Newspaper Page Text
APARTMENTS TO LET. TO LJTT -THK F. H. SMITH COMPANY. B. Q. SMITH. I.EF. P. LATIMER. 140S NBW YORK AVENUE. TO DESIRABLE COLORED TENANT? 2<iI3 12TH ST. X.W.; SPLENDID 5-ROOM AND BATH APARTMENT: every convenience: private rear yard and porch; steam heat: gas range. etc $2U.5o Ja21-7t FOR RENT-BACHELOR APARTMENT: TWO rooms and bath. Apt. 37. the Benedick. 18th and I n.w. Apply to Supt. COARRIER. Ja21-6t FOUR LARUE ROOMS AND BATH; 4 LARUE closets; hot-water heat: private telephone: light housekeeping: all modern conveniences; $30 |>er m-'Mth. 1241 Oirard st. ti.w. j?21-tf COMPLETE LIST OK FLATS. N.W. and n.e. Very cheap if taken now. See them. ,, X. L. SANSBURY. 710 13th at. n.w. I THE tTiESTERFIEIJ). .11 ST COMPLETED, 3120 Mt. Pleaaant at. n.w.?Grand location. Elegant apartments -of f> atid t> rooms; every one ?n outside r?>in of generous sire; building entirely detached; snperb air and light conditions; "large porches. W. II. WALKER. Agent, 720 13th at. n.w. Ja21-3t SI'BLET 4-ROOM APAKTMENT: LACLEDE"; unfurnished or partially furnished. Address Box 110, Star office. ja20 2t? FOR RENT-A 1 (KSflt ABLE FR< (NT FLAT, THE COXGRESSIiiNAL: U rooms and hath; can be sublet 16 n good tenant at a low rental; nt'-ar f'npltnl. THOMAS J. hISUKK & tu., Inc., 738 15th st. ja20-4t FOR REKT?819 N Y. AVE.; 2D-FLOOR FLAT of 4 rooms anil bath; well heated; near c?rs and eentral location; rent. $.17.50. THOMAS. J. FISHER & CO.. Inc., 73S 15th st. Ja2?> It Ftlit RENT - VNITHMSIIKP, MX ROOM AND liath apartment In Florence Court; rental, $55 per month. Apply 0<>7 Florence Court. Ja20.1t* | FOR RENT VERY CHEAP. SECOND-FLOOR HOI SKKEEPINO FLATS. SIX LARGE ROOMS AND BATH. WEIL LOCATED N.W. In Two-family Apartment House. Convenient to car lines; in good repair. L1KRERMANN A DAWN. 130.1 F st. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ALL IN FIRSTCLASS CONDITION. THE FAIRFAX. 1200 E. Cap. St.? 5 room*, ami bath $.15.00 THE MT. VERNON, 0th and N. Y. ave. n.w.? ft rn'ini and bath $55.00 THE FRANKLIN. 1915 11th st- n.w.? ft rooms and bath $.1(1.00 and $40.00 THE DEVONSHIRE, 1751 Col. rd. n.w.? 0 rooms and hath $47.50 THE NELSON, 17.1.1 20th st. n.w.? 3 and 4 rt^oms and bath ..,.$18.00 and $.10.00 oc22 tf WEAVER BROS.. 1410 F St. n.w. FOR RENT APARTMENT. FOUR ROOMS, bath, hack porch: steam heat; rent. $28 and $25 per month. Inquire 304 E st. n.w., second floor. Jal7-tf FOR RENT?700 7T1I AND 701 G ST. S.E., 7 rooms atid bath; all bright outside rooms; separate entrances and cellars; In good repair; reduced to $21.50 per month. BUIIR N. EDWARDS. 006 F st. n.w. Jat7-19.21 FOR RENT?IN THE OAKLAND. :2019 COL. road, a 7-room and large reception hall apartment. front; also a 5-room apartment, fur. or unfurnished. Apply at building. Ja16-6t F??R RENT?UNFUKNTSHED. ONE OF TOE most desirable apartments of-five rooms, large reception hall and bath In the Portsmouth. 17.15 New Hampshire ave. Jal67t* FOR-RENT-BY B7 F7SAUL CO.. 7TH & LTN.W. 1534 7th nw.5r.b.$3.0.00 33 H ne, 5r. b 17.50 1359-61 U 30.00 12.10 7th nw.3r.2fl.17.00 Lafavette, 1607 7th j 1846 R nw, f.r, h. 16.50 nw. 5r. b 32 50! 1245 H ne.4r.b. 2fl. 16.50 926 F nw. 2r.b.2fl.25.00 1917 12th nw.4r.b.l6.00 1626 9tu nw. Or. b.22 50 616 La av nw. 4r..15.50 B15 R nw. 5r. b...22.50 1245 H ne. 4r.b.3fl. 15.50 1713 4th nw. 5r. b.21.50] 418 O nw, 4r. b...13.50 IC11 NJ av nw.5r.b20 50 617 16th ne. 3r. b.11.00 181S 5th nw. 4r. b. 19.00 1S06 7th nw. 3d (1..9.00 1917 12th uw.Sr.b.lS.OO-2034 Ga av nw, 2r..8.00 Jal6-tf APARTMENTS IN THE I'ANCOAST. 1343 E. Capitol st.; 5r. and b.; steam heat; janitor. See Janitor. Ja8-tf THE ALABAMA. 11TH AND N STS. N.W. ,\1*T. 301, five bright rooms and hath. Beautifully ? 1. .. ?-J 4 ..vl.. .. 4 a i i aiijt'U. r?uuiu ni ill 'M?l t.\ puBisi t*. ni Apt. 2?1, the Alabama. Ja7-tf THB BEAUCLATRF.. 1920 18TH ST. New, Tip-to-date apartments; all rooms ontslde ones; open to light and air; from one room and bath to 5 rooms and bath; prices from $17.50 to $37.50 per month; now ready for occupancy. SIMPSON-SITLUVAN CO., 1408 G St. nw. FOR RENT-IN THE RANDOLPH; 5-ROOM and bath apartment; large, bright rooms; private porch and yard In rear; steam heat, not water and Janitor service; in excellent condition. GEO. TRUESDELL, 1627 Lincoln are. n.e. de30-tf FOR RENT? 15J1 to 1527 Park road, near 16th st. Short distance to either car line. New buildings, substantial, attractive, comp'ete. Phone in each apartment: electricity and gaa. Open fireplaces, with gas logs. Donble floors, beautifully finished. Good sire rooms, liberal closets. Well equipped kitchen and pantry. 5 and 6 rooms and bath and reception hall. Servants' rooms, with baths, in basement. I-arge Iron porch on rear, with dumb waiter. H L. RUST. 608 14TH ST. N.W. Te27-tf.l3 . I Fntt RENT-IN TF1E OWASCO EXTENSION-, Very complete, modern hew flat; 4 rooms, 2 baths: locker: private entrance frtint and rear, with inclosed Iron porch In rear: outside Iron stairway for tradesmen: steam heat and elevated oven range. Nothing like It In Washingtop. Mnst be seen to appreciated. GEO. TRUESOEM.. 1627 Lincoln are. n.e. delS-tf THB WTNT>SOR. 1425 T RT.: FTREPROOF* BEAUTIFUL 4 ROOM AND BATH APT.; PRONT: ALL-NIGHT SERVICE: ELECTRIC ELEVATOR. del6-tf.4 THE COLUMBIA. 14TH A NTT GIRARD STB. n.w.?The brighteat and roomiest Ave and all room apartments on Columbia Heights; rent, $45 to $55. JAMES A. CAHILL. 1308 E. THE LINCOLN 111 12th st. s.e.. near LINCOLN PARK?The most desirable six-room and bath apartments on Capitol --HII1. We solicit vonr careful Insnectlon: rent. $40. delt-tf JAMES A. OA HILL. 1808 W. FOR RENT8022 Q n w.. flat. 5 rooms and bath..'... .$25.30 CHARLES UNIONS. 204-207 McGlll bldf. whia-tf THE SHERMAN. 1BTH AND L STS. N.W.-8rootr. apartment, furnished or nnfnrnlshed; all largp. bright. outside rooms on street: downtown. few minutes' walk from departments, shops, theaters, etc.: will rent furnished for regular and sjtecial sessions of Congress. In qnlre at the Sherman. de24-tf FOR RENTTIIF. HAMPTON. 1740 18TH? One B room apartment $45.00 Two 4-r<Kim apartments $32.00 and $37.30 Two squares north Dupont Cirole. ae80 tf O TV PTT.T.TNGST.EY. 015 14th at. APARTMENTS TO LET. furnished. HAMtSOMKI.Y rFltXISIIKD SfTte of THREE moms. with priTate hath: electric light: steam heat and phone; tioard if desired. 2117 California are., opposite Highlands. Ja2t-3t furnished or unfurnished. 8. 4. 3 ROOM~APARTMENTS IN ALL LOCALltie*, fur. and unfur.; all information and acta furnished free. CENTRAL REAL ESTATE EXCnANOK, de12-tf 13.33 F B.w. WANTED?APARTMENTS. WANTED ? APARTMENTS" FURNISHED OR nnfnrnlshed; have a great nnmber of applicants; no charge until gented. CENTRAL REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. 1333 F st. n w. Phone M. 1055. de30 tf PROPOSALS. r TREASURY DEPARTMENT. BL'REAT' OF Engraving and Printing. Washington. D. C., January 18. 1900.?Sealed proposals will received at this office until 2 p.m. Friday. February 12. 19n9 to furnish during the fiscal year beginning July 1. 1!K>9, the following classes of auppi!e>. viz : oils. etc.. and dextrine. The proposals must be received not later than the time above stated, but they will not be opened until la a.m. on respective dates as follows: Oils. etc.. Thursday. May 27. 1900. and dextrine. Wednesday. May 26, 19o9. on which dates', at the hour named, they will be opened and re .orocu in me presence of bidders 111 the office "t the dltnclor of the bureau. Iwitfc will l?e made only io established manufacturers of, or dealer* In, the an I.-leu. The right I* reserved to reject any >>r all hid* or part* of bids. Blank form* with specifications for proposals and further Information will tie furnished Intending bid<Pr* on application to JOSEPH K. RALPH, Dlrei t..r of ltureHii. JalH-2aw.4t TMU8CIT DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF Engraving and Printing, Washington. P. O., .January 1H, 1'JwS Seal??. proposals will he received at this office until 2 p.m. Tuesday, February 21', Jftoft. to f inish during the fiscal year tiegliinlQg July 1. 1909. the following classes of supplies, viz : Engravers' supplies, textiles, etc., hardware and grocers' sundries. The proposals mu*t be received not later than the time above stated, but they will not he opened until 10 a m on respective dates as follows: Engravers" mippl'es, Saturday. May 29. 1909; textiles, etc., Monday. May 24. 1909; hardware. Wednesday, May 2?1 11X>9. and grocers' snndries. Thursday. May 2o. 1909. on which dates, at the hour named, they v*ill be ois>ned and recorded in the presence of bidders in the office of the director of the bureau. Awards will be made only to established manufacturers of. or dealers in. the article*. The right Is reserved to reject auy or all bids or parrs of bids. Blank forms with specifications for proposals and further information will be furnished intending bidders on application to JOSEPH E. RALPH. Director of Bureau. _ Jal8-2aw.4t _ herb specialist! LOUIS A SON. We manufacture a special line of herb remedies which are guaranteed to cure or relieve the most obstinate diseases known to mankind more quickly than any other medicine. A trial will convince the most skeptical. 1748 7th st. n.w. Jalf-flOt cash"registers. WE GUARANTEE TO FURNISH AMERICAN CASH REGISTERS GIVING MORE INFORMATION, GREATER PROTECTION AND AT 1/1WER PRICES THAN ANY OTHER CONCERN. THEY ARK MADE BY THE AMRItl HAS cash register company. the only concern standing between the merchant. pcbijc and a monopoly. cwr <n i: prices and see oi k hmki modelk before yoc bcy. bi rch a klkps. sales agents, ai5 6tu st. n.xv. phone main 2s11j. bu2? 90u0 0 FOE SALE?MISCELLANEOUS. One cent a word for 15 words 3 times. FOIl SALE?A LARGE COLIJJCTION OF FLUTE and violin music; also sevesal good violins; prices reasirtiable. 15 4th st. a.e. ja21-3t* MUST BE SOLI) AT ONCE; ONE BLUE-WHITE perfect Tiffany diamond, weighing ahout 1% carats, will sell for $225; one lilue-white Tiffany diamond, weighing Hi carats, will sell for $150; one blue-white perfect Tiffany diamond. weighing % carat, will sell for $100. A. K A UN'S. p:t5 F. ja!7-7t REMODELING SALE CHASE BROS.' PIANOS; nprignt, $78; Knabe, $125: handsome upright, $173; $350 uprights. $275; organs, $5; squares, $5. GEORGE LAWRENCE, 015 G. Tunlug. $1.50. ja20-.1t* UPRIGHT PIANO - LADY WILL SACRIFICE handsome $450 upright; lesa than half price. 10 Grant place. ja20-.'lt* FOR SALE?ONE NATIONAL CASH RKGIStcr; separate keys for liottling goods ami billiards; total adder. Apply to FRANK SI.YK. Florist. 423 Outer Market. Ja20-3t* FOK~SAI,K? PARLOR SUITE. TABLE. LARGE Mnrrl* chair, chiffonier; cheap. 61 Bates n.w. Ja20-8t* FOR SALE-THREE SUITS: COATS. 37: TROUsers. 32; extra coat and trousers, raincoat, heavy Mack paddock, hats, ties, camera, etc.; lot $35 cash, or will sell separately. Call West 1340. Ja20-3t FOR SALE?CYPHUS INCUBATOR. FLOCK OF white Holland turkeys, white Plymouth Rock fowls and pearl ftuincas. ALL SAINTS' COTTAGE. Berwyn, Md.* FOR SALE?THE CONTENTS OF 2 SMALL hotels from Jamestown exposition. At M. B. HERMAN'S. 723 13th st. n.w. Jal?6t* T11 REE UPRIGHT PIANOS. SLIGHTLY US 1-TTT stool, scarf and year's free tuning, at $95. $lot(. $llo; reliable makes, fully warranted. Owing to onr small expenses can offer best piano bargains. 11ELBIG BROS., established 27 years, 1742 7th st. n.w. Jal6-tf PRIOR TO MOVING TO MY SPACIOUS NEW building I will sell my entire stock of antique furniture 50c on the dollar. DaTenports, sldebdftrds, tables, chairs, brasses and sllyer of all kinds; rare collection too numerous to mention. OLD ANTIQUE HOUSE, 327 Pa. are. n.w. Jal6-7t FOR SALE-THREE HANDSOME UPRIGHT pianos. Just in from rent; in elegant condition?In fact, like new, and guaranteed as such. Fine mahogany cases; contain all the best Imps, and are full, sweet, singing tones. They sell new for $350. $375. $400 regularly. Now, to close out quickly. $140, $165, $180 will buy tbem. Better material, better workmanship all the way through than ever found In any niano selling for the same money at the original price. These are big bargains. Get In first. You'll miss It If rou don't. GRIMES' FIANO STORE. 1212 F st. Jal6-tf,12 SLIGHTLY USED PIANOS AT BARGAIN ' PRICES: $250 Kohler ft Campbell $140 $400 Webster $170 $500 Story ft Clark $220 $400 Needhain $170 $qoo Stelnwar $240 HUGO WORCI1. 1110 G. Worch Building. Freight rates furnished for the states and territories. Shipping and packing. jal4-tf.l0 GKAPHOPHONES?SEE OUR NEW TYrB DOUble-spring motor; plays four disc records with one wind: $25: credit If von like. Open evenings. H. K. GIVEN. f>25 Pa. are. s.e. Ja13 90t,4 OVERHOI.T WHISKY. $3.00 PER GALIXIN. JOHN WEDDERBURN CO.. Lending Liquor Dealers. fllfl "F" at. ti.w. de6-9t)t SAFES?FULL LINE OF FIREPROOF SAFES at -our salesroom; safes bought and sold and exchanged. Write or telephone. Will send representative. YORK SAFE ANP I.OCK CO.. laB-tf-5 5-7 W. German at.. Baltimore. Md. REMOVAL SAKE BARGAINS IN PIANOS ANP player plnnos. We are selling out our entire stock of high-grade instruments nt bargain prices and on eaav terms prior to moving. MARSHALL & WENDELL $150 KINGSBURY $17.1 SMITH ft BARNES $225 KNABE $250 IIA RDM AX $300 O. J. DK MOLL ft CO.. 1231 G st. j*12-tf.I0 TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW STYLES WE OFfer SLIGHTLY USED PtANOS, and those taken Id exchange for new Knabea. AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. Make known your terms. W# will try to meet your views. EMERSON $800 6MTTH ft BARNES $800 LAFFARGUE $280 LAFFARGUE $325 STARR $240 McPHAIL $200 HELLER $200 JESSIE FRENCH |17? "" SINGER $150 BAILEY $12$ Other squares from $10 upward. Terms to rait. WM. KNABE A CO.. 1218 F at. n.w. nol8-28d FOR SALE- GOOD QUALITY OPAQUE SHADES, fitted to your windows, only 35c; the best quality oil opaque shades. fiOc, hung free. We call with samples. KLKEBLATT'S. 11th and H bis. n.e. ap22-tf SHOWCASES AND STORE FIXTURES. JOHN C. SCHEKER, JR.. MFG. CO., de4-tf Baltimore. HORSES AND VEHICLES. FOR SALE?EXTENSION-FRONT BROUGHAM, t? glass-side depot wagons, 5 doctors' buggies and 1U0 second-hand vehicles of all kinds. A, J. STABLER. 929-31 D st. n.w. Ja21-3t FOR SALE-2 PAIRS OF MULES AND 15 horses suitable for all purposes. A. J. STABLER. 029-31 D st. n.w. Ia21-3t FOR SALE?THREE WAGONS IN TUB lUiAK of 442 2d st. s.w. FOR HIRE- FINE RIDING IIOIISE, 5 YEARS; kind and gentle; price nominal. Address Bos 126. Star office. Ja20-3t* WANTED?A SECOND-HAND CONCORD OR l'Drtland sleigh; state price. Box 120, Star office. Ja20-3t* FOR SALE-TWO GOOD WORK MULES, cheap, as I have no further use for them. Apply CRANDALL'S STABLES, North Capitol and New York ave. ja203t 15^ DISCOUNT ON LAI'ROBF.S AND HORSE blankets. GERM CILLER'S HARNESS FACTORY, 641 La. ave. Ja20 3t* I WANT PAIR GOOD PLUG HORSES SUITable for farm work, for which I want to trade at sacrifice price lots in growing suburb, 18 minutps out of Washington. 330 Md. uve. n.e. Jal9-eo.3t* FOR SALE?FIFTEEN HEAD OF GOOD VIRglnia horses; workers and drivers; one highclass driver. 16 hands, 1,200 lbs. VIRGINIA STABI.ES. 4851% C st. n.w. Jal9-3t* FOR SALE?FAST SPEEDWAY AND ROAD mare trotter; good sixe; can be used for any purpose; does not pull: reasonable price tills week. PALMER'S LIVERY STABLE, corner 8th and Eye stg. n.w. Jal9-3t GEORGE M. GANTZ. 1206 D ST. N.W.? LARGest assortment of vehicles of all kinds, including grocery and express wagons and harness, at wholesale prlres to the retailer. Ja7-flOt.4 FINE 4-PAS. SLEIGH. $20; SINGLE SLEIGH. $10; lot bells, robes and blankets, one-half price; new and second-hand harness, $4 up; wagons, $15 up; fine coupe rockaway, newly painted, $25. COGSWELL. 209 11th ?.W. de26 tf I). P. NICHOLS & CO.. CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS. WF. HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF FINE CARRIAGES. BOTH NEW AND SECOND HAND, AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. lots rovNFrrtrrTT avb de31-30t PHONE MAIN 40S6. FOR 3AI.E? Several (rood light wagons, second hand, |20 to $60 each. S. D. WATERS A SON, oc31-tf.5 310 Pa. are. n.w. AUTOMOBILES" ADOPT THAT AUTOMOBILE? This Is the beat season to obtain real bargains! Let us know what you - want?we'll do the rest. THE MOTOR OAR EXCHANGE. Mil Westory building. Phone Main 416. ja21 tf SPACE FOR AUTOMOBILE IN CO N VBN TENT I. Y Un-ated brick building. Apply 201 East Panltol ?t. ]alft-3t* FOR RENT SPACE FOR ONE AUTOMOBILE. At n-ar 1X30 Calvert St. jalft-St* FO11 SALE- ONE FORD ROADSTER. P?o8 *i-wlel, rumble seat: one Ford runabout. 1D0S Model: two stcatn locomobiles: one Ohls run sitout; one Olds touring car, suigle.oyllnder; one two-cylinder Peerless ami also one Pope-lVaverly electric; all In good condition: muat l>e sold; no reasonable offer refused. Rear 1116 Vt. are. n.w. Phone N. 4664. Jal9-7t TH.\Y I'l.ATK STORAGE BATTERIES: 0 volt, 60 ampere; long life: non-snlphRtlng; guaranteed l>y mfr.; $15. MrQUREN At ODENWAI,I>, 713 11th at. n.w. Phone 7370. JslBT-'t A VVAVERI.Y RfNABOI'T, IN PERFECT CONdition; newly flnlahed;ready for delivery;$500.00. Four flve-paseenger tonrlng cars, of standard make, each newly overhauled and guaranteed to be lu perfect order ? $600.00, $800.00, $1,000.00 and $1.200 00, reaped lvely. Many other bargains. Buv now and save money. nt'PONT GARAGE CO.. Phnr.e N. 5141. 2020 M at. Jal3-tf AUTOMOBILES FOE HIRE. I>AKQE JACKSON TOURING CARS FOR HIRE-PHONE M. 6444 -FOB HIRE) $3.00?PER HOUR?$3.00 i-jio 7>pw tutk ar?. mail* or the Ancient*). JACKSON AUTOMOBILE CO. Je? tf TWO-CYLINDER TOURING CARS. |3 PER HOUR. TAXICABS REGUT.AR RATE. AUTO LIVERY CO.. c28 tf.8 \ 234 14TH ST. BRUSH RUNABOUTS. $5o0. BRUSH PACKAGE CARTS, $600. . OAKLAND CARS, $1,250. All can sold by Brush. Nichols Co. Our Rrush motors arc desired by A. P. Brush. Full equipment, list price, f.o.b. factory; demonstrations cheerfully given at auy time, l'hone Main 2949. All atyles of bodies, namely, tourabouf*. runnliouts. touring cars and commercial cars. BRUSH. NICHOLS OARAGE, 1110 C st. n.w., Raymond W. Nichols, Prop. I deV-tf,15 FOE SALE?HOUSES. FOR 8A1.E?GEORGETOWN HOME. ft-room bouse, with side light; 20 feet wide; new plumbing; $3,200. MOORE A HIM, (Inc.), 1333 G Ht. n.w. FOR SALE?ANOTHER IN GEORGETOWN. Good 7-room dwelling; with large lot; furnace; $4,250; easy terms if you wish. MOORE A HII>E (Inc.). 1333 G at. n.w. FOR SALE-JUST OFF 14TH ST. Tnn.e<u>m fnne.o n hntisa * none TtlAVTIflC fir. a \ U I l>l/Ui 1?U1 OIVi; UVUW'- I UV?* AMWuauw ? cle; excellent condition; $5,730. This is very cbeap. MOORE & HIT,!.. (Inc.). 1333 G St. n.w. FOR SALE*-INVESTMENT DOWNTOWN. Rent, $270 a year; price. $2,850: vbry prominent street downtown; property will enhance insvalue: good speculation in this. MOORE & 1111.1, (Inc.). 1333 O st. n.w. FOR SALE?NEAR WAR DEPARTMENT. Cost $7,500. Our price now $5,350. lo rooms; tiled bath. Steam heat. Just off Pa. ave. MOORE & HILT, flnc.1. 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?SOUTH CAPITOL. (Jood home or investment: very desirable 6room house: rented to white tenant at $25 a month: price, $3,150. Not far out. MOORE & HILL One.i, 1333 <1 st. n.w. FOR SALE -NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. Rig house of 11 rooms; kitchen on main floor; 7 sleeping rooms; very low price of $8,250. You'll sav *>. too, when you see this house. MtklRE & HILL (Inc.). 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?THE BELMONT HORSE. The home of Thomas Nelson Page and properties of equal note are neighbors of this at $13,500. It's cheap at the figure, very cheap. The wonder of it is that it's in the market at all looking for a buyer at such a low figure. 1st floor?Four rooms. Second floor?Three sleeping rooms, large library and tiled bath. Third floor?Four sleeping rooms and tiled bath. Hot-water heat. Side light. MOOKB & niLL (Inc.). 1333 G st. n.w. FOR S ALE?E LEV EN HOUSES. Three vacant lots. One stable lot. All for $13,000. The houses rent for $1,440 yearly. TI..M j a i 1 a a j i . l_? . ? ^ i>uiiu uu xne inxn ana ana ir? luruiur. Good as au Investment and as a speculation. MOORE & HTUj (fnc.l. 1333 G at. n.w. FOR SALE?HOUSE AND STABLE. Not far from 7th at. n.w.: house has 9 rooms and bath: verv lares lot: $4,500. MOORE & HILT, (Inc.l. 1333 G at. n.w. FOR SALE?NOTICE RETURNS ON THIS. Rent, $46.50 a month. Trice. $4,650. 13-room, 4-atory house: central n.w. MOORE ft HILL (Inc.). 1333 G at. n.w. FOR SALR-A GEM'oF A nOlTSE At $4,250: reduced from $5,000; lettered street ta.w. Quick sale desired, reason for low price. MOORE & HILL (Inc.). 1383 G at. n.w. FOR SALE?HOUSE ALONE WOULD COST more; and then, too, it's near Dupont Circle; 10 rooms, bath, and only $4,500. It's like finding money at this price. MOORE A- HILL tlno.l, 1333 O at. n.w. FOR SALE?ANOTHER NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. 8 rooms; hot-water heat: reduced from $7,500 to $6,000. MQORE ft HILL (Inc.l. 1333 G at. n.w. FOB SALE?HOUSE AND STABLE Near 7th and S n.w 12-roon? hnnse; three thousand feet of ground; $4,250. Almost that much loaned on propertv. MOORE ft HILL (Inc.). 1333 G at. n.w. FOR SALE?NEAR NEW HAMP. AVE. AND S St.: 10-room house of brownstone and brick, with 4 rooms Oh first floor; cheap at $9,000. MOORE ft HILL (Inc.), 1333 G at. n.w. FOR SALE?CUT ONE-FOURTH IN TRICE. $7,50o will buy a handsome residence near 16th and S sts.; 12 rooms; wide yard; fine repair; new bath, etc. MOORE ft HTLL One.). 1333 ft st. n.w. FOR SALE?SOUTHWEST. Read this. 10 rooniH and bath; brick stable; woodhouse. Fruit trees. I/>t 55x176. Side and rear alley. Price. $3,500MOORE ft HILL (Inc.), 1833 G St. n.w. ja!9-3t FOR SALE?A COUNTRY PLACE L\ THE CITY. $4,000. Ill the southwest section: a 3-story 9-room house; hot and cold water: porcelain bath, etc.; lot 5514x174 feet; contains 0.590 fquare feet: fruit trees: outbuildings, etc. A great chance for a contractor or any one needing a place with large ground apace at a low price. Basv payments. MOORE & HILIi (Inc.), 1333 G Bt. n.w. ja!9-5t 'T'OR SALE?NO. 46 RHODE ISLAND AVE. n.e. Only one left out of five. A beautiful conveniently arranged and well built two-story house; reception hall plan; wide parking; wide lot to a saved alley; trimmed in hardwood; two-story rear porch; cabinet range, lanndry tubs, etc.; Gurney hot-water heating plant. One of the highest locations in the city. Price, $5,150. Open every day until dark. For gale exclusively by ALEX. MILLAR, Owner and Builder, 2018 1st st. n.w., bet. U and V, or 1215 Ohio ave. n.w. FOR SALE?MV LOSS IS YOUR GAIN; I MUST sell my beautiful 3-storv brick bouse on Columbia Heights for only $8,250; It has nine beautiful rooms, tiled bath and hot-water heat; it has the finest mantels and fixtures of any house on Columbia Heights; I will take a fair part In cash. Address PALACE HOUSE. Star office. Ja21-4t FOR SALE?ON P ST. N.W.. AN ELEGANT LITtle 6-room and bath brick; cellar under entire house; yard; 2-story brick 6table in rear; suitable for garage: house in excellent condition; rent, $29.50; price, $3,750. Will suit any one in business in the markets. L. J. MILIjS, 605 6th n.w. Ja20-3t FOR SALL OWING TO UNFORTUNATE CIRcumstances I am compelled to sell my home, built less than three years ago. and Is on one of the prettiest streets In the cltv; in beautiful condition; finished with hardwood; heated with hot water; has large tiled bathroom: semi-detached, with windows on the side; light, cheerful reception hall and dining room; beautiful parking in front, with flue shade trees: side and back yards; covered porches; the lot contains 2,675 feet of ground; south and east exfwmure; fine neighborhood; between two car ines. Come and see it. T should get $5.S00 for it. but wiH refuse n ? reasonable offer, as 1 must sell at once. Address Box 133, Star office. Ja2o-2t JjUlt SALE? PRICE, $4,500. Located on North Carolina ave. s.e.; new 7room and bath bricks; southern exposure; deep lots to alley. Terms very easy. WM. n. SAUNDERS A CO., 1407 P st. h.w. jal9-3t,10 FOR SALEVERY ATTRACTIVE HOMES NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. ONLY $5,500. New; 2-story and eellar; hot-water heat. Very reasonable terms. WM. n. SAUNDERS k CO., 1407 P St. n.w. ja!9-3t.l0 FOR SALB-A SOUTHWEST BARGAIN?A 8story and cellar brick; 8 rooms and bath; located west of 7th st. In white neighborhood. Price only $.3,100. WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO.. 1407 F at. n.w. ja!9-3t FOR SALENF.W SOUTHEAST HOMES. PRICE, $4,250. $100 cash. Balance monthly. IiOts 18>4xl05 each. Furnace heat. Within 4 squares of Capitol and 14 sq. Pa. aTe. Let us show you these. WM. II. SAUNDERS & CO., 1407 P st. n.w. jalh-St.lO tun adUr-ii numiu n 11m.> pii f< day* owner will take sacrifice prlee of $3,100 for dwelling house No. 525 Spruce st. n.vr.. Le Droit Park; similar adjoining houses said to be renting for $27.50 ner month: title perfect. Jal9-3t* W. C. DUVALL. 722 llth n.w. FOR SALE?DESIRABLE CORNER PROPERTY fronting 35 ft. on Mass. are., near Union sta.: 75 ft. deep; substantial brirk bldg.. oeeupled at present ns dwelling; rent. $35; trust. $4,500; price. $0,000. H. L. RUST, 008 14th n.w. Jal5-tf.5 FOR SALENO. 510 "O" ST. S.E., FACING BEAUTIFUL SEWARD SQUARE. $7,500. 10 rooms. Modern bathroomHot-water heat. The two adjoining bouses have been sold. This is the tinest house for the money on Capitol Hill. Open. See it. JAMES F. SHEA, 643 LA. AVE. N.W. FOR SALE?AN IDEAL HOUSE. BUILT THE MODERN WAY. Designed by an architect. Erected by a practical builder. Neat appearing new houses, situated on "M" st. between 3d and 4Vj sts. southwest. They contain sis rooms and bath room, pantry, china closet, two latrJtbes: deep lot to alley. Two sold already. Price, $2,{KX) each. JAMES F. SHEA, 643 LA. AVE. N.W. FOR RALE?Modern brick dwellings offered at low prices to effect quick sale. $1,200 each?Nos. 141 to 149 "N" st. s.e? 6 room bricks. Renting lor *10.00 each. $.'{.000?No. 1412 Florida ave. n.w., 2 story and basement brick, 7 rms. and batb. Rent, (22.50. (3.50O?No. 1339 1st st. n.w., U-rooin and batli brick. Re lit lug for (25.40. U ,700?New house, adjoining corner 8th and C sts. a.e., 6 rooms and bath: furnace beat. (5.000?Ten-room brick dwelling on "W" at. between 13th and 14th sts. n.w.; furnace heat. JAMES F. SHEA, 643 LA. AVE. N.W. Jal?-s,tu,th,tf,40 FOR SALENEW. COZY HOMES. Hot-water Heat. ONE SOLD. TWO LEFT. 624 AND 028 k ST. N.K. Six rooms, cement cellars; colonial porches; large front and rear yards; tiled baths; lot# 20x100 ft. through to Callam st. Price, (4,290 ?(500 cash, balance easy payments. Open every day after 1 p.m. q HARRISON REALTY CO.. 621 13TH ST. N.W. ja9-30t FOB SALE?HOUSES. FOR SALE15,000. A CAPITOL IIILL BARGAIN. JUST OFF EAST CAPITOL ST. West of 9th. A three-story house. Furnace boat. Owner, leaving city, has put a price which is about $1,000 less than the real worth of this property in order to make,an Immediate sale. STONE & FAIRFAX, jn20-2t 1342 New York ave. FOR 8ALE$0,750. A CORNER HOUSE IN GEORGETOWN. A THREE-STORY HOUSE. FURNACE HEAT. I?oated in one of the choicest neighborhoods in this section. Attractive home, 20 feet wide. STONE & FAIRFAX. ja20-2t 1342 New York ave. FOR SALR$4,250. ANOTHER GEORGETOWN BARGAIN. A modern three-atory house. Parlor, reception Rail, dining room, pantry anil kitchen on the first floor; porcelain sink in kitchen; modern bathroom; furnace heat: handsomely decorated throughnnt: party wall; lot 1S*!h>. The location is first-class- on a square built up by new. attractive houses. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1n 1 *?i 9 V our Ynrb u vo FOK SALE? $1,250 each: now renting $9.50 each. Near 14th and W sts. n.w. An excellent chance to purchase four small brick houses. In fine condition. Owner la now making certain Improvements, for which tenants haYP agreed to pay Increased rental. One of the best renting sections in the city. Seldom will a tenant move out of one of these houses. There are probably no steadier renters in the city. STONE & FAIRFAX, ja20-2t 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE?INVESTMENT. SPECULATION. PRICE, $10,500. RENT, $75 A MONTH. Dwelling house on Mass. ave. near 16th. A WONDERFUL BARGAIN. This house was formerly held at $17,500; OTer $12,000 was loaned on It. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. Jal0-3t _ FOR SALE?$6,500. A splendid proposition. BETTER LOCATION, MORE ROOMS, MORE CONVENIENCES. LARGER LOT. Than anything in the city for the price. ON THE HEIGHTS. WEST OF 14TH ST. 12 rooms. TWO (2) BATI1S, 2 stairways, hot-water heat. Lot 20x120. Rents $57.60. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York aye. Jal9-3t FOR SALE? A U A T?fl A TV IX* lit riAUIVPn iT I? a %. l.i 1.^ j11 vj u.'l u *' A THREE-STORY HOUSE FOR $4,400. The owner of ;i three-story, nine room, baywindow brick dwelling, in order to make a quick sale, has reduced the price to $4,400. The house was built to Bell for $6,000. All large rooms, many closets and pantriea: parlor, large reception hall, well lighted dining room, pantry and convenient kitchen on the first floor; large tiled bathroom, porcelain tub, nickel plumbing and stationary washstand; dry cement cellar. All rooms beautifully' decorated, woodwork newly painted; many expensive cabinet mantels; double covered rear porches; good-sized lot to a public alley. For a home or an investment it lsttne of the best bargains ever offered in this section. Reasonable terms can be made. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. | Jal9-3t I FOR SALE?$10,500. HANDSOME DWELLING AND BRICK STABLE. 1 " FASHIONABLE SECTION. FRONTING ON 2 AVENUES. WEST (,)F 2oTH. NORTH OF Q. FIRST FLOOR?I'arlor, library, dining room, pantry and kitchen. 2d and 3d floors?7 sleeping rooms, very large tiled bathroom; sanitary plumbing. This is a separate built house, erected by one of the most reliable builders In this city; VERY HANDSOME FRONT. Many open fireplaces. THIS PROPERTY ADJOINS one of the handsomest and most expensive residences in the city. PRACTICALLY A CORNER. OPEN ON THREE SIDES. A BRIGHT, SUNNY SOUTHERN EXPOSURE. Would take a small property as part payment. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. Jal!?-5t FOR SALE? Fine corner residence. Just off Conn, ave.: 12 rooms; southern and eastern exposures; will be old at a sacrifice. Kevs at office. Jal2-tf.5 H. L. RUST. 60S 14th at. n.w. FOR SATKGET OCR BIG FOR SALE LIST. CONTAINS 2.000 PROPERTIES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. BOSS A PHELPS (Inc.), 010 14th n.w. OPPOSITE FRANKLIN PARK. Three phones. Main 340-41-495. no2S-tf FOR SALE?ARTIST'S HOME. 1310 MASS. AVIS, n.w.; bonae. studio and stable; $20,000; eaay terma; 11 rooms. 6 toilet rooms. 3 baths. Address owner. ROBERT HINCKLEY, premises. an5-tf FOR SALE?LOTS. FOR SALE?ATTENTION. BUILDERS AND SPEC I "L VTORS. Lot on O st. between 16th and 17th. 21x120. q uor.uacwl foe will kue i* Lot on 21i?t between I. and >f n.w.. .*2x88. assessed for 75c: will take assessment. Lot on T st. n.w. near Washington Clrele. 50x75: will take assessment. tiOe. Alley in rear all above lots. WM. H. McGRANN CO.. ja21-3t 1220 G at. n.w. FOB SALE? TAKF. NOTICE How all the advertlaementa of snhnrhan real estate read: how they all sav "In the beautiful CHEVY cnASE SECTION." or "Near CHKVY CHASE." or "addition to CHEVY CHASR." or ao many "aqnarea from CHEVY CHASE." or "on the CHEVY CHASE line." They all revolve around the main axis? CHEVY CHASE. They all endeavor to make you think that their property la In acme way related to CHEVY CHASE, thus uneonseloualy paying homage to the "QUEEN OF WASHINGTON'S SUEURBS." NOW. THEN. Why not bur property AT CHEVY CHASE, rather than NF.AIl CHEVY cn.ASE? I^ta from So per square foot to 40e per square foot?from $500 a lot np. $100 or more cash and small monthly payments. Prices are steadily advancing. Buy now If you want to get the benefit of the Increased value. It la sure to come. THOMAS J. FISHER & CO.. Incorporated. 73S 15th at. n.w. Sales Department. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. dell-tf FORSALE BUSINESS PROPERTYFOR SALE?GREAT SNAP." 8TH ST. N.W. CORNER PROPERTY, $9,000. FRONTING SI FEET ON OTH ST. Improvements const t of Three <3> lirlck buildings. WHY IS IT OFFERED SO LOW? A quick sale must be made to settle an estate. AN OPPORTUNITY to secure an Investment and apeenlatlon. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. Ja21-5t FOR SALE?BUSINESS CORNER ONNEW YORK AVENUE WEST OF f?TH ST. ONLY $15,000. OVER 30 FEET FRONT ONNEW YORK AVE. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. ; Ja21-5t FOR SALE?PAYS 5K- PF.R CENT NET; V i.-nil.'VC'i' rn ? xr VI 1 a *- r, ? V 1< i r? *'/ ?? U.VU1 DilT..A.T/ 1 \MI l.\CI UA.X r.. PRICE. *22.IV Kl. HT1I ST. N.W. RET PA AVE. AMI F ST. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. Ja21-5t FOR SALE-BUSINESS PROPERTY WITH A lease for f? years: rents for *5.400 for full term: the lease Is payable monthly In advance. *90 each, and gnu ran toed by responsible party; price of property. *11.000; trust, *5,500: equity cash. GlI.iT EDGE. Star office. Jn20 4t* FOR SALE?WE HAVE SEVERAL ATTRACTlve business properties, and also some good and Inexpensive small houses: good Investment. TYLER & RUTHERFORD (Inc.). ja0-14t* 730 1.1th st. n.w. FOR SALE?BUSINESS SITES'" WE HAVE SOME DESIRABLY LOCATED business sites for manufacturing and storage rurposes. Dimensions range from 2.500 to 00.000 sq. ft. WM. H. 8AUNDERS & CO.. 1407 P at. n.w. o24-tf FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE?A POPE-TRIBUNE RU>T about automobile: good running order; price, only *500. Will trade for clear lot or equity In mall bouse. Address Box 106, Star office. ja198t MOUNTAIN PROPERTY. FOB SALE?AT BUENA VISTA SPRING. PA., j modern cottage; nine room a and bath; g<>"d Stable or garage. GEORGE HEBERTON EVANS. 916 Carrollton are.. Baltimore, Md. Jaft-30t COUNTRY~PROPERTY. THBGRAXT PARISH PROPERTIES?ESTATES, farina, country homes, suburban houses. marine estates. Northern summer furnished villas, land Investments. GRANT PARISH, 1129 N. ?. ave. JalSm.d I - ? ? SUBURBAN PROPERTY. FOR SALE. FOR SALE 10 ROOM FRAME DWELLING; 10.000 ?]. feet land; well. shod, garden; 1(50 thoronghbri?d chickens. 2 Incubators. 4 broodera; near car line; all for $1.7150 If aold Immediately. THOS. DAWSON, Attorney. RockTllle. Md. Ja20-2t* BROKERS AND INVESTORS. ATTENTION! 2V4 or 4 acres, within tj square of 16th st., 2 squares of the city. 100 feet of Rock Creek Park, suitable for gentleman's home site, seminary. school or nubile bldg.; also nn excellent Investment, as It will soon he entirely surrounded by the city. OWNER, 412 Colorado bldg. Tel. Main 523. ja!6-7t FOR SALE?ONE ACRE. FRONTING ON CONnccticnt avpnue. In the District, within a few blocks of Chevy Chase Circle. The lot la below grade and will be offered at price. Chance for large profit to a person who can afford to wait a few years. Alio 8 small lota In same locality, below grade, at a bargain. OWNER. 412 Colorado building. Tel. Main 520. Jal(t-7t WANTED. WANTED?THE NAME OF SUBDIVISION owner, or other party, who will donate land In suburbs of Washington for the erection of buildings for large anil alreadv established educational Institution. Upwards of $100,00? to be expended by Institution for bnlldlngs and equipment; replies must state location. Addresa Box 114. Star office. Ja2Q-3f* 7 FARMS. HERE'S A FARM SNAP?100 ACRES GOOD land; 6 room house and barn; orchard, fenced; main road, near Manassas, Va. Only $1,800. offer wanted. BOOTH'S FARM AGENCY. 704 Stli n.w. Ja20-3t* BEAUTIFUL HOME. 4^ ACRES. 15-UOOM house; barn: 2 large nonltrv houses: 250 fruit trees: nil fenced; pagc fence for poultry. Only $-1,100: near cars. BOOTH S FARM AGENCY. 704 8th n.w. j?20-3t* FOR RENT?DAIRY FARM OF 9.1 ACRES IN D.C.; on Hunker Hill road, east of Rrookland: food house, cow stables, water, shade; rent, 43. A. A. BIRNEY. 002 11th St. Jal7-7t* FOR RENT-FARM OF ABOUT 00 ACRES within four miles of Washington: well wntered; house of 10 rooms; necessary outbuildings. A. IX ADDISON. 803 17th St. Ja4-tf MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN. MONEY TO I.OAN?IJ3T US MAKE YOUR NEW loans or replace old ones at. lowest rotes of Interest. All transactions conducted with economical consideration for borrowers. WM. II. SAUNDERS ft CO.. 1407 F st. n.w. j jaiil-ltOt.5 TO \0AN AT FIVE PER CENT. WE HAVE IN HAND $2,500 TO $15,000 To loan on P. C. Real Estate. Jalfl-r.t LIKBERMANN ft HAWN. 1303 F st. WE HAVE $20,000 AT 4We ON D. C. REAL Estate. We hare $45,000 at 5% on D. C. Real Estate. We bare $50,000 at-5H1o en D. C. Real Estate. We have $1,500 at 4V,% for 1 year on D. C. Real Estate. Every possbile consideration shown borrowers. THE HARRISON REALTY CO.. 621 13th at. n.w. jalO-tf $25.oOO TO $30,000 TO I A) AN ON APPROVED business property; will deal with owners only. Box 2Q. Star office. Jal4-10t MONEY TO LOAN LN SUMS TO SUIT AT CURrent rates of Interest on real estate la the District of Columbia. FITCH. FOX ft BROWN, Jal-tf 1405 O st. n.w. MONEY TO LEND ON REAL EHTATK: LOWEST current rates of Interest. Expense to borrower ?one per cent brokerage when loan Is made, and cost of title papers. IMMEDIATE REPLIES TO ALL INQUIRIES. PEACHY ft HAGNER. 1106 Connecticut avenue. Telephones: North 4137. North 4138. de.Tl 001.9 MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. Always In hand to loan on real estate In D. O., at lowest rates and nominal charges; Immediate answers. A. F. FOX COMPANY. Established 1876. 14th at New York ave. de2?-tf I HA YE A SPECIAL FUND OF $20,000 TO loan on D. C. real estate In sums of $1,000 to $6,000 at 3%: po delay: least expense. L. B. F. PRINCE. 721 Bond hldg. de!8-90t WF. HAVE AN ABUNDANCE OF MONEY TO loan on D. C. real estate. Where the margin Is sufficient the rate of Interest will be and economical consideration for the borrower. Other money at and 6%. MOORE ft HILL (Inc.), 1333 G St. n.w. deift-tf . LOANS NEGOTIATED ON APPTOVED COLlateral, such as Stocks, Bonds. Bldg. and Loan Ass'n Shares. Old-line Life Insurance Policies, Svndlcate Certificates, etc. No delay. C. A. BAKER. Rooms 80-52, 1110 P. Phone M. 617. mhtO-tf MONET TO LOAN ON APPROVED REAL Estate: lowest Interest: reasonable charges: prompt attention. GEO. W. I.TNKTN8, de7-tf 800 l?th at. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN ON .APPROVED CITY REAL estate at lowest current rates of Interest. Special privileges with respect to prior payments. Large amounts a specialty. TYLER ft RUTHERFORD. 73o 15th at. n.w. fefl-tf.S MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OF INterest on D. C. real estate. No nnrlason&bls delay. WALTER H. ACKER. mh2fl-tf.8 1420 F st. n.w. MONET TO LOAN ON D. C. REAL ESTATE? Lowest rates of Interest. Payment on prlnctpal In amounts of $100 or more received at any Interest period. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY. Bond hldg.. 1408 New York ave. n.w. no2-tf IF YOU WANT TO BORROW OR LOAN. BUY or sell on real estate, I can save yon time and cash, as I give personal attention to all deala. dee-tf.4 J. EAKIN GADSBY. 526 13th at. n.w. SECOND TRUST LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. Any amount. Lowest -rates. NATIONAL LOAN AND INV. CO.. THOMPSON BLDG.. 703 1BTH ST. N.W. Onposlte Treasury. Next Drug Store. po2S-tf.6 LEGAL NOTICESORDER OF PUBLICATION.?FILED JANUARY 13, 1900.?J. R. Young, Clerk.?In the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia.?C. Clinton James, administrator e.t.a. et al., complainants, vs. William A. Llpphard et al., defendants.?No. 27943 In equity.?The object of this suit Is to construe the will of Loraine Llpphard. deceased, and to sell part of lot thirty-five (35) In square numbered five hundred and three (303) and known as No. 470 N street southwest. Washington, District of Columbia, and to make settlement of said estate. On motion of the complainants it Is this 13th day of January. A.D. 1909, ordered that the defendant, George W. Thomas, rau9e hta appearance to be entered herein on or before the fortieth day. exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays. occurring after the dav of the first publication of this order: otherwise the cause will !>e proceeded with as In the case of default. Provided, a copy of this order be published once a week for three successive weeks in The Washington Law Reporter and The Evening Star newspaper before said day. By the court: JOB BARNARD. Justice. (Seal.) A true copy?Test: ,T. R. YOUNG. Clerk. By F. E. CUNNINGHAM, Asst. Clerk. jal4-lsw.3t J. WILMEK LATIMER. Solicitor for Complainant. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE District of Columbia.?Angus L. Fullerton, executor, etc.. complainant, vs William Dixon Fullerton et al.. defendants. No. 2S2'?0. Equity Doc. 62. The object of this suit Is to obtain a construction. In certain particulars, of the last will and testamept. with the ciulicils thereto, of Dixon FullerIon. deceased. On motion of the complainant, by J. Wllmqv Latimer, his solicitor, it Is. this llth day of January, A.D. IIK'9. ordered that the defendants, William Dixon Fullerton. Esmeralda Fullerton. Dwight L. Fullerton, Reginald II. Fullerton, MaeArthur M. Fullerton, Margaret MarHeld. Thomas X. Marfleld. Margaret D. Fullerton. J. Clifford Douglas, trustor; Sarah Carter. Lucy F. Alexander. Margaret Fullerton, Catherine F. Stlllwell, Frank F. Brumbaek, I/onlae Brumhack, i Herman Brum back. Bessie Brumbaek, Frank M. Stnclaire. administrator; Frank M. Sinclalre, Francis Slnrlaire. William F. Fnllerton. I/onls C. Johnson, administrator, and Mary Fullerton, can-e their appearance to be entered herein on or before the fortieth day. exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, occurring after the day of the first publication of this order; otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in case of default. This order shall be published once a week for three successive weeks. In the Washington I.<aw Reporter, and In the Evening Star, before said rtav. JOB BARNARD. Justice. (Seal). -A true eopv Test: J. R. YOUNG. Clerk. By F. E. CUNNINGHAM. Assistant Clerk. Ja7-law.3t SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia, holding Probate Court.?No. 15645. Administration.?This is to give notice that the subscriber, of the District of Colnmba. has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters of administration on the estate of Charles P. Anderson, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons hsvlng claim* against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, le gaily authenticated, to the subscriber on or before the flth day of January, A.D. 1010; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estatg. Given under my hand this titti day of January. 1900. JOHN J. BROSNAN. 432 I.a. ave. li.w. (Seal.) Attest: JAMES TANNER. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. JNO. J. BROSNAX. Attorney. ,la7-1aw.3t LAW ANDCOLLECTION. LEGAI. ADVICE. ALL CASES; COLLECTIONS, domestic troubles, estates settled, damages, all kinds; confidential: corporations organized and promoted. U. S. LEGAL CORP.. 307 Bond bldg. no29-tf.4 ' GILDERS. ALL KINDS OF PICTURE FRAME AND FUR nlture work done; also restoring oil paintings * ensrravlngs: drop postal. OTTO BORCHARDING. 121B N. Y. ave. n.w. All work guaranteed. de31-90t.* _____ LAUNDRY. METROI'OrJT.AN HAND LAUNDRY, 910 9th n.w. Phone M. 7477. Drop postal. Collars. 2o; shirts, plain, lOo; pleated, 12c. Work called for and delivered. Ja19-90t*4 FOR LAUNDRY WORK of the superior kind call us up; perfect service throughout the city. Phone Main 2321 or postal. WEST END LAUNDRY, 1723-25 Pa. ave. n.w. 4?A AA4 O THERAPEUTISTS. DK. CAMPBELL'S CUXIC OP DRUGLESS HEALING, 1929 15TH ST. N.W. Specialist ia til chronic and nervous diseases. The body is treated by the scientific movements of the Royal College; the mind by the technique of the celebrated Emmanuel Church clinic. Wonderful results tud delighted patieat*. Call for booklet* JaMfr-tX.7 % r EDUCATIONAL. II* WASHINGTON. LESSONS IN FRENCH IN CLASSES OR INDI- , Tldually: teaching children and young children . who cannot read a specialty. Address Box 13?S. Star office. MANDOLIN. OriTAR. BANJO Instruction by GERTRUDE BUCKINGHAM THOMAS. Phone Columbia 1235-F. Studio, 1231 Oirard n.w. Ja2I-35t pf] \7 NN'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 8TII A K. LI U Known in the Departments as the | ? BEST AND MOST SUCCESSFUL 1 U CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL. WE PREPARE WITH CIVIL SERVICE QUESTIONS. 1 Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping, etc. deSl-tlT 1 FRENCH LANGUAGE SCHOOL.?EASY. THOR- J otigb method to pmnonnce well, apeak, read, . understand, translate. Claascs and prtrate leteons. Mile. V. PRUD'HOMME. 314 Ind. ar. n.w. I de21-d.eSn.4 German Language. Claas and rrleate Lesaons. Translation Bureau. Mlas C. M. MOGENSBN. 1818 16th st. n.w. 4e6-90t 4 ST R A Y E R ' (o> BUSINESS COLLEGE, A GOOD SCHOOL.': O /) COR. 11TH AND F STS. N.W. ' nol8-Sd ! HALLNOYES 6th year Sept. 28. Boys and ; Criinni flrls, 9 a.m.: adults, 7 p.m. oUnUvL. Certificate admits to Geo. Wash. Catalogues. Ington Unlr. rnone Main ssti. ma>.\ hall, a.m., e4-tf Prin.. 221 E at. n.w. I l i i THE Berlitz School OF LANGUAGES 723 14th st. n.w. (NO OTITER BRANCH IN WASHINGTON.) Telephone Main 3217. 350 BRANCHES IN ALL LEADING CITIES. Private and Class Lessons at School or Residence Day and Evening. Best Native Teachers. Pupils hear and speak the new language exclusively from the first lesson. Trial lessons free. NOTICE. The Washington Branch Is now under direct management of Prof. M. D. Berlitz. Chevalier de la Legion d'Honeur, offlcler d'Acadcmle. rep- , resented by Prof. L. M. Huebert, Local Director., So, tu. tf. 35 % ______________________________ I Stenograph iic Academy, Colorado Building Shorthand and Typewriting. Day rates. $7.50 per month; night, $5.00. Individual Instructions. Complete course In Pitman, $30.00; Gregg, $25.00; Syllabic, $20.00, Including typewriting. sell-tf.8 OPT OF WASHINGTON. MONTROSE-A SELECT^ BOARDING SCHOOL ' In the country for girls and small bora; terms < very moderate. Address Miss HARDEY, Clarktvllle. Md. ao4-tf | LOAN COMPANIES. Side Entrance on l?th St. Private Offices. There's Money Waiting for You whenever yon want it at Homing's. Large or small loans qnlekly _ made on Diamonds, Watches TJ (f or Jewelry. No publicity. AY) Interest at only /H> Money Loaned Salaried People. HORNING, 9th & D, Corner. J a 20-1 fid MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES and JEWELRY. Interest, 3 per cent. Louis Abrahams, 433 9th St. N.W. Jal7-90t.l4 Money Loaned Salaried People and others, without security; easy payments; offices In 63 principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. D. H. TOLMAN, Room 506. 533 15th st. n.w. nolS-tf.6 I We Loan Money j| W On FURNITURE, PIANOS. OR* GANS, TEAMS, etc.. In a few J! $ hours without removal.. Wo loan : t ^ our money j | At the Lowest Rates j \ * It la possible to borrow money. Our aj Ideal repayment plans are sure to suit a ? you. whoever you may be or whatever your 4 ? circumstance*. i '* WHY PAT MORE? ^ > 1 Here Is a table of rates showing yon In S ; ? plain figures just what It will coat you. \ | Borrow $25.00 You Pay $2.50 ?* Borrow $50.00 You Pay $4.25 ? Borrow $75.00 You Pay $6.00 S Borrow $100.00 You Pay S8.O0 ;> Borrow $200.00 You Pay $12.00 ? These rates have been made this low L ? for the benefit of our old friend* and to ? ? make new one*. _ Tir ? Call, phone or writ* 3! I Potomac Guarantee | 1 Loan Co., s ^ 925 F Street N.W. $ S Second Floor. Singer Building. ;? V Phone M. 639. & ft del3-tf.55 3b NO INTEREST i or principal will be due on loans made by this company during January until TWO MONTHS from the date you get the loan. Other companies require payment in one month. We make absolutely NO charge for the ?stra time and allow you to make any sire payments you desire. Our rates are as follows, about 3 per cent: $25. only $1.23 per mo. $50, only $1.(16 per mo. $100. only $2.66 per mo. Other amounts In proportion from $10 up. Others advertise these rates, but they make all sorts of charges for commissions, etc., which make the interest about doable what they claim. We positively make no such charges, except a notary fee of 50c. GET THE LOAN DAY YOU APPLY. MTOOML UM & !W. IS?. : Thompson bldg. 703 I5th st. n.w. Next Drug Store. Opp. Trcas. de3-30d WE SELL MONEY ON INSTALLMENT PLAN. LOOK AT THESE PRICES: FOR $50 YOU PAY US ONLY $5.90 PER < MO. FOR 12 MONTHS. This Includes principal 1 and interest and all charges. I OTHER COMPANIES charge $7.10 PER MO. for $50. /-?TJem71 *77ir~*a.vr?? 11 y-K A kT OA ^11 JL tu., ; 409 Commercial Bank Building. N. W. Cor. 14th and G Sts., 4th floor. Ja7-d.e8u-14 a> ?( IF YOU DECIDE To get a PRIVATE loan on furniture, piano, ate., without removal, and want to , , get It where NO QUESTION'S WII.I, BE ASKED, where the matter will receive ' , prompt and courteous attention, fill out , this blank, mall It to us and our AGENT , WILL CALL AT ONCE and explain our ( rates, which are the lowest offered in the '1 city. Loans paid off and more money ad- > > 11 vanced. Tel. Main 4373. " Name 1 Address . ( '' Amount wanted, $ < > '' DISTRICT LOAN CO., :: 639 F ST. N.W.. OOR. 7TH AND F. ] ?? ? ? MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE & OTH- " era upon their own notes, without security; easiest terms; confidential. Knowing ones who have dealt elsewhere especially invited. My proposition will please. H. ELwOOD.rm.416, Jenifer bldg., 7 A D. je22-tf.S . WOOD, COAL AND COKE. A. BROWNING. LINCOLN AVE. AND SEA TON 1 pi. n.e. Broken or furnace coal, per ton. 96.S0; white ash, era. stove and chestnut, f6.7S; pea coal. ?5.00. Phone N. 1381. Ja13-90t,4 : SEWING MACHINES. . THE DAVIS VERTICAL PEED 18 RECOGNIZED as the beat for all kinds of sewing. Finn in- * tractions in dressmaking, plain sawing and easkroldery. AOKNCT. !? Oth at. s.w. nn? Mt4 WINDOW CLEANING. r WE CAN CLEAN YOUR WINDOWS QUICKER, * cheaper than yon can; we know how. LEON L. CAHOON, Acme Window Cleaning Company, lOOt P st. n.w, Phons Main 716% Ja? 90t,4 , OCEAN TRAVEL. AMERICAN LINE PLYMOUTH ? CHERBOl'RG - SOUTH AMPTOl? PHILADELPHIA Ql EKNSTOWN-LlVRRPOOjJ Atlantic Transport Line NEW YORK-LONDON DIRECT. RED STAR LINE NEW YORK?ANTWERP?PARIS. * 1 WHITE STAR LINE NEW YORK?QT'EENRTOW.V?LIVERPOOL. PLYMOUTH? CHEKHOI RG - SOI TIIAMPTOIf BOSTON?QI'EKNSTO WN?LIVERPOOL. BOSTON'TO * ITALY' & EGYPT VIA AZORES. MADEIRA AND GIRRALTAR. SOMANIC .Inn. 30. Mar. IS. Apr. 17. May 2? 3ANOPIC Feb. IS. Mar. 27. May 8. June 13 RETIC Feb. 27, Apr. 3. May 15. June 2* IlKPI'BLIC Mar. ?. Apr. 2R Cedric { tl "trad.. I ^b. 20 WASHINGTON OFFICE, 1300 F ST. N.W. R. M. HICKS. Passenger Agent. tnh21-S12t.eSu in oi lt kip I11E1T GRIII8E The Hamburg - American j Line's well known cruising steamer will again make a cruise to Spain, the Mediterranean, and the Orient. LetTM Now Yotk Jan. 28. 1MB. DURATION. 80 DAY0. > COST. $300 UPWARD. ! 20th Annual Orient Cruise Also other CMlma to the Weet tadUs, etc Tdora tn Krrpt cod (he Holy Upl tend for Sew Dtaatmted BaOhtot raBURC-AMEIICAN LIME 41-45 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. B. P. DROOP 4 SPSS CO.. MB PA. AYR. { NORTH GERMAN LLOYD Fast Express Service. PLYMOUTH?CHERBOURG?BREMEN?10 AM. Kais.Wm.D.Gr. ..Peb. 3 Kaiser Wo. II...Mar. 2 Ceollle. Feb. lOICecltle March 20 Twin-Screw Passenger Service. BREMEN DIRECT?10 A.M. Chemnitz Jan. 28,Kieten Peb. IS Breslau Teb. 4! tP. KrdTi Wm..Fejb. 2J tCalls at Plymouth and Cherbourg. Mediterranean Service. GIBRALTAR?ALGIERS?NAPLES?GENOA. Sailing at II A.M. K. Albert Jan. 80|*K. Knrfuerst...Feb. It tNeckar Peb. fl| Barbaronsa Feb. IS tDoeg not call at Algiers and Genoa. 'Calls at Madeira. Gibraltar, Algiers. Genoa, thence proceeding on Orient Cruise. Good accommodations available to Genoa. North German Lloyd Travelers' Checks. DELRICH8 A CO.. Agents, 5 Broadway. N. Y, WASHINGTON OFFICE. 1337 P ST. N.W. B. P. DROOP ft SONS CO.. 925 PENNA. AYR, fal-312t.eSD _ Experienced Travelers acknowledge the excellence of the HMBUSG-ARIEROCAII ONE NEXT RAILINGS. Hamb'gDIrBct.S.S.PEXNSYLVAXIA.jran.30. Plymouth, Cherbourg, Hamburg. * S. S. KAISERIN AUG. V.. Peb. ?. Gibraltar, Kaptes, Genoa, via Madeira. S. S. DEUTSCHLAND. Fob. ?. I 1 p'Raneca ONE. , OOMPAGXIE GENEKALB TRANSATLAXT1QUff DIr?ct IJtae to Ha vre?Paris (Franc*). Sailing ervry Thursday at 10 a.m. from Pier No. 42. North River, foot Morton at.. N. T. La Lorraine... .Jan. M *La Provence...Feb. IS La Touralne Feb. 4 *La Sevole Feb. 29 La Bretagne.. .Feb. 11 | ?La Touralne Mar. 4 Twin-screw steamers. GENERAL AGENCY. 10 State at.. N. Y. E. IV ALLEN. Agent. 14th at. and N. Y. at*. fp29-306t* ll 1 Mediterranean Egypt and Holy Land . A cruise of 74 days from New York, February II, 1909, by the large and luxurious S. S. Grosser K aria erst of the North German Lloyd Fleet, visiting 23 ports. Cost 9959 up, including carriage rides and sightseeing at each port of call. Side trips extra. Tickets for the cruise have privilege permitting pasaerger* to reiurn befare Aag. lot, 190?, ntthoat eitra eharge on soy of the steanaablpa af the Company. Write for booklet, OELRICBS & CO.. Cca'l Agts., 5 Broadway, N- Y. lVashlnglou office i 1337 F at. n.w, E. F. Droop A Soon Co., 929 Pa. ave. | pOT0^iEKM~Iifp [n\ MEDITERRANEAN. ADRIATIC IL, From New York to Naples and Trteat* SAILINGS WEDNESDAYS AND MONTHLY SAILINGS TO GREECE. rWIN-SCRKW S. S. MARTHA WASHINGTON, ALICE. LAURA. ARGENTINA, OCEANIA. For further information apply to PHF.I.PS BROS. & CO.. General Afenta. Whitehall Building. New York Citjr. IAOSI O iron t J or uu* iwot CUNARD LINES From Piers 51-52-56, North Hirer. QUEEN8TOWN?LIVERPOOL. LONDON?PARIS. Lucania...Jan. 27, 10 a in Lusitan1a..Feh. 17. noon Mauretanla.Feb. 3. noon Mauretania.Keb.24,10am Campania.Feb. 10 10am Campania..MarvO. Ukam Mauretania { fcSSwp/T.otS' ETSJ Lusitania __ *or,J'Wednesdays. Hungarian-American Service TO FIL'ME, VIA GIBRALTAR. NAPLES, TRIESTE. Pannonla..Keb.. 4. noon Carpathia. Apr. 1. noon ^aronla. .Feb. IS. noi>n Slavonia... Apr. 15, noon Purmania .Mar. 4. n.wn PntiDonla.May 13, noon Pannonia.Mar. 25. noon Carpathia.May 30, noon GIBRALTAR. ^TALY ?? EGYPT ""aronla Feb. IS | Carmanla Mar. 4 rhe Cunard Steamship Co., Limited, 21-24 Stat* St.. N. Y., Opposite the Battery. Or 126 State Bt., Boston. Mass. B. W. MOSS. Agent. 1411 G st. b.w., Washington. If Going to Europe Save your mall addressed oars the London "Be* ?f The Washington Star, No. S Regent 8treat. London. England. If desired, mall will b* forwarded to sll parts of Europe and the Oontllent. Tourists are requested to register at ou >fflce upon reaching London. Washington Star London Office, K*> t Regent it deao-tf f STORAGK " FIREPROOF STORAGE. "" Separate locked rooms, $2.00 per month np. Estimates furnished. MERCHANTS' TRANSFER A STORAGE CO? o?31-tf.R 020-022 E at. n.w. PRIVATE COMPARTMENTS. Moderate charges. Estlmatea furnahed. MOVING. PACKING AND SHIPPING. LITTLEFIELD. ALVORD A CO.. seS-tf Colorado building. HEALTH MOVEMENT. VIA VI SCIENCE OF HEALTH. NATCRAL. Don-surgical; cloth bound, 400-page book free. Apply or mail, 916 Colorado building. Free lecture for women. Tuesday. 3 p.m. 1a18-90t.4 AUTOMOBILES. ABOUT THAT AUTOMOBILE? This ia the beat season of the year to obtalB eal bargains'. Let us know what yoa want? re'll do the rest. I THE MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, 401 WKKTOBY JiLDG. Thoae AUla 4UL ? Jals-deSu. 10 ?L|