of the official trials. Until that la definite ly announced he is not likely to risk the trip to Fort Myer. Among those who were present were Senators Elklns and Nevvland, Dr. Al bert F. Zahm. one of the foremost au thorities on aerodynamics; Representative Kelfer of Ohio, Lincoln Beachey, who made the first airship flight around the Washington Monument; Representative Cox of Indiana, Rpresentative Scott of tvtJisas, former Senator Long, Senator Chauncey Depew and Mrs. Alice Long worth. There will bo no flight Sunday. It is expected, if the weather proves favorable, that a longer flight will be made Monday afternoon. THREE WOMEN IN BALLOON. Make Flight at St. Louis With Aero Club's New Bag. STT. LOUIS. July 17.?Three women made a ba'Ioon ascension here today in the St. Louis Aero Club's new balloon ?Missouri. H. E. Honeywell was the pilot and he was accompanied by Mrs. Honey well, Miss Ada Miller and a womaii whose identity was not disclosed. The gas bag of the Missouri t.as a ca pacity of .19.000 cubic feet. The balloon was becalmed above the business district for twenty minutes and then tailed to ward the east The balloon landed at St. Marys. Mo.. Jifty-flve miles distant, after being in the air three hours. Before ascending here they christened the balloon the Missouri. The balloon crossed the Mississippi river twice. PRESIDENT ON TARIFF (Continued from First Pago.> articles "the growth. product or manu facture of the Philippine Islands" will be admitted free. The inclusion of the words "or manu facture" is the subject of criticism in many quarters. Many members of Con gress think they would make it possible to ship raw materials into the Philippine Islands for manufacture with cheap labor and then bring them to the United States free 01 duty. As originally adopted by the House and later introduced In the Senate, the Phil ippine section contained a provision re quiring that manufactured articles, in or der to obtain the benefit of free admis- , slon into the United States, should not; coutsin ingredients other than products j of the islands. Canal Bond Issue. Bv action yesterday the tariff conferees ? settled the question of giving the Secre tary of the Treasury authority to issue flfty-ycar bonds at a rate of interest not exceeding .1 per cent to cover the entire cost of purchasing the site and con st ruetfug the Panama canal. An amend ment to the tariff bill giving the author ity was prepared by Secretary MacVeagh ?nd delivered to Representative Payne at the Treasury Department during the noon recess. It was adopted when the conference was resumed after luncheon. The effect of the bond provision is to repeal the limit of the authorization con tained In the Spaoner act, although ?? not Interfering with 2 per cent bonds issued under that authority to the amount of SM.6311*80. The estimated cost of the canal Is 1375.201.000. which will be the figures named in the new authorisation, and bonds at the rate of 3 per cent may be Issued as they are needed, therefore, to the amount of $290,560,000. It is understood that bonds to the amount of fifty millons, covering the eost of the canal property and the Canal Zone, will bo issued at an early date In order to reimburse the Treasury work ing balance from which the money paid for the property was drawn. There la no longer any question that the corporation tax amendment will be accepted. Attorney General Wickersham still has It In his custody, but the draft has been seen by some of the conferees and they have found It to be satisfac tory. Tt will tax the net earningsjof corpora tions organized foi* profit at 'the rate of 1 per renfc Some difficulty was experi enced in working out the deductions or exemptions, but it is understood that all objections to those features have been removed. Woolen Schedules Considered. Practically the only subject considered during the forenoon session of the con ference was the woolen schedule. Three reductions were made on women's and children's dress goods, tops and yarns. During the afternoon session an effort was made to dispose of the cotton rchedule, and many of the Senate's specific rates were adopted. Work on this schedule was not concluded, however, as there mere numerous other questions on which the conferees desired disposi tion before adjourning until Monday. The metal schedule, with the exception of iron ore and a few of its products, practically has been agreed- upon. Some of the paragraphs may be reopened when the Iron ore question has been settled. On wire nails the rate of those of one inch or more in leugth wus fixed at four tenths of one cent per pound, and on the smaller sizes three-fourths of a cent. The changes represent an Increase on the smaller sizes and a decrease on the larger sizes in comparison with the Dlnglty rates. The conferees adjourned at 6 o'clock until Monday. Changes in Conference. The only changes made In the wool schedule from existing law have been a 5 per cent reduction on the cheaper grades of women's and children's dress goods, a 5 per cent reduction on cheaper grades of woolen yarns, and a slight reduction on wool tops, classifying them between scoured wool and yarns. The conferees will probably compromise on the duty oil lemons half way between t'ie House and Senate rates. Financial circles are considerably con cerned over the terms of the Panama' 1-ord authorization, fearing that the new ?i per cent may depreciate the valua of existing issues of 2 per cent bonds, if t!ie new issue is to be used as security tor bank circulation. It is said that if the expected de preciation should result and ihe outstand ing 2 per cent of all issues should fall l?elow par. the controller of the cur rency would have to rail upon the banks ! to put up more bonds as security for j circulation, and this would disturb the' money market. TARIFF CONFEHEHCEl (Continued from First Page. ? named in the bill. Many of the con ferees believe that Washington should ave the court, giving many reasons. Canal Bonds Issue. Secretary MacVeagh has submitted to Senator Aldrich and Mr. Payne the pro posed provision iu the tariff bill relating to the issue of Panama canal bonds. This provision permits the Treasury to issue canal bonds to the amount of $375, 000.000, and gives the Secretary of the Treasury authority to increase the in terest rate on the bonds to .'1 per cent, it necessary. Under this authority the Treasury would put out either 2 per cent or 3 per cent bonds, as the situation at any particular time might demand. The Secretary does not care whether the provision in the Payne bill for an issue of HI50.000.000 3 per cent certltt (tttes is put into law. He has authority now to issue $100,000,000. ? 1 1 1 No War Horses for Horse Marines. The practice has been more or less fol lowed of allowing Marine Corps officers to use army horses for the physical test rides. This must stop, however. The War Department has decided that under existing law and regulations there is no authority for loaning horses in this manner. It was held that if any acci dent should happen to animals thus loaned there would be no responsibility under the regulations and decisions of the de partment for the loss or damage of the government property. I PEOPLE AND PLACES CONNECTED WITH THE SUTTON INQUIRY. M/sj. Henry LbomarpXJ-3 Jotqe. COURT NOW READ* FOR SUTTON CASE 0 1 I Investigation of Marine Of ficer's Death to Begin at Annapolis Tomorrow. TRAGIC STORY OF PAST WILL BE MADE PUBLIC Board Called to Pass Upon Newly Discovered Evidence. SECOND HEABING OF CAUSE First Inquiry Behind Closed Doors. Delicate Task Before Those Who Are to Bender Judgment. Action May Follow. Special From a Staff Correspondent. ANNAPOLIS, Md., July 17.?Whether a mother's efforts to clear the name of her \ j son of the stigma of suicide will prove ! successful or whether all the work of nearly two years is to go for naught and J end In bitter disappointment will be de- ; elded by two officers of the United States i Navy and one officer of the United States Marine Corps, who, next Monday morn ing, will begin a second inquiry into the causes of the death of Lieut. James N. Sutton, who met his end in the grounds of the marine barracks here the night of October 12, 1907. Sitting as a military court of Inquiry the three officers, assisted by a second marine officer as judge advo cate, will endeavor to learn If any vital evidence as to the cause of Lieut. Sut ton's death was left undiscovered by the court which passed on the case shortly after the young marine officer was killed and rendered a verdict of suicide. In the midst of the most peacful sur roundings Imaginable a tragic story is to be dug up out of the past and laid bare to the public. For many months the Sut ton case had been considered a closed in cident in naval circles. An Inquiry hk?. been held. All concerned In the unfortu nate afTair had testified, and, after due deliberation, the court had rendered ltii verdict. The public never knew what was the testimony, for the inquisition was conducted behind closed doors, and the utmost secrecy was maintained. Every body?that Is to say, everybody in the 6AS SLAYS FIVE ON COLLIER TWO AMERICAN OFFICERS AND i THREE FILIPINOS DEAD. Bulkheads Stove In by Heavy Sea, Noxious Odors Generated and Men in Hold Overcome. A report has been received at the Navy Department of the death by suffocation from gas on board the United States collier Nanshan of First Officer Frank B. Larkln and Second Officer Harry C. Rapp and of W. L. Fernandez, V. Bar colau and Emlla Iman, Filipino members of the crew. When thirty-six hours out from Manila the Nanshan met a fierce typhoon and shipped a heavy sea forward that stove in the bulkheads and flooded the locker. This generated noxious gases that soon overcame the men who were below. Capt. Carter and Mr. Rapp went down to see what was the matter when the alarm was first given. They were them selves immediately prostrated. The ship was brought to, a wind chute was rigged and the vessel was partly rid of the fumes. Thomas de Lacrtiz volunteered to go down and try to get the unfortunate men out. lie made seven efforts, remaining down each time until -lie was almost overcome. He finally brought up the unconscious body of Capt. Carter and one of the Filipinos. Both were fearfully injured, but they were resuscitated alter a hard struggle. Third Officer Saunders took command of the ship. She went on into Hong kong. where the funerals of the men were held, the crew of the United States ship Helena and the Masonic fraternities of the city participating. MOB ATTACKS TWO OFFICERS. Kentuckians Force Them to Sur render Man Wanted for Murder. LEXINGTON. Ky., July 17.-A mob of mountaineers attacked two officers from Oklahoma at Cannel City. Wolfe county, today and forced them to surrender their prisoner. Grover Whlttaker, who was charged with shooting his wife at Ard more Okla. several mouths ago. The officers were on the depot platform waiting for the train with the prisoner when 100 of Whittaker's friends rushed forward, overpowered the officers and ordered them to leave town. FATAL OHIO TROLLEY MISHAP. - ? Two Killed and Others Injured When Interurban Jumps Track. NEW BREMEN. Ohio, July 17.?Two persons were killed and many Injured here today when an interburban car on the Western Ohio railroad line Jumped the track and turned over. Herman Hortrats, conductor on the car. admtw3trat?ok~5ldq _______ , whekb. Court Marine Corps?was apparently satisfied with the results. Mother Was Not Satisfied. But there was one who was not satis fled?Mrs. James Sutton, mother of the man who was declared to have taken his own life. To her mind it was inconceiva ble that her boy could have killed him self. She began, soon after the verdict was announced, to work for a reopening of the case. She even carried her story to the White House. President Roosevelt referred her to Assistant Secretary New berry of the Navy Department, and that official refused her request, after conter ring with *he members of the court and studying the evidence. In the meantime Mrs. Rose Sutton Parker, sister of the deceased, joined her mother in the light. She came to An napolis shortly after her brother's death and conversed with the marine officers who had been with him the night he died. The more she heard from them the more con vinced she became that her brother had not committed suicide. Orders Another Inquiry. Finally the. influence of Senator Bourne of Oregon was enlisted, and through him Mrs. Sutton obtained an interview with Secretary Meyer. After a careful review of the case and the new evidence pre sented by Mrs. Sutton. Secretary Meyer ordered the case reopened and appointed a board of inquiry. The members are Commander John Hood of the navy, president; Maj. Wendell C. Neville of the Marine Corps and Lieut. Henry N. Jen son of the navy. Maj. Henry Leonard of the Marine Corps will act as judge ad vocate, or Inquisitor, his duty being to get at the fact? from an Independent standpoint. It is a delicate task that this board of inquiry faces. In the first place, its very existence as a board Is due to an im plied reflection on the original board, composed of brother officers of the board which convenes here Monday. The re flection is, of course, not necessarily upon the integrity qf the first board. Henry 1 E. Davis of counsel for Mrs. Sutton >s emphatic in his statements that a new inquiry is demanded only because certain testimony which could not be brought out at the original inquiry is now avail able. Nevertheless, the delicate position of the members of the new board is ap parent. Length of the Inquiry. Commander Hood told The Star corre- j spondent that ho did not know how much timo the investigation would require. That would depend entirely, he said, on the number of witnesses. All he could say was that the hearings would be held in the court-martial room of the adminis tration building at the academy, and that the court would convene promptly at 10 and a lineman, name unknown, who was a passenger, were instantly killed. The car was entering the town at a high rate of speed, and as it approached a curve in one. of the streets the motor man lost control. The wheels struck the curved rails and after bumping along on , the road a short distance the car top pled over on its Bide. The name of the passengers killed, it was learned later, was George Allendorf, of Dayton, Ohio. None of the other passengers it is believed, was fatally hurt. i New York Confirms Equipment Plans NEW YORK. July 17.?The executive officers of the Baltimore &. Ohio railroad announced here today that the company has asked for bids on ?,0U0 freight cars, seventy passenger oars and sixty-five locomotives, to cos-t, in all, between SO,000.000 and $10,000,000. Delivery must be at the earliest possible date. I Coldest and Wettest Since 1854. PARIS, July 17.?France has experi enced this season the coldest and wet test June and July since 18M. The pre vailing low temperature und excessive I rains have wrought severe injury tr j vegetables, fruits and grapes, and de layed the maturing of all cereal crops. Discovery of Smallpox Microbe. Sfi^olal V'iitilosram to Tho }*tar. RIO DF. JANEIRO, July 17.-Dr. Os waldo Cruz, director general of the sani tary service, made an important an nouncement today to the Rio de Janeiro I Academy of Medicine, declaring that the microbe of smallpox, which is of animal ortgin,. had been discovered during bac teriological researches at the Oswaldo Cruz institute by Drs. Henrique Beaure paire de Arago and Prowwazek. Longshoremen Elect O Connor. GALVESTON, Tex.. July 17.-After electing officers for the ensuing year and selecting New York as the convention city for 1910. the International Long shoremen's Association adjourned sine die today. President T. V. O Connor, who has been filling out the unexpired term of Daniel J. Keefe, was elected b> acclamation. Rublee Out of Danger at Vienna. VIENNA. July 17.?William A. Rublee, the American consul general at Vienna, who was operated on a few days ago for gastric ulcer, is now considered ?ut of danger. He has shown marked im provement in the last 24 hours. Home Mission Worker Dies. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., July 17.?Rev. S. F. Gale. D. D.. for twenty-three years superintendent of Congregational Home Association in Florida, Georgia, Alabama and North Carolina, died late last night. He was sixty-seven years old. a native of Vermont and served with distinction in the Union army. o'clock Monday morning. The hours of its sessions and the general details as to mode of procedure will be determined by the full court when It meets. The disposition on both sides is to get through as quickly as possible. With the naval and marine officers the desire for promptness is due partially to their intense dislike of having the affair brought up Hgain. Attorney Davis said he saw no reason why the proceedings should take more than three days. The im pression prevails that the hearings will - decision was made to waive the usual bar. Lawyer Douglas of Atlanta Replies to Charges. ANSWER IN DIVORCE SUIT Declares He Is Not the Stingy Man He Is Described to Be. KISS CONTRACT REPUDIATED Calls Spouse Backslider From tha Church?Drew Line on Lamb Chops for Dog. Sp^cifcJ Uiitpatoli t?> The Star. AT1.ANTA, C?a.. July 17.?Alleging that his wife is a "backslider" from the Bap tist Church, that she drank wine and beer, that she 1* of an exacting nature, reads trashy novels and la the "spoiled child" of wealthy parents, E. Lee Doug la?. tlie rich Atlanta lawyer, today filed answer to his wife's suit for divorce, in which she charged him with being th? stingiest man in the world) Douglas de nies that he Is stingy, that ho charged his wife for every meal she ate or that he made her pay him when she enter tained her friends. Mrs. Douglas* petition for a divorce was the mom remarkable court paper ever tiled in a Georgia court. Chief among its features was tlu> now famous agreement which she said she prepared and which was supposed to regulate their manner of living. Ono Of its provisions was that when one of the two quarreled and madrt up the party in the wrong should submit to he kissed at least one hundred times. In his reply to her suit Mr. Douglas does not deny the existence of the agree ment, but says It was only a burlesque and was never Intended to be signed. Answering her chaigu that he "scruti nized with microscopic eye" all her bilia, ho says that, he inspected them at her request, she having no knack for figures. He refers to the trip out west, during which, she had charged, he compelled her to ride in a tourist car to save money. He denies that he compelled her to do this, but says the experiment, was made for her comfort. He also denlrs the charge of infidelity, and that he ever refused to allow his wLf? to enter his room. Did Not Care for Baked Apples. He also denies that he asked his wlfa to pay for extra meals for her guests, as she charged, and so far from demanding a baked apple pie ?t breakfast which had been left over from supper, lie says he had indigestion and could not eat baked apples. Douglas files many letters written to him by Mrs. Douglas. In these letters they used pet names for cach other. He was called Jack, she Itea. In this let ter. which she wrote him from New YorK. she begins it. "Dear Uord Jack," and signs it "Lady Jack (D-N It)." "Last night we saw a play called the 'Devil.' a play so horrible and true to life that I have been all worked up today over the thoughts suggested. It was a story of how temptation comes to us so disguised, and so deceiving, and how even the best and purest tight against evil all through life, and at last are compelled to see that they have all along been yielding unknowingly, inch by Inch, until they wake up to see that they have yielded completely to the temptation they havo hwn fighting. So you see that you used misnomer when you called me the merry widow. 1 feel today that I am the tragedy widow. Be sure and pet Skeetef (the plaintiff's dog), and don't scold or frighten her. Yours, 'Lady Jack (D-N it).' " One letter to him said "Don't flirt too much. With love and kisses from your wite." Another said. 'Take care of my fat husband and give him lots of lovo and kisses, from his loving wife. Itea. ' Other letters were addressed and signed "Dear Lord Douglas" and "Old Mist>' and "Mars Douglas.'' Once a Church Worker. Douglas says Mrs. Douglas was once a I great church worker ahd abused hlin roundly for drinking a bottlo of beer. She became u "backslider," however, and drank beer and win* at night to mako her sleep, and said "Don't be a fool" once when he refused to drink. In another letter from her in New YorK. Douglas says, she wrote "Leontlne and I are having the time of our lives. Wo have bought the silence of all the Atlanta crowd, and that was the only thing In the way of our having a high old time. And I was really your first sweetheart ? Well, you can certainly be congratulated on the Improvement In your taste In that line, and I am sure by the time you select your real sweetheart you will havo the finest girl of all." Another letter from New York: "We have just come in from a dog huut; we are going to some cafes where actresses go. A Mr. i a friend of the . Is going with us. He is an awfully good fellow. I call it a mean trick to write so little about Dr. and the cocaine." Douglas declares the only time he ever i objected to household expenses was when the learned h.s wife was ordering lamb I chops for her dog. Douglas is worth $MO.OOO and his wife, has about the same amount in her ow ii right, which she Inherited from her fa ther. The couple are socially prominent. Corporations Not Proper Benefici aries. The judge advocate general of the army has rendered an Important opinion 'n the matter of designating benenclarles i under the legislation by Congress in the army appropriation act of lStw. wrhereby six months' pay of the officer or enlisted man who dies'in the line of duty , is to be paid to the widow or dorignatod beneficiary of the deceased. Recently a soldier named a corporation as trustee o;' his benefit payment, and at onc<; the ques tion was raided whether, in view of the language of the act. that could be done. The judge advocate general holds that a person and not a corporation must he selected. Without such designation the payment is made at once to the widow of the officer or enlisted man. i Delegate to Alcoholic Congress. The President yesterday designated j CJeorge 1*. Cotterill. the president of the I Good Templars of the United States, to j be a delegate to the alcoholic congress I to be held In Ixmdon commencing today. ! Mr. Cotterill is now en route to Loudon. Alleged Illegal Voting at Bristol. BRISTOL. Va.. July 17.-The petition of the temperence advocates asking that the local option election of July 8 be set aside was filed today in the corporation court. It alleged one hundred and seventy illegal votes were cast. j Two Killed in Mississippi Shooting. MERIDIAN. Miss., July 17.?At Union, a small town near l>ere, today Joseph and Peter McDonald were killed and two others seriously wounded m a shooting affray. Former Washingtonian Killed. A message was received at police head quarters last night from Mechanicsville. N. Y., telling of the killing in that city yesterday morning of Richard Brown, an electrical worker who formerly lived here, but the message contained no state ment Indicating how he was killed. It was stated in the message that Brown lielonged to the International Society. Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and the police notified members of that or ganization of his death. The f>ollee did not succeed last night In locating rela tives of the dead man.