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FOR SALE?HOUSES. >'OK 8ALE-JIMT $2,000 UNDER VAlT'E. j Positively the be?t ba re j in eTer offered in a : modern bouse in the fashionable northwest: ! just the location and style of a house most j every one is looking for; on a lettered street I near Conn. are. and R. The house is com- < paratlvcly new. three stories, four rooms drop on the first floor; six sleeping rooms; TWO BATHROOMS; HOT-WATF.U HKAT; southern exposure; good sized lot. paved alley; now oernpied hy an army officer. A similar house 1 on this square, no !>etter. sohl for $lu.500. Buy a home In this high-class section, surrounded i hy mansions. Yott will not only P't your money hack In ease you wish to resell, but you should re.,lire a protlt of from $l,ooo ?r? $2,000. Investors and sjieeulators should he interested. STONK A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. orK-C? FOH SALF.-A WoNDHICKUL SACRIFICE. Rnluffd to Jlfl.rtt*. BRICK PWEiLLlNG ANI? TWO-STOUT BRI<T\ STABLE; ailaated north of F st. and west of Conn. ave.: surrounded by the most expensive now residences In the city: outlook on Massachusetts r.vp. The house has a wide southern exposure, delightfully cool in summer; nvdern arrangement; parlor, library, dining p/ODt. pantry and kitchen on the first floor; six briuht. cheerful sleeping rooms. In fact, the middle rooms jet mere light than the front rooms In the average house; many open fireplaces; artistic mantels; roar stairway: A SUBSTANTIAL BUICK STABLE WHICH WILL ACCOMMODATE TWO OR THREE CARRIAGES AND THREE HORSES. Tne Improvements cost ovpv #10.000: the lot w.nilt^he cheap at #T?.00o. This is absolutely the only low-priced residence with a stable and upstairs kitchen with side lot for sale In this high-class section. Those keeping horses or automobiles should Jump at this opportunity to secure this property. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. oct>-2t FOR SAlk?$t>.tso. A $9,000 house is offered at this low figure. Trnst coming due. present owner nnnble to meet It, has decided to let it go at this great reduction. HIS 1/>SS IS THE PURCHASER'S GAIN. A house near 20th and I* sts., erected l>y one of Washington's most reliable and conscientious builders. Three stories, ten rooms; HOT-WATER HEAT. An opportunity to secure a home at a low price in tills excellent community. stone: A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. oc6-2t FOR SALE?$>0 Will buy one of the most attractive houses on j st. between 17th and 1Mb. The owner of j this house lias spent considerable money on it ! In recent years. It is much more attractive > now than when first built. Th? rooms are all j large, light and cheerful: lot 20 hv loo. THIS PROPERTY" SHOULD INTEREST BARGAIN | HUNTERS. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New Y'ork ave. oct?-2t Fill! SALE?$6,750. On a lettered street west of 16th. Ruilt : within the last five rears. Parlor, recept'on ball, dining room, pantry and kitchen on the first floor; HOT-WATER HEAT: tiled bath; servants' stairway; covered rear porches; room for a stable. STONE ft FAIRFAX, 1342 New York stc. oc<*-2t 1 OR SALE-REDUCED TO <7,250. Formerly held at <10.500. The adjoining house ju-t like It was bought by a speculator | who paid <8.750. On Columbia Heights between 13th and Wth sts. Three stories; seven sleep'ng rooms; fonr rooms deep; TWO STAIRWAYS; THREE BATHROOMS: HOT-WATER HEAT: room for a stable on the lot. One of the best bargains we have ever offered In tbU section. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York are. oc6-2t FOR SALE-REDUCED TO <5.250. A lteautiful rod pressed brick front dwelling, with stone trimmings, on 6th at. n.w. south of Q. One of the host residences on that street. The front has the appearance of the most attractive bouses In Bloomingdale. The hongp is ; modern and well constructed; beautifully lo- ! cated, a few steps from two car lines, high school, market, etc. Apply at once. This bargain will be snapped up quickly. STONE ft FAIRFAX, 1342 New York are. oo6-2t fcroR SALE?<5.750. A new bouFe near the War Department. Three ! stories, ten rooms, four rooms deep: HOT- j WATER HEAT; covered rear porches; serv" ants' stairway; expensive decorations; hardwood trimmed. Worth <7,50Q. Reasonable terms can be made. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are, oct>-2t FOR SALE?A CAPITOL HILL BARGAIN. PRICE, <4,000. A <6.00C> house can be purchased for <4,000. One square from the Congressional Library, a few steps from the cars. Three stories, ten rooms; lot 20 by 75; windows on three sides; nfu juuuiDiug; porci lani-iini u iun; sqnan: built up with attractive homes. A cheap borne or a good paying investment. STONE it FAIRFAX, 1342 New York are. o,-C,-2t If or saij5 - gfi.otx) _ lettered street south of t, ontl<s>k on 16th ?t. An attractive residence; 7 rooms and bath; furnace heat: carries loan $4,500. 5%, due 1911. Owner will j take easy terms? $500 rash and $25 a month. stone it fairfax, 1342 New York ave. FOR SA1JJ?$1,600?A PRETTY ft-RM. PRESSED brick front; suitable for low-priced home, or la an excellent Investment. Always rented at' $13.50. white tenants. Nice back yard. No better renting section In southeast. Through street. STONE * FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE?$5,<*W: RENTING FOR $38.50?A i ' irner store and dwelling: near Union station; intersection of lettered and numbered street. STONE * FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. FOR SAEE-$3.6.V); RENTING FOR $30 MO.? Store and dwelling; six rooms, bath: cellar; lettered atreet, near North Capitol. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE ? $4,500 - NEAR GOVERNMENT printing office; on through street; a good, sub* Ktantial six-room and bath brick; In excellent , condition. , STONE St FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. I FOR SALE?$3.200?ON 5TH ST. N.W. NEAR K; good six-room brick; 25-foot frontage; a convenient downtown section; Just a few steps to the market. I STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. FOR SALE?6ROOM AND BATH SEMI-DEtaebed brick house; 6th at. n.w. south of O; lot 2Ux9<L cheapest home in cl.~ at $3,500. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 611 F. ?*H-3t FOR SALE-APT. HOUSE: S? APARTMENTS: 1 rented $218 month; never a vacancy: owner' anxious to sell; excellent location: ail outside > apartments: inspect it and submit offer. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 611 F. ?c6-3t FOR SALE I NEED MONEY AND VY1IJ, SELL. uiy Tjl.-tr. nearly new two-story lb man-brl. k ba.T-nladov conier residence. detlrublr located . m rlhuat. convenient to car lines, schools and bv.rehes. for #7.2-70. It has 7 splendid rooms. Tiled bath, nickeled plumbing. HOT-WATE1C: HEAT, large dry cellar, handsome motels, -hina closets, fretwork, etc., and automobile sh-d on rear. Trust, $.?..r>tAi. Will take part ' ash. balance to suit you. Address Box 24.7, Star offi. e. ocfi-4t n?lt SALE BAHRAIN IN NORTHWEST ONI Heights: JL'ST COMPLETED; *.7.?fHi; six rooms and bath; porches; similar bouses adJ<>i"in-j ?e Una Rir j.'t.TSu. H'hr not Hare this $170? I It'll.\ W. CHILDRESS. 1412 ti. oc?-3t fill SALE-VERY, CHEAP; OFFER $M..ViO: half block of Iowa Circle; 10 rooms and bath; 20-fo-?t front; southern exposure; any terms. ' Jl'HN W CHILDRESS. 1412 H. ocO :i! FOR KALE O-ROOM MODERN IIOl'SK NEAR 1st and C sts. n.w.; price. $4,UU0; less ronimiaalon If Nuijtht froru nie direct; trnst. *; rented; yields 9*?<7e on investment. Address Box 247. Star office. <s4l-;;t Ft lit SALE-SPLENDID INVESTMENT PROP ertv; 132? Wallach at. n.w.; brick of f> room* ami bath; ee.lar and jard: lot lSxHO; rental value $do; price for qul-k sale, c??; ;:t GEO. Y. WORTHINGTON. ltiu <; r..w. Ft 11'. SALE - *5.000 FOR A COZY tl ROOM lionie In the heart of the northwest section, within s td'sks of tlieatcrs and stopping district; all lniptw emeots. Including porcelain bath and magnificent kitchen range. Owner g?. us to the country. Add. P. O. Box 9:5. city. or.7 3t* 6 ; for SAl.K -a cozy home of a rooms axi? hath: centrally located; west of 7tb it., near car Lnes. high school, churches ami market; ri'oifil at I35.W. l'rice. Ifi.T.W. oo terms to ?nlt. Address comfort. Star offlce. or3 3t Ft ?R SALE-TWO KHAR 4-ROOM B RICK houses; nw. location; renting flo.Ro each; pr*ce, *2.300. Owner, P. A. &ADICE. 1341 Wisconsin are. n.w. oc4-3t* for sale-fine littijc ?x?kner store ) with flats AJIOVE. ONLY *3.250. A good RENTER IN THE NORTHEAST. IJF.BERMANN * HAWS, 1303 F ST. * oe;e-eod.3t.eSu ! FOR SALE?A FINE DWELT.ING AND STA- i hl<*. nearly new : tmllt by owner for a home: hoii*c roti'aius 13 r*in?, 2 bath rooms and eel- ' lar: oak finish 1st floor; heated l>y furnace: lot 2:1.10 Lr 121 to 15 ft. alley: situate within .'1 ?.-|uare~of the War Itepartmen'. I.ot cost *5.70O; house and stable cost over $11,000 to! build. PRICE. *11.0<lO. GEORGE W. I.INKINS. oc3-6t.eSti 600 18lh at. n.w., Washington, D. C. ' FOR SALE?HOUSES. ;kt or it bio for rent list. FOR SAI KBEAL'TIFl'L CORNER RESIDENCE. * Well located in (lie central northwest. near j 14th st.: contains 12 rooms anil hath: very jpod < repair. On;ht to rent for *49 [>er month. WonM make a fine bourdin;; hon?e. beinj; so central. ROSS ? PHELPS tine.>. 910 14th cf. n.w. | Opposite Frankin l'ark. Main 940-41-49.*i. ?;ET~oT k "lUlTToR RENT list. FOR SALESMALL INVESTMENTS. ?2.1C0 each. Two brick houses, O rooms anil "oath each: located In the best renting section of the northwest. Never vacant We believe they will rent "for *20.-41 each. Properly of this character tiiukes tine Investments. BOSS ? PHELPS tine.). 910 14th st. n.w. Opposite F-ank'in Park Main .540 41-49.-1. ' WET OLR BIG FOR RE.VT~LIST~ for sale? AN EXTRAORDINARY INVESTMENT. Price. *4.?oO. Rent. $.'4). A rreat bljr house, continuing 17 large rooms: lot 27*170 to an alley: between the too best ! car lines In Washington. At a very sniail ex- j pense tills large hnildinc can be converted Into an apartment and bring j? monthly income of j Ht least $100 per tuonth. luis is an oppurtunity of a lifetime. ROSS & PHELPS (Inc.). 91(1 14th st. n.w. Opponite Franklin Park. Main .'14(1-41 -495. GET~OU R BIG FOR RENT tiiTI FOR SALEWEST OF 14TI1 ST. Located In one of the best parts of the Heights. a new house; contains all modern improvements: 7 rooms and tiled bath. Terms, S.VKi cash and $25 ppr month. Price reduced to $4,500. It's the tlnest home on the Heights for the money. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th st. n.w. Opposite Frankiln Park. Main 340-41-495. GET Ol'R BIO FOR RENT LIST\ " FOR SALE? A BEAUTIFUL CORNER. Billlt for a home; of the very best material; contains 10 rooms and 2 tiled bath*: hot water heat; finished in oak. Price, $(1.9.10. Owner will leave the city this month and must sell at once. We want an offer. There is a mortgage on the property. BOSS & PllELPS (Inc.), 910 I4!h st. n.w. Opposite Franklin Park. Main 340-41-495. get otTR DIG FOR REN'FTist' FOR sale? A NORTHEAST HOME. Contains t> rooms and tiled bath; hot-water heat; very fine repair. There is now a mortgage on the property amounting to $2,725. The owner has got to sell and has reduced the price to $3,250. A finer home couldn't be found for the money. You'll buy it if you see It. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.), 910 14th st. n.w. Opimslte Frankiln Park. Main 340 41 495. " GET OUR BIO FOR RENT LIST. FOR SALEWASHINGTON HEIGHTS ? SEMI-DETACHED. This Is something unusual. A 9-room house; gas and electric light; finished In oak throughout; hot-water heat; large rooms: beautiful mantels and fixtures: 4 rooms on 1st floor. This Is a very swell home, and the price, $7,750. is very low. considering the neighborhood; between both car lines. BOSS 3c PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th st. n.w. Opposite Franklin Park. Main 340-41-495. GET OL'R BIG FOR RENT LIST. FOR SALK$2,000 UNDER VALUE. IDEAL HOME. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. A $10,500 house for ?x.250. There la now a first trust on the property of $7,000. at 5TcThe house Is one of the prettiest and finest ar ranged In tills choice section; contains 12 rnorna and three (3> baths; hot-water lieat; four (4) lonnon Jo e/ov iti o ?n tieut flnoe* tinlllllofl i *> I'lllir. ill'iU' UO I WHIP wil 111 SI IJVS'I . lllll 'IU U III terrd oak: beautiful homo for entertaining; ! eight bedrooms, and they all have large closets. Must l>e .sold at once. Immediate possession. Room for stable. Tared alley. BOS!* A: TilKBPS (Inc.). 010 14TIT N.W Opposite Franklin Tark. Main 340-41-495. oc5-2t ~ GKT OUR BIG FOR KENT LIST. FOB SALE ? M ST. N. W. NEAR 6TH. Price, $5,750. f'ontains eight rooms and bath: excellent 1 condition: all room9 are large and bright; nearly 23 feet wide. One of those kind of houses yon would pick out as the one you would like to own. The square Is perfect?nearly every house is occupied by the owner. BOSS A- TIIKLTS (Inc.), 9in 14TH N.W Opposite Franklin Tark. Main 340-41-495. i oc.V2t GKT OUR ^IIU FOR RENT LIST. i FOR SALENEAR 13TH AND IRVING ST. A colonial home. Price. $0,250. ; Contalus eight rooms and tiled bath; hotwater heat; beautiful condition: large front porch. Small cash payment; balance. $25 per month. BOSS A- PHELPS (Inc.), Plrt 14TH N.W Opi<osite Franklin Park. Main 340-41-495. oc3-2t GKT OLR BIG FOR RENT LIST! FOR SAI-K EXCELLENT INVESTMENT. $3,000. A Six-room brick house, well located in the n.w. Rented for $27.50 per mouth: best renting section of the city. This is a 10% Investment. Never meant. BOSS & TIIKLTS (Inc.), 010 14TIT N.W. Opposite Franklin Park. Main 340-41-495. oe5-2t GET OUR BIG FOR RENT LIST. FOR SALENEAR. 18TH AND R K.W. An eight-room bay-window press-brick hou?e; fnrnace heat; excellent condition; new plumbing; has just been listed for sale. Will be sold within a few days. Price. $5,250. There la J now a trust on the property. BOSS A PHELPS line.), 910 14TH N.W Opposite Franklin Park. Main 310-41-495. oc5-2t GET OUR BIG FOR RENT LIST. FOB SALE? MIIMb UJ gi'AUTI. - SWELI. NEIGHBORHOOD. Located on ono of the most select squares In Mount Pleasant between the 14tb and Conn. aTe. oar lines, and surrounded by expensive residences: pared alley: room for stable. Con- j tains six large rooms'and a rery luige reception hall: tiled bath: liandsomo oak floors: gas and electric attachments: HOT-WATER HEAT: finished |n oak throughout: tiled TPstlhule; tiled roof: beautiful mantels and gas fixtures; col- j lar under entire house; laundry tubs; large two ! story back porch: handsome front of Itoinun I brick with brownstone trimmings. Tills house contains everything you would find In n $15,000 house, besides having a $15,000 neiglil orho id. Terms can be arranged. BOSS & PHEI.PS (Inc.), 910 14TII N.W. Opposite Franklin Park. Main 340-41-495. oc5-2t GET Ol'K BIG FOR RENT LIST. FOR SALECOLUMBIA HEIGHTS SPECIAL. $5,150. ] Contains 7 rooms slid a handsome tiled bath: hot-water heat: trimmed in oak throughout; I flue concreted cellar; bevel-plated glass doors: ' very easy terms: only a couple hundred dollars j ' cash. This is the only house of Its kind for ' sale on the IleigbtH for $5,15o. Immediate pos- j ae anion. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.), 910 14th at. n.w. Opjioslte Franklin Park. Malu 340-41-495. oc.V2t FOR SALE Olt EXCHANGE-BY OWNKItT valuable property on Union Station plaza. Address Box 223. Star oHlce. oc5 3t* 1 FOR SALE?$3.100?FI>ORII> A AVENUE HEsf j deuce. Dear 14th st. n.w.; brick dwelling, with seven rooms and bath; porcelain tub; stationery washrland; bouse in flue condition; occupied by pruiiipt paying tenant at $22.50 monthly. FOB 8 A LB? $5,009? Handsome pressed-brickfront dwelling, with ten rooms and two baths; eellnr; furnace heat; situated on W st. be- ! tween 13th and 14th ats. n.w. The price has been rcduc.-d to $5,000 to make a quick sale; j the bouse is now renting for $35.50. A choice ; huine or excellent investment. JAMES F. SHEA. ?43 LA. AVE. N.W. i FOR SALE?$3,000?22d at. residence near F 1 st. n.w.; hay-window brl?'k, h ffcom* and bath; cellar; furnace; price rodnced to*$5,iMe_>. $S800?M st. near 1st st. n.w.. 8 rooms and : batb; price. $3,800. FOH SAIJ*? New .Terser are. home, near 1 ' St.; y rooius and bath; price. 56,wo. FOR SALE- $5,500 - A st. n.e. near 6th St.; 10 rooms and barb. JAMES F. SHEA, 643 LA. AVE. X.W. FOR SALE- Xos. 801 and ?o? 11th st. n.e.. 1 adjoining Holy Name Ohiircb; new brick dwell- ! lnjrs. w'th six rooms and l-ath; furnace b?-nt; i price. $4.35o each; o|?en for inspection. Xwo In the row already sold. JAMES F. SHEA, 643 LA. AVE. X.W. I I FOR SALE-A $3,300 KI RXACE HF.ATKI) bouse near 24th and I. *t?.. rented to good j tenants at $*, for $2,250: others In same i row sold for %.;.;:50 and flJ.W)'): owner, needing money, will sacrifice; a 14't- investment: 6 fine rooms; modern hath; ntckelerj plumbing; I KITCHEN" OX MAIN" FLOOR. splendid lu ; roxtnicnt for (1.IM0 rash Ibiihiioc trust!. WIU.IUE. OIMBS & DAXIEL. 603-05 13th. j ortl-Wt ; FOR SALE-NEW YORK AVE. NEAR NORTH CAPITOL: RECENTLY RFILT; KITCHEN OX, MAIN FI.OOR: GOOD FOR IIO.MK: PAY WERE FOR INVESTMENT: $3,750. AI.T.EX C. CLXRK. 6Q5 F ST. ocl-7t FOR SAI.L ARTIST'S HOME. 1310 MASS. AJTK. n.w.; honv. studio and stable; $20,00<>; easy tcrma; 11 rooms. 0 toilet rooms. 3 baths. Ad- ' drraa owner. ROBERT IIIXCKLTY. premises. ; aofl-tf , FOR SALE ? COLORED PEOPLE CAN BT'Y j WELL BI'II.T. NICELY ARRANGED. CON- I VEXIEXTI.Y LOCATED ATrRACTIVE REST- ' PENCE IN THE NORTHEAST AT A GREAT ' BARGAIN: SMALL CASH PAYMENT; ! MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS. se30-7t ALLEN C. CLARK. 60,'. F. FOR SALE REST BARGAIN IN NORTHWEST: new; ti room*. tllr bath, oak trim, large lot. ! ?t- j water heat, well located; otil? $ ;.7.V). One j tlrooui and baib bargain, near 5tli and D n.e.. j for $3,100. These are aperial bargains. STAFFORD & LOHR. 7th and H n.e. i efl-OOt FOR SALE ? A DETACHED COTTAG1# IN ' Mount lleaaant: contalna 10 rooms and bath; | furnace beat: lot 50x190; two-storv stable; first fl >or contains parlor, llbrarr. dining room' ! butler's pantry and kitchen: alx large l>ed- : r-oens; fln.- porches. There la now a trust on the property a: 5 per rent for five years. Price $fl.20o. Would consider ofTer. Terms can be arrang-d. Agents need not apply. I'm anxious ' to make an Immediate sale. Address Boy 23, j Star offlce. JLrlT-tf I * FOR SALE?HOUSES. FOR .NAi.J. _ AT A GREAT BARGAIN?MY BE.AI'TIKFL granite and red hrl.-fc home. 1737 ^ "t.. next tn roni'T of 18th at., containing 11 iarge and bright room*. bath, lartre pnotrlea: xvo.Hlw.irk the finest. 2S fi-i-t front: fontbern exposure: enst Sl+.SOO: xvlll sell to <Jnlrk buyer for onlv 5!?.iNori: irrw to suit. iis?t be seen to bo nppreolatod. OjV-n fr>r inspe.-tlon Moudaya and IVislncsdivx from 8:30 to 10:30 a. aa. JULIUS I-WSRURGH. 512 ?th at. n.W. Jy21 FOR SAI.R-AT A BARGAIN. RESIDENCE NO. 13:T? (J st. n.w.; bay xvindoxv. 10 rooms and '.nth; In* 2"xlOO to alley; terms to suit. A. F. F'">\ ?'Q . 14th at New York ate. ucl-Ot FOR SALE?LOTS. ~ K(?lt SALE - BROOKLAM) LOT. SO br 130: Monroe st.: .sidewalk: water, sewer and gas; heap. Address Box 221. S:ar nfB.-e. otS-.1t* l-'f Hi SA LK TWO LOTS \T iTtH ST KX^ tended: sire UTtxiK*; good. desirable locotioBi : will soli cheap to a quirk buver, cash or tc-ins. T. GU1FERK. 1104 F. st. n.w. oo5 7t EOII SALE ? REAL ESTATE ? EQUITY IN choice residential lot where values are Increas- ; lng rapidly: bargain if sold soon. Bos 2<>4. Star office. oc4-3t* j FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS IN! CIIEVY CHASF.. D. C. Adjoining Chevy Chase. | Md.. and within the District. Fronting over l.ono feet on Connecticut avenue; Are streets ' running east and west; 3fi0 feet eloTatlon. I Every lot In the tract Is available for building purposes; 14 detarhe.l bouses and bungalows erected or under course of construction since Mav. 1907. the date of opening of the subdivision. "All city Improvements. Including water, sewer, macadamized streets, granolithic sidewalks. shade trees, nil without expense to purchasers. Special inducements are eTered to those who agree to build. Write, telephone or call fer plats and full particulars. Autos and carriage* at vour disposal. THOS. J. FISHER &. CO. (INC.). 738 15th st. n.w. ap2Vtf FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY^ FOR SALE?WE HAVE SEVERAL ATTRACTive business properties, and nlso some good and inexpensive small bouses; good Investment. TYLER & RUTHERFORD (Inc.), oc.3 7t? 730 15tb at. n.w. FOR RENT"BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR ?KNT?NEAR COR. N. Y. AVE. AND 9tb st. n.w., house having 15 sunny bedrooms, dining room 20x30. large pantry and kitchen on same floor; 2 modern baths: steam heat; In perfect condition; adapted for small hotel or rooming house as though built for the purpose. IIEISKKLL & McLKRAN. 1403 II st. n.w. se3(>-eo,l-i;t ____ FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE-ON N ST. N.W.?BEAl'TIful 8-room house; in pt-rfcit repair; new bathroom; wani t-> exchange ft.r a smaller house. \VM. II. SAUNDERS & CO., 1407 F st. oct;-3t i'( lU KXCll ANGK-- 3 LOTS NEAR l.'iTll AND II sts. n.e.; clear; will trade otic or all for small improved property and pnv cash difference. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 011 F. oc?-3t FOR EXCHANGE-TWO O-ROOM HOUSES; 2D si. n.w.; white tenants: mwavs rented: price for both. $3,560: will trail" for alter houses. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 611 K. oc?-3t FOR EXCHANGE MY GROCERY BUSINESS IN n.w.; house contains 10 P'om* anil hath: store well stockeil. doing a strictly cash buslm-as; for house on Washington Heights or Mt. Phiasant. Address 248. Star office. oc6-2t FUR EX CHAMi K S KYEPA I. WELL FAYING apartment houses front $36,600 to $100,000 to trail" for ground or small houses. Call and we us if you wish to exebaiigo vonr properties, as thHt is our specialty. NEW YORK REAR ESTATE BROKERS, (ill F. oefi-3t Yor WANT TO LIST YOUR HOUSES. LOTS OR farm with us. We can exchange them. See us to will your property. oc4-3t? TOUEY'S EXCHANGE. 1333 F. "investment property. FOR SALE? Excellent one-story Btore n.w.; rent, $210; price. $2,100. Near eorner 16th anil Q sts. n.w.; small apartment house; rent, $018. Offer around $7,.VMi wanted. HERBERT A. GILL & SON, 612 14th st. n.w. oett-: 11 horses and vehicles^ FOR HIRE?HORSE AND TOP BUGGY FOR business purposes; $8 per week. Addre-s Box 230. Star office. ot-6-3t* FOR SALE-OR HIKE-YOUNG COUNTRY hors". 603 II st. Yi.w. ord-St' FOR SALE HOUSE, SURRY AND HARNESS, or separate. 1233 C n.e. oct?-3r HANDSnME SURREY: COST $.'S50: WILL SELL for $123: In perfect condition. 442 M st. n.w. oeTi-Tt* CAREFUL. RESPONSIBLE PARTY. STARLING at Downey's, wants use of general horse for his keep; light work, kind treatment. Addreia H. M. K-. Stoncleigh Qonrt. o -fl 3t FOR SALE?ONE HORSE. TWO RUNABOUTS and two Fet? of harness; horse very fast; will sell very cheap. Apply 1100 21st at. n.w. oc3-3t* FOR SALE-HAND-MADE THREE-SPRING delivery wagon; very light. BARKER & KELLY*. 4.16 Pa. are. oc4-3t* FOR SALE?SECOND-HAND RUBBER-TIRED runabouts from $30 up; 2 good rubber-tired surries cheap. BARKER & KELLY, 456 Pa. are. 1 oo4-3t* FOR SALE-HORSE. WAGON AND HARNESS; produce dealer's outfit and license; bargain. 862 Eye st. n.e. oc4-3t* PI OVATE STABLE CONTENTS: BREWSTER brougham, victoria, liveries, lap robes, harness and blankets. In first-class condition; suitable for fHiully use. Call forenoon, 1813 Y# u.w. oc4-."t* FOR SALK--QNE PAIR SORREL COACH mares. city broken. fearless; also one bay onach man-. Apply 2115 14th at. n.w. oc3-tf FOR SALE ? CHKAP - CONTRACTOR'S OR plumber's business buggy; almost new; a'so canopy-top runabout; cheap If sold at once. Apply, mornings only. 224 C at. n.w. or ph<>ne Main 5587. oo3-6t H. H. BABCOCK CO., Carriage Bitllilcr*. What are you going to do about your carriage this winter? Why don't you trade It off to uk and get a new one. Write ua about It. Send for our cut* and prices. I*. E. SANOS. Mgr. Balto. Branch, Fayette and Hanover ats., oc3-3dt Baltimore. Md. FOR SALE-EI.KtSANT TURNOUT. CONSISTING of horse, harness and brougham; property of arniv officer leaving city; low price. DOWXEY'S STABLES. 1622 L ?t. n.w. oel-7t WANTED -25 HORSES TO WINTER; PRICES reasonable. Give me a trial. QEO. A.'. RAKTI.ETT. C.nithersbtirg. Md. se30-7t? tiltEAT SACRIFICE SALE OF CARRIAGES. WAGONS AND HARNESS: NEW ?ND SECOND-HAND WAGONS FROM $15 TO IS. S. D. WATERS & SON. 310 PA. VE. N.W. anS-tf 4 PERSONS WISHING TO r.UY OR SELL, hire or exchange horses, carriages and harnesa will flnd It to their advantage to rail on or address WM. F. DOWNEY'S REPOSITORY AND STAPLES. 1622-162* L n.w. Je23-tf COMWW ELL'S IS THE CHEAPEST AND MOST fcdinble place to buy new and second-hand traps, snrreys. runabouts, daytons and delivery wagons; $13 up: harness, $4 up. 209 lltb n.w. twl-f f HORSES & VEHICLES FOR HIRE. BOARD AND HIRE YOUR HORSES AT MY stable. I Invite you to Inspect the sanitary and up-to-date conditions. Special attention to boarding horses. H. M. CRANDALL. rear 1216 X Capitol st. oc3-90t 4 HARRY BEASLEY'S SANITARY BOARDI 1 STABLE ? All horses and vehicles kept on ground floor. Teair.s for mercantile service at oop.F?r Prices. 20* 11TH ST. N.W J-.-17 90t 4 ' automobiles: FOR SALE CADILI.AO RUNABOUT GOOD condlt'on: price reasonab'e. Also 2-cylln'ler touring autocar, practically now, used nlicmonths. S425. Stanley steamer, with top. so: ri blights .and new ho'ler. *223. Will denion stnite. teach to operate end guarantee either w ithout charge. Rear 1116 Vermont aye. Phone N. 4tsU. oc6-3t WANTED TO BUY IMMEDIATELY. FOR cash. 190S Overland runabout. Addrrsa. stating l?rlce. Box l?J2. Star office. ^ oc5-3t* FoiF SALE CHEAP TWO CYLINDER 2<b herse|M->wcr flve-pa6senger touring car, with top; in perfect order. Will sell or trade. Can be sec4i at 1313 New York ave. oc4-3t* AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE: $1.36 PER HOUR, driven bv owner. Phone North 6344. oc4-3t* FOR SALE STANLEY STEAMER $230: CMiT!.' lac runabout: good condition; will demonstrate. a _ ? 1 V.? ??? ? .? . nkana WetL Itear mo v ruuuui aic, u.n., puvur iu 4MU. oc4-3t KURD. N. Cl.ARKK * CO.. MACHINISTS?" Automobile repairing. storing, towing and hl'lnc: first-class work: reasonable ratas. iRi'rr) 1307 K st. ti.w. Phone Main 25j0. se2?-POt.4 REG \!. ItOAlvTFKS ANT> TOURING CAPS, cr. iinRsrpmvEn. 4 cvmntkrs: sale PRICE. *1.250; IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PFMONSTK \TIO.VS CHEERFUL! Y GIVES NAT ION A I. OARAGE. 13.TO 14TH N.W. PHONE N. 2152. art POt AUT0M0BILESF0RHIBE AUTO I.IVKKY CO.. 234 HTH ST. 30 TAXICABS AND TOURING CARS. BRANCH OFFICES. NEW WII.LAKD. RALEIGII. ARLINGTON. pptf.R LAltGK JACKSON TOURING CARS FOR HIRE?PHONE M. 0444?rOR HIRE. 1310 Spw York are. (Halls of the Ancients). JACKSON AUTOMOBILE CO. OUP. CARS HAVE NO COMPARISONS.' vn-tr , ' MOTORCYCLE.. SOLE AGENT FOR THE TIIOR & CURTISS motorcycle: first-class machines for road and genera' purposes. GEO. W. BEAI.L. 2120 14th n.w. Phone N. SIf?2 ? auXI-BOt-4 LITHIA WATERS^ CLOVKRDAI.E LITHIA WATER TRIES CURE i rheumatism quickly. Get a pamphlet of curea ! people yne know, and test the water free. S13 O n.w.: nhone Main 610. oc2-90t,4 AUCTION SALES. TO .MORROW. | f v twat"'* I faBil At Sloan i riSj i40: ::: UU i Tihte Art of V $ Important Auc ?|? o I A Worsderfft & 01 f Oriental Rug! X GATHERE Messrs. BayajSan, P J* OF 5TH AV] & Tlhe Collection to 1! | PUBLIC $ Within On | 1407 i ? Tomorrow, Thur i October 7, 8 y v Embracing the highest grs to the weavers' art, in all size X importation selected with the x Washington. ? CATALOGUES ( * C. Q. SLOAN <& CO. (1 i J 407 OCo-tf TOMORROW. C. G. SI.OAN & CO.. AUCTS.. 1407 G ST. SPECIAL MIDWEEK SALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FURNITURE WITHIN OUR ROOMS, 1407 G ST. (WEST GALLERY), WEDNESDAY, OCT. 7TII, 1908, AT 10 A.M., Comprising BrasR ami Enameled Bedsteads. Parlor Suites and Odd Pieces. Sideboards. China Closets, Pining Chairs. Flal-top Desks, Wicker Pouch, Odd Bureaus ami Wasbstands, Chairs, Workers. Refrigerators. Pillows. Mattress. Pictures. Wnrdrobes, Couches, (Jus and other Stores, Toilet Ware. etc. Terms cash. oc5-2t-28 C. O. SLOAN & CO., Inc., Ancta. FUTURE DAYS. ADAM A. WESC1ILKR. AUCTIONEER. TRUSTEES' SALE OK VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. 2-STORY FRAME DWELLING AND STABLE. 1122 BLADENSBURO ROAD N.E. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded In Liber Nb. 1965. folio 443 et aeq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, we, the undersigned trustees, will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on TUESDAY, THE THIRTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. A.D. 1906, AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and premises, situate in the county of Washington. In the District of Columbia. and designated as and being lots 3 and 60 in King's subdivision of I<ong Meadows, together with the improvements, consisting of premises 1122 Bladensburg road. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, and the balance In two equal installments, payable In one and two yea's, with Interest at 6 per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the optlou of the purchaser. A deposit of $100 will be required of the pnrchaser at the time of sale. All conveyancing, recording and notarial fees at the cost of the purchaser. Terms of sale to be compiled with wJthln fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to; resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting pnrchaser. after five days' advertisement of such resale In some newspaper published In the city of Washington. D. C. GEORGE M. EMMERICH. 511 7th n.w., D. S. MACK ALU 416 5th n.w., J. A. MAKDELL. Atty. Trustees. sc30-d&ds.eSu ADAM A. WESCHLER, Auctioneer. TRUSTEES- SALE OK LOT ON ELM STREET NEAR 2D STREET NORTHWEST. By virtue of a deed of trust, recorded Id Liber No. 3062. folio 147 et seq., of tbo land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction. In front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY, THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. A.D. 1908, at HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described real estate, to wit: Part of lot cumbered six (6) In block numbered ten (10) of A. L. IVarlier's subdivision of Le Droit Park, as per plat recorded In the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia, in Liber Governor Shepherd, at folio 13, and part of lot numbered fifteen (15) In Thoipus R. Senior's subdivision of Moore's Vacancy, as j>er plat, recorded In said surveyor's office. In Liber County 6. at folio 12, said parts of said lots being contiguous and described in one parcel, as follows: Beginning for the same at tne southwest corner of said lot rumltered six (6). and running thence easterly along the south or front line of said lot numbered six (6) a distance of 20 feet; thence northerly and parallel with the west line of said lot numbered six (6) and the west line of said lot numbered fifteen (15) to the north line of said lot numbered fifteen (15); thence westerly along said north line to the northwest corner of said lot numbered fifteen (15); thence southerly along the west line of said lot numbered fifteen (15) and the west line of said lot numbered six (6) to the point of beginning. Terras of sale: Cash. A deposit of $100 required at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording. etc.. at cost of purchaser. Terms to be compiled with in fifteen dsys. WILKES C. P BATHER, JOB HARRIS, oc3-d&ds.eSu < Trustees. ADAM A. WESCHLER, Auctioneer. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: HOUSEHOLD FI 'KMTl'KE. MV., HI Al UIIUA, iU FA I STORAGE CHARGES. ETC. On SATCRDAY. OCTOBBR TEN. 1008. mt TEN* O'CLOCK A.M.. I will sell by public auction. within my aa tearooms. 920 Pennsylvania vp. n.w., furniture, etc.. stored with me !u the following names: Mrs. W. H. Hood. Huford Lynch. ^Irs. I.ibbie Arnold. Wm. H. Davis and Mux Hlreh. All parties Interested please take notice. ADAM A. WESCHLER. oc3-d&dbe,eSu 920 Pa. ave. n.w. i ADAM A. WESCHL ? | Trustee's Sate | SECKENDORFF ?( f Antique and Modern I Tapestries, Brasses, J Bric=a=B y In the district court of the Unite y sey. In the matter of Julia W. L- Sec T By virtue of an order made In the a T date the 8th day of August, 1908. I will J BY PUBLIC t Tlhursdav. Oc ? ? ? ? ^ ? v Commencing: at 11 o'clo< f the following day X At Residence, No. 3 y % The entire contents thereof, embrac A peven pieces: Three-fold Screen, Oval 4? etc.; I>outs XIV Tables. Chairs, Curl ? Trees, Brackets, et>c.; First Empire D i Mirrors, etc. Empire Colonial Bureaus, Toilet S post Bed. Extension Table, Cellaret! Chairs, etc.: Cordova Screen, Old U Deeply Carved Old English and Flem Chairs, Buffet, Bench. Tables, etc. Gwandoles, Russian Chandeliers, p Cabinets. two Tapestry Panels, Candelabra. Sconces. Mirror-back Bi ?j? wood Furniture, Colonial Mirrors, el I in choice colorings and fabrics. Rare v Also General Hous* including Enamel Bedsteads. Dresser Chairs, Rugs. Carpets. Fine Hair Mat ON EXHIBITION TUESDAY AND AND 7TH. B i HENRY F. WOODARD, Attorney, 4* N.W. Cor. 11th and F streets nor AUCTION SALES. TOMORROW. j i's Galleries, l! J Q Street. I! the Onent. j: tion Tomorrow s F X ill Collection " I 5 and Carpets | :d by the 'ersian Rtuig Experts, } i new york. 5e Sold at Absolute * ? I AUCTION || jtr Rooms, ?: 0 St., || sday and Friday, and 9, 1908. ? Y ides of Floor Coverings known % s, colors and designs, a recent $ view to suit the fine homes of X V MM APPLICATION. * inc.), AUCTIONEERS, $ G ST. ? t FUTURE DAYS. AD AM A. WESCHLER, AUCTIONEER. TRUSTEES* SALE OF Y'ALT'ABLE IMPROVED REAI, ESTATE. NO. 1G34 THIRD STREET NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, recorded In Liber 2413. folio 3Srt ct seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, we, the undersigned, trustees, will sell at prhlic auction. In front of the premises, on TUESDAY". THE THIRTEENTH DAY' OK OCTOBER, A.D. 1008. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and premises, situate in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot SO in Theodore Spreckles' et al.. commissioners In equity. 14702. sulMllrision in square No. .r>20, as per plat In Book 20. page 171. in the surveyor's office of said District. t< gcfher with the Improvements, consisting of premises 1B34 3d street northwest. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid In cash, and tWe balance In two equal installments, payable in one and two ears, with Interest at 6 per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $100 will be required of the purchaser at the time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, etc., at the cost of the purchaser. Terms of sale to be compiled with within fifteen davs from day of sale". GEORGE M. EMMERICH, 511 7th n.w., Trustee. D. S. M-ACKALL. 416 5th n.w.. Trustee. J. A. MAEDEL, Attorney. 410 Oth n.w. Ke.10-d.VdK.cSu THOS. J. OWEN A- SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES* SAI.E OF VALUABLE BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY. BEING PREMISES 031 4 VI- STREET AND 401 G STREET SOUTHWEST. By virtue of two oeriain deeds of trust. d?ly \ recorded In Liber No. 2!>25, folio 74 et soq.. and ! Lilgr 3073. at folio 16o ct soq., respectively, of ' the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction. | in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY, THE ! FOURTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. A.I>. 11WS. ; AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. t*e fol- , lowing described land and premises, situate In ' the city of Washington, District of Columbia, j and designated as Mid being part of lot num- ! tiered 1 In square numbered 496. contained within the following metes and bound*, via.: Begin- i nlng for the same on tlie line of 4^ street at , the southeast corner of said lot and runuing' tfcenee went along the line of South G street El ' feet, tli-nce north 24 feet, thence east 51 feet to the line of said 4*4 street and thence south along said 4^j street 24 feet to the place of beginning. Improved by the two-story brick business property No. 631 414 street southwest. Also. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE ABOVE, lot numbered 54 In Llllie C. King and others' subdivision of original lots numbered 2 and 3 In square numbered 41)6. as per plat recorded in Hook 32, page 25. of the surveyor's office of the ' District of Columbia, with a right of way for alley purposes over the private alley located on lot 53 and shown on the plat of said subdivision, together with the Improvements, consisting of the two-story brick dwelliug No. 461 G street southwest. Terms of sale: Onp-thlrd of the purchase monev to be paid In cash, balance in two equal Installments, payable In one and two years, with lUKTt'Ki ni six per cent per annum. payable semiannually, from day of sale. secured "l>v deed of trust upon the property sold, or all rash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of S100 will be required at time of sale on eaeh parnl. A11 conveyancing. recording. etr., at cost of purehaser. Terms of sale to be comnlled with within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the rleht to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of snob resale In BOine newspaper published In Washington. P. C. JOHN F.. HERRF.LL. AARON S. CAYWOOO. oel-dftds.eSn Trustees. TIIOS. J. OWEX & SOX. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. NO. 1303 EUCI.II> ST. N.W. lly virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded in Lll>er No. 310ft, folio list et seq., of the land records of the District of tlolumhis, and at the request of the party Scoured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, tn front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE TWELFTH DAY OF OCTOBER. A.D. 1008. AT FIVE O'CTAM'K P.M.. the following described land and premises, situate tn the county of Washington, District of Columbia, and designated as and b-Mng lot numbered twenty (U0> tn Edgar S. Kennedy and Isaac X. Davis" subdivision of part of block numbered thirty-one <31>. Columbia Height*, as per plat recorded In Liber County No. 11. folio 5. of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, together with tbe Improvements. Terms of sale: Sold subject to prior deed of trust for $5.(100: balance cash. A deposit of $200 will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing. recording, etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be compiled with within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise tbe trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale In some newspaper published in Washington. D. C. WILLIAM IT. WALKER. WILLIAM L. LAXMNG. Be30-dfirds,eSa Trustees. ER, AUCTIONEER. t ? in Bankriuptcy | boLLECTION OF | Furniture, Draperies, f Prints, Engravings, | . rac, etc. ? id States for the district of New Jer- ? ikendorfT. bankrupt. In bankruptcy. V ibove entitled matter and bearing *f I sell T. AUCTION f tolbier 8, 8908 |j :k a.m., and continuing + j. at the same hour | j i 406 R Street N.W. ? :ing Louis XVI Gold Parlor Suite, T , I Over-Mantel Mirror. Tables, Chairs. T j lo Cabinets, etc.: Renaissance Candle I|] iressing Table, Work Table, Chairs, X j itands, three L'ght Mirrors. High- Aj. te, Work Table, Corner Cabinet, Desk, A ! i ?utch Marqueterie Chests and Chairs, A i tish Black Oak Hall and Dinitig T ?air of valuable Lepplewhite Pedestal 31 1 Andirons, Fenders, Coal Hods, J. ackets. Turkish Rugs, Old Rose- X :c.: Valuable Portieres and Draperies A ! Laces. A ehold Furnishings, X s. Chiffoniers, Wardrobes, Tables, * * tresses, etc.. etc. T WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER CTH T . iy order of X f RICHARD BOAHDMAX. X Trustee In Bankruptcy. A thweet. oo2-dfcd? A I l H-H-H !-! m ' AUCTION SALES. THIS AFTER TOO*. i THUS. J. OWES 4. SOX. Al"cTlOSKV:ils< 1 Two Very Desirable Well Located Two-story Brick \ Dwellings, Near Union J Station, Nos. 22 and 35 G St. <N.W., AT AUCTION. Ttr virtue of .'itfjorifv vo*tM in ns wo will { .ell at publlr awrt'on. in front of tlie premier, on Tl ESDAY. THE SIXTH THY ol" oTiilii R 1908. AT HALF-PAST KOI K OTMM'K P.M.! l the west half <>f lot 2N and th? .a?t half of lot 24 in square 625. r ith the improvements. Tit* sale should command your attention. as it is in a wcllmi rapllily enhancing In valSc. Tortus stated at timo of salt*. $!?*> deposit required on each Jot ti;K>n acceptance of tiiaf. Con- ; Teyancine ami r--ordi:i; at purchaser's cost. <*'l-(i<rils TllttS J. OWEN & SOX. Ancts. ( AO AM A. WESCHLElC!ACCTIONEF.R. I TRKSTEES' SALE OF KNIMPROVED i.OT ON ' KEARNEY STREET RFTUTKN MTU AND 17T1I STREETS. l:ROOKI.AM?. D C. Ry vtriuc of ? deed of trust. recorded in Llher j"7S. fclio 450 el soq., of the land record* <f the District of Columbia. and st the request <f the I>art!c* secured thcrclty. the tird.Tsli.ticd trustees tvi'.l sell at ti'thli auction. In 'r "it of the premises. oti TCKSDAY THE SIXTH DAY <'K Of- , TIIBFI1. A.D. lifts. AT FIVE O'CIam K !*.M . the following r"al estate, to wit: lot numbered four 14. in block nnmhered ten ilto of James J., and Jess,, j> Sherwood'* subdivision i f part of "Cuckold's Delight and Inclosnre" and oiher tracts now known as Sherwood's Addition to Rrnokland. a< said Sherwood's snlnilvislon Is reforded in Cntiniy Rook 15. pag 14. of the rer< nls of the surveyor's office of the Dtatrlct of . Colombia. Terms of sale: Ono-tbird cash, tvlanoe In one and two years, with Interest at six per cut. or all cash. A deposit of Stfto required at time of saie. All conveyancing. etc.. at cost of pttrchaser. ' T< rros to be compiled with in fifto. n dav*. EDWARD .1 WAUSU. 1202 F St. H.W., J. I.EO KOl.Tt. 922 New York a?e.. ' se2odAi>.eSii Trustee*. Firrrnic days. ADAM A. WESCHLEIt. Auctioneer. I Receiver's Sale of Valuable Busi-! ness Property. Being- 2-story and Cellar Brick Building, No.,' 2611 Penna. Ave. Northwest ;i Also Two-story Brick Dwelling, No. 1110 26th Street North west. Ry virtue of an order of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, in re ito-k Creek auto anil wagon works. Equity No. 27592. the undersigned receiver will sell by imhlie auction. ' in front of the respective p-emlses. ,si MONDAY. ! OCTOBER TWia.ETII. NINETEEN Ili'NDHED , AND EIHIIT. commencing at FOi'R O'CIXK'K P.M.. the following described real estate situate in the elty of Washington. District of Columbia, to wit: Lot 5 in Thomas E. Wacgaman. trus tee's, subdivision of part of original lot I In square west of square 14. improved by two story brick .dwelling. No. 1110 20th street northwest. Imro dlntelv thereafter lots 7, 8 end 9. of Thotnas E. Wagpainsn, trustee's, 'mhdivlalon of , part of original lot 1 in square west of square 14. improved by large brick building. No. 2?'>11 Pa. ave. northwest. Terms: Made known At time of sa'e. or upon application to the undersigned receiver. $5O0 deposit required ur>ou premises 2011 Pa. ave. and $100 npcit premise? No. 111i? 20th st. at time of sale. Terms to be nnnplied wtth In thirty days frcm day of sale, or receiver reserves the rlrfit tn rM9ll tint nPDDPrtr at fhar r'bk Niil rnst of defaulting purchaser. after lire dare" a<1- ( rertlsement of such resale In The Evening Mar < ' newspaper. All conveyancing, recording, etc.. at purchaser's cost. j i CHARLES F. DICCS. Receiver. fo20 d&dseSu Century Building. ! THUS. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS] i TRUSTEES' RALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED 1 REAL ESTATE. CONSISTING OF TWO , TWO STORY FRAME RESIDENCES. l/>CATEI> ON VISTA ST.. WOODUIDGE. D. C.. CONTAINING ABOUT 49.000 SQUARE FEF.T OF GROUND. By virtue of a certain deed of truat duly recorded in IJbcr No. 3033. folio 130 et seq.. of ( the land records of the District of Coinmhia, 1 and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will seil at public ail". | lion, in front of the premises, on FRIDAY. THE NINTH DAY OF OCTOBER. *.D. W- AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK T.M.. the follow-i , in? described land and premises, situate In the i , county of Washington. District of Columbia, and designated as and being lots numbered five (5) : and six (6l. in block numbered four (4|. in A. i P. Fardoti ai.d others' subdivision of land now known ?s "Woodrtdge," as per plat recorded In Liber County It. at folios 38 and 60.-In the, office of the surveyor of the District of Oolumbis. 1 together wilh the Improvements, consisting of two two-story frame buildings. Terms of sale: A deposit of $2C0 will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording. etc., at cosr of purchaser. Terms of sale to be compiled with within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost ( ef defaulting purchaser, after Ave days' adver- < tlsement of such resale In some newspaper pub- < lished in Washington. D. C. GRACE M. THOM VS. CLALD LIVINGSTON. sogO-d&ds.oSu Trustees. TIIOre J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS^ ' J Very attractive 6=roomm and Bath Bripk Bwell=; iinig, No. 7?8 3d St. S.E., facing Garfield Park. We are instructed by the owner to sell at pnl> lie auction, without reserve, in front of the ' premises, on THURSDAY. THE EIGHTH DAY OF OCTOBER, lists. AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. lot 16 in square 796. This is a very attractive piece of property, and would make a good houie or investment. Rental. $21.36. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust < for $2."00 at o'i. two years to run. Balance ' cash. S'?m> deposit. TIKIS. .T. OWEN Si SON. Auctioneers. oc.3-dArds.eRii _1331 G st. n.w. ; CTTUTrv* T-k a -T Tin ftneiTi mer ( o U JD U 1x15/VIM if XVU Jc ?ilt XX. , FOR SAI.R. I FOR S.tLE- A NEW SFRDIVISION. BEYOND ' Chevy t'liasrc. on oar lire; acre lots, *15<i to $35" each: elevation. 45n So 480 fc?t shove I sea level: only 70 lot* In the subdivision: beau- I ) tit'iil trees, pure water, city conveniences; | , good terms; money to build: direct ear service by Capital Traction route; jtood spot for any < one desiring to have a home, tine garden or < chickens; 'real subdivision; mountains in plain . View. II. M. MARTIN. . ! 1 Ocfl-ot 1407 New York ave. j FDR SALE?RARE OPI'OKT 1" NITY: NEW 8-j room house at Woodaide. SU1.: cars pass the door: excellent water: modern conveniences; ] lot 145x400; young orchard; trees and flowers; | fci.oOO. easy t'-rius. Apply to otvuer onlv. Dr.' | t". T. ( AMlWKI.b. 01. i?rem:*e?. <?a;-tf i | f4..VX); $27,0 FASH. BALANCE LONG TIME? ] Store and hotel: a.m.I.: suburban town, 5 O00 I |K>pulatlon: electric and steam roads. Address OWNER. 704 Sth n.'.v. oc.V3t* ! _ FOR SALE? Four new, modern 6-room houses at Ecnuing. Address oc4-3Pt*4 OWNER. 044 K st. n.w. j FOR SAIJv OWNER LEAVING DISTRICT WILL sacritice $2.M>0 home for $2.dUO; must sell at 'nee. M. S. FALL, 2P58 Thayer st.. Langdoti, I>. C. <*-4-3t" i YOF CAN'T IAISE ON THIS DEAL?LOT 25x125. 1 1 only $3O0?$5 cash. $5 monthly. On electric rv., j 1 Th- fare: more profitable than keeping money in ' savings hauk. J. I'. CLARK. 1425 N. Y. ate. 1 "C4 7t - 1 FOR SALE OK RENT HOFSE OF EIGHT I J rooms, bath, pantry aud attic for storage; t sewerage connection; lot 100x150 ft.; bouse < and grounds in first-class condition; one of the ' \ prettiest and most comfortable homes in K"i- , slngt 'l). Address Owner. HENRY J. U'CKK. Box 23. Kensington. Md. ocS-tf f FOR SALE-I,OT 5. BLOCK 25. FORT MYER Heights. Alexandria ,-ounty, Va. Address FORT MYER. Star office. oc3 tit ; < FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE?CH A It AUNG ! dwelling at Woodside; eight rootns. bath, large | reception hall; hot and cold water; furnace' beat; deliclou* water; acre in lawn, with | e choice fruit aud shrubl>ery; electric and steam ' ear service; churehes and new graded school. ' Terms to suit. Will exchange for city prop- 11 ertv in northwest. Apply on premises or at 1 Columbian building, to HOWARD BOYD. : v Owner. ?el-yt* DO YOIT WANT TO BUILD A HOFSE? IK SO. look at the site south of Chevy t'Ugsc Circle with beautiful trees and lawn. For full particulars address BAKGAIN SALE. Box 134. S'ar office. ocl 7t . r FOR SALE?St'RUHR AN SUBDIVISION IN j the District of Columbia on electric car line; | Baltimore Washington and Annaioll* I'ne run* ; , through tract; six houses built and manv lots 1 sold. Owner, leaving city, will sell at sacrifice. Address Box 2451. Star office. sc22-e??ri.l-"it I'm: SM.K-FINEST I OTS t \ TlKmfv I'vttK"- . near electric nnd steam rar lines; water. n>v>r j and pas: cheap: <>n easy terms. J. P. EARNEST. Tn?tfi'. TO 4'>. ?t. n.w. aplT-tf j roI.nitEH I'Kt>1*1.E. HCY A \JyT AT J*OCTH < Kenllwnrth. T>. C.. and have your house bntlt or monthly Installment nlan. Apply BKKV4KD C. BROWN. G27 Colorado bld?. mh2A-tf POU SAf.K - <>\V\ NORTilWKST DISTR'CT real estate, on Wisconsin are.. 30 minutes from Treasury Dept.; new ears: water, eas. electric lieht; macadam road and are.: school. churches, atom*, police and Pre protection: prices. $.?" <) ? per jot and up. Call, write or phone for plat I. and price list. f-ook for the ned Arrow. R. F. MANDI.BR CO.. 732 10th st. n.w. SelB-tf I'ORRENT. 1-ItoOM COTT.VOE: COW HAItX; FHl'lT ? trees: about one acre of ground: $23 per month: F immediate .possession: seven minutes' walk to j City and Suburban cars: on? fare: Rives sta- ; tlou. on 11. and O. Address THOS. W. I SMITH, cor. let and Indiana are. n.w. oc4-3t ' RAILROADS. SeaboaroAfrLiine "Railway TICKin PKKiCK. 14*! ITWA AVE. M?TKK !"<;|.w? ;-!t arlir.i ulr H"t c a r.". n; <<^d SMC. \ %i M\II A !'{. : .Is ' II* i lir>" -h <u '!? ami Pullman ;?i'|vni l.i Savanaa'.i . ml >i !,?.>nv111- . T.-r t?h "Va?':l:ig*.m t? mill flanurt i<> Atlanta. Plaint. jr?. 7 ' P a; IHI1.V V ?ar |{ <ttt ! ! i.i ; < n.1 Pullman ?.< s-t aiwaTt. Ja?'Lann* il< . Tampa. \t!an*n. V. rtnlrc' in. AtoinpM- Pirns am 1! II STANSK! T P.?tH. t Paasonffor Aci-nt. W .. I:. A A K. ItV. THE ELECTRIC LINE. Fliftri,' r?r? fiw? Wli'to 11*tat|,i riKTKEv iti \\p 'i sritEirrs mm: 11:? \-1 Fur lifliiiiioiT " in nn.l i'tita IrTf !?? >r fr ? " 'Ul :< '11 til 7 -ll |? It). ill<t1 * <tl. 1* lit. |l) ".!) It .ill II : T. V Hi. I'nr Niiti?|v<1l? I"\<>rv from W a m '<* : p ami : -0 and 11 .'!"< Kan v On< way. Porn 1 *r:p. Ti? I'.rltlmoro . ... T.'m" SI 7." Ti V nusiwilf < ni I I'. S. NhtjI \<-ail<tn> SI Al' 1! -i t-.trx run dlroot to Wilto Ihiif Station. Tl. li' t off o at 14t!i an<1 N Y. avr n w. aril m \ 11. n-- Matlou. l.'.th an 1 II al*. n n. rpii-|. M. 7i"5. " 4 if. 20 BaHtferore sirsc Ohio R. R. I.K.wr m~w r\in\ stition It'IV M, Rf.fT I.INF TWRV "Till '! tlMt i: , ?\ Tllf" onn n<1T*R** T'l fill' MiKT.rnn \M? \KW YORK ST-V.- Tfl'MIN ?t 21T? STKFFT NFW YORK. "7 '"*0 I> r>fr. piil'nvn Parl>r +0 '*>0 a in. lluTet. Parlor .5 b-mr Train |!> i d a <. Timor and Pullman Parlor Par. 111 iK) am. finer an.! Pullman Parlor Par. *1 OT p.m. l>*nrr ar.l Pullman Parlor P r 1 00 p.m. "Rma! t.fmi'ed " til Pullman. Skr. 'I Tl p.m. Foarhoa t<> pii lad<-1phln. 5.00 p m. Inner and Pullman Pa>-|nr. v no p.m. Poaches to Ph.ladt'lpt a. 12 or p.m. Sleeper*. 2 "2 a m Steepen, atj.avtip pity. t7on, -non. tn on am.. H OO. *3 on n m. KVKRV TIOfH ON TTIF HOfR" TO RtT.Tl.MORF rw'ook dara. 7.00 am to fi 00 p m.4 2.r,2. ts 00. to oo. *7 <*i *7 20. ts oo < rto. p oo FV.IO. tto '*> !' 00 a til.. *1200 non. 112 0.". i "O. ti l*,. +2 (Vi, 11 2" tilo. M.00 -14 47,.' OO. 17, 11.1. *7. 10. + ; OO. 'I SO. 1*110. *S.O0. t?-30. *10 00. 10 17,. Ml.15. *1- " i.m. WFSTWAim. FttTF tCO. *1 22 7i.H0 n m. PINPINNAT1 ST I 'TITS and T.OTTSVTT.I.R. >r> in a m I 05 n in . *12 40 nlubf. PITTSRPRO. *9 10 a m , *122. *9.10 r tn.. 12 10 n'nhf. FT.FVFt tXTV *0 lO p.m. POT.f\tp.PS. r,:rt0 p.m. WITFFI 'NP. *0 lO a in.. "5 10 n m WtvrtlFSTFR to 10 a m . t4 05. t5.00 p m KRFOFRIPK. tS.20. fli.10. |!?.15 a m.. {1 30. 14 or. t5 45 n m lU'tKRSTOWV ?> 10 a m . t" 00 r m. ANXtPOT.fS <7 20 ts oo am.. til 03 noon. 11 IV 41 .10 45 *50 and 10 00 p m r??llT irirent Sundae launder anlf. TKI.KPHOVFt at all of tlm fo"o?-1ne flrltet ffi'-ps: 1417 G ST. N W.. Main I1H: ?0 Pen if rlrinla nve.. Main 27v. New t'ri'on Station-" rioiet 'iflep. Main TIN! Information Bureau ? Main 71SA AtHaiT'tPc Line. September 7. llf'S. Noftee.?Tlie?e departures anif eonneoflona aa? 11"' ffiiarantotd. 4:2o a.m. dMlr?TbronRh eoaebea and aleeplne rnrs to Jardfonr'Iln. 3:13 n ni dallr?S'eerdnsr r?r? to JarVs^nTi'lo. Fla.: Port Tai'pa. F'a.: Anpi?t' Ga : F*>-rle?ton. S. P.. and Wilmington N. P. Ttiroueh oar|:o? to .T? I1|p 1'NKXl'F.I.T.FTT tllN I^.T. ^ M I".. For tickets end '1 *rn|v at fse nrricF i >f tmk t.lN'F uii \'pw vnmr SVE \TI- NOHTMWCCT AND t'VON ?T<T'OV GKO. P J A MEN. n.P.A.. WaiM-F^n. O c T C. WHITE. ?' * W .? CRAIG. PT M.. n p. SOUTH"5RN~ R AILWAY. N B.?Following schedule flenro* piihllthcd only up Information anH rr? not rmrtntonl. For Atlanta. Birmingham. M Mle. New Orleans. A?h?vl!le. Cha'tanooga. Memphis. fc:13 a.m. and 10:4." p.m. dal'r. For Rofirolte. Knov<HIe. Chattanooga. Memphis. New Or'eans. 10-<?? p m. daily. For Colombia Charleston A-cista. Alk?r. Savannah. Jacksonville and Florida point*. 4 10 p.m. dally. Tonrist esr? for California t-t a-orVlr a-Id n m T?ca1 for Harrlsontmrg. " Aft a m. dally. 4 13 week dsvs: for Danville. 8:15 a m dally, and for Charlottesville, S:1" n m. a"d 453 ilaPv. Freq-ient train* t? ?nd fr-m Ttloemont. r.. P. BTtOWN. General Agent. Cf" e satw?a'Ve* 0'^iR ?; Iw ay NOTE ? Published only a* Information, and not pnrrrnt* ed. i:0r? I' M -P & O. I.1MTTFTV dnilr-Fast vestlhole tr'ln. Pollman sleeper* to DonlavlUe. C:n< Indlanspoll*. Chicago and St I?nis. Parlor ear for Virginia Hot Snrlnra r.eek dcvs. Pnllman ears Lo'iUvlllc to Nu*hTille. Memrdti* and New Orleans. Dining curs a In rarte service. 11:10 P M.?F. F. V T.TMiTEn. daflr-Pnllman sleepers to Cincinnati. lev'nsrton and Fcttlavllle. Compartment sl?ering c?r to Vltg'nli Hot Spring* tveek days. D'nlng car. a la carte service. Pi'llnien sleeper* Cincinnati to Chicago and St Foot* arid r o'davllle to Memphi*. Nashville and New Orlcana. Boserva'lena end ticket* at 513 Pern*'jranla tventte. 13.30 F street and new Tnlon stvtlon. relephoce Main 73S0 for Wash'ntrton Terminal C.ah Service, and Main 1068 or 2206 for C. ft O. Tick'r Office. * LOAN COMPANIES. Side entrance on Itth at. Private ofti<?a. Need More Money? You can borrow large or small snma from Horning on such security as Diamonds, Watches or Jewelry. No delay-no J? '(yK_ publicity. Interest at the -"a) **/(f\\ low rate of *** /\JJ Money Loaned Salaried People. HORNING,9t!h <& oi-.Vl'id Stop Paying High Rates. We loan on Pianos. Furniture and Indorsed Votes at THREE PER CENT. Payments nay sice you desire and due at any time eoryenlert to you."* LOOK AT THE I.OW RATES WK iJC'OTE! Borrow $50. | ?v Luck $10 t?er tno. i f J tno. Borrow $.Vi, pay buck ?r. :si per mo. for 12 tno. Borrow $'Ul. pay hark $7 14 per mo. for 12 no. Tl.-^sc payment* includ< principal. Interest and all r'urjn ensiit 50c notary fee. Vo surprises. Nothing d'-ducted Liberal dia onnts 1* settled in tdrure. On all loans made .luring October to new customers for twelvenoutii periods we will allow until December I'd to make the fir.-t payment. Remember, we give you one month's interest free. emZEMS 4<i0 Commercial Bank Buildlne. X. \V. C?.r. 14th and O Sta.. 4th Floor. oc2-d.eSu.tl5 Winy Pay EG Per Cent WHEN YOU CAN GET Money at 3 Per Cent On Your Furniture or Piano? No eharirc for drawing up papers. Nothing re. orded or published. Absolutely no publicity. Vo delays. We never lose a customer, because hey are all satisfied to deal where they can get he lowest rate* and most lilwrnl tern s. Remem or. this is the rate allowed pawnbrokers by aw. The pawnbroker holds the eecurlty. W# ! ? not disturb it. tut allow you to keep It in -our possession. You have both money and ?* urity. Do not be fooled by the coaxing ads of >:her eoniuauies. They claim lowest rate*, hut \e -an offer you rn'es and terms that will show on how exorbitant their charges are. IMTiF'ML ft W. (3?. THOMPSON BLDG.. 703 15Tn ST. N.W . 1PP. TKEASFUV. NEXT Til Dlil'G ST >Rr. THi: ONLY INDEPENDENT COMPANY. It 19-if..i0 To 71 /v iT sai.a fiiit> i-kopj.k a oTm7 rsupon their ?.wn notes. without seourlty; faslcut enus; confidential. ICu ttvlnp ones nh' hare ileal* Iwwhpiv e-;?" lnllv invited My proposition will lease. If. KUVOOD.rm. 416.Jetilfer bldg.. 7 * IJ. l.-22-tf.r. . Money Loaned Salaried People and others without security; easy payments: <m-e? in rtlt !>tir.?i|.i! cities: asve yourself motley hv cet'init tnv terms Prst. D. F1 T'He M\\. IP.qui .V-d .V;:t t.Vh st n w. nnlfi-tfft fl L@ll MMIV -ON7urniture, Pianos, Organs, Horses, Wagons, Salaries, Most Anything. it lower r.'tes of interest than any loan comlantr In the citv. and without any red 'ape. We are an old-established company, with tinImited capital, and sTlotly private, up to-dat* ai'*o?. Potomac Guarantee Loan Co., 825 F STREET N \V 2d Floor. Singer Building. pn law and cotxe?tions. EG A I. ADVICE. AM. CASES. COM.KCTIOX. domestic trouMoa. estate* settled, damtge ts iieisou or prontrtv ?.! lusted evcrvwh?*re: confidential. V. S. LEGAL CORP.. 307 Bond hid*. et-tf.4 peanuts! . KEPlM.F.i: A BRO.. Win IMPALE PI".Al.EICS In Virginia and r.ieli IVas'it*. ~C|mri-hes, fairs. plenlcs. tr.. supplied; roasted peanuts a specialty. 619 I1- 8t. s.?\; plicue Male 22'j7. se22 dot. 4