Newspaper Page Text
LEAVE "WANT ADS" AT STAR BRANCH OFFICES. If not convenient to call at Tne Star ofBce. 11 tli street and Pennsylvania avenue, leave yot:r advert sements at any of the following Branch Offices: WAHT ASS. 1 COT A WOKS. Minimum. 15 casts only. M1HTHWF.ST BRANCHES: Bill lee Jt Field. Druggists. 3d and Indiana are. Bonis B. Csstell. Pharmaeist. 3100 11th at. Commercial Bank Bldg.. Postal Telegraph. CrlsrreU's Drug store. 7th and T ats. Thoa. A. nohrna. iSth and Columbia road, 'nitwit Pharniary, 20th and P sfs. Kpply's Drug Store. 14th and Welling place. Fmerson. O. W.. 11th st. and Park rd. Centner's Drug Store. 14th and I" at*. tnldenherg's Bureau of lnfonnatlnn. Herl>at'a Drug Store. 23th and Pa. are. Helm-law's Newsstand. 170.3 Pa. are. Interior Dept.. flh and F. Postal Telegraph, s. Kann. Son? & Co.. Information Bureau. King's Drug Store. 15th and I ate. I.upton's Drug Store. 9th and S. National Hotel. Postal Telegraph. Portman's Pharmacy. 14th aud R. I. ?ve. Kah a. Mnniiln. 20th,and K. Ko ami ffilliop. Newsstand and Stationery Store. 03?> Oth at. n.w. i nion Station. Postal Telegraph, t'nlted States Capitol. Postal Telegraph. Ed* in Yarnold. Hth and Mnnnw sts. u.w. Woodward & LotBrop, Superintendents desk. 1 '220 Con nee tic nt live.. Postal Telegraph. Krisi. I!. Campbell. Drug*. 4203 Cla. ate. GEORGETOWN: O'Donnells Drug Store, 32d and M sts. O'Dnnnell's Drue Store, 32d anil P sis. Prtde'e Pharma.w. 2Sth ami P sts. NORTHEAST: Rntles's Pharmacy. 4th and Stanton pi. n.e. K"i eelv's Pharmacy. .N. Capttol and I sts. c. 1. ftranse. rtt'i and K sts. n.e.'s Pharmacy. 11th ami E. Capitol sts. Mooradin's Pharmacy. 13th and H sis. n.e. Y?attnan. D. A . Pharmacy. 7th and II n.e. SOUTHEAST: I'.radley'a Drug Store. Mh nr.d E ats. s.e. O'OonneH'a linij Store. 3d ami Pa. arc. s.e. M. S. l-'ealy. Druggist. 11th and Pa. ave. SOUTHWEST; J llli. at. Wharf. Postal Telegraph Office. Sullivan's Drug Store. 7th ami D st*. s.vr. Charles S. Walter. W?l 4C. st. a.w. ANACOSTIA: C. G. Lohr. 2." Monroe st. TENI.EYTOWN. T> C.: George P. Pnrton. Druggist. Wisconsin avc. WANTED?AGENTS. VANTKH AGENTS Til SKI.I. THE WEI.E 'iiion n Eureka hand soap. EUREKA HAND >0 VP en.. Norwich, Conn. deo-et* WANTED?HELP! One cent a tvord for to word*. mm m v v WANTED -COLORED HKIJ'ER ON WAGON. WUKDF.MAN Ac filti 12th St. n.w. \VA VT F D~ ' B AUKLKPERT YOl NG. ACTIVE man; must have A1 rofs. Address Box 92. Star office. ; WANTED a first-class MEAT cutter ond groeerv clerk: must have g>Kl references. Apply in person to 1.157 II st. n.e. de7-2t* WANTED HOYS AS HIM cGB WKA FPEICS! Applv Mgr., SAKS A CO.. 7th & Pa. avc. d-7 3t WANtEIF -BUSHELMEN ON MEN'S CLOTH*ing. Apply Mgr., SAKS & CO., 7th & Pa. are. de7-Rt \VANTEI? SURERMA\ USED TO FIORSKS. to work in stable Ht night. POTOMAC" DRKDGING CO., T. 11. Notiland, Mgr., South Capitol and N" s.w. d-7-3t* WANTED -< GI.oKED JANITOR. MAJtKIKD. with no children, for day work: experienced with electric elevator, steant boilers, cleaning, repairing walls, floors, fixtures, etc.: one with wife to do getieral housework; rooms fttmlslH'd; Mate salary and refs. Cox S7, Star office. de7-3t Wanted?boy about hi to makf. him aelf useful about office; must he strong and willing, ar.d able to ride a bicycle. Address In own handwriting. Box 39. Star office. dffi-.1t* WANTED?FAMOI S SHERWOOD WHISKY. 79e bottle. JOHN WEDDFKBURN <Y>., leading Liquor Dealers. 616 "F" st. n.w. $3.00 per ; gallon. defi-fiot Wanted-drai tihon'.s shorthand! About 75 per cent of the Putted States Court reporters write the system of shorthand taught by I'ranghon's Practical Business College, cor. >>h and D sts. n.w.. because hey know It is THE BEST. Drauchon secures POSITION'S. Ask for FREE catalogue. de5-tf Wanted?men to learn barber trade. Only few weeks required. Wsges after first Sontb. Tools donated. Diplomas swarded. ?d positions always awaiting gradustes. Write for free catalogue. MOI.ER'S BARBER COLLEGE. 207 Bowery, New York city. de4-6t* W.ANTF.D-BY WOi iDWAim & I/TTHROP, bright bovs from 16 to IS years t>f age for floor servi-e. bundle wrapping, stock rooms, etc.- good wages and rapid advancement for capable hoys. Apply to SUPERINTENDENT, WOODWARD & LOTH HOP. nol7-tf.eStt Wanted?any intelligent person may earn good Income corresponding for newspapers: experience unnecessarv; no canvaaalug. Send for particulars. PRESS SYNDICATE. Box T06, Locfcport. Y. nol2-'J?t WANTKD-I MADE Mn.tlOO IN FIVE YEARS IN lb* mall order business; began with $6. Any one can do the work at homo In spare time, j Send for my free booklet. Tells how to get i started H&ACOCK. Boy "If. Lock port. X. Y. ! nolg-POt Wanted - aFtomobile coi I/EGE-terms moderate: eai%- pttynient*: poslt'nns secured; write or call: open cven'ngs. 1323 14t!i n.w. Baltimore office. 2 West Preston at. no8-tf WANTED-JEWELRY CANVASSERS TO SELL mamniHt*. watches, etc.. to the best trade only: It.vd men ran obtain positions for salary and commission. Apply CASTELBERG'S. mhl ~ KALE OR TEMAIE^ WANTED?tWOD POSITIONS. ' Dra'irbon'a Practical Business College, cor 9th and D sta. n.w.. gives contracts, backed by chain of 31 colleges, $3(K).0O0.0u capital and 2o years' success, to secure good positions under reasonable conditions or REFUND tnltlon. Aak for FREE catalogue. rte5-tf FEVALR W A XTED?FIRST- OLASB WAIST AND SKntT helpers, also apprentice, at once. 4ti6 B St. n.e. de8-3t* WANTED - VOl'VC LAIIV ROOKKEEPER. with knowledge of typewriting: give full particulars. salary expected and references. Address Rc-x KS. Star office. d?8-2t* W WTED- YOPNG WOMAN. A GOOD PEV 1 man. as aesistairt Irxikke-'per: one -.i ca< ;1 practical experience In keeping looks: refer- , ences required. Apply hetwerti 4;30 snd S:'0 p.m. or 9 to lit a.m.. R. W. A .1. B. HENDERSON. lift) F and G st. n.w. deS-3t WANTED HELPERS AND IMPROVERS ON skirts. 1J29 17th st. n.w. de8-1t* WANTED?EXPERIENCED COLORED HANDS for dressmaking. Mrs. KING. 250H P at. n.w. WAVVED-EXPERIENCED l.ADY TO DEMONstrate and sell, in store only, sewing machine. Address Box !fi. Star office. <leR-3t wanted- permanent positions for bright young w'men Ntawn the ages of 17 and 21. App'v at the TELEPHONE Si HO.ll, <\ A P. Telephone lit.. 14?i9 R st. n.w. de7-2t WANTED SHIRT STARCHP.R XNT) tTFF ironer. ELITE LAUNDRY* CO., 2117 14th st. de7-2t WANTED YOl NO LADY TO ADDRESS ENvelopes; iiermanent place. Address hi own handwriting. Box til. Star ofilce. dert-.1t* l^AVfKD' LADlES TO~MAKK THEMSELVES Independent by learuiug general massage, face ar.d acelp massage, manicuring, shampooing; i?rms rt31 N. Car. are. s.e. dert-3t* WANTED FAMOUS SHERWOOD WHISKY. 7ft.little. JOHN WEDDERBI KN T*V, Leading Liquor Dealers, tjlrt "F" st n.w. ftf.flO per gallon. dert-9Pt ? \MMI WAIST HANDS, EXPERIENCED >nly. 73o 11th lit. n.w de&-3t* W ANTED "J EXPERIENCED EIvtMEtT scT licit ora <>n a popular proposition: good payApply* from D to 12, Room 15, Baltic bldg. wanted-i.araughovs b<k>k kebpixg? Competitors ct Drnagbon's Practical Business College. <-or. ?th and D at*, n.w., by not ac ~ptlr.g Its proposition to tare Its THREE . months' bookkeeping students contest with j Ihelr SIX moot A*' bookkeeping students, con- | dc 'list Ih auiruoii teaches more bookkeep ng 'n THREE months than they do In SIT. ItlSlTIONS seenrcd. Ask for FREE catalogue. ?lc5-tf. WANTED--COLORED WOMEN TO VA ASH lot ties; salary. $3. Apply JOHN WEDDEUHI KX & CO.. am V at. n w. no25 tf WANTED - A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT I h-.tiness woman, who la willing to work long : b nits for good pay; must base fair education. ( Address Rent IIS. Star oflW. not4-?f WANTED?YOUNG LADY BOOKKEEPER: ONE, n iio understands double-entry: one with a knowledge of shorthand preferred; aalary, |I0 io X13 per week to start. Address Bo* 117, Star office. no24-tf w N VTFTN?TOLABKI. BOTTLES. AP plr THE JOHN w EDDERBCHN CO.. BIG F at. u.w. no2I-tf MANTED-ANY INTET4.KiE.NT PERSON MAY ejrn good Income corresponding for new paper*; iperfenr* unnecesaary; nt? ramatting. Bend for psrtirulara. PRESS SYNDICATE. Bo* 787. l/H-kpoet. N. Y. noiCDOt BOM7OTC. ' \V A\TKB-WHI IE WAITRESS. '*?; NFKSB. *:{<i (French); lanndreaa. Kill; alao rook". klteh ninairft. general bnuaew orkera and other help. I.ADIFM* KXOHAMIF. mi7 Vermont nre. WANTED REIJ AIII J*. (JEKM AN WOMAN TO :ake ear.* of two atnall lalMrrt mid help In Iwqm wben noeded. Apply Rocbatabeau. Apartment 1J4. leB-St* wantrh a (Tiki, to wait on tabu-:. j l**r<ling houae; aaslst at other dutiea. J (Irnnt l?!a~e. daft-2t? I WANTED?COOKS, t HAMHKRM AIDS. WAIT i-eaaea. nnraea, general lionae work era; with reference. BBITTON tc PR UK. ?tli. cor. Eye n.W. < ?>U>REl> C1KL FOB OKNEUAI. HOUSE work: family of Jt*; not stay nights; reference#. 20 Bryaut at. n.w. .leSat* WXXTEITT,T( IMIRKII \\ i lJUN AN <"'?>K AN O laundrawa: good wages; email family. Apply T.U1 It at. it.w. Wan i eu i;ooi?f Took f??u okaku m. b?xi*ework: n? wa-blug; uiuat a:anight*. 1?<>4 N at. n.w. WAHTED?HELP. f BXAIiB^^DOlOBWZO* WANTEl?-GOO|> CUOK AM' HOUSKWOItKer; no washing: must have city ref.; |p> home nlyliiv 1 4."?2 Fairmont nr. WANTED V GIRL POP. GENERAL in family of three. Apr- !?1. 1424 K at. WANTED?THREE W'HI PE WOMEN". NI R?I chambermaid. $25; plain cook. $25; private fmniltee. 1467 P at. n.w. WANTED-TWO WHITE WOMEN. PLAIN .cook. <25; chambermaid. laundress. <25; colored cook. chambermaid. 168R 11th n.w. WANTED-WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOl.SKwork. email family. 1243 Irving at. n.w. WANTED- GOOD SETTLED WOMAN; MI ST he good cook; m> washing nr?l ironing; wage*. $15. Apply at once. 1343 Columbia M. de.S-2l WANTED?COLORED LADIES' MAID: NEAT appearing, with good references; no other need apply. Call CABAN1SS AGENCY, 1144 15th n.w. WANTED?t*TK 1. TO COOK AND DO IJGHT housework; private family; pay, $1%. Call 3117 13th at. n.w. ' WANTED?GOOD COOK AND l,l?HT HOU8Eworkerjl wagea. $13: references required. 1313 141h st. de"-3t WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IX GENERAL housework slid care of children. WHEELER, T7SO Willard at. n.w. de7.-3t* WANTED-WOMAN I'DK GENERAL HOPSEwork. Apply at lOR Rth at. n.e. de?-3t* WANTED?CAPABLE (XllAiRKD WOMAN T<> <! > general housework; must hare l>e?t reference. Apply l>39 Mass. are, h.e. de4-ftt* WANTED?SITUATIONS. I One cent a word for 1," words. MUM. A STEADY, RELIABLE WHITE COl'NTRYraati, 40 years of age. wishes good position; will give best of reference. 1222 H st. n.e. do2-7t? COAC HMAN?FIRST CLASS COLORED MAN wants position; can furnish good city re fa.; call IRIS Vt. ave. ENGINEER. THIRL' CLASS. WHITE. WANTS work as engineer, fireman or watchman. Telephone Lincoln 1727. de7-3t* EXPERIENCED CHACFFEl It. WITH GOOD references, dpsires to go south; thoroughly competent and sober; fair wages and expenses. L. M. R.. Star office.# ' PRIVATE ASHMAN WILL HAI L YOl.U ASH EH regularly: reasonable rates. S. 1IASKINS, i 223B Georgia nve. n.w.' - ? dert-3t* ST1DKNT DESIRES STKNOtiRAPIHC WOliTT. either In office or as secretary to < ongressman. O. It. J.. 823 10th n.w. dert-ot* TWO YOUNG MEN WANT WORK WIIILK IN school: wait on table or tend to furnaces. Address D. A. BLAKE. 30f>7"-i Sherman are. n.w., city. WANTED BY ELDERLY MAN. POSITION AS j night watchman; best references. Address 21 OR Vermont arc. n.w. de7-3t WANTED POSITION IN REAL ESTATE OFtiee for young mall 19 years old. with ysome experience. Address 2439 18th st. n.w. <1c7-3t WANTED - BY YOUNG MAN. GRADUATE AT European high school of engineering, a position In Washington as assistant engineer; splendid reference given. Box 57. Star office. deft-4t* POMBSWC. BO V? BY VOJAWED SCHOOLBOY. WORK evenings. ("nil or write CARTER, 302 Bryant I at. n.w. j . BT'TLER.?COLORED, FIRST-CLASS. Position: lias best city references. 1700 V at. n.w. HALE OX FSlSAUElT ANY TIME YOU ARE IN NEED OF A COMpetent stenographer or bookkeeper apply at STRAYER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 11th and F sts. n.w. Phone Main 8480. nn23-tf COLORED BUTLER, CHAMBERMAIDS. LAUNdresses. man t-ook. chambermaid, utility lx>ya. with references, want places at once! Call CABAMSS AGENCY. 1144 loth at. STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPEWRITER OFEB 1 a (or" are furnished upon application br the MONARCH TYPEWRITER COMPANY. Phone VI. ?3: no charge. jelO-tf , TWO HIGH-CLASS SWEDISH COOKS. ONE German hutler. one English butler (white), ladles' maid, chambermaid and cooks, with references. Call CABAMSS AGENCY. 1144 15th St. FEMALE i DRESSMAKER WISHES DRESSMAKING. 1814 20th st. n.w. defi-2t LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SEWING AT home. Miss L. K. WITT. 1353 Wisconsin ave. ^ MILLINERY STYLISHLY DONE; ALL branches: remodeling and fnr hats specialty; reasonable prices. FOERTSCHE'S. 702 11th n.w. de6-3t* PHONE N. 22i>J. A. E. HALL. VISITING ' inaid. plain sewing, $1 day. 2008 3d st. de5-7t* WANTED?POSITION AS LADY'S MA1I? BY experienced seamstress: understand dress- { making; can give best personal reference. Ad- j dress M. G., care Mme. Macnulllon. 721 Main st., Hartford. Conn. de8-2t* WANTED- l?OSITION: LADY STENOGRAPHER! accurate and rapid; experience In patent work. Address STENOGRAPHER. 600 3d n.w. de7-3t* WANT ED-POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER; double entry; experienced; good references; moderate terms. Address Box 77. Star office. deU-3t nOkTRHTTC ~ A LI. CAPACITIES CAPABLE DOMESTIC HELP supplied?honsekeeper*. governesses, attendants, ma Iti>.. chambermaids, nurses, parlormaids, waitresses, coots, kttcbenmatds. laundresses, butlers, etc. LADIES' EXCHANGE. HOT Vermont avo. de8-2t* CHAMBERMAID BY A NEAT COLORED GIRL. 2017 12th at. CHAMBERMAIDPLACE CHAMBERMAID OK work in flat. 1511 M st, n.w. COLORED COUNTRY GIRL WISHES PLACE as kitcUenmaid. Call or address 1620 R at. n.w. de6-3t COOK?NEAT. UELIABIJC COLORED GIRL ' wants a place as cook in private family; *-ay nigbts. Call, basement. 1420 IT n.w. de?*-2t* COOK-WANTED BY GOOD, RELIABLE. SKTtled colored woman, place cook; city refs.; stay nights. Apt. 4. 1611 Corcoran ft., eare PURXELL. deS-2t COOK'S PLACE BY COLORKI? WO*AN IN private family; flrst-elass reference. 910 2oth et. n.w. ile8-2t COOK -PLACE IN FIRST-CLASS FAMILY AS gyd conk: reference. L. G.. 1148 20th st. n.w. i : COOK BY A GIRL, PLACE AS COOK AND laundress, or cook and housework. 1253 22d st. DAY S WORK?BY COLORED WOMAN, DAY'S , work. 451 V st. n.w. PI RST-CLASS COOKS. BUTLERS. NURSES, kitchen maids, chambermaids; other heip; references; investigate. UNIQUE, 924 18th st. n.w. FIRST-CLASS WASHING TO DO AT HOME OR . to go out. 2155 8th st. n.w. HOUSEKEEPER?POSITION WANTED BY competent woman: understands managing servants. A. JOHNSTON. 1760 Que at. n.w. iToi'SEWORKER WANTED BY NEAT colored girl, place as general linuocworker or chambermaid. 1635 11th st. n.w. de8-2t HOUSEWORK BY GIRL. GENERAL HOUSE, work; no washing or Ironing. 167 Benning . ryail. 1 llOI REWORK -PLACE AS GENERAL HOUSEworker or chambermaid. Call 319 V st. n.w., ANNIE GREEN. LAUNDRESS -WANTED PLACE AS GOOD ] laundress or good cook; refs. 1425 Church st. n.w. MAID-BY NEAT COLORED PERSON. POSI lion as maid, rook or fine lanndrgss; good seamstress; has splendid reference as to cooking nml laundry. ROBINSON. 2461 P n.w. PLACE AS COOK IN PRIVATE FAMILY, BY 1 colored woman; good references. 469 N. J. ave. n.w. de8-2t* WANTED?BY A COLORED WOMAN. A PLACE ns cook or onaronerntalrt !a private familv; any nights. 1007 4tli at. n.w. WANTBD?WORK BY THE DAY. 442 RIDGE 1 at. u.w. WANTED?DAYS WORK OR WASHING, BY colored woman. 1022 .'M at. n.w. WANTED?A PLACE AS :MAII) OR PLAIN ook or Waitress. Tall at 1117 11th n.w. WANTED?BY tX>EORED WOMAN. PEACE TO 1 cook in private family; stay nights. 4-V> O at. n.w. , WANTED ? PEACHS COOKs! UENliltAE htmseworker*. nureee. waitresses: witli reference.. BRITTON A PRICE. ?fh. cor. Eye n.w. WANTED B1 YOING COLORED OIHL! 5 shnusewnrk in flat; no washing. Call <ir address DM V n.w. W.v.MED - BY FIRST-CLASS ' EA1NDRKSS. day's work or washing to take hou.e. Call or address 241.* 8th n.w. WANTED?PI.ACK TO DO GENERAL. HOUSEwork or cook'a place. 4?4 N at. n.w. deT-21* WANTED ? SITUATIONS; TWO COOKS" ? ' chambermaids; two years' references, colored. 82S> 7th at. a.w. Main SUM. de7-2t* WHITE GIRL \VA N T8-V* I .A (T! AS NURSE: . Kcod reference. 1217 Sth at. n.w. WOMAN WANTS GKNERAU HOUSEWORK: atay at niaht. 15trtt I. at. n.w. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER ? POSITION wanted by competent woman; excellent cook: referencea. Address Box S?. Star office. _ STORAGE. FIREPROOF STORAGE. Separate locked rooms, $2.00 par month up. Eatljnatea furnished. MERCHANTS' TRANSFER tc STORAGE CO. <>c31-tf.? 020 022 E at. n.w. PRIVATE COMPARTMENTS. Moderate charges. Estimates furnished. MOVING. PACKING AND SHIPPING. LITTl.EFIBLD. AUVORI) A CO.. aejt if 'VAorada building. ANTIQUE FURNITURE. WE OFFER FOR SA1.E ABOUT <WB HUNDRED pieces of rich antique band-carred rottwnad and miiut^aDV furniture from the home of a late Justice nf U. S, rut:rt. K. II. CO-OPERATIVE, U?in Fa. ave.; tel. Main 7177. dcA*a,3t , i WANTED?MISCELLANEOTIS. Ore cent a word each time for IS vrordn 3 times. IF YOU HAVE ANY ITTtMTUKE TO SELF send tue postal or phone Maiu 4833 ahd I vrlll . nil st vonr eontenlenre and tire roil the bert < ash offer for same. LOUIS NOTES. 426 9tii n. w. <le8-12t WANTKB?HKJHKfT CASH PRICES PAID FOB CAST-OFF CLOTHES. LADIES" OR OENTLEMKX'S. ADDRESS POSTAL I WIIJ, CALL. PHONE NORTH 175ft. W. RICE. 1332 7th n.w. lies tf ffinHKST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WORN GARMENTS. LADIES'. OF.NTS" AND CHILDREN'S SHOES A HATS OF ANT AMOUNT. SEND POSTAL; WILL CALL ANY HOUR. J. TARSHES. 1308Till N.W. PHONE NORTH 499 deS-tf ft W .ANTED?TO BUY OIAt FEATHER BEDS. When selling why nor dr;?p postal to an old reliable firm". H. MARKS. 2107 7th. opposite Saks', or phone Linen. 2381 Y. deS-lf WANTED--HIGHEST"CASHTRICKS PAID FOR ladies atol gentlemen'* east-off elothini. hats. shoes. etc.: dron postal: w ill call promptly. S. GOLDBERG. H27 I) at. n.w. deS-:'.4t WANTED-AN KDISuN HOME PHONOGRAPH: must be cheap: stale price. O. X. IH'RKE. General Und Office. deS-C:* WANTED IN NEED OF A EL KINDS Or SF.Cor.d band furniture. will pay highest caah prices for same: send postal or phone Main 71M5. J. RRAXDOX. 420 Sttii n.w. de7-40t WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES TAID FOR worn garments, ladies', gentlemen's, children*' shoes and hilts. Address postal. I will call. A. KEBESKY, 1.106 7th n.w. Phone N. 3260-M. de7-4.">t*4 CARPETS ALTERED AND l^Atb. FL'RXITCRE repaired: low prices: best work. H. G. t'OXX. I'1' M li.w. ne7-.*U RIG M< INKY PA1I) FOR DESIRARf.F. FIRM tore, carpets, office furniture and household goods: contents especially: also storks of merchandise. I>. NOTES. 615 La. are. PhoneM.3000. deC-.17t OVERHOlTr WHISKY. $3.00 PER G ATTAIN. JOHN WKDDERBl'RX CO.. leading liquor Dealers. 616 "V" st. ti.w. dr6-P0t WANTED?1514 K ST. N.W.: MAKES. REMOD els and relines all kinds of furs; reasonable prices. . de6-3t* WANTED EASTERN FEATHER COMPANY, thin month?50.000 lbs. old feathers: highest ash priee; also furniture. Send postal: will call nt once. 3.37 Md. are. s.w. r,?30-301* CAR FARE REFUNDED ON ALL HOLIDAY gifts purchased of DEFIBAUGH, Jeweler. 21 II st. n.w. n<>29-3flt WANTED ~~TO BUY VOI.l MES III ANlTTV ltaist's Real Estate Atlas, 1907: state condition ami price. Address Box 43. Star office. lio2S30t BIG MONET PAID FOR DESIRABLE FFRNTt:ire. carpets, office fnrtilture and household goods: contents especially; also stocks of merchandise. I>. NOTES. 615 La. are.; phone M.3006. ro22-51t BIG MONEY PAII) FOR LADIES' AND GENTS cast-off clothing, shoes, hats, shirts. Drop po?tal u nponmxr i ono WlA. ? '?* " wrmniii, I rn D.W. W A NTED-SECOND-II AND LATRORE STOVE. Address GEO. TURNER. 921 10th st. n.w. nol2-.10t* PAWN TICKETS FOR-PRECIOUS STONES AND jewelry: cash paid for old sold, silver and U.S. coins. Money tt? loan nt 2 per cent. oe22 -tf LOUIS ABRAHAMS. 433 flth n.w. WANTED?ALU THE OLD USELESS GOLD AND silver lying Idle In your possession. Corals, diamonds, eameos, jewelry and silverware bought. C. F. KARR. Jeweler, CIS 13th bL, above F. orl-tf _. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY One rent a word each time for 15 words 3 times. WANTED ONE PERSON I.N KACII GOVKRNinent detmrtment to interest prospective investors in sound industrial stork on liberal rash commission bases: no soliciting; particulars at interview; replies confidential. INDUSTRIAL Star office. deS-Tt* FOR SALE - CIGA ItA M? NEWSSTAND; K.ST A Rlished trade: old location; rooms; cheap rent. Address Hott !?0. Star office. deM-3t* FINE BUSINESS Ft tit SALE: PINING ROOM"; fixtures; rooming-house furniture, etc.: owner retiring. 513 13th St. n.w. deS-3t >NLY J TOP PR INVOICE A XP 25 PER CENT discount on long established newsstand, cigar, stationery * and variety store: cheap- rent; flat above; must he told this week: bargain for quick purchaser. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. ?11 F. de8-.'U EXCELLENT WOOD AND COAL BUSINESS^ corner central northwest; refit $15; husine--s complete. 31,500: stand aione worth tvioe: retail trade unsurpassed. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. 611 F. <ieH-;:t iALOON; NONE BETTER AT $4,200: RENT stands $40; downtown business street; established 30 years: owner leaving eltv; Intcuds to sell. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. 611 F. dcg-3t THE CONTROLLING INTEREST IN A~ Business enterprise has been sold for mililons; $1,000 car be Invested in the stock of th's company: it will pay 1*n? per cent profit in thirty days; no risk: investors puavnnteed against loes. For particulars address Box 94. Star office. UeS-3t* FOlT^ALE-AT A SACRIFICE. A WEuTEST tablisbed souvenir store. Box 84, Star office. de7-3t* FOR SALE?MUST SELL AT ONCE; GOOPpaylnz poat card store on Pa. ave.; good reason for selling. Address Box SC. Star office. de~-3t* LADY OR GENTLEMAN TO INVEST $450 IN ltlbcbronut. Address Box 71. Star office. de0-3t* FOR RENT-BEST LOCATION IN CITY FOR barber shop: near 14fh and G; reut low to good tenant. 612 14th St.. 3d floor. de6-3;* FOR RENT?8PLENPIPLY EQUIPPED MANtcaring and shampooing parlors; best location In cltv; low rent. C12 14th St.. 3d floor. de6-3t* FaSioUS SHERWOOD WHISKY. 7!>c BOTTLE. JOHN WEDPBRBURN CO.. Leading Liquor Dealers. 616 "F" st. n.w. $3.00 per gallon. defl-90t FOR SALE?FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS: ALL OR half Interest: opportunity of a lifetime to a live man; dead ones need not apply. 36 Warder bldg.. 9th and F. defl-3t TAH/OR STORE; GOOD LOCATION- SMALL cash payment. Apply A. C. HOUTON. Apartment I. 1539 I St. de6-3t* WANTED?SEVERAL PARTIES TO INVEST $500 to $3.00M in a small local corporatU*i paying 25% to 50% annually: a safe investment, with sure returns.: fnllest investigation Invited: references exchanged. Address Box 44, Star office. de5-7t CAFE - LIVING ROOMS ABOVE; HKNTINO for $76: price. $600: rent. $40. CAPITOL BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 042 E n.w. deo-4t* LEGAL ADVKTi AI J. CASES: COLLECTIONS, domestic troubles, estate* settled, damages all kinds: confidential: corporations organized and promoted. U. S. LEGAL CORP.. 307 Bond bldg. nn?'-tf.4 L0STABDF0UN1) One cent a word ?aeb tim? for 15 words 3 times. LOST-MONDAY BETWEEN 7 AND R P.M.. black featber. !s?a, lietween the Burlington and the Is?nox. I/?ave at Apt. 26. the l^e'iiox. LOST ON STREET OH AT CONVENTION Hali. fraternity pin. with rubies and ]>earls. Reward if returned to 214 B s.o. ?2fK) REWARD AND NO QUESTIONS ASKED> for the return of diamond cross hf?x:h. containing II distend*, lost ttctoher 3Q at th" Homestead.- Hot Springs, A'a., to BLACK, STARR A FROST. 438 5lb ave.. New York. deS. 10.13 LOST TUESDAY MORNING. IN FRONT OF Force School, lady's black haudbag, containing about $9 and other articles. Return to No. 1410 New York aye. and receive appropriate reward. de8-3f* LOST PIN; DIAMOND HORSESHOE: HEtweett the Connecticut apt. house and National Theater. Liberal reward if returned to Apt. 32. the Connecticut. deR-3t LOST -DECEMBER 7. PEARL AND RHINKstone collay, on 17th lietween Q and S. Reward. 1610 S. de8-3t* LOST-MONDAY NIGIIT. BLACK LYNX NECK Rcarf. Li tier a 1 reward if returned to Miss BENJAMIN. 2601 University pi. de8-3t* LOST PENSION CHECK IN NAME NATHAN lei H?*r?nier: auiwiiii, .-???; . pnymrm sioppco. I Upturn 21? War l>ept.: reward. de8-3t U ?ST SATURDAY. DOWNTOWN. A 8M AI.L dm tie Aid scarfpln. valu'w) as a sift. Howard. Return to \V. A. SKHBOIJl. Second National Rank. . dc7-3t ' [7two keys ox bhass chain Tn leather case. Howard. Return 1116 8th at. n.w. _ de7-3t UJST-DEC. 5. LARGE PKAHI/CIHCLE PINT between 15th at.. St. Mark's Chiirob and Union depot. Liberal reward. 823 lotli st. de7-3t* IA AST -DEC. R. AN ANGORA CAT. GHAT. Howard If rotumod to 1015 16th n.w. de7-3t LOST-SMAU. WHITE <71 BAN POODIJ3. REtweon 12 and ft o'clock Friday, on M et. l>elween 18th and lPth. Reward on return to A. B. DUVAIJy. 1831 M at. de7-2t LOST-BROWN POCKFTROOK. CONTAINING two small |P)ld ptna and cards of Ida F. Ayrea, on R at. between 30tli and .'12d or 30th liettveen M and R. Reward If returned to 3223 R n.w. deft-.1t _ DOGS, PETS, ETC. On# cent a rord for 1". irivdi. IYK AUK BOOKING CHRISTMAS " ORDERS for Eskimo Wblte Foodlea and other Dogs- !*<> Hnging Oaaarle*. Goat*. Parrot*. Gotdflabes. Cats. Rabbits. Wlillt MI## and Rats. SCHMID'S BIRD STORE. 712 12th at. no20-t? singing canaries, parrots. love bird*, macaw*, monkeys, thoroughbred does goldfish. rabbits, gninea pigs. LEE'S BIRD STORE. 413 11th at.' n.w. noll-tf.4 hospital for animals. ?113-2115 Utb *t. n.w. oc1$-tf,4 * DR. CECIL FRENCH. SPECIALIST. Treatment of tbe Ho* and Cat exclnlrel/. Office. 718 12th at. n.w. . Kennel*, cor. Park roeil and 20th at. n.w. apI4-tf SHOEBJEPMRING~ EXPERT (JISTOMMAJ'E SHoDH. REPAIRING; coacbman, riding heota, boot cuff*, cripple shoe* specialty: work called for and deli rered; drop P<?ral. Main 5S6U-Y. T. UCttTRE. loot K. ix.*5-9CL4 4 .ZOOLOGICAL, SPELL OCT THE MAKES OF THE MP SUBTRACT AS INDICATED. WHAT I! ANSWER TO PEL In the walking match puzzle it can r? rate of a mile in seven and a half mir a mile in eight minutes. Mike would go hut being allowed a handicap of two rnin the four_jmile.? in thirty minutes. FOE RENT?ROOMS. One cent a word for 1"? wordy. j FLHMIWHBD. i ONE FUKMM1KI> ROOM. SUITABLE FOR gentleman. 1)12 7th s.w. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED THIRD-STORY front room, with hall room adjoining; private family. 2020 N n.w. d??-2t* 10t? 17TH ST.?SECOND FLOOR. TWO ROOMS 1 and private hath; single or oil suite; private family: reference. de8-3t* 3 OR 4 NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS: M< ?D?gcra house; n.w. section: hot-water heating; adults: south front: no housekeeping; contd arrange a sitting room; would serve light break- , fast: reference. U, T. T., Star office. deM-Zt* j PARLOR FLOOR. 3 ROOMS; L.U.K.: ELKgant; ?2T> mouth. 2d floor, $10. 944 N. Y. | ave. n.w. de8-3t* j ATTRACTIVE. BRIGHT ROOMS. WITH VRL vate Iratli; Washington Heights; references given and required. Address Box .">2, Star office. de8-3t* CENTRA I.; UhlH H ST~ 2D-STOKY AND other sunny runws; single and double; furnace heat. * de8-3t* 943 .O ST. N.W.. LARGE FRONT ROOM; southern exposure; phone service; $10: gentlemen only. de8-7t* 1714 Q ST. N.W.. FURNISHED ROOMS, 2D and 3d floor; north and south exposure. de8-3t* 1318 COLUMBIA ROAD LARGE. SUNNY room. 2d floor; bath adjoining; steam heat; private family. de7-8t* NEWLY PAPERED ROOMS. SFiCOND-SfORY back and third-story front. 1372 Harvard at.. n.w. Reasonable. de7-3t* j IIANlhSOMELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS; excellent location: also furnished apartment, j 1Q24 14th. cor. 14th npd L n.w. de7-3t? FOR RENT?927 O ST.: FURNISHED ROOMS, warm and light; telephone service; adults; j reasonable. de7-7t* H(GM~ST.. THOMAS CIR0I.E-LARGE FRONT j Ipatf rnomi c*?r?r/nrl und third ilrmn* nitahlo i for one or two. ' de7-8t 20? A ST. S. K. ?SECOND FLOOR. 3 ROOMS, private bath: hot and cold water In each room: furnace heat; open Are. de7-3t* FOR RENT?TWO LARG K. COM MINK'ATIN(i rooms, furnished: electric light, telephone: beat location. 1126 16th at. de7-3t* LARGE SOUTH-FRONT ROOM OR MRDIUMslacd room; both well furnished: second floor: i hot-water heat; very reasonable. Call 1537 i Monroe st. n.w. de7-3t* FOR RENT?ONE LARGE FRONT. ALSO'cOsT mimical iug. room; neatly furnished and well hchted house: single or en suite: private family; references excftatiged: convenient to all car lines. 1?W1 N at. n.w. de7-3t* 1400 G1RAKD ST. ATTRACTIVE. WELL KL'llnislied rooms; convenient to three car lines,* FINELY Fl'RNISHETVFTtONT AND RACK FAR^ ; Icr: suitable for doctor's office; also live fur- i j nlslied rooms, with ls>ard: price renaonable for, j first-class board. 216 I n.w.* ; ! 008 NORTH t'AROJ-IXA AVE. S.E. TVi% NICE- j ly furnished conitnunlcating rooms, second floor, ' front: near Uapltol and l.ihrary. de6-3t* [ APARTMENT 25, THE CUMBERLAND -DE- ! sirable rooms In small private family. d?6-:;t 817 I2T1I N.W. - TWO COMMUNICATING rooms, suitable for 3 or 4 gentlemen; steam heat; on floor with bath; also large 2d-floor j front room: board If desired. deG-i'.t j 1411 1UT1I?NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. SINgle or suites: running water In moms: all ! conveniences; reasonable. dett-3t* 174P 1RTI1 N.W. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH r wltbont board: first-class; private bouse. deC.-rtt ONE FURNISHED ROOM. SECOND FLOOR; use of telephone; terms reasonable. 2026 F at. n.w. defl-3t 1765 P N.W.?TWO COMMUNICATING HAND ("?uin * imuisui ii iivui iwiuo L'ltiairr uklu, lint-water heat; southern cxtiosure; exclusive section. Telephone N. 5952. deft-It SIX H ST. X.W.?DBS! BAULK ROOMS AT reasonable ratea. de4-.1t* ! 1 LARGE FRONT ROOM: ALSO ADJOINING hack room; all well heated. 1734 15th n.w. I de4-7t? Sift C ST. N.W.?ROOMS IN WELL KEPT house; single. eu suite; steam beat: rates mod! erate. de3-th.aa.Su.rn.tu.5t* | DELIGHTFUL OUTSIDE ROOMS: NEWLY PApered, painted, furnished: bath; hot-water j beat: sunshine. 200 D n.w. de3-7t* i 1T.22 K N.W.?FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENi tlemen. Apply 10 a.m. to ft p.m. oc5-tf j FURNISHED OK VirFVR.VI?lIEU. ; IF YOU WANT FURNISHED Olt UNFURNINH >d rooms or apartments, see us. We have the best places in city. Information and automo! l>ile free. CENTRAL REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. 133.1 F n.w. deS-tf UNFURNISHED. 115 C ST. X.K.: TWO SECOND-STORY OOMnimilcatinc rooms. I.h.k.. $15. deS-.1t* 931 M N.W.?FLAT OF THREE ROOMS; l.h k.: range in flat over parlors; $25 month. <1eS.1t 629 L ST. N.E.. 2 OR 3 ROOMS; NEWLY PA. pered; heat and gas: for I.h.k.; with refined, <iulet couple; reasonable ratea. 639 Q N.W.. ONE LARGE UNFURNISHED room: light housekeeping. TWO OR THREE .SECOND-FLOOR ROOMS.' -all conveniences; private family; no children. 1013 O at. n.w. <le7-3t ONE OR TWO ROOMS SUITABLE FOR OFfice or studio. 1400 II at.. 2d floor. deft-Su.tu.2t* j 021 S ST. N.W.-1 UNFURNISHED. ROOMS: I heat ami gas. deft-It WANTED?ROOMS. 1 One cent a word for 15 words. I WANTED TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. L.H.K., on or near North Canltol st. nbove F*1s. ave.; refs. triven. J, M.. 2410 North Capitol at. WANTED?PERMANENTLY -F URXISHED room for gentleman nnd wife; not over fifteen minutes" walk from St. .Tames* Hotel. Addmaa. giving price, description and location, G. S. H- Star_ office. de7-3t* FOR RENT?STORES. i FOR RENT?A NEARLY NEW store In a location that cannot be beat for grocerymau. tailor or cigar suirr. Rent reasonable. FRANCIS A. BLENDON, f07 7lh t?t. n.w. Tlie Agent. Who Pleases Both Landlord aint Tenant. Call at office for ful! list. de4-5t FOE RENTIER Tor srr. x.w. A dandy store, aoitable for .most any hu?ii:ess: att-active show-window: water and a.m.!. Bent reasonable. FRANCIS A. BH'XDOS. C07 7th at. n.w. The Agent Who Please* Both landlord and Tenant. Call at office for fell list. j de-i-St I FOR RENT- 7.71 11TH ST. N.W.; NICE BASEtnant atore: good light: rent reaaouable. Apply to OWNER. 1707 8 at. n.w. deL'-gt FOR RENTEXCELLENT STOREROOM. 704 1RTH N.W.. N>xt to corner of G at. n.w. Splendid location for any business. Include* main office, private office, toilet; heat furnished; two entranree. main and private. LOW HUNT. DON'T DELAY. SHANNON & LP CI IS. ' 704 1STH ST. N.W. del-if ? i FOR REXT--VALCABLE 8TORE AND WABKrrmtn building m G it bet. lOtb and 12tb: rnnt. #475 per month. HARRISON REALTY CO.. <K1 1.1th n w. oolO-tf FOB BERT?STABLES. : FOR KENT?SMALL PORTION OF STABLE, rear of 1415 K: could be naed a* a garage: suitable for doctor; #10 per month. Apply at JOHN O EVANS'. 1*17 C. actO-tf FOB RENT?MISCELLAWEOTTS. FOB RFNT?RWILD1XG IN Ald.EY BETWEEN K. Capii-i) aud A. Id and 4th sra. n.e.: aaitab'.e for shop, storage or garage. Apply 311 A at. u.e. deS 3t* i umrenc i-O I PERENT OBJECTS?TWIN ADO AND ITHE RESULT > . " > ESTRIAX Pi'ZZLE. adily be seen that Dennis travels at the l utes. while Mike would go at the rate of the four miles, therefore. In thirty-two, utes just ties with Dennis, who would do I " ROOMS AND BOARD. ; One cent a word for 15 words. 2JU5 14TH?NICELY KVRNUU$ED 2D FLOOR front: also adjoining room: well heated: excellent board. de8-3t* 190-i H X.W.?XlfELY FURNISHED ROOMS aud board: 440 per month, with two In room. >le?.?.11.13-4t 1338 VERMONT AVE. X.W.? ATTRACTIVE front rooms, overlooking circle: 'soothers exposure: steam heat; excellent table and service; phone. <V?8-6t UNSURPASSED LOCATION: IjA ROE SOLTHern exposed nicely funi!ahe?l rooms: every convenience: board; porcelain-t?atb?. J52ft <J. de8-3t* . ROOM, WITH OK WITHOUT BOAKI). IN CIll rate family, for one or two; convenient 3 car lines: married couple preferred: references required 3022 HtSi at. n.w. de8-3t* LARUE 2D-STORY FRONT ROOM. WEU-PURnlshed, well heated, very eheerful; 3 windows front: with or without board. Also parlor floor. 2 very nice rooms, suitable for a bedroom and parlor; clean beds and good board guaranteed. Near Library and Capitol. 311 Ot st. a.e. dc7-3t 182ft MONROE ST.-I*ARGE FRONT ROOM with alcove; board if desired; private fsmfly; beantiful location. de7-6t* 14<M MASS. AVF- X.\V.-HAM?S')ME SECOND floor front, for couple; excellent table hoard; reasonable. d?7-3t Oil X. H. AVE. N.W.?FOR ADULTS. ROOMS and hoard in private family; half square of ! I*a. ave. cars. defl-3t* i 1300 FADiMONT N.W.-TWO FRONT ROOMS, with hoard: also table boarders wanted. Phone ! Columbia 2(83. I IN REFINED HOME, A LARGE. NBWLY FUR nished 2d-Btory front room; phono; ref. 1312 Fairmont. defl-3t 1024 17TII N.W -L.ARGE ROOM; WELL FURnUh?d. with first-clans board, at low rate*. deft-St* 1752 1784 Q ST. N.W.-HAXDSOMELY FURn I shed rooms, on suite, with board. Miss CAMERON", formerly of 1*22 yt. are. ta.w. de6-7t 922 4TH ST.?CLEAN AND PLEASANT ROOMS, nicely furnished; front or back; well heated; excellent table. de6-.1t 2010 COL. ROAD?CONNECTICUT CAR LINE: attractive rooms; beautiful location; good table. Miss TANNER. Phong 2323. ded-llt* 1414 1CTII ST. N.\V. -LARGE, NEWLY FURnlshed rooms with private bath; table boarders; transients accommodated. de6-3t* PRIVATE FAMILY 1 VERY ATTRACTIVE home; all modern conveniences; desirable rooms, elegantly famished, with excellent table accommodations, at moderate prices; Mt. Pleasant cars pass house. 2433 Columbia road. ded-Gt 1824 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. ENTIRE fWCond floor and other rooms; beet service and location; hot-water heat. Phone N. 6363. de5-5t OPPOSITE PARK: LARGE. 8UNNY OOMMUNIcating front moms; furnished or unfurniahed; excellent^board. 13D1 K St. n.w. de4-5t THE HEIGHTS. 1848-47 V ST. N.W.?LARGE furnished or unfurnished rooms, with board: fair prices; flue location; house faces aontb; home table. no28-30t 1702 COLOMBIA ROAIY-SUNNY ROOMS. COMf<>rtably furnished. In new bouse; two car lines; excellent table. m>28-tf WHY PAY KX T11A V AG A N'T HOTEL RATES 7 The Lcgan?Iowa Circle. TK mime: 90 hatha. Select, homelike, economical. Single. $30: double, $50 np. Am. plan. <icg4-fl0t 4 W ANTED?R 0 OMSANDBO AKD. One cent a word for 15 words. WANTED BY FAMILY OF THREE ADULTS, two unfurnished rooms, with board. Address A. E. B.. Roe's Drue Store, cor. 7th and T< sts. n.w. / d?7-3t# FATHER AND DAI OUTER (AGED 14) WOl LD like rooms and board In pood location with private family; would prefer two unfurnished rooms; southeast or northeast. Address Box K.Y Star office. de7-2t* FOR BENT?OFFICES. " FOR RENT-DESK ROOM IN COLORADO building. Call Room 034. deC-St ? ^ FOR RENTEXCELLENT STOREROOM. 704 13TH N.W. Next to comer of G at. a.w. Splendid location for any business. Includes main office, prirate office, toilet; beat furnished; two entrancea, main and prirate. T/)W RENT. DON'T DELAY. SHANNON ft LDCHS. 704 13TH ST. N.W. del-tf FRONTING D. S.CAPITOL OROUNDa Heat. light and Janitor aerrlce; $8 00 np per month. BLISS BUIIJJING. 35 B ST. N.W. oclS-tf FDR RENT - DESIRABLE ROOMS IN THB Evening Star building. Room 408. alae 13*4x14: 2 large windows 11th st- front. Price.... $77.60 Room 511. alae 1514x23; 4 large windows. Wee $35.00 Room 510. sine 184x17: 2 large windows 11th st. front, directly in front of elevator. Price $30.00 Apply MANAGER. Stnr bldg.. 11th nnd Pa. are. auft-tf SEVERAL ATTRACTIVE OFFICES AND SUITES IN THE NEW BUILDING OF THE NATIONAL METROPOLITAN BANK. 15TH Street. Opposite U. S. Treasury. Rentals. only flfl to $35 monthly. Including heat, light, elevator and jaQttor terrier. A. F. FOX COMPANY. Established 1S7?, "Rental Agents." 14th at New York are. FOR RFNTTHE NEW H.VION TRUST CO. RLDO.. 15TH AND H N.W.: DESIRABLE OFFICE ROOMS, INCLUDING UT" AT. I.IGHT. ELEVATOR AND JANITOR SERVICE. PRICES. 520 UP. THOS. J. FISHER ft CO. (INC.). 73S 15TB X.W. fe22t f 1 FOR RENT?OFFICE ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN 6ulte. No. ISIS K at. idjolnlng tke new municipal building: rent. ST> to $20 per room. TTF *rPt? r.RQV . 141ft F ?t. n.w. noB-ff PERSONALS. AND MAMMA. PAPA. THE CHILDREN. T.flOO cousins and other relations to Chriatmastize this year: but nerer fear: our hot c-tsli sees you clear; f"" shoes, bata, gen I a' discarded garments tern I us postal. JUSTH'S OLD STAND. tllP D. deS-tf.S OVERHOLT WHISKY. M.oO PER OAlJJiN. JOHN WEDDERBTRN CO.. leading Liquor Dealers. de6-90t.4 fllB "F at. u.w. IF YOU NEED MONEY I WILL LOAN YOU 1 from 910 to $50: very low rate af Interest: all I loans are strictly prlrnte. Address Bqs 15$ j Star office. no5-80t* | HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR r?r,D ! (fold. alleer. diamond*, wntebea abd jewalrr. : GOLDSMITH. Pawnbroker*' Sale Store. t>0!> D n.w.: phone M. 5T4-M., or drop postal: will call. ' my$0-tT HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR I.ADIF.S" and genta' worn srarmenta ?f all kinda: alao ahoes. hata. etc. THE BARGAIN STORE. 12?i j 7th at. n.w. Drop postal:*wlll call promptly. m*4tf.< j MASSAGE j Scientific massage. face and scalp: wrinkles ?.nrt blemlahes remoeed. MRS. LYDIA IOHNSON. M. G. (Graduated In SwedenV 1212 G atn.w. Trial treatment. 50c. Main 5910 M. fwlfi-flOt r MOVING, PACKING & SHIPPING. WE MOV* ANYTHING." FURNITURE. BAGGAGE. freight. SAFES. , MACHINERY. MERCHANTS' TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO.. 920 B at. n.w. 'Phone 920. Jy1?-tf.lo ARE YOU GOING TO MOVE? Padded earn. $4.00 load. Two-borae waMu, $3.00 load. COLUMBIA TRANSFER CO.. 0(15 New York are. f*3-tf,d STORAGE. Phona Main 419*^, APARTMENTS TO LET. 1359 MASS. AVE. S.E. FIRST-FLOOR APART ment; five oatslde rooms and batb: hot-uate' heat; large yards and back potvii; one block t< Lincoln Park im def<-Ht*4 THE CAMERON. VKK.MOXT AVE.. T AXI" 10th at*, n.w.?5 large rooms and bath t4 ?1 the rooms are front.i. *.16: 1 block from 9th at. car*: 1 hlok from F at. cars. 8. W PICKFORD. 1-111 G st. n.w. deS-tf THREE Al'ARTMKXtS LEFT IN THE OARLTOV $40. LOW PRICES. $4,*.. Corner 21*t and X sts. A desirable location and EVERY ROOM A> Ol'TSIDK ONE. BEING OX A CORNER; aon^h ern exposure: 6 r?nn and bath each; O.U BEAM DIXIXti ROOM CEILINGS: ev.-rr r.m finished in hardwood; THE REST YALI'I AT $10 AND $46 EACH. OPEN FOR IN SPECTION. I'd and 3d floor front $45.U0 3d floor, weat $40.*e> MOORE ? HIl-L One.,. 1333 ti st. n.w. de7-5t FOR RENT ? IN THE. OAlfcljANTV- APART ment bouae. 2l>19 Col. road. Wash. Heights furnished or unfurnished, a flve-room apt. Ap ply at building or OSCAR W. WHITE. Hid ! *t. deti-fit FOR RRNT-SPLE.VOII> LITTLE FI.AT- VST recently overhauled and put in first class dltloc; 6 rooms and batb; rent. $17.60. Tin sooner you get particulars the better. SHANNON & I.rCUS, M. 3316. 7lH 13th n.w. M. 2346. de5-exSu-3t FOR RENT?4 ROOMS. RATIfT MACK PORCH nteam heat; newly papered and painted; $3! per mouib. Inquire 304 E st. n.w., second Oat de.l-tf L/1I? DPVT AT 'IM! I.* <VkV tl'iYikCk iTvp. V s. 1? I ? \fll IiCi.1 4 A A V '7 1 !?? > It OL ! n.w.; one very tie* i ruble apt.; reasonable rem choice location. de"-tf FOR BENT?4 ROOMS AND BATH; 2D Kl7?m of tSIS! Tlosedale *t. u.e.; convenient to It at can; southern exposure; hark porch; good con ditton; rent $14.00; key at 1514. II. I,. RUST 60S 14th at. , de5-tf.f> THE CONCORD -N. H. AVE. AND ORE. AVE." four rooms and bath. de0-tf TO COl-ORF.D TENANT. TWO RO?>MS. KROV or back. 1015 4th at.'u.vr. de4-f.?ti<Ju..1t* 1306 O ST. N.W. -3 ROOMS ANT) BATH steam beat; janitor service. L. W. GROOMES 1410 G st. n.w. d?4-tf.eSu THE RIVIERA. 226 H N.W.?7 LARGE ROOMS tiled bath; hot-water heat; large porch; a.m.l. I1S.M. Apply to Janitor. de2-tf THE WICOMICO, 225 X. J. AVE. WV* 3 room h.k. apt., tile bath, all outside rooms $27.00; 4-mom h.k. apt., tile bath, all outsid< rxtms. $40; 4-room h.k. apt., tile bath, unfui nlsbed. $30. 'Apply"MANAGER, office at build lng. overlooking Capitol grounds. no20-2Ot APARTMENTS FOR RE VI?a 1.7. IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION. THE FAIRFAX. 1200 E. Cap. at? 5 rooms and hath... $."3.00 and $00 0 THE MT. VERNON. Mb and N. V. as*, n.w. New elevator in operation. Kent reduced. 4 and 0 rooms and bath... .$52.50 snd $35.0 THE FRANKLIN. 1915 14th st. n.w? 0 and A rooms snd bath $32 50 to $42.5 THE DEVONSHIRE. 1701 Col. rd. n.w? K vaaiue W.?V *EA A " wum MUM filV.V* THE NELSON, 1733 30th St. n.w? 4 rooms and bath $32.r.i 60 O st. n-e.. 4 rooms sr.d bsth $15.3 oc22-tf WEAVER BROS.. 1419 Fst. n.w. 1781 WILLAKI) ST. N.W.; 2D-STORY FLAT. ( rooms, bath, large -attic, storeroom, basement with heater, gas range. hack porch and sepa rate back yard; newly papered and painted $28 per month. Apply to OWNER. 1721 P st n.w. no28-eo.flt* FOR RENT-ONE 8-ROOM APARTMENT WIT? two baths In the Toronto. Dupoat circle; rent $80; also T-room apartment. $70; good cafe ii bldg. Apply T. H. PICKKORD. on premises. ro2iMf.4 FOR RENT-IN THE OWASCO EXTENSION. 1 new fonr-room apartment with two baths besntifnlly finished and very complete In ever; respect: front and rear entrances and a wldi Iron porch at southern end; steam beat, ho water and Janitor serrlce. GEO. TRUESMELL 1827 Lincoln are. n.e. nol5*tf THE WYOMING. COLUMBIA RD. AND CAI. St.?A besatifnl three-room and hath apart ment. southern exposure, overlooking Dean es tate, $42.50 oer month. Apply to super'ntendcn or to RWARTZKLL. RHEEM & HENSEY CO. 727 Ifith st. n.w. nol7-tf THE COLOMBIA. 14TH AND GIRARD .nS n.w., the brightest S and 0 room apartments oi Columbia Heights; all ontsldo rooms. Rent $45 to $?. THE LINCOLN, 111 12th St. s.e.. the mo* desirable 8-room apartment* on Capitol Hill Your careful Inspection solicited. Rent. $3 and $40. JAMES A. C AH ILL, aolT'tt 1308 F st. n.w. "THE ALBEMARLE," 17th at. and N. H. are. Seven-storr fireproof building. Beautiful 8 and 4 room apartments. 4 THE 8ARANAC. 1209 NORTH CAPITOL ST Apartments of 6 and 7 large, cheerful, outsldi rooms. $40 to $45. au27-tf JOTTN W. MORRIS B14 V at. n.w. THE WINDSOR. 1425 T ST. - F1REPROOJ BLDG.?Very CHOICE apt#.; 4 room* an? bath. 1 room and bath bachelor. Open for in aoectlon. See today. Electric elevator. All night service. sel2-tf THE ST'SKEX. 1280 TO 128R R ST. S.W.-A *17 per'dr apartment bonce 5 large room* and tllei bath front apartment: last one of fifteen steam beat, hot water; Janitor; on car line con ten lent to Agricultural. Post Office am Treasury departments; thorough rcpa'r; refiner homes: In choice location*: rent, $30; open Phone Ma'n 4487. PHILLIPS COMPANY. 33! John Marshall place. oeS-tf NICE 4-nOOM AND BATH APARTMENT n the Alston. 1731 21st at.. Juat off Connection tp.; a modern, new building; rent only $35 pe month. 8IMPS0N-8ULLIVAN CO.. 140S G n.w no!3-tf F'?" RENTTHE HAMPTON. 1740 18TH? One 5-room apartment M5.0* Two 4-room apartments $32.Bo and $37.54 Two squares north Dopont circle. ae30-tf O. P. BITLTNOSLKY BIS 14th st. 712 G ST. N.E. Fire blocks from Union station. Fire room* on first floor. $22 50. One month's rent free. THE PEN HURST. 48 H ST. X.E.. ONE-HALF BT/V7K FROM GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. Apartments 4 and 5 rooms; stexm best and hot wnter; 10 ml crates' walk ?'f Union station. $20.00 UP. W. E. COWAN. Mm-.. Room 1, BIN bldg. * Office. 38 B n.w. Phone Lincoln 18CD. oc?-tf - THE SHERMAN. 15TH AND I. N. W.-R-RDON apartment: southwest comer;' southern ex posure; all outside ren*n? Also 3 ro-un mant. Annlr at the Rhe?man.' ati3fi-tf $50 UP. . THE DUPONT. , THV MASSACHUSETTS. I THE WERTOVER. MURRAY A. COBB. Agent. 1102 Conn. nve. awll-tf THE CECIL. 15TH AND L STS. N.W.. TWO room and hath bachelor apartment for rent Apply at Cedl. notO-tf APARTMENTS TO LET~ FURNISHED., THE SHERMAN. 15TH AND L STS. N.W. 5room furnished poartmcnt for rent; all large, bright rooms; (kiwntnvn; will rent for congressional session or louder. Apr>ly at Sher man. deR-tf FOR RENT- -FULLY AM) NEWLY FURNISH El r.'iH timianlraoninw a fl er\.->m and lvo*$> n.i et mnaif ?.--i I'liiH, at irn^'Ui null if iti %afai uin in cars ones door: bet water n I ways: all nighi elevator and telephone aerrice: possession t< anil: will rent for 3 months or longer. Call at the Franlrlin. 14th and T sta. r.w.. VTat Art HOTEL APARTMENTS" EVERETT HOTEL. AMERICAN PLAN. H ST. bet. !7th and IStli; convenient to shops, theaters and bnsineas; attractive 1. 2. 3 room apartments; weekly anil monthly rates. oclg-not ~ WAHTED?APAETMENTS. WAXTHt- BY FAMILY OF FOUR ADULTS and servant. d or 7 room furnished enartment. with Imtb; in good locaiim; $70 t > 5UV0. Possession from Dec. 15, or Jan. t. (1. II. WALLACE. Peeliskill. X Y <V7 S M-n PROPOSALS PROPOSALS FOR HEAVY PIPK. FITTINGS and Valves.--OfBce of building for National Muifum. Library of Congress. Washington. D. C. December 1. 100S. Sealed proposals for furnishing and delivering the cut and threaded heavy pipe, fittings, valves, hangers, etc.. for power room, required for the new building for the Xa;t<mal Museum, in thta city, will be revived at this office until 2 o'clock p.m. on 1'huraday, the 17th day of December. 1W)S. and publicly opened Immediately thereafter. Specifications and other information furnished on application to this office. BERNARD U. GREEN. Superintendent of Construction. del.2.3.?.l).10 nFTTrTAT. WOTTfiTES^ WASHINGTON. I?. C.. DECEMBER s. 190*. Pefault baring born made in payment of $2SS.oo duly assessed an and for taxea <?n personal property, due and payable by June J. 1907 a'ud 1008. respectively. and $30.24 penalties tbpreon. the undersigned collector of taxea of the District of OolHinbia, by virtue of and pursuant to paragraph 12 of aectioo 6 of the act of Congress approved .Inly 1. 1902, on the 30th day of November. 1908. dtatralned of the property of said W. H. Chamber* the following, via.: 2 banaom cab#. 1 brougham and 1 rlctoria. And taotice la hereby giren that I-srill tell aald property, or aa much aa may bo needed to pay aaid taxea. penalty and accrued coata and expennea of aaid distraint anil aalo. at the auction rooms of Marcus Notes. 426 9th at. u.w.. at public auction for cash to the highest bidder on THURSDAY, the 17th day of December. 1908. at 10 o'clock a.m. C. G. ROGERS. Collector of Taxes. Diatrio! of Columbia. deg-ltt " WALL PAPER LET US SHOW YOU OUR PATTERNS FOR 1909. The price* are the lowest, with latest designs. Glee ua a call. S*. G. XOLTE. 907 llth at. n.w. Phase M. 2043. *c3-90t,4#; FOB SALE?MISCELLANEOUS. | One cent n word for til wor<l* a llraM r I A < TtMPiJ.TE I.IK." M?tYIX?; I'll'11 UK octal (It, S.tMIO foot ?>f film. . <m?;Ml iug (If Ado scenes; I tcr> cheap for o?ah. ?*a 11 at 252) p at. n.w. i *ft?*r *. oWvfc deA-.t! r T1IKKE Bill PIANO BARGAINS, i Two aligh'ly uarci pinuoa at $100 e*<h. On* standard make. walnut case. $12.". V??r'i tuning. *to<d and scarf witli each. I1RI.R1G BROS.. 1742 7th. K*tab. 20 year*. deS-tf NEW PIANOS AT ( IT PRICES. ~~ $4?*> Story A Clark, to close agency tl*A S4t>0 Xeedliam. t? ( loan out agency SIM* S7JO Coble & Nelson. to close out agency.. $1** $4(111 KurUmatm. to close out agency 417". i $.??!? Kirrbner. to cloae opt agency SO*. ) Easy term* If desired. 50 oilier bargain* C Sole agent* for Soiimer. Baldwin and Kmtrs t planoa. Piano* for rent, hatiled and repaired. II EGO WOllCH. 1114? G. AVordh building. ?le7-tf.l0 BABY CARRIAGE EOR.SAUK CHEAP. CAM. at 1101 II at. n.w. de7-3t 1 3-PIECE PARLoV SI1TI": A LSO IMRK G KEEN lounge. new: rery cheap If sold at once. Ad" dress Box Sit. Star office. de~-3t r RKMOVAI, SALE OK PIANOS AXI> PLATFtl planes. Erery instrument to be closed out a' a sacrifice prior to our reuiOTal to our new build1 ing at the .-otrer of 12th and G ata. ? $450 fc'tieff nor cht t2A?l $430 ICnab" upright I nlcKenntr upright 122 I $325 Milton upright. Sl#<? ! $300 Fischer unrirht $150 deT-tf.10 O. j. fh-MOM. fc 04).. 1231 ? ?t. i, | aix tiie ?m jl a^rlgl;k~g(>oi>s which ww hare collected through Virginia are on ecfcihU *j lion thin week at N. KRIPSAWS, 327 Pa. av?. n.w. de7-Tt : . nmtkkrei.,v ? ki i kr.yk oorKF.Ktr.rt. $i..v? t<> $2.30 each. J. A. I.eCLERC. Oak are , Takoina Park. ilf61f 1 OVBItHdI.T WiriSKY. $3.00 PER H Al.DON. JOHN wninFJmrRX oo., I-eadlng IJoncp I Dealers. Blft "K" st. n.w. defl-90t for ham; w.m. knabk * ooT Fprwht r plane; in excellent rendition: roust sell at a ' i sacrifice. Address llo* 73. Star office. ?]efi-3t* j. MAM PAtTCREIi'.s SAMPI.K I,INK FI RS. 1N~ eluding all popular animals and newest reigning styles, perf-et in e?ery tvspect. to close at ; agent's prices. Black lent; sets. $4.25 tip; gen. nine mink. fu*. opossum, ringtail, marmot, muakrat. etc. Honrs. 0 to o. l'.ocm 402. Sttow. art hide., fifh end P sfs. ded-.'lt ; AT A HA Rt 1A IN Tvt MR IVED DESK ANI? bookcase; also one wardrobe. 1227 30th ?t. ~ u. w. ded."t . DUPARQI I'TI" ?'OFFER I KNS. BATTERY 3. T?r gallon: also .mic tw-i-gollon; excellent condition. 1*34 1" st. dcd-3t* " LARGE 1?OITU.K DiiOR SAFE, WITH INNER doors; cost $230; good ?s new. 327 HVth st. '* detl-3t* bT V YOnr sniNKT RINGS OF defibahgh" 0 Jeweler. 21 II st. n.w. no2R-30t - ONK THolSAND FEET STEEL CAB MR four marble mantel*. complete: very cheap. T. 0 EDW. CLARK. Builders' Supplies. 130R N. J. i are, n.w.: phone X. 270. de2-tf 0 j COMPLETE I.INR OF OFRTAIX POUCH A NT* 5 fixtures. 19c up; cottage rods. 10c each: hut finality floor oilcloth. 30r Tard; carpet lining, n 3c and 5c yard. KI.EKBLA'tT'S. 11th A H n.e. U nc20-3fit GENTLEMAN ANT) FAMILY OOINO HOtTl* g will sacrlfi-e their fors. lust honrht 1n Xere York. Gentleman's hesntlfnl fur-lined conee ' seal coat, finest Persian lamb collar, good I J .1 - s ? . a. s Aaa a Sal Iin nnrinia nriv.i. worm ? *". soil T'?T *? >: yo'Ulg ' ladr's black km set. long atole. Iirp tnj nviff. Worth $?n. ?p11 for *28. mid lady's l?mc blended French coney pout, fne?t skin. en#t I $125. *"!1 for $42: alsn 'adr's mink net. Vorth $05. noil f?r $30. Mr. TV!T.SOX 113 2d n.w.. !> t? 1 12 i?.m.. 1 to 10 p.m.; Sundays. 1 1o 10 p.m. uo24-15t* - FOR *2no ?A HANDSOVK MAHOGANY UP^ right piano; a genuine bargain at thin prW; ! not a scratch or mac on It; beautiful. rich t ton?: pontain* all hn b??t Imororementa; full? ? warranted: (Ire stool and elegant scarf g? wllfc It: $10 monthly payments. w One fine Kranirh ft Bach uprtght grand. In splendid rendition, that roat originally $.150. " for only $2r>0; easy payments; one upright. bargain. $150. k GRIMES PIANO STORES, t noCT-tf.12 v 1211 P at. TO MSKF ROOM FOR NTT STYLE* wy OFfer SLIGHTLY USED PIANOS, and thoae take* In eyrbanre for new Knahes. AT A OIIBAT SACRIFICE. Make known your terms. Wa will try to meet your slews. EMERSON tMt 5 SMITH ft BARNES 8300 . T.AFFAROUE USA LAFFARGCB UB STARR SIM MePHAIL $300 nra.i.KR dm JESSIE FRENCH lit# , STNGKR 9IS0 BAILEY $125 Other squares from $10 upward. Terms t? Nli [ WM KXABF. ft CO.. 1218 F at. 1 no13-2f>d - FOR SALE?GOOD OPACITY OPAQUE SHADES. flt'ed to your windows. only R5-; the be?t qna!~ Itr "11 opaque shade*, flop, hirng free. NTs call ; with samples. KLEEBl<ATT'S. Iltb arl H sts. n.e. ap22-tf SIlOFftSES AND STORK FIXTFKRE *OHX C. SCHERER. JR . MFO OO.. i de<-tf P*l?f?t??y. j CASH REGISTERS. WE GUARANTEE TO FURNISH AMERICA^ J CASH REGISTERS GIVING MORE INFORt MATTON. GREATER PROTECTION ANT? AT t LOWER PRICES THAN ANY OTHER CONCERN. TTIF.Y ARE MARK Rv THE AMERICAN CASH REGISTER COMPANY. THE ONLY CONCERN STANDING BETWEEN THE MERCHANT UT-RLIC AND A MONOPOLY. . GET OUR PRICES AND SEE OrR 1000 MOD\ Er*? BEFORE YOU BUY. BURGH ft KI^EPS, ' SALES AGFXTS. 315 0TH ST. N.W PHONE MAIN 2*10. no20-?0t 10 ' MATTRESS MAKING. ^ YOUR MATTRESS CAREFULLY RENOVATED, using same tlrk. $2: with new ?-o*. ticking. $4 to $5. You pan aee rour work done. L. T. JONES. 633 H n.w.; tel M. 20QT. relT-OOi.* LEGAL NOTICES- ' A. I.EFTWICH SINCLAIR. ATTORNEY.? Filed iTceniber 3. W0S.?In the Supreme Court of the District of Cokmibla. holding a special term a* a district court of the United State? for the District of Columbia.?In the matte* "i *iip payment or damages -esulting to adjacent property from changes In the grades of street a. avenues and alleys nnthoclaed he th* act of Congress approved February 2*. 1902. relating to the construction of a Tnlow railroad station._ In the IHstrlct of Columbia.?District Court No. 671.?Notice la hereby given that we. i the undersigned, having been designated and appointed by the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, holding a special term as t Tutted . States district court for the District of Colnmf bla. as a commission to appraise and determine . the damages resulting to adjacent property from . j changes In the grades of streets, avenues and i alleys authorised hy the act of Congress ap j proved February its. 190:1. relating to the construction of a I'r.Ion rri'.rohd station. In the District of Columbia, will meet ar 10:20 o'clock a.m.. on the 18th day of January. A.P. 1D0P. at tiie I'nited States eonrt house (city halP. in the District of Columbia. In a room to be assigned . us by the I'nltcd Stales marshal, for the per. jhisc of viewing the real projierty affected by the changes of the grades of fhe following narred streets, in said District, ard hearing testimony : "touching the damages resulting to said propertv froai said changes of grade. In accordance with the terms anil provisions of sn act of Congress approved April 22. 10O4. entitled "An . act to provide for pavment of damages on ac count of changes of grade due to construction of I'nlon statljn. District of ColttmMa." an amended by sn act of Congress approved Juno 29. 1006. entitled "An act amendatory of an act entitled 'An act to pruTide for payment of dant , nges on account of changes of grade due W construction of the I'nlon station. District rf Columbia." approved April twenty second, nine1 teeu hundred anil four,"' to wit: Firat street J between Massachusetts avenue and t> street 1 northeast. Massachusetts avenue lietween 1st and 2d streets northeast. K street between 1st at:d 2d northeast. P street between 2d and 2d streets northeast and 2d street front E t<? t; streets northeast. All owners of real property damaged hy the changes made In the grade of any of said street* will file a petition with | us. in this cause, signed and sworn to. fog an allowance of damages within sluty iflOt dara after the said lMlt day of January. A.D. I9U8. The ! aforesaid act of Congress approved April 22. I llk'4, provides that upon the failure of a?iv | such owner to thus present hia claim for dan ! I ? 1 1 ?a _x?1-s - J? ?? ? ? ' ; vw?4iu sni-i ill* r:^i!l Uf? pjimu pease and determine. THAR. A. RAKER. GEORGE \V. MOSS. GEORGE SPRAN8Y. (onimlsslon to nupraise damages. (Seal.! A true pony?Teat: .1. R. YOT'N'C. Clerk, by E. E. Cunningham. Assistant Clerk, j de.V:l0t.oa:Su4rliol I Sri'llKMK COI'KT OK THE msTRlCT OP I Colombia, holding Probate Oosrt.--No. IMfitS. ; Administration. This is to give notice that tho ; auhscrllter. of the District of Columbia. baa <>bj tnined from the Probate Court of the District of ! Colnntbla letters of administration or the eststo I of John J. Miller, late of the District of Colunt, bla. deceased. All p? rsor.i baring claims against | the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the Touchers thereof, legally anthvutlcated, to tlie sul?eriber on or bef<a*e tbe 30*1* day of NovpiiiIht. A.D. 1 : otherwise they may by law be excluded front nil l>eneflt of said estate. Given under ntv baud this 30th day of November. IK'S. JOHN M. CARSON. 12S2 Vermont ate. (S'eal.) Attest: JAMES TANNER. Register of Wills for the District of Oo'unibii. (Merle of tlie Prohsfe Court. ('HARDER J. Mt'R | PHY. Att??rney. del-lar\3' Nl'PKKMK ("OriJT OF TDK DISTRICT 0?c Columbia. holding Probate Court.?No. 15616.Administration. -This is to give notice that the subscriber. of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Omrt of the District of Columbia letters testamentary on the estate of Travera Kom. late of the District of Colombia, deceased. All t*eraons baring claims against tits deceased are hereby warned to eth'.Mt the same, with the ronchera thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber on or Itefore the 30 th day of Norember. A D. 1S0&; othersrlae they mar by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate Given under uir hand this 30th day of Norember. 1MU8. I.AI RA KO.H8. 1BI3 12th St. n.w. (Sea! ) Attest: JAMES TANNER, Register of WlUa fur The District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probatb Court. CLARK. PRENTISS Jc CLARK. Ag. torneys. del-law.Ht SEWINGMACHINES. ^ THE DAGS VERTICAL KKKD 18 RBOO0S{^ldi as the best for all ttnda of serins. Free lb* atructions in dreaamaking. plain aewing and e?. broidery. AGENCY. 913 Stb sL B.W. bu>?fc4 <