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The World of Finance and Trade. Washington; New York; London. DRIFTWASDOWNWARD Early Strength Did Not Endure Very Long. MARKET SOLD OFF QUICKLY Selling Throughout Session of the Scattered Sort. L. & N. LED RAILWAY VIGOR Harrimton Stocks Suffered the Most Extensive Lossefe?Business Volume Less Than Saturday. Special PUpatrh to The Star. NEW YORK. August 23.?Stocks drifted during the greater part of today's ses sion. and for most of the time and for most of the list the drift was downward. The opening was fairly active and gen erally firm to strong with material frac tional gains all around and sharp advances in some Issues, and with very few con spicuous exceptions. The early strength did not endure, however. The market sold off quickly under some pressure, rallied fitfully and then sagged as business contracted to meager propor tions. In the early afternoon there was almost a stagnation of business, such transactions as there were being quite wholly professional. Speculative AN all street seemed to be waiting to be rather more disposed to get rid of the loose ends of old commitments for the long ac count than to make new ones. New York Central and United States Rubber were noticeably heavy in the early dealings. They soon had company, and for the major part of the session about the onlv stocks of any consequence which held their own. or more than held their own. were Ix>uisville and Nashville, the Wabash issues and Texas Pacific among the railroads, and Consolidated i ias. General Electric, People s Gas and Mackay companies among the industrials. The last-named stock made a particularly vigorous advance, accompanied by bullish reports of the company's business pros pects. ,, Kfforts were made by rumor to add Texas and Pacific to the tail of the Ilar riman kite, with stories of purchases for Southern Pacific interests, but this explanation failed to account for the sympathetic movement in the NVabashes. Declines From Saturday's Close. The Harriman stocks themselves and those which have been most closely iden tified with the movement in them scored the most extensive losses of the day, the declines from Saturday's close averaging well over a point and a half in the early afternoon for Southern Pacific. Cnion Pa cific, New York Central. Illinois Central and Pacific Mail. Outside of these Reading was very j heavy, and in the industrial quarter American Smelting and United States ' Steel showed the most considerable ef fects of selling pressure. The selling j throughout the greater part of the ses sion was of a scattered sort, while there was no appearance of concen trated buying except, perhaps, for for eign account, and that was only to a moderate amount. What happened in the market seemed to he that the accumulation of buying orders over the week end was only suf ficient to absorb the scattered liquidation In transactions, and that the liquidation, such as it was, was not very Important in its origin and probably only of a left over sort, induced by past reaction con siderations. The market was. generally speaking, too inactive for bearish opera tors to risk much stock. Narrow Range of Interest. The dealings of the first hour were on about the same scale as in the first hour Saturday, but for the whole forenoon the volume of business was much less than Saturday's, and thereafter the contrac tion in business was marked enough to emphasize the narrow range of interest The stock market community had very little in the way of outside developments to engage its attention during the day. Market wise news was of a routine sort, and sueli consideration as was given to any subject outside the price movements on the stock exchange was largely de voted to the reiteration of conjecture and surmise, which have hinged on the prog ress of Mr. llarriman to these shor?-s to the point of becoming tiresome. The local money market was very near ly stagnant for time loans. New York ex change at Chicago went to 4o cents dis < ount, however, nad it is obvious that in no very long time money conditions will become much more active. COTTON^MARKETS. . NEW YORK, August 2'!.?The cotton market opened stead> at a decline uf .1 points to an advance of 1 point, and sold about 6 to S points net higher during 1 lie early trading on .. moderate demand ' from room shorts, who found very littl< cotton offering. Trading was very quiet ! during the middle of the morning, with : prices a point or two off from the best. Futures opened steady.- September, | 12.12; October, 12.15; December. 12.15; January. 1_'IT., March, lj.15; May, 1_'.19. Bullish detailed weather reports from Texas had no apparent influence on the cotton market during the late forenoon, j business remaining very ouiet. Prii-es at j midday ruled about 4 to 6 points net higher. Spot, quiet; middling uplands. 12.75; j middling gulf. 1X00. Kstimated receipts at the ports today. 4.700 bales, against 1.2;1S last week and ! 11'.04* last year. For the week, 25.000 I hales, against 14."97 last week and 71.498 I last y<ar. Today's receipts at New Orleans, 110' bales, against 492 last year, and at Uous- i ton, 607 bales, against 6.960 last year. Liverpool Cotton Prices. l.lVERPOdl,. August 23.?Closing: ?'otton? Spot, moderate business done, prices 5 points higher; American mid dling. fair, 7 22; good middling. 6.S6; middling, 6.68, low middling. 6.50; good i ordinary. 6.24; ordinary, r.,89. The sales j of the day were 10.000 bales, of which 500 wen- for speculation and export, and i included 9.600 American. Receipts. 6,000 bales, including 2iio American. Futures ' opened steady and closed quiet. August, | 6.58: August-September, 6.4N; September October, 6.44; October-November, c 42; | November-December, 6.41 Vi; December January, 6.41*2; January-February, 6.4;:; February-March. 411-a : March-April! ! ?. 411/i: April-May, 6.41; May-June. 6.41; j June-July, 6.4ti>?; July-August, Will Operate Boats on Kanawha. GALIJPOIJS. Ohio. August ^5?The Kanawha and Ohio River Transj>ortatlon t'ompany. with a capital stock of $1,200. 000, was granted a ?charter by the secre tary of state of NYest Virginia today. The company will operate boats on the Great Kanawha, Ohio and Mississippi rivers. The Incorporators are Thornton J. Tlieall, Howard *' Dick man and C. J. S Dereve of New York city and B. A. Wordemann of Hoboken, N. J. Burned Bridge Ties Up Traffic. UNION. S. C.. August ?5.?A portion of the long trestle over Broad river, near Shelton. twenty miles south of tins city, having been burned this morning, all trains on the Southern railway between Asheville and Columbia are tied tip until this afternoon. The amount of damage cannot now be ascertained. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Furnished by \V. B. Ilibhs & Co.. bank ers and brokers. Hibbs buifdinjr. members 'New York Stork Exchange. Washington Stock Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade. RAILROADS. Open. Itieli. l.ow. Clone. A., T. \ S. F., com. 110% 1193* 118*4 111"i A.. T. & S. F., pfd Atlantic Coast Line. 138% 138% 1W? 138% Balto. a.- Ohio, com.. II8V4 118% 117%-118 Balto. K- Ohio. pfd Brook. Rap. Trail... 80% Kl 7l?% 80% Canadian Pacific 185% 185% 184 185 C..C..C. & St. L.,com Chesapeake & Ohio. 81% 82% 81 K'i | Chi. G. W., com I*., M. & St. 139 139 157% 139 C.. M. St. P.. pfd. 170 179 177% 177% Chi. & N.W., coin... 196 197 196 197 Col. & So., com Dela. Hudson 1??^*^ 11?4 192% 194 Del., Eack. & West Den. Kio G.. com. 48% 40% 4K ?!?'? Den. & Kio G., pfd. 8634 86% 8?>% Erie, com 36% 36% ?"??">% 36% Erie, 1st pfd 54 .">4 53% 53% Erie. I'd pfd [Ireat Northern, pfd. 1 -">4 154% 152% 154 Hocking Val., com Slocking Val.. pfd Illinois Central 156 156% 158ffi 156% Inter. Met., com 15% I5ffi 14% 15 Inter. Met., pfd 47% 47% 46% 4<>% K. C. So., com 49% 49-% 4X% 49 K. C. So., pfd 74 74% 74 74% E. & N .* 155% 155% 154% 154% Wex. Central, ctfe.. 23% 23% 23% 23% M., K. & T., com... 41% 42% 41 42% M.. K. A: T.. pfd M .S.P.Ac S.S.M-.COni. 144% 145 144% 145 M..S.P.& S.S.M., pfd Missouri Pacific 73% 74% 73 74% N. Y. C. & H. R 142 14.5 140% 143 N.Y., C. & S.E.,com N. Y., C. & S. E.,2d N. Y.. Out. & W 49% 4!>% 49% 49%' Norfolk & Western. 04% !>5 944 944 Northern Pacific.... 157% 157% 155% 157 [Pennsylvania 141% 141% 140% 141% j P C C & St L Reading. com 161 161% 158 161% Rock Island, com... 40% 40% 38% 40% Rock Island, pfd.... 77% 78 774 77% i 3. L. & S.F.. 2d pfd. .V. 56% 54% 56% 1 St. L. & S.W.. pfd.. t?5% 66% 68% 66% So. Pacific, com 134% 134% 132% 134% , So. Pacific, pfd i Southern Ry.. com.. 31% .'51% 31% 31% Southern Ry.. pfd... 72 72 70% 71% Texas & Pacific 38% 4<i% 38% 404 1 Third Ave _>4% 24% 22% 23% J r.. S. E. & W., com. 51% 51% 50% 51% T.. S. E. & W.. pfd Cnion Pac., com.... 20!?% 210% 206% 210 Cnion Pacific, pfd... 109% 100% 107% 1<>9% Wabash, com 21 21% 21 21?? j Wabash, pfd 55 56 54% 56 Wis. Cen.. com Wis. Cen.. pfd West. Maryland 5% 6 5% 6 INDUSTRIALS. \mal. Copper 86 86 84% 85% Am. Beet Su.. com.. 45 45 44% 44% Am. Can, com 13 13 12% 12% Am. Can, pfd 84 84 83 S3 Am. C. Hi P., com.. (57% 67% 66% 67% Am. C. & F., pfd Am. Cot. Oil. com... 73% 73% 73% ?3% Am. Cot. Oil, pfd Am. Ice Securities.. 35 35% 34% 35% Am. Eoco., com 63% 63% 62% 63 Am. 1 joco.. pfd 117% 117% 116% 116% Am. Sm. & R.. com. 100% 100% !?8% 100% Am. Sm. & R., pfd Am. Su. & R., com.. 130% 130% 130% 130% Am. Su. & R.. pfd Am. Tel. & Tel 140% 140% 140 140% \m. Tobacco, pfd... 101% 101% 101 % 101% Am. Woolen, coin... 3i% 3i% 3 * % 3i% Am. Woolen, pfd Anaconda Copper.... 49 49% 48% 49% Cen. Leather, com.. 40% 40% 39% 40 Cen. leather, pfd... 1<>8 108% 108 108>o Col. F. & I., com... 45 45 44% 45 Col. & H. C. & I 71 71 71 71 Con. Gas, N. Y 144% 146% 144% 146% I Corn P. Ref.. com.. 23% 24% 23ffi 24% Corn P. Ref., pfd... Distillers' Securities ) Lien. Electric 160 169% 169% 169% I Sreat Nor. Ore 83 83% 81% 82% International Paper. 17% 17% 17 17%' int. Steam Pump... 42% 42% 42 42%, Mackay Co., coin... 82 84 82 84 Mackay Co., pfd Nat. Biscuit, com Nat. Biscuit, pfd National Lead. com. 92% 92% 01% 91% N. Y. Air Brake !>2fli 92% 92 92 Pa-c. Mail Steam 32% 32% 31% 32% People's Gas of Chi. 116% 117% 110% 117% Pressed S. C., com.. 30% 50% 50% 30% Pullman Company... 197 11*7 197 197 Ry. S. S., com 50% 50% 50% 50% Ry. S. S., pfd Rep. I. & S? com... 38% 38% 37% 38% Rep. 1. & S.. pfd J<?6 106 106 IOK S.-S. S. & I., com... 85 *5% 85 85% j Tenii. Copper .'58% ;o*% 38% 38% I*. S. C. I. P., com.. 82% 82% 82% 82:>; I*. S. R. & I., com. ? 55% 56 54 55% lT. S. Rubber, com.. 118% 123% 118% 123 C. S. Rubber, pfd... 7?!7? 77% 75% ii% U. S. Steel, com 32% 32% 32% 32% 1*. S. Steel, pfd 125% 125% 124% 125 I'tah Copper 51% 52 .">1 51 Va.-Car. Ch., com... 484 48% 484 4*4 Va. I., C. & C Western I'nion Tel. 73% 73% 72 73 West. Elec. Mail ... 87 8K n7 88 CALL MONEY. i'all monev 2% 2% 2% 2% BONDS. Am. Tobacco 4s.... 80% soT, 80% 80% Am. Tobacco (is Atch. Convert 4s... 117% 117% I1734 117% B. X (). Gen. Is 10??% Io0% 1011% ino% B. K. T. Con. 4s. .. n7"h 87% v~4 *71, ? *.. B. & y. Joint 4s '.. Ft. I. & P. 4s 80 Mi) so 80 R. I. & P. 5s S3 93 93 a'! inter. Metro. 4'?s... 83% 83% 83 83 Nor. Pac. P. E. 4s Pa. Conv. 3%s, 1012 Pa. Conv. 3%s, 1015 Southern Ry. 5s Cnion Par. Con. 4s.. 11?> 119 117% 118 I". S. Steel 2d 5s.... 106% 1064 106 ln?; West Shore 4s YEARNS FOR HIS HOME. Runaway Jersey Lad Impresses Judge Kimball and Gets Help. Rudolph Heim. a white boy. nineteen years old. pines for the comforts of home and the appetizing smell of the bounteous loaves brought from the oven of his father's bake shop in Newark. N. J. Rudolph ran away from Home some time ago, but the way has not been smooth. One by one his dreams of the fortune that awaited him in the wide world have hr;en shattered. The paving stones of the great cities he has visited made but a poor substitute for the soft bed of his nirttlier. and each new pang of hunger brought flooding memories of the appetizing odors of his father's hake shop. Rudolph hasn't heard much about the prodigal, but thought,* of home are surely pleasing. Rudolph came to Washington with the Gentry circus. But the circus, he ex plained in tremulous tones today, had ki< ked him out again 011 the cold, cold world, and had started off for new fields without him. Policeman Flaherty found him yesterday wandering in the streets, searching in vain for a place to sleep. .Judge Kimball was impressed with the boy's story in Police Court today, and instructed'Agent Massie of the board of charities to aid him in getting back home. RATE LAW UNCONSTITUTIONAL Judge Burdette Issues Injunction Against W. Va. Officials. CHARLESTON. W. Va., August ^'3._ Judge Burdette in the circuit court today issued an injunction restraining the state and county officials from enforcing the two-cent-fare law against tlie Norfolk and Western railroad. The court holds the law is unconstitutional and is confiscatory on its fare. The court's order requires the road to issue coupons with three cent fare tickets for tiie excess over two cents a mile collected until a test case pending in the state supreme court is de cided. Held on Suspicion. Frederick Stewart, colored, is held ai the ninth precinct police station on sus picion of robbing" Mrs. John Bernd in Northeast Washington Saturday night. Stewart lives in Alton court, rear of the Bernd home, and is said io answer the description of the man who snatched her handbag. He declares that he knows nothing about the robbery. LOCAL FINANCIAL NEWS Renewed demand was in evidence at the meeting of the local Stork Exchange for the stock of the Washington t?as Company, and when the price offered again reached 7.'l% a considerable uuan tity of the security was unearthed. Near ly 500 shares were taken altogether at that figure. La 11st on continued firm at fractions over 17. ati aggregate of 290 shares changing hands at 174. 17** and 17?% The day's trading showed an invest ment in excess of J5.000 in the stock of the American National Bank, thirty-two shares of the security being purchased at the standard price of ISO. Washington Railway and Electric, both common ami preferred, have been quite active for several days past on a re ceding market. Two hundred and eighty one shares of the preferred stock" were sold today, the opening transaction be ing at 91*2, and the closing at 1M The common stock sold at 4,".v8 and 45. LONDON MARKETS. Special Cablegram to The Star. LONDON, August 23.?American rail way shares, following the relapse in the official session due to the New York de cline, had a sagging, sluggish aspect on the curb. Consols finished steadier, and home rails, while failirtg to exhibit ac tivity, had a harder tone. The cheerful sentiment previously noted in foreign issues was maintained; Russian and Turkish securities closed at top fig- j ures. Kaffirs held, but the market was J narrow. Mining issues, while befow the best figures, ended steady. Rio Tintos rose to 78, showing a net gain of 1% over Friday. The Paris bourse was quiet. The Berlin bourse was firm. Washington Stock Exchange. Sales. Regular call, 12 o'clock noon?L". S. roc. 38. $40 at 100% Washington Rwy. and Elec. 4s, 81.000 at 89%. Capital fraction. 2 at 140. Washington Rwy. and Elec. com.. 10 at 45%. Washington Rwy. and Elec. pfd., 3 at t>l%. & at 9125 at 91%. W ashington Gas. 100 at 73%. 25 at 73". 20 at 73%. 100 at 7.1%, 50 at 73%, 175 at 73V Lanston Monotype. 15 at 17%, 25 at 17% 100 at 17*,. 100 at 17%, 50 at 17%. Americ an National Hank. 10 at 180. 10 at ISO 2 ar ISO, 10 at 1*0. After call?Washington Rwy. and Elec. com.. 50 at 45. Washington Rwy. and Elec. pfd.. 45 at 01 100 at 81. 100 at 01. GAS BONDS. _ Bid. Asked. Georgetown Gas 5s 110 Washington Gas 4s JOO ..... Washington Gas cert. tin. 110 RAILROAD BONDS. Capital Traction 5s 115% 117% Anacostia and Potomac 5s 103 105 Cltv and Suburban 5s 108% Columbia Os 102 105 Columbia 6s HO Metropolitan 5s HO jih Washington Rwy. and Elec. 4s... 88% ?9 Wash.. Alex, and Mt. Vernon 5s. 97 Potomac Electric Cons. 5s 103'4 103% MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. Potomac Electric Light 5s 109 Nor. and Wash. Steamboat 5s.... 102 Chesapeake and Potomac Tel. 5s. 104 105 Emerson Steam Pump 6s 70 80 PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS. Capital Traction 138 140% Washington Rwy. and Elec. j'om.. 45 46 Washington Rwy. and Elec. pfd.. 9114 !il% Wash.. Alex, and Mt. Vernon 50% Nor. and Wash. Steamboat 260 280 Washington Gas 7::% Georgetown Gas 55 Bell Telephone of Pa 121 123 Great Falls and Old Dominion ... 30 TYPE MACHINE STOCKS Mergonthaler Linotype 212'... 214 La nston Monotype 17% 17% MINING STOCKS. Greene Cananea 9% 10 NATIONAL BANK STOCKS. American 18o 185 Capital 200 City i?o Commercial 176 173 farmers and Mechanics' 275 ..... Lincoln 125 Metropolitan 205 210 Second 150 l?o Washington 312 325 TRUST COMPANY STOCKS. American Security and Trust 262 National SaYings and Trust 200 215 Union Trust 131 Washington Loan and Trust 212 ; United States Trust 110% 111 SAVINGS BANK STOCKS. Home Savings 280 Merchants and Mechanics' Savings. 150 160 Union Savings 235 265 Dime brings 10% FIRE INSURANCE STOCKS. Arlington 23 26 Commercial 5% 514 Corcoran 70 ..... i Firemen's 19 21 ] Franklin ?50 German-American 267 I National Union *5% ... Potomac 33 33 TITLE INSURANCE STOCKS. Columbia 4 Real Estate 90 Washington ...] M ISt 'El.LANEOUS STOCKS. Emerson Steam Pump Graphophoue coin tt ' Graphopbone pfd ... . 22% 25" i Merchants' Transfer and Storage., llo " Security Storage 200 ..!!!! Washington Market 15 191,4 TREASURY STATEMENT. The condition of t-he Treasury at the f beginning of business today was us j follows: Trust funds?Gold coin. $856,042,800; \ silver dollars, $486,790,000; silver dol lars of 1800, $4,130,000; siver certificates j outstanding, 164 86,790,000. General fund?Standard silver dollars | in'general fund. $5,155,550: current lia- | bilitles, $!ti.7S7.t(!l5: working balance in ' Treasury offices, $30,804,805: in bank* j to credit of treasurer of the United I States. $.*{9,144,051; subsidiary silver I coin. $25,802.87.'!; minor coin, $2,04.'!. oi5; total balance in general fund. $!JS. 642,6.30. BALTIMORE GRAIN. Spe.-ial Dispatch to The Star. BAI.TIMORK Md.. August 23. ft'ilKAT Weak: r-pot 1011 tract, 1.02%: spot No. 2 red western. I.oil: August. 1.02%: September, 1.02% al.02%: si earner No. 2 red. 97%: receipts. 54,661 bushels: southern by sample. 81?al.03; southern <in grade, 99a 1.03. i'ORN?Easier: s;>ot contract. 75; yea-. 60: January. 59%: receipts. 5.889 bushels. IIATS-Mer; No. 2 white. I3a44; No. :t white, 41%a42%: No. 2 mixed. 4Ia41%; receipts 12.502 bushels. RYE -Easier: No. 2 western domestic. 74a75: rei elpts, 1.1UO bushels. HAY ?Dull; No. l timothy. 16.50 asked; No. 1 clover mixed. 14.50a 15.OO. GRAIN" FREIGHTS Firm: steam to Liverjiool, per bushel. I%a1%d September: Cork for orders, per quarter, 2s 3d August-September. NEW YODK CURB PRICES. Quotations furnished bv E. F. Button A Co.. no-tubers New York Stock Exchange; Thomas L. Hume, manager. 1301 F St. n.w. Open. High. Low. Boston Con. Cop 15% f'umberiaml Ely 7 3-1?! 7 3-16 7% Davis Daly U% Glroux 9% lw'< Goldtield < 'on 611-16 6 11-16 Gol.itleld Daisy 22 22 21 % Kerr Lake !? !? 8% Nevada Coil . 24 24 24 Nevada Utah Cop.... 2 2 2 2 Rawhide 21 25 24 24 United Copper 10% K?% lo'-j kit, Yukon . -. 5% 5% 5 1-16 5% Government Securities. Bid. Asked. 2 per cents, registered. 1930 100% 101% 2 per cents, coftpons. 1930 ? 1(X>% 101% 3 per cents, registered, 190S-1S.. 101 ]i?2 3 per eents, coupon", 190S-IS 101 102 4 per cents, registered, 1925 116 117 4 i?er <-ents. coupons. 1925 lis 119 2 per cents, reg.. Pan. Can.. 1936 100% 101% I District of Columbia 3.65s. 1924.. 108 ... Pauauia. 193ft 100% 101'i ; FOREIGN BANKS. PARIS, August 23.?Three per cent rentes, ?.?"< francs 25 centimes fojvthe ac count. Exchange on London, 25 francs 17% centimes for checks BERLIN August 2:?.?Exchange on London, 20 marks 44% pfennigs for 'lin ks. Money, 1 % per cent. Private ?nt. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. CHICAGO, August 23.?Lower cables arid liberal receipts in the southwest caused weakness in the wheat market here today. Selling was general at the start and demand was scattered. Mod erate rains were reported in the north west, but they were not sufficiently gen eral to cause any appreciable effect. Enormous movement in the northwest is expected to begin within a few days, and this further weakened the market. Prices at the opening were to :;?a%c higher. September being at '.1' to If.!1*, and December at JH% to 95%. After selling off to 1)8% for September the price rallied to 99%. December declined to 94s*. Opening quotations in the corn market were a shade to %a%c lower, with Sep tember at 66% to 06%. Alter touching 06% September advanced to 6<>% Receipts of oats here today were lib eral. which resulted in a weak tone, par ticularly in the nearby deliveries. Sep tember opened %al? to %a%c lower at 37 to .17%, and for a time he'd within the opening: range. Provisions were firm. Prices at the I start were 2% to P'c higher. 1 A sensational break in cash wheat I prices at Minneapolis caused additional i weakness later in the day. September declining to 97% and December to 94%. The market closed weak, with September down 1% at OS1,?. December was off l1* at !*4V The corn market became still weaker on selling based on reports of rain in Nebraska and on the slump in wheat. September sold off to ?!5%. The close was weak, with September down 7sal at Close: Wheat?September. 98%; De cember. 94%; May, halts'*. Corn?September. 6."?%; December. -V.7*: May. ,">7. Oats?September. 36i<;; December. .".Mo; May. 39%. Pork?September. 22.4?>; October. 20.85; January. 17.35. Lard?September. 11.97%; October. 11.1*0; November. 11.52%all.35; January. lo.22% alO.25. Kibs?September. 11.07%; October. 11.37% all.40; January. 9.15. Rye?Cash, 71a72. Barley-?Casii. 4.'5aGT>. Timothy?September, 3.55a3.GO; October, 3.50a3.55. Clover?Cash, 11.30; March. 12.20. New York Grain Prices. NEW YORK. August 23.?Flour; Re ceipts, 17,<>25 barrels; sales, 3,<K)0 barrels; market quiet and lower to sell. Wheat? Receipts, 131,900 bushels. As few wheat traders were prepared for such big receipts a.s Minneapolis had to day, or such favorable northwest weath er over Sunday, prices dropped nlfhuptly from %a%c per bushel at the start and failed to show any material rally during the first hour. September, l.b7%al.o8%; Decern ber, 1 .< i.'{%a 1 .< ?3%. Rye?Dull; No. 2 western, nominal, f.o. 1). New York. Corn?Receipts, 8.275 bushels. Liverpool Grain Prices. LIVERPOOIi, August 23.?Closing: Wheat?Spot No. 2 red western winter, nominal; futures, weak; September, ss 3%d; December. 7s 7%d; March, 7s 7<J. Corn, dull; spot No. 2 American mixed (via Galveston), steady, 0s Gd. Futures, steady; September, 5s 4%d; October, .">s 5%d. Flour?Winter patents dull. 33s 6d. Hops?At London (Pacific coast), firm, ?3, 10sa?5. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. August 23.?Butter tirm; receipts, 5,394 packages; creamery, spe cials, 29a29% (official price, 29); creamery extras, 2S%a2S%: creamery thirds to firsts, 23a28; process. fliM to specials. 2I!a 25%; western factory. 2oa22. Cheese steady; receipts, 095 boxes; state full cream, specials, 15aHi; s'ate full crearn, small, large colored or small white fancy, 14%; state full cream, common to good, llUal4: skims, full to specials, 3% a 12%. Eggs irregular: receipts, 9.S01 cases; state, Pennsylvania ai;d nearby, fancy white, hennery, .'toa33: state. Pennsylva nia and nearby, fair to choice, gathered browns, 26a3U; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery brown fancy. 28a."0; state, Pennsylvania ahd nearby, fair to choice gathered brown, 24a2S; western firsts, 23a24; seconds, 20a21. LOOK OVER IDLE SHIPS. Object Lesson for Congressional Party in San Francisco Bay. SAN FRANCISCO. .August 23.?'The condition of the merchant marine in the Pacific ocean was illustrated for the bene fit of the congressional party en route to Hawaii today, when t lie twenty-three representatives made a tour of San Fran cisco bay, where scores of idle vessels lay at anchor. California congressmen and of ficers of all the important civic organi zations Impressed upon the visitors the necessity for action if any portion of the trans-Pacific traffic was t?? be preserved to the United States. Stops were made at the Hunters point dry dock, the naval training station at Goat island: the coaling station at Cali fornia City, the government docks at Fort Mason and the navy yard at Mare Island. A banquet will be given the representa tives tonight. CASH WHEAT BREAKS. Drops 25 Cents a Bushel in Minne apolis. Minn., Today. MINNEAPOLIS. August 23.?Cash wheat ?broke 25 cents a bushel today, one of the greatest one-day declines on record. New No. 1 northern sold a week ago at $1.43. Saturday's price was $1.35. Today it sold early at $1.2."i. but when it was found 415 cars of wheat had been received, of which 105 contained old wheat, 16<? new crop winter and 180 new crop sprint wheat, the market broke wide open. Old crop No. 1 northern went down 2b cents, selling at $1.05. compared with $ 1.2."i Saturday. BENEFITED BY VOYAGE. Harriman Sends Wireless Message. Saying He Is Feeling Fine. NEW YORK. August Latest pros pects are that Edward H. Harriman will not set foot on his home soil again un til tomorrow *?.ftc-rnoon. A wireless mes sage today from the steamer Kaiser Wil heltn }i, on which he is a passenger, an nounced that the liner was 12<? miles east of Sable Island at 2:30 a.m.. If the pres ent plan is adhered to Mr. Harriman will be taken off the liner about 2 p.m. tomor row by one of the tugs of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company and landed at the Erie railroad station in Jersey City. That his homeward bound voyage is benelittlng Mr. Harriman was indicated by a wireless message received today from him by R. S. Lovett. vice president of the Union Pacific railroad, which states in substance that Mr. Harriman is feel ing rtnely. FLUSSER MAKES RECORD. New Torpedo Boat Covers 31.03 Knots an Hour. Remarkably high speed was made by the torpedo boat destroyer Flusser in her contractor's preliminary trial in a run off the Rockland course last week. The vessel scored :i1.0,'I knots an hour, her contract requirements contemplating but 28 knots. Offhand, and without examin ing the records, the officials say this is the fastest speed ever made by an Amer ican torpedo boat destroyer, the previous record being about thirty knots an hour. Foreign built vessels, however, have reached a speed of thirty-three knots an hour, and even more. The Flusser was built at the Bath, Me., iron works, where Capt. William N. Little is the inspector in charge of machinery. Clarke Griffith Suspended. NEW YORK. August 25.? Clarke Grif fith, manager of the Cincinnati club, was today suspended for three days by Pres ident Heydler for kicking over decisions made last Saturday by Umpire Rigler in the game between New York and Cin cinnati. 'AFTER MANY PRIZES * - I District Riflemen in Competi tion at Camp Perry. PUT WITH THE LEADERS . i One of Fifteen Teams in the First Class. ' HIGHLY VALUED TROPHIES UP Changes in Rules of the Shoot. Silhouette Target in Skir mish Displaced. Special I?js|i.n<-ii to The Star. CAMP PERRY. PORT CLINTON. Ohio. August 'SI.?In the seventh annual compo tition for the national trophy which Con gress authorized, ami for the three-thou sand-dollar Hilton trophy and the Bronze Solider of Marathon, both of which the District riflemen used to win at Sea Girt in the Hilton and interstate regimental matches; for twelve cash prizes Aggregat ing S-'t.liKt. and for medals, forty-eight ritle teams started this morning, not to stop until tomorrow night, and not then if one of Lake Erie's storms blockades the pro gram. The conditions of the contest which the District marksmen are in this year are j radically different from the plan followed ) from when the match tirst took place I at Sea Girt, until last year. The contest ! ants are now classified and the trophies and prizes are distributed and increased | in number so that the weaker teams have : the stimulus of possibly getting something to take home. The fit teen leaders in the match last year arc after four prizes. The list includes the istric-t, ranking ninth in the tleld of fifty with a score of ItW behind the winning I". S. Infantry. The prizes are National trophy and S4.">o; second. third. .<N>n. and fourth, and a medal for each member. Second Fifteen. The second fifteen in the 10>?k finish is competing for four prizes?the Hilton tro phy, which heretofore, went to the second list team in the entire field, and $22~> and and medals, and the re mainder of the competitors are gnnnitiK fur four prizes?tirst, the bronze Soldier of Marathon and S!!oi; second, third, SIT.".; fourth, ?1 >. and medals. That is, there are twice as many prizes as there were last year and the cash aggregates more. In two other respects the match condi tions are new this year. The ammuni ! tioii is not manufactured by the govern ! ment, but by the private company whose product was tested out?together with that of the government and other private companies at Sea Girt several months ago bv the committee appointed by the national board for the promotion of rifle practice, which conducts the national matches?team, individual and pistol. Another changf?and a very important one it Is?is in the target used on tlie skirmish run. which has hereto.ore proved the decisive factor of the contest. The silhouette target has been displaced by the bull's-eye target B. This change will send up the skirmish scores in general, and is counted on to help the national guard teams in their tug-of-war with the regulars, for :is and 2s, which on the sil houette target were misses, will not count. District Record. The District team won fourth prize in : the first contest for the national trophy. dropped to sixth in 11H>4 at Fort Riley, ; where the contestants increased from the 19011 field of fifteen to nineteen; got out I of the money down in tenth "place in lit*;, ! with thirty-seven competitors; fell to six teenth in I'.HMt, when there were forty-one contestants; pulled up to fifteenth a year later against forty-seven opponents, and up to eleventh place a year ago, but thir ty-one points out of the money. Members of the I'nited States Marine Corps?part of the Sea Girt rifle shooting school?have been selected to act as scorers throughout the national matches. For this work the marines have had a large amount of experience all summer at Sea Girt. That the important work of scoring will be done better than ever in these matches is the opinion of the ca m p. The District team had a bad scare Fri day night. Capt. Frederick H. Heiden reieh went to Toledo on a flying trip, but missed his train 011 return. He stayed all night in Port Clinton. What has be come of the team captain? was the cen tral thought of every District rifleman ; until the captain landed in camp in time : for breakfast Saturday morning. NAVY BEATS THE DISTRICT { SCORES MADE THIS MORNING AT CAMP PERRY. Plans for Match Between the United States and Canada Are Under Way. Sppi-ral If? ii to The Star. CAMP PERRY. Ohio. August Jl.-The District rifle team was beaten b> fifteen points by the I'nited States Navy team this morning 011 the opening stage, 21M) yards, of the National mat h. The Dis trict scored 507. The Navy was high at The Naval Academy came in second with .">:!<?. Massachusetts and Iowa, with ."ilT, tied for third place, and Pennsylvania and Ohio, with ."I'J. for rift 11. New Jersey, New York and the Marine Corps also tied at .">11. while the I'nited States Infantry got .".in, and the Cavalry r.o2. Maryland landed one point ahead of the cavalvymen. The best store on the District's board was 4."?, by Capt. Cookson. Sergt. Brown and Sergt. Shriver were second, with 4 4. Washington spectators of the match to day Included Secretary of War Dickin son. Baron Do Bode. Russian military at tache. and Ma.i. Devilla, Mexican military attavli". Arrangements for a match to b?s shot at Sea Girt next month between the I'nited States and Canada are being made by the Association of Riflemen, and for this purpose there was appointed last evening a committee consisting of Capt. Casey. Pennsylvania; Lieut. Col. Thurs ton, captain of the New York team: Capt. Frank Evans, retired, 'formerly captain of the I'nited States Marine Co'ns team; William Church of New York and Gen. Spencer. The association elected an executive committee composed of Gen. Spencer, president; Col. Thurston, vice president; Capt. Evans, secretary-treasurer; Gen. James A. Drain, president of the National Ritle Association; Capt. Cot win. New York; Capt Semen. Ohio; Lieut. Col. Tewes. New Jersey, and Lieut. George Shaw, captain of the infantry team. Baptist Association to Meet. The Mount Bethel Baptist Association, which is composed of ministers and lay men of the colored Baptist churches of the District of Columbia. Virginia and Maryland, will assemble in the Second Colored Baptist Church, .'Id and I streets northwest, tomorrow morning at In o'clock. The meetings will continue until Thursday. About three hundred dele gates will be in attendance. Rev. H. W. Hickerson of Virginia is the moderator of the association. Admiral Sperry Soon to Retire. ? Rear Admiral C. S. Sperry, who com , manded the Atlantic fleet on its cruise around the world, after Admiral Evans retired from command, will be placed on the retired list for ag> September ?'!. He is now on duty with the Naval War Col lege at Newport. e FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent for $3.00 a Year. If Sickness Should Come, What? If you contract a bad spell of sickness and your income ceases?what then? Why spend all you make? Why not put in a savings bank a part of your income, and thereby prepare for the day of need? \We want you to bank with us. We will pay 3 per cent interest for your money?com pounded twice a year?and it will always be ready for you when you need it. Horn? Savings 7th St. and Mass. Ave. N.W. BRANCHES: 7ih and Si Sts. N.E. 436 7th St. S.W. Umder U. S. Treasury Supervision. au2-r-lf The Safest Investments Ar?- tliosr Hint do not fluctuate durln? dis turbs! .-onditton. of tU? money or atac* market* Flirt deed of t'u?< notM lflrV iiiortsag-ft. well secured on real eatate >" the IMftrlct of Columbia. constitute SllJ edge? Inrestment*. They do not depend upon tho financial rpsrOTSlbUtty ?* ?? dlv'duals or corporations for .belr itunult and rt' exeniptfroni taxation a, pen-n. ivroiK-rtv. We can supply such Inputs in amounts from &>0 d^,n* for booklet. "Concerning Loams and in yi'stments." S SwartzeSB, IRIheeLini <& Hensey Co., 727 15TH ST. N.W. o?-15-d.eSu..S0 UNSAFE TO RUN AT NIGHT WHY THE TRAIN SERVICE WAS SLOW IN 1838. Curious Old Letter in Post Office Files Showing' Railroad's Rare Consideration for Public. Jn his search for nf*'? in the Post Office Department, an enterprising press agent has unearthed from the tile? a let ter written at Charleston. 8. C.. Decem ber _1>. 1S?0. by Gen. R. T. Hayne, presi dent of the South Carolina and Charles ton Railroad Company, to George 1>. Plitt. then agent general of the post office, which seems to illustrate the in dependence of the railroad companies and something of the condition the the country in those early days. It appears that the department was j trying to make a contract with the lail road company, which would provide tor the departure of trains between Charles ton and Hamburg, S. C., at a later hour than 7o'clock in the morning and their arrival at an earlier hour than 4;:JU in the afternoon. Gen. Hayne, after informing Mr. Plitt that the committee of the road charged with making contracts could not see its way clear to agreeing with the depart ment's proposition, states as follows: "K wsis stated to you frankly in the beginning and has been repeated in all our communications, that from the char acte- and condition of our road and tne nature of the country, it was not deemed safe to undertake to convey passengers upon it in the night, and that In the present state of the road it would be im possible to make the run with certainty so as to meet the hours of H and 4 as proposed by vou. In particular seasons and under favorable circumstances It might be done, but wo know that we would frequently fail, and we could not contract to do that which we knew be forehand could not be performed, and having determined that the safety of passengers forbids our running in the ! dark we have no alternative but to ad here to t he hours stated. Indeed, this proposition postpones the departure half 1 and hour beyond the present time, which ' Iia< been done expressly to accommodate I vou ami the Wilmington company, who might certainly arrive at ?> o'clock, as the> now generally do. You are mistaken in sup posing that in my conversation with you JOSIIIK UlUt m -- in the presence of Mr. Huger I proposed am- hour different from the above. \ou are correct in saying I intimated a will ingness to deliver the mail upon the boats at p.m. and to receive ii Horn the boat at 7, provided the General agreed to the sum ol mile.' This arose out of a suggestion of Mr Huger and yourself, that possibly a. iangements might be made to take the mail daily from the boat to the railroad, which 1 knew could be done in iwenij minutes We should at ill oe whlmg to make thai arrangement, though we should ???eatlv prefer the delivery of the mails las at present) at lixed hours at our depository. In short, any arrange ment consistent with our .erta.n depart me from our depository ai not latei hjUf-past 7 and our arrival there a haU t i tvoiild present no insupeiable diffi past 4 would pre bo to iS'iSSvM !i * i without frequently rim nil i*1 to meet vour wishes, we shall as poslbl . * expeFinient with you carrying the mail between the hours ot- i w . V uid halt-past 4, beginning of fter ti,c 1st of January you on any ? a> atte vou may satisfy may advise. ^ Ucability of effecting yourself of thpl0per arrangements your object thiougn p Wilmington ?llh th. P?? enter Into any company - i t ' m , e that seeing further details, and stilly noi g of our anxious desire t? m<^^bUc conven the department lled to make the for carrying our objects into effect. _ investigation is ordered. Reports of Traffic in Indian Girls at Haskell Institute. \cling Secretary Pierce of the Depart ment of the Interior is having an inyesti ?Uon made into the charge that immoral ?*r is being carried on in Indian g)Hs at the Haskell Institute. No official sug gestion that such a condition has ever existed in the case of the girl students at the institute has ever reached Mr Pierce^ i < itinnirv give anv color of truth to E? reports, the utmost effort will be made to bring the culprits to Justice. Gets Sixty-Day Sentence. lames H. Wilson, alias R. H. Williams, j wj o was arrested by Detective Warren, I charged with obtaining money by false I pri tenses, pleaded guilty in the Police I Court todav "nd on the recommendation ! of District Attorney Turner Judge Mul I lownj aentenced him to sixty da\? Capital and Surplus. Stf.rioo.ono. TT et This Bank ii=4 Supply You ?with Travelers' Checks and Letters of Credit for your foreign tour. Available throughout the world and absolutely safe. Corjporationi, 1414 F St. Uptown Branch. lliK Conn. ave. Downtown Branch. Center Mkt. ^8MB3*S5S56?aii8B8BSl!96i|:!??i Mt- J Capital anil Surplus. t2.700.000 ? Konouri-m Our tl3.000.000 ! ? S 11 WeGIadlyOfferjj | Suggestions 1 | ?concerning safe and 3 profitable investments to g 3 our depositors. .! Our banking service is m j | characterized by every $ ; courtesy consistent with | 3 1 m m r< conservatism. ^ ? fcTSpecial Dept. FOR LADIES. I 3 M M ? 14 M j u . hi JJ i:y ' ' ?? ! wi a i;4 I i National BANK, a ! }J PA. AVE. OPPOSITE V. S. TREASURY. ?! I t? au2M-ui.u.f.?l J Perpetual BwiMding Association. ! Loans on Real Estate. |Sr,ooo for $5 Monthly Interest $2,000 for $10 Monthly Interest. | $3,000 for $15 Monthly Interest. $4,000 for $20 Monthly Interest. $5,000 for S25 Monthly Interest. Payments back 011 principal draw interest. Xo commissions. Moderate expenses. Office: 1313 th Street N.W. an23-tf.42 T New York Los Angeles W ashington San Francisco E. F. Siutton & Co., Members New York Stock Exchange New York Cotton Exchange r \cw York Coffee Exchange Chicago Board of Trade New Orleans Cotton Ex change i 1301 F Street N.W. Telephone Main 9170 t Thomas L. Hume, Manager. & W.B.IHibbs&Co. fNew Turk Stork Exrbaiig* Members -j Washington Stork Exchange Lckicaco Board of Trad* LOCAL SECURITIES bought and sold on same favorable terms as we offer for trading In New York stocks and bonds. Hibbs Building mjrt9-eo,tf,40 Money at 4V$ and 5% LOANED ON D. C. BBAf. S&TATB. Heiskell & McLeran, MW-tf ? sr.