Newspaper Page Text
LEAVE "WANT ADS" AT STAR BRANCH OFFICES. If not convenient to call at The Star office. 11 ill street and Pennsylvania avenue, leave your adver. t'sements at any of the following Branch Offices: WANT AOS. 1 CENT A WORD. Minimum, 15 cents only. NORTHWKST BRANCHES: But lor & Field. Prngglsts. :?d and Indiana nve. Louis It. Caslfll. Pharmacist. 3100 lllli st. Commereinl Rank Itidg.. Postal Telegraph. Crtsweira I'rug Store. 7th and T sts. Tims. A. Iioliyrs. ISth and Columbia road. Oopont Pharmacy, 20tli and P sts. Kpply's I?r?g Store. 14th and Welling place. Emerson. W.. l'th st. and Park rd. Centner's T'rne Store. 14th and 1" sts. SoldenN.-rg's Bureau of Information. H'-rbsf's Frag Store. 2otb and Pa. ave. Holtzrbtw's Newsstand. 1 T<l'a. ave. % Interior Ix-pt., s;h and I". Postal Telegraph. S'. Sons A- Co.. Inform:!?b-it ISureau. Kind's Drug Store. ir>fh and I sts. faipton's Prne ttth and S. National Hotel. postal Telegraph. Portnian's Pharmaev. 14!h and K. I. a**. R.W-. A Miimlin. L'l' b nr.d K. Roland Walla.-p. Newsstand and Stationery store. !dill ttth st. n.rv. T t on St ation. Postal Telegraph. 1' states Capitol. Postal Telegraph. Fdnin Yartiold 1 uii and Monroe sis. n.w. Woodward A- I.othr.op, Stiporiulendent's desk. I'd-d Conn, '-flent ave, Postal Telegraph. Fred. 15. Campls'll. I trties. 4i!0.'I Ua. ave. <;KII!P;I:T<IWN ; f T?onn?TI's ftrng Store. and M sts. ft' I >ontie I Pa I>-ug Store. ;t5M and 1' sts. P: ide's Pharutaor. 2Mh rind I' sts. NORTHFAST: Petler's Phnrtnai-.r. 4th and Slanton pi. n.e. Kerealy's I'harntney. Capitol and 1 sts. C. I. Kranso. fit It and K sts. n.e. I.anhtint's ITarniaey. 11th and K Capitol sts. Moorad n's Pharmaoy. l.'Uh and II sts. n.e. Yiatuiau. It. A Pharneev. Tt'i and H B.3. St tl'TIIK AST: P' niter's 1 trug Store. Sth el:'! I", sts. s.P. ft Itoiiie'dps Prng Store. .'Id and Pa. are. s.?. M. s. IValr, Druggist, 11th and Pa. ave. Sit: THWKST 11th st AVharf. Postal Telegraph nffiee. Sttlli'ati's I'reg Store. 7th and It sts. Charles S. Walter, '.ml 41*- st. s.w. Ay.U'OSTIA: <\ T.^Iir. 2.~? Mni?rnp ?-t. TEM.KYTOWN. P P.: P T*r??*i?>n. Pnicirfst. Wisconsin WANTED?AGENTS. VANTEIV-MAN'AUKB IN EVERY OITT A.ND county. hand l*c?t paying business known; leg tiniatc. new: cvclusivo control; tio itisiircr l**>oh * invassing. Address CHA1S. 11 \l s 11- \D. Wnl anh ?t.. New York. A\ A ntI Ir|~Ts<tn C 'IGkI.K IN KVKUY TOWN to sell our latest noveltv; e:,u easily make ?"> a day; l?.*ks. MKKZi-'ELDEK & SON. IPC. Water at.. New York. v. a ntkd~~.7tn7s, $7.1 monthly; <i'o.mbd ration rolling pin: nine articles conibiin u; ' i irh' l? : nir seller; sample free. 1Y'ISSHE.H MHi. CO.. B"\ Dayton. Ohio. M .VVTKD A?:J i\ K AGENTS MAKE *33 TO Slot* m tly selling first practical, standard, two-bind keyboard. visible writing, portable $l."i typewriter ever sold: does work like Sl'H) machines: every 1>.sly wants one; big profits; easy sales: exclusive territory. tin fall particulars t"dav. Dept. W. S., .li'NlOIt TYPEWKITKU CO." :::;i P.roadwny. N. Y. drill W ANTE f? STOVINK: WONDERFUL NEW. stove blacking that will never burn off; sells at every home: ag? nts make Slktt monthly. Wr:te lofiay. 11AYPKN-GKil-'EIX CO.. Toledo. Ohio. AY \nTEIT AG en I S in every city for show cards; new process: inexpensive; stamps for samples. IjA's.Sl'iU ART SIGNS, 3SS Rib are.. New Aork. W VN IE 1 > ? AOENTS IN EVERY TOWN TO s.'ll latest model kere-ei e mantle lamp; superior to anything n market; loo candle power; sure ntonev maker. KIM I. A MP CO.. ."."55 Broadway. New York. del3-Su.3t* AY,\N TED?CHRISTMAS. NEW YKAlt COSTALS. 3ihi designs; richly inlnrtd; geld embossed: 1saraptes. ioe, with illustrated catalogue. GALLATINS. York. I'a. wantkd a<TkvtsTTTiyriaiti rT'Tits. either s"\. disliibute samples ointment: $.'1 per -.. Tel self-addressed env cl<*I*e. S'l A R OiNTMKNT Co.. Altooua. Pa. avantkd~~mkn~Tnd women. capital starts you tn a high-class. legitimate home manufacturing business dealing with merchants, positively paying $3'* to Silk* weeklv anywhere; particulars fre?. NATIONAL CANDY"' GLIB, Box N. Past Orange. N. .1 WANTED AGEMS EARN $3 1(7"j-3.-. A DAY; new line; big seller. Write for terms. J. M. P. A CO.. H? Pitkin block, Newark, N. J. deJJ5-s'u.3t WAN TED A (11'. VIS AN l"T~s U.KSMKN. DON'T iivss this or you'll r.iiss money; hustling agents can place our l?cau ifill art pictures in nearly < very home and stor*-; new plan for selling that's a w incur; after demonstrating your north will make profitable yearly contract with von. If an agent send 3-"*e for samples *wortli $1 retail*, prices a til terms. GRAY LITHOGRAPH en.. ir. l.uight st.. New York, d-u; Su.ft W'A.NTKd" siT TO MUU WEEKLY MADK IN the optical business; we tea oil you in 2 to -t weeks ami turn over hundreds of customers to von IKK K. Write TRL'SIC.HT OPTICA It 'OI.l.KGK. l'ki Pricing bidg.. Kansas City. Mo. WANTED AGENTS COIN MONEY; SELL vvonilerfiii Ca in-best er iiicatnlesccut kerosene iaiiips; l.VI can-lb- ;-ovver; liiirns with or witii?ut mantl*-: burner ti'.s all standard makes of lamps: sues 7."V , oil; t<-:i times brighter" than electricity or gas at one-tenth cost: no trimming wicks; no generating: sells everywhere; agent's outfit. So: particulars fr<-e. CANt IIKSTKlt LIGHT CO.. Dept. 31. 30 State St., Chicago. AY ANTED -AGENTS-WEEKLY: TALKING an?l experience unnoce-sary; <*ur "'Trust Scheme Envelope" does tip- work: general agents ran make $3*?* weeklv: *arti<ulars fre?-; sample, lo cents. CADILLAC NEEDLE CO.. Detroit, Mi*-h. d"?-wfcju-tf AY ANTED AGENTS TO SELL THE WETT known Eureka hand soap. El'UEKA HAND SOAP CO.. Norwich, Conn. de5-7t* W?\TPti u:i-VK i ii-ii-w -ii.-i i i v < lmi ve fold artioK not in stores: larire profit. 1'artieularw free. KEN MAM KAlTt'ltlNG CO.. ^ s!.. Itoreltester. Mass. deG-Sn.f?t* UTA.XTKD? START A TRUST SCHEME MAIL order business at home; wo furnish < h -up je w < lrv. eatalottues. ete.. in small lots; rasily operated: small -apital - -<( lir.-?l: parrii nlars mailed free. ROYAL NoVEl-TY Co., I5(j Short st., Attleboro. Mass. ?lo<? T\TmK|i a OK VIS To UHt7 (mi. oYT:_UEI'resentativi ?. taUinj; orders lor our tine line of < usioinmade suits, trousers and overeoats; sprint; line ii"w ready; larne line of samples amitped !n an attrweflve manner furnished free; .'i.'!' , per eent roimnisslon: write for furiher information and territory. WAKBINUTON WORSTED AMi WOOLEN MII.LS. Dept. U">. ITii .Adams st.. Chli'Stu. liolf.t-Sll.At \e 1 \ t 1-m. v\*i. 1? t v toil * * lm.'l- ? v-t\ ? ?r .? i.iii-u .? i. J < ?? .k t* r?nA .A-M* I'iApen* ? t'i men with ricH to Intr-dure poultry ' ui.pntind: yenr's contract. !M1'KRI.\I< MKti. CO . 1). 7* Parsona. K ins. odS-Su-tf VTPH ' i'.K 'NDKI'Ks iVbNT; START A ititiil -rder basin.-? lh j ur a\ 11 homo; \a<- toll you 'nov and 1 iruish everrihtnir needed wh'de alt; r.o bon >ra?t'.t and profit a Mo bushiest, for Tit a it or .ntiiaa; parri-uinrs tnsny mako Sit,000 a year. MPUHIfY MFG. CO.. So run KorWs!3t. Conn. Re27Su-2?U y, a vr ki~% mi, s 7st<7 shxi~a~ x ew ~A \u f.oat satisfactory infit's fiimts'.tna device: ? d> on atah': all ni.-n ncd tlicro: .'2'X to $.") oar'.?d weekly. Write D. S. CLAJIP CO., 1 Vitf'j nr., New A'-.k. ati2& "WANTED?SALESMEN. xv . vi !:i> saT.ksmkx Tit i xi-iTht tiik it I VST A XTANK'il'S UASOIJNK FIGHTING SYS I'KM i 'N KAHT11: a money maker; *" - ol! Mil'-t salt-sllii-ll protected ; . rvllIMAe :<Tr1tt>r\ capital r-iiuired. ltll>L)I.K llitOS., Xloinith T< I.I it'A vrn~ safksma V lixpkhlkncku any ] if. sell peneru! trade In Mil and Vj. uuext !'.<il Sp- Itv pro-mtuition; commissions. AAith ft". AA'fklr advance for expenses CONTlNKVIA1. JKWEL.KY CO.. flmlud, Ohio. WAS I l it CAT YBI.E 8AUSMAN TO COVER Vinrinia Avttli stu;t.c line; high o<>iiiniiKsi?tns. a* .lit Jlntt monthly adAMio'i*; permanent pusii.on to iml man. JKSS. II SMITH CO.. \|I< ',i. W \NTKIi SAIJ.SMKS OF AI'.IUTY A NO neat appearance to nail or nil merchant* in ihclr territory: elesant side line, convenient to catTA : commissions: prompt remittance. HEf.MONT MHi. Hi.. Cincinnati. Ohio, ties:: su.iut YVAXTKD?1H>;U-C.RA!>E SAI.KSV.KN IN A1J. a.1:,i time for pro*: table side I-ne of most ii. to ilat ..i!a f ri Is: ! ? fall*; exclusive defUi.s: ii\ mt-u ran tan S.',i? to per xAeck; o- I.- of s.-:t;i a. tiff pounds \ddri?S I \ITKI? >TYIIS OAl.ENIiAlt COMPANY. iv nnal 1 ''I. o. I nn In i>t Y\ ANTlili "I?? i tmmpsrcatk with WilTTTa? k ; iirty : e. i town aaIio can interest hi* f vials hrst mitt tj^a^e 5'i itnld bouds of Intoi Ii li ln!!?-s wo! of Chicago | in* i g tli-oush highly ilovolopoil aii'i thickly j ngr'i ultural mnl 0"' ry In tin-1 st-itn of !! :;i ii<; rtjwl lotini'.-ts si\ steam ami , i' . -1?-? ! r?. .Is ?\ fit of which run in In I i i, will not iDterftro with ymtr prosont ' a i j>,t i ..r:. Semi nn a l.?t of your friends w ho | Ilie lii.liil t.. It.1.-st ; we will I 1 :i 11 tlli'li) II fllll' inscription of tin* property Mini allow >on a l--ill!ll'lsslo|l or .: 11 Ills ..ess; lust prolMlsitioll ?!| tie untrki-l \V; ' :ct unci' for full pur'nil -I Isi .. t up i t.'. Iii(.o:'o'd Iv hankers. Acl'lri's.s | SECRETARY. Til Tafww bhfar. lif> ago. p.. W.WTKD i *I.KNI>AR SALESMEN, EXl'Krii'i" oil in tin- m*Io of ii'lvorf.sing alouilars. large* line, I.. >t si'llinc stylos; imported ami lo'ii-st ii*; jh-iv lino for l!#lo ri'aily Jan. 1. ! :.! w.'h main otfVo direct; in middle tueii AiMri ss. w i It reference*. Al'tl. t!ASl' hank note and i.rniu. it), .st i.ouis. Mo. wanted : i:.\ vi.iTnT; \tk\ vvrrn iiitn p.. ili . i. > i.-r it-. :? s' 1 iiii' calendars ami sitvrlisilig novi'ltli'K on-- put i-iit; many ii"W fo f :.i . : ! i|.ii>'k u iw making contracts for i;nr.i si'ol SWnwlt Sl'Kt IALTY CO.. Lex ' IIj 11in. K >. \VT Vi i: 1 ~Jsi^T"WKKK AX1? EXPENSES TO rn i with rig to Introduce poultry lotnpouml. 'illWT <" '). Dept ST. Spriiigtielil. \i %VTKD?IJVE MEN HANDlJi UKRATPif maga/it Itibhlug offers, J n!r tun gar! ni's, $1; .'.ik' iniumUsivn. M. U. It.lMSKY, I-eitugton. Kr. I U?V;il> > 11?r; 1.1 N il SALESMEN TI? I! an ..'.to :t.l V: It si lig n' It. lispil In I. i .. inn lilt arturrrs gull inn hints is >hiuii i to v'.ti i" 1;It : li's i si 'I,ii"ls; tiriril tii.. . fry*. KOPP A, s.y i\ s h.-: .ib; -actl IfesT, ojy Lakeside bldg., Cb !, >. * WANTED?SALESMEN. WANTED- SAI.KSMEN TO SH.L IIIOU-CRASS automobile specialty to owners; something new sells on siplif; no competition: exclusive terrl tory and lends furnished; it few hours' wort each day will easily net you $10 to $115. Cal or write. ROC II FORD MFG. CO., 2S4 Wabasl are.. Chicago. 111. WANTED?HELP! One cent a word for 15 words. ma?B. WANTED?SALESMEN?WE ARK ENGAGING additional salesmen for 1909 and will enter tain applications from salesmen familiar ttltli the retail drug trade. Address, with full particulars. giving nge, experience, territory fa miliar with, salary expected, etc., FREDERICK STEARNS A CO., Detroit, Mich. WANTED -ANYBODY. KITH Kit SKX. CA.N make ?t daily all winter raisins mushroom* for hotels and restaurants with my spawn, in ee|l:n*s, harns. l>o\es, ete.; free il lust rated instruction booklet. 111 It AM BARTON, 3211 Wo,i -IKth st.. New York. wan i ki> - salesmen desiring some thins good for a side line should write AMKRI ? AN SALES COMPANY. ltMi K. fth St.. N. Y. \VANTKD -SPAKE JT.ME+OL'K PLAN CASTL S>-nd 13c and set started. II. ALPEKS A. Fit., 23 West 4ltd St.. Netv York. WAN TTiT> INTELLIGENT M EN. DOTTTTI: your earninp capacity tlironeh seientittc study of real estate, insurance and general promxtl'?n business; compreheiislre course; treatise: ervice ttnd certificate now interesting liook free. I NIVKKSITY REALTY INSTITUTE, Station C. t'leveland, (thio. W A NTKD?AN EDllW TED. SOltKIL IMMS trious young man. with a little capital, to bo our representative or agent for the District of Columbia; references required. We can offer n proposition to the right party, a permanent and very profitable business. THE ALCATRA2 CO.. Richmond. Va. WANTED?RESIDENT MANAGER. Large financial concern requires able, alert and aggressive manager for its affairs In Washington: give particulars and references. WM. WAKEFIELD. 1TO Broadway, N. Y. city. WANTED SALESMAN! Coffee. Tea. Cigars. Wanted, eapahle of earning $2,500 and more yearly In sales of teas and coffees, with cigars as side line; must command trade in tea and coffee 1n Washington. Address "IMPORTERS." lawk Box 12t>7. New York city. WANTED ASTHMA SL'1'F I. REUS. 1 HAVE found liquid that cures asthma, gasping for breath suffocation, coughing stopped. Send your name for fre? lottle. Address T. Gttlt 1IAM. 715 Shepard bldg.. Graud Rapids. Mirh. WANTED-MEN ylTCKLY BY BIG CHICAGO mail order house to distribute catalogues, advertise: S-25 weekly. $S0 expense allowance. MANAGER, Dept. 110, 3S5 Wabash ave., Chicago. WANTED THE SERVICES HE SIX OR EIGHT more first-class bricklayers are required by ARTHCR COWSILL. del.1-2t WA NTED ?ELECTItiClAN. OH HELPER 1Atniliar with eoDiluit work; state salary, age and reference. Box l?Hi. Star otficc. WANTED REGISTERED PHARMACIST; PERmanent position. Address Box 13S, Star office. dd2-2t WANTED?URICHT ROY, WITH WHEEL. FOR errands and office work. Apply 1411 F st. li.w. de12 2t WANTED- ASSIST\.NT DENTIST IN KTHIC.U. office. Address DENTIST. Star office'. <bT2-3t* WANTED- BUY.' WARREN A. ROSS, SOS 11TI1 st. n.w. del2-2t* W A NT EI) - \\ EXPER I ENCEI > DRESSER ON J a goods. Apply J. E. 1.UYERTO.X A- CO., 1115 G n.w. del2-3t WANTED A SHIPPING CLERK FOR HAKDwarr business; one with experience preferred; reference required. Address Box 120. Star oftl'-e. doll-3t? WANTED?CHANCRE TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; new system; any one can learn: only f.-w weeks required; wages after first month; positions furnished graduates. Write for free catalogue. MOLER'S BARBER COLLKOE. 207 Bowery. New York. del 1-fit* W ANTED FA MOTS SHERWOOD WHISKY. 79e hot tie. JOHN WEDDERBL'RN CO., leading Liquor Dealers, 616 "F" st. n.w. $3.00 per gallon. . de?-90t WANTED DKAUGHOVS SHORTHAND. About 75 per cent of the United States Court reporters write the system of shorthand taught by Draupturn's Practical Business College, cor. filh and D sts. ii.w.. because they know It Is THE BEST. Draughon secures POSITIONS. Ask for FREE catalogue. deS-tf WANTED ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn good Income corresponding for newspapers: experience unnecessary; no canvassing. Send for particulars. PRESS SYNDICATE, Box 705, Iywkport. N. Y. nol2-90t WANTED-I MADE 550.(>00 IN* FIVE YEARS IN the mail order business; began with $5. Any one can do the work at home in spare time. Send for my free booklet. Tells bow to get etarted. IIEACOCK, Box 717. Lockport, N. Y. no12 not WANTED ? AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE?TERMS moderate: easy payments; positions secured; write or call; open evenings. 1323 14th n.w. Baltimore office. 2 West Pri-stnn st. no8-tf MALE OK FEMALE^ ' waxtkn-Goon positions! Ilraughon's Practical Business College, cor. nth and D sts. n.w.. gives contracts, hacked by chain of 31 colleges, $300.(>00.00 capital and 2o years* success, to secure good positions under reasonable conditions or REFUND tultlon. Ask for FREE catalogue. de5-tf FEMALE. WANTED? FIVE SALESLADIES. SHEETZ, 511 11 tli st. ii.w. dcl3-3t* PROF. LIVINGSTON. SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE LADIES. Owing to the large number of pupils from all parts of the 1 idled States taking instrnc4 i.\*w..r T lei V V 1- a 1 iHi i uu. lit> iiimM^u r xuriL Acnufiii} nf French dresscutting, dressmaking. design Ins. ladies' tailoring. sewing anil finishing, R."_'i 0 St.. the price fur instructions will he ad v a need after January 1. 1000. Ladles commencing this month or hy placing their name* on the 1 wh?k and leaving a deposit will receive their instructions in January. 1000, at the old rate. YOI'K LAST CHANCE. WANTED - EXl'KHIENCED WAIST HANDS and helpers. 1720 Fin. ave. n.w. del3-2t* \\AMKl)-hVERY WOMAN NKKDS THE IIY flienic bath douche haunnock: a physician's n vent ion; indorsed hy the medical profession; sells on sight; agents write for territory. II. It. 1>. II. MFG. CO., 40 Stamford st.. Boston. Mass. WANTED?LADY AGENTS ARK MAKING $2o per week selling our great line of necessities; ni? K.-heme; particulars free. Write tm now. YOl'NG. 1M Dearborn St.. I>. 27. Chicago. WANTKIt?:W'K GUARANTEE ANY LADY OK girl can make $1 per daj tinseling Christmas iw>st cards at home in spare time; full particu1 si's and sp.mple, with your name on, 10c. KEYSTONE CO.. 110 Main St.. Lilly. I'a. WANTKIt I.AIIIKS (AN EA UN COM FOIt'C able Income selling hiatiery guaranteed to wear six months; large profits; easy sales; devote whole <>r pnrt time. Write for particulars. TKIl'LKWEAIt HOSIERY, Franklin and Girard. i'hiladelphia. WANTED- LADY OF MM?Dl.E AGTT WITH fair eduratiou, for permanent position; advancement certain if work Is satisfactory. Address Box lt> 1. Star office. WANTED?SALESLADIES. THE FA 1K, MS 7th st.. after 10 a.m. WANTED- SEVERAL YOl.NG I.AD1ES TO AD dress envelopes; straight salary |iahl and good chance for advancement to right parties; nu piecework. Address Box 1U5, Star office. dclSlit VTANTKD -FIRST-CLASS WAIST HAND. WILL party who called call again? JEANNE. 1120 171 h. del3-:?t WANTED-S. KANN, SUNS A- CO. WANT 200 salesladies at once; both Inexperienced and experienced. We want salesladies for every department. We'll pay good salaries. An I lv to Superintendent, S. KANN, SONS & CO. before 10 a.m. WANTED CAPA I' CASHIER AM) ri.KKK for 'lilua. Tin; 1KM >K WAKES STORK. o:;4 F. WANTEDKKW GOOD COAT AND SKIRT bands, having store exiierience; go< i salury; steady employment. HON MAKf'IIK, ".Hi 7tfo ?t ii. w. del2-2t WAN FKIT- 11V A I.AICCK DEPARTMENT itore. an experienced pnresrnpby demonstrator ami saleswoman. Address ltox 172, Star ottlee, giving experience ami salary desired. del2-2t WANTED Vol N(J I.AHY WITH EXPERIENCE In eon feet iom-i-y. Apply 1411 Fat. n.w. de12 2t _____ $ln PER WEEK. CASHIER: MI ST BE QUICK ami iie.-urate at counting money; references reipiire.l Address Jlox 14G. Star office. 1.12 i f WANTED- \ S TEN OG U AI' 11K It AND TYPEwriter. female. In claim attorney's office; state *\I?erlencP and salary exi>ei ted. Address I". 11. J.. Siar officii. di?12-"t WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES IN our cloak and suit department: permanent positions. Apply J. I.. LBVEKTON A CO., 1113 ! it.iv. del2-2t WA NTKD- l"KSI*ONSlBLK. EDUCATED LAilies over 25 to sell and demonstrate the latest up-to-date tailored corsets; made strictly to measurement; perfect tit guaranteed, laidy making $25 per we.-k. We also want ladles to travel. Apply to Madam CLAUK, Supervisor. after 4 p.m., 206 X. Y. ave. n.w. WANTED?30 WOMEN AND GHU.S to sew on children's ctothlug. Power and foot machine*. Steady work to good opc-ators. 1220 G st. n.w.. 2d floor. delist WANTED FAMOUS SHERWOOD WHISKY, Is.! t ; *. JOHN WKD*>EKBUK.N CO.. Ia-adln: l.tquor Dealers. 010 "k"' ?t. n.w. $';.oo pet I gallon. ileO'JOl WANTED?HELP. ' FEMALE I WANTED?DRAPGHOVS BOOKKKEriNG. t Competitors of Draughon's Practical Business I College, cor. 9th and D sts. n.w., by not ?e, ceptlng its proposition to have its THREE months' lss>kkeepjQ2 students contest with i tbelr SIX mouths' bookkeeping students, concede that Drauzhon teaches more Ixmkkeen'ng In THREK months than they do lit SIX. POSITIONS secured. Ask for FItEE catalogue. deS-tf "WANTED?t'OI.ORKI> WOMEN TO W ASH bottles; salary. $.1. Apply JOHN WEUDKRBURN & CO.. C1C F st. n.w. :to25 t T WANTED - A THOROCUHT.Y COM PETEST business woman, who Is willing to work long ; hours for good pay: must have fair education Address Box 11^. Star otliee. no24-tf , WANTED?YOING LADY BOOK k KI T' KI'.; ONE who understands double-entry: one with a ! knowledge of shorthand preferred; salary, $10 1 to $15 per week to start. Address Boy 117, Xtitf nffipp I W.\ NTKD?I'JIRIjS TO LABEL BOTTLKS. APply THE JOHN WEDDERBURX CO.. 616 F st. d.w. nu21-tf W A N TED?A X Y IXTEIX1GKNT PERSON MAY earn good income corresponding for newspaper*: experience unnecessary; no canvassing. Send for particulars. PRESS SYNDICATE, Bo: 787. i Look port. X. Y. nol21K)t 1 DOMESTIC. i \V ANTKI > - REM A BI.e"sKTTLEDWHITE W?T>fsn to nurse cbiUl years old; on1 who values good booie more than salary. Box 107, Star office. WANTED-- NL'RSE: GO' >D REFERENCE ItKquired: stay nights. 11U! 6 Newark St., Clcveland l'urk. AM. CAPALTTIES CAPABLE DOMESTIC 1IE1.P supplied: white. colored: men servauts. LADIES' EXCHANGE, m?7 Vermont ave. del. WA XTEI) BY NEAT CttLORED GIRL. TOI stay nights, place as plain cook or general housework, or chambermaid; good refs.; without laundry. 1220 Kirhy n.w. WANTED-TWO WHITE GIRLS. ONE FOR 1 cook and general housework, one as second girl and care for child. In small family; stay nights. Inquire 2020 Wood ley place, end of Calvert st. Iron bridge. del2-2t ' WANTED WHITE GIRL: CARE CHILDREN; stay nights. Call at 2625 11th st. n.w. dell-at* WANTED A WOMAN To COOK. WASH AND iron: references. 1820 P.'th st. n.w. de!2-ltt WANTED-AT ONCE. Nl'RSE GIRL. WiUTET stuv nlehts. t1st n.w. de11-:tt WANTED?SITUATIONS^ One eent a word for 15 words. M Alt XL ~~ CiiALEKKCR EXPERIENCED VOl'NG MAN. 1!>, wishes position; good references. 1007 D ht. n.e. CLERICAL WORK OF ANY KIND: EXI'K rieneed stenographer, typewriter; excellent refcrenee; moderate saiarj. I'lione M. 4710.* WANTED- BY EXPERIENCED COLORED MAN. 1 place near city on farm: fireman; understands care of all kinds stock; best refs. 12<i0 T n.w., city. de9-7t* DOMESTIC. ' ' PORTER -YOI XG COLORED MAN. PLACE as porter In private family or Janitor of flat. 11142 5th st. n.w. dein-2t* WAITER WANTED, Si l l ATIUN AS WAITER in private family. PHILIP BEI?Y. 4:t2 11th st. n.w. de1it-2t* WANTED?SITE ATIONS, 2 COLORED BET~ l?-rs, : white butlers; 4 and 5 years' ref. S2tt 7th st. ii.w. PHILLIPS AGENCY. Main WANTED SITUATIONS. 3 COE<7REI> WA ITcrs: 2 years' rcf. X2!? 7tli st. n.w. PHILLIPS AGENCY. Main 2301. MALE OR FEMAX.E. ANY TIMK YOU ARE IX NEED OP A COMl>etent stenographer or bookkeeper npply at STRAYEK'S BUSINESS COM EGE. 11th and F sts. n.w. rhone Main 3430. no23-tf STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPEWRITER OPEIF ntnr* are furnished upon application bv the MONARCH TYPEWRITER COMPANY. Phone M. 693: no charge. Jel9-tf FEMALE. LADY STENOGRAPHER. WITH FIVE YEARS' experience. desires position paying not leas than $12 i>er week. Address STENOGRAPHER. 5316 Till st. SHOP SUITS AI.TERED TO FIT; FURS REpalr'cd and remodeled in latest styles. 707 G n.w. del2-2t* ' WA NTED? BY AN EDUCATKI YOFNG GBR~ mati lady, speaking French. position as managing housekeeper ?>r lady's companion. Address Box OS, Star office. detl-w.f,Sn.3t* DOMESTIC. A RESPECT A BEE WOMAN WANTS A SIT! A tion as nurse and chambermaid; is willing and obliging; would travel. Call for one week at 401 Pa. are. n.w.. store. dei:l-2t* BY AN EFFICIENT AND RELIABLE GKN1 tlewoman of large experience, as visiting housekeeper or private secretary. K. B., Station A. COLOR EI i WOMAN WANTS LAUNDRY AT home. 17 Madison court n.w. CONFIDENTIAL COLORED GIRL WOILD like position as caretaker or daily cleaner in fiat. 413 22d st. n.w. COOK-POSITION AS COOK IN PRIVATE FAMily at $45 per month. 1N17 <$ st. n.w. FRENCH LADIES' MAUL EXPERIENCED; good packer, traveler, tine sewer; excellent references. M. IE. l'Snl Fin. ave. del3 .'it* Laundress- by FntsTci^ss laundress, work at Louse; please call or address !>2S L n.w. del2 2t LAUNDRY WORK AT HOME OR OUT. 2242 Cleveland st. n.w. del2-2t WANTED? SITUATIONS WHITE WOMAN AS waitress or chumherniaid; 5 years' rcf. Duluth, Minn. K2t> 7th st. n.w. PHILLIPS AGENCY. Main 2304. WANTED ? SITUATIONS] TWO COLORED 1 chanilennuhls; city rcf. X2!? 7th st. n.w. PIIILLIP.S AuENCY. Main 2304. 1 WANTED BY FIRST CLASS WOMAN, I'LA' "1". as general liouseworker, cook; city rof. 171.'{ Vt. ave. \vantei> ity first class laundress, family washing t<> take home. 932 M at. n.w. WANTED sitf.Vtions byTiol\SE\\7HIKEIts. colored and white; i ity rcf. 829 7tli st. n.w. 1 PHILLIPS AGENCY. M: In 2304. WANTED ? SITUATIONS BY 2 COM >UKI> women cooks; one lias .'i years' references, one has 2 years' references In N. C. Apply 820 7tli st. n.w. PHILLIPS AGENCY. Main 2204. WANTED-BY COLO BED WOMAN. DAY'S w<>rk of any kind; also washing. 2119 Otii st. n.w. WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS^ One cent a word eneh time for l."> words 3 times. BIG MONEY PAID FOB DES1UABI.E FUItNT ' turc, carpets, offlee furniture and household , goods; contents especially; also stocks of merchandise. D. NOTES, 615 La. ave. PhoneM.3(KW. I dei3-30t WANTED?HIGHEST CASH I'RICES PAID FOB worn garments, ladies', gentlemen's, ebildrens' shoes and hats. Address postal. I will call. A. KKBKSKY. 13(16 7th n.w. I'hone N. 32GO-M. del3-37t*4 WANTED?TO BUY OLD FEATHER BEDS. When selling why not drop postal to an old reliable firm? H. MARKS. 2o7 7th, op;>->sfte Saks', or pb'mo Linen. 2331-Y. dcl3-tf WANTED ? A SECON D^HA.N D CALIGRAl'lL Mrs. SNOW. 1411 Harvard st. liOUSKKEEPKKS, QUR"K -THIS WEEK OKdinary windows expertly cleaned. Cm- each; general housecleanlng: floors waxed, polished, stained; carpets laid; small repairs, odd jolts; weather strips, etc. Postal. ELLIOTT. 1230 , 7tli n.w. dcKI-.'lt ' HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WORN GARMENTS. LADIES'. GENTS' AND CI1ILDREN'S SHOES A- HATS OF ANY AMOUNT. SEND POSTAL: WILL CALL ANY HOUR. J. , TAKSHE3, lilUo i I M ->.?>. niu.\t NUKTT1 4'JV. Ie12-tf.r, WANTED HIGHEST CASH I'KICES PAID FOR CAST-OFF CLOTHES, LADIES' OK GENTLEMEN'S. ADDRESS POSTAL-1 WIIL CALL , PHONE NORTH 1750. W. RICE. 13.52 7th n.w. de!2-tf IF YOL" HAVE ANY FURNITURE TO SELL send mo postal or phone Main 4H33 and I will ; all at your convenience and give you the be>t ' cash offer for same. IAJL'IS NOTES, 426 l)th n.w. delg-St WANTED CEMENTING. W1IITECOATING, plastering, wh It own siting, carpet cleaning, carpet laying. 17 Jackson st. u.e. del2-3t? WANTED l.N NEED OF ALL KINDS OF SECnnd-hand furniture, will pay highest cash prices for same; send postal or phone Main 7I!?1. J. BRANDON, 420 Wth n.w. dell-.'pit ' "HI Y YOUR SIGNET KINGS OF DEKIHAUGH. . Jeweler. 21 H St. n.w. ni?20-30t over Holt whisk v. *.too per j;Tij7>v JOHN WEDDERBUKN CO.. Leading Liquor Dealers, tilti "K" st. n.w. deft-POt WA N'TED - EASTERN l'E All IEB COM PANT. , tills niontlt Oi'.i'UO lt>s. old feathers; highest cash price; also furniture. Send postal; will <-a!l at <>n'-p. A'7 Aid. nve. k.w. no30 'tot WANTKD TO BUY VOLUMES Hi ANH IV 11a 1st's Real Estate Atlas, 11)07: state condition ami price. Address Box 4:5, Star office. n<>28-rt0t \vantki> til sir i'i 1'ii.s. ltv adherent tip Ix-schetlzky methods: prefer gi? log lesson* In pupil's home. Address .Mrs. T. II. It.. Box 72, City P. O. Will call. nn2I>-P". 10t* BIG MOX KY~i' A ID FOR LA DIKS^tXI) GENT? ' east-ofT clothing. ahoes. lists, shirts. Drop postal. H' UERVVITZ. 12<'8 7th n.w. ! | PAWN TICITETS FOR PRECIOUS STONES AM) Jewelry: '-ash paid for old gold. sliver and U.S. coins. Money to loan at 3 per cent. oc22-tf LOUIS ABRAHAMS. 433 9th n.w. WANTED-- ALL THE OLD USELESS GOLD AND silver lying Idle In your possession. Corals, diamond*. cameos. Jewelry and silverware bought. C. F. KARR. Jeweler, 618 I3tb St.. above F. ucl-tf THERAPEUTISTS. DR. CAMPBELL. .SPECIALIST. I'.Ctl loth st. n.w. CLINIC OF DRUG LESS HEALING. Meehano and Psycho Therapeutist slid Follow : of the Royal College of M>shauical Surgeon*. All ehronie and nervous diseases. I Call fur Booklet. *j dell-tf,7 ** "I spent one-sixth of my years in the boss, "one-twelfth in the liquor business years In politics anrt matrimony, when dernian four years ago. when he was but How old was the boss? SOLUTION TO M. Had Mrs. O'Flaherty invested but 4" c< of turkey and one pound of goose. Now, i equally divided between geese and turkey: pound of turkey and 1 0-18 pounds goosegain of 1-24 of a pound, resulting from lay! Since an investment of 42 cents will pre between the two methods of purchasing it 42 cents, or $20.10. to gain 2 pounds by tin Investing $10.08 in turkeys and the sani pounds of one and 00 pounds of the other ties of each she would have received hut ! FOR RENT?ROOMS. One cent n word for 15 words. FL'KXISMKO. FI'KNISI1KI> AI'ARTMBNT; TiiKEE OR FIVE rooms; all outside windows. Cameron aparlin.-nt house, 11K>2 Vermont nrr. n.w. IK'S 121'I?-ST?N.W.?Tl I It E K ROOMS. SECOND floor, two on third; hot water; light housekeeping. NEWLY KI'RMSHEli 2D-FLOOR FRONT rooms; heat. gas. 435 Mass. are. n.w. 133? QIK ST N.W.?NICELY FT KM S11KD rooms, including two hall rooms, with or without board. 1228 MASS. A YK.--LAKOK. < *OM FOltTA RI.Y furnished front room, suitable for man and wife; terms ino<lerate. dcl3-2t* yii STH ST. N.W.?ONE SUITE ?>F ROOMS 1st floor, nicely furnished, for light house- ! keeping; bay window; sunny and bright; well liented; $15. Also other rooms. CULFMBIA HEIGHTS. 21115 HTI1- NKW CORner house, newly furnished; warm, sunny, baywindow front rooms. FOR KENT?FFKMS11ED HALL KOO M, $6. i::i!> Corcoran sf. n.w. 17uy COKCl)UAN JlTFLOOR, 2 ROOMS. WITH private bath; 3d floor, one front room, $12 per month. 1!K>8 F ST. N W- ATTRACTIVE FFRNI.SHKI) rooms in small private family. UTl 1'.I'llI ST. NAV.-NKWLY KI RMSIIKD ; Fingle r?ims; running water; all conveniences; reasonable; convenient location. 1115 NKW II AMI*N~I1IKI2 AYK. N.W. ?NICE) furnished room; modern house. del3-3t* TWO Fl.HNISlIKI? COMMUNICATING ROOMS; modern improvements; no housekeeping; rent moderate. 1416 16th n.w. de13-2t* 1137 12T1I N.W. ATTRACTIVK. BRIGHT room. second floor, front; near butb; well heated: large closet. 211 !lTn S.W. SUNNY KilOMS. COMFORT ubly fur.; phone; gentlemen only. 31G ~i N.W. COMFORTABLY F1KNTSHKD. well heated room; cleau, well kept house; eight dollars. del3-Su,tu-2t* WA X TEI CATK UKR OR MANAGER Ft >R (lining rooui and kltelieu at 107 Maryland are. n.e. 1(?C O V\Y. NJCE S El 'ON D-STt > R Y FRONT room, hall room and back room. Phone X. 80ti. del2-4t 1722 COIK 'ORANST. N.W.-SECOND-STORY front with large alcove; also large third-story front, nicely furnished; board if desired. del2-3t* TTcit I Sl\ VW.-LAUGK^ COMFORTABLE rooms. strglc or en suite; well furnished, heated and lighted; private family. de12-2t* 1775 T ST. \7w. - TO .SCHOOL TEACHER OR i lady in otflee. front room; southern exposure; hot-water heat. Owner. del2-2t FURNISHED KIMlMS FOR RENT FOR LIGHT housekeeping. Illy Stli st. n.w. del2-2t* COM PORT A 111 JO FRONT ROOM, WELL. HEATed: gentlemen. 1314 13th at. n.w. del2-2t* 182S G ST. 2 KOtlMS, SECOND FLOOR. SIV gle or en suite; private family. dcl2-3t* 316 C N.W. ROOMS IN WELL KEPT HOUSE; : steam heat; all conveniences; rates moderate. del2-2t* 43<? 3I> ST~ N.W.?LARGE SKCOM) KUXIR room: nil mo<lern conveniences; no objection to housekeet>lng. del2-2t 49 F N.E.? Co.NVEMKNT TO l.'NIOX STA tbm and <1. (?.. large front room; new single Iron Ix-ds; hath; private family; references. de!2-3t 1305 H X.W.?CENTRAL; SECOND-STORY and other front rooms; furnace heat; private house. del2-3t 1245 KEN YON?NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ; second-story room; southern exposure; phone service; hot-water heat. del2-sa.Su.w-3t* 917 I ST. X.W.-A liAKGE, NICELY FURNISH ed front rmim; in private family; hot-water heat; gentlemen only. dol2-3t* NEAR 2t>TH & S WELL-Fl'RMSHED. SO IT 11 front room; steam heat; phone; private family. Address Box 14,S, Star office. del2-2t* 1505 y ST. N.W.?2D~ STORY FRONT ALCOVE : room; southern exposure; comfortably furnished ; private family. del2-3t* 3498 LTII N.W.-LARGE 2D FLOOR FRONT ' room; also nice back room; new house; prlrn In r?ml!r fue trt.ntlomnn /1a1 O It t , ivi hitiin uirii. uci?*uI Til B IKOQIOLS, 1410 M ST. X.W.. APT. 100Two rooms ou first floor, next to bath; southern exposure. tie 12-21* 131 1 RHODE 1SLAXI > AVE. -LARGE, ATtractlvcly furnished front room; southern exjtosure; hot-water heat; phone; private family; board If desired. dcl2-2t GO TO AMEKiT'AN RENTAL BCRKAC, 304 MIL TUAL. L\S. BLDG.. K1T1I AXT? MOW YORK, for fur. rooms, apartments, boarding houses and hotels. Information free. del2-2t* TO LET-TWO GAUGE. CO NNUCTIXG ROOMS, with good closets; also side room with closet; steam heated: central: adjoining Shoreham. Ad dress lbix 157, Star office. del2-2t* 1222 COL1 MlilA ROAD?3 ROOMS WITH l'KIvate bath; suitable for I.h.k.; 3d floor; no ehlldren. dol2-s.S.w.St* 1WK> BELMONT ROAD WASHINGTON IKITS.: one square from Columbia road; well-furnlshe.d looms. dell-3t* 311 C ST. S.E. Fl'RMSUED ROOMS; NEAR J.ibrnry and Capitol; two communicating rooms, second-floor front: three front windows; with or without board: or would rent for l.h.k.; . also parlor floor, neatly furnished, suitable for i l.h.k. dell 3t 1319 13TH ST. N.W.-DESIRABLE ROOM, well heated; with or without board; In refined family. dell-3t ; 1453 Q NEATLY Fl.'RMSHEI) SOITH-FRO.NT room, hay window: second floor; hath adjoining; small family of adults. dell-.'tt NEWLY PACER KI?. SOI'THERX. 2D- FLOOR room; also front room; reasonable. 1372 Harvard st. it.w. del0-5t 1024 14TH X.W.. COR. 14TH AND 1.?NICELY ] furnished front rooms; small or large; central location. del0-4t# TWO LARGE. CHKEIUT'L OOMMCNTCATING r<ioms; hot-water heat and baths; private fam- ' fly; gentlemen only. 448 M st. n.w. dc'.),3t* >43 O ST. X7\v7! LARGE FRONT ROOM; ' southern exposure; iihone service; $10; gentlemen only. de8-7t* FOR KENT 927 O ST.: FURNISHED ROOMS, warm and light; telephone service; adults; i reasonable. de7-7t* Ct t.MFORTA BLK FRONT ROOM. BATH ON floor; terms moderate; gentlemen. 1017 M, " cor. 11th n.w. 1522 K .V\V. Kl RXlSlftiD ROOM FOR GEM tlenien. Apply 10 a.m. to 6 n.m. oe5-tf FtlKNISIIBD OH UNFl'RNKHRD. K71I.\LSHE1? OK I M'I KNINHKII. I'D FLOOR, 1 l.h.k.. 2 or beautiful outside rooms: modern; adults only. Address Box 133. Star office. 327 NDllTll CAROLINA AVK. S.E.-LARGE. ' bright room, second tloor front; bath on same floor; one block from I'a. ave.. two from East . Capitol st.; $10 inoutii furnished. $K unfurnished. loll KKnT \Yl i ll I \ HALF A Syl.'AllK OK I?u|Mint Circle. 2d tloor of bedrooms and bath, furnished or unfurnished, with exclusive use o'f parlor and library, including piano, pianola, books, "elcphone. Address Box lf>4. Star office. " F< i it ltKNT l INK Olt TWO FRONT liOU.MS. fur. or unfur. Apt. 31. the Berkshire. Col. Ml. del2-3t* U.XKIRNINHKIJ. \ TWO BRIGHT ROOMS ON sFvo.M) Pl.t u (it and three rooms ou third floor for light housekeeping: hot-water heat and gas: no children; . rent reasonable. 041 llhode Island ave. n.w. llo ?TH X.W. STKA.M HEAT: 5 BATHROOMS; central location; from $2 a week upward. j del3-3t 1 LA KG K FRONT ROOM. WITH AI,"OVK: FIKnished; hot-water heat: private family; $12. 310 3d st. s.e. TWO OR THUKB BRIGHT, CHEFRFIL room?, heat and gas for l.h.k., eheap. 108 5th a.o. dol3-2t* 1 412 FLA. AVE. N.W. TWO OR THREE HECopd-floor looms: heat : iras; conveidcnt to etirs. I THREE I. VIHIK. BRIGHT ROOMS. LARGE aleove. with bath, heat and gas; liglii housekeeping. 703 0th st. u.e. dol3-2t* *ic5 ^ui ijmjyoi? old country as a hoy." remarked the in N'ew York, and one-seventh and live Jimmy was born. Tie was elected ulhalf my present age." YRKKT Pl'ZZLE. ?nts she might have purchased one pound if she spent that same amount of money s she would have received 21-24 of a -2 1-24 pounds altogether, which is a ng out her 42 cents by the new method, duee a difference of l-24th of a pound is clear that she must invest 4S times 1 Christmas method. ie amount in geese, she received 42 . whereas had site bought equal quantiX> pounds altogether. FOE KENT?ROOMS. UNFURNISHED. 1222 COLUMBIA* ItOAD d ROOMS WITH I'KIvate bath; Biiitable f<?r l.h.k.; ."><1 floor; ho children. de12-s.S. w.4t* n> todd place n.k.-i:"i-i-kk u rooms, bath; furnace; hot water. $21.0?>. Key first finer. 2 OK 4 LARGE IKIOMS, WITH l"LOSKTS. hath, gas range, hot and cold water; 2d floor; rent reasonable; uo children. 222 Kentucky are. s.e. _ deI2-.'5t* 132?; urni NTW i *N FT U.\ ISI I F.D it< IOMS. with hot-water heat, gas and large i-lnthes press. dol2-3t* lOlTi O-T?!-. N.\V'~TWO OR THREE SKOOND floor alcove rooms; well heated; uo children, del 2-31 * 933 M N.W.-3 I NKCRNISHKD ROOMS; L.H.K.; beat and gas; range in flat. del2-3t 920 V ST. N.W. Tf> "ATU'LT.S; 2 CHEKUFCU enmmnnieating rooms; 2d floor; small family. UoU-3t* 111.""iotYi isT. n7\y7~tiFit ee uxflrnishel> moms. dell 4t* " WANTED?ROOMS! One cent a word for 13 words. WANTED-ABOFT 3 ROOMS KTRNISIH-fn FOR l.h.k., reasonable; describe folly. Address J. A. H-. P. O. Box 302. city. IIAVK YOlf MSTKI) Y < I III ROOMS ~\YITH FS? . WASHINGTON INFORMATION ANH I.ISTIN'O Bl REAL'. Room OoC W. L. & T. bldg. de12-3t* WANTED?BY A LADY. ABOl'T DECEMBER 15. a room within 5 blocks of Congressional Library. Address ROOMER, 13o'J Mass. ave. s.e. dol2-3t WANTED -TWO ROOMS FOR EPISCOPAL MIN'I Ister; a member of G>nt?ress jnnl faniilv- :ilsn windows on avc., inaugural parade. Call personallv. .104 INS. BLDU., 13T11 ANI? H. (SitEAT DEMAND. del2-2t* WANTED BY TWO ADULTS. TW<? FUR" nlslicil roouia within easy walking distance S _ and Connecticut ?tc. 180K S n.w. ' del2 2t* "booms andboaed. One cent n word for lo wonls. l'Olt KENT?2 FURNISHED COMMI'Ml'ATIMi convenient to all s.w. govt, buildings: with board. 214 12th a.w. del 3-31 lKi EVE ST. N.W. LARUE Ffiu FRONT rooms, southern exposure, on one floor, comer residence, witb the beat of home cooking, for tw peplo; cuvenicnt to government printing office; very private. DA HUE SOUTH KIIOM. SECOND FLOOR, near hath; well heated; well furnished: excellent table. 1100 New Vork uve. n.w. del3-2t* SUITE OP TWtl t't).MFORT ARLY FI'HNISIIKD rooms and bath: witb Isiard; private family; near ' ilighlands"; prefer gentlemen. 183U Ivalorama mad. 1414 lr.TII N.W. ONE LARUE. NKWI.Y FFlTnisbed room: two single rooms; table board; transients accomm'slated. de!3-3t* 1204 N ST. N.W. --1&U3GA.NTLY FUKNISl7ED front rooms: excellent table; private family. d-13-6t* IN TKIVATE KAMII.Y. A I.AHUE, WEED FUKnisbed ns'iu: with tine closet: adjoining bath; gentleman. 1337 Columbia road. litis' i n.w.?rooms with board in a lnrgc modern bouse; convenient to cars; good liK-alitv: transients. I'honc Maiu 5545. Mrs. M. CROCK ICTT MIIJ.KR. del3-3t* UARiJET Sr.N.NY. COM.MUNICATlMi RODMS: bewly furnished; tucaut Dee. 17; excellent board. 1301 IC n.w.. opposite park. del3-3t A I. A RUE. ATTRACTIVELY FFHNISHED 2I>story front room in refined family; phone and references. 1312 Fairmont St. 2541 13TII ST.- 2 I.ARUE ALCOVE ROOMS, with iKuird for two; 2 medium size rooms, with or without board; refs. exchanged. Mrs. J. A. ELT. 727 13Til N.W. FURNISHED ROOMS; EXCELletit board;, also table boarders. FOR KENT?NICELY fFF ltWOM. WITH l?j?r<l. $5 isr week; all home cooking. 203 E st. n.w. LARUE HAY WINDOW CORNER ROOM. WITH board. I'bone Col. 2783. 1300 Fairmont st. dc!2-3t WANTED 1720 I5TH ST. N.W.-TO UIVK breakfast and dinners; best f >od. carefully prepared: also rooms to desirable parties. del2-2t* 1824 V N.W. ATTRACTIVE ROOM; HOOD table: phone; half square from car; terms moderate; ref. del2-4t* ITU U N.W.- NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; steam heat; good table board across street; gentlemen only. del2-2t* LARUE 2D-FLOOR FRONT ROOM. WELL FURnlshed, well heated. very cheerful: 3 windows front; with or without board. Also parlor floor, 2 very nice rooms, suitable for a bedroom and parlor; clean beds and gooil board guaranteed. Near Library and Capitol. 311 C st. s.e. de!2-3t LU08 H N.W.?FURNISHED ROOMS; GOOD board; home cooking; near departments; transients accommodated; terms reasonable. del2-sa.Su.tu-3t* 1841 IT ST.. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS?FIJRnlsbed rooms. overlooking view: newly furnUbed and papered; excellent table board. Phone X. 5832. * / de11-3t 1242 11TH ST. N.W. ? WELL FURNISHED rooms; good tatde; modern bouse; 3 bathrooms. Phone North 3022. delo-tit* FOR RENT TWO WELL FURNISHED ROOMS, excellent table board: hot-w?rter lieat: most convenient and desirable part of Columbia Heltrbts. Phone Col. 2828. del0-4t 1023 R ST. N.W.?ENTIRE THIRD FLOOR; two bedrooms, sitting room and bath: bright alid clean: Rood lcard. deh-Ot* 10?S II N.W.?NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS and board: $40 per month, with two in room. dcS.9.11.13-41 1338 VERMONT AVE. N.W?ATTRACTIVE front rooms, overlooking circle: southern ex{insure; at earn heat; excellent table and ser*>ce; phone. ' deS-6t 1010 COL. ROAD?CONNECTICUT CAR LINE; attractive rooms; beautiful location; good table. Miss TANNER. Plione 2323. defi-llt* rilE HEIGHTS. 1843-47 U ST. N.W.-LARGE furnished or unfurnished rooms, with board; fair prices; fine location; bouse faces smith; home table. no28-3ot 1702 COLOMBIA ROAD-SUNNY ROOMS. COMfortably furnished, in new house; two car lines; excellent table. no28-tf WHY PAY EXTRAVAGANT HOTEL RATES? The Logan?Iowa Circle. 75 room> ; 25 baths. Select, homelike, economical. Single. $30; double, $50 up. Am. plan. _oc24-!i0t.4 _ WANTED?ROOMS AND BOARD. One c^it a word for 13 words. JOVEKN.MENT EMPLOYE WISHES ROOM and lMiard In 'private family for Jan. 1. Hot 163. S'lar office. del3-2t* VANTED ? TWO OR THREE FURNISHED rooms, with board. Mt. Pleasant or vicinity, for gentleman, wife and daughter: private family preferred; moderate price. Address, staling location and terms. Box No. 166. Star office. WANTED roll AN ELDERLY I.ADY, BRIGHT, warm. furnished room, with private family Ihat ran furnish meals ami attention. AtMrcts Box 151, Star office. del2-3t VANTEP BY MARRIED COIPLE. ROOM and hoard; walking dl-tHnce Congressional Library; permanent; references. Address M G. p.. Star offiee. ?lel2-2t* FORRENT?STABLES. fc."<?Il RENT STABLES. Rear 142.'! Chapln st.. 2-story hriek stahle.$7..V? Rear 1222 12th St.. 2-story stable 7.tut Rear S2!t 22?1 st.. 2-story stable 4.O0 TI1F. K. 11. SMITH COMPANY. 140S N. Y. AVE. BOND BLDG. del 2 2t b*OR RENT-REAR l?lrt 1ST ST. N.W.; 1? ! stalls, larjfe elevator: convenient location; S'-'.Y P. J. WADS HE. EOS N. Y. a ve. del 2-21 i'Olt RENT-SMALL PORTION t?F STABLE, rear of 1415 K: could be used as a jnrngr; suitable for doctor; $10 |s-r month. Apply at JOHN O. EVANS*. U1T U. ?cI0-t< FOE KENT?OFFICES. FOR RENT? BKAI'TIFUL. SECOXP-FLOOR front room: sultol for manl'-ure and hair drc-wing parlor* or lawyers; b?-st loeatlon In eifr; 14th ?n?l (J; rent very low. Inquire <112 14th St.. 1.1 floor. del2 3t* Foil KENT <iOOir~OFFirE~OR BfSINESS T/l ration. 3 oommunioating rooms. with h>-at: on first floor: 721 11th n.w.; Just remodeled; only $."?o per tuonth. W. C. Dl'VAI.L. 722 11th n.w. del2-3t* FRONT ?>F1"!< E, 2lf Fly tOlT 19064 6 St. N.W.: HF.VT. RIGHT. JANITOR SERVICE. $25 PER MO. .i.o ? if T. W r.liniiMts 14to i: ST Foil IIKMT ?IFKH'K ItllOMS IN 1413-141.% (I Kt. n.w.; with boat. lieht and janitor service; the beat looatlou in the city; front rooms, $17..">0; roar and side rooms tall good light i. S12.5*> and $15; elevator. do?-12t I . S. FRISTOK. 1413 t". st. n w. FOU RENT ? EXCELLENT STOREROOM. 7^4 13TH VW Ne\t to corner of U ?t. n.w. Splendid location for any business. Includes main office, private offl?-e. toilet; beat furnished; two entrances, main and private. liOW RENT DON'T OKI.AY. SHANNON A- EEOil8, 704 13TH ST. N.W. del If FRONTING D. S. CAPITOI. GROUNDS. Ilent. light and Janitor ervlce; $s 00 up per month. BLISS RIIIUJINQ. 35 B ST. N.W. oe13-tf FOR RENT ? DESIRABLE ROOMS I.N TUB Evening Star building. Room 408. sire 13*4x14: 2 large windows 11th at. front. Price $27.(10 Room 511. size 15*4x23; 4 large windows. Price $35.00 Room 510. size 13'^xl"; 2 large windows 11 tb st. front, directly In front of elevator. Price $30.00 Apply MANAGER. Star bldg., 11th and Pa. are. ae24-tf FOR RENT? THE NEW FXTON TRTST FO. BLDO.. 15TIT AND TT V W DESIRABLE OFFTCB rooms. including heat. r.iGHT. ELEvator and janitor service. PRICES. $20 CP. THOS. J FISHER & CO. (INC.), 73S 15TH N.W. _fc2?tf FOR rent-office ROOMS, single OR EN suite. N'n. 13IS E st. ii.w.. adjoining the new mntvoiiinl building: rent. $5 to $30 per room. WEAVFR pros 14111 F st. n W. noil tf FOR RENT?STORED FOR KENT SPLENDID IxSoATlON FOR BARber sh<*p: G near 14th si; rare chance to open first-class place; low rent. Inquire 612 14th yt.. 3<1 floor. de!2-3t* FOR RENT?616 PA. AVE. S.E. SUITABLE for tailor,'cigar store, notions, etc. -Moderate rental. R. F.. BRADLEY, 1418 F St. 0el2-<lt to let store 2t.x100: fine cellar: in magnificent new rldg.. or entire rldg.. 1106 14. for term of years; best of elevator. heat a- janitor service. 710 13th st. x.w.. just above g st.: handsome storeroom, 15x52; steam hkat: $125.00. store. heart of business center. 1112 o st. n.w ; new and attractive; arranged to suit tenant: steam heat and hot water furnished. THE F. II. SMITH COMPANY, de!2-2t I4QS X. Y. AVE. FOR RENT? ' EXCELLENT STOREROOM, ' 704 13TH N.W.. Next to corner of G *t. n.w. Splendid location for any business. Include* main office, private office, toilet: heat furnished; two entrances, main and private. LOW RENT. DON'T DELAY. SHANNON & LUCHS, 704 13TH ST. N.W. del-tf FOR RENT VAIJ ARLF. STORE AND WAREroom building on O St. bet. 10th and 12th: rent. $475 per month. HARRISON REALTY CO.. 621 13th n.w. noI9-tf WANTED?STORED WANTED- SMALL STORE IN BEST BUSINESS location only; want to lpase now, but not later than February 15. Box 17'C Star office. de!3-2t* LOST AND FOUND. One cent a word p.ach time for 15 words 3 times. LOST POCKKTBOOK. BROWN IIOGSKIN, containing al?out $12 and Important papers. reward if returned to SUPERINTENDENT. >letropolitan Bank bldg.. 913 15th st. LOST- SATURDAY MORNING. BLACK POCK~etlKsik containing money, bunch of keys. etc. Liberal reward. 43 The Brunswick. del3-3t* LOST SATURDAY MORNING, NEAR UNI ON station, browli canvas case, containing cane and I a a T ?rt?M PiMturil nu i<l mtun pnlitra IlilU 'lllll'l \ 1 IU>>> W1U |TU >U U|"'l> I ' I 'II U to 1717 I st. n.w. del3-3t* LOST. STRAYED UK STOLEN-BLACK SPANisli poodle with white sjiot on breast; answers to name of "Xlg"; collar with nameplate off: tag No. K349. Reward if returned to Miss TRUMBO. 441 O n.w. del3-3t LOST-BROOCH WITH DIAMOND, DEC. 9, IN or bet. Goldehbcrg's and Kauo's. Reward. 39 Bates st. del2-3t* LOST?FRIDAY; I'AIIi GOLD NOSE GLASSES; between Washington Circle and 17th and K sta. n.w.; ears or Junction, 14th and G. Return, MISS HAWKINS, 2313 Washington circle. del23f LOST-MALE LIVER AND WHITE POINTER, front residence of Blair Lec. Silver Spring. Md. Suitable reward on return of dog. <iel2-3t* LOST"-SILVER-HEADED CANE WITH COAT of arms on handle: live dollars reward. Return to 17??r. Connecticut hvo. del2-3t* LOST DEC. tb NOSE GLASSES ATTACHED to patent holder. Reward. 1441 Clifton st. n.w. del2-3t* DROPPED WHILE GETTING INTO CARrlage at 1100 M st. n.w., silver bag marked J. V. S. Harbaugh. Balto., Md. Reward if returned to llott M st. n.w. del2-3t I>>ST PAIR OK GOLD NOSE GLASSES, ON F between 9tli and 10th. almut 12 o'clock Dec. 10. Return to Mrs. MESSEIl, Howard I'niversity. dell-3t LOST-A MINK FIR 1'IKCE, BET. Q AND Fla. ave.. 12th and 14th sts., Tiiursday night. al>out 10:30. Liberal reward if returned to l'tl4 Kingman place n.w. del1-3t* LOST BY WORK INC, GIRL. POCKETBOOK containing KEY, GLASSES, money, etc., at 14th and II sts. or on Mt. Pleasant car. Reward if returned to 1232 21st st. n.w. dell-3t* $200~R KWAIlD AND NO QUESTIONS ASKED for the return of diamond cross brooch, containing 11 diamonds, lost O-tober 30 at the Homestead. Hot Springs. Va., to BLACK, STARR Jk FROST, 43S 3th ave.. New York, dep.10.13 LOST PIN; DIAMOND HORSESHOE; tween the Connecticut apt." house and National Theafr. $30 reward if returned to Ajit. 32, Tli" Connecticut. des-tf PERSONALS. WANTED PERSONS AFFICTKD WITH PILES or rectal trouble to send for one week's free treatment, postpaid: a positive relief and cure. PILO COMPANY. Anderson. Ind. BRADFORD'S DETECTIVE AGENCY. SUITE 224. COLORADO BUILDING, 14th and G; phone Main 2323; expert investigations, any cause, nil sections; private consultation rooms; delicate and intricate matters requiring tact and diplomacy a specialty; established 1RS3; unimpeachable credentials. MORGAN BRADFORD. Jr.. PRINCIPAL. (After 0 p.m. phone residence. Columbia 1921.) del3-7t*? WANTED?1.0U0 HOUSEKEEPERS TO KNOW they can buy lace curtains, table linen, blankets. comforts, bed spreads, tapestry covers, portieres, rugs, mirrors, pictures and lamps, fine cash, 25c weekly. Address BIGHT, Star office. Will call with samples. WANTED INFORMATION AS TO THE wuereaoouts or Henry Harris, rornteny engineer ami janitor at the Mr. Vernou. corner X. Y. ave. ami Dth. Call or write Mrs. C. BAllNKS, :522 Yon at.. I.e Droit I'ark. AM) TUB STOKKS ARE Fl I.I. OF CHIUSTinas (lifts, wait inn for you to liuy them, hut rest easy, our hot cash helps for shoes, shirts, pents' discarded garments. Send us postal. .H STIJ S Ol.l) STAND. tilt) I>. del.1 tf.5 HAVE VOl" $1,000 Oil MORE TO INVEST? I can tell you how to double It. No risk, no trouble. Address <5. V. S.. Star ofllre. OVEllliOI.T WHISKY. $3.00 PER GALLON. JOHN WEDDERBntX CO.. leading .I.iiiuor I>ealers. del-fad.-! fill', "F st. n w. IK YOU NEED MONEY 1 WILL LOAN YOU from $10 to $50: very low rate of Interest; all loans tire strictly private. Address Bos l.'.S Star office. noS-COl* HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR OI.D geld, sllvi r. diamonds, watches and Jewelrv. GOLDSMITH. Pnwnhrokers' Sale Store. 900 D li.w.: phone M. 574-M., or drop postal; will call. tnv30-tf , UIGIIKST CASH PRICES PAID FOR I.ADIES' J and cents' worn irarments of all kinds; also shi>e.?. hats. etc. THE BARGAIN STORE. 12?e 7th at. n.w. Drop postal; will call promptly. mv-t-rf.4 "massagr " Scientific massage, face and scalp: wrinkles anil blemishes removed. MRS. I.YDIA TOIINSON. M. G. (Graduated In Sweden). 1212 G at n.w. Trial treatuieut. 50e. Main 5919-M. oelH-t'.Ot _ graphophones. $25 AND $.10 GRAPHOPHONES SPECIAL FOR the ne\t ten days only $15, $17.5((; other big hamulus in graphopbones auil pianos; your credit is good. ROBERTSON. 1.110 7th at. n.w. delO-tf.ti Open evenings. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. On* cent a wonl earb time fir 15 word* 3 i tnoa. iu vs intkkkst in ?;ooiT" payino est abl is bed credit "lotbtnc More located miles front Srw York, luuulr* I". O. Re* it.'. Newark. \. J. ai?vk.utiskh7 n?7~fvip?tu i ant pos.' : { tion with lure* corporation. i? desirous of meeting honest gentleman of mean* Mini desI <Tot:??it without (XMiitifliiHM tttaittK'trr in New York; "lilt my a*st*tan> ? ran double t tip till of $: ."<*' ilitliy dtirlt it the iient 'Jt dm# t without any risk: transaction l<-c;iT 1 ttialo. sail* faetorjr demonstration glv. it to right party \4<lr. *a. citing *onw? rrffrrnrf*. JttllN H V'.lt STKIt. 2TS Weft -h'th at . Now York city. ATTKV1 lt7xT~ INNFVTOHS: Factory owner "ants parties with capital to Jot it hint market 1 ii*r new liaoohnlil ? pf' lire; Immense commercial flrM large pfofltA. !:< ?.< i h i k j>i'? >r? lorn I'ARTNKIl \VAVm.riU SlM s> MAN \\ I ill soum ready capital. not ins* than J.Y.OtlU. > i0 give right party chance of a lifetime to niaki* "Pi* and quick" money; references exchanged. Address KtHiEKS. iji?I North Capitol at. del.'l-ilt* monkv \vi. n\M?t.i: titTTTi\a\cin<. < P?hI enterprises ncd creditable project*. TUF. RANKERS' K<?M? I'ttMI'AXV. I'lttlfaWtt. I'.'t AN-!KASY WAY Ft itTTAuT A |tl S|\~KSS Til AT will pay several thousand dollars annually, selling merchandise by mall; Improved plan we furnish everything ami sh-.w ton how. f'J> to $HN? necessary. Mil.Ill ICS 1I1CKS. Ch.eago YVANTKK MAN WITH SMAI.I. t'ATITAI. TYRE charge of territory for merchandising husine*Write for particulars. I'OI'K AI'TttMATK.' MERCHANDISING C"MTANY. Corn Exchange Rank Mdg.. Chicago. Colt SAKE ITIlSTt I.ASS itl^SINKSS; AU. UK half interest; opi?>rtunity of a lifetime to .1 live man; ileail ?>nes need not apply. Ilii Y\ ,.rder Iddg. 1'th ami E. dcEi-lf WANTED StIMK CAIMTAK To AK\ V NCK the tnfgr. and sale of a valuable Invention which lias already met with niueb encourage nient. Call Room 7. t}17 1Kb at., liet. 10 and 12. W A NTEP ~~O XK HTNTTKKU 1K?IJ.7\US KOll alx months; slock as security paying 12 per cent; av 111 redeem on thirty days' notice. Ros u:t. Star Office. del2 .'It* IXVKSTt tltS ANl) TH< tM<ITOKS. ATTENTIO.N YVe have two articles of home utility -also for commercial houses one of which we have la-en manufacturing ami s< llmg through dealers for the paat three years. Have numerous testimonials, hut have not the time or the means to properly handle the business. YVe are willing to S.II, barter or exchange our rights In the patent, or <1 mk>* some arrangement* hy whli h the business can !>? jilared on a otnmercial basis. There Is already a demand for the goods. Address Ilox Uttl. Star offline. del2-5t* START A MAIL ORDER-"Bl S1NESS AND earn fifty dollars a week at home; work In spare time. Send for free booklet. SUPPEY CO.. Colllusvlllc, Conn. del2-30t TO ESTABLISH > it)?f l"t?N PICTI' I IK T H FE ater? Manager wants |>?rty or parlies with *15.000 cash to finance ihe largest moving l?icture enterprise In l>est location iti e|ty flog 150. Star office. de12 *t* Ft lit SAI .K~'o? IA E ~A N17 WOOH?" YAlFoT FIN H loeatlon; good reason for selling; cheap. Address Box 27. Star offlee. del1-3t WANTED-FIVK MKX IVIT 11 f'Jiai EACH AS directors In a company now forming on a sound money innking proposition. Address Box 1 :M). Star offlee. dell-7t* FOR SAKE- FART OR WHOhK t?F EXCKl" lent husiness that ran easily lie made eireedIngly protltahle; sold for laek of time to attend to It. B. B. B-. Star offlee. deli st* WANTED PARTY WTF| f *5no ~T? i EN A BEE tne to place one of the liest selling articles on the market in Washington; large profits and utlh-k sales from offlee; will divide. Address OPPORTUNITY. Star offlee. dell .It* LFNCHRt>OM. PA. AVE. BET. hTIl AND l'TH ats.; price. *2.500 cash; oj?en for investigation; good reasons for selling; no trillers. Address Hot 135. Star offlee. dell-.'it* FOR SATVE?FRl i . ..Ml tiKlh KRV STOKE. G-roora house; rent. f'Jo.M per month: owner leaving city; good location. IS14 7th n.w. del l-7t* OPPORTI N|TV FOR IFOURTH OF MARCH Part of store and fixtures for rent; 21!? Pa. ave. n.w. . deli st* O.N EY *700 FOR EONO EST A BE1 SHED AND well known cigar, stationery and newsstand; will invoice atmiit *1,200; rent reasonable. ineluding living rooms; suitable for lady or gentleman to run. NEW YORK BUSINESS RROKERS. till F. dell.'It DBFti STOKE. NONE BETTER AT *.*t.0On considering hs-atlon. value and length of time established; If investigated you will buy. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS, fill 1--. dell lit CAFE HALF BLOCK OFF FA. AVE.; DAILY receipts. $70; week's trial allowed THORNTON. 704 Sth n.w.* YOU CAN SECURE . AN ESTATE WORTH $150,000 for yourself by assisting to avert one of the gravest and most disastrous calamities In the history of the commercial world; If interested write at once and we will submit a fdan. with evidence, which you will find abeoutely convincing. SACRAMENTO VALLEY IMP. COMPANY. St. I*?i!l?. Mo. ded Su.3t WANTED ONE PERSON IN EACH GOVERN ineut department to Interest prospective investors in sound industrial stock on liberal cash commission bases; do soliciting; particulars at Interview; replies confidential. INDUSTRIAL. Star offlee. deS-7t* FAMOUS SHERWOOD WHISKY. 7H- BOTTLE! JOHN WEDDERBURN CO.. leading Liquor ltenlcrs. 610 "F" st. $3.00 per gallon. de6-90t ARE YOU A HUSTLER? IF SO. BE A TEA and coffee merchant; wc pack to suit front oim pound up: for price list and particulars write INTERSTATE TEA CO.. Interiors. 257? StU are.. N. Y. ded-Su.w.Su.ot* LEGAL ADVICE. AIJ, CASES; COLLECTIONsi domestic troubles, estates settled, damages alt kinds; confidential; corporations organized and promoted. U. S. LEGAL CORP.. 307 Bond bldg. no29-tf.4 MONEYWA^ED^NDTO^ LOAN. WE HAVE THE FOLI/)WING SPECIAL FUNDS; $5,000 or $H.tSfo f >r 1 year at $15,000 for 3 years at 5r,e: $25,000, In sums of $5,00ft, for 3 years at 5%: $15 000. In sums of $3,lJU0. for .7 or 5 years, Ht 5I-J'V; $5f).tS(t?. in sums to suit, for 3 or f> years, at 5, filj or fi'r. Manv considerations given borrowers THE HARBISON REALTY COMPANY, C2I 13th st. n.w. Washington, D. C. del2-tf Phones. MONEY TO LOAN ON D. t\ REAL EST ATE? Ixiwest rate of Interest. FLOYD K. DAVIS. 7th and E s.w. TO I/O AN AT 5 PER CEVT WE HAVE IN HAND FROM $2;r.tHi TO $15 ism Tft LOAN ON D. C. 'REAL ESTATE. LIEREItM AN N &. ll.VWN. 1503 F ST. 1 > MONEY TO LOAN ON WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE IN SI MS TO SLIT AT LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. ARMS & DRl'RY, delO-tf.14 1311 G ST. N.W. WE HAVE AN ABENDANCE OK MONEY TO loan on I>. C. reHl estate. Whore tin* margin Is sufficient the rate of Interest will he .V? ami economical consideration for the borrower. Other money at .*iV. ami J". MOORE &. HILL (Inc.). 1333 G St. n.w. ilel()-tf MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED HI STRUCT property In sums of tl.OftO and $5tvi0; small commission. Address Isos ?>8, Star office. deO-Ht MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT AT CUItrent rates of Interest on real estate In tb? District of Columbia. FITCH. FOX A BROWN. flel-tf 1405 O 6t. n.w. LOANS NEGOTIATED ON API WIVED CoLlateral. such a* St?H*ks, Honda, Hldg. ami I?iai? Ass'n Shares. Old-line Life Insurance lNtllcies, Svndleate Certificate*, etc. No delav. O. A. BAKER. Rooms 50-52. 1110 F. rhone M. 517. mhlO-tf MONEY TO IXIAV ON APPROVED REAL Estate: lowest Interest: reasonable chargca; prompt attention. GEO. IV. L1NKINS. de7-tr 8(*> lflth at. n.w MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED CITY REAL estate at lowest currrtit rates of interest. Special privileges with respect to jirior payment*. I-nrge Htnoimts a specialty. TILER & RUTHERFOItl*. 7.141 l.'.th at. n.w. felt tf.5 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OP IVteresl on D. C. real estate. No unreasouabis delay. WALTER II. ACKER. mh2!Mf.5 1420 F st. n.w. MONEY TO IjOAN ON D. C. REAL ESTATE I*>weat rates of Interest. Payment on principal In amount* of SlOn or inore rer.-h.-d Mt any Interest period, i.IE I". 11. SMITH COMPANY. Bond hlils.. 14?>S New York ave. n.w. lp>2-ff IF YOP WANT TO BORROW OR l.o.\N. REV or sell on real estate. I can nave you t'ti..- on.I cash, as I cKo personal attentl >n to all d'.tD. detl-t f. 4 .1. EAKIN HAI'SHY. ."Ci 11th s;. n.w. I SECOND TRUST # I LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. Any amount. Lowest rate* NATIONAL l,o.\N AND INV Co.. TIlOMPSi IN U.I.DO.. 703 15111 ST. V W. Opposite Treasury. Nest Drug Store. no25 tf.t'i MOVING. PACKING & SHIPPING* WK MOVE ANYTHING." Trunks. Boxes. etr.. ?5r. Furniture. padded van. per loud. So. Furniture, large wagon, per load, ?1. | Freight. iiiaehinery. safes. et<\ Fstltuates furnished. 'MERCHANTS* & STORAGE CO., 5?20-U22 K st. ii.w. I'lioue M. <1800. deltt-tf.M A UK you going to move? Padded vans. $4.0(1 load. Two-horse wagons. $3.00 load. COLUMBIA TRANSFER CO.. 005 New York are. feS-tf.g STORAGE Phone Main 41BX SHOE REPAIRING. EXPERT tTSToM MA1?E MloES. REPAIRING; i na. hin.m, riding hoots, hmt ruffs. .-ripple ahoes spec-Salt?: work railed for and delivered: droB postal. Main 5SUU-Y. T. GLIFFKE. luiM K. cSOOt.4 #