Newspaper Page Text
LEAVE "WANT ADS" AT STAR BRANCH OFFICES. Tf nr>t convenient to call at The Star office. 11th street ana Pennsylvania avenug. leave your Bdvrrtisemenfs at ar.y of the follatvin?? Branch Offices: V7AI?T ADS, 1 CEKT A WOED. Minimum, 15 cents only. NomrntvKST r.RANrn^s: PntTpr A Field. Prijcffists. rid and Indiana a*e. l-onis n. Pastel!. ?*h trmneist. r.ino 11th at. Cormnerrial BTdsr.. Postal Tlesrnph. Crltttpll's Pr?j, Store. 7th and T sts. Titos. A. Pohrtis. TB'T mid Pnlnmbia roadr>Ti >cnt Phnrmney. ;v>th and P >-ts. Kpider's Pmcr Store. Ttfli and v.vilintt plae*. n?ntr,cr'i hrne Store. 14th nod sts. Pnldpnherc's Porpan of Information. rTorhst's Prntr Stwr. Cot*, nod Pa. av*. HtJtToiaiv'K Newsstand. 170" Pa. ntp. Informr Dept.. "th nn.i F. Pos'nl Te'etrrnptl. S Kann. Sons A Po . Tnformat'on Itr.reaB. K<n<y*c TVnir St>tp. 1'th And T ?**. T.nnton's TVn? Store. 0th nod S. \-lflftwol n-4. 1 T4--4.I ?r t 4_ "I I ! 'IPjmi'H. P< r'man's rh.irnnrr. 1-ltb arl R. T. a?e. R'.?? X- M met in. COth nrd K. Roland Welfare. New-stand and StntinnTT Store. nth ?t. n .w. Prion Station. Pn?-tnl Telegraph. Putted ctates Capitol. Postal Telegraph. Fdwin Yarrold. 14th and Monroe ?*ts. n.w. rd X- T.ofhron. ?itwr,a''*a4'?at,? I?f> Connection! ?tf . Poc*al Telrgvnnh. GEORGETOWN: O'Onrnoirs Prog Store. 32d and M ???. O'PorneR'a Prng Store. r??d and P ?t*. Pr'de's Pharmarv. ?sih and P ats. NORTI7FAST: Tlrtfor'a Phn-tnarv. 4fh and Stanton pi. tl *. Kene.alr's Pharmarv. X Capitol and 1 sts. c. T . Kran?e. thh and K at* n e. l.?-har,*a Pharmnev. 11th and F Capitol ata. Moor adin's Pharmarv Cfth and H ata. n.e. snrmKAST: R'adlm'c Oror Store, Sth and E ata. a.?. tVPonneTpa Prig Sto-e. ?d and Pn am. a.a. VI. S. Foaly. Prngn-ct. 11th and Pa. ave. SOUTHWEST: Jith at. Whnrf. Postal Telegraph Offir?. Snlltvnn'a Pray Store. 7th nnd P ata. a w. Charles S. Walter. OOI 4 V. ?t. s w. ANACOSTIA: C. G. !>hr. 25 Monrop at. TEM.hYTOWN. p. C.: Genre? P. Parton. Pruggist. W;?>eon?in am. WANTED?AGENTS. One pent a word for 15 words. W \NTKI? H o X ft?T JIIA MDNDS: EXPERTS puzzled to debet from genuine: samples free to those aeting as agents. HoNL>o COMPANY, Pallas. T.'Xas, oe.V2t* WANTED?HELP! One rent a word for 15 words. MALE, W ANTED TW(? III N1HLB BI ?YJT L. A. \OI USE. \V. H. Mosps ifc Sops. WAN J EI? A of \ G M AN E X1 ;EKl EN < ED IN cake baking. Address Box 235, Star office. IMtS-'JI* W VXTKP SIX WEEKS" INSTRUCTION IN salesmanship: positi- n traveling salesman with responsible tirm guaranteed. Bit ADS'f BEET SYSTEM. Rochester. N. Y. W ANTED-YOT NI; \TENT NOW II AVYTAN op port unity to take up a business course at tiip Y. M. C. A. durinjr the day. otti-fit W ANTED GOOD DRIVERS AND Tl EI.PERs. Report at stables of THE MERCHANTS" TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO.. 3d and B s.w.. H a.m. WANTEl? lloy n~YEAR'S i>!.D |n|; Fl.UMBer's helper. Apply 412 East Capitol St. WANTED- TWO KlRST-t l.ASS COATMAKKRS at r . JACOBS A CO.'S. <Oili, nth ii.w. W A NTE11 A COM I'KTKNT HONEST AND sober driver for delivery wagon: must be able to read and wiite. know tbo eit.v thoroughly and understand the euro of teams. Bring r. fer cures to BROWNING & MIDDUTION ilno.i, *>S Pa ave. n.w. oet>-3t TVWNTKn?CHINA PACKERS WITH Mporimcc. Apply to Snpt. before 1" a.m. S. KA.NX. SO-XS & CO. rxi'sr w. orroRTi'MTY I-V.R NEAT. AMBITlOIi YOI'TII. S. KAXX. SONS & CO. wish to employ young man to take rare of suit, coat anil skirt ntnck on sales floor. Exceptional opportunity to learn details of readv-to-wear business. Apply to srpERINTKXl >ENT. W'AXTI'It BRIGHT. ACTIVE B< lYS. IP, YiTAItT of age, bundle wrappers ami bundle collectors: good pay and splendid chance for prnmotion. Apply to H. AY. SCHAl'B, witli GOEPKNHKRG'S, "tli and K s*s. oo5-.*;t AY ,\ AVE Hi 11 CEK UK iV COAI. OFfloe; s;.lary. per week: state age and furnish reference. Apply, own handwriting. Box 22?. Star office. or.VSt AY \\TEl7~ i.kTvKRS II >K COM. AVAGoNS; :n.n to stow coal. Apply AV. AA\ GRIFFITH. ts{ and X sts. n.e. oc.VSt AV A NTKIfT.\PFKIK.NCEI) COI.J.ECTOR; MINK other need appiv: good salary to the right man. .1. A AY. KISEMAX, 313-315 7th n.w. oe."> St AY \ NTKI? THE SERVICES OF AX EXPERT patent office searcher by manufacturing concern located outside of AA'ashlngton: state experfence and dally or weekly fis* expected; host ?>r rererenoes required. Address Box 22<. Mar ocf?-3t WANTED MENEX P E K IE NC K I> TN PACKTXG hina aid brie-a-brao. Apply to Superintend nt. woodward & lothrop. oc5-r.t W AXTED ~T AI LOR A\ I) PRESSERS A T once. H. I.KOX. 1TS5 Pa. are. n.w. nc5 St WANTED YoINi; M K VS CHRISTIAN Association employment bureau registers capable men for employment. CLIFFORD L. JOHNSON, Secretary, 1736 G st. n.w. Telephone 4S9P. oc4-tf WANTED? WHITE BOYS FOR SHOP WORK: chance for advance to good workers. Apply to Factory, cor. of Q st. and Eckington place p.e. oc4-?t WANTED?A FIRST-CRASS BLACKSMITH ON* carriage and wag-on repair w->rk; most be sober and work steady; good wages paid and work the year round; give reference. Address Box 215. Star office. oe4-3t* wanted?roy for general work. ap plr 210S llltk sf. n.w. oc3-4t WANTED - IIK SIC LASS PAPKIUIANGERS and wall scrai-ers. Apply t.o Manager, WOOD WARD A- LOTH HOP. se2S-tf W A NTF.P R RIGHT BOYS FROM 10 TO 1? years of age. for floor service, bundle wrapnine. etc. Anpiv to Superintendent. WOODW\RD *- T.OTHROP. se14-tf eSn WANTED - MANAGER ELECTRIC LIGHT plant. manager shoe dept.. $150; manager sawmill commissary. $100; experienced jeweler. $125: first-class photographer. $125; < iothing store salesman, SUlO: hardware clerk. f70; 4 traveling salesmen. $75 to $1.10; assistant eashier In bank. $150: 3 city salesmen, $100; printing salesmen. $125; traveling grocery salesmen. $150; piano salesman. $150; experienced bookkeeper $125; rs-dstrnt bockkeepers, b'll clerks. store and office assistants. $-.0 to $75; men stenographers. $60 yip"; civil engineer. $150; mc-hanl'-a! engineer. $125; a-ohifp'-tural draftsman. $125- drug clerk. $100 Write at once for free list of positions in the most prosperous and healthful country kn?wn. WESTFRX COMMISSION AND BROKERAGE co . San Antonio. Texrs. se!2-tf WAVTED ?JFWET.RY CANVASSERS TO SELL diamonds, watches, ete.. to the 1'est trade only; good men can obtain positions for salary and commission. App'y CASTELBERG'S. mhl-Su DOMESTIC. W ANTED - VIDT^FTAGED COLORED MAX for housework, furnace, etc.; must have expertenee and references; rood idaee for right man. Address A] 1{ R . Star office* " MALE OB FFMALE. WANTED SHORT ORDER COOK AND TO ASsl*t on breakfast and dinner; man or woman. 2o13 14-.b st. oc5-2t* WANTED INT El.LIGENT COLORED WOM AN and man to s--ll goods; * ? t-? $3 a day easilv made. Apply, fore:, -on or 3 to 5 p.m . 211 Stewart bldg.. fith and D. oe5-3t WANTED SALESMAN A VP >At-ES!.APIE:-;$3 to per day. Ro-un 1(1. i*?;i Pa. ave. n.w. ?-\V3r W .ANTED IN THIS . ITA AT ON'E. A I>-'iii' -tje graduate to t-tkc charge In an apartment b-uise dining room sealing 60 per-ous: table il'hete servi--e; man or woman, but experiei -e in managing servants ami ear.* of aeeonnts required. Aildress, staMog salary. efecei.c.-s. et- .. BRIGHT VIEW, Phoebus, Ya. N BOYS WANTED? giki.s wanted? o GOOD CHANCES KO" BRIGHT BOYS AND G'Rt s AT S K.ANN*. SONS #r CO.'S. W? bat " openings with g - vnf ,4>? f-'? qc|--k advancement, f r bovs and girls If. years of age and over, in the following positions; Store messengers. Bundle collectors. Bundle wrappers. Wagon Jielpcm.^ ^ I'osmons wrijon ourr i" inn mm ^iru er-e-lal adraniaircs !n the wav of th-irongh te-slnes* training through onr dally srh.a>l ol Instruction. se23-tf w * \tk7'- stk\o?;i* \firrns <pi'irTno fvT pl-r-nent or a hftt'r paving pos'tion. Applv at n?flc of the X'ONAITJI TYPFWRITFR COM PAW H21 t" st.: uo chars? for service?. f?2? ?4?t.4 _ j.r ma:ltv irWTK!) LADY TO DO COPYIXO AT HOME: good [icrirt^slilp required; permanent employ'"eat; good salary. Address Bos Star offl'-e. % \\ > TKIi U o\riTTWO M II.MXKBY PRKi. i-er* and tv.o triniiue??. R. J~ RIiOl'T'S Tl<? Tti- <-t, p.w. . <w6-2t w xtep m1ixixery s^vfpswoman: only sr ix-sr <-f references * *o dnnrtn ami al?MiFv nwil anplv. Anplv ji*ults oar I INKt.K A Cl?.. T.tih and I" st*. ocG.1t w a ntei> ? competent miixixkby trim mur. Address Box -oo, Star office. t WANTED?HELP. rSMALE. . WANTED ? EXPERIENCED KAI.ESpeople f?r til] departments. Apply to Sits t 1><-fore lo a.m. S.v K.i.VN, SUNS & ?'U. oHi :!l wav! kd an experienced saleslady f ! eunfo-tlonory. < all k'tneeu lu and 11, i 610 llt!i st. n.w. o-tf-'t* WANTED- EX1'?K1EN('ED SALESWOMEN IN < !ii:.a. toy ant! housof'troishins departments. Applv before K> oVlo. t t?> Manager. WOODw.viin & i.qthrqp. _ i i W ANTED YOU NG LADY TO TAKE CHARGE I'icar and newspaper eonnter and who is a stenographer and typewriter. Apple Mr. WHEELER. Hotel Regent. oo.V2t* w a ntkt > salesladies for high-class specialty sttyie; permanent position to those proving satiskac ToliV. ADDRESS. STATING I .AST KMIT.OYMKNT. SALARY" EXPECTED AND i:i;i KRENCES. RON 220. STAR OKFU'E. i o< r. ,'St i WANTED iTluTillT. NEAT GIUI.S. 14 YKARS 1 nf age and over, a* floor messengers: must have see ami schooling certificates. Apply to H. W. SCil ACB.. with GOl.DEXBEHG'S. 7tli and ; K sts. Of5-.1t j ; w \ M KI> " SKIHT"im:AI'T:R7FIIIST-"?-i;^s:"7io I 11th st. n. w. oe5-1t* j W X NTED \ Y nC NG WOM AN EX PF.IU E,\< 'ED 1 double-entry bookkeeper; must be laniillar with j use of typewriter: good saiarv; rail at once. 1 EMPLOYMENT KEPT.. THE MONARCH 1 TYPEWRITER COMPANY". oc4-3t ! M VNT!:I' I.AIRES TO I.ETRN GENERAL fare hii<1 scalp massage, shampooing. man.curing; (Rplouias. Fur terms. 0-11 North Carolina j ave. s.e. Oct HI* DOMESTIC. W WTKIi YOl .NtT. NEAT. ItlilTl VII1.1". PiTAIN cook: S?>teh or Swedish pl'eterien Call 222s I Ma jivr. :?f W A ATE I > - SETTLED WoMAN. TCFFHEK white or colored, to do general housework In flat and care for :! children: reference required; j good wages to right party. Apply at nrtiee. i 110 Pa. ave. n.v.*. WANTED WOMAN FOR GEnTTrA1 Til OPS E~ work. 1.125 Irving st. WANTED GIRD i'tll: GENERAL llOlsTT work in apartment. No. 2. the W'iiiton. lit? j Harvard st. n.w. WAN FED A "RELIABLE WOMAN TO CoT?K and assist in housework: mist stay at least three l.ights; wages, SIS: bring reference. 1727 Colombia road. WANTED WHITE COOK. $35; COOKS. $10. $25. $2o: housemaids, $25. $20. $18: also nurses, kiiehepmaids. chambermaids. ladies' maids, Imtlers. LADIES' EXCHANGE. 8U7 Y'ermont ave. W ANTED-COLORED IIOCSEM A IDS. $15. $1S; also eonks. laundresses, general hoitseworkers. nurses, butlers. LADIES' EXCHANGE. $u7 term nt ave. WANTED t oi.oKED WOM AN To Do GEN- j oral housework. Apply 4!t O st. n.o. oefl-3t* WANTED A NEAT COLORED YVOMAX TO DO t c>amlM>rwork and to assist with ironing; must ^ come well reeommended. Apply at 14o2 15ih st. n.w. ; ; W A N TED IM M EDI AT ELY. A C( t.M PKTENT white waitress. Apply, with references, at ; I li 1 f 1Srh St.. hftffwn 12 and 4 o'clock. W AXTKI) A NK \T VoTNtj~t1 H/HIKD ?MKT for general housework for two, in an apartment, fall Wednesday morning, October 7. before II o'clock. Apartnicut 13, the Baltimore, 1812 B'ltirore st. I 1 WAVifli IMM EDIATEDY, A KKUAIibK Clllb for yen rat housework: references reoulred. Apply No. 6 Rhode Island ave. n.w. o,-G-.'>t* WANTED CAl'VBI.K C.IKI, TO COOK. WASH : and iron: wages. *2": la'st references; stay nights, fall 12411 Kenyoft. W \ \ TED WHITE HUl'SKMAlU AMI WHITE cook. wash and iron: family of two; good wages. I'.Myi'K AUKNfY. i?24 ISfh n.w. ! WANTUi AN EXI'KKIENfED WHITE IKtl SK n aid. 2222 Mass. ave. oe6-3t* WANTED WHITK <>|{ fOUHtKD HIKE TO ASsist in general housework and care of little girl: stay at night. 1456 Kin-lid st. n.w. j oeK-2: 1 VTWTHi HOOD COOK: SMAI.L F.AMII.Y: ?i<> ) home nights: tio lauudrv. Apply THE BURUNHTON. Apt. 441". ncB-2t WANTED WOMAN COOK. WASH, IKON; family of three. 2550 11th st. n.w.. \nartmrnt 2. oc5-3t* WANTED A WOMAN I'D It GENERAL HOESEwork: 3 In family; $18 per tnuiith. 16"0 19th n.w. oc5-3t W A N TEI) A t'OUlKFJ) Wt IM AN KOH I1KV eral housework, 1326 lith si. n.w. o<T?-2t* WANTED AN FN l'Ml: lENCI'.T) NT USE TO help with two children: white preferred; good j wages: references required. Mrs. EAlti. GOD- j WIN. 1740 Oregon ave. n.w. oe4-3t* WANTED AT ONfE. A HOOD WHITE COOKT j Apply 2013 O st. 'n.w. ia*4-3t j WANTED'"* lOK AND GENERAL HoT'SE*worker; family of two: $1 per week; go homo! nights; easy hours and light work. Call after j 4 p.m.. 3432 Mt. Pleasant at. oc4-.1t 1 WANTED WHITE WO 11 AN AS KITCHKNf , helper. 210-S 16th st. oc3-4t WANTED A GOOD WHITK WOMAN t'OOK ' who knows her duty well; need not call un- j less having good recommendations. 2108 16th j ; St. oc3-4t WANTED?SITUATIONS." One cent a worfl for 15 words. MALE. 'BARTENDER YOl'NU MAN ANXIOIS To learn the business; willing to work. Address ' Box 213, Star office. C!l AIl'I'Kt I! WITH PRIVATE K.VMII.Y olt with garage; Rood references, Box 17*. Star office. orfi-nt* jink tit < ?place ilv student of College of Pharmacy. Address Box 224, Star office. oc.VSt* PORTER-BY A <'Ol.t(RED MAN. TI.ACE AS porter or w"k in store. 11*'6 loth st. n.w. SECUETA BY POSITION AS RELIABLE SECretary to gentleman or lady requiring faithful ; and confidential service. Address Box 228, Star office. * 0'"3-2t* | STUDENT HELP SUPPLIED FOR MORMXii j or evening work or both. Y. M. r. A. Bureau ' j of Howard University. ANTHONY DEANE, ' Secretary. oe4-3t WAXTED-EY A YOUNG COLORED MAN; ? ! can do any kind of work: can furnish good rcf | eronee. C. H. BROWN. !?(>!> IDth at. n-w. WANTED BY .MAN OF RANKING KXi'ERI- i 1 ence, taisition at night. Address Box 242. Star office. no??-3t* YOUNG SfKN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION j ; ! Knit loyment Bureau furnishes competent clerks, stenographers, salesmen, solicitors, liookkeejiers to employers free of charge. CLIFFORD L. JOHNSON. Secretary, 1730 G st. n.w. Telephone 1S!)0. oe4-tf ; domestic! j JAMTOK?A PLACE AS JANITOR IN APART-! j inent house, by settled married man; colored. Call or address JANITOR, 1524 Church st. n.w. oe6-2t TtVo MEN WANT PLACES AS Bin.Kifjh Apply to G2H N st. n.w. oc5-2t* i \V ANTED BY EXPE RIENCED MAN. POS L tioiu butler or valet; reference. 14211 10th n.w. j uat.t* ot> wu1t.w ANY TIME YOU ARE IN NEED OF A COMpetent stenographer or bookkeeper apply at STRAYKR'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Iltli and F sts. n.w. Phone Main 3430. no23-tf I COOK AND JANITOR IN APARTMENT HOUSE ?By eolorpd man and wife; with children: good references; will lake small pay. Address MAX AND WIFE. Slar office. ocfl-2t? ! JAPANESE COUPLE, YOUNG. REFINED. EI?Ucated Japanese, desire situation in a tine family as a liutler and maid. Address Box 2T>0, ' I Star office. oc6-3t* ST E NOG K A PI! K lis AND TYPEWRITER OI'KK l ators are furnished ujioit application by the MONARCH TYPEWRITER COMPANY. Phone M. 603; no charge. Jeltl-tf WANTED--BY A WOMAN, LAUNDRY WORK ' to do home; also a mau, work of any kind, i lfttiit loth n.w. oo6-2t* WANTED BY MAN AND WIIE. PLACE IN private family; man as houseman, woman as . i cook: reference. 142."> 11th st. n.w. r>c6-2t* _ FEMALE. I EXPERIENCED TEACHER AS VISiTING GOV- j erncss; English. German and French; several : years' study abroad. Box 186. Star iflice. -"5 . MILLINERY" STYLISHLY DONE. ALL branches; hats made, trimmed and r?nt-aleled; | ; nil*.maun-, r t>r.ii i miiu ?, ioz tun n.w. I < < r.-ot* n:i \ A'I K ITI'll.S WANT Kl? ilY A I.Al ?Y; j adults ?ir children who need help In roujposl- J tinn and the common English branches. Address 'Box 231. Star office. J "s K'. "* isTPKS* SEWING TO DO AT HOME; children's clothes a specialty. 107 8th s.e. \\ AN ! ED BY A COMPETENT DRE8SMAKER, i i? fat.lilies hv dav; gxeellen; reference. |! 7- o w.. Star . ffi. e. W.INTED POSITION AS STKNOGR Al'HKK and t.vjiewriter hy young lady with high school training; no experience. Address Box 240, Star ' office. . oc-G-2t* DOMEffnO. a giki. wants place as general, housew or iter; city references. Call at 1420 Church st. n.w. AM, CAPACITIES CAPABLE DOMESTIC HELP supplied; white, eolored, male, female. LAP1KS' EXCHANGE. 807 Vermont arc. HY A COLORED WOMAN. WASHING TO take lionie. 221o Cleveland ave. n.w. BY 1NTKIJ.1GK\T CoUlRED GIRL. POSITION lady's ninid. chamherinaid, waitress; willing to travel. I?5t2 Church st. BY TWO GIKUS. PLACES TO Do GENERAL ' housework and also day's work. Call at 1419 I 11th st. n.w. BY COLORED WOMAN. PLACE AS I.At NDKY or a cook's place in a goal family, lsp.t i;ith n.w. * oefl-2t* CHAMBERMAID PLACE AS CHAMBERMAID l.v colored girl. Address 14<v; 28th n.w. CII XMBEKMAID. COOK OR GENERAL HOCSKwork. 2209 G st. n.w. Reference. oc3-2t* J WANTED?SITUATIONS. rSMALE?DOMESTIC. colored cicl for plain cook inc. w1t11ont laundry. in small family. 144.'? I' at. n.w. COMPETENT C(IOKS. CH AMKEUM AIDS, nurses, chambermaid. waitresses. laundresses, hntler. housemen. It>.?i5 11th n.w.; phono Sorth ?1S2. (AH IK?PLACE AS COOK. OF.NEKAL HUFSKworkcr. Address 2t>20 ltith st. ('< itIK? PLA( K IN APARTMENT IhllSK AS I tirst-class cook; morning aud evening. Address ' 25ii4 15th st. C(?(IK? EXPERIENCED ANU KKLIA RLE COt~ IK. houseworker. cbaiutiermaid ami waitress; good reference. RICKS KXi'HANCK. 1407 P st. COOK ?PLACE IN SMALL FAMILY; GENERAL housework; good cook; good wages. 929 V St. n.w. C( KIK ItY WOM AN. PLACE AS COOLl PLAIN cook in flat. 944 R st. n.w. COOK?COOK AMI CHAMBERMAID WANTS plate at once; reference. 11021 L St. ocO-2t* CooK WANTED, PLACE AS COOK OH I??? general housework: references. 404 N st. n.w. C?H IK?FLACK AS COOK OK LAUNDRESS, stay nights. Phillips court. oc0-2t COOK I'.Y TWOKKI.IAllI.E COl.oKKIt WOMcn. one as cook, other as chumbermaid. 014' 3 24th st. oc6-2t COOKINt; ok HOUSEWORK DESIRED. CALL or write. 1(113 10th tt.w. ROSA KEEN. COOK PLACE AS COOK IN HOARDING bouse or small family; best of references. 1110 4th st. n.w. ' ocfi-2t CTTiTK PLACE AS COOK OR GENERAL hotiseworker. 2114 11th st. octi-2t CtiOK-ltV NEAT COLOKKO tillSL. PLACE AS cook in small futnlly In flat. ?Apply 1040 Crescent place.^ Ct h IK?11V COLORED WOM A N. PLACE AS cook or chambermaid. 1115 10th. C(>OK PLAIN COOK. PLACE W ASH A NO Iron. Palmira flats, G at., 2d and 3d st. s.w.. No. 4. oiT>-2t* COOK- BY FIRST-CLASS WHITE COOK ;~~CITY references. Apply H27 22d st. n.w. oc5-2t COOK FIRST-CLASS COOK WANTS PLACE AS cook or day's work. 1415 1st st. n.w. oc5-2t* cooK ?POSITION BY A FIRST-CLASS C<MIkT I Call 103!? lOth st. n.w. oco-3t (T< HTTTGIRL I>ESI RES PLACE AS COOK ; NO lairtidry work. Kindly call in person, ltlll 11th st. n.w? EXPERIENCED CO'LORKD WOMAN, PLACE eoolying. or day's work. 1420 10th st. n.w. FRENCH GIRL AS CHAMBERMAID AND seamstress; good vefs. Box 244, Star office. ocC-2t* HALE DAY WORK BY WEEK. 1M NEAT COl.orcd girl; is good cook; lirst-ciass laundress; with references. Address Box 2K4. Star office. IHH SEWOllK?PLACE TO GO MOUN 1 N G S~ A N li evenings; references. 1S10 Cedar st. HOl'SKWOKK -PLACE AS GENERAL Ht >1 IS IN worker by neat, respectable colored girl; day's work. (122 Horns court. ^ HOPSEWOKK- P.Y RESPECTABLE COLORED woman, place to work in mornings between 7 and in Apply 022 Horns court. Hot SEWORK BY .AN HONEST COLORED girl, place as general bouseworker. 2207 8th n.w. IlOl.'SKWORK I'l.ACK Tl> I>0 UCIIT IHlt'SEwurk. Address VIOLA GALLAWAY. 1-i G st. s.e. IK il SKi LEANING IK)l SK< LEANING RY DAY; washing lake heme; reference. Gall or write, 17<tl Massachusetts ave. HorsE'LlANING OK DAY'S WOIIK WANTED. 42S ITtti st. n.w. LA I'M ?R ESS? I! Y COLORED WOMAN, WASIIing or day's work. 334 V st. n.w. LAI XDRESS "ItY GOOI? WOMAN. PLACE AS laundress or day's work. A|>|dy 1810 Wiltberger st. LA IX DRESS?WASHING TO OO AT HOME by first-class laundress, or light housework, or chambermaid. 30 l'lerce st. n.w.. basement. oo;-2t LA l' X n It KSS?SM A LL WASIILS TO TAKK home. .113 A st. s.e. LA IN hUKSS BV GOOD WOMAN, WASHING and ironing to do liome or out by day. Call or address 110 Van st. s.e. LALNDRY--BY A GOOD LAI NDRESS. WASIIing to take home. Call 1639 10th st. n.w. LIGHT HOISEWOKK TO DO. .No SI NDAY work, by neat girl. Address Ilox 232. Star office. NT'AT COUIRED GIRL WANTS A PLACE AS general houseworker. Call 163H Cedar st. n.w. NKAT. COM I'ETENT COOK. I' MA MBKR M Al OS? waitresses, nurses, ladies' maid: references. 163;> 11th n.w. 1'hone North tillO. PLAIN" COOK. $2o; CHA MItRHM AID, WAITress, $16; also nurse; private family. Inquire 1?.:.r> lltli st. n.w. WANTED GENERAL IHJI'SKW <IR K. WITIlout washing, by neat and reliable colored girl. 24 l'lerce st. n.w.. Klat 2. WANTED I'.Y A COLORED GIRL. DAY'S work, or bundle washing. 1243 4th st. n.w. WANTED? RY RELIABLE CO LOR ED Wo MAN. cook's place, or general housework in a fiat. Call Tues. and Wed., 1612 lr st. n.w. WANTED SCITATION AS CIMLlTx 1 RSE. OR 1'ght housework, by colored woman, cot x st. n.w. oe6-2t* WANTED PLACE AS COOK IN PRIVATE family. 6bS X st. n.w. ocR-2t* WANTED RY COLORED GIRL. PLACE AS chambermaid, waitress or houseworker; without washing. 1833 T n.w. oo5-2t* WANTED BY RESPECTABLE COLORED GIRL, place ns general houseworker; stay nights. 1248 5th st. n.w. o?\V2t* WANTED-BY A COLORED WOMAN. DAY7* work, or tint to clean. Call or address S. II.. 1 151 CI hi roll st. n w oc.V2t* ~ WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS Orte cent a ?*?-rd each time for 15 words 3 ?'me?. IF YOC HAVE ANY KURNTCTKE TO ~SKLL send me postal or phone Main 4833 and 1 will call at your convenience and give you the best cash offer for same. IXMJIS NOTES. 426 'Jtb n.w. oofl-7.1t W ANTED?MI ST HAVE SECOND HAND KURnlture of nil descriptions to furnish a 10-room hotel: will pay highest nrloes for same. Drop postal: will call. 429 9th st. n.w. oc?i-9t HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID KOlt WORN GARMENTS. LADIES'. OENTS' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES & HATS OF ANY AMOUNT. SEND POSTAL: WILL CALL ANY HOUR. J. TARSHES. 130S ?TI1 N.W. PHONE NORTH 499. ncd-tf.5 WANTED? HIOHEST CASH PRICES PAIQ FOR ladles' and gentlemen's cast-off clothing, hats, shoes, etc.; drop po?ta': will call any hour. ocfl-fi2t.4 P. COHEN. 1222 "th st. n.w. WANTED?TO BUY OLD FEATHER BEDS. When selling why not drop pc,stnl to an old relint.le firm1 H. MARKS. 307 7th. opposite Saks*, or phone Linen. 2331 Y. oc6-tf W A NTEI) ! ' U R RIK It AT 1514 K ST. N.wT makes repairs and dyes all kinds of furs. oc4-3t* HOUSEKEEPERS ? THIS WEEK ORDINARY windows e.vpertly eleaned. fie each: also general housecleunlng. Postal. ELLIOTT. 1230 7th n.*s. oc4-3t* WANTED ALL THEOLI) USELESS COLD AND silver lying idle In your possession. Corals, diamonds. cameos, jewelry and silverware bought. C. F. KARR. Jeweler, 618 13th St.. above F. ocl-tr WANTED?PAWN TICKETS FOR PRECIOUS stones and Jewelry. Cash paid for old gold and : silver. Money to loan at 3 per cent. ?ell-tf.4 IXJUIS ABRAHAMS. 4.-3 9th n.w. WANTED-EASTERN FEATHER COMPANY, this month?30.000 lbs. old feathers; highest cash prlee; also furniture. Send postal; will call at once. 337 Md. nve. s.w. au2-90t' WANTED - ALL KINDS OK LADIES' AND gents' cast-off clothing; will pay you highest prlee for same. Phone North 7304 or drop postal. S. LIVINGSTON. 1312 7th n.w. seS-90t.4 t WANTED?ANYTHING '1X4 SELL BY PUBLIO auction: Include It in Saturday's sale at WESCIII.ER'S. 920 Pa. ave. n.w. Good reanlts. Prompt returns. soR-30t WANTED-HIGHEST CASH Pit ICES PAID FOR j cast-off clothes, ladies', gentlemen's and chll- ' : dren's. Address postal; will call any time. R. BURNSTBIN. 1314 7th n.w.; phone No. 4390-T, I at:30-90t.4 WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES . A i[> FG[> C\*T-0FF CLOTHES. LADIES OR GENTLEMEN'S. ADDRESS POSTAL: I WILL CALL. PHONE NORTH 17.15. W. RICE. 1332 7tb n.w. au2ft-tf ' ' MAX BROTSKY & SON. MIRROR M WUFACTURERS. RENILYERING. RECTI.DING AND BEVELING. 907 E .ST. N.W. nnl7-91t.4 WANTED--STAMP COLLECTIONS FOR CASH* Th? OLD RELIABLE STAMP STORE. 1003 7th st. n.w feI2-tf ~~ DOGS, PETS. ETC. One cent a word for 15 words. YOUNG ^CANARIES. PARROTS. MINOS. MAOples. crows, homer pigeons. Maltese kittens, dogs, rabbits, guinea plgr;?hest soap snd powder for killing fleas: Fr-eeiu bulbs, etc. SCHMID'S BIRD STORE. 712 12th st. 1yIfl-tf ?if t fi'iLMi ncTkimifu-n cnofW.T *tr i i M I ii i ovui. ?? - ton terrier and white poodle pups, parrots, canaries. guinea pigs. Pets hoarded: THtes reasonable. LEE'S BIRD STORE. 413 Uth n.w. jyll-tf.4 HOSPITAL FOR ANIMALS. 1 2113-15 14th at. n.w. A11 domestic animals treated. Complete ecpilpmenf. Dog cemetery. Visitor* welioine. Ph.N. 1603. ap21-tf.4 DR. CECIL FrfKXClI. SPECIALIST. " Treatment of the Dog and Cat exclusively. Office. 718 12th at. n.w. Kennels, cor. Park rd. and 20th st. n.w. an14-*f ' hedge plants. LOT OK SHADE AND FRUIT Tit EES. GRAPE*; Tines and several thousand California privet ! I for hedges: also nice lot of shrubbery. Box :<7. Star office sc2?-3Qt "billiard and pool tabiesT F. X. GANTF.R. BAR FIXTURES. SIIOW CASES, ETC.: ' BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES. WASH. BRANCH, 902 PA. AVE. PHONE id A IN 536. ! K2-tt BROKEN P LJ Wun Tung tripped on the stairs and hi you show him how to tit them together a ANSWER TO BII. Tn tlial problem of the billiard matr: tliat if Apfelbaum can beat BlumenStei Apfelbaum makes loo to Blumcnstein's 7! made SO he would win, and A wou'd no1 gives Gugelheim 25 points. Blumenstefn ni; 74-K?uths of 70, which is 58.46. shows wli ba'lm runs lint. While Apfelbaum runs which, as there are no half points, musi fore, give liirn the odds of 82 points, as S: beat him by the required margin of 1 pi makes 1 and 2077-2H2.-' to every 1 that Gui FOR RENT?ROOMS. One rent a word for 15 words. FIIRMXHEI). 12. Tllfc XAN'TCOKKT. Tns W ST Flit nislied room for rent liv one employed during tlie day: referenees. oetV.1t <tTi l'.iTII KKAITTIFI I, 21) FLOOR I IP (NT room; newly furnished; running water; modern house; other rooms. oo6-2t* ON K 21) STORY. I'WO .".It STORY ]{< >oMS: fiirttished: referenees^exchanged: private family. 1502 1' st. n.w. 7771 17TII FT.- LAROE. WKIJ, FFRNISHED front room; second floor. Phone North 21KE0. oofi-lt *2<>?TWO FINE ROOMs! SF< ONI) FLOOR: eompletely furnished for housekeeping; pas range; dishes. 2.".o;? 1st st. n.w. 7717: \ st! n.w hiiicnt. sr.wy room! fielng south, for gentleman; private family; reasonable. oel!-2t* FOR KENT 2S14 l.tTM N.W.; F1 K.xfstlF.n rooms, single or en suite; desirable liednstm and sitting, with hath on same, floor, and single room adjoining bath. oett-.'lt LA ROE SK? 'OND-FLO'TR FRONT. Mi'KI.Y furnished; heat and gas; cheap. 450 II n.w. octi-lt* ?2i? f.TH N.E. TWO ROOMS. THIRD FEOOK; l.h.k.. with heat and gas. oelt-St 1245 KF.NYON ST. N.W.-ONE NICELY FCKnislieil front room on 2d floor; southern exposure; gentleman only. oetVIt* 1017 14TII NICELY Fi'RMSI 1 EI) ROOMS; housekeeping permitted: also unfurnished flat, with running water. Itnrgalns. TO AM KIMf'AN UENTAE Itt.'REAF. 1017 14th. for high-elass rooms, board or flats. Speeial attention transients. 1522 K N.W - FI KMSHKI) ROOM FOR i1kxtlemen. Apply 10 a.m. to 45 p.m. ne.Vtf FOR RENT ? FC RMsTlKlT VERY LARGE, beautiful front room, suitable for two. Apply 1211! 0th st. n.w. oe5-.1t 1000 l.N'I'll s\'.. COR OF K ? FURNISHED rooms. 2d floor, convenient to batli: splendid location. oe5 It* LARGE! NFWI.Y PAPERED FRONT AND hall room, also 2<1-story southern room. 1172 Harvard St. n.w.; 1 ear lines. ocfelt* MC?l'?k'lIN. COMPEFTEI7y FURNISHED T1HtEErooni flat, for housekeeping; everything new: very reasonable. 41t! II n.e. oc5-2t* 17.1s F ST. N.W. 1 T.AKGF. 21) STORY RAY window front room. $15; also hall room: translents neeommodated; well furnished. oc5-.1t* 111 5TH ST7N\E~I7ARGK NEWLY KPRNISHed second-floor front room, suitable for one or two gentlen)en. oe4-1t* 322 C ST. S.K. ONE NEATLY FIRMS HED front room; gent preferred; private family. oo4-1t* 21 V ST. N.K. -LARGE NICELY FURNISHED front room to let in prlvaie family; reasonable, o, 4 It* 1.14?! KEN YON N.W. VERY DESIRAHI.E furnished front room; large and light: in private home; to gentleman. oo4-3t 1115 NKW IlAMPSiri I IK A VK. N.W.-Tl IREE furnlslifd rooms; light housekeeping; mlults.' oc4-3t* vthm; man in new acaimmknt \vant.< congenial rixuuinate. Address Box 2'!<5. Star ottiee. oti-'.'.t * 145 YOU N.W. 3 Oil 4 BOOMS; L.H.K.; NKW house; southern exposure; up-to-date; eonvenlent to 2 ear lines; reasonable rates. oe3-4t* LARUE FURNISHED ROOM WITH RATH; gentleman preferred; references exchanged. Apply the Cairo, a]it. 120. oe3-7t FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 512 C N.K.? I^arge room; hot-water heat; reasonable rent. Oc3-4t* 1411 10TH N.W.?TWO NICELY FURNISHED communicating rooms; well heated; in private family: gentlemen. oc2-7t* 14'lt! HOPKINS ST., NEAR 20TH ANI) P N.W. ? Second and third floor front rooms. $10 to $15; quiet, well bred people. se30-7t* PLKASA NT. SI NN Y FRONT ROOM; PRIVATE family; near Cupltol, Library, Union Station. 254 Delaware ave. n.e. se25-tf FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, TWO BRHiirr Sl.NOl.K RihTmS; FURNISHED or unfurnished; private family. 12 Iowa circle. ocf>-2t 3475 HOLMEAD PLACE. SIT. PLEASANT? Five or six rooms. 2d door, furnished or unfurnished: modern conveniences. oe5-:;t* 131S 14TH ST. N.W.. NEAR THOMAS CIRCLE? Pleasant rooms; furnished or unfurnished; sin?1.. .... ?.,Da o..OR 7f?r 151" ru nunr. pi-uv- i i ROOMS IN THE KMKRSOX INSTITI'TK BLDG.. 1740 r st. n.w., n.-nr Pupont Circle; one on 2d floor, with hath; 3 on 3d floor, with hath: 3 on 4{h floor; light. heat, service; phone; fur- i iilsh(*l or r.nfurnished. se21-tf IINKIHMSHED. Font rXFFKXISI IKIl ItOOMS POR RKXT. for a single man, or man and wife. 1f>lti 14th st. n.w. oe(5-3t* TWO I .Alt' 1 K. SFXXY Hot (MS: ThTsKTsT heat, pas and bath: 1 li.k. 322 lltli at. a.w. oe?-2t* 1222 COLFMRIA KO.W>-TIIKFK ROOMS WITH private batli, suitable for l.h.k.; third floor; no children. oct}-3t S2o .VI M X.K.- TIIIIKK DESIRABLE ROOMS, second floor: l.h.k.; $15 per month. o<n?-3t 4o?i K S. K. TWO UIKiK rM'lUXISIIKO rooms, faeintr jiark: no children. 1330 flTll ST. X.W. FOR RENT. TVf6 FNfurnlshed rooms, 3d floor; light housekeeping. oc.~. 3t? FOR KENT?2!? FLOOR OF THREE HAND wane rooms: cabinet mantels; tiled bath: heat and gas: 1X24 13th n.w. oe."-3?* 10 7TH ST. X.F..; T\Vt> QR THREE BRIGHT," sunlit rooms overlooking side yard: southern exposure: heat, light and gas; for l.h.k.: tioreelain tiath: adults. oiTi-3t* FOR RENT- l.'i.'th trril X.W.-4 I XFIJItXISHED rooms, second floor; heat and gas for b.k. o<-4-3t* THF. ASTORIA. 3D AXD G STS. X.W. . Single rooms front *S up. Steam h"at, hot water and light. Apply 35 It st. n.w. se2fl-tf WANTED?ROOMS. Ore rent r vrnr<! for IS words. WANTED TWO LARGE OK THREE SMALL furnished rooms. suitable for small family; two children; must In* ton blocks from Treasury building. JOHN J. T1EKNEY. 12w> E st. Il.W. FOR RENT?STORES. " FOR RENT 1624 14TH ST. ; I.AIK IE STORK, 12 rooms anil two baths; sto^ani boat; two larjre cellars: stable; rpnt low. ANTON HEITMULI.Klt, 608 14th St.. second Hoof. oc6-6t FOR RENT-STORE .ill 7TH ST. S.W.; m McRACHLEX BANKING CORPORATION. lOth and G ats. oc6-7t FOR RENT-MODERN STOREROOM. 720 OTH ST. N.W.. WEST SIDE. NEAR G ST. R. It. TRANSFER CORNER. $.V> PER MONTH. LIEBERMAXX A HAWN. 1303 F ST. oe6-3t FOR RENT 42.-. 12T1I ST.; I.ARGE STOKE: (rood location: near Penna. ave. and Raleigh Hotel; iu perfect condition; rent. $80. oc3-tf.4 H. L. RUST. 608 14th at. FOR RENT? New store. 20x50 ft.: all plumbing fixtures; electric light: 525. au25-tf.4 2031 Ttli at. n.w. WALL PAPER. CONSIDER WELL BEFORE VOL* SELECT your wall paper. Let us show you our designs ?atrilsh and neat, low-priced and costly. oc3 00t-4 I*. G. N0LTE, 907 11th n.w. - - ? _ m PUZZLE roke a round plale into fin? pieces, ("an gain so as to form a perfect circle? .1,1 ARD PUZZLE. ? h mathematics as well as practice shows n wiien he gives liim liO points in 1?X?. !>, for it is clear that if Blumenstein t beat him at those odds. As Blumenstein akes 100 to Gugelheim s 74. Therefore at Gugelhelm should make while ApfelGugelheim would make twice .V<.4?>, t be called 117. Anfelbaum could, there? plus 117 equals 199, and would then just jint. Mathematically speaking, Apfelbaum selhelm scores. ROOMS AND BOARD. One cent a word for 15 words. LARGE, SECOND FLOOR. SOUTHERN EX [HtHiire, suitable for two: also room on thin; floor: good location, convenient to 14th st. j car line: excellent table board: home cooking ftrice reasonable. i:.nt s two VEftv attractive rooms ! with board, in private family; homo comforts hot-water heat; phone service. 14 7TH S.E. ? TWO ITRMSHKIi FROM -rooms; excellent board; private family; mod crate terms. oc6-3t SUNNY ROOMS: COMFORTABLY FURNISHER excellent table; reasonable rates; two ca; lines; near ISth and Columbia road. Aildres: REASON A 11I.E. Star office. octl-5t* I WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. 17t50 COEUMBIJ road?Furnished rooms; new house; excellen table. oe6 lit THE#U1CAKIK>. ]?>1<?21 17TH ST.-FIRST class boarding honse; transients taken. ocS-7t* CHEERFUL LARGE, SUNNY ROOMS. SEC .1 .1 . t. : -A n a . i .. a r ? i i iMni Mini iniru iMM?r inini, new ij nirnisneu two closets. parches; also hall room: exoellen' table board; central location; reasonable. 921 K n.w. oe3-2t* 1446 X X.W. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. VYITt first-class meals. $20 and $23 per mouth; quiet well kept house; phone. Oc5-2t* 123 B X.K.?Xl< "ELY FURNISHED ROOMS with or without board; private family; reason able; near Union station. oc4-3t* 141?; K ST. N.W.?SUITE OK 2 OR 3 ROOMS first floor: bath same floor: large second-floo: front, rooms, with 3 closets; steam heat: ratei reasonable. ?oc4-7t 1314 K ST. N.W.?ROOMS, WITH EXCEL lent table board; home cooking; couples lr rooms wanted. oc4-3t* TIIE OUYSBORO. 1309 17TH ST.-ATTRACTIVE front moms; separately or en suite; norma nent or transient; table board. Miss M. E. XEWTOK. oc3-9t* 2J??1 1 ITU ST.. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS-LAUGH (5-window) and smaller bay-window rooms first-class talde board; i>hone. oc2-7t* 1204 K X.W. ? HANDSOMELY FURNISHEl rooms, with board; first-class location; butt each floor; transients; references, Phone Malt 6338. oc8-7t 1411 X ST. SINGLE OR EX SUITE: SUPERIOH table: single. $23: double. $W> to $00. oc2-flt 1209 AND 1211 K ST. X.W.?VERY DESlltABLI large and single rooms; southern exposure table board. se30-7t* 3SUO 14T1I ST7 EXTENT* ED I. A ROE. AIR1 rooms, with board; extensive grounds; trees stnblp: tennis. Phone fWl. 2.327. sc24-tf wanted?rooms and boarh One cent a word for 15 words. LADY IN DEPARTMENT WISHES NICK room and boanl In refined family, near car line. Address PERMANENT, Box 241. Star office. boarding! MEALS AT THE DAMARISCOTTA INN: OPEN ed O'-tobPr 1; 918 18th st. Special rates t? __p<Tnmuent guests. oc2-7t for rent?offices. WHY PAY HIGH OFFICE RENT WHEN YOU can get rooms for $8 and $10 per month? Ele vator service. Stewart building, cor. 6th and D sts. n.w. oc5-l?t* FOR RENT-BY? L' f T L> D t? i iV f. II' L-YfTIT C f!A? 1 ilk <,4 iv ?? r?jii un, inu ni. Wry large. bright room, 1329 F ?t., or ground floor; steam heated; $1,230 per annum 1331 F at.; 3 office rooms en suite; 2d floor elevator Rorviee; steam beat; $5O0 per annum oe3-eod.eSu.3t OFFICE IN It F.ST LOCATION; TARTLY FUR tilshed If desired, or will rent desk room or spare: very reasonable. Inquire Room 8. 1336 New York nve. (second'floor). ?e29-8t FOR RKNT-TWO DESIRABLE CONNECTING otflees on second floor of the Bond building, furnished or unfurnished. Apply No. 210. Bond building. se2-tf FOR RENT-DESIRABLE ROOMS IN THR Evening Star building. Room 408. size 13>4zl4; 2 large windows Itth ?t. front. Price $27.30 Room Bll. size 15Wx23; 4 large windows. Price $35.00 Room 510. size 13?^slt; 2 Inrge windows lltli st. front, directly In front of elevator. Pr!"e ...$30.00 Apple MANAGER. Star bid*.. 11th snd Pa. are. au-4-tf SEVERAL ATTRACTIVE OFFICES AND SCITES IN TIIE NEW BUILDING OF TH8 NATIONAL METROPOLITAN BANK. 13TII Street. Opposite D. S. Treasury. Rentals, only $16 to $35 monthly. Including heat, light, elevator and Janitor service. A. F. FOX COMPANY. Established 1876. "Rental Agents." 14th at New York ave. 10 FOR RENT-OFFICE ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN snlte. No. 1318 E St. n.w , adjoining the new Munlrlpfll building; rent. $5 to $20 per room. WEAVER BROS.. 1416 F st. n.w. je!6-tf FOR RENT? THE NEW UNION TRUST CO. BLDO., 15TH AND n N.W.; DESIRABLE OFFTCB ROOMS. INCLUDING HEAT. LIGHT. ELEVATOR AND JANITOR SERVICE. PRICES, $20 UP. THOS. J. FISHER & CO. (INC.). 738 15TH N.W. feg?-tf PERSONALS. HOW THE CAMPAIGN ORATOR LIKES TO make the American eagle screech. We are just as anions to call on you and pay big rales for men's discarded wearing apnarel; drop that postal. JUSTH'S O^D STAND, 619 D. oed-tf,5 BRADFORD'S DETECTIVE AGENCY. SUITE 224. Colorado lihlg.. 14lh & (1. Phono Main 2-"2S. Export Investigations. any cnnso. all sections; private consult at ion rooms: absolute seorocy gunranteed. (After (5 p.m. phone residence. Col. 1924.) oo2-30t.3 IF YOU NEED MONEY I WILL LOAN* YOU from $10 to S.r>0: very low rate of interest: all loans are strictly private. Address B>>x lf>9. Star office. ocl-SOt* WANTED?HIGHEST CASH PRICESfPAID FOR worn garments, ladies', gentlemen's, children's nfcnes and hats. Address postal. I will call. A. K.. 130C 7th n.w. Phone X. 32G0-M. se21-30t*4 HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR OI.D gold, silver, diamonds, watehes and Jewelry. GOLDSMITH. Pawnbrokers' Sale Store. ?t09 D n.w.: phone M. 574-M., or drop postal; will call. mySO-tf sf HIGHEST ?'ASII PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' and gents" worn garments of all kinds; also shoes, hats. etc. THE BARGAIN STORE. 1246 7th st. n.w. Drop postal; will call promptly. mv4-tf.4 MASSAGE. SciontiH^ mHMiiirp an/I bpaId * vrlnlrlna and blemishes removed. MRS. LlllIA JOHNSOX. M. O. (Graduated in Sweden!. 1212 ti St. n.w. Trial treatment, 50e. Mal^ 5919 M. m'l.VHOt THERAPEUTISTS^ THK CIJMC ??K ST. LI KE, THE BELOVED physician, operates "The Vital Force Cure." No drugs, no knife, no suffering. Finest mecbanical manipulations, the latest and best psychotherapy. All chronic and nervous diseases. Consultation free. Hook let. I?U. CAMPBELL, SPECIALIST, 1404 M to.w. ?Ht;:toi.7 EDUCATIONAL?BUSINESS! XIGIIT SCHOOL. ONE MONTH FREE. UN CONDITIONALLY, at DRAUGHONS PRAC TICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. Academy f Music building, cor. 9th and V sts. a w. Bring this notice. selb-if FOR SALE?MISCELLANEOUS. One rent a w-?rd for IT. word* time* KNA15E I'l'KlliHT rf.Wo; Sl'KflAI. l?KSH;\ dull oak ease; three years old: perfect fundi i Hon; owner will s>ll at ~r>-at rodrct Ion f >r 1 cash. Inquire \VS1 KXABK A ?'<? ne>>>::* KO|t SAI-K?< HOI< K lloIATKIV i (T\V <;7mTFi milker. from four to tive gallons per day; ?d* tohts old. Apply 1123 '.oh n.w. moHT HAMISOMF. OAK B?M?b> . *1?~ Til It A 1 Smyrna rugs. #1 ? and "-">22 l.ltii st. n.w. ae< :;> ONE ir> HOHSKl'OWKR OAS KXt: IXK: 1 SK1> ?mu? > m*nuu>. jhxki ronanioi). oii^ip to ln? mediate purchaser. Apply \V. \V. GRIFFITH. 1st and X sts. n.e. oc5 ::t F<IK SALE?GAS RANGE. R El It Ii; iTFt A TOR ' iron bed. spring and mattress: good as new. In quire of Janitor, the Cameron, Vermont ave. and T n.w. or.V3t* AXTiyi K IXI.AU> SII^RATOX sTpEBri A It l?. pedestal dining table and chairs. old secretary and lx*>kcase. g; atidfatliers riock and a few other antiques, for want of room. Photographs on application. Phone W. 683. 34(10 P st. OCo-tit >11 "ST SACRIFICE E LEG A XT PARI4ML DINING room, bedroom and living room furniture. (514 X n.w. oc5-3t* FtlU SALE COI.CMBIA ImIHXImTRAPH AM? outfit, nearly new. rinly $10. Address I Sox 218. Star office. oeS .",t* a"rritactive' sale -- till ir.rii T\sf.\xf. household furniture. rug?. few choic" phs-e* of old mahogany; supply replenished often. 14?*T Florida ave. o-5 3t* FREE TEST TRY IT BEFORE iTl 1IM;" I \ 1?K Sale temoves tar. paint, all kinds of difficult stains from j>ilk. satin, carpet, etc.; preserve* and brightens the articles; nothing injuria^ large bottle. 23.-. F. V. GUI'LIE 1<>1S loth st n.w. o<-4 7t* It A K E riLI * KIUMTI "UK. SI IF I FIK1.1? P1. V TK. china, cut glass, pewter and bra*!**. TIIE OLD CI "RIO SHOP. 2105 Pa ave n w. o< 4 It* Frilt SALE STEIN WAY 11ABY (il'.ANl) PIANO. J.'swi; $25o cash, balance monthly. Addtesa A. B. X.. Star ..flic . oc4-3t* FOR SALE -ItY" pXSTY GOING AI!K(IATT I some hund4ouie mahogany parior. Iiedroom and dining room furniture; also two mahogany filing cases; can be used us bookcases. (>20 l"th st. oc4-3t* J FOR SALE- HOT-A IK FI KN'\? I ~ I IRSI class condition; cnn be bought cheap if sold at once. Apply 224 O st. n.w.. mornings only. oc3-8t Ft lit SA I.E CINE ~ BEACTIFI L HI17ifliRAHE mahognnv upright piano; never been used: $2(55; original pr.oe. $450; also some cheaper odcs and a few good squares. GEORGE It. SHERIFF. 1345 It st. n r.. oc3-tf 1 SIX SKl'n.Mi H ASP LATK* HIES. ING?M?I?cn\dition; will set them up for $15 and upward. ; At W21 tilth St. n.w. oc2 3??f Ft IK SAI.K WOULD UKK Ttl SKI.F.~7\ 111 \f" ihgton piano: in good condition; will take $15o. Box 141. Star office. ?>cl-tf a few mTmTe high-grade u i7; Fi gITt r PIANOS TO CLOSE Ol'T AT A FRACTION OF THEIR WORTH. Every Instrument Is in perfect condition, musically and otherwise. Easy - j payments if desired. Fischer, $15ti; Ilardman. : $l.V>; Carleton. $175: Milton. *11*1: J^iiffer. r $250; Shonlng<-r. $2*5: Vose. $.115: Knalie. ; * Steinwav. $425. Square pianos. $10 up. O. J. P.-MOLL & CO.. ^ se2ft-10d 1231 O at. t UPRIGHT PIANO. IN FIRST CLASS CONPItion, $50; Chlckoring square. $10. Bargain* in " new pianos on $5 monthly payments; no interest charged. Open evenings. II I~.I,BIG BROS.. 1742 7th. se2t?-tf.+ I EVER sV.K ONE-OE OCR RF.HC 1LT UNPE.IL J woods. Remingtons. Smith Premiers or Densj mores? In every respect equal of new machines: 2.VT to 7.Vc saving to vou. TYPEWRITER AND OFFICE SUPPLY CO.. I sol6-30t 1107 G n.w. ' WF. ABE AGENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING HIGH GRADE PIANOS: , Sohmer. est. isoo. 40,000 In use. niasius, est. 1K54. GK.OOO In use. Emerson, est. 1*50. 70.000 In use. Regent, est. 1S70. 5R.OOO In use. ' And the popnlar Woreh pianos. ntad? to last a lifetime. j HUGO WORCH. 1110 G. Woreh hldg. Pianos for rent, hauled, stored and shipped; freight rates furnlshi"d on pianos for :he states i and territories. se17-tf : TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW STYLES. WE ' offer SLIGHTLY USED PIANOS, and those taken In exchange for new Knabes. AT A - GRE.AT SACRIFICE. Make known your terms; ; we will try to meet your views: J Weher upright, large size $160.0(1 | Hallet & Davis, large size $190.00 Smith & Barnes, line order*. $150.00 Hardman upright, large size $150.o# One Fischer upright, good playing order..$75.00 One Stelnway upright, slightly used, as a sacrifice. Other squares from $10 upward. WM. KNABE ft CO.. sel4-ff 1218-20 F at. n.w. FOR SALE? STIEFF PIANOS. BARGAINS IN UPRIGHT PIANOS. NEW AND USED. SQUARE PIANOS AS LOW AS $10. cu ts. M. STIEFF. 1008. 1O10 F ST. N.W. J. C. CONLIFF. MANAGER. au15-tf SHOWCASES AND STORE FIXTURES JOHN C. SCHERER. JR.. MFG. CO.. de4-tf Baltimore. FOR SALE-GOOD QUALITY OPAQUE SHAPES. 1 fitted to your windows, onlr 35c; the best qunlI ity oil opaque shades, floe, hung free. Wp rail with samples. KLEEBLATPE. 11th ft H sts. tie ap22-tf MATTRESS MAKim YOUR MATTRESS CAREFULLY RENOVATED. ; $2: all kinds of new ones made to order; vou can see your work done. Factory and salesOOO If tr.l ?f #sr\#v? r' m */\s?nn m?ui, n.?o 11 u.w. ipi. .n. ^U'J i. ii. 1. JU-N r.3. . LOST AND FOUND One cent n wwl each t!m" for IS word* 3 l'm?. LOST-A GOLD WISHBONE I'lX. WITH TINY pearl iti center: valued for associations. Heward at 1910 13th. LOST LAUVS (lOLIl WATCH. Sl'N DAY KVK'V lne. iroinc from 13th and 11 sts. n.e. to Maryland Avenue Ilartlet Chur< a. Liberal reward if returned to 1303 II at. n e. ocft-3t* LOST?COLLAR FIX. SKT WITH SIX AMBthyat atones. Reward to Order. 321 The Ontario Apt. oeH-3t* LOST?SILVKR OPBX-FACE WATCH. GOLD rim. October 3. on C at. near 3d. Reward. 2<i7 C n.w. . LOST-PAIR GOLD-RIMMF.D SPECTACLES. OX 12th n.e. from II at. : > Ivr City public sch..ol building. Return 1701 lltb n.w. Reward. oeQytt LOST?SEXDAV MOItXlXG. P.ETWEEX RAMShurit'a dntft store and 1421". O at n.w.. a lady's handkerchief. containing 1 ten and 2 fives and a check for fS.73. paval-le to Mrs. A. Force Maluliell Reward If returned to 142C Q st. n.w. i LOST-ON SATERDW. OCT. 3. S.W., BLACK ' ailk eton jacket. Fludej please return 213 13th ! at. and receive reward ocf,-3t* j LOST-NEAR IRVING ST.. CHEVY CHASE. | small black dog: tan nana: tag Xo. 9837: name, ".finks." Return Xo. 3 Irvine at.. Chevy Chase. Reward. octl-.'lt " LOST ? WATCH ? GOLD. OPEN-FACE; MOXOeram "L. F. H.." with gold pin. Reward if returned to 1709 Euclid n.w. oi.V3t* LOST?ON SATERDAt. RET ?TTt AMI P ST< to "th and It. chock No. 21322. . Finder will ' kindly return 406 R n.w. Reward. ?>c.V3t* LOST- GOLD PIN. "A. G. V." INITIALS. RE ward. 1012 18th n.w. oc.VSt* LOST?A PLAIN GOLD ItR-WB-KT. SEXDAY. I st. bet. 21st and 22d sts. Reward if returned. 2132 I st. n.w. oc3-3t* LOST?AX IRISH SETTER <RED> OX FRIDAY, j on Massachusetts ave. near S vt.; last seen on Massachusetts ave. Kinder will be rewarded 1 . bv returnlug to Connecticut ave. aud S street. oc5-3t* LOST - BABY'S NECKLAEE. liARYS RING, lady's riiur. Junior Order pin. Reward if returned to 497'-j L s.w. oc.V3t* LOST-OX SEXDAY. IN S7.1.1)1 Kits' HOME ' grounds. ar Irish terrier .log; collar marked JE ST ICE WHITE. 1717 It. I ave. oc.V'lt* LOST ON SEXDAY. I.ADY'S SFL V KR IIAM7- I bag containing small sura of money, postaee ' stamps, small silver pencil, etc. a* ba? has j sentimental value, finder will receive liberal reward by returning satire to Rockingham Ho- | tel office. oc5-3t* LOST?ONE HAI.F OF IKH'Nl) GOLD IHDVDKR bo* having monogram of S. H. Reward if | returned to ant. (Vil. the Albemarle. T nml I 17th sts. no4-:n MOVING. PACKING & SHIPPING: "\VK MOVE ANYTHING." FraXITI'RK. BAGGAGE. FREIGHT. SAFE?. MACHINERY. MERCHANTS' TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO., 820 E st. n.w. Phone 628 Jylfl-tf.10 ARE TOE GOING TO MOVE? ' I'added vans. $4.0;? load. Two-horse waeons. $:;.00 load. COLl'MRIA TRANSFER CO.. J 905 New York are. fe3 tf 6 STORAGE. Phone Mahl 4192. SHOE BEBAIEING EXPERT CUSTOM-MADE SHOES AND HEpairing: coachman and riding boots, hoot cuffs, eriptdv shoes a specialty: work called for and delivered; drop postal. T. GI'IKFRK, 1004 K at. n.w. oe.Vhot SPECIALIST." : k DR. L. S. NICHOISON.?SP;.<l.?;.fY. ItHECmatisni. catarrh, throat and lung*: disease e* the nervous system, skin, stomach. |-aralysia. dropsy and face Meniialies. pimples, superfluous hairs. Special care. 1305 H at. n.w. Ph<<na. sc7-30t*.? BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Of* **!.t n ? 1 ?lw* 'o** t T? ,i w \ \ I i : . ,?? ; I'AVIV* l?-ar full in\?*>r n. !?** to $1 .,V?? ? ?sh ti? in nam** n?? broker*, with r? 1? ?iiar*. II * '2X1. Star ?4!k<f fxiS s\!l IHVIW AM* II N' H icooM *v tii 7 titifur $. **, or Invojir ? ? l'. 11' jtn?J 1 p.m. Wrd or riitir* , f?OH :?! 1 m. n. w. H\i<v oHinm:Mn (or mNKmtiomcr\ A\|I HAKKMY Ml S1XANS oompl t.- f?r or iti<-|ti?iiti? vnltnhl i? mI $21, "'j l?r*?Tiii?n*!itiv i l<?uc ?t?t mI'IIsIohI. M W Y<M:K IU <IM>s vu:oixK!ts ?;n r >?; u wmjT F?rkK Bitiixnw MINK RKYTI ; f??. $1 .\?m. ?'<t:ihh?h<*<| fifty yt'arii; r^n: ; !; rjr? Immi^O mil! stable \IC\Y \(i|IK Itl'Sl NK.SS BltoKV litt, i ? it oi: i\v?*i? b ro?r imt <; stokk f r llinir r?*nl. ; nf,nr I ? Mat ion. \i;\V ViiUK 111 SIMSS HKOKI IIS <!] I F lit WISIHNt; l'i IVHKAKF llll HI SINF.SS. I Km about t<> form ? Kin! company; miult Iik ? to run t ji parti with about X'tysat or AS.tJtHt '?? intent 11 oty of tlio l.r?l iWiitiiMi.g sod hri'* injr loir'no-sr"" in Washington, working from 2o to .{ ? a.niils all the flute. only parties with references to tinani'lal standing. IsUiest r and ability ? iU lie attended to; luvr no tlnio for trltlor- .%?i.IIlui 1ST. Slur offlcc. * KiKsr-ri.Ass <.ic<M7r.i:\ iTnk nsn k?T<! wu stork; Ii* 1 tiu rooms: in a splendid l.?calion; |ir1<'<*. ft.'ri. le?s tliuti iitnlfr. Till KV'jf i:\*'il.\ViE. irru I FOR SAI.K KltvT MK A T AND PROVI sloti Ktorr, one of iiir le-st rash stands 1n tiir city of WasMiigtoti. doing a rash business of over Jilt a (lav; oil ae.-ount of other buainrs# will sell to immediate purchaser for Stirto, part rash ami liaianre on time, or will Invoice. Address Box -ft!. Star ottlre. o<s5 3t* ' i.a?:?;!: sn* K <;i: aimioi'IIomn 2.?io r.ivonis; immense stork tss.k* ami stationery, muslral instrument*. luiseollanenilN goods: on? mouth s rent fro.- to ?pili k iniyer. These g...?la pay bis proiits. tarti 41 j st s.u. ,;<?,Tr I5| SI \ KSS i IIAM K FOR RKXT IttlH st. ti.u.. opposite t'airo flat*; first flisir. formerly used as a dining saloon, suitable also for modiste or tnilliuer. with prlv liege of subletting seeoml story flat: a tu.i.; rent. $.* .*. Vlso ntre large store on '.It h st n.w ; rent. S'to. \V I.. Wll.KKRSON. 1KCI F st. n w. eli it CIHAK AXD VOVKLXV UTOBK; OBOWIN'O business; rlieap to ijtiirk bitter; lnv.stlea'o now. 70S H tt.e. tv.'i .l!* Wtil'IJi I.IKK T?i iTkTS OK tit HID MINIM* or other storks for sale in any enterprise where an investment of several thousand dollars would be no lnptor prop >slt ions roll" si. let's I I,. It ARBYSIIIRi:. Box 191b. Roehes. ter. V Y. .a t llll U N' II Rt K IMS. ? Iti Alt SToKRSt. HOtlMINtf 1 houses, cro. erv stores from $4on up to H. ! Tttl KY S KX'fHWtiB. 1333 F or4 M* To H. T\I> tVtMlir A ARIt. DOlNfJ A PRmFITahle business* that will stand closest investtgation. .-heap. TOFFY'S KKCH AXOE, 1333 F. Or4 .NT* | t 'OMMKIK'I VlT ItrSI N KSS I\ BEST IXKATIOV on Pa. ave.; large profits; owner retiring. TOFFY'S EXt'H AN'f.E. 1333 P. oe4 ?! H A YK YOI AS V BI'SINKSS YOF HKSIRK Tf? huv or sell? I can >L> It; all work confidential. *r< >fkys ex< h vm.k. isss f. ?v 4M? 1,1 veil ROOM IN ONE OF TUB BEHT I/MAin rltv. cheap. TOI'KY'K RXCHAN'tE, i::x? f. oe4-5t* foil saij fhist* i.ass paper route? Address Box 214. Star office. oc4 Si* LUNCHROOM. NKAII IlKFARTMKVT BI'11.(7 Ins:: fine liualnewi: heat ami gas furnished Rent. *2?? Price. $4<*). CAPITOL BUSINESS KXt'llANOE, t?42 F at. n.w. oc4-3t* 7*7 III s" v77K Ml'ST SKI <77 AT OXCK~ I U.ST paying inclitrd store on Fa. avc.; good reason for selling. Box 216. Star office. oc4 3t* IIORSK. w a7;o\ ANIl ii A unKSS ; 1'lioiU* K dealer's outfit and license; bargalu. 802 Eye at. n.o. oo4-3t* itaikiaix ; 12 room rooming house;"7*1 n k location: good furniture; full of roomer*. ?13 Mans. avc. if.w. ?d 3F VVHOTTKSALE W III SKY STORF< FOR T\7.K7 has boon established more than twentv-fire years. For particulate address C. A. SHEA. Mil I.a. ave. n.w. oo4 3t* fou salhikto\7ing houses. drug. < i gar, un-at and provisions, groeery and wholesale liquor stores. barber shops, dry goods anil notions. Inneh. ripar and pool rooms, saloons, delicatessen, bakeries and sh.*e shining parlor*, bv MUTUAL BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 122? G St. oc3.4fcfi 3t* anttikd bstaritishemtusinkss for salr cheap; a rare op|?>rt unity for an artlv* young man. Address Box 188. Star office, for particulars. oc3-6t* For Tiext sl'LExnm opportunity" to start a rooming house or small hotel; near Union station; 21 rootns; rent. $70. WIM.IGE. GIBBS & DANIEL. 603-05 13th. se2* eod.Of. co operation mai'k fortunes tll? .co-operative investing co.. Room 1<>. 141*1 F sr. n.w.. offers a limited amount of ltd stock at par aell-MK money wantedand to loan? Wild. PAY $4*1 EACH ::tl HATS FOR 1/IAN OF im.ikim for one or two years. Address Box 237, Star office. (H'frSt* WANTED A BUILDING I.OAX (.first tuuktt of $3.INK! Ht W,. U-ing atsuif S value of house and prop Tty located -jrvy ChaM*. Md. Bog 251. Star office. ocfl-3t* money to loan in SUMS TO SUIT AT CURrent rates of Interest on real estate In th? District of Columbia. FITCH. FOX h BROWN, ocl-tf 1405 O at. n.w. WE WOUIJ4 LIKE YOU TO CALL IX* REFERence to loans on real estate; we have facilities and methods to save you money. Large and small amounts from 4t*?!{. to 6^7-. Tiii? ii i DT?ic/tv or ?t t\' rn X Iiri ii.inuiov.i i\uaui a ' *?., so27-tf . 907 O at. D W. MONEY TO LOAN ON IV C REAL EST ATT. Where the margin la sufficient the Interest will he 5<7i- Any amount and economical con* siderntlon shown borrowers. MOORE A- HILL (Inc.I. 1333 G 9t. B.w. .Infi-tf . . LOANS NEGOTIATED ON APPROVED fOI, lateral, such as Stocks, Bonds. Bldg. and t/vaa Ass'n Shares. Old-line Life Insurance Policies, Svndlcate Certificates, etc. No delay. C. A. BAKER. Rooms ?VS2. 1110 F. Phone M. 317. mhlo-tf MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED REAL Estate; lowest Interest: reasonable chnrwps; prompt attention. GEO. W. LIN'KINS; de7-tf Son lftth at. n.w. MONEY TO IX) AN" ON APPROVED CITY REAL estate at lowest current rates of Interest. Special privileges with respect to prior payments. I^arce amounts a specialty. TYLER A- RI'TllF.RFORD. 73" 15th st. n.w. , fe?-tf.3 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OF Interest on D. C. real estate. No unreasonable delay. WALTER II ACKER. mha>-tf.r> 1420 F at. p.w. MONEY TO IX)AN ON I). C. REAL ESTATE I?west rates of Interest. Payment on principal in amounts of Jinn or more received at any Interest THE F. I! SMITH COMPANY. Bond bldg . 140R New York ave, n.w. no2-tf IF YOC WANT TO BORROW OR IXVAN. BIT or sell on real e-tate. I can save yog time and e??h. as 1 give Pcrson-l attention to all deil*. d. fi if.4 J. EAKIN GADSBY. ."2d 13th st n.w. SECOND TRI'ST LOAN'S ON REAL ESTATE. Apr amount. L?west rates. N ATION AL l/)AN AND INV. CO . THOMI*SON BI.DG.. 703 lf.TH ST. N.W. opposite Treasury. Next Drug Store. LEGAL NOTICES. SPPRKME COFRT <?F THE DISTRICT OP Columbia, holding Probate Court.?No 15477. Adtnfrfstratlon.?This is to rive notice that the subscriber of the District of C.dnmbia has ohtaineX front the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters testamentary on the estate of Elir.g J. Hyland. late of the District of Columbia, deceased. AH persons having claims against th* de.eas.-d ate hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 28th day of September. A.I). I!*1!). otherwise they may by law bp excluded from alt t?enent or sata oststp. Given under mv hs?nd this 2S?b <1av of September. 190S. ("HAKLES H HVLAXP, ?.15 22d ?t n.w. tScal.i Attest: JAMES TANNER. Iterlster of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of thd Probate <'our(. WM. M. LEWIN, Attorney. se2?-law-3t ~S 1 'l'RKME DtHiT OF TDK DISTRICT OP Ci lumbia Holding Probate Court?No. 153?i2. Administration This in to jive notice that the subscriber of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of ColumHi letters of administration on the estate of Michael Clarke, late of flic District of ColumMa. deceased. All is-rsons limine claims against the deceased are hereby warms! to exhibit the st.ine. with the vouchors thereof, legally nutbentlcated. to the sutiscrlher on or before the 21st day of September. A.D. 1ft09; otherwlae tber may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estrfe. Given under mv hand this 21st day of September. l?nK. MICH A EI. P. <T. VRKE lt<*> 21st st. it.w. (Seal.i Attest: JAMES TANNER. Rapist*r of Wills for the District of Colunib'a. CI.1- <1.. ... c??., ?M V IVMRtKE Attorney. *e22 law .itt POTOMAC RIVER BOATS. WASHINGTON AND POTOMAC STEAMUOA* COMPANY. RTH STREET WHARF. Steamer HARRY R.WDAIX ? Monday ?n< Wednesday at 4 p.m.. for lower Potomac landings. Dills to Lower Macbodoc creek. Saturday at 7 for landings between GDmont and Noiuinl. Steamer WAKEFIELD? Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday. 7 a.m.. for upper rlrer landing* to Coloulal Beach .-id Mattnx creek. Steamer ESTKLLE RAND A LL?Dally at 7;Sd a.m. for GlymWit and Intermediate points. Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday to Grinders In addition. Return trip aame duy. Schedules subject to tide and weatl?r. and to change without notice. W. F. CARNE. Jr.. Gen'l Passenger Aft. myO-tf t DRESSMAKING sr. ROSE S 1NDI SIKIAI. SCHOOL. ao2.-; a st. n.u-.. lakes pleasure In sunounelng that It is prepared to till orders for ladles' sad misses' gowns, wr.-ipa. tailor oiade suits sad waists; also ladles' trousseau* and Infant layettes; embroidery a specialty. ae22 tf