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FOR SALE?HOUSES. FOR SAlJi magnificext RESIDENCE. LOCATED ON NORTH SIDE OF EAST CAPITOL STREET. TWO-STORY BRICK STABLE. Price, $12,000. CONVENIENTLY ARRANGED: First floor Parlor. reception hall. dining room, pantry and kitchen. Second floor Sis it', i elegant bedroom* and tiled bath. HOT-WATER HEAT. l.ot 36x100 to a I ley. Built by present owner fo r hi* rpsidfDi'i1. Not built to sell, Ihit to answer every require ment of h home. Front stone |Hirch: wide ya'd; side windows. Trimmed ill oak ou tirst Hoot, birch on second. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1^42 New York ave. Foft SAI.K NEAR CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL. Price. $5,000. Hen ting f<?r $32.50. A twelve tl'Jt r>>oni brick: 2o feet wide. Just tin- property for one who needs a house with many moms. Being so centrally located and uear the schools. market and car lines, it will rent steadilv. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342* New York ave. FOR SALE A BARGAIN XF.AR IOWA CIRCLE. I>-ss than 100 feet distant. I'rice. $6,000. Renting value more than $750 year. Located ..n a beautiful street: wide parking, inagntfleent outlook. A twelve room bay-win dow brick residence: modern bathroom. Ix>t wider than that of the average house. There i* no superior renting l<icallty than this in the city. It is a tine investment. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE?PITT YOl'R $l.(Wo INTO A SPLEN did renting pro|>erty. well located n.w.; 10 rooms. 2 baths, furnace heat; solid 12?"r in vestment. Let us show vou this excellent bar gain. WlLLIGE. GIBBS & DANIEL. 603-65 13th. FOR SALE?BARGAIN: T ST BET. 13TH AND 14th n.w.; 7-mom brick; modern Improvement*; deep lot; wide alley; offer wanted. Box 112, Star office. oc28-5t FOR SALE-$7,500; TOST OWNER $15,000 IN A TRADE. 3-story and basement brick residence near 18th and R sts. n.w.; cor. of 12-ft. alley; full 2o feet wide. House has 9 rooms and bath. A1 furnace, and 1s In good condition. 1st trust of $4,500. at .Vr. can remain on the property. Immediate i>ossession. _ THOS. J. FISHER A CO.. Inc., j oe2K-3f 73A 15th st. n.w. FOR SALE FINE MODERN BRICK RESI dence n.w.; 3 stories; 9 splendid rooms; TILED BATH: HOT-WATER HEAT: 24 ft. j front: brownstone trimmings and porch; cost $11,500 three years ago. Now onlv $9,000; trust, $6,000. at 3',; $3,000 cash will buv. WILLIGE, GIBBS A DANIEL. 603-05 13th. oc2S-6t 1'?" SALE-$4,500; OWNER ANXIOUS TO sell; 2-story and cellar brick near 14th and S sts., containing 6 rooms and bath, furnace heat; lot 20x?r. to 10-ft. alley. Parties looking fnr a small house down town should Investigate THOS. J. FISHER A CO.. Inc., oe2S-3t 73S 15th st. n.w. FOR SALE?I WILL SELL CHEAP MY AT traetlve house In roman brick row. on the north side of (J bet. 17th and IRth Sts.. with st rooms, tiled bath, steam heat, stationary laundry tubs, southern exposure, kitchen on main floor: many advantages: onlv $1,600 cash needed to buy. balance to suit you. Address FINE BARGAIN, fctar ofllcc. oc28-3t FOR SALE?FINE 14TH ST. RESIDENCE FOR $6,500: 3-story, pressed-brick bav-window front with stone trimmings; $1,500 cash will buy; trust of $5,000, at 5^5-. WILLIGE. GIBBS A DANIEL. 603-05 13th. oc28-6t FOR SALE- IN NEED OF MONEY. I MUST sell my large frame residence near Washlng fo? ""Ith 8 rooms and porcelain bath, for $3,500. It cost $5,500. and Is a groat bar gain at $3,500. Address NEEDY, Star office oc28-lt FOR SALE?310 C ST. S.E.; BRICK, NINE rooms and bath: must sell to close an estate: price. $4,000 (less offer mar bur ltt: a bar gain II. M. MORRISON. 627 F at. n w. oc27-3t*4 FOR SALE-TWO-STORY FIVE ROOM FRAME dwelling. New Jersey ave. near O st. n.w.? lot 22x92 to alley; owner, non-resident, anx <?ll: Price. $2,000. Apply E. S. WES COTT. 1901 Pa. ave. n.w. oc27-3t FOR SALE?$3.1^0; RENTING FOR $30 PER month: two-family apt. bldg. n.e., on a cor ner. fronting on a wide ave.; first trust of $1,000 can remain on the propertv; good in vestment. See. THOS. J. FISHER A CO.. Inc.. "-T-St 738 15th St. n w. FOR SALE?HOME OR INVESTMENT. " New house; very attractive. "CAPITOL HILL.'' HIGH POINT. Near Ca'nltol; convenient to Onion station. A BARGAIN AT $4,500. RENTS $32.50 2 stories, cellar. HOT-WATER HEAT, cabi net mantels. SOUTHERN EXPOSURE. STONE A FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. oc27-5? FOR SALE?$4,750. : Mt. Pleuant. West of 16th st.; elegant surroundings. SEE WHAT WE OFFER. Compare it with others. See how much bet ter this hocse la than others held at higher figures. HOT-WATER HEAT. Tiled bath. Costly mantels. Lot 20x135. Covered porches. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. oc27-5t FOR SALE-DON'T. DON'T, DON'T. DON'T BUY A HOUSE FOR A HOME OR INVESTMENT WITHOUT FIRST SEEING THIS ONE. A PERFECT GEM. ONLY $4,650 PRETTY: NEW. HOT WATER HEAT; TILED BATH, CABINET MANTELS. ALL OF THOSE NICE THINGS, including electric gas lightings, cabinet man tels, open fireplaces, expensive decoration*. 1M "R" ST. N.E. Just east of Nort? Capitol st. Surrounded by new houses; paved st : be tween two street car lines. Ternut, $50O or more cash, $25 a month. OPEN FOR INSPECTION STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. oc2t-5t FOR SALE? " ~ BjMjuted to $5,150. Large 10-room house on 13th ?t. near Iowa Circle; 20 ft. wide; rented at $4<>.65. hi good repair. ocgT-tf.S H. L RUST. 608 14th. SALE- EVER HEARD OF ANYTHING . ? A ten room brick bouse sold out r-*ht for $2,100; 20 feet front; steadilv rented at $18: unpArf*)]f>]p<] WILLIGE. GIBBS A DANIEL. 603-05 13th. o?-28-.Tt FOR SALE?VERY FINE DOWNTOWN' HOME7 first-cla?s In every particular; No. 511 M n w. ? lovely large roonia: latest plumbing; hand some, large mantel mirrors; curtains and awn ings at every window; best moke gas and coal range in kitchen: a beautiful home, one to be jinnid of: convenient to everything and place. Big bargain -$5,675; cheap for $6,750. iWu pied by owner. oc26-3t* FOR SALE GET OUR BIG FOR SALE LIST. CONTAINS 2.000 PROPERTIES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. BOSS A PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. OPPOSITE FRANKLIN PARK. Three phones. Main 340 41-4U5. o.-23-tf FOR SALE- AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICE. 1755 Euclid place a w.. $9,750; a reduction from $ll,5o0. This is a genuine bargain ami should have Immediate consideration, located within short distance of Columbia road and 18th street cara; 10 rooms. 3 baths; hot water heat; southern exposure; kitchen on main floor Very easy terms can be arranged. WEAVER BROS . 1416 F st. n.w. oc24-tf FOR SALE-ARTIST'S HOME. 1310 MASS. AVE n.w.; bouse, studio and stable; $20,000; easy term?, 11 rooms. 6 toilet rooms, 3 bat in. Ad dress owner. ROBERT BLN'CKLTY. premises. anS-tf FOR SALE "A SNAP." OUT-OF-TOWN OWNER WILL SACRIFICE. OFFER $6,500. T st., north side, between 17th and lHth; one of those pretty new houses buiit by Mr Henderson Three i3? stories. cellar. HOT-WATER HEAT; tiled bath: 2 stairways; rear porches; room for stable on lot. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. oc26-3t FOR SALE?A DETACHED COTTAGE IN Mount Pleasant; contains 10 rooms and bath; furnace heat: lot 50x150: two story stable. fl:?t floor contains parlor, library, dining room, butler's pantry and kitchen: six large bed rooms; line porches. There Is now a trust on the property at 5r.'e for * years. Price. $6,750. Would consider offer. Terms can 1* arranged. Anents need not apply. I'm anxious to uiske an Immediate sale. Address Box Z~> 1. Star o*?ee. oe21-tf FOR RENT BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT? 1202D. opp.Wasb. A Mt.Ver ?ta..3 snorle?$f?5.00 IS830 Pa ave.. 3d and 4th floors.. 40.00 1227 D. 2d and 3d floors 30.00 ?H-S*-3t F. W GRAHAM A CO.. 617 14th FOR RENT?GOOD business PLACE. WITH six large, bright rooms; <xcel)cnt stand for grocery or lunchroom: at 2U1 Vs. are. sw. Rent only $25 per month. JAMES F. SHEA, 643 La. ave. n w. oc?5-Sn.w.f-tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-NEARLY 80.000 aq. ft. In Harlem, that thriving village west of Georgetown. 6>-j cents per foot. Will trade for equity In boioe or Investment properties in Washington. Over 210 ft. on Cc-ndult rd. tills side of the distributing reservoT. All other land In the vlclnltv held at 10 and 15 ? cents per ft. Apply 525 13th n.w. oc263t* FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY. FOR SALE? WK HAVE SEVKRAI.. ATTRACT Jve business properties. and also s<iru?> good.and inexpensive shimiI houses: k<?xI investment. TYLER & RUTHERFORD. oc24-7t* 730 1.1th st. n.w. OUT-OF;TOWN REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE?SUMMER VILLE. S. C.?WELL built, comfortable mansion. 10 rooms and bath: large halls, atso kitchen and servants' accommodations; three acres grounds. small greenhouse; ten minutes' walk to station; ex cellent situation; perfect winter climate. L. A. WALKER. Summervllle. S. C. si'27 -Sn.wth-39t PALMISTRY. MME. RITA. THE WORLD S GREATEST PALM ist and astrologer, now holding receptions at 1021 9th st. n.w. Fee. r.0r. ocl6-20t* YOr KNOW THE PAST; LET ME TELL YOUR future. (Out of darkness into light.) It ??Wenono" tell# you It's so; the most skeptical satisfied. 913 G n.w.. rooms S and 6. ?eieot SHOE REPAIRING. EXPERT CUSTOM-MADE SHOES. REPA1R ing; coachman, riding boots, boot cuffs, cripple shoes a specialty; work called for and deliv ered: drop postal. T. GUIFFRE. 1004 E n.w. ne.V?10t.4 STORAGE. PRIVATE COMPARTMENTS. Moderatf charges. Estimates furnished. MOVING. PACKING AND SHIPPING LITTLEFI ELD. ALVORD & CO.. ael-tf Colorado building. OCEAN TRAVEL. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD Fast Express Service. plymodtii-chkrbourg-breme\-io a.m. Kronprinz Wm...Nov. 3; KaiserWni.d.Gr. Not. 17 Kaiser Wm. II..Nov. 10|Cecille Nov. 24 Twin-Screw Passenger Service. BREMEN DIRECT, 10 A.M. Main Nov. 5 K. Albert Nov. 19 tFried'h Wm...Nor. 12 ! Friedrlch d. Gr. Nov. 26 tCalls at Plymouth and Cherbourg. Mediterranean Service. GIBRALTAR?NAPLES-GENOA. AT 11 A.M. K. Lulse Nov. 7; P. Ireue Dec. 9 Barbarossa Not. 91' Barbarossa Ian. 4 North German Lloyd Travelers' Checks. OEI.RICHS & CO.. NO. .1 BROADWAY. N. Y. WASHINGTON OFFICE. 1337 F ST. N.W. E. F. DROOP & SONS CO.. 925 PENNA. AVE. fel-3l2t.eSu GWiPlfMlEKli LONDON-PARIS-HAMBURG. Amerika Oct. 291'Pretoria Nov. 7 ?Patricia Oct. 31 IK. A. Victoria..Nov. 12 *To Hamburg direct. GIBRALTAR-NAPLES-GENOA. II HP A If Hamburg .Nov. 3. .Ian. 5 0 U V P "???>? Nov. 24 U U ni IL-tf 11 Moltke... Dec. 8. Apr 27 DEUTSCHLAND TO ITALY FEB. 6. Winter Cruises \?0 wce?trindTes TOl'RS DEPTS. FOR TRIPS EVERYWHERE. COMPANY'S OFFICE. 45 BROADWAY. N. I. E. F. DROOP * SONS. 925 PA. ATE. 8 DAYS to ITALY bfly5? S. S. Deutschland Sailing Feb. 6. 1909. Hamburg**American Line 41-45 Broadway, N. Y. E. F. Droop & Sons Co., 925 Pennsylvania Avenue. AMERHCAN LINE PLYMOUTH ? CHERBOURG ? SOUTHAMPTON. PHILADELPHIA?QUEENSTOWN?LIVERPOOL Atlantic Transport Line NEW YORK?LONDON DIRECT. RED STAR LINE NEW YORK-ANTWERP-PARIS. WHITE STAR LINE NEW YORK?QUEENSTOWN?LIVERPOOL. PLYMOUTH ? CHERBOURG?SOUTH AM PTON BOSTON-QUEENSTOWN-LIVERPOOL. BOSTON TO 1 ITALY & EGYPT VIA AZORES, MADEIRA AND GIBRALTAR Cretic Nov. 7 Dec. 10 Apr. 3 May 15 Nov 21 Jan. 16 Feb. 27 REPUBLIC Nov. 28 Jan. 2 Feb. 13 Mar. 27 5""}?nj?- ? ? Dec. 5 Jan. 30 Mar. 13 CEDRIC t 21.000 tons. ) Jan. 9 Feb. 20 CELTIC I largest in the trade ( Jan. 23 Mar. 6 WASHINGTON OFFICE. 1306 F ST. N.W. R. M. HICKS. Passenger Agent. mh21-312t.eSu CUNARD LINES. From Piers 51-52-54. North River. QUEENSTOWN?IJVERPOOL. LONDON-PARIS. Lusitania Lasitanla. .Nov. 4, noon | Campania.Dec. 2, 10 am Lucania..Nov. 11, lo am Lucanla....De<*. 9. 10 am Lusitania.Nov.25, 10 am i Lusitania..Dec. 16. 10am \ T itrpt nnin 1 Largest. Finest and Fastest .vidUl cldllltt I steamships afloat In th? f world, sail J WEDNESDAYS. Hungarian-American Service TO FIUME VIA GIBRALTAR. NAPLES, TRIESTE. Slavonla..Nov. 12. noon i Pannonia .Feb. 25. noon Carpathla. Dec. 5, noon; Apr. 1 AZORES. MADEIRA, ..... IPffnVDT GIBRALTAR, ITALY AM) ICO ? IT 11 CARONIA Nov. 28, Jan. 7, Feb. IS CARMAN!A Jan. 21. Mar. 4 Vernon H. Brown. Gen'l Agent. 21-24 State st.. N. Y., Opposite the Battery. Or 126 State st.. Boston, Mass. G. W. MOSS. Agent, 1411 G st. n.w., Washington. fel4-312t.eSu FRENCH LINE. COMPAGNIE GENERALE TRANSATLANTIQUE Direct Line to Harve? Paris (France). Sailing every Thursday ut 10 a.m. from Pier No. 42. North River, foot Morton St., N. Y. ?La Prorence....Oct. 29 i*l.a Savole Nov. 19 ?La Lorraine... ..Nov. 5 ,*La Provence.. ..Nov. 26 ?La Touraine. ...Nov. 12 1 ?!.? Lorraine.. ..Dec. 3 ?Twin-screw steamers. SPECIAL SAILING. New Twin-screw S.S. "CHICAGO," Nov. 7, nooo, I From Pier St. W. 44tb St. Second and Third Class Only. GENERAL AGENCY, 19 State sr.". N. Y. GEORGE W. MOSS. 1411 G ST. N.W. fe29-365* If Going to Europe Have your mall addressed care the London office <>f The Washington Star. No. 3 Regent Street. I^indon. England. If desired, mall will be for warded to all parts of Europe and the ?:ontl nent. Tourists are requested to register at our office upoti reaching IxmdotJ. Washington Star London Office, No. 3 Regent st. <V20-tf STEAMSHIPS. CLARK'S CRUISE OF THE "ARABIC" ___ 16,0u0 tons, fine, large, unusually steady. FEBRUARY 4 TO APRIL 16. 1909. Seventy-one days, coating only $400.ou and up. Including shore excursions. SPECIAL FEA TURES: Madeira. Cadi*, Seville. Algeria. Malta, 19 DAYS IN EGYIT AND THE HOLY LAND. Constantinople. Athena. Rome, the Riviera, etc. CRUISE ROUND THE WORLD. OCT. 16. 1909. F. C. CLARK. Times lildg.. New York. R. M. HICKS. 1306 F at. n.w.. Washington. ocB-tf. i7 ' MEDICAL DR. FISK ELGIN, Expert in treatment of private diseases, chronic anil acute. Both sexes. Consultations confiden tial. Medicine furnished, prices modi-rate. Hours, 9 to 1. 3 to 8. 1233 Pa. ave.: pbone M. 1819. ocl 30t*<; DR. W. T. BALDI'S. German specialist on dis eases of th" brain, nervous system, heart, stom ach ami kidneys. Doctor's service and medi cine. $2. Consultation free. S.E. cor. (ith and F sts. n.w. Hours: lo to 1. 4 to 9. se-l-tf.5 Dr? Shade. SPECIALIST. 72S 13TH ST. 37 YEARS' PRACTICE CIRING NERVOUS AND CHRONIC DISEASES; also stomach. Iniigs, catarrh, liver, heart, asthma, kidneys, bladder, stricture, discharges, general and siiecial weak ness and disability, blood and skin diseases. Sueclal and private ailments cured quickly. Con sultation free. Private waiting room for ladies. Hours. 9 to 4. Tuesday and Saturday nights. 7 to S. Sundays. 10 to 12. Chandler building. Elevator end phone. sel-0Ot?lK Or. Reed, Specialist, 804 17th St. 27 YEARS' fSSKRS'ix Diseases of the Brain and Nervous System. Skin, Blood, Hesrt. Stomach. I.lvcr, Kidneys, Bladder. ( Nose. Throat and Lungs. Stricture, Varicocele and Hydrocele cured. No pain. No loss of time. Blood Diseases and Disorders of the Urinary organs promptly relieved and permanently cured bv safe mtftbods. Charges low. Free consulta tion In person or l\v letter. Hours: 10 to 1 aud 3 to 6: Sundays, to 1. ae21-tf,20 AUCTION SALES. THIS AFTERNOON THOMAS DOWI.INU & CO.. AUCTIONEERS. CHANCERY SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. BEING THREE DWELLING HOUSES. \OS. 710. U2 AND 714 F STREET SOUTHWEST. By virtue of a d?vw of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, passed in equity cause No. 2S037, I, the undersigned trustee, will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY. THE T WENT V -1. ?G HTH DAY OF OCTOBER A.D. 1808. AT HALF-PAST j FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described j land and premises, situate in the city of Wash- < ington, in the District of Columbia, and desig nated as and being the west thirty (30) feet i front on F street by the full depth thereof of original lot ten (10>, and the east sixteen (16) feet four (4) inches of original lot nine (9) In square four hundred and thirty-seven (437), to gether with the improvements, consisting of three brick dwellings. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid In cash, and the balance In two equal installments, payable in one and two years, with Interest at six per centum per an num. payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $100 on each house will be required of the purchaser at the time of sale. All convey ancing, recording nnd notarial fees at the cost of the purchaser. Terms of sale to be compiled with within fifteen days from day of sale, other wise the trustee reserves the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of auch resale in some newspaper published in the city of Washington. D. C. ?TAMES S. EASBY-SMITH, Trustee. oclB-llt.eSu Office. Century building. FUTURE DAYS. ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER. Valuable. Improved Real Estate by Auction to Close an Estate, Being Two-story and Basement Brick Dwelling Xo.^17 Florida Avenue Northwest, Two-story and Cellar Brick Dwelling No. 521 Florida Avenue Northwest and Two-story Brick Dwelling No. 230 14th Street Southwest. By virtue of jiowers vested in the undersigned by the heirs of Charles Schnebel, deceased. 1 will sell by public auction, in front of the re spective premises, on MONDAY. THE NINTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. 190S. COMMENCING AT FOUR-THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. the following descrll>ed real estate, situate in the city of Washington. District of Columbia, to wit: Lot No. 24 in block No. 3. Le Droit Park, improved by premises No. 517 Florida avenue northwest. IMMEDIATELY THEREAFTER, lot No. 26 in block No. 3. Le Droit Park. Improved by premises No. .121 Florida avenue northwest. On TUESDAY. NOVEMBER TENTH. 1008. AT FOUR THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M.. the north S feet front of lot 7 and south 10 feet front of lot 8 by full depth thereof to 30-foot alley. In square No. 20.'!. improved by premises No. 230 14th street southwest. Terms: One-third cash, the balance in one and twd years, with Interest from the day of sale at six 0?"<> per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser or purchasers. A deposit of $200 on each house required at the time of sale. Terms of sale to be complied with in 15 days from day of sale, otherwise the right is reserved to resell the property, at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser or purchasers, after 5 days' advertisement of such resale lu some newspaper published In Washington, D. C. All convey ancing. recording, etc.. at purchaser's cost. ADAM A. WESCHLER. Auct. oc28-d&ds.eSn C. G. SLOAN & CO. (INC.), AUCTIONEERS, 1407 G at. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE, NO. 1428 11TH ST. N.W. By virtue of a certain deed of trust recorded In Liber No. 2883 at folio 408 et seq.. of the luud records of the District of Columbia, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction, in front of premises, on TUESDAY. THE THIRD I)AV OF NOVEMBER, 1908. at HALF-PAST FOI'R O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described real estate, situate In the city of Washington. In said District, viz.: Lot numbered twenty-one (21) In C. II. Holden and Samuel Ford's subdivision of lots in square numbered three hundred and twelve (312), as per plat recorded In Liber II. D. C.. folio 7, of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia: together with the improvements thereon, consisting of a large three-story and baseu.eut brick dwelling, numbered 1428 lltli street northwest. Terms: One-third cash: balance lu equal In stallments at one and two rears, with Interest at .1 per centum per annum, payable emi-annuailv from the day of sale, and secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the purchaser's option. A deposit of 5200 will be required at the time of sale. All conveyancing and recording will be at the purchaser's cost. Terms to be complied with within ten days, otherwise the trustee reserves the light to resell at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. NATIONAL SAVINGS ANI) TRUST CO., Formerly the National Safe Deposit, Savings and Trust Co. of D. C.. v By WM. I). HOOVER, Second Vice President. ?c22-d&ds.eSu Trustee. TlltiS. J. OWEN ft SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF LOT IMPROVED BY TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING NO. 808 I ST. N.E., WASHINGTON. D. C. By virtue of a deed of trust, recorded In Liber No. 3140. folio 137 et sen., of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party thereby secured, we will sell at pub lic auction, in front of the premises, on FRI DAY. OCTOBER THIRTIETH. 1908. AT HALF PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. lot 35 of Oella Chappell's subdivision in square 910, as per plat In Book 15. page 147, of the records of the sur veyor's office of said District, with the improve ments above stated. Property will be sold sub ject to a bnlldine association trust of two thou sand dollars ($2,000). Terms: One-half of the proceeds above said first trust In cash, nnd the balance In two In stallments, in one and two years, for which notes of purchaser, with interest at six per cent, from day of sale, payable semi-annually, and secured by deed of trust on the property sold, will be taken, or all cash, at the option of 'he pur-haser. A deposit of S100 required at time of sale. Con veyancing and recording; at purchaser's coy. Terms to !><? complied with within ten days or propert.v will be resold at risk and cost of de faulting purchaser. ItOBT. I.EE O'BRIEN. Trustee. AI.VIN G. BELT. Trustee. oc22-dA<ls.eSu ADAM A. WESCHLER, AUCTIONEER. CHANCERY SALE OF UNIMPROVED REAL ESTATE. SITUATE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OK H STREET BETWEEN 24TII AND 25TH STREETS NORTHWEST. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, in equity cause No. 25332, we will sell at auction, in front of the premises, on FRIDAY. NOVEMBER SIXTH. 1908, AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the following descrilted real estate: Original lot No. 9 In square No. 31, containing 10.f.S7 square feet, more or less. Term* of sale: One-third of the purchase m-.ney in cash, of which *100 shall Ik? paid at 11 me of sale, and the balance In two equal In stallments, payable in one and two years, with Interest at six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at tht? option of the purchaser. If terms of sale are not complied with within thirty days from the day of s-ile the trustees reserve the right to re sell the properly at the risk and cost of the de faulting purchaser, after live days' previous ad vertisement. WILLIAM M. HAI.LAM. Tmstee. JAMES B. ARCHER. Jr.. Trustee. TRACY L. JEFFOUDS. Trustee. oc24-d*ds.eSu Columbian building. THOMAS J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF VALUABLE IM PROVED BUSINESS REAL ESTATE FRONTING ON MARKET SPACE. By virtue of tiie authority conferred uiton me by the last will of the late Marianne A. B. Kennedy, deceased. I will on MONDAY. THE NINTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. 1908, AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. offer for sale at public auction. In front of the premises, all of the following land and premises situated in the city of Washj ington. District of Columbia, known as No. 715 Market space, being sublot A and parts of lots 3 mid 5 in square 432 in said city, fronting south 24.17 feet on Mcrket bpace and running north with that depth M8.5S feet. These pre.nlses are Improved by a four-story and basement brick store building, ami are us' d for business purposes, the same now constituting a part of the stores of S. Kann. Sons & Co. Tills property is now under rental for a term of years under a lease very advantageous to the lessor, and the sale will be subject to that lease. Terms of sale: One-tlilrd In cash and the re mainder in two equal Instalments, pavable in one and two years, with interest from the date of sale, secured by a deed of trust upon the premises to the satisfaction of the vendor, or all cash, at tiie option of the purchaser. A deposit of $25o will be required at the time of sal-. All conveyancing, recording, etc.. at ihe <ost of llie purchaser. If the terms of sale are not complied with within ti n tia.\ s from the date of sale the nrop erty will be resold at the risk and cost of the defi:ulting purchaser. II. RANDALL WEBB, o?-20eod&ds Executor and Trustee. C. G. SLOAN & CO. (Inc.), AUCTS.. 1407 G ST. TRUSTEES SALE OF VALUABU; IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. NO. 2112 O STREET NORTHWEST. WASHINGTON. D. C. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, recorded in Liber No. 2053. at folio 1K9 ei seq.. of the land records of the District of (Columbia, the under signed will offer for sale at public auction, ill front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE NINTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. 1UO.S. AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described real estate, situate in the city of Washington. In said District, viz.: Lot numbered one hundred and forty-eight 1148l in William L. Bramhall and others' subdivision of lots in square numbered sixty-nine <HWi. as said siiImUvUIou is recorded in the otticc of the surveyor of the District of Co lumbia. in Book 18. page 24. together with the improvements thereon, consisting of a three story and cellar brick dwelling, known and <iis tingnished as No. 2112 O street northwest. Terms: thie-thfrd cash, balance In equal in stallments at one and two years, with Interest at five per ceutum per annum, payable semian nually. from the day of sale, and secured bv deed of trust on the properly sold, or all cash, at the pun liaser's option. A dejioslt of $500 will lie required at the time of sale. All conveyancing anil recording will he at the purchaser's cost. Terms to he complied with within ten days, oth erwise the trustee reserves the right to resell at the risk and.cost of the defaulting purchaser. NATIONAL SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY ? formerly the National Safe Deposit. Savings and Tr::st Companvi. Trustee. Bv WILLI.OI D HOOVER, Secuud Vice President. oc2b-dl?,eSu AUCTION SALES. TOMORROW. AUCTION SALES. TOMORROW. X~XK~X~X~X~X~X~X~X"X"X~X">**X~X"XMXMX?X"X~X~X~X IMN-Wlt. At Sloan's Art Galleries, 1407 G St. x Valuable Antique Furniture, | Silver, China, Plate, Paint-? ings, Bronzes, Persian Rugs, | Bric=a=brac, etc., at Public Auction i Also for Ft f ? t Baroness vora Sterolbyrg, ?j* Previous to her departure for Europe, one handsome Phaeton- ? ?j. Victoria, one Imported Victoria, one Cross-matched team, X several Sets of Harness, Saddles, etc. & X The Furniture and Ornaments are of the Louis'. Empire's, y ? Napoleonic and other French periods?Furniture of the most | desirable English periods, such as Chippendale, Sheraton, ^ X Hepplewhite, Adams and Early Colonial, rare Glassware, I ?{? China, Bronzes, Paintings, Prints. Curios, Relics, Brasses, v Japanese and Chinese Ornaments, Clocks, Hangings, Persian A X Rugs, Mvrrors, Engravings, Plate, Silver. Bric-a-brac, etc., etc. x |: At Unrestricted Public Sale Within Our j | Art Galleries, ? No. 1407 O Street, f Tomorrow and Friday, October 29 and 30, 1908, t At 11 A.M. and 3 P.M. Each Day. The Horses and Cariiages for the Baroness von Stern X burg will be sold Saturday at 12 m. ' X ?{? Catalogues mailed on application to *1* IC. Q. Sloan Co., Inc., Auctioneers :l I ??.? WASHINGTON, D. C. | X~X*XK~X"X"X"X"X~X~X"X~X~X~X~X~X*?X~X~X~X~X"X~X"X~X"I~: TOMORROW. ?THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. CHANCERY SALE OF FIVE HOUSES. KNOWN AS NOS SI 4 BARRY PLACE N.W.. 142.1 EAST CAPITOL STREET AND 1221. 122=1 AND 1225 HOI'E AVENUE S.E. 11 v virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, passed on the 1-ih ,1av of October, l'.HW. In Equity cause No. 2384.. up will 9^*11 at auction. 1n front Of ihe pr^nrnc*. ?e*p?tlvelv. ON THURSDAY. OCTOBER TWENTY-NINE. 1908. the following described "At'pEFTEEN MINUTES PAST THREE! P.>L. lot lettered "A" in the subdivision of lots ?4. B5. 66 and 67 in Wright & Cox's "MlvlHlon of part of Pleasant Plains, as recorded In Liber Levy Court No. 2. folio 25. of the records .nf the surveyor's office of the District of Columbia, oaid lot Is improved by a two-story frame dwelling, known as 814 Barry place n.w. At FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the east 15 feet front of original lot 14 in square i058. by the full depth thereof. Said lot Is Improved by m two story brick dwelling, known as 1423 East ^At^HALF^-PAST FOUR P.M.. lota 58, 00 and 81 In William Mayse's subdivision of part of square 1018. as Book 19. pege 62. of the office of said surveyor. Each of these lots improved bv a twostory brick dwelling, known as 1221. 1223 and 1225 Hope avenue s.e Terms of sale as to each lot: One-third of the purchase money in cash, of which $100 shall be paid at time of sale and the balance in two equal installments, payable In one ?n'1 years. with interest at 6 per cent per annum, payable semi annually from day of sale, secured bv deed of trust on the property sold or ' at the option of the purchaser. All conveyaiy lniJ and recording, etc.. at the cost of the purchaser or purchasers. If terms of sale are not implied with within fifteen days from the day of sale, tlie trustees reserve the right to res*'1' the erty at the risk and coat of the de,alJ't|?J f. chaser after five days' previous advertisement. en ELLEN 8. MUSSEY. Trustee. JOHN C. HEALD. Trustee, oolT-d&dseSu 416 oth st. n.w. S. BENSINGER. W \SH. HORSE AND CARRIAGE BAZAAR. 910 LA. AVE. NOTICE. All goods purchased at our auc tion sale on Saturday Oct. 24> 1908, and not called, for by Thurs day, October 29, will be resold on that date at risk of the former purchaser. W^m'ist vacate by Nov. 1. oc26-3t.20 S. BEXS1NGER. Auct. ADAM A. WESCHLER, AUCTIONEER. Assignee's Sale of tlhe Emi= i t5re Stock of Gents' Furniislhiings, liats and i Caps, F2ne Fixtures, Show Cases, etc., com= taiined in premises No, I 5>(Q)? G st. n.w. Bv virtue of an order of the Supreme Court of the' District of Columbia, in re assignment of Heorge J. Davis, the undersigned assignee will sell at public auction, within the above premises, on THURSDAY. OCTOBER TWENTY-NINTH. 1908. I COMMENCING AT TEN O'CLOCK A.M.. the en tire stock of gents' furnishings, hats, caps, um I brellas, caties, line mahogany-finished floor cases, fixtures, wall cases, etc., etc. firms ta9hmwIX H USTON. Assignee. oc23-d&dlw,eSn No. 410 6th st. n.w. FUTURE DAYS. ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER. Executor's Sale of 2-story Brick Dwelling No. 409 L Street N.W., 3-story Brick Dwelling No. 411 L Street N.W. and Two-story Frame Dwelling No. 710 Florida Avenue N.W. Bv virtue of authority vested in the under signed by the last will and testament of Henry Koch, deceased, 1 will sell, at public auction. In front of the premises, on THURSDAY. THE FIFTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. A.D. 1908. AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following-described land and premises, situate In the city of Wash ington. in tlie District of Columbia, to wit: Parts of original lots one and two. in square north of square 515. said part of iot one con tained within the following metes and bounds: Beginning nt the southwest corner of lot one. running thence north 60 feet, thence east 10 feet, thence south 06 feet, thence west 10 feet to beginulng; for part of lot two beginning at the southeast corner of lot, running thence west alone L >tr<-et 2<> feet, thence north 92 f?et ? indies to hii allev. thence east 20 feet, thence south 92 feet C indies to beginning, improved by brick dwellings Nos. 400 and 411 L street north west, to be sold separately. On the same day. at HALF-PAST FOl R O'CLOCK P. M.. lot number four (4) in S. r. Crow's subdivision of part of original lots four and five, in square number four hundred and sixteen (41U1. as the same appears of record 111 Liber II. W.. at folio 121. in the offi.-e of the survevor of the District of Columbia, and bounded as follows: Beginning for the same at the northeast corner of said snlMlivlsion lot four 14). I running TTiei.ce southwestwardly. at right angles with Boundary street, thirty-three and twenty-two one-hundredtlis (33 22-KHtt fret, thence south thirty and forty three one-hundredths (30 1.5-100) feet, thence west twelve (12i feet, thence north seventy-four (74) feet four and one half <4'4? Inches to Boundary street, thence southwest thlrt CtOt fpet and three and one-half (-I'a) inches along Boundary street to the place of beginning, and said to contain eleven hundred and three and nine one hundredths square feet of ground. Im proved by frame dwelling No. 710 Florida avenue northwest. . . ? Terms of sale: One-third of .he purchase I monev to be -mid in cash, and the balance In 1 two "equul installments, payable in one anil two vears. with Interest at ? per centum annum, navnble acini annually, from day of sale. 1 secured bv deed of trust upon the property Hold or all cash, at the option of the purchaser A I deposit of $200 on each house requited of the purchaser at the time of sale. All conveyanc ing recording and notarial fees at the coat or tiie purchaser. Terms of sale to ?>e compiled with within fifteen days from day of aa.e. othci; wise the executor reserves the right to reset, the property st the risk and cost of the de faulting purchaser after five days' '.'^^Mn'the of "licit -essle in some newspaper published lu the city of Washington. H RCPPERT. Surviving Executor. No. 231 N at. n.w. JAMES A. TOOMEY. Attorney for Executor. oc24 d&d3.exSu C. G. SLOAN & CO. (INC.). AUCTS.. 1407 G ST \D*MS EXPRESS COMPANY'S SALE OF UN CLAIMED FREIGHT. On TUESDAY. THE TENTH DAY OF NO VEMBER. A.D. 1008, AT TEN O CLOCK A -M.. the' Adams Express Company will sell, without reserve. In the auction rooms (second ?r C U Sloan & Co. (Inc.). 1407 G st Washing ton D. C., to pay chcrges. al>out <<00 packages, comprising an assortment of trunks. vaU*"|: , packages, etc. Ail parties concerned will olease take notiee. . Terms: Cash: and no lot will on any account be delivered during the time of aale. C. G. SLOAN It CO. (Inc.). AueU. oclO-dts.eSu FUTURE DAYS. * THOS. .1. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. OP VALUABLE REAL ES vm V?. I^jyiE brk k dwelling NO 121 E .STREET SOUTHEAST J ... .nt 8 c?"taln deed of trust duly re corded In Liber No. 3079. folio 429 ft m-u.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and ni. th^ request of the party secured therebr. the undersigned trustees will sell at public ai# "?"Vu Ul'U ?? ,h" promises, on FRIDAY. THE m?lBOI,l.NOVKMBER. A.D. 1908. AT H'l H-l UIRTl OCLOCK P.M.. the following described land and premises, situate In the city of Washington. District of Columbia, and desig nated as and being all of lot numbered 111 In Archimedes Heckman's subdivision of square numbered iM. as per plat recorded in Liber 17. at folio 167. one of the records in the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia. r *a}?: Sold subject to a deed of trust for *2.(100. balance cash. A deposit of $100 will be required at time of sale. Ail conveyancing, recording, etc.. at cost of purchaser. Terra* of sale to lie compiled with within 15 days from flay of sale, otherwise the trustees #Werve the right to resell the property, at the risk and cost or defaulting purchaser, after five days' adver tisement of such resale in some newspaper pub lished In Washington. D. C. THOMAS H. PICK FORD. n- . r SAMUEL W. PICKFORD. o>2, d&ds.oSn Trustees. C. G. SLOAN A- CO. (INC.). AUCTS.. 1407 G ST. THE STABLE OF THE BARONESS VON STERN* BURG AT AUCTION. fSS. atTt?!<m?S? ISSTWTi FRONT OF OCR ROOMS. NO. 1407 G 8T? for account of the Baroness Von Stornburg. who is leaving for Europe, the following: ONE HANDSOME PHAETON-VICTORIA, with rumble, black gear, yellow stripe. line<I with morocco and blue broadcloth, built by Rogers of Philadelphia, unique and In line condition. ONE IMPORTED VICTORIA, basket hodr. in morocco and blue broadcloth, black sear. ?I?"?*' ",rll>p- ,on" nn<1 easy riding, built by Millian k Guret of Paris. ONE CROSS-MATCHED TEAM, sorrel and bay. about six years anil aliout 15U hands stylish Hnd prompt drivers, well acclimated and thoroughly broken to double and single harness, lioth good saildler.4. a hardy team harness" SILVKRMOrNTED DOUBLE brass-mounted single HARNESS. r~\^YS SADDLE. BY TIBBETS OF ISA Til. ENG. ONE GENTS* SADDLE, etc.. etc. t ??"si,*li)0H fr"nt of our rooru8 Saturday. Octo Terms cash. C. G. SLOAN & CO. (Inc.), Aucts. oe27-dts FITCH. FOX A- BROWN. REAL ESTATE BROKERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED PROPERTY ON "H" STREET NORTH m KST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, dulv re corded in Liber No. ::ir.'7, folio 26 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured therebv. the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, in front of tlio premises, on TUESDAY THE TENTH (10TI1I DAY OF NOVEMBER. A.D. 1908. AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and nremlsea. sit uate In the city of Washington. District of Co lumbia. and known and described as the west twenty-four 1114? feet nine t9i inches front on north ?TI" street by full depth of original lot numbered two i2i In Fquarc numbered three hundred and forty-four (344t, together with the Improvements thereon. Terms maiie known at time of sale. A deposit of $250 will bo required at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, etc., at cost of pur chaser. Ternjs of sale to be cotnvlled with within fifteen days, or the property will l>e re sold at the risk and cost of the defaulting pur chaser. GEORGE W. BROWN. Trustee. WILLIAM KER, Trustee. THOMAS J. OWEN & SON. Auctioneers. oc2S-w.f.m-6t THOMAS DOWLINO Sc CO., AUCTIONEERS, 612 E st. n.w. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE LOTS AT EAST DEAN WOOD, D. C. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, recorded in Liber No. 3100. at folio 272 et seq.. one of the land records for the District of Columbia, we will st?ll Ht public auction, at office of Thi-mas Dowling ,V Co.. 612 E st. n.w.. <m FRI DAY. OCTOBER THIRTIETH. 1908. AT TnREE O CLOCK P.M.. lots 4 and 5 In block 15 in (.eorge and Pine's subdivision known as East Deanwood, D. C. T''rms; One-half cash, balance in pne Tear. f-5 deposit required. Conveyancing and record ing at purchaser's cost. THOMAS WALKER. JAMES F. BUNDY. ?23.26.2S.29 Trustees. THOMAS DOWLINO & CO.. AUCTIONEERS 612 E st. n.w. TRUSTEES' SALE OF FRAME DWELLING NO 1014 W ST. N.W. * ' By virtue of a certain deed of trust, recorded In Liber No. 3097. at f?li? 478 et seq.. one of the land records for the District of Columbia, and at the request <if the party secured therebv we will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on FRIDAY, THE THIRTIETH D VY OF OCTOBER. 1908. .AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., the following described land and promises, sit uate in the city of Washington. District of Co lumbia. known and distinguished as part of lot "I in John George Adam's subdivision of lots numbered nineteen <lf?> and twenty (20i In said Adam s original suitdlvlsiun of square numbered three hundred and thlrfy-irtie (3311. together with the improvements thereon, subject to a prior deed of trust of $800. Terms very easy and made known at sale THOMAS WALKER. I ... JAMES F. BUNDY. oc21. Trustees. ADAM A. WESCHLER, AUCTIONEER. CHANCERY SALE OF TWO STO'tY FRAXIF STORK AND DWELLING NO 1S18 7TU STREET NORTHWEST. WITH STABLE in By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court ' o? the District of Columbia, passed in equity *?? 28019. wj. the undersigned trustees, will sell at public auction, in front of the vovl\7?5?THr.RSDAY' THE F,FT" DAY OF NOVEMBER A.D. 1908. AT FIVE O'CLOCK 1.31.. the following-described land and premises situate In the city of Washington, in the Dis trict of i olumbia. and designated as and being part of lot No. eleven <11>. In square four hun dred and seventeen <417>. beginning lor the same at the southeast corner of said lot, running thence north along 7th ftreet west twenty feet and thence with this width back the entire depth of said lot. namely, one hundred feet, to Kether with the improvements thereon. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, and the balance in two equal Installments, payable in one and two years, with Interest at 6 per centum per annum payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all c;*?; tbe option of the purchaser. A deposit of $200.00 will be required of the ourchaser at the time of sale. All conveyancing, reeordiag and notarial fees at the cost of the purchaser Terms of sale to be compiled with within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaner after five days' advertisement of such resale In some newspaper published In the city of Washington D. C. JAMES A. TOOMEY. ' Fendall bldg.. JOHN H. RUPPERT? 231 N at., n.w.. ec24-d&d*.eiSa Trustees. AUCTION SALES. Ft ri'HE DAYS. THUS. i. OWEN * SON. Al CTIONEERS. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF YALUABI.E T'NIM PBOVED OROl'KD ON THE WE8T X!!?E OF WISCONSIN AVENUE OPPOS'TE TUB INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. By tlrtue of*two certain deed* of trust dolv recorded^ In Liber 2744 at folio 162 et seq.. and Liber 2744 at folio ltl6 et *eq. respectively. of the land records for the District of Columbia. and at the request of the parties secured thereby. I will sell, at public auction. In front of the premise*, on MONDAY. THE SECOND DAY OF NOVEMBER 190S. COMMENCING .*T THREE O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and oretnises situate In tbe cTty of Washington. District of Columbia, known as and being part of lot numbered 26C In square 1300. Vglnnlng at a i?olnt on the east line of 37th street extended 111.77 feet northerly from the point of Inter section of the eaat Iltje of Mid street with tbe south line of the Homiller property, being at the northwest corner of the part conveyed to the Union Trust ?nd Storage Company, trustee, bv ' deed in Lllier 2542. folio 229. running thence with ' the east line of said street north 1 degree and 43 minutes west 30.99 feet more or less to the aoutb line of the part conveyed to David M. Hess l?y deed In Liber 2509. folio 49. running thence with said south line north t>9 degrees 29 minutes and 30 seconds east 142..r>1 feet to the west line of 32d street, thence with said west :lne south H degrees and 10 minutes east 50.22 feet to ? line coincident with the projection of !he line of the north fuce of the north foundation wall of the Homiller residence, thence soutU 70 degrees 10 minutes and 30 seconds west 161 feet and <8-100 of a foot to the place of beginning, containing 7.494.U square feet and being or intended to be all of tbe ground lying between tbe part con veyed to David M. Hess and that conveyed to the Union Truat and Storage Company, trustee, by the hereinbefore recited deeds. Alas, immediately after the above, part of lot numbered 207 in square 1300. described aa fol lows: Beginning at an iron stake marking tbe Interaectlon of the south line of the Homiller property with the east line of S7tb street ex tended. and running thence with the east "'no of 37tb street extended north 1 degree 43 minutes west 59.30 feet more or less to the southwest cor ner of the property conveyed to the Union Trust aud Storage Company, trustee, by deed in Liber 2542. folio 229. thence along tbe south line of said part north 70 degrees 10.minutes and 3o seconds east 181.3.' feet to the west line of 32d street, thence south along said street 24 degrees and 10 minutes east 66.65 feet to the southeast ??orner of tbe Homiller property, and thence with the south line of said property south 72 degrees and 3N minutes west 206.29 feet to the place of beginning, containing ll.99ti.72 square feet and being or Intended to be all of said lot belonging to Thomas C. Homiller lying south of that conveyed to the Union Trust and 8torage Company above referred to. Terms: One-third to be paid In caah, >alance in two equal Installments, payable in one and two years, with Interest from day of sale, and secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at tbe option of tbe purchaser. $200 deposit will be required at time of sale upon each parcel. Terms of sale to be complied with within 15 days from day of aale. otherwise the surviving trustee may resell the property after 5 days7 advertisement of :uch resale pub ' Ushed In some newspaper of Washington. D. C. Jesse h. wilson. Surviving Trustee. ocg2 dts.eSu 317 John larshall place. PROPOSALS. OFFICE COMMISSIONERS of the Dis trict of Columbia. Washington. Oct. 24. 1908.? Seale.l proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon Nov. 16. 1908. for construct ing service sewers In Conduit road. District of Columbia. Forms of proposals, specifications and necessary information mav be obtained from chief clerk, engineer department, room 427 Dis trict building. Washington. D. C. HENRY B. F. MACFARLAND. HENRY L. WF.ST. JAY J. MORROW, foromlssioners. P. C. oc24-6t.eSu dancing! . BARN DANCE. Waltz.' two-step, class or private lest?ona for adults; special dances and character songs for children. HOWARD LESLEY HOLT. WASHINGTON INSTITUTE OF MUSIC. 937 K n.w. Phone M. 2131. oc25-tf.1Q POTOMAC RIVER BOATS. WASHINGTON /nD POTOMAC STEAMBOAT COMPANY. 8TH STREET WHARF. Steamer HARRY RANDALL ? Monday and Wednesday at 4 p.m.. for lower Potomac land ings. Dills to Lower Machodoc iTeek. Saturday at 7 a.m. for landings between Glymont anil 1 Notnlni. Steamer WAKEFIELD?Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday. 7 a.m.. for npper river landings to i Colonial Beach and Mattox creek. Steamer ESTF.LI.E RANDALL?Dally at 7:30 a.m. for Glymont and Intermediate points. Nun ' day. Tuesday urd Thursday to Grinders in addi tion. Return trip same day. Schedules subject to tide and weather, and to change without notice. W. F. CARNE. Jr.. Gen'l Passenger Agt. IPTfl-tf LOAN COMPANIES. Side entrsmce on 9tb st. Private offices. You'll Find It Easy To Get Money ?by applying to Horning for a loan on Diamonds. Watches or Jewelry. Every transac- TP tlon strictly confidential. In- y tereat at only Money Loaned Salaried People. HORNING,9th & D, or28-lRd Stop I Look I Listen X Borrow $50. pay back $10 per mo. for 6 tno. Borrow $50, pay back $5.90 per mo. for 12 mo. Borrow $00. pay back $7.14 per mo. Cor 12 mo. These puyments Include principal, Interest and all charges except 50c notary fee. No surprises. Nothing deducted. Liberal discounts If settled In advance. On all loans made during October to new customers for twelve-month |>eriods we wll. i allow until December 19 to make the first pay 1 ment. THE! 409 Commercial Bank Building. N. W. Cor. 14th aud G Sts., 4th Floor. ocl6-deSu.20 IF YOU DECIDE To get a PRIVATE loan on furniture, piano, etc.. without removal, and want to get it where NO QUESTIONS WILL BE ASKED, where the matter will receive prompt and courteous attention, fill out this blank, mail it to us and our AGENT WILL CALL AT ONCE and explain our rates, which are the lowest offered in the city. Loans paid off i>nd more money ad vanced. Tel. Main 4373. Name Address Amount wanted. $ DISTRICT LOAN CO., 639 F ST. N.W.. COR. 7TH AND F. VOTE Either ticket you please, but yon most ha** money to go home to register and cast foot bal lot. We will loan you $10 to $500 AT 3% PER MO. And you can repay na In sranli monthly pay ments. We require no PAYMENT until TWO MONTHS from the day you get loan. Loana with other companies paid up. No delay. No publicity. Private offices. Thompson bldg., 703 15th at. n.w. Opp. Treaaury. Next Drug Store. oc12-tf.S0 ?ON? Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Horses. Wagons, Salaries, Most Anything. At lower rntes of Interest than ahy loan com pany In tbe city, and without any red tape. We are an old-estahllsbed company, with on | limited capital, and atrictly private, op-to-dats 1 office*. Potomac Guarantee Loan Co., 925 F STREET N.W. 2d Floor. Singer Bulldlag. de24-t?.20 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE & OTH ers upon their own notes, without seenritv; easiest terms: confldentisl. Knowing nn?? who have dealt elsewhere especially invited. My proposition will please. II. ELWOOD.rra. 416. Jenifer bldg.. 7&D. 1e22-tf.5 Money Loaned Salaried People and others, without security: easy payments; offices in 63 principal cities: save yourself money by getting my terms first. D. li. TOL MAN. Room 'Ofl. 533 15th st. n.w. nolS-tf.O Fatally Wounded by Bobber. BIRMINGHAM, Ala.. October 28.-J. A. Cummings, who conducts a store at a small settlement between North Birming ham and Sayre. was shot and fatally wounded last night by a negro, who. it is alleged, was attempting to rob him. The negro entered the store and demanded Mr. Cummings' money. Mr. Cummlngs jump ed into the next room, seized a pistol and re-entered the store. The negro fired upon him first and made his escape in the darkness. If you want work read the want col umns of The Star. The Absorbing topic in labor circles at tiiis lime is politics. | Industrial subjects have been shelved for the time heing, while the labor lav men are discussing the political situation at their homes, in the shops and at the meetings of worklngmen's unions. Many of the leaders are talking politics fn>m the stump, and little else will be thought of until after next Tuesday other than the chances of election of Judge Taft and William J. Bryan. Samuel Gompers. president of the Amer ican Federation of Labor, is using both his pen and his voice in behalf of Wil liam J. Bryan's election. For the next six days he will wind up his campaign speaking in the the states with a whirl wind finish, his associates declare. John Mitchell was criticised recently by members of a miners' union because ot his allesed activity in behalf of the demo cratic national ticket. Replying to his critics, Mitchell said: "I am sure that I shall not be charged with partisanship when I advise each citi zen to examine carefully Uie principle!! and policies of the various political or ganizations; to investigate the character . and standing of the candidates; to con i sider seriously the effect of the election ; upon the nation as a whole and upon that ; division of society in particular to which : he belongs, and, having done this, it is his duty to cast his ballot In accordant.) with this best Judgment and with the dic tates of his conscience. "Over and above all, trade unionists should ever keep In mind the necessity of preserving inviolate the strength ami in tegrity of unions. When the election is over and the excitement and enthusiasm incident to it have passed away?regard less of who is elected to the presidency? the organizations of labor, as heretofore and as never before, will be to the work-' ingmen the bulwark of tfieir liberties." Out In Ohio journeymen printers aro stumping for Judge Taft. as are several union miners in Illinois, Indiana anil Pennsylvania. Sam De Nedrey of this city has returned to West Virginia, and from the stump is advising trades unionists to vote toe Bryan. Nearly every labor union in the Dis trict has been placed on record against Representative Brodhead's scheme t<? transfer some of the Washington navy yard prosperity to his congressional dis trict in Pennsylvania and leave In its place a streak of hard times for many machinists and helpers. Citizens' associa tions. the Chamber of Commerce and patriotic organizations have also voiced their protest against the proposed trans fer of some of the naval gun factory work to privatey establishments in the vicinity of Bethlehem. Pa. Workers in the navy yard have express, ed their appreciation of the recent edi torial in The Star on the Subject. Em mett L. Adams, business agent of the machinists, declared The Star's editorial "hit Uie .nail squarely on the head and drov# It home." The Trades Unionist in its last issue has this to say on the Brodhead matter; "The proposition submitted to the President by Representative Brodhead of Pennsylvania to divert some of the work from the navy yard here to Beth lehem. Pa., should meet with, a vigorous protest from residents of this city. "The representative from Columbia Lodge of Machinists (E. L. Adams) very ably puts the case when he points out the weakness of the claim for this share of the work for the Bethlehem plant in that it means but a transfer of condi tions from one city to another. "Another point that can be claimed for the navy yard force Is that It is familiar with the work in hand and It would un doubtedly mean a loss to the govern ment to make a change, aside from the fact that it would be poor business pol ' Icy for the government or even a pri vate employer to close up a plant and give Its work out to another institution. "The further point is made by the ma chinists that the men in the navy yard have come to Washington from all parts of the country and made their homes here?in many instances are buying homes?and the diversion of any work from the navy yard in face of the dis missal of over 200 men last July would work a great hardship to those inter ested. "As a matter of fact. It is a question that concerns the business community of Washington, and should be taken cog nizance of by merchants generally throughout the city. "Let us keep all our work in Washing* ton. We need it. It means more money to spend with merchants, more for in vestment and for the life of trade gen erally." Joseph Reilly. known as "Old Iron sides." of the United Brotherhood of Car penters and Joiners of America, has re turned to this city from Salt Lake City, where he attended the fifteenth biennial convention of the carpenters. Mr. Reilly speaks in high praise of the cordial re ception and "splendid entertainment" ac corded the delegates by their craftsmen of the Utah city. Among the features described by him was the great Mormon Temple, the erection of which cost $4,000,000. The corner stone of the tempi* was laid by Brigham Youtig in 18.YJ. and the structure was completed in IHO.'l. The Mormon tabernacle, with its egg-shaped roof, cost Stoo.uoo. "The building occupied by the bureau of plant Industry being found inadequate to the uses of the agricultural branch printing office, that institution will oc cupy a building in the immediate vicin ity, now in course of construction," says H. S. Sutton in "Just Every Day Life" in the Trades' Unionist. Word comes from Cleveland, Ohio, that several of the carpenters' unions theie are making arrangements to hold politi cal debates at their weekly meetings. The plan is to invite speakers from the various parties to participate in the dis cussions. The doors will be thrown open to the public and all visitors will bn treated courteously. The union officers believe that the debates will have a ten dency to enlighten the members regard ing the political Issues of the day. and all parties will be given a fair chance to define their position on any or all questions. The funeral of Clara Pezold, the four teen-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pezold of 1 '23 14th street, Anacos tia, ?hose death occurred last Saturday In Georgetown University Hospital, was held yesterday morning at 11 o'clock from Emmanuel Protestant Episcopal Church, 18th and V streets. Anacostla. Rev. Wil liard G. Davenport, rector of the church, officiated. The pallbearers were all youth ful friends of the deceased. Percy Simp son, Daniel Connor, Russell Phif?s Earl Conway George Fisher and Donald Mathleson. John A. Logan Post. No. 13, Grand Army of the Republic, lias resumed its meetings in the Masonic Hall. Anacostia, for the comins season. Commander A. B. Frisbie and a committee are making ar rangements for the annual inspection and the reception of the department officers. November 11. Commander Frisbie will de. part Sunday next for his home in Cresco, Iowa, where lie will cast his vote. Members of the Masonic fraternity in Anacostla are interested in a minstrel performance and a dance which Anacos tla Lodge. No. 21, F. A. A. M., is ar ranging. V. B. Gousha, a veteran of the civil war and a l^ng-time resident of Anu costia. is confined to his residence, W. street, as the result of a paralytic stroke. Mr. Gousha is employed at the Govern ment Hospital for the Insane as ono of the engineers. Charles J. Burch of the supervisors* staff at the Government Hospital for the Insane, who accompanied an Insane pa tient from the local institution to one In Springfield, Mass.. lias returned. Ho visited relatives in New Bedford. Mass., while away. Leaky Schooner Returns to Port. NORFOLK. Va., October 2X? Develop lng a leak, the three-masted schooner Rebecca J. Moulton. loaded with coal for a southern port, has returned here for !?