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ers have been holding tip street cars and ordering the occupants of thorn out. Heretofore all have obeyed. I^ast night, however, the three troopers and a deputy sheriff were passengers, and. being arm ed, refused to be ordered about by the strikers. They resisted, and for twenty minutes a battle ensued. It is apparent today that all the dead and a majority of the injured fell in this battle, loiter when reinforcements arrived many more were clubbed and shot, but the first bat tle. waged by only four men against a thousand strike sympathizers, was the fatal one. It is said the three troopers had not yet joined the constabulary stationed at the plant. The force of state police located at I'unxsutawney, J'a.. which recently took ? harge of the strike situation at the Standard Steel Car works, Butler, Pa., has ber-n ordered here, and is expected to arrive during today. The question oT or dering out the miiitia has not yet been decided. Ijeniency heretofore displayed by the constabulary toward the strikers is ab sent today. Stringent measures are be ing used, and the least overt act com mitted by the strikers is met with a riot -tick or the hoofs of a policeman's horse. Mass Meeting Prohibited. Attempts are being made today to pre \ ent the holding of a mass meeting at the historic Indian mound, where up to ihis time the meetings of the idle men have been held daily. Thousands of strikers began their journey to the mound early today, but many of them were forcibly and abruptl\ halted and started in nn opposite direction. Owing to the sullen demeanor of the strikers the strength of the constabulary is concentrated In the vicinity of the In dian mound. This i>oint, it is believed, will not be the scene of any further dis order. Sheriff Gumbert is being besieged with complaints from large disinterested cor porations situated or having property within the strike zone. I Informations against twenty-seven pris oner? now detained in the box car jails, charging them with aggravated assault and battery, carrying concealed weapons and Inciting a riot, were made today by the state constabulary. Several score of others are in custody for participation in last night s disorder. A house-to-house canvass is in progress today. All weapons are being confiscated by the troopers, while a rigid search is being made for dynamite, a large quan tity of which is reported to be in the pos session of the strikers. A force of deputy coroners has been dispatched to McKees Rocks with instructions to ascertain if possible the identity of the instigators of, the trouble. Whether they are strikers j or officers. Coroner Jamison says, they | will be dealt with according to law, when found. Practically the entire county detective force has been sent into the strike zone j for the first time since the inception of the trouble. During the rioting last night several street cars of the Pittsburg Railway Company were damaged, while bricks in a number of freight cars on a siding of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie railroad i were used as missiles by the rioters and scattered over a wide territory. Valua ble property of other companies was de stroyed, resulting in a demand being made of Sheriff Gumbert for more ade quate protection. During the night the I sheriff swore in fifty extra" deputies, and j as many more will be added before to night. I GOVERNOR IS ANXIOUS. Hears Account of Strike Riot From Capt. Groome. PHILADELPHIA, August 23.?Capt. John C. Groome. superintendent of the state police, today pave Gov. Stuart an account of the shooting at McKees Rocks, and the latter was greatly dis turbed over the occurrence. Inasmuch as no word had been heard from Sheriff Gumbert, who Is in charge of the situa tion, as to whether the militia would be required to quell the trouble, the gov ernor has left the question of additional troops to Capt. Groome. Capt. Groome declared that he is in hourly communi cation with Capt. Marsh, who is in com mand at McKees Rocks, and the infor ? matlon he has received today is of a ?peaceful nature, there being no necessity, he believes, for reinforcements. It is quite likely, however, that a troop of state policemen from either the "Wilkes barre or the Pottsville stations mav be ordered to the scene of the rioting for the moral effect it may have. Capt. Groome's version of what occur red last night is that the state troopers who were fired upon before the rioting began were probably mistaken by the Strikers for strikebreakers. "Four enlisted men stationed at McKees "Rocks," said Capt. Groome, "had left owing to the expiration of their term of service, and we werp sending four others In plain clothes from the Greensburg sta tion to take their places. Two troopers from the barracks, also in plain clothes, had gone to meet them. As they were re turning on a trolley car the strikers mis took them for strikebreakers. The strikers ordered the supposed strikebreakers to leave the car. They re sisted and fought while lying low in the car. All of them were armed. Trooper John C. Smith, I understand, though wounded, crawled to the barracks and notified the troopers there, and the second battle occurred." STRIKERS MOSTLY ALIENS. Not Members of the Iron and Steel Workers' Union. Secretary Morrison of the American Federation of Labor proposes to ask the Department of Commerce and Labor to investigate the conditions under which men are working for the Pressed Steel Car Company at McKees Rocks, Pa. Not one of the men now on strike, he said, Is affiliated with the Federation of I^abor. "These workers." he said today, "have been confounded with the strikers of the Iron and Steel Workers of America. There 1s no relation whatever between these two classes of workers. The Pressed Steel workers are car workers, and if organized would come under the jurisdiction of the far Workers' International I'nlon. In vestigation has shown me that there is not a member of that union working for the Pressed Steel Car Company. "By the introduction of foreign labor 1hat company has reduced the wages and < otiditions of these men to such an extent ! that these aliens, who do not speak our I language, have revolted and are Strug- ' cling to obtain living conditions. An in vestigation of these conditions by the government would reveal astonishing methods I have in mind now a request to the Department of Commerce and La bor to Investigate these conditions." RESTORED TO HIS POST. Charges Against American Engineer in Cuba Found to Be Groundless. 'Tames Page, . American engineer in rl.argc of the work on*.the Cienfuegos nqueduct. Cuba, and who was removed from office by Senor I-iqueruela. then secretary of public works, has been re stored to his important post," says a re rent issue of Havana Discuslon. "The I'nited States government protest ed ngainst the removal of Mr. Page and asked ^the appointment of a commission to Inquire into the charges against him. Joaquin Chalons, at one time director general of public works, and Mr. Mae Comb, Supervising engineer of the sew ers and bridges of Havana, were directed to proceed to Cienfuegos and examine Into the professional and administrative conduct of Mr. Page's office. "The report, favorable in every way to! Mr. I'age, has been returned to Dr Da-i maco Pasalodos, secretary to President Gomez, and the restoration of Mr. Page! to his office has been ordered." Mr. Page is well known In Washington 1 as he was for many years the marine' meteorologist at the Navy Department ! and la'er meteorologist at the weather bureau. Hydrophobia Claims Maryland Boy. j Special Dinpateh to Tlie S'tar. BALTIMORE Md.. August ^5? Harry! Montgomery, the thirteen-year-oid son <d John Montgomery, of Ntinamakers mill, near Keedysvllle. Md., who had been suf fering from hydrophobia at the Mercy Hospital, having been brought to ilie in-i stitution for treatment the 1st of August, died early this morning. The boy was bitten by a dog July 29. CAUSE OFTHE STRIKE "Pooling System" Responsible for McKees Rocks Trouble. PUTS LOSS ON THE MEN Skilled Workers Suffer for Faults of the Less Expert. | 'COMPANY SAFE AGAINST LOSS _______ Cars Turned Out at Fixed Cost Whether Individual Workers I Shirk Duty or Not. The causes of the labor strike ;it the j McKees Rocks plant of ti.e Pressed Steel ("ar Company are discussed in a recent : number of the Survey, by Paul I". Kel- j | lose. i lie says the strike may mark a deter- j ; mined tren>! in industrial administra j tion, as well as b^insr a "clean-cut illus tration of 1110 part which the Slavs may ; play in the industrial life of this cotin i try." ?'It is a protest of the half-assimilated, the half-Americanized, the half-skilled j against the very industrial policies which j ! have brought'them here. ' Mr. Kellogg j says, "and which, by the deploying of fresh migrations, tends to keep them all down to what the company calls ordinal> day labor." It is a later chaptei than that of the stand of the native born against the foreigner, or even of tiie English speaking against those of alien tongues. "It finds American workmen casting i their lot with the Slavs, and it finds public opinion in the Pennsylvania steel district backing up their joint cause. "More important to Pittsburg than her j tonnage output is the making of good citizens out of all who labor here. He i is an optimist indeed who can see any good at all in such economic conditions I as are bared in this strike and attend ant rioting. "On the other hand, the strike may mark an equally det? mined trend in in I dustrial administrate n. It was caused by the rigorous logical extreme to which ! the employing company carried out what they conceive to be progressive policies in multiple production. Protest Against Pooling System. "My understanding is," Mr. Kellogg j continues, "that during the period of j hard times they overhauled their equip- i ment in such ways as to make them less | and less dependent upon trained men. i They established a track system, by which even a crude working force prac- j ticallv drives itself into tinning out cars, : i and a pooling system of payment which j keeps the labor cost per car within aj fixe.l charge to the company, and which I unloads the hazards of lost time and mistakes in construction largely upon the men. "Apart from the vagrant charges of graft and abuse by foremen, which have been given more than their share of pub licity. the strike has been over a sweep ing reduction in wages which the men 1 laid up to this new system." Mr. Kellogg asserts that along with the modern operating policies, the com pany "clings to an inflexible assertion of the most ancient property rights as j as basis for running its plant. It will not tolerate petitions or meet with repre sentatives of the workmen, and it refuses to arbitrate. "The company holds that as long as a man accepts employment In Its works iie must accept the terms the company grants or quit; that so long as he tan quit work the man who thinks himself underpaid has no grievance, and that whether one man or a thousand quit work is none of the public's business. That is what the company pays taxes for." The processes of making steel cars. Mr. Kellogg explains, have reached a point where very few skilled mechanics are de manded, compared with quick operators of heavy machines. The company claims a month's training will turn an immi grant into a riveter. What "Pooling" Means. The piece rate pooling system, which is said to be something- brand-new. and to the operations of which the workmen have entered their strenuous objection, was installed early in the present year. Explaining the pooling system, the wiiter says: "A track runs the length of the erection aisle. The trucks are placed on the track at fine end. electric cranes pick up tiie plates, piece by piece they are put together and riveted, ami a completed car rolls off at the other end of the truck. "There are perhaps twelve positions on this track, and at each position a group of men who perform one step in the process of completing a car. Kvery po sition is allowed, say, twenty minutes. If the ;ang at position s is slow or has difficult i s in getting out its stunt ft holds up the whole procession, and every man j in the earlier positions loses time. "If time wages were paid, and a car erected in a stationary position, all the j delays would fall on the company, and j only constant prodding from a foreman i would keep a loafer or a "greener" at j | high speed. By means of piece wages! I and a track down the erection aisle one gang drives another. "The installation of such a system, even in a few departments, as was done at McKees Rocks, was bound to provoke some friction at the1 start. But pressing, punching and riveting steel plates of all i shapes is not so easy to reduce to a piece-rate standard as the tonnage which runs through all departments of a steel mill. Therefore the piece-rate pooling system was installed. A Sample Account. To make the system clear, Mr. Kellogg takes a sample pool of six men whose account for a fortnight was given Jum | at the companv's office. They performed this work: .">oo pieces at 1?? cents each, S.v>; loo pieces at K> cents each, $ir>; jnu pieces at 20 cents each. $4o; :uh> pieces at 10 cents each, $?!<?. Total 'if pool, Jl.'I.'i. The pool piece-work earnings of each* tnan was apportioned in this way: It all the men in the pool had been paid by their hourly ratings they would have earned a total of $lo7. But by handling 1.100 pieces during the fortnight at piece rates the pool was entitled to gl.*'5-, or excess. Divide $1.C> by $107 and you have 1.11617 for a pool rate, with which to multiply the day-rate earnings of each man to get his share of the excess. Thus, John Doe, helper, in the sample pool, w ho worked ]oo hours and was rated, at 17 cents, was entitled not only to lo'? times 17 cents, or $17, but to 1.1M17 times $17. or $21.45?his pool piece work earnings for the fortnight. "From a manager's standpoint the pool piece-work system lias a signal adminis trative advantage in making the men each other's monitors in keeping up speed j and discipline. When the earnings of i an entire pool are dependent upon the j output of every man in it. it is claimed, the men will get rid of the drones, anil I develop spirit and team play. "The charges brought by the men against the way the Pressed Sieel Car Company applied the system are many and definite. Since the strike the com pany has offered to look into and adjust the cases of individual grievance brought before it, but has flatly refused to take them up before an impartial board of arbitration. Complaint of the Men. "In the lirst place, the men claim they j ha>ve no way of checking up what is coming to them. No piece rates are post ed, as under the ohl system. They do not know what the pool is going to get per piece for any of the work it does, nor the lump sum due it at the end of a fortnight. The\ claim the hourlv rate is not a guaranteed minimum; that many of the men have received pay far under i what they understood their rating to be, and thai foremen and superintendents have refused to tell others what their j rating was. "If one nang spoils its pari of the l work, the first gait:; loses also on the! [ spoiled piece. Mis'?ikes of the foremen j resulting in the undoing of work is lost ! by the pool." Some of (lie claims of the foreign work men, as given hy Mr. Kellogg, are that they have no quarter where their com plaints against bosses, small pay, etc., would he listened to; their treatment by! the special company police and other things. I In conclusion. Mr. Kellogg say*: "The men have made a pool of tjjeir 1 own. The very deadlock of the strike is : prophetic. It throws into relief the forces which during the next decade are like'y to determine the standard of living among j immigrant wage earners in the Pittsburg i district." MAYORS RESPOND CORDIALLY; THEIR ATTENTION CALLED TO COMING FLORAL PARADE. Chief Executives of Baltimore and Alexandria Reply -to Chairman Gans' Invitation. Chairman Isaac Gans of the Chamber of Commerce floral parade committee today received letters from the mayors of Bal timore and Alexandria containing cordial responses to Mr. (Jans' recent letter in- j vit:ng the automobilists of those cities to participate In tlie coming festival. Mayor Maiiool of Baltimore and Mayor Faff of Alexandria botn write that they have taken up the?matter with the commercial interests of their respective cities and that the invitation is being favorably re- j ctived. There will be a meeting of the com- I mittee in the Chamber of Commerce I rooms Wednesday night, when a report , will be received from Commissioner West, j chairman of the committee 011 prizes, re- ; lative to the number of prizes that have been donated and the method of dis tribution. Invitation to Business Houses. .Several clerks are busy sending out the following letter, prepared by JAmes F. Oyster, chairman of the commercial *?tc tion of the parade: "Dear Sir? The Chamber of Commerce automobile floral parade affords an op portunity for bringing your firm even nio.e prominently before the Washington public. "We understand your Arm is equipped with tine commercial motor vehicles, and ask that as a public-spirited citizen you will enter them in the parade. "Already ten cups for first prizes and over twenty-five second prizes have been offered, and more wrtl probably be re ceived. The parade bids fair to be the most unique in the country. it has been suggested to the committee that a dis tribution of small samples from your car! of any commodity you care to advertise | would lend a publicity to the article of much value. "Will you enter your cars, donate a j prize, dr help in some way to make this first commercial parade to be held in the j District a success? "Very truly yours, "JAMES F. OYSTER. "Chairman Commercial Section." j SIX CHICAGOANS DROWNED. One Day's Record of Swimming Fa talities at Resorts. Special Dispatch tr> The Star. CHICAGO. August li't.?Six Chicagoans lost their lives swimming at resorts yes terday. The victims were Oliver Cieslin ski, sixteen years old, 880 West Diversey avenue; Thomas Cie.-linski, sixteen years t old, 880 West Diversey avenue; Homer ! Morber, twenty-four years old, 3616 Ellis j avenue; boy believed 10 have been Ig- j natius Sonnenfleld, sixteen years old, 3521 | West Diversey avenue. Mrs. James Wallace was washed over board from a motor boat at Spring I-ake and Clarence Franklin met a similar fate at Hartford, Wis. The Cieslinski twins &nd the other boy wero drowned within 2?X) feet of the shore, off Belmont avenue. The boys were learning to swim and were clinging to a log which turned over, causing them to lose their hold and fall into the water. Seeing his brother fall in, Thomas Cies linski, who had hold of the log a few feet away, reached out and caught Oliver by the arms. A sudden twist of the log threw the three boys into the water and they sank before help arrived. TAKEN FROM SHIP DYING. Wife of Admiral Potts Stricken on Voyage From London. NEW YORK. August 23.?Cnconscious and believed to be dying ol" apoplexy, Mrs. Robert Potts, wife of Rear Admiral Potts. I". S. X.. retired, was removed from the steamer Minnetonka, which ar rived here today from l.ondon. Her son. Jj. I. Potts of Brooklyn, accompanied by! Kev. Father Dooley of Fordham Cniver- j sity, boarded the steamer at quarantine ! and 1 he priest administered the last rites. Mrs. Potts has been abroad for a year to regain her health, and when she and her husband boarded the steamer at Lon don she appeared to be greatly improved. Last Monday she was stricken with what : appeared to be an apoplectic stroke and has not yet regained consciousness. Siie was removed to St. Vincent's Hospital, where it was said she would probably live but a few hours. STEAMBOAT RIOTERS FINED. Light Punishment Inflicted Owing to Their Injuries. Kdward Dixon and Thomas Horsey, col ored. participants In the "razor social" on the steamer River Queen, early yes terday morning, were lined $"> each in Police Court today. This light fine was levied by Judge Kimball on the repre sentation of Policeman Flathers. that the men were badly cut up. and had prob ably suffered enough. Neither was seri ously injured. Tiie other four negroes who were held by the police as participants forfeited j collateral. Delia Schools, after the sortie from the steamer, summoned a waiting hack, and called Jimmie Green to ride with her. Just before the hack reached its destina tion Jimmie slipped out. The driver got down from his box, and after much effort aroused Delia, who had fallen asleep. She told the driver she had no money, and to get it from Jimmie. The driver there upon drove her to the sixth precinct sta tion. She was lined S4 in court today. FUNERAL OF CAPT. FAUNCE. Veteran Riverman Will Be Laid to Rest Tomorrow. The funeral of Capt. P. P. Faunce. who died at his home, till 8th street south west, Saturday night last, will take place tomorrow at _ p.m. from ids late home. The interment will be in Congressional cemetery. Capt. Faunce had long been a sufferer from a pulminary trouble, but until a week ago his condition was not regarded as serious. He was a native of this city, the son of the late Capt. George Faunce. When otiite a young boy he started sailing and (ishing on the Potomac. About thirty years ago he became en gaged in the wholesale handling of tisii at the 11 til street wharf market, and for the past twenty years was associate! with the firm of R. A. Golden & Co. at the wharf. Capt. Faunce was a genial ' gentleman, and to know him was to like him. He had a fund of information re garding the river, and often would talk with his friends of old fishing days when herring, shad and sturgeon were plentiful and in season were dally caught in large numbers. His wife, two sons. Philip and Leonard Faunce, both of whom are in government employ, and one daughter. Miss Mildred Faunce. survive him. ("aids are out announcing the marriage of William Lefevre. son of Peter lyfevre of Ashbirrn. and Miss Leba V. Ankers, dans iter of Mr. and Mrs. William Ankers of Waxpool. Va.. at the latter place by Rev. G. W. II. Ilopki'v nastor of Mount Hope Baptist Church e 4 AIRSHIP BUILT HERE Test of Bamboo Flier at Ben ning Race Track. NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC John H. Smidley Believes He Has Achieved Success. MACHINE WEIGHS 225 POUNDS If Successful. Steel Construction Will Be Tried and Govern ment Interest Invoked. . Be lining rare track will bp tlie scene of tlie next aeroplane trials to be held in Washington, though the trials will not he open to tlie public, and it is not ab solutely certain that the machine will ? fly. Everything looks propitious, however, and t lie machines will be taken there to morrow. J. H. Smidley. who been working on a monoplane here for several months, is the inventor in question, and, having completed his machine, is going to g ve it a trial, as stated, over the infield of the Benning track. The machine was tirst put together in a small shop on Capitol Hill, and was >.ien moved to the Vermont garage, near Thomas Circle, where it has h?*en for several weeks, re ceiving the finishing touches. It is the first monoplane built in Wash ington and if it proves successful will he the first one to fly in the 1 nited States. The machine is bui!t on nov< 1 lines but is a counterpart of gliders which Mr. Smidlev has operated and which have proved" successful. The point of greatest interest to aviators is that his weights supporting surface and horsepower are all about of the accepted standard for suc cessful machines. The monoplane has a weight of about pounds and carries a little over a pound to the square foot ot supporting surface. It has an eighteen horsepower two-cylinder air-cooled motor that drives an eight-foot two-bladed pro peller with an increase in pitch, which theoretically should give a driving force of -?? pounds. Mr. Smidley says his Pi"e" vious experiments have shown him that he will be able to get into the a r if the propeller develops 150 pounds. Built of Bamboo. The machine is built of bamboo and is joined at the connecting points witii light metal collars. *1 he construction is simple, strong and light. The main frame is. roughly speaking, a big rec tangular box of bamboo with the en gine set a little below the center and driving the propeller by a chain, tne center of the propeller being about on a level with the main planes. The main planes are in the form of huge horizontally extended wings a little above the center of the rectangu lar box. They do not quite meet in the middle of the monoplane, the space between being left for the passage ot air to increase the stability of the ma chine while in flight. There is a smaller rectangular plane at the top and in front and a semi-circular tail at 'lie rear, both ot" them tending to give fore and aft stability, but both of them per manentlv fixed in place and having nothing to do with the steering of the machine. NoVel Steering Device. The steering device is one of the novel features, and if it works with the big aeroplane as it has done with the glideis, it is claimed it will prove one of the devices not in conflict with the W right patents. It is semi-circular shape, with the diameter of the circle forward. It is split from the diameter to the rear circumference, so that one-hal; of the plane may remain raised while the other half is pulled down. Pulling down either TTalf of this semi-circle acts on tJie air like backing water with the oar of a boat and tends to throw the machine around. Dropping both of these forwurd rudders will send the machine up in tne air and elevating thfcm both will guide it down. The whole of this steering de vice is controlled from a bicycle handle bar set in the center of the machine. The operator's seat -is just back of this handle bar and forward of the motor. The machine on very small ball bearing rollers and rises off a track but without the aid of a falling weight. It is possible that skids will be put under the machine for landing before a trial is made, as Mr. Smidley thinks the rollers are a little too small for operating on a dirt surface. , May Be Exhibited. Ii has been decided if the machine proves a success to put one or perhaps two of them on the road for exhibition purposes during the remainder of this season, ^nd to start a factory for build ing other machines of the same model either in Washington or Baltimore. Mr. Hmidlev is himself a mechanic and de signer," and has been interested in the subject of mechanical flight for several vears. lie has maiie a business arrange ment with Charles Tribbv of Washington, who will furnish the financial liacking for the enterprise if a factory is started here. Mr. Smidley says lie is not at all satis fied with the mechanical construction of his present machine, but built it simply to try out the principle on a nmn-carr> - ing scale. He and Mr. Trtbby both wish to build another machine of steel instead of bamboo, and if the one of bamboo proves capable of (light they will endeavor interest the War Department in the matter. FINAL DECREE TOMORROW. Court's Action in Gould Divorc? Case Goes Over. NEW - YORK. August 25.?When (he motion for a final decree of absolute di vorce in the action brought by Mrs. Helen Kelly Gould against Frank J. Gould was called in the supreme court today, an ad journment was granted until tomorrow. It is not expected there will be any oh-j jection to the granting of the final de cree when the case comes up tomorrow, although there may be some question about the custody of the children, Helen and Dorothy. The interlocutory decree permitted Mr. Gould to have the children from May to December, his wife to have their custody for the remainder of the year. ? WORLD S TUNA FISH RECORD. Bass Angling Champion Lands Blue Fin in Fifteen Minutes. A V A DON. Cal., August 1SJ.?D. G. Mur phy, the holder of the world's record for black sea bass angling, yesterday made another remarkable world's record by bringing a lis pound blue fin tuna to gaff ip fifteen minutes. The reason given for this phenomenal angling was that on the first leap of the monster fish, the line became wound about the fish and materially aided the angler. RESTRAINED BY KEEPERS. Murderer Menaces Brother of Wom an He Killed. SjH-rlal I>is|>:tt<-li to TUe s"t*r. WIDKESBARRE, Pa.. August ? Keepers at the Luzerne county prison this morning prevented George I,. Marion, the New York theatrical man wiio mur dered his wife, from attacking Earle E. Dee of Zion City, III., the brother of the murdered woman, who came here to take charge of the bodj and of the four-year old child of the couple. Dee visited the jail to make Marion rr tract some of the statements he had made to the newspapers about the niur-^ tiered woman ami did so after ?.{ heated interview. At the close Marion grew so angry that he tried to attack Lee, hut was prevented by keepers. Marion said this morninc that he had expected to kill himself after shooting his wife in the office of Chief of Police I-onji last Friday evening, but he was over powered before he couid do so. He also says tiiat his wife and the man she ran away with planned to murder him at i Blairstown, N. J.. hut he discovered the plot and avoided them. I,ee says lie will i return here to see his sister's murderer j hanged. SETTLES PROBLEMS IN NAMES PUBLICATION OF DECISIONS BY GEOGRAPHIC BOARD. Spelling of the Designations of Places in All Parts of the World. - The I'nited States geographic board has jus; issued a publication containing all ideciFions rendered fiy the Ivard durum i the year ended July I, I'.HW. In i's prefa ' lory note, it is stated that "the board 'passes on all unsettled questions concern ? ins; geographic names which arise in ti" i departments, as well as determining. ! changing and fixing place name? within 1 the I'nited States and its insular posse.? sions. and all names hereafter suggested | by any officer of the novernment shall be referred to the board before publication. The decisions of the board are to be ac cepted by all the departments of the government as standard authority. Ad ? visory powers were granted the board concerning the preparation of maps, com piled or to be compiled, in the various offices and bureaus of the government, with a special view to tiie avoidance ot unnecessary duplication of work, and for the unification and improvement >' 1 e scales of maps, of the symbols and con vention-! used upon them, and ot the methods of representing relief. Herea'ter all such projects as are <>t shall be submitted to this board for ad vice before being undertaken." t The officers and members of the board j are: Henry Gannett, chairman; Frank I Bond, representing the general land of j lice. Department of the Interior; Andrew I Bra:d, coast and geodetic survey. Depart | ment of Commerce and Labor; Henry i Gannett, geological survey. Department of the Interior: Adolph von Haake. Post Office Department: Arnold B. Johnson, lighthouse board. Department of Com merce and Labor; Thaddeus W. J-ones. office of the chief of staff. Department of War* Frank A. Kiod. government print I ir.g office: William McNelr, bureau of j rolls and library. Department of State: C. ' Hart Merriam. bureau of biological sur i vey, Department of Agriculture: John S. I Mills, office of the Secretary, Department of the Treasury: Fred G. Plummer, forest 1 service. Department of Agriculture: j Charles S. Sloane. bureau of census. De partment of Commerce and Labor: Charles W. Stewart, library and Naval War Records office. Department of the Navy: Albert G. Winterhalter, hydro graphic office, Department of the Navy. Some Queer Names. Decisions are rendered on the spelling of names of places located in all parts of the world. For instance, we have "Ban darabbas." a seaport on the southern coast of Persia, which is not to be spell ed "Bandar Abbas," "Bender Abbas, "Gambroon" or "Gombrun on charts, ! maps or publications issued in this coun | try. "I"' is the spelling of the name of an i island east of Quelpart, southern coast of I Korea. This is the shortest geographic I name known. "Fifteenth Cavalry" is the name adopt ed for a pass in Mindanao, Philippine Islands. ? "Heilungkiang." is the spelling of a province in Manchuria. China, it taking the place of the various lorms heretofore in use. as follows: Helungkiang. Hei lung-kiang, He-lung-kiang. Hilung-chiang anu Tsitskhar. Coming nearer home, we have "Caloosa hatciiee," a river in Lee county, Fia.; "Canada del Corte de Madera," land grant, five miles southwest of Standford University. Cal.; "Paradise Dry." is the name of a canyon in Cache county. 1. tali. "Van Deventer," is a name given to an island in the Potomac river in Montgotn i ery county. This island was heretofore i variously known as Gassaway, Gassa ways, Van Devender, Van Devener and Vandevener. "Asquith" is an island in Honga river. Dorchester county, Md., which is not to be known as "Ascombs" or "Aiaquith," as heretofore. "Backgarden" is a spelling adopted for a creek in Dorchester county, Md. This takes the place of "Back Garden," "Bear Garden" and "Big Pond," which are names variously used for the same place. "Chieamacomico" supplants the old spelling of Chicimacomico and Chick amaromico. being a liver in Dorchester county. Md. While "Pone" is given as the name to what was formerly "Billy s. an island in the same county. "Selden," an island on the Potomac river. Montgomery county, takes the place of the ohl spelling, "Sheldon." "Spotsylvania" county and courthouse, Virginia, is adopted instead of the former spelling of the word with two "is." ANOTHER RECORD FOR CURTISS America Aviator Makes Fast Time at Rheims. RHEIMS. August I'M.?Glenn H. Curtiss. the American aviator, inade a record here today. He covered one lap. a distance of 0 1-5 miles, in 8 minutes 3-5 seconds. This is the official timing. CURTISS IS BETTER. Wright Brothers' Aeroplane Suit Riles Him. RIIKIMS. August Glenn 11. Curtiss expressed ureal surprise today at the de cision of the Wright brothers to sue him personally. He insists that the Wrights never have specified completely wherein he has infringed upon their patents. Cortland F. Bishop, president of the Hcrring-Curtiss Company, maintains that the claim for a basic patent is not good and that Mr. Curtiss does not employ the warping wing principle which is a distinctive feature of the Wright machine. The partisans of Mr. Curtiss are mani festing considerable bitterness against the rights for bringing this suit at the mo ment when Mr. Curtiss is the sole rep resentative of the I'nited States in a for eign flying contest, especially as they de clined to enter this contest themselves and the Wright aeroplanes here are class ed as French machines. It is understood that the Wright broth ers always have insisted that most of the foreign types of flying machines were infringements upon their patents, but they purposely refrain from bringing suit until aviation week should have demon strated the superiority of their machines. Such suits will then lie brought. FOUND DEAD IN HOTEL BED. Baltimore Traveling Salesman Dies at Norfolk. Va. NORFOLK, Va.. August J.5.?J. S. Mil- < ler, aged thirty-eight years, a traveling [ man from Baltimore, was found dead i in bed at his hotel here Sunday after noon. He arrived Friday and was ap- \ parently in the best-of health when last! seen Saturday night. A chambermaid j discovered the body. Coroner Knight j decided that death resulted from natural ? causes. Miller's home was at ltrjl Linden a\e- ? nue. Baltimore. The body is beiug held I for instructions. America-Canadian Cricketers Meet. MONTREAL, Quebec, August i'5.?In the international cricket match between the Associated Crick-t Clubs of Philadel- j phia, representing the I'nited States, and ; a picket team of Canadian clubl* heuau ! here today. Of the thirty-live previous ! matches oetween the two countries twenty-four have been won by the I United States, nine by Canada and two j have been drawn. Canada won the toss for today's game, and when time was called for luncheon ! had scored 110 runs for tiv? wickets. j READY FOR BUSINESS I I Council of Sons of Veterans at Arlington Hotel. PRELIMINARY WORK OVER Proceedings of Regular Session to Begin Tomorrow. * I ADDRESSES OF WELCOME DUE 1 Plans for Next Encampment at Atlantic City and Other Matters Considered Today. i ? . I Maj. F. S. Hodgson. With the convening of the council-in ehief of the Sons of Veterans. 1". P. A., at the Arlington Hotel this afternoon, the wheels of the twenty-eighth annual en ? eampmenl of the organization were set ; in motion. The real work of the convention will be gin tomorrow when the opening session of the encampment will be held at the Arlington. The sons and daughters of Union Vet erans will be welcomed to Washington by Commissioner H. 1?. F. Macfarland and William F. Glide, president of the Chamber of Commerce. The responses will be bv 0(kmmander-in-Cl)ief Edgar Allen, jr., of the Sons of Veterans; for mer Senator John M. Thurston and Wil liam F. Muse. It is expected a repre sentative of President Taft will*also ad dress the assemblage. The business ses sion will bo opened at !?:.".<? o'clock to morrow morning. The public will be ad mitted at 11 o'clock a~m. There will he another session beginning at J o'clock tomorrow afternoon and me morial exercises will be conducted by National Chaplain Benjamin F. Jones at 4:W o'clock. The crowning event of the encampment, a campfire. to which all patriotic societies in the District i^re in vited, will be held, beginning at T o'clock tomorrow evening. Council Considers Business. The council-in-chief at its session this afternoon gave consideration to matters of importance that will come before the encampment for action during its session. Among these was the "matter of holding the next annual encampment at Atlantic; City conjointly with the G. A. It. The decision was reached seme time ago to meet every year at the sam - time , and place with the Grand Army, but as j E. R. Campbell. the convention city this year?Salt l.ake City?was so distant, it was agreed to meet in ihis city. Another mat er that was considered was the proposition for the erection in this city of a peace monument b> th Sons j | of Veterans, t'. S. A., and the Cnited Sons of <k>nf derate Veterans. It is be-' lieved the encampment will consummate | the peace monument plan this year. A committee will be appointed to co-operate with one from th Sons of Confederate | Veterans as to plans, ways and means. j Plans Permanent Headquarters. ! Still another matter of importance tak- 1 en up by the council was a plan for the j establishment of permanent national headquarters here, and the erection of a memorial hall upon the "baby bond" plan, j to be the property <??' the organization, it j is proposed that the building shall be self- | sustaining from rentals received. It is j understood to !>e the opinion of niost of j the# members of the council that head- i quarters should !>*? located at the cajrital i of the nation. Headquarters at tiie Arlington present ed a busy aspect today as the delegates ' and members of the Daughters of Veter- I ans arrived and were assigned to board-! ing places. One of the early arrivals to- 1 day was George W. Pollitt of Patersoa, : N. J.. who is a candidate for commander in-chief. Other arrivals were John A. Bomhardt of the council-in-chief, who is a candi date for election as councilman-at-large in his native city, Cleveland. Ohio: H. A. Davis of Cleveland, the present division commander of Ohio, ami delegations from Delaware. New Jersey. Indiana. Ohio, Massachusetts. Pennsylvania, Maine and Maryland. It is estimated that '-In- attendance i will be between 1.000 and 2,00th in sev eral instances excursionists arc accom panying t lie delegates. Auxiliary Officers Here. Miss Molly Donaldson of Paterson, N. J., president of 'the Daughters of Vet-1 ?Milns. and Miss Mary J*. Tredo. nation <1 spciciaiy. arrived in this city toda> and opened national headquarter* of tlio Daughters at the Arlington. The ses sions of their organization *'.11 also bc gin tomorrow morning. Senior Vice Commander-'n-<*hief Arthur* I. Yescelius of I'aterswn. N J., lias open ed his headquarters at the Arlington lit is supporting (Seorge XV. Pollitt for toni mander-in-chief. The round of pleasure to wliioli the vis iting delegates w ill be treated by t lie lo cal sons was inaugurated yesterdav after noon by Maj. H. K. Campbell, past com mander-ln-ehlef. who was host on an au tomobile trip through Hock * 'reek Park to the Soldiers* Home, and through the picturesque Suburbs of Washington lli< guests were Past Commanders-in-Chief Pr. Ralph Sheldon of Albany and K. M. Amies of Altoona. Ph.. Mrs Amies at.d National Secretary Horace 11 Hammer of Heading. Pa. Star the Official Paper. I The Star has l>een designated as th* official paper of the encampment, and an office has been established at the Arling ton Hotel, where subscriptions for the encampment numbers of this paper will be received. A bureau of information has been opened at the I'nion railroad station, where members of Pushing and ? amp- of this city will be on hand to rive delegates and others information, .j - r-.-t them to their hotels or hoarding houses. see to their bagna^e. etc. I'on'inander-in-cluef IMtav Ailcr of Hi' Immnd. \"a , arii'fd liere today aiul ue:'; at mi< e to headquarters at the A* lington. \ telegram from P.ostor. announces tJ ? * t nariy of seventy-five sons and ding ters of veterans left that citv la^t hic for Washington via the Pall Kiver sieiii! Iniat route. They ar? expected here :? night. 'I he ?l"r from Saturday, \mkiini 31. to Thiirw?lay, INI. Inelimlve. eon - falniiiK foil reports ?f the roatrnilmt <>f the *>. (). V_ *?l|| he mailed to nay uddresK in the ( nited State*. pi?inu<* prepaid. for INI eent*. Kour N?u?enir p?iMt en id* "III he Kheu with each miiIi neription. GOOD NEWS FOR NAVY YARD MEN - NO REDUCTIONS TO BE MADE IN FORCE OF EMPLOYES. j Department's Program Formulated Early in the Summer Is to Be Carried Out. No reductions have be?n made recent 1 in the force at the Washington tiavv yard, and none are in contemplation, either as a result of contracts already made with private establishments for the manufacture of naval guns or as a result of new contracts of that character unde> j consideration. The ordnance program of f the Navy Department was made and an : nounc d early in the summer, as soon a.-* 1 it became known how much money would be available for the purpose, and that program Is to lie carried out. 1 Recent or prospective contracts with 1 private manufacturers, as well as t e needs of the Washington gun factory, w re i fully considered at the lime and t;ie pol [ icy then laid down is to be followed un 1 less some unexpected contingency shou'd arise to necessitate a change. That policy was reached after full conference with the officials of the Washington gun Uu torv as to the allotment of work required to maintain the existing force in operation ; during the present fiscal year. Estimates to that end were based on the operation of all the machines at the i yard with one shift of men. That is con sidered hv officials of the department and of the yard as sufficient to meet normal requirements. New Appointments. No reductions are to be made in the working force except such as occur b\ resignation, death or inefficiency. It is admitted, however, that reductions occur I ring in that way will not lead to new appointments until after the force has | reached its normal quota. All the above statements are made on ! the authority of Capt. Chase, acting j chief of the bureau of ordnance, and | other officials of the Navy Department, j having jurisdiction in the matter, and ! may be accepted as accurate and re liable. They were made with full knowledge of the purpose of giv ing con tracts to the Hothlehem and Midvale Steel companies for the manufacture of about half the number ??! big guns re quired for the batteries of the new bat tleships Arkansas and Wyoming. OMITTED FROM ITINERARY. Naval Academy Practice Squadron Need Not Go to Hampton Roads. At the request of the commander of t ?? Naval Academv practice siuadron. the Acting .Secretary of the Navy has au thorized toe omission of Hampton roads from the itinerary of the squadron on its return to Annapolis from its s itnmer cruise along the north Atlantic coast. The squadron consists of the cruisers Olympia. Hartford and Chicago, and ti e moiiit' r Tonopal:. and is jusi concluding a prac tice cruise with the naval midshipmen prior to ii eir resuming t fir utli lies at the Naval Academy. No explanation is ui*. e;i of 1 ie i'ailure to make ti.e usual stop at Hampton roads beyond the siippositii.n that the mid-hit men are in a hurry to get back to \'i napolis. Great disappointment, it is con ceded, will he felt at Port Monroe and Norfolk over tljis decision. PIONEER RAILWAY BUILDER. Death of John P. Brown. Wealthy Resident of Kansas. ATCHISON. Kan.. August 'SI.?John P Brown, a pioneer railroad builder and on. of Atchison's wealthiest citizens, died at his home here today, aged eighty years Mr. Brown came to America from lie land when a boy. Karlv in his career h?* was a member of a surveying party on the Pennsylvania railroad between Pitts burg and (Jreensburg. In 1KVI he took < grading contract with trie Baltimore and Ohio company, and lnt?-r built the S1 I.ouls. Iron Mountain and Southern rail way between St. I.ouls and Pilot Knob, Mo. In l*r.M Mr. Brown located in Atchi son and helped to build the central branch of the Missouri Pacirtc. ROQUE SCORES CLOSE. Washington Man in First Division at Norwich Tournament. NORWICH, Conn., August Keen interest is being displayed today in tlie (losing matches of the national roquc tournament and a large gallery followed the morning play. C. G. Williams of Washington, D. C.: Harold Bosworth of New* London, G. H. Clark and Edwaid Clark, both of Springfield, are closely placed in the race for chief honors in the first division. In the second division at the close of play last Saturday, first place lay between J. C. Kirk of Philadelphia and R. II Steele of Springfield. The defeat of Steele this morning by Capt. H. Warly. leaves Kirk in first place. The morning play resulted as follows: First division?H. Bosworth beat E. dark, G. H. Clark beat C. P. Browning. C. Jacobus defaulted to W. H. Wahly. W. II. Wahley defaulted to W. I.. Rooirison II. T. Webb deefaulted to W. Hogeland, C. Jacobus defaulted to I. J. Baker, W. -H. Wahley defaulted to W. Hogeland. I. J. Baker defaulted to E. Clark, W. Hoge land beat C. P. Browning, T. Rudd beat G. H. Clark. Second division?Capt. H. Wahle.v b< at R. H. Steele. Moors Attack Spanish Convoy. MELILLA. August U3.?A Spanish con voy was attacked by the Moors today at a point near Sidimusa. After severe light ing. In which seven Spaniards were wounded, the convoy was extricated from its position. The Moors are receiving re inforcements in large nutr