Newspaper Page Text
LEAVE 'WANT ADS" AT STAR BRANCH OFFICES. If nut convenient to call at 'I he Star xtlico, 11tl) street anil Penn sylvania avenue. leave ymir nil vertisements at any ??f the fol lowing Uranrli Offices: A\ \NT \ns, 1 J'KJST \ WORD Minimum. 15 iTDt* only. X'ORTHWKST BRAXCHES T: i? i> i- ,t 1 . III. DtnggMs. 1,1 mill Indiana ave. C? .tamer. i.-il Rank Bldj; Po?t.-! 1 -graph. ? r's^i rll's 1 ?riiir Store. Ttli and "i sta. \ l>oltyn-\ 'Mil and <'oluinbia roau. Dupoit Pliertiia. v. "Josh hihI P V Drug Stop*. Mil Mini W ? iIi'i?? rwct Emerson. (j. \\ .. Ilrii st. alid Park r'i:id ? Jen-iter's 1 'rug Store. 14th and 1 sts. ig'- Rureaii of It formation. II, r'?~T"- f> lie S'ore. 2?til fltld Pa. *Ve. ll"lt7?'law'< \i??t?nil. 17<C> Pa ?y' Interior I???;??.. Sth and I". Postal I < l'gr.ipn s. Kmm Son- A- Co . Information Bureau. Kind's I>r.j- SIore, loth :uwl ' r'v W. II. I 'i ii? Store. !>th and S. V;i t Hotel. !?? Telegraph. I' i; tr :iti'? I'ii:.r:i .icy, 14tli and It- ' ave. t; ? Mnniliii. "nth ami K. Roland w?ii: Nf?v>taod and Statlauaty Store. Vt'.i *t li.w. t mIoii Station. Postal Telegraph. t'liitffl Siat-s Capitol. P -tal Telegraph Woo.lwar I X Lotlirnp. Superin''- d'-sk. f.W Connecticut in < . postal Telegraph. Fred R. Campbell. Drnirs. W. Ga. ave. of.oroetown : i >'1 Ntttiiel}* s 1 irug' . :12i] and M vt*. ? ri? ir< Drug store. ::2d an0 P sts. I". ile't I'lmrtniiei. SMli and P sts. XoRTHEAST: ' I. - Pliain.aev I'll and Stanton id '? '\ Richardson X Co.. X. Cap. and P "??? '\> ne. ill's Pharmacy. \ r.ihitil nml 1 sts. I, Kranse, Otli and K st*. n.e. I *i lor T an li. 11111 and 1" Capitol st*. i>r'dit.'v Pharmacy. Kith anfl II sts. ti r V Oman. I >. V. Pharmacy. Ttb ai d H n.e. Siil'TIIK AST: I:.??iiiiei - Drug Store sth and F. ?!-. s e ii J?<?!? ri? 11"- I ?rnir Store, .'id ard Pa. an . s.e. M S. Fenli. Druggist. ntli and I'a. ave. S<?1 Til WEST: II r;i st. w .Postal Telegraph Office. StiPh "i'? Itnti: Store. Till and I? sts. s.w. < 'liarlcs s. Walter, tml 4<tj >t. s vr. TF.M.KV l <?\V\. 1>. < : ? Soj-rj: P. I'arton. I>i'isclst. Wls-on>iu are. V7ANTED?AGENTS. u Wit h \*r' STS; sn? TO $25 WKEKLV: 11 ?'? ii" tit*|m'>? 1'ON \ 1.1 ?soN. -,*J7 r u.w iiu'-*- -T WANTED?SALESMEN. Vi (Villi II W 11 Mil I t 'I ASS S.M.KSMKX; s.'imi to Sl.irm m nth f< r right men. I". I-. I ? O.. Room 1". iSKi pa. a?e. n.w. an23-2t* WANTED?KELP. One I'ept a \rord for 15 word*. _ __ H \XTi;i? A IIFSTI.KK. AOK r."? T<? FOR sirieii ?alpsman: splendid opening for a !'l. Tr :tli. experience l:ot lleeessary: state past ? lnploi ni.*ri:. fit*. AdtSNMt l!o\ 68. Star oflirp. "\\ \X TKI? KXPF.KIKXPKI? UPHOLSTER* ?al -in i ? also nphoNterers for workshops. Ap !?: ? to uiaiiag. r WU?M?WAHI? ?V \A ' I II 111 ?P. v \X'TKI? F.SPFUIKXt'KD KARTKXI?F.R. <"OVIE \i?? I r.'t oiniiieniletl. Apply \\ M. .1. DONOVAN. task tt,i st. n.w. \\ \XTEI> vol Nii MAN AS OENEKAI. HFI.P ? : !n tlrirj Kit ire; two o" three years" expe ii.. FOKSTFIJ'S. I"'1 J""l an2o-"* \\ WTKII I.XPI I11.N< K.I ? PRESS 1'FEI?KRS. 72-". i::Mi st. n.w. WANTED--MRIt;lir. A< TIVE HO VS. It; V KA lis of ic'%. as liitndle w rap[ievs; grwHl pay and ehanee for proniot ion. Apply to II. \\*. Si MAI 15. with teddonbert's. 7tli and K -ts. a .tll' :*.t \\ \X l"l"f> llnXKST, SPHKR SAl.l-ISMAX" i?? epresent its i?,rinanently. o\epllent opening: ? \i? i ifin-e mmeewsary: -aury or eonimis-in i ?> "ekly: refereiievs. Xi'RTlI JHRSKV Xl'il SKRIES. Xewark. X. J. aii22-?it' W \\I'K1? BilV T?? DRAW SO|?.\ WATER AXf* :--arn dr^ig Imslnes-. AFFLECK'S I'Rl'ti STORF.. a n-1 "t u \STrki? T xpki;if.\< em si>:\F artist for spare-time work. ' all Roi>ui tit>. Ill" F -I. n.w. ?u21-3t* W\XTF.1> Mo\T\iiT i'lt TI liK oPFRATt?R: eaii (-??en:-e hiilf Interest in t-stahlished pictnre lnisiness. nearliy town: must have $2'mi. Ap nl.i Room ?>?. 1110 F st. n.w. au21 -P.t? wTntfTT vmim; max. ?;o(?i) pkxmax v. Ii.? understands double-entry bookkeeping. *ildr--s. in own writlnc. ?'tating salary ex HI. exjwrlenee anil references. Box Star otfi'-e anZl-St. W \ \'TFD I 'EXTIST: MI ST ~P.K A FIRST .-lass ofi.-rator: an excellent ehatiee for a good man. Address "I>EXTIST." Star office. ait20-4?t* W \N TVI1? Tlloltoi <;il INH'RLE EXTRY Inokkeejicr: one witli hotel or apartment lious" experience preferretl: S'?i |>er month, room and t'oiirii: -tate aire, experieiiee. qualifications and efrreeccs. Address I!o\ 1"'. Star office. iui>? tf W*XTKI? flR>rrl,\SS SHIIMOIXKRS. \P td? l'v letter or in person to the XEWPORT SIIIPRI"IIJ>IXi; AXI? I>RV TM* K ?'oXIPAXV. X.wport Xews. Vs. au?0-14t wTn i kT^ STI.Xtm;r\piiTiks~SPI-:FI> i'LAss. ?peri a I not".taking; closely approaching r-l* rt ng conditions. In legal. s--ientitic and parlia mentary matter: continuously to 7 p.m.; ! thri-e days' trial free. THAI*. E. RAtiSPALE. ^>"rthanii lle[>">''ter. t'entury liililding. atllD-71 w"\ XT l~l > mT x TO ^n.T til A M? ?XI ??T " itcue> and jewelry of all kinds, from sam ples. on small weekly or monthly jwyments: no t-xperiene.- necessary: lil?-r?l salary and ??onimi*?ioo paid: wideawake man can oasllr t-ipke weekly, t ASTFLBERO'S. Pa. ave. aulMTlt tTAXTEP AX IX'TEI.IAGEXT PERSON MAY earn S|iki monthly cirrespouding for tiewsr-a |.er-. no ? anvasslng: -end for particulars. PRESS SYXDH'ATK. I^wlsjort, X". Y. aul-olt* MALE OK FEMALE. V \ XTEI? \?"TORS A XI? At TRESSFS FOR niovitiK picture plays. Apply Room ?l<". 1lltl I" st. au21-3t* FEMALE AV\XTi;l> BRKill'l SALESLADY. F.XPERI eii.-ed in art needlework and embroidery: employment and advancement. PAI'L IXE, ro; 12tb St. 11.w att2:t-2t* ft \ XT I J>~ K xT-TlR I EXT KI? Ml LLIX F.R Y PRE parers; good -salary. Mr?. STIEREL. Ill:; ? ; n.w. an33-.1t I. \I?Y ROOKKKF.PKR. 2-". YEARS of age ??r over. $s i?er week; with comtiiereial business experience, typewriting, etc. Address Rox Star ' ffice. fv \x it;iT rui: roMixt; skasox. first eiass kk-irt bands. Address Rox 7<?. Star office. m?l-ot" V Txri 1? RY SMALL FAMILY. COOK AM? s neral housework, r; references required. Ap ply a|iartuie!it 21. the ('llfflMiurne. ls.Vi Calyert -t. n.w. au2."l-St \\Tx rTf. ~yofx<; i.ahy as- office as" --taut: must be Hteiiograpber and typewriter. \ppl.v Box Star office. au22-."it \ *x n iT hrbTifi . xk.\i~;Trls TT; ears of a?, and over, for tin ai-les, liooths. etc.: pa* anil eliams- for promotion. \pplv 11 W S. haub, with <;OLI?EXRER<;'S. 7tli nitl K ?t>. au22-3t W IXTKIi ~ PiTsr "id I II E ?'LI-IRK FOR Mtan.-h in tlrng store: UPisi pridltiyely '>e ex i i i.-ii'-'-d. Ailtiress Rox ?.! Star office. in22.2.;A2r. ? \XTH' I X PKRIEXt |.i i MILLIX KR\ AXI? ki t: salesladies. P.. RFBEXSTE1X. ]111 !' n.w. I au22 2t* \\VX>-|H I'RIIPA RFRs \ N 11 APPREXTKES . ? miliiiit-rv. P., Rl RI.XSTELX. 1111 F n.w. . !{*'?? ? V vXTl'li Mil XC I \UV I'iiR I?YEIN*?j} \XI? Iniitiw nflro. Apply 1108 '? n.w. an2l ;it* \ \ x | Mi T\ P l~R 11 X i El r MILI.I XKRY -aleswoirieu lirst-clasf. iitisitions and best sal ,e-. Apply Millinery I?<iit.. HECHT 6c i umpaxy. r.i;; oij r.i7 7th st. au2i ::t W \xrn? WE HAVE AX OPEXIX't; FoU i rsi ela-s millim-rv triiumer; Itlgii salary paid. \pply Mlllin.-ri iteiit., 111".<' 11T A ?'o.. 51-! .*iir? r,17 7tb n.w. aii21--tt V AXTK1' AX IXTEI I.ICEXT PERSOX MAY inn Jli'i" month!* corr.-stioiiiliiig for news;>a ?" - no earirassing. Semi for particulars. PRESS SY.X'DICATK. Lock port. X. Y. ?ii! ~lt* DOMESTIC. ? XX i I II \ t 'itiK \XI? ill XKIIAI, Ilo| >E ? iT- ? Apply It'Hi I st. Il.w the ( l|.|te|| ha ii. aft. :: au2o 3t I XPHill XI Ml XI RSK tilRL: RBF. 1!^ Miif-tl. a unit ?.tiier li'-.-'l apl'lv Sirs. I. s. BARKER. |l?S X si. a.-v. .iu2.'l2t# V S X I I | > t<i|,o|;l|i WOMAN TO <"im?K. nasli and iron. I72<? Ijlinoiit st. n.w. aii23 itL W \XIEI' COLORED WoMAX TO '""OK AND do IlilUvWu; ,. l -ill 27 E \ e li..-. x\ axtkh i.i rmax <;irl for i;kxkr.\;. .i"iiK.-work ::"24 It si. n.w. an2:> :tt WAXTE1I i?4 m ass AVE N.W . tiOOD OKR man isn.k for itmall l?iiii-d:i'C house; nls/> tier iiiiin chsniliermald and waitress an22-:;t* v. tVTKD 111 \ PERSOX IX THE WEST. A et.loretl housekeeper; >\a^e?. and tleslrahle bout.* ft.'- .wBii woman Iiu wishes one. F'or ?nforniatlon apply at RLA' 'K Rt'RX' S RAK KRY. ?;-.h1 Ho>m>. 1'. au22-3t* XX" AX TEI' V WOMAX '11? COt>K. WASH \X|? |...n and irene-al housework. Apply 14H2 <?i rartl st n.w. au21 itt WANTED?SITUATIONS. One ppiit *i wor?! fur l.'i words. MALE. TV. KI.YXX. 9TH AXI? K. AF1HTS BOOKS, |..srs ledgers, makes [? rlotlical examinations, *M?i?erinteiids liookkeeplng. au2l?T2t* MALE OR FEMALE. J\XII'i|t OR TEX l?l X?i HORSES SITI ATIOX v niletl by man aud wife. i>2.'; 4th st. n.w. a i2l* FEMALE wanted xixe in xinini-dollar clerk in fort sr service (Denver. Cnl.i ilea.res tt? trans. fei wiia WavbtaxtoD clerk lnwwtBttoh Ad dres? Box 217. Star aul7-7t* * WANTED?SITUATIONS_ FEMALE?DOMESTIC. DOMESTIC. in a settled routKKfi woman. \ place to work nioniin*;* or ? v??nitifrs. ?'ali ur ail j I 1th Sl. 11. W. I ITS' kii<st? ? k ass iTatni?kkss. w a siiing to liiki- huiiit'. liitisvi K ?i. ii.w. li.\V<* WMftk HV riil.JiKKIi WOMAN. ivoltK lo ?|o Ii\ i i(4- . (lit* .*M st. s.w. L\r\I?KKSS WANTS WASHING TO hoilll-. !?1?l \ < J_ II.H. I AI N DIO WIIKK DONE AT IIOMK BY TWO AiMIKMl. 144MI lit}] <f. 11. W . I vl NDm TO l?r \ | HOME BY RELIABLE woman. 4?t* Washington at. b.w. M&*t LAFNDRESN FIRST-' 'LASS; WISHES LAIN <try work ai home. Room 3. 1089 Vt. ave. n.w. LAI ndT:kss WASHING AT HOME: FIRST ??la** laundre-s. < all or address Mr*. ' . ' ROLIj. 1266 Blagden's mrr n.w. au23-'-i raiVi.r: ???:.? ? i:i i? wants a ? situation as cook. Appiv 1732 L *t. n.w. :i u23-2t ? 4\ \\TKJ> WASHING" TO I'AKE IIOMK. :?;? ! la. a?p. n.w. ?u23-2l w s N TEI? BY COLORE I < \v< >MAN. CHAMBER- , muid or i-iKik: wash or Iron, or laundry work by the "lav. 174?> V si. n.w. W A NTHD DAY'S WORK OF ANY KIND; lionio or out. lonr> \' st. n.w. WANTED?BY COLO1C0) WOMAN", CLEANING or laundry woik l?y the day. 2137 Newport | place n.w. i WANTED BY FlltXI CUSS LA I' X DRESS. ALL I kinds Washing to lake koac. 932 N st. n.w. i ' WANTED M \SHING TO DO VT HOME BY S'Mid laundress: ran give teferciiees*. 4;'." llol lidite otHirt n.w. I I WASHING FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS. 1330 \ st. n.w. ___ ] WANTED?MISCELL ANEOUS. On? "out a word oach time t*"?r 1" words 3 times. W ANTED TO lir Y OIJ. ri-.A 1 1 i KB B EDS. W b<'ii selling w iiy not drop j osial t?? an old re liable tiriuV II MARKS. 7th. opposite i Saks*, or phone I.lnfB. 2331 Y. :iu23-tf WILL CALL I.N MY UNLETTERED WAGON and pay you the hiuhest < ash piico for ladles', gentlemen's. children's discarded " 'othlns: of ? nil description*. Addrc.* postal or |ih. Tie and 1 1 will call. \V RICE. 1332 Till n.v I'll- N. I7.">.">. 1 ati23 rf.r. ?? "! HAVE AM THING To SKI.I, YOU CAN iivold lots of worry If you send for one wh# lias a rcuutatlo; n'f Co years' fair dealing. tf MARi I S NOTES I2tl !Mli st. n.w. ] WANTED TO BI'\ \ SKI Ol PLAT BOOKS for tlic Distrtet of < olunibia. \ddrcss Bl IK-I : DEB. Star office. j WANTED -ELECTROKIER. SFITABLE FOR, tabic or reading lamp: also |<owerful opera ?_-la~* or Itjuoi'iilai : B. Jr I. . or equally as good , I tnak.-: stat.' PRICK and give l'l I.L DE- j | Si 'Bl I' l l' >N. Box ti.".. Stai otBee. aiiJ'-'-:it- j HIGHEST CASH BBHKs' PAID FOR WORN GARMENTS KADIKS'. GENTS & CHILDREN'S SHOES ?V HATS. SEND I'OSTAK; WILL CALL. I J TARSHES. BMS TTU N.W. Pbone North 4-J!>. | an'Jl -t f.4 i WANTED -ONE LABGK AND ?>\E MEDIUM | cized sttcond-hand safe. Address Y. N. '/... Star, office. atilS-7t | BIG MONEY PAID FOR DESIBABLE FKRNI turo. carpets, ofti'-e furniturf and household jroods: contents especially; also stocks of tner chamlise. I?. NC'ES. 015 La. ave. Phone M.3006. JyL'4 '.tOt t : IK n V I M Jc SON. 912 PA. AVE. N.W.-AN opportunity to dispose of all kinds of furni ture. We are in the market to buy slightly used furnitlire, store fixtures anil office fuml i t ii re of every description. H. BALM S: SON, ' ph me M. 1254 BBING YOl'R I'AWNTICKETS FOB PRECIOUS stones and jewelry and reeeiYe hlirhest cash 3 prices; old sold, silver and L". S. ? oins bought, i Money loan".! at l! r-r cent. LOLIS ABBA- . HAM'S. 4^:4 9tV. st. n.w. u?y30-tf_ j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. ""' { GRiiGEBY: OWING To SICKNESS. BARK OP iwrrtuiiity to swuri? this valuable business at invotee; daily ivi-eipts, rent. $21; large house: thriving village north of Washington. an23-3t I'OBNMi GB04TIBY NORTHEAST: oWNKR j retiring: yejjrly business. $25.?00; owner re ? Iti'-P vtoi k to suit purcbaser and take invoice. NKW YORK BI'SINESS BROKERS. 1423 F. an23-3t cobnEB ia;i?'i:i!V ask"ing $1.5T>ii; cheap rent: excellent business; old < * | talill.-hed: mu*t sold this week. GUOt'KRY on B. A o. railroad: invoice or S1.2(N): no! I opposition. NEW YORK BUSINESS BRO j KERS. 1423 F. au2:i-3t j WHO HAS .-.20.OKI f.VSli To INVEST IN BKAL estate absolutely safe: tnak-'- on invest ment in one year. Address Box 73. Star office. au23-3t* WINTER TBI ? K GARDENS; Kuril ( Itlil'S OF I J4<"i to $1.21)0 profit for years <acb acre of! | tropical fruit and early vegetables; write for ! j maps, terms and low rates to Florida. Ad- | dress Ro\ G7. Star office, a?22-3t* | ' WKKK ESTABK1S1IED TAILOR STORE FOR | sale; S.".o to ?)(h> reduction if sold before Scp teinlM-r 1. 1410 Eye st. n.w. au22-3t* ? W AN TEI??11 ROC E BY STOBE; PLACE SKIT j abb- for ousters and sea food. Address Box > Star office. au21 -3t* [ WANTED \ FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE IN a ?fMHl location: terms cash. Phone Main j 22K4. au21-3t Ft >It SALE -DENTAK PR.UTICE IN CENTER of city; no brokers. Address Box :U">, Star I office. au21-3t* OLD-ESTABLISHED CONKECTIUNKRY AND I<'E i cream parlor; verj reasonable; good reason for selling: drop postal and investigate. W. II. COI.EMAN. ISol Riggs place. au21-3t* j For-sa'le HALF I.NTKKK.ST KTABLISHED moving picture business, nearby town. $200. } Snap. Call lt'K>ni W?. 1110 F st. n.w. au21-3t* ! Koi: * BENT ~AN ol.D KSTA I'.LISI I ED LL'NCI K r<?jiu furnished anil ready for but-Ibess: fin? opi?ort unity; rent reasonable. Cull after I o'clock f44 Westminster st. n.w. au21-3t ; FOB SALE -SAWlON; DOING BI'SINESS OVER . $,"><I a dav; reasonable price. Address Box !?. j Star office. au1?-6t* ; DOES ANY ONE. ANYWHERE. OWE YOU money? Let us collect ii for you. No fee i unless successful. L-gal service and advice. " CAPITAL CITY COLLECTION CO.. 327 2d st. n.e. Phone Lincoln 454-Y. HORSES AND VEHICLES. | One cent a word each time for 15 words 3 times. I WANTED CONTRACTOR'S DUMP WAGON ; I state make, condition and price. Address Box 72. Star office. an23-3t i FOR SAKE HORSE AND CoKT 4 MONTHS ; old. spring wagon and buggy; inu?t be sold at i once: no further use for same. Apply 82"> 15th St. n.w. FOR SAKK FIRST-CLASS RIB. BER-TIR K "Babcock" victoria, for on*' or two horses; also one set double coach harness. Box 71. Star office. au23-3t* FOB SAKK PRIVATE PARTY. STANHOPE buggy practically new; leather finish. FRED .IOHNSON. 711 K st. s.e. au21-?Jt FOR SA I.K "' 1IKA PTHOI:SES; ONI, FAST pacer Imarei: in pasture opposite Lofflcr's sa. loon, on Blkdensburg road. D. C. au21-3t* 1IORSE~ A NTrCARRI AGE SALE AT WESCIIIJCR'S. 920 Pa. ave. n.w.. Every Saturday, 12 o'clock noon. A good place to dispose of yours. ! a;;12 30t i i GEORGE M. GANTZ. 12?W I) ST. N.W. ? KARG est sissortment of vehicles of all kinds, includ ing erocerv at <1 ??xpress wagons and harness, ? at wholesale prices to the retailer. jyf?-!)Ot.4 COGSW III S IS THE BKST PLACE TO BFY new and seeoi <1 hand traps, surreys, ilaytons and delivery napms. up; harness. $4 up. j;*2 tf 200 11th n.w. AUTOMOBILES. At TOMOBILES FROM S>C. I P: WIKK RKPAIR your *ar free and sell them on commission. Bent repair wo k at lowest prices. COLLIER & BAKER, .".th and C n.e. au23-7t KOR SAKK AN KKECTRIC AUTOMOBILE IN splendid condiiioii: very cheap to a ijuick buyer. Apt. 10*?. Sherman apt. bouse. l."?th and I. n.w. au22-3t* STANT.K\ SI RRKY E.\? I.KLENT CONDITION; pric ?ir.o B-.x 4i> Star office. au21-3t* n?r~s~\i7i TT7ri~rfnaboft. in ifine~con I dltlwn. K'.Tl K s.e. :iu21-3t* ! WANTED IB VMiOl'T. t;oo|> < oNDITTonT j half acre lot. Chev] Cluise. value, in exclianpe for auto and ;art cash- D. W. MANNERS. 3107 10th -t. n.w, au?.1-3t* | FOR SA IK I'oRIi li M ?l A TOR. #2o(?t; I'lipK. Wnv.rl* electric, new battery and painting. 54,'to.oo: feiir-cyl. toiiring car. S|.~o.oo. \|rnl. It K-'i'l. $32."i.o<?; Caillllac touring. $2T?o.0o; Ifli^S ? Miwvell riniab'Utt. newly (tainted and <>v.>r lianUtl. 5>."<00.'Mi, Rear lilt! Vt. ave. Phone N. 4??4. ait21-7t* ? FOR SALE -1M0 TlUPMOBILE: GUARANTEED tlr-t-cla^s condition and very little; a great liis bargain. CLARKE &? CO . Rear 1TM>7 K st. I n.w. an21-3t* SEVEN-PASSE.Nl JER 4.VH.P. < ^AR KO R SA I.E. or will exchange for runaltout: will demon strate. Address |lo\ Star office. aii20-7t* ! Foil JaT.I^ SIX-CYLINDER OVERLAND; i has Ifceti used very little; good ae new: has a double rumble seat and equipped with mag neto; must sell at once. L. P. DOR SETT CO., 17th aiul U sts. n.w. auO-tf AUTOMOBILES FOR" HIKE " 3 To 7 PASSENGER TOURING CAR. S4~PKR hour. Pliom* ?'ol.KIER. Linen. 2432. day or night. SjHsial rates to business men "and sightsceliiu parties. a Il23-1 f WELIf APPOINTED .*? AND 7 I'TSSENGER automobiles bv the hour, day or week. Rates. t.. $<; p?'r hour DEWEY GARAGE. 131# L st n jv. Phone North 43.V). Jy4-90t,4 WIIITK Sl i.AM CARS KOR HIRE. 3 OR 7 PAS senger. by week, day or hour; driven by prac tical man and engineer. je1:?-tw)t.4 PHONE -LINCOLN 1434. LARGE JACKSON To I RING CARS PER Hill R $.!.<*?. KOR HIRE PHONE M. ?'.444 KOR HIRE i:;iO N.-v York ave. iHall of the Anclcntst. JeKS-tf JACKSON AFTOMOBIKE CO. TOFBIM*. CARS AND TAXICAB8 BY Till". IIOI It DAY OR NIGHT. AI in KIVKRY CO.. 212 13TH ST. Phones Main Wi7o, titiTl, OH72. uu2<i-If.4l FOR RENT?ROOMS. ')ih> ecut a wnrd for 15 word?. Fl! 1?!?I?HED i;;41 CORCORAN M THREE ROOMS. FIRST parlor and kitchen furnished; sink in kitchen: ii-<? <?f piano; very desirable. aii22-ot* i:^" K ST. N W7 I.AiUiK-ROOM, WITH PRI vi!t<* hath; gentlemen. au22-2t* iT^V^T.Vk ST N.W NICELY ITRMSHKIt rooms: bot. .-old. Ice water. and phone; Mini in.-r rut- ,*. -"I*-" I I RNISHED ROOMS. 1422 CLIFTON ST. N.W. With "i" without board. an22-3i iii? ::h~st. n.w. ~n kxishf.d for hoi sf keening. nice large room: rent. *12. and one at SI.-. iin22-::t* lL'27 71 ST. SECOND I T.i II in FRONT ROOM; "reasonable; also other rooms; lsiard given: ????? 1 in l liH'iition. an22-2f JUS XKU 11AMRSIHRK~7\VK. N.W. 2 Fl'R i.ighed rooms; light housck.-cpiuc; adults: i;i modern house. au21-3l* VFiTy DESIiiABI.E rill ii, III MIMS; SUITABLE for one <?!' two: all conveniences. 1404 M Thomas circle. au21-3t ITCHED l.'iKlMS FOR RENT. 1666 PARK road; near all electric ear lines; south or north cxi>osure; bathroom on same floor; hot-water In.-it: electric or s 1 it; use of telephone. :ni2i-;:t* | T:: 7 2 li AR VAR i 'ST. N 7\\~ SUM M K R R a T F.S; delightful location; large, newly papered front room: also sc<ond-story room. ati21-5f KIT.4 IRVINO ST. N.W. 2D Fl.OOR FURNlSlI .d room; adjoins bath; in private family. au21 ::t* ! THREE TlR rol l: ROOM FLAT. I F RNISHED j complete for housekeeping; porcelain bntli. i 12S0 WH st. n.w. au2l :tt 1713 1ST N.VV.-TWO LOVELY C<>NX1 :<"UNO rooms completely furnished for; gas range. au21-.>t* 7;.!:: NORTH CAPITOL ST.?2D FIjOOR. FOUR rooms aud bath; complete flat: heat and gas. ?u3Mt* 2o0 n N.W. ? TWO CLEAN, COZY. I.KdlT housekeeping rooms, corner house, with hot water heat. ail20-4tw .11 II ST. N.W. -DESIRABLE. NEWLY PA pered r.?>ms; convenient to all car lines. au20 If FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. THREE ROOMS FURNISHED OR I NFER nishe.l for l.h.k. 210 5th st. n.c. au22-;!t 1M7 YOE N.W. LAKOK FRONT RooM. 21) tlnor: connect ins room optional: pore-lain bath: m.Miern boils.-. ?-??! j tii:2 E ST. N.E. THREE BRIGHT. NEWLY papered rooms for light housekeeping: heat and ! i-hs: adults <>nh : furnished. $2n: unfurnished. I si7. au22-3t* I FOR RENT ROOMS, FERN ISHEI> OR IX I'urnished: desirable location. Apply 1*37 4th st. au20-.?t* UN" Fl'R NINH10 D. 450 Q ST. N.W. ENTIRE THIRI? FLOOR OF four outside rooms and bath; hot-water heat: large back porch; ?23.50. apl2.">--^t * His" t i l H st! N.W. - FLAT OF THREE rooms: porch: heat and gas; for housekeeping. | au23-::t j , 24?T17>TH ST. N.E. TWO OK THREE 1 NFCR i iiishe.1 rooms. 2.1 floor: lieat, gas and bath: | bright aud very desirable for 1. h. k.: re or-j onces. 2122 m st. n.w.-:: rooms on same floor-. heat and gas; porch; S17. Call after 6. au21-3t* iJm irrn stT x.w. three cxfcr. looms, 3d floor, light housekeeping; $16. I au21-::t ?J ROOMS; NO CHILDREN: 2D FLOOR; 1 nearly a Hat: no other teuants. 1026 6th n.w. au21-s,m.w.3t* 2!MHi BLOCK. 14111 ST.. TWO CHOICE ROOMS. $22: !. h. k : refs. exchanged. Address R-ix | 57. Star ofli.-e. au21-3t* ! FOR REXT-VERY CHOICE. SELECT. CEN- j tt-8l location. in that attractive building. 1340 New York ave.; 3 rooms; PRIVATE RATH; HOT-WATER HEAT: plenty of running hot! water winter and summer: gas; electricity, j Rent. $27.50: open for inspection. au!7-1"t WANTED?ROOMS. WANTED- BE'OWEEN BELMONT ST. AND Park road, and within a block of 14th st.. room, whh board; $35. Miss K.. Star office. an22-2t* ROOMS AND BOARD. " One cent a word for 15 words. Bi iMTIFrL oFTSIDE ROOM; NICELY IT R iiished: two large windows: next to bath: suit abb- for two. with board, fifty dollars per month. Apt. "04. the Windsor, 142". T st. an2;'.-2t !e7 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W. ? ROOMS. M-oiid floor: furnished or unfurnished: private 4 | bath: bav window; southern exposure: with] board. au2:i-:4t* Rm.x 11 N.W. M'-EIA FURNISHED ROOM: i excellent table board; near departments and I Y. M. C. A.; transjents accomiii.xliit.-.l. mTtXY FI RNISHED BACK PARLOR: SEC | ond-siory r<*>ni; tiiree windows; good home table; hot-water heat. 120* M n.w. I i 5Tl7 r.M.IFoRNIA AVE.. OPPOSITE lllOll | lands tin. or- two elegantly furnish.-d rrMiius; phone; eleetrie lights: gf^^i tahle. au22"t ir.24 -T1ST ST.? Xlt ELY FURNISHED. RRIOHT. attractive room, with l>oard. In small private family: phone in house and convenient to ear line. aii22-3t* | FOR RENT-THE 2D OR 3D FLOOR. TO Aj party of gentlemen: new house and nicely fur-! nishe.l: tabln t?-st of home cooking: near Cap I itol and Library; photic In house. ;>,26 _Md. ave. n.c. au22-3t i T202 K ST N.W NICELY FURNISHED "rooms: excellent table board; good location. ail21-3t* ' lilRARD ST.. COLUMBIA HEKiHTS? liovelv rooms with fln<* tabb- board. au2l-eo-ot* 1S24 CALIFORNIA ST. -ATTRAfnlVB ROOMS: high I.H-ation: reasonable; p.x,d table: phone; I half square from car au21 -"t PRI\rATE FAMILY: AN IDEAL HOME: IN THE most exclusive section: desirable room: elegant ly furnished: with excellent table aecommoda tions. 201S Kalorama road. aul8-7t | THE HEItlHTS. 184.'!-45-47 Y'ou St. n.w Nirelv fur. or nnfur. rooms, en suite or sin gle; fln'e home table; rates reasonable. a u 17 -l?0t. 4 FOR RENT?OFFICES. FOR RENT~ DESIRABLE OFFICE ROOMS IN THE LENMAN BLDU., 142.". N. Y AVE. Moderate rent. au23-9t* A. T. COUMBE. 7>i 17PII STr N.W.?TWl) DOORS FROM Metropolitan 1 Tub. S10 to $25; appointments and lo<-ation unequaled. THE DANIEL REALTY CO., 7.T0 17th st. ; au21-3t,4 I FOR RENT?TWO FIXE LARUE ROOMS, 2D i floor front, 1.T22 G st. n.w. au21 -eod-3t T. A. HARDIXO CO. (Inc. 1. FOR RENT -OFFICES IX THE t.ALT BUILDING. 1413 II st. n.w. E B. TOWXSEXD & CO.. Room 3. iv27 tf .4 FOR RENT?OFFICE ROOMS AT 131K PA. ave n.w. McLACHLEX BANKING CORPO RATION. loth and G sts. Je22-tf For r ext? Two beautiful offlr-e rooms on Pa. ave. facing the Post Office; reasonable to desirable tenant. \lso flne communicating offices <>n 11th st. front. Applv MANAGER. Star bldg., 11th and Pa. ave. 1?17-tf FOR RENT?STABLES. FOlT BEXT- REAR 101 it VERMONT AVE., two-storv brick stabl*. witli living room* on second floor: .-an be nred ac garage; $25 per month. Estate of DAXIEL S. EVAXS, 1424 New York ave. j.yl9-tf _ for rent?warehouses. i ! I> 1R RENT 217 7"I 11 ST. IS.W.. .VSTORY I warehouse; latge elevator: centra!: convenient to fr.-ight mat ions; steam power furnished, if desired - .....$80.00 Rear 015 Va. ave. s. w.. 2-stoiy warehouse, suit - ?il.le for "i.irage. carpenter or paint sh.?|>. .$;>0.o0 11. K. JOHNSON. nrw; 7th St. s.w. Phone Main 23S5. an21 -12t FOR RENT?GARAGE. FOR RENT REAR 101ft VERMONT AVE.. TWO story brick garage with living rooms on second floor* can be used as >! a Me; $2.1 per month. Estate of DAN'L S. EVANS. 1424 N. Y. aTe. PERSONALS. ? FOR .EXCHANGE A CLERK IN THE WASH ington dty |N.-t office. *l.2is> grade, desires to ex-hauge "position with a clerk in the Post Olttee Department. Address Box 6K, Star office. DO YOl" ENJOY AVIATING? TAKE A TRIP lo the moon, but come back soon, as our prices for men's worn shoes, pants, hats, etc., I sill" a tune; mail us postal from your balloon, i .ll'STH'S OLD STAND, 0U> D. au23-tT5 TTt IS ESTIMATE OX YOI'R ROOF AND heating plants. Winter Is coining. Our ex pert i- at vour demand. Phone L. 24.12. COLLIER & BAKER. 5th and C n.c. a u23-71 HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES" and cents' worn garments of all kinds; also shoes, hats. etc. THE BARGAIN STORE. 1216 7th st. n.w. Drop iwstal; will cull promptly. aul2-tf.4 CALL AXD TEST TyiS WONDERFUL MANIP uiator of soul power, using no aid. no device, but the Higher Intelligence to make you ac quainted with yourself just as you are as to character, life and health: business --hxnees a specialty. SIGXORA AXXIXA AXDR1N1. 117 7th st. n.e. Phone Lln>-n. 296t>. au4-30t*7 I WILL LOAN YOU WHAT MONEY YOO need and you can pay me back weekly or monthly: charges are small and nobody know* your business. Address Box 222. Star office. my24-tf _________ INTERSTATE AUDIT CO.. I?. W. ROBERTSON. Pres. PIIOXE MAIN 4203. 72? 'W SK. N.W. L J/31-tt i Lo yo <r* \ HOST OFFICE PUZZLE. The accompanying sketch is of a mysterious package which is thick and soft and might contain anything from .1 wad of bank notes to a sample of dress goods. It is in the hands of the postal authorities and they don't know what to do with it There is no cleverer set of fellows than the lynx-eyed, quick-handed poslal clerks, and it is a matter of departmental pride to never throw out a peculiarly addressed piece of mail until all hop*' 01 deciphering it has hern ex hausted perhaps some puzzle crank is having fan with Fncle Sam's carriers, so our puzzleists are requested to assist in the case and see if it is possible to figure out some reasonable translation of that odd-looking address. SOLUTION OF PFZZEE THE DC H IIMK.N AND THEIR WIVES. !n that story of the three Dutchmen and their wives wl.o came to town . t.i buy hogs, it was told that each person bought as many hogs as they paid shillings per hog. ;md that each man spent :: guineas more than his wife; l.kewise that Hendrick bought "J.'! more hogs than Catrun, and Claas bought 11 more than (Jeer t ring. The puzzle was to pair the iiusbands and wives as proven by their purchases. It results in a curious complication of extracting i the square roots of the pigs and wives, which finally results in showing that I fJeertrlng bought one little pig for 1 shilling, and that her husband, who must i have been Cornelius, bought S hogs for * fhill ngs e?eh. Catrun bought !? for '?> ' shillings each, while her husband Claas bought 12 hogs for 12 shillings each, i Anna bought :*,I large hogs for .".I shilling each, while her good man, Hendrick by name, bought :'.2 hogs at -'.2 shillings apiece. FOR SALE?MISCELLANEOUS. One cent a word for 15 word# 3 limes for sale yoitTFs Iron bed. brass trimmed. So. Call at 121 K'th t. n.e. au23-3i* I KOll SALK HANIISIIMK OFFICE KQUIP ment, including now desks. cliairs, <arpc|S. typewriters. tiling cases. etc.; will sacrifice tot j quick sale. AI.I'ltKD HIGI'.IF. Munsey bldg. au22-3t FOR SALE TEN UOl JANDUS arc lamps: 110 Tolfs. Apply t'1 KN^tlNKI^u. . the Raleigh. iiu21 -?1 , GET A PIANO FREE. | We offer the children the chance of a lire- ; time to study music. A number of good . square pianos here In perfect condition which ' we will loan absolutely FREE to first comets, for 6 months. Select the piano and simply j pav what if costs to haul it to your home. |\ SMITH PIANO CO.. ! 1 ??>'? f>h. are. (ai)21-tit> Plionc M. 71 ? roil saT-k h uti: antique mahogany t claw foot dining table nnd other rdeces; also beautiful mirrors, etc. 1"45 L st. n.w. a"'-1 j" MORE BIG PIANO 1BARGAINS: Reliable make uprights in walnut_ and jluahogr- ? any cases, guaranteed in years. ?! $18.?. '? $225: all on $5 monthly payments: no Interest j charged. Open evenings till !?. HELP.IG RROJ-. ! estab. 27 years. 1742 7th. a?21 tf KXCeTsIOR AUTOCYCLE ALWAYS MAKERS j good: demonstration- gladly given. Second-hand motor cycles from $65 up. New and second hand bicycles sold on easy terms. P. M. 4 'OUR. 818 1>TH N.W. ! au21-7t Open late at night. A riAN'O FOR VOl R SUMMER COTTAGE. SOMETHING NEW. $50.00. WM. KNABE & CO.. 1218-1220 F ST. N.W. aul9-t f.2* for sale"several SECOND-HAND SAFES': J first-class condition. Address B. A. C.. Star of flee. aulB-.t | PIANOS AT SUMMER BARG AIN PRICE*: < 'able * Nelson. $185: Fisher, $190; Voge. $170; Xeedham. 5175: Stelnway. $2.1": Knabe. $240: Brlggs. $'.??: SO other used pian >s at re duced prices. Pianos for rent, hauled, stored and shipped. HUGO WORCH. 1110 G N.W. a u 17 -10d PIANOS UPRIGHT PIANOS?MII? SUMMER sale. Sec the bargains that we arc offering. Thev' have been used, but are godd .nates. Prices. $185, $1!>o. $100 and $75. It will pay voti to see them. CHAS. M. STIEFF. 1008 1010 F st. n.w. J. C. CONLIFF. Manager au!4-tf j REAL, PIANO BARGAINS FOR QUICK SALE. i Handsome upright in elegant, condition: cost $40o Price now $150. including stool and scarf- five-dollar monthly payments. j Beautiful mahogany upright, reduced from $3u0 to $250: six dollars monthly; stool and scarf included. These are two splendid bargains. GRIMES' PIANO STORES. nnl2 12d 1212 F at. PIANO PRICES ARE AT "HOCK BOTTOM" THIS MONTH. A number of high grade in struments returned from rental and taken in exchange for player-pianos are offered at a fraction their worth fo?- quick clearance. Easy terms. Ktiabe uprights. $225. $250 and 1 Stieff $200: Kimball. $1W?: Ilardman. ?.00: Shotiinger. $200: Huntington. $175: Vose baby grand $550 Make vour selection now. O. J. DeMOI-L & CO.. cor. 12th and G sts. j aull-lOd $:1B. 30?GASOLINE ENGINE ATTACHED Di rect to pump: dozens selling Also 2 h p. en gine. $75. HENRY LOCKWOOD & CO424 10th n.w. 1y.t0 .10t j PQH s\I.h-2 CARU1ADS OF WINDOW AND . door screens and all kinds of screen material at I lowest prices; screens from 15c up; screens B?a<? ; to order. KLEEBLATT'S. 11th and H n?. my2H-00t SAFES-FULI. LINE OF FIREPROOF SAFES nt our salesroom; F'ifes bought and sold anu ; exchimged. Write or telephone. Will send rep resentative. YORK SAFE AND LOCK CO.. JeS-tf.S 5-7 W. German st.. Baltimore. Md. I;OU SAI.E ? GOOD QUALITY OPAQliK I shades, fitted to vour windows, only ,'iBc; the best onalitv oil opa.iue shades. 80 c. hung free Wo call with samples. KLEEBLATT'S. 11th and II sts. da apJ.-tf STICK 1 EST, STICKER EVER STUCK! Gle\v? Fu' ni I lire. Glass. China. Books. Everything. ROYAI?GLUE.lOc,40c.C0c.Pints,$l. Druggists, etc. SH?)WCASF. AND STORE FIXTURKS. JOHN C. SCHERKR. JR.. MFG. CO. <Ie4 tf Biltlmor*. LOST AND FOUND. Ore crni a word rach time for 15 words .1 times Li ?ST i'. El S. "OO class pin. engraved A McC. on back. Reward if returned to 24 K at. n.w. mi23-3l* lost a"leather- <'ase wirTi 5 imioto graphic plate holders, near bridge on river drive. Notify R. THIESSF.N, National Mu seum. Reward. au23-3t* L< iST_P< ?? Kirr iti m ik < 'ONTAINING AHOi T *lHt in bills: sli|> front Merchants anil Mechanics' Hank addressed to \\ . C. Nicholas. Liberal reward if returned to 2225 L si. n.w. an23-.".l ? LOST -SI"NDA Y E \ ENING. GOLD EYEGLASS ard chain. Return to Hotel Fredonia and get reward. aii2".-ol* I/IST SMALL BLA< l\ AND TAN MALE Ink;. harness and new lag. Reward. :S1:' Mass. av<-. ii.e. ati2:'. of 1/?ST Si FTRol'i ILITAN I.1FE INS. CO. agent's collecIi?jn book: name in Ih>*>U. .1. II. >I<-Ilonoiigh, :!4S II st. s.w. Reward on return, a u22-:'t* U KST EN \ EI> IP K CONTAINING LETTER AND sum of money. Will pay liberal reward. Re turn t-j name 011 envelop*', in care of |?>licc department. au22-.'St* LOST A GOLD FOB. WITH LADY'S OPEN face gold watch; monogram "SI. B. E." on the back; full name inside the case. Reward if returned to 1?47 Calvert st. au2--'::t LOST--CASHBOOK. ON 11 III ST. S.E. IIE tween Anacostia bridge and Monroe st. Lib eral reward if returned to C. D. KENNY CO., 7th and Eye n.w. an22::t MWtTwIIITB FRENCH POODLE. FIVE 1H)1, lars reward if returned to 1228 Conn. uve. n.w. a ii21-3t DOGS, PETS. ETC. One cent a word for 15 words. PROF. VICTOR? 8<>4 12TII ST. Dotj WASHER and fl'-a destroyer: dogs and cats washed at owner's residence. aii2!* FOR SALETHOROUGHBRED FEMALE dachshuud jiuppies. Call after 5:30 p.m. at F. SAUBER'S. 82 Q at. li.w. sTnGING CANARIES. PARROTS, DOiiS. R.\B bits Guinea pigs and Flee-Flca dog soap: kills fleas, keeps skin healthy, makes inat glossy. SCHMID'S BIRD STORE. 712 12th st. n.w. mvl7-tf DR. CECIL FRENCH. SPECIALIST. Treatment of the Dog and Cat exclusively. Offlee. 718 12th st. n.w Kennels, cor. Park road and 20th st. n.w. apl4-tf CHEVY CHASK KENNELS. MD.: DOiiS BOARD eil summer A winter: BEST CARE, good food; large shadv runa. For rates phone N. 1003, or mpplv IIOSPT. FOB 4VIM4LS, 2115 11th. ielO-tf.. FOR RENT?HOUSES. F4.'K.\I?IIKI> (lit IXFIKSIHHBU. Foil KKNT I'MTliMSllED. 71 ."? 717 14th si. n.w.. 3-story ami haMisfnt i store at?l office building: will lease for term ! of years. 1753 \ - T li.w.. J NT's. . 3 baths " li T. D. $200.00 S22 Conn. arc.. 17rs. mid hatr.s $150.00 , 21i| Del. av... ii.p.. lirs. ami <>nth 'JO Quincy st. n.e.. 0 rooms anil balh.... $25,~0 We have a number of desirable furnished bouses in tii.- n.w se? tloii: rent. $75 per n?o. ?ml upward. TYLER A- RFTHKUF"?l!I> iln-.t. j?nt4-14t* 730 15th st. n.w. | FOR REM*? ^ get out: Kir, for rent list. Contains 275 properties. THREE (3* KEYS TO EACH. PROPERTY W E HAVF FOR RENT BOSS * PllEIJ'S (Inc.). 010 '.4TH N.W. OPPOSITE FRAN KLIN PARK Thr?e phones. MAIN 340 41-435. teStf Fl'RXISHED. TO Sl ill.KT EIGHT-ROOM tloFSK. Fl fi nished. near Pa. avr. and V\'nr l?ept.: terms. J $35; references t centred. Call after 4:l!0 p.m.. MO 20th st. n.w. au22 2t* UNFIRSISHED. FOR RENT?CNFT RNISHED. HOCSES. 1300 S st. n.w.. Or. and bath, furnace.. .$35.75 1413 P si. 7 "ooitis and bath 32.50 FLATS. "The Kss"x," 1422 N st. n.w., Br. nnd b. 30.55 "Tile Chelsea," 2d Hiid E t-is. s.?? Sr., b. 25.J0 STORES. 1304 G st. n.w.. large 3-story building. wltb fine large store, per year $3,600 GASCH &. BIRGE, 1326 N. X. avs. a.w. au23-tf FOR RENT BLooMlNGDALE. BEAFTIFI'L SITFATION ONLY $20. ? room?, bath, cellar; furnace beat: covered porehes. ?STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 N"\v York are. a',123 5t FOR BENT?MOPERN 11 ROOM HOI SE. 103 1 2d st. n.e.: one square from Capitol and l.i-i brarr; convenient to all <-ar lines. In<|ui-c (01 2(1 st. |,.e. !iu23"t* FOR RENT?CE NT7lTlT7y IToCATEH ON I ST. n.w. bet. 12*h ami 13fb: tine 2-story. N-rooUi and bath house: furnaee heal: excellent -on ?lition: rent o;ilv $33.30. WIEI.IOF. (> 11SBS A. DAME1,. "9)3 03 13th. au23-3t FOR RKNT -NEAR CAP1TOI.. 0 ROOMS A NO l.atli mi Is* floor ..f modern 2-story apartmoot: j line eondition. Rent. $20.50. SHANNON A LFCHS. M. 2313. 713 14ib st. n.w. M. 2343. FOR RENT ~N IV F ~R04 >MS ' A NI ?_tT i .CD BAT II: J loeated In tl'ie pari of n.w. section: f-'-'ite.1 j h"at; every modern convenience: renr, $27.30. See ft at once. SHANNON A LFCHS. M. 2343. 713 141ii st. n.w. M. 2343. ] POH RKNT- VERY DESIRABLE FFRNISHED HOl'SKS: SOME I/tCATFD IN THE MOST FASHIONABLE SECTION OF THE CITT; RENTING AT FROM $50 PER MONTH FP. TYT F.R A RLTHERFORD (Inc.). 730 15TII ST N.W. jy31-28f* FOR RENT 11-rootu bouse. 1103 H n.w. WATSON F. CLARK. an22-3t*4 1410 II n.w. FOR RENT DELIGIITFIL lo-RoOM CORNER house; modern Improvements: south exposure: excellent location: $4(i per month to jiermanent tenant. Apply 1003 liitii n.w. nu22-3t F< Ut IM.\T~223 S >1'. N.E.. KCKlN<;TO.\; 0 room detached bouse. $40. .*1502 Center si.. Mt. Pleasaut, 7 rooms, detached. $23.50. 2421 Randall ave.. Lanfcilon. i! rooms, range. latrobc lars- lot. $13. JOHN T. KNOTT. 91S F s!. au22-3t FOR RKNT? " : 1234 10th nw,10r$ 43.rO 002 R nw. Sr 30. no 319 13th sw. Or. .23 5o 303 Irvinz nw.6r.23.3ti 3332 O nw. Or...21.00 027 Newton iiw.7rlS.Oo ::i?; 14th sw. #r... 1?.3? (MS K SW. 5r 1%.50 4(i7 Rblce nw. 3r. 13.50 1153 19th nw. 3r.13.30 333 Bland al. 4r..ll.50 235 V nw. 3r 10 30 1330 Crandall, 4r.l0.?i 2.154 Fnlv pi. Or.$40.50 | 417 9th sw. 9r... "40.30 1120 Nth nw. 7r. .25.30 ?tin 7tli ne. tir ...23.0ii 1220 "ill nw, fir.. itt.50 2304 <;a ir nw.Or. 10.30 331 o sw. 3r 10.001 2208 Stli nw. 5r.. 15.30 i 327 23d nw, 3r... 14.30 I 2510 0th nw. 5r.. 13.50 i 20o V nw. 4r.... 10.50 | 130 Pro v. Ivy C.Or.lO. 50 . . 227 Har'n.Anae,4r.9."i0 11 Col ter nw. Ir. ! 320 (J nw. 4r O.OO l! Gordon av ne.4r.H.30 : 1^14 Kuowl'n sw.5rS.tXt 713 Pleas't al ?w.4r8.0;) I 2isv^ Drapers al,4r.7.."?0 APARTMENTS. 1301 N. Cap. n.e.. 3d heat fur'd.Wr.$35.V) 110 M n.w., flat. 1 II.. h.-w. beat, ba., 4r. 32.50 407V? I' n.w.. tlat. 2d fl.. fnrn., bath., 5'-. . 23 30 2705 lltli n.w.. flat. 1st fl.. furn.. ba.. Or. 2,;."0 "0 o n.w.. flat. 1st fl.. h.-w. heat, l?a., 5r. 22.30 | 22?>.'! l?tb n.w.. 2d ti.. bath. 4r ir>30' ti'JJ 711- 8.W., Iwth. 4r 14."0 701 1 <ilIi n.e.. o,i an,| fls. 10.">0 t NlFRNISHEli ROOMS. 215 I'., n.w.. 2 ft. rs. ami fl. c?Ila>- $20.0') 410 9iii n.w.. 3r IR.itO 213 4' . n.w., -1 tii tl(H>j. 3r 10.4>0 . 1403 Isi st. n.w.. basement. 2r S.25 j 2010 II n.w., front rm.. 3d tl.. Ir rt 50 I 431) !ob n.w.. Ir t,.o0 | 2407 Snow's et. n.w., 1st floor. 3r 0 0>) 1 STORES. 1220'., 7ili n.w.. store ami warehouse $42.30 I 1535 Bennlng road n.e 21.01) 215 4'j n.w.. 2 front rs. ami cellar 20.00 STABLES. Rear 2445 Ga. ave. n.w S20.00 | Rear 232 13th s.w\. west stab., t stalls... ij.00 A. S CAY WOOD. 933 9tli st. n.w.. au21-3t*-44 Plume M. 710. ! FOR RENT?1705 21ST N.W.. SH. & H.. I'FR. ] heat: bonton neighborhood; first-class con- i dition $50.00 I 71H 21st n.w.. Or. and bath 32.50 1 12oi It. I. ave. n.w.. (jr. and b.. first class condition 27.50 I 1210 C sw. Or, b. .$20.50 610 B sw. 3r 15.00 1 148 Ileckman.Or.b. 17.30 I S1<J 7th sw. sta... 10.00 1 K. II. JOHNSON. 300 7th st. s.w. Rhone Main 23S5. au2!-6l Ft IR RENT? (">0<? 1! a sw .sto.5r.b$il-">.7."> 01t; It sw. 111. Ii..32.30 233 13th sw.1 lr.l>.30.50 313 7th sw.sto.cel.115.00 V'<> F sw. 5r. w. U.20..V1 740 7th sc. sr. b..1S.30 72 "> 7th s". Or, li...17.50 930 ' sw. Or. w . .15.30 024 1st sw. 4r. b.. 13.50 }tl7 o sw. 5r. w, g.14.30 1351 S Cap, 5r. w. 10.50 1 t'Nt."> 41.'. sw, 5r. w.10.50 701 4*2 svv.nto.5r. 1*33.50 lOIO'j 41 . sw.sto.5r31.30 ::o4 < ne. Sr. h. .23.50 721 ?;i n ne. (ir. b..22.30 02ii 4'v sw. 5r. 1?.. 18.00 1247 t' j .sw. Sr. h.1S.50 0:i5'.? F su iir. b..10.50] 721 7th sc. Or. w..1.?.30 1231 0th sw. 7r.w_. 14.50 7-">4 7th. sc,.3r. w.. 12.30 022 Is; sc. ?>\ w...10.30 1305 > Cap. (ir. * .10.301 1257 Fnlon s?v,5r.wlo..",0 1 Si a r'r 433 tit It ?wl2.'H> j 47t? M sw. 2r. 2tl 8 30 I R'r 417 3d sw ,4r,ws.;jo I Sta r'r 431 0th sw..7 Oft C. 11. PARKER CO. (Inc.t, IJ'n". 41.. st. s.w an21-3t FOR RENT? 923 20thnw,8r.b,fnr30.50 j 1907 F. l?r. 2*>.. .$150 2101 F nw. lOr. b.35.50 ! l?ls Q aw. sto.tlat.55.0(1 2220 (5. Sr. b 27.30 2025 ii nw . llr. b.50.50 2'.01 17th, cor tlat.24! 00 813 2lst,llr.b.liwh50.0t) 310 S C av se.0r.b25.50 i 2027 M nw. 12r. b.45.05 '01 10th. fla(. 3r.b.22.30 . 2211 M nw. llr. I. IO.110 12O0 C sw. Or. b.22.3o j 1330 E Cap. .Sr. It. 1203' . C ne. 5r, b.21.30 ! h beat 33,.riO! 30S 23d. Or. w....l5.50| 1403 Pa av>3 00 i 1345 L S4>, 5r, W....9.50 1 IS23 18th, 8r. b...35 00 Sev?Tal desirable houses for colored tenants. STORES AND B1 SI NESS PROPERTIES. 19th St. and Pa. ave., corner 73.00 STABLES AND SHOPS. Stabler 2010 Knw20.('O Hear 54 N se 10.00 2132 K nw. bhop. 10.00 ^ Rear l'J12 t; nw. .10.00 FFRN1SHED. F st. n.w., IS rooms. 2 baths, per month.. .223.00 j GEO. W. LINKINS. au21 -1 f 800 19th st. n.w. j Folt RENT H? ICSES. 1713 S st. n.w., 12 rooms and 2 baths..$07.5ii j 1517 I" st. n.w., 12 rooms and bath 00.M ? 1504 R st. n.w.. 8 rooms and bath 37.5(1 1011 Euclid n.w.. 7 rooms ami bath 32.50 ' 18 Dlngtnan et. tcol.t. 4 room* 8.4o ? JOHN W. CHILDRESS, 1412 G n.w. j au21eod.if . \ FOR RENT 909 HTH S.W.: li LARGE ROOMS: all modern improvement?: tiled vestibule aod balh: cellar; furnace beat? $20.50. FIX)YD E. JtAVIS, 7TB AN'V l? ,S.W. an2.' FOR KENT?HOUSES. I M l BJVTSHKD. FOR REST?W. C. DFVALL. 7*8 HTM N.W. 1512 l'ark rd.. Mi. Pleasant. H?r. xt'ui U't.f4T?.jO j 1st n.w.. sr.. h.. c?tl cellar 2J*.5o 738 Harvard n.w.. Or. anil b 22.50 Flats. 7??' 11th n.w., heated .27.5o atid ?'?"-i1" ; flut. 1300 Potomac uti1. s.e.. n'r ave. cars 17.5o I fill. lSCOU Potomac ave. s.e.. :,r and 17.-V) ATTRACTIVE FLATS IN FOl.I.?iWINO FINK APT. DWELLING IIOFSES. _ __ "Swmnehanna." 143ti \V n.w 31. 32. :iT.?mi : "Stanley." 1111 Harvard nSr. A b.. 31.30 ! '"\V illson." cor. 14th <v Harvard n.w .'57.."hi "Winona." 411. 410. 4IS llili nr.. lib floor. 5r. anil 1>.. i'*ch 20.Oo "Irvine." :> ? 14 Dent pi.. George! i iwn... . 22.5" ??Holmes." .'SO'Ju Dent |>1 ... 27.5" anil 28.O0 Front rin . ".<1 (1.. 729 11th n.w.. for.. heat 1*-,N1 Business places, im-\\ stores or iiflto720 lltli n.w.; biKimcni. $00; wain floor. $0n. 2 coin. patent oftt'-e rim-.. Ifl.. 712 ft'li n.w. Vi.oo Business & -twig. 2.1 fl., .MH 11th. 3r.. k 25.00 FOK COLORED TENANTS. .VIT T ii.w.. lOr. an?l l?., large yard 33.5o 21S l'lorlila ave. n.w.. 7r. ami l> 22.75 New store. 13<i9 7th n.w.. n"ar market.. 35.oit 410 1st s.e.. r.r. and water 2" .00 au22-3t* . FOR RENT -BY B P. SAdLOO., 7TH * 1. N.W 1213 K nw.lSr.2h$101.03 Forest Glen, 8r, b. furnished ?5.0? 51?. Oth nir. llr. 2!'. stn 60.85 3S&3 10th nw.fir.H..HI 30 18 R ne. 9r. b 3O.50 021 I' rw. 7r. b...2^.30 210 D nw. 7r. b ???0 1213 L nw. 7r, t>. -i.jO 120 1' nw. tii-. 1?. .2".-jO 024 y nw. Or l>. . 2"jO is;;s i!lU nw. Or. I..22 ."hi 119 Carroll *e.6r,b.22.50 618 lltli ne.fir.b.. .22.M 1 ,"i()7 it se. Or. ii. .22..j0 311 Cbanning. 0r.b22.5O 342 '..Th so. Or. b..2<V30 :?40 Fla av nw.Or.b.1 v30 24 Mvrtle. i>i-. b.. 17.30 2ii.'!S On av n w . . .2" ">0 1839 R iiw 20.5* 010 I.a av, basera't .8.00 230 11 nw. 7 50 COLORED TFA A N TS. 2020 12th nw,12r.' 40.50 19h2 tnh nw Or.l> '.0.50 725 1th ?. 7r. K20.50 1723S*-at"n nw.4r.b20.5rt 2203 Mil nw.5r.w-. 13.50 2210 Walwinv r.r.w12 7'" 021 l'.arry p!.4r. w11..">0 927 V nw. 5r. ? 11.50 529 Johnson ct nw 'r. 9.00 G Bellcrue et. Ir. w.8.50 STABLES. R.-nr 101:; 19th nw. parage 1 ? .00 R'r 2713 On av. sta A ITitil It bo. 7>r. 1>.. 10.7." I ?? a -ro* 12 00 1.VI3 1". u.'. r.r. ti. 1.V30 ! Rem 1 lit* 9lh nw ill2 S nw. Or. w..l.">.:tO sarnff^ 10.00 2S41 Oth nw. Or.w. 15.30 R21K1 Stb nw.4stlal0.00 014 Morton nw ,?ir.w 12.Oil l{"nr 111" Oth n'r .10 00 STOKKS. OFFICF ROOMS 7th A- Mass ?v nw 30") ".12 I" rw. 3r. b. .40.00 N.F, ror 14thAR nw 05.00 1301 F nw. 4r. b. 2V00 I.*,3S 7th nw 00.00 i M2 F i.w Ir 10.00 1705 llth nw 40.01) W\i:EHOFSFS. 1630 14th 33.00 i Frt-edroan's alloy..40.00 au21-tf _ FOR BEXT FU?YI> K. DAVIS. 7TH A K S ^ 1imi2 ilth$2."i.n0 40? Mh ?w. Or. . 15.ini |0| F sw.Or 13.Th* Jil>!i (;t!' su . Or.b. .2'.?.7iii 034 l* ?=w Or, Ii. *?."iii l sw. Or. b. . .25.<?m 7u4 12th "no.*>0 1331 l\ -c. 7r. 12."' 1*20 7th sw. ."ir ..13.1111 l:J23Mnw. I4r.2b. 1.3oo.n" 921 ?? sw. Ir... .13.30 :!? i4 13tb sw 7r..10.3o 132o S <ap. Or...11.00 :!14 N Or 12 3" 420 7tli sw. l?t;-.l>.23.0,i 12."n> Fnimi sw 3". 12 -0 ?;.",2 I sw 6r.b.... 25.Oil I2"7 ' t-w . 7r.. - . 23.7?'? 323 S4li ?w. 5r. .. I0.3O 319 W n . Or. l>. .2.30 1219 Fnlon sw.0r.12.iHi r,10 I: >w. Or 10.30 411 7*li sw. 3r. .. 15.."hi 91.". Hamilton n?. 210 Mill sw. 9r.1>..32.30 7r. b. 20.31 OHoMortoi) liw .Or.b23.3 I 12".0 1! sw. 5r. b.:sl.<?' 1230 Rsw.fl2.3r.b33.INI 12:'.ii 1! sw ,tl 3.3r.b29?' ::0."| M sw fi 3 17.0O ThoTerraco.3AVr.h2?i.?i0 924 1?? >w.fl 1.5r.b13.00 03 M sw Or 10.30 333 II no. ..23.311 FOR RF.VT 921 F n.o.. Or*., hath. papiT'il new . . .$22 ."?2! m;!i n.?... (!rs.. Ii.. wilt paper !<? suit ?23..jO 723 II tb n.T\ .. storo ... #12.30 OKU. M. Sl.VK. 020 F n.w. au21-3t *oSn T-TTk rknt? 222 <1 st. n.w. Rent. $33.30. S rooms a ml bath. Fine repair. \?.*r pension offi und I'liiun sint <>n. MOORi: A HIM.. In-.. ai:21-3t 1333 st. n.w. Hil; 1CFM" 1310 13th st. n.w. Noil to ror. o' It. I ave. 9 1-i.on's and bath. In tinf ri'iiair. Rent. $3o. MOORE \ llll.U In. . an21-3f 1333 st. n.w. I FOR RKNT HAMiSnMK Itlili'K: In ROOMS: i legantly tinisbe^I: two klti:h*-ns. one on 1 floor- near New Hampshire ave. nnd S st. n.w.; $43.3ii. A. T. HOKTZMAN. K!21 F st. n.w. a u21 3l FOR RENT 737 13th nw.l2r.b.75.73 3348 10tU nw.9r.b .!? 3-i 2402 14th uw.11r.Ii3o.fH-> o;:n F. sw. Sr. b. . .SKI.0:1 1732 <'or? orau.Sr.b.37.3u .314 F nw. Or. b.. 3?i.oo 1737 9th nw. Sr.b.37.3 1 1321 lOtb nw. 5r..l7 5j 4n4 Me av sw,8r,h.23.00 1007 I' ne. 3r IS.ofi 1910 NY av nw.3r 13.30 1228 Half se. or...12.00 04 M sw. Or 12.5o FI-ATS. 729 13th nw. 6r.b.30.00 1433 N.I av nw.3r.li23.0'i fi:; 1 ne. 5r. b 23.00' 122.3 NY av nw .4.b.22.0"' 1701 Kueiid nw.5.b21.50 30 I'orier ne. 4r.b.1s.5,> 012 0 11 w. 4r. b.. .10.'?? 2039 Va av nw.3.b. I3.3n SIH IRKS. 71S 13tb nw 75.0o 729 13th liw A lr.73.Oo 1401 Olh nw A- 1-el.20.00 53s 1st s. A ? ellar^i.OO CAYWOOD A GARRETT. 1231 N. Y. ave. n.w. au21-3t* i FOR RENT- , 513 K sr. n.e.. 2-story brick, large yard.5I0.0O I '*44 I.ettie ft. s.w.. 2-*lory liriek 9.00 0**3 F st s.w.. 2-storv frame 11.30 A paly to K. IV. Mel.NTlRK. 224 F st. n.w._. bet. 9 and 12 nmrninss. or phone Main 5387 durlnc same hours. au21-3t FOR RENT 1315 S ?i. n.w.. 10 rooms and ba'h 14?i5 5tb M. n.w.. 9 rooms and l?ith ... 2S.fio 1309 ?' s'. s.e.. rooms and hath I0.?K) < I.U'FORH A. BORDEN. 004 3th n.w. au21 3t FOR RENT ".IFST BUILT.** . ~ 712 to 720 Morton st. n.w.. just off Itriifnt wooil ave.: sii rooms and bath: very large baek yards: pretty front lawns: eonerete cellars: furnace hear". Key at drnp store on corner. Eiceptionallv cheap at $22.50. I aiil9-5t MOORK A HIKE ilnr.l. 1333 G n.w. FOR RKNT?1734 I" ST. N.W.: A COZY APART. ai'-'U. containinjj 0 rooms, tl'eil bath; a No. I hot-water he.itiup plant: newly papered, paint ed and varnished throucbonl: rent is only $:ui,30. 714 A n.e.: 10 large rooms and bath: tv-w porcelain tub; newly papereil and painted; rent lias been redm-ed to $32.50 per montii. 03 Mvrtle st. n.e.: rent only $10.50 per month: "close to St. Aloysius < h'ircli: has ? rooms and bath and is in splendid condition. JAMFS F. SHEA. 043 I.a. ave. n.w. 11 FOR RKNT- BY .1. L. KOT.B. :?23 N. Y. AVE 222 North Capitol St.. 16r and bath $85 00 1217 II st. n.w., store and lOr. and b... 75.00 215 N. Cap.. 10 rooms and bath 50.00 919 Mass. ave. n.e.. 9r.. b., h-w. beat... 43.00 1649 K st. n.w.. 10 rooms find bath 43.00 310 V st. n.e.. llr.. 2b.. hot-water heat.. 40 11O 1242 K-'h st. n.w.. 11 rooms and bath.... 32.50 40 Q st. n.w., 7 rooms and bath 30."0 1818 Cedar st.. 5 rooms and bath (flat).. 20 50 I aul9-tf | FOR RKNT?121S I ST. N.K.: ('.ROOM AND cellar brick; large vanl: m i.: newly panered: at $1S.40. Kev at 1220. F. W. TFFKKR & BRO.. 72o A si. n.e. Hu10-3Ot*4 ' FOK RKNT KC 3TH ST. N.E. (KEY AT HOi, 9 rooms and bath $30.00 138 Oth st. n.e., 0 ro.>ms and bath (new ly papered, etc.* (furnace) 35.75 212 5th st. H.e., 8r. and bath (key at 110i 4011 E. Fap., Or. apartment (over corner). 30.00 1313 A st. y.e.. new. Or., cel.. furnace.. 25.00 321 ?th n.e.. Or., bath, cellar, laree yard. 23.50 I 409 B st. n.e.. J) rooms. 2 baths 40.00 I 210 9th st. n.e.. Or., water, sewer, gas.. 10.<'0 ! 233 10th st. n.e.. 0 rooms and bath 19.00 CHAS. A. SHIELDS. 1330 New York ave. (Tel. M. 2834.) j aul8-0t FOR RKNT BY I J. Mlt 005 OTH N.W. 223o 7th nw.9r.l-.$40.<i0 102!) O ne. Or. b .2.1.50 1333 6th nw. 3r.... 13.30 1009 3d nw. Or, b.20.50 Flat. 14 1'la. ave. n.w.. Or. and batb .. Is.50 anl3-tf TORRENT- 101? 13TH ST. N.W.: CoRNVR: 9 rnoms and bath: all iniprovements. JAMES II. TAYl.OH. au7-tf 14t9 ti st. n.w FOR RENT- ... ? 1S29 19ih ?t. n.w.. 'I rooms and 2 baths .$i-j.00 321.". O n.w.. 12 rooms and bath 413.00 1753 Euclid. 9 rooms. 3 J.aths . Oe.OO 1327 Wis. are. n.w.. 9 rooms and bath 30.50 STORES. The Severn. 1510 H st. n.w 75.00 STABLE. Rear 211 12th s w 7 horses... 2-.00 au7-tf WEAVKR BROS.. 14 iO F st. n.w. SW. 219 9th. ?r, b.25.'0 SW.91C Va av.0r.b.22.!?2 SW. 925 C, Or. b..20.40 SW, 920 Va av.4r.IO.3d SW 025 ('. Or.... 15.40 SW. 309 M. 4r 9.30 NK. 714 L. Or. b..22.50 SK. 1100 Oth.lSr.b.30.00 SE.101S N C av.Or.17.50 ?E 1102 Oth. lOr. .IS.'Jl apartments. The Yi- cetta. 5r,b 27 5 1 The Vliiretta. 4r.b 1S.50 I FOR itENT ; N'W, 2027 I. 20r.l.$75.O'? NW, 520 10tii.5r.b.40C0 ! NW, 2031 I. 124b.36.65 SW, 1009 12th.8r,Ii32.5o NW.019 B, .storage ! loom 25.0') j NW. 1928 NW, S17 22d. Sr. 1H..V) NW, 2015 E. 6r... 18.40 N'W.1844 4:h. s?or?16.30 N W.2." 11) East pi. 4r. b 15.50 NW, 1301 Eucild.3r.15.00 OFFICES NOICTHWFSr. I Central building, offices. 1 408 L:i ?v. offlcea. Gunton balldlug. offices. I 611 7tli, offices. N.W.. 52" 10th. 3 noius, 2d tlorir J.'J.OO Call at ortice for information regaid'ni al,ej properties, stable, etc.. I hate fur rent. For further information apply at office. aul-tf .1. W. I'lLl.iV;. 1410 1 st. n.w. FOR RKNT 1308 CONN. \VF... ADJOINING British and Austrian eml?a-sies; elegant r'-sl dence: 15 rooms; 3 baths; but-water heat : board ing houiH- keepi-rs please n t apply; low rent. The PHILLIPS CO.. 330 John Marshall place. auS-tf _ _ FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE. 14-ROOM IIOFSK. marble front, near Dewey: charming home; it r--llent roo^i-r^ntlng loi-atlon. Rent, $*v>. I31X L st. n.w. Apply to A. IS. HOLDKN. National City Bank. . FOR RKNT FNFFRNISHF.D 1S1N M ST. N.W.; 9 rooms and bath; I11 excellent condition $50. 1 L. W. GROOMF-S. 1110 O si n.w. j.v29-tf.eSn FOR RENT D.D.THOMPSON ? CO.. 1333 FN.W. 2110 O nw,10r.2b.$75.00 Flat. Erie. ,".r. 420 Oth Tiw lOr. b.51.00 1 to.-; N.I av se.Or.b. 10.50' 810 II lie.sto.ilwg.50.00 1323 3d sw. 6r, b..13.30 j IMi.s S nw . Sr. b.32.50 907 C" s- . w.. 2815 N nw. Or. b..23.30 1025 Montcllo. 7r.blO.Mij I .? Il?>, Ul ? II. . ?.v. ?>V 1 ? ??' - ? 81 Fla av n-.6r,b..25.5i> 1423. Duncan Or. bi:..-.o Flat. 116 D m-.5r.b25.00 Stable. 1330 II 11e.sto.ilw.25.5" 2 Champlain pi. 4r.9.30 1303 11 lie. store .2fi.(V) 613 tiordou av,4r.b.9.50 Jy27 d.eSn __ FOR BENT?CN FURNISH ED. SI2 18th, >r, 2b. .545.0'1 1732 K. 12r. 2h 100 1721 0. I"", b 63.00 1213 M. 12r. b 6.".00 A few .lesirable 21iis lCth.lSr.b.r'rA.ono 1731 R. llr. b 45.00 1511 R 1 av. llr. 2l?. 150 fnrn ilied house*. Store. 14t?7 R ?t. n.w 5-!u 1,1 ? OFFICES. Rixxn. 2d floor. 815 14th st ?-? STORE. . ? 613 14'b at - *100 l"r STONEI.EIGH COFRT A few very desirable rparttnent- now v;i:-ant .a 1 Stunek-ixh Court at from $5" to $103 jkt inonta FITCH FOX & BROWN. toLtf 1406 G st. D.W. I FOR RENT?HOUSES. U\Fl HMSIIED. rot: RENT TO RKXT FA YIKS BEFORE YOU MARK \?U It FINAb RENTAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR THK COMING YEAR LET I S SHOW YOl SOME SIM.J M>ll' \ 11 \V ll< <1 IN THK vi i;v bust residen ri AL section northwest THAT YOU CAN PL U CIIASE KoR THK SAMK AMOUNT MONTHLY that YOU \RK No\A I'AY INt; out IX RENT. thk AMOUNT YOU PAY Ol T I Vi II MONTH ON Ol RENTAL PAYMENT PLAN FuU THL PI RCHASE OF IK'MKS 15 KM \ INS AL WAYS the SAME A ST A'IK I > SIM. W hich incudes ILL INTER ESI. TANKS AN P INSI I5ANCK and PA\ > OI K PRINCIPAL. let IS SHOW YOl THK FOLLOWING HOUSES; l*?'h st. u.w. . J7.A i'<? 1755 Ivilbourne st. n.w. 171:: I\iilxiuriu- s:. u . w. . ?;% oo ."IK!' ISth tt. n.w 57 ?! .'1177 1Mb st. n.w. V' ul">.v lSJb st n.w S3"' 1717 Euclid st. n.w (hi *?<! I 1Mb st. li. w. ..... ii5 <* > lSlti Ntwtou st. u.w (S m? Ojien for inspection SWVLIZELL. RIIEEM ,V IIKNSKY 727 15th st. n.w. ,jy--N w.f m tf I | : * : TOR KKNT < ?tn r i, > r? I.. ?: rooms ml bath $22 l.Uls I,:tu I-.? I!. ?.? <t.. Ill room? and t*MT !? Mill and Irving sts.. 7 rooms 1 ? '? ?.? '?J.'i Ontario rd . '> rooms .? i? ? t Ii.-i? l> 22."'' l int. .11 7ili ?t. s o . A rooms b;" Ii Jo ?( M, I Vi III I N BANKINii i < HtPoRA l l"N ?oil7-tf ti'tli nti.1 G ?1* FOR 151 NT FNIi 'I5NISHKD. 1214 lS:h st. n.w.. In ro'in*. 2 Sa Hi*. .?! 1"> Oo ! 17(i7 (J >?- u.w.. In r.'. in- and 2 listh* i. 211K Conn ave. n.w.. !>r . b. fu:. hen?. .Vi,?m 271.'t Ont. rd.. !b hnd b.. steam heat . 4*? "A 2717 Ont. avc., !> room* and bath ?A "A I '.'12 E. Cap. si.. !*i.. 21'.. furnace leal. I.V"<ii lulo N si n.w . !'r. iml l> I iir h>'ii i" <i I 3Q s st. ii.".. *ir. nd Ik, fur Mia' knl.. ::*? "?? 1201 11 n.w.. 1'1 rooms .nil bath r'.A "0 1524 T. 7r. .itxl b.. !.i:r<?!??? . 512.*? 1*2^ T st. ii.w.. 7r. in.l (>.. !?tr Ik- i ? ti.T: N .1. live.. * rooms mill I'.itb ?" 15?.(i 29?h st. n.w.. 8 rooms and liath... 3' 104 K n.w . Sr. and h.. Istrobe heat 25 *??? 104 FU. ave. n.w., 7i-.. I>. lj'trobe b<-nt. 2't..*o M?s Els. :ivi'. n.w.. 7 room- bath i li^ti Ith n w.. r> in- and hath IT j J:'ii l.'l'j s.w . '? room- .-md hnth "?'* 1.^'2 lltli st. n.w. <t Kh.IIIS 1". "i| 130 Pierce St.. ? r?.ini 12 AO FURNISHED. 1JI41 N II ?viv. Ji : :.n<} tin:b 110 on apartments Th<> Ri'sina. C room- n'd IkiiIi Montgi in-ry. 4 rooto* :ind bath. 32.'ft Tlio StcMart. 0 ri*>in? and '???tli . .. . :U?.n? !in7 K n.o.. 2d t!oor. .". ro..:ns -ni'S li:Hii. ? n Tho S?'minoli-. 114' W ? I room and liath .> rooms iinl b.ith 404't? Tho Park View. 42" 4'h n.w.. "r . t?. "7.Ail Montgomery. N. C:;p md M .-!f . 4r l> 27 5 ' STORES. 1724 Pa. avp. i55 *'0 THE WVSniXOTON I.OAN AND TRUST ?'0M PANT. I!P.M. ESTATE DEPARTMENT jrl.A d."Sn i TOR RENT HAVE LI. I Mi ::2r. ' SI N vv . iT ' ri'oni"'. with batli: $11.10. 15. THOMAS RH?J IN SON. 1320 1' n.w an!2 f WANTED?HOUSES. WANTED WILL PAY >.. I n $?i.<MMi CAflt for comer home in Rlixunliiiida'c. fi^in o? n< only. Vddress l>o\ An. Si?r otlic?-. an21-3' wanted", six" "Tllf"si-.'"v EN Rt M i V!' 11": SE IN' imr:liwesl s.-ction: :nust ?h? ?ii<>:i? . :nl on 'M-i lernis. 15. (5. 1JROWN. i?27 ? n mailo bids. iinlfi 7f FOR RENT?STORES. i FOR RENT?THAT FINE. NEW ST0RE j room nearlns eoiu:>lotk>n. at <>2:: F ?t. A v?-ry larj:'- room, almost ii!?? f?-ct deep to t wide public alley: steam heated: gas and j electrieity: metal eeilings: large plate ?la-s show windows. Tiie volume of business ha? increased m.jri in this si|nare than any s<|aaie in the eity. I'or many line* of htis;iie-<j thi< room is as well located and a- well suited as ,i room on 7th st.. or fart her west on K street, and yon can ^cj it for one-half Hi rent. Special inducement to a party who will rent the entire building. STONE \ FAIRFAX, 1342 New \ ork ave. i au2!-5t FOR RENT IN i'EN'I'RAL Lni'VlfuN. >iN TH* ground floor, store with high ceiling and on.? reom in rear: extreniclv desirable 72".* I3lh <t | n.w.; $75. CAYWtKHi A IJARRETT. an2l-.".t* 1231 New } ork ave. n.w. j FOR RENT- STORE. ::il 7 111 Sf S W .. $"2". Store or li;nehi >om. 4n7 l.'!'.. si. n.w. 441 "<? I Lunchroom. I.'.H Pa. ave. n w Sn i*l i Mel.AiHLEX BANK IN) 5 CORPt lit \TI< IN I anl7-1 f Hull and ?i st I MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN IN SI MS TO SEIT AT CCR rrnt rites ot Interest on real estate in ths District of ColumMa. FITCH. FOX ?? 15ROWV. aul-tf 1400 O n >v | MONEY TO LOAN LET IS M A KEYiM 15 "\Et loans or replace old ones at lowest rates of in terest. All transact'ona conducted with eco nomical consideration for borr >wers. VV'M 11 SAUNDERS & CO.. 1407 F st. Jy3*-90t.S ' LOANS ON STiH'RS. INSURANCE POLl'"!KS~ indor-ed notes or any g<K*d collateral. No d - I lav. mlddletren or ied t:i|>e. R. R. BENNETT. I 512 Alet. Bank bldg. Phon- Alain HSoS | jy22-tf ! M~O NET TO L O AN On first and second tn.-ts :md all otlirr k'Bil* of security. Very low rate-^ NATION AL INVESTMENT CO.. 205 Jenifer Md4 jyii-tf.4 WE HAVE THK V? ILI-OWING SUMS IN RtVQ to loan on D. C. real estate: ?5"0. *t.<mot S1.5IKI. $2,000. $2.50'). JL:.iJ0:i. $4.1100. SA.OOli. $fi.00<i and other setjis up to S'JO.IKi1! econouil* cal conalderiirion for borrowers. I jell-tf MOORE * FIILLjIn .t. VtiK r, ,t. j MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY AND SUBURB** f property. Low ratec H. L. THORNTON". mv2!4-t?ot.4 6'iT irttb st. n w FIRST AND SECOND TRUST I/IAN'S. We will loan more on rour property tbnn *rt? { other concern. Lowest rates. All amounts. Pa* ! ments arranged to suit von. No DELAYS I OPEN I M IL 5 .in P.M. NATIONAL LOAN < INVESTMENT co. Thompson IHilf.. 703 |."th st. n.w.. 2d floor. Opposite Treasury. Next to Drug Si >re an2?-tf PRIV ATE PARTY" II*tf>NET To l.OAV I \* nnv amount from $10 to SAm) on pbirio*. hnn??. hold gn. ds. store flvn r *. n :t< in< dies. hn;-??s ar.d wagons, irdo's'-d n> l??: lowest r-ite? In eitv: no " ?otmianr" or red tape; strletlv coa fld-ntl 'l Stdtlon G. Bo* i?01. apl* 'f.4 MO\KV TO LOAN <>\ ESTATE. Low inten-s-t. ItrawnaMe Prompt aetloa. I.AHOE LOANS V SPEiMALTT. GEO. W. LINK INS. Si 10 1STII ST N.W. m'.Ifi-tf MONEY" TO LOAN ON* APPROVFP riTA* RF^L estate at lowest current rates of int?:-o*t. Sr? eial r-rlvileses with 'espeet to prl - pavtnent* Lnrse amounts a ?p?* l?If. TYLER ?V itfTTn EREfHID. 7"n 1 Atv st. n.w MtfJ LOAN'S XEGOT1A TED ON* VPPROY'ED CO!, latent, sueli as Stoi-k^. T5ond? 151.1s a"d Loan V-s'n Shnr'?. Old-lltie Life Insurai -e Policies. Syndicate I'ertitii ates et<- No delar C A BAKER. R h uis 50-52. 1110 F. Ph. lie M 517. mhliMf MONEY* TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OF IN*, terest uu 1>. O. ical estate. No unreason ? b'.a delay. WALTER II. ACKKR mh2l> tf.5 148F ?' n.w MONEY TO LOW on II. I- REAL KSTVTE I/; ri'e- rif inte-e-t. Piymeot nn p io.-!;iS| ill amounts of Slivi >r more i.*<*?*i'ed -It anr in. terest pe.iod. THE E. !! SMi I H ?' iMI'VNT Bond bids . 14o8 New York are. n.w no2-tf IF VOI WANT TO BORROW OR LOAN, lit T or sell on real estate. I can save von tini" sn4 ea?!:. as 1 I -t oiu,1 attention t > gll de.ils. det;-'f.4 J. E VKIN r.AHSBT. 826 I8tt Rt n.w REAL ESTATE LOANS MADE VT 4-, TO ? oer cent; every possible consideration -bonn borrow era; we have never fur-cliwetl ou a property. THE HARRISON" REALTY '"OMPANY. ap17-tf Ol 135h st. n.w. AV"?lah'ngtor. D. C. STORAGE FREE I 'AIM VHE TO AVAREIIOI SE IH RINO Acsusl: padded vans: -eparaio roo:u?: it ?r build ins. I.ITTLEEIEI.D. AI.VORD ft CO.. Colorado lHliUilusr. aul tf liET ol R ESTIMV IE ON AP.^ol.i T?-*LA E155I PRoof STORAGE SAVE MONEY I MTI .n S I VTES s*|"i H5 AGE Co IIS 2U-22 HUH sr. N.W. PlloM' M p_'2t?. i> l.*l !?U.4 II. P. VI M ft SON. <112 PA AVE. PHONE M. 12.A4. We Store lirtusebold gomls fo- 7."e- per load pep month, only half what olliers cbii.v. Ili.e our man ca'.i attd give estimate. Also linuliiis. picking and shipping at very reasonable rang. IvS if inn SEPARATE srolt vol. LOOMS: STORAGE l>.v the ioa1 "h'UJn;. Ii.nnl'ig ai<d shipping. See us befo'*.* storing. I llos 1MIVV LING A Co.. Auctioneers. 012 E st. n w. Phone M .">15. uivl tf. 4 EIREPROOE storage. Separate lo -k'-d rooms. $ pi r iiionth np. EstImat**s furnished. MERCHANTS' transfer A STORAGE 00w oo31tf,5 U20 922 E bt. n.w^