wortl S3.98 is a real sensational them out quickly. It's almost more than 3 hours unless then for those who come. The rai \aricd that most women may 1 Voiles, panamas, Some are quite elaboratel V trimmed with neat folds or str, ^ goods. The materials by the 3 .1 ? 1 1 . T"> _ 1__ man inc saie price, oe eariy. First Floor?Bargain Tab dl bargains in ! GOODS I is of a special purchase ? ciots. zibelines. serges, camel's i close to HALF PRICE. ots. Yard 59c ? bet Cloth. Yard 69c I nama. 5b in. Yard 79c J ks and all-overs. Yarrd....39c $ n. wide. Yard 69c I >-in. Suitings. Yard 49c i T UNDERWEAR I UN WEATHER [ RICHEMKl* RIBBED I,ISDE f VESTS, low neck and no * sleeves, seconds of the ? 10c quality. tomorrow, fl D/"* * each uuv = Three for ' I First Flow?L'nderwear. | isi? sal?, j instrumental or vocal { ? season's biggest song hits, among | 1 following which are catching the ear lovers the country over: ? INSTRUMENTAL, 15c { Rainbow f Ivanhoe | Kerry Mills Barn Dance | Sweet Violets f Marsovia Waltz | American Dancers f" tliilc a lift Sf>? U t f Rucky Jim (two-stops L Rose Reaves I Reap Frog New Barn Dance f Black and White (rags 7 5r you ?Sheet Music Dept.?Fourth I i oire" belts, j. Friday, 42c ! I the very latest idea in the way of | o get such handsome belts a J should see a rush for them i PLAIN ERASTIC BERTS in all I colors, and with gold-plated and i silver buckles. Regularly ^ =? i sold at 50c. Special to morrow II ^ (3fChTP>(n?fa Q>)\U1L QJWJLiLM rool9 remnant ke up excellently UNBEEACHKD lm just received. fleecy quality, for wl in white, tan and and so forth. 150 in< ?-aS! 8^|c ?R7?url*r.1.s..,2V4c..".y wide. OUTING FLAN! ds in f=<=7/. light groands. with ial, a ^ T* in piece and regula v70v the piece. Remnan ER GINGHAMS. yards in the lot. WHITE SHIRTI id colorings, and terns, suitable for s an exceptional children's dresses, ichool ^vff price, a yard, loc. Regu- 9^A)C /J?!*' APRON GINGH. nt of handsome brown and green, f, ible for making can *>e used for maV cov- o -J / 80 a yard- Remnan 12VJC. ?tMC / * o Third Floor?Remnan wtll be closed all day lay sales will be held 1 ? --Kg $.?..? ?..? ? ? . ? ? 1 ? ? ! n j - j /Tb fV B|? ! ? - ( ) ( '. ?!? .|.l?.l|..|.,t,.|.|ll)..| ? l? a canceled Af)r r%r JL lad to get them. You'll red attire caused a vers o sore straits. He had s to meet. He had to ha ng we got the suits by e n tailored effects develo for which there is the g lude black and all the n th under $2i < ?*Acllean=upsalle Q ] Values up f O to $10.00 - I J i less than $7.50. price. But we want to clear certain the lot will not last i is difficulty in finding sizes nge of sizes is, however, so ie fitted. Skirts are made of ffamcy worsteds ly trimmed. Others simply aps. Note the quality of the rard at wholesale cost more It will pay. les. For making di recto New printed OUR PRICI This new shipment contains many ! more, these styles will not be seen e of them for Washington. We've all t and Persian border designs, rainbow .V.?c yard.?First Floor, Silk Departme Neckfaxings Everything: that is new and upto-date is to be found in our Neckwear Section. NEW PIERROT STOCKS, of white Brussels net. with p/\ ribbon bow and ribbon through center, for REAL IRISH HAND CROCHET BOWS: some of all lace, /-*v a others of muslin edged in S, <2 lace. Worth 50c. Choice.. BABY WINDSOR TIES. In p'airis or plain colors. |j Worth 25c. Clioice J vC I "NT I ED ASCOTS. of white linen with large embroidered dots at ends, in black, lavender, ^ go pink, light blue, brown and preen, for NEW BATADIERS. of silk or velvet, silt braid or cord; finished with tassels? 25c to $1.00. First Floor?S. Kaon. Sons & Co. 75c tinsel belting for 59c belt length Beautiful tinsel effects. showing gold and silver designs on grounds of new blues, browns, grays, white and green; some have silver ground with pastel colorings showing floral designs. These are the latest designs and will harmonize with any color costume. For Jewish new year Printed while you wait NEW YEAR CARDS?Your name and address printed on card of special He?i^n with New Year greet injr. 50 card!", 35c. Jewish New Year Tost Cards, lc each. Jewish New Year Cards in fancy designs, 5c to 19c. 50c layer cakes tomorrow for 39c Freshly Haked Layer Cakes, offered tomorrow for 59c. They are truly delicious and better even than those made at home. Choice of Chocolate, Nut or Cocanut Layer Cakes at tomorrow's special price of ,19c. Good, generous, large-size Layer Cakes, too. Tbird Floor?Model Baker*. Bg, closely pnce, ?44c ; CANTON FLANNEL, in extra heavy nter underwear, night robes dies wide, all good lengths. ^ ard. Special remnant price, J||r NEL. in extra -heavy fleecy grade, neat stripes. 'J to 10 yards Q T> / rly sold at. l-l^c from it price, a yard ^lr NG MADRAS, in neat woven patmaking women's waists, guinips. etc. Regular Remnant price /TT AM. in neat small checks, in blue, ast colors, all the lengths / ting ^ aprons. Regularly S'o^qJ.C t Section. until 6 p.m.--Open 6 p.n tomorrow. You can see mfm 8th St. & Pa. Ave. ^ "THE BUSY CORNER." jl*order and i the do be as eager as we after yon r prominent New York hou all the goods cut and pari .ve money. Rejected Indlgn jx press. >ped from fine broadcloths i greatest popular demand. iew desirable fall shades. I?0(0) and more ["toilets j 1 Kami's Boratcd Talcum, | 25c size, 15c. | I Sozodont Liquid, ! | 25c size, 17c. I ? There are many more specials in i ? the list below for Friday's selling ? that you will find equally as good. ? ,, Kastman's Benzoin and Almond * ,, Motion t7c I (. Barnard's Complexion Cream. Reg- ? > ularly 2fk\ For 11c ? " Oxzyn Balm. Regularly 25e. T For 19c ? !! Kann's Tooth Powder. Regularly ? c> 15e. For Sc ? 11 Sheffield's Tooth Paste 14c t " Bradley's Woodland Violet Tal- j cum 12c ? [[ La Blache Powder, all tints?21>c ? ,, Oxzyn Powder, all tints. Spe- ? ii rial 19c ? <> Kann's Bay Rum 19c | " Kann's Violet Ammonia 12c ? Toilet Pumice 10c ? Snowberry Soap. Regularly 5c a ? cake. Special, three for.......,10c ? ,, Craddock's Blue Soap. Four for 25c I <i Juvenile Soap. Regularly 17c a 1 cake. Special 10c f " Packer's Tar Soap 14c f NAIL BUFFERS, a special lot. | Regularly 75c and 49c. Tomorrow, ? choice 25c ? (i Toilets? First Floor. ? ] ire scarfs and sashes ! crepe de chine I ? rn. VAnn I*, 07C I /AIVi-7. f styles never shown before. Further- t Isewhere in Washington?we've control f he new ombre effects. Persian all-over f stripe and bordered floral effects. Only t nt. 1 | Albums for your j | treasured post cards \ I Albums for 100 cards 10c j | Albums for 200 cards 10c I i Albums for 300 cards 23c I Albums for 400 or 300 cards?30c | Albums for 000 cards 49c J ? Other Post Card Albums up to | I $3.98. | t First Floor?Stationery Dept. 1 Fancy buttons, j I 10c doz. I | Quite a number of different kinds ? i at price. I ? Small and medium sizes. f 1 Fancy enameled effects, in beau- J tiful colorings. J A dozen for 10c.?First Floor, | Trimming Section. * I f Ladies' Home | | II Journal. 1 it With Beautiful Harrison Fish- | ? er Cover Ready Tomorrow. \, I ? Splendid number. Numerous ,, 1 J J seasonable articles. T?he cover , 1 is especially Rood and well ,> a wortn training.?i nira r ioor, > * !| Book Section. 11 f ? i i 50c Hosiery, 39c j { 35c Hosiery, 25c j These are two special purchases | f made unexpectedly and many worn- t I en will be glad of a chance to buy I supplies to do until heavier winter f ? hosiery is needed. These at spe- f I cial price tomorrow. | ? GARTER TOP Lace Lisle Hose, | J in boot patterns and in I 1 Kin r?L- nnlv rpsnilar SOp X v'"* " . -O ft V ^ J quality, special for FULL-FASHIONED Extra Fine ? Gauge Lisle Hose, In black and ? tan and regular .'tuc qual- ?jg ? ity. special a pair tomor- I row .... . ? Hosiery?First Floor. " I I i > Vanity books and < * leather bags While you are contemplating " your new suit and new fall hat (| don't forget that entire effect may be spoiled by a shabby pocketbook or handbag. It is the little details that count, remember: so . > complete the outfitting with one of the following: , VANITY BOOKS, made of mo- '| roeco and seal leather, strap on ,, back, and in all colors; leather ,, and moire lined; regular price, t?8c; special tomor- <? row ii HAND OR CARRIAGE BAGS; I a special lot just now; in black. n brown, green, blue, tan and red. " with gilt or gun metal trimmings. > and fitted with purse; some leather " and others moire lined: 4^0 " regularly $1.49; special tomorrow Leather Goods?First Floor. ,, KKK~X~X^~X"X~X~X~X*,X~X* {"J**!" i. to 9 p.m. with an un below just how attrac ?W' P Vy | sh; " - ? ? ? ? ... ssl inniaii&er s liar, for i see tlhiem. Long=contim jse to cancel an order foe tly mniade, with Mils for mil lantly our offer of 6? cenH amid worsteds, with taffel A few braid and satin 1! than half w< Waslh w Her? a The Wash Waist is as ii ? Pretty new effects now being WHITE MADRAS WAISTS of imported material: pleated; fasten front: long sleeves; laundered link tuffs: detachable linen collar. Worth $1.50. Here for $100 Second Floor? 8. Karin. Son* ft Co. $11.00 to $1.50 UMBRELLAS The only reason these umbrellas the factory inspector found slight fla class. The imperfections are but trivial looks of the umbrellas. All have American taffeta eov boxwood or princess sticks. Good umbrellas for emergencies, i to be appreciated by economical sh - TAN KOLO Popular si Fall seems to bring in a renewal summer, and nothing handsomer in obtained than these new lines of KC tention to tomorrow. All the very latest lasts and new BLUCHERS, LACE C)1 THE NEW WAVE TOP OF High, medium or low heels, and ance to the foot so much sought aft is only S3.50. Misses' and childi This is one of the most popular of that will appeal to mothers is that look very stylish on the foot. In but leathers: TAN CALFSKIN, DULL C. SIZES 8to ii SIZES iV/. to 2 Second Floor?Shoes. FALL WRAPS for young children FN 1,1 NED WHITE CORDFROY COATS. ** . AA pretty' style. " J ears* $4.00 CORDUROY COATS of brown or tan; *=> => good new styles; ^ Jj ^ sizes 2 to 6 years QUILTED LINING COATS, to be worn am under unlined coats; flnHJi sizes 1 and 2 years... WHITE BEDFORD CORD COATS, sizes t? months to 2 years, made with deep cape collar and effectively H pp/v brl?dm6d i0 WhUC ALL-WOOL BEDFORD CORD COATS, with deep /j* ^/f\ cape collars, prettily ^(Ij) trimmed WHITE COATS of all-wool bedford cord or white cashmere, both made with deep cape collars, elaborately trimmed in a a pA white silk braid and ^(JD ribbon. Choice cPTTeO'VF Si-rond Floor?S. Kann. Sons & Co. Select the umitrl and trimmingsHundreds and hundreds of the new assembled here for your choosing. Ju ?and the trimmings preferred and our faetorily. IMPORTED SATIN BEAVb HATS in black. London smoke, taupe, canard blue and brown. Worth $.*> to ?S.r?0. Choice, $3.50 and $4.95 POCAHONTAS WINGS in black. white and colors. /*> ? nc] S2S5.^ $1.75 Second Floor?S. Kann, Sons & Co. $1 buckles and "lucky stone" Do you believe in charms? If v< one of these new buckles or pins. If > cause they are so pretty and attract your first streak of luck -was in geti New designs of gold plate or oxid and tomorrow only 42c each. BELT BUCKLES in gold-plated, oxidized and gun metal finishes. Regularly 98c each. Special tomorrow. a ^ THE NEW VEIL PINS or Stock Collar Pins, in coral, jade, turquoise and lapis settings, with green gold and bright tin- a iah. Regularly $1.00. 4l/r Special, each Jewelry?First Floor. * t usually attractive bargaii :tive the opportunities are THOUSAND YARDS ( ESSALINE PONGEE . Not tlie narrow kind, but the 24-in. 59c yard. W e've just been fortunate v under price; good weight; has the ades. with plenty of smokes, grays an< First Floor?Silk IVpt. need of cast new fal led warm weather and ? several hundred suits. ^ itenals, weekly wages :s ora the dollar and held :a or satin lining. These :rlmi!rned suits are In the orth $30.00 'aists are ue late fall mportant to the girl who follows styl< si:own for fall wear, and at these vci LINGERIE WAISTS, with fancy yoke: fasten back. elaborately trimmed with openwork embroidery and broad val lace inserting: lace stock and cuffs: new shaped collar. Worth $1. Our price only 51.50 * for = = = i x can be sold at such a price Is because J iws and so put them out of the perfect ? and will in no wise affect the wear or I ers with steel rods and paragon frames; and so low in price that they cannot fail ? oppers. First Floor?Bargain Tables. i NttALS, $3.50 j hoes for fa II11 1 : of the craze for tan shoes of the early ? the way of a tan shoe at the price can be f 1LONTALS that we call your special at- t est styles to select from: | * BUTTON STYLES, and in t i STRAIGHT. ! are shoes that give the neat, trig appear- | er. As always, our price for Kolonials | en's high cut shoes | shoes for the little folks. One feature f these serve as a brace to the ankle and ? ton style only, but in the following f \LFSKIN, SHINY LEATHER. j -$--5? t $300 ! M$2.00 ? irneslh b, | First Floor?J I 20c to 35c * i lining remnants, Choice of Fine Sateens. Perealines ar J and assorted colors, to sell tomorrow at l: ?ly selling from IKK.* to 35c a yard, and are m You'll have use for just such linings t " money.?First Floor?S. Kann, Sons & C< inniimed hat shape | : -we'li do the rest j shapes in all the late fall colors are * st pick out the shape best suited to you skilled milliners will do the work satis- ? SMALL TOQUES AND TUR- ! BANS of braid and i velvet?black only; ij? * EfiCi\ ^ semi-trimmed, and j[ #^iO f ? UNTRIMMED SHAPES of satin f or velvet, in black, brown, leather, t new blues and gray; choice of *J0 ? new shapes, including a fl i small, medium and i large effects. Choice. ^ ^ t rK\" o-n /I F?uiis, AWHJfn, ; settings, ; : > u do, then you will be sure to want * ' ou don't vflu will still want one be- I I i ve in design, and you will find that ? t ing them at such a price. I 'zed, with the "Lucky Stone" settings, f GOLD-PLATED COLLAR PINS. | plain and chased; (i 011 ?? p card. Regular Sue value. T Special . PINKY OR SHIRT WAIST f RINGS, in gold shell; warranted ? to wear 5 years; in all the new i stones. Special tomorrow at? ^ 25c and 50c I i list for the three $ Y ' ? Y )F 39c yd, i f material. The usual price Y enough to pick up a quail- !! now satin ctTect; evening X I blues. <> i ?,?.? ? ? ?<yt v Y v II | r* I 11 suits 1 T--I Values $25 f to $30 ! ? X V i popular j sfcvles I cj/ Z ? as are those of silk or satin. ^ ry low prices: ? NEW WHITE UNdN WAISTS. ? tucked effect with colored em- > broidery in pretty designs and in colors of canard blue, tan and lav- > ender. Worth more than our price ? ?2.00 I _ _ 19 1^1 I I I ! ! ? Oood fiction ! at 25c, 29c, 44c f X More than .100 titles at the three V prices. Almost anything: one could *j* possibly want to read in good fiction at one or the other prices. X Books at 25c | The Thrall of Leif the Lucky ... y The Ward of King: Canute?Rez- * * anov House of Defense?Calu- J* met K McTeague The Car- ? dinal's Snuff Box The Happy ? Average Ishmael The Four Feathers, and many others. ?? Books at 29c Red Blood and Blue The V Rogue's March?The Czar's Spy A Doc. Home The Black Wolf s Breed The Man From Red Keg A ....The Bath Comedy The Iron A Lortf. ...In Famine laind....For A liOve or Crown....Odd Craft?The Duke Decides In Babel, and .J* many others. y Books at 44c | The first five Are special numhers, each beautifully illustrated ?> with Harrison Fisher cover. > The Furnace of Earth The Strollers Double Trouble Zelda y Dameron The Amethyst Box y Lavender and Old Lace....The V House of Mirth Pigs in Clover V The Garden of Allah... .Silas *t* Strong The Spoilers Infeliee A St. Elmo The Blazed Trail ... Beverly of Graustark, and nearly 300 others. .* I I1 I I III1I I IIIIIII I IIT erroarn silver ? ags, each, $1.39 ? y e. the run we have had on these iKs in the last few weeks. Women * Y v em for use with dressy street cos- > t *:* ncy frames and are made either with A s." Tomorrow, instead of the y $1.3!) only. A V AER MESH HAGS; plain 0 ^ * s. silk lined; those are res- y ipeoial for Friday, choice... ^ ' y V ewelry. 12%e yd, | id Spun-glass Hillings. In fast hlack 'V&- ? yard. These are grades usual- f in good lengths. *t* his fall. Buy tomorrow?and save A I Swiss scarfs * V i? Iki <rn irtwi f <U>il *3 1111 <ul 111111*5 9 : A These aip of swiss embroidery *t* in pretty effective designs and we've the table covers, shams and "! scar fa to match. These siaes: Y Scarfs. 18 by ."it in. *1* Table Covers, .TO by .'in in. Y Shams, 110 by .'lo inches. ,j? Third l'ioor?Art Section. < Y RIBBONS | V Ribbons for everv need and in the V ~ nrwest fall colors. We tie all rib- i bo us into bows free of charge, and ?j? also sell the ribbon at lowest price, y Y .Vin. TAFFETA SIRK RIBBONS > and 4's-in. Satin Ribbon, * ^rv in all shades. Worth 25c 11 y a yard. Our price V Y ?5-in. SATIN AND TAFFETA RIBBONS for millinery uses, in the y new fall shades, also black or y white. Worth ."55c a yd. ^=, ;* Special tomorrow at, V yard v -in. OTTOMAN SIRK RIBBONS y ?this is the latest?and sell for r?Oc Y a yard elsewhere. All colors. Also Y 5-in. Dresden Silk Rib- _ ^ *t* bona. Choice, a yard. .1. tomorrow- X WASH RIBBONS, in block de- Y f siRn and in colors of white, light 2? blue and pink: Y No. 1 width, lo-yd. pc ll>c y No. \\t width. 10-yd. pc 25c <? First Floor?S. Kann. Sons & Co. y