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? jj F Street, C 1 NEW YORK. WASP S Until Further Notice Stoi g We Give Particular Att I Mew Sul jfof woi :: ^z. -J IIE niceties of st) 8 /f\ well observed in g \Vjy show and there's ^ every occasion?fc 1 in?jj The new Dresses coi J5 of commendation. \Vhe :: simple dress for morning ^ creation for evening this demand. h In class as in style t Irior. Julius Garfinkle & C p Capital and SurpSui I: Assets over 1 1 Amepieaini Ms || OF WASH] V 1315-1317 F : I # I rT- I With I Directors. cessful bl ? directors: ? .1 3g l. a. n.vuK gether \v a J. h. craxford assets, thi if T. C. VI us stant mini ft pavis elkins s?tant sup. 5# W. T. GALLIHER meilt, thl 1 '"'cu.^ depositor; 2 j. b. hkxdebsox ? j. whit. hebron sj g. b. chipman atteni 5lt u. s. hoge si ve thos. somkrviijje ^ j miller kexyon hciic. g irwin b. linton ? c. 11. Livingstone Let us ha 2 WM. h. saunders 5# jas. f. shea 2<t george e. walker ? j?? n. wallerstelx ^oitibi ;? j. c. wkedon ^avin 2 j. stanley-brown 111 2 b. leonard ladie ? jno. t. crowley | foreign#j I William Selby, Cashier. ? or'UtS i T?r - ? w. & J. : ORIENTS Popular Wea^ Choice pesigns VERY ATTRAC Genuineness 1414 H STREET i C CREDIT FOR Ai,L, WASHINGTON <? () ; 0 ft <0^n u ? Sxirclhn mm rfcif 0 \ tui u o u AH vu \ c Extended | <> Payments | a Makes it easy for you to K y furnish a home comfortably y Q without pinching or scraping. V 0 You can get whatever you (' 0 need any time, use it while (? A you are paying for it, and q \ pay for it in small weekly or monthly amounts such as you , can conveniently spare. y v That it is not an expen- v ') sive way of buying can be C A seen from our plainly marked ? ) prices, which will be found / 'a as low as any in the city. ^ 0 Peter Qrogan <? A AND SONS COMPANY. A ! 1 8 3 7=8 3 5=82it =8237th St.} i \ ~-*fi I Gold Tassels and :: i " t Fringes for ;;! i ? _ - . I i I Dress Trimmings. | 1 | j VassarTaes. I . ? ? j ? Meyer's Military Shop, I \ 11231 Pa. Ave. N.W. | i(>2iii,pKu.n I - 4 SMOOTHES OVER ROUGH PLACES ON THE FACE OK HANDS. Fealy's Jasmin Cream. IDEAL FOR FALL USE. JARS. 25c. AT FBALT8 rUABMACT. lltb and Pa. a*e. a.e. rttone Linen. 405. c 10-901.15 I I *or. 13th. | 1INGTON. PARIS. I re Closes Dally at 6 p.m. | ention to Mail Orders. j mem: I 1e and good taste are | these lines of suits we * an appropriate suit for | >r street wear?for call- | me in for a great share | ther one wants a very ? r wear or an elaborate t stock is equal to every | hey're eminently supe- | o., F St., Cor. 13th. | s over $680,000. jjj $3,000,000. | 5 itiomal Bank 1 NGTON. *j Street N. W. 1 i?< 1 J c0 ? a Board of Directors of sue- 8 isiness men who "direct," to- ;! \ ith ample . capital and large ? e whole being under the conervision of the U. S. Govern- - ft s bank offers to prospective j| 5_ ft ' ft Absolute security, courteous % tion, up-to-date and progres- ^ business methods and expe- Sj e. ir, 8 ve your account. p Open with us at once. ^ nercia! Department | gs Department | s* Department I Exchange. Safe Deposit Boxes. | R. H. Lynn, President. | n I SLOANE RUGS res and Sizes Superb CoSorings TIVE PRICES I Guaranteed NORTHWEST The Washington Loan and Trust Company. Capital and Surplus, $1,700,000. tfy 111 M*. *TM AN* * *T*> TRUST DEPARTMENT. You should be as careful in choosing your Executor and Trustee as in selecting a manager for your business. This company Is organized primarily for the conservation of property; all estates intrusted to its care are administered in exact conformity with the provisions of your will. JOHN JOY EDSON. President. |H aiiiaKn.T? | I ......... ...... ?n? .rj " A Matter of j :: ECONOMY. j ? There are innumerable reasons for 1 ,, using Coke in |>referenoe to other fuel t ,, for rooking. It'a uiore economical, < makes a better fire, makes a quicker < tire, there's no waste. j 25 Bushels Lsrjje Coke, delivered... .92.30 1 40 Bushels Large Coke, delivered... .13.70 | 00 Bushels Large Coke, delivered... .33.30 < 25 Bushels Crushed Coke, delivered. .13.00 < 40 Bcshela Crashed Coke, delivered. .64.50 ? 60 Bushels Crushed Coke, delivered. .$0.50 < Washington Gaslight Co., j 413 TENTH STREET N.W. 1 ^ ot'3 2Sd ' I ig Walls of Great Beauty. ? A cost of Alaliaxtlne will make an old, dtnpy-lookinc wall n thing of beauty. 5-lb. package, 45c. Geo. E. Corbett, ?.'?.* oc5-15d I G. ERLEJ I NEW YORK. $ "Favorite Wear for ] jj Strikingly Women' ] I Smuts . . RegiuBar $ j T Even though space wc T sufficiently emphasize the i $ of suits?you must see the j* We say compare them witl i* ^ : y ington and you'll have an y Eall Models in Broadcloth : v and Unfinished Worsteds. J shades. Jackets 36 to 42 4^ satin lined. Fancy or pk y The suits are becomingly ti T with large buttons to mate : t to get in early Wednesd; T greatest. 11 G. ERLEBACHE1 T'l-I-Z't-I.'!-:-! ! -I-.I '! ??8????ii???mn????Hnm?i?mm RKSSKand ZZ ? I !!! !! ! !| CHICKERINO HARDMAN FISCHER 1 KURTZMAN | and Others : "?and when you buy a piano 11 |: here you are dealing- with * :l: people who know the piano a || practically and intimately, g I: Not mere salesmen, but ex- H pert, practical piano makers, g i 8 Our IrnnwleHfrp r?t what we H i sell is not based upon cata- I : logues, but upon actual f : knowledge of the merits of I: : the instrument." ; ; ;;,i One Standard Upright Piano, $1175. $ 110 Cash. ; Balance $5 monthly, ii teissps | D. Q. Pfeiffer, Manager:; : j i 11328 F Street. !;! I 1' 1 orft-tii.tli.Ri.12Ti V * <!' WINDOW ^ Mren': * ? m Hootch Holland, i*>c. Mk)6 *30 A DIES. nd hun* Will call with samples. THE SHADE SHOP. 813 14th at. Main 1436. oc5-7t*5 y ?r? g Jap-a-Lac the | j | Floors This Fall. | j? The floors will look hotter and :]j: g? brighter and remain hrltthtor longer I'C if you finish them with Jap-a-Lac. 3? i'; l.aay to apply. l.V to $3.50 a can. 3? !pf?-Muth^Co.S jK 418 7th St. I ofO-2Sd A .?V .* ^ W '.o w '-3 '?y~' ' Wu* '*J'*?' w*. > -I --.."ii?.?.1W,?,,?,?A".. T , fi" f)r\ ?a Runabout built along 111 Cl" TtfSlI the most attractive linos I Ju?l sfww aI)d constructed |n a thorough manner. $80 is the price?worth more. TT lC Carriage 404-466Pa.av.n.w. ; u* lLl* u OlUlini^f Repository, Phone M. 37. I nc.VAd [jl V I Columbia : | 908FSt'.' (South Side.) i The price you pay here for Glasses not only pays for the_ Glasses you get, but the guarantee that goes with every pair we sell?"Satisfaction to you or i money back." j i GOOD GLASSES from $1 up. i oc2-eo.45t.2S ? "" ' i i . ; a a j FALL : MILLINERY. The models that bear the . stamp of this house are accepted < i as the best fashions, and they i are exclusive. Mrs.C.Stiebel, 1113dSt. r , nc4-Su,,20 Is 3ACHER, WASHINGTON. K-f-K-K Fashionable Women." *i ] ' Beautiful i ' S 3 , I >35 valine. j )uld permit it, we couldn't j merits of this special line ; 5 suits to appreciate them. i any sold at $35 in Wash idea of the value. New , Chevron, Diagonal Serge In all the favorite fall 1 inches long, guaranteed lin new gored flare skirt. rimmed with braid or satin :h. We would advise you ^ * ay while the selection is ft, 1222 F St. N.W. i M-M-M-M-M; i|i?"i"S"i"i"i"2 H-I-H rn?nn?ninnnnninm:n?mn??atg fy'300 1-lb. loaves to the barret. ? I Experience, | the greatest of all teach- j efs, has taught cooks and t housewives that iClreaimi 'Blend FLOUR- I is ABSOLUTELY DEPENDABLE?that it's the ONLY flour for those demanding THE BEST. C7SPECIFY "Cream Blend." I; AT YOUR GROCER'S. i IB. B. Earnshaw&Bro. : 11 Wholesalers, ST lnutmn?manmaanan?awm:mgs Good Health Y I ? ?results from proper asslmili InMl t,on of ProPrr food. There I IVJV/al no food more conducive to goo health than IDKAI, BROW T-? BREAD. It's made of who! K l*n urn wheat?pure, wholenome, noui A/I U VV 11 tailing. Easily digested. and ai alrailated. More nutritious tha 13 J meat. ICT Delivered to homes. Prlo A-r*v~c*VA. Oc loaf. Write or phone. Krafft's Bakery, 2??.; Choice Elgin 'Sffh0 Butter, lb. . . ET us supply you with I delicious product. DeLnJ . livered to your door, price 30c a lb. Just write or phone your order. D. WILLIAM OYSTER, 340 Tenter Mkt., Western and Rlggs Mkts. 20 SUCCESS in Your Campaign against moths, flic T"4olmatino fl*"ns nn<l similar housebol udiiiidiuiL pests Is a certainty If you* gso DA I.MAT INK. It hi V;ilc Purrc cleared hundreds IMllS IiUg.S. Cf homes of hugs. Trw. ?? Cans ' 1 ut ^ 2^ HENRY EVANS, 922-24 F S1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKUUU1STwfi-d.cSu.II Decorating E OFFER you the ad V I IV I 11 vantanes of excellent VNLAVLlC facilities, lenjfthy ex^v perlence and complete stocks. Rooms completely remodeled to conform to any desired style. .Estimates fur. nished. 1L7 Elearant productions in Draperies, Laces, Wall Coverings, etc. WURDEMAN & CO. INTERIOR DECORATORS A FURNISHERS, 6lO I2tll St., Three Doors North of F. I oo< Save 40 per cent on YOUR FURS ?by making selection here. My showing of furs is most complete and prices are lowest NOW. Elegant fur pieces and garments of every description in all approved styles. / (ETFurs resorted upon payment of small deposit. Liebster, 1224 F St. N. W. SECOND FI-OOR. ocU-tu.tli.Sii.28 | Yea i Makers A splendid article for a dainty wedding present. Shaped like a teaspoon, with perforated bowl top and bottom. $3 to $5. Second floor. Gait & Bro. Established over a Century Jewellers. Silversmiths. Stationers 1107 Pennsylvania Ave. 0 oc4-27Qt Legalizes the Mexican Dollar. PEKING, October 6.?An edict issue yesterday established the Kuplng tael s the standard coin of the emphe. Tli tael and the half tael will be U8 per cer fine and the smaller coins SS per cen The Mexican dollar has been legalize) pending the preparation of the Kupin coins. SEQUEL TO CABLE PROPOSAL 1 CHICAGO HEIRESS THE BRIDE C OF GERMAN NAVAL OFFICER. I i* Met for First Time Five Tears Ago ^ While Studying Abroad?Ricn I* Families United. [ . r CHICAGO, October G.?A proposal sent ^ over me Aiianuc caDie culminated last !. night in the marriage of Miss Adelaide [ Franz, daughter of the late E. D. Franz. well known St. Louis millionaire merL chant, to Lieut. Robert Zimmerman. Jr* r of the Germany navy, at the ChurcJT of L Our Savior, in Chicago. Five yars ago t the bride went to Kiel. Germany, to study J* music and there met the lieutenant. When ? she returned to the United States two [. years ago they corresponded. A year J* ago the bride and her mother. Mrs. Sophie f Franz, came to Chicago to live. L Two months ago a cablegram flashed ! across the wires. It was very concise, f "Will you marry me?" it read. ? "Yes," come the answer. ? The date was quickly fixed and Lieut, t, Zimmerman obtained a six weeks' leave *. of absence from his battleship, the HanL over. Last Tuesday he landed In New J. York. He came immediately to Chicago ! to prepare for the wedding. r Lieut. Zimmerman is a son of Robert f Zimmerman, sr.. millionaire director of f the Vulcan Shipbuilding Company, ol t Stettin, Germany. He is second in com? mand of the battleship Hanover. ? The bride has been prominent in St. L Louis and Chicago society for several L years. L The bride and bridegroom will leave to{ day for New York and sail for Germany ! October 13. }. MRS. SILSBY FOUND AT HOTEL. f* ?' _ Located by Detective, She Has Conference With Her Mother. Mrs. Annie Silsby, who was reported to ; have disappeared a week ago Sunday and whose absence caused her mother, Mrs. : M. L. Forbes, much anxiety, was located : at a Pennsylvania avenue hotel last even; ing by Detective Cox. The detective : learned of her whereabouts and sent word ; to her mother to meet him to go to the ; hotel, but before they met the young worn; an called her mother over the telephone : and conversed with her. It was about : 7 o'clock when the detective and Mrs. Forbes reached the hotel. It was explained by Mrs. Silsby that she had gone to Baltimore last week and remained several days. She then re: turned here and had stopped at a hotel : on Pennsylvania avenue without, having rnaue any euuri 10 eouceai ner lueuuiy, ; and was surprised when she learned the : police had been requested to find her. Her mother had a long talk with her and left : her at the hotel. This morning Mrs. ; Forbes went to the hotel again to see her daughter and make arrangements for her : future. Mrs. Silsby has not lived with her hus; band for several months, and divorce pro: ceedings were instituted by him. Testi1 mony in the case was taken several weeks ago and the case will probably be decided during the next few days. Mrs. Silsby said today she had made no plans for her future. It was emphatically denied today that Mrs. Silsby had boarded at 1404 Massa<1 chusetts avenue prior to her disappearN a nee. le # .I BEGIN OCTOBER TERM. n P Court of Aj&eals and District Supreme Court Again Busy. The Court of Appeals of the District ol Columbia and the District Supreme Couri - today began the fall Fession, teclinicallj known as the October term. All the mem bers were present, with the exception 01 Mr. Justice Barnard, who has not returned from liis vacation. The corridors of the old city hall, wliicf for the past three months were almosi silent throughout the day, reverberatec with the tread of assembling lawyers Jurors, witnesses and litigants. Tin courtrooms, of whioh all but one have been closed since June, rane with the I voice of the crier announcing in timehonored formula that the court was read> for business and admonishing all wht ^ sought its aid to draw near and give their attention. The Court of Appeals passed until Monday next the several appeals of Secre*j tary Garfield from the order of Justice 11 Wright directing a mandamus to compel is him to reinstate a number of attorneys whom <he had attempted to disbar from practice before the Interior Department ,c When these cases are heard Mr. Justice t. Robb will not sit, his place on the bencii being taken by one of the Justices of the District Supreme Court. The motior - made by the disbarred attorneys to dismiss the appeal on the ground that the oj-der was signed when tihe justices were outside the jurisdiction was contlnuec until Monday. A number of attorneys were admitted to practice before the appellate court. Little business was done in the othei courts beyond the examination of the jurors and preliminary calls of the calendar. Guests at the Highlands. Gen. and Mrs. Powell Claytdn, Mr. ano Mrs. Frederick L. Davis. Mr. and Mrs Charles Lester, Mrs. Josephine B. Macfeeley, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Todd Davit ana aiiss winurea uavis, ur. i^uis ioledo Herrarte, minister of Guatemala Mrs. George Cassilear, Mrs. Ezra L- Koor and Miss Edith Koou. Col. Charles Treat treasurer of the United States; Capt. K ] I. Ingersoll, U. S. N.. and Mrs. Ingersoll r Senator Isador Rayner and Mrs. Kayner Mr. Albert G. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs Herbert Knox Smith, Mr. Thomas B Hutchinson and Mrs. Hutchinson, Maj George M. Downey. U. S. A.; Senator anc Mrs. George Sutherland and Miss Edit! Sutherland, Miss Eliza Lysle of Pittsburg Mrs. Howard N. Johnson and Miss BessU Johnson, Representative and Mrs. Henrj S. Boutell and Miss Alice Boutell, Mr. O Gude, minister of Norway, and Mrs Gude, Mrs. Nelson B. Sweitzer, Mr. anc Mrs. Z. T. Mullln, Pay Director Leeds C Kerr. Paymaster and Mrs. S. E. Barger Mr. J. E. Harding, Baron von Preusc-hen Commander Frank H. Eldridge. U. S. N. ' and Mrs. Eldridge, Mr. H. C. Adams, Mr and Mrs. James Knox Taylor. Mr. anc Mrs. F. J. Haskins, Mr. and Mrs. Alier E. Lard, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Allen V. Cockrell. Mr. ant Mrs. Henry W. Fuller, Commander H. H -a Hough and Mrs. Hough, and Mrs. Susat _ E. Murray are guests at the Highland: -,| for the w:inter. Hotel Arrivals. Raleigh?H. W. Hill, Greenville, Ga.: C H. Banks, Savannah, Ga.j; C. W. Cook ij New York: W. P. Brown, New York; Gilbert Hunter, Fittsburg. New Willard?E. II. Rosengarten, New York: J. L. Kelly. Bristol. Pa.; Mrs. M j W. Reed and Miss Reed. Mount Vernon N. Y.: Mrs. S. Ker, Pittsburg: H. Craig |! New York. Riggs?H. E. Coining, Baltimore; F. C ty Sommer, New York; J. J. Lattimer, New York: L. R. Keitseh, Philadelphia: H. L? Barre Williams, Philadelphia; R. Slack J letan, Pennsylvania: O. E. Clymer, Leb anon. Pa.; T. E.' Fliff, Rielrmond, Ind. W. E. Fliff, Detroit. Mich.; S. W. Bateman. New York; Ed Fuller. New York C. VV. Ellis, New York; J. D. Helm and Mrs. Ilelm. Moravia, N. Y/; W. H. Hough, Concord, N. H.; A. H. Dolder, New York C. R. Helpe, Pittsburg, Pa.. Arlington?J. Combs, Philadelphia; J Brandy, Boston; W. F. Grimm, Cincinnati. Ohio; Dr. Powers, Philadelphia; W. Cassels, Glasgow. Scotland. Normandl#?J. D. Wood and Mrs. Wood, Norfolk, Va.: Kales Cleveland and Mrs Cleveland, Chicago; W. E. Young. St, j Paul, Minn.; J. E. Kelly and Miss Kelly, J New York; A. M. Elchison, New YorkrD _ McClaln, Des Moines, Iowa. The Shoreham?John F. Moore, Newport, Ky.; J. A. Nickolson and wife, Bos,d ton; Philip R. Alger, U. S. navy; C. H, Magie and Mrs. Magie, Brooklyn; Mrs. A IS 11. At water, and Miss Florence Atwater, Brooklyn; Michael O'Neil. Havana, Cuba tt Byron C. Darling, M. D., New York; t. Frank E. Carter and Mrs. Carter, DeJ. trolt. Mich.; Edson Bradley and Mrs ig Bradley. Tuxedo, N. Y.; Howard Greenly, IKew York. * IN THE WORLD OF SOCIETY MISS NEWTON AND DR. CAMERON MARRIED TODAT. Another Quiet Wedding With Only Personal Friends Looking On. Oossip?Personals. - ? 1 ~a a. A wedding of great interest to resincm circles "of the capital took place at St. Patrick's Church today at 11 o'clock, when Rev. Father Smvthe officiated at the ceremony which united Miss Virginia ! B. Newton, daughter of the late William G. Newton, and Dr. Frank Kenneth Cameron of this city. The couple was unattended. and the ty-lde wore a traveling costume of dark blue cloth with a plume trimmed hat. There were no invitations, and the witnesses were the relatives and I a few personal friends. Dr. and Mrs. I Cameron left immediately for their honeymoon journey, and upon their return will go to housekeeping at .'Mlf Brown street. A pretty but quiet wedding took place at Concordia Lutheran parsonage today at noon, when Miss Augusta Rott and Mr. . Kwald Schneider were married by Rev. Paul A. Menzel. The bride wore a traveli ing costume of light brown chiffon broadcloth. with a hat to match. She was attended by the groom s sister. Miss Mar garet Schneider. The couple left lmme dlately after the ceremony for Atlantic City, and will be at home after November 5, in this city, at 4.11 M street northwest. I Dr. Carrie Chase Davis of Sandusky. Ohio, is here for a week's visit to her sister, Mrs. A. B. Baker, 1H45 Lanier place. Mr. and Mrs. S. I- Heacock are visiting relatives at Williamsport, Pa. Mrs. E. H. Ripley, superintendent of , Little Light Bearers' Circle of Waugh . M. E. Church, gave a delightful entertainment at home Friday evening, the children taking an active part tn the program. i , Friday evening, October 2. at their home on R street Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Wagner, .'{.'U'd P street, celebrated the twenty-fifth I anniversary of their wedding. The house . was decorated with palms, ferns and flow, ers. Refreshments were served and music was enjoyed during the evening. Those who assisted were Miss Helen Doering, Mice P lit h \Iillpr Allan /\IUIIC i/UC I Jllfc* 4UIOO 4?uiu ?' ?-- . . Miss Helen Allen, Mrs. Dr. J. E. Millet , and Mrs. E. Gore. The gifts were numerous and beautiful. Mr. and Mrs. W. Granville Guss have , returned after an extended trip to Old Point Comfort, Boston, New York and Atlantic*City. Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Guss will give a reception in their honor next Saturday evening from 8 to lb o'clock. ; Mrs? Guss will be assisted by the following young people: Misses Katherine Shuey, Jeannette Jewell, Marguerite McPherson, Theodosla Dutrow, Corinne Braekett, Dorothy Smallwood. Ruth Bowie, Helen Stout and Adrienne Kirkman and Messrs. Horace Dulin, William W. Reynolds, Junius S. Cates, Roger White, Edgar Chiswell, Herbert R. Cox and Melvin Rich. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Darnall announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Edna Evans, to Mr. Harry Irving Scliacklette. The wedding will take place October 12 in Philadelphia, the former home of the bride s mother. The couple will leave immediately after the cere] mony on their bridal tour. Mr. and Mrs. Darnall, parents of the bride, will accompany them as far as New York. Mrs. Burkett, wife of Senator Burkett. and her three ydhng daughters have arrived at their home, 1815 lUth street. Mrs. Burkett came back early to place hei children in school. She Is accompanied by her mothrr, Mrs. Sarah Wright ol f Nebraska, who will spend several months I here with her. Mrs. Dixon, wife of Senator J. R. Dixor Vior famitv nf fnin UL Jiinauuia, aiuut., anu nw ??? ? / v?. ? t interesting children arrived In the cltj . Sunday. Mrs. Dixon spent the summer a their home In Montana. They are local , ed at 1818 llith street in tne bvautifu . new home which the senator bought lasi I year. " Mrs. Bennet. wife of Representative WilI llam Li. Bennet of New York city, anc ; their children have returned to 1M0U t street for the season. Mr. and Mrs. A., McNeal. formerly ol | Nova Scotia, and their family are at 1<UJ J R street for the winter. Miss Winifred Watts, who spent the ' summer with her grandparents, the Rev. ! and Mrs. W. Watts, returned home last ' week. i Miss Emelie C. Fitch is in Philadelphia and vicinity and is being extensively ! entertained by her own and the friends > of her fiance, Mr. Albert Pepper Gerhard, s Mr. and Mrs. David E. Williams gave a 1 dinner last night at their place at Bala - and Mr. and Mrs. G. L Justice of Shaf ford. Pa., gave a luncheon at a Philaj delphia hotel. t i Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Butler and the Misses Butler are spending a few weeks in Washington, preparatory to going abroad for the winter. The wedding of Miss .' Gladys Butler and Mr. Chapin Marcus ol New York will take place in Switzerland early In the new year. Mr. Marcus spent the week end here. Col. James Morgan. Mrs. Morgan and 1 Miss Frederica Morgan have returned to their Washington home for the winter. , Miss Mabel Boardman, who was here last week for the tuberculosis congress hospitalities, has gone to Massachusetts ' to make a visit to Senator and Mrs. i Crane. The Boardman family will l>e . back here before the end of October. Mrs. Ten Eyck Wendell, who has been . at her Casenovia home, is now in New York, on her way to this city for the winter. 1 The assistant secretary of the navy 1 and Mrs. Newberry and Miss Carol New. berry were in Detroit last week to ati tend the wedding of the brother of the T former. Mr. John S. Newberry. Jr.. and Mrs. Edith Stanton Field. The bridal costume was of pale gray satin, with a 1 high guimpe and close sleeves of ^aee. and a large graf hat. The couple will live in Detroit upon their return from theii . wedding trip. Among the pre-nuptial en> tertainments given for the bride was a luncheon by Mrs. John S. Newberry, the 1 mother of the groom, the day before the 1 wedding. At the large table in the cen. ter of the room was Mrs. Newberry, with 1 Mrs. Field upon her right. Mrs. Truman Newberry presided at another table. Each 1 of the tables was decked with beautiful 5 clusters of white stephanotis and marguerites. tied with white gauz". and the individual favors were tiny white satin slippers tilled with bonbons. The Mexican charge d'affaires and Senni-a itc fiodov entertained the Mexican ; delegates to the recent international congress at dinner last night. The fact that the Italian embassy is open, and thai Miss Katherine Elkins has come to Washington for a short visit, but not there, is not regarded as a convincing argument that the engagement of the young lady and the Duke of the Abruzzi is shortly to be announced. The return to town of the Italian ambassa^r and Baroness Mayor des Planches is timely, after their long absertce in the north. The Elkins mansion on K street is still closed, the family finding their West Virginia home most attractive at this time of the year, filled as it is usually with congenial friends. Miss Elkins has been greatly missed this autumn at the various horse shows, in which she has hitherto shown such great interest, and where she was so much admired when riding 01 driving her own entries. Miss Louise Foraker is over at Bryr Mawr. Pa., on a visit to her sister. Mrs Francis King Walnwright. ' 1 I Mrs. Hunt Slater of this city is in a 'house party now being entertained by Mr and Mrs. Richard C. Dlxey at Tangle wood. Lenox, other members of which are Lady Sutton of England and hei husband, the Rev. Hubert Astley. A series of dinners is being given by other cottagers for these visitors. Miss Minnie Brandt of Baltimore has announced the engagement of her sister. Miss Lenlta Brandt, and Commander H. ., C. Poundstone, U.S.N. The wedding will 1 ?? 1 take place this winter, and. owing to mourning in the family of the bride. It will he (inlet, Miss r.randt is a daughter of the late Jacob Bitindt. and is well known In Baltimore society. t'ommander I'oundstone is stationed at the Brooklyn navy yard and Is prominent in the orth ial life of the navy. Miss l.anra D. Oill of this city is visitin a* in I aaa -'* * Vl?. The Misses dements entertained at : euchre Saturday evening ?t their I mine. I 1R14 I street northwest Their saie-t* were Mr. and Mrs. lira ham. Mr and Mrs. I'orter. Mr. and Mrs. Stratum. Miss <5ertrude Clements of West Washington. (Continued on Ninth l'age.) DIED. * ALEXANDER Entered into rest .>ti Mondap. October 5. I'.mik. at his ri'?i(|<it ? . ;<4t it street south west. (iKOUUB> W. ALEXANDER. It est, brother rest. The battle's fought, the victory well. Itest In the Iy>r?l. Funeral Wednesday,1 Oct nlier 7. at 1 o'clock p.m.. from ZbAi Baptist I'hureh. F siTket ii-tw-en .'hi and '< airi-cts southwest. tl'ittsLurg paper< please copy. I BLAt'KFOHP. Departed tliis life evcniltc. Octolier .'t. l'WIS. at S;I."? a'eltrk. at the r resldeiiee of her ni-ee. Martha XI iiolliday. 123.1 7th street northwest. Mrs. FANNiK BLACKFORIi tnee Slaughter!. daughter of Alfred ai:<l the late Maria Slaughter and mother of Howard M. Blackford. Fuueral Wednesday, ttctolier 7. at 2 p.m.. front Liberty Baptist t'hureh. Ibth and K -tri-eis northwest. Friends and relatives invited t* attend. BRO.M WELL. tin S'tindav. October 4. 1!hvs. JAMES EDWARD BKOMWKLL. Sr . Is-loved Mlshand of Kmlna XI. ami father of Xlabel. William. Edward and Dw ight Bromwell, in his sixty-tliird year. Funeral from his late residence. Mt. Rainier. Xld., Weduesday, Octot?er 7. at 1 |?.ui. IS DANKXIEVER. On Mondar, Octolier o. UK's. WILTON TATI.OR. infant son of John K. and Daisy i. Dauktneyer. Funeral from his parents' residence. l??i| 1st street northwest, Wednesday, Octalier 7, at U o'clock. De FRAI.N. On Monday. Oetols-r .7, IWiK, at 2 :od p.m.. ROSE I., beloved wife of Datld De Frain. Funeral service at tier late residence. 7(17 It tools Island avenue northwest. Thursday, U< tols-r L at 3 o'clock p.m. 2 DOI'CLAS. Departed this life on Sunday. Oetoiler 4. l!Ms. at 10::h? o'clock |i ill . at her resilience, 2HU <1 street southeast. BI'.IITIE. the lieloveil daughter of Florence nice Brook-o and John W. Ibmclis. aged uiueteeii years, i v..if.,.,..pui t.u.? it... | .'vii* xr s?* luiinn iirirai ii i . I'OX. On Sundae. October . 1 : ? *?. ?t his hoiii", fn Ifycttsville. Md.. GILBERT I?IXo\ TON. husband of Marion J. Fov. in liis hfty initio jew. , Funeral services at the llyattsrille M. E. Church South Wednesday. OiMht 7. at 1::?? Interment private. GILI.KM. Entered Into rest Sunday. t>eto'.?er 4, lMttS. at 11:20, at her residence, liUfl O street northwest. MALINDA T EAGLE. heloved wife of the late Itiehard A. Gillciu and mother of Ilattie. Kiebard and Parker Gillem. ' Funeral Wednesday mornlnc. Octol?er 7. at II i o'clock, from St. Augustine's t'httreh. 1.MU street lietwcen I. and M streets northwest, where solemn revpilem high mass will lie sun? for the repose of her soul. Friends and relatives are invited to atteud. (Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York pa|>eri? *111 please copy.) 2 t All members of Golden I-eaf Sis-lety are re. quested to uieet at St. AugustIne's t'bnreh. 1">:h street between I. aud M. Wednesday. October 7. Its>s. at W o'clock a.m.. to attend the funeral of Mrs. MALINDA Gil.I.KM. Bv order of president. Mrs. M. ALEXANDER. Miss N. M. FREEMAN". Secretary. HARRISON. On Mondfty, October ft. lfla*. at f>:3o p.m.. at Provldeiice Hospital. CHAItLI>?, the beloved sou ot the late Auuie Harrison (nee Maversl. Notice of the funeral hereafter. LYNCH. Suddenly, on Tuesday. October tt. 1HUH. Al Gl'.STI 8 I). LYNCH, beloved husband of Laura V. II. Lynch. Remains cuu lie seen at olio C street norrhwest after 10 a.m. Oetolier 7. Funeral from Metropolitan M. K. Cliurch. 4'- and C streeia northwest. Thursday. October S, at 2 p.iu. Interment in ludlauaisdis. 1 ml. 2 NORTON". Suddenly, on Monday. Oetolier ft. ltttis, at 2:110 o'clock p.m.. at her residence. 1544 .'id street northwest, EM M A K. (nee 1 Toejiferl. beloved wife of A. Norton, i Funeral services to ls? held at the eha|s-l of ' IToepect 11111 eem-tery on We#uesday. Octo' ber 7. at 1> o'clock OSTIIAI'S. Entered into reat on Sunday, Octo1 tier 4. 1D0S, at 2:20 p.m.. at her residence, - HOli 1st street southeast. MARY' EMMA SWEENEY", the lieloved *ife of Joseph J. Ost basis. Dearest loved one. thou hast left u?. We thy loss most deeply feel: ^ *? --? f *... 1 u l>w bath I.. irofl lid ?UI us mm u IIW miiu f. ,v?v l He can all our sorrows heal. BY HEK HUSBAND AND CHILDREN. Funeral from her late resilience Wednesday " - aflernoon, October 7. at 2:.'W o'clock. Inter1 meat in Congressional cemetery. Friends ; and relatives invited to atteud. 2 In Memoriam. BURGESS. In sail hat loviug reniemhrance of our lining son. LINDSAY BURGESS, oho departed this life six years ago tudav, October 0. 1902. BY THE FAMILY. GOULD. In sad but loving remembrance of onr wife .and dear mother. MAItY F. GOULD, who died two rears ago today, Oi-tolier th WOti. Two long year* ago today you left us. dear wife and mother! t Oh. how sad and lonely has lieen our home! Ob. linw ofteu we think of you, dear wife and mother. Aud how our hearts ache no one has ever known! Days of aadne** still come o'er its. Tears of sorrow deep still flow: Foud memory keeps our dear wife and mother near as. I Though heaven claimed Iter two years ago. I BY 11 Elt HUSBAND AND CHILDREN. I % HAMBURG. In sad hat loving remembrance of ' oar darling daughter. -ANNIE MAY HAM HI'RG. who died three years ago today. I October t?. 1905. In memory we oft times see The one we loved so dear: The vision glows so clear sometimes | We feel she must Ik- near. Days of sadness still eotue o'er us. ' Tears of sorrow silently flow; Fond memory keeps our darling near us. Though heaven claimed ber three years ago. BY HER LOV ING MAMMA AND I'AI'A. I t RGTHROCK. In memory of my Is-loved mother, ANNA ROTHUOCK. who departed this life three years ago today, October ?>. 1905. ! Anniversary mass at fit. Dominic's Church. HEK St?N BEUNAUD. l ROTHUOCK. In sad reinenibmuce of my dear mother. ANNA UOTHKtH'K. who died three years ago ioday. October ti, 1' "5 Though my loved one now lies sleeping Uuderneath the earth's cold lid. Where her well known forui and features From my loving gd?.e a re hid. Y'et the soul that lent i.s beauty To that now still form "f clay Now Is free fis-m pain and sorrow. Where all sius arc wiped away. LOVING DAIGHTKR. MAE G. fAlll.S<")> ! FUNERAL DIRECTORS.') : w. r. speare, fixerae imrkctor and km b alm er. 940 F Street n.w., WASHINGTON. D. C. , Phones Main [ Frank A. Speare, Mgr. 1 george P. Zl'RHORST. t ndertaker and Kuilialm<"". Funeral Parlors, 3<'l East t'apilol St. I Telephone Lincoln 372. j. t. clements, . 1241-43 WISCONSIN AVE. S.W. (Geor^etowni. Telephone West 8?)4. Washington. I). C. a. q. freyr UNDERTAKER. Phone North MS. Chapel. 1830 14th St. B w. frank geiek'3 son'ST 1113 SEVENTH ST. N.W. Modern ehapel. Telephone call North 1 THOS. S. SERQEQN, ; SUCCESSOR TO U. S. CAIN. I 1011 7th at. n.w. Telephone Main 1W : I HOS. M. HINDLE , UNDERTAKER. STB AND H N.W. , Ph..n? M. 5.17. J. WILLIAM EKE. Funeral IHmlor ? and Emhalmcr. Livery in connection. (.'"inmn. dioua chattel and modern crematorium. M'.leaf prlrm. Xt2 Pa. are. n.w. Telephone nil ' R. F. HARVEY'S SONS, FUNERAL niltKCTORS AND EMT.ALMKRS. 1 1325 14TH ST. N.W. Telepti ne North 3.B. Joseph F. Birch's Sons. ,! 3034 m st. n.w. ' ggjvxrs* : WM. M. SARD? & C0,r t Kl'NKRAI. DIKKITOK* AM> FMBM.MKRA 408 II at. n.e. Modern chapel. Phone Lincoln .*>24. : rVNE&AI DESIGNS. Funeral Designs. Fnttei al Deaig:?s. 1 Geo. C. Shaffer. Beautiful floral design* very reasonable In n-Am. , rhuna 2116 Main. 11th and au ?w. A