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AUCTION SALES. THIS AFTERNOON. THO?\ J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES* SAI.E OF VALUABLE IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED REAL ESTATE. BEINfJ A BRICK RESIDENCE. NO. 1232 MD. AVE., COR. laTII ST. N.E.: ALSO BRICK STABLE ON ALLEY IN REAR <?> SAME; ALSO UNIMPROVED LOT S.K. COR OF 12TH AND I> STS N.K.. AND FOUR UNIMPROVED LOTS N.W. COR. OF 13TH AND K STS. N.K. By virtue of .1 certain deed of trust, duly re wlfd iu Lil'Oi No. 1733. folio 300 ct se<j.. of j the land records of tin* District of Columbia. { ami nt the request of the party secured thereby, i the undersigned trustees will sell nt public nue- I tion. In front of th. premises, on FRIDAY. THE j TWENTY NINTH DAY OF JANUARY. A D. , P*?f>. COMMENCING AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and premises, sit- > oate In the city of Washington, I'istriet of Co- j liunhi.i. atul designated as and being lots num- : liered twenty-seven c;7> un?l thirty-four (34) in J. II. BuS' her's subdivision of original lots numbered one (It. two tll?. thirteen (13) and fourteen (l-O in square numbered ten bundred and five (lOt'ob as said subdivision is recorded In the efflee of the surveyor of the District of Columbia In Book lf>. page 132; also all of original lot numbered ten (lot In square mimliercd ten hundred and utne (lhOtt). and also original lots numbered one (I), two (2i. three (3) and eighteen HSi In square numbered ten hundred and sevea tl'tOT). together with the Improvements. Terms of sale; One-third of the purebasc tuonev to lie paid tu cash, balanee In two equal installments, payable in one and two years, with interest at 5 per centum per annum, payable eiBi-annnally from dny of sal", se,aired by deed of trust- upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of en each lot will bo required nt time of sale. All conveyancing. recording, etc.. at cost of pur chaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within ten days from day of sale: otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five dajV advertisement 'of such resale In aome newspaper published lu Washington. D. C. JOHN B. LAKNKlt. UASilERIE DeWITT, Jald-d&ds.eSu Trustees. CTTHE ABOVF. SAI.K IS POSTPONED ON a count of the weather until MONDAY. FERRFARY FIRST, 1900. same hour and place, by order of the trustees. jal21-d&ds,eSu TOMORROW. ; I~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X*<MX,*X~X**X % > Adam A. Wcschler, Auct. v *x* V V T V V1 I Last Day, |! I* I Manufacturers' | | Sale of | IFImieFursJi * Sets and Separate $ $ Pieces, V ? ?including? | fMern's Fur=ll5in)ed ? | Coats, | Y % Within the Salesrooms % > Y ?Of? v | Adam A. Weschler, |j !*: 920 Penna. Ave. N.W., $ T i t Tomorrow $ V I ?at? I f 110:30 A.M. and 3 P.M.f Terms ras-b. Y j* ADAM A. WBSCUL.BR, Auct. | C. G. SLOAN & <"0. tine.). AUCTIONKKKS, 1H>7 G ST. AAV. _ _ i- n *-? .j uesirame rurnixure at Public Auction. Btbinway utoight piano, Persian ri gs and carpets, pari.or suites, odd imbues. brass and iron fenders, engijsii hall clock, oak dining room suite, oil paintings. prints. brio a iikau. ornaments. elb tkoliells. brass twin beds. mahogany chiffoniers and bureau, portieres, lace curtains. mattresses. pilivows, toiLET ware. hall rack. carved oak chairs. rockers. tables. easy chairs. refrigerator, Etc.. Etc.. Etc., F.cing the entire contents of the residence of Mr. JOSEPH AUKRBAPH. SI I L st. n.w., to Is- bold lit PUBLIC AUCTION THERE T yesday, Felbryary 2,11909, at II0s<5CD O'CSock A.M. House will he open for exhibition Monday. Feb nary 1. 1SSJ9. TERMS CASH. jaSO-St.eSn c. C,. SLOAN & CO. (Itic.l. AuctS. Fl'Tl'HE PAYS. To Whom it May Concern On Wednesday and Thursday, TToK..., i T? o. j um y i mi vi auu i'uuiin, AT HALF-PAST TEN A.M.. AT OUR SALESROOM. r.15 I.A. AVE . We Will offer at public sale the entire i'Qiiti'UtK of an up -to-date Ladies" ami Gents' Furnishing Si ore. consisting, in part, of XV) iluz. Fine Ladies* ami Gents* Hosiery, alanut 20U doz. Underwear, nhnut ?"1 Isilts of Ribbon iii all sixes, lot of Slats, Silks. Press Goods. Trimmings, MilliBery. cie.' This sale should attract attention, as the g.asls nil- new and uo-to-dale and will positively IsBold without limit or reserve. fel-2t It. NOTES. Attetioneer. ADAM A. WESCHLKR, AUCTIONEER. CHANCERY SALE OF TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING. NO. 102 13TH ST. N.K. By virtue of a deeree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, passed in equity cause 1 No. 2M06, we. the undersigned trustees, will sell ?: public atiefion. in front of the premises, on FRIDAY. THE TWELFTH DAY OF e'EBRC ARY. A.D 190b, AT FIVE OTI/W'K I'M., tuc following-described land and premise*, situate In the city of Washington. In the District of Columbia. and designated as and being lot ntitnl>er forty-three (4-! In square nuuiher one thousand nisi twelve tiol'g). known as one hundred and two <102) 13th st. n.c., being a two-atorv brick dwelling, containing seven rooms, bath bud cellar. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money t" be paid in cash and the balance in two equal Installment*, payatdr in one and two years, with Interest at 6 per centum per annum, iuivable | semi-annually from day of sale, secured by d"si of trust upon the property sold, or ail rash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $2no v ill be required of the purchaser at the time of salc. All conveyancing, reeopdlng and notarial fees at the cost of the purchaser. Term* of sale to be <-oniplied tvltli within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the r!?k and <*ost of the defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale In some newspaper published in the citv of Washington D. C. HARRY F. LEKCII. Colorado building. GUY 11. JOHNSON. Columbia building. EDWARD K. I oLI.ADAY. 1320 r St. n.w. fddAds.eSu Trust ih-s. C. G. SLOAN ? CO. line.). AUCTS., 14t?7 G ST. fp t?t 1 - l. - v. *_ *?? ilL' \' it f ?D1 L? lit* if i H' "* i i r. , ??r ? .\i<i ur<ni< atate. I/m\\tei? at the northwest oorxkr ok xew york avenite axi? Kol.RTH street northwest. iml'ROVElt by a frame CJin? II Bv r irtiio <?f a certain dt'"il of trust. murm in Elber no. itmt. at folio 3 ot s q.. of tho land reoords of ?h<- District of Columbia. the ifnderl>lKUi'i| will offer for salo at public uivtloD. In front of ih<- nremiMw. no monday. t1if. km.iitii day ol FEItRI'auy. lihtb. at\st I'tM'l! ti'i'lAH'k l'.m.. the following desert b oj real estate. situate In tli city of Washington. in said Itistrht. viz.: 1'art of original lot numbered one <l> in s?j tare Ttumlaied tlve liunilreil and fourteen t.'Hl. Iwclnnltik at the south' a*t eorucr of said lot anil tunning thenee along New York arenue westerly thtrt y-eight feet ten tin. inehes: thence northerly at right tthttlrs to said avenue iiinetv air i'-it feet nine (to Inehes: tie U' e at right angles f.. f ourth afn t west seventy (jve 75 feet. tri<>re or less, to intersect the tcllldiee line of Fourth street; thenee south along the lite- of said street wuclily t?o 172 feet feu lit" Inches, more or |e?s. t > the jilace i>f beginning. Improved by a frame enureb. Terms: One-half rush. hslanee in coital Itjatallments at one mid two years, with Interest at five tot per centum jst annum. payah e s'-ni! annually, from the da* of sale, and secured by deed of trust on th property * Id. or all eaah. at the purchaser's option. A deposit of two hundred dollars tfctst) will he required at the tittle ?f sale. All eonveyntH lug and recording will he at the purchaser's eost. Terms to Is- eotuplfed with within ten llOi days, otherwise the trustee reserves the right to resell at the risk and tost ?f the defaulting purchaser, upon five tot days' otlee by advertisenu-nt of auch resale. AMERICAN SFCFUITY AN ft TIU'tiT COMPANY, by CHARI.ES J. UEI.I., ITealdeat. Trustee. Js27 dida.cSu AUCTION SALES. FUTURE PAYS. In C. G. SLC IB II A 1407 f 1 W y Y KeiST(8E9 Gata *:* ? Of an Important Collectic | CHINESE A IS | OBJECTS X COLLEC | K A N O f OF NEW von A ? Comprising Porcelains $ Cloisonnes, Wood y Furniture, S : ! Netsukes ; | ALSO AN UNUSU-i X TJ> T r% ? % /> r?/\ ID rvaic wiu jd^aiic^c; x i I Pair of Gran< i All to be sold at Public jjj leries, 1407 G St. N.1 j| WEDNESDAY, THU February 3, AT 11 A.M.?3 *t* i)<t exhibition Monday ami Tuesday, | C. G. Sloan & Co., Jr Ja30-d,c>u .XK.<~x~X~X*<KK~X,*X*<~X~X~X?<": ADAM A. MEijCHLER. AUCTIONEER. To Close An Estate. TRUSTEE S SALE OF 2 STORY BRICK DWELLING NO. 632 E STREET SOUTH WEST. WITH BRICK STABLE IN REAR. By virtue of authority vested In the undersigned by the last will and testament of the late William Liminerick. I will sell l?v publi' auction. In front of the promises, on WEDNES DAY. FEBRUARY THIRD. 1009. AT 1IAI.F PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following doseril)ed real estate, situate in the city of Washington. District of Columbia, to wit: Sublet 36 in square 466. improved by 2-story brick dwelling No. 632 E street s.w., with brick stable In mur Terms: One-third cash. balance in on* an?] two years, with interest from the day of sale at per annum, secured by deed of trust on the property sold or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $200 required at the time of "ale. If terms of sale are rot com plied with In 15 days from day of sale the undersigned surviving trustee reserves the right to resell the property at th3 risk and cost ol the defaulting purchaser after 5 days' advertise mcnt of such resale in some newspaper published in the city, of Washington. D. C. All convey' an.-iug. recording, etc.. at purchaser's coat. FLOYD E. DAVIS. Surviving Trustee. .1a23-d&ds,eSu 7th and E sts. s.w. WALTER B. WILLIAMS & CO.. AUCTS. CHANCERY SALE OF TWO-STORY HOUSE NO. 117 N STREET SOUTHEAST. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court ol the District of Columbia, passed In equity cause No. 27814, tlie undersigned trustee will sell at public hnotion, in frout of tlie premises, or WEDNESDAY, THE THIRD DAY OF FEBRUARY. 19H9. AT FOUR FORTY-FIVE O'CLOCK, lot fifty-eight (58i. square No. seven hundred and forty-four (744). in the city of Washington. D, C., and hIso known as premises No. 117 N street southeast. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money in cash and the balance* in two equal In stallments. Ht one and two years, with interest at C.fc per annum, payable semi-annually froii day of sale, secured by deed of trust on tli* property sold. <>r all cash, at tlie option of tin purchaser. A deposit of one hundred dollar* (41001 required at time of sale. All eonveyane ing. recording and notarial fees at the cost ol purchaser. T?*rms of sale to be complied witl in fifteen days, otherwise the trustee reserve! the right to resell property at the risk and rosi of defaulting purchaser after five days' adver daemon t. L. CABELL WILLIAMSON. Trustee. Jagl-d&ds.cSu 458 La. ave. ADAM A. V.'ESCIILKR, AUCTIONEER. Trustees' Sale of One Blaclt Hearse. Built bv Crane & Breec Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio. Hy virtue of a chattel of trust, r??orde< iu Liber 2WK?, folio IliS el , of the land rec ords for the Districl of fViliimbla. and at th< request of the jHirty secured thereby. tlx- un dersigucd trustees will sell by public auction. it front of tin* salesrooms of Adam A. Wesclilcr ICS l I'm. avo. n.w.. SATFRDAY. rKBRIAll\ SIXTH. UHt!?. AT TWELVE OTMVK NOON tlx* iit?OTf hearse, with two sets of curtain: (black or whiter; In excellent condition. Tortus: Cash. u. ritkstox si i rally. WM M. OKELEY. ja::rt-dA<ll>M.'<*n Trusfo?. ADAM A. WESOIILKlt. AUCTIONEER. TRUSTEE'S SALE < 'T VALUABLE IJMM l'HOVKD LOT ON I STKKKT ItETWKE? 21ST AND 221) STREETS NORTHWEST. Default having been made by the purebaaer a a prior sale of the hereinafter described real os tato. made on Thursday, the Sd day of ltecrm Ivr. A.I). 11)08, tlx- undersigned surviving trustee in compliance with the right reserved In tli forms of said sale, and by virtuo of the tlood o trust uuder which'said sale was made, duly re corded In Liber No. 2tW.t. f >llo 1.H4 et soq.. o the land records of tlx- District of Columbia. am Ml the request of the treasurer of tin- Orients Hulbllug Association, No. ft, the uudersigtied sur \iving trustee, will offer for sale sgaio. at th risk and cost of the defaulting punliaacr, a linhlic auction, in front of the premises, o FRIDAY. THE FIFTH DAY OF FEBRUARY A.I>. l'.HCI. AT HALF-FAST FOUR Of'LtHT P.M.. the following described land ami premises situate in the city of Washington. in the Dlstrlc of Columbia, to wit: Part of original lot nnm be red four 41 in square numls-red seventy-flv' t75t. Itegjuidnp for the same fourteen and twen ly-flve one hundredths <14.25) feet west from tli southeast corner of said lot:, thetice running nortl ninety set en (97) feet two and ouc-quarter liiche tS'il, more or less, to the alley Id the rear o said lot; thence running westerly with the lin of said alley to a line drawn in the cetater ? said lot parallel with Twenty first 121st) strop west: thpnrc south with said line one bundre and one feet (101) seven and onc-lmlf inr**cs <7V>>1 tnorw ?r less, to North I street; thence runnin east with tlx- line of I street fourteen and (wen tv-flw one-huudredths feet to the place of bt ginning. Tetuis of sale: One-third cash, the halann' I one and two years. with Interest at sly i>er een n?-r annum, payable semi-annually, fr'rn day o saie. secured l>y deed of trnat upon the propert sold, or all rash, at the option of tile purchaser A deposit of $10*i required at the time of saW All conveyancing. recording, ete.. at the eost <1 | the purchaser. Terms of sale to be compile with in tifteeu days from day of sale, otherwis the surviving trustee reserves the right to rose] the property at the risk and cost of the default ing purchaser, after at least five days' adyertlw inent of sitrh resale in some newsi>aper publlshe in the citv of Washington. D. C. CHAITN BROWN. Surviving Trustee 1n2fi-dJkds.eSn ADAM A. WESCHLKIt, AUCTIONEER. | HOUSEHOLD FUKNlTFItE, ETC.. RY AUC T10V. Tt> DAY STORAGE CHARGES. ETC. On SATURDAY. JANUARY THIRTIETH. l'H)f AT TEN O'CLOCK A.M.. we will sell, by publi auction, within the salesrooms of Adam A Wescbler. 1>2<> I'enna. ave. n.w.. household furnl tnre, ete., stored In the following names: W. H llove and wife, H. A. Thompson and America Safe Company. It. Towles. A. B. ('ail. t Tnimaii. It. L. Fletcher. Jno. A. Bordner. M. J Kellerman, M. l.lndsay Rubber Co., Mrs. Se'lers Ciias. Kapiiler. C. S. Spooner, Cliaa. G. Blrdlngei F. F. Burr. C. A. Iterggren. .1 E. Smith. Mis 1 L. Jaekson, Edith llelnlg. G. W. Taylor. Salvn ; tore Aniato, W. II. lluuter. Hannah Reeves. All parties interested please take notice. Terms: Cash. MERCHANTS' TRANSFER &. STORAGE CC ja?>-d&dhs.<Su jrTHE ABOVE SAI.E IS POSTPONED ?."> TIL SATI UDAY. FKBUPARY SIXTH. 1!K*>. ? the same hour unil plnee. MERCHANTS' TRANSFER A STORAGE CO ?2tM?22 e: st. ii.iv. ja2.N-dAtdb8.eSn ADAM A. WEXCHLER. AUCTIONEER. Trustee's Sale in Bankruptcy o the Entire Stock of Stationerv Typewriter. Xeostyle and Mime ograph Supplies. Office Supplies Fountain Pens, Xeostvles. Mime ographs, Fixtures, Etc., Con tained in Premises No. 1335 ( St. N.W. : By virtue of an order of the Supreme Con , of the District of Columbia. holding a bankrupt) i i-ourt. in i>- D. Frank Parker. Iiauknipl. No. .*i!l ! the iindersisned. trustee. will sell liy puhl r an ' flop. within the ntaive premium, on AVKDNE I DAY. T11K THIRD DAY OF FEBRUARY. A.l j ItUW. AT TEN O'CLOCK A.M.. m large stock tul*cellaiteottH stationery and oltlec supplies, ti til res, uncoil, harness, ete. The ataive slivk and fixtures will first he n 1 fere<I as an entirety, and If a satisfaetory hid j nut obtained will then lie Immediately sold detail. Terms cash. CHARLES A. BARNARD. Trustee. Columbian building. JOHN LEWIS SMITH. Attorney for Trustee. Js28-d&dh?,eSu AUCTION SALES. FUTURE PAYS. )AN & CO. (I nc.), |h Luctioneers, ? : G STREET. | logiie Sale |' >n of Ancient and Modern | ' ID JAPANESE | . I OF ART. | TED BT '{] OSHIMA | < K AND JAPAN. T : J ] >, Potteries, Bronzes, '( ] v I Carving, Screens, ? word Guards, | , and Ivories. S * V \L COLLECTION OI- ?> V ints, Kakemonos and a :j: j d Old Screens. % t i Auction at the Sloan Gal- | . W., Washington, D.C., ? KSDAY and FRIDAY, f 4 and 5, 1909, | I\M. JfiAl H UA1. V February 1 and 1!, from f* a.m. to 0 f?.m ^ ic., Aucts., 1407 G St. X 1 l j THOMAS J OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. ; EXECUTORS* SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ! ESTATE. TO WIT: LOTS 12.'! AND 124. ! SQUARE 225. IMPROVED BY DWELLINGS 1.222 AND 12.24 KRISTOE. OR CHESTER, j COURT: SUBLOT 22. SQUARE 2nS. IMPROVED BY DWELLING 1444 CORCORAN . 1 ST. N.W.; LOTS .207 AND 30H. SQUARE I 674. IMPROVED BV DWELLINGS HS AND 8SU. KENTON ST. N.E.: T.OT :U2. SQUARE R2ST IMPROVED BY DWELLINGS 512 AND 512'. M ST. N.E.: ALSO UNDIVIDED HALF! INTEREST I.N PART OF LOT 4. SQUARE TOO*. IMPROVED BY DWELLING 1252 .EST ST. N.W. THIS PROPERTY WILL * ALSO BE OFFERED AS AN KNI TIRKTY. ? , By virtue ri? a decree passpd in the Supreme , Court of the District of Columbia, holding a i Probate Court, in re estate of Marv J. N'ourse. i deceased. No. 15150 administration, we will sell ' ! at public auction In front of the premises the , ; follow jug parcels of real estate. In the city of , Washington. In the District m Columbia, to wit: ' ' I On TUESDAY*. THE NINTH DAY OF FEBRUARY. 1000. AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. lots i 1 numbered one hundred and twenty-three (123) and , one hundred and twenty-four (1241 In square | numbered two hundred and thirty-five (235), irn | proved by dwellings numbered 1332 aDd 1334 . Fristoc. or Chester, court n.w. *! Also on the SAME DAY*. AT HALF-PAST , FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. sublot numbered thirtytwo in square numbered two hundred and eight (2081. improved bv dwelling numbered 1444 Cor, contii st. n.w. Ami on WEDNESDAY*. THE TENTH DAY* OF j ; FEBRUARY. 10O0. AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. | lots nnmliered tbree hundred and ninety-seven i"J07* and three hundred and ninety-eight (2!lSi in square numbered alx hundred aud seveuty-fonr the same Itelns Improved by dwellings numbered KR and SS'-i Fenton at. n.e. Also on the SAMK DAY. AT HALF-TAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. lot numbered thirty-three , CR't In square numbered eight hundred and twentv tuht t*2Si. improved by dwellings nuuibered 512 and 512V-'. M at n.e. ; And on THFRSDAY, THE ELEVENTH DAY . OF FERUFAHY. 1Sa?n. AT HALF PAST FOLK j i O'CLOCK P.M.. an undivided half interest in all | ; tiial pertain piece or parcel of land and premises Lnown and dlstinguislicd as and lieing part of f I lot numbered four t<i in square iiutnbered twelve , i hundred and eight 02o8t. formerly suuare numj 1 ered thirty eight t.'IR). in Reall'a Addition to t Georgetow n. described as follows: Beginning at . a point at the end of twenty-two 122? feet measured north on the west line of Congreso (now .list) st. from the northeast corner of a frame house formerly owned by James V, Yates. - and at the northeast corner of the lot aold to Tnlbert Lnnston. running tlionee north for a front on C?ugre?s st. twenty-two (22) feet and - extending bark west, and of the width of sold k ; front, flfty-nlne and seventy-five one-hundredths ' <59 75 <r#)i feet. Improved by dwelling numbered ; 1252 .list st. n.w. This property will also be ; offered as an entirety at 1hls*time. I Terms of sale: One-third of flie purchase money to lie paid in cash, balance In two quaI , Installments, payable In otic and two years from day of sale, and to be represented hv the prom , Isaory notes of the purchaser, bearing interest ! at the rate of K per centum per annum, payable r I seiui-aiiniially. and secured ly deed of trust en ; the property soltLor all cash, at the option of j j ttie purchaser. deposit will he reqtj'red utsm i each parcel upon arreptmiee of bid. All conveyancing. nrtary fees and recording at purchaser's ] cost. Terms to be complied with within lit days. I or the executors may advertise aud sell at the | purchaser's risk ami coat after tlve days' pre . i vious advertisement of such resale published In some DcwspH|?T of Washington. D. C. TAMES It. NOT'RRF.. . ' RICHARD DO!'CLASS SIMMS. < Executors. I JAMES II. TAYLOR, t Attorney for Kxecutore. 1119 G st. n.w. - j Ja28 <lAds.?Sii ADAM A. WESCHLKR. AUCTIONEER. '1 TRUSTEE'S SAI.E OK THIRTY-THREE ' SHARER OK STUCK OK MODEL LAUN t DRY COMPANY. , Rv authority of 11 decree of the Supremo Court , of tlx; District of Columbia, iu Equity cause No. , 'JK044. I will offer for sale at public auction. In p tlie auction rooms of Adam A. Wescliler. 920 , Pennsrlvanla ave. n.w.. Washington, I>. C., on THURSDAY. KEBItUARY FOURTH. 1900. AT TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON, certificate No. T2. j' for tblrty-tlireu shares of tbe capital stock of i .! Model Laundry Company, t I Terms: Cash. J WM. W. MILL AN, Trustee. 41G 5tb at. n.w. c lag; dAdbs.eSu I ADAM A. WESCHLKR. AUCTIONEER. s Trustees' Sale of At= j tractive 3=story Brick and d Stone Bwefifling .No. 408 A * Street Southeast. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly ro'* corded Liber No. 'JtKiti. folio 41IH et -eq., of tbc land reeoids of the District of Columbia, und " | at the request of the party secured thereby, we. ' the undersigned trustees, will sell at public auc" I tion, in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY. v I THE TENTH DAY OK FEBRUARY. A D. 1W?. [ 1 AT IIALK-l'AST FOUR O't l/H'K P.M.. tbe fol' lowing-described land and premises, situate in T the city of Washington. in the District of Coa iumhia. and designated as and being part of 1 original lot numtiered three i.'li in square nuin1 la-red eight liundred and seventeen (S17i. begin niug for the same at the southeast corner of said I'd three till, running thence west along the line * of said A street twenty-three (Ulll feet, thence running north eighty (Soi feet, thence running east tweuty-throe ijtti feet, thence runtiing south eighty iDp feet to the place of beginning. improved by a three-story brick and stone dwelling | containing I" rooms und baths and heated by ? hot water. Terms of sale: one-third of the purchase ^ money to !? paid in cash and the balanee in two ^ equal installmeiiis. payable in one aud two years, with interest at sir per .centum per ::n I* num. puyalile semi-annually. from day of sale. 1 secured by deed of trust it|s>n the property sold. J '' er all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A i ' .1 I a . ?" : 1 I 1 .. : I .. S at... I : ?i* |K11 in AAIII iw' rH|uin*n HI I IJi |?un un^'-i r" I at the lime of Sale. All conveyancing. recording " j ami notarial fi'M at thr cost of thr purchaser. Terms of sale to lie complied with within Itfteen ,1 iluys from day of sale, otherwise the trustors reserve thr right to rosrll thr property at the risk and rost of ihe defaulting purchaser. afterlive days' advertisrinent of such resale in some j iiewspais'r published iu the city of Washington, > D. C. ' JOHN WKEDON, HEO. XV. WHITK. J Jii2rt-d&ils.eSu Trustees. it O. U. SliOAX Je CO., INC.. A L OTS "1407 uTstI .. SALE OF PERSONAL KFFK.t"IN AMI HOUSEtlol.l) HOODS FOR STORAGE CHARGES. Notice is hereby given that on SATl'HDAY. | - FEBRUARY SIXTH. 1909. AT TKN O'ClAJi'K i A.M.. tlw-rc will he sold at puhlie auction, with- j iu the salesrooms of C. H. Sloan & Co.. Inc.. (f 1 1407 H st. Washington, l>. I'., to enforce 1 liens for storage charges. etc.. due and unpaid. \ r all goods, furniture, household and iiersouai ef- j * j frets ou storage w ith thr Hro. \V. Knox Express ' t o. iti the names of It. Hauler t'oal Co.. Alex 1*1 it the Washington Pest. Mrs. W.'K. Powell, i H. S. Mason <o.. H. Koeklmon, O. Bellman. J. IV. French. .M. W. IIIII To.. H. C. Hawkins. 1- O. K. Volk. J. K. Hill. C. H. Bowen, H. A. IJnger. jr.; Mct'uulry & McHlll. Wm. Wright. l~ M. t'olxn, W. toll rail. Rev.. J. K. Lotxlneer. the -* Jefferson Assn.. H. J. M. Howard. S. Wolf. F. J IJngsoin. K. K. Fisher. M. Ku>t!?. XV. M. IJp scotuh. Sielu Brorf.. W. 1). Sullivan. Scott Bros, and no names. rt I THE HEO. XV. KNOX KXRESS CO.. J | jnHO-Bt.eSu HIT Pa. nve. n.w. J! OCEAN TRAVEL 'i i?K[EC^lceG3 (LOItfE CO.MPAHNIE HENKRALK T R A N SAT I .A NT 1QII C 1 if- Dirs-t Lhie to Havre?Paris tFrnnce). is Sailing every Thursday at 10 a.m. from in l*ler No. 42. North River, foot Morton St.. N. Y. i.a Gascogut... .Feb. 4 Mm Suvole Feb. 23 i La Bretagne.. .Keli. lli'La Touraine Mar. 4| La Provence.. . Fell. IS'La Hretagiw. . ..Mar. It Twin-screw steamers. GENERAL AHKNCV. l!i State St.. N? Y. E. P. ALLEN. Agent, 14th st. and N. *. ave. feSh-SOCt* I LOAN COMPANIES. Side Entrance on !?th St. Private Offices." l Few Dollars r Many Dollars May he borrowed from Hwiuujr at any tituc on Diamonds, Watches or Jewelry. No delay?no TP If )]/r. publicity. Interest at the ? l) jR/ Jl low rate of . VL^ j\J/ loney Loaned Salaried People. IORNENQ, 9th <& Dtc?nerMt el-lSd NO INTEREST principal will be due on loans made by this upanv durine January until TWO MONTHS >m the date you get the loan. Other comniea require payment in one month. We ike absolutely NO charjfe for the extra time d allow you to make any size payments you Klrp tlnr rprpa ri. a<i follows. about 3 0 I OCEAN TRAVEL. T? ITALYvu * Ui Madeira (stay 12 hours), Gibraltar (stay 6 bout?), Naples (due Feb. 15-16), Genoa (due Feb. 17). BY THE FLYER * S.S. DeotsclhiBand h SAILING FEB. 6. 1900. _1 Hamburg-American Line, 41-45 Broadway. New York. or E. F. DltOOF A SONS CO.. 925 Pa. are. eoi fe1-41.25 CUNARD LINES ? From riot's 51-52-56. North Rlrer. tar QUEENSTOWN?LIVERPOOL. an LONDON-PARIS. . ' dei ce, Jampmia.Feh. 10 10am I Campania..Mar. 3.10am Lusltania..Feb. 17, roan Lusltania..Mar.lO^lOam 4auretania.Iret>.24,l Jam | Maurrtania. Mh. 17,10am Mauretania \ ST"Si ! Lusitania J Wednesdays. S Hungarian-American Service TO FIUME. VIA GIBRALTAR.' NAPLES. TRIESTE. M 'annonia Mar. 25. noon; May 13,.July 1 'Carpathia Apr. 1, noon; May 20, July 8 sl.ivonla Apr. 15, noon; JOne 3 , Also calls at Genoa. J tZORES. MADEIRA^ ^ PHVDT M 31 BR ALT Ail. ITALY A>D CO Ell j Turonia Feb. 18 ! Carmania Mar. 4 , rbe Cunard Steamship Co.. Limited, 21-24 Stat* , St.. N. Y.. Opposite the Battery. Or 126 State St., Beaton. Mas*. ?3. W. MOSS. Agent, 1411 G at. n.w., Waahington. M< fel4-d.eSu.312t . tei " "7 elt CEDRIC /V ^ T.arrest in the Trade Sails Feb. Azores, Madeira -A**0 on / \> / . Pe*Y." 1 uiDrnmr / VOL Vv / IV Mil- At Naples / YV^ / *n*s ^rom 10 Genoa Xa <? n>~X NEW YORK N| / X^ AND BOSTON 1 X V Xby the Twin-Screw //? ?\v/ ss- Cr?tip. Canoplc X <JvvYvs mTMl Roman,c P<^y/white Star Line E y/ 1306 r ?t. a.w. da ja25-m,w,f,to fe XT LONDON?PARIS?HA.MBt.TRO. * Kaiseriu Feb. 6/ 'Patricia Feb. 20 Waldersee Feb. 13 Amerika Feb. 27 To Hanibure direct. IX A I V VIA AZORES-MADEIRA I I /^L.11 AND GIBRALTAR. *. S. DF.TTSCIILAN'D ti^Feb. ? ' HAMRFRG ttFeb. 1H. J'Mar. 23 '1 ". RATA VTA tApr. 13 MOI.TKE t'TApr. 27 Tails A'/jorcs. {Madeira. HGbrallar. {Naples ind Genoa. Occana. West Indies ^ Tourist Depts. for Trips Everywhere. COMPANY'S OFFICE. 45 BROADWAY, N. Y. "1 F F DROOP Sl SONS CO.. 025 PA. AVE. ?i< b? AMERICAN LINE E plymouth?cherbourg ? southampton philadelphia?queenstown?liverpool Atlantic Transport Line "} new york-london direct. ^ RED STAR LINE NEW YORK?ANTWERP?PARIS. J WHITE STAR LINE new york -queenstown?liverpool. " . plymouth ?cherbourg - southampton bostox-qi eenstown-liverpool. . SoJ ? * ITALY & EGYPT ; VIA AZORES. MADEIRA AND GIBRALTAR. CANOPIC Feb. 13. Mar. 27. May ?. June 12 fi CRETIC Feb. 27. Apr. 3. May 15. June 26 ROMANIC Mur. l.t. Apr. 17, May 22, July 3 Cedric j the"r?<ie. j Feb. 20 , WASHINGTON OFFICE, 1300 F ST. N.W. R. M. HICKS. Passenger Agent. t, mh2i-312t.eSu f4 NORTH GERMAN LLOYD 3 Fast Express Service. < PLYMOUTH?CHERBOURG-BREMEN?10 A.M. 1 Kais.Ww.D.Gr...Feb. 2:Kais??r Wm. II...Mar. 2 *? Cecilie. Feb. ICiOcille March 23 Twin-Screw Passenger Service. BREMEN DIRECT?-10 A.M. < Brcslau Feb. 41 tP. l'Vd'h Woi.. Feb. 23 1 Seharnhorst Feb. IK Gnciaenaij Mar. 11 1 tCalls at Plymouth and Cherbourg. I Calls at I'hertioiirg. 44 Mediterranean Service. gibraltar-algiers-naples-GENOA. 43 Sailing at 11 a.m. Neekar Feb. 6] Itarbarossa Feb. 13 < K. Kurfuevst...Feb. ILK. T.uiae Feb. 27 0fl tDoeg not call at Algiers and Genoa. ov Calls at Madeira. Gibraltar. Algiers. Genoa. tbenee proceeding on Orient Cruise. Good acecmmodationa nvailaliie to Genoa. ? North German I.ioyd Travelers* Checks. OELRICIIS & CO.. Agents. 5 Broadway. N. Y. WASHINGTON OFFICE. 1337 F ST. N.W. E. V. DROOP & SONS COS 925 PENNA. AVE. ja:??-312t.eSu (F If Going to Europe s Have your mall addressed eare the London - of Tlie Washington Star. No. 3 Regeut Street. London. England. If dealred, mail will t? forwarded to all parts of Europe and the Coattnent. Tourists are requested to reflate; at oat nfflce upon reaching London. Washington Star London Office, n< No. t Regent at. deSO-tf at LOAN COMPANIES! ~ WE SELL MONEY ON INSTALLMENT PLAN. LOOK AT THESE PRICES: T FOR $50 VOl? PAY US ONLY $5.90 PER m MO. FOR 12 MONTHS. This Includes principal iu and interest and all charges, |? OTHER COMPANIES charge $7.10 PER MO. for $80. h, CITIZENS' LOAN CO., ? 401? Commercial Bank Building, ij X. W. Cot. 14th and G Star. 4th floor. Ja7-d.eSu-14 O I IF YOU DECIDE " ' j i To get a PRIVATE loan on furnltnre, | I piano, etc.. without removal, and want to I I get It where NO QUESTIONS WILL BE I m ASKED, where the matter will receive f prompt and courteous attention, fill out T or T this blank, mail It to us and our AGENT } ? WILL CALL AT ONCE and explain our * F " rates, whleh are the lowest ottered in the tr f elty. Loans paid off and more money ad- ? , f vanred. Tel. Main 4373. j !! | Name.. f I Address...* I tr ? Amount wanted. $ t w J DISTRICT LOAN CO., k f 630 F ST. N.W.. COR. 7TII AND F. 4 1,1 MONEY TO LOAN ? ON = DIAMONDS, o WATCHES and ' U JEWELRY. , Interest, ."i per eent. Louis Abrahams, 433 9th St. N.W. .1al7-'.HJt.H >' 3 s J |We Loan Moneyl ? 5 ? ti % On FURNITURE, PIANOS. OR- & d * GANS, TEAMS, etc.. in a few jfc . Sj hours without removal. We loan *j our money ? w 8 At the Lowest Rates | u fk It is possible to liorrow money. Our * % Ideal repayment plans are mire to suit ifc " you. whoever you may be or whatever your t< circumstances. & i tl $ WHY PAY MORE? % ri S* jji I I ? Here is n table of rates showing yon in ;5fe plain figures Just what it . will cost you. .? t( jjj| Borrow *23.00 You Pay *2.30 j Kt Borrow *30.00 You Pay *4.23 j ) * Borrow *75 00 You Pry *6.00 * j J] ^ Borrow $100.00 Y'ou Pay *8.00 iff 1 ;l 6 Borrow *200.00 You Pay *I2.Q0 ? ii ?k *?* ' w ifi These rates bare liecn made this low -u i \ if* for tbe benefit of our old friends and to 5 | .. qfc make new ones. ? i 1 St Call, pkoue or write JJfc *1 ... | | Potomac Guarantee I 5] | Loan Co., i. ? jjg 925 F Street N.W. J S Second Kloor. Singer Build lag. 'S 5 Phone M. ?3i?. 3ft S 2j a t $25. only $1.23 per mo. $5f>. only $1.06 per mo. $100. only $2.66 per mo. )ther amounts In proportion from $10 up. ithers advertise these rates, but tboy make all j ts of charges for commissions. etc., which ike tbo interest about double wbat tbejr rlatm. I a positively make uo such charges, except * ( tary fee of 50c. GET THE LOAN PAY YOU APPLY. ATIOMAL MAW & (WW. ?0. Thompson bldg. 703 15tb St. n.w. s>xt Drug Store. Opp. Treai. tes-goa [oney Loaned Salaried People ind otbera. without security; easy payments; i >fflces In 63 principal cities; save yourself i noner hy getting my terms first. D. H. TOL- ; If AN. Room 506. 533 15th at. n.w. nolS-tf.6 YNEY LOANED SALARIED rBOPLb7T~OTHi upob their own notes, without security; ec?lr*t ms: confldentlal. Knowing ones who have .dealt lewtaere especially invited. My proposition will >ase. H. ELWOOb.rro.416. Jenifer bldg.. 7 * D. |r22-tf.B RAILROADS. Southern Railway. N. B. -Following schedule figures published ly as information, and are not guaranteed, 'or Atlanta. Birmingham, Mobile. New Orleans, ihevllle. Chattanooga, Memphis, 0:00 a.m. an>l :45 p.m. dally. 'or Roanoke, Knoxvllle, Chattanooga. MoiupbK >w Orl'-niis. 10:10 p.m. dally. For Columbia, Charleston. Augusta. Alkcn. vatmHh .Tncksonvlllp and Floridn rndnts 4:10 111. dklly. Tourist curs for Culifornln. trl-weekly; 4:10 in. Monday. Wednesday. Friday. Local for Harrisonburg. T:."?0 n.m. daily: 4:13 in. week days: for DnnYillc, 7:30 a.m. daily, id for Charlottesville. 7:30 a.m. and 4:33 p.m. Ily. Frequent train* to and from Bluctnont. I.. S. BUOW'X. Opiieral Agent. ;hesapeake&Oih5o Railway SctTE.-Published ouly as information, and not arantepd. 00 F.M.-C. & ?>. LIMITED. dnfly-FaHt vestibule train. Pullman sleepers (o i/oulsville. Ctncixinati. Indianapolis, Chicago and St. I?uia. Connection for Virginia Hot Springs. Fiillmun cars Louisville to Nashville. MenPlits and New Orleans. Pining cars, a la carte Borrico..10 P.M. -F. F. V. LIMITED, daily?Pullman sleepers to Cincinnati. Lexington and I/oulsVille. Compartment sleeping car to Virginia Tlot Springs week days. Pining car. a la carte service Pullman sleepers Cincinnati to Chicago aud Si. 1/tuis and I/ouisville to Memphis, Nashvijlo and New Orleans. Chesapeake and Ohio offices at 313 Pennsylvaa avenne. 133!? V street and new. Union stain. Telephone Main 1060 or 22rt0, for tickets, ggage checks, reservation and taxicabs. Baltimore and Ohio R. R? LEAVE NEW UNION STATION. ROYAL BLUE LINE. CVKRY OTHER llOI R ON THE OPP HOUR" TO PHILAPELPHIA ANP NEW YORK. "7W TERMINAL. 23P STREET. NEW YORK. '7.00 a.m. Diner. Pullmau Parlor. rft.00 a.rn. Observation Parlor. 5-hour Train. a.m. Oilier and Pullman Parlor Car. Pincr and Pullman Parlor car. >1.00 p.m. P4ner and Pnllman Parlor Car. >3.0? p.m. "Royal Limited.'" All Pullman. 5 hr. 14.00 p.m. Coaches to Philadelphia. >3.00 p.m. Pfner ard Pullman Parlor. >9.00 p.m. Coaches to Philadelphia. 12.15 n't. Sleepers to New York. >2.52 a.m. Sleepers to Phlla. and New York. ATLANTIC CITY. t7.oo. ?0.0O. fll.00 a.m., .00, *3.00 p. in. "EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR" TO BALTIMORE. Week days, a.m. to 11.00 p.m.) to CO - r iU-i 'Ml fnf? ? 4-C PA #C tfi .Oft. f9.30. *11.00 a.m.. *12.00 noon. 2.oft, *i.oo, ii.ift,, *3.oo, * .00, t4.4ft. *5.00, f5.03. *5.30. *t>.3n. .00. ts.00. *9.00, *10.U0, *10.314 *11.00, *12.13 jht. WESTWARD, i HK'.ViO. *1.22. *5.30 p.m. ITXC-IXNATI. ST. I.Ot'lS and LOUISVILLE, .10 a.m.. *4.05 p.m., *12.40 nijrh'. PITTSBURG, *0.10 a.m., *1.22, *9.10 p.m., 2.30 nlgrht. "LEVEI.ANP. *0 10 p.m. rOLI'MRl'S. ?ft.30 p.m. B'HEKUMi. *0.lo a.m.. *3.30 p.m. WINCHESTER, a.m.. t* oft. fft.OO p.m. FREDERICK. t?.20. t9.10, J9.15, fl.30, .oft, tft.4ft p.m. IIAGF.BSTOWX. >9.10 a.m.. to.00 p.m. AXXAITHJS. *7.2o. a.m., Y 12.0ft noon. .20. 43.30. |ft.30 and td.00 p.m. Daily. tKxcept Sunday. SSnnday only. TELETHONKS al all of the following ticket lees: 1417 G ST. N.W., Main IftPl; 610 Tennlvanin tire., Main 278. New Union Station? cket Office. Main 738". Information Bureau? Bin 73SQ XV.. B. & A. B. RY. THE ELECTRIC LINE. Electric palace cars from White House station JFTBEXTH AND II STREETS NORTHEAST). Kor Baltimore 5:30 and ovpry half honr from 30 a.m. to 7:30 and 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 and :3ft p.m. For Annapolis Evory hour from 8:30 a.m. lo 30 p.m. and 9:30 and 11.35 p.m. Farea. One way. Round trip. To Baltlmoro 75c $1.-25 To Annapolis and 1). S. Naval Academy 75c $1.25 All 11 st. cars run direct lo White House Stain. Ticket office at 14th and X. Y. are. n.w., and White House Station. Iftth and II sts. n.c. lephone M. 7305. orl tf.20 Seal&oard Air Lime. TICKET i IFFICK. 1421 PEXXA AVK. NOTICE Following schedule not guarant<*ed. I?:Oft A.M. DAILY - ' Florida Faar Mail." hmtigh couches and Pullman sleepers to Savanih and Jacksonville. Through sleepers Washgton to Hamlet,* and llamlet to Atlanta. Diane cars. t?:2n P.M. DAILY, EXCEPT. Sl.XDAY "Sen?ard Florida Liinltcd." Solid clectric-llgbled oilman. with sloeiiers, to Jacksonville, St. iigustliic. Palm Beach, Miami, Knights Key. inlng cars 7:15ft P.M. DAILY?"Year Bound Limited." naclies and Pullman to Savannah, Jacksonville, ainpa. Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis. DiniDg irs. It. H. STANSELL. District Passenger Agent. Atlantic Coast Lane. Notice.?These departures and connections are ?t guaranteed. 4:2<> a.m. daily Through coaches and sleepiug irs to Jacksonville. ."1:40 p.m. dally -Sleeping cars to Jacksonville, In.; Port Tampa. Fla.: Augusta, (.la.; Charle*in. S. and Wilmington, X. C. Through aches to Jacksonville. I'NEXCELLED DINVG i'Ail SERVICE. 8:OS p in. dally except Sunday Famous "I'lorla Speeial." solid Puiiinnn vestibule train, elec le lighted throughout; through drawing room. >uipartment. sleeping, library ami observation irs to St. Aucu.tine. Palm Beacli, Miami and nights Key. Fla.. with dining cars serving ALL eals. For tickets and all information apple at the FI'ICE OF THE LINE. 1410 NEW YORK .WEEK NORTHWEST. AND FN ION STATION. GEO. P. JAMES. D P.A.. Wasldng'on. D. C. C. WHITE. O.P.A.. W. J. (RUG, P.T.M . Wilmington. N. C. J ENERAL NEWS GATHERED ALONG THE RIVER FRONT Extremes of tide continue the rule t the Potomac. Saturday afternoon, in spite of the eavy northwest wind, the flood tide lade above its normal level. Saturday ight it began to go out rapidly and at le tuhn was extremely low. Ye'steray afternoon at high water the tide j svel was below tliat of ordinary low ater. Today at low tide tlie flats and lioal docks are bare and vessels lying 1 them are on bottom. The steamer Waketteld. on her down ip to river points Saturday, was able > make all lier landings, including lose in l.'pper Macliodoe creek. On the eturn trip up river, 'yesterday, the ater was so low that she was forced > pass themThe steamer is ' scheduled to leave firts in Mattox creek Sunday mornlg at H o'clock. Saturday night tiic ide fell so fast that Capi. Reed was fraid that if the Wakefield remained i the creek until her leaving time sne r'ouid not be able to get out. He left t'irts at midnight and ran up to Co>nial Beach, leaving there on schedule Ime tor this city. The big excursion steamer St. Johns, rhleh lius been runing for the past iiree years on the route to Colonial teach, is now at Bultimore, being overauled and made ready for her coming eason's work. The hig boiler of the steamer is being e-built. The work will be completed nd the steamer return to this city bcore March 4. In addition to the boiler nd machinery work, her decks are ue,ig covered with new canvas and she | / WINTER RESORTS. ATLANTIC CITY. if. J. CHALFONTE 4?n the IScji-1). Fireproof. Send f.?r Literature. I THE I.EUDS COMPAXY fel-tf.o8u.15 | ( I No Snow at lj: I Atlantic City 1 I Snow and slush arc un- H II known elements, Golf is he- II j' I ing played, the roller chaiiHj I or a promenade enjoyed on II | the seven-mile boardwalk. H ! I Atlantic is the ideal rendcz- II I vons in which to spend the II I month of February. flj, I LEADING HOUSES Hi | I'Uor.e ?>r write any of tiie follow 19 | in? for Information, rates, etc. |fl I Sea?Me House llnilflon lfall II lintel Travmorr The Pentium! H II t'hnlfonte fialra Hall IB I Hotel St. Charlea Hotel Dennia M II WurliiurouKh-Rlenhelm II M. H i II Timetables and all travel information M II from loeal tleket agents. II II jhI 1.1, 2?. U SSSSS Mn | HOTEL MORTON "N"it-fciiiin Ave., near Iieaeb. Atlantic City. X. J. Open all the year. Kino table. Suites with private luth. Handsomely furnished. Perfect sanitary arrangements. Elevator to all floors. Special rates for Winter. <'apaeity 2.W MRS. X. It. HAINES, Owner and Proprietor. fei-l.'^):.l?> MTEL TII8 A TIMI HI Hi Fall?Winter?Spring?Summer. jaol-tf HOTEL IROQUOIS, Oeean end So. Carolina are.; e|o>.e to attractions; j capacity. 400; elevator: private baths; sun par- | lorsl orchestra, ete. Special. fi'2 to $17.-Vi weekly. I Special party rates. Always open. Booklet. jn.;o:tot.7 w. v. sha\v. the St. Charles, XT.* K front. DIatttietlve for its elegance and high-flat.* patronage. llrebestra of soloists. Soh water in all 'intbs. Illus. booklet. XEW'MX HAINES. js2H:<t>t.5 THE AKt'IlDALE. OCEAN EMI ST. JAMES place; se< oiifl house from ocean: steam heal; elevator: private bnfhs: mih parlor: open place. JONES & F.ASTB1 KN. jaZ'. ." >t.t "QALEN HALL, HOTEL A NO SANATORIUM, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. with lis elegant comfort. Its superior table and service and curative and tonic baths, with trained attendants, is an ideal pla,-e for a long or a abort stay. F. L. YOCNG. Ge*. Manager. Information at MK. FOSTER'S, 1133 Pa. are. ja17-30t COME TO ATLANTIC CITY AND ENJOY THE delights of the seashore combined with the eonnfortB and onvenirncos which this famous all-tbe-yoHr resort has to offer. HOTEL DENNiS Is always open and maintains an unobstructed ocean view. Ja15-f, BERKSHIREINN. ?? ginia ave. Capacity. 300. $? to |15 weekly. oc21 tf.4 J. O. & J. K. DICKINSON. Seaside House, DIRECTLY ON THE OCEAN FRONT. Sea water batha. Open all the year. jal3-30t,6 F. P. COOK'S SONS. NORTH CAROLINA. kenilworYh TnnTBiltmore, N. C. ' 20 Hours From New York. Adjoins Geo. VtcderbilCs famous estate; always open; new management; ideal cltmata; riding, driving. g?lf. teDnia. NO CONSUMPTIVES. delA-SOt.10 ' * is brine: put in thorough order front stent to stem. The steamer is now owned by the Colonial Beach Company, which about six week's ago purchased the property of the Washington and Potomac Steamboat Company at Colonial Beach and recently purchased the River View excursion park. The officers of the steamers in service i on the river Saturday report having run i through a heavy snowstorm down river for several hours, and with it came extremely cold weather. The remarkable feature of the snowstorm is the fact that on the Virginia side it was heavy. Yesterday the ground was covered to a depth of several inches. On the Maryland side of the river little, if any, trace of snow could b? seen. The snow on the Virginia side extended from Smith's wharf in King George conn- j jty to some distance below Colonial Beach i and landings in Mattox creek. The snow ! and cold weather have to a large ektent. | It is said, put a stop to oyster tonging j and dredging. Dredging will be resumed j as soon as the northwest wind moderates. Arrived?Power scow Blanchard. cord 1 wood from a river point to Eastern branch dealers; flattie No Name, oysters in the shell from a Potomac point: tug George W. Pride, with a tow of lighters from Piscataway creek: tug Capt. Toby, with a tow from a river point. Sailed?Tug Camilla, towing light oyster vessels for the lower river to load back j to this city: tug Rosalie, with a tow of light scows for a river point; scfoontrs Etta, Lottie Thomas. William II. Bixler and Bessie Ford, light for the Wicomico river aud other points to load back to this eiiy: U. S. naval tug Tecumseh, with a tow for a river point. \|pir?i'ir,iTulfi..T"Mino,v (Vitvi \IcU' otinio i< i at a river point loading for Alexandria: schooner Mary Chapin and bugeye Grape | Shot are at Alexandria wf ii oysters aboard; schooner Sldonla Curley has arrived at a Rappahannock river Doint and will load pine lumber for *be dea'ers here; bugeya Goldie C., is at a river point loading for this city. The pier of the Norfo'k and Washington Steamboat Company at Alexandria Is being overhauled and new mooring and tender piles are being driven at the face of the pier. The work of building the bulkheads on the shies of the new dock of the Norfolk and Washington Company at this city is approaching completion. The dredging work in the dock will also be completed shortly. Representative Saunders' Son Dead. ROANOKE. Va.. February 1.?Thomas Saunders, son of Representative E. W. Saunders of tlie* fifth Virginia district, died yesterday at Rocky Point, of typhoid fever, aged twenty-one years. He was a student at the University of Virginia. Lesters Released on Bail at Mobile. MOBILE. Ala.. February 1.?After spending two nights anil a day in the j county jail, charged with robbing Hard- j away Young, a prominent business man. j of $3.C2o at the point of a pistol. Mr. and ; Mrs. Fleetwood Lest?-r were released on ! bail in the sums of $10,000 and 000. respectively. Insurance Company Assigns. LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. February LFailing to pay off their liabilities within the past week, as ordered by the court, tiie American Insurance Company, incorporated under tiie laws of Arkansas to I conduct a mutual life insurance business, j has lieen placed in the hands of J. K ! Tuffel as receiver by the chancery court. ; Dies From Fright at Seeing Dog. PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. February 1 ? Albert G. Winner, a three-year-old child, tiled here from fright caused by seeing a dog which had been bitten seven weeks ago. When he saw the animal in the street near his home last night the child fell unconscious. It matters little what It Is that you want?whether a situation or a servant? a want ad. in The Star will reach the person who can fill your need. BURIED WEALTH NEAR Hidden by Confederates on Fredericksburg Farm. WHOLE ARMY CORPS' PAY Many Digging for It on Wrong Information. EVANS KNOWS WHERE IT IS* About $200,000 in Loot?lOvner of Property Will Not Arrange to Divide or Form Company. Frank D. Evans of Jlst street a. Confederate veteran, received one <?' the familiar Spanish "gold-brick" letters one aav iasi wcpk. tie nurriea to pone, headquarters to tell Inspector Boardman about it. "1 know there's an 'easy mark' born every minute." said the recipient of th> letter." but this business is so old a gam' I shouldn't think anybody would bite at it." Mr. Rvans remained at police head quarters long enough to tell an Inter esting story of buried treasure not inor than eighty miles from this city: a story much more interesting than tha of the money in the secret compartmen. in the trunk of a man incarcerated in a prison in the old world. He knew there was no truth in the statements contained in the letter h?* t had received from Madrid. He was posi tive about the whereabouts of the hidden treasure in Virginia. His information is that the buried treasure consists of between flHO.oOO and $200,000. The story he told interested his listeners. Buried Near Fredericksburg. "In the first place." said Mr. Rvans who is said to be related to the recently retired Read Admiral of tin; navy. "I am about the only man left who was a private in the Confederate army. The money wras buried near Fredericksburg while 1 was doing duty m that vicinity." Mr. Evans related that the money was captured by the soldiers and buried on a farm. It was supposed to have been sent there front Washington to pay off the members of Hancock's corps. It was in 187-1, lie stated, that a letter written about the episode told of the hiding place of the great amount of silver and gold. In that letter, he said, the writer made an effort to point out the exact hiding place. From then until now digging has been going on. Those who did the digging, however, misunderstood the letter and did their excavating along the wrong hram h. In ttie directions given in the letter, Mr. Evans stated, a big stone and stump of a tree were given as marks for the guidance of searchers. A spring was also mentioned. Some years after the letter was written, he said, he visited the farm and pointed out that the search had not been eonducted in the proper place. Digging on Wrong Stream. "They had been digging all along th" bank of the wrong stream." Mr. Evans stated. By using a compass T was able to determine about the location of the money. By following the directions, as 1 understood them, we succeeded in locating the place where the spring had been. We also found the stone and stump of an old cedar tree. "Thprp'u nn Hmtht ahiiiit thr tniinrv 1 ir? in* there." declared Mr. Evans. Some day it will bo found. "The place where the money was burled is about eight miles from Fredericksburg. Had the owner of the farm permitted a general search it would have been unearthed long ago. * "He will not agree to a division of the money. Nor does he seem disposed to accept a proposal for the formation of a stock company to make the. search. ".My suggestion was that we form a company <>f ten men. contribute $1U0 each and employ men to do the digging. What is to l?e done about lite offer I do not know." A physician in this city is a'.-o deeply interested in the affair, said Mr. Evans The physician expects to accompany Mr. Evans to Fredericksburg in March or April to endeavor to make sonn satisfactory arrangement for systematic search. The formation of a company of ten men. he said, will certainly net each man ?lt>.dUb. Mr. Evans saiW lie had engaged in ft seareh for ihe inon.-y, using a long pointed pole. He would run the pole as far into the earth as he could and, when the point would strike a hard substance, did some digging. Each time he has found the substance was a stone. He is satisfied that a successful search will la- made for the money this year. His horosorpe has practically given him the information. Many Have Sought. Many persons know the money was buried there, declares Mr. Evans, and are anxious to search for it. The money, lxcx curu \V :j ? fmni 21^ ITOYPmmPllt wagun and carried in blankets to the place where it was buried. Tt was one of the misfortunes of war that those who buried it were not afterward able to get it. "I am satisfied I know almost the exact location of the money now," he said, "and feel that it will be soon found." A great amount of digging has been done in the woods on that farm, he sa>s. It will take much more digging, recent investigations having practically settled the location of the burying place. There was a time when the digging in the woods was done under tne cover of darkness, Mr. Bvans stated. Residents of that section are now afraid to go there after dark. "You see," lie said, "the story goes that the wife of a relative of the owner of the farm was passing through the woods, along the ravine where the money was buried, one night, and the child gave a scream. He Had seen a woman and child seated upon the big stone mentioned in the letter. When the child's mother approached the stone the couple had vanished. "That alarmed people living there," he continued, "and you cannot pay them to go there at night. If it were not that they are afraid I ain satisfied there would l>e many midnight hunts made for the money." ' ? MAGOON ON WAY HERE. Former Governor of Cuba Left Palm Beach Last Night. PALM BEACH. Fla., February 1.? Charles E. Magoon, former Governor of Cuba, after a pleasant day spent here, left last night for Washington direct I'pon arrival there he will make a sup- J pleniental report relative to the provisional government, observing what he had done since the last annual report was made, December 1 of last year. He will also give a detailed report of the inau- , gucation of President Gomez. Gov. Magoon says that President Gomez has shown excellent judgment in selecting his cabinet, and he thinks thai the new government will have reasonably fair a.iiling. Chinese Opium Biots Ended. AMOY. China, February 1.?The troops which were sent to quell the so-called opium riols In the Tungaii district some time ago have been withdrawn and the better class of tiie inhabitants are returning to the villages. All efforts to ar r^st the leaders of the riot were unsuccessful. The trouble followed the announcement of an edict prohibiting the cultivation of opium |>oppie*. The dolphin can travel foi l> miles an hour.