Newspaper Page Text
LEAVE "WANT ADS" AT STAR BRANCH OFFICES. If not convenient to call at The Star office. 11th street and Pennry'vnnfa avenue, leave vour advert'foment? at any of the following F-'anch Offices: V.~ANT AOS. 1 CENT A WO*D. Minimum, 15 cents only. XORTmvrST BfiAXCHF-S: firtT?r A Field. Drogpirta, ."<1 and Ird'ana are. I !'? 11. Cnstell. Pharmacist. .'tloO 11th at. ? orrrrt'-:clal Hank B!dg.. Postal Teteyrapb. rifvoll't r>: uu Store. Tfh and T ?ta. Tho?. \ fiiihtr.s. IS'h anil Coluarhla road. I'lif-itnt I'baniin-v. HOii, ?nd P *tf Kl ntv'? I?ni<r Sioro. mh and Well nc place. Ktner?nn. t;. W.. llth st. ami Park rd. "' rtner'* Prutr Store. Mth and I' st?. t: "<1 jenlarz"* Bureau <if Information. He'-1 ?t'? Ft tlx: Store. and Pa. are. Iloltrrlarv's Xe*??tand. 17tl"- Pa. are. I') -*rlor fteot . VJh t.ii. 1 P. postal Tcl-granh. S K 'tin. Sons A Co . Tnfc.rntatj/^i Bureau. Kfne'a Frit? Store, 15th and I sta. f ej.'on'a I true Store ttth and S N??!orial 1? -t.-l, postal To|cgra|ih. Po-tinan'a Ph?rm?<r 14tb and R. I. are. P '?<- A Mtmdfn. 20th and K Roland B'.tl!n?, X<H9stnn?l and Stationery ^Ttp. U30 9:b ?* . n.*.v. t 'iit.n sr?*fj4?n, TpJpjtt^pH. 1 Strife-* Capitol, Po$fn! T<'lPirr*ph. Fdv. ?n v^riiold, 14th and M?nrop ?t*. Vnd A F.othrop. SitvpHn*cndrnt> dp^k. IC'Jri t'r>nn#?f?t!pfit arp., JVlPirraph. Tri'd n. CanipLpp. Prrnrs 42?X* Ga. are. l'/ipc nrktr v OPnmtelts P'-'is Store. 112*1 and At sts. P'ponaeU's Pnic Store. :t2d and P sts. PrMc's Pharmacy. s*h and I* sts. NORTHEASTPntVr'e Pharmacy. Kb and Stanion pi n.e. P K Rh haidsoti ft r,n. v Pap. and P sts. Kphp.iIt's Pharmacy. V. Fsplfoi "nil I sts. P f. Krsusc. and K sts. p.p. I anhsm's Pharmacy. 11th and E Capitol sts. Me radin's Pharmacy, i"?h and TI sts o.p. Yearman, T>. A . Pharmacy. 7th and 11 a-sSt tt'Tlir AST: Prad'or's Prnst Store. Sth and F sts. as. O'lVinitPll'*: Kmc Store. Rd and Pa l". S.e. M. S. Fealr. Itrnceist. 11th and Pa. asp. SPCTHWFS'f: l'?h st IVharf. Postal Telegraph nfUce. Eitfllv-tp's Itrust Stor*\ 7th and K sts. s.xt. Charles S. Walter fan 4W st saa\ ANACOSTIA: P. fi. I.nhf Monroe st TFM.F.VTOtTV. p P : P Pnrton. Prntrsist. Wisconsin are. WANTED?AGENTS. W *V! KK Wi>\ KKUI'I I. \l W INVENTION": * r> * hum*' buys; million- n^tli'd: K.iizic -old 41! first iltv profit. ?i"i new field. f'atalocti" fr* p. T". S. Mf II' PP.. I!oR Main. I.cipsle. V ANTED \ EW I I K.I.P: JnTi7. i'RitKli IXci'-ns business: -ell at vary home; Mr. ISlo k n* it-ado JHil in two days; nrnr falls below day: no ilriiasit reonircil Write for n;in;> territory. 1*1 UK Al'Pl.I A.N'CK SAI.KS t'O Toli-do. Phio. f ANTED Mil NTS ?50 WEEKLY: TALKING : i "xporii-n"' unnecessary: our "Trust Scheme F.m ejope" d"?-s th* work: general ag?nts can make weekly; particulars fret-: sample. In . "nts. PADII.llAC NEEDLE Pp.. Detroit, ATt h. deS-w&Su-tf w wi i n \<;i:vis to ski.i.~st<m k !\ o\T: r>* th<- most sul'stnntlal and attractive enteric i-..> in 1 >t~rri?-t. I.ive men can ni?k<- big pwuiov. Parties who can d'vot*- a ll'tle time a'ter iiuainoss hours can ca-;lv double their it-- one . Those who - an furnish nain- s of p o.-f lire buyers mil paitl. Apply til- 14th st . :t?i floor jao ill * WANTED?HELP. One cent a word for 1words. " MALE. WAN I KK SIX PltPK SPl.H tTPKS I PI. Tn staii rancous gas heater: tug uionoy. Apply I. T. IIKAItE, 4iH Sili n.w. V TN TEITI-TKST UMTASS BRICKLAYERS AT 2XI-"! ave. n.w. V \NTKD ENGINEERS TRANSIT LEVEL TOi-ogranher on location in Mexico. Tos Ouray building. Washington. D. C. Ja5-?t* W ANTED -TKNOK FOR " HI Rl H AJCA|TTKT: afato salary wanted and experience. Address QI'ARTET. Star office. ja.">-3t W" ?\T HI1 y7 i I "Ni; MAN. W HITK. TO 1M HVB ifght delivery wagon: must lie good liorseinaii alid kn'-w city: na;fs, $: per ytcek. Box 165, Star office. jaoTit V \ vtfu reliable jh h skm \ v MEST ltrte g od references. Apply '_'DiS Florida a.e. -2: 4Y ANTED?CLERK IN GROCERY STORK, references. Apply, before 6 , 3000 Gr-.rgia tformerly Bright woodi avi . n.w. ja.VItt TvTvfF1? ltt>N EST. SAI.F.sM AN Toi . represent lis permanently: excellent opening: < vierienee uniiwrsMrr: salary or eomiuission , weekly; references. NORTH JERSEY NI'KSKy KIF.S. Newark. N. J. .taS-tlt' tv A NT El? A _< OI.ORF. D~ M AN AV H O i * AN milk anil drive for a place in the etthtirbs. R'vmi 714. Mcfllll bltlg. jti5-3t* w7NTFD- I NTON Ji 'B PRESSMAN.I'F.NF AN R t BROS . su n n.w. .ia4-3r tTTntKD-ACTIVK. AMBlTiol s"MAN AS I O ral manager for long-established manufacturing and importing house; permanenl imsitinn and c-sel pay: small capital and references res' onired. MANAGER, Box 1G5. Philadelphia, Pa. ja.H-St It tNTF.Ii?MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRAI>E: new system; any one can learn; only few v\ eeks required; steady position guaranteed: vxge* after hrer uionlh; beantifullv illust rated catalogue mailed fre? MIlLKR'S BVRBEK * t'OI.IAtiE. 207 Bowerv. New York city. Q2-H- _ __ M ANTED ? AN EX PER 1 EN< 'EI> STATIONERY salesman. AppO at once. WASHINGTON " NEWS PO.. 313 6th n.w. de2.1-tf tv"\NTED- FA MOPS"51 IRKW<Hip WHISKY.'T*.>' bottle. jonv WEDDERBURN CO.. Leading Liquor Dealers. 616 "F" st. n.w. $2.tO per - gallon. * de6-!)dt WAN TED ANY INTELLIGENT*"PERSON MAT earn good Income corresponding for newspapers: experience unnecessary; no raavassicg. Send for particulars. PRESS SYNDICATE. Box 705, l/ickiKirt, N. Y. n ipd-00t Wanted j made frat.oooTN five years in the mail order business: began with $5. Any - cne can do the work at bony In spare timp. Send for ntv free booklet. Tells how to get started. HEAC >CK. Box 717. Loskport, N. Y. Boisnot AFTOMOBILF. COI.LFOF?TERMs moderate: easy payments: posit ons seoured; write or call; open evenings. 1.123 14th n.w. Baltimore office, g West Preston st. ttoS-tf DOMESTIC. WANTED < t?At il.MAN BI'TI.ER. 1104 SIT man. ICIli 11th st. or HfiT P st. n.w. _____ W ANTED ~ FIKST-t LASS HELPHIIS T?.\ skirts and waists: .-.Do first class wai-.' tri iiuicr; at ongr. 11211 17tli n.w. Jati-ltt WANTED- YOl'XG WOMAN AS CASHIER: must furnish reference. 711 7th st. n.w. WANTED THOROUGHLY IIX i'liltl ENtKD helpn-s for dressinakin:;: must be swift aud tn-at "workers. !K51 M st. n.w. ja?-4l* Wanted ?an expkkii v kd veiling s.ab'sgirl: one to take charge ..f deriartment. tppiv jrurs gakfinkle .n < o., i::tii and I si S. jaH lt TV ANTED ST EN' mTkTpH El: \vilO "lEVs" HA 11 ey|?eri?-n'*e in patent work Apply t.i WATSON h. t'liEEMAN. 6is F st. n.w. js."> :it % ANTED - SAI.FS \V< IMF N. WITH F.XPFJ:l i nee. In ncckwi ar and rildsin departments: per inancnr employment capable persons Apply to Manager. MAYER BROS. A- ? O . ;?:;T i si. ta5 ?t V \ VI ED \~ MILLINER < OI'VlsT. M ARIE" l.ttf ISK. !<04 11th st. n.w. ja.'. bt* V\ V NTED A GIRL T?r~D?.? PLAIN sT,wTvi Addre?s Box Ifis. Star offi.v j?,"-3l WANTED TWSfl f A1?Y T? ADDRESS KY triopr? ,,n typewriter and generil office week Address Boy 1?>7, Stat office ta.V'Jt* Va"a~NtVd" WHiTK GIRLS FOR 1,A1 N DRY work NATIONAL LAFNURY CO.. North tpltoj mi d pierce ats n u jal At* V I I Ell t AOCM > SHhKW'ilin WHISKY Til ?vt> jriHV WRDDEKBI RV CO.. !>>a(11n; I. rnr Di-sDrs. 61ft F" at. n.w. $.1 on p?>! gallon. <]o6-'.H)t ? AYTHK- COLORED WOMEN TO U AS?i ?*!ary. ** Apply JOHN AVEODER It; 1!N A CO.. ftlft K a' n.w TW&Vtr V tVTF-I)- GIRLS TO LABEL BOTTLES. AP ply T11E JOHN WUiDERRLRN Co.. 610 F st *> w. noil tf W VNTED~A n V INTELLIGENT PERSON MAI earn (pv <l lip'unip < .>rrpnp<>r ilins f' r n>'w?pap"rs f 1 perienre unne<T?*ary; tin < ?ovas?lng S*?ih for purtl.-jlars- PRESS SYNDICATE. Bra "S7 l*<*kport. N. Y. n<>12-0ttt DOMESTIC. WASTED RELIABLE WHITE WOMAN EOS grixTal Imiix'w.irk in family ?>f tliirt : ro'< r rni c<, , Apply 14?'ti llarvii l ja'l 21 WANTED white <. I I: I . \ i;< i T I? YKAII; lil 10 a?v<t mother .in.) in take ram ?>f Lahy Apply 1523 lltli 11 AN"ANTED UY TAVo COLORED GIRLS. To D cliumlmrwnrk. \cry nmi. Call or write, 420 :ii WANTED NEAT WniTK C.IBL IN FAMIU ?>! two, liortliw <-<t snlniili. 1 > assist in gnm-ra li<Mis?-w?rk: wu(r?-s, ' >! dollars. Addrea* 17t">. otli.". 1a?;ri( WXMKD K?7K 7;VTM:K\I. HOI SE work: '>ritiu r> fiTciiot'". "< >:? it at. w \ vn i) 7 \x< i in ii OA piti ?f. ~nt uiiTl r>> 4-wlt. wash and iron; ihr>-o in family. 1KI. WAN 11.1' "ITiinI I'ARK ROAD; HOI \<E work: small family. Ja5-2* W A NT KI > t'Ol.ORF.ll Nl RSK. TO STV a jiita Apply 2390 2Mb sr. ja.V!li WANTED?IX THE SI'Bl RBS. FOR \ FAM Jly of tw?. a K'?"l plain oook; white: ma* Imvp ffTrmro Apply Imlwwn '< ami lo '? and S A;?1. 7. 17?1 Hist st. ? WANTED <71111. FOR <7F NRKAI. IIOI SF ??rk: im> n?*h:nt;; slay nights; b.?hI salary "72n mill n w " * ,V \II I >1)1 .E \llFl? '?ir KI.DFKHY WiiM ?p as fompani'-n lo elderly lady and ?" a*?> In liaht h"i??oW,i?pii>c, r>-:?*r'iH'C- lt"< 1 ?"i?i Star nfltra. ,la4*AI* * WTKII ? WHITK II'M .-KM \ 11 . KM I li pn-'f? '22'<2 sv< . 2 ?' I?M'K ji4-S * \.\tkp ? ?m?k MXlUIRGlil. IV >m\u. fam lit ?b>"? .1 b'XiM'd I I* hK-> k* i> . M1. ?r>' *r lo (k-or. S1MIW.v, 17'JS Uiui> ut (. WANTED?HELP. FEMALE. _ u V.M KII <;ouo. HONKST. RKI.IATSI.K ?;KN oral lioiivi-work'-r, family of 3; must bavo rcf. I-IW *t. WANTED?SITUATIONS. < ln<> rn1 a word for 15 words. "male. B\ A VorMi MAN. WORK OK ANV KINO. 142~_' Ititli si. n.w. BA KXI'KRIKNt Kit lHI.ORKIi rirATF^T i'osiiion in private family a* driver or in carnjre as auto wasiior: references. !t Floiids ave. ; . ?'? - j?e :i j in work on dairy farm. 11 Florida nve. r, e. ItY COLORED MAN. PLACE AS PORTER, janitor or houseman, rcferenee. Address 4yo Ridge st. n.w. 4t IfWITIO.N AS dAltiiKNKIt. NO MATTER n hw: wages must bo good: married man. Address MORRIS. ol!3 (' st. li.w. jab 'It* 1 WANTED PLACE TO W A Fl" IN CAKE 7?R 111 ivi!tp family. WALTER COOPER. IZl". Potomac s:. jal-.t" MALE OX FEMALE. AM TIME YOt" ARlTTx OF A~'OMIH-tPiit -tenogrnpher or bookkeeper npplv at STK \YKR'S HI SINF.SS COLLEGE, 11th and F sts. n^v. Phono Main ."43ft. no":?-tf Sill VriONN TOGETHER -RECOMMENDED man and wife. colored: also bollman. rlrralur man. liousruiaii. Ill HllKA, 1011 N. Y. are. jail-lit j STKN'OGK U'HEKS am) TYI'KWIIITKK OPFK ators are furnished noon appl'i-ation bv thp j MONARCH TYPEWRITER COMPANY. Phone ! M. iR)U: no charge. jal'.t-tf WANT.K1? BY MAN \NI? WIFE. POSITION ON eonnfr? place. ?;KO. MARTIN, pare Mrs. Mnser. 355 Pa. avp. n IV jn.Vi; FEMALE. ~ STK NI M; R A I'll KjT A N |7 i a Itowuiter: KX~: |vrionf-<'d in insurance and patent attorney's oflhe. Address Box 157. Siar nffli-e. ja5-'Jt* 1 sea m stress by experienced dressmnki'.r. sewing by the day. 1!t14 loth >t. n.w. ! st7:n ? m ; r aTmYer a no typewriter posT lion wanted: experienced and capable; neat at.d aecttrale. Roy la", Star office. j?4 .t* WANTED POSI TION AS NORSK OR ATTEND ant for invalid or elderly lady: good reference. Box INI. star office. jad-llt* VVAN I KO A PI..MT. AS MAND CRIST IN A first-class hotel barln-r shop. Address Bos 101. Star office jaO-Ut* Y OP NT; OK KM AN VutMAN 1*1 7A IT. AS I All Y S ma id and seamstress. Address I.. K.. 1117 Kyi* si. n.w. jatvk't* DOMESTIC " ! a settled colored woman wants plaee to enok in private family. CATHERINE BROOKS. 'J!m7 E st. n.w. BY I IRSI i LASS LAUNDRESS. WORK TO J take home or day's work out. V3i2ti Sth st. n.w. jn.vjt CAPABLE POME'S TIC" HELP SFPI'I.IKTP housekeepers. governesses. maids, seamstresses, chambermaids. nurses, parlor maids, .*oo'ts, j kitehen maids, laundresses, butlers, etc. LA| PIES' EXCHANGE. >o7 Yermont ave. jat'Cd* {"CHAMBER WORK OR SEWING; GOOD WAGES; refined light eoloreil girl; recouinienilations. E. E. X.. Star otliee. jatt-.'it ' CHAM BE KM All* PLACE AS CHAMBERMAID? lately from Ireland. Address B. (!.. <145 Morton st.. P. P. jab-it* COOK ?BY COLORED tilRL. PLACE AS COOK or general housework: stay n'ghls. ICO "3d st. cook cook i'l a in cook ANK i. Ai n Kit ESS; references. 1I2M Kitsa-ll* court. oooiT -girl. wants n.ack i\ . private family to cook. IkiT \ st. n.w. cook oi: c;enkrai, hocsk\v n |7klr?1 'i.a<e by colored woman; city refereuce. 152" 1. st. n.w. jao-2t* DON'T WORRY : rMA V K^KlflST i LAS* SKRV ants of all ca|iacitic.-; references. Investigate. CNIQI K. P24 lHlh. exFT:inknced settled colored woman wants [dace ladies' nurse to wail 011 invalid, best refs. 1 ii;t? Corcoran st. n.w. jao-2t KIUST CLASS WHITK ANK COI.ORKK cooK S. chambermaids, waitresses: also while lmtiers: referenees. DCPIlNT AGENCY. 1753 G:vg >11 are. Plione N. II418. LAIN r t It ESS AND SiKAMSTRKSS if MIST class); good wages; two recommended colored girls. El'REKA. It'll N. Y. avc. jatv-31 j LAI \KRESS ? W AS 111 NO T< t ItO AT lToM K. 1021 V st. n.w. j LA IN KRESS OR KAY'S WoKK-l'LA' F. BY neat colored woman. Stlti 25th at. n.w. ja5 2t* t W A XT El) in ST E A ITN WOMAN"-WHO .1 EST broke n. hoarding house, place as cook In nice I private family with not more than 2 or 3 other ! servants; good place; moderate wages. Address K. K. c.. Star office. ' WANTED -A 7'LACK TO Ko I'l.AIN" CtMtKINO ; and housework or go twice a day. 2S"1 Kum ! barton ave. WANTF.l> A PL.VC K *17) TtO TTlKN ERAL housework. 2oS G* st. s.w. WANTF.K ICY RESPECTABLE CoLoRKK woman, place to cook: small private family; stay nights; can furnish good reference. Call at I51S 14th st. n.w. WANTED- I'l.ACE AS M'RSK BY SET'I LED reliable white woman: willing to sleep in roout I with baby. Address BOX 177. Star office. j waitress |Ty girl, is. i'i.ace as waitj ress and chambermaid. 100H V n.w. WASTED- BY TWO SISTERS. PLACES \S cook and general houseworker. 4U5J X. J. ave. 1 n w ja6-2t* ' WANTED I'I.ACE 1i'OlTNICE WHITE GIRL j as ehambermaid in g<..d family; referenees; also good colored help ou hnad. AGENCY, IH85 32d sr. l'hotie. WAN'I KK~ I'Y A COLORED GIRL. PLACE AS cook. Apply lH2tl 4th st. h.w. UA VI El' i: Y CttLltKFJJ WOMAN. SITE A T It?N; chambermaid, seamstress, housework of any kind, good laundress; state wages. Address Box 151. Star office. ja.V.'tt* j WH 111; Wt l.\l AN~ GENERAL Hops I*. \V*OK K : two colored cook*; i?u chambermaid?. 1407 I' st. I'hone North 328?. : y?m^nT: ; 1 m. desires \ .i<?n as a cook. j <>r general housework. L'i42 5th st. n.w. .ta.*) 2i * WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS.^ j One rent n word each titne for 15 words 3 times. ! WANTED IN NEED OK ALL KINKS OK SKCI ond-hand furniture, will pay highest cash prices for same: send postal or phone Mala | 7li'fi. .1. BRANDON. 42b ?tb n.w. Ja?i lot ITiciIKS | ( \Sli 1'ltICES I'A11> I t ?K SECOND i hand furniture of all kinds a: A MILLER'S KCRNITCRK IIoi'SK. nth and E sl?. n.w. ItropspostBl or phone Main 52.53. ia'">-S4t.4 j WANTED TO RCA <?!.!> FEATHER BEDS. When selling why not drop to an old re liable tlriii V H. M ARKS. 307 71it. opposite Saks', or phone Linen. 2331 A'. ja'I-tf HIGHEST C.\>II I'ltll *ES I'AIH Ft lit LADIES' ami gents* cast-off* clothing. sh?s?s. hats and shirt -: drop postal. H. UEItWITZ. 12?'S 7th n.w. HIGHEST CASH CRICKS I>AII) 1 OK WORN GARMENTS. LADIES'. GENTS' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES \ HATS OK ANY AMOUNT. SEND POSTAL: WILT. CALL ANY HOCR .T. 1 TARSHK.S*. I30S 7"I"H N W PHONE NORTH49'J. ja'ctf.'. _ I WANTED HIGHEST < ASM PRICES PAID I t HI t AST-olT CLOTHES. LADIES' OR GENTLE MEN'S ADDRESS l'OSTAI. I WILL CALL. flHi\K MIKTH 17.V?. \V RICE, V&2 Tib n.w. - [ ? Im ironi: pripp p.i.pii Ronn 51!. aire 15Ux23. 4 larsrp trlnilof*: prl'-p ??5.00 Room 510. *i?o 131*517. '2 larro window* 4 , 11th st. fii>t<t. dfrpotlj- in front of "Iprafor; . ! price $30.09 ) Annlr MA NAl?FR. Star h'rti.. 11th and Pa. stp. . ! sn2*-tf FOR HKNT tlFFH E ROOMS ?s|N?I.K OR FN sn to. \o. 131K F" ?r. n.w.. adioialnp the now i tmtnVinil 1 pi'it1*,;: vpnf. J5 'o Ji'.'O ppr roo?ii 1 tf-'lTIt l>t'( i< IMC. r ,1 ! .? pi'-'f FOK KOTT?STABLES." FOR REST- A URUK TWO STORY KRICK siahl". with llsing room* on spoorO floor. <-an > 1>p r?od s? * gara^r. ran tw ranted In part or as a who!" Roar of 141* K St. .!.w Appb to EVANS ESTATE. 1417 C at. n.n. I i <iel9-tf % | ]U<; MONEY I* A11> FUR DESIRABLE FIRM tin". carpets, office fnriiitute a ltd household pods: contents os|iecial!r; also stocks of m?r fise T>. NuTFS.615 I .a a vs. Phone M.3006. ! jit" fit ,\v\\TM. QUICKLY! t" YOUNG UADIES; X rare opportunity t? see the Orient inexpensively F"i particulsis address X, 44 X Srs: o(fb e, | for one niwli Ja2.3.H-4t* WAvrKtT Vastern "Fkath er com pant. th!? month -5".ton ]M old feathers; highest ash price, airo furniture Sen'] postal, will 'all at once n"7 Md are. s.iv. de2"? "2t* f | W ANTKIi HIGH F>T ~\SI 1 fTTII ES l'All ' Voi; worn varments, ladies' p-ntl'men a. children'" hoes and hats. Address postal. I will all M A KKRF.SKY. 1.'???? Tib n w. rivne N. 32*50-M d?l T-'iTtt *4 1 WANTED SECONDHAND I.ATK'lBK STOVE i Address GEO. Tl RXER. ?2I HJSh st. n w. **. o 1 r,o t * ; IIX KRHOLI WHTtsKV GALLON JOHN WKPM'.KBl'KN CO.". Leading Lionel j i Dealers, fill*. at. n.w. de6-00t . j PAWN Tit KETS FOR t'RECIOPS STOKES AND ! Jewelry: cash paid for old Cold, (direr and U.S. - ( coins Money to loan at 3 per rent. oc22tf LOFIS ABRAHAMS. 433 0th n.w. WANTED AU. THE OLD USELESS GOLD AND silver lying idle In your possession. Corals. ?iia morula. cameos. jewelrv and silverware bought C. F KAHR. Jeweler. 61S 13th St.. above P. oel-tf PERSONALS. 1 i Unit) A GOOD YKAH FOB A I.I. Ill IS Till inauguration, Imsp hnl! pennant and we cireu ; latins crisp greenbacks in esciianye lor men' 1 : worn icerments. Votes by mail. JFSTH'i ; I > STAND, tilfi li. iaii-tf munkyT"miim:y' \!<i.vky : money: money fin to flofi on your furniture or p'nno. $30 make 12 payments of f-"ilKj. Lowest -a tea 1, - ] city. Station (i. Box 2401. de.'fO-tf i BRADFORD DETECTIVE AGENCY. SL'ITK 22 - ! rOiJPKAllO BFII.DIX*!. 14th and G. Ph'-a. Main 2323. Exp rt investigations, any cause al! sections. (After ti p.m. phone residence I Columbia 1ft24J de23-3ut*5 OVERHOLT WHISKY, PER GALLON. JOHN WEDDEIfrtFRN CO.. Leading Liquor Dealers, defi-fxot. I 61? "F" at. n.xv. I HIGHEST CASH PRICK PvlD FOR Ot.T sllrer. diamond*. trr-l'-nct and jowrir* OOIJISMITH. Pawnbrnfcori' Sale Store. 90? t n.vr.- phone M. 574-M.. or drop postal wlll.a'.l ! ayllO-tf ' i high sen cash rsicw paid for :,umf.s and jonr*' worn samimt* of atl kind*: i!? 1 ?o.w?. hat*, ot THE KARCAIN STORE. 1211 Tth #r. n.*v. Drop imsfal; win nil ?>r?iroptij ?D *4 f. 4 SEWING MACHINES. THF MAVIS VKIMlr.W. l-I.Ki> IS KKc'0?M/.KI a? th.. heal for all kinds of setting:. Fre?- In motion* in drossmakiu;;. plain aonlug and vtn I broidery. ACENCV. 913 9to it. n.w. nod-POt, FOR RENT?ROOMS. One ifnf a wortf for 15 wore*. ! Vt UMThko. FOIl ItENT ? TO vol NO MAN. 1D-STOKY front room; southern exposure; references. till M n.w. ]a?4l* 136ft ? IIM MPIA IIOAII I>NK Oil MOKF. SEt'-i mil.floor southern rooms, adjoining bath. ii) now. modern home; near three ear lines; rent, , Slo to 51 .*> month. I'hone. (' !.. 178**. .1a6-t?t N ST. WW. I KlXniK HACK ROOM ] comfortably furnished for gentleman. Jaft-1t* 1318 12TH X.W.-OXK BRIGHT, WKIjL KEPT furnished rootn for gentleman: private family. Laicoh. ~M < EITY f i i:VisHEU ROOMS; toi <r -t. s o.; witbiu in o miiuies' walk of Oapitnl r l.ibrary. ja5-3t" tcTl f-ST V .W. TKRV \7T"E~ RAllUM:; Fi 1K nished; for one or two gentlemen. Ja5-2t* Ft?iT UFATT-H Ttk~ok "VtTioMV ~ON"SBriTvi? floor: mahogany furnished; xcplletit bathroom private family; l-en'it ifnl parlor for entertain ins:: situated on Vermont ate.; terms, $60 per month. Address Ilex IK*-. Star offiee. FIJRNlSHEIi APARTMENT, NO. Hi "THE Kaehelor." 17.17 II st. n.w.. to sublet: two rooms and bath. H. T. OWEN. Slit 17fh ?t. n.w. ja.'tt* N RWI,Y I'A I'FH El?. SIH THKK.V SI". ON I t floor room. 1171 Harvard st. n.w. Three ear lines. Reasonable. jaS-3t* 7:*eT T S'7 N.W. FURNISHED ROOMS? IN stnall private family; transients aeeonnnodated. jllo-ttt ."jii ii vT si.- i Mi.o'v iiinims I'Aiiri.Y 1 furnished: ja5-3t 107 _!> ST. N.K. TWO NI?KJA KPRMSHF-l1 iiiniim on first floor: convenient to Capitol and T.ihra ry. ja.V3: 143 < ll.ARUF. I RON I' ROOM ; Si II T11 i orn exposure; private family: phono; $12; gen tlemen nlj. ja5-7t* i KlUJ KENT ~WKlT ri'RMSIIKn Rtjo.MST \\oil h?sted: running; water; second and third Hoots. 11 Grant place. ja.VSt* FOR "REXT -ONK. TWO OR THREE FEB- ! liisitcd rooms; all front rooms; 2d floor: corner j house, near loth and O n.w.; references re- ! quired. jar?-2t* , : i'OH it FAT FINK STKAM HKAtTi). NICK IVY j furnished rooms for gentlemen, with privilege > of shower baths, swimming pool", etc. TI'KK i istj hath en . j::2:? <; st. n.w. ja.v::t* I TWVT SKCOMt-STORV" FRONT KOOMs! uXB very large; range; private hell, letter ix>v. speaking tube; southern exposure. 9t)7 O st. n.w.* 1 20S1 \ SI. S!K! "sEl'UMi FJ.I IOI1. ;i ROOMS; private bath: stationary wnshs! anils; three norm* third floor, with hath; furnace beat. |a 4-41 * j 14o4 M ST.. TilhMAS ITKI IT. VKRY DESIKahle frout rooms. suitable for congressmen "r their secretaries: alt conveniences. ja3-7t 1245 KKNYON NICFLY iTHMSHBIi 1H'itONT second story room; southern exposure: liotj water heat; phone service. ja2 s.|jii.w.3t* i COMiOllTAP.J.F, FRONT ROOM. BATH ON i floor; terms inoilerate; genlletneu. 1017 M, cor. 11th n.w. ; 1522 K NA\V ri'RMSHEP ROOM FOR GEV | tleinen. Apply 10 to 8 p.m. oc.Vtf ! 7 Fl'RXlSHKD on INFUR\ISHRD. j i t'OI.OKKIl? ROOMS WITH GAS. HKAT AND j walking distant ?>f all departments: fin#* ; location. 105 1* hi. n.w. ja6-3t* ! 1784 t'OU'MBIA ROAD 2 ROOMS. ? 0MML"NI rating. with hath; private family; home <-.,m forts: breakfast if desired: gentlemen. ja5-3t* ~ 1 \Kt R>ISHF,D. ~ IWtt l.lfil ST? v\v THIRD FLOOR. FOUR cheerful rooms. SIS; including gas and hotwater heai. 213 K StT~nTe! Til REE HA KG K ItOOMS ON first floor. TWO LAR(; K ROt ImTT pi?RCEI.A I n bath": 1. h. k.; 2 squares from Union station. .121 U n.e. ja0-2t* 1222 ' (lUMI! IA ROAD?THREE ROOMS WITH private bath; suitable for l.b.k.; 3d floor: no children. .lajl-s.Sn. w. 3t * WANTED?ROOMS. " One cent a word for l.l words. WANTKD TWO ROOMS FOR IdTTlTr Hoi S?V keeping or small flat; iH-rtnanent business people; S2o to .$3n. Particulars. 3o4 Mutual Int sura rice hldg.. 13th st. and New 1 ork arc. WAN TP 11 BY FEBRUARY f THREE OR * four unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; j heat and gas; vicinity of I.incoln Park owferret!. P. M P.. Star office. ja5 2t* rooms and board. One c*nt a word for 15 words. \VXNTKI? -ROOM AMI BOARD. BY CENTER* man. near Pa. ave. car line. Box 16". Star office. 1 NII T:I.Y i ! UNisTiiTT? 2I>stop.Y KBO.NT AI j cure room, with elegant 'able tmard: well liealed: two people. $4.7. 125 >1(1. ave. u.e. ja6--t * !KT5 11 N.W. -ONK LARGE~KOOM. PRIVATK bath: one single room: steam beat: telephone; excellent hoard. jati-71* DEEl'lllTII'L." WEEE nn.NI.SUEU ROOMS* good table la.ard. 1345 Irving at. n.w. ja5-3r* 133b vermont ave. ~n7\V. choice front rooms: central location: refttied surroundings: tirsi-elass nccommodations: phone. ja.Vfit 717 ST!I ST. N.W*.?ROOMS AND BOAIU?: $5 per week. ja.Vot 1334~MASS. AVE N.W LARGE FKltN'T ROOM. with tK.ard: will rent to couple or two gentlemen: terms reasonable. Ja.)-7t* 14It 15TH ST. N.tY~l,Ali(lE. NEW [Fl B nisbed rooms, with private hath; table b'ard era and transients accommodated. Ja5-3t* THE IKOQI 'l US, 1410 M- T\Vtl SOI ru ntjt >MS: private batb: also other sunny rooms: table Uiard. ja2-0t Titos id N\V ITRM8HKH 1ROOMS: Otto?) table lioard: near departments and Y. M. C. A. Ja4-mAw2t* PRIVATE' FAMILY; ~ VERY ATTRACTIVE hotne: all modern conveniences; desirable rooms, elegantly furnished, with e.xeellant tabl" accommodations at moderate prices; Mt. Pleasant cars pass house. 2433 Columbia, road. ,1a 1 tit > WHY l'A 1 EXTRAVAGANT HOTEL KATES? The Logan?Iowa Circle. 75 roomc: 25 baths. Select, homelike, eeo- 1 ncmlcal. single. $30; doable. $50 up. Am. plan. oe24-ftOt.4 | wanted?rooms and board. One cent a word for 1.7 words. AN ?7LDKRLY I.ADY DESIRES ROOM AND l>oard with a small private family, not far from Catholic ehurelt. Address MRS. A. E., Slar "Hire. Ja5-3I* boarding! ] 125 >??>. AYR. N'.E. ELBtJ A NT TA BLE BOARD; j home cocking. $15 month. ,ia6-2l? ? for rent?stores "t oT: RKVF \ RAltE OPPOK'JT'MTY: A NICE romcr store with mi attractive steam-lic-sted flat for only per ir.ontb for the first .! mouihs. then Think of it. The place is worth fully foil ]>er month. WI1.UCK. t.lP.RS A I1AMKI.. Wttt-OS l::th. F<IR RKNT TARTI B STi.iKK. TWO ROOMS A ND | cellar; adjoining the Mt. Vernon apartment i house, at 9th anil New York sve, n.w.; rent, S50 WEAVER RROS.. 1116 K st. n.w. ja.'t tf ! ~~ FOR KENT? EXOFJ.l.EVT STOREROOM. 704 13TH N*.TV., N'eit to corner of G et. n.w. Splendid location for any business Includes tnsin . fflce, privet" offlce. toilet: hen' furnished; two entrance?, main and p-lrafe. LOW HBNT. PON T T>Fl,AT SHANNON ft M'OH*. "IS UTri ST. N.W del tf FOK RFT'T V \ ETA RLE STORE AM? WARRroom building on 0 st. het. 10'h and 12th: rent. I17N per month. HARRTSON" REALTY CO.. 621 PUS n.w nol#-tf FOR- RENT?OFFICEST I FOR RENT WEI.I, FI RNISHEO PARLOR. suitable for physician's ofit-e. Apply 1320 New I York n.w. ja.V2t* , BE M'TIFIT. STEAM HEATEI oKFI'T. SEC'. ond floor front, suitable for osteopath, lawyer or hstivircssina and manicuring parlors: rent ? ... i "no . ? ... i. y . i !< ?. I.^H u SI. II. W. == FOR II EXT? 1 ! F.XCF.M.ENT STORF.P.OOM. 704 13TH N.W. Next to corner of (5 at. n.?r. Splendid location for any buslneas. Inelndet main offloe. private office, toilet; heat forDfehed; two entrances, main and prlvat*. WW RKNT DOVT DF.MT. SHANNON 4- I.HCHS. TKI 14TH ST. N.W. s ______ > ? ? FRONTING T'. <v CAPITOL GROUNDS 1 i Heat. light and janitor _ i aervlre; SS.OO nn per month. ni iss p.rir.ntNG. 35 B ST. N.W. <vin tf ? FOB RF.NT - DESIRABLE ROOMS' IN THE Evening Star hui]din<r. Room 40S. sjse 13l?xl4. 2 large windows 11th GEOGRAPHIC SKLi 6UT,TllL WANES,if TK AWV TIE tfSIILT VIU K ?Nt soiji"tton to go-as-y In the walking match puzzle, s. )T ami is clear that A goes eight-ninths, so that would he 2.25n. Any division of that sun tliem all within 2.yo of the starting point, point eight-ninths of the circumference HORSES AND VEHICLES. TO Bl V SELL ? T|{ KXt 'll A N<7k7" HORSES oF j any k*nd or quality. A vail will convince yon tlvit (his i? tin- *dare. A strietlv legitimate business?not a 510110 of h-dc ami seek. 111 rostijafo our methods and remember you're always safe ?i BKNSINGER'S HORSE PA ZAAK. lOI-HVi-lrtT till! SI. n.w. ja5.1t f lNE t l'AS. SLEIGH. $20: SINGLE SLEIGH $10; lot bells, robes and blankets. one-half price; new and second hand harness. St up; waeons. $15 up; fine eoupe rm-kaivar. newly : painted. $25. COGSWELL. 200 11th n.w. deUfi-tf FOR SALE A T A~ TLVROAIX. A PIN E~ CO MP. I- j nation saddle and dMiiiig horse: owner has no' further use. RVRLINGTON STABLES. 1126 , Vermont are. court n.w., between Vermont 1 are.. 15th. I. and M sts. d?S-t? { I, ,r xjrnoi/i & CO.. ~ i C MIR I VOF, M WIF.WTI'IIKIIS WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OK VINE j CARRIAGES. BOTH NEW A NI? SECONDi HAM 1. AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. 1018 COXNKCTHTT AYE. del-90t PHONE MAIN 4n8R PERSONS WISHING TO BUY OB SELL, hire or exchange hnr?es. earriages and harness will find i' to their advantage to e?ll on or address WM I'. DOWNEY'S REPOSITORY AND STABLES. 1622-1028 I. n.w. j. if Eolt SALE " Serera! good light wagons. seennd hand. f'JO IO $60 each. S. O WATERS A SON*. ev.11 tf 5 110 Pa. are, n.w. ATjT0M0BILES PllPF HA RTEOIt n 5 PASSENG ER TOE RING ear: detachable tonneau. lamps, hern. top. wind ! sli'ebJ. sneedometer. searchlight: in good v.>n j dition: $175. East 5?te Soldiers' Home, iahlt FOR s7\LE?Bt Ft'K ROADSTER: MOPEL V.). j 10; in perfect condition. Address BL'ICK. Sta:' office.* fop. sale? on e vfyli n her for p. lists t model, running board mid sneedometer; car ! slightly used: $425: one ancle cylinder touring ra- good condition. $150; also one tv*ocylinder detachable touring car. $225: one 14x4 I Inch .lianinrut casiite sliclitlv uae.1 SilO Rear lilt; Vfrmnnl ave. Phone N. 4fifi4. O'AM.Khsl>ETHOIT TO " A~gr I< K~ i:I VKft I nil) sell inv 10-h.p . model F. P.tOP. Chalmers-I>etroit louring car. with blue hrnlr, top, , gas lamps, generator. magneto and full on nip- j nicnl of tools. etc.. at a sacrifice: is and looks j tpet like a new oar. Full particulars from OWXF.R. Box S*t?. Martinsburg. W Va lal-'lt* TPS Y PI7\TF. STORAGE RATTF.RY "KIMT F.RS": LONGEST '.IFF: ALLOW *'s TO DEMONSTRATE. MrOfEFV A OPKVWAl.D ! 711 l'Tn ST. N.W. PHONE MAIN 7.170. .ip.ii-not.4 X" rTTiT:MH!A ELECTRir ~viTTOniaT FSFn onlv three months: in no.-fect r-onditlon: owner j leaving city pprmsneiitly- $1,200.00. A Wa verlv Runabout, in perfect condition: ! newly finished; for delivery December 22. i $.100.00. Four five passenger touring ears, of standa'd make, each newly overhauled and guaranteed to 1>" In perfect o-der- $f.00,oo $S00.00. $1,000.00 and $1.2f'0.00. respectively. Many other bargains. Bur now and save nioncv. nrPOKT GARAGE CO. Phone N. 5141. 2020 M st. deio tf BRUSH ltENABOUTS. S.VHV BRUSH PACKAGE CARTS. $(100. OAKLAND CARS. $1.2.10, All cars sold by Brush Nichols Co. Our P.ri?h motors are designed by A. P. Rrnah. Full equipment, list pdre. f.o.b. factory; dcnvmstratlon? cheerfully given at any time. Phone Main 2040. All styles of bodies, namely. ' touralmuts. runabouts touring < ars and com- ' merclal cars BRUSH. NICHOLS GARAGE. ' 1110 C st. n.w.. Ravmond W. Nichols. Prop. rt.?7-tf 1.1 AUTOMOBILES FOE HIRR LARGE .1ACKSON TOURING CARS FOR HIKE?PHONE M., ?:444 Kolt MIRE $.1.1*1 PEIt HOUR $1.<M? lilt) New York avc. i Halls of the Aneientst. JACKSON AUTOMOBILE CO. Jeft-lf ~~ TW<^CYLINDER TfH'RING CARS. per HOI"it. TAX1CABS RFGFLAli RATE. AUTO LIVFRY CO o< 2*-if .7 214 14TH ST GARAGES. GARAGE. 24x24. Foil RENT: IN REAR OF Connecticut are. between M'and X sts. n.w. FITCH. FOX & BROWN, i j?6-.7t 14MU G st. n.w. j FOR RENT GARAGE: TWO STORY BRICK with living rooms on second floor. Can be used , as a stable. Can be rented in part or as a ! whole. Rear of 141.7 K st. n.w. Apply to : EVANS* ESTATE. 1417 G st n.w. del9-tf i ~~ LOST AND FOUNDS One cent a word eseh tin1*1 for 15 words 1 times LOST A STRING OF GOLD BEADS ON* THE eats to the Marine concert, at the barracks, ; or on cars returning fo 142$ K st. Monday. Reward rt 'lie above number. f7nST~" TF ESI ?Ty BETWEEN 12 AND I 1 o'clock, ladv's gold wateli anil fob, initials *E. M. F.." between Bond building. '4th and j X. Y. ate., and Palais Roval. Lilieral reward | if returned to Miss FOWLER. Red Dragon J i Seltzer Co., basement Bond building. ja'Mt | | Id 1ST?-ON M t >N I?A 5 "nTgHT. SM A Ll7 BLACK leather box. initials on tot., "E. S. G **: e.m i ! mining pearl pendant on chain and small gold I pins. I.arge reward if returned to New Wil ; J lard o?ice. JaC.-lt i LOST MINK" NECK G l! Tl KSDAY EVEN tog bet. 2d and Carroll st. and Id and B sts e. about S o'clock. Please return 1 tr? Carroll at. s.e : reward. lit! It* I7?8T- MARABOl MUFF. LIGHT BROWN. 3 tells, vicinity Columbia r *ad and Wyoming | av?. Return d'Z. the Wyoming ja.VIt , LOFT A BACK TdMB. M"i NT ED WITH i gold. Friday night between Corcoran st. and ' Columbia road on 14th. Reward if returned to 1202 Columbia road.* ia5t* 1 LOST $ KFYXOXT RING. ONE BRASS KKY. j A. lilTinr .xrom, mi ?n*j ?? u.?~. I ja5-Ht? I LOST A CAMEO AND PEARL VEIL PIN. Reward for return to 5Qf! 10th st. n.w. j?.V3t* ; LOST- BETWEEN 1:45 * N IiT P.M. ON MONdsv. Jan. 4.' llltifl. 011 ! ' st. or between 1 litli and I' and Chase's Theater, a (mm keiliook. inn taining ?ards of J. F.. Walli?. jr.: elierk on N. Y. Rank ipaymeut slooredi and various other papers. and ? few five dollar lillis. Keep money and return perse and patters to 41M W. 121st sf.. New York city. No questions will Jie whispered or asked. ja"? "t* : STRAYED OK STOLEN ABol'T T\Yo WEEKS ; am', hiaek and white fox terrier named Sambo; I eollar. and tag 4D92. 430 1st st. s.w.: liberal reward. Ja.Vilt* I LOST?CHILD'S tilJN MKTAI, OPHN-F.U''B watcb. Mondav morning, near 13th an?l Irving sta. Reward If returned to 1453 Girard st. ja.VHt* I.OST SILVER CHATEI.AINE P.AG; GOLD IN j lahl. Liberal reward if returned to CARL A. DROOP. 111*5 Pa. ave. u.vv. ia.Tdt | HtST?A RROWN-ANO-WHITE Col.LIK DOG; j answers (o name Tip: has oil eollar and tag. Liberal reward if returned to rear 1552 O u.w. j ja4-3t | $10 REWARD FOR RET1 IIN OF BLACK | lynx tieckpieee: iost comlne from National ! Theater, coins up E st. to 7th st.. after ttaea ter Thursdov nixht. Return to 5u7 4th j Ja4-3t* i LOST?SIM)AY. PAIR COI.H KYEOLASSF.S | hempen St. John'* Church. Georgetown. and .1SI1 p st. n.w. Rrwuril if returned. .in4-3t LOST- AT WOORTKB. OHIO. CERTIFICATE 1<VJS7. atlinjr for ten shuvs of the capital aiot-k of the American Telesrra phone Co.: same unindorsed Return to STERLING DKBENTI RE CORPORATION. Brunswick _?.M? . New i York. ^ * 1 ?>. i;<?t BILLIARDS AND POOL TABLES THK BRUNSWICK BA1.KK OOLLENDER CO. OF NEW YORK. I^a'line Mannfm-'urprs of BILUAKD *NI? POOL TABLES. BOWLING ALLEYS. BAB FIXTURES. REFRIGF.R \TOR3. TI2 1.TTH ST. N.W.. WASHINGTON. D. C. I or IK. 001 A AL PUZZLE f*/1 j) 1 ^ ns. tufji am am sinsnuiti r i* mtu states. OE-PEEASE P1 "ZZ1 .E. JH being in arithmetical progression, it o.-yi being one-nlntb t!ie circumference. j n. like 1.1 Uo. 4.">0 or would bring I but t hey would have met previously at a from the start. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Or.? nt a word ouch time for 15 word* .*{ times. \Y a NTkp~ ll\ pa tilt t;K.NTl.f.m an -fo" 7N vol SI.000 in moving picture show: splendid business opportunity. Box 170, Star office. * r< 111 s.m.k :.o sTi arks pimf7 savi nTTs Bank stock: offer wauled. Box 17". Star office, jut! lit * I "OK SAM-:- r ?7iKAP 4 VALiABl.K PATENTS; imperishable fence posts and wire fpnee fasieners; something new; $'JOn capital starts a pay ins business anywh-re in I". S.: suitable for selling county ami state rights: quick fortune for a hustler. Box 171. Star office. ja<i-itt* OKT IN ON THK liHOlN'li FLOOR-THE hank ANP FI1.K of investors. grea> and small. find il impossible to enter extensive operations ON THE ilROI NP FLOOR." Hie only tnetnod for securing any interest therein lining through purchasing stock paying stipu iaie?I dividends K very hod y desires the best possible returns upon invesi nients. YOI* PO. l'itose receiving more than ten or fiffpen per cent annually consider themselves fortunate. Purchasers of small panels of land content th'-inselves with prospective profits years hence, while the operators take immense profits immediately Were you ever admitted within the "INNER iTRlT.E" of such an operation*; Hardly! That privilege was for the favored few Ynu desire sin ii an opportunity ? Pii you wish a SlOti. S.MSi or SI tarn share in ihe pur chase and sale of property in the most progressive city in the world ?where conditions are unique in numerous ways?where banks and business are immune from panics and other disturbing financial upheavals?where demands for houses, rents, esc., are many times the supply*; Write for information concerning operating company now organizing, in which you may secure a place *"ON THE OROl'NO FLOOR" ami ii|?in absolute equality with every other organizer. Address "t.'O-OPF.R A'HON." Star office. Jati-Ut* 7"i>R KENT Wool) A NI ("OA I. YABIL Tn"<1 nire at. PESTER L.M'NPRY. I'a. ,ive. n.w. jati-'Et" Niii lb B A R<; A I \ I. Kt; IT I.MAT I! BTKIN K.NST average net profit. $l.Vi per month: gross sales. Siltsi to S-'iiHi per month; two-thirds profit: actual expenses per month. S-S5; central location. WALTER II. At KER. 14-0 I-* s4. n.w. jatMt" W A NTKP ROOMING ?Mt BOA IE PI Mi Hi >1 SK. WASHINGTON INFORMATION AND LISTING Bl UK AI . ti<*; TV. I., ami T. I.idg-. fit h and F. ja'>-3t $.;ini WM.I. B FY AN OFFK'K BI SI NESS TI1 AT will yield a good living and require but one or two hours' attention a day. Box 175. Star offii e. FOR SALE'.-- PA HTvTrxt H : LOT ATP ?X. NONE better; equipment, wortli more than price asked: good reasons for selling now. Address IL, care 5b!t lid st. n.w. jart-.'lt WHOLE OR PART INTEREST iIN V.XLI .XBLK patent. just allowed; 1 a rge orders already booked. Hot 17K. Star office.* $ROO WII.I. HI V MALE IN'l'KKKST l"\ ESTARlished paying office business: OTer one thousand dollars in contracts now on baud; fine eh a nee. Address Box ITS. Star office. jaft-St* lease-furniture. (.'a kb. good \\"T i j,. -pi rooms, in new apartmeut house. R'>x lot). Star offi.-e. ja.VOt* ITR?.OKRI STOKE All. I ASH TRADE: KENT~ $2<i: living rooms: j>r1ee. $4tat. CAPITAL BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 942 E St. n.w. ja5-3t* it7|Tj\| I \7i noise MA NDSOMKLY Kl R nished. and rented: lnnehroom first floor: all for CAPITOL BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 942 E sr. n.w. Ja5-5t* FOR SALE A FIRST DEED OF TRUST NOTE for $l,VJO. (t'c Interest. payable semi annually; senility first-class. Address Box 165. Star office. ja5-3t* BOARDING Mill SE. 12 Rt K IMS. Id RiTa K r ?ers: liest loeation: proprietress sick: all new fnrnit ure; S300; investigate. Address Box 162. Star oftiee. Ja5-5t* VVII.L SACRIFICE MY LOT AT R1VERDALK. Sn27.'i ft., beautiful and level, for $259 ea?h. Address HARD IT. Star oftiee. ja5-6t* Kolf SALE A \VEI.L~PAYING MAM'I'ACTl R ing eon feet lottery business; cause, poor health. Inquire 21ti l'ttli st. n.w. ja-">-ot* ItUtT; STORK ESTABLISH ED 3o YKARN Pa. ave. location; owners retiring: priee and terms attractive. NEW YORK III SI NESS BROKERS. till E. jal-fit.eSu HOTEL NEAR UNION STATION. t'LEARIN?i $2,500 vear: eheaD rent: pidee, $2,000. NEW Y'tRK HI SINESS BROKERS. 611 I". Jal-tit.eSii \YOOD AND COAL YARD: KXCEI.LENT I.Ocation southeast; rent only $15 mouth, monthly business, Sl .ViO: price. $1,500. NEW YORK BI'SINESS BROKERS, 61 1 F. ial-fit.?Si TO A i.1VE MAN ill'PORTIMTY <?F A LIKE time; all or half interest for sale in first-class business: no dead ones need apply. 36 Warder hide.. 91 h and F. ja4-tf SPECIAL NOTICE. We wttI remove to our new office. 1425 F st. n.w.. on or about January 15. NEW YORK BI'SINESS BROKERS. 611 F. jal-fit.eSu CIGAR ANIV poet [.ROOM BI'SINESS ENTER: dailv receipts. $15: verv cheap rent: bargain, $1,250. NEW YORK BL'SINESS BROKERS. 611 F. Jsl Bt.eSu DA 1 K~Y U NCI 1 BUSINESS CENTER: DAILY receipts. $50: price, $"(?'. NEW YORK BI'SINESS BROKERS. Oil F. Jal-St.eSn $250 WILL BUY CONFECTIONERY DOING fine business; prominent location northwest. NEW YORK BI'SINESS BROKERS, 611 F. jal Bt.eSu 5 C|7a7 K BARBER sTlot PA. AYK~lJi('T lion: dailv receints. $25: owner leaving eltv; price. $1,500. NEW YORK BUSINESS BKO KERS. 611 F. jel-Gt.eSu '$:.<?i \Y iT.I. It l Y CIG A re r, in it Ffh >N KRY stationery and periodical store established :;o years; prominent location; Pving roont?: ?to.-l; will invoice aftont St.'aai. NEW YuRK BI'SINESS BROKERS. ?11 F. jal Ht.eSu KV KfltI FIT If MKN GOING Ul T t>F OFFH F. who conteninlale leaving Washington at the dose >if present adminislraHon. can learn of something that may interest thorn In tlm way of profitable business by investigating. F"?>r interview address Rn\ 1<?7. Star office. ,1a 1 7t ST A If T A MAIL ORDER BUSINESS AND earn fifty <Jo!lars a week at homo; work in spare time. Send for froo booklet. FANCHEK SI PPLY i O . OlJinsTille. Conn d-lf-SOt LEARN TELEGRAPHY RAILWAY WIRES ARE rtft into nIt A I ! I??N S I'R AC rffAf. Rl SI NESS COLLEGE. ' r. ittli an] I> n.w.. for student*' tiso; positions secured. fail or send for FREE !>r?>kiot, "Why Learn Telegraphy | doit-w f\moi s sherwood whisky. 70 bottle JOHN WEDDKRIU'RN CO.. Leaning Liquor Dealer*. <516 F" St. n.vr $3.00 per gallon. rti'fi-Wit LEGAL ADVICE. ALL CASES: COLLECTIONS, domestic troubles. estates settled, damages all kinds: confidential: corporations organized aud promoted. U. S. LEGAL CORP.. 307 Bond btdg. nogB-tf.4 STORAGE. FIR EPROOF ST? >P. A G E. Separate locked rooms. $2.itt> per mouth up. Estimates furnished, i MERCHANTS- TRANSFER A STORAGE CO.. oc31 -tf.r? !?20 fi22 E St. n.w. PRIVATE COM PA RTM P.NTS. Modern to charges. Estimates furnished. MOVING. PACKING AND SHIPPING. LITTLKFIELD. ALVOUD & CO.. seii-tf Colorado building DOGSPETS ETC. One cent a word for 17 words. WE ARE BOOKING CHRISTMAS ORDERS for Eskimo White Poodles and other Dogs; also Singing Canaries, Goats. Parrot*. Goldfishes. Cat* Rabbita. White Mlee and Rata. SCHMID'S BIRD STORK. 713 12th st. no20 tf HOSPITAL FOR ANIMALS. 2113-2118 14tb at. n.w. 1 ocl?-ir.4 OK. CKCII. KKKXCH. Sl'ECIAUST. Treatment of the I>og and Cat eioluslvely. Uffiee.?718 l2tb ft. nw. Kennels. ror. 1'ark toad i-.ttd DUth *t n w. pHtf THERAPEUTiSTS' ! I>K CAWI'BKIJ.'S CL1MO OF DBUGLGSi nKAMXO. 15TU ST N.W. Oradtiste ?n diagnosis and pat hntngy. of the Horal College > ( Mechanical Surgeons. 1 Wonderful results in chronic and nervous cases Keference* from delighted patients. Indorsed Lj fatuous clinics. Call for booklet. de21-tf.7 APARTMENTS TO LET. HULtUh ic 11 ILL. tlNC.L 1333 G It n.w APARTMENT* The Carlton. 21st and \ *'s n.w.. J ruvuia and bath. HO.Co and (4b 00. The Pon Carlos. 2"07 O at. n.w . light and elevator. stationary refrigerator and shower bath; 3 rooms aud bath Rent, S 13.00. Tbc WUton. 19.11 17th at n.w.: only t*o apartments left: four large, sunn; rooms; $22.30 and $37.50. The Marion. 200*' H at n n . 5 rooms i and bath; $35.00. $.47.50 and (10.U0. The Chelsea. 2d and K a.e.. 5 ro-uus and bath; $27.50 and $30 50. The Cheshire. 1756 Columbia road: 3 rooms and bath, front and rear porches, very large front and roar yards, beautiful large rooms; $12.5". The Naples. 715 19th ?t. n ? : 5 rooms j and bath, electric elevator: cafe tn base ment, telephone in each apartment, no j dark rooms; eonventeut. to business section and to all gov't departments. Rent. 115.00. The C?dl* 115 Fl st. a.e : 3 and o rooms i and bath, $23.00 and $17..VI. 14',6 N st. n.w;. 4r. and h.. 1st fl ..$37.50 525 R st. n w . or. slid h , 3d fl... .$55.50 016 9th st. n.w.. 4 rooms, bath $35.0:"? 29 M st. n.w.. 7 rooms and bath ..$35.flo 2113 14th st. n.w., 4r and bath. $22.50 IIS C at. n.e.. 2 rooms, buffet kitchen, bath. 2d floor $20 00 1419 22-1 st. n.w.. 4r. and baih $20.00 WITHOI'T HE VT. 72K 7th st. n.w, ?r. and b $40 tv? 1 47 T n.w.. 1st floor. 5r and H... $:t0 50 ?<?? 13th sf. n.w.. 3d fl.. 4r. A b $30.50 2701 11th u.w.. Sr. and ' $:' " 1 359 You. 4r.' anil b.. 3d floor $2<i.t)0 1136 9:b n.w.. 2d floor. fir. and b. .$23.50 162*5 9fb n 1st floor. 5r. arid h...$25.50 202*' \. Cap.. 1st floor. 5r. ami b $24 ".o 3014 Q ?t. ii.w.. 2d floor. Sr. and b.$22 50 2.305 \ st. n.w.. 2d floor. or. * b...$1K5fl 1245 I) sr. b.p.. 5r. and l> $ 119 Todd pi. n.w.. 4r. and b $16.50 1353 F 't. n.p.. 1st floor. 4r. A- b...$1*5.30 121 Todd pi. n.w., 1st floor .$1*5.3" 437 Tonn. a\r. n.n.. 4r. and b $14.30 ] ?.1?U M ?t. n.p.. 4r. ! . $11 ">'* i 453 Tonn. sv*. ?op . 4r and h $14.20 431 Tpdii. avp. n.p.. 4r and t>. SI t.l'.ll 1416 Dun'.an nr.. 1 si ft . 4i. A b $13.50 I ___ MOOKF. A 111IAj UNO.). 1333 G at. n.w. Vic: KENT IN THE 4OAKLAND. -jiiTn-7*t?i.. I ! roinl. a 7 room and larjjp rpppption hall apart inr-nt. front: also ? 3-rooni anarlunlit, fnrn. ?r| . nnfnrnlshP*!. Apply a* linlldinsr. jabot : "THE HI sk'A.~293irSI1F.RMAN AVK. N.W , 1 blook i>a?t of 11th and Columbia r?>ad 3 S rooms and ball). 2 oxtrn room* for sfhrapr: i atrani hoal: iinlimitnd lior w^tor; no lnasr mj ?|iilrod: phildi nn ta Iron: raovinp nxponsps twr'd. , R- nt. $30: 2 works' rout pivon frm. jafi-31* i ' ' I FOR RF.NT A HF.S1 RABl.F APARTMKNT , T?l?WNT4lWN: 917 N. Y. AVK.: 2d floor. I rootns and bath: stpani boat: $37.30. Spp us about thie THOMAS .1 FISHF.R A CO.. lno.. jaf.-4r 73S 13th st. FOR KKNT A CO! f'l.K 4 if VF.RY DF.SIKARI.K APARTMENTS'. THE CONGRKSSIONAE. 1st and E. Gap. sts.: 2 rooms and bath. $23.oo THE IRoQI ois. 141*1 M ii.w.. 5 rooms and bath. $42.00. I THOMAS .1. FISHER A Co.. Iito., I ja*5-4t 73S 1.3th st. FOR RENT COLORED SMI Ilr. ONI-, MI ) (host- handsome apartments in the new buildI ins- 315 Oakdale st.; wil! b* ready for oeeu paney Jan. 1-">. 0|irn for Inspection. Ten mi* must give first-class references. I'll AS. E. ! BANES. 13-1 E SI jafl-t'-t j FoU KKNT -STONK A FAIRFAX 1333 New York are. n.w. APARTMENTS. tHcat furnished.) 1109 ITili st. ? furnished $50 no The Hampshire. No. 4. 6r. and h 47.50 1416 N ?t. n.w.. 7r . steam heat 4R0> 1214 12th at. n.w.. :i rooms and bath.... 45 0<t 4R5 G st. n.w., 2d floor. 6r. and b 45.00 The Prince George. 1613 30th n.w.. 6r., b. 40.50 1416 N st. n.w.. 4 rooms and hath 40.00 616 9th st. n.w.. 4 rooms and hath 35.00 IM6 S st. n.w.. 1st fl.. 4r. and h 3(l.?t" 815 H st. n.w., R rooms and hath 30."0 The Ellsworth. 6 rooms and hath 30.00 2'tR It st. n.w.. 2d floor. R rooms and bath. 27.50 206 [t st. n.w., 1st floor. 4r. and b 25.50 1.341 11 st. n.e.. 2d floor. 5 rooms and hath 2R .'0 1254 Col. rd.. 2 rooms and bath 25 00 803 9th st. n.w., 2 rooms 25.0<) 1341 H st. n.e.. 2d floor. 5r. and b 22 5'I STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New Tort are. n w. TWO-FAMILY FLATS. (No beat furnished.) 1737 T st. n.w.. 6 rooms and baih $30.50 3025 !5th st. n.w . Sr. and b 30.50 1340 Monroe at., 2d floor. 7r. and b 30.50 156 13th st. s.e.. 1st floor. 5r. and b 28.50 2323 18th st. n.w.. 1st floor. 5r. and b.... 27.50 1745 Willard at.. corner. 5r 27.50 1120 7th sr., 7 rooms and hath 27.50 622 F ?t. n.e.. 5 rooms and bath 25.50 I 1R17 19fh st. n.w.. 4 rooms and bath ... 25.Ro 217 tOth st. if., 1st floor, 5r. and b 25.5" 616 F st. n.e.. 4 rooms and bath 25.50 1772 Willard sr.. 1st floor. 5r. and b. . . 25.50 i 174.5 Willard. 2d floor. 6 rooms 25.50 I 311 R st. I:.w? 5 rooms and bath. 22.50 711 7th st. n.w., 2d floor, 3 rooms 22.50 1105 It si. n.w., 5 rooms and bath 22.50 122". N. Y. are., 4 rooms and bath 22.0'' 24.50-2452 Bright ood ave.. 5r. and b 21.50 306 Fla. are. n.w.. lsl floor, flr. and b... 21.50 36 Todd pi.. 2d floor. 5r. and b 20.50 770 Gresham. 2d floor. 4r. and b 19.25 .1245 I? st. n.e.. 1st floor. 5r and b 18.50 668 Gresham. 2d floor. 4r and b 18.25 710 G st n.e.. 3d floor. 5r. and b 18.00 5th and Harrard. 5 rooms and batli 627 I) St.. 4 rooms 15.50 612'-? Park rd.. 1 rooms and hath 15.00 64" Orleans. 1st floor., 4r. and b 14.5" 435'j T"ijd. are., 4 rooms and bath,.... 14.5" 1425'z E st. r..e., 4 rooms and hath 13.50 1416 Duncan st. n.e.. 4 rooms and bath.. 13.5" 1423 E st. n e., 4 rooms and bath 13.5" ! STONE A FAIRFAX. 1312 New York ave. n. w. defllt-vv&sa.lf 1 FOR RENT? 517 5th st. n.e.. $20. Five roonm and hath: modern. TAGGAKT-THKIFT CO., 1405 N. Y. are. ja5-3t.4 FOR RENT A REAR FLAT. 5 ROOMS. A.M.I., in house ?VT E st. n.w., $20. Inquire on premises. LEWIS A- JONES COMPANY. ja.7-3t TTtlt RENT 7an7 15. FLAT 4 ROOMS A NO hath, hot-water heat, gas and telephone: all model, l ail 1241 Oirard sr. n.w. Ja5-3l FOR RE NT?$37.50. Fl RMSHKIt APARTMENT DOWN TOWN. 4 rooms and bath: heat and janitor services included. Sit" 11th st. n.w. H. F. HANDLER CO. ilno.i, Red Arrow Sign," our new location. 702 11th st. n.w. ! ja4.fl.9-3t i FOR RENT- BY B. F. SAI L GO.. 7TH & L N.W. i 1534 7th nw.fir.h.$30.00 j S25 5th ne.4r.h. 1 fl. IS.o" | 1359-61 F 1616 5th nw. 4r. b.18.00 Lafayette. 1607 7th '33 II ne. 5r. h 17.50 ' nw. 5r. b 32 50; 1230 7th nw.3r.23.17.00 ; 926 F uw. 2r.b.2fl.25.00 1646 R nw. 5r. b. 16.50 1626 9th nw. flr. b.22.50 616 La av nw. 4r.,15.5o , 1713 1th nw. 5r. h.21.50 1245 II ne. 4r.h.3fl.15.5o 1 1611 X.l av nw.5r.b20.50 418 O nw. 4r. b... 13.50 ! 1611 NJavnw.4r.blR.50 1 237 11th ne. 4r. b.l 1.00 $25 5th ne,4r,b,2fl. 19.00 1 2034 Ga av nw. 2r..8.o0 Ja2-tf FOR KENT I N I HK RAN Do!.I'M: 5 ROOM and bath apartment; large bright rooms; private porch ami yard in rear: steam beat, hot water ami Janitor service: n excellent court ilion. UF.O. TRUESHELU, 1627 l.ineoln are. no. } ?ie:?> tr thk srssk.v iiiso b "slw. si^EuioirTrr?im apartment?last of 15: steam heat and i janitor: opposite Aarl'mltnrn 1 llopt.: rcfir>?d j home. in choice {oration: rent. ?rtit. PHIL1 .IPS I'tlMPANV. TtO John Marshall place d"29-tf Ft lit It FVT 15) t to 1527 Far's road, near 16th st. Jtb'irt dlstam <? |o cither c ar line. , New lniih]insrs. siihstant'aI. attrac tive complete. Phone in each apartment: electricity and gss. <'pen* fireplaces. ?ith gas log*. r?oubI" theirs. ticaut'fci!ly finished. t'lcod st?,. rewms. liheral .-Insets. Well nptipped kitchen ?nt| pantry. . ! 5 'ccpel K rooms and hal'n .and reception hail. Jrerrants' rooms, with hath*. in basement. Targe iron poiv-h ,,n rear, with dumb waiter. II L. RUST. tiOh 14TH ST. N.W. I de27-tf.13 i 1HP Ct>V <JRD~N~H. AVBTAXD ORE. AVET 1 four rooms and bath. de8-tf ; FOR RF..VT IV THE nWASI'O EXTEXSRJN? Very complete, modern flow flat: 4 ro-ms. 2 hsths: locker; private entrance front and rear, with inclosed iron porch in rear: outside iron t airway for tradesmen: steam heat and elevated oven range. Nothing life" it in Washtnetott. Must he s-on to he appreciated. GFO TRFESOKI.f,. '627 I.ineoln ave. nr. del.Vtf THF. SHERMAN. 15TH AND L STS. N.W.-6rooui apartment, furnished or unfurnished: all large, bright, outside rooms on street: clowntmvn. few minutes' wall.- from departments, elioiw. theaters, etc.; will rent furnished for regular and snec-ial sessions of "ongreis. In onire at the Sherman. de24-tf "THE A I.F.EM A RLE." 17th at. and N. 11. ave. u.w Beautiful C-room apartment TITK F.THEI.HI'RST." 15th an.1 L st?. 11.w. Cmy two-room apartment. Eight-story fireproof buildings. 4r>22i1.<>S! APARTMENTS FOR RFAT-AU. IN FIRSTCI.ASS CONDITION". ' THE FAIRFAX. 1200 E. Cap. *r.5 room* and bath $15.00 and SfiO.OO THE SIT. VERNON, ttth and N. V. are. n.w.Nesv elevator In operation. Rent redueefl 1 to s looms and hath.......$25.00 to $35.00 THE FRANKI.IN. 1915 14th ?t. n sr.? ft rooms and hath $::0.?ai and $40.<40 THE DEVONSHIRE. 1T51 Col. nl. 5 ro?m? rind liath $47.50 ami $50.00 THE NFI.SON. 175" ?Oth at. n sr.? 1 room* at"' hath . .* . JL'lo.tiO ?<?2-t* wrtS'FI; TIP OS '410 P ? n sv THE WINDSOR. 1436 T ST.: FIREPROOF REXITIFCE 4 ROOM 4ND RATH APT.: FRONT- A1.I.-MHHT SF.RVP F.: K1.FH R!C T'f m* a ' i tit -I. 1 P # < r.i.r ? i * *ii. it?-i i.-t FOR RENT 30?- Q n.w . rmmn ami li?lh * A i rHARLES 1JNKLVS, 204-207 McClll bltlg. I mhl?-'* APARTMENTS TO LET. inKKENT'.HK Hampton. i:?n 1 vjH_ <?tie S mim apartmon: $i5n? Two 4 room ipardii'iilk . S12 V and JL'!7 VJ Two ?qu?iv? n rth Tbtrxnt rtr-lr arSO-tf o I). BIU.1NGSI.EY. ?U5 14th at. 'riE~ ttTTi^ntiwin and giuahh st* n tv Tho bright e*t and room low! IWa and room ?r?'tmt,n-'i <n Columbia line1"". r?t?\ 145 to 155. JAMES A C AH ILL. U<tS E THE T.I\Cf?IA. til 12:h c * p.. nan- MV. COLN PARK Thi? in f "*?! ali'.r *l\ r bath apar'nionta .n Ci;- <1 Hi!'. 1V? olldr tout rarpfnl ;nanr. ii >;i. ran: #4' .trig >f .1 AMES A CAlHTt. irt'X E APARTMENTS TO LET Kl RMAliKI). KXPKKIlAtUA.HANDSOME BKItillT < Hi I IU f'll, wo?! J109101! Tint. 4?n?! r! >?-> fl?ran#iv jn.f rt?nipl<*t?'lv fumlnhwi f?> h?? i*oWon? evrtr <??iivontoin-'*; $!!-*?. "?tn n.?* HKiHCLASS vn> UK TWO tilKI ? \Sfi tour f4Mtin? si r*?v with bath. r.rmkf.Ms* f *1 ?* red. *J1! 7 <'?!. ?v? .. <?{?]M*sjfo lliphlnt^l house. :*t ~ fckmshki) or i a Ft n\i*iii:n. 3 4. :t ROOM A PA HTM K NTS l\ IU- UN;AIX tie* fu.. unf'jr.: all in? >-nm? n and riirnisnou imv CENTRAL REAL EST\TF. I Xt'H WOE d?12-tf 1333 V n <x ~ WANTED?APARTMENTS. W\NTEI> APARTMK-XTS. I I RVISIIEII <>R unfurnished. lisvo :i great number <>f appll n111?. no ohargo until (rtit?ii 1'KVTH U< REAL ESTATE EXt 1IANC.E. 1333 F st n v Plwne M. IOT..*., tlrtft ' f HOTEL APARTMENTS EVE REIT HOTEL. AMERICAN PLAN. B ST. Epf. l"th and l^fh: convenient to shops, tbaaters and kutltirit; attrartive 1. 2. 3 ronua apartment*; weekly and monthly rates. ?el2-P0t SUBURBAN PROPERTY. Fftll RILE. FOR JSALB ?n: REM REM nil i.Vm NIRV homo. II mow*. mil ? tV?>ni ' it* 53 i splendid aatrr; all kinds Iruit. si! outbuildings. Mrs. K.. 527 Harrison >u. Attar . I' f. jabot* EUR S.M.I K(M'KVH.i.K. AII? , ll< "Ml of- ri rooms: h'?l water li**at; large < striier lot. on tmlley; main Ktrrrt: stable <; horses; (hails, *!?-. ; a bargain. BOOTIES FARM MiKM'V. 7l?4 Sth st. 11.u. .]eP? : it* POR RAIE MCE R( IU1IVO LOT ON BMECtrie r#ilway: mie fare: -heap?only A'Uht; S* ash. $5 monthly: secure for a liome. -I P. BARK. 1-125 New York nve. Ja4 7t FOR SALE PORTION OR ENTIRE 15 At REvi<-iti!tr Soldiers' Montr ,V I niters tv of Vrpo' Ira: : <! joining mi|irowsl eeetinn; free from rooks, nmlert. nsh. rt -.: ripe f'?r development or b'dg operation. Part ieulars address WASIllNT.Tt iV SI HI RRAN IH:\ KLOPMENT CO , 2 : Patk i. w. New York. Ml 7i* FOR REVL t HEX V I'll \SI. 15 Kirke lit rooms and ha:h: large Ins! ets in bed'units: grounds nuipie. >x 11 line shade ireos. ki t jit d Grafton s' ja I :t * I I F"ll RE\ r ? *HOl'SF.. PINK.Vll RSI'. NEAR ChevT Chase: 8 rooms and bath: $25 00 2523 Ontario nl : 0 rum..* and hath: *25.5P 1227 Irving St.. Bnxtklattd. 6 noats and hath- *22 Ml. M LACHLEX BANKING CORPORATION-, j del-tf . 10th ?rial G ?t*. WANTED. WA XTKI TO HKNT El R M SH EI? 11o I > V. a.iu.L. H.ratlsrllle or River<la|e uinst l>e -ea suitable; reference. Address \\ F. I... Star olti e. _ _ _ ja.'- M* FARMS. for rknt farm or about h? acres within four miles *>f Washington: well waicr>d; house >>f 10 rooms; necessary outbuildings \. r>. adoison. SOS 17th St. i:i? !* ; r?>i: s.\! i; ?.il~iikxt "farm" i* ai ki:s. mc house. good barn; excellent roads; tin- in'.t; school: telephone; |{. r. !' : S in Washingi.ui. H. II. I'lKKCE. National Metropolitan Bk. t?ig. la 4-St _ FOR SALE?MISCELLANEOUS. One rent A word for 15 words S tlines. BKTTk. l.I'MHER A Nl> WOOD FOR .SATTR, iieap. 1428 1? st. n w. W. M. SMITH. Hyattsvllle. M.I. jnti-St* ! upright i'iavo.titmost new-iikt.i'afitk make, fully guaranteed. free tuning, only 5lot. I Other bargains In p'a nos. t (pen o\ eniiita. J HKl.BIG BROS.. 1742 "111. jaU-tf i laiiy's sii?f saoTTiVk. ijkiTh.k. ni.\vki-rrT Address SMMt lliii n.n . Phone Col. 2S27 jaC-Sr i m7hmkr imanTisT the most TkttsiTo i i.iauo made at the present time, an mlv l-i I'lirehased at the a^enev of HI GO WHICH : 1110 G. Worrit building. Iteal r. < iferfry | Sobiner |iian'?s as ton have only shopworn ami used Instruments. III GO TOBCH. del 5m.8 ( n ?R SAI.E ONE SKft lNTI-HA.VH. Kit; I IT drawer, drop-top Hammond typew riter d'-sk and lie revolving typewriter < hair. 525 t '.dorado building. 1*5-3" Tl lliKK EVENING* IlRKSSLS.. AI .S< t TW'I bine serge suit", reasonable. Fall 1254 M?m. ave. ti.vv. JaS-ot* FOR SAUK 1 Hi IRSKRAIHS1I MAF11! NK7 1 meat chopper. 1 saner kraut cutter. desk and scales. 12114 K st. n.e. itii It* i ten sharks' 8ayi.nor bank stock; make offer. Address Ron I'M. Star | office. jn5-.1t' l.A WRENCH'S fl.OSINO-ol T PI \ Co sTl.k Having purchased entire stork j>iano? of two A'irgltiin Pries will sacrifice, preparaloiy rebuilding -Fl?ber. 1S5; Knabe, *125. $55(t: uprights. $ 105. *45ii; uprights, *225. t?15 G. Timing. *1.fi0. ja5-5t* lady ITkavini; ("ITV WOE EM SF.r.t. Ml fit magnificent black lynx fur set of open teg muff and shawl with beautiful heads and tails, for $14; almost new. Coat ffij. Address B.-x 143. Star offi'-e. Ja4-Ut* j pianos at stock taking prices ! $tion Cblckerittg $215 *400 Cable & Nllson: new SISu *400 Need ham; new #225 *400 Story & Clark: new $iso $000 Stein way; used *2PO #000 K nahp: used *2<>5 I'l'GO WORCII. 1110 t:, Worch Building. Sohmer. Emerson and Won li Pianos. ja.5-tf.lo FOUR HANItSOME- 17* RIGHT PIANOS, slightly shopworn, but without s blemish to be sold at jess than half price to close them out Bt once. They are lK>autIfnl toned pianos and sell regularly for $525 and $550. Only four of them, anil *150 buys your choice, eltiier for s.Mtt rash or in one. two and three months time." The biggest bargain you've ever seen. ?> 8' t quickly if von want one. Fine stool and scarf and 5 vears" guarantee. GRIMES* PIANO STORE. ia 1 tf-12 1212 E st. IteMOl.K & CO 'S RF.MtlVAC SA1.K OK HIGH - -- -s. . ? ...a sw Tv, HI A V 1. I? IMlVllC lillADb l"l.l.AHS ,\>li I i i.r...- . Every instrument t?? he closed out ?t n sf-rlfl.e price prior to moving to the new building * a* 12th ami <1 sts Here are some "f the l'?rZaius: Kimhall. {195: Bradhurv. fS>: Klnc?bnrv. $1!WI: Kn""rsnn. Slot" Knahe. S'J'O; Sticff. $2Si i: Hardtnnn. JS'Mt*?; Suhuicr. $.'tlo tiir-d squares ut $2.5 to STitt Kn?v pavments If desired. O J. DeAJOIJ., A CO.. 12ol G St. de'Jb-tf. lo FOR SAi.E ? A GEXTliBMANS FliR-UNim coat; lined with t'nest Australian inink: extra tine Persian lamb collar, and tin- outside flm-st broadcloth. iworti ?!- :' four t:tt*'?' will ft a Z'sid-.-lzed ma'" "?t Jtpiv e.ill a-11 for $115. Address H"?\ t\~ Star ft! e i N**t ? Please send tne wnjr sire f.?r eoiqparlson 1 will als.. sell m v nifi's c'egant Australian hautn marten set made lit 'kins !?-;:? rug miiff and beautiful shawl, for e?t $75 de'.'li not jioo.ono BRICK vM? llii Mvn Rf\r. ;N TWO houses new helm: wrecked. \npli ni promises. 41S CO ]Oth ?P it >v , o to T k I > W i 1 .A !1 h . Builders' stipplj. s 1305 N J are n w Phone X. 270 ______ SAFES-NEW AND SECOND HAND PIRBproof safes: full at oar salesroom: sol:";. ter? wanted. YORK SAKE AND I.fWK fO Phone St. Paul. lt'.ctV Baltimore API .Ie17 tf r. SIX' SECOND-HAND r.ATRORE STOVES; w II set iliem up for $iS and upwa-d. Call at 021 10th at. n w. deli not* I OVERHCI.T WHISKY'. B.flO PER OAU/1V. I ,10H\ WFTlDFRIirRN CO.. Lending i Pealers. ?tq F" <t. n w. del 'Sit j TO M.tKF ROOM ron NEW STYLES WE Offer SLIGHTLY f'SED PIANOS. *rd those taken ; In exchange for new Knahea. AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. Make known your terms. Wa will try to meet your slews. EMERSON $3<W> SMITH A BARNES $3C? LAFFAROtTE $230 1 AFFARGL'B 5223 STARR J2*0 mcphail $20? HELLER $2"0 jessie french $1*5 SINGER SIM BAILEY $12$ Other equarpa from $10 upward. Terraa to suit. 1YM. KNABE & CO.. 1218 F at. o.w. nn!3-2Sd fon sale-good ofality opaque shades. tilted l? your windows, only 33e: the beat qi:al1tr oil opaque *bsd"?. <Vo. biitig free. IVe call , with samples. kj.eeblatt s. J lib ?n! h ?t?. n.e. ?pH tf 1 SHOWCASES AVT> stork FIXTt'KES TOHV C SOHRRK.R JR.. MFC C" . dp4-t* Rs'" nir? i CASH 1REGISTERS RTiS GUARANTEE TO FURNISH AMERICAN i'asii registers giving more ivfor. v \t!ox greatfr protkni"\ v\t? \t lOWKR prices than v \ y OTHER ' ov. CFKN THEY * re m M'K my th1- AMEIilcan f ash register comi* any the ovr.v concern st*m?|ni; between .tub MERCHANT. PUBLIC AND V M?>NOpo|.Y get or n prices ci> sf.e oi r h>"9 mod. els before yop rev rerch a klepa, SALES AGENTS, 313 <5111 ST. N.W PHo\i 1 MAIN 2810 no29-0Ot.lO