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THE EVENING STAR WITH SUNDAY M0RNIN9 EDITION. Office, Uth It. and Pannaylrani* A The Evening Star Newipeper Oomp&nj, European Offlca: 3 Bejont St, London. England. New York Offlce: Tribune Building. Chicago Office: First National Bank Building. The Ereninc Star, with the Sunday morning edition Is delivered by c?rrifr?. on their own ac count within tlie city at 50 cent* p?r month; without The Sunday Star at 44 cents per month. Br mall, postage prepnld: THiilr. Sunday lnclnde<l, one month. *50 rents. T??lly. Sunday excepted, one month, 60 centa. Saturday Star, one year. $1.00. Sunday Star, one year, $1.50. Pages 11=8 ?f) e Mining Part 3 WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1908. Character of a Store. People identify the character of a store v:th the character of the paper in which they see the store's advertisement It II 1 m I 111 11 H * INVESTMENT | J PROPERTIES % + + J Splendid Income Pro- + J ducers. Prices so low j + they should be resold + $ at a profit. + w * ? + $A SELF-PAVING PROPKRTT. * Located on an avenue n.e. T + + + 25Vr NET. *? % On an Investment of $~r>0. X 2, The rents In four yearn" time should ^ ?$? repay the purchaser the amount of bis ^ J, Investment. J. i Total yearly rent ? ? .?M3.-TJ . Interest on $2.2.">0 at j7e--f l}2^ ? * Taxes 27 2:5 ? ^ Insurance, water, etc.... 10.SO JT j Total yearly expenses,... 150.23 ?j? ?H Total vearlv incomo. net $102.97 4* Or more than 25% XF.T on the amount + + Invested. Thin is a well locatwl brick . ?t* property, always rented to a desirable . ^ class of white tenants. l! A STORK AND DWELLING j T In the central northwest. T X Near 0th st. rar line. ? X I'rice reduced to $4,200- t + Rents $32.50. if + Good sized storeroom and dwelling m. ?{. ? seven roomt* and bath; cellar. J> 4* Lot 18x100 to alley. ^ + ~ + ? $7.75??Renting for $75 a + + month. Always occupied; J f on a lettered street n.e. + + $7.500?Renting for $96 a + 1 month. Lot 48x115; on 6th + st. n.w. near R; good loca- + tion. $7.250?Leased for $50 a + month. Beautiful residence + 011 Washington Heights; 10 * rooms; hot-water heat; a de- + cided bargain. + $9,750?Renting for $95. + 3-story building; near 16th + and K; steam heat. j* $6,000?Renting for $57. + Two small brick buildings, + nearlv new, on an avenue ?? n.e. NEAT. ATTRACTIVE. % $4.650?Renting for $41.40. + 3 small brick houses near + printing office. + $3,500?Renting for $30. J 2 houses on a numbered st. + near Washington Circle. * $5,000?Renting for $46. | Nearly new; on New Jersey + ave. n.w.; has not been va- 4. cant 3 weeks in six years. T $15,000?Renting for $i,- + 600 a year. Substantial 3- * storv building; HOT WATER HEAT; south of * M st. f $3,000 each?Renting for J $28. 8 rooms; nearly new; on a prominent avenue. ? $2,750 each?Renting for J $22.50; new houses, on a + numbered st. n.e.; very at- + tractive. ^ 4. $7,650?Leased $55. New + house, on Columbia Heights between 13th and 14th. $4,500?Renting for $32.50. New houses in Mount Pleas t- ant near 16th st.; beauties; J Shot-water heat; t X 20x135- I 4* 9 ^ | Stone & Fairfax, t 1342 N. Y. Avenue. J WWttH-111 H IM FOR EXCHANGE. An opportunity to get a 10 per cent investment. Why not convert your dwelling house or vacant property into something that will pay you 10% or 12% net. We represent a | number of apartment houses that can be traded. The owners will trade the equity in them subject to a rea sonable mortgage and take clear dwellings and lots as payment. There are many . persons owning dwelling * houses valued at from $6,- ? 000 to $20,000 who do not receive over 4% or 5% from the rentals. These houses may be very desirable as homes for the owners, but when it comes to renting them they do not pay at all. W7e will give you an oppor tunity to convert such hold ings into equities that will pay you 10% and 12%. Investigate. . STONE & FAIRFAX, ^ 1342 N?w York Ave. X * % n* I* TWO (2)LEFT. * They Are Beauties. ^ Only $4,750. " 413-415 G St. N.E. New?Attractive. ^ Hot-water Heat. % Beautifully Finished. it I; Stone & Fairfax, | 1; 1342 N.Y. Avenue. | 1 FOR SALE:? J.U ? if Business Properties J Bargain Prices ? gth st. between Pa. ave. it 3 and F. 3 stories; cellar. J; ^ Rents $115 a month. Price, ? ?? $20,000. Will place a loan of |i 3 $13,000 for long perio.d at ]t 4 5%- I $13,000?Renting for $85 a t ??> month; store property 011 a |l numbered street west of 7th N.W.; 3-story building. $5,000?24-ft. front; brick; near 12th and Pa. ave.; store, j; $18,000?Leased for $135 ^ a month; nearly new store 4> and apartments on 14th st.; ? lot 20x140. $30,000?R e n t i n g for $2,100 a year; nth st. near G; modern store and dwell ing. Hot-water heat; stable. ^ $10,500?14th st., west t side, near "Q"; 3 stories; ? lot, 20x140. ? $6.750?7th st. store; rents f. I $6g; good investment. ? i $18,500 ? Rents $130 a 3; t month; 30x105; stores; south '' 5 of New York ave., west of 9th st. Stone & Fairfax, 1342 N. Y. Ave. ??> 4' 4 4 ->> If You Want the Best iBetter Decide on One Two (2) Left Six Sold ' ?*' And the purchasers were ??' people who had looked over ? the field of houses for sale *' thoroughly and decided that ?)? they were the best built, best located, most thoroughly de- $! sirable propositions on the ? market. -fr HOUSES OFFERED AT | | ACTUAL COST. | 4- The owner, who is also <jt ^; the builder, is especially E anxious to dispose of this ? ->? property without profit in $? ? order to get his money out 4 of his ground. ^ PRICE, $7,750. Very handsome fronts of ->? Roman brick; 30 ft. of front t*, lawn; 10 rooms; many roomy 3' closets; four rooms deep; hot-water heat; finished in hardwood; beautiful decora tions. 1 LOCATED AT 14TH AND f COLUMBIA ROAD. V Nos. 1360 and 1362. And better located than f any other new houses on the Heights. ?*> 4> Stone & Fairfax. ? FOR EXCHANGE. ? t X X Clear Property and Cash .*? Equities in Desirable Prop- ?? erties Worth from $1,000 to ?{? $5,000 and Cash. X ARE YOU IN NEED ? OF CASH? Perhaps you *j* have property with mort- | gages coming due that can- .t* not be extended. It may be ??* that you are in need of ?*. money and cannot wait un til a buyer comes along for ? your property. i* We have parties with de- % sirable properties who will ?{:? trade them and give a large y cash sum difference. They | will assume your mortgages. Y They are persons of means, ^ and can pay them off. DO St NOT PUT IT OFF TOO % LONG. If your property is ? put up at auction the X chances are you will not get Y a cent out of it. It will do ?{? no harm to take up the Ijj! question with us, and it may X result greatly to your bene- ?{? fit. & STONE & FAIRFAX, ? 1342 New York Ave. ?{? We Are in a position to handle investment property to advantage ? this means t that your property will ^ be benefited by contact S with our result-producing % RENT DEPARTMENT. It's well worth trying. Shannon & Luchs, 704 13th N.W. ?? 1? "Look for Our Grera and White Sign." J [ ? ? ? ? | FIRST-CLASS ? i RESIDENCES. ? I ?> ( SWELL LOCATION. $ BARGAIN PRICES, ?i* PRICE, $26,000. V ?*? v No. 1630 19th street, prac- ? ^ tically a corner; side yard; X X side alley; very handsome ? *:* front; fourteen rooms; three ?|* ?j- bathrooms; hot-water h?at; | X LOT 37 by 100; terms, ? ? $3,000 or $5,000 cash, assume ? a trust of $17,000, due in four X X years, balance in small pay ments. % X ?{? ? PRICE, $20,000. X ?{? Offer wanted on this beau- | % tiful new residence; facing X *?* south; outlook on Connecti- ?{? ?{[ cut avenue; built by the ? 3 present owner for his home, Y X Thoroughly well construct- ?{? ?\? ed; modern; up-to-date ar- I|I Ijp rangement; 30 feet front; Y X fourteen rooms; three bath- jj* : rooms; automobile garage; X ' probably the best bargain X X ever offered in a modern $ ; ??? dwelling in the fashionable ? : ^ northwest. PRICE, $13,500. 4 "X T T-V T | BRAND-NEW HOUSE. $ X Near Connecticut avenue X and R street; colonial de- ?] sign ; four rooms deep; two Ijp baths; two stairways; hot- $ X water heat; lot 22 by 90; ar- -: tistic decorations; beautiful % fixtures; a lovely home; do *! *f not fail to see it. s X ? PRICE, $12,500. ? 1918 N street; $4,000 un- !? ?j- der value;' must be sold to X settle an estate; a very hand y some residence; twelve ? rooms; two baths; two stair- *5 X ways; $1,000 or more cash, balance to suit. V ?> Do you want a bargain? % | $2,000 below value; reduced X to $8,850; colonial house; ?|? nearly 23 feet wide; lot 125 X fcet deep; magnjficent loca *t* tion; west of 16th street; * three (3) stories; covered Ijl porch; 4 rooms deep; three X X (3) bathrooms; servants' stairway; gas and electricity. X *:* Do not think of buying a 3 ? house without first looking at this one. X X" ?Y $10,000. X X Handsome dwelling and X X brick stable; fashionable sec- y ?{? tion; fronting on 2 avenues; X | west of 20th, north of Q; X X first floor?parlor, library, ?j* dining room, pantry and 1*1 ? kitchen; 2d and 3d floors? X X 7 sleeping rooms; very large ?** ?{? tiled bathroom; sanitary X ? plumbing. X * This is a separate built ? .*? house, erected by one of the X most reliable builders in this X ? city; VERY HANDSOME $ FRONT; many open fire X places. X X THIS PROPERTY AD- S JOINS one of the handsom- *|* I*! est and most expensive resi- j? X dences in the city; practical- X Iv a corner; open on three X | sides; a bright, sunny south X ern exposure; would take a X % small property as part pay ment. * $ Stone & Fairfax, f | 1342N.Y.Ave. | V 4 The Homes You Have $ Been Looking For. | lira the Right Location. $ Nos. 46 to 54 R. L | Ave. N. E<j?=Coriraer |> Lincoln Ave. f TUB LOCATION A I? unsurpassed; on a wide avenue, 2, overlooking the entire city. IN CONSTRUCTION', ,5, To otoe who knows these houses speak for themselves. If you do not know anything about construction, bring one who does. IN CONVENIENCE OF ARRANGEMENT And fitting* they lack nothing t'? be de sired. Two-Story houses, six and eight large roorna; wide lot; wide parking: large yards to a paved alley; trimmed In hardwood throughout; two-story porches on rear; tiled Itatb; large clos ets; cabltoet range; handsome mautela and gas fixtures; lieautifully papered; laundry tulw in cellar. Heated by the Ourney hot-water system - one of the best. It will pay you to inspect these i?i houses before purchasing elsewhere. <*? Prices, $r>.l.*s> and $o,750. Open every A day until dark. For sale exclusively by ALEX. Owner and Builder, * 2018 1st st. u.w., bet. U aud V, or ?i 1215 Ohio ave. u.w. (?)" Money to loan. A special fund, at B per cent Interest, on Improred property. Prefer loana of $4,oOO to $6,000 each. Other money In smaller jsums at 6*4 atod 6 per cent. : Moore & Hill (Inc.), ? 1333 G St. oc30-001 Handsome Home in the Southeast =at a bargain ?=ffigiure. Price, $6,500. EASY TERMS. Make it a point to in spect this house, No. 8 7th Street Southeast. We had four houses similar to this and all the others have been sold?sold in short order. People saw the values and snapped them up. Three-story house?9 rooms and bath. Hot-water heat. All modern conven iences. The rooms are a nice slw, bright and well ventilated. Francis A. Blundon, 607 7th St. N.W. blues ' fine Z "1 on . ?000, ?r. Be ftr Vo? It. ? ?'r ?' tA*. V &" vaSSS ^"3/Jc/c >j ^ f?f 607 Ak * Ar Q[) o Oq ? ft?**0" *r'C'' i'Z Sf ?*? * & A Only 3 Left. BEAUTIFUL HOMES OX Washington Heights. only $4,750. 1742 to 1746 Kalorama Road. Superior Construction. Attractive Design. Artistic Finish. These houses contain all mod ern appliances, Including hot water heating, and are within 150 feet of the Capital Traction car line. SEE THEM TODAY. Our representative on prem ises EVERY afternoon. Offered exclusively by A. F. FOX COMPANY, Established 1876. "The Realty Corner." 114th at New York Ave. nol4-2t An Excellent New Residence. / Here's an opportunity to get a finely built, nicely located new residence. Absolutely no bet ter constructed bouse ever built to sell. 112311 HrvingSt. N.W. OPEN EVERY DAY. (Take 14tta or 11th at. cars To Columbia Heights.) It Just happen# tbat we are In a position to offer yon this one excellent house. We can sell dozens like it. hut no more are to be bad. Tbe construction will appeal to careful, knowing buy ers. aa will also tbe materials used and the In terior arrangement. Genidne Oak Woodwork Three-story, bay-window, red press brick front with massive brownotone trimmings; 4 rooms on first floor, 4 on second floor and two on top; so planned that there's a proper place for each piece of furniture?an item frequently overlook ed. Numerous closets; an attractive bathroom, equipped with the best of fixtures. Front and rear stairways, entirely of oak; butler's pantry a 2-story back porch built of Georgia pine over looks a' big yard; servant's room and toilet; "Curoey" hot-water beating plant?none better; an Instant water-beating device; gas logs; un usually elaborate mantels and lighting fixtures; polished floors. THB LOCATION Is splendid?between the two main ear lines and on the best through street In Columbia Heights. (You know, Irving street ex tendi* clear over to Ilock Creek Park). Ideal elevation; no made ground; beautiful lawns. Ex cellent class of people make up this section. THE LOT IS 18x140 TO ALLEY. Price, $7,???. $50? Cash, Balance. $25 Monthly on Principal. Tenant guaranteed at $30 month. BELT, O'BRIEN & CO., Inc., 1303 G St. N.W. nol2-tf.eSu.75 NEW HOISES. TWO SQUARES OF THE UNION STATION. $4,250. If you are thinking of buying a beautiful home don't fail to inspect those new houses. 5th be tween F and G n.e. They have six large rooms, reception hall, tiled bath and vestibule, cabinet mantels, gas range, cellar full dijpth. furnace heat, refrigerator, rear porches. These houses are built by day labor and good material, and 1 believe cannot be duplicated for tbe same money. Nearly ready for occupancy. Three of these sold ilready. Get in line if you want one of these bouses. See sample house 624 5th n.e. Open Sunday. SEE MY SALESMAN ON GROUND. Terms can be arranged to suit* purchaser. FLOYD E. DAVIS, 7th and E S.W. a Randle Highlands A 4 CAPITOL OP U.S. A tormtt mousc DIAGRAM OF GROUND CLEVAT'ON Raadle Highlands is the same distance froa Capitol as Dupont Circle. Lots and building sites from $75 to $1,000; easy payments. U. 8. REALTY CO.. 7th at. and Pa. ave. ?.?. ocli-tX Better Than a Government Bond As Safe as a Mational Bank. ? Equal to the Best Life Insuranca It is a well known and established fact that an investment in Real Estate made in years past has proven a better investment than stock or bonds of wild cat companies, or any other speculative proposition, and with the pros perous times promised (with every prospect of fulfillment) what could be a better investment than something along the following lines: SUPPOSE a man should make the following proposition to you: THAT he would sell you a fine building lot. in absolutely the most beauti ful suburb near the city of Washington, D. C., for two hundred and fifty dol lars (and well worth the money today) for ten dollars cash and ten dollars monthly, and when at the end of twenty-five months he gives you a deed to the lot you have paid for, he promises to return to you within five years from date of your first payment the two hundred and fifty dollars with six per cent interest payable semi-annually and you keep the lot that has been deeded to you. And if you should die before completing your payments the money you have paid in with interest, together with the lot, will be given to your lawful heirs. FURTHERMORE; That promise to return the money is secured by a deed of trust to the United States Trust Co., Trustee, on over three hundred thousand dollars' worth of property, the title of which is guaranteed by the Maryland Real Estate Title Co. Send to us for a pamphlet pertaining to our plan, at the same time make an engagement to go out to our property in one of our automobiles, and we would be pleased to take one or two of your friends along. ALT A HEIGHT Union Trust Building, Washington, D. C. o o, " V T O IS 4 3t * S 10 Sold to Home Buyers' Only Five Left. Delightful! New Homes in the Heart of the Fashionable Northwest On Oregon Avenue (Between New Hampshire Avenue and 18th Street). j At tlhe Remarkably j Low Price of I $5,500 Each Our representative will be on hand all day Sunday to give you full details as to terms. A. F. Fox Company, Established 1876. "The Realty Corner." 14 th St. & N. Y. Ave. nol4-2t Fof lent. For rooming or boarding house. Con taining 22 bright rooms; 2 modern baths; steam heat. Splendid condition. 1116 9th St. N.W. Heiskell & McLeran, 1403 H St. N.W. no7*14 V t ? X Another Successful Offer. | 15 Sold Before Completion. Channing Street N.W. Corner of North Capitol. (Just Three Squares North of W Street.) Lots 20x 140. Only $3,875. One of the most successful properties we have ever handled. This, however, is easily understood when one considers the attractiveness of the home itself and the exceptionally fine location, overlooking the entire Filtration Plant Park and part of Soldiers' Home. This alone adds greatly to the present as ? well as future value of the property. There are no other moderate-priced homes in the immediate section; all high-priced properties. You could not find a better home at the price or a more refined neighborhood in all Washington. Don't Delay Inspection. Exceptionally Easy Terms. Shannon & Luchs, 704 13th Street N.W. "Look For Our Greta and White Sin." i Elected* Head of Wesleyan. NEW YORK. November 14.-Willlam A. Shanklln, president of - Upper Iowa Uni versity of Fayette, Iowa, has been elect ed president of Wesleyan University ef Mlddletown, Conn.