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FOR RENT?HOUSES. Ft'KSI SHED OK UNFURNISHKD. FOR KENT- UNFURNISHED. 1752 Q. I fir, 2b.-.125.00 Hear 1539 1. doable 17-5 Rlgg* pl.l0r,b45.n0 garage 35.00 We have a nnmtvr of desirable furnished hnmri Id the n.w. action; rent, 975 per mo. and up ward TYLER A Itl'TUERKOKD (lac.). no7-7t* 730 15th at. n.w. CET OUR BIO FOR RENT LIST. Contain* 2on prnpert'e*. T TIR F F <3> KEYS TO EACH PKOl'FRTY WF. HAVE FOR REV*. BOSS A PHF.LPS (Inc.), #10 14TH N.W. OPPOSITE FRANKLIN PARK. Three phone*. MAIN 340-41-4C5. ? ?? tf ?rn\mi?Fn. Fnfi RKNT -Fl RN1SHFD -ON THE HFIGHTS. Ten-room hons--*.. ell and completely furnished: modern plnmb'nc and h?*at Iwr: sunny. cheerfo! bono : rent nor>ifn-?t to careful tenant. Aoply R si . n<?ir Wis. iivp. no13-3t FOR RTNT POMFORTABLY AM) HAND sorr.ely furnished: h r.-ry dealrab'e hrnisp in Vst part of iCth ?t. n w. containing 14 r?ms rid 3 aol] adapted to cntertiinln?: **> 000 a rpir. Apply FJTTIJ. FOX ft BROWN. 1io? q ,t. n w t?o12-St FOR RKNT 0 ROOM HOI SF POMPI.FTFI.Y f"rnish?v1 two sooarrs north of Dupont Pin le, .TOTIN T KNOTT !>1? F ?t. noll-3t F"R RFNT-AN FV^FPTIONAI.I.Y WELL LO cated 11 room and bath dwelling; klti-hen on parlor floor: Vermont ave. near Thomas Plrcle; oonronient to all far line* and walking dis tance of shopnlnir district: rent f8fl per month. no1l-4t TORPAN- A PO fine.). 1305 G St. ft w. FOR RKNT VKRY PFSIII ABLE FURNISHED IfOrSW: SOME T OP \TED TN THF MOST FARHIONARI E SECTION of THE CITY RENTING AT FROM S?V? TO SlO.noo PER VFVR TVT VR A RUTHERFORD (Tnc.V 730 l-Tll ST N W Tv7-7f FOR HI NT- iRLT. I p-T vil' . NEAR CO\\\ ave.; hfautl.*"l 3-story bay-window dwelling; 14 rooiT" end 2 hatfs: donble parlor*: hot water t?at: nleelr ftirnlsbod: rent. $100 per ir-.nth Tl. T,. RUST. WIS 14th st. no.Vtf.5 Tort RENT ES I6TH ST. N.W.? New. fireproof; se?enteea room* and four baths; elevator. ion mTn st. n.w.? New; tblrtr-two rooms and alx bath*: ela ???or. These two Vmi*o* hare been decorated aud famished by Verbeck. Whylerow ft Crossley j Conpan*. 5?h *Te.. New Yortt. THE ALONZO O BLISS PROPERTIES. 15 B st. n.w. Phone Lincoln 1860. W. B. COWEN. Hft. ?cfllf f\n'R\l?RFD. FOR RENT- 141^j G ST N.E.; A 2-STORY AND | < "ELLAK. CORNER PRICK: 8 LARGE ROOMS ANT) HATH: WILL HE PAPERED TO SPIT TENANT; PRIPE, $22.50 MAKE US AN OF FER. ?M. U. SAUNDERS A CO.. nol3-3t 1407 F ST. N.W. FOR RENT 1442 V ST. N.W.. OPP. ST. PAUL'S Catholic Cburrh: 7 rooms and bntb: furnace; nil hrtgbt r*v>ms: half month's r^nt fr??o; rent, *.!0 *>. THEO. PR IBB US, 1320 N Y. are. n.w. ii-.13-3t.eSn FOR RENT?1202 O ST. N.W.: 0 ROOMS; IN fx>d order; rt-nt, $2ti; low rrtit for size of) hout-f: ??ne-half month'? rent free. THEO. FRIEBUS. 1320 \. Y. ave. n.?y. oolS-3t.e8u FOR RENT? SIS: <5 ROOMS. CELLAR. HALF ii'-re. with stable: hr-ator. range; good order; tiled ^Hth 2024 WI'. are. nol3-3t *F< >ir_RENT? 1?2S ROSKDALE ST. N.E., $11.50: (ie-irab'e C-room frame, hydrant in yard: good j neigj.horbood. OWNER. 508 Corcoran bids., V!.{ l.-irh st. nol3-3t* FOR RENT-2.S15 14TH ST. Nln?- rooms an>l bath. Apply R. E. BRADLEY, 141R F ft.. nol3 3t* or S. II STEDHAM. 1508 S ?st. FOR RENT- 447 G ST. N.W.; BAY-WINDOW bri?k house, in good repair; 14 rooms, bath. a.m.!.: $55.00 per month. nol.'* FOR RENT?A CORNER HOUSE; 6 ROOMS and bath; In splendid location? large front, i *Me and rear yard.-"; rent. $32.50. For full | parUeulars eall. SHANNON ft LFCHS. M 2345. 704 13th n.w. M. 2346. nol2-3t FOR RENT-A SPLENDID 7 ROOM HOURE INI Columbia Heights; erery modern Imi>rovement; a beautiful home. SHANNON A L17CHS. M. 2345 704 13tb n.w. M. 2346. no12-3t FOR RENT?1340 L ST. N.W.. 12R.. 2B ..$135^00 1843 P at. n.w.. 12 moms. 2 batha 57.50 1002 Park road n.w., 9 rooms. 1 bath... 35.50 417 2d at. n.w., 10 rooms. 1 bath 40.50 US C n.w.. 12 room* and bath 45.50 PERPY H. RUSREI.L, RUSSELL BUILDING. 927 G ST. N.W. wo12-St FOR RENT?POMFORTABIJ? HOME. 13*4 22d at. 8 rooms, bath, furnace. Rant. $32.50. Key at premises. WILL1GE. GIBBS Sc DANIEL. 603-05 13th. no12-3t rOR RENT?2550 17TH ST. N.W.-COMFORT able home in nlc* locality; 7 rooms, batb: la trobe beat; shed in rear suitable for auto; bonae 1? newly papered and painted; rent, only $27.50. WILLIGE. GIBBS k. DANIEL. 603-05 13th. nol2-3t FOR RENT?LARGE DWELLING, 1335 Q ST. n.w., near 14th; 10 rooms, bath and atable; only $40.50. A. F. FOX COMPANY. 14tb at New York a*e. nol2-3t FOR RENT?20 3D ST. N.E.: NEWLY PAPER ed. painted and porcelain batb; 10 mom* and i atable: rent. $35. 310-12 13th st. s.w.; 2 sto-1 rie*. 5 rooms: water and toilet in yard: $14.50. 1130 2Htb st. n.w.; 2 stories. 6 rooms and base- i ment: $13.50. 023 F s.w.; frame: 2 stories. 5 rooms; water and toilet io yard; $15.50. Apply ; E. W. McINTIRE. 224 C n.w.. between 9 and 12 mornings, or phono M. 5587 between same { boun. no7-!>t FOR RENT-HANDY TO IT. 8. NAVY YARD, 1020 3d st. s.e.; 6-room brick: m.i.; good m palr: at $18. Key at atore. 3d and L s.e. F. W. TUCKER A BRO.. 720 A at. n.e. nol2 16t* FOR RFNT? 1526 9tb st.; 9 nns , batb; $37.50. CRAIG It EVANS. noll-3t 1502 H st. FOR RENT-NO. 317 Y N.E.; MODERN DK tached: 8 rooms and bath; hot-water heat sys tem: high ground: near cars; $25.50. W. F. NASH. 122 M n.w. nol!-3t FOR BENT?$22 50 PER MONTH. DWELLING No. 533 Tenneasee are., between E and F sta. n.e.; alx rooms and bath, concreted cellar and furpace: all modern ImproTements. Apply to I>r. R K. ROBERTS. 025 Tennessee are n.e. noll-lOt FOR RFNT-WW L ST N.W.. 7 ROOMS AND bath. $22. R. H. T. LIEPOLD, 1300 F st. n.w. Jjol 1 -3t FOR RENT--JUST OFF MI). AVE. N.E., HALF MorV to cars. G room-and reception-bail bonae; tiled bath, concrete cellar, furnace I*?at; con dition equal to new; $30.50. 427 10th n.e. iw>11-3t*.? FOR RENT JUST BEING COMPLETED. Comer Btlghlwood are. and Fairmont *t. (few doors north of Fla. a Ye.), a row of H-room bricks: hath: furnace, etc.; open for inspection: 925.50. ? WILCOX. HANE ft CO.. Inc., noll-4t 1420 F st. n.w. FOR RENT? PESIBABLE SEMI-DETACHED louse. 320 10th st. s.e.; 6 rooms, batb, fur nace: $17.50 WILLIGE, GIBBS ft DANIEL. 603-05 13th. tioll-3t.eod FOR RENT ? 1230 ?TH RT. S.W.; BRICK ?Iweirns, with t> rooiua, tiled bathroom; rent only $22 50. For Beat?63 Myrtle at. n.e.; 6-room and bath brick dwellinc: rent. $16.50. JAMES F. SHEA. ?43 La. a*e. FOR RENT? 1M2-14 11. 18r. 3b $150 220 E nw. I3r. b..55.75 K?02 H. lOr. b 50.70 023 20th. 8r, b 30.50 2207 H nw. 9r. b. .25.50 801 i?th. fiat.3r.b.22.50 1205Vv<* i>e.flat.5r.b21.50 -?120 L nw 8r. 2b.35.75 1015 N Y ay.5r,w,15.50 ..?) 21st, 8r. b. ...35.50 U2:? Bth ne. 5r. w. 15.50 425 10th ne. ?r. b.3R 30 1440 32d. 4r. b 12.50 -?W5 Pa a?, br. b. .35.00 712 22d. 5r, b 15.50 GEO. W. LINK INS, ?>"10-'f 800 19th st. n.w. POR RENT-BY B. F SAUL CO., 7TII ft L N W. 2Ui I nw. 12r. t> $.".2? 1418 K *c. 5r. w...15.30 ?st N Y a* nw.8r.b.40.50 618 Morton. 6r, b..l2.50 2i>S 8th sw.Sr.b.sta (0 0 > STORES. 1!?01 5th nw. ftr.b .37 5 1 9T?, 035 5th nw.. 7500 1420 6th nw.10r.2I.35 5o' NE cor 14th&R nw&~ no 43!* O nw. Sr. b...32,50. 1514 7tli nw 50.00 1427 5th nw.llr.b 32.5> 1701 14th nw 4O.<>0 35?? 10th nw. Hr.b31.o0 1343 R nw 25 00 210 T nw, 7r. h...30 V? 8OH4 7lb ne 15 00 ?;I4 R iw, 8r, b.. IW) M) 61?> I^t a?. ba?em't 8 (l0 18 R ne. ?r. b 30 5 ? COLORED TENANTS. 4.'i5 O nw.Sr.b.sta-0 "0 1513 !?th nw, 5r.w 17..VJ 5io T nw. 7r. b. ?7 50 2211) Water. 6r. w.12 50 2!*i1 (ia?Tn? .1r.i'L'"i.'0 2?l0l Ro?<^JaI?.,5r. wl2 50 1st n?. tta-. b :*5 5o 2 Bellevne ct. 4r. w8.50 1246 Fla av ne.tir.b-S.SO. STABLES. 4.:ft Q nw. br. b...25 .-rf>, R 4?? K nw,16 728 13th ne. Or. b..25.50 R2151 8th nw.4?tia10.00 Broad Br rd. 6r.w.25.on 814 G ne. ?r. b. . rt.50 115? Carmll sp.7r.b 22 50 411 N nw. 6r. w.. 20 50 1320 Fla a? np Or,b1? O1! 706 R 1 ar n .7r.wlT .V> 2541 6th nw. ?r.w,15 3o OFFICE ROOMS. 1301 V nw, 2r 12.50 2001 14th nw. 1r..10 ?0 512 F nw. lr, lfl .10 00 WAREHOUSES Freedman'a alley...40 '*) Hear 613 L nw.... 15.00 no'Mf FOR RENT lT:U P ST. N.E ' 6-ROOM BRICK, with bath: a m.t.: RENT. $17 50 PER MONTH. nolO-tf CHARLES BOYD. 1215 F st. n.e. FOR RENT- BY L. J. MILLS. DOS 6TH N.W. 721 6tb nw.sto sta "o 00 11754 Wlllsrd (flat). isn7 2d nw. 7r. b.35 .V)! ftr.b 20.50 1126 6th nw. 8r. b 3ft 00 11*|5 Galea ne.6r..15.00 11"P !2th n.e.. ?} rooms and batb 48.50 ?>?- tf FOR RENT?TO GOOD COLORBD TENANT? 2125 Ward pi. n.w ; nl^e upper flat; 5 rooms, ba'h. fMimrc beat: $23 50 WIIJ IP.R. GIBBS A DANIEL. 603 05 13th. r< 9 e?-i!-3t FOB RENT?1600 E ST. S.E . 6 ROOMS ANI) bath; {iorrelaln tub: perfect condition, rent only $17.50 per month. JAMES F. SHEA. 643 La. a*e. n.w. no8-Su.wAf-tf FOR RENT?1374 K ST N.E.. 1ROOMS AND bath; al! modern ImproTements. Rent, $20.50 In'T mouth. M. J. KEANE, Uoom Got. Colorado bulg. ao7-7t FOR RENT?HOUSES. WVFUKNI9HED. rrm rent? $300...21st bw. 14r. fur $128..3831 13th nw. Itr $125.The $100. .1638 18tb nw. 14r $100. .1825 24th BW. 12r $100 1310 G nw, lOr $78. ..1020 17th nw. lOr $73 1720 Q nw. lOr $75..472 Pa av nw. sto $40..The Marlhorough.3r $40. .The Kensington. 5r $40..Forest Gl?-n.Md.t2r $38.10..1827 Ore ae. lOr $35.ho .1014 22d nw. s?r $35..The Ms rlbo rough.2r rut 432 0th nw. ball $32 50. .Montgomery. 4r "2.50.1013 20th nw. Or $85..The Milton. 6r. fur: $32 50..The Phoenls. Br $?0... I80!t 24th nw. lOr $80. ..1628 14th nw. 12r Xk -m .10n? nw- ,0r *55.?l..Itso 12tb nw.lOr V-ii1/?? V nw- ,2r i'xR S? nw- *?r J??-???Tb* Westovrr. Or E Cap. I Or K nw- Hr $.*>.85 2213 Wuh fir. Or f*?80-J2!8 22d nw. ur ,St'1 n,r S!?* ? jj'\KIlb'ne nw.lOr ''*th nW- '-,r $48.28. ..1921 K nw, lOr "fH nw, JOr *?.? '2 '2?4 11th nw.lOr ? ?? ? 1?23 15th nw.Or $45.CO..1003 x H aT l0r *?*?> - - .>!?>! 18th nw. or '221 M nw. 7r ll^ "-rK ?-Vfctf>rla' flr -ine wyoralne. :tr ?jT'm' 'il? n,T- -sr tll.t5 . S2l 10th nw. Or I 473 Mo ht nw iflr ?n'a* ^ 1 Wa?0i CI, lOr $40.rt,?.. .635 R r?n ]0r $40.80.. ..1838 T nw. Or li? 50, 1212 S n'"|,r $40. .The Cambridge, 8r $30.50 717 3d nw. Or $30.80. ,3A10 13th nw, 7r $30..14O6U 14th nw. 3r $30...3404 11th nw, sto $30....432 8th nw. hall $30.. .801 D nw, offlces $27.50.1768 WTd $27.80.1814 ln*lesld?.10r $27 50 2120 I nw. Or $25 50.1363 Md a* ne.8r $23 50.1768 WTd nw.5r $25.50..MO 8hepberd, 6r $25.50. .519 10th nw. 6r $"5.40.927 French nw.Rr $25 2228 Decatur, 8r $25 803 Oth nw, 2r $25 1319 D nw. 6r $25 32d st. ata. dwg $25. . 839 Qulncy nw, 7r $23 50 12 K ne. 8r $22.80..404 Shepherd, Or $20.. .1002-04 Oth. shop $20 .The Cnrnbarland. 2r $18.50. .3618 11th nw.Sr $18.50... .2431 M nw. 5r $18.50 .1810 8th nw, 6r $18.. ..1200 16th nw. ftr $17.80.438 R I ?t nw.flt $15 80 *44 R nw, 6r $15. ...8"3 9th nw, 2r $14.50... 1304 3d se, 5r $13.2522 Mesa av nw.5r no 320 C ne. 4r 40. .1222 Half ae, Br 30..910 21st nw, sto $10 88 M ae. 4r ? $11.!V $10.4( V.oa ,t# iut"of property f<* rent ??<! tor r C0",P t^VifFM1* HENSEY CO.. SWA.RTZELL. U" i - ? Bo7-d.eS" 1-' FOR RKNT? ?W 319 S Cap.lOrb.SI.SO SW.P48 C. 8r. ?>.. .22 90 S1V.925 C. 6r l>...20.40 SW.821 C. 6r 15.10 SW.825 C. 6r 15.40 NW.HOS Caton, 4r..8.4? SW.916 Va av.6r,b.22.92 NE.622 L, Or, b...20.40 NF.716 L.-8r, b. ...20.40 NE.1106 8th, flr, b. 18.40 NW.400 P. ?r, b. .2T..40 ! NE.1102 8th. 6r.b.l6.40 NW.1928 Rth, 6r.h22.50 SE.1100 9th.13r.h..30.00 NW.U24 N J aT.8r20.00 SE.101S N C ar.flr. 17.50 NW.1942 Oth. flr. .10.30 ! SE.1102 Oth, JOr..18.81 NW.2918 K. ship...10.00 FLATS. NW.2006 L, ato rm.8.30 The Vlncetta, 4r,b20.50 OFV1CFS?NORTHWES~\ Central building, offices. I 468 -La ave. offlcN. Gnnton building, offlces. Call at office for Information regardlpg alley properties stable, etc., I hare for rent. For further Information apply at offlr#. no7 tf J W. PILLING. 1416 F st. n w. FOR RKNT? 16".:} Q nw, 10r,b.$50.65 132a L se. 5r. b.. .15.00 907 G liw, 1st fl. .45.00 513 13th se. 5r. ..15.00 1760 T nw. 9r. b..43.00 |515 131h ae 15.00 1535 ntk nw.10r b.38.75 Rear 1341 Glrard nw. 1533 fith nw,9r.b .38.73 garage 15.00 1R20 Oth nw.1fl.flr.b30 50 ? 1025 13th se. col..10.50 Si -re. 627 II nw..25.00 353-855 O sw. 5r... 10.00 329 15th ?e. Sr. b.17.50 R 2311 Pa av.stau3c8.00 V28 16th xe. flr 16.50 Brookland. 7 rooms nnd bath, h.w. heat,..27.30 2d floor. Pope bldg.. 46x100, elevator, heat and light furnished $180 montk APARTMENTS. The Royal apt.. 2<! floor front. 6r. and b...$45,00 The Fairfax. 4 rooms and bath $20.50 THE HARRISON REALTY CO.. ?no7-tf 907 G st. n.w. "FtTf? RKNT-907 M ST. N.W.. 12 ROOMS. $65. *o23-tf J W MORRIS. 614 F at. FOR RENT? BY WEsr-OTT St WILCOX, 1907 Petina. ave. 1412 20th.10r.aml.$rt5.80 926 23d.llr.2b.ami.30.SO 2S23 N, 14r.b.aral..43.00 ?"?1 22d. Ilr.b.ce13fl ?3 2120 L. 8r. ami. ...35.75 21W K, 8r. b 30 75 2137 K. 8r. b. cel..30.78 905 23d, 8r, b 30.67 911 23d. 8r. b 30.67 503A 23d. 6r, h.. .21.50 501 23d. 2fl. Br, b.20.80 956 26th. 4r, b 17.80 808 22d. 3r. b 14.00 COLORED. 617 23d. 7r. b....25.60 lo**r? 26th. 8r.b.lHt25.50 2428 K. ?r. 18.50 2023 U 6r. w 18.80 0O1 24th. 9r, b 27.30 j 10 2i?t. 6r. w.. .16.50 1508 Kingman,flr.b.28.00 2143 D. flr. w 15.50 919 22d, 7r, b, lat-25.50 l 22f? it. 5r. w 14 50 2147 II. 7r. b 22.80 2017 NY av.Sr.w. 12.80 1213 30th. 6r, b. .20 60 2912 M. fir, w. cel.20.00 607 10th ne. 7r, b.18 50 2315 I. Cr. 17.50 920 27th. 4r. w.... 12.80 STORES. 1015 8th se 40.00 1928 Pa aT, lr.cel.35.60 3419 N. r- w. cel. 16 50 i 830 20th. lr. w.g. .25.00 818 20th, 5r. w. ...15.50 APARTMENTS. THE TARLISLE. 1213 N. n'n honsekeeplng 2134 P. lr. w 12.80 1417 Wisconsin tv.12.00 BARBER SHOP. 1907 Pa ar 20.50 3 room*, bath.. .30!?0 '? OFFICE ROOMS. 2 rooms, bath.. .2:150 i 482-486 I^a ar. heated 2 rooms, bath. ..16.50 i rooms.$10, $12.80, $20 505B 23d. 5r, b...21.50' Fr-r full list of small houaea and flats apply at office. no7Al,eSu FOFt RENT? ' 2839 Brlghtwood ave., 6 rooms and hath..$22.80 Flat. 311 7th at. s.w.. 8 rooms and bath.. 22.50 McLACHLEN BANKING CORP.. 10th and G sta. no6-tf IOR ItENT-2305 I ST. N.W. 7 moms and bath. $23 per month. no7-7t M. J. KEANE. Colorado bldtr. FOR RENT?1349 CORCOR.VN ST.: A STORIES: 8 rooms; a.m l.; kitchen and dicing r>J0l? on 1st fl'.or; fronts south; rent, ?:W5. nofl-tf H. L. RL'ST. 606 14th st. n.w. FOR RKNT-D.D.THOMPSON * CO., 1335F N.W. 1745 18th nw,10r.b$.V 00 | Store. 1328 H ne.. 15.00 808 12th ne. 7r. b.2.,.50 | isai 3d sw. 6r. b..15.50 1344 E ne. flr. b. .22.50 , Berwyn. Md. 7r. . 12.00 60'? R I ar nw, 8t.1S.00 .1^2 Ben rd, flr. ...10.50 no4-d.eSn FOR RENT?3613 NORTON PLACE, tT.EVE land Park: nine rooma and bath: hot-water heat: a.m.I.; rent. $50 per month; southern ex posure. WEAVER BROS., 1416 F at. n.w. no4-tf FOR RENT-TO COLORED TENANTS. SNL'G. comfortable premises In northeast; first-class condition; rents reasonable. BERNARD G. BROWN, 627 Colorado bldg. oc28-tf FOR RENT?VERY NICE BRICK DWELLING, fl30 10th n.e.; flr. and bathroom; porch In front and rear of bouse; fine cellar: $20; atable If wanted. G. F. SCHAFFER. 223 D n.w. oc23-tf.4 FOR RENT?LNFI RNISHED. HOUSES. 1807 Belmont rd., 10r.. 2b., b.w. heat.. .$83.00 1207 19th at. n.w., 9r. and b., fur. beat. 50.00 FLATS. The Chelaea. 5 rooms and bath. heat.... 30.30 The New Tork. 118 N. Y. ave. n.w., 8 rooma and bath, steam heat 35.50 OFFICES. 713 14th at. n.w., 3d floor, 3 rooma 25.00 STORES. 1305 F st. b.w.. first floor 123.00 912 Oth st. n.w.. new store 40.00 OASCH A BIRGE, 132? N. Y. ave. n.w. oc3-tf FOR RENT?1373 N. C. AVE. N.E.; ? ROOMS, tiled bath: splpndid furnace; newly papered and In excellent condition. Rent only $23.50 per month. JAMES F. SHEA. 643 La. ave. B.w. oc2S-Su.w.f-tf FOR RENT? 1217 Que st. n.w., 10 rooma and bath...$45 63 1639 13th at. n.w., 11 rooms and bath... 40.83 1636 :9th st. n.w.. 8 rooms and batk.... 37.30 1316 Wallach pi. n.w.. 8r and b 28.80 oc!7-tf WEAVER BROS.. 1410 F at. n.w. FOR RENT?UNFURNISHED. 1313 M $70 per mo12402 14th $40 per mo 1619 21st nw.$50 per mo 1 2404 14th.. .$40 per mo 812 18th $45 per mo I 810 18th $20 per mo A few desirable furnished houses. 8tore, 1407 R at. n.w $30 per mo OFFICES. Second floor. 815 14th st $38 per mo Third floor. 813 14th at $35 per mo OLYMPIA APARTMENT HOUSE Apartment. 7 rooms and bath $60 per mo Apartment, 5 rooms and bath..$40 and $45 per mo STONELEIGH COURT. A few very desirable apartments now vacant In Stonelelgh Court at from $50 to $1S3 per month. FITCH. FOX A BROWN, oelfl-tf 140fl Q at. n.w. FOR RENT ?RFNTERS. ATTENTION! Call Main 2345. We will find you Just what you want quickly ahd without charge; aavea time. Try It. SHANNON ft LUCHS. 704 13th at. n.w. fe!7-tf FOR RENT?1717 WILI.ARD ST.; 9 ROOMS and bath; steam heat; $38.50. JOHN B. PUSH. 723 15th st. n.w. au28-tf FOR RENT - 1310 CONN. AVE. N.W.: A STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS RESIDENCE; HOT WATER HEAT: 15 ROOMS, 3 BATHS; LAUN DRY AND MANY 1.ARGE. SPACIOUS <"LOS KTS. LINEN ROOMS. ETC.; ADJOINING BRITISH EMBASSY. IN THE MOST FASH IONABI.R SECTION OF WASHINGTON: UN SURPASSED FOR ENTERTAINING; $1,100 PER ANNUM. BOARDING HOUSE KEEP ERS PIXASE DO NOT APPLY. THE PIllIJ.IPS CO.. ae17-tf 33Q JOHN MARSHALL PIACE. | FOR RENT?-2820 13TII ST. N.W.: 10 ROOMS and bath: newly papered and painted; open for inspection: $50 jkt month. Room 1. Bliss bidr. 35 B n.w. *e27-tf FOR RENT? UNFU RN1SH ED. 1221 Mass. ave., 17 rooms. 2 baths $200.00 1214 18th at. n.w., 16 rooma, 2 baths.... 115.00 201 A s.e.. 10 rooms and bath 45.73 1318 Uth st. n.w.. 10r.. b.. latrobe heat 43.60 976 Ma?s. ave. n.w.. 9 rooms and bath.. 40.30 1221 6th st.. 10 rooms and bath *5.30 K.2H T. 7r and b.. latrobe heat 32.80 1524 T, 7r. and b.. latrol>e heat 32.SO 1520 T at. n.w.. 7 rooms and bath 82.80 1 SOS 3d at. n.e.. Sr.. b.. furnace heat... 80.50 308 S n.e.. Sr. and b., furnace heat 27.30 5S1 2d a.e.. 7 rooms and hath 23.30 f'22 1st n.w., 8 rooms and bath 22.50 432 Md. ave. a.w.. 3 rooms 18.80 1842 Kraemer st. n.e.. 6 rooms 8.60 APARTMENTS. The Arkwrlrht. 30? F n.w.. 4r. and b.. 87.50 The Park View. 425 4th n w.. 2r.. b 27.30 The Navarre. 213 E n w.. 5r. and b 2L30 228 12th i?l. n e.. 4 rooms and bath Jz.80 THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TR'*ST COM PANY REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. oc20-d eSu pQp RKNT 1R08 (J n.w.. 8 rooms and bath $35.00 3022 0 n w.. fiat. 8 rooms and bath 25 50 CHARLES LINKINS. 204 207 McGlll bldg mM??f THERAPEUTISTS. DR. CAMPBELL'S CLINIC. 1929 15TH ST.If.W. Our treatment combines and explolta with marvelous success three great lines of thera peutics: 1. The Koval Inst, bloodless surgery. 2. The famous Chicago therapy. >1. lmmanuel Church. Boston, technlgoc. They mean healing and health. Call for booklet. nftll-tf.7 PRACTICAL TAILORS. ] DYKING, CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIR Ing <>n ladles' and gentlemen's high-grade aar. ments: phone North 4124. EUEIX. A KENT, 1819 M n.w. Wurk called for and delivered. Mft-OOt.4 FOE SALE?HOUSES. FOR SALE? FRONTING ON PA. AYR. Near Washington Circle. Price reduced to $6,500. Formerly held at $8,000. A three-story brick dwelling, nine rooms and ] bath, with frontages on two street#. TWO STORY BRICK STABLE. Lot 24x8?. One of those good old houses that hare plenty of room?so much sought after by | many these days, when ground ia high. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. FOR SALE NEAR t;. S. CAPJTOL AND LIBRARY. Price, $3,300; renting for $27.50. A nearly new aix-room brick, modern through out; HOT-WATER HEATED; large Income to receive on property of this high class; a line low-priced home. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave FOR SALE NEAR STANTON PARK. A detached brick residence. Porch front. Price. $6,000. A magnificent lot, 51x10ft, Is worth the price asked, not to take Into consideration the im provements. which are comparatively new. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE-ARE YOU LOOKING TO BUY SMALL BRICK HOUSES? This la the kind of houses that are sought after by the majority of Investors. Here Is a chance to "pick up" three at a low price. Now rented low to excellent tenants, paying $32.50. These three live-room bricks can be bought for $3,800. One is rented as a store and will bring more. They are well located on a lettered street southeast. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE?A FIVE-ROOM FRAME AT GOOD Hope, D. C.: renting for $8 to good tenant; lot 40x100; $650 cash. nnl3-3t L. J. MILLS, 606 6th n.w. FOR SALE ? ON SMALL MONTHLY PAY ments to colored families, attractive new six room and bath brick houaes, D st. bet. 16th and 17th s.e. DAVIDSON * DAVIDSON. 1413 G st. n.w. nol3-6t FOR SALE?ONE HOUSE 31 FEET WIDE, 6 rooms and bath, cellur. furnace heat, bay win dow and porch; may l>e purchased with $300 in cash and on monthly payments of $25 per mouth; price, $3,750. THOS. J. FISHER ft CO.. Inc., 738 15th st. n.w. nol.t-.St FOR SALE-A 6-ROO.U AND BATH. MODERN, new 2-story and cellar brick home; a frontage of 22 feet on each of two streets, with bay window and porch. The price, $3,750. The location, adjoining s.e. cor. 14th and N. C. ave. n.e. The terms, $300 cash and $25 monthly. The terms, $5?M> cash and $20 monthly. THOS. J. FISHER ft CO.. Inc., nol3-3t 738 15th st. n.w. FOR SALE?YOUR CHANCE-A 6-ROOM house near 7th and G 8ta. n.w.; steadily rent ed: owner desiring cash will sell for $3,250; trust, $2,000, at 6%; $1,250 cash needed to wil..LIGE, GIBBS ft DANIEL, 603-05 13th. no!3-4t FOR SALE?NEAR THOMAS CIRCLE; FINE 3-story hay-window brick, with ten rooms. b:ith; first-class condition; unusual bargain at $6,250; $1,450 cash will buy (trust* $4,800). WILLIGE, GIBBS ft DANIEL, 603-06 13th. no!3-4t FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE HOUSES, LOTS. FAR5IS. 1.000 BARGAINS TO OFFER YOU. SEE ME FOR REAL ESTATE IN AND AROUND WASH. nol3-3t? ROLAND C. BOOTH. 704 8TH N.W. FOR SALE-GOOD 0 ROOM HOUSE. DE tai-hcd; 3206 P st. n.w.; lot 35 ft. front; largo side and rear yard. A bargain at $3,650. Rents $30. See ROLAND C. BOOTH, 704 8th n.w. U013-31? FOR SALE -NEAR NAVY YARD SOUTHEAST; new 6-rootn brick; tiled bath; all latest Im provements; large yard: hot-water heat. Only $2,800. Terms, $300 cash; snap. See ROLAND C. BOOTH. 704 8th n.w. no!3-3t* FOR SALE - ON 11TH ST. N.E. SEAR C ST.; 3-story brick; good order; renting tor $22.50. Only $3,000. This is bargain. Want an offer. See ROLAND C. BOOTH, 704 8th n.w. uol3-3t* FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-FINE HOME IN Columbia Heights; 10 mis., bath, cellar; front | I>orch; large yard side and rear. Only $7,000. Accept lot or small house hb part payment. Offers wanted. See ROLAND C. BOOTH. 704 8th a.w. nol3-3t* Fmi~S.\LE-$200 CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY^ buys 3812 7th. Pet worth; new, semi-detached $4,600 brick house: hot-water heat; porches; large yard. Address OWNER, 3555 11th; phone Col. 2338. nol3-3t* GET OUR BIG FOR RENT LIST. FOR SALE WEST OF 14TH ST.. Located in one of the best parts of the Heights, a new house; contains all modern Imnrove ments; 7 rooms and tiled bath. Terms. $500 cash snd $25 per month. Price reduced to j $4,500. It's the finest home on the Heights, for the money. BOSS ft PHELPS (Inc.). fllO 14th n.w. Opposite Franklin Park. Phones Main 340-41-495. no!2-2t GET OUR BIG FOR RE.\T LIST. I FOR SALE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN WASHINGTON. PRICE, $7,000. Contains 12 rooms and three (3) baths; hot water heat; four (4) large room* on first floor; finished In oak; room for stable; paved alloy: a first trnat of $7,<MK> was -n^e p'.accJ un this | house at 5"?r. Owtier must s? '1 at once. Irnme- i dlatn possession. H^re'i a chance to obtain an t ideal home at a sacrifice. 1 BOSS ft PHELPS (Inc.). 91ft 14th n.w. Opposite Franklin Park Phones M*In 340-41-433. ' noi2-2t GET OUR BIG FOR RENT LIST. FOR SALE NEAR UNION STATION. $4,150. A two-story brick hoiist. with fmr ro^ms on each floor: furnace heat: fine repair; attractive j front o| Roman brl k. with stone trimmings, i It Is almost impossible io find s home like this near the Union station. Owner anxious to s-ll. [ BOSS ft PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. Opposite Franklin Park. Phones Main 340-41-495. nol2-2t GET OUR BIO FOR RENT LIST. FOR SALE NEAR 9TH AND R. I. AVE. $4,500. Six large rooms and modern bath; bnilt for a | home. The bouse alone cost $5,600. Lot 20x90; ; stable; furnace heat: good repair. BOSS ft PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. Opposite Franklin Park. Phones Main 340-41-499. nol2-2t GET OUR BIG FOR RENT LIST. FOR SALE IDEAL COIiONTAL HOME. $8,250. Contains nine rooms and handsome tiled bath; hot-water heat: four large ro"ms on llrst floor; finished in oak: gas and electric light; the house Is semi-detached; a large covered porch across the entire front; the neighborhood Is one of the finest In Washington, being conk posed mostly of $25,000 and $35,000 nomes. Hundreds or people are looking for just auch a | home. Reasonable terms. BOSS ft PHELPS (Inc.), 910 14th n.w. Opposite Franklin Park. Phones Main 340-41-495. no!2-2t GET OUR BIG FOR RENT LIST. FOR SALE $5,500 HOUSE FOR $4,000. REASONABLE TERMS. Located In one of the most convenient sec tions of the NORTHWEST. As much as $3,800 has been loaned on this honse. Contains nine rooms and tiled bath: furnace heat; four rooms on first floor: flne large concreted cellar: room for Stable: paved alley; will rent for $32.50; bow occupied by the owner, who will leave tha city Sn a few days. Here's a chance to get a bargain. Adjoining bouse recently sold for $4,500. This h?use is In first-class condition. BOSS ft PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. Opposite Franklin Park. Phones Main 340-41-495. no!2 2t GET OUR BIG FOR RENT LIST. FOR SALE NEW HOUSE-CAPITOL HILL. $1,850. Contains eight rooms sod tiled bath: SIDE LIGHT: furnace beat: very wea built for own er's use. Owner will take $500 cash and $25 per month from reliable party. It's a two storv house. BOSS ft PHEIJ?S (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. Opposite Franklin Park. Phonea Main 840-41-49B. nol2-2t GET OUR BIG FOR RENT LIST. FOR SALE? 14TH ST. BUSINESS PROPERTY. A very valuable corner at a very low price. Near R. I. ave.. WERT SIDE of street. Price reduced to $6,500. Might tske less. BOSS ft PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. Opposite Franklin Park. Phones Main 340-41-495. no12-2t FOR SALE- HOW TO BE YOUR OWN LAND lord on $100 cash; $20 monthly. For full par ticulars, drop postal, telephone or call for Il lustrated plat of Connecticut Ave. Terrace. FULTON R. GORDON, Colorado bldg. Tel., main 520. nol2-7t FOR SALE-AS HOMES OR INVESTMENTS" .two 2-story. 6-room and bath bricks; excellent condition and nicely located; convenient to two lines of cars and always rented. Price, $2,650 each. FRANK T. RAWLISGS CO.. 1505 Pa. ave. n.w. n<>12-3t INVESTMENTS. OPPORTUNITIES SELDOM PRESENTED. A nice little 2-story 6-room brick; A 1 condi tion. Rented at $12.40. Price. $1,360. A new. 2-story 2-family apartment of A rooms and bath each (colored). Rented at $45 per month. In a very desirable n.w. section. Price. $5,000. FRANK T. RAWLINGS CO.. 1505 Ps. ave. n.w. nol2-3t FOR SALE?$4,500. Well located in the northwest; a well con structed pressed-brlck dwelling; 6 good-slsed rooms: bath with good quality of plumbing; porcelain tub. etc.: furnace heat; lot 18x90; alley; a well appearing house and a good chance for a home-seeker. MOORE ft HILL (Inc.), 1333 G st. n.w. nol2-2t FOR SALE?$1,800. Actually renting for $20 per month; a prin cipal -treet In the northwest; 5-room house (frame): lot 20x100; one tenant occupies house. MOORE ft HILL (Inc.). 1333 G st. n.w. nol2-2t FOR SALE?$4,250. ? $2W cash and monthly payments of $*5; would accept these terms from a desirable party: northwest section; 7 rooms snd bath; 2 stories and cellar: furnace beat; lot 17x120. Why pay rent when you have such aa oppor tunity to secure a home? MOORE ft HILL (Inc.). 1333 G at. n.w. nol2-2t FOR SALE-NEAR 12TH AND D STB. N.E.; six-room, bath, bay window brick; 2-story back porch; price, $2,250; net 8 per cent In vestment or modest home. MRS. E. Star offlc* ?nl2-3f I FOR SALE?HOUSES. FOR SALE?SNAP?BARGAIN _ OF THE RIGHT SORT. A $7,500 bouse?told for this price not long M??1>J reaao? of a certain deal can now be bought for -IS.+00? Full S-Ktory atone and brkk residence on ?o'th slde of prominent street in COLUMBIA.. HEIGHTS: 10 bl|t rooms and baths; cellar; lst-floor kitchen; hot-water heat. Property In splendid condition Lot 12S ft. deep to al ley. Parking of 30 feet. Any one wanting a genuine bargain In a flrst claaa hone, location and all perfect, here's your opportunity. BELT, O'BRIEV ft CO.. Ine., nol28t 1303 O n.w. FOR SALE?$9,750. NEW COLONIAL BRICK AND STONE RESIDENCE ON WASHINGTON HEIGHTS OVERLOOKING THE MILLION-DOLLAR CONNECTICUT AVE. BRIDGE; contains 10 rery large, well lighted rooms, two (21 fled hath* (servants' room and bath extra); HE XT ED BY HOT WATER: finished In liard woods; DINING ROOM PANELED WITH REAMED CEILING: open fireplaces: hammered brass (comblnet'on) electric and gas lighting fixtures; HARDWOOD FLOORS; front and rear porches; lot 24x90. to public alley. Trust of $5,500 has ahont 4T4 years to run; balance on easy terms. And Inspection of this property will convince tou of Its value. noll-3t L. W. GROOMES, 1410 G at. FOR SALE? Reduced to $5,150. Large 10-room bouse on 13th at. near Iowa Circle; 20 ft. wide; tented at 940.66, In good repair. oc27-tf.5 H. L. RUST. 60S 14th. FOR SALE?AT GREATLY ttEDL'CED PRICE, li5S Euclid pl?*? n.w.. S9.500; a reduction rrom $11,500. Thla le a genuine bargain and should hare Immediate consideration, located within short distance of Columbia road and 16th atreet cars; 10 rooms. 3 hatha; hot-water beat; southern exposure; kitchen on main floor J>?fKoe*8.iv..?r?s can be "rranged. WEAVER BKOS.. 1416 F at. n.w. oc24-tf FOR SALE? GET OCR BIO FOR SALE LIST CONTAINS 2.000 PROPERTIES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. , BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.), 610 14th n.w. OPPOSITE FRANKLIN PARK. Three plionea. Main 340 41-495. no2-tf FOR SAIJ3?ARTIST'S HOME. 1310 MASS. AVE n.w.; bouse, studio and stable; $20,000; easy terms; 11 rooms. ? toilet rooms, 3 baths. Ad d res* owner. ROBERT HLNCKLEY. premises. au5-tf FOR EXCHANGE. WILL EXCHANGE LOTS AT BERWYN FOR automobile: mu^t be in good repair. Address Box 145. Star office. nol3-3t* TO EXCHANGE?FINE HOME ON WASHING 1 on Heights; 12 rooms. 2 baths: splendid out look in front, papal legation Immediately in the rear; on* of the best row house** In the city; exchange for equity In small apartment bouae or business property. CRAIG & EVANS, ?J? FOR SALE?LOTS. FOR SALE?SAUL'S ADDITION-FINE LOT ON Decatur at. between 14th and 15th; 40x90 feet splendid bargain at $2,100 (part cash, balance trust). WILLIGE, GIBBS ft DANIEL. 603-05 13tb. nol2-3t FOR SALL?LOTS IN CHEVY CHASE. D. C ?re selling rapidly. The purchasers are build ing their homes In this *be mo?t beautiful residence section of the District. 20 houses hare been erected within the part year and plans are being prepared for 6 more to be con structed at once. This property adjoins Cbery Chase, Md.. fronting orer 1.000 feet on Connecticut are.; 0 streets running east and west; 865 feet ele ration and erery lot In the tract la arallable Tor mumfnr pun^oses. All cl-v iu:p- 'Tsmiinti are In. Including ?*wer, water, macidsm strata, granolithic sld?w*!lrs, eha>1? tree*, elevir'' li^Ma Special indrcf-menu are offered to those who wi?>i to bnlld. Write. Phnne or call frr plats and full partlc* tilar^: J>r rr* Terr easy. TnOS J. FlSHFIt ft CO., Inc.. 735 15th st. a.w. FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY. FOR \\ K HAVB SKXKIlAL \ ?* TRACT Ire tius 1r>?es and n!<n *r?rn<- p n.j ^nd Inexpens've ?mnll hc-scs; lnv?.?Tnent TYLER & RT'TIIE^^niryi 1 ?"?7-Tt* rm ivi ?t t, FOR RENT BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT?OPI'O^TTF VEvt* -r ttT pie the Inrco ?,??!!.<!:* 13 i3 H at. n.w.; 2S f?et ?ido 4 "tcrioa. a11?r. \. V r~\" rOM. | PANY, 14th nt \pn Vorlr nr... P^12-.1t for rent- rinTT*no? basement under | uir nS'o, t?t? northeast corner ntb rt Vow i >i-rtr ?ve W*l!l r->nvdi?l to a^lt. \ V mv COMPANY. Real Eatst?. no12-3t [ FOR RENT-GOOD PITHINESS I'LACE. WITH six large, bright rto:i:s: rxcllont stand for growrv or Irnebroont: nt 201 Va. eve. s.w n? nt onl.r X'.*** per irnrth. JAMES F. SHEA, 643 la. are. n w. f tf suburban property. FOR SALE. FOR SALE?FOI'It ACRES OR MORE; FOREST shade; on Falls Church electric ro-id. half hour"* ride from Aqueduct bridge. Call at 93s New York ave. n.w. nol.t-2f FOR SALE-FINE RESIDENCE: TEN ROOMS good stab.e; two acres of land, all newlv renred; modern Improrementa; near car lines' In Hrattavllle. Other home* fnr aa!t? at bar n*12 .?tr^e"' ARTHUR CARR. Hyattsrllle. FOR SALE?BIGGEST BARGAIN EVER OF fered hi a beautiful suburban home; 11 rooms oath: steam heat: one fare: close to $2,000 <an 5? now- Fhoto here. HENRY W- OFFUTT. 82d and N ats. noi2-3t FOR SALE?$25 MONTHLY, NO CASH ? VINE room house, porcelain bath and all modern Im provements; cellar: furnace: large porch: beau vi L irp**" an'1 ,awn inclosed: located one JlPm ^5rI^on Baltimore pike. Rlverdale. vi-?r:oI?ice' '3-700* Apply on premises. W. R. 11.SON. no! 1 -3t "? WTS ON ARLINGTON HEIGHTS; BEAUTI Perfect drainage; 2 car lln-'s; only 1ft mln. from P.O. Dept.: 10 mln. from Georgetown: sold on Rmall monthly payments aTx'JS". "fonnd Washington. B. M. no7 7t?' gton' Phone 29-T, Rosslyn ex. 8HADOW BROOK PARK. Bungalow sites. 100x200. for $100: buy now for spring and summer. Write or call for book. ?it-a^*'3 faum agency rS5 sth COW>REI? .PEOPLE. BUY A LOT AT SOUTH '\C.V ?n<1 h*T# 7our hon*e hnllt fl BBowf l2U*UTnt^p,!?l App,y BERNARD O. BROWN. 627 Colorado bldg. mh28-tf for rent. FOR RENT?HOI'SE NEAR CAR LINE. SIX furnace: ?04 Ix>ngfellow at.. wr*?Sfo?lU Cf>rfe5;t? condition. Inquire V. MTLLKR, 037 Longfellow st. n.w. no!3-3f? ONLT $15.50 PER MO. i.n" 00 ?"? t FOR RENT?083R BRIGHTWOOD AVE. TWO ?t?ry n*ame bonse: all modem ^niprovements* rent $15 per month. Applj E. W. MrlNTIRE 0 and J2 mornings, or phone M. 55S7 between same hours. nol2-?t HANDSOME 8 ROOM MODERN HOUSE BATH fnrnacej perfect condition, with barn 'and garl den. Wesley Heights, near American Unlv". !ily: car8 fLVOO for win ter. $20.00 after May 15. Address Bot llfL Star office. noll-3t* FOR RENTr-HOUSE. PINEHURST. NEAR Chevy Chase; 8 rooms and bath; $25.00. bat?-7$22 60 * 8t ' Urookl,,,<1' 8 rooms and McLACHLEN BANKING CORPORATION, no^~" 10th and O sts. FARMS. ~ FARMS TO SUIT AIJ, CLASSES; EVERY price, slic or location: grain, stock, tru. k. AOP'vr'v ?io7 vnd inli- national FARM AOENf Y. 14Q7 New tork are, n.w. nol2-3t FARM FOR 8ALE OR EXCHANGE .iT1? ?S nearly 250 acres, near Rock rllle, about 16 miles from Washington; good Pporenj*nt8 ?nd neighborhood. Worth $25,000. but any good offer will be considered one Tarm of 500 acres in best part of Mont gomery county near Washington: in flrst-ciass condition: good improvements; price. $40 noo Ope farm of 260 acres. 18 miles from Wash ington; good land, but poor Improvements; good timber. Price, $5,200. Make tis an offer of cash or exchange on either of these. CHARLES EARLY CO.. 615 14th at. n.w. no9-6t POTOMAC RIVER BOATS. WASHINGTON AND POTOMAC STEAMBOAT COMPANY. 8TH STREET WHARF. 8teamer HARRY RANDALL ? Monday and Wednesday at 4 pro., for lower Potomac land ings. Dills to Lower Machodoc creek. Saturday at T a.m. for landings between Glymont and Nomlnl. Steamer WAKEFIELD?Snndav. Tnesday and Thursday. 7 a.m.. for upper river landings to Colonial Beach and Mattox creek. Steamer E8TELLE RANDAI.L?Dallr at 7-30 a.m. for Glymont and Intermediate points. Sun day. Tuesday and Thursday to Grinders la addi tion. Return trip same day. Schedules subject to tide and weather, and to change without notice, W. p. CARNE. Jr.. Gen'l Passenger Aft. BHI HORSES AND VEHICLES. FOH SALE?PIANO-BOX Bl'GOY AND SIN-1 gle set of barnpr*. 923. Can be M*n at 2715 13th at. n.e. S. T. GRAHAM. no!3-3t* BAY MARE. SIX YEARS OLD. GENTLE. AND| runabout, practically new. Call Linen. 2264. no!3-3t* BLACKSMITHS AND WAGON BUILDERS?AS I I have cloned out my wagon business 1 have on band a large assortment of odds and enda which I will sell ar.y price yon wish to offer. Springs, brake*, axlow. chains, bolte. nuts. etc. Call at once and select what you want. D. W. MAGRATH. 208 loth n.w. no!2-7t HORSE?1.100 LBS.; SOUND; GOOD DRIVER; suitable for delivery wagon; work anywhere; sacrifice. 2041 7th n.w. noll-3t* FOR SALE OR HIRE?YOUNG DRAFT HORSE. 603 H at. n.w. not 1-31* FOR SALE?TEAM YOUNG HORSES. ? YEARS old: wagon, harness and buggy. Inquire at 1841 K st. n.w. noll-3t* FOR SALE - ONE LARGE BAY DRAUGHT horse st 327 Pa. are. n w. nol 1 -3t RUBBER TIRES: SOI.ID CUSHION AND rvEt^ matlc; Hartford; best prices; greatly rrdnced; quick service. JONES-KESSI.BR RUBBER TIRE CO.. 605 E at. n.w. PERSONS WISHING TO BUY OR SELL, hire or exchange horses, carriages and harness will find It to their advantage to call rtj or address WM. F. DOWNEY'S REPOSITORY AND STABLES. 1622-1628 L n.w. Je23-tf COGSWELL'S IS THE CHEAPEST AND MOST reliable place to bny new and second hand traps, anrn-ys. runabouts, day tons and delivery wagons; $15 up; harness, $4 up. 200 11th n.w. myl-tf FOR SALE? Several good light wagon*, second hand. $20 to $80 each. 8. D WATERS k RON, ocSI-tf.H 310 Pa. ave. n.w. HORSES & VEHICLES FOR HIKE. FOR HIRE- HANDROSTBST TEAM TN THE city, by the mootb; brougham. horse and coachman; terms reasonable. E. J. OREN, 1620 M st. noT-lOt automobiles! " FOR SALE- -.TACKSON 1905 TOURING CAR: has been little used; In fine condition. THOS. M. OWENS, National Metropolitan Bank bldg. no13-7t ONE-CYLINDER GASOLINE RUNABOUT. Ex cellent running order; quick cash sale. $175; owner wants larger car. Address Bot 149, Star office. nol3-3t* FOR SAI.E?FORD RUNABOUT: TOP. LAMPS, etc.; practically new; $500. Call between 6 and 7 evenings or 10 and 11 Sunday, 814 D st. n.e. no!2-8t? FOR SALE- -ONE BAKER ELECTRIC SURUR ban. In first-class ?condition. Owner leaving the city. Inquire 1530 22d ft., or the Cook & Stodiiard Company. 22d and P st*. noil 3t ALL TIRES GREATLY REDUCED: CASES. 28x3. $13.35; 30x31^. $21.09; 32x3^ $22.38: 34x4. $32.78: Hartford. Diamond and Goodrich: other sires and tubes at proportionate reductilns; sime choice seconds at 20<^. off the above prices. Liberal allowance for old tires. JONES-KKSS l.ER RUBBER TIRE CO.. 605 E st. n.w. f >c30.f. r? . Sn-12t ATTTOMOBILES FOR HIRE. LARGE JArKSON TOURING CARS FOR HIRE?PHONE M. 6444? FOR HIRE. $3.00 PER HOUR. $3.00. 1310 New York hvo. (Halls of the Ancients). JACKSON AUTOMOBILE CO. jefl-tf TWO-CYLINDER TOT'RINO CARS, $3 PER HOUR. TAXICABS REGULAR RATE. AUTO LIVERY CO.. or28-tf.lS 234 14TH ST. MOTORCYCLE? FOR SALE?AN INDIAN MOTORCYCLE. SIX weeks old. $140. Apply CHAS. E. MILLER, 1305 14tb st. n.w. nol3-3t* SOLE AGENT FOR THE T1IOR & CURTISS motorcvcle; first-class machine# for road and general purposes. GEO. W. BEALL. 2120 14th n,w. Phone N. 3192. an31-90t-4 AUTO COLLETS! AITOMOBILE COLLEGE-TERMS MODERATE; easy payments; positions secured; write or call; open evenings. 1323 14th st. n.w. Baltimore office. 2 West Preston st. no8-tf MONEY WANTED am) TO LOAN? WOULD LIKE TO BORROW $1.50O FOR ONE year; security ample. Box 155, Star office. nol3-3t*,4 WANTED ? THREE LOANS OF $2,500. 57o 8 years, separately or together, secured by first trust on ftrst-clasa Improved eity real es tate, worth $13,500. Address Box 160, Star office. no!3-3t* WE HAVE A SPECIAL FUND OF $5,000 which we will place for 13 months and aak In terest for only 12 months. THE HARRISON REALTY CO.. no7-tf 907 G st. n.w. MONEY TO LEND AT CURRENT RATES OF ?Interest. $500. $1,000, $2,000. $2,500, $3,000 and other sums. HERBERT A. GILL & SON, 612 14th at. n.w. no4-30t.4 NOW THAT THE ELECTION IS OVER LET us arrange your real estate loans. 5, 6V4 and 6It money on first trusts only. Reasonable charges to borrowers. THE HARRISON REALTY CO.. no4-tf 907 O st. n.w. YOU KNOW JUST HOW MUCH YOU OWE when you borrow on real estate for 8 or 0 years at 5, 6V4 or 6%. We represent large and small funds. Every consideration shown bor ro%ver. THE HARRISON REALTY COMPANY, 907 G st. n.w. Phone Main 3862. oc8-tf,6 LOANS NEGOTIATED ON APPROVED COL lateral, such a.? Stocks, Bonds. Bldg. and Loan Ab.k'ii Shares, Old-lino Life Insurance Policies, Syndicate Certificates, etc. No delay. O. A. BAKER, Rooms 50-52, 1110 F. Phone M. 517. mhlO-tf MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED REAL ES tnte; lowest Interest; reasonable charges; prompt attention. GEO. W. LIN KIN'S, de7-tf 800 19th st. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED CITY REAL pstate it lowest current rates of Interest. Spe cla' privileges with respect to prior payments. Large amounts a specialty. TYLER A RUTH ERFORD. 730 15th st. n.w. fed-tf.S MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OF IN terest on D. C. real estate. No unreasonable delay. WALTER H. ACKER. 1420 F et. n.w. MONEY TO I-OAN ON D. C. REAL ESTATE Lowest rates of Interest. Payment on principal In amounts of $100 or more received at anv In terest period. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY Bond bldg.. 1408 New York ave. n-W. no2-tf IF YOU WANT TO BORROW OR LOAN. BUY or sell on real estate. I can save you time and cash, as I give personal attention to all deals. defl tf.4 J. BARFS' OADSBY. 526 18th st. n.w. SECOND TRUST LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. Any amount. Lowest rateg. NATIONAL I/IAN AND INV. CO., THOMPSON BLDG., 703 15TH ST. N.W. Opposite Treasury. Next Drug Store. no25-tf.6 MONEY TO LOAN IN 8DMS TO SUIT AT CUR rent rate* of Interest on real estate In tb? District of Columbia. FITCH, FOX * BROWN, nol-tf 1405 G st. n.w A SPECIAL FUYD TO LOAN ON IMPROVED property: prefer loans of $4 000 to $6,000 each; Si Interest and commission. Other mosey In smaller sums at HW* and Wo. oc30-tf MOORE ft HILL (Inc.). 1333 G at. LEGAL NOTICES. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia, Holding Probate Court.?No. 155<'7. Administration.?This Is to give notice that the subscribers of the District of Columbia have ob tained from the Probate Conrt of the District of Colombia letters testamentary on the estate of James Daly, late of the District of Colum bia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with thp vouchers thereof. legally au thenticated. to the subscribers on or before the 12th day of November. A. D. 1909; otherwise they mav by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under our hands this 12th day of November. 1908. MARY J. DALY. 2112 H st. n.w.; EDWARD V. MURPHY. 2511 Pu. ave. n.w. (Seal.) Attest: JAMES TANNER. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. CHAS. J MUR PHY. Attorney. no!3-1aw.3t SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia, Holding Probate Court.?Estate of Helen Young Sheppard, Deceased.?No. 1S149. Administration Docket 38.?Application having been made herein for probate of the last will and testament and codicil thereto of aald de ceased, and for letters testamentary on atld estate, hy Randolph Play Murphey and Florence Sarah Hoyt. It is ordered this 2?tb day of Oc tober. A.D. 1V08. that William Patrick. Chester Patrick and John Young Patrick, and the un known heirs at law and next 6f kin of Helen Young Shepperd. and all others concerned, ap pear In Fa Id court on Mond'v. the 30th day of November. A.D. 1908. at 10 o'clock a.m.. to show cause why snob application should not be granted. Let notice hereof be published In tbe Washington Law Reporter and Tbe Evening Star once in each of three successive weeks before the return day herein mentioned, the first publi cation to be not less than thirty days before said return day. WRIGHT, Justice. (Seal.) Attest: JAMES TANNER, Register of Will* for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. GORDON & GORDON, Attorneys. oc30-1aw-3t STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Separate locked rooms. $2.00 per month up. Estimates furnished. MERCHANTS' TRANSFER A STORAGE CO.. ocSl-tf.5 920-922 E st. n.w. PitIVATE COMPARTMENTS. Moderate charges. Estimates furnished. MOVING. PACKING AND SHIPPING. IITTLEFIELD. ALVORD & CO.. ??3-ff Colorado building. BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES. THE BRUNSWICK BALKF. OOLLENDER CO. OF NEW YORK. Leading Manufacturer* of BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES. BOWLING AIjLEYS. BAR FIXTURES. REFRIGERATORS. 712 13TH ST. N.W.. WASHINGTON, D. C. ocl8-80t,8 PROPOSALS. OFFICII OF THE COMMISSIONERS. D. C-. Washington. November A. IHOfl.? Seated proposals will be received at this offlce until 12 ?clock noon November 21. ltOH. for an auxiliary water system and Are protection for the Home tor the Aged and Infirm, subdivisions of Bellevue and Bine Plains. District of Columbia. Blank forms of proposals, specifications and all neeeasary In formation may be obtained at the office of the Chief Clerk of the Englieer Department, room 427. District building. HENRY B. F. MACFAR LAND. HENRY L. WEST. JAY J. MORROW. Com mis*toner*. D. C. noil Ot PROPOSALS FOR MARBLE WORK.-OF flee of Building for National Museum. L'brary of Congress Washington. D. C.. November 4. 1908.- Sealed proposals for fnrn1?btng. del'ver injt and installing in place complete the whlt< uuarble wainscoting, partitions and tiling of halls and lavatories, and the Tennessee mar*>lp tiling, stairs, strings and bases, etc . required In the new building tor the National Museum. In this city, will be received until 2 o'clock f?.m. on Saturday. November 21. 190S, and pnb Icly opened immediately thereafter. Specifica tion! and other Information furnished on appli cation to this offl-e. RFRNARD R. GREEN. Superintendent of Construction. ftt LOAN COMPANIES. Side entrance on Uth at. Private offices. You'll Get the Money When You Want It ?when you apply to Horning for a losn on Diamonds. Watches or Jewelrv. No delay?no publicity. Interest at the low rate ?f 3 Money Loaned Salaried People. HORNING,9th <& B, Sr1 nol3-18d FIGURE Mr YOU PAY NOW. THEN COME TO US. We Can Save You Just Half. The following Include all our charges for loans on furniture, pianos, etc.: f 15 only . 87c per month. $20 only 11.10 per month. {25 only #1.23 per month. $50 only $1.<VI per month. $60 only $1.!>!? per month. ?75 only $2.49 per month. $100 only $2.<W per month. Other amounts in proportion from $10 to $500. Quick service. No publicity. No recording. Discounts If paid In advance. loans with other companies paid up and more money advanced. PRIVATE OFFICES FOR ALL. NATIONAL L0AH & til?. @0. Thompson bldg. 703 15th st. n.w. Opp. Treasury. Neit to Drug Store. oc30-30d ?a,. . . . (5> IF YOU DECIDE To get a PRIVATE loan on furniture, piano, etc., without removal, and want to get It where NO QUESTIONS WILL BE ASKED, where the matter will receive prompt and courteous attention, fill out this blank, mail it to us and onr AOENT WILL CALL AT ONCE and explain our rates, which are the lowest offered in the city. Loan* paid off ?nd mora money ad vanced. Tel. Main 4373. Name Address Amount wanted. 9 DISTRICT LOAN CO., 639 F ST. N.W.. COR. 7TH AND F. -ON? Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Horses, Wagons, Salaries, Most Anything. At lower rstes of Interest than any loan com pany In the city, and without any red tape. We are an old-established company, with un limited capital, and strictly private, up-to-date office*. Potomac Guarantee Loan Co., 925 F STREET N.W. 2d Floor. filngfcr Bnlldlag. de24-tf.20 MONEY LOANED SALARTKP PEOPLE 4 OTH ers upon their own notes, without seenritv; easiest terms: confidential. Knowing ones who have dealt elsewhere especially invited. My proposition will please. H. EI.WOOD.rm. 416. Jenifer bldg.. 7&D. 1eg2-tf.5 Stop! Look? Listen! Borrow $50. pay back $10 per mo. for 8 mo. Borrow $50. pay back $5.90 per mo. for 12 mo. For row $00. pay back $7.14 per mo. for 12 mo. These payments Include principal, "Merest and all charges except 50c notary fee. No surprises. Nothing deducted. Liberal discounts if settled In advance. On all lonns made during Octpber to new customers for twelve-month periods we wfl. allow until December 19 to make the Brat pay r- <-n? THE! UMM 1 6 400 Commercial Banl: Building. N. W. Cor. 14th and G Sta., 4tb Floor. oc16-deSu.20 Money Loaned Salaried People and others, without security; easy payments: offices In G3 principal cities: save yourself money by getting my terms first. D. H. TOL MAN. Room 506. 533 15th st. n.w. nol8-tf,Q FALL RESORTS! ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. THE WEEK END AT ATLANTIC CITY Is very popular during November. Every pas time and pleasure gives unceasing enjoyment. Ideal weather. THE LEADING HOUSES Will furnish all information, quote rate, etc. Haddon Hnll Chalfoate Galen Hall Hotel Traynore The Penhnrat Hotel St. Charles Hotel Dennis Seaside House Marboroufth-BIemhelju THANKSGIVING DAY Can be spent to the best advantage at Atlantic City. Time tables and all travel Infor matlon from local ticket agents. Only 4 hours from Washington via the Penn. R. R. or B. and O. B. R. GALEN HALL, HOTEL AND SANATORIUM, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. with its elegant comfort. Its superior table and service and curative and tonic baths, with trained attendants, is an ideal pl?ce for a long or a abort fctay. F. L. YOUNG, Gen. Manager. Information at Mr. FOSTER'S. 1J33 Pa. ave. ocl9-30t.!2 The St. Charles. gSTS J2?; front. Diatinctlve for its elegance and high-clasa patronage. Sea water in all baths. Ilius. booklet. oc30 30t,5 NEWLIN HAINES. HOTEL DENNIS Is beautifully situated, directly facing the ocean, and is open the entire year. Hot and cold sea water in private baths no2-m.t.tb.f-18t,6 WALTER J. BUZBY Un?p| Prirnpll 0P?n a11 Maryland notei Cornell. ave. aild B?.aCh. cordial. homelike; table and service excellent; capacity, 200. Special fall terms. Booklet. Ownership mgut. ocP-SOt.eSu.4 BERKSHIRE INN. glnla ave. Capacity, 800. $0 to $15 weekly. oc21 tf.4 J. O. & J. E. DICKINSON. Seaside House, DIRECTLY ON THE OCEAN FRONT. Sea water baths. Open all the year. oc1S-aot-6 F. P. COOK'S SONS. mm traymore Fall?Winter?Spring?Summer. ocl-92t.6 ASBURY PARK, IV. J. ASBl'RY PARK - BOOKLET AND HOTEL rates sent on request to INFORMATION BUREAU. Mattlson are., JelB tf.eSu.4 Aabury Park. N. J. PENNSYLVANIA. Blue Ridge Summit, Pa. Beautiful mountain scenery. Chapman Manor open all the year; modern improvements; high est point on W. Md. R. R. M. L. C. McCOMAS. oc20 80t.5 VIRGINIA. LEKSBL'RO, VA. ? LEESBURO INN NOW ready for winter boarders; good table; pure water; ateam 1 ."it: mild winter climate. Ap ply for term*. EICHAB A BABBY, Prop*. oc30-80t*4 OCEAN TRAVEL. 8 DAYS TO ITALY rL?> S. S. Deutsctiland SAILING PR8. ?. 1 HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE 41-48 Broailwar, X. Y. E. F. Droop k 8om Co., 92S Penna. ave. m?l3 -i&m lui.i'i NORTH GERMAN LLOYD Fast Express Service. plymouth?CHERBOURG?Bli: iEN-10 A.M. K?l*t rWm d.Qr Not. 17 kaiser \Vm II.. IVeo. * Cecille Nov. 24 Kainer Wmd.Cr Jim. i Twin-Screw Passenger Service. BREMEN DIRECT, 10 A.M. K. Altwrt N'->v. IS tor. Kurfucrst.. Dec. J Frledrlch <1. Gr..No?. 26 Miln l>cc. 1<) tOalls st Plymouth and Cherbourg. Mediterranean Service. GIBRALTAR?NAPLES -GENOA. AT 11 A.M. P.arbarossa Not. ill Bar!>amg?a Jan. ? P. Ir??ne Dec. 9 K Lslap Jug. 10 North German Llovd Travelers' Checks. OEI.RICHS A CO.. Nu. 5 BROADWAY, N. T. Washington office, imt f bt. n.w. K F. DROOP & SONS CO.. 925 PENNA. AV*. fel-312t.eSu 13 '9 viiAii%aux nii?t ITALY LONDON-PARIS - U AMBl'RG. Amerlka Nov. 20 i K.iKerln I>eo. ?Bittavla Not. 28' 'Patricia I>e?-. ?To Hamburg direct. GIBRALTAR?NAPLES-GENOA. Lincoln Not. 24 Woltke.. .Dec. S. Vpi\ 27 |? ? '? ?-? " Hamburg. .Jan. 5. IVb. 1* DEUTSCHLAND TO ITALY FEB 6 i Wsnter CruSses \?0 SdTim I TOURS DEPTS. FOR TRIPS EVFRYWUEKH. COMPANY'S OFFICE. 4B BROADWAY, N. Y, B. V. DROOP A SONS. 92S PA A1*. i~ CUNARD~0NES~ From Pics 51-52-84. North River. queknstown--LIVERPOOL. LONDON'?PARIS. Lu*itanli..Nov.23, lOiim | Lusitanis ..Dec.16. lOarrt rarapania?Deo.2.lOitni Campania...Deo.23. lOam uo?nla..Dec. 9, lO atn ! Lueania.Dco. 30. 10 am ! Af^nrotoni-i 1 Largest. Flueft and Fast**t * ! Stcatnabip* afloat In the T licitonio i world, sail j Lusuama j Wednesdays. Hungarian-American Service TO FIT'ME VIA GIBRALTAR. NAPLES. TRIESTE ' Caronla....Nov. 2K, ronn | Pannonln F?'b. 25 Carpathia (Dec.5. noon. Gib. A Naples only! Apr.I Vernon H. Brown. Gen'l A?ent. 21-24 State St., N. Y.. Op|Hj6lte the Battery. Or 12C State at.. Boston, Muss. G. W. MOSS. Aif?-nt, 1411 G at. u.w., Washington. fel4-w.f.m.312t AMERICAN LHNE plymouth - CHF.RBOCRO - southampton, PHILADELPHIA?QUEENSTOWN?LIVERPOOL Atlantic Transport Line NEW YORK-LONDON DIRECT. RED STAR LINE NEW YORK-ANTWERP-PARIS WHITE STAR L!NE NEW YORK?QUEEN* TOWN-UVERPOOL. plymouth?CHEHBGCRO?SOUTHAMPTON. BOSTON-QUEENSTOWN?LIVERPOOL. SSJtoSto* ITALY & EGYPT VIA AZORES. MADEIRA AND GIBRALTAR. Canonic No%. 21, Jan. 2. Feb. 13. Mar. 27 Republic Not. 28. Jan. 22, Mar. tt Romanic Dec. 5. Jan. 30. Mar. 16. Apr. 24 Cretlc Dee. 10. Jan. 16, Feb. 27. Apr. .1 Cg>Ar\r I 21.038 tow. ) January ? V,cunt_ j Largest in the trade. $ Ftbruary 2? WASHINGTON OFFICE. 1306 F ST. N.W. R. M. HICKS, Pitmier Agent. mh21-312t.eSu 0 Jamaica West Indies Panama South and Central America EXCELLENT Weekly by Now 0.000-ton Prinz Steamers Of the Atlas Servioc. 21 and 25 days $125 and $140 and up Also Tour* Inc. all expends, 13 to 25 day*. $105 to 8230. HOTEL accommodations IM JAMAICA. Hamburg-American Line n.-A. BLDC... 41-45 B'WAY. N. Y E. F. DROOP A SONS CO., 925 TA. AVF. nnll-w.f.lm.25 Azores, Madeira, Gibraltar ITALYS and Egypt ? Travel ars an thaaa tO.OM tea I ?hips will enjoy cruiaaa that for Comlort tad Luory art uaaurpasssd ?"Caroaia," Nov. 28 CaiUag at Amtm. Madeira, Gibraltar, Geaoa,. Naplaa aa4 Flua* k*"CaroaIa," Jan. 7, Feb. 18' T'Carnaala," Jaa. 21, Mar. 4 CalNif at Asbtm, Madeira, Gibraltar. Genoa, Naplet, AlixMdHa ana Fluae. (Fium. ?m!? te4 Feb. iS a?4 Mar. 4.) "New Twin Screw ILMpal TijpUjcww TarWaa alaat Frr am wmmtdmtitu mnd pmrticulmr ? apply t? TIE CONAIB STEAMSUr CO , LML New Yark. lutaa, Cklcago. HtescapoUt. Philadeiykta, SI. Uak, Saa PrraclMO. Tirwtt m4 HMrtrcfli. or Local A (rat* no2-m.w.f-Gm.42 FRENCH ONE. COMPAGNIE GENERALE TR '.SSATLANTIQL'H Direct Line to Harre?ParU (France). Sailing every Thursday at 10 a.m. from Pier No. 42. North River, foot Mortou'it.. N. Y. ?La Snvole No* 19 ?. *I.a Tonr?:ne.. !>??. 1<? 'La ProTorce. ...Nov 26 La Br ? I)?c. 17 ?La Lo?iato?.. ..Dei'. J *La ":j< inc..Dec. ml ?Twln-acrew steamers. GENERAL AGF.Ni'Y. 19 Stat# at.. N. *. GEORGE W. MOSS. 1411 G ST. N.W. fe29-3<ft* II Going to Europe Have your mall addreaaed care the London offi -a of The Washington Star. No. 8 Regent Street. London. England. If desired, mail will be for warded to all part* of Europe and the conti nent. Toqrlata are requested to register at out office upon reaching London. Washington Star London Office, No. 8 Regent at. de20-tf MEDICAL. . DR. FHSK ELGBN, Expert In treatment of private diseases, chronic and acnte. Both sexes. Consultations confiden tial Medicine furnished. Prices moderate. Howl ? to 1, 8 to 8. 1233 Pa. ave.; phone M. 1819. ocl-?0f6 Dr. Reed, Specaalist, 804 B7t!h St. 27 YEARS' PRACTICE^ Diseases of the Brsln snd NerTous System, Skin. Blood, Heart, Stomach. LiTer. Kidneys, Bladder, NoBe, Throat and Lungs. Stricture, Varicocele and Hydrocele cured. No pain. No losa of time. Blood Diseases snd Disorders of the Urinary organs promptly relieved and permanently cured by aafe methods. Charges low. Free <onsulta? tion In person or by letter. Hoars: 10 to 1 and 3 to 6: Sundays. 10 to 1. ae21-tf.2Q DR. W. T. BALDL'S, German specialUt on dis? esses of the brain, nervous system, besrt. stom. acb snd kidneys. Doctor's service and medi cine. $2. Consultation free. S.E. cor. 6tb and F sts. n.w. Hours: 10 to 1. 4 to 9. se4-tf,8 Dr. Shade. SPECIALIST. 72S 13TH ST. 87 YEARS' PRACTICE CURING NERVOUS AND CHRONIC DISEASES; also stomscb, lunia, catarrh, liver, heart, asthma, kidneys, bladder, stricture, discharges, general and special weak ness and disability. Mood and skin diseases. Special and private ailments cured quickly. Con sults tion free. Private waiting room for ladies. Hoars. 9 to 4. Tuesday and Saturday nights, 7 to 8. Sundays, 10 to 12. Chandler building. Elevator and phone. sel-90t*lS SHOE REPAIRING. EXPERT CUSTOM-MADE SHOES, REPAIR, lug; cosobmaii, riding boots, boot cuffs, crlppls shoes specialty; work called for A delivered; drop postal. Main 5Sfl(J Y. T. GUIFFRE. 1004 E. ocR.90t.4 PALMISTRY. MME. RITA. THE WORLD'S ORF.ATEST PALM 1st and astrologer, now holding receptions at 1021 9th at. n.w. Fse, 00c.