Newspaper Page Text
FOR RENT?HOUSES. ?( FVHX1SIIKP OR IXFtRXKHKD. Von rent- j HKISKELT. A McLERAN. READ ESTATE AND IXSt.RANCE. i?o:j h st. x.w. . ixfcrntshed. 1627 10th nw.25r.4h*W>0 ; 10O3 K nw. llr. h.55.75 1R;yi i?th nw.l4r.b.,125 1735 17th nw.12r.2b50.00 1752 Q nw, lttr. 2b. 1719 Oreson av nw. stable 12". 12r. b .WOO Without stable 110,1310 Columbia rd. Or. 223." y nw. lor. b.,100 b. 1st fl kltehen.5O.00 1732 loth nw.12r.bS3.33 l.MO X nw. Ur, h..3O.O0 1110 9th nw.20r.2b 1509 13th nw.Sr.b..47.75 1715 DeSales nw. l"4n ltijrss nw.8r.l>40.00 Kir. b 60.75 1434 X nw, Sr. b...35.30 1737 RlCTTsiiw.12r.btin 0?> i:t30 1" nn .flat.3r,b3.VW? 1325 21st nw.10r.b60 t>0 52s Col rd. 6r. b...21.80 1744 y r.w. lor. b. 1U6 6th so. llr.h...19.60 f.h.. 2 st?>rv sta. .tin.nn 29 K nw. 5r 16..VI Without stable....V>.?hi 1100 1st aw, 4r... 10.50 1405 21st nw,llr.b.55.00 furnished. 170" Conn av nw. 12101 P nw. 12r, b. 14r. 51> 300 I steam heat 150 Tshi littb nw. 14r.b.. 17" I 1737 Q nw. 12r. b ..125 172?5 h nw. i.t. i> .. i.k? : v.'.Vi Fairmont nw, l*V>i ]Sth nw (Jan 1>. j Jlr. 2b 12.". Mr. 1>. by year. per -132." 21st uw.lOr.b .125 month 100 1315 Clifton nw. lOr. Six months I.V> i b jOO 1112 21st nw.10r.2b.lVt 30R2 3Sfh nw.9r.b S." 00 17X1 P nw. lOr. b?12." 1S04 Iliggs nw.Jtr.bSrt.OO 2235 Q ii w. lOr. b. ..123 ISio s nw. Or. b. .67.50 OFFICE ROOMS. 140.1 TI nw. 5r. 211. j 114.". Pa av nw. IflfiOOO por annum .".is 10th nw. rm$8 to 10 5r. oil 11 45.OO STORES. 1014 nw 40.00 I 1403 T nw 12.50 FOR RENT JFST T11E HOFSK YOC WANT. Write us particulars an.l we will suppl*- It. We save von the trouble <>f looking over the field roirsclf. Phones Main 4H7 and 4SS. WIIJ.IGE. GIBBS & DANIEL. 603-05 13th. oe4-3t Fi'R KENT- UN FURMSH7".D. 1334 G. sto.5- b..?l.V> no 153817th nw.lor.2b50.0O 1752 (J. lHr. 2b.. 125.00 517 H nw. lOr. b.50.07 1215 I. 18r. 2b...100.00 1725 Riegs -.1 I0r.h4* 00 We hare a number "f desirable furnished houses In the n.w. section: rent. $75 per mo. and njuard. TYI.EU & RUTHERFORD (Inc.). oc.1-7t* 730 15th st. n.w. GET OUR RIG FOR RENT LIST. Contains 2on properties. TTTREF 11! KEYS TO EACH PROPERTY WE HAVE FOR RENT. RflSS * PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14TH N.W. OPPOSITE FRANKLIN PARK Three phonea. M AIN 340-41-495. . eS-tf ' FI'RMUHF.P. FOR RENTES 16TII ST. N.W.? New. fireproof; seventeen rooms and fonr baths; elevator. 1013 16TII ST. N.W ? N?w; thirty-two rooms and six baths; elevator. i These two houses have been decorated anil furnished by Verbeek. Whylerow & Crosaley Conipnnv. 5th ave.. New York. THE ALONZO O. BLISS PROPERTIES. 3." B st. n.w. Phone Lincoln 1SOO. W. E. COWEN. Mjr. oe.Vtf FOR KKVT 1 "J4 M \SS AVE. N.W.: HANT?SOMK THREE-STORY HOPSE. 14 MOtni and 1! baths; completely and comfortably furnished; splendid order; reasonable rent. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY. 1408 X. Y. AVE.. BOND P.T DO. oc4-3t for kent -fi'rnished? Corner house, lu rooms and bath; kitchen 1st floor; hot-water heat; furnished; half square from car; all outside rooms; double back perch: rent $7."i per month. TYLER & Rl.'THERforb. Inc.. 730 15th St. n.w. oc3-aa.Su&tn 3t* for rkn'l ? several very desi r able fi'rnished iioeses; some located in tih: most fashionable section of THE CITY. RENTING AT "ROM $50 TO $500 PER mo. TYLER & RUTI1ERF0RD (Inc.). .730 15TH ST. N.W. nc3-7t* FOR RENT-BY FLLERSON & WEMTIJ5. 607 14th St. 1824 G st. n.w.; thoroughly furnished; 11 p*im? and 2 btths; all modern Improvements. Convenient to all departments. To select tenant, $1<h> per month. oc3-eod.3t.eSu FOR RENT-BY FLLERSON & WEMTLE, 607 14th St. Attractive home on Richmond st. near Tenley town road; facing cathedra! grounds; a.m.!.; 'arjre grounds; wide porches; $1,050 per annum furnished; $9oO unfurnished. ??i-3-e-id.3t.eSn FOR RENT? Kalorama' road near 20th. 12r.. 2b $100.00 Ontario road near Col. road, 9r., b 80.00 l??h st. near U. Or., bath 80.00 >s3-7t CltAlO ft EVANS. 1502 H st. UNFURNISHED. For rent? ? Out- of those "new houses." 14th and Monroe sts.; C rooms and bath, cellar, fur. heat. 500 2D n.e. Near Union station; 6 rooms, porcelain bath, cellar, fur. heat. Rent. $23.50. 721 3D X.E. 2-etonr t>rl<-k; 6 rooms and bath. Rent, $23.50. simpson-sullivan co.. ocO :;t HQS G st. FOR RENT-COK. N AND 23D STS. X.W. NO. 1250 2.1 RD ST. S ROOMS. 2 BATHS: STEAM HEAT. Handsome 3-storv brick dwelling. just REPAPERED AND PAINTED. RENT ONLY $27.30. LIEBERMANN & HAWN. 1303 F ST. wl-St FOR KKN^-OM.Y $22.30 MONTH. 717 AND 721 G1RARD ST. X.W. Splendid K-room and modern bath semi-detached house; flue cellar; furnace beat; front lurch, convenient to cars. LIEBERMANNi & HAWN. 1303 F ST. neti-.1t FOR RENT? M40 21st at.. 1 It. and b., hot water... .$100.00 1 TAJ C .? 1A e/wxmo .. ,ft\ l.ntl, Pt AA * '"i u . iv a'?mua auu i'iiiii. . ......... v.i.vv 1711 Rlg.ts st.. 0 rooms and bath 50.00 1417 Q at., 10r.. !>.. hot-water heat 50.00 iru?l O st? 0 moins and bath 40.50 1402 Kith St., !? rooms and bath 35.50 9LS C st. ii.e.. S roiras and bath 30.50 1250 23d at.. Sr.. 2b.. steam heat., 27.50 lllO 15th St.. S rooms and bath 25.Oo "17 Glraril st., 6r.. b.. furnace heat 22.50 721 GIrard St.. Or. and b.. furnace heat... 22.50 103 M at. s.e . li rooms 15.00 LIEBERMANN Ac HAWN, 1303 F at. nc?3t Foil RKNT-1340 21ST ST. X.W. FASHIONABLE CORNER. 11 ROOMS AMI RATH: HOT-WATER HEAT LIEBERMANN Ac HAWN. 1303 F ST. oct!-3t FOR KENT- 111<? 15TH ST. N W. IIWKI.MMi PORTION. IN PERFECT CONDITION. S rooms and bath. NEW STEAM HEATING ri.ANT. JEST PAPERED AND PAINTED. Centrally located and convenient to cars. RENT ONI.Y *25 OO. LIEBERMANN Ac HAWN, 1303 F ST. ocO-3t FOR RENT?DESI KABLK LOCATION. SPLENDID CORNER HOUSE, lrtol O ST. X.W. AND ALSO 1402 lfiTII ST. 9 rootns and hath each. RENTS $44) 50 AND *35.50 MONTH. LIEBERMANN Ac HAWN. 1303 F ST. nrti-'it FOB RENT? *11 7tb nw. store. $225.00 G14VJ D tut, at ore. 20.00 722 10th nw st.dwioo.o- 311.1041 9th nw.4r.bl3.00 1-10 7th nw.ato.dw.dO OO 05 1 ne. 7r. b 22.00 1633 g nw. lOr. h. V> ns Pope bolldln*. 8 15.35 ot'.i nw.lor.b.3s,75 rooms ...SIB to 17 5'i 153:: nth 52 Mrrtle ne.Gr.b. 17.30 1632 Ihth nw.lOr.b.40.00 Bll 13th se. Br 15.00 1H20 :ith nw.lfl.6r.b30.5O Rear 1341 tiirard nw. KW cor 9th and Sher- raraee 15.00 Idan ats 30.00 1025 13th ae. col..10.50 Tin a:>arttnent? In the Fairfax, opposite Kti- j reau enprsv'ni:: 3 rooms and bath...*20 to *22-30 THE HARRISON REALTY CO.. "tn-ii :?m it si. it.t?. r?iR RENT?DESIRABLE 12 ROOM HOUSE. J2I# !*tb n.w.: furnace heat; good location and arranged for a phvMrlan: rent $3**. or with stable. $55 THOMAS J. KISHKU & CO.. Inc.. 738 1Mb st. oc6-3t KOR RENT 1TI>> OREGON AVE. N W.- HAM), some hrlclt. 1" riKiiu*- elegantly finished; $45. A T HOl.TXM A V. 1121 K at. n.w. oc6-3t KOR RENT? ld.1t* l.ltn ?t n.w.. 11 and bath. . .$40.S3 T1 I* ii. . r? r >?>ni* alid bath fapt.).... 1*18*1 * OL<?KEl> TENANTS. 212 T *t. n.w . y rooms and bath $35.00 a linti 23d st. n.w.. (1 rcoma and bath 18.40 WEAVER BROS.. 1416 K st. n.w. EoR RENT?$5u?1811 NEWTON ST.; NEW: r?ady for immediate occupancy; hot-water heat. f? rooms, sonant's room: charniitig home. .*6.11 tlK**. Y WOKTHIXGTON. 1410 G n.w. KOR KENT NEAR 18TH AND COLUMBIA RD. On 2 car lines, twu-atory flat*. 5 and 6 ro nis anj ba'h; furnace beat: in good repair. WILLIGF.. GIBBS & DANIEL. 603-05 13th. >c6 eod-4t I'OR RENT ?f>7 L ST. N.E. room*. bath; latrohe; first-clues conduit n; $24 V> WILLIGE. GIBBS * DANIEL. 603 03 13th. nets It KOR RENT NEAR PRINTING OKKU'E. 51* Myrtle st. n.e.; 6 rooms and bath; laIndie; $17.SO. WII.L1GE. GIBBS A DANIEL. 603-05 13th. tfM-tf-eoil-jt KOR KENT^ 1703 N. Y are. n.w.. J5r. and 3 baths. ..$65 00 17."si I* st. n.w.. 11 rooms and batb 50.00 is;* Corcoran at. n.w . 9 rooms and b 38.00 I c KENNEDY CAMI'BELL, 1413 Q at. n.w. wfi-.'it KOR KENT--*12 MONTH 10 ROOMS AND b.tth: all m l : lSlo 5tb u.w. Inquire OWNER, 422 Florida nr n.w.* KOR RENT "ATTRACTIVE HOUSE. ? ROOMS bat'. -pd cellHr: New Hampshire are., one block fmm Washington Circle: $27.50 per month: furniture can l>e purchased rery cheap If desired A tally Room 720, Washington Loan and Trust bids . 12 ttl 4. oi-5-3t FOR RENT?HOUSES. l' X FU RMSHEI). FOR KENT? STOXE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York Hve. Adjotntne ror. 14th ut. n.w. *300..222 3d nw.43r,15b *32.30. .SOT. M nit. Or. hi $123 42". 12th nw *32.30... 1331 Oth nw. Or *123 1734 Q. 12r *32.30.1437 Mnnro?-.tir.h *123.1323 24th ntv.12r.3b *30 30..3620 13th niv. 7r *112.30. .163S lSthnw, 14r *30.30.. 1.337 nw. ?r *110 1732 g. 12r S30..30... 1323 Onk. Gr. b *100 18A4 Wjomlnk, *30.50.1207 20th nw.Or.b 16r. 2b *30.30...t)02 S n?. 8r. b #100.141* I. nw. 12r. 4h f::?? Woodsldp. M<1 *00 2010 O nw. 12r 202* II ntv. Sr. h **3..1340 21st nw. 10r.2b *30....3220 WHnlPr.Cr.b *S3. ...1430 R I *r. I2r *30.... 316 F ne. 7r. b *S3.43.1732 16th nw. 11.b *28.30. ..314 ? ne. 7r. h *73..1307 Clifton. 13r.2b $2H.50.20i>7 12tli nw. Sr #73. ..1212 g nw. 12r b *27.30. 313 H np. 7r. b #7?..1020 17th nw.10r.3b $27.30.1606 N J ?t ntr. 75..1018 N nw 19r tJK *27.30. 143 C np Or b #75.". 2108 Flu" ?v. 12r,xTa #26.-543 Columbia. ?r.b ! #70 .. 204 F nw 21r *25..50...2023 Portner i>1 KM... 1514 12th nw.llr.b #2'> 50.3040 Pamnrr j?r.h KM 302.1 15th, llr. 20 *25.501315 Vt ar. ?r. b #00 1732 S nw. lOr *23.30 10 P sr. Or #00. . 122? 1?fh tiw.0r.21. #23... .222 11th bp. Or. b #00... 1500 Pol rd. llr. b #23.50.. ..-.04 T> no.rtrb *0O 1443 R nw.12r.2b sta *2."..50.1402Fla nv nw.O b #00 ..714 11th nw.lSr.b *23 50. ?20 D nw nr t(V) 1 T>Q I nw iip K ^ .^1. .!!?.?(> B hp. 6r. ^ #00. " 100 3d nw.icr.'2b ^S"52-!5?i Utk nw'S^'S #60...2512 Ont rd.10r.2b #22 >0.131 < 24th nw.,0r.b SSv:?J b'V." T#35...1511 31nt nw,12r.b *2' V'42 C >r #55.. 1217 IT nw. lOr > *-<J -jJJ lS," r.\ #52.50.910 23d it w.llr.2b #2?-A.. ..321 14th bp Or #30.75. .929 SI nw.lOr.b ' - - wA. S?iil k *50.30.2030 0 nw.10r.2b h #50 1242 Pol rd. llr Htr nt nw #50.923 R 1 ?v nw.lOr.b ",0 Q^S,, ,,7"^ r? h 1 #50 .1745 8 nw. llr. 3b ^ -n' -n uik ?<- rt- h ' #50. 2520 lath nw. 10r.t? ~ " !Ui n 5 ' Rr 'h #50. 2522 ISth nw. lOr.b ! c 'ro'i'^O WLk^T.'n Mr h #50 ..1105 O nw. llr. b V,? ?1 vi plTn Jh *'0 .1750 8 nw. lOr.b #50 .1.820 12fh nw lOr.b i #30 1510 8 nw. ^ ,OJ #50...l?fW V nw. lOr. b 1 " 13--'30 iipr**30... 1709 17th nw.lOr.b & 5 #50. .2020 R nw. lOr. b V.V ?nV t i s #50 .1 son 24th nw.10r.2h *'' - )Jr-? *50. 924 23d nw.12r.2b J* #50...1710 17th nw. 10r #30.3350 New ton. l<>r.2t> 1 512 - "r #43.50. .1005 O nw.lOr.b !'lo- >0 Jw *45.50 1721 R ccb 10r b 1 ' ^.ORFP #45 30 1723 Porcor?n 10T jJV ^ U7 ?r h #43 .30.1538 17th nw.9r h .J*1/1 * w #45.50 2429 1.8th MV - J?Zl #45...1700 T nw. lOr t. ' r ji:, 1417 O llr MilRES. $4*..<0. .. 13-7 11th nw t<fl oy, 14th rw H ,tn #42 50....502 Sf nw Or ^2 \n;i?1 I #40 75.1513 8 nw. lOr.h 10,1 "A nw i 140 50 710 19lh nw.lOr 1. ",n 21 - M pw $40 -r> 1225 Win? IPr.h !l n.ri HO 50.17flO Ore ?T.10r,li *1, -1,th %b_rjJ ! $40.50.174ft RlgtrOOr.b 10OO R I $40. 5ft. IftOftParlr rd.lOr.b ' " W.\~i?V nw Mo ,o. ...422 3.1I nw ,or U no V^i n n'e *j" yj'n .V ?. E ?" *22? 11th n? 5- ?? ?! '"O .V> SOO 2<lth store $40. ...11!I:3d ne. llr. h fys W17MtPiM?nnt.*to tJo'"i-!?<J^?w i=' nr' h *'* ..10no w-nt Market . 54ft...l329 Stn nv*, Sir. n *< a ic*>e ?? *W.*0..l7!20>rroran,10r !i? 182 w Vlb JI *3S.50. .:021 9th nw.lOr ? ? ?tnr! $3R.ift..lR27 Ore av.lftr.b M iWri^ri ' ?" ?*> N*t i.ter. 3A Jo i.T'lr'n *"* -r'2' 13th nw. lath !>'< . '0 1"3H 1st. 9r. n ? ? ? ? ...a* ? $37 SO. . 1S40 T b I ' " V-UknTr Ort ir ' $37.SO?S09 2.1 nw. I2r ^Uth nw^^r ,; ^ A:,,h.? % h ' " '.Tr.ft Hllr iw M fl I ?o? -a"Io?A iiw'k ,V) 1004 F nw. 3r. h '? ?w o?r 2, X'k * 41ft 1m "w.2**34 !?v,??v?. Z 2 *b5..Herald bide. 3r. 2?1 ^ ???v 2l*S $ 10... 1401 n nw. 3ft. Sr j $3 . 5ft._S11 nth nw.7r.b ftr> ,0,0 p nTT $85.50..1215 M nw.Or.b ?i0-n? '".th-2 3fl fmn $35.50...1830 Oregon aV *10 ...70ft 13th nw. 2d fl $33.SO.. -937 R nw. Or. b *?n 71s 14th nw. 2r *35.SO..1807 Rlgg*. 9r.b #fto ioo? r nw 2r h $35.SO.3203 irth nw.Tr.b $30. .'.1342 N Y "v. 3d 0 S3S.S0.15O4 13th nw.9r b $30. .703 15th $35.50. ?.. .23 r nw. 8r >30...1342 X Y at nw.3fl $35.. .900 Sheridan. 8r. b : $2S ...1011 H. 2d floor $32.50. ...140 Seaton. Sr fts 414 fitb nw. lr $32.50. .2118 G nw,12r.b $17 14th and 11 nw $32.50.410 Fla av nw.T.b $12 50 ?0S F nw 132.SO. .224 O nw. Or. b $12 702 9th nw. 2r j $32.50..138 Seaton. 8r.b $10 700 Oth nw. lr 1 See our list of apartments under Apartment* | to | F<?R RKNT?WE HAVE A SI?1.RSDII) ll-KOOM house In the northwest, walking distance of j downtown; furnace heat; all modern Improve- ; merits. RENT. $20.50. It's to your advantage to see this at once. SHANNON & LirClIS, M. 2345. 704 13th n.w. M- 234C. oo6-5t.eSu FOR RENT- TWO VERY IlKSIRABJLK 7 ROOM houses on 13th St.. Columbia Heights: all modern improvements; rent, $30.50; worth Investigating. SHANNON A- LT'CIIS, M. 2345. 704 13th n.w. M. 2340. ocO-St.-eSu FOR RENT-$22.50. Nice new house. Six Jovely rooms; modern bath: nice yard;_ covered front porch: on a numbered st. west of 14th. south of I* st.; near good car line. STONE A FAIRFAX 1349 W V?rb .ro oc0-5t FOll KENT?BY R. O. HOLTZMAX. REAL EStats and Insurance Broker. 142C N. Y. see. 1110 Oth nw.21r.J12Ti.00! 1760 Oregon ar.10r40.BO lMXt 24th. lOr B2.T0 327 Mo ave. 12r.. .40.00 007 L. lOr 50.80 514 tttU nw, Sr....38.50 823 13th nw. 1Or..50.80 1413 W. 7r 30.50 240ft 18th. lOr fto.50 200 N Cap. 7r 28.50 1532 Park at. 9r....45.00 409 Fla ar nw. 7r.25.50 1440 Q. 8r 42.66 208 It. 6r 22.50 1848 B nw, 10r...42.5o 1364 E se. 7r 18.00 OFFICES. Busch building, B4 rooms, per annum $12,000 6th and H n.w $20.00 to $25.00 1426 N. Y. are., 3d floor $20.00 STORES. 14th and II $65.oo; 14th and R nw. 1327 14th. ato.cel..50.00, $22.60 to 40.00 R'r part 43 Q nw..60.00 1219 K ne 25.00 FOR RENT?BY J. L. KOI.B. 923 N. Y. AVE 300 I at. d.w.. store and 10 rooms $60.00 900 H St., large store 50.00 1753 T st. n.w., 11 rooms and hath 45.50 900 II st. n.w.. 9 rooms and bath 30.50 606 R st. n.w.. Or. and bath 30.60 2421 Pa. are.. 9r. and bath SO 00 2425 M at. n.w.. Sr. and bath 26.90 238 P st. n.w., 7 rooms and bath 20.r>o 321 Virginia are. e.e.. 8 rooms and store. 22 50 423 I st. n.w.. 6 rooms and bath. 22.50 105 II st. n.w., 7 rooms and bath 21.50 1620 A st. s.e.. 6 rooms, s. and w 12.60 oc5-tf FOR RENT?708 3D ST. S.E., FACING GAR field Park; one block from ear; 6 rooms and bath; excellent condition; rent free till 15th; $21.50. JOHN W. CHILDRESS. 1412 G. oo5-3t FOR RENT?22 RANDOLPH PLACE N.W. Six large rooms and reception hull: cellar: furnace heat. Rent. $28.50. MOORE ft HILL. 1333 Q st. n.w. oe5-3t FOR RENT-BY H. L. RCST. 608 14TH ST. N.W. 21st ft O. lOr. b.$100.00 ! 1512 13th. Or. b...35.50 1527 R I ar. 9r, b.75.00 ,1349 Corcoran.8r.b.35.f>0 1513 20th. lOr. 2b.75.00 (1226 O nw. Dr. b...32.65 1700 19th. I2r. b. .75.00 : 2S.'6 X. llr, 2b....32.5i> 1815 F. ltr. 2b 60.65 ; 472 O. llr. b 32 50 1748 S. lOr. b 60.00 1004 6th nw. 8r.t>.30.50 1316 KenTnn.10r.2b.WO9 2805 Q nw, 8r. b. .28.00 1338 17tb nw.l0r.b.47.60 310 S Cap. 7r. b..23.fto 3417 Brown. 10r.b.45.00 1222 O. Or. b 23.50 1748 Ore ar. lOr.b.45.00 631 3d ne. ?r. b...20.50 1312 Oth nw. Or. b.42 50 231 14th se. 6r, b.20.50 1810 K Or. b 38.50 347 X sw. 6r. b..,13.5o 930 T, iOr. b..... .37 'iO apartments. Warar, (ir, h....55.00 1514 Rosedale,4r.b 14.50 Juniata. Or, b....42,50 2020 K nw, r.r, b. 13.00 Darlinuton, 5r. b...37.50 2020 K n w. 4r. b..l0.00 Nantucket. 5r. b..32.50 Br SIXERS I'ROPKHT* 154S X J av nw.flrb25.50 42T> 12th, store... 80.00 1776 Wlllard. Br.b.25.30 STABI.KS. 132 U nw, Sr. b...22.50 R 2012 11 nw,5 stls20.0ft 2507 17th, flr.b...21.50 R 924 N Y av 8.00 710 G ne. 5r. b....20 00l Rear 1219 12th 7.00 767 Glrard. Sr. h. .18.50: OFFICE ROOMS. 2012 14fh. Sr. b...15.00 608 14tb, 2r.$8 and $10 FOR KENT- BY JAMES F. SHEA. 643 Iiuulhiana ave. n.w. 254 11th at. a.e.. store and dwj;.. 6r., b $45 00 1120 Va. ave. s.w.. IOr.. b.. hot-wa. ht. 40.50 1101 X. H. are.. 10 rooms and l>arh.... 40.00 1610 19tb st. n.w., lo rooms and bath.. 40.00 1206 Va. are. s.w., 8r.. b.. h.w. beat.. 37.50 226 4*^ st. s.w., store and dwr., bakery. 32.50 37 Adams st. n.w.. 6r., nr. ball. b.. fur. 32.5ft 3o3 O st. n.w., 6 rooms, hath, furnace.. 25.50 1302 I at. n.e.. 6r.. h.. stable 25.50 1373 X. C. are. n.e., flr.. b.. furnace.... 2:1.5o 16<si E st. s.e., 6 rooms and bstli 17.50 63 Mvrtle st. n.e.. 6 rooms and bath.... 16.50 815 E. Cap. st.. 5 rooms and wafer 15.50 1X39 8th st. n.w.. 5 rooms and water... 15.50 1230 r?nnran st. n.e., 6 room* and bath 15.40 Bear 1116 4th st. n.w.. warehouse 15.oo 469-471 X at. s.w., 6r.. water, reduced.. 14.5o 2oi Va. are. s.w.. store snd cellar 12.50 3010 M st. n.w.. 3 rooms and bath 10.on 1017 and 1021 X. J. ave s.e.. 5r., water 9.50 APARTMENTS. 1231 Fla. are. n.e.. 8r.. b.. heat $30.00 1642*4 X. J. are 5 room* and bath.... 20.50 TOR COU)BEI> TENANTS. 1527 17th st. n.w.. 7 room* and bath...$25 oo 1349 and 1351 B st. n.e., 6r. and b 18 5o 127 Prospect st. n.e.. 6r. and water.... 15.0o 1906 X. Y. ave.. 4r. and water In.on 1307 11th *t. a e., 5 rooms and water... 10.00 FUR RKNT^w. h. Tvai.ker Successor to r. W. Walker Jk Sob. 729 15th at. n.w. 1410 Mass it. 12r. 1241 E ne. Or. h..25.50 2b. fur $200.00 3220 P nw. 6r. b. .25.00 . 2119 Conn av. 12r. 137 X se. Or ." 12.40 2h 125 oo fcr. HOFSRS. 1S25 24th. 12r.3b.l00 00 :S25 24th. 12r.3b.250.oo i 1108 b nw. 12r.2b-.90 So 21 lOCon aT.13r.3b200.00 1242Col rd nw.10r.b5O.5O 1S43 Calvert.12.3b175.00 1111 6th IOr.2b. . .50.50 2114 O nw. Or. h.150 00 1709 M nw. ftr. b . 50.50.1319 Vt a v. llr.blftOOO 1'i02 Calvert. 8r. b.SO OO I FCR. APARTMENTS 8165 18th nw.l0r.h.5o <? ' r.aclede. Br. b 125.00 1605 O nw. IOr. b.45 50 Laclede. 4r. h 75.00 1728 Core'n.lOr.b. .45.50 i FLATS. ItWSl P.rb T* IOr I. JO 141ft 14?l? nw Se h S~ Oft 2421 11th nw.lOr btO.SO ' 1408 Monroe. Br.b.35 50 1300 <\> 2401 Pa ?r nw.Rr.b.27 SO 1340 Q nw.7r.b 32 BO 1500 N Cap. Br. h.20.50 1141 14tb | OFFICE. ROOMS. 637 Pa u ae. 10r.b-SB.50 72ft 15tb nw 10.00 np 47 S nw. Or. h 23.50 1006 T nw 7.50 up FOR RENT ? SEVERAL ENTIRETY NEW houses on Kllbourne place, and on 18th ?t. near KUbourne place, at $50 and $45, respectively. Open and can he seen. SWART/ELL, RUKEM & HKNSEY CO.. oc3-3t.eod.eSn 727 15th at. n.w. FOR KENT?HOUSES. " 1440 AND 1442 EYE ST. S.E. Just south of Pa. ave. New ft-room hrirka. Side llaht. $16.OO mo. S. W. PICKFORD, . oc3-t* 1311 O at. nw. * v FOR RENT?HOUSES. Clnri'BNIUHED. ' FDR RENT? THOS. J. FISHER A CO.. INC.. REAL ESTATE. LOANS AND INSURANCE 738 15TH ST. N.W. rXFURNISHED. 1514 n tiw.20r.2h. 510 7ih sw. 7r 15.50 1785 Mass ar Dir. Ne cor 20th A Br?2<>r. 3h *5.000 ant tie. Or 14 00 1029 10rh nw.10r.3fi2.500 712 TT sir. Or 1.1.00 310O 10fh nw.l5r.3b2.0O0 206 let ?w. 5r 12.50 l.lOB s if nv.l1r.2bl.*00 R 940 G sir. 4r...lOOO 1400 J. nir. I2r h .1.200 Wir.throp HtR.nC.Gr*.50 2O01 Knl rd. 12r.3bl.200 Lot 21. sq 1027 7.00 3-<00 u inr. 12r b.l.OOi 220 1st niv. Or. ... 12.50 1759 1> nw. 10r. b.. 1.000 COLORED. Sllrpr Forlnjt. Md. 10.11 4tb nw. rtr... 13.50 16r. b 200 0 Baldwin's row nw. SO* 12rh nw. ato. 4r 8.40 ?i?- Oftrt 1B1BTMITVTS 1M2 1Sth" nw jVr.Sb.m 233ft'Vlass ar ?w, 1st ilvts 10th .15? fl. 12r. 3b 5.00<J 2230 Mass ar.14i.2h.150 The Bellerue. 1021 18th S17 13th nw. lOr 2b.l50 nw. No 11. 7r. b...70.0d 1015 10th nw. 12r. The Sterling. No 30. b. stable 13.". 5r. b r.3.00 "Rosehi!l."Md.lCr.b 12". The T/inlslana. No 0. lOOfl N 11 ?v. Kir. h 123 7r. h 53.00 1732 On tin ar. 1 lr. b 125 The Sterling. No 40. 1020 17th nw.12r.4b.1O0 5r. b 50.00 ChevvCbase.lO.b.fur. lOrtl The Iroquois, 5r.b.5O,00 1804 Wro ar. 14r. b.100 The Alabama.5r.b.50.00 828 14th nw. ato & The Congressional. n p. 5r. b 100 No 503. r.r. h 50.00 1758 Q pw.12r.2b.83.33 1711II nw.2r.btfnD50.00 1813 18th Tiw.12r.2h80.00 The Iroquois, Rr.b.47.50 3017 N nw. 17r. K.75.00 The Iroquois. No 101. 1131 14th nw. 10r.b.75.P0 Rr. b 45 00 1730 q nw.12r.h. ,75.<'0 The Iroquois, No 100. 1342 Vt ar 12r.2b.70.00 5r. b 45.00 28'8 Ordwar. 8r.h.65.00 The Van C-ortlandt, 1025 14th nw.llr.b.05 00 No 34. Rr. b 42 50 1704 S nw. Or. p...65.00 The Alden. Or b .42.00 1333 R nw. Ur. h..65 00lThe Rr!tton. No 5. 1431 Clifton. 10r.2b.60.00 4r. b 40.00 1018 nw. sto. 918 N T ar nw. No 10r, h 60 00 6. 4r. b 37.30 1325 21st nw.ior.boooo lit; c lie. 4r. t?...35,00 ! 151R P nw. 13r. h..55.00 1342 Irvine nw.6r.b35.00 1711 Rltrcs nw.0r.hRQ.5O eio y nr nw. No 1228 Harvard.lOr.b.Vl 50 7. 4r. b 34.50 2?22Ps ?v nw. 1344 Irvine nw, 1st 1531 31st nw.12r.b50.00 0. Rr. b 32.50 ' 1413 2nth,b 5rt 00 1340 Irving nw. 1st 1218 8th nw.12r.h rat on fl, gr, h 32.30 1213 Rlav nw.10r.li45.0rt R Jfc Q. 8r. b 32.50 ; Bright w'd.DC.lSr. .45 00 1735 T nw. 5r. b. .30.50 2402 14th nw.llr.b4rt67 The Congressional. N# 1635 18th nw.7r.b.40.57 502. 2r. b 30.00 24J6 S Dak ar ne. 1711 Pa av nw. 2d fir. h 40.00 (1. 5r. b 30.00 1983 3d nw. Sr. h. .40 00 1713 Pn ar nw. 2d 2404 14th nw.llr.MO 00 fl. Rr. b 30.00 2424 14th The Rrltton, No 2. 2429 14th nw.flr h.37.50 4r. b 30.00 . 2406 14th .37 50 513 12th nw.4r.ti. .30.00 1 1517 n nw. l(?r. h..37 50 li 1st ne.5r.b.fnr.38.00 1411 Belmont.8r.b. .36 21 3020 Q nw. Sr. h. .25.50 1215 M nw. Sr. b. 36 no 2514 L nw. 5r. b. .25 50 1844 13th nw. 9r.b.35.50 The Concessional. No 1521 O nw. 7r. h...35 50 305. lr. b 25 00, 3554 10th nw.8r.h.35.00 1746 Willsnl. 5r. b.25 0 1 ; 2420 14th nw.Sr.b.3".Oo ne C ne. 3fl. 3r. b.25.00 j 225 R ne. lOr. h. .30 4ft 218 Morgan nw.5r.b22 50 I 12.': N C av se.6r.b-.30.00 206 Morgan. 5r. b..22 5o, 316 Fl ne. Sr. 1717 4th nw. 5r. b.21.50 1205 30th nw.llr.h25 60 1715 4fh nw 5r h 21 50 1204 11 ne. Or. t>..21 56I 11 ?-"]q av nw.Sr.h.l' Mi AnaoosMa.D0.6r.b.20 no Qulncy ne.4r.b.apt. 13.00 Loughboro rd.13 a. ,2o on | OFFICES. 1514 H nw ??(> F nw $10 $36 470 La av ti^. ..2?m tiol 1421 F nw. No 4. .25 00 Union Trust bldg. 11th1 The Sterling. lr...2.100 1 and IT nw.. .$50 to $10 Centurv hldg. r 46..20 on Btiarh bide. 70S E I Centurv hldg. r 47.. 15.00 ; nw. annum 12 0??>: 1423 F nw $6 $100 V base 734 1.1th nw75 no 1114-16 F nw..$10 to $10 I ' 1332 G nw. 2d 6. .7,1.00 Rw cor 11 A F. nw.$4-$10 j i 715 14th nw, 2r?3.1.00 1421 F nw. r 9... 10.00 515 12th nw. 2r. ...30 00 i STORES 712 14th nw.annum 1. wo i 2004 K nw 23.00 70S 12th nw 83.33 'JOOt; K nw 25.00 1711 Pa av nw 83.33 3211 Mt Plnaant. .20.00 1713 Pa nr nw... .83.33 ' 924 20th nw 20.00 2021 M nw 35.00 24344 ISth nw....l5.00 2002 K nw 25 00 GARAGES. Car barn. 14th n.w. near Park rd.., ST A BLES 1146 Govt. al.. .1 atalla. annum 1.000 1 Green al.. 5 stalls 70.00 Rear 1711 n n.w.. 3 stalls 30.00 Rear 1622 P n.w.. ? stalls 22.00 Rear 618 K n.w., 3 atalla 15.00 , WAREHOUSE. 305 E n.w. (rear) 18.00 | UNSURPASSED FACILITIES FOR THE COT, ! LECTION OF RENTS FROM ALL CLASSES OF j PROPERTY. The above la only a partial list of the proper- ; , ties In our charge, but we will be glad to fur- i nl*h complete bulletins on application at thla office. THOS. J FISHER & CO.. Inc.. 738 15th at. n.w. FOR RENT- ' (130 Md ave sw, 8r and b $30.50 130 F st se. 8r and b 27.50 530 Stth st sw. 8r and b 25.50 646 Morris st ne. 6r and b 20.50 , 317 7th st aw, 5r and b... 16.5" 626 D st sw. Or and wa 14.00 527 5th Bt se, 5r and wa , 13 "n 215 10th st sw. 3r 8."?1 1228 Loudon court so, 4r., col 7.40 R. HARRISON JOHNSON. 306 7th at. s.w. I'hone Main 2385. oo3-6t FOR RJCNT? NW,2.141 13th.ftrb.45.001 SW.621 C. 6r 1.1.40 . NW.22S NJav.vr.b40.75 SW.625 C, Or 15.40 1W.319 S Cap.10rb.30.50 I NW..117 S. 5r 13.50 NW.1100 :j?W,1318 Union. Or 11 30 SW.64.1 C. 8r. b.. .22.90 I XW.415 26th. 6r...10.40 SW <>2.1 C. 6r. b...20.40 N"W.2ftl8 K, shop...10.00 NE.622 L. Or. b 20.40 NW.2000 L. storm..8.50 NW.200ft E. 6r 15.40 NW.1603 Caton. 4r,.8.40 NW.1422 NJ av.3rl.140 NW.1U15 E. 5r 0.40 FLATS lncetta. 337 Md ave. a.w.. 4r. and b 22.30 OFFICES?NORTH WF.S". Central building, offices. 468 La ave. offices. Guntnn building, offices. Call at office for Information regarding alley properties stable, etc.. 1 have for rent. For further Information apply at office. oc3-tf J. W. PILLING. 1416 F at. n.w. FOR RENT? 1117 5th st. nw.. 8 rooms and bath, furnace heat: large yard $40.50 1427^ 5th nw., 11 rooms and bath $32.50 tw I' st. nw., ? rooms and bath, cellar, furnnce hent, large yard $23.50 1C25 3d at. nw.. 6 rooms and bath, nice side yard, latrobe heat $22.50 234 P nw., B rooms and bath flat, 1st floor$2o.5u 812 11th ne., 5 rooms and bath flat, 2d floor 1110.50 700 R. I. avo. nw., 6 ro>im? and water.. .$17.50 FOR COLORED TENANTS. 714Vj 13th st. ne., aire 4-room and bath flat, colonial porch $10.25 1235 Linden ne.. 6 rooms and bath $20.50 CLIFFORD A. BORDEN, 604 5th n.w. nc3-3t.eSil FOR KE.Vi-BY WESOOTT * WILCOX. 1007 Peui are. 1412 20th. 10r.ami$?n.Hrt | The Jour. 2218 Pa. Ift25 1. lOr. b 55.00 | ar. 3d fl. 3r. b 25.50 920 23d, 1 lr.2b.ami 50.SO 501 23d. 2fl, fir. h..20 50 2*23 N. ! THE CARL.SLE, 1213 2141 Pa av. lOr. b.45 75 I N, non-housekeeping? 2145 K. lOr.b.cel. .42.50 | 3 rooms, bath.. ..30 50 1021 22d. llr.b.cel.3S.73 i 2 rooms, hath 23 50 24O0 Pa ht. lOr, b.35.50 1 2 roomi. bath.-.10.50 213ft K. Sr. b 32 50 1 2 rooms, bath ...1550 2327 Pa bt. lOr. b.32 50 505B 23d. 5r. b...21.50 005 23d. Sr. b 30.0" 503A 23d. 5r, b. ..21.50 ftll 23d. 8r. b 30,67 830 20th, 2fl. 4r. b.lfl 50 ?42 O. 8r, h, lat. .30.50 , 623 23d. 4r. b 15.50 ftoi 24tli. Or. b...27.50 COLORED. 3126 l?th. fir, h...26.50 25 Dcfrees. 6r. b.. 18.50 1506 Kingman.Or.b25.00 J023 L. Or. w 10.50 1012 K. 8r, w.g.. .25.50 1137 23d. 4r. w....14.50 1920 l'a av. 8r. h..22.50 2017 N Y av.5r.w. 12 V) 017 23d. Or. 1227 25th. 4r. w.,11.50 007 10th ne. 7r. b.1S 50 ;o2 19th re. 5r. w.10.50 SftOft Olive, Or. w.. IS.50 STORES. 2315 I. Or. w 17.50 1015 Sth se 35.00 815 20th. 5r. w.,.15 50 2134 P. lr. w.... 12.50 650 E se. 5r, w. ..15.50 1417 Wisconsin a v. 12.00 928 4th ne.Or.w.Iatl5.50 . OFFICE ROOMS. APARTMENTS. 482-480 La *v. heated 501 23d. 2fl. 5r. b 22.50 rooms. $10. $12.50. $20 For full llat of small houses and flats apply at office. oc3-<l.eSu FOR KENT? $75.00 -1000 I nw, store $25.00-347 L sw. Or $35.00-619 7th sw. sto $20 50-1307 Pa ar se.Kr $32.50? The Park apt $16.50?1432 Pa ar ae.fir $27.50-537 9th ne. Or $13.50?225 14th ne. 5r $22.50- 1224 E se. Or $12.5<>?1430 I se. 7r $12 50?300 l?th se, Br $12.50-910 F nw. 3r $15.00?13*-', B sw, stabl $20.00?The Park apt LEWIS & JONES CO.. 017 E st. n.w. oc3-3t.eSil TO LET HY TllK F. II. SMITH COMPANY. E. Q. SMITH. PRES.; I.KE D. LATIMER, V. PRF.S.. 1408 NEW YORK AVE 1324 Mass. ave.. 10r., 2t>s.: large attic, serv. rms.. pan., reg. cellar; comfortably furnished $150.00 2123 R st. n w., 9 r.. b.. steam beat.... 05.fK) 1517 P st. n.w.. 14 rms. and h., furnace 00.50 1325 Vt. are. n.w.. 11 r.. h.. front, aide and rear vards. pood order 55.00 1518 P st. n w., 12 r.. b.. furnace 55.00 1952 Calvert St.. 10 r., 2 b.. steam h't. 55 00 137't Harvard st. n.w.. 9 r.. b.. furnace. 4fi.??0 1223 Col. rd.. lOr. and b.. furnace 1021 13th st. n.w.. 9 r.. b 40.00 005 Kenyon st. n.w , new, Orms. and b.. 24 (mi 1510 Oak st.. Ml. Pleas.. Orms. aud b.. 24.00 . 004 Irving st. n.w.. new. Or., b $20.50 ; 233 R ne, 8 r. b...25.00| 1632 <4 ae. 0 r.b. .20.fi0 609 loth ne, 6 r,b.20.W Conduit r'd. 8 r..15.00 oc3 4t , ' FOIt RKN'T-LNITRMSIIED. HOFSES. 13(ift S st. n.w.. Orms., bath, fur $35.75 1832 N. Cap. st. n.w., 6rs. A b., fur.. 30.50 FLATS. The Chelsea. 5 rooms sud bath. heat.... 30.30 The New York, 115 N. Y. av. n.w., 6 rooms and bath 37.50 OFFICES. 713 14th st. n.w.. 3d floor. 3 rooms 25.00 STORES. 1803 F st. n.w.. first floor 125.00 912 9th st. n.w., new store 40.00 2uoS 18th st. n.w., new store 25.00 GASCH 4k B1RGE. 1320 N. Y. nve. n.w. oc3-rf FOR RENT?J C. WHURON & CO.. 224 E CAP. HOFSKS. , 1240 11th se. Br...10.50 1003 8th se lOr. b. Prout st.. Twining store $50.00 City. 5r 10.50 25 Sth sc. Sr. b. . 32.751 FLATS. 039 Md av ne.9r.b..27.50 ! 408 6?h se. fir. b. .28.00 650 C iif, 7r. h...20B<> 1120 7th ne. 7r. b.25.50 819 r? s\v, Sr. t>. ..2T?.r?<? 632 F ne. Br. b 25..'*) 1129 SCit se.8r.b23.50 802 F ne. 5r. b...22.50 21?i Ky by ?e. 6r,b.22.50 520 Oth ne. 5r. b. .20.50 617 A ue. 6r. b....22 50 0 2d ne, Br. b 20.00 .122 4th ne. 6r. b. .22.50 005 Oth ?e. Br. b.. 18.00 1303 H se. ?r. b. .22.BO B0ft!4 15th se,5r. b. 218 10th ne. 8r.b..22.50 000 Fa by Be. Br.hl6.50 1354 It se, 6r, h. .22.BO 1348 K ne. 4r. b. .15.50 521 7th ve. Or. b..20.50 058 Morton ne.4r.bl4.60 1327 S C aT.flr. b. 19.50 STORE. 1441 E se. 6r. b...19.5-1 Cafe. 314 E Cap. .20.00 511 14th ae. flr. b.19 40 1120 7th ne, bsmt.12.00 Bo7 15th Be. 6r, b.18.50 718 L se S.Ou 308 Md ar ne. 5r.14.40 APARTMENTS. Loudoun, 314 E. Cap. 2-6 r. b 20.00 40.00 Olettdower. 21 Oth n.e.. 5 r. b 33.00 219 3d n.e., 3 r. b 20.80 nc3.6&8 FOR rent2?l0i Kalorama road. 12r., 3b $100.00 1902 Calvert St.. Sr.. 2b BO.00 1538 T at., 10 rooms, bath 40.60 oc3-7t CRAIG ft EVANS, 1502 H at. 4? FOR RENT?HOUSES. rXfrlRXtSHEP. FOR IU5NT? $300...21st nw.Hr.fnr'd $35.80.. 1006 22d nw. Pr $ ..The Rochamheau. $35 916 F. 2<1 fl?"r 9 Sr. fnr $35...The Wvotnlne. 3r $125...132T. 21st cw.lilr, $35.The Maribomr.Kh.2r fur $35. .. .432 Hth nvr. hall $125..3531 13th nir. 19r $32.50..The lV.rk?Me. *r $123.The Marlhnr<>nch.6r $32.50. .Montgomery. 4r $100..163S lfith nw. 14r $32.5o.The I.mdtnnre 5r $100.. 1S25 24th Mr, 1?r $32.50.1013 2"th nw, Or $100 1310 G nw. 10r $32 50. .The Phoenix. 5r $100 & $?0...l4O7 15th $30.50 717 3d nw. Or nw. 10r $2o.50. .3816 13th hw.7r $73.. 1020 17th tiw, inr $-'0.. 140.V14th nw. 5r $75 1729 O nw. 10r S30. . ,340t 11th nw. at" $75. .472 Pn av nw. sfn $30... .432 9th nw. hall $70 204 p nw. 19r $30. . ..501 I> nw. offli es $05..The Mnrlhoroneh.Or, $2n..v>. . 1S54 5th nw. $r $03..The Milton. fir fnr I $27.30 .Th" $03.1011 N H av nw,12r $27.50.1765 \VT<i nw.fir $00.90.1224 14thrw.Hr $27 59.1S14 Irjrleslde.lor $?o...l.<s00 24th nw. lor | $27.50. .1110 N II $00... 1025 14th nw. 12r! nw, Or $35.50.. .1*26 V nw. 12r I $25 50.1363 Md nv n?\tr $??.70. .1929 K nw. llri $23 50.1705 WTd nw.3r X50.65.2211 Wash e!r.9r' $25.50. 540 Slienherd. Or $50.60. .1016 22d niv. 9r $25 fio. .519 10th mv. fir $50 Thf Milton. n- $-'."i.40,927 Kr h nw.fir $50...1244 11th nw. 1 orj $25 2228 li.-cntur. r>r *50 .1177 18th nw. Or $2" ,803 9th n\v. 2r $ "50.1743 Ktlh'ne tnv.lOr' $25 1319 I) nw. fir $50...3012 13th nw. 13r $25. . . .?32d st. sta. dwtr $48.25.. .1921 K nw. 1 Or, $25. .539 Qnlncy mr, 7r $45.fifi..1023 15rh nw Or $22 50 404 Shepherd. fi$45.60..1005 N II ar $22 50.. 1110 22(1 nw. fir nw. 10r $22 50.621 Mass av ne.Sr $45...The PebbWon. ?r $22.50. 404 Shepherd. Or $45 The Victoria. 3r $21.50.. .502' 2d se. 5r $45..The Mnr1Mrniich.3r 1 $20 54 I* nw. fir $ 122' M r.w. $r; $20 1002 94 9th. s8op $42.65. . .1212 S nw I1r ??'? Th" Cumberland.2r $42.59. . .705 5th nw. Or $10 50.3620 11th nw. fir $42.fiO.Tho Rmnsw'ic.4r $'8.50. .. .2431 M nw. fir $41.05..821 lttth nw. 9r $18 The Terrace. 3r $ .473 Mo ar nw. 1?r $18. . 1919U 8th nw. fir $40 65... 118 k nw-. 12- $17.50.438 R 1 ar nw. fir $40 60 1538 T nw. 9r $17.40.1724 NJ av nw.5r $40...The Cambridge. fir $16.50. .412 X .1 av nw.fir $40 The Miller. fir $16.50 1018 3d so. 7r $40..Ths Marlboro,-h 3r $15.50 144 It nw. fir $40 Tho MMtnn. fir $14.40..2530 fifh nw. 5r $40..The Konslncton. fir $14 00..$.304 3d nw M0. .Foroat 01on.Md.12r $'l ".ft . .330 C no lr $38.10..1827 nro Iiv 10r $10.40.1922 I. nw.renr.4r $37 50.Th" I andrnoro.5r $10.4o. .1222 Half so. fir $37.50. .The I'hoonls. fir $19 58 M so, 4" $35.85. .1712 F nw, l"r $7.40....3620 P nw. 4r For complete list of property for ront sond for weeklv hulletH. SWARTZELL. RIl'lvKM & 1IENSKT CO.. oc3-0.eSn 727 15th n.w. FOR RENT -FINE STORE ANO FL\T ITtlO P n.w.. $75 00. GEO. IV. T TNKIS'S. nc3-6t.PS"u $00 11'th st. n.w. FOR RENT? 20 3d at. n o.. 10r. and b $32.50 923 F at. s.w.. fir., w. A t. In yard 15 00 310 13th at. s.w.. 5r.. ay. A: t. in yard... 14 50 1128 2fith st. n.w.. fi larcr" rooms 13.50 No. 1 Browns ot. s.o.. 4r.. In yd.. $.50 1404 S. f*. aVI-.. 4r.. w. & t. Ih vd 8.50 Apply K. \V. MelXTIHK. 224 V st. n.w.. between 9-12 mornings, or phone M. 5587. hetween sanj., hours. oc3-6t FOR RENT2520 13TI1 ST. N.W. j 10 room.; and bath; newlv papered, and painted. Open for Inspection. $50 per month. THE ALONZO O. BLISS PROPERTIES, 35 B st. n.w. W E. COWEN. Mgr. Phone I.incn. 18(50. or3-tf ' I FOR RENT-BY B. F. SA1 I, CO . "Til A f. N.W. it33 A 035 5th nw. 119 Carroll ae.fir.b 22.50 double store. .. .$75 00 106 Mass av nav.fir.h22 50 N> cor 14th A R...65.00 Ga av & Morton, nw 801 L nw, 8r. b. .50.50 eorner. store, sta.2o.59 2417 1$th. lOr. b.50.00 R 4fi6 K,sta.lfist!s.20 00 1514 7th nw. ato.. .50.00 601 N nw. store. ..18.50 1748 8 nw, llr.Sb.50.00 7.38 NJ av nw.5r.wl5.50, 806 K nw. Or. b...42.50 2430 4th ne. 5r. w. 15.50 208 8th sw.Fr.h.ata.40.00 2541 flth nw. flr.w.15 30 1701 14th nw, R 613 I. nw.wnrea'elS.OO 1901 5th nw. 9r.b.37.50 $0114 7th ne. storel5.00 1M8 7th nw. Sr. b. 3.300 fin av, store store A stable. .. .35.50 and cellar 12.50 408 II nw. Sr. h. .35 50 j 1361 11. 2r. 2(1 12.50 1 120 6th nw. 10r.2b35.5O 512 F nw. 00 439 O nw. Sr. h. .32.5012001 14th officer .10 00 1518 T nw. Sr. b..32.50'616 T.a av. basement. 2717 P nw. Hr. b. .30.30 22x75 ? 00 210 T nw. 7r, b.,.30 501 COLORED TENANTS. $14 R nw. Sr. h.. ..30.50 2219 Water nw.5r.wl2..50 313 IT tip 7r S 9.5 5n oio? 5- v o ^ ... - - ift so - - ... ( ... ? ? n ? II ? .Ul . ? IVxJV 439 Q nw. flr. b. ..23.50 7 Rellcvue ot nw, 1.1.17 9th nw.flr.h..25.30; 4r. w 8.00 117 Fin av nw.Cr.b.25.50 STABLE. J343 R nw. store. ..25.00 Rear 010 11 sw 10.00 Ktnrpge room. 45x9<), Freedman'a alley 40.00 ?001 Ga. nve. n.w., llr. and lit. sta..'shop. .37.75 2001 14th st. n.w.. 2 rooms, office 30.00 Rear 2191 Sth at. n.w.. stable. 4 stalls... 10.00 or3-tf FOR RENT-- : 220 F nw. 13r. b.$55.75 923 20th. Sr. b 10.50 1741 F nw. I2r. b.ri.SO nil N II av. 10r,b.30.00 1002 li. lOr. b 50.70 Flat.27th & I.4r,b. 10.00 2403 Pa av. 8r. b. .35.on 1345 L. or, w 9.50 liouscs for colored tenants from $S up. GEO. W. LINK INS. oe.l-tf son 19th st n.w. FOR RENT?BY L .1 MILLS. 605 C.TH N.W. 023 12th ne.Gr.h..$20 501 721 0th nw.sto.sta.50.00 Ft. .Stevens. Or... 13 00 1117 5th nw.Sr.b. .40.00 1111 12th ne. flr. b! 123 A B C rt. 4r. .10.00 37 W st. 5r 12.50 Flat,1334 NOap,5.b21.50 nel-tf FOIl RENT ?1310 KEN YON ST.; BEAETIFEL 3-stnrv bay-wlmlow: 10 rooms, reception hall and bath: kitchen on first floor: back stairway and other conveniences: renL $50. oel-tf.S ' ?. L. RI'ST. <108 14th St. FOR RENT-930 T ST. N~\\\. 10 ROOMS AND bath: kitchen on first floor; In good repair; rent reduced to $37.50. II. L. REST. oel-tf.5 008 14th st n.w. FOR KENT?J. V. N. ?c T. B I1EYCIL 1505 Pa. are. d.w. 10th near R.18r.3h.$200 R I av nr lflth.llr.b7000 N nr 19th. 15r. 3b...125 Calvert. Or. 2b ...05.00 Wyn. av. 15r. b....l00 15th near Irving. N H ave. near Pn- llr. 2b ..<15 00 pont Iflr, 2b 75.00 23d nr K. llr. 2h..50 00 f? nr 18th. 14r. 2b 75.00 Cor nr lflth. lOr.h.42.50 Fairmont near 14th. I nt 21st. Or. b. ...30.00 12r. 2b 70.00 Call at office for complete list FERNISHED AND ENFERNISHKT). FIRE AND BURGLARY INSURANCE. se30-tf FOR RENT-ONE OF THOSE COZY LITTLE bouses. 1442 V st. n.w., opposite St. Paul's Catholic Church; 7 rooms and bath: furnace heat; all bright rooms: In g-iod order. Rent, $30.50. TllEO. FR1EBUS. 1320 N. Y. ave. n.w. se26-tf FOR RENT 252"> 13TH ST. N.W.?10 ROOMS and hath: newly papered and painted; open for Inspection: $50 per month. Room 1. Bliss hldg., 33 B n.w. se27-tf FOR RENT-909 H ST. N.W. 9 rooms and bath. Rent, $30.50. J. L. KOLR. se21-tf 923 New York ave. n.w. FOR RENT?1349 CORCORAN ST.: 3 STORIES: 8 rooms;!.: kitchen and dining room on 1st floor; fronts south: rent. $35. selS-tf II. L. REST. 60S 14th st. n.w. FOR RENT? D D THOMPSON A.CO..1335 F N W." 505 Mass nw, 12r.b$51.09 | Colored. flat. 4r. b. 13.50 1745 18thnw.10r b 134 Ben rd. Or 10.30 R12 G ne. flr, h...25.50 300 F re, flr. b... Congress Jits, Sr...20.00 ae30-d.eSn FOR RKNT? ELEGANT RESIDENCE. 1322 Q st. n.w.. consisting of in room? ami liatli modern Improvements: first-class repair; large cellar. large var'i. Rent. * " montli. Apply to ANTON STKPHAN. 933 Ta. are. * FOR RKNT? 147 Carroll at. a A very desirable 8-room and bath brick dwelling: convenient to Capitol and Library; In perfect condition; $30.50 per month. 133 F at. n.w.?Brick dwelling; nine rooms and bath: convenient to pension and povernment printing offi-as; well adanted for roomrenting: good order: rent $30.00 per month. JAMES A. CAHILL, 1308 F st. n.w. ae26-tf FOB RENT? 1626 19th at. n.w.; n rooms and hat||g hotwater heat; snlendld condition; $55 65 per rao. J. II. BRADLEY CO.. Inc.. 1404 G st. n.w. *o22-tf FOR RKNT?7 ROOM AN1) BATH AND CELlar house; fine yard; 910 R n w.: $28.50. PHILLIPS A CO.. *elO-tf 330 John Marshall place. FDR RENT--CNFI RNISllED 1221 Mass. ave.. 17 rooms. 2 bitlis $2no.nn 1214 18th st. n.w.. 16 '0011:8. 2 baths... 113.on 1220 16th n.w.. 10r. r.nd 1>.. fur. heat... 70.OO 201 A s e., 10 rooms and bath ' 43.7." 1313 11 tli st n.w.. 10r.. b latrobe heat. 43.30 1221 6th St.. 10 rooms and bath 33.30 1335 Cor? ornn st. n.w.. Or. and b 33 3o 1524 T. 7r. and b.. latrobe bent .32.80 3;'6 S n.e.. 8r. and b.. furnece beat.... 27.So 521 2d s.e.. 7 rooms and batli 23.50 452 Md. ave. s.w., 5 rooms 18 501 413 Franklin n.w.. 4 rooms 10.Bo 2'?29 35tli n.w.. 4 rooms 2422 Rnow'a court. 2 roofttfi, 1st floor... 5."0 2424 Rnow's court 2 rooms. 2d floor.... 4 30 STORK. 1005 M n.w 23.50 APARTMENTS. Apart. 7. tbe Rrglna. flr. and bnth 42.30 The Arkwrlglit. 308 F n.w., 4r and h.. 23 00 The Hanson. 1000 Stli st. n.e.. 2r. and b. 2".0 i 228 12tli pi. n.e.. 4 rooms and hath.. 12 30 THE WASHINGTON TOAX AND TRtTST COMPANY REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. sel9-d.eSu FOR RENT- ALLAN E. WALKER. 1412 G ST. 830 C nw. 18r. b.*75.001 TlmH iwthonie.5r.MO.00 1711 RIfftrs.lOr.h.. .30.001 1312 14th. < <>al vd.30.00 1820 F nw. 12r.b. .41.001 APARTMENTS. 458 M. 7r. b 37 50' No 0.the Cora.Sr.b.27.30 Warehouse ne. 3d and 3012 O nw. Or. It. .26.00 H 30.00 2030 Herat nr. Sr. b. 25.50 Rear 1604 Pari* road, stable and 3 rooms... 40.00 FOR RENT -1310 CONN. AVE. N.W ; A striatic fir?t-rla-s reaidence; hot water b-at; 15 rooms. 3 baths; laundry and ninnv large, spacious closets, linen rooms, etc.; aiMolnlng British emhsssv. In the most fHshhinatda sec. tion of Washington. THE PHILLIPS CO.. 330 John Marshall place. ee17-tf FOR RENT?007 M ST NOV.. 12 ROOMS *63. se23 >f J. W. MORRIS 614 F st FOR RENT -1717 WIT.LARD ST.; 9 ROOMS and hHth; steam beat; $38.50. JOHN B. DAISH. 723 13th st. n.w. au28-tf K??K llBM-rVFIHMSUFM. 1714 I nw.$83.33 per moi 1613 S n\r... >30 per mn 1313 M >70 per rai) J tflio 21st nw.rn prr mo 812 18th *43 per mo ' 1735 17th nw,$50 per mo 172.8 18th $40 per mo A few desirable furnished honsec. Store, 1407 H st. nw >30 per mo OFFICES. Kei-ond floor. 815 14th at *55 per mo Third floor *15 14th st *33 per mo OI.YMI'IA APARTMENT HOfSE. Apartment. 7 rooms and hath *So per mo Apartment, 5 r<??,nis nbd hath.$40 nnd >45 per mo STONFI.EIOH Cttf'RT. A few verv desirable n pertinent s now varnnt In Stonelelgh Court at from $50 to >165 nor month. FITCH, FOX * BROWN. jj-31-tf 1406 G at. n w. FOR RENT?HOUSES. UXFIKXISHKD. roll HKNT KF.NTEKS. ATTENTION Call Main 2345. We will find von Jnat what yen want quickly and without charge; aares tltna. Try it. SHANNON * LCCHS. 704 13th at. n.wr. JfiT-tf ' FOIt KENT? IMis <; ?? rAoins and hath (LTVno 3n22 0 n.w-.. fiat. 5 rooms and l?ath 25.50 ?'HAi:iJ> LINK INS. 204-207 M.-G111 bide. mhl'2-tf TTT A Mmnn TTAtVn?4M WAX* lJLJJ?nUU5?S. W A NT ED - I F Yor II AVK A VACANT ID U SE and will give me a trial to rent It. 1 helleTe I ran get you a tenant at nitre. I am baring applications from renter* every day that I ranl not All. Why let yenr house stand idle? tllvs me a rhanee to rent It and it ran be made to par FLOYD K. DAVIS. 7th and E a.w. or 3-ft t WANTED- CANNOT SFPI'I.Y OFR DEMAND for reasonable prior bouse* and business properties in central n.w.: for n'tiek sale let u* have particulars: al?o If varant let us prt yon a pond tenant NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS, fttl F. ne2-7t J i APARTMENTS TO LET~ fOR RENT-STONE * FAIRFAX, 1342 New York are. n.W. APARTMENTS. 'Heat furnished.) The Carlton. 21st and N ats. n.w., atl front rooms f5rt.00t , 1512 lrvlnp at.. 7 rooms r.nd bath 47.50 The n#'npslilre. No. 4. ftr. and b 47.SO 1410 N at. n.w.. 7r.. steam beat *45.00: 1214 12th at. n.w.. 3 rooms and bath. 47..00 The Pebbleton. ft rooms nnd hath 45 00 455 O at. n.w.. 3d floor. 7r. and b 45.00 The I'rlnee Oenrge. lftl" 30th n.w.. Gr., b. 40 fto : ftlft !>th st. n.w.. 4 rooms and bath 40.00 < , 141ft V at. n.w.. 4 rooms and bath 40.00' | The Oswepo. 132ft I* *t. n.w., fir. and b... 40.O0 | The Ednor. 21 is P st. n.w., ftr. and h... 37.50 I The Fulton. 182G M st. n.w.. :id fl.. ftr.. b. 37.7.0 1712 14th st. n.w.. 3.1 floor, fir and b 35.00 1737 T st. n.w.. 4 moot* nnd bath 32.50 I 1408 Monroe. 3d floor. Or. snd b 32.50 The Felton. I?2? M St. n.w.. 4th fl.. Sr.. b 32 50 The Cbe]?ea. 2d snd E ?ta. a.e.. ftr.. and b. 50.50 1ft S at. n.w.. 1st floor. 4r. and h 30 00 1312 C at. n.w.. 4 rooms and hath 30 00 1315 New York are.. 3d floor. 3 rooms... 30.0ft I 815 TT st. r.w.. ft rooms snd bath 3ft Oft 208 D st. n w.. 2d |lnn?. ft rooms and bath 27.30 20ft D st. n.w.. 1st floor. 4r. and b 25.50 _ 1341 IT at. n.e.. 2d floor ft room* and bath 25 5ft i f'11 E st. n.w.. 4 rootna and bath 25.50 1254 Co1. rd.. 2 rooms and bath 25.00 803 Oth st. n.w., 2 rooms 25.0ft . 1453 W st. n.w.. 3 rooms nnd hath 22.5ft i 1341 IT at. Ti.e.. 2d floor. 5r. and h...... 22 50 455 ff st. n.w.. 1st fl'sir 3r and b 22.50 01ft S *t. n.w.. 3d <h>,r. 3r nnd h 1* VI 2TONE * FSTRFAX. 1342 New York ?*. n.w j TWO.FAMir.Y FLATS. 'No heat furnlsned t 1757 T st. n.w. ft rooms sod listh 35 5ft ' MI-' iMh st. n.w.. 2d floor. 5 rooms 30 V) j o(,o s? n ,v _ 2<1 floo". Br. and b.... 30 V) ! 13th st. n.w.. Br nod h ?? 142't Pn. nve.. 3d floor. 4r. and b 30.00 1120 7th st.. 7 rooms and hath 27 SO 1770 BVfllard. 1st floor. Br. and h 25.50 1 '017 1?th st. n w.. 4 ror.ros and bath.... 25 50 217 10th st. sr.. 1st floor. Br. and h.... 25.30 I'll 11th*?t. r.w.. B rooms and bath.... 2*00 '1 On'nrv. 2d floor, 6 rooms end hath... 21 BO 37 Qolnrv st. n.w.. 2d floor, 6r. and b... 24.SO 2B1B 17th st. n.w.. 1st floor. Br. and b... 24 BO Oil 7th st. n r.. 2d fl.. Br. and b 23.BO 1200 1st st. n.w.. 1st floor. 5r. and h.... 23.50 1*21 T st. n.w.. 2d floor. 5r. nnd b 23.50 I 3039 o st. n.w.. 5 rooms and bath 23 00 330 1"th at. n.e.. 5r. and h 22 50 HOB n at. n.w.. 5 rooms and bath 22 50 . 711 7th st. n.w.. 2d floor 22.50 3ni2 Q st. n.w.. l>t floor. Or. and b 22.50 2113 ltth st. n.w., 3d fl.. 4r. and b 22.5?)j 1223 V T. ave., 4 rooms and bath 22.00 | 2450 Brlchtwood arc. n.w., 1st fl.. 5r.. b. 21.50 i ! 2450 Rrl?htwnod are. n.w.. 2d 11.. Sr.. b. . 21.50 ; #450-2452 Rrisrhtwood Br. and b.... 21.50; 306 Fla. are. n.w.. 1st floor. 5r. and b... 21.BO 23 Todd pi., 1st floor. Br. nnd b 20.50 1334 B st. s.e.. 5 rooms and bath 20.50 ! I 1721 4th st. n.w.. 2d floor. 5r. and b.... 2'>50 2*25 Sherman ave., 4 rooms and bath... 19.23 2t03 Sherman. 2d floor. 4r. and b 10.25 1245 D st. n.e., lat floor, Br. and b 18.50 2^2.5 Shprman. 1st floor. 4r. and b 18.25 . 1429 I'n. avr-.. 2d floor. 2r. and b 18.90 j 608 Park rd.. 2d floor. Br. nnd b 17.50 8th and Harvard. 5 rooms and bath 17.50 441 Sih Ht. 8.w., 4 rnoma and bath 15.50 040 Orlpans. lat floor. 4r. and b 14.50 435V. Kentucky avp.. 4 rooms and bath.. 14.50 1425U F st. n.e.. 4 rooms and hath 13.50 1416 Duncan st. n.p.. 4 rooms and bath... 13.50 1423 K st. n.p.. 4 rooms and bath 13.50 BTONR A- FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. n.w. TO ADl'I.TS, FI.AT OF SIX ALL OUTSIDE rooms; bot-watcr heat: must bp seen to bp appreciated: 330. 1729 13th st. n.w. oef!-3t* , - FOR HUNT? 1312 (j, 12 rooms and bath, hot water. .$75.00 1517 I\ 12 rooms nnd bath, ateam 60 50 1636 19th, U rooms and hath 37.50 7oS 3d s.f , 6 rooms and bath 21.50 637 Pickford n.e., 6 rooms and bath.... 17.50 513 13th s.p., 6 rooms 15.00 i 1M0 S. fur., 9 rooms and hath 63.00 oct;-31 JOHN W. CHILDRESS. 1412 G. "THK SHIRES," 1751-61 COLUMBIA ROAD WASH. IHSTS.?'Two apartmeiita left In these beautiful bulldltigs: porches front and rear; wide private lawns; 5r. and b., $42.50; Or. and b.. $45. "BRYN MAWIt," 1316 17?ALL OUTSIDE room*; 4 rooms and bath; $28 and $23. "THE TENNESSEE." cor. lttth and S? NEARING COMPLETION: In this exclusive neighborhood: 4 rooms and b.; $30.50 to $37.50. Make reservations now. ocO 3t JOHN W. CHILDRESS. 1412 O. 1682 IllVINO ST.-7 ROOMS AND BATH; HOTwater beat: porches; inside stairway to cellar $30.50 812 11th n.e., 5 rooms and bath $19.50 oc0-3t JOHN W. CHILDRESS. 1412 O. A FIRST FLOOR: NO. 7 IOWA CIRCLE? large rooms, particularly suitable for a physician. Apply to ARMS A DRURY, 1311 G st. <>c6-6t ^ DOWN-TOWN APARTMENTS. "THE JEANETTE," 1314 14TH ST. N.W. Now in course of completion. Four-room apartments, with bath; modern, convenient and inexpensive. Janitor service. See plans and get prices at our office. Ready for occupancy bv Sept. 15. BELT. O'BRIEN & CO., Inc., 1303 G n.w. octi-3* FOR RENT THE I^OFISIAXA, 2123 18TH N.W.. on the Heights?7 bright, cheerful rooms and bath: well heated; separate serTants' room In husenieut. Itent. $55 per month. TIIOS. J. FISHER & CO., Inc.-, 738 15th st. n.w. ocfl-3t THE VIRGINIA. 2120 G ST. N.W.?APART tnents of four rooms nnd bath; newly papered and painted; rooms good size, light "and airy; $30. $32.50 and $35: see Janitor for Inspection. Apply to UKO. J. EASTERDAY. Ames bldg.. 1410 G st. n.w. oc4-tf 712 G ST. N.E. Fire blocks from I'nioD station. Fire rooms on first floor. $22.50. T11F. PENIIUR8T. 48 II ST. N.K.. ONE HALF BLOCK * FROM GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. Apartments 4 an>l 5 rooms; steam heat and hot water; 10 minutes' walk of I'nioti station. $20.00 I P. w. E. COWAN. Mgr., Room 1, Bliss bldg. Office. 35 B n.w. Phone Lincoln ISO?. I OC.1-1 f I THE AI.DEN, R A STOCK. CALVERT FLATS. 2018. 2620. 2622 13th st. n.w.?Fine flats; best location; 6 rooms, bathroom, porch; all modern Improvements; Janitor services. ?c3-3t.eSu* j TO LET?Hz THE P. Ii. SMITH COMPANY. ! I Q. SMITH. Pres. LEE D LATIMER. V. Prea. 1408 NEW YORK AVE. THE I")AMAKISCOTTA, 018 18TH ST. N.W. 1 NEW SIX-STORY APARTMENT. Ready for occupancy. Exclusive, refined, j downtown residence section. One square from Conn. avo.. CONVENIENT TO ALL DEPARTMKNTS, THEATERS. HOTELS. PERFECTLY LIGHTED. Southern exposure. Private phones. Elevator. FIRST-CLASS CAFE. stiir-s iir i> nutiMM A .> BAin, $40.00 to $50.00. THE MANOR HOUSB. 1324 Monroe at. n w. 4. S or 6 rooms and batb; $40.00 to 9SS.00. THE I. A MONT. 1043 LAMONT ST. Suites of S rooms, reception hall and bath; all ouislde rooms; eTerj convenience; $40 to $45. * 1007 MONROE ST. X.W. 2d floor; 6 large rooms and batb; In splendid order; every convenience; $48.00. 716 13TH ST. N.W. 2d floor. 6 rooms and batb. steam beat, lanitor service $45.00 THE MT. PLEASANT. 3153 Mt. Pleasant at. One suite of 5 rooms and batb $42.50 THE HOWARD, 1617 Swann st. n.w. (16tb. 17tb. 8 and T sts.) One suite of 5 rooms and batb..... $35.00 3806 13TH ST. N.W. GR. AND RATH: VERY DESIRABLE: $37.50. Especially large rooms; southern exposure; b-?at; janitor service; fine finish. NEW TWO STORY APARTMENTS. EVERY CONVENIENCE. SEPARATE YARDS. 1753 WUlard st. n.w., 5 rooms A oath. .$25.50 888 Adams si. n.e., 5 rooms and batb.... 20.50 507 R. I. nr. n.e., 5 ruom* and batb... 20.20 Ml Md. are. s.w.. 4 rooms 13.00 !TO LET-TO DESIRABLE COLORED TENANTS. I , 1000 3D ST. N.W. Apartments of 5 outside rooms and batb; Steam beat: Janitor. . $30 and $32.50. I se28 lit APARTMENTS TO LET. APARTMENTS FOR RENT I i IN THE BEAFTIFI L MISSISSIPPI. 143ft W ST. N.W. 4 AND S ROOMS AND RATH: STEAM HE AT ' OXI.Y *2S So AND $.17.SO EVERY ROOM AN OFTSIDR ROOM. BRIOHT AND CRKftRKt'L. JANITOR WI J.I. SHOW YOl THROFOH. I.IEBRRMANN A HAWN. 1303 F ST. oofi :st FoK KENT APARTMENT NEAR IH I'rtXT riRri.E. lftr.3 1!?TH ST -D FI.OOR FRONT. FIVE ROOMS AND RATH ONI.Y ? ?. LIEBERM ANN A IIA W.N. 1303 F ST. OC?-..t I A PARTMKNTS FOR RENT IN THK NEW DENVER. lll!? ("IIAI'IX ST. x.w. i . TI1E MOST It KARON A BI.E REXTAIX IN WASHINGTON. AM. MODERN CONVENIENCES OTIS ELECTRIC ELEVATOR. TELEPHONE ! ELY St"ItEENN AM. WINDOWS \NP POORS. I AWNINGS AND Ol'TSIPE RI.INPS. BlILPING NEWLY PAPERED AND PAINTED TI1H01 GIKM T. SEE THESE RATES ALL HOESEKEEPING APTS. SIX ROOMS AND BATH $42.50 . FOIR ROOMS AND BATH fctn.OO THREE ROOMS AND R ATI I. . $22 50 to $27 VI TWO ROOMS AND BATH 'tv? kltrbenl. $15 00 SRCI'RR APARTMENTS NOW I.IRBERMANN A HAWN. 1303 F FT. oo6-3t FOR KENT?CHE.A PER THAN OTHERS. 1ST AND 2D FLOOR HOl'SFKFFPINO FLATS 5 AND 0 LARGE ROOMS AND BATH. SEPARATE CELLARS AND YARDS Servants' toilet In cellars. NORTH SIDE OF WILLARD ST. Bottrffo ITtb and tsth sts ow. Convenient to car lines. IN PERFECT REPAIR. I.IRBERMANN A HAWN. 1303 F ST. ocft-3t FOR RENT?NON-HOI SEKKKPING FLATS. 71C 11TH ST. 111? 13TII ST Two rooms and bnth each. HOT WATER HEAT JANITOR RENTS $27.50 AND $20.00. 1 LIKBEKMANN A HAWN. 1303 F ST. oo6 3t . E?m COLORED TENANT: Cll AMPI.AIN ST Just north EloriOa are.; now upartnients; flve and six ontnide rooms and bath: colonial front porches. rear torches : nd yard: orment clla-a: i every convenience; $25. Apply liOi) Columbia i road. ocO 3f WILL SI "RLKASF. RE M'TTI'I'L, NEW A P A uT niont in Mt. Pleasant; 5 rooms, bath; rent reasonable. Box 212. Star office. oofltt* SPECIAL HA KG A IN?ATTR A CTIV E 5-ROOM flats, brleht. dry, 1st floor, 327 1lrh st. n.e and 2d floor, linrt p at. n e ; $22. NI each: wltl. ' l^ase to qitlck tenant, $2<?..V?. Open. Oi-flSt' Flat pgr count ed people - thi:kk. i room*, third floor; furnished or unfurnished; I newly papered; gas; furnace heat. 1A14 15tb I n.w. <p-fl-3t* j IX THE MEN DOT A: 5 IdMIMS, SK< ONIi , floor, $60. In the Ontario, 5 rooms, 0th floor , |65. McLACHLEX BANKING CORPORATION. > 10th and G n.w. oefl-.1t | FOR ttKNT?TUB DAWSON. 17-ff S ST. N.W Attractive apartments of .1 rooms and ; batb In beautiful locality* rent. $2250. WILLIGE. GIBBS A- DANIEL. 603-05 13tb. oefl-lt ! "THE HORTONV 221T 14TH ST. N.W. Apartments of 5 rooms and liath and 6 rooms and bath: $35.00 and $4<?.oo per month. All larfte outside rooms. Applv to. Janitor. J. C. KENNEDY CAMPBELL, 1413 G aL n.w. oc<> at i THE Clt ATALOE. ' , Champlaln St. n.w.. bet. 17th and IRth. Fla. I are. and Col. rd.?Handsomely finished 5 and 6 ' room apartments. Special inducement iu regard to rent. L. J. MILLS. 003 tub n.w. > ocfl-tf.5 FOR KENT? * THE NAPLES. 715 19th n.w. Near all the departments; detached all around: large side yard; In fine repair; eafa. telephone. eleTator; every tiling Brat-class; S ' and 5 rooms aDd bath: rents. $22.50 to $35. MOORE A HILL. Inc.. nc3-3t.eRn 1333 (4 at. n w. FOR KENTThe Marlon. 20th and U ata. n.w. A few very desirable apartments left. 5 rooms and bath. Near State. War and Nary department*. Rents. $37.00 an 1 np. SEE THEM AT ONCE. MOORR Si HILL. Inc., oc3-3t.eSu 1333 G st. n.w. FOR RENT? THE CARL ETON. 21st and N sta. n.w. VERY DESIRABLE LOCATION. FINISHED IN HARDWOOD THROUGHOUT. ' 5 rooms and hath. ALL FRONT ROOMS. t Kent. $45 and $50. ONI.Y A FEW LEFT. MOORE & HI EE. Inc.. Of3-3t.fSn 1333 G at. n.w. FOR RENT? " " THE EON CAREOS. 2007 O St. n w. A few eery desirable apartments left In this popular building; 5 roorna and batb; all autaide , rooms. Rent. $43 to $53. MOORE * HI EE. Inc.. no3-3t,eSu 1333 G at. n.w. FOR RENTThe Cheshire. 1733 Columbia road n.w. On OCTOBER 1 We will have a B room and bath apartment in this modern building for rent. Front and rdiar porches, large* yards. Rent. $42.30. MOORE * HI EL. Inc.. oc3-3t.eSn 1333 G at. n.w. FOR RENT?THE WILTON. 1!?3I 17TH N.W. 3. 4 AND 5 ROOMS AND BATH; ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS; RENTS. $27.30 TO $40. JUST A FEW NOT RENTED. MOORE * HILL (INC.). 1333 O ST. N.W. oc3-3t.eSu FOR RENTTHE CADIZ. 117 E at. a.e. Very desirable 3. 4 and 5 room and bath ] apartments; heat furnished; In flue repair; rent. $21.50 to $25. MUUKE * I1ILL. inc.. oc3-3t.oSu 1333 <? st. n.w. FOB RENT? MF.LWOOD AND VERNON. 1770 and 1774 IT st. n.w. Desirable 5 and 6 room and bath apartments; all outside rooms. ; . Rear porches. Rent. $37.50 to $42.SO. MOORE k HILL. (Tnc ). oc3-3f.eSn 1333 G st. n.w. FOR RENT? 449 Tenn. ave. n.e. Very desirable 4-room and bath apartment: front and rear porches: in fine repair. Rent. $14.30. MOORE k HILL (Inc.). ; oe3-3t.eSu 1333G st. n.w. PRINCE KARL." Housekeeping apartments for rent. Bright and comfortable moius. I Steam heat. Elevator service. (' Inspect and yon will be pleased. Rent, $3.r> and $40 per month. ELLERSON k WEMPLE, 607 14th at. oc3-7t.eod.eSu FOR RENT?ON PECATl'R PLACE NEAR . Sheridan Circle: 6eTeral nice apartments In two-story ai>artment buildings; 5 rooms and bath; rent reduced, $25; near F st.-Mt. Pleas- | ant car line. SWARTZELL, RHEEM & HEN SKY CO.. 1 ; oc3-3t.eod.e8u 727 15th st. n.w. FOR RENT?A COMFORTABLE 5 ROOM AND bath apartment at 3618 11th st. n.w.; $18.50; near 11th st. cars. SWARTZELL. RHEEM k HENSEY CO.. oc3-3t.eod.eSu 727 15th st. n.W. FOR RENT?618 EYE ST. N.W.: CENTRALLY located; 2d floor apartment of 6 rooms and bath: vapor heat: adults only. oc4-3t* i . FOR RENT-BY B. F. SACL CO.. 7TH * L N.W. j 1 418 12th nw,5r.b.$3.V3o 1711 4th nw. 5r. b.21 50 , 1400 N Cap. flr. h.32.30 1400 N Cap. 4r.3fl..20 On 1534 7th nw.5r.b S0 00 .'07 R nw. 3r. b ...17.50 916 S nw. lfl. 5r, b.SO.flo 1230 7th nw.3r.2fl..17 Oti i 713 11th nw.5r.p..30 00 1243 H ne. ! 1622 9th nw.Ifl.r.f^t'27 50 Old La av nw, 4r.w. i 208 D nw. 5r.b.2fl..27.30 2d floor 15.30 1334 N J av nw.5r.h25.50 2034 Ga av nw.2r. .8.00 ' 2113 14th nw. 4r.b 22 50 , o.-3-tf ' FOR RENT-AT THE COYWOOD. 1223 L N.W . ONE FINE HOrST.KEEPING AND ONE! BACHELOR APARTMENT: VERY DESIR-; ABLE LOCATION. NEAR BEAl'TIFIT, ; ; FRANKLIN PARK: EASY WALKING DLS- 1 TANCE TO ALL DEPARTMENTS; GOOD SERVICE: RATES REASONABLE. APPLY TO JANITOR. o?2-tf , . FOR RENT -6 ALL OUTSIDE-ROOM APART- j menta. overlooking park. $45: also 5 all outside ' . rooms, southern and eastern eaposure; the j Seville. 2129 18th st. n.w. 5-room and bath flat. 1917 12th st. n w.. $18 I 1 oc2-7t* GEO. S. REES. 1003 G st. n.w. I VAN CORTLANDT. 1417 BELMONT ST.?FIVE i bright, large rooms and bath; electric elevator, j large up-to-date building; $42..r>0 per month. See this and you'll like It. Apply to JANITOR : ocl-flt* _ FOR KKXT-K1>K. LAlU.r* kimimjs . with tiled bath. hot-water heat, modern build- ! ' In*: cabinet mantels, hardwood trim; large j back porch; contenlent downtown location 1Q20 9th at. ocl-tf | _ FOR KENT? I I THE HAMPTON. 1740 18TH. One B room apartment $45.00 Two 4-room apartments $32.50 and $37.5o : Two squares north Dupont Circle. se30-tf O. H. BILLISOSLEY. 615 14th at. THE WICOMICO. ~ 225 New Jersey are. n.w. 5 rooms, 3d floor $35.00 4 rooms. 3d floor $30.00 ; ' All ontalde rooms, with large windows; bean- I tlfnl rlew; hardwood flulsh; pollened floors; ; tiled bath. Apply to Janitor. se30 tf i CENTRAL?ONE-HALF 8g. FROM CONN. AVE. ! : ?The Fulton. 1826 M St.. S rooms, bath and 1 storeroom, $32.50 to $37.50 per mo. Applr Janitor or EUGENE GOUGU. 806 17tb at. ! I se30-8t* FOR RENT-APARTMENTS IN THE "OAKland." 2019 Columbia road. Wash. Heights; S and 7 rooms. Tbe "Stanton." 128 C st. n.e.; j 5 and 6 moms. Apple at buildings. s?24-14t , : THE COLUMBIA. 14TH A GIR.U1I) STS X.W.; tbe brightest and roomieat Are. atx and seren- i room apartments on Columbia Heights; prlcea i from $45 to $60. I The Lincoln. 12th st. s.e.. near L!??-oln Park; I a ^ry desirable six-room and hath apartment; I all ontslde rooms; price. $32.50 JAMF.S A. CAH1LL. 1308 F at. se26-tf a partnTknts in~tu fT "pancoast. : 1343 East Capitol st. 5r. and b.: steam beat; #2? and $30. No boys. D. M. OGDEN, 1926 lat ?. n.W. ae23-tf APABTMENTS TO LET. t*akka<;T r iiTm m kki imx<} \7\u.tmi nT for rent; '> ruoma ?:id txlli. Apply at otflca. oct IWt U rvnKI.l. MANSION*, 2339 M a n.^u?rtt< are.. 8hf.!l!l?a\ < The fir.ct fur or tiltfur. atwrtmenta In tl?# m->?: fashionable locality In Wathlnftoii RulKlInc of cement fireproof c-natmrtinn throughout; every ,:p t convenience; eleven larf* ro-tna. three hatha and prlratn halia; ea *h aj>artment nrenpte. an entire floor., uith one hundred feet frontage on the aten.te; eatra aorvanfa' roonia anJ uae of aervanta hath If needed. Apply at WKNDKJ.I. klANSION*. arjn theaLitkM aui ji.'ifrii am? t n w. Beautiful apartmenta. Nenl\ papered ati.1 pa nted. F. S. WEST, Agrnt. 1717 KiKC* place. ae27 t It.4 TUB KTHKUHrmrr ISTIt A Kit 1. VW. Beautiful apartmenta. New it- paper, d anA painted F. 8 WEST. Agcut, 1717 l:lcK? plat*. ?e27 14t 4 7*111-" t'linTi I NFfUVISII Kit Al? irTMFXTsT 2 rooma and Itath. f.'lO per month; 4 rootea and tmth. $:?S per month *r27 tf FOR UK N'T IV THK nWlVDAO.1; 4 Five" mom and l>ath atenm-heat.-d apartment with all nxvlrrn Improvement*: deep front laa-n and private hark por.-h; liot water the vear round, anil excellent Janitor fcTrlo? Included In modfMto rot t. F"R RF.NT-In the Owfeen; a corner apartment with 4va large. bright rooma and hath, with all tn<wl< rn Tn.tiratrtn'at*; Mum beat and lanttor wrrlor; in excellent condition. til'OROK TBI ESDKLL. 1C27 Lincoln a?t. a.a. *? ?! tf FIVE BOOM AMI HATII APARTMKN'TS. lAtl^A E Cap . $17,90 1 Steam heated, hot warth * H aw....18.79 ap tor and Janitor. MM Me av 12 00 2>W isth aw t* VI 12110 R aw . .81 0$ aelO tf rntr.l.irs CO .".-to John Marahali pi SI PElTpIR 9. 4 A*i? T ROOM AMI BATff at earn heated apnrtm<mta In the Suaaex and th?? Vernni.-n. at 13th and n at* a w., adjolnlnc Hept. of Agriculture. hnrean of engraving. tn Iaenrn. poat .ffl. e. e%r.; h.-t water vear piandl $27 Art to $81. PHILLIPS CO.. ae24-tf 830 John Marahali place. THE HI'ill LA VPS. ARSOLT TEI V FIREPROOF. CONNBTITT AND CALIFORNIA AVES. Apartments ?f two. three, four, flto nti'l seven ronai? with hath, furnished or unfurnished: two 7-room housekeeping apart ments; on yearly or allmonth rental*. Iyvated In Washington's moat esrluslve residential sectlon. Ann ri<-an and European dining rooms. <-otidurted nnder the moat liberal management. Long-dlstan-e telephones in all apartments. Three eleotrle elevator*. Rentals tnelnde eloetrlc lights. Apply TIIE HIGHLANDS. , GEORGE A. MILLS. Telephone North 1240. Manager. | THE SHANNON A XP TIIK ASKEATON. "OTH and I" ats. n.w.. 5 rooms and hath: bright and eheerful. good pop-hes: eouvenlent to ear tinea. Moderate rental. J. II. BRADLEY CO.. *e22 tf Ine.. 1404 O at. n.w. THE N.VNTTCKKT. THE Jt'NIATA, 141*t W st. 1424 W at. SEVERAL * AND fl ROOM APTS IJCPT. EVERY ROOM AN OT'TSIPF ROOM HEAT AND HOT WATER AND JANITOR SERVICE F1RN1SHKD. LARGE SIDE LAWNS. RENTS. *32 hO TO *35 THE PARLINOTONT 14? A ST. N E. IDEAL LOCATION ON CAPITtlL HILL. ONE 5 ROOM AND BATH APT NOW VACANT. ALL CONVENIENCES. RENT *37 M welft-tf II. L. RC8T. ?0H 14TH ST. N.W. THE CONCORD. N. II. AND ORE. AVEfl. Four rooms and bath. Twr* POAina ???^ !? #!* *e18-tf Apply to Manager. APARTMENTS FOR RFN'T- ALL IS FIRSTCLASS CONDITION. . THE FAIRFAX. 1200 E. Cap st.? 5 room* and hatli *45 oo and $?0 Ort THE MT. VERNON. Dtb and N. Y. n.w.? New elevator In operation. 2 to .1 rooms and bath $2?t.rt0 to $37.50 THE FRANKLIN. 1915 14th st. n.w.? 3 and 6 rooms and bath $3u.uu to $46.00 THE SORRKXTO. 2233 18th n.w.? 5 rooms and bath $42.50 THE NELSON. 1733 2bth at. n.w.? 2 and 4 rooms and hath $20.00 to $37.HO THE Al'GI'STA, X. Y. and X. J. avas. n.w.? 4 rooms and bath $25.00 THE COLONIAL. 30th and N sts.? 4 rooms and bath |X.V> S?16 Q n.w.. 6 ro-.-ms and hath $21 50 25otI Pa. ave. n.w.. 2d It-. 4r. and ft....$20.20 an29-tf WEAVER BROS . 1416 F at. n.w. THE CECIL. I .NTH AND L STS. X W ?5-ROOM and bath apartment: all bright, cheerful rooms. Also 2r. and bath apartment. Apply at OeclL au26 tf 1400 CHAP1S ST. N.W.?VERY CUtHCB. HIGH and healthy; only $.'10; ? rooms, bath, cellar, attic: furnace; rear porrbea; back yard. Room 17. 1336 New York ave. ac3t> 211 ASHLEY APARTMENT HOUSE. A few very desirable apart menta for rent. All modern Improvements Apply SAMUEL TALHERT, Manager, Room 302, Jenifer building. 7th and D sts. n.w. ae3-tf THE BACHELOR, 1737 H ST. N.W. MODERN 2 ROOM AND BATH BACHELOR APARTMENTS. Rent includes heat, service on rooms. Ice# spring water. Apply UILLIARD T. OWEN. we4-ff-12 519 17th st. n.w. THE. SHERMAN. 15TH AND L N.W. 5 ROOM apartment: sonthwest corner; southern exposure: all outside rooms Also 3-room apart inent. Apply at the Sherman. an26-tf $30 CP THE DCPONT. THE MASSACHUSETTS. THE WK8TOVER. MURRAY A. COBB. Agent. 1102 Conn. are. aull-tf THE 8ARANAC. 1209 NORTH CAPITOL ST A|>artments of ti and 7 large, cheerful, outside rooms. $40 to $45. au27-tf JOHN W. MORRIS, 614 F st. n.w. THE WINDSOR. 1425 T ST. - FIUKFHooK BLDG ?Very CHOICE apts. 2. 3. 4 and ? rooms and bath. Open for Inspection. See today. Electric elevator. AH night service. se!2-tf ______ BACHEIiOR APARTMENTS. 2 rooms and bath: all modern improvements. $17 to $2<*. an25-tf.4 SENECA. ?27 K n.w. THE BALTIMORE." 1832 Biltmore st. n w. Three, four and Ave rooms and hath: all outside rooms: some overlooking Hock <Y>ek valley. Wc claim these are the coolest apartments In the city. Prices from $37 50 to $45.00. SIMPSON-SULLIVAN CO.. my27-tf 14?>8 <1 st. n.w. AN UP-TO-DATE 7-ROOM APARTMENT. WITH all modern conveniences; hot-water beat; nm. venieut to Library. Capitol, coast survey, etc. Inquire store. 233 Pa. ave. s.e. FOR RENT- "" H<ujsekeep!ng apartment. 4 rooms and hathg new; *18. THE RHIGIITWOOU. an2~>-tf.4 2'*43 7th st. n.w APARTMENTS TO LET. FI'RXISHFO. DESIRABLE FURNISHED FIVpT Ut itRM AND bath anartment, linen and sliver. n?*r t'ona. ave.: $G5 ingatlh; lease. Box 238. Star office. ocf-2t* THE FULTON?1820 M ST N W -5 ROOM apt. completely furnished for housekeeping; modem, light and central. Call after otti-'u or Sunday Apt. No. 4. <*-4-3t noMPLETET.Y FT RNLSHED fi-RtKtM APAltfl mcnt; will retain one room as part rental. ApI'lf to 42. the Berkshire. 1412 Chapln st. n.w. se2ft I4t FOR LEASE?FURNISHED. FUR THE RE As<m. in the Rochatnheau; a large, well arranged, well lighted. 8-room and balh apartment; VwHMtjfnUr and completely furnished . SWARTZEI.L. ItHK.FTM * HKNSKY CO.. se2ft -Bt.eod.oSu 727 15th at. n w. RU07 WEAVING KfGS WOVKX FROM OLD CARPETS. REM hie and prompt: the only factory of Ita kind. We make a aptcla'te of ray and carpet cleanInc. WASHINGTON P.f'G CO . Rif 3th at. ?.*. Phone Main 4323 ae*-?*t PURE WATER. CRYSTAL ROCK WATER IS KAMOIS FOB Ita purity: recelyed fresh dally from Chearrtit Hill. Va.; used and IrdoraeJ by leading physicians. osier. 731 11th n.w. Pbone hi. M27. eSn _ STORAGE I'RIYATE COMPARTMENTS " Moderate charges. Estimates fnrnlabed. ' MOVING. PACKING AND SHIPPIKO. LITTLEKIELD. AI.VORD * CO.. aes-tf Colorado hnlldtnr. PALMISTRY ror KNOW the past: lkt me tell took future (Out of darkness Into light.I K "Wenooo" tells you It's so; the most akepUoal satisfied. 913 G ti.w.. rooms s and ?. ael-601