Newspaper Page Text
r=!l EDITORIAL PART. flje PART II. PAGES 1-8. J WASHINGTON, D. 0., SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 22.' 1909. 2'^2~-1 v*. t-?^^K*fK^i^y^>^H$K3K^>4>*$**$'*?*t*K?x?k?-?<?><??<>>^h?h^h^?^^k3><?^1 *B**S*iS*?HgHS><SH$><5^-^?^>^3>"3MS^SH5^>^S,^K2K?><5K5H3MSH9s,SK5Kiv?>^><5><3K5K3sf?w5i iShell Goods! 10c Worth up to 25c. A big lot of Fancy Curved and Plain Bar n.ttes aid Back Combs, in new and stylish sua pes, a! Wo each. In large an! medium sizes. Barrettcs are in curved >r straight styles. |H|NfM9?|?fM|nfM|M|M9..f> fe Lace Curtain Ends, 9c and 19c each. Sold by the pair at $1.00 up to $4.?0. 1.000 of the manufacturers' "sample strips" or ends of Lace Curtains were se cured to sell at a fraction of regular cost. They are V/2 'o 1*4 yards long;, and most of tlicni can be matched into pairs. Very desirable for sash curtains>, scarfs, transoms and draperies. Choice of plain and figured centers. Sale prices, fir and lf?o each?for ends of curtains old by the pair at $1 to $4. IT PAYS TO DEAL AT GOLDENBERG'S." SEVENTH AND K. "The Dependable Store." I Plain Color Chambray and Dress Ginghams, C f?r qualities sold regularly at 10c a yart A sale that will create a great stir among thrifty-minded women tomorrow and bring a big crowd to our domestic counters?. 3 cases of plain-color chambray, in light blue and cadet, gray tan. oxblood, cases of dress ginghams, broken plaids. Warranted fast colors. making children's dresses, waists, dresses., etc. Regular 10c grades at rr??e a vd. brown, pink. ef.\. and 'J in strip**-, checks and Excellent material for women's house garments. Pearl Buttons, Worth 10c. 12c & 15c dozen, 5c Genuine O ran Pearl Buttons, in 12. 14. It! and 18 ligne; neat det-irns hi fancy carved. tisb-eye. plain and cup-shape styles. ? <% <? i <** r?> X u A ,f. X M i Y Y *? ? \ <U ?i: X A Purchase of 500 Dozen Pairs f * Boys' Knee Pants, Worth 59c, 75c and 89c Pair = = 39c v t 4 .> 5 t ? *1 4 o * X X ' 4 ? 4 ? K" 4' X t*v A <**? 4 ?<:? A I ??? j: X x *5f ??> x 4-r The maker had a lot of short lengths of cloth on hand and made tJiem up for us at about the bare cost of materials and \v< >rkman>hip. Your bny will need an extra supply of pants to start school w'th. and here's your chance to sccure them at the lowest price ever ?jtn>tetl for sucli qualities. c:ioi. ? of a great ?v ariety of materials and styles, including straight. Moomt and kni? kerbocker shapes, fashion' *! of good quality fancy cassi nere: chev iots and melton cloth. Size- i a igc from 5 to 17 years. Medium and (lark patterns, also pla n navy blue. All .-' an,- are tape*J ti> prevent ripping; each pair i.?: fitted with patent ?itt?;tis. Al! (':?.? siz?*s are full cut and perfect fitting. Kvery pais guaranteed to give satisfactory wear. a pah fur qualities sold regularly at 59c, 75c and Sfk; a pair. Sheets, Cottons and Domestics. Remarkab'e Underprice Offerings of Staple Domestics for Monday. lo<- COTTOX?Yard-wide Bleach ? ?d Cotton: a fine, round-thread un dressed grade. Sold reaolarTj at 10c a yard. S lie price 50?* SHEKTS?100 dozen 81x90 Double-; ed-size I'nbleached Sheets; torn and Ironed; finished -h.-li hem; made of heavy, woven cotton. 50c ? ach. Sale i hand with "lose - Worth >r ce.-.. -1 i I I ' HII 734c ?? i.\ , 37c v ? 75c SHEKTS?Another lot "i the famous ??Ironclad" Bleached Sheet*: full size for double beds iSlx'.*t inriies), hand torn and ironed: made oi hea\>. round-thread '?ottoti. ii' gii'.a ? 7-V val ue Kir.... #."*? SHEETS?50 dozen Sl\.?" Bleached Sheets: large, double-bed >d*e: Hand torn and ironed. welded seam the center. Regular C,V ' a I lie at 59 c 48c 15e PILLOW CASE 45x36 Bleached Pillow size; hand torn and front starch. Sold regularly at 15c each. Sale price.. $1 spreads?cases of 11 quarter Whitt Crochet Spreads for double beds; in heavy raised Mar seilles patterns: hemmed ready to use: Instead of .<1.25, offered at '? 50 dozen Cases; large ironed; free ny2c 98c sc APRON G1XGHAMS?A new lol of Standard Quality Apron Ginghams, in blue, txrown, green and pink checks; warrant ed fast colors. Sold regularly at Sc yard. Sale price 534c 5?c WOOL While Wool close-v\ oven FL A> > EL?Va I'd-wide Flannel, a so;t-finisii, grade: "et>pe< iallj desir able for underskirts and lit. ',<? in ? ij .?i t r PER* \LES?"Mill i !'? rcales, in ikvit . . t ripe?, i l.i ks, aurl b oken plaids. \vov;i made for >>o! dresses, Miits and men's Regular 10c Ends'* of ground?; dots, fig* superior, making cinl 734c arments. R? 50e yard; jular Si'! 39c other * price, price. 10e OlTIMi FI.V>>EI,S?A :u%V :ot of Fa!l Outing Flannels, in a large variety or styles, such as checks, stripes and broken .plaids; superior, heavy-fleeced grade. * Suld usually at 10c yard. Sale price... ?-It J' i vi : U , 734c *1* < ? *' 4* ? 3 ? 4J> 4 J * s 4~* C> ?> r < > V i ** & X T <?> A <Z x Sample Trunks 40c and 50c on the $ We secured a lot of Trunks from one of the largest manu facturers in the country la>t week?representing all the floor samples and few-of-a-kind trunks in the factory after filling the season's regular orders. All are strictly high-grade trunks, in a large assortment of stj les and finishes, including basswood and veneered wood cases, with canvas, oiled duck and patent duck coverings. With one and two trays, paper ami linen lined. The entire lot will go on sale tomorrow at savings of half price and less. Canvas-covered Trunks, good sizes; Ode and two of a kind. Worth $S."0. Sale price Heavy Canvas-covered tiber bound; 34 and 36 inch sizes; with deep tray. Worth Ss.'.cv Sale price Patent Tray Trunks, linen a d strcnglj made; and :i4 inch sizes. Worth $12.00 Extra Heavy Dock-covered Trunks. With two trays; iln< n lined: 83 :*nd 38 i: -h s Mes. Worth Si 1.3? $3.39 red Trunks, $5.49 ?, linen fined $6.98 High-grade Oiled Duck-covered Trunks, with angle-iron top and l>ottom; full riveted; several ?izes. Worth up to $16.50. Sale price $9.49 $7.39 High-grade Veneered Trunks; oiled-duck covered, with two trays; 36 and 40 inch sizes. Worth up to $?.'.30. Sale price High-grade Black Enameled Ve neered Trunks, with gentleman's i at compartment. Worth $22.50. Sale '2 price $11.98 Enameled Ve /lth gentleman's $12.49 > 4 '?> Jap and China Silks at Remarkably Low Prices. \\ e sdiall hold a st)ecial sale tomorrow of Pretty Japanese and China Silks, at prices that establish a new record lor low selling. All are htrictlv fir>t quality silk, in black and white?ju>t the kind wanted for present wear and early fall wear. Habuta < > 4% '."- r;. . Wi ite Japanese Wa-h SI" as; laun?.tr i>t r ? tlj. Regular ( rice, i:.". \ard. Sale price *_? :? . Bla k <"h:Tia Sill heavy Qual ty; sol'' resu \ .it :::??? yard. Sale pi s?? ?_'T-!: i XatJi'cU While 1%: -k Japan* s?? Silk^; good we;gl.f .i[";? 1 Miperkw On !:??? prict. -J5c yaid. Sale price l'7-ii.c Natural Whit ? Si'.h; .!">?- lirm-woven ;;ra?ie tilal lajnd-:s ? aut !? Regula! SPc grade at 15c extra 25c and heavy 29c Japanese 39c 27-inch Black Oriental Silks; pert-;drat on and water proof: real Lyons dye. Regular price, 75c yard 36-inch White China Si'k, with the sort, natural finish; launder. beautifully; sold regular l> at 30c a yard. Sale price 3'?-;iic!i HIack Japanese Silk, tlie persplrat'on and water proof kind good weight and fine luster. Sold regularly at 73c yard. Sale pr'ce 27-Inch Filack Japanese Silk, an extra heavy, clos^*-woven f quality; real Lyons dye. Regular $1.0i) grade at ^ v Jpanese 49c i!k. with launders 25c Silk, the oot kind; 49c A Purchase of Hosiery At Surprisingly Low Prices. This purchase of a wholesaler's line of samples and surplus stock brings tlie most unusual bargains in hosiery offered this summer. The lot includes a great variety of styles?all good sturdy grades that will give splendid sat isfaction and at the same time help you to savings of half and thereabouts. Such bargains are of rare occurrence?for hosiery is one of the staples, and is seldom, if ever, reduced so low price. nnd black 7'ac Women'* Plain Black and Tub Cotton Storking;*, medium weight, good elastic quality, seamless mm foot, double heel and toe. Regular price, 12*?c pair. Sale price Children** 1*1 Ribbed Stocking;*, warranted b'ack. earn less foot, double knee, heel and toe; s'zes 5 to 9. Regular price, 12lAc pa.r. Sale price ~ fast 7&c Mrn'n SrnmlrM Hnlf Hose, in plain black nnd black dropstitch with cross stripes. With d -uble heel and toe. All sizes. Regular price, 12V^c pair. Sale price Men'* Fine duality Mercerised Silk l.lnle Half Homc, seamless foot, double heel and toe, in biacfc, tan and a complete assortment o* shades. < Regular price, 25c pair. Sale price, three pairs for 50c. Pair at PURE LINEN DRESSES, Values worth up to $12.50, m i i ? i i This is the most sensational selling of women's dresses ever known in the history of the store. The reduct ons are based not on value, but clearance. They seem almost reckless, but, on the contrary, they arc thoughtfully made. Expediency offsets loss. While there is plenty of wearing time yet ahead for you to enjoy these dresses, selling time is grow ing short, and we want to make a clean sweep of the entire reniainng stock. These smart, graceful, finely tailored dresses are made of ALL PURE LIXEX and hand some imported novelty linene. This season's favorite styles, with lace bodice, both back and front stripped with tailor-made band-, charming Dutch collar models with rows of soutache bra d, the entire back and front prettily tucked, made with newest style plaited long-waisted ef fect .skirt, further embellished down front with panels piped with contrasting braid and buttons. Really the handsomest dresses that have been shown this season at the regular prices, which range up to $J2.oQ and $15.00. Choice of the entire lot at $2.9". > 4 1 i i 19c and Sensational Clearance of Summer White Fabrics. White Goods Values Entirely Without Parallel or Precedent. Now comes the most sensational sale of White Goods known this season?a clean-up of all the remaining lines of White Goods accumulated from recent sales and regular stock. Jn out determination to make a clean sweep we've totally ignored profit and actual cost. At 9*4 c ;i yard choice is offered of various desirable white fabrics, including Mercerised Satin IMnlilii Embroidered St. (ip.ll SwIm Imported Cheek Dliultle? Imported Dlmitlen lace Stripe Lawn* W hite India Llnon I.lngerle Butinte Irish Batiste, etc*., etc. Plaid All brand-new, crisp materials for waists and frocks. Regular 19c and 25c qualities at 9^4^ a yard. UOe l,AU??47-inch Extra Fine. Sheer Quality Sun-bleached White French Lawn, the ideal fabric for cool waists and dresses. Regular price, 20c yard. Reduced to 1' VI tt<A I * LJt ny2c la'/L-e FAXCV I, \VI NS ? Sheer Q u a 1 i t j Stripe White I_.hv.iis, in .assorted styles: I'm) pieces in the lot. As long as they last, this regular grade for Fancy 7?c 25c WHITE PKRf ALK?20 pieces of Finest Import ed Quality White French Percale, closely *1 m woven, even-thread grade, tor white waists I fctP and children's wear. Regular 35c grade for $1.50 LOXGCLOTH?12-yard pieces of No. 20> Im perii English Longcloth. full ."G inches wide: extra tine, soft, chamois-finish quality: war- AQ _ ranted 12 yards to each piece. Sold regularly Vptj at $1.50 piece - 0.. #?? "?"?-I Embroideries Way Underprice. Tomorrow's values in Embroideries reach the I rnit of bargain giving. Brand-new. crisp em broideries, all overs, Houncings, edges and insertions arc offered at savings of one-half to nearly two-thirds. The economies are so unusual that it will pay you to buy for future as well as present needs. 8c and 10c EMBROIDERIES?A b g lot of Cambric, Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries, in edges and insertions, various desirable widths, in a w de assortment of patterns, including blind ami open-work designs of the. pret tiest sort. Qualities sold regularly at 8c and 10e a yard. Sale price 344c 75c und !>Sc Vl.l. OVERS?Handsome Swiss All-over Embroideries; IS inches wide: ii. scores of attractive open-work patterns, also floral, scroll and conventional effects; the ccrrect styles for making guimpes. wa sts and priifeess dreSses. Regular 75c and \alue.--. Salt- price, yard 39c FI.OI'NCIVCJS ? Swiss ?! showin \\ ide, in the Embroidery a variety ??f new and latest blind and open 50c mid 5i?c Floutu ings: 1* In Charming des gns, work effects, tlora iv,d conventional patterns; especially desirabl. for children's and women's dresses. Fine sheer grades. Sold at 50c and 59c a yard, for 25c 1214c and 15c KM BROIDERIES ? Spccial lot of < atnbric Swiss and Nainsook Edges and Insertions, up to . inches wide, i ? fully one hundred new and beautiful patterns; wide range ot styles?from the narrow baby patterns to ? e elaborate affairs up to wide. Worth 12V?c and 15c yard. Sale 8c inches price 19e nnd i5c KllBROIDERIES?A big lot of Swiss. Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries, including skirting widths up to 10 and VJ inches wide, extra wide panel embroideries edges and insertions oi' various designs. Reg ular 19c and 25c qualities, for 12&c X Huck Towels, 634c Each. Regular 10c Kind. A special lot of 200 dozen Good Size Hemmed Huek Tow- % els: close-woven, absorbent quality for bath nse. Finished with fast-color red border. Counted excellent value at ioc each. We bought this lot under price, and offer them at 6f$c each instead. ('Linen Department.) V T ,b t?? y T <?- ? v ?r DRESS LINENS, 12^C 25c and 35c Grades ? = Mm i Every woman knows how popular these Dress Linens arc % tor early fall wear. The demand for these materials is increasing" every day?certainly there's nothing dressier or more desirable 4 for suits, skirts and children's wear. T The lot includes Yard-wide Irish Dress Linens and L'7-inoh Pongee Linen in ^ such desirable colors as light blue, nile, reseda, cream, rose, peach, mster. ^ leather, gray, red. etc. it Warranted absolutely fast colors. Sale price, 12*jc yard. X 2T?e WASH (iOOUS?Mercerized Bengraline and 34-inch Irish Poplin, the season's most fashionable mate rials for tub suits and skirts. In a complete range of colors, including light blue. pink, o'd rose, tan, linen, cream, Copenhagen, white and black. Regular price. 155c yard. Reduced to 12K2C 3Tk* silk oiu.wdik ? Fine. <]C Sheer Quality Silk Organdie, in a complete assortment of handsome 1 floral patterns, showing all the mi st X sought-after colorings. Especially .r, desirable for street ' and evening wear. \ ^ \ / *s? Regular price, ill* 12J4C a yard. Reduced to... /<?> ? J. 39c 6 <'" > & x ? ? t t ?.% Pencil Stripe Mohairs, Regular Price, 75c a Yd., These Pencil Stripe Mohairs arc equally as desirable for early fall wear as for summer suits, and women * ho ?vam a stylish tailored suit should give prompt response to nis extraor dinary ottering of regular 75c quality Mohairs at 39c a yard. 'b .? inches w ide?note the unusual width?in black, navy blue, marine and 4* brown, with handsome white stripes in various widths. (Dress Goods Dept., K street annex, First Floor. ) ..... . 4 > v *1' Z if * $1.75 Imported Black Fabrics, 98c ?, * A special sale tomorrow of the newest and most fashionable black dress materials for fall and winter, 1909-10. X Made of the finest Australian wool?the product of one of X the most famous foreign manufacturers. f The collection embraces fashionable satin-stripe worsteds, shadow-stripe prunellas, herringbone serge, plain satin soleil and plain pencil-stripe clay T serge, ranging in width from 45 to 50 inches. V Regular $1.75 qualities at OSc a yard. % TABLE LINENS. Prices Clipped Close to Cost. * If you have need for new Table Linens make the most of the present opportunity to save money and lay in a supply to- ? morrow. V Present prices are very much le>s than regular?in fact, if we i* had to buy these goods today at the market price we would have i? to a^k at least a quarter more than the present quotations. 72-lnoh All-linen Srotrh Table Dnmnwk?F"ll bleached, e\t**a q/\ heavy double satin face quality, in lifteen handsome pat ems. Sold regularly at $1.25 a yard. Sale price *r* <?> 69c 72-lueh \II-llnen lrl?h Sntln Tah> Oainask?.A "per'or grade of extra heavy-we ght and tine tinish; in live new patterns. Regular price. 9t>e yard 72-Incli Mercerised Satin Table Danimk ? Ore of tiio best j q grades manufactured; warranted to retain its handsome satin tinish ZLNP after washing; in six patterns. Regular price. 75c yard. Sale price.. >l?'rc(,r|*i'd Satin Damask Napkin?. in assorted patterns; ?*' size: good, heavy weight and serviceable quality. Sold regularly a; $1.0u dozen. Sale price Vll-lim-ii Sroli'li ltauin*k \npkln?? ? Full bleached kind 1 A Q sizt- -0 by 'JU inches; nev ?ral attractive pattern*. Sold regularly at $2.00 dozen. Sale price r <v e > < 'y r ' ? V 4 ?? <> < > X ? ? <T? Taffeta Silk Petticoats, CO Q8 Another shipment of those regular $5.00 garments at Mr ^ Again tomorrow we offer a lot of ioo Black 1 affeta Silk A Petticoats at S2.98?the identical kind for which every other V store asks $5.00. ? The mere announcement that they have arrived and go on sale tomorrow w 11 be sufficient to crowd the Third Moor Pet ticoat Section with eager buyers. Made of lieavy, rustling quality black taffeta silk?a new model lor fall <JV ?f <5 wear. Shaped at the waist and made with full-flare ruffle, with row of shir- ??? ring. Extra dust ruffle on the bottom. ,3, All lengths. Tomorrow at 52-08 for the regular 83.00 quality. Big Purchase of Belts, t Worth 50c, 75c and $1.00 . . . . J Belts of all the most desirable sorts, including siik ela>tics, ? shirred elastics, combination leather and elastic effects, plain silks and stud- <?> ded effects, etc. ?s? All entirely new designs, including the fashionable jet studded t-tyle.--. In a complete assortment of colors, such as green, navy, tan, brown, gray. '* Copenhagen, black and white. V Many with handsome gilt and stone set buckles, which alone are worth as T much as the price of ilie entire belt. V 1 V Cut-price Specials in Groceries C a-iulated Sugar, 5-lb. C? k>; p?T lb., at **** takes of Cincinnati Oleine Laundrj Soap; three 10c jjavkas* s Maryland Biscuit I^eroon' Waive*, Afternoon Tea*. Graham Crackers and a Sat tines, each at .. . k of Gold EMurt l()f \V.i>hing powder; three for I ?;111 i?-' ??Juv-Marmo" Coffee, the iwst sold anywhere at *JT>c f Or* or 28c lt?. 1 yt Tall o ins of T'ink Sal- H\/ c mon; regularly l.V, for '/2 ? T-.f oi Sardines; packed in il..??????? ????????,??? ? ? ? ? ? ? * packages of "Argo" 1 lip Starch, three for ?VW io* linkage.- of l)Ui;ea'>- 1c ConuUicb, at Extraordinary Lace Curtain Sale. Over 2,000 Pairs of Nottingham and Irish Point Lace Curtains at Savings of l/s to Nearly The Season's Most Remarkable Event. Tomorrow's* .sale of Lace Cu rtains furnishes the most remarkable bargains on record. continued patterns, sample lines and surplus stock at an extremely low figure. The news couldn't be better or timelier?coming as it does just a few we< great values are the result of closing out from several mills the dis ieks before housekeepers will be ready to put up new curtains tor fall and winter. 3 i l.nt 1?1O0 pairs of Nottingham^e Curtains, .'5 and yards long. f>o to <*>0 Inches wide; in wh'te, ecrue and Arabian shades: plain and figured centers, wi h rich border effects. Regular SI 5) and $1.75 values. Sale price, pair l.ot 2?pairs of s< otcti and Nottingham Lace Curtains, good, strong thread, in white, ivory, ecru, green and Arabian shades; 30 to tiO im-h<?w w:de. o and yards long; patterns are exac copes of Irish point, Brussels tambour, renaissance, antique, cluny and point d'esprit laces; plain and all-over centers, with rich border effects. Worth and jo pair. Sale price 98c ? t. Mmuoauv. v., $1.69 l.ot 3?.">00 pairs of llest Quality Engrlish Nottingham and Cable Net Curtains, all full -'Jls yards long and 30 to 54 Inches wide; reproductions of the most expensive imported lace curtains; in white and Arabia.i shades. Regular prices, $4.00 and $5.00 pair. Sale price $2.48 l.ot i? pairs of imported Irish Point Lace Curtains, tnadc on fine quality net, with muslin rear guard; plain and figured centers; choicc of white or ecru; 5:? inches wide and .Jta yards long. Regular $">.00 and val ues for $3.98 l.ot .1?300 pairs Of Fine Quality Imported Irish Point I^ice Curtains, in a variety of choice styles; plain and motif effect centers, with rich novelty borders, also extra heavy worked ceiu rs and border ffects, white or ecru; yards long. 50 inches wide. All have overlook edge and muslin rear guard. Worth .$7.00 and $8.00 pair. Sale price l.ot ??200 pair.< of Finest Quality Imported Irish Point Lace Curtains, in handsome designs; plain heavy worked and novelty effects; 50 inches wide and .1 yards long. Worth $10.00 and $12.00 pair. Sale price $5.00 Irish Point $7.48 Couch Covers, Sold Regularly at $1, At 49c 500 of these Oriental Stripe Tapes try Couch Covers, in a range of pretty patterns, showing colorings of red. green, blue, yellow and tan. 40 inches wide, :J;ij yards long; finished with fr riged sides and ends; strictly reversible. (Fourth F'oor.' Children's $ 1 Barefoot Sandals, 49c pair. A timely offering of Children's Su per'or yua'ltv elt So.e i_a fssin Barefoot Sandals at half regular price tomorrow. Sizes 5 to 8. The coolest and most comfortable footwear for summer wear. Tomorrow at 4Hc a pair Instead of $1.00. No mail or phone orders. (Shoe Department.) r ? <? A f <r> i, X V I i T <% ? * t T w % ?J: f