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ROWD Guests Stiil Arriving at Homes and Hoteis. PLENTY FUN FOR ALL Launch Parties Drop in Nearly Every Day. THBEE DAYS' FAIR LATELY Nfw Cottages a Great Attraction to Owners ana Their Guests. t <>i r. spondpnco of To<- ^tar. COLONIAL BEACH, \ i., August 21, 11)00. The Masonic fair wjs continued three tights of the present week, winding up with a big euchre Thursday night. Cap;, and Mi>, J. M Edgar of Wash ington are sojourning at the hotel. Little Miss Lillian Roper of Washing ton. daughter of Mr. and Airs. E. A. Uoper, celebrated lKr seventh birthday anniversary last Monday afternoon at her be?eh-front home, wben she had as hfr guests Misses: Mildred Yotie ft", Mil VJrtd Trueworthy, A1 < ia Weaver and Matters John Yoneiff, Thurston True worthy, Henry Usher. After the childish game- had been < 11 joyed a most delight ful luncheon was served tu the little lolks. Mrs. Miller of Wasl ington is visiting her father. .Mr. L. issuer at his home, Sycamore cottage. Mr. and Mrs. George Yoneiff of Washington are entertaining Mr. John Norton. Their son, Mr. George Voneiff, has left w itli tii' National Guard 011 their trip tu Boston. Mrs Margaret Leonard and daughter. Miss Leonard of Wa-hington, are visiting the former's sister. Mrs. Henry Hull, at ? her cottage, Huhdale. Mr. and Mrs Wi.laid Deputy of Mil ford. D> !.. have taken the Sunnyside cot tage. The corner stone for the new Episcopal church has arrived at the Beach and is on view at the post office. The stone is of Parian marble and is inscribed. "Christ Church, erected to the g ory of God. and in loving memory of William B. Latane " It is the gift of Mr. P. W. Birch of Washington, and was given -n Tnemory of Agnes Latane Birch, his daughter. Mr. Au-tin Harveycutier of the Capital ! city is visiting Mrs. E. F. Lake at the j Haight cottage. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. C. Oehmler of Washington, at their home, the I Duquesne, are hosts this week to Capt. ! and Mrs. H. O. C. Oehmler and son Harry and niece. Miss Mildred Oehmler, of Pittsburg. Pa. Mr. William Gaskins 01" Washington is spending his vacation as the gu^st of Mrs. Mary Estler at the Wise cottage. Miss Carrie Tadman of Wilmington, t Del., is being entertained by M s. E. H. Southard of Washington at her river front home. Mrs. Thomas Violet and children have returned to Washington, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hagner, at their home. The Kanawha. Mrs. M. D. Ellery and daughter. Miss' Ellen Ellery of Washington, are the guests of Mrs. H. M. Chapin. Mr. and Mrs. John Michael are at the ' Francis. Mr. and Mrs. William Zigler and Mrs. W. Smith and daughters of Washington are also guests there. Mrs. E. J. Collins of Washington is staying with Mrs. Joseph Dierken at her home. Idle Hour. Mr. C. F. Jacobsen of Washington has | joined his wife and children, who are with the latter's mother, Mrs. Dierken. M- Joseph Dieri f-n us j<. ntd ? is lara ily at his home. Idle Hour, for his vaca tion. Mr. and Mrs- Henry Bea\>r and family of Southwest Washington are erecting a new home at the sjjthcrn end ut the ? Beach, and while waiting for its com pletion are enjoying camp life. The launch Roamer, which left Wash ington August 14. has been in port the early part of the week, ha\ ing aboard ".'apt. Hy. Hageman, M. Dawkins, E. f 'ruse, A. C. Machler and R. Cramer. The Roamer left Wednesday for Coan river and lower ports. Dr. and Mrs. John Shirley of Wash ington are being entertained by Mr. and VMrs. Frank Rawlin^s aboard the hand eouie houseboat Griseida. Dr. William G. Schafhirt of Washing ton is in port aboard his handsome launch Rosamond of the Capital Yacht Club. Dr. Schafhirt was accompanied on the trip down by Mr. Nathan Osborn, and ex pects to leave next week for the lower river. The launch Virginia of the Corinthian Yacht Club was In pert with her owners. Messrs. Adams and Ingrain, aboard, for several days, having left for St. George Island. The launch Anna May was at theAJeach the past week, having aboard Dr. 1". S Howser, William M. Ferguson, E. Frass and W. Kilbourne. Dr. Anthony M. Ray and Dr. Harry B. Riley have returned to Washington after a sojourn at the Byrd. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kimmell and Mr. and Mrs. John IT. Hulmead of Mount Pleasant are guests at Hotel Byrd. Mr. George Degman, having spent the early week as the guts: of Mr. Walter <'uslck, has returned to his Washington home. Mrs. R. Bailey Reed and children, Lin wood E., Inez and Nevellt: Reed of Washington, are spending this at the Lin w ood Hc use. Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Guliek and fam ily of Princeton, N J , are sojourning at the Linw<> >d. Mr. and Mrs. J C. Hanback of Wash ington are domiciled at the liartig cot- ! t age on Bancroft avenue. Mrs. J. 11. Hanback accompanies them The Ramblers' Club of Alexandria, Va , 1 arrived at the Be.i>.-h ti e early part of the week aboard their schooner and are enjoying their \a-.ation. Dr. C. Ft. Durney. Mis. D. M. Beil and Miss M. M Bell of Washington are so journing at the Colonial Beach Hotel. Mrf. John F. Cassidy of Washington > spending August at t e Vernon House. Mrs. TV". B. Burdine of AnniWt'a ;' C.. ar.U Miss L. K. Bennett of England are visiting their brotner a u In.- ? ? 'apt. and Mrs-. R. Bennett, at i ?ir hu:n? on Dennison street. Miss Mamie Esther of Washington cele brated her birthday ia't Saturday even ing. when she \\ as hos-tess fur Mrs George Estier, Mrs. William Pruett. Mrs. WH'iam Gaskins. Mrs. H. Henderson. Mrs. Hepburn. Miss Blanche Johnson Miss Virginia Ga.-kins and Mr; L. ft Noske. Mrs. Mary Ervin of Wilmington, Del is entertaining at her home. Dclawar <ottage, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Robinson, Ray Robinson and David Curlett. Mr. Neal Bragaw of Washington is th< guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bontz. Mr. and Mrs. J B. Fay are at the Cedar Croft Mr. and Mrs M <\ Patterson returned to their Washington nome after spending sometime at Cedar ?'roft Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunlap and Miss Edith Dunlap of Washington are guests at Humphries'. Miss B. W. Burrusi of Washington, ai her home on 9t'n sireet. (.'.lassie Shore, !ias as her guests Mrs. J. II. Knight. Miss C. Barce and Miss Margaret Quade. Mrs-. Dora Morell iias taken the Taylor cottage on 9th street, and has as her guests Mrs. Charles F. Cross and family. Mrs. William 11. Young and son and Miss Emily C. Morell, all of Glen t'arlyn, Va. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Beall and family of Washington have with them at their 7th street home. Classic Shore. Dr. and Mrs. Mazzer, Miss Cornelia Parker. John D. Grady and Miss Julia E\ans. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Cole ol Anacostla, D. C., who were about the rirst to erect a home at Classic Shore, at 7th street, have stopping with them Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Murphy and family, Edgar Murphy and Ralph Poore. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cullen of Wash ington have named their new home on loth street, near Beach a\ enuc, Twin Oak cottage. Mr. Jeremiah Sullivan and sister, Helen Sullivan of Washington, are domi ciled at their cottage on (hit street. Mrs. Cora Hunter and family of Dupont circlc. Washington, have taken the Mar ting cottage on ;:d street, Classic Shore, and have as their guest* Mrs. Malone and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Martin of Washing, ton, aceompankd by their daughter. Miss Elsie Martin, are occupying their new home on od street. Mr. and Mrs. John Weidman of Wash ington are now domiciled in their new home on Beach avenue, Classic Shore. AT THE OLD WHITE. Special Correspondence vt T!i<? Star. GREENBRIER WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. W. Ya.. August 21. 1909. Today was the most momentous in the wee foiks" calendar, because of their fancy ball, which proved a beautiful spectacle. The youngsters had a feast after the ball. Mrs. Swanson. wife of tlie Governor of Virginia, entertained informally on her cottage porch, the game being bridge, Mrs. T. B. Paine. Mrs. J Z. Middleton, Mrs. George W Marye. Miss Doyle, Mrs John Lewis. Mrs Dewitt Adams, Mrs. E. C. Worthatn. Mrs. Dinwiddle, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. John Potts and Mrs. E. W. Wilson. Mrs. R. Weiglitman of Washington and her mother. Mrs. L. C. Jurey of New Orleans, were hostesses of a charmingly arranged card party, Tuesday morning, held on one of the broad verandas of the hotel, at which were present Mrs. T. M. Chatard. Mrs. F. B. Loring, Mrs. G. W. Marye. Mrs. John Lewis, Sirs. J. Z. Middleton, Mrs. J. D. Potts. Mrs. Ross Perry, Mrs. R. H. GOldsborough, Mrs. John Chisholm, Mrs. J. A. Walters, Mrs. Archibald Hall and Mrs. Lanford. Mrs. Thomas Pinckney and her daugh ter gave an Informal balcony bridge in honor of Mrs. Mason Blunt and Mrs. F. B. Loring of Washington. One of the prettiest affairs of the sea son was the lawn fete and watermelon party given by Mr. E. C. Cunningham and Mr. U. C. McAdoo and chaperoned by Mrs. F. P. Palen. It took place dur ing the concert hour under the grand old forest trees and was picturesque to a degree. Seen among the large bevy of beautiful girls were the Misses Hamilton, Phinezy, Wilson, Jones. Patterson, Dennis, Hager. Myers, Taylor, Branch. Pritc.'i ett. Murphy, Meeks. Clarke and Potts. Noticed among the sterner sex were Messrs. Mitchell, Jones, Weil, Flynn,1 Sams. Stelnman, Cornelius, Blunt. Myers, j Mumford, Lothrop and Bush. The table decorations were of American beauty roses, the individual bouquets of the same choice flowers. Mrs. John D. Potts gave a delightful porch party for her young daughters. Miss Nell Potts and Mrs. William Hurl burt. The guests were bidden to par-1 take of nectar and ambrosia in the way of an old-fashioned Virginia supper, at which the loving cup won by Miss Potts, hunter at the recent horse show, was j used. A few of those present included Gov. and Mrs. Swanson, Mrs. George. Marye. Mrs. A. Y. Bradley, Mr. and 1 Mrs. P. Hunt, Mrs. Lydia Lor'.ng, Mrs. John Thayer. Mrs. E. Van Buren, Mr. W. Lewis and Mr Sam Venabie. Some of the other notable hosts and hostesses of the week include Mr. Tom Middleton, Mr. Conway Sams, Mr. Philip Hunt. Mr. William P. Flynn, Mrs. E. C. Dugas, Mrs. John Hager. Mrs. J. Z. Mid dleton. Mrs. Samuel Davies, Mrs. F. Gilharn. Mrs. George Price and Mrs. John Lewis. Registered recently from Washington are Mr James R. Ellison and Mr. W. D. Moss. CAPE MAY. Special Correspondence of The Star. CAPE MAY. N. J,. August 21. 1900. "Notwithstanding the fact that the early days of the week were cloudy and rainy, j the latter days have been excellent and cool at the seashore, and as a consequence the biggest crowd of the summer Is enjoy, ing the thoroughly delightful weather. The visitors who are from every section of the country, with large numbers from the west and south, as well as from the near by rities. have had a thoroughly enjoya ;.u- week in golfing, yachting, automobil ing. bathing and other sports in the day and at the social functions about the ho tels and cottages during tiie evening. The golfers have had an interesting week from the fact that not only were there the regular tournaments Monday. Tuesday, yesterday and today, but that UP IN THE MAINE WOODS bi^enator J. U. FurnUrr, Itr. V . V Durban, >lr. 1-. J. Mrllnagcu of Wash iukIuu und Si. B. Miimuu of Philadelphia all ready fwr a fishing trip to the lakes at fulaud Spring. f OK the match played between teams ; Atlantic City and Cape May met her^ Wednesday and played a return to tne match of two weeks ago. Some two hun dred golfers, many of them from piom - nent clubs of the east, took part _ match, representing these two seashore 1 clubs, of which they are temporary mem ! bers for the summer. I The Cape May links cover an expanse of eighty acres and make one ot tne n ! est courses in the country. this i there have been more players than e\er before on them, and while the club been in existence for twelve years it na~ I never been more popular than now. Moonlight nights will arrive in another , week and sailing parties oti the wateis t of the Cape May harbor will again be m ! *\'o^u p The season is now at its height and the crowds will continue for at least an other week in the same numbers as l'ovf Former Secretary of the Treasury Les lie M Shaw was among the prominent I arrivals in Cape May thin week. Mr. and Mrs. J. R Tindle, formerly ot Pittsburg, now of Valley Forge, are I among the late arrivals at the Hotel Cape May. Mrs. Tindle i* a daughter ot Secretarv <<f State Philander C. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hallam of Washing ton are at the Colonial for a season, i Mrs. R C. DuBois and Miss E. DuBois ! of Washington came to the Cape May i Hotel this week. 1 Mrs J. C. Harwood of Washington is a late arrival at the Hotel Lafayette. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Winslow of Washington are among the Washington colony at the Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Earl of Washing ton are a.t the Stockton. Mrs. Volney O. Chase and family of Washington are guests at the Stockton. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Snyder of Washing ton are staying at the Congress Hall. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Daly of Washing ton arc guests at the Aldine for an in definite period. Miss Ruth Jones and Miss Frances Williams of Washington are at the Stock ton Hotel for an indefinite sojourn. Mrs A. J. Buehler and the Misses Flor ence and Alberta Buehler of Washington are at the Windsor. OCEAN GROVE. Special Correspondence of The Star. OCEAN GROVE, X. J.. August 21, 1909. Camp meeting will open next Sunday, | and for a period of ten days secular en- I tertatnment in the Grove will be subdued and silenced before the power of contin uous pleading at the altar. Dr. Ballard and his corps of workers in the campaign for souls will be assisted by trained evan gelists and many visiting clergymen. In the interval Mr. Morgan and his musi cians will ho d rehearsals for the great Xordica concert announced Labor day nignt, and which will mark the close of the festival season in Ocean Grove. Next week will usher in the children's carn.val, always the central entertain ment in Ocean Grove, around which clus ter magical memories and bright antici pations. The Alaska is entertaining Miss Lou:se j C. Richards and Mr. V. M. Calef of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. J. H Bi'.lingsley of Havre de Grace, Mil., are patrons of the Queen. Miss Hattie Lamb and Miss Sadie Roe are Bait.more arrivals at the Marlbor ough. Prominent Washington patrons of the Fountain House are Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bolgiano, who will spend some time there. ? Miss Olive Wright, Mr. H. K. Snow and Miss Helen M. Curbrldge have joined the Wash.ngton colony at the Fountain House. The Sea View numbers among its vis itors Mr. and Mrs. H. Wyckoff of Wash ington. Sojourning at the Majestic for the re mainder of the summer are Mrs. George p Pyles, Miss Mabel Pyles, Miss Bess e py'.es and Miss Edith Pyles of Washing- | ton. Miss Carrie Wall and Miss Florence G. Wall are Baltimore patrons oi the Lang don. Mr. Ralph Smith has joined the Wash ington contingent at the New Philadel phia. Miss Stella Mulliean and Miss Florence Mullican are Washington patrons of the Alaska. belmar. Special O'rrespondence of The Star. BELMAR, N. J., August 21, 1909. I Washington is represented at the Buena Vista by Miss Hendley, Miss Cameron and Mr. Oliver Laing. The Hotel Columbia Is entertaining Mrs. Wallace Marsh, Miss Geraldine Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Johns and Mrs. R. P. Higbie of Baltimore. I Mrs. Frederick Long, Mrs. Claude Mor-1 ris. Miss Clara Morris and Mr. and Mrs. j W. Irving Hough of Washington are ! patrons of the Neptune. | Mr. and Mrs. May field Hunter, Miss ; Helen Joyce and Miss Marguerite Warner are Washington visitors at the Colorado. Among the late arrivals at the Carle ion are Miss Iloneyman, Mr. and Mrs. W. j Henry Uoneyjnan and Mr. and Mrs. George F. Laugwell oi Washington. POINT PLEASANT. Special Correspondence of Tbc Star. POINT PLEASANT. N. J. August 21, 19JU. A large dance will occupy attention this evening at the Carrollton. Keg is it red at the Carroll ton, where they <vill spend the balance of the season, are \|r j.i A Aire. Charles Lippincott, Miss ? Fru cis Lippincott and Mr. and Mrs. Georgt S. Martin of Washington. Stopping ai the Warwick Arms are Mrs. F M Gibney, Miss Florence Gibney, Mrs. Matliew Skinner. Mr. and Mrs i James S. Biowne and Misses Ma,bei an.l Margaret Brokaw of the Capital c-ity. The Leifchton is entertaining through the monti' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Hub hard and Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Brink lev of Wash.ngton. ALLENHURST. Special Curre?poudenee of TUu Star. ALLENHURST, N. J.. August 21. 19u9. Summer society gathered, as usual, at the Allenhurst Club this evening, where 1 there was another brilliant Saturday night ball. The Washington registrations at the Al lenhurst Club include Mrs. G. Lambert. Miss Lambert. Miss Hazel Lambert and Mi* and Mrs. F. L. Hedden. Mr. and Mrs Horatio Wallace. Mrs. ' Edwin L. Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Watkins of Washington are spending ! several weeks at the Dunes. The Curlew is entertaining Mrs. Blanclic Ruse Mr. and Mrs. J. Keats, Mr. John Keats and Mrs. Norman H. Feick of Washington. THE BEACH AT ATLANTIC CI1 IT ATLANTIC CITY | I Big Storm Last Week and Its Incidents. GOOD BATHHOUSE STORY Big Prices Paid for Several Build ing Sites. THE VERY RECENT ARRIVALS HoteJ and Boarding House Keepers Ave Extending Glad Welcome. Special Correspondence of Tb?? Star. ATLANTIC CITY. August 21. 1**?. Notwithstanding all varieties of weath er during the early part of the week. Atlantic City, lias not lost its good na ture or its high spirits. The first thing it did after the storm had rioted It self away was to send the Atlantic City Golf Club team over to Cape May and beat the Tape May lofters ID to 9. People slept under double blankets the most of the week, and when the summer girl wearing an ulster over her lingerie dress was asked why ?he did not go over to see the Ocean City carnival she replied that she would really love to go, but it was a water tr'p and she was afraid of meeting icebergs. The last of the week saw a gradual re turn to normal pleasant weather, and the people rushed into the surf in great numbers, begrudging the day or two of angry breakers that prevented them earlier in the week. A big storm struck Atlantic City dur ing the early part of the week with the wind blowing at the rate of thirty-six miles an hour. Not to be outdone, the old ocean got on a rampage and lashed the piers and threw breakers and spray up on the Boardwalk. It was the most severe storm in Atlantic City since 1884). The breakers rolled inward with great masses of foam, and so rough was the sea that no life guard boat was launched all day, although there were several hundred bathers who went in anyway. A little child was brown through the railing of the Board wail; and toppled over on the sand below, but no harm was done. Rolling chairs were blown over and awnings torn to shreds. A, serious accident occurred when a rolling chair went over with a woman inside. The woman's head was jammed through the glass in the rear of the chair, and her neck badly cut. The chaii pusher slipped and the chair fell on him, cutting' his han^s and arms badly. The vast crowds of people who want to go into the surf, and all about the same hour, is making the bathhouse problem rather serious. The bathhouse barons, aa a rule, try to please their patrons, but now and then some of the employes need a calling down, and one of them received it this week at the hands of an irate Philadelphia man. It seems that tfce man and his wife had engaged a com partment for themselves, and after takin* their dip in the surf, returned to dress. In the meantime, the bathhouse man had rented the room to a third party. While the man and wife were in the early stages of a toilet, the bathhouse man demanded to come in and get the third party's clothes. This was refused, for a time, when the bathhouse man burst open the door, while the lady inside was still dressing. The Philadelphia man had him arrested and held under $o,u00 bail to keep the peace, and $400 to wait the action of the grand jury for assault Whatever the outcome, it is a timely warning to too impetuous bathhouse lords. Some of the wealthy class of people here have instituted a new phase of bath house. which bids fair to be very popular with those who own automobiles. They simply jump into their machines when the bathing hour approaches and whizz down to the foot of one of the fash ionable avenues, to a spot near the water. There they pull down the shades of the automobile, don bathing attire, and go out on the beach, leaving instructions for this unio.ue movable bathhouse to re turn at a stated hour. Some of the machines are fitted up with every luxury inside, and a maid to button and unbut ton and readjust tousled chignons. That the tremendous crowds which throng to Atlantic City are making it a very prosperous place needs no words to affirm it when the sight of new exten sions to hotels and new buildings of a substantial nature arc constantly going up. ' . Down at Chelsea the P.rode property be I tw^en Morris avenue and Chelsea avenue i was purchased for $80o a foot, to be the i site of a quarter-million-dollar hostelry ! by William II. Steble. a real estate man 1 oi" Philadelphia. The ground for the hotel came to $200,000. the highest price i over paid for ground in that section. The ! new hot- I will be a fireproof structure of 1 ""-anite, brick and concrete, and wM cost s_'50,<?00. Work will begin shortly and the structure will lie completed by July 1 of next year. The Hotel Osiend. at Boston avenue and the Boardwalk, in that same section, will have a new addition containing eighteen rooms and four baths, at arf estimated cost to Mr. Clarence Bush, Its owner, of $2i"i.000. The Hotel Strand, on Pennsylvania ave nue and the Boardwalk, is already build ing a handsome new and substantial addi tion. reaching to nearly the Boardwalk. Under observation of Lieut. Hamlet of the United States revenue cutter service, members of the Atlantic City life-saving , station w -nt through their usual quarter-. lv insDectiori and drill. Similar inspec ! t":ons are held every three months. The drill includes the lowering of the surf boat maneuvers of the buoy and line, and I a test drill with the breeches buoy, as i well as tiring tiie life line. All this great - j lv interested the thousands of Inland I visitors who were on the Boardwalk while it was going on. A monsr Washington people at the Chal fonte arc J. S. Caswell, Mr. J. Louis Gough and son, and Mrs. U. B. Sweltzer. Anions tfcoge of note at the ough-Blenhelm i? Gen. James H. Wil son. a civil war veteran, who was in charge of a cavalry* division ot Giant s army, and who personally captured Jef ferson Davis. Among the Washington guests at the Revere are Miss Isabelle Young and Mr. Frank Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fincklc and Miss Finckle of Washington are spending a few weeks at the Runnymede. Commodore Theodore Porter, U. S. A.,, :y. lias been making a short stay at the Hotel Dennis. Among Washington people at this house are Mrs. M. S. Avery, Miss Doris Speights and C. S. Griffiths, wlio will be there some weeks. \Y. E. Thomp son and Benjamin Carter arc other Wash ington meets at this house. Washington people registered at At lantic City hotels: Holmhi rsi? ss M Sla'er. Mrs. A. Devine. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Bos-ton. Craig Hall?Mr. and Mrs. S. Bacon. Grand Atlantic?E. J. Collins, N. Fenton. M. Jacobs, A. II. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood. Shoreham?J. F. Kerland, John B. Fleck, Miss Fleck. Imperial?Mrs. P. Kennelly, Margaret Kennelly. Mrs. A. M. Pryan, Miss M. Pryan, Theresa Hessle, Elsie Hessle, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Love. M. B. Akxander, Mrs. E. Alexander. Cornell?Miss C. Cunningham. Miss M. Mueller. Montiuello?Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson, C. Rossbach. Lexington?Mr. and Mrs. A. McKie, Sidney Sherwood, If. Hoffman, H. Gufinster, Annie McLaughlin, Mabel M. Relnig. Pennhurst?Miss M. Looney. Miss K. Donovan. Mecca?Mr. and Mrs. T. J. King and children, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hallahan. New England?J- D. Rollings. J. A. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. C'ourstects, George Hergesheimer. Albert Hendley. Mrs. Hergeshelrner and children. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Ford, E. W. Smith. Chelsea?Mrs! J. Tayior, Mr. J. G. Car lisle. Tray more?M. A. Schlotohm, Miss Thompson, H. Nesbitt. Haddon Hall?A. L. Clarke. L. A. Clarke, S. D. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Donnell. Beechwood?Mrs. P. Willis, Julia Wrenor. Iroquois?Mrs*. C. Smith, Miss R. Smith, William Frank and son, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Brown, Mrs. A. Pearson, Miss E. Pearson. William Campbell. Davenport?Mr. and Mrs. W. Kimball and daughter. Dunlop?Mrs. J. Williams, Mies Hoff man. Dennis?G. Y. Phillips. T. W. Hill. -H. R. Ilowenstein. D. C. Shea, Miss S. L. Fitzpairlck, Miss Heeskel, J. L. Heeskel. New Berkeley?Mrs. L. Einstein, L. J. Mangan? F. B. Jurggard. Fredonia? Mx. and Mrs. A. Fre>' and son. H. Beagh. Ten Eyck?Miss Hilda Sterne, Miss N. Re;d. Majestic?Miss Bender, Mrs. Abbott, Mr. Bender, A. E. Heinz. Mr. and Mrs. Walker. Loraine? Mr. and Mrs. C. Hawley, Herbert Rich, M. S. Rich, Emlli Rich, Joseph Lange. Rudolf?N. Wallersten, W. B. Hartz. Lyric?Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hate. Mrs. E. Smith, M. T. Luera, Miss Wagner. La i oiuain-e? Miss M. Heanbaon, Mrs. M. Beck. Westminster?W. J. Heider, F. L". Allen, M. Lohr. Netherland?Mrs. A. Beuckert, Miss H. Bueckert, Miss I. Parker, Mrs. W. Mur pry, M^s. C. Pyn, Mrs. Kobiehly. Rio Grande?M. Bradford, jr., Walter Bradford. Channell-Osborne?Mary Gormley, L. M. Collumore. S. N. Soli ley. St. Charles-Mr. William H. De Lacy and children, Mrs. G. W. Ralson and Miss Jean Raison. LAKE GEORGE. Special Correspondence of The St;ir. LAKE GEORGE, X. Y.. August 20, 1909. Among the motorists who are spending the summer at the lake with their cars are: Mr. Thomas S. Bassford, Judge C. Flammer of New York, and Mr. F. M. Mason of New Haven, Conn., slopping at the Marion. Their dally average of runs to various points in the Adlrondacks is well over a hundred miles, some days runs in excess of 200 miles being made. Last Friday night was held the annual masque ball of Horieon Lodge. It was under the direction o; Miss Elsie Winters and Miss Metzger of New York. The ladles' first prize was won by Mifife Flo^ ence Shafer of Newark. N. J., in a cos* tume of Mary Jape. First prize for gen tlemen was won by Mr. W. J. Sullivan of New York, whose cottume was that of a peroxide blonde. Yesterday aiternoon at the Sagamore the children were entertained by Mr. KramhoUz at a fancy dress ball. The ballroom was prettily decorated and the children were made merry with dainty Japanese favors of caps, faan, etc. A collation was served at 6 o'clock. Children from the entire summer colony were en tertained, in addition to those staying at the hotel. The opening of the Lake George Club took place last Saturday afternoon, the club burgee and the American flag being broken out at gunfire at 4:10 o'clock. Immediately a:ter tills was run the first club regatta-, consisting of a race between the many high-powered boats on the lake. The race was won by the Falcon, owner Commodore Harrison B. Moore of S3 Riverside drive. New York. A collation was served at 5 and at 7 the club ban quet was spread to about 1U0 members and friends. The club dock and all oflf shore was a perfect maze of yachts and launches gai ly decorated for the occasion. The club itself presented at night a bril liant picture with its myriad electric lights and the reflection on the waters from the blaze of glory. An invitation court golf tournament at the Sagamore, the monthly tenuis tourna ment and a match between the Sagamore and Antlers all have been laid over this week on account of the rainy weather. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. Special Correspondence of Tbe Star. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N. J.. August 21, 1909. Mr and Mrs. C. M. "White, Miss Kather lne White, Miss Lucy E. White, Mr. and Mrs. George Ballln, Miss Hazfl Ballia and Mr. B. P- Stacey of Washington are spending some time at the Sea View. Patrons of the Bav View include Miss Dorris A. Langley, Miss Constance Lang ley and Mrs. B. T. Marshall of Washing ton. I . . Among the W ashingtonians at the Brentwood are Mrs. James A. Carter. Mrs F. R. Young, Mrs. H. L. Rainier and Mr. Ralph Sleeth. Registered at the Lockwood are Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Achenback, Miss Hester Chlshoim and Mr. F. R. Demorest of the Capital City. SEA GIRT. Special Correspondence of The Star. SEA GIRT. N. J.. August 21. 1!X*>. The sporting element of this section, composed of those who are particularly fond of horses, whether at the races, the horse show or on the polo field, is now planning a big mixed program for Labor day. Preparation for the event ia just beginning. so it is too early to say just what it will comprehend, but It will Uke place upon the grounds of the Sea 0!rt and Spring Lake Country Club, where ' there Is a tine new clubhouse, grandstand, race track and polo grounds. A donkey party for the children was i held last evening at Hotel TYeinont. and j the juveniles had a merry time while their . paients watched the fun. One o? the largest uar. es of the season I in Sea Girt was that given by the man- ! agement of the Beach House the fore part of the week, when about fifty attend- ; i'd. Among the late arrival? at the Beach , House are Mrs. Henry Donaldson. Miss, Margretta Donaldson and Mfsfc Hcrmine I E. Ogden of Washington. Registrations at the Parker House in ? elude Mr. James K. Langdon. Mist Marv Langdon, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Fox and Miss Mir;ani Fox of Washington. Mr. Charles D Gait her and Mr. Theo dore W. Hudriell have joined the Bal | timore contingent at the Tremont. BAY HEAD. | Special Correspondence of Tbe Star. BAY HEAD. N. J.. August VI. 1900. Registered at the Grenville Arms are Mr. Alfred Taylor. Mist Virginia Hasktn- ? son. Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts and Miss J. Peck or" Washington: Mr. George Browne, jr., and Mrs. G. P. Gcldon of Baltimore. Mrs. J. B. Crane of the Capital city ia spending the month at the Grenville. Washmgtonians at the Bluffs include Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Dean, Miss Isabel Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Henry tiell. Miss Marie Bell and Mr. and Mrs. James arson, w ho will spend September here. The Belle View Is entertaining Mrs. (ieorge S. Looniis, Miss Helen Loomis, Mr. F. G. H. Jamison, Mr. and Mis. 1 Frederick R. Thomas and Miss Hazel Thomas of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eavons. Miss Katherine C. Pieree. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sands, Miss Ethel Sands, Mr. and Mrs. IS". F. Nichols and Mr. Herbert C!ancy of Baltimore are also visitors at the Belle View. NEW CASTLE. Special Correspondence of Tbe 6t*r. NEW CASTLE, N. IT., August "Jo, ltHW. The week has been a busy one with golf, tennis and set bathing, and many informal luncheons and dinners have been given at the Wentworth, among which that of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence V. Miller of Baltimore was most enjoyable. Among other guests were Mr. A. J. Barnum. Mr. J. W. Bar rett, jr., and Mr. M. O. Strauss of the United States Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Smith of New York were given a dinner by Mr. and Mrs. William Firth and Miss Pauline Firth of Boston. Among those giving luncheons during the week were Mrs. Edson Keith of Chi cago to Mr. and Mrs.Alvin Suliiway and Miss Suliiway of Manchester. Miss Lila Blow of New York, leading lady of May Robson company, was given a luncheon Thursday by Miss E. Marie Sinclair of Boston, the guests including Mrs. M. J. Hickey of South Bend. Ind.; Mis. A. Haines of Cleveland and Mrs. C. A. Sinclair of Boston. Mr. A. J. Osgood of Washington spent a few days here during the week. OCEAN CITY. Special Correspondence of The Star. OCEAN CITY. Md.. August 30, 190Ci The show Thursday night, to be repeat ed again tomorrow, was the big event of week. Washingtonians composed the play and scored well in the various char acters. Miss Olive McNeal of Washington enter tained her friends at a bowling party last Monday evening at the Plimhimmon Casino. After bowling a club supper was served in the pagoda. Those pres ent were Miss Margaret Tice, Miss Edith Guest, Mr. Claude Zappone, jr., Mr. Anthony Jannus, Mr. H. W. McNeal, Miss Alice Tibbetts, Mr. James S. Lawshe. Mrs. Robert Parker. Mr. George Bentley, Mr. Donald McLeran, Mr. Joseph White. Miss Annie Dashiell, Mr. Alired Wilson, Miss Katherine McNeal, Mr. Kukus Dug dale. Mr. Robert E- Parker. Miss Mar garet Llndale, Mr. William D. Sisk. Recent arrivals from Washington in clude: Atlantic Hotel?Mr. M. E. Danford, W. B. Woleott, H. E. Benson, Dr. W. L. Robins, Miss Virginia Hammond. Plimhimmon Hotel?Mr. J. H. Howell, J Mrs. W. Gwynn Gardiner, Mr. W. Gwynri , Gardiner, jr., and nurse; Mr. H. G. KneissI, Miss Lillian H. Hucke, Miss Car oline C. Hucke, Mr. George Sleiger. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palmer, Mrs. V. E. Shaeklittle, Miss Shaekllttle, Miss Harris Shaeklittle, Miss Dorothy Lottirell, Mr. C. W. Henderson, Mr. J. A. Johnston. Miss A. M. Hoffman. , Hamilton Hotel-N. E. Dorsey and wife, Robert L. Bains and wife, Robert L. Bains, jr.. S. II. Brlant. W. Ft. Steinmetz John H. Sheehan, H. M. Smith and wife! John T. Conner. Mrs. F. L. Annis, May nard Duryer, James C. Hollister, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hunt, Miss Adelene Hammond, Mr. S. V. Hammond. Colonial Hotel?Mr. L. S. Wilbur, Mr. M. C. Massie. Mrs. J. B. Peek. Mr. Arnold P. Massie. Miss A. M. Massie, Miss Marguerite Massie. Miss F. Jenkins. Mount Pleasant Hotel?Mr. E. D. Foller Miss Louise Cruif, Mr. William H. Bab cock and daughter, Mr. M. Stern. Mr. H. E. Johnson, Mr. G. E. C. Llmus. Mr. J Clark Tlmms, Mrs. J. Ilickt, Miss Grace Hicks. The Breakers-Miss Katherine Lewis, Miss Clarisse Maltern, Mr. H. William Vlak and wife. Mrs. Joseph McLeran, Miss Mary T. Eastman, Miss Virginia A. Mull ins, Mr. H. W. McNeal and wife. The Nordica-Mr. F. Y. Whitney. New Wetipquin Hall?Mr. John Brosius. Mr. Charles A. Sifford. The Rideau?Mr. Michael Heistor, Miss Jennie C. Roock. New Avalon?Miss Maud Fellheimer Miss C. Fellheimer. M. D. Campbell, Miss F. E. Davis, Miss M. N. Davis, Miss S. T Campbell. Tarry-A-Whlie?Mr. George Moore. Mr. E. Moore, Mrs. Moore. Mr. R. Moore. LONG BRANCH. Spccial Correspondence of Tbe Star. LONG BRANCH. N. J., August ill. 1009. In every respect the week closing lias been the gayest of the season. The usual mid-August dullness has been eliminated by the new attractions which have pre vented the exodus to the mountains that usually follows the horse show. Next year it is proposed that some special en tertainment be provided for every week in the ten-week season, from July $ to Labor day. An aquatic carnival is sug gested for one of 'these. So great was the interest taken in the swimming and diving contests Wednesday that It would be comparatively easy, it is thought, to arrange a series of such contes.s lasting several days, which would be more than a state affair. SPRING LAKE. Special Corieapond?-uce of Tbe Star. SPRING LAKE. N. J., August 21, 1909. Among the late arrivals from Wash ington at the New Monmouth are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bean, Miss Mary Bean. Mr. and Mrs. Rutter and Miss Celeste Houghton, who are making an extended stay at this resort. Registered at the Alla.ire for the rest of August are Mr. and Mrs. Georgv Slo come. Miss Helen Creighton, Miss Isa bel Stanley, Miss Annie G. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. James Paxton and Miss A. L. Nelson of Washington. The Washington contingent at the Es- ; sex and Sussex includes Harry S. Strat ton and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. G. Lucas, who are here until the early /all Patrons of the Wilburton include Mrs. Willard Marston and Miss Edytbe Mar ston of Washington, who have engaged apartments at that hostelry for August and September. AT ASBUflY PARK All Ready for the Midsummer Carnival. PRETTY QUEEN TITANIA Lovely Tableaux Are Beinp Pre pared for Her. I HER ESCORTS AND MAIDS 800 Children Will Enjoy the Wel come?Other Features of the Week's Program. Sspt-i'ial Corre&poudeuec of Thf >t*j. ASBURY PARK. N. J.. August JI. iyx?. At the threshold of its greatest niid summer carnival thousands qf visitors ar?? pouring Into the queen* report. All the hotels and board 11 g houses are rilled, and the lookout tonight is one to lttspiro un restrained optimism on the part of the hotel proprietors, v ho are rounding a bad beginning into a veritable harvest. Deal lake during the fete will present an entrancing scene. From both hanks of the water myriads of electric lights festooned into a grand circle extending the full length of the lake will give color and beauty to the encircling lines of decorated launches and small craft, yueeu Titania and her fairies are presumed to arrive from their fairyland haunts on the night of the Deal lake carnival. They will cross the waters uf the lake, and first step foot upon the soil of the queen's newly acquired domain. The approach of the queen's barge will be announced by buglers stationed around the lake and her reception by the civil authorities will be accompanied by a national salute. Ev ery movement as planned will be made with military nicety and precision. For an hour or more the beautiful expanse of Deal lake will be aflame with colored tire. Several hundred dollars have been expended in s.lver loving cups?the tro phies for which the decorated craft of every description and ringing organiza tions will compete. Among the hotels interest in the water fete has taken ex pressive form. Decorated floats will l>e entered by the visitors at the Columbia, Coleman, Marlboruugh, Wellington, Man hattan and Lafayette. September 1 is to be masque fete night. The masque fete, in connection with the Asbury Park carnival, is the piece de re sistance. Around the incidents of masque fete night center all the enthusiasm of Queen Titania's subject. They will frolic with Puck, the inspiring figure of fun, along the Boardwalk on Ocean avenue, into the streets and highways, VJ3.0<? revelers beat upon extracting from the quickly passing hours all the fun and pleasure possible to compass in a short period. Puck will pass 'through the crowd and touch upon the shoulder with his magic wand those of the maskers who are eligible for knighthood. They will be brought several.y before the queen, and upon bended knee receive the order of distinction and try to realize that it is all real. Next Saturday afternoon and evening the children's greeting to the queen will take place in the amphitheater. This event. Intended to replace the court ball, a feature for former years, will enlist the services of boo children, >\ho will give "The Mocking Bird." For the coming of Queen Titania and her court into the royal realm a military fete will be the feature Thursday night, the details of which have been cleverly worked out by President Ajres and Col. Aymar of the carnival assoc'ation. The greatest interest, of course, centers in the nineteenth annual baby parade, which will take place Thursday afternoon. September Gov. Fort and his military staff, together with a host of distinguished statesmen and men In the higher walK.s of life, will add luster to this wonderful Mii*a Henrietta Alitalia Elker of Saath Orange, queen of the Asbury Park baby parade. outdoor scene. Fully HOrt children in beautifully decorated go-carts, wagons and motor vehicles will appear in parade over a carpeted stretch on Ocean avenue, which will be walled in by a hundred thousand enthusiastic spectators. Among the late arrivals from Washing ton at the Albion are Mr. Fred Binden bergei. Mr. Herbert Clark and Miss Cath erine Clark, who will spend September here. The Viet^fria is entertaining Mrs. Hugh Frell and Miss Myrtel M. Davis of Wash ington. Included in the Washington contingent now at Sunset Hall are Miss Annie Bur ing. Miss Maud Warden and Mr. Odell Smith. ' Patrons of the Ocean Hotel include Mr. R. A. Phillips of Washington and Mrs. W. H. Boyd. Mrs. L. Benedict. Miss A. B. Boyd. Mrs. II F. Going. Miss LCmily H. Cassard and Mr. J. H. Strobrldge of Bal timore. Spending some time at Norwood Hall, where they have engaged apartments, are Mr. M. L. Robbins and Mr. 6. K. Forester of Washington. [ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Caswell are visitors from the Capital City now at the Lake lyn. The Washington contingent at the West End includes Miss Helen Bond. Miss M. Helen Bond. W. Ryan. jr.. and A. C. Bond. The Misses Martha Mitchell and Lulu M. Nichol of Washington are among the late arrivals at the Bolston. where they will spend the rest of the summer and the early autumn. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Slaymaker of Washington are visitors at the Mary land. Registered at the Coleman House this week are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones of Washington. The Leadley is entertaining Mrs. H. M. Wright of Washington. Guests at the Aberdeen include Thomas E. Fant and J. E. Eversman of Wash ington. The Normandie is entertaining among (Continued on Third Page )