Newspaper Page Text
AUCTION SALES. TOMORROW. MARCUS NOTES. AUCTIONEER. Sale extraordinary of a magnificent collec tion of household ap= pointments and oil paintings within my salesrooms, 426 9th t. N.W,, Tuesday, August 24, at 10; A.M. 1 Magnificent Mahogany Bedroom Suite, eost j t Jtsis>.iXi; Solid Mahogany Parlor and lanrary j ! Furniture. Solid Mahogany Cheval Mirror. \ alu- | iiiblc Lacquer Screen in!aid with pearl ami Ivory, j :.n t>ji Paintings by Icbrated Artist.- Valuable r.ronres, Vcrnis Martin Cabinet; Cloisonne. l>res-| ..In. anil Oihcr Valuable Imported Vases. Marble j i > .1 Teakwo<><l IV,|< si,ils. llroii7.. s. Hint's eye ? Maple, Quartered ?iak. Ciroasiaii Walnut and i Mahogany Tiri'fsrrs ami Stands. < hiffoniers. , Twin nnd Other Brass Beds. line Mattresses viiil Linens. Library Tables, Turkish Leather] ? hair-5 Mixtion Clock. Fine Mahogany I oldlng j I Hn.| and HnMIns. Leather ami other Couches. ? Willow anil Grass Furniture. Davenport. eoMcc i ? nop of Fine Brie-a brtic. Rook wood Table. I n.' ? rings and other useful and desirable pieces. ?\ f* Tb* :ilwvvr? nifniiohihI rollouti<"*n fin'* I <>viitsehold appointments will 1?- sold by "T'l'r of 'lady leaving for Enropo. ami presents an <\ opportunity ?o purchase extraordinary ?nd rave pieces at a fraction of their value. \?w on c\hibitjon from lo a in. daily unli! day "f-.tCV 4t.?o M. NOTKS. Aim. THOS. i. OW?N A SON. AUCTIONEERS. ?PKPTV'K'S S\LE OP ' VALUABLE I VIM tJEAI. ESTATE. NORTHEAST ? OOTtNER OF SIXTEENTH (ltTTHl AND ' ROSEDALE STS. N.E. Rv virtue of a certain deed of Irusf duly re corded in Liber No. ;{!<?:{, folio 4!>7 of so,|.. of 'ihe land records of the District of Columbia, land at the request of flic party secured tlierehy, jth<- undersigned trustee will sell, at public auc '?*|on in front of the premises, on TUESDAY, THE TWENTY FOURTH <24i PAY OF AUGUST. A TV 1 rWYJ?. AT FIVE O'CT/VK P.M.. the fol lowing described land and premises, situate in the county of Washington. Plstrlet of Columbia, nnd designated as and lietng l"t numbered 2'18, (??piare 4.Vto. being Iho northeast corner of 16th Olid Rosedale sts. n.e.. formerly known and des 1-nnted as lots 7!>. So and HI In block 27 of }^<vaedale or Isherwood. or Ding Meadows, as re corded in the Plstrlet of Columbia surveyor's ?ftiee jn Countv Book S. pagi* -H. "IVruis of One third .if the purchase money tx- j>aid in cash, balance in two equal install Tiients, payable in one and two years, ivith In tc-r?t at 6 per <?-nlum 7-er annum, payable >eml i nnu.illv, day ? f .sale, weured by deed of 1 njsi u|H ti th. property sold; or all eash. at the (.ption of the purchaser. A deposit of SlOft.OO Vill be required at time of sale. All eonveyanc J t- <-e. ..i-diujr etc.. at cott of pureliaser. 'lertns ?V"ale t.. be complied with within IT. .lays from ( ., ' -iic. otherwise the trustee reserves the ? :11 to resell the propertj at the ri-k and cost . f defaulting purchaser, after live da.\s' adver 1 ~.-n '?ni of such rc-ale in some newspaper pub 1 ? ?! in Washington. P. c. HOWARD L- CHRISTMAN. TniPtee. anl4 eSu _ FITI'RE DAYS. OPFICV Ol1 Till". < "i l KCroR OF TAXES. P.O. August it:. 11hk?. P. fanit p- vin,' 'n n made in payment of ?Inly ass; ?;sed as and for taxes on perWMalI j proper; v due aid pavnWe by June 1. liXf'i ,Ss jfn," *r?ts ,!ts.lii>. T.III7 t$10.8l>). respectively, j 'arid penalty thereon, the undersigi cd col- ' Mr. tor of taxes for the District of (.Columbia, by j '? irtu. of and pursuant to paragraph 1-, sertion i. ot the ?.-t of Congrc s r.pproved July 1. 1!<0U. ,-n th. l'.ch day of August. lfW>. distrained of i tin- property of said B. Seibold. No. 11th Ktreet s.e.. 'ii:: bottles of whisky, and notice is ? hereby given that I will sell said property, or , much as may 1~- needed to pay s:iid taxes. rjienaUics and aeVrued costs and expense* of said distraint ami sale, at public auction, at th*- auc tion rooms of Mr S. Betislnger. No. street r w.. for cash to th> highest bidder, on ?THURSDAY. THE SKCONP PAY OF SEPTEM BER U'Olt. AT TEN O'CLOCK A.M. t ? C. C. ROGERS. ap2n-"t Collector of Taxes. I>. C. * ADAM A. WESGHLKR. AUCTIONEER^ ^Trustees' Sale of \raluahle Saloon Business at Xo. 605 15th Street N.W." Washington, t). C. ? T'nd<-r the terms of "a certain deed of trust 'recorded in Liber "175. at folio M et swj., of 5the land records of th? District of Columbia, the Hmderslgned will offer for salo at publb- auction. an THURSDAY. AUGUST TWENTY-SIXTH, AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK A.M.. the saloon ? business. liijuoL- license, lease, fixtures and stock ;tn trade of tHe saloon Io<-ated at No. 605 15th street n.w., Washington. D. C. Terms of sa'e; Cash: a deposit of fire hundred 'dollars required at time of purchase, and bal iince to be paid within fifteen days from date of ,#ale or as soon as liquor license is ready for transfer within lhat time. All transfers, eon vevawing and notary fees at cost of purchaser. - Trust es reserve the right to resell In ease of de fault at the cost and risk of defaulting pur chaser. after five daya' advertisement in The Evening Star. JOSEPH A. BFRKART. c?rooran bunding. VRANK O GRAF. 112S Park road. ?uU-dAdhs.eSu Trustees. ' adam~aT" WESCHLER. AUCTTONEEat. TRPSTEES" SALE <>F AN ATTRACTIVE, i l.AUGF. THREE STORY BRICK ANP STiiNH; PWELL1NO. KNOWN AS PREMISES NO. j ni?? ElGHTF.KNTH STUCT-T NORTHWEST, i Ry virtue of a certain deed of trust, dated thei day of September. A.D. 1 IXKi. and recorded among the Innd records of the District of Co- i iurabia. in Liber 30->>. folio U68 et seq.. and at I tiie request of the holder of the notes secured i thereby, we will offer at public auction, in front : of the"premises, on MONDAY. THE THIRTIETH j 'PAY OF AUGUST. A.D. T.flO. AT HALF-PAST! , FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following-described! real estate, situate In the county of Washington. ; .District of Columbia, to wit: All that certain I piece or parcel of land and premises known and . ? distinguished as and beine lot numbered fifty-1 nine ?5P) in Harry T. Jones' subdivision of lots in block numbered eighteen Ust iTi the Walbridge e-ubdivisloo of "lngleside." as per plat of said .Tones' subdivision recorded in Liber County No. ?JO. folio 74. of the records of the surveyor's of tlce of the District of Columbia. Subject to and t.igether with rights of way for alley purposes described In certain deeds of trust on certain of .said lots from John W. Points et ux. and Fred erick I>. Mockabe'-. dated and recorded Novrm. ber 1. lf*V">; together with the improvements . hereon, and subject to a prior deed of trust for STi.Stw and interest thereon from May 1. HV>5. at the rate of five |?T eent per annum. Terms of sale: The alove-mentloned 'Iced of 'rust for $.Y.riO0 and interest thereon from May 1. 100S. to l?e assumed by purchaser: the bHluny 4 .. lie paid ill cash. Sale to be closed within tii days from day of ?ale. otherwise the trustees may resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after live days' advertlse ?inent in some paper published in the city of Washington. D. O. Conveyancing at the c<?st of purchaser. CI.ARENCE B. BHEEM. Trustee, AI>EXANDER T HENSEY. Trustee. sal 7-dAds.eSu 727 loth st. n.w. niOx. J. OWEN & SOX. AUCTIONEERS. J TRUSTEE'S SALE OF YAI.T'ARLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. BEINt; THE TI1REE-STORV I RAME DWELLING NO. NU2 '.-JD STREET NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain de^si ?.f trust dniv re .rot-ded ill Liber No. ::20!. folio 234 et seq.. of 'he land records of the Plstrlet of Columbia, and *t the request of the party secured therein*, the undersigned trustee will ??!! at public auction, in j tront of the premises. ON WEPNESPAY. THE j TWENTY FIFTH DAY OF AI'GUST. A D ; at HALF PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. *Ve following described land and premises, situ- ? ate in the city of Washington. District of Cc ??titnbta. and designated as and being part of lot i 4 in square beginning on 22d street west 7" feet south from the northeast corner of said : square, thence sooth with the line of said street t7 feet .1 Inches, thence west fit feet 10 inches, hen--* north 17 feet Iru bes, theuce east to the j.iace of beginning, together witk the improve- ; roents. T? rros of sdle: Soid subject to a prior deed of | " rust for $l,2t"V00, balance cash A deposit of $100.00 will be requlre.1 at time of sale. All oi\cyancing, recording, etc.. at cost of pur . baser. Terms of sale tw !?? with within 15 days from day of sale, otherwise the trustee reserves the right to resell tti<- property, .t the risk and r^U of defaulting purchaser i; fter five days' advertisement of such resale in huuit newspaper published in Washington, D. C. Howard l. christman. wulft-dA'is.eSu Trustee ^ adam A. WESCHLER, AUCTIONEER. TRl'STEES' SAIjE OF AN ATTRACTIVE TWO Mi IKY ANP ATTIC PWHJ.ING, KNOWN AS PREMISES NO. S20 YARN I'M STREET NURTI1 W1>T. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, dat.-d the j Sili day of August, A.D. I!?i7. and r?*e<irded | among the land records of the Pistriet of Co- ! luiiibla, in I.ibcr ol* folio 02 et seq., and at the. Icq .est of tb?- holder of the botes secured there to. we will offer at public auction, in front of, the premises, on TUESDAY. THE T1IIRTY 11RST PAY OF AUGUST. A.D. l!*?y, AT HALF j PAST FOl'R O'CLOCK P.M., the following-de-i scribed real estate, situate in the county of Washing! n. District of Columbia, to wit: All that certain piece ?r parcel of laud and premises] known and distinguished as and being lot mini : l. '-ed tift\ two <5_? ill George G. Brown, trus t e'-. ~ulidivislon ??f lots iu square numbered ?>% ? lit v four i2Jt in ?Petwortii Addition to Wash ingtoil." as per plat nf said Brown's mibdlvision i . onli d In Uls-r County No. 22. page ?CJ. of the |... ills of tii. surveyor's ofli.-e of tie District of Columbia, together with the Improvements there .,a Subject to a prior deed of trust for $.'1,800 '.-Hid interest thereon from April 1. lllOH. at the i-al. of five p? r c.-uf per annum. forms of sale: The above-mentioned deed ' f :ru t awl interest from April 1. lt?>S. to lw as -limed l-v purchaser: the balance lo Ih> paid in .sii. Sale to be closed within flfi'-eu days from .i.i> '.if sal?. <itberwls<- the trustees m?y r.-iw'll propcriv at the risk and e??t of defaulting icip-itaMT. after live days' advertisement in some pap**r published In the city of Washington. D. C. ? on'-i?taii'*iuii nt the *? iSt of purchaser. ?;e?' w. f. swart/ell. Trustee. M.EX ANPF1! T HENSEY. T nistee. a ilf dAds.eStt "27 lT.tli at. n w. AUCTION SALES. future: days. THOMAS J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEER!*. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED RESIDENCE PROPERTY. BEING THE TWO STORY AND CELLAR BRICK DWELL ING NO. 2130 FLAGLER PLACE. BETWEEN 1ST AND 2D AND V AND W STS. N.W. Whereas default having been made in the pay ment ?f certain Installments of principal due or the debt secured hv a certain deed of trust dated November 13. 190B. and recorded in Liber 3031. folio 277. of the land records of the Dis trict of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby. th? undersigned trustees, by virtue of the power vested in them by said deed of trust, will sell at public ou'tlon. in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY. THE TWENTY-FIFTH DAY OF AUGUST. A. D lPOft. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and premises, situate ir the county of Washington. D C.. and distinguished as lot numbered twenty-Three i23i in the sub division of lots in block numbered thirty-three (33t. "addition to Le Droit Park." as per plat recorded in Liber County No. 20. folio 12S. of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia. together wltli the Improve ments thereon, consisting of a two-story and cel lar six-room and bath dwelling: subject lo a perpetual right of way for alley purposes over the rear or west four (4) feet of said lot. Terms of sale: This property is sold subject to a prior deed of trust sec uring an indebtedness of $2,600.00. dated August 19O0. maturing Au gust 2f?. 1 !?0D. the payment of which Is to be assumed by th< purchaser, the purchase money ? >rer and above the said deed of trust to be paid in cash. A deposit "f $20t?.t?i will be required at the time of sale and terms to be fully <*otnplied with within fifteen days from day of sale, or de posit f.> lie forfeited and property resold, at the cust of such defaulting purchaser. ;ifier tive days' advertisement of su> h resale in ??me news paper published in Washington, I> C. Convey ancing and recording charges at purchaser's cost. B 1 KANCIS SAI L. Trustee. 7th and I. sts n w. f: PERCY THOMPSON. Trustee. aul3-l.'tt 1XK G st. tt.w. THOS. .T O WEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SAl.E op VALUABLE TWO STORY BRICK DU ELLING. 1221 E ST. S.E By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly re corded in Liber No. .'!lSO. folio L'l'.i et seq.. of the land record- of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the part} secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on I RIDAY. THE TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY OP AUGUST. 19<lfi, AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the fol lowlue-descrilted land anil premises, situate In the city of Washington, District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot numbered 80 of Pumphrey and Palmer's subdivision of lots in ??quarp numbered 101S. as per plat recorded in the office of the surveyor for the District of Co lumbia. in Liber 31. at folio W. together with the improvements. Sold subject to prior deed of trust for S2,2>K?. Terms as to remainder stated at sale. A deposit of $10rt will t>e required at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, etc.. at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be com piled with within tiftepn days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after live days' advertisement of such resale in some newspa|ier published in Wash ington. D. C. ?L EDWARD LEWIS, FRANK A. JONES. Trustee?. R P.. REHREND. Attorney. 41*> st. n.w. a tils dAds.eSti ADAM A ~wiiS.T! ILER. a! UTldvEER. TRUSTEES' SAl.E OF AN \TTRA<^TIVE THREESTOIM BRICK AND STONE DWELLING. KNOWN \S PREMISES 174?J KILROURNH STREET NORTHWEST. By \lrtue of ji certain deed of trust, dated the 1st day ?l October. A.D. lOtC. and recorded among the land records of the District of Co lumbia. in Liber :!10S. folio .*572 et seq., and at the request of the holder of the notes secured thereby, we will offer at public auction. In front! of the'premises, on MONDAY. THE THIRTIETH i DAY OF AI GUST. AD. 1JHW. AT A QUARTER In FIVE O'CI.OCK P.M.. th"' followiuc described real estate, situate in the county of Washington. District of Columbia. t > wit: All that certain piece or parcel ?>f land and premise- known and distinguished as and be tag lot numbered one hun dred and seven <H>7i in Harry T. Jones' subdi vision of lots in block numbered fourteen <14) of Hejnan I?. Walbridge'* subdivision of "Ingle side," as per plat of tirst mentioned subdivision recorded in the office of the surveyor for the Dis trict of Columbia in Liber County -0, at folio 14.1. together with th-- Improvements thereof. Subject, however, to two prior deeds of trust, j aggregating $7,750. and interest thereon from No vember 1, 1007, at the rate of tive pe,- cent per annum. Terms of sale: The above-mentioned deeds of trust, aggregating $7.7.">u. and interest thereon, as aforesaid, to be assumed by the purchaser: ! the balance to be paid in cash. Sale to be closed within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees mav resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days' i advertisement In s.inie paper published in the city of Washington. D. c. Conveyancing at the cost of purchaser. CLARENCE B. RHEEM. Trustee, GEO. W. F. SWARTZELL. Trustee. m.17 dAda.eSu _ 727 st. n.w. LOAN COMPANIES. Side Entrance ou t#rti St. Private Offices. 3% for Money. Money quick?money sure money ? neap. Consult us about any loan on Diamonds. Watches or Jewelry. No deiay. Money Loaned Salaried People. HORNING, 9tSi&D, S'"' attSn-lsd MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE A OTH- 1 ere upon their own notes, without security;easiest ( terms; confidential. Know ing ones who have dealt elsewhere especially invited My proposition will i please. II. ELWOOD. Roi.416. Jenifer bldg , 7 A D. 1 Je22-tf.5 i LOANS MaO on FURNITURE. PIANOS, TEAMS, ete.. in the District, in a few hours in any amount from $10 to $300 ?===At the=-= Lowest Rates Call, Dhone or write POTOMAC GUARANTEE LOAN CO., 925 "F" Street N.W. Second Floor. Singer Building. jerto-tf.25 Phone M. ?39. NO MORE HIGH RATES. HlfWCOMMMV. HEWPUUIS. I POTOMAC FIRMCIAL CO. | Organized for the purpose of loaning money to thus*- who cannot afford to pay high rates on FURNITURE. PIANOS. TEAMS and to SALARIED EMPLOYES on plain note without security. $f>0-12 monthly installments of $5.90. $!<)(?- 12 monthly installments of $11.23 POSITIVELY no other charge*. Other amounts lo iroportlon. FlRf^T PAYMENT MADE DUE TWO MONTHS FROM DAY YOU GET THE m LOAN WITHOUT EXTRA COST. We will make you a lower rate than any one else, no matter whal that rate is. providing you are GOOD PAY. We are catering to the better class of business. Other loaD companies, etc., paid off. POTOMAC FIMAMGIAL CO. 1224 QSt. N.W. 1Gl?13t? Rooms 20 and 21. Second Floor Front. Phone Main 469. j| ap27-tf If you are in need of money Any amount, you can get It here Immediately. H. K. Fulton's Loan Office (ESTABLISHED 1870), 314 9TH ST. N. w. Loans made on Watches. Diamonds, Jewelry, aitS-tf.14 Gold. Silverware, etc. ' VACATIONS" ON CREBIIT. We will advance you what money you need for y.iur vacation or any other purpose and you can arrange to repay us in small and convenient monthly payments, making your tirst payment TWO MONTHS from the day you get the loan, which will allow you ample time to get on your feet again after you return. We make no charge for th>- ejtra time. If you are remaining st home during ta? heated --eason because of the lack of ready money call and talk the matter over in one cf our private offices. WE LOAN IfX-, PER AT MONTH. No other charges. Absolute^ confidential. Loans with other companies paid *jp and more money advanced. RATIONAL L0AR MS IHVESTMEIT COMPANY, THOMPSON BUILDING.. 70S 15TH ST. N.W Next to Drug Store. Opp. Treaaur*. ail9 tf Money Loaned Salaried People and others, without security; eaav payments, offices in K.'t principal cities; save Vour?eif money by getting ray te.nis firs?. D H. TOL 1 MAS. Room 5i>C. 500 10th si. n.w. oolStf,? ? SUMMER RESORTS. ! Hotel Ostend, $IXU* ATLANTIC C1TT. If. J. N. J. hl'?*V wpan front. Capacity 500: hot and cold ?'? water baths: spacious porches overlook ocean and Boardwalk; orchestra. Special September and <tctober rates. H2.SO up weekly: American plan. Booklet. Electric conch meets trains. au2" 7t.1Q I?. IV RAHTBR. Manager. Hotel StSdkney, Kffin^acb1 Elevator to street level, Private baths. Evening tlinncr. Electric lights, Firepfoof. $2 to $3 daily. >10 to *1." weeklv. !.. V. STICK NEY. an23-:iOt.5 Seaside House, DIRECTLY ON Till; OCEAN FRONT. Sea water baths. Open all the year. atl22-.10t ? r. IV COOK'S SONS. Special rates for Septemlwr. Hotel Borton,iS:*".!S?!i7'iK5S Homelike. C. B. VOORHEES. Owner and Crop. anZ!-:*it-4 Hotel Sotlhern, HZ^la "To steel pier: best location; rapacity. 250; elevator; priratc baths; fine porches, ctc. Special Sept. rates, $1?> up weeklr. <1. I.. CAKE. au22-.1'tt ___ N E W_PR INCESS HOTEL (Fireproof!, built of bric?. stone anil steel, Siiuth Carolina ave. an<1 Beach. Atlantic City. N. .1. Near piers and attractions. Iliberal management. Capacity. I'hi guests; 100 rooms with batb, sin gle. eu suite. Spacious pia/zas. Elevato-.. Ex cellent table. White service. Orche*:rj. 'leruis: American plan. Sfl.oo to $15.60 ??ih : S-.w to $r*. on lailv. Sjte.-jyi September and family rules. ABSOLUTELY THE FTNEST HOTEL VXD I.O C ATI ON FOR THE PRICE. Write for literature. ati2l 7t.ll C. E. COPE. Pr>p. If Going to Atlantic City New York. Phlla. or Wash., I?. C.. send cent* postage for 80-page illus. Standard Guide. de scribing hotels, with rates, city maps and alt attractions. Invaluable. Sent onlv by Atlantic CItv FREE INFORMATION BUREAU. Box MC., Atlantic City. N. J. an'JI 14t> Entrance from beach. Bathing from house. Hot and cold runcing water in rooms. LEXINCTON Pacific and Arkansas aves.: 100 yards from beach and million dollar pier. Free use of bathhouses for surf bathing. Public and private bath.?/; Choice table supplied from own farm and dairy, j White service. Music. $8 to 315 weekly. $1,301 to $3 dailv. Booklet. PAUL A. ROSECRANS. jy2.S-.T0t*.1.". Hotel Dennis. Situated directly on the ocean front; surrounded li> its own spacious lawn, which joins the beach and Boardwalk. Most liberally appointed :;nd lllterallv conducted hotel i.n the New Jersey coast. WALTER J. BL'ZBY. aul3-24t.eSu.10 ~ 'THE WILTSHIRE. Open all year Virginia ave., overlooking ocean. Capacity. 300; elevator; stestn heat; suites wltb hath arid every convenience; best cuisine and service; music. Special. $2.50 up daily. .*12.50 up weekly. Booklet. SAMUEL 1>. ELLIS. au.1-.10t.7 Fredomia, KJ-C? SS,S?2: K ern family hotel. I nes eel led tabic. Special fail rates. Booklet. G. W. CARMANY. au20-:?t.4 St. Charles pi. and tho Beach. 200 large, niry rooms, elegantly fur nished. most with ocean view; private baths, elevator, etc.; large porches facing the ocean; cuisine and service famed for their excellence. Special fall rates. $12.50 up weekly. liooklet. Auto at station. 11. J. DYNES. au8-30t,8 HoteH Sfoorelhamni, Elevator. Private baths. Open surroundings $2 up dailv. $10 up weeklv. Booklet upon ap plication. ' W. K. COTTEN. nu2t>-.*i0t.5 Raleigh, Ocean End Virginia ave. i* its<rtl ZA Tit ?R mw it# .. 9 Virginia ave. and Ihe Beacli. Atlantic <"iiy. N. .1. Capacity. W' guests. This hotel has added many improvements, more new sea-water baths, and Is-newly and elegantly furnished. The rooms are the largest and finest in the city. Mot. 1 has highest elevation and entire open surr.tiinoiiigs. ' All rooms contain from 2 to ?> windows. 150 r*?nis liuve lio; and coid s--a water !iath<. also j public hot sea water l?aths. The table is sut piled fresh daily from the hotel's fnnos. Special! rat"-. American plan. $IO. $12.50. $15 per week, S" ? daily. European plan. $1.50 dally. Si>c cial September and" October rates Orchestra. Coaches meet trains. Write for literature. fcnr.t-St.lft CHARLES E. COPE, j Maryland ave. overlooking Board - < ^ornenil, ?.,fk: exclusive location; capacity. I 250' table and service unexcelled. Special rates) for September. Booklet. E. A. HICKMAN. \ aulH-.'iMf .4 Hotel Iroquois, Ocean end So. Carolina' ave.; close piers and ail attractions: capacity. 400; elevator; private baths; orchestra, etc.: white service Special. $12.50 up weekly. Special September rates.! Alwavsopen. Booklet. W. I". SHAW, j auis-30t.8 THE I/a KHAHT, IK'EAN AVE. ANH BOARD ?alk. Fireproof. Elevator: private baths, <>lc.; ocean-view bedrooms; dining room on top r. ; Capacity, 250. Booklet. 1". LOCKMART. i jyJ8-60t,4 j GALEN HALL, Hotel amid Sanatorium 9 Atlantic City, No J., With its elegant comfort and superior table nn<l service, is an ideal place for a long or short stay. F. L. YOUNG, General Manager. Information at Mr. Foster's, litis st. opposite Wlllard's. aul2-.10t.12 Atlantic City's Moat Modern and Leading Mod erate-rate Hotel. The Albemarle, Virginia ave. near Boardwalk, piers and best bathing !>each. 10<J large, (<>ol front rooms, all metal beds. Private and public baths. Elevators. 4.000 ft. wide, i-ool porches. No better table anywhere, supplied direct from own farms and dairies; white service. Mn?ic. Sneejnl rates. $8. $10. $12.50, $15 up weekly. $2 up daily; in ducements to families and parties. Write for beautiful booklet. J. P. COPE. aul2 14t,15 So Michigan are. Home com Wj ua, forte. Cool rooms. Good table. I1.IR np daily: $7 up weekly. Open all rear. je29 00t.4 V. C. WARBCRTON. The Cliftom, aves. Cap. 2?k?. Superior acrom. $7 to $10 weekly. Excellent home cook ing. Desirable for families. Trolleys direct to ?11 R.R. station* and Beach. C. A. SHAW. Jyl-60t.5 (Mendale, pierJaTapacu;: n^o.Tou^;s vator: batlis: supe-b cuisine and service. Mod erate rates. G. W. PAXSOX Sr. O). Jy22-3?>t.4 SILVERSIDE, st,ST? tho piers. Table ?nd service unsurpassed. I arg?, alrv rooms: newly furnished. Very r.'ssonable. j je25-7Bt.4 A H. HCRFF. Berkshire Inn, oceiTend'^^aVe. $2 up dailv; $S. $10. $12.50. 515 weekly; private baths: co-'l rooms, with runnln? water: cap.. :t00; elevator to street J. O. &? J. E. DICKINSON. fell-tf.r, CHESTER INN, ^ ? all attractions. Elevator. Moderate rates. Jy20-30t.4 Mrs D. KNAUKR. 1C O A T^JCH 'S Michigan ave. near Beach. IP $1.^5 daily, is up weekly.! Excellent service. A. COOGAN, Proprietor, j M. COOGAN. Manager. jy 11 tiOt. t Hotel BoscoSsel, W^l elevator, fine table. Write foi' special rates.; booklet, menu and souvenir pencil. 21st seusou. t.'apacity, 350. A. E. MARION. a uS-:mt.5 HOTEL MERION, V Brick; 150 ocean-view roQtns; elevator; private baths, running water in rooms; white service. Special, $10 up weekly. C. B. PRETTYMAN. au5-10<,5 NOTED FOR ITS TABLE. MILLER COTTAGE, ft to 15 N. Georgia ave. (Capacity. 250.) DANCEROOM. MUSIC. ELECTRIC LIGHTED THROUGHOUT. $1.25 dally, $7 weeklv and up. Special September rates. J. A- F. I.. NIXON. ESTABLISHED So YEARS. au4-30t.ll m th" Beach, ermont ave. HOTEL NEW ENGLAND S. Car. ave. and Beach; private baths; elevator t0 ; "trcet: sun parlor; capacity. ::50; superior table-i oneu ?T the year. BRYAN A WILLIAMS. fiu2 30t.3 Frontenac, f^m^eh^'As1^"^. i the best. Capacity. 25U; new; homelike; eleva tor: baths; phones; excellent table; white serv ice; ocean rooms; metal beds: large, cool (torches overlook ocean. Special. $8 up weeklv: $i.5o up dally. Booklet. W. F. WATTS. au&-30t.7 LA BELLE INN, White so tiee $1.50 tip dailv. _ W-9QI.4 J. YOI NOBLOOD. , TABOR INN, "Ll* Ooean-vp-tv rooms. Kiotllrnt table: bomellko. $S up weekly. A. M. ULNiV t aiy27?Ot,4 I I SUMMER RESORTS. CAPE MAY. Jf. J. The Star Villa, Reasonable rates. Washington headquarters. an7-;?t* 4 M. L. RICHARDSON. MARTLAKD. SWAXVS HOTEL. PINKY PT.. MD.. OPENS July 1 for the 20th season. Thi? !s a place to spend jour vacation. A trial will convince. Boating. fishing, crabbing. mailing. bathing. i tnuslc. dancing. motor boats. Rates reasonable. Daily mail In hotel. Apply to J. T. SWANS, , Plney Point. Md. _ _ leTSOflDt urrnn City, Md. AIT \'fD VnV OCEAN CITY. N1I?. Al I . \ ?'?All Modern Improvement* Private baths. Special rates for Septemlier. aui::: ^4'it.4 I I>. SHoWELI.. l'r?p. The Breakers, ??? Sanitary plumbing. P.ath house?. Open .Tune 20. Owner and Manager. Miss M. F. NEWTON. jy28-eo!.?t TTIrtljfi IT))(P TP TP S S E.W ' ItV. VlD. J ..iC liJ'S?JT.i.t. uS, Open all tlie year. Table ' first class. Reduced '.arcs fr- September. Apply to au22-14t.4 Mrs. U. J. DENNIS. The Oceanic, ocv^n1yLt.'llK Fnder new management. I-arare, airy rooms. Path rooms In connection. V. L. TWINING. ty2 HOt ? VIKlilNlA. MPEiJFON INN Jon Ion Whit- Sn'plm Springs. Frederick' Co.. Va. Open throughout Scplemticr. Sulphur, iron and lithia springs; sulphu; i>a;hs free to guests; reasonable rates; l?iok!?-;. M. II. r>AKI\l*.K. a ill'- ::t* ORKNEY SPRINGS. VlltGiNlA HOTEL AND H \T1IS In '"e mountains; eleTttlon 2.MO't fr ; <????* different mineral waters f-ee 'n yjes's; h*atitlfnl scercry; pleasant popple: g "d table; ..reheatr.i; eapacitv, 7S0. Ra'e- on?>-half similar resorts. Booklet. II C. CARTER. Prop. \Y. E FAIR FIELD Mgr. Jy6 rtOt "NORTH HILL.'' CASTI.EMANS FERRY. YA. ??o mi. from Wash, via llluemont: valley. r?r. and water scenery; shaded grounds and drives; fishing. boa'ing. swimming: spring hods; ni children; dally mall. R.F.D.: telephone; good fare; fresh meats, milk, fruits, fowls: $7 per wk till Nov.; circular Star office, or MAT'RICE OASTLEMAN. Castleruans Ferrv. Clarke Cb.,Va. jelO-90t.S WEST VIRGINIA. HIEE TOP HOUSE. AMONG THE MOWN tains of West Virginia. Si! miles from Wash -1 Ington; many dsil.v trains; good table: artesian; water. Send for booklet. T. S. l/IVETT, Harpers Perry. W. Va. myl9-tf THE LOCK W? >OD ANl> ANNE*! Harpers Ferry. W. Va. Open June 10. At tractive grounds. Table excellent. Terms mod erate. A. P. DANIEL. Prvp. mv2.Vtf .4 MOUNTAIN BOARD. THE AVALON. IN CATOCTINE MOUNTAINS; altitude, 1.200 ft. Pare air, good water. All modern convenience* and no mosquttos. For term* address Mr*. THOS. H. MYERS. Brad dock Heights. Frederick Co.. Md. j?7 OOt.5 COUNTRY BOARD. HOARDERS WANTED IDEAL VILLAGE home; main line Son. Ky.: one hour from city; porches; siuirte; good fcire; adults. S.1; children. week. Mits. JOHN B. POWERS, fallen.*. Fauquier '??>., V*. au22-r>t * FOREST GLEN. \7ll LARGE HOFSe"; porches; shade; tennis; fresh milk and vege tables; near cars: reduced rates for rest of season. Mrs. O. W. HEAD. au22-3t* LAYTONSTONF FARM FOR COMFORT AND rest: very healthy; free drives; $.1 per week. (Set all particulars promptly bv n riling WM. G. MARTIN. Remington. Va. |e22 o,.d.30t*4 SAN-r)I-GAN. IN CATOCT1N M6UNTAIN. KV?" miles from Frederick; far views; spacious verandas; phone, bath: table furnished fresh from farm. Mrs. RISER, Box !)7. Frederick, Md. Jyl7-.i2t.eSu.4 ~00ULOMAN'S. Directly on Potomac. ;; miles from ? olinial Beach. Salt-water l.athlnc. floating. fishing, free. Virv rooms; good ta'de; large shadv porches. R. H. GOFLDMAN. P. <>.. Va. aulS-20t.(; GRAND VIEW ML EAST OF HARPERS Ferry; hiifh and healthy: fine batliiooin; near depot and other conveniences; special rates to families; good lislilng: circulars. Mrs HEN KF.I.. Knoxville. Md. anlSMIt*4 EDUCATIONAL. MX WASHIVGTOY. ?? p National Cathedral H School for Girls, ? ?J Meiint S . \ltmii. Washington. !>. < .. t? ()]?ciis < October 51Ii. p ?J <" I'i>r iLiy pupiis" g lc:ivc Dtipont Cir.-k* .it s -_*r, JJ m return .i:3t> p.m. ('nr.- ? *t l.-;i\-e (Jeoi-jjetown a t s::?) it ?? and *:."?*? a.m. S I'roparatory and Avademic tJ Departments. Students ad mitted ii? college on certiti- u '?ate. Graduate courses. ?S Instruction In art without ? extra <harcre. Special at- 5 ti iiiion siven u? music. J1 Stein way pianos for prac- SI t ice. ft .Mrs. r.AIlROI R WAi.KER, S .M: A. Principal. H au2;: :iot ?? DAY AND EVENING I LASSES. Second Year. In preparation for college, army, navy or civil service i \aminations. Open Se]it. ?_?{?. riass -s lim ited to five members. Certificate admits to The George Washington Fniversity. Apply IP C. JEN NESS iA. H.. Harvard). Apt. 11. 172.". (J st. n.w. au23-30t,S Phone Main 028.1-M. B!!5ss Eiiectncail School Is the oidi st and best school in the world teach ing electricity exclusively. Theoretical and prac tical iMurse complete in ojjf year. Students nc tually constru'-t dynamos, motors and electrical instruments. Graduates hold good uositlons iu the electrical industries throughout the world. 6event-en?h year i>ej:ins September 22. Catalogue on request. BLISS ELECTRICAL SCHOOL. ?u.".-tf,14 Takoma Park. D. 0. Natiooal UoiversSty Law School EVENING SESSIONS EXCLUSIVELY. OPENS OCTOBER i. 1900 Practical tiiree jears" course leading to degrre of Master-of laws; (be Uegroc of Bachelnr-of laws can I"- secured at end of xi-ond year. For catalog, application blanks, etc., apply in person or by mail to the I lean. Nations] Metro politan Rank building, til."J 15th st. n.w. Tide phone M. 1107. acl-tf-158 CIVIL SERVICE PREPARATION "OR STF.NOO RAPHEItS. CLERKS AND CENSES EM PLOYES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. INFORMATION FREE. STRAYER'S BUSINESS COLLEUE. 11TH AND F ST3. ap21-fld THE iBERLlfz SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES, 72.T 14TH ST. N.W. Telephone Main 3217. Private and Clas? I/esson* nt School "r Residence. l)?v or Evening. Bi^st Native Teacher*. ' SCHOOL OPEN AIX SUMMER. Popular Evening Classes. $2 Per Month. jyie-iod OUT OF WASHINGTON. ACADEMY. ROCKVILLE. MD.. FOR BOYS - Ideal training school: home life. Individual care aud Instruction; fits for college or life. Address W. P. MASON. F. S. N. A.. Prin. au2 2i!t.eSu RANDOLPH MACON ACADEMY FOR BOYS, branch of Randolph-Macon System. In Valley of Virginia. Equipment cost $100,000. Large gifts make rates Splio a ye:tr. Prepares for Coflege or Scientific Schools. Gymnasium and Athletics. IStfc Session opens Sept. 14. Address CHAS. L. MELTON. A.M., Prin.. Boj 402. Front Royal,Va. Jy2S-40t.eSu.7 ST. MARY'S' ACADEMY. ALEXANDRIA. VA. Home scliool for gir>. English, business aud Music i-eiirsr-s. M'rite for catalogue. aul." :?)t SISTERS OF THE IIOLY CROSS. MONTROSE A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL I in the country for girls and small boys; terras very moderate; location the most healthful part of "Marvland. Address Miss HARDEY. Clarks vllle. Md. aal-tf OFFICIAL NOTICES. CFSTOM HOFSE._ WASHINGTON. 1>. C., Aug. 1I>, H?<0.?Notice Is hereby jfiren ilrit under authority granted by the Commissioner ? <>f Navigation. Department of Commerce audi Labor. In le'tcr dated today, the name of the ga.s yacht "Cleoniii.'' |lceus??d at tport "f ' Washington, districr of Georgetown, in t!'e i District >if Columbia, is changed to "The Grav ]lng." HOWARD S. NYMAN. i ollector. au20 tt Suspicious. I r<>u> th?? II??u*ti?u Post. % "Vou have a very attentive husband. "Who's -it1 attentive lo now!" llo'ob? How's our wife? Xobij CJot i t!ie grip. "Tlvit's I<>o had. Aw uliy sorry, to hear i:. Aren't you aftaiil vou'll catch ; it'.'" "No. Haven't Ue-ii home since the! first day."?Life. , I OCEAN TRAVEL^ mm hi * *? WW w y ?W/ u W V . . - U L ? All Modern Siifetv Devices (Wireless. etc.). LONDON'- PARIS?HAMBURG. ?Ritz Car'ton a la carte Restaurant. 'Hamburg direct. : fl "TT /5\\ 1 W V,A GIBRALTAR. NAPLES 11 U /ni iLll AND GENOA. 'fulls A wires. | S. S\ MOLTKE *Sept. 9. Oct. 21 I ' ILWMU RG Sept. I*. Nov. 18 ORIENT 1 Cruise* sol Til. AMERICA f Next WEST INDIES .1 Winter. Travelers' Checks Issued. Tourist Dept. for Trips Everywhere. I COMPANY'S OFFICE. A'< BROADWAY. N. Y. E. F. DROOP A SONS CO.. i?2o PA. AVE. White Star Line's ; Cruise ?E Arabic SAILING JANUARY 20. 1910. T.. MADEIRA. SPAIN. MEDITERRANEAN, j oRIfcNT. costing otily $;iK> and uj> for 73 days. White Star Line, KtfXt F ST.. OR AGENTS.>l.14 ~AME~R1CAN"L!NE PLY MOUTH CHERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON PHILADELPHIA <JU EENSTOWN LIVERPOOL Atlantic Transport Line NEW YORK L'?\DO\ DIRECT. IRED STAR LINE NEW YORK?DOVER ANTWERP WHITE STAR LINE V V QI E'STOWN HOLY HEAD LIVERPOOL. PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG - SOUTHAMPTON BOSTON Ql' KEN STOW N -LIVERPOOL. ITALY & ESVrr VIA AZORES. MADEIRA AND GIBRALTAR. > Roma nil- S?-pt. 15, i vt. 2IS. Der-. 1. Jan. 15 ? Oetle Sept. 2:1. Nov. ?>. Dee. S. .Ian. S> Uauopic Oct. Nov. IS. D<?-'. IS. Feb. 12 j <'edri<" i21.0i!Ti tonsi. . . Nov. 2.". Jan. ?">. Feh. 10 'CELTIC.... '20.f?04 tonsi Fell. 2. Mar. 1H ! WASHINGTON OFFICE, 1 ::o6 F ST N.W. R. M. HICKS. Passenger Agent. 1 ni.vl8-tf.eSti From Pier* r>l-!"i2-5fi North River N. Y. <^l EENSTOWN FISHGUARD?LIVERPOOL. LONDON? PARIS. Mauretanla Aiijr.23.10am J Lus1tan!a.Sept.?. 10 am Caronia..Aug. 2-S. 10 am I <',arni:mIa.Sei>i. 11. 10 am Campania .Sept. 1. loam I Mauretaiila.Sep.l.'.lOani M n 11 roto ?iia 1 Largest and Fastest Steam ?lui< lama I whips afloat. ?all Lusitania j Wednesdays. CarOflia 1 These luxurious steamship*. .. .1- now on the L!vcrp'.?ol service, Larinania j M,1!nB SATURDAYS.. Fortnightly Will cruise to EGYPT Jan. S. 22, lVb. l?, Mar. 5. Hungarian-American Scrvicc TO FIUME, VIA GIBRALTAR. NAPLES. TRIESTE. ?Carpathia. Sept. 2, noon; Oct. 21. Caruiania.Nov.G. Panuunia ???-t. 7. noon. Caronla.Nov. 27. ?Also calls at Genoa. Travelers' checks l??ueil jrood everywhere. The Cunard Steamship Co.. Limited. 21-24 Stat* St.. Neiv YorK. Opposite the Battery, Or 120 stato St.. Boston. Mass. G. W. M<iss. A sent, 1411 G St. n.w.. Washington. fel4d.eSn.312t North Qerman O^y1? Large. Past and Luxurious Twin-screw Express and Passenger Steamships Equipped with Wireless and Submarine Signals. PLYMOUTH?CHERBOURG?BREMEN. Express Sailings Tuesdays at 10 A.M. Kais.Wm.d.Gr...Aug. 24| Kronprlnz Wm..Sept. 7 K.Wllhelm II.. .Aug. 31 I Ceeilie Sept. 14 PLYMOUTH?CHERBOURG?BREMEN. Twin-screw Sailings Thursdays at 10 A.M. Fried. D. Gross.Aug. 2Hi Washington Sept. f? Kurfuerst Sept. 21 Bremen Sept. 16 george Washington Sails seyt. 9?27.000 tons. Newest and Largest German Ship Afloat. Every innovation known to flu- shipbuilders' art. GIBRALTAR NVPLES?GENOA. Mediterranean Sallincs Saturdays at 11 A.M. Prinzes* Irene...Auk. 28 J Berlin (netrl. ..Sept. 2.* K. Albert Sept. 11 Prinzes* Tren<-... .Oet. 9 Independent A round-the-world Tours. Travelers' Che.-ks Good All Over the World. Apply OEI.RICHS S- GO.. General Agents, ,% BROADWAY. NEW YORK. WASHINGTON OFFICE, 1:.!7 U ST. N.W. E. F. DROOP A- SONS CO.. 925 PA. AVE. Ja30-3l2t. eSu F03EN?iKi OKIE COMPVGNTE GENKRALE TRANSATLANTIQDB Direct Line to Havre?Paris (Fran'-el. Saillnsr every Thursday at 10 from i Pier N".>. 42. North River, foot Morton St.. N. Y. ?La Lorraine. .. A its;. 28 1 'La Savoie... .Sept. 10 1 *I.? 'Ivuralue. ...Sept. 2! *I.i Lorraine. .Sept. 2S *I.:i Provence..-Sept. 9| *I.a I'rovcnce. .Sept. ?Twin-screw steamers. EXTRA SAILING. ?S. S. CHICAGO. SEPTEMBER 4. Second and Thl'd f"a?s onlv. GENERAL AGENCY. 19 State St.". N. Y. F P. ALLEN. Agent, 14th st. and N. Y. ave. Telephone Main 758. mhl-36St* If Going to Europe Have your mall addressed eare the I>>ndon office of The Washington Star, No. 3 Recent Street London. England. If desired, mail will be for warded to all parts of Europe and the Conti nent. Tourists are requested to register at oar office upon reaching London. Washington Star, London Office, No. 3 Regent st. de20-!f POTOMAC RIVER BOATS. MARYLAND. DELAWARE AND VIRGINIA RAILWAY CO. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAY 15. Steamers leave Washington every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday st 4 p.m. for river landings and Baltimore, arriving at Baltimore ?arly Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. ; Returning, leave Baltimore, Pier No. 8. Light st.. Monday. Wednesday and Saturday at 5 p.m., arriving In Washington early Monday. Wednes day and Friday mornings. All river freight muat be prepaid. Passenger accommodation* strictly fi-st-claes. Electrically lighted and culsln* per fect. STEPHENSON * BRO.. Agents. Telephone Main 745. 7tb St. Wkarf. ni.vl4-tf.20 POTOMAC A: CHESAPEAKE STF.TmBOAT COMPANY. EIGHTH STREET WHARF. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 17, 1909. Steamers I,eav<- Washlncton. D. C. SUNDAY. TUESDAY and THURSDAY at 7 a.m. for landfnjr* from Somerset Beach to Wlrts Including Poseys. Brents and Upper Mscbodoe Creek landings Sunday trip to Notnlnl Creek l.'iidinzs In addition to above. MONDAY .AND WEDNESDAY nt 4 p rn. for I Isndlnes as far as EDGEWATER and PAR HAM'S POINT, including the Upper Mnchodoc Creek. Wb-omlco River and those In Nomtnl Creek. SATI RDAY at 7 r.'n. for landings far as NOMINI. mcludlr? Wicomico River landings. Steatnor E"telle Randall Tuesday and Tliursdty ss fur is Smith's: other days, except Saturday, as fur as Gr!ndor?. Schedule subject to tide and weather and tv chsnec without notice. For detailed information call Fhor.e Main '91 i W. B F.MMERT. Vice President and GeaL Manager. IslS^-tf W. F. CARNE. Jr.. Ge?l. Ageat. WASHINGTON GROVE. <? Special ? r?"-.pondcne<- of Th- Siar. WASHINGTON' CROVK. Aid.. Au^tist 2;t. 1000. Rev. 1. J- Winpfor of Ciaithcrsburfc, Aid.. i?re;t?'lied in tlu: itudilniiurn yes terday morning. At vespers Ferry H. ' Foster gave an address on "First 'Things First." I'rof. <'liarles Sniitli told of the inspiration and writing of the old hymn "Coronation." Miss Rose Os : born sang at both services. Hundreds of negroes passed through Washington Grove yesterday on the J WHy to their camp meeting at Emory I Grove, nearby. Every train in each ! direction brought great crowds, i Mr. and Mrs. Edward l,a Fetra had as their guest over Sunday Mrs. S. D. La Fetra. Clarence Rose, a member or the Grove's track sciuad last year, return*; I ! yesterday and will begin training for the Labor day meet. Mr. and Mrs. Percy S. Foster and Miss Ethel Foster have returned from a trip to Onancock, Va. Returning, they visit ! ed Cape Charles. Newport News and Old Point Comfort. Mrs. A. H. Thompson anil her son Ed win arc at the Grove agaiti. Miss Martina Porter is visiting Mrs. C. M. Walker. Frank Evans of Wash ington was also a guest there yester day. Miss Dorothy Smith is in Washington, visiting Mic. W. H. Herritage on .Mon roe street. Mrs. A. IT. Snyder has as her guest .Mrs. A. Grime and her daughter Mar guerite. Rev. lfenry W. Shannon of Virginia will address the mid-week service Wednesday even ing. Play in the second round of the tennis tournament leaves matches between Somerville and .Met "athret1. I weedaie and Foster for the semi-tinal round. These mJitciies will he started this i evenins. weather permitting. 4 (Continued from Eleventh I*i*???-? j made off him?1."?1 strike-outs and 14.'1 1 hits. Jim McOuire never was a fast mover j himself, but he Know s the value of speed j In modern base ball. He showed this' whil> lie was manager in Boston, and. probably realizes that more of the quality ; won't hurt the Clevelands. Menus is worried. The mighty Pirate j slugger did not net a hit Saturday. And that Joe Ward person is batting three points ahead of Wagner. Murray will surely tlnd a permanent berth for the Manayunk 1h>.v next season. Boston has some leaders. Niles had two hits. Lord three. Speaker two and ! (Jessier two. And those four lead the Red Sox batting order. That would beat almost any team you could mention. And they are pennant aspirants, too Manairor Stalling.* of the Highlanders called on Ban Johnson in Chicago last Saturday and toldfiim of a lot more evi dence to substantiate New York's claim that Pitcher Yaughan is the rightful ! property of t'ic Xcw York club. Stall i ings and Johnson are to meet in Chicago [this morning and take up the matter, and itiie American Ijcague president and mem i ber of the nation il commission is to ask ] that Herrmann, as chairman of tlie com mission. reopen the case. There is no reason why the St. Louis Pittsburg deal shouldn't be beneficial to both teams. The Pittsburg team gets a third baseman who rounds out its in field to greater smoothness, adding a touch of value for a team making n pen nant fight. The St. Louis <-lub sets what ' it much needed, an additional infielder land also a couple of players likely to be of value in the reconstruction of the team. Managers don't make .l^als to "set the better" of somebody, but to strength en their own teams. I Detroit and Boston Gain on Athletics. The Athletics, Detroit and Boston teams will begin another week's campaign in the race for the Amer ican league championship pennant closely bundled and with ea?*h of the three teams being in a position to be credited with a good chance of winning the tlag. As a result of the sanies played yesterday, Detroit and Boston sained on the Athletics, who remained idle. The Athletics will close their scries with Cleveland today. Tomorrow begins the real tight for first place between the two strong est contenders for the champion ship, the Athletics opening a three day series of games with the cham pions at Detroit. Connie Mack has reserved and Plank, his two star left-handers, for this series. These two pit< hers have been stumbling blocks to Ty Cobb and the other sluggers who have been keeping the Tigers near the top of the list, and in saving them for the Detroit series Mack is figuring on capturing at least two out of the three games, which will keep the Athletics In first place. Detroit gained three points on the Athletics by beating Washington j yesterday, while Boston gained four I by its victory over St. Louis. While the Athletics and Detroit 1 are battling, Boston will be playins j Chicago, and this will give the Red i Sox an opportunity ot gaining on i the leaders, 110 matter which team wins the Athletk s-Detroit series, j The White Son, however, have been putting up a fast game lately, and may slop the rush of the Boston team. It will be an important week for the three leading teams in the race, and the result may play a promi nent. part in deciding the winner of the great battle for supremacy. The standing of the three teams follows: Won. Lost. Pet. Athletics To 4'_' .??) Detroit <?? 4^1 .'!1H Boston IS* 4<? McGUIRE TAKES HOLD OF CLEVELAND NAPS i CLEVELAND, Ohio, August 2:.? James MclJuire. the new manager, took active charge of the Cleveland American ball team today. At League Park there was an early conference with the team mem bers. McCJuire gave the men a short snappy talk and tiien they reviewed the signal code, which was followed by an hour or two of fast practice work. While the Cleveland team lias prac tically no pennant chances, yet McCJuire said he would do his best to give this city a winning club. He is especially anxious to start his new duties by gar nering a victory from Philadelphia today, which is that club's last appearance in Cleveland this season. The visitors have taken three games from Cleveland, and are keen for the fourth, as Connie Mack has an ambition still to have his team in first place when he invades Detroit j tomorrow. One of McGuire's most zealous players is Napoleon I^ajoie. whom he succeeded as manager. Already Lajoie gives evi dence of the responsibilities that have been lifted from his shoulders by mas 1 terful work on the diamond. TENNIS PLAYERS CRIPPLED. Clothier, Lamed and Behr in Poor Form for Championship. < NEWPORT, R. I., August iSS.-Tlie real ; tests of lawn tennis skill are aliout to en gage the leaders in th~ national cham i pionsliip. As the draw now stands, with the experts entering upon the final, the lower half contains the real problem of hard matches. Frederick <*. Colston, the , Mar\land state champion, m Re-hard 11. Palmer. New Jersey state holder, to day. and Frederick Ionian, metropoli tan champion, is destined to face Gustavo , F. Tout-bard. With both t'lethie: and Behr limping j cripples, it max be possible for l'ell i<> { dispose of Purdy. Oth-rwise the im pression prevails that another meeting of the Pacific coast cracks will he the fea ture filial. Then, with William A. Lar ned in poor form mid suffering from an injured knee, the challenge match all de p?nds on whether or not his long experi ence as a general of the courts will carry him above such a fast player and hard hitter as McLaughlin, for on all sides McLaughlin, the youth of nineteen years, appears as the logical winner of the tour- | iianient, barring upsets. One thing is c. r tain as to the challenge match, and that is to keep his title Larnsd must win in three straight se's, for he is not in eon- j dition to toot the ten miles of a five-Set j grueling contest. POORHOUSE INMATES MARRY. Aged Spinster and Young Man ; Cause Justice to Balk. SANDERSVILLE, Ga.. August 2T1.?Miss j Sarah Hartley, aged seventy-four, and j E. G. Joiner, aged twenty-five, both in- j mates of Washington county poorhouse, j wwre married here before a throng of ' spectators. Justice R. M. Brown balked ! at first when the aged spinster and the I youngster were ranged before him, but finally agreed to tie the knot. After the ceremony the newly-weds re turned to their home- the poorhouse. The bride at her wedding wore a thick veil to hide her wrinkles. Frank. I-'roiii ib'" Cleveland I.piuKt. The Heiress?I wouldn't marry you if you were the wealthiest man in town! The Suitor?That's no answer. If I were i the wealthiest man in town, 1 wouldn't be' j proposing to you. Visitor ('.in you read the past'.' Fortune . Teller?Certainly: that's my business. , Visitor?Then I wish you'd tel! me what lit was my wife told me to get for her.?i ' Boston Globe. I DISUSE FIGHT IS ON War Against Sleeping Sick ness in German Africa. HOW THEY KILL PARASITES Physicians Win Victory in Lake Victoria Region. I IS AT STANDSTILL THERE How the Disease Is Transmitted After Days by Flies Who Are Infected. | Sj.o.-ial i hMez: :tin t?> 'I i * Si?\ IlKltUX. \n-.:uKt To Non Grr i man Gazette t-ublMn - *n interesting ? e j from Kut-pn-S':!!hiu of <he iipngri'-* j made in the < STort > <omhat sleeping i sicknci-M in Uci man Kast Africa The report js not nflii Inn as tin N??r' 1 < icrnian (iatt'tto cl<,scri'.>',? it as ahsol r. ' trustworthy it i? prosumaMv v 3? 111?-?? j? - one of the stuff of ni'dloal men ensa;;e<t in putting Into practl*??? the m* 11 r?s recommended b; I'ro KoMi o:> the ha si? n{ observations made during his expcd. tions in IHOrt a 11*1 1 ?7. The natives, it is therein stated, at first mistrustful and left the cainp before they were ranch benefited. i>ut I*rof. Kleine, (he army doctor, who 1 is been working with his "staff on the wont - ern shores of Victoria Xyan*a since t .e beginning of the year i:*iv lias aradua' y won their confidence. The treatment iinsixtg mainly in *'? injection of atoxyl, Which I'rof. Kv ? employed In large quantities on tin S. Islands. Although atoxyl does not al ways effect a. cure it kills the parasit* s of the disease in the blood Ot the ta ttent a few l.ours aft> r the first lnje< tion. and thus prevents the pcrs?e ^ treated from spreading the infcctloi When the atoxyl treatment is apple f In the early sf;tges ot tin- disease ii s frequently efficacious. but in the ma jority of ihe ?.as's where tin disease is i of long standiing its progress can oiu\* be Stayed. A pari from the fact il.,;. atoxyl cannot be depended upon as a. specific. i1 is apt to produce lilinrinoa when 1 he treatment is continued for a long time, and strenuous efforts are b? - j ing made to discover an efficient suh I stitute. 1 >r. Khriich of Frankford con ; si'iers lie is wjthfn sighi of finding one. It has lieen ascertained that tin' glossln t paipalls must liave shad> places for breed ing and development, and that it disap pears from districts where the bushy nr | ilergrowth has been removed. The a;i I thorities have for months past been en gaged in clearing away the undergrowth in districts where the disease it- most prevalent, namely, around richirati and : along the banks of the Mori river. TI10 effect of these measures is enhanced and secured by the Anglo-< ?erman sleeping sickness agreement which came into force at the beginning of this year. The num ber of the patients treated in the Schiratt district is about tKf), but fewer new case* are brought into camp each month. About tJOO patients have been treat ed also in the Kisiba and Hugabu dis tricts. and I'rof. Kleino believes that 1 ? lias had every native through his hands who has shown signs of being infected The natives are forbidden to seek worlc in L'gindiu where the sleeping sicknes-s prevails, and in this way. combined with careful medical Control and tlw* 1 removal of the undergrowth, it is hoped that 110 fresh cases will occur. of these ?MN> cases only thirty were women, the wives of men who had been in Uganda seeking work Disease at Standstill. While the medical officers have thus practically brought the disease to a stand-* still in the districts around ihe German portion of Lake Victoria, various circum stances combine to prevent the attain ment of a similar result in the districts bordering Lake Tanganyika. The natives are shy of Kiiropeans. and are reluctant to place themselves in the hands of the German medical men; the population is more dense, and it is impossible to clear away the undergrowth from the banks of so many small rivers (hat empty into the lake. The consequence is that in spite of the untiring seal of the German doctors the sleeping sickness had spread in sev eral directions during the past year. On the otiier hand, the German districts around Lake Nyassa seem to be free from danger, as the Klossina paipalls is riot indigenous there. Several of the Eu ropeans engaged in combating the sleep ing sickness have caught the disease, but in all cases the attacks have been rela tively mild. This is ascribed to the cir cumstance that proper measures ar?? i adopted immediately the symptoms aro ! observed. j The report conclude.-; "I'rof. Klein* and his assistants have made a most im portant scientific discovery. The well known Knglisli savant. L?r. Bruce, as sumed from the observations which ho made that tsetse flies, among which Is in cluded the trypanosome from animal to i animal or from person to person I >r. j Bruce believes that the germ.s of tl'ie dis ease became attached to the prolioscis of ' the fly as it sucked the l>lood of a dis i eased person, and were left 111 the blood of the next person or animal attacked. He was also of the opinion that theso 1 germs could not be communicated to an other person or animal after three or four j days. Flies Not Maligned. I'rof. Kleine has now proved thai ii,is doctrine is wrong, and that flies whb ii ' have sucked the blood of a diseased pel-. ; son or animal do not at once trans mi : the uerms to other persons or amriiats whose blood they suck, hut do this only after the lapse of two or three weeks and j then remain transmitters of the disease for a very long time. '"This can only lie explained by assuming that the trypanosome absorbed with r 1 blood from a diseased person or animal develop** and multiplies hi the bod> o; t e t1\ ami makes it.- way back to th? pro boscis 011H when its dcvelopnn nt is com plete. I'rof. Kleine ascertained that t >e trypanosome settle in th? digestive canil . of the glossina. lose their organs of loco motion, undergo a change of form and multiply. The process is thus similar to that undergone b.s malaria parasites la the bodies of gnats." Origin of "Thames."* 1 riv.r.1 tile I-on?ieu ?"hroniil". We have spoken from time to time of i portmanteau words, but few people i would expect to find one in the Thames, j Yet. according to Camden, the name ! Tamesis or Thames Is an ingenious j combination of Thame and Isis. and I should properly be confined to that part of the river below the confluence with the Thame. The name is more probably derived from the Celtic for ! "broad water." The Thames can boa.-t of at least three namesakes, one in On tario. on whose banks the America''* defeated us and the Indians in 1*1:;, one in New Zealand and one in Con necticut. It is only eomparat: vely recently t' at. the navigation of the upper reaches *<f the river has been anything bill a mat ter of vast difficulty. Tavlor. the water poet, has left us a poem des< riptive of the difficulties he encountered on a voy age from London to Oxford, and it was not until 1771 that the construction of locks was authorized. The early years of the nineteenth century saw the work of construction still noing on, but by about lsi:. the flow in the upper river li id been brought under systematic regu lation. To Prevaricate. from tin- Paris Figaro. There are two occasions w; en the most v? raclous man is likely to prevari cate -when lie tells a love romance or a hunting story. Biox- Bixby claims that he always tel"? the ?ruth. Knox?Yes; he we ins to ? a\ e a mania for stirring :.p trouble.?Ciil