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? . ?? FOE SALE?HOUSES. FOR SALE- *4.lo<V CONVENIENT TO BUREAU OF ENG. * PTO. An attractive Imy nirnlow (trick bouse; 7 rooms aiul bath ami collar; in excellent condi tion. ormr hsvlng <-omp>tcd painting ami pa p< rln? tiut a short time np>. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOB SALK OX THE HEIGHTS. $4..V>0. A nearly new 1 room bona-'. handsomely deco rated: modern hatli; furnace heat. PARQUET FLOORING. IxJt 'JO fee| v ide. Owner harlnj taken the property for th<* loan which was on It will self at an unusually Ion price. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR S ALE~ $5.550. SEAlI -DETACHKp BRICK. First floor. 4 rooms. Second floor. 4 lK><lrooni? and tiled bath. I?nrgc rooms. Illirh ceilings. New furnace. Lot 25x11". ? 'omlitlon iierfect; new ly_i>?perod and palmed thr<- ighoi.'t; ioeat'-d on fine square on the Heights: eastern I'jjiwure. STOXE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York aye FOR SALE- 14,1100. A remarkably cheap corner on Columbia Heights: .southern and eastern exposure. One of the most comfortable low-priced homes we have erer offered. Two stories and eellar: ?ur mif heat: poreelain tub: sanitary plumbing: lot 32.6 by 104. The ground alone Is worth almost the price asked. The owner, about to more to another city, wishes to make a quick sole. Yoii can set a bargain in tbls comfortable little bouse. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE? RHDUCED TO $4,500. An eight-room dwelling on R st. between 15th and lOtb sts. Tbls is a well improved square; niany expensive dwellings. Lot 18 by 95 to ? public alley. Good-sized rooms, high ceilings. Reasonable term*. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1T.42 New Tork ave. FOR SALE-ATTENTION. INVESTORS! We offer oVe of the best Income producers tbnt has ever been put on the market; a build ing for $4.t>00, renting for $41 n month, con talnlng 11 rooms and two (2) bathrooms; cov eied porches; furnace heat: paved alley: cement sidewalk. At the low price at which you pur chase this property you will receive a large Interest on tbe Investment, and should resell at a haudsome proflt. The locution is quite convenient, situated In one of the best im proved squares of the city. A short distance from tlie government printing office. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1 .".42 NEW YORK AVE. 1 OR SALE? Price. $3,800. NEAR TIIF. UNION STATION. Northwest, on n tmtnliered street. Worth SI.."**' or more. Two stories, cellar, six rooms niwl batb; furnace heat: lot 1SxS<; to alley. Tbls .i* nn attractive ltar-wlndow brick. Will rent $25. Slionld Interest liouieseckers, in vca?or> and speculators alike. STONE A FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. FOR SAI.E? STORE, DWELLING AND STABLE. Near U. S. Capitol. An excellent Investment: Hue business location, l'rice, $3,500: under rental at $25.75. A da rid v lot. Ji2x1UU. STONL ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOl: SALE?LNYK<TMEN T~SOUTHEAST~ " LARGE INTEREST. Price, $2,250: renting for $20.50 a month. Two good six-room bricks In an excellent renting section: a steady Income: always oc cupied. STONE * FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SAIJC OOOH 1N?YVME. Price. $.'{,n0(i. Routed $25.00. ON 5T1I ST. N W. lot 25*95. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE ? CLEAN-TUT INVESTMENT. New?modern. Price. $3,100. Fniler rental. $25. Six rooms, tiled batb. concrete cellar. Furnace beat. On lettered street southeast. STONE * FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE MORE INVESTMENTS SOUTHWEST. Price. $!>00 each. Rent. $b each. Three <3> four-room bricks. 4>-i and M sts.; always rented: few repairs to make; low taxes; a large net Income. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE?CHOICE INVESTMENT. Price, $3,100. Reut. $25. On tbe Heights; near car line. Six rooms and porcelain bath. A cornel- house. 20 feet wide. Bnllt less tfcan three years;. In fine condition; large income to receive from clean-cut house. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR HALE? A magnificent northwest corner at an ex tremely low price; $4,000 under value; dellffbt ful situation; one square from 18th St.; tbe corner of a numbered and lettered st.; southern and eastern exposure. Price. $10,600; worth every cent of $15,000; formerly held at $18,000, * and carried ? loan of $10,000. Withi? the last year or two over $2,500 has been spent on the house, making it modern and up-to-date; steam heat, cabinet mantels, open fireplaces, two bathrooms, front and rear stairway: four roojms on tbe first floor, eight sleeping rooms; cellar; laundry. Tbls is undoubtedly the most attrac tive corner residence ever offered under $15,000. Sold subject to a first deed of trust of $7,600 loaned by one of the roost conservative money lenders In Washington. His valuation at the Mme of making tbe loan wax $15,000. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 NEW YORK AVE. FOR SALE?GOOD INCOME. I'rlce $14,000; renting for $100 * a month; 3 ba^-window brick houses; each six rooms and bath; on a lettered street n.w.: near pension office. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 NEW YORK AVE. FOR SALB l.NI.SCAL VALUE ON COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Price, $7,000. The owner bating procured ground at au extremely low price, offers tietter house for tbe price than has hitherto been able *o be ?IO. Tliree (3) stories and cellar. * 5 bedrooms and two ?2> baths. HOT WATER HEAT. Lot 17>*xl20 to alley. . Electric lights and gas; separate wide *vont porches: double rear porches; oak stairway: oak paneling: hardwood trim on 1st and 2d floors. The e<|im| >,f this house has not ne-.?ii able to be procured at less than *8.000 ier~ toiore. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York sve. FOR SALE- $V500. A NEW CORNER HOUSE. In the Inglesidc section. One of tae prettiest streets: 3 stories. 4 rooms deep on a floo-; two f2? tiled baths; hot wafer heat: servant's room, toilet and lanndry in basement; lot 2H feel wide, gnod depth to rear alley: lighted by electricity; first floor has tjiiitrtered oak tongue-and-groove flooring; bard Kvl trim throughout; surrounded bv bouses ??o-ting SliMMSi. to 315,000. STUNK ft FAIRFAX. 1"?2 X-w York ave. vo? SALE MIOHK IN VESTMENT. HOWNTOWN PROPF.RTY. ?A minutes* walk from 7th and Pa. *ve. TWO STORES. Frit-e. $7,500. Rent for $51. a Trust, $5.t>0O years. l.ot ,'iUlUDi to 30-ff. alley. A B'x.d income to receive for property so ? ?aitrallv lot ated. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. 1 ?? ft, SAI.E FXI'Sl'AL VALUE. Price, *7.750. On the Heights. West of 14th. ^ BeK llOU.-e; three stories; twelve (12j rooms and two (2) baths. NOT A TWO-FAM II.* FLAT. Just tbe place for one needing inatM edrooms. H??T WATER HEAT. STONE A FAIRFAX. I.".42 New York ave. FOR SAI.E? The best proposition ever offered ?*? Columbia it' iijbts for $7,500. A brand-new house, ready for occupancy: !en rooms; two bathrooms; two ? talrwavs; hot-w?toi- heat; parquet flooring on thr tir<i-.and second stories: wide coveri?d ce r?v< nt p??roh: esaensive decorations. Must be -?en to l>e appreciated. SJpNK A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. vt?li SAI.E - . Redu<*ed from $7,000 to fOR A grifK SALE. Out-of 'own owner notifies n> that if we .nn >l st?**e "f h*r Iion^e wltliin the ne\t week: sue ?ill stand a material los.~. At this low prim ; 1? m letuarkable bargain. INTKRSEt TlON OF NT MBERED AND LETTEREI* STREETS. >bort distins-e from f'arnegle Library. Two storien and c?')lar. Four 141 rooms on a floor. 20 feet wide. NiHitbern ejriosiire. Within a square of two car line*, near high ?x'Uool-. eburchcs, market and 5 minutes' walk io tbe downtown section. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE? Price. tH.000. LOCATE!* ON S ST. N.W. NEAR CONN. AVE. A verj attractive three-story residence; un der rental $5o uio. Similar houses held for *ll,00o. Owner has reduced price to a sac rifice figure In order to make Immediate sale. Hot-water heat. Lot 2OX05 to alley. STONE ft FAIRFAX, 1312 New York ave. FOR SALE $<i,000. A detached residence on Washington Heights; nine rooms, modern bath; hot-water heat; lot 50 by 150: a few steps from two ear Unas; the ground alone. 7.500 feet, l? worth the price asked. You should take advantage of this op p-e-tiiniiy <o secure a cheap home or speculation. KOMi ft FAIRFAX, 1342 NEW YORK AVB FOR SALE?HOUSES. FOR SALE -INVESTMENT. Price. $0,400; renting for $43. 3 brick bouses on a lettered *t. n.w.; slwavs rented. STONE * FAIRFAX. 1342 NEW YORK AYR IX?R SALE? _ " j Store and dwelling. Prior, $5. ISO. Rents $43. On avenue northwest near center of city. i Valuable as Investment or for business. Brlvk i stable In rear: lot lt*? feet aeep. | STONE & FAIRFAX. m42 New York ave. I FOR SALE NKAR THF PENSION OFFICE. Price, $5,500. Rented to the name tenant for the past live year* at $40.50 per month. Three stories. rel lar, 10 rooms and modern bath: frame stable. IJii 20x1:^1 to 30-fi. allcj. A humr property which In rase of need would prove an excellent investment. , STONE * FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. | FOR SALE YOU WILL SEE A GOOD HOI SE HERE. Price. $5,500. Excellent value; Iochted on lettered street; I choice vicinity In (i wgi'lown; two storle*. i-el I lsr, nine rooms and bath: flvp to) bedrooms, fotir <?> rooms on first floor. Hot-water heat. Lot 18U.x150 to wide alley. STONE A: FAIRFAX, j l.!42 New York ave. ! FOR SALE NEAR THE UNION STATION]" " A northwest corner; new; southern and east ern exposure; eight rooms; tiled bath; bot water heat; cabinet mantels. Just the house for a physician. $.'>.r?00. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE-ATTENTION! INVESTORS. PI T YOI It MONEY IN TWO-FAMILY j HOUSES, THE REST INCOME PRODUCERS: IN THE MARKET. 15 AND 12 PER CENT NET ON CASH INVESTED. rents $41?Biuouilngdale: a particu- , larly desirable two-family house; always rented, j S3.750; rents $3(5?Two-family houses on a | numbered street n.w. ?1,230; rents $51?Near lfltb and T; one of | the best located: 2 stories, attic: 2 apart tnents; 5 and H moms. 2 baths; 2 stairways. STONE * FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE?SEMI-DETACHED HOME. ' tine best bargain on Columbia Heights. Eijrlit large rooms and bath, with attic over j eutlre house; cemented cellar; furnace beat: east and south exposures: lot 25x109: l1* blocks from two ear .ines. Price only $5,500. JOHN QUINN CO.. Inc.. 704 13th st. n.w. au21 -s.tuAth-3t ? FOR SALE? MT. PLEASANT: SEMI DETACHED. A tine tS-room home, with bath and tlnislic-1 attic; furnace heat, wash trays, etc.; on lot 25 feet wide: convenient, to 14th st. and Mt. Pleasant car lines. Price. $4,000. JOHN QI.'INN CO.. Inc.'. 704 13th st. n.w. au21-s.tuA-tii 3t FOR SALE NEW HOMES. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Absolutely the best bargain ever offered in this desirable section; ? large, light, airy rooms: tlleil bath with shower batb; cemented cellar, hot-water heat: parquetry floors; < alt finish: lots 20 feet wide, facing wide avenue. Only (:4,950. JOHN QUINN CO.. Inc.. 704 13th st. n.w. au21 i FOR SALE- BARGAIN IN SMALL HOME. I On Columbia Heights, dose to cars; 0 rooms I and bath; cemented cellar; hot-water heat; let I 17x90; small cash payment down, balance like rent. Price only $3,000. JOHN QUIXX CO., Inc., 704 13th at. n.w. au21 -a.tu&tn-'tt v. FOR SALE?NEW HOUSES NORTHEAST. til0-612 4th st. One of the liest built homes in the City: (5 large rooms, tiled bath: large pantry, cemented cellar: hot-water heat: ?ak finish: close to Union station atid all car lines. Corner of al ley. $4,500: next to corner. $4,400. JOHN QUINN CO.. Inc.. 704 13th st. n.w. au21-s.tu&tb-3t j FOR SALE?A GOOD INVESTMENT. In oue of the best renting sections. A 7-r.?om brick, with modern bath; deep lot with stable. Reuting to good tenant for $18..V) per mouth. Price for quick sale, $2,300. 1 JOHN QUINN CO.. Inc.. 704 13th st. n.w. FOR SALE-?A BARGAIN, COLUMBIA Heights, semi-detached brick: lot 25x105: porches; ten rooms; two baths; steam heat; j gas logs. OWNER, 3555 11 lb st- au21-3t? t FOR SALE?NEW 2-STORY. SIX-ROOM AND bath brick: furnace heat; every modern con venience; located on wide avenue in north west: price. $4,850. Particulars U. R. HOWENSTE1N CO.. 1314 F at. n.w. au21 8t FOR SALE-WASHINGTON HEIGHTS RESIDENCES. $7,250?11 rooms and baths <7 bedrooms); first-floor kitoken; modern heat. Located west of 16th st. *1.000 cash required. $7,000?9 rooms and bath; near 18th and Columbia road; hot-water beat. $1,000 cash required. $7,500? Big lot: 9 rooms, modern bath; near 18th and Park road. $8,50(i?10 rooms and stable: hot-water beat. Wide, deep lot. $6,500? Near Belmont ave. and 18th st.; 0 rooms and bath. $6,750?9 rooms and bath. l?t 25x150. De tached. 19th st. near Col. road. $9,780? A beauty; H rooms. 2 baths. Hot water heat. $10,000--Fine; 11 room*. 2 baths; hot-water brat. Situated beautifully, overlooking Conn, ave. bridge. $8,000?10 room* and bath; hot-water heat. Close to Blltruore and Calvert sts. $l?.00o?Elegant: detached; 12 moms, two' baths: hot-water heat. Grand location?close to* Columbia road and Belmont at. Other fine properties In tlie Heights. GF7T i OLR 1.1ST. BELT, O'BRIEN tc CO.. Inc., 1309 G st. n.w. ? u2l-3t.eSu FOR SALE?JUST N. OF WASHINGTON CIR cie. substantially built residence, with pressed brick, bay-window front: IS stzihle r<Kimn and porcelain bath: fnnisce heat. REDUCED FROM $5,500 TO $4,250 FOR QUICK SALE. Out-of town owner needs inonev. WILLIGE. GIBBS & DANIEL. 603-05 13th. an21 -3t FOR~SALE-3 NEW HOUsiS," u?>4 tf-S EAST Capitol sf.; C rooms and reception hall: hard wood finish; hot-water beat; electric and gas- ? light: eoni-rete cellar nnd laundry. Owner, WM. MURPHY. 1310 East Cap. st. ?u21-3t* FOR SALE- NEAR ST. ALOYSlUS~ CATHOLIC Church; a 3-*tory and basement lirlck dwelljiiir. containing 12 room* and l?ath; in good condi- ; Uon; large front porch. THE PRICE IS $4,750. which was jtm reduced owing (o owner ic-tv- j ing citv. Li>ok at this at ?r?-e. It is a fiue l I proposition THOS. J. FISHER * < ??.. 738 15th at. n.w. I | FOR SALE HOUSE WELL ( OCATEH. VKAR | loth and s.w.: always r<?nted at $11.0u. ! Pri -e. $1,250. F'LOYD E. DAVIS. 7TII AND E S.W. an21-3t,eSil ; FOR VAi.K Wl. NEW HOUSES ONE SHORT SQUARE ! Caplto'. aud Library?10!*. 111. 113 Carroll M. (between l*t an.l 2d. R and C sts.>: 2 I and cellar press-brick dwellings. ta'ning ?; rooms ami hatii; furnace heat: oak ??abinet tuantei*: tf>!lslted floor* nicely papered: i lot ti(? :eer deep io 1>? .*> it. alley: construct! ?i gnarantcd: only tiie be^t material ni??d; small cash payment nnd balance like rent. Ojk'D today for Inspect lor. JOSEPH I. WELLER Realtv Broker. (KC F st. n.w. au21-3t ! FOR SALE RV OWNER. DETACHED FRAME bouse, containing ten bright and airy room* | and bath, cellar and porches: shade and fruit trees, roses, flower b<sls and clean grass lawns between graded walks and ilri#eway; located on lot 50t1;"hi feet In a >e. (|on on the Heights where values are Increasing: a comfortable cit.v home, in jood condition, possessing rural charms, will be ofT'-r^d .*on i'h a bargain and safe investment. Address Box 41. Star office. au21-2t* j FOR SAIJK OWNER MUST SELL MODERN, new. 0 room*: SUi tt. n.w.. Pet worth; reception hall: tiled bath: isirches: all modern conven iences: no reasonable offer refused. Address Box .'17 Star ofiice. au21-2t* FOR SALE- AN UNUSUALLY FINE BRICK RESIDENCE NEAR CORNER OF RHODE ISLAND AVE. AND 3I> ST. N.W.: 2 story: 8 larire rooms and tiled Imth: every modern convenience: large ?-c)lar: Iron Birders; lot 20*145: attractive snrri-nnding.'-: CLEAR OF AIL DEBT; WILL BE SOLD ON EASY TERMS. Room 31t? Evans building. au213teSo* FOR SALE MY BEAUTIVI L NEW COUIMAI. home, situated on one of the inost desirable streets in Columbia Heights; 7 large room* and t bath: hot-water heat, gas and electric lights; trimmed In oak throughout: large porches: :/? ft. parking: good back yard to alley. For low price and other |?arUcii!art> address Box 55, Star office. ? v.w sj xi.K?SPLENDID HOME. N.W.; WEST of 9tb st.: 8 r<wn>*. porccUln bstb ?lnk of this sacrifice; must be sold. Only $4,500. au21 -3t eSu* GEO. M. SLYE. ??> r n.w. FOR SALE?PRETTY HOME, N.E.; 2-STORY frcas brick; H rooms. Imtb, Cellar, furnace, targalu at $3,400. an21-3t.eSn* GEO. M. SLYE. 620 F n.w. FOR SALE?4SREATEST BARGAIN IN MOUNT Pleasant. Pressed brick; nearly new: 10 rooms; hot-water heat; side light; rnuat sell; $0,850; your own terms. OWNER. 1726 Newton n.w. no20-8t* FOR SAt.E?GOOD. SOLID INVESTMENTS. By owner, several two-story bricks, good renting section northwest. Comer, $2,500; rent. $22.50. Several others. $2,150 each: renteil. $18.50. These are about $5?*1 each un der the true valu*. Address Box 15. Star * office au'JO-ut FOE SALE?HOUSES. Foil SAUK-NEAR BRIGHT WO* >D AVE. tt COL. ROAD. Most attractive six-room boiiNe: Urge rooms; has bot-water heat: price, $3,30?. MOORE A- HIL.Lt, Int.. 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE-AIT. PLEASANT. XfiAU 1?Til. Price $4.sou; (i rooms; 2 storlc*: reception hall: plan well arranged: southern exposure. MtJORE 4k 1IILL. 1 nr.. 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?NEAR ik%ST~CAPITOL STREET. $2,150: 2 new U-room houses; have good yard: alley. M<H>KK tc LULL. In-'.. 1333 G st. B.w. FOR SALE?WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. .Near Blltmore and Columbia road; 1" rooms; 4 stories: Lot-water heat: English basement plan. This well constructed house If pur chased Immediately owner will take $I0.50<V MOORE * HILL. Inc.. 133:1 G st. n.w. FOR SALE- NEAR~i 4TH AN D It STS. N. W. Unusually >-heap borne; located right: contain ing ton large rooms; furnace heat; lu good re pair: lot 2.? feel front to alley; price. 84.050. MOORE & HILL Inc.. 1333 G st. n.w. FUR SAM? CLEVELAND PARK. Price, $(5.3iNi. Containing 8 rooms; good heat ing plant, etc.: artistically arrauged: lot 45 feet front. MOORE tc. HILL. Inc.. 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE SEMI-DETACH ED HOME S.E. Six rooms, nicely finished, cool, gas range; uew: price. $2,30O; terms can be arranged. MOOR P. & HILL. Inc.. 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE- BEAUTIFUL 6-ROOM HOUSE S-E. Six rooms, large cellar, furnace heat, new; price, $2,500. MOORE * HILL, Inc.. 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE- "WOODLEY PARK." Absolutely uew; located on Connect lent ave nue. on one of Washington's most fashionable residein-e streets; 10 rooms: semi-detached; 3 baths; 25 feet frontage: deep lots. the deco rations are ail that <-ould be desired in auy price liouse. Parquetry flooring, entire house trimmed in oak of the best Quality; parlor, re ception hall and dining room wainscoted; b.-am ed ceilings; por.elain tiled kitchen: largo closets; hot-water heat; electric and gas lighting. Au inspection will continue that tola is a big value at $10,500. Sample, 202J Conn. avc. MOORE Si HILL, Inc.. 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE-WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. Remarkably attractive 12-room hous<v with unobstructed view of Rock <Yeek Park*. Conn. Avenue Bridge and surrounding country; large stone front porch; 2 rear porches; wide front age; 2 baths; recently renovated throughout and In splendid condition; screens; awnings, shades, etc.. go with house: $10,500. MOORE & HILL, Inc.. 1333 <1 st. n.w. FOR SALE WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. Beautiful 10-room house, situated in the heart of this exclusive section: 22 feet front age; deep lot: 3 baths: $s*,750; this is $1,250 less than the original cost. MOORE * HILL. Inc.. 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Well constructed 10-room bouse; excellent repair. If "purchased at once owner will sac rifice at $7.500. MOORE & HILL Inc.. 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?CLEVELAND PARK. $8,500. Handsome 2-story and attic house; new; most desirably located: constructed as well as you'd have it; planned with every consideration for comfort and convenience; a cozy place that is more than a mere house?a real home. MOORE & 11 ILL. Inc.. 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE WASHINGTON JIRIGHTS. 10-rooni house and auto garage; wide and deep lot: hot-water heat; house in perfect repair; $0,000; this is a big reduction in price. MOORE Ac HILL. Inc.. 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE-INVESTMENTS. 913-917-919 25 th st. n.w.?New ?-room houses, ail rented at $25 per month; good tenauts. Price. $3,250 each. West of 16th st.. just south of U St. ? 9 rooms: hot-water heat; large dry cellar; tiled bath: good lot: reduced; it should rent for $37.50: price. $4,500. Greatly reduced to ef fect a quick sale. Two-family apartments; 5 rooms and bath to each apartment; both rented at $30-per month; price, $3,300. Well located. * 710 E st. n.e. ? Beautiful 6-room house; 23^ feet wide; will guarantee $30 per month rent; price, $3,975. Store and dwelling, II st. n.e.?Now rented at $30 per month: if present tenant can get lease, will pay $35 per month; price, $4,000. Three small bricks, n.w.; rents, $17.50; price, $4,000. Unusually good Investment. MOORE A- HILL Inc.. 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL SEMIDETACHED NEW RESIDENCE. DECIDED BARGAIN. Most desirably located on the HEIGHTS. Close to the main car lines. An abundance ?f ground. Space for garage or stable. NEARLY SIXTY FEET OF SOUTHERN EXPOSURE To the side. ONLY $8,750. Elegantly constructed house, solidlr built, massive; elaborate woodwork of GENUINE OAK THROUGHOUT, skillfully polished. Ten rooms?four ota first floor, including library and kitchen. Three on second floor and three on third floor. Planned to admit of the proper furniture arrangement, as well as for light and ventilation?the back rooms as bright ana cheer ful as the front. TWO TH,ED BATHROOMS, Magnificently equipped. The very latest and most expensive Lt tings. including pedestal washstands. SEVEN LARGE CLOSETS. HOT-WATER HEAT tbe '-Gnrney" heater, absolutely the beat, with instantaneous water heater connecting. SERVANTS' STAIRWAY AND TOILET. TWO-STORY BACK PORCll. overlooking an entire square, an unobstructed view?quite es sential from o light and air standpoint. EXPENSIVK LIGHTING FIXTLTtES for tooth EJJCCTRICITY AND GAS. The mantels are exquisite. Heavy plate glass mirror In door of cloak closet, also In consol. I-AI.'NDRY ROOM. Light, dry cellar full spread of the bouse, with front and rear en trances. Ten-foot ceilings. The floors are beautifully laid, dressed ami polished. I<arge pantry. The kitchen ventilation hfcs been cared for by providln- the latest "Johnsoti" device to carry off smoke and odors. Solid oak dresser. This house was built entirely by day's labor and not by subcontract. thereby effecting a great saving, the benefit of which the future owner gets. The house Is not "hemmed'* 1n by others. A spacious lawn in the front and side view, with the open square in the rear, which can never be built upon, prevents this. The price Is $8,750. It wonld lie a cheap propertv at $10,000. DON'T THINK OF BUYING WITHOUT SEE ING IT. BELT. O'BRIEN & CO, (Inc.), 1309 G st. n.w., au21-3t>Su Agent. t FOR SALE DETACH ET? RESIDENCE. CLOSE TO 1KTH ST. AND PARK ROAD. Elegant location. Big lot. 50 feet wide; pretty lawns. Practi <-allv all front rooms. Spacious porches. PRACTICAIJA" NEW HOUSE. Ten rooms. First-floor kitchen. HOT-WATER HEAT. I^tmdrj. Servants' quarters. Price. We will loan *7,500 on this property without <ost t.? purchaser of placing same. BELT. O'BRIEN & GO. (inc.), 1300 G st. n.w. hh21 -3l.eSn FOR SALE TWO CORNER RESIDENCES. $6,750 EACH. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL. THREE BAY-WINDOWS TO BACH HOUSE SITUATED IN COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Eight pioms each ?4 on 1st floor. 4 on 2d). Tiled bath. u-*th every modern appointment. HOT-WATER HEAT. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. GENUINE OAK WOODWORK THROUGHOUT. Numerous closets. Two-story back [torches, af fording a magnificent view of the entire city CORNER HOUSES ARE SCARCE IN COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, ESP ROI ALLY NEW ONES. BELT. O'BRIEN & CO. (Inc.). 1300 G st. H.w. au21-3t.eSn FOR SALE REMARK ABLY CHEAP. BARGAIN OF THE DAY. NEW HOUSE. Superbly built. Seren rooms. Ist-tloor kitchen. Hot water heal. Double floors. "Gnrney" hot-wafer heater. Steel beam eon-t mot ion. Concrete cellar, laundry. Wide povch ami two-story back is?roh. IjOT 18x130. Located jn strictly a home owners' section of the northwest. Three-story neighborhood, half square of Treasury ears. PIUCK ONLY $4,950. $3H? CASH. $20 MONTHLY. {tELT. O'BRIEN * OO. tine.), 1300 G St. U.W. a u21-St, eSu FOR SALE - COLORED PURCHASER CAN dnd a decided bargain In K-room bouse on 13th st. n.w. near T st.; Urge front parking; yard to rear: concrete private alley; price. $4,500; trust, $1,509. which can be increased if de sired; must have not lees than $1,000 cash. Call or address S. A. W.. bet. 12 and 2. 4 and <$ p.m.. 1414 14th u.w au20-St,8 FOR SALE-A DELIGHTFULLY SITUATED cottage. ? large rooms mid bath; double weath er hoarded; concrete cellar; furnace- hot and cold water; gas and electricity; lot 50X187 all the advantages of the country, but really !n closest touch with the city; one mlnnte front trolley. :tt;th and Newton sts., Mount Rainier. B. STRYKER. 1000 N. 2d ?t.. Har rUburs. Pa. au*Kit.efcfti FOB SALE?HOUSES. FOR SALE A PREfTTY NEW HOUSE IN A DESIRABLE NORTHEA8T 8ECTJON: NEAR GOOD CAR LINE; especially well built: nicely arranged and finished In the most up-to-date manner: six largo rooms and modern bath: concrete cellar; furnace beat; nice yard. fcasy term*. .*3.300 N. L. SANSBURY, 719-21 13th st. n.w. T'X^R SALE*? WELL 'l<X" ATED IN COLUMBIA HEIGIITS. 1 A NEW HOI SE UF LXlalAL ATTRAl IIVE NESS: erected by a practical and experienced builder; six rooms and tiled bath; nardwood trim; fine cellar; excellent HOT-WATER heat lug plant; all rooms lighted by outside win dows. This house will give the purchaser per fect satisfaction. Small cash payment. .$4,500 N. L. SANSBURY. 719-21 13th st. n.w. TO'kXTRAQRDINARY VAIjUE: FINELY CON STRU'TED; PRACTICALLY NEW TWO-STORY IIOMR: elevated northwest section; ? ictiy modern;- SEVKN beautiful rooms and uwdern haihrooni: nickeled plumbing: finished all through In choice hardwoods: elegantly deco rated; heated by first-class HOT-WATER sys tem: light concrete cellar: very LARGE yard. Lots of houses far inferior have been sold for at least $500 more than this price. You will at once recognise a bargain when you tee it, $4,000. X. L. SAXSBURY. 719-21 13th st. n.*. FOR SALE THIS FINE LITTLE IIOME DESERVES TO RANK HIGH UP IN THE LIST OF MODER ATE-l'RICED HOUSE8. It is located in a high section, west of 10th street northwest: good, solid construction: attractively finished and extra well decorated: modern in. every way; concrete cellar; furnace heat; fine yard. Convenient terms ^ $4,000 N. L. SANSBl'RY. 719-21 13th st. n.w.* FOR SALE NEARLY NEW TWO-STORY PRESSED BRICK RESIDENCE; desirable northwest loca tion; seven rooms and modern bath; hardwood Interior finish: beautifully decorated: fine cabi net mantels In parlor, dining room and l>ed I rooms; cabinet gas range: hot-water heater: handmade screens for ail windows and doors; expensive shades; lot lfcxlOO; paved alley; ex cellent neighborhood. Easy pavments... .$4.'JO0 N. L. SANSBL'RY. 719-21 13th st. n.w. FOll SAIJ>~ " BEAUTIFUL NEW HOUSE. FINELY LO CATED IN WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. NEAR COLUMBIA RoaD. This is a house of sterling merit at a remarkably low price and offers an unusual opportunity to secure an admirable new home in u high-class location; modern in ail Its appointments; splendidly finished ami decorated throughout; HOT-WATER heat; llgUt, aliy cellar: laundry, etc. Very reason able terms. $5,250 N. L. SAXSBURY. 719-21 13th st. n.w. FOR SALE NEAR STANTON PARK. A WELL BUILT AND NICELY ARRANGED CORNER HOUSE; | SIX bright rooms and tiled bathroom; ill finest condition: large pantries and closets; coal and | gas ranges: nice front and side yards. This is a seel ion in which really desirable houses are rarely for sale. Owner is buy lug a larger house and Is offering this property very low, $4,500. N. L. SANSBURY. 719-21' 13th st. n.w. FOR SALE? AT SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS LESS THAN COST: COMPARATIVELY NEW TWO STORY BRICK: convenient location In CO LUMBIA UEUiHTS, half square from 14th st. car !ine; handsome front of red pressed brick and brown stone; entire Interior finished lu hardwood; In perfect order; first-class heating plant: southern exposure. Business reasons for selling. Easv terms $5,200 N. L. SANSBURY. 719-21 13th st. n.w. FOR SALE AN IMPOSING AND STYLISH TEN-ROOM HOUSE. OCCUPYING A UK ATION OF UN SURPASSED DESIRABILITY IN COLUMBIA HEIGHTS; in finest kind of condition; beauti fully arranged tiled bathroom; many hand some mantels and open fireplaces: oak finish on first floor; hardwood on second and third floors; numerous exclusive features of con venience and attractiveness. This is probably the best house that has ever been offered for sale at the price In the city. We invite an Inspection. Suitable terms $5.9o0 N. L. SANSBURY. 719-21 13th st. n.w. FOR SALE^ * * IN SAUL'S ADDITION. JUST COMPLETED. SEVERAL ADMIRABLY DESIGNED AND SPIjENDIDLY BUILT NEW HOUSES, situated on large lots, with ample space for grass, flowers and shrubbery: every Eusslfrle modern CITY IMPROVEMENT. The ouses contain EIGHT and NINE moms, each; every room has two or more large windows; charmingly arranged tiled bathrooms; fasci nating bay-window dining rooms: solid ?ak etnlrways: oak floors: tasteful decorations; tine fixtures: VERY RFXT HOT-WATER HEATING FI.ANTS; large pantries and spacious closets; linen rooms and storage rooms: Immense con crete cellars with eight windows. The largest, best built arid most beautifully finished DE TACHED HOUSES ev*r sold at I/OW PRICES In the District of Columbia. Also fine build ing lots sold on the most reasonable terms. Just twenty minutes from the heart of the city. TWO SPLHXDED CAR LINES. Houses ALWAYS OPEN. Salesmen on the property will furnish plats and full information. X. L. SAXSBURY. Exclusive Agent. 719-21 13th st. n.w. FOR SALE ? NEAR l.TTH AND GIRARD STS. NORTH WEST, A BEAUTIFULLY APPOINTED MOD ERN HOME. Parlor, reception room, dining room, butler's pantry and large kitchen on first floor: SIX delightful liedrooms and fine bsth rootn; finished throughout In finely grained hardwopds and elaborately decorated; economi cal heating plant of proven efficiency. Desiring an Immediate sale the owner has named a price that will impress you us extremely low. A trust of $4,500 at 5 f?er cent can remain. If desired. Convenient terms as to balance, $6,260. X. L. SAXSBURY. 719-21 13th st. n.w. FOR SALE SPIJENDIDLY LOCATED. JUST OFF 16TH STREET NORTHWEST. AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE MODERN HOME. It contains 13 hand somely finished rooms and three large bath rooms; massive interior finish of solid oak: ar tistic. carved oak stairways; siw'ciaUy deslgnfcd chandeliers Hnd fixtures; highest order of deco rations; superior plumbing; a full complement of pantries, closets, linen rooms and storage rooms: the most approved style of HOT WATER heating system. This magnificent home was erected a few years ago expressly fer the home of the present owner, a former ITnited States senator. Liberal terms can be arranged, $12,600. N. U SANSBl'RY, 719-21 13th st. n.w. FOR SALE- MUST BE SOU) AT ONCE- $6,500 property for $5,500. 8-room brick; all modern Improvements: property Includes a 16-foot ad joining lot; also an automobile stable in the rear; Is half block from Capital Traction rail way and 2 blocks from Washington railway; is In the southerti section; has to he seen to be appreciated. Address Box 17, Star office. auSO-St* FOR SALE - 6-ROOM HOUSE: A.M.I.: LA trobc heat. 321 D st. n.e. Inquire within. wn20-.'lt * | FOR SALE LOT 53 FT. FRONT. IN COURT central n.w.. improved by two frame houses, rented for $15 month; cheap at $2,500; price onlv $1 600. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 1423 F. anJft-St.eSTi FOR SALE - Kl-ROOM AND BATH BRICK; excellent home: liot-water heat; Fla. avc. n.w. bet. 2d nnd 4th: cost owner $7,500; price, $6,500: sell to colored party. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 142:5 F. au20-3t.eSu FOR iALE ? 10-ROOM AND BATH BRICK; ho;-water heat; we?t of 16th st. on R. I. ave.: quick sale, $10,500; ideal home: fine location. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 142:; F. au20-3t.eSu FOR SALE?6 ROOMS AND BATH. FAIR niont sr. n.w.t price, $3,500; easy terras: sell to ._-olored party. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 1423 F. ' . FOR SALE-?~ROOM FRAME HOUSE. EAST Cxpitol st. bet. 10th and 11th: chesn at $3.<ni0. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 1423 F. ?u20-3t.eSu FOR SaLE?ONLY $4,150; 0XE SQUARE FROM LINCOLN PARK: 3-STORY AND CELLAR 8-ItOOM BRICK RESIDENCE; 5 BEDROOMS; LARGE YARD: ALLEY: NICE LOCATION; GOOD CONDITION. CHAS. A. SHIELDS, 183ft NEW YORK AVF,. N.W. in'20-3' FOR SALE TO CLOSE AN EST A J r. OM.Y' *4.650 ASKED: RENTED AT $35 PER MO.; 21-YEAR TENANT: 9 ROOMS AND MOD. BATH. ETC.: GOOD CONDITIONFINE IN VESTMENT: ON 4TH ST. NEAR PA. AVE. S.E. ('HAS. A. SHIELDS, 1330 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. au20-:tt FOR SALF, $7,500: RENTED AT $53 PER MO ? TO CLOSE AN ESTATE: 3 STORY AND CELLAR; 21-FOOT FRONT: LAROE STORE AND 9 ROOMS: LARGE 2 STORY BRICK st*hif- splfvdtd business location ON CAPITOL HILL. CHAS. A. SHIELDS. 133R NEW YORK AVE. N.W. an20-3t FOR SALE-ONLY $4.ix*> ASKED; TO CLOSE A V EST ATE; \ 3-STORY AND CELLAR ? ROOM AND BATH BAY-WINDOW BRICK RESIDENCE LOCATED ON M ST. N.W. NEAR WEATHER BUREAU. CHAS. A. SHIELDS. 13M NEW' YORK AVE. N.W. au20-3t i FOE SALE $13,000; A FINE DOUBLE-FRONT.] RESIDENCE OF 12 ROOMS: HOT WATER HEAT- ON A CORNER; 50 FEET FRONT: OPEN ALL AROUND: PORCHES AND SHADE: ON WIDE AVENUE: EAST. CHAS. A SHIELDS. 1336 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. au20-3t FOR SALE-FINE MODERN HOME IN THE n w with 6 rooms and bath, including hot water beat; ONLY $3,100. C. A. RHODES, 1321 G st. n.w. an20-3t FOR SALE?$4.750?COLORED HOME BUY ere notice?Well built modern 6-room house: furnace beat; fine central location; In perfect condition: newly papered and painted. This Is lust what you are looking for. CHAS. S. kUIR & CO.. 1403 N. Y. ave. au2Q-2t FOR SALE - _ _ No. 831 3d st. n.e. Near Union station and H street cars; ? rooms and bath, new; box type; all-light rooms. Price, $3,500. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST CO., REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. auflO-tf FOR 8ALE-BY OWNER. TEX-ROOM BRICK bonae: north Dnpont Circle: hot-water heating; tiled bath: south front; yard: alley; kitchen on first floor: in first-class condition: would trad* far smaller ho us?; price, $6,600. Address IV?x m. star office. auao-at'.r FOR SALE?HOUSES. FOR SALE?NO. 1644 PARK ROAD; 10 ROOM&, 3 baths; hot-water heat; lot 22 feat ? inebaa bv llw feet to slier; colonial ;?rch; semi-de tached; $8.??00. TAGGART ERASER CO , Inc., 14??r> New York ave. :iu20--"t FOR SALE?SPLENDID INVESTMENT PROP eity: 4 brick liousw*. in Mod coud itloo: rente! Rt 920; pr!<*?\ outy WILLIGE. GIBBS * DAMKI* 603-06 13th. agjtjt FOIt SALE-OWING TO ILL HEALTH. OWN er will sell for $7.90? tine marble-front resi dence located n.w.; 11 rooms. 2 baths; -ttcam heat; front and back stairway*: cott $10,000 to build: pri<-e. including party wall worth f-trtO; trust, *5.5<h>. running until 1011: only #2,400 cash needed. WIIXIOE. GIBBS * DANIEL. 603-05 13tb. au20-3t FOR SALE?FINE HARVARD ST. RESIDENCE: ? roouis, porcelain bath. furnace heat, large yard, 2 party walls; rery cheap at $3,400; $500 cash, balance monthly. WILIJGE OIBBS & DANIEL, 603-05 13th. au20-3t i"OR SALE 72o 6TII ST. N.E: 9-ROOM BRICK: hath, cellar, furnace; $4,758. Compelled to sell. aul9-3t FOR SAIJv -CHEAPEST HOME IN PETWORTH; lot 40x130: 8-roorn bouse: plenty closets; hot water heat; 2 Iwiths; nicely papered: well located: shadn trees In front: $5.5UO. Houae on same street jnat sold fop $6,000. aul!>-4t SOCLE REALTY CO.. 1328 N. T. are. FOR SALE-'TWO-STORY AND CELLAR NINE room brick houae: parlor, library, dining room, pantry and kitchen on first floor: 5 rooms and hath "on secotad; furnace and stationary tuba in cellar; front porch. Will sell at $4,500; coat $5,500. OWNER, 433 New Jersey ave. s.e. an11?-3t* FOR SALE 133ft-1340 KENYON ST.. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Attiactive three-story residence; nine room*; two baths. Deep lots to wide paved alley; room fo* fa rase. Trimmed throughout in hardwood: expensive mantels: beautifully decorated. Gurney Hot-water Boiler. Open every day until dark. Price. $7,600. For nale exclusively by ALEX. MILLAR. Owner and Builder, 2018 1st st. n.w. or 1210 Ohio ave. to.jr. anlli-.'lt FOR SALE - JUST OFF " N. CAPITOL ST.? Splendid modern brick residence, 20 ft. front, with 6 large rooms, reception ball; furnace heat; verv cheap at $4,500: terms to suit. WIIXIOE. GIBBS &- DANIEL 603-05 13tb. a(i1tt-3t KOR SALK?UN COLUMBIA HEIGHTS ? ? story pressed brick: !> rooms and bath: hot water heat: 3-story rear porch: lot 17x120. Price. $7,000. HARRY A. WAOSTAFF. 904 14th st. n.w. an 19-31 FOR SALE?THE MOST BEAUTIFUL NEW house In Washington Heights; strictly high class residence property; lot 25 ft. front by 152 deep. The house contains 14 rooms, billiard room. I bath n?>ais, 4 toilets and lavat>ry; finished throughout in oak; hot-water heat: large stone and granite front porch: 1st and 3d floor rear porches: place for keeping automo bile: electric and gas lights with expensive fix tures. Price, $20,000. For further information, location, etc., see HARRY A. WAGSTAFF. 904 14th st. n.w. auin-:;t FOR SALE -ON E ST. N.E.. BEAUTIFUL LIT* lie home; 2-story brick; 6 rooms and bath; la trobe heat; rear porch: lot 17x70 feet to 10 foot alley. Would rent for $20.50 per month. Price for quick sale. $2,800. HARRY A. WAOSTAFF. 904 14th st. n.w. aul!)-3t FOR SALE?ON CALVERT ST. N.W.. ON iWantlful Washington Heights. 3 stories *tn?l concrete cellar: 9 rooms and 2 tiled baths. A bargain at $8,000. Investigate this at once. HARRY A. WAGSTAFF. 904 14th St. n.w. aulP-:tt FOR SALE?ON THE HEIGHTS: NEAR 14TH st. cars; commodious house: a.m.i.; 2 tile baths: hot-water heat: large yards: porches, etc.: must be sold: will take $7,000; easy terms: tine location. "J. W. G.," Star office. ani8-30t.5 ' FOR SALE-TO INVESTORS?A TWO-FAMILY apartmeut house In growing section of the city; 10 per cent net investment. . aul7-tf WEAVER BROS.. 1416 F st. n.w. FOR SALE?ONLY $4,000; TO COLORED PU3 chaser: central n.w.?Brick dwelling: 6 :-ooms and bath; cellar and stable; easy terms. A rare opportunity. auU-tf-5 H. L. RUST. 008 14th st. i w. FOR SALE?REDUCED TO $6,200; 8 ST. N.W. i near New Hampshire ave.?3-story and cellar brick; 8 rooms and bath: non-resident .-wdt will sacrifice this property at much below cost. aul4-tf 5 H. L. RUST. 608 14th st. n^vr. FOR SALE-ONLY $7,000. Very large corner dwelling, one block of 14tk ?t., south of Q. 11 rooms and bath. Electric light. Two kitchens. CHARMING HOME AT ALMOST ONE-HALF PRICE. auS-tf.10 W. S. MINN1X. 1416 F n.w. FOR SALE ON THE FOLLOWING MONTHLY PAY MENTS. WHICH INCLUDES INTEREST, INSURANCE AND TAXES AND PATS OFF PRINCIPAL. NO CASH REQUIRED: 3179 18th st. n.w $75.00 1755 Kilbourne st. n.w 70.00 1743 Kllbourue st. n.w 65.00 3169 18th st. n.w 57.50 3177 18th st. n.w 55.00 3158 IStb st. n.w 55.00 1717 Euclid st. n.w 50.50 3558 18th st. n.w 65.00 1810 Newton st. n.w 65.00 Open for inspection. SWARTZELL, RHEEM t HENSEY CO., 727 15th st. n.w.' jy29-th,s&tu-tf SUMMER RESORTS. ATLANTIC CITY. If. X NEW PRINCESS HOTEL! I Fireproof), built of brick, stone and steel. South Carolina aVe. and Beach. Atlantic City. N. J. Near piers Hnd attractions. Liberal management. Capacity, 400 gnesis; 100 rooms with bath, si?- j gle. en suite. Spacious piazxas. Elevator. Ex cellent table. White service. Orchestra. Terms: American plan. $9.00 to $15.00 weekly: $2.00 to $3.oo dally. Special September and family rates. ABSOLUTELY THE FINEST HOTEL AND LO CATION FOR THE PRICE. Write for literature. an2l-7t, 14 C. E. COPE. Prop. ENTRANCE FROM BEACH. BATHING FROM HOUSE. HOT AND COLD RUNNING WATER IN ROOMS. LEXINCTON Pacific and Arkansas aves., 100 yards from Bench. Boardwalk and Million-dollar Pier. Only j moderate rate hotel having private entrance j from beach. The use of well appointed bath i houses on premises Is free. Public and private j baths, with hot and cold * sea water. Choice i table supplied daily from noted Lexington farm J and dailies. While service. Special, $8 to $15 weekly. $1.50 to $3 daily. Illustrated hook'et mailed free. Liberal ownershin management. PAUL A. ROHECRANS. If Going to Atlantic City New York. Phlla. or Wash., D. C., send 2 cents postage for 80-page Ultis. Standard Guide, de scribing hotels, with rates, city mans and all attractions. Invaluable. Sent only by Atlantic City FREE INFORMATION BUREAU, Box 31*5, Atlantic City. N. J. ' aa21-14t,8 HOTEL OSTENO. Entire block beach front. Boston to Sovereign aves.. Atlantic City, N. J. Capacity. UOO. Ideal family hotel, with ideal location. Poaches adjoin Boardwalk. lleitied sea water swimming uooi. Private and public sea-water batbs. Products of own farm supply table. White service through out. Every room lias full ocean view. Open sui rouudlngs. Special. September and October? Atueri-an plan. $2.50 and up dally, $12 up week ly. MufIc. Booklet. Electric coach meets trains aul?-7t-14 1>- P. RAHTBR. Manswer. $2 TO $3.50 DAILY. $10 TO $20 WEEKLY. IMPERIAL, SZ'SJafSi S5V?$ Every hotel convenience, with home ^iforti RATES. $2 PER DAY CP; $10 PER N^.K DP. Ownership management again, I. G. Kli.MJKICK. mhl4-Su.w,sa.78t,6 Pfl^/fiiiOirniisil Tenn. ave. and Beach. Fli^ | JT ire<Ul<LPinill?L9 hot?l from Boardwalk. Mod- | ern family hotel. Unexcelled table. Special fall ral'-s. Rook let. G. W. C ARM A NY. au20-30t.4 1 and the| airy i _ - fur-I nlshed. most with ocean view: private baths,; elevator, etc.; large porches facing the ocean; ' cuisine and service famed for their excellence. ! Special fall rates, $12.50 up weekly. Hook let. Auto -at station. H. J. DYNES. ?u8-:K?t.8 Hotel Shore foam, vSSSu1^. Elevator. Private baths. Open surroundings. $2 up 4ally. $10 np weekly. Booklet npon ap plication. W. B. GOTTEN. au2">-3Qt.5 Grand Atlantic Hotel, Virginia ave. and the Beach. Atlantic City, N. J. Capacity. 600 guests. This hotel has added many improvements, more new sea-water baths, and is newly and elegantly furnished. The rooms are the largest and finest in the city. Hotel has highest elevation and entire open surroundings. All rooms contain from 2 to 6 windows. 150 rooms have hot and cold sea-water baths, also public 'hot sea-water batbs. The table is sup plied fresh dally from the hotel's farms. Special rate. American plan. $10. $12.50, $15 per week, $2.30 dsily. European plan.- $1.50 dally. Spe cial September and October rates. Orchestra. Coaches meet trains. Write ft>r literature. an!V-at. 19 CHARLKh E. COPE. Raleigh, SUMMER RESORTS ATLANTIC CITY. M. J. Fireproof Rio Grande. Health and Medical Baths Oof*n end of Nc* York rr.-enne. Turkish Nat lis and l<ed. $1.25 i?er night; moms with meals. $2 and np dallv room* $1 np dally: room* and meal*. $12.50 up ?per wfk Offi 10(1 ocean view roitm*. White service. Couch moot* *11 train*. Never do*ed. suh-Su.w.*.tf Maryland avc. overlooking R--?ard Wvlu walk: e*ciusivo location, rapacity. 250; tahle and a?rrW unexcelled. St??-c1al rate* for September. Booklet. E. A. BCOKmAN. anlS-.KU.* . ____ Hotel Iroquois, Ocean end So. Carolina ?rr : close piera and all attractions; capacity, 4;/<f: elevator: private hatha: orchestra, etc.; v,hi" service. Special. 912.50 np weekly. S)>ec!al September ratea. Always open. Booklet. W. P. SHAW. a'ilS-30t.? Hotel Den mi is. Situated directly on the oeean front; snrrounded by Ita own apaciou* Itmi. which joins the beach and Boardwalk. Moat liberally appointed and liberally conducted hotel oi. the New Jersey coast. . WALTER J. BUZBY. aul3-2*t,?Sii.l6 THK LOCK HA RT, OCEAN AVE ~ANI?~BO A 111) walk. Fireproof. Elevator: private hatha, etc.; ocean-view bedroom*: dining room ??n top floor. Capacity. 250. Booklet. E. LOCKHABT. J.vl6-e0t.4 GALEN HALL, Hotel and Sanatorium, Atlantic City, N. J., With ita elegant comfort and superior table and service, la an Ideal tdace for a lone or aliort stay. K. L. TOl'NO. General Manager. Information at Mr. Foster's. 14th st. opposite Wlllard's. au!2 3?t.12 | Atlantic City's Moat Modern and Leading Mod erate-rate Hotel. The Allbemarle, Virginia are. near Boardwalk, ylers and beat bathing beach. 100 large, cool front rootna. all metal bode. Private and public batha. Eleratora. 4,000 ft. wide, cool i>orelies. No better table anywhere, supplied direct from own farm* and dairies; white service. Music. Sj>eclal rates. *8. $lo. $12.50, $15 up weekly. $2 np daily; in ducements to families and parties. Write for beantlfnl booklet. J. P. COPE. nu!2-Ht.l5 . THE WILTSHIRE. Open nil year. VIrxiula ave.. overlooking ocean. Capacity. 300; elevator; steain heat: suites with hath an<l every convenience; cuisine an<1 service; music. Special. $2.50 nn dally. $12.50 up weekly. Booklet. SAMUEL D. ELLIS. an3-30t.? C*Altift/n So. Michigan it*. Home con? *""" forte. Cool rooms. Good table. $1.25 tip daily; $7 op weekly. Open all year. Je2?-60t.4 F. C. WABBTTBTON. The Clifton, ^.r^- &?/&??? aecom. $7 to $10 weekly. Excellent home cook ing. Desirable for famlliea. Trolleys direct to til R.B. stations and Beach. C. A. SHAW. Jyl-flOt.5 ? t?- near Younc't I pier. Capacity, 300. Kle vator; baths; superb cnlslne and service. Mod ! erate rates. G. W. PAXSON A CO. Jy22-30t.4 SILVERSIOE. the piers. Table and aervlce aneurpae.sed. Large, airy rooms: newly furnished. Very reasonable. Je25-7St.4 A. H. HURFF. Berkshire Inn, $2 np dally; $S. $10. $12.50. $15 weekly: private baths: cool rooms, with running water: cap.. 300; elevator to street. 3. O. A J. E. DICKINSON. fell-tf.5 CHESTER INN, all attractions. Elevator. Moderate rate*. Jy26-30t,4 Mra. D. KNAUER. PDAWf'lfS Michigan ave. near Beach. 5l 25 dally. t* up weekly. Excellent service. A. COOGAN, Proprietor, i M. COOGAN. Manager. Jyll-dOt.4 Hotel Boscobel, *::rV.'> elevator, line taMe. Write for special ratea. booklet, menu and souvenir pencil. 21st season. Capacity, 350. A. E. MARION. MuK-30t.5 HOTEL MERION, Wl'nfZ?: Brick; 150 ocean-riew rooms; elevator; private baths, running water in rooms: white aervlce. Special, $10 up weekly. C. B. PBETTYMAN. ?u5-Hot.5 NOTED FOR ITS TABLE. MILLER COTTAGE, 8 to 15 N. Georgia ave. (Capacity. 250.) DANCEROOM. MUSIC ELECTRIC LIGHTED THROUGHOUT. $1.25 dally. $7 weekly and up. Special September rates. J. & F. L. NIXON. ESTABLISHED 30 YEARS. an4-30t.ll ? Frontenac, SSFSUr-J^Jrii the best. Capacity, 250: new; homelike; eleva tor; baths: phones: excellent table; white aerv lce; ocran rooms; metal beds: large, cool porchea overlook ocean* Special. $8 up weekly: $1.50 up dally. Booklet. W. F. WATTS. au&-30t.7 LA BELLE INN, SSJHS White service. $1.50 un dally. je4-80t,4 J. VOUNGBLOOP. HOTEL NEW ENGLAND S. Car. ave. and Boach; private baths; elevator to street; sun parlor; capacity. 350: superior table: oi>en at' the year. BRYAN A WILLIAMS. au2-3ftt.5 Hotel Stickney, i?PSL*SJi! Elevator to street level. Private batha. Rvenlag dinner. Electric lights. Fireproof. $2 to $3 dally. 10 to $17.50 weekly. L. V. STICKNEY. }y24 SOt.5 TABOR ONN, KsrSL'SUS* Ocean-view room*. Excellent table: homelike $fe up weekly. A. M. DUNK. my27-90t.4 ASBI RV PARK, N. J. THE VICTORIA, Aaburr Park. N. J.. 3d .nd Ocean ???. ty-seventb season. Rooms w suits', with JJsth. Sim parlors. Booklet. ^ K1MPI. mhl 4-Su. ? CAPE MAY. IV. J. The Star Villa, Reasonable ratea. Washington headquarters. au7-30t*-4 M. L. RICHARDSON. MARYLAND. SWANK'S HOTEL. PINEY PT.. MD.. OPENS July 1 for the 20th season. This Is a place 1 to spend your vacation. A trial will convince, j Boating. Ashing, crabbing, sailing, bathing, music, aancing. motor bouts. Ratea reasonable. Dally mull in l:otel. Apply to J. T. SWANK. Plnev Point. Md. ie.SO AM Ocean City* Md. The Breakers, SrSI? Sanliarr plumbing. Batli houses. OT*?n Jnnc 20. Owner and Manager, Miss M. E. NEWTON. Jy28-eol5t j OCEAN CITY. MD. ' Ocean Front. Under new management, large, airy rooma. Bath rooms In connection. V. L. TWIKINM. 1v2?S0t-4 The Oceanic, PKXSSYl.VAXIA. Bedford Springs Hotel and Baths, BEDFORD SPRINGS. PA. Modern comforts, equipment and metftoda; tennis, golf, bowling, horseback riding and the famous awiinnilng pool. SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR AUTOMOBILE TOURISTS. jy2i-38t,14 I VIRGINIA. ORKNEY SPRINGS. VIRGINIA. HOTIIL AND BATHS. In tne mountains; elevation 2.800 ft.; sevea different mineral waters free to guests-, beautiful scenery; pleaeant people; good table; orchestra; rapacity. 790. Rates one-half similar reaorta. j Booklet. H. C. CARTER. Prop. W. B. FAIR- ! FIELD. Mgr. JyC-flOt j "NORTH HILL." CASTI.EMAN8 FERRY. VA. Gn ml. from Wash, via Bluemont: rallev. mt. j and water scenery: shaded grounds and drive*; fist ing, boating, swlmmins: spring beds: no I children: daily mail. R.F.D.: telephone: good1 fare: fresn meats, milk, fruits, fowls: 17 per wk. till Nov : circular Star office, or MAURltTE CASTLEMAN, Castiemana Ferry. Clarke Co..Va. 1el0-0t?t.8 WEST VIRGINIA. Hn.L TOP HOUSE. AMONG THE MOtTN tains of West YirgUrtn. 50 miles from Wash ington: many daMg trains: good table: artesian water. Sea* jtr toofclet. T. S. LOVETT, Harpers Ferry, m Tm. aylt-tf Brooksidc Inn and Cottages. Altltnde. 2,500 feet. Send for illustrated book let of the iuo?t Ideal mountain resort in Amer ica. E. J. KIRKPATRICK. Brook side, W. Va. a u4- w, a. Su. t?-16t ,R THE LOCK WOOD AND ANNEX. Harpers Ferry. W. Va. Open Jane 10. At tractive grounds. Table afatflent. Terms mod erate. A. P. DANIEL, Prop. tnr2S-tf.4 MOUNTAIN BOARD. THE AVALON. IN CATuWlME ilOUNTAt.VSi altltnde. 1.200 ft. Peee air, good water. All modern conveniences and ae muequltos. Far ss-JSlsr&JML 3l-"ViJlat LOAN COMPANIES. HWe lint run i* ..n wtU Hi. IVlvate Offices. Big Money or Little Money. We loan money in mnr mini ? <Terlng you 'very facility ? tltln; yon prom [>f wrvlw and privacy. f^.an* on Diamond*. W'itcbf? an<l Jrwflrr. Loans to Salaried People. HORNENG, 9th <& D, S2!''M au20-l ?d MONEY LOANED sai.aRII'.D I'Eni'LE jT?TH~ *ri upon lh?lr own BctM. r.ltbout ; "aiiMt terms: confidential. Knowing nnn who h"a*>- ?l?*ai: els-wh-re #*p??. lallv Invited My proposition will please. H. ELHOOD, Rm.416. Jenifer bid* . I? D Je22-tf.5 LOANS Made on FURNITURE. PIANOS. TEAMS rtr in the District. In a few boors in air amonat from S10 to $300 ?At the? Lowest Rates Call. nboM or write POTOMAC GUARANTEE LOAN CO., 925 "F" Street N.W. Second Fluor. Singer Building. ,1e30-tf.25 Phone M. 630. NO MORE HIGH RATES, tiiw C0KMBV. BiW mm. CW?ilM!OTATO!IAILE0. Organized for the purpose of loaning money to thoae who cannot afford to pay high rates. on FUKMTCRE. PIANOS. TEAMS and to SALARIED EMPLOYES ou plain note w ithout security. 160?12 monthly in-tallm-uts of $3.1)0. $100?12 monthly Installments of $11.13. POSITIVELY no other ??uargea. Other amount* in -oportlon. FIRST PAYMENT MADE DUE TWO MONTHS FROM DAi YOU GET THE LOAN WITHOUT EXTRA COST. We will make you a lower rate than auy one else, no matter what that rate i?. providing you are GOOD PAY. We are catering to the better claas of butdues*. Other loan ccmpank-a. etc., paid off. iP0TlftMS FIRAMOAL 60., 1224 QSt. N. W. ,c?. 13lb, Rooma 30 and 21, Second Floor Front. Phone Main 4SS?. at>27-tf VACATIONS ON CREDIT. We will advance you what money jou need for your vacation or any other pui'imse and vou can arrange to repay on In small and convenient monthly payments, making your first payment TWO MONTHS from the day you get the ioanf which ? ill allow vou ample time to get on your feet ajrain after you return. We make no churpe for tb>* citra time. If you are remaining al home during th? heated season because of the lack of readr money call and talk the matter over In one of our private offices. WE LOAN PER AT ?5*^) MONTH. No other charges. Absolutely confidential. Loans with other companies paid up and more money advanced. WATOMAL mm Ml SMWISTTHEKIT COMPANY THOMPSON BUILDING.. 70T. LVTH ST. N.W. Next to Drug Store. Opp. Treasury. auO-tf Money Loaned Salaried People and others, wltboct aecurity; easr payments; offices in 83 principal cities; save yours*.f money by rrttiug my terms llrst. D. II. TOI. MAN. Room 5u6. S33 1Mb at. n.w. nolg-tf.S If you are in need of money Any amount, you can get It here Immediately. H. K. Fulton's Loan Office (ESTABLISHED 18701. 314 yTH ST. N. W. Loans made on Watches, Diamond*. Jewelrv, apfi-tf.l* Gold. Silverware, etc. CAB SHORTAGE FEARED. Increased Demand for Cars Makes Big Reduction in Surplus. The bulletin of the American Railway Association for August 4 states that on that day the total surplus of earn on the lines of the United .States and Canada stood at 207.17", as compared with 24.V&J July 21, the date of the last report. Ac cording to these figures, the decrease is 30.181, or about 15 per cent. This reduc tion Is the largest since September, Ifios, and brings the surplus to 74',41S less than the same day one year ago. TIip .increas ing demands for box and coal cars, It is reported, reduce? the surplus In these classes 20.764. while the surplus of the flat cars was decreased by A study of the reports made by the va rious railroads shows that the reduction in idle cars was most pronounced on the lines operating through New England and the middle Atlantiic states. Corre sponding gains were shown in the South Atlantic states, Kentucky. Tennessee and Mississippi. The report also shows that conditions in the far west and southwest were very much better, and the general ? reduction extended into the Virginias and Carolinas. One of the interesting features of the situation is the statement of Arthur Hale, chairman 01* the committee 011 the rela tions between railroads of the American Railway Association, that if such lars reductions in car surpluses continue the country will face a severe car short**? ? before October. Only one section report ed an increase in the nunilM-r of ijie cars, and that was the northwest, but that is explained by the ass -tubliiiK <?.* large numbers of box cars th >re for the anticipated heavy movements in grain. PELLAGRA PATIENT DIES. Miss Sweeney Is Victim of Third Case in Maryland. BALTIMORE. Md.. August 2I.-Mis* Cecelia Sweeney, fifty-two years obi who was at ztlie Mercy Hospital, suffering from the unusual disease, pellagra. died yesterday morning at the institution. She was brought here from her home in Wash ington several days ago. and the ph>si icans at the hospital did all in their power to help her, but the disease tta?l made too jireat headway and th^ best they could do was* to ease her pains. The disease from which the woman died has long been prevalent in Uali. but in Maryland this has been only the third case of the kind. Miss Sweeney was brought to Baltimore by Dr. Caleb W. G. Rohrer. whose attention wac di rected to the case about two weeks apo He intends to write a complete treatise upon the disease as soon afc time allow* hinri and the matter will Ik- submitted to the United States government. The body is still at the hospital, penri lrg removal by her relatives. Frederick Mail Carrier Gone. FREDERICK, Md.. August 21.?Paul W. Stauffer. who has been employed a* carrier of the United States mail be tween the Frederick post office and tiie local station #of the Northern Central railway, has been missing from his home since Monday evening. Monday he drew his pay for the previous month, but when his wife asked him at suppertime wheth er he had gotten the money he denied it. Baying he would be paid the next <ia> He made 411 en?ag^mentl with his wife to meet her uptown later in the eveii Ing and left the house. A storm prevent - eid Mrs. Stauffer from keeping the en gagement. and she has not seen her hus band since he left the house on that even ing. Stauffer is believed to have taken a rolley car from Frederick to Hagerstown Monday night, and to have yone from hat place to York or ?omf oUivt t*i?e? la FwmwlvuUk