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THI KTINIMO 8TAF ? . mm -> ^ ^ wrn kudat hoimm romo*. w . l^w w _ __ rz;^ r wTu^ Ihiii>tYfiYit " *'' Kr*?rtrt ' *",rniiil"??ilii?r*'"r' W Ty1 I W I I ? III | | | | | | | Fair tonight and Wednes?r;r: rrrr/rr: IV ^^AJV* li I1VA /V Wl day, ^ prohabIy Virion. i? ilHlrrre.) by carrier*. tbeir oen e<* 1 . J? 1 nipt. wMuin htj at .v? f*n?a pr nooth; v, v cloudiness, and warmer: SOlltU*lt4?out TUr Sunday Star at 44 ?iU per month. ^imi ^ ^ ^ fr Bv mall, pflatif prepaid* WCStCrlv Wind?. T*s'fr. s?in<lnjr included. ->nP month. *0 ? '"' - - - - - j" -?I. " ? - -? _ I ? . Sunday pxrrnfH oo* riOQth* SO CCBH? No. 17,606. WASHINGTON, 1). C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER S, 1908-TWENTY-FOUR PAGES. TWO CENTS. ?? . " .- ... ? MAXIMUM PENALTY IS EIVENJO HIDE Fined $10,000 and Sentenced to Prison for Two Years. MERCY SHOWN SCHNEIDER Shorter Term of Imprisonment and $1,000 Fine. BOTH MEN RELEASED ON BAIL Convicted of Conspiracy to Defraud the Government of Land in Western States. Frederick A. Hyde of San Francisco wae today sentenced by Justice Stafford in Criminal Court, No. 1. to pay a fine of $10,000 and to serve a term of two years in the penitentiary at Moundsvllle. W. Va. The sentence is the maximum nenaltv nro\-idert hv the law for a con .- piracy to defraud the United States, of which Hyde was convicted last June, after a trial lasting: three months and costing the government more than $100,000. The conspiracy was to acquire title to large tracts of government land in the states of Oregon and Washington -in an illegal manner. Joost H. Schneider, an employe of Hyde, also convicted of the same offense, was sentenced to serve one year and two months in the same penal institution, and to pay a 'fine of $1,000. Appeals to the District Court of Appeals were made by both men. and they were released on bail pending the action of the appellate court. Hyde gave bail in the sum of $20,000 and Schneider $10,000, the United Surety Company of Baltimore vqualifying as surety on the bonds. Leniency Asked for Schneider. When Criminal Court No. 1 was convened this morning Justice Stafford, who had presided at the trial last spring, took the plaee of Justice Gould on the bench. He promptly announced that the court would overrule the' motion of the defendants to stay the Judgment and sentence. 'He then Inquired if.counsel desired to make any remarks. Attorney A. S. Worthington declared he had say on behalf of Hyde, but Attorney R. Golden Donaldson made a plea for leniency for HahUiJldar.. He declared that Schneider, a a an employe, had acted under orders, and did not participate in the profits of the enterprise. 'Schneider, he said, has a wife and three children dependent upon htm. .... ... Assistant Attorney General A. B. Pugh, who has bad charge of the prosecution, suggested to the court that the maximum penalty was wholly incommensurate with the crime, and declared the government believed Schneider equally guilty with Hyde, and alike deserving of the maximum punishment. Justice Stafford Discusses Offenses. After the two men had been called on and had declared they had nothing further to say why the sentence of the law should not be pronounced, Justice Stafford said: 'The charge against these men was i hat they had conspired together to deraud the United States out of the title 10 a large tract of land hy various dishonest practices. The defendant, Hyde, must he regarded as the principal, and Schneider as his assistant. Mr. Hyde v.ay a man of considerable wealth, of more than ordinary business ability, of high standing in the community, holding various offices of trust and positions of < omraercial responsibility, prominent in the social life of his city, and looked upon in many respects as a leader. , "The defendant Schneider was employed by Mr. Hyde in other business matters for many years. His part was a subordinate one and his position less conspicuous. "Tite court has been urged to somewhat lighten the maximum penalty by reason of the high standing of the defendant. but the court is compelled to think that the fact-should operate quite as strongly against the defendant as in his favor, inasmuch as the evil example set was all the more potent and pernicious by reason of his high position and nasmuch as his ability to recognize what was true and right and to appreciate his duty to his fellows and the government was greater than that of the ordinary offender. This court lias pronounced sentences larger than the largest provided for by the section now before it tor the offenses against the law which would appear almost trivial when set beside these offenses." Sentences Imposed. The court then declared that Hyde should have the extreme penalty of the law as the master spirit in the illegal enterprise. Referring then to Schneider and to the plea of his attorney for leniency on behalf of his wife and children, Justice Stafford said: "It is probably true in this case, as in many which come up for sentence, that the unhappiness and suffering will fall in a larger measure upon others than the de fondants and upon those who are wholly innocent, but to let that come between the lawbreaker and liis punishment is to pvit it in his power to save himself In almost every case. The true reflection is that the misery Is not the consequence of the sentence, but the consequence of the defendant's act which made the sentence necessary. "In the case before us we must treat the maximum penalty provided for this offense as adequate punishment for the grossest cases. Accepting that premise, it would l>e manifestly unjust to impose upon Schneider a sentence as severe as upon Hyde. To do so would be to say that a man of foreign birth, of limited education, of a comparatively narrowrange of intellect, led on to the unlawful work by his employer, who was to reap the harvest of wrongdoing, should be punished equally with one born and 1 eared in an American community, well educated, surrounded by all the best in ttuences and lifted by the good opinion of his fellows to positions of honor and responsibility and who was the master spirit of the unlawful enterprise." Asks President to Hold Up Awhile. ANACONDA. Mont., December 8.?President Roosevelt in a resolution by the city council last night is asked to await Federal Judge W. If. Hunts decision In the "smoke cases." In which are involved the merits of the claims for damage alleged to have been sustained by vegetation as the resu t of smelter fumes from the Anaconda plant, before he takes action looking to the enjoining of further operations -* ?? * plant. . .. . THE EVACUATION OF ! CUBA IS AT HAND ? ? American Troops Will Begin to Leave About January 1. ! THREE MONTHS REQUIRED I i a Withdrawal May Take Until Middle of April. FORCE READY FOR EMERGENCY j j Question Discussed by the Presi-1 j dent's Cabinet?Moving Pictures at White House. As a result of the deliberations of the j President's cabinet today it was an-1 nounced by Secretary Wright this after- j noon that a change has been made in the i plan for the withdrawal of United States j troops from Cuba. It was originally planned that the movement should begin | January 1 and be entirely completed by January 28, the date set for the re-es- j tablishment of the Cuban republic. As now changed the movement will be made more slowly. Although the first troops for home'will embark about the 1st of January, it is not likely that the entire command will be withdrawn be- j fAf/i c# 4 rwS 1 T ^1 a<" I *.vi hip iiiiuuic ui iiiDH au ui having three army transports engaged in the movement, but one will be employed, making regular trips to and from the island. No official explanation is given for the change in plan beyond the statement that it is deemed best to have the troops remain in Cuba while the nev. government is in course of establishment and for a short time thereafter in order to be available for any service required of them. The postpone- ; ment in the date of the final evacua- j ? tion is said to be entirely agreeable to the principal officials of the incoming Ul| Cuban administration. One of the squadrons of either the Uth or the 15th Regiment of cavalry, now in Cuba, will take station at Fort CO Myer, Va. It will replace the squadron of the 13th Cavalry now at the nearby Virginia post, which is under orders to start for the Philippines about the 1st of March. Tjr The question of removing the troops has been under discussion for a week or more. Gov. Magoon having come on here to arrange that and other details of the winding up of the work of the provisional gbvernment. Gov. Magoon saw the President before the cabinet meeting today, having T previously conferred with Secretary Wright. Gov. Magoon will attend the reception sta to be given 4o Mr. Taft tonight, and in a ral day or so he will leave for Cuba to close ?0i up his work, which is well in hand. j^. Moving Pictures of Wolf Hunt. nf.f A large number of p-rsonal friends of nia President Roosevelt wl!l tonight witness jjh a moving picture exhibition of wolf hunt- ^ ing In Oklahoma by John Abernathy, the ne( famous wolf hunter of that section and tlu United States marshal of the state. TTie j President saw the exhibition one night ^ last week and thought it was so good that he arranged for a repetition tonight, and ral will have as his guests a half hundred lot personal friends. The pictures illustrate au: the work of Abernathy in desperate con- co' tests with fierce wolves. In which he conquers them with naked hands and witn- 1 out aid of deadly weapons. The Presi- of i dent first saw Abernathy capture and kill pu; j wolves some years ago when he went : ! west to hunt. Abernathy was his guide, i , and interested him more than any man he j had hunted with in years. He was so mi: pleased with Abernathy that he made : Sul him a United States marshal in Oklahoma. On one of his recent wolf hunts, in which he killed the animals by forcing . open and breaking their jaws with his " hands, Abernathy took with him an outfit for procuring pictures and the outcome j was abrut 0,000 feet of moving picture films showing the whole contest in detail. ?oi I The exhibition will take place in the J?a j east room, where a canvas will be put up j and seats placed for the visitors. : I 1 IlCi The Day's Visitors. ' Before the cabinet met today President j I Roosevelt saw numerous visitors. Hepresentative f>alzell talked with him about sta J the appraisership of merchandise in i'itts- pe; ' burg, which is about to be rilled by an ;>p- a/f nitintinAnt ?ir,t i1 tiu ^ r . I'll *. ?1VV ? V HIV IKVIII^ U L III*- 1'1'tlS- ^ J, burg representative. Senator Dolliver con- ,.01 I ferred with the President a short time, coi and other visitors included Senator Hop- 0.11 kins and Representative Graff of Illinois, Representatives Calder and Foelker. r,f ret Brooklyn; Senator Talllaferro of Florida, with a number of friends; Senator Milton of Florida, with Gov. Broward of that t state and others; Representative Cooper str of Wisconsin; Representative Jones of th? Washington, who will succeed Senator mf Ankeny of that state; Representative ;. Green of Massachusetts; Senator Curtis 1 of Kansas, with Judge R. II. Hayden of lnl Topeka: Senator Warner of Missouri. \vl Representative Ransdeli of Louisiana tlx saw the President and arranged with him lo | to receive the delegates to the Rivers ' and Harbors Congress Friday afternoon at 11:30 o'clock. i tlu Postmaster Harris to Bemain. The probability is that W. Hail Harris, ? .'t i postmaster at Baltimore, will be nonii- oir ! nated for another four years. He is re- it la ted to Attorney General Bonaparte, who desires his renominution. Representative| elect Kronmiller of the third Maryland t.* district Is seeking the nomination of an- of j other man. Postmaster General Meyer t,u feels inclined to recommend Postmaster <>(,j Harris for another term, saying that the postmaster has made an acceptable and go efficient officer. President Roosevelt will doubtless follow the recommendation of, the Postmaster General. Co i The President today sent to the Senate I the nomination of Daniel Randall to be ! , postmaster at Annapolis. The filling of 1 | the office lias been held up for eight Im | months, and in that time a large crop ol Va i candidates has appeared. I Among the nominations sent to the SenI ate today were the members of the board BU' j of cliildren'a guardians for the District of res I Columbia. They were as follows: George | lo, I E. Hamilton. Myer Cohen and George W. | n,i j Cook. i 8U| . ! , Post Office Department Changes, j ti0 j An order has been signed by Postmaster j Ch j General Meyer appointing Thomas l<\ Sut- J"'8 i livan of Massachusetts a clerk at S'.M) J per annum in the office of the fourth as; slstant postmaster general; and proniot- j or j ing H. D. l^awehe of Indiana, a elerk tn . |j.'the office of the th rd assistant! t ter general, from $1 .< >?> to Sl.'JMU per an- ! wi > num. effective De-ember 10W. J t>u w \ 'V v \\, x>,. S5 DULD ASSUME THE CONTROL MMISSIONERS WANT PUBLIC UTILITIES JURISDICTION. ge Congress to Give Regulation of Local Railways, Lights and Telephone Companies. 'hat the District Commissioners are lous of the jurisdiction of the Interte commerce commission over the local lway questions and propose to urge ogress to transfer it, together with the Jtrict electric railway commission, if ?ds be, to them, developed in 9. remark ,de by a prominent member of one of >se bodies today, who hastily added it his name was not to be used -in conition with any newspaper discussion of 5 subject. t is well known that the District Oomssloners are fully in sympathy with the iduai improvements being made in the lway system through the efforts of the erstate commerce commission and its siliary, the District electric railway amission. Transfer Urged. 'he paragraph from the annual report the District Commissioners, which was biished in yesterday's Star, and which ; res that tiie Commissioners be clothed :h the powers of a public service comssion is the first open move upon the jject. 'he repoit says with reference to the lway situation: 'While the Commissioners recognize it the District st eet railway eommls-. n, compos d of three citizens of the <trict. appointed by the interstate comrce commission to aid in the execution the duty Imposed upon the interstate nmeroe commission by Congress, at. the t session, with respect to t he regulan of the street 19! I ways of the District Columbia, lias done a valuable and ef- ! service, resulting in Improvement, j CiuiiniiSslcners believe thai this is aj ietly municipal function which ought b? performed by the municipal govern- ! nt. There. is 110 reason wli> the inter-j 1 to luirmnpiv-^ comnilssiiiin siinnlil hp I [-forming this function, even with 'he I of District citizens, who give their io frc iy for that purpose. The two eet railway systems, the two gaslight upanies, Hie electric light and power npany and the telephone company ght to he under the' sup trvision of the mmissioners. and the lecommendation ! legislation for this purpose is earnestly I tewed." . I Opposition to a Change. )n the other hand there are those who ongly contend for the continuance of ; jurisdiction of the interstate rom rce comipission, maintaining that as a iicial body- with no predominant local erest, and- yet thoroughly conversant Ih the details of railway management, 1 citizens of Washington have more hope for from it than from the Comssioners, whose influence some declare ps not carry the weight carried by it of the commission. Members of the erstate commerce commission have freently declared that their duties are al?dy numerous and laborious, and wltht employing their auxiliary commission would be almost, impossible for them properly and effectively deal with the al railway situation. Already it is unrstood that energetic missionary work being done in behalf of the transier jurisdiction to the Commissioners, and railways themselves are not Idle In j tleavoring to takp advantage of the j iidition of affairs presented. j . ME INDIAN SCHOOLS TO GO. mmissioner Leupp Bepoits That Seven Are No Longer Needed. 'here are a number of non-reservation iian schools which are no longer of luc to the Indian service, according to 1 report of Indian Commissioner Leupp, Emitted to Congress yesterday. As the mlt of an attempt at the* last session auuiiMi me; v uj untc ncn*'Ul Hit? UUUIssloner was directed to investigate the bject. is a result o; that inquiry lie has de nilned that the schools at Grand Junc11 and Kort Lewis. Col.: Genoa. Neb.; ilQoco. Okla.; Chamberlain. S. D.; MorMinn., and Carson. Nev.. are no ijter necessary to the Indian service d are available for transfer to the ito authorities for educational purposes for reformatories, hospitals or like pub-1 uses. rhe commissioner lais communicated th the governors of the stales In which i p.-e schools are located. i< DISTRICTJHCON GRESS To Have Its First House Inning Monday. CICTCCW Oil I O All Ullin nriccjv DIL.L.O uiv nwnu Chairman Smith Sees Good Chance for Legislation. * STATUS OF THE GAS TOLL Mr. Smith Likely to Take Charg-e in Absence of Mr. Cary. the Author. 1 The District of Columbia, which was I so much neglected at the last session of Congress that it didn't have its regular day in the House from March 23 to May 30, the date of adjournment, will have its first inning of the present session next Monday. * The District committee will meet day after tomorrow for the first time, but probably will add no bills to the fifteen now on the calendar and left over from last session. Chairman Smith expects to get all fifteen of. these measures before the House and disposed of, which he can do in the event that no fight develops on one or more'of them. But as several of the i bills are of more than ordinary interest j and importance, it would seem, judging j from previous - performances, that even if the entire session of the House next j Monday is devoted to District business, that it is too much to expect that the ! local calendar will be swept clean. 1 Status of the Gas Bill. Representative Cary of "Wisconsin, j author of the bill to reduce the price of J gas to the consumer in the District to PO j cents a thousand cubic feet, is not in the city, and may not be here this session. Chairman Smith received word the other day that Mr. Cary had suffered an attack Df nervous prostration, and had been taken to a sanatorium. Mr. Smith lias | decided, in view of thin fact, either to put i the Cary bill in the hands of some other l member of the committee or else take care of it himself on the floor next Monday. ? Two committee amendments to the Cary bill tix January 1. lPOO. a? the time when the tpaximum rate of i?u cents shall go Into effect. But this date was set at the report, of the bill to the House Dst session. and in the event of its passage Mors, day this limit probably will he extended until next July or thereabouts. Another committee amendment guards against any deterioration of the quality of the gas to be furnished at the reduced rate. There are several members of the District committee who believe that the conij mittee took snap judgment in fixing the maximum rate of gas at !>b cents. They do not pretend to say that this price iij j either too low or too high but they, in- j sist that if It happens to be correct then i it is the result of an accident. Public clamor was respons'ble for the j report of the bill, they say, after brief hearings, not more than four hours long ' in all. at which two eas ex certs an- i peared to testify with respect to "a reu- j soiiable price." However, these members.j are prepared to stand by tlio committee guns. and follow up their action of last ! session, believing in their hearts thai 1 although the price of gas as fixed by i them may not be absolutely correct or; fair to both producer or consumer, in any j event, it is not too low. The Stock Inflation Clause. Another bill affecting the gas company, which Mr. Smith expects to call up Monday. is that for the repeal of the stock inflation clause of the gas act of Ju-ne 6, 1MW. Mr. Campbell has charge of th's bill and said this morning that he would ipush it next Monday. "The repeal of this act.'' he said today, ; "will take nothing away front the com- 1 parties or their stockholders, because they 1 can still distribute their surplus earn-1 ing as dividends. Section 5 can be now repealed without injury to any one. be- . cause no right has become vested by any I judgment or decree." * ' Mr. Campbell is also in charge of the [bill for the prohibition of bucket shopi ping and the abolition of bucket shops. The other measure* which Mr. Smith 1 V ^ ^~ hopes to get action on next Monday are: H. R. 20247. amending the employment agency act. in charge of Representative Taylor of Ohio: H. R. 16066. providing for the payment of an annual license tax by dealers In manufactured tobacco, in charge of Representative Taylor of Ohio: II. R. 16977. providing for a course of free evening lectures in some of the pubI lie school buildings, in charge of Representative Oleott of New York. (A bill similar to this was recommended by the District committee in the Fifty-ninth Congress and passed the House, but failed to go through the Senate. Elimination of Grade Crossings. H. R. 15488. amending an act for the elimination of grade crossings on the line of the Baltimore and Potomac railroad, which is in charge of Representative J. ilampton Moore of Pennsylvania. H. R. 1320=!. providing for the extension of 19th street from Belmont road to Biltmore street, which is in charge of Representative McMillan of New York. H. R. 12899. providing for a disbursing officer for the Government Hospital for 4 VA T nnr. nn t > ..Boorro C, 0 D An?AaA*\tott CO liir iiicaiir, ill ? ncti ui ivi yirociuaini/ Olcott of New York, who a couple of years ago was chairman of the special committee which made ail exhaustive investigation of the affairs of St. Elizabet h. H. II. 12808. having to do with proceedings for admission to the Government Hospital for the Insane, in charge of Representative Olcott. H. R. 552," changing thai section of the code relating to the salaries of the officers and employes of the office of the recorder of deeds, the effect being to authorize the employment of an additional cashier at .<1,600 a year. Senate 635!). changing the name and jurisdiction of the inferior court of justice of the peace of Cue District to "the municipal court of the District of Columbia." in charge of Representative Campbell of Kansas. Senate 1814. to permit the payment into the registry of the court of money awarded by jury to any land owner for the condemnation of land for public use in case such owner is'under-a disability and cannot be found, etc., in charge of Mr. Campbell. Senate 13t?8. changing the name of V street, from Florida' avenue to 10th street, o California street, in charge of Representative Kelilior. Semite 2000. providing for the extension of New Hampshire avenue, in charge of Represenlative McMi 11 un. The Senate Committee. It is not likely that there will be a meeting of the District committee of the Senate this week. Senator Gallinger. the chairman, hopes to have o'ne and perhaps two before the holidays, but thus far he has not made any definite plans. The time will depend largely upon what other business the members of the committee have to attend to. While' Mr. Gallinger does not anticipate. that-Congress will have time to enact much District legislation at the short session now in Congress, he expects to see a number of important matters disposed of by his committee and put in shape for enactment: into law at an early day in the first session of the Sixty-first Congress. COL. B0YNT0N DECLINES. Unable to Serve on Inaugural Committee?J. S. Henry Named. Chairman Stellwagen of the inaugural committee today received from Col. Charles A. Boy n Ion. manager of the Washington office of the Associated Press, his declination of the appointment as chairman of the press committee. Col. Boyi.iton exprcefsed lib regret at .being unable to stive, but said lie could rot because of his physical condition and the press of business. Mr. Stellwagen accepted the declination with regret, and named James S. Henry, president of the Gridiron Club, as the head of the press committee. Maj. Gen. J. F. Bell, U.S.A., grand marshal of the inauguration parade has selected Gen. John A Johnston of this eity to act as his chief of staff, and on that gentleman will prncipally devolve the organisation and arrangement of the mi itary features of the inauguration of Mr. Taft. Gen. Johnston was an officer of the army up td a few years ago. when he resigned to engage in private business. Gen. Johnston is unquestionably the best equipped man in the country for the important duty intrusted to blin. He was chief of staff to Gen. Chaffee, ihe grand marshal of the parade at the Itooaevelt inauguration, and was pr>>nd;.<t.tly i<; untied with the military programs at the McKlnley, Cleveland and Harrison inaugurations. 1ST. MS CLUBMAN I MYSTERIOUSLY SLAIN Hirschberg, Prominent Catholic, Murdered or a Suicide. BURGLAR, SAYS FAMILY Police, However, Contend That Wound Was Self-inflicted. HO KNOWN CAUSE FOE DEED Dead Man Distinguished by Birth and Circumstances?Close Friend of Archbishop Glennon. ST. LOUIS. December 8.?Francis D. Hlrschberg, prominent in the Roman Catholic Church and a personal friend of Archbishop Glennon, also well known in club and business circles and as a director of the Louisiana purchase exposition, was shot and killed at his home, 5818 Lindell boulevard, early today. Whether his death was the result of murder or suicide has not been determined. f Members of the family aver that he was shot by a burglar. Police who are investigating the case declare, however, that there is no evidence of the presence of intruders In the Hirschberg home. A trail of bloodstains on the stairway leading from the reception hall on the first floor Indicate that Mr. Hirschberg was shot at the foot of the stairs, and ' then turned and walked bark to his bed' room, on the second floor. From there he ! crossed a hallway and passed through his wife's room to the bathroom. He returned and staggered Into his wife's room. Mrs. Hirschberg says she woke Just in time to see him sink to the floor unconscious. Mrs. Hirschb--rg had her husband carried to his bedroom. He died soon afterward, without making a statement as to how lie was shot. As far as the police can learn no member of the household was on the lower floor of the house at the time of the shooting. Mrs. Hirschberg Is deaf and i therefore she did not hear the report of the revolver. Third mysterious Tragedy. The Hirschberg tragedy, following close upon the suicides yesterday of Charles A IT.flrtt Qtixs/HeU * ?>- vU(V< I OWCUIDI1 V RC LUIJ5U1, HUH Charles \V. Blow, a prominent business and club man, both friends of Mr. Hirschberg. has caused a sensation. The Hirschberg residence, in the heart of St. Louis' fashionable quarter, was Desieged by triends of the dead man. Only those intimately connected with the family were admitted. The police investigation revealed several baffling circumstances. The biood stains on the stairs indicated the. Mr. Hirschberg stood 011 ttie third step from the bottom when he was shot. Immediately below him there was an antique chair which bears a deep dent as though it I had been struck by the revolver which was found beside it. The weapon was of a type used thirty years ago. Members of the family told the police that they had never seen It before. The bullet which caused death was not found. Physicians who examined the corpse differed as to the probable course of the bullet. There were wounds just below the point of the left jaw and in the right temple. One physician asserted that th* bullet had entered the jaw and ranged upward The other declared that it had taken the opposite course. Conflict of Statements. Friends of the family assert that Mr. Hirschberg had been in ill-healtli fcr three years. This was denied by his business associates, who said that he had been only slightly Indisposed lately. The possibility of financial or domestic troubles was scouted by intimates of dead man. Some casual acquaintances, however, say he had been complaining that "business was not what if should be." A minute search of the premises by the ! police failed to reveal any signs of the entrance of an intruder. All locks and bolts were found secure and unmarked. It" an assassin cut -red the res.deuce, they assert, he must have used a skeleton ! key and then carefully locked the door on departure ancr uispusnur or ine revuivcr in the manner in which it was found. It was largely through the instrumentality of Mr. lli-schberg that the site for tite an hcptseopal residence, adjoining the Hirschberg home, was purchased. He was Archbishop Glcnnon's closest personal friend among the laity. A descendant of ti e Chauvin. Papin and Choteau families and having for wife a daughter of the late Gen. L>. M. Frost, the .social position of Mr. Hirschberg was high. He was a son of Mme. Laieile Hirschberg, who, before her marriage, was M'es Lucille Cliauvin. a member of i one of the o'dest and most exclusive French families in the city. Mrs. Hirschberg is a sister of Lady Noblesworth. wife of an English peer. There are no. children. Authority on Insurance. The dead man was fifty-four years old. For many years he had been a loader ia I the insurance business. He was the first to introduce in Araer; ica the system of insuring employers | against accidents to their workmen. He , was one of the organizers of the St. Louis I ^iro 1 'nilorarritftru I ccn?>iui{An r'Vilohi lnK.r i was succeeded by the present organiziI tton. the l ire Prevention Bureau of St. i Louis. | He was a member of the St. Louis ! Club, the Country Club, the Florissant I Valley Country Club and the Noonday ! Club, lie was chairman of the eonimit| tee that had charge of the entertainment of all distinguished guests who came to St. l^ouis at the time of the wor d's fair. ! CUMMINS SWORN IN. Iowan Becomes Senator After Fifteen Years' Struggle. Albeit B. Cummins took the oath as United States senator a few minutes after i 32 o'clock today. It i? fifteen years since ; Mr. Cummins began his light for a seat I m the upper brunch of Congress and his ! career has been watched with interest by ; polit.cians and the public all over the 1 land. He was an object of considerable ! interest this morntr.g. i Following the custom Mr. Cummins j walked to the desk of the President of the i Senate on the arm of Senator lJolliwr, : ills colleague. Mr. Fairbanks adm njsj tered the oath, alter which he shook i hands with the Jcwan and turned liun j over to Secretary Bennett, who showed j him where to sign ?h's name to the oath 1 in the official record. i In the senators' gallery while Mr. Cum! ruins was taking the oath were Mrs. Cum miiis and Mrs. Dolliver, both of whom I watched the ceremony with great interest. PRESIDENT SUBMITS VIEWS JOCONGRESS Annual Message Urges Justice for Corporations. MODIFIED ANTI-TRUST LAW Power for Interstate Commerce Commission Over Railroads. FOE ABMY AND NAVY REFORM Plea for Conservation of National Resources-?Warning Cited in Devastation Throughout China. Interest in both houses of Congress centered today in the President's message. Senator Aldrieh on behalf of the Senate committee and Representative Payne for the House committee, appointed to notify the President that the two bodies were in session, informed their respective houses that they had performed this duty. Each reported that the President had responded to their notification with a statement that he would immediately submit a message in writing. Secretary Eatta followed close upon the heels of the two committees, appearing first in the Senate and then in the House. The reading of the message began in the Senate at just a quarter of an hour after the Senate had convened, and in the House a few minutes later. t i, a# v. uaii>a.< tf ott011 XI1C ^l&IieiiCS Ul Ui/ill iiuuaco ncio nets filled. Almost all the seats of senators and members were occupied by their owners. All were supplied with printed copies of the message, which proved to be a document of forty-four printed pages, with an elaborate appendix containing numerous illustrations showing the results of the work of the forestry bureau. Senators and members gave comparatively little attention to the reading of the message at the desk. Most of them immediately busied themselves with tho printed copies before them. In these copies much interest was manifested. Contents of Message. President Roosevelt's annual message to Congress goes over much the same ground he has traversed in previous communications and repeats recommendations hitherto made, elaborating upon some features. Nothing startlingly new to disturb tho business of the country generally la found in the document,-. The same high moral tone, the same preachment and laying down of doctrine and principle which characterized previous messages are found in this one. / Congratulating the country upon the excellent financial standing of the nation and the financial management of the naj tion's interests by the government, tho President takes up at once the subject of federal control of corporations engagod in interstate business. He repeats former contentions that under the interstate clause of the federal Constitution the United States has compete and paramount right to control all of interstate commerce, and that the national government alone can exercise this right with wisdom and effectiveness so as both to secure justice from i and do justice to the great corporations. He recommends again amendment of the Sherman law so as to permit combinations which are in the interests of the public, but which shall be under supervision and control of the national government. He would remove the railways entirely from the domain of the antl-irust law and put them under the interstate commerce commission. 'flie power of the commission should extend to complete supervision over the ! iniino. 11 r ?eciiriiies and should be sum Imary as to raising and lowering rates. As ail offset, the roads should be empowered to make traffic agreements and combinations. subject to the commission's ap; prova'. I The commission should also have power | over interstate telephone and telegraph | companies. i The President says that opposition to this policy of control of corporations makes its most effective effort in tbo j shape of an appeal to the old doctrine of | state's rights. He contends that the pro,pi>sal to give the national government coni trol over the instruments of intcrstata | commerce is a plan merely to carry out j to the letter otic of the prime purposes, I if not the prime purpose, for which the j Constitution was founded. I He insists thai it does not represent eenj trallzatieii. but tbe acknowledgment of the pat.-nt fact ihat centralization has ' already come in business. This irret.^.^ncii.i^ uruiHp business oower can be i controlled in only one way, and that by ! tlie national government, j To accomplish tills necessary control I means the increase in the use of power j by the central government. He contends i that this is not the er ation of new power, j since t he power already exists, and that j the only question is whether It shall b? 1 used or allowed to remain Idle. Chance for Laborer. Concerning labor, he advocates steady efforts In many directions to bring about a condition of affairs under which the men wiio work with hand or with brain? the laborers, the supe; intendents, the men who produce for the market and the men who find ? market for the articles produced?shall own a far greater share than j at present of th* v. alth they produce and I lie enublevi to invest it in the tools end i instruments by which all work is carried j 011. There is a plea for co-operation, for in! vestment by sma.'I stockholders. especial ! ly in the industrial Institutions In wntcn j they are employed. The President makes an urgent pD? fot j action in tin* coming session of Congress | on an adequate employers' liability Ian*. lie points out in vivid fashion the In* i justice done to wage w or cers by the ab1 sence of such a law and insists that th? i government should take the Itrrt step.' ! To that end lie says: i "The Congress should without fu thei i delay pass a model employers' llabi Ity j law for the District of Columbia. Th< J employers' liability act recently d clare'-1 : unconstitutional on account cf apparently I including in its provisions employes en; gag. 1 in intrastate commerce ns w 11 af i those engaged In irte state fommerrt i has been held by the local ourts to lx i still in effect so far as its provisions api ply to the District of Columbia. There should be no ambiguity on ihis point. II I tl.eic is any doubt on th subject the law | should be re-enacted with special reference to the District cf Columbia. "Tills act applies, however, only to **ni* j ployes of common carriers. In all cthei ! occupations th liability law of the Die* ! t rirt is the old common law. The sever* ! itv and injustice of ti*e common law it this matter has been in some degree oi another modified in the majority of oui slates, and the only jurisdiction undei th> exclusive control of the Congress should l?e ahead of and not b hind fh? states in this rospect. A vompreheasivt