Newspaper Page Text
fraternal notices. A SPEOAI, MEETIM; OK MTRTYTA CHAP . O. t. S.. will l?" held in Ihf hapfe- reofn, 4th rt. and I'a. aie. s.e.. Wed ne*dny evening, I v. eintier 5?, n? 7 :.>0. tor degree work, tlx order of the worthy matron. V MllOX W. Mrt ATIIKAX. Seeret'ary. _jle? 2t _ special notice^ KOR SAI.F-I/lTS oOrtrtO tAIWM'T QI AUTER * *ret: larger than tliiw average suburban lots or tivo ritv lots; wirhln six to'l^s north and of White Hons.. Th<- id"-Hl plaee for .1 hn;n?v I'rires, $.bjr> and $400. Villa sites, to fir# ?ri#s; average nriee. 15 rent* npiar' easy term*. Heatrictions to protoet purettasers. On rar line; commutation faro. H nt* p.ijml trip, with free transfers: naak- appointment tu see urnprrty: elevation over i><i0 fc"t. tJet map and pnspeetoa in person or by nail. MOORE * Iinj. (Ine.V 1.53.1 ?i *t. n w. Suburban Dept. Tel. Main 11S? bnd S72. Ora a Co3d! Morning "You ' nil s?*rre nothing mon* for Iwrakfa>r fhnn hot crhMlo ?akv? niM*!** of Miller's Self-raising Buckw'heat. A triul always proves its superiority. Ask vonr grocer to send Ton a package. it~no eoxst MEKs st i'i'i.n:i> B. Bo Earnshaw Bro?, t\ HMI.I.SAI.K i!|(ni IKS. It tit and M sis, s.e. ~ v FRANKLIN'PARK! f'HR SALE Lots .about ijiiarter acroi: urger than thr. s average suburban b?ts ??r ttvo t. lot-: Mtrhin six miles north and ?"sl of White TIona?*. Tin ideal pise. for home, in SiVift, $; In> arid $ ??*?. Villa sites, ai re ti'.*. tioiuw. tirrac priee. *' eent s SI I u a re ,it : v t> nin Ri?trietions to prnteet puv ha : - ?>n ear line: 'etn limitation fare. 11 eut- round trip, with free transfers; make :ip 1.1 jut 1 rent to see property; elevation ever fob fr.?t. map and pro>i?ftus hi person or by 1 nail. M' KIRK ?V i 111^1. tltic.t. ?; at. n. w. >ii!'Ur'?jn lVj t. 'IV!. Main ll.Vt and s7'_'. iet?:tt > < ?li SWF At a great discount. h due b!l! for now lino of a rclmlde make. Address !!4 Mcndola apartment: fthono North .>7S7. "\? ?TI? F. THK~ AXXl XL MKKTI\<; or THK stoklwrMer* of the TI? 11 Association of the U. 1". <. of <l k. of The i?. t'. will 1k> lirld at fbo hall. No. Iiiibt M ? Ti.w.. mi FIUPAY. I>p. pmi?'r Ho. IWV at s o'olork p.m.. for the election of officers nlid for the transaction of its retnilar hnsii.<?.? UIOVAS II. \\I!I?;IIT. President. NA.Xn,. XV. WATSON. So. retarr. Ie!> ir.:it"S Big Showing- of j>HI1RR0RSo Male this store jour .t oiq'iarfrj. frr Mtnwr 'xx'c bate a complete s"to< a of plaiu and heieh-d tumor*, thir pnr??* ?iv ven TOs(?naDlP. Hodgkim's Ir1>vl "Get Our Advice About the Roof! l.-t ne "all. look things ov*r ami tell you just wlvtf it need*. Inn can court on us for thorough, reliable work. repair* last. Ask for estimate. IRON CLADSSS*. iS?&."S; doO-VI I NKVKU 1)1 SAl'l'OINT." 1 f you desire to increase vonr business, trv niv Patented I ypewriter Letters. They havn trace money f.-r others. Why shouldn't thoy do so for you? ." OO Addressed letters T >?Vt Addressed In-itcr? fl.OO BYRi.N S. ADAMS. PKIXTKR. Telephone 9S0. 012 11th st. T~\ \ry I'APEB. TOYS. FAVORS. TREK OR onrtertts. scrap picture*, tinsel, glass toys, aniiiiia. new. anon, green sawdust. paper flow wotnjers for Christmas. GOULD'S. 9th st. .DS-tft Let Us Fax Your Roof So It Will Stay Fixed M'ijerj winter's ?now and rains <-otue. It coats no more to have It done right hv th'* Roofing Ev perts; always at your command. Estimates fr~c Ail work guaranteed. G rafton&Son,lnc., " de*li)d TO GIVE PROMPT DOOR'S -attention to all is. and always l'U'i.'Au, j,8R teen, a maxim with us.! I?t TNTTAC 'i"* character or extent ! Im.I.aUX of your ni.i 1 work needs you can rely on our supplying them on S\SM short notice at all times. ZT MoDey-savfng prices. Geo. M. Barker, deA-d.e8n.t4 You Cairo Bepemd on Us PrinTinc to always do your Trlnting j inning lfi glvIe at th<> KA1RKST . 1'RICES. Prompt work because i'i 1-VerV we possess up-to-date cqnlprjiett. Character. UH 8ur,mlt 'WiR,,s Geo. E. Howard, 714 12th St., PKIXTKR. ENGRAVER AND BOOKBINDER. ??*S-il.*Su. 14 Take Care of the Pumbifiig. You can't afford to neglect lite Small defects grow to large proportion* in a short time. We'll pit* the plumbing in perfect condition at a sin nil charge. Hutchinson & McCarthy. 1317 14th. deS-lOd Printing That Is At= tractive and Profitable. Invest your motey in printing thai will pay a good Interest Turn over to us your copy and v.cfi give you a Jol> of printing thai will attract the attention of the people you want to get In tou?'h with. Judd & Dstweller, Inc., THE BIG PRINT SHOP. 420-22 11TH. dex-14 Ml /TV T"* im? ?V? _ ?flfl "jo ir irsLCivC-ry experts wnM suit your Auto or Vehicles in perfect comditsorEc Kvcry facility for repairing a til repainting and vehicle.;. S. J.Meeks' Sons, aSo'Sks r. ST. Phone M. 210S. . Ill t*it.lo Jo'iiTknt. Will t'tw persons who whiiors.hI the aiclilcnf ^ ?i Hih and K at*. n.vt. Tridav. DwcniWr 4. at about 5"30 p.m.. when an elderly gentleman I was thrown from Capital Traction to. car.] h ndlr communicate with Measrs. WIIITAKER A PREVOST M-3PS no K n w " m'xDAID PIANOS WE AKK NOW OKFKR-1 ins a superb selection of Sobmor, Illas: is. I Waidwit. and Emffion pianos, on which we have ] ilaeed nftption?!lr U.w prices for the holiday ; season. Kr.ahe. %'?' ! . Steinway, J2V.; t'iii.k : ?t:os *27".. Vose. Ill/lit) w<?r<"h 1 I }?> I ?J. Wwrh building. del I ' v.' 1T.-BE V KRY GI,AI> ;r? I~i IAVB~TI1R \hIreaa.-s of the passengers or other* contlng Into he city on ibe Mt. Verneti elec. r'y train ?boti: 11 o'clock a m Sunday. N*?r. 1. when it J;; down my carriage at the foot > ( 14th ?t. w . wrecs:ns li ?nd severely injuring tny > * a. hip. shoulder and wrist < n right side. a< hi* evidence i* need, d it. an action for <lam H' r'.c.v-c be ore in |K addressing nie. V M WILMS. ' ire I?-e ito.. iOt-U 12tb anj V sts. n W Excellent Print ire go M*ve u? rn?k? MijrseVirn- mid sample, < * ; r : ' <! matter I'r.CM reasonable and satisfact 2 .-?araxit.-?l. SI OWAHTII PRINTING CO.. N V 7 ml in-op. s<r ?'?rv. 010 12'h at. B.w. 2k 0' >t . 6 "Adelaide.'* X ojnbiii-n n?n dramat i<- and musical ? atertainmfiu will be offt r< ,1 by Imvid fllsphaui and iiir asyoi ialcs at t if .Vtloual Theater Iteeembcr l.V The < in -act day "Adelaide'" is spoken m' wit-;, favor i>.\ .ill who ha\i witnessed tiif little Ht-eit/iVfii drama.. The entertainment will he opened uy musical nuinbrrs in which Iteeihovcri selections will ! < featured. Th. pla\ will of k ten 'o: lie benefit .r he 1 lotief of >fere> . Christmas Sale I'hc. Christmas sate and ?loll ,-;.ow i.v iho !..idicr' Aid Society of Immanuel Gaptist "hurcrt opera-d laet night and will continue tonight. "The Waldenses." Xn tiiuetrated let-lure. "The WaMenscs will Vic given tonight at Ua First ?'ongregatlonal <*huiv?h. loth and K fureets northwest. o Crushed by Slipping of Big Gun. NORFOLK. Va December P. S. 1". Win well. ordnance man employed a! Norfolk navy yard. received injuries that will probahly res i!t fa'.allv by ihe s'ippinp of one of *!. heavy gun.* of the battleship Iowa \ for- , was engaged n replacing ore >>' .. sun.- when it 4 -lipped arid Fowvefl was caught bet we en ihe trunnion of the gun and anotliei trunnion nr-ai His diet: was crushed. j .> ?> | '; Upon Capitol Hill ; I ^ j Patrick McCarren of Brooklyn. who is a state senator and a live wire, al- j though he looks a respectable and j sympathetic undertaker with an inter- j est in his work, was around the Capitol j yesterday conversing with the elect, t I Finally Representative Fighting Fitz j j Fitzgerald, who Speaker Cannon affec! tionately calls "the craziest Irishman j in America," took Pat l?y the arm and led hiin into l.'nele Joe's cigar-scented sanctum, where these two astute gentlemen clutched hands and passed the time of day. The senator said he felt like a member of the real Congress, for lie was down in Washington doing some department chores for his constituents. ? *"> ! Tn?* members ??f th?- lf-^isiaiive sub < ommittee of the Il<?use appropriations committee ivere tangled up in ex ecu live session yesterday. supposedly I marking up the legislative bill. In j reality, they wore talking about page thirty-one of the President's message [ | which contains sonic mighty unkind I remarks about the legislative action of 'last year restricting the activities of the "black cabinet" or secret service) [division of the Treasury Department.; (this legislative action having originat- ' j ed with the House appropriations com- ! mittee in general and Chairman Taw- J ; ni'v in particular. There must have been some telepathic suggestion to reach the public committee room where several idle members were chatting, for suddenly one of them Jumped up, went to the door of the inner chamber, yanked it open and yelled in to the executive session grouch party, "Tiee. I hope the lions ketch him." "What did the bunch do?" laughed a colleague, when the facetious member had returned to his seat. "Nothing." lie replied; "they just looked hopeful ' f * * The colleagues of Hcpresentative Kurle- ; son of Texas, w ho used to he a snorter j from the high grass, but who is so tame j now that he has taken to living at the Cosmos Club, dallying with a vegetarian j diet and eating from the human hand, are calling him "Doctor." lie seems to like it. for the last few days lie has dressed the part?clcrical black and an unctuous expression. After his friends get used ; to this lie is thinking of reversing his j. co'iar and learning a lew texts. c * * Ralph Cameron, who. as a result "f the recent elections, will succeed Mark Smith as delegate in the House from Arizona after the 1th of March, has come to town | to stay. Yesterday he was around the I Capitol getting acquainted. Mr. Cameron . ! is rather small and has red cheeks, merry : blue eyes and a happy smile. Yet he used ; to be sheriff of the most scandalous section 1 I of Arizona, and although that was years ago. they do say as how mothers scare bad little children into lieing good just by saying that Ralph'll git 'em if they 1 don'i watch out. They say that when lie 1 i mice got on the. trail be never quit until ho had the pursuee. alive or dead. So 1 he is expected to help a lot on th etrall of ' single statehood. That's what he's down here to get. * * * j "I.OST. STRAYED OR STOI.KX-ONK I'nited States senator, somewhere between <'olumbia. S. C., and Washington, L?. C." < Such an advertisement would express liir curiosity that has been manifested ' around the Capitol this week as to the whereabouts of Senator Tillman. Somei how or other the Senate doesn't seem lik?- the same place without Soutli Carolina's pitchfork and tire-eating statesman i In his accustomed seat on the center aisle. The reason of all this curiosity is that the newspapers in Columbia announced : last Monday that lie had left for Washington to be present at the opening of : Congress. This report readied his friends hen-, but thus fur there has been no ' SenaXor Tillman anywhere around 'he Capitol. Matters reached such a pass yesterday tna.t people were asking each other if he hud Ireen taken ill again and gone to some hospital en route. Assistant Senate librarian Baker, how- ! ever, was abb* to solve the mystery late in the afternoon. He got a telegram from the senator, sent from Fort Hill, 8. ('. Mr. Tillman said ho had just stopped off to attend a meeting of the board of directors of the agricultural : college at that place. Now, if there is one thing that the noted South Carolinian is interested in more than anything else, barring the official and private arts of President , Roosevelt and the rare question, it Is , agriculture. So his friends are no longer ; j anxious. They say if he shows up some time next month he'll he going some. ( Incidenta'lv It is reported among Mr. Tillman's friends here that lie has re- ] gained practically all of the strength he lust during his severe illness last spring and will be ready to make some of his j old-time speeches again this winter. * | , A man walked up most respectfully to j I the doorkeeper at the entrance to the sen- J titer's private lobby yesterday and handed . ! ' ( in his neatly engraved card, asking that it j be laketi to Senator So-and-so. i "Hush!"' whispered the official, dramat- ' icaliy. "What's the matter?" asked the 1 stranger, with the proper show of excite- ' ment. < "They're reading the President's message." 1 ; "Oh." said the stranger in a most sol-' emu tone. "You see." vouchsafed the official. "The senators arc always so deeply interested > in the communications front the White1 House that they have made it a rule for years never to allow a card to bo sent in ! to them. It might distract tlfir attenlion for a moment." "How appropriate!" whispered the < stranger aim tiptoe away in the gallery i j to hear the message for himself. ( As lie entered the ga'lerv he could scarcely believe his eyes. lie looked all I around the chamber and there were hardly j ; more than a dozen senators in their seat.*. \ Half of these were reading the printed j copies of the message that had been fttr- ' , nished th.etn hy the government printing' office. The other halt were talking and ' laugiiing. Over on the sofas in the cor- i tiers there were groups of them, and they ' , were chatting In a most unconcerned man nrr. Through the cloakroom doors cnrne visions of open tiros and b^g ' hairs pulled ; up in front, and now and tin n a sugges- ' ' tton of mirth. I ' The cle.'k was droning something, the s'rnnctr couldn't make out just what. ; There surely must he sonte mistake, he j ' thought, and hastened hack downstairs j to the doorkeeper. ' ' "It's finished." he w oispered?"the IIP s- : sage. 1 mean. Will you take my card in . now?" |j "Oh. ro." announced the official, "it j' vti'l !a*' for .Mother hour yet. Yo:i'U hi;'.- to wait, tte careful and don't tall; i 1 t co loud. You 'night disturb them in there." i ] When last seen the strange man was" i Walking toward tee outside door. I( mumbling utrntt lllgihly to hhnself. : ?' * * ! i I ' tin* Senate doesn't look out the im- i I of tradition in that honorable!' . b. dv will 1'HiHir' trab'tion itself. It was , oily the second ilav ,.f t ie now s s*-ion i vv en it did ail almost unheard-of thing? j hi.web to tiie whim of y woman, yn<l an j I iinuKualb ?Uly whim at that. I Tiie lady is the .voting widow of <t. ii. I.oiigst -vet. the famous- Confederate eav-j ' ' alrv lead r and si.e is postmistress at 1 ' ... ... . . .i . . . t . i i 1 ?iainesviitv. i ;?. r>m inu ik::i ii miuui j ; awful uh-- if' tli.- Senate wonId confirm i<?r nomination on tin- same du\ that it came from tin* White House Senator ' 'lay of <J?*orsfia, always considerate of i the feminine sex. went to all the trouble j j of polling the committee on poat offices ' ( : and i-ost roads and making 3 favorable j ^ i i-eix.rl 0:1 he.- name. Tlien in the executive session the same day he explained | tlie circumstances, and there wasn't t< dissenting voice again--:! confirming Mrs. I .on g street an hotir after the President t nominated her. , Committee Acts on Treaties. The Senate committee on foreign it-.a-.' tion- to<la\ acted favorahlv on arbitration! treatic: v\1tl> China and Peru, and on nat j ' uraliratlon treatl'u with Hraz'l, i'rnsua> j and Honduras. | i THE COURT RECORD': , I ( United States Supreme Court. Present: The Chief Justice. .Mr. Jus- , tice Harlan. Mr. Justice Brewer. Mr. Jus- . tice "Wh'te. Mr. Justice Peckham. Mr. Jus tice McKenna. Mr.#Justice Holmes. Mr. i' Justice Day and Mr. Justice Moody. Oswald H. Reed of Lansing. Mi-h.:( Char'es S. Rice of New Orleans. I .a.: Phrcy Hell of Greenville, Miss.; e'haib'S Rrilk of Davenport. Iowa, and William S. Cline of Newkirk. Okla.. were admitted to I practice. No. 4-"?. I.ucius if. Beers et al.. execu-i tors. etc.. et al.. plaintiffs in error, apt. : Martin 11. GJynn. comptroller, etc.; argu- j mrtit commenced by Mr. Lucius H. Beers for the plaintiff in error; continued by Mr. D. Cady Merrick, for the defendant in i error, and concluded by Mr. Lucius H. Beers, for the plaintiffs in error. No. -|s. Joseph . Leinieux. plaintiff in error, apt. James M. Young, trustee; argument commenced by Mr. John J. Phalen. for the plaintiff in error. Proceedings after The Star went to press yesterday: No. -14. It. H. Hardaway et al., ap- j npll^ntc urt Vufirtnol i %. J < ?, i. nciii-'imi uuirv* v | argument i-omnipnceii by Mr. Temple j' Hod lev for the appellants; enntiiiued by Mr. William W. Watts and Mr. Henry I' Kitts for tlie* appellee, and concluded by j Mr..John Brier Buskin for the appellant. ' Adjourned-until today at 12 o'clock. The day rail for Wednesday, December | ;>. is as follows; Nop. 45. 4**. 40. 50. 51. j' 52, 552, .Vl. 55 and 541. I, Court of Appeals. Present: The Chief Justice, Mi. Justice ' Rohb and Mr. Justice Van Orsdel. No. 10?M. De Winter agt. Thomas; argument continued by Mr. P. If. Marshall for appellant and by Mr. J. VV. Beller and . Mr. ('. H. Syme for appellee and conclud- , ed by Mr. P. If. Marshall for appellant. No. 1045. City and Suburban Railway , Company agt. Cooper; argument com- < menced by Mr. W. C. Sullivan for appel- \ lant. continued by Mr. J. K. Padgett for appellee and concluded by Mr. J. J. Dar-j lington for appellant. District Supreme Court. EQl'ITY i'OI'RT NO. 2?Justice Wright. Crawford agt. Crawford; reference to J. A. Rynham. examiner; complainant's solicitors, R. K. Montague and J. A. Mo-', riarty; defendant's solicitor. A. X. New- j! mv'T. '' ilirtb agt. Hirth: trustee ordered to 1 retain money and reference to auditor; complainant's solicitors. Maddox X- Gatley. Uula n\ agt. Waggatnaft; receivers authorized to sell; complainant's solicitors, Maddox & Gatley. Hawkins agt. Tribby; C. A. llnwkinsi made a party; complainant's solicitors. ; J. H. .Stewart ami f'ollins A.- Hcinans; defendant's solicitor. Howard Boyd. Hdmonston agt. Kdnionston; argued and submitted; complainant's solicitors. R. J. Wat kins and Ralph Ft. Quinter; defend- ' mil's solicitor, J. IT. Wilson. 1r. i Blackmail agt. Sewell; title vested in i complainant; complainant's solicitor, J. Harry Smith. Conway agt. Conway; bill dismissed; complainant's solicitor. Thomas C. Bradley. CI R? 'I" IT CO CRT NO. 1?Justice .Stafford. I Iamill a.srf. VVa?hmi?i?n ? " ? ?t?' VII I ?11<I *t ? > tlil'l J Electric Company: judgment on verdict; plaintiff's attorneys, Lambert & Vcatman: defendant's attorneys. O. A. Douglas and ' Geo. I'. Hoover. DuBois apt. Wiekersham: on trial: plaintiff's attorneys. Win. Lewin and Coldren! SL- Kenning:: defendant's attorneys. Me-1 Kenney & Flannery. i CIRCUIT COURT NO. tJ-Chief Justice Clabaugh. ( Walker agt. Warner; death of defendant, Mary Stewart, suggested: plaintiff's ' attorneys. Tucker & Kenyon; defendant's 1 Attorneys. Kittltigs & Chamberlin. 1 Burns agt. Adams Express Company: 5ii trial; plaintiff's attorney, A. L. Newmyer; defendant's attorneys, K. Rossi' Perry & Son. Hooe agt. Noack, administrator; verdict' for plaintiff for $300; plaintiff's attorneys. ' ijcekie. Fulton & Cox; defendant's attorneys, W. G. Gardiner and E. N. Hopewell. { DISTRICT COURT?Justice Anderson. 1 In re widening of alley in square , 1 2854; hearing set for January 7. IftOft. ' In re widening of alley In square ' 285ft; hearing set for January 7. < In re condemnation in square hearing held. > CRIMINAL COURT NO. 1?Justice Gould. I'nited States agt. llenrv E. Everting and John A. Heany: eonspiracy; i>n trial: attorneys. Gittlngs A Chambcrlin, Douglas. Baker At Sherrill. H. : W. Hayden and J. II. Brlckenstein. 1 BANKRUPTCY COURT-Justice And<M - , son. In re E. Morrison Paper Company; j rule on alleged bankrupt, returnable j December 30, granted. PROBATE COURT?Justice Wright. Estate of Hattie M. Greenlield: will admitted to probate and letters testamentary granted to Chas. W. Ingalls: bond, 11.000; attorney, Tracy I,. Jeffords. Estate of Benjamin Andrews: caveat filed; attorneys, Hallam & Hallatn. In re Isabella H. Stenhouse; order of ;i 1lowance; attorney. W. G. Gardiner. Estate of Mary K. Kenealy; will tiled. Estate of Philip C. Wurman; will, dated December 24. 1!KI2. tiled. Estate of Lizzie Jones; will, dated Feb- : ruary 2<>. I'.toS. tiled with petition for pro- i hate; attorney, A. S. Taylor. In re Pauline K. Wagner: petition to jell reul estate iiled: attorney, Claude W. Dweii. nf Man- .1 Vritehett - mill :i,t nit tod to probate: attorney, \V. If. Mar- 1 low. jr. Estate of Edward C. Driver: letters of] f idministration granted to Martha A. ' ' Driver; bond. attorney, George F. Collins. [ ; Kstate of Olive 15. Stewart: rule to ' -how cause; attorney Devi H. David. j WEATHER FORECAST. i t Partly Cloudy Tonight and Thurs-: ' day; Moderate Variable Winds. is For the District of Columbia, partly loudy tonight and Thursday; not much change in temperature; minimum tonight below the freezing point; moil- ^ rate variable winds. Maximum temperature past twenty-four 1 jours, -to; a year ago. 53. _ < ? \ The kite flight at Mount Weather. Va . Tuesday showed wide variations in 1 temperature and wind velocity. Start- 4 ing with a ground temperature ot 2?J j legree-i. it fell rapidly to 15 degrees i t it .Toon feet; then it rose to 25 degrees 1 ?t 5.9UO feet, the same as at the sur- ( lace, and then again fell, reaching 3 degrees below zero at 11,000 feet. 1 The slight disturbance thai was centered north of the lake region Tues- 1 day ha--- moved eastward, and is cans- , ing light snows in the north Atlantic oast states, and the region of the I' great lakes. The Pacitie coast storrn ; lias mot cd southward, and the rnlti '1 iron In connection t\ith_ it has already extended into southern California from k i lie north Pacific coast The depression ' in the British northwest has not de- > veloped any further. i As a rule, the conditions within the limits of observation this morning are not important, nor arc any marked * li.'l litres urohfl hip. Slow rt^pnvoiM tVi\m ! - - ? ? V V ? %-* J ? I "III liit* low temperature's in the south will 1 hegin today, although frosts are again 1 indicated for the coast sections as far south as northern Florida. Fair weath- ,J 6r will prevail in southern and eastern sections, except that snow Hurries sire ; l?rot?al>le in the lower lake region. New j Knglsind and possibly eastern New ^ York. St-'itn warnings are displayed on the c California coast from San -Francisco i . tort It ward ' The winds along the middle Atlantic. < t south Atlantic and east gulf coasts 1 will be light and variable. . Steamer? departing today for Kuro- '. pean ports will have moderate variable Minds with probably snow (lurries to ' the Grand Banks. Note. -The dlspluy of storm warnings [>n the great lakes will be discontinued , for the season at the termination of ' Dece mlier 12, 19'ik. *! Records for Twenty-Four Hours. The following wi re the readings of the ' herntonieter and barometer at the weath'! bureau tor 'lie twenty-four hours he- * finning at 2 p.m. yesterday: Thermometer December >. 1 p.m.. 37; S . [>.m. 2>; 12 midnight. "J.';. December 9, -4 cm., 21; s a.m.. 2.S; 12 noon, to; 2 p.m.. 40. Maximum. ?!?. at 2 p.m. December it; minimum. 22. at 7 a.m. December 9. Barometer December h. I ixm . 30.17: g T . in ;:n 19; 12 midnight, 30.21 December I 5* Brand-new Full Dress an IWrI y v J* On account of KEBL ? t?? sacrifice tlii> great st X derful tailoring values ob 1 $15.50 . > Three pieces ol bine | .English Thibet Cloth that ? X we'll guarantee in a readv I made suit would cost $25 ' will be made to your order | in either a suit or overcoat \ at the phenomenally low ' ; price of $15.50. j ; You have the service of e here. And satisfaction is unq : BEN SCii ' Maker of Correct ' Qarments for Men, ^ ^ J. 4 a.m.. 50.19; S a.m.. 30.151; noon. 30.15; { _' p.m., 50.13. Tide Tables. Today?Low tide. 3:15 a.m. and 5:22 J p.m.; hlfrh ride. !>:05 a m. and 0:17 p.m. i Tomorrow?Low tide. 4:00 a.m. and 4 ;0<? p.m.; high tide. 9:50 a.m. and lo.-nti p.m. The Sun and Moon. Today?Sun rose 7:10 a.m.: sets, 4:58 p.m. Tomnrow ? Sun rises 7:11 a.m. Moon rises 7:12 p.m. today. : The City Lights. Tim r ify lights and naphtha lamps j ill lighted hy thirty minutes after sun- ( set: extinguishinur hcKiin one hour be- j tore sutit All are and incandescent, i lamps lighted fifteen minutes after ' "unset and extinguished forty-live I minutes before sunrise. j Up-Hiver Waters. Special Dispat-b io The S'tar. HARPKRS KKHKY, W. Va.. Lc ember 9.?Both rivers clear. ARMY AND NAVY NEWS. Army Orders. Maj. (feurye "I". Bartlelt. Coast Artillery Porps, is relieved from his present duties irid will assume command of IWrt Stei ens, Ore.. and of the artillery district of i the Columbia. Capt. Robert C. Williams, Irjri Cavalry, I letailed in the pa> department, will proceed to Itenver Col., for duty. Maj. William F. Lewis. Corps, is relieved from duty at Fort Sill. < ikla.. and wiil prueo?t' to Fort Thomas, Ky.. for .hit \. Oil. fieorge Ruhlen. assistant qtiartermaster general, will proceed to South H<-nd, Ind., l'or the puritose of insj?ectiiigi i quantity of wagon material in process if manufacture for the quartermaster's i Jepartment. I Leave of absence for two months is: rranted First Lieut, llenrv .i. Nichols, Medical Corps. laoive of absence for two months on uirgwiii's c-ertilicate of Usability is granted Col. Charles A. II. .VcCauley. assistant juartcrmaster general. By direction of the 1'resldeiii. Capt. \inos B. Shattuch, quartermaster, is re-; ieved from detail in liie quartet master's i iepnrtmenr. Bv direciion o! ti;e President, Maj. J KTknklin <?. Johnson, "d Cavalry, is deailed for si-rvin' r.nd to till a vacancy in' .he pay department. By direction of the President. Capt. tvlyitt A. Hickman, 1st Cavalry, is relievedj "roni duty ai Went wort li Military Acad-! %my, Lexington, Mo., and will join his; regiment in the Philippine Islands. Changes in tie* Medical Corps arc anlouneed as follows; PiVci T i..n: T \ \\\.rt hiiiftni! fivim , I II I7ICU I . ??. II . IJKQV.VU, (. j die general hospital. Presidio of San Francisco. to the transport Thomas. reievlng First Lieut. M. A. Reasoner: First' Lieut. O. \V. Finkston. from -the tran<--tort ?'rook to the general hospital. Hot springs. Ark.: '.'apt. If. S. Pumell. from Fort Mackenzie. Wyoming, to the Philip-i jines. Bv direction of the President. Capt. Jo iah Minus. lKth Infantry, anil Capt. Jtto A. Xesniith, Signal Corps, will retort to army retiring hoards for examination. Leave of absence to .March S. lt?nt?. is rranted Maj. < leorge F. Barney. Coast \rtillery Corps. Capt. William K. Cole. Coast Artillery hups. is relieved from assignment to the <7tii Company and will report to the -ommanding ofHcer. Eastern Artillery district of New York, for duty on his itafr. First Lieut. E. Kearsley Sterling, ad "avalry. will assume charge of construclon work at For: Wlngnte. New Mexico, elleving Second Lieut. Arthur W. Hanion, oth Cavalry. Naval Orders. Capt. I*. It. Harris, from commandant taval station, Cavite, P. I., to home and valt orders. Capt. A P. Xazro, from command the A'abash. navy yard, Boston. Mass., to luty as commandant naval station. Caite. P. I. Commander W. It. Rush, from comnand the Ranger to Washington D. ipedal temporary duty. Lieut. Commander ti. C. Mitchell and Snsigns A. S Wadsworth, jr., J. H. Xewon, jr.. C. W. Ximitz and <J. O. carter, 'rom liie Ranger to home and wait orlers. ij. 10. Tnomas has been appointed an icting assistant surgeon in the navy. Asst. Paymaster J. Lurhslnger, jr.'. 'rojn the Ranger, settle accounts and yah orders. Chaplain J. F. Frazier. to duty the lniependetice. nav\ yard. Marc Isiand. Cul. Chaplain W. T. Helnis. resignation accepted to fake effect December I hi is. Boatswain C. Sclionborg. to dut\ 1'nlted States naval training station. Non-port, t. l. Warrant Machinist O. Bodt. from the lunger apd wait orders. Wat rant Machinist .1. Burns, from the' Philadelphia and continue duty navy! rani. Fuget Sound. Wash. Warrant Machinist J. W. Clark, from ! he Wabash, navy yard, Boston, to duty . tavy yard, Norfolk. Yn. Warrant Machinist C. W. Bjrne, to* lutv r.avy yard. Norfolk. Va. Naval Movements. i 1 flit. <. '0111 Chester lias arrived at New toil* and the cruiser Prairie at Newport, i The gunboat Dolphin has sailed from luantanaino lor tlonaivt-s. the yacht Sagie from Port an Prince for Gonaives, * ho cruiser Dos Moines from Port au riiice for Si. Marc and (ionaiivs, the luxlliary Solace from Piouoiiigue tor 1 'attama. the tender Yankton from Singa>ore for Colombo, the suppiy ship Iris , rom Cavite for Hong' Kong and the col- * ier Caesar froin Port Said for Ko.-'ott. The cruisers West Virginia. Colorado. Maryland and Pennsylvania have arrived it La I'nion. the cruisers Tennessee. Caliornia. South Dakota and Washington at Vmapala, the yacht Kagle at Oonaives. 0 he collier Sterling at Newport, the re- * air ship Panther and the auxiliary Culptn at Colombo and the tug Navajo at . iausalito. The collier Saturn has sailed from San Jiego for San Francisco. Midshipman Bernard Pardoned. Midshipman Richard F. Kernard. I .S.N.. ? vas tried by court-martial ?.?ri hoard the ' S.S. Connecticut at Albany, Australia. .1 <1 Tuxedo Suits to Hire. ^ g snaps! V I . v- y ' lLDINCi we arc forced >! l- _^4 il A\- V kk ??i line iaiMie>. > \ uuitainable. A $21.001 *l* I We ll make von a swell yl - V i .Suit or Overcoat. 111 gennine Scotch weaves, gen- X uine English worsted, black { unfinished worsted. English melton. or in genuine *:* English broadcloth. tor * - | $21.00. You 11 pa\ S45 ! elsewhere. X y V xpert tailop.. Ail work clone X ualifiedlv guaranteed. *: - 0 1WAIRTZ, I >0 F St N.W. | V v Sppfrnber 12. IftitS, cliarpred witli <1> dt'iinkiinnnic n ?i ditftr c/-.on/lolr>nf < uxatviinvw \mi w ucj , < */ ovnuuai'/uo * "n duct tending to the destnictioii of good moral?; to both of -which charges he pleaded "guilty," and was sentenced by the court to be dismissed from the naval service. I'pon recommendation of ihe Secretary of the Navy, however, i liePresident. in view of Midshipman Bernard's youth and inpxperlenee. his previous Rood record and the recommendation of five members of the court for clemency. has directed that a pardon he Issued to Midshipman Bernard upon condition that lie take rank at the foot of his class and. if commissioned, be commissioned as the last nmnlier therein. Reward Offered for Lieut. Gottlieb. First Lieut. KdwnnJ Gottlieb, the <?>ast artillery officer who disappeared during his trial by court-martial 111 Boston Friday. has been declared a deserter from the army and the usual reward has been offered for Ids '-apt-ire. I.ieut. Gottlieb was charged with defrauding the government and procuring nione> from certain business concerns !-i Boston and using the funds so ai-tiuired for bis own benefit. lie was placed under arrest on the Governors island reservation ami held there until he went to Boston November JO. in the custody of his counsel. Albert Colin. He a|?jieared at the sessions of the court Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, and was last seen by bis counsel Thursday evening. when lie. said thai he was going to visit friends. Nothing luis been heard froni him since. If lie does not report within ninety days he will be dropped from the Army Register as a deserter. Movements of Troops. The till Company. Coast Artillery j Corps, will be relieved from duty at) Fort Moultrie, South Carolina, and will ' proceed about December 10 to Fort . Hamilton. New York. Troop M, sth Cavalry, is relieved from duty at Fort Washakie, Wyoming, and will proceed to Fort D. A. Russell. Wyoming, for temporary station, until the completion of accommodations for it at I.' A I I ^ U I k' - > * r <ii i nuDiiiwn, .>eurajilia. Resignation of Chaplain Waring. Chaplain George J- Wartlig, 11th Cavalry, has lieen relieved from duty in Cuba and ordered to Fort Pes Moines for duty. The President has accepted the resignation of Chaplain Waring to take effect January "0 next, by which time the oliicer will have arrived at the Iowa post. Chaplain Waring was appointed to th<' army from Iowa in January. IfMi.l, and his entire service has been with the 11th Cavalry. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. VERMONT A YEN IE NORTHWEST between N and O streets?Eldridge E. Jordan et ux. to Confederate Memorial Association, part lot 03. square 242: $10. WOOD1.EY PARK?Irving Williamson.! trustee. to Franklin Insurance Company, lot i. block 13; TWENTY-NINTH AND P STREETS NORTH W EST ?Walter If. Acker et at., trustees-, to Louisa F. Erwin. pari tot 2o0. square 1259: $2,173. 1217 UNPEN PEACE NORTHEAST Ixiuis Gundling to Renjarnin J. Askew, lot 303. square 1004: $lo. HOEMEAP MANOR?Eflie Ay res et al. to Charles Sonne, lots 20 and 27, block 43; sio. NORTH RANPEE IIIGHIaANDS?American Security and Trust Company, trustees, to Robert 11. Davis, lot II. block 3441; Sin. SCHEI'TZEN PARK?Charles \V. King ; ct ux. to Lizzie Dunn, lot 1.1, block 4; *10. EOXG MEADOWS? Lester W. Burton et ux. to Warren E. Hinds, lot Oil and part lot 40. block 30; $10. EINWOOD HEIGHTS?John \T. Glennan to James E. Minor, lot 13. block 8; $10. NOiS. MfJ AND S04 ST 11 STREET NORTHEAST?James A Myers to Lawrence A. Myers, parts lots 13, 14, ! 35. 30, square 8.89; $10. NO. 682 4TI1 STREET NORTHEASTHenry H. Bergmann. surviving trustee. to Florangelo Saechetti, lot 33, square 778; $1,873. NO. 312 14TH STREET NORTHEAST-! Caroline C. Beall et vir. Eeonldas I.. { to Plnehurst Park Company, lot 108, j square lid; $lo. NO. 313 K STREET SOI TTH EAST?Henry | C. Gritfith et . ux. to Ada V. Rowe, J original lot 12. square 799; Jin. Ci STREF:T NORTHEAST between lith and 7th streets?May B. Holt on et vir. Wiliiani S.. to Thomas K. Carroll and ijeorgc I >. Carroll, lot 114, square 8ilo: $l(Hi. NO. 920 14TT1 STREET NORTHVVESTWilliatn T. GalMher et ux. to J. Fred Gate-hell, lot 04. square 218; Jlo. J. Fred Gatchell et ux. convey same property to William T. Gatchell: Sl?v IXGEKSILtE?Bedford W. Walker et ai. to William -Shedd Holton. part lots 18 ami 17. block 1!; $1". Alice T. .Matthews et vir. William It., to same, part lot 17. block *2: JIO. Kate B. Graves to Joint J. Miller, lot j 12. Snliate loll; Mo. L.E I ?KOI T PARK- George 15. Bobbins to j James M. and Wil'iaiu R. Carter, lot block 4: $10. RANDl.K HIGH LAX! ?S National Sav- \ ings and Trust Company, trusto-- '" ! i J. Harrv Br.van. lol 111', block 7>."i 10; j J10. 117. FOI'RTll STREET SOCTHEAST < 1 Frank to Margar .t Coffin. j lot 4:5. square 78S; $1?. Pl'DOlibKV PAHK? Kennedy Bros.. Inc.. , to Shirley \V. and Elizabeth K. Bowles. : lot square 2204: $1". VIOt'RE AL- BARBOER S SECOXH AMBITION?James Martin et ux. to j Kl< teher S. and Enmia J. Page, lot ! T'i i.i... u- " *111 i lOEMEAl > MANOR?Henry K. Huckstfin ?t ux. to Emma J. Smith, lot St: block 41: $10. MOORE & BARBOUR'S ADDITION William Nelson Cromwell trust e. to William C. Allard and Walter R. Appleby. lots 3S. 33. to. block 4: S10. 'ONNkotkm t avkni'e heights? J Wands G. Newlantls ft ux. to Edward ! W. Donn. jr.. lot 1:'.. block 104 1 STREET NORTHWEST- Daniel j W. tiefriott et ux. to Minnie Pohl-i mann. lot square 5a; $lo. nEDEN STREET near Connecticut avenue?Edward J. Stellwagien, trnstee, to ( Ales Hrdlloka and Marie Hrdlicka. . part of addition to Rock of Dunba rfon; * 1.225. :u; SOUTH t'APlTOE STREET -Geneva c. Burne to William E. Rairigh. part I original lot ?. square d01: Sin. ;is SOUTH CA1TTOL STREET?Mat} I ! A RARE OPPORTUNITY 1 j Aside from the fact that j j j, this home is a genuine bar- j ! gain at the price ottered, the j very unusual terms upon j which it can be bought more n i 1 than substantiates our claim that it is one of the best op1 port unities we have ever ofi| fered. : A moderate cash payment and $32.50 mouthy is all that 1 , li is required. Out of this monthly pay iji ment. which, by the way. is ii only two dollars more a L month than the actual rental u , . .. vaiuc 01 rue property, tnerc ( ; j i i> an average monthly credit ] i I on the principal of $21.73. That means $10.77 Por i! j month rent to own a better jj home than the one you arc j now paying $30. or perhaps j1 $35, tor as a renter. Located in one of the very J j best sections of the Heights, j i Only $4,350 lj I 11 ______ , /* . v jj^ I U) DESCRIPTION: Six beautifully arranged | rooms and tiled bath. UnI usual amount of closet space, i H| First floor trimmed in .gen; nine oak. Handsome man- j 'I tels. Decorations entirely ' : new . Two verv large win! dows in the dining room. || || making it a very cheerful j; j: room; just as it should be. j In all a well built, comfort- j able home. Don't Delay Inspection, ("all or write for further 'j particulars. I ill Shannon & Luchs, j 704 13th St. N.W. j | "Look for our Green and White Sign."' ~! "ARTISTIC ~1 i HOMES j! i ! Ut ! 1 | OUALITY On WASHINGTON HEIGHTS Something different from ; I I the stereotyped Infuse you J have been looking at. to (j ; pretty, bright rooms; 2 tiled j; bathrooms; guaranteed hot- 1 water heater. The location is as fine as vou could wish. ! I ! Surrounded by costly residences. A locality where ! apartment houses and flats ; are limited. These houses j | must be seen to be appre ciated. Make an appointment with one of our sales- . ! men and have him show | them to you. ' 1; Thos. J. Fisher & Co. ISC.. 15th St. \.\v. j. cU-?-Tt t Northwest Homes, i j * $3,750. | | $350 Cash and Monthly | Payments of #20. 1 f A-ttrartivo; l olonial design; 0 f j T room*; 'Jo Oft wide; lurnaci' * * heat: fr<?at and rear imrilics: j * tinished in hardwood. <"ai! and j < lei us rhow you tlieso house*. j {Moore & Hill (Inc.).l { 1333 G St. { i oe30-9ot i I I 11444 Cfiaftosi St. N.W. ? THIS HA.VnSOMi: NKVV HOI SK. I FRONT ul' CULONM \l. RRU'K. I ? 4 SOLD. 1 LEFT. Three story and cellar. 1 i rooms. Two modern baths. Hoi- 4 I ' ? water lieat. Lot UOx.l.>i io I paved alley. f I; READY FOR OCCUI'AN* 'Y. ? j 4 i Reception hall plan. Front ' & and back stairways. Ample * | closet space. Large rooms. ? ' 4 VERY ATTRACTIVE D1N1 NO ? ' ROOM. i ! J AN IDEAL HOME. i " YOU SHOULD SEE i i THIS HOUSE i i IIEKORK PURCHASING. i i Price. M)..V)0. TERMS TO SUIT. i | W. II. WALKHR. ! I 7-1? 1 JIT 11 ST. N.V. i j a?? d(9-2t..T0 ! 10. Ka'iffnian to same, part original lot ' sou an* tan: no. j i'ETAVORTH - Kenn.'lmnk Kealtx ?V>ni-. pany to Samuel 10. Stoiiehraker. lots It; to IP -4 and '?>, square 5: sl??. i j 0 Get Our Big For Rent List Boss & Phelps, inc. FOR S\| K WASHI\<;T?i\ ITKHiHYS IIKMI'I V~K 1 evatr.l ?u i ..lumbla ma.l n. h 1Mb st t on talus nlnr rooms nn?1 bath. fuai room* on flr*l fl'xir; hm hki-t heat . north shl" < * *tl?rt; r-.iiT.-nf.-nt in both lln?-n Would aiska fln- lio'iir fit a nlirsir inn. I'rlie, ST.r??>" IWiSf. .V IMIF.l.l'S tln.-.i. !M"> Utli II ? 0|>|K>site Krnnklln I'ark. Phonr* Main S4(> tl 4!>" ~?!KT"oi:K iuT; Ton KI NV I.I>T ' FOR SA1.E AN KXCH.I.KNT INVESTMENT I'iilit brick hems.-a nn a number.-.! strrst Annuul rental. $.1,22?. Filer. $l2.!fck< )lm:s.-s of till* character are ursrr tt< int and nr.- tin- lo?t class of investment* IKtss a FlIEi.FS tin-'.'.'lit Mtli r. Oj.p.w ;r Franklin Ftirk Phones Main .14" tl 4P". M r o| B Blti FOtt BENT u5t Full s; \[> \ Ft U.I M HI A HEIGHTS ll'.Mr A bouse for S ' Font a ins In rooms ami modern bath, all ?'f the inoin* .1 ;.u?i ??ri I ; r-H?M jv? \?,o||ril re'tfhlwi!i? !. !?? ?r ir.Tli nt ?i ??t*iar?1. Tin* 11 <? .? .t !>aiva*n axii] .1 t hau-v ??? r? s? ll at * reft. r.ovs & phi tin- . :ni> uui " <([ l'ratllilin Pari. Pnonei. Main .".!<> 11 IV. GkTMl if ilKJ 1'Oltl;EVInr. 1ST for nam ? worm i: p.akgaiv Oil Columbia I! ?!jjlit\ in i ii. <1 111*.iif- ; 1 \ about HIT. fon'ain* ?< I?MI mux. ai.-l hatli; * iii!? f-. x ii-?in- ou ti. r [u? ln.-n ask in,: 'nit re.-entlv r<Hlivn) tlx prlre .* V1 tor ijui. k -.lie. 'Vb'-r. Is :? stablo t?? th?- !>r.'|" i t*. IIOSS A PIIKI.PS line j. OKI ltili ti.o. Opposite Krnnkliti Park. -s Mate .!(<> II'IV. <;n or it kFg i on kint I'OR S\l > BKST HOI "SK IN WASHINGTON lor the motley; ;iimI you will agree with trhen you see it. Tin- kln.l hundreds peojue have Iffti looking l>.r. Km- of the moat is.rlant features is the lot. ?i/?. lSirt-lo, to ? pave.J alley : tvl?l-- street nn?i beautiful part, trig: nine hug. rooms ami tibsi bath; boat .iter four rooms on first floor. finish ! in out. ' ?i? i fill bedrooms. Rullt by ti pronn?>nl bnil-l. r. Tilt- prion Is \ ory low on I > Northt. ?t se.-tio ROSS A I'HEI.Ps (III. M'.o HH, .. n Opposte I'mtikliti Paik Phone-- Main 41 IW. git iii k iViiflVin"nrvr i.tst run sam A n-Tt'TVTM III II.'r IIOMI This is saying a gnat <f<n!; but ton will be < onv!n--ol after-1nsp.vtlng It. If ton are ret able t-i iildge for yourself. t?o|o.-t n ptondtir- t builder to >lo<l<|o fo( yon ami wo pay libit f."t bis Hum. 'i'ik- Iiouso eontaine nine rooms ant two flloij baths; heated hv h-.t water; son tlino oak in .-I'-rr room, all flooring Is No. t Georgia yitie; every joint looks IIIce a pie.--of eabin'-i work; overt- Jo|?t is eninbered ami every .art of the lioilse was put together under the personal supervision of a man who it"il' stainis tlie l nlliilng business from the o-ljar '? t no roof Tile t?rlee of this boufe Is $7,"1> EoetftPtl on (j|o Height*. 1M?SS A. PIIKEPS tin.-.I. IMA Iltb n v Opponiti- Franklin I'mk. Phone* Main ::4't 4I-485. get oit^iTm; for rent hist " FOR S.4I.E AN IOEAI. HOME WITH SIDE EIGHT. This li u<"- is oii'upN liy thf ??u?r anil \v?a r-.eutly put in rnvllrut eondit Ion ni ennsbleable vtwnsp It la In the u<>rtlni?>on "X" *t. Tts lot Is :50xir><? to an nll?-j ha-t a ?l.b> law n. nnd all of the r.tnns an- lar; and briciit ; now hot water h<-nltng plant. 1' noiglilstrli'jtsl Is eonipnafl of :< very rpflnM rta~* of iioonjo. The fttvnor Amis tlmt tin- noti>. i trio largo. Trust. JM.OOti. :tt Tli* prieo ( very low only $?.."< >. Tills is a $1?\000 bou? . Immediate post-easion ROSS A PHKI.l'S tin. ... !tHt Ittli n.w Oppttsltc Franklin Park. Phonos Main 34tt-4l-AT1'. get- orn big for rent ust. for SALE BLILT LIKE YOU UOFED BUILD FOR TOCRSKI.F. The bandsoniost hnnip on Columbia Heighta; has SIDE U'jllT: nine largo rooms aud two tllni baths; hot water boat: flniidi" d hi pak throughout, from th? kitehou d<>nr to the t?p of the house. Tiio builder of this bouse t;tld"r stands the building business fmtn the roll a r to tho roof. The frl'-"; i> $?>,ono and uot a dollar less. If vtni are licking for a real home, invest lea to thi? "O". BOSS Ac PHELPS (luc.), MO 14th u.w. Opposite Franklin Park. Main :i40-41-485. i ;kt oTT; rig m7i n:i;nt eifi . " FOR SAI.E AN EXTRAORDINARY INVESTMENT. PRP'E. p mii. RENT. $V> < gi-ea; big houso. .-..niining ken-nl'en larga room.-: lot 37xI7<t to an alloy; between tho tw-> boat ear lines In Wstt-bit.gian. At a very small oxpetiae this largo building culd eonvert'-il into an apartment anil bring a monthly Incoiua of at least S'nai wer month. This is an opportunity of a lifetlme BOSS A PUEEPS lino.), 810 14th M. n.w. Opr^slto Franklin Park. Main *40-41 403. _??_ 1 We Get Results. ROSS A PHELPS (Ine.b 910 14th n.w. Opposite Franklin Park Three Phonos. Main 340 41 185. Wide Houses. A location with a future. $7,950. Easy plan of payments. 23.4 feet wide. i Lots 120 ft. deep, j A location that is being built ti]> with a high grade of homes: CJartield st. Just west of Conn. avo. ami two blocks from the new Conn. ave. bridge. Out I'iaini is, and it is the opinion of those who have purchased, as well as of many disinterested persons, including builders and real estate men. that they are the handsomest, widest, bestlocated houses ever produced in this <i?y for the price. Three stories and cellar; well arranged, with a tirstfloor kitchen; parquet floors; f! sleeping rooms; U baths; hot-water heat; electric lights: steel beams- and girders used in tirst and second floors. An inspection will convince >o:i that these are uncjualed values. Open Sundays and week days, <>r call at our office and i let our representatives show j >'ou these houses. ' Moore & Hill i incorporated!. | 1333 G St. ! leudipniri.-rs for everything in Kcui Kstate. "TRandleHighlands! A A CAPITOL or U.S. mk A AM/hits, mousi Handle H.ghlauds is the tsm ie dlatance frv ta r-? . . i *\ ..... j u. l . t .. . . ... a Ai _ _ i.dpuoi lis i>u]wui ? jri if. lwiii :tiiu uuiioiu, kites from $75 to eaey fdyioetits. L\ S. REAKTY CO . 7th at. ?wl l?s. ?*. O.W. orl4-ti g,-- .. - - . . ~ - 9 50D SAU7 I To Investors ; OB? n:' the best business cor- \ iiffB in business section. i Near I . S. Treasury ; w eaver Bros., j l!Ki 1 X.W. ' 41.-.SII 6 4 . *