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Kloor Coverings Exclusively. Floor Coverings ? Exclusively. w Big Mill Purchase Carpets and Rugs. Remarkable Rug Values in This Sale. Velvet Rugs. Kfir'ilai' pri''H. Special. 27x54in., $2.00 $1.45 36x72in., $4.00 $2.45 | 7x9 ft., $16.00 $12.50 " 9x12 ft., $20.00 $16.50 * French Wiltons. l%>i:u!Hr Special. S.3XIO.6. ^50.00 $40.00 QXI2 ft., $60.00 $45.00 Axminster Rugs. R.-jru ar price. Special. 27x54in., $2.50 $1.95 6x9 ft., $16.00 $8.50 9x12 ft., $27.50 $19 25 Kashmer Rugs. Resnhir price. Special. 8.3X10.6, $12.50 $8.50 9X12 ft., $15.00 $10.50 Purchases Laid Aside on Payment of Small Deposit. 1 Pa? Ave. Giddings & Steele, Pa?Ave. FOREIGN MINISTER HAS NO FEAR OF REVOLUTION. Ambassador de? la Barra Declares Reports of Political Trouble Have Been Exaggerated. "There never lias been any fear of a i revolution in Mexico," declares Scnor Mariscal. the minister of foreign affairs, in a dispatch received at the Mexican em bassy. The Mexican ambassador, Senor de la Barra, as he handed the dispatch io a reporter, said lie felt that it ought to dis pose i>f the rumors which had been cur rent of Into indicating the probability of an uprising in his country as .*? result of the approaching presidential campaign. TIip ambassador declared that the whole : country will firmly sustain the candidacy of Diaz for the presidency for the next electoral term, and that the patriotism of the people was such that they would not brook any interruption to tlie era of prog ress on which Mexico had entered. Because of his position. Senor de la Karra said he did not feel at liberty to enter into a discussion of the merits and qualifications of the Mexican citizens whose names had been mentioned as can didates for the vice presidency, whose campaigns for that office appear to be really paramount to that of the presi dency because of tlie possibility of a sue- j i ession to tlie latter office in the event of j President Diaz's death. When asked for his views on the situa- i tion in Mexico, Ambassador de la Barra j consented to explain in a general way why, in his opinion, there was no danger! of a revolutionary movement because the sentiment of the people was opposed to j such a step. Actual Conditions Exaggerated. The actual conditions, he said, had been very much exaggerated. Diaz, tie continued, would be supported in his can didacy because of his honest, patriotic and wise administration of the presi dency, which had sained for him the re spect of the people both at home and ; abroad. The political agitation over the ! vice presidency would not. by any means, ! produce any disturbances in the public j peace of the country, he predicted. "The fear expressed in some quarters that tlie conflicts appearing: at Guadalajar | and oth r places were symptoms of a j coming revolution." added the ambassa dor, "are without foundation. Those con-' flic]s are simply political manifestations incidental to any campaign." SJMOr de la Barra said that in the con tacts referred to there had been neither loss of life nor damage to public prop- ' "rty. as had been stated. The course of business had not been interrupted, and 1 with a country like Mexico, which worked : and prospered, normal conditions had no been disturbed. The country, he de-' dared. is progressing and preparing within the limit of the law, for the next election. "1 have the conviction that peace will not be disturbed," he reit rated, "and, above all. the patriotism of my country men is such that they will not consent to any interference with progress, on which we have entered in such a decided man n r. So many enterprises, mining, indus trial and agricultural, have been devel oped during I tie long era of peace which has prevailed in Mexico that the people will not permit any inirrnption." Whole Country Prosperous. In contradiction of an impression which may obtain that Mexico is on the verge of a political and economical crisis the Mexican ambassador called attention spe cifically to the business of the Tehuante pec and Mexican National railroads as showing the prosperous condition of the country. The terminal ports of the for mer. lie said, already are inadequate to handle the intercontinental traffic in that section, termed by Baron Humboldt "the bridge of the world," necessitating en larged and improved facilities. The busi ness of the Mexican National, he said, had increased to such an extent that its earnings during the last six months had more than doubled over the preceding period. "This showing." said Ambassador de la Barra, in conclusion, "could not have been made in a country on the eve of a revolution, which, in the present instance, cannot be started, because it will be op posed by the practical sentiment and the patriotism of my countrymen." Tumblers Made of Ice. Special Cablegram to The Star. LONDON", August 1!.*!.? Ice tumblers are the latest invention. Water is introduced into a mold and is then frozen, the inside of the tumbler being rendered water proof by the application of a special so lution. The tumbler is removed from the machine and is fitted into a paper sleeve, which prevents the touch of the fingers from malting it. As soon as the contents of the tumbler have been drunk it can be thrown away, and thus ideal and hy gienic conditions are obtained. The ice tumblers cost only a twentieth of a penny to make. Charges Wheeling Man With Taking Drafts. PARKERSBl'RG, \V. Ya., August 23.? H. J. Smith of Wheeling is under arrest here on a charge of taking a package con taining New York drafts, amounting to S1.2ft'>, which were given to him through mistake by a clerk at the Hotel Munroe here. The package had been deposited with the hotel clerk by Thomas Fitzpat rick of Cairo, YV. Va.. Saturday night for safekeeping. After Smith was handed the package this morning he took an in terurban < ar for Marietta, where he was arrested arid was brought back this after noon. While running through the yards at Moundsville. W. Va.. J. R. Barg. engineer of Baltimore and Ohio passenger train No. 7, front Baltimore to Pittsburg, was killed when he stuck his head from the cab window. A telegraph pole protruding from a flat car tore off the top of his head. iCmpyrisjtot. 190l?. l>y Metropolitan Syndicate, NY.) Today's Your Lucky Day. Something that you've been wanting for a long while is adver tised today in the classified columns of The Star. One of the readers of The Star lias it and is now willing to part with it. But this wise reader, instead of spending a lot of time land trouble to hunt you up, takes the easier way, and today puts an advertise ment in 1 lie Star. He knows you will see it as you sit and read your paper through. Now. you have missed many a good thing in the past, by not closely enough the market place of the Munninrakers. Scan right now the Munnimaker ads and read the offer that is there for vou. Every dav is the dav to read the Mun nimaker ads and this day is the best day to begin. Dear Mr. Munnimaker, care The Star Classified Columns: Through a little Munnimaker Classified Ad in The Star 1 made monev after school bv selling my spare time. Your truly," ACTIVE BOY. Write Mr. Munnimaker, care of The Star, or phone him, Ma.11 2440, whenever you want'anything. Another Blake Estate Covered Into British Treasury. ARE NO LEGAL CLAIMANTS Revives Old Story of the Famous Blake Millions. ROMANCE OF TWO WINDFALLS Mos-t Recent Decedent a Distant Relative of Capt. Robert Dud ley Blake's Wife. S|????-ia 1 Cablegram 1o The SInr. 1.ON DON, August 2'?.?A very curious ' i story attaches to the announcement that I another Blake fortune has fallen to the British treasury by the death of Fred K. Blake of Broadfield Lodge, near Crawley, who died May ?>, intestate, and a bache lor, without known relatives. Although this estate is not so large as the more famous Blake millions which have inter ested so many, it reaches the respectable total of $21."i,000. It is certainly curious that this intestate should he related to the famous Mrs. Helen Blake, whose fortune also went to the crown. The romance of these two ?'windfalls" begins with Gen. Robert Dudley Blake, son of Gen. Sir Francis Blake, second baronet, who belonged to an old North umbrian family. They held Twissel Cas tle, in Durham, and Tilmouth Park and Seghill, in Northumberland, and were very rich. While he was a captain in the army, Robert Dudley Blake met in Dublin a beautiful Irish girl namen Helen Sheridan, the daughter of a country schoolmaster. He tell in love with her, had her educated in England and mar ried her in Lamarkshire in 1810. Their onlv child died in infancy. Gen. Robert Blake inherited great wealth from his father, and left it all to his widow when he difd in IStiO. In the same year his brother. Sir Francis Blake, third haronet, died without legitimate is sue, and the baronetcy became extinct Sir Francis also left considerable proper tv to his sister-in-law, Mrs. Helen Blake. This lady died at Earlscourt Terrace in l?s7ti. at the age of seventy-six, without making a will. Her real estate was worth about $1,500,000, and the personal estate OOO more. Seized by the Crown. The whole of the personal estate was seized by the crown and next-of-kin ad vertised for. But no one of the claim ants who came forward from Ireland and from America could satisfy the court of chancery that they were next of kin, and $120,000 having b"en spent In costs, the personal estate, amounting to $7t*).0i)0, remained in the hands of the crown. In the district of Clanmorrls, Ireland, there are still Sheridans who claim to be re lated to Helen Blake, but they are too poor to push their claims. The second Blake intestate comes in this way: Sir Francis Blake, the third baronet, had several natural chil dren to whom he bequeathed consider able sums at his death in 1860. One of them was Fred K. Blake, who has just died at Crawley. He was formerly an officer in the army and was never see.i in the north of England, though he owned the Seghill estate of 400 acres, on which the Laycocks work their col lierv. There was a rumor on the Tvne side that some poor relatives intended to claim the personal estate, which ly. valued at $21."V.000, but nothing has been heard of it in the courts, and let ters of administration of his property have been granted to the solicitor to the treasury and his successors in that office "for the use of his majesty." The Seghill colliery and the landed estates pass to the kinsman of the deceased. Sir Francis Blake, first baronet of the lf?u~ creation, whose farrfily bought the Seghill Park and other Northumberland estates from the crown when Mrr*. Helen Blake died intestate. Altogether, the crown has reason to be grateful to the' Blakes for their 'windfalls.'" An American Claimant. The principal American claimant to the Blake estate was Daniel Sheridan. He was born in Ireland and was j brought up with his cousin. Helen Sher- j idan. His father. Daniel Sheridan the j elder, and her father, James Sheridan, J the schoolmaster, were brothers. The cousins were playfellows, and Helen, who grew up to be a beautiful girl, was apprenticed to a dressmaker in Dublin. Daniel Sheridan emigrated to America. It was while on her way to and from the dressmaker's shop that Helen Sheridan met and captivated Capt. Robert Dudley Blake, then a handsome young officer of the Dra goons quartered in Dublin. Their mar riage followed, as stated. His friends disapproved of the union, and Capt. Blake and his bride emigrated to Ohio, where they ran a large dressmaking business with capital which Capt. Blake provided. . . While they were living in America Lapt Blakf came into considerable property from his father and uncle, and they looked up his wife's cousin, Daniel Sher idan, who was then living in Illinois, f irming. Their only child had died in infancy, and Mrs. Helen Blake wanted Daniel Sheridan to aj'.ow one of his daughters to come and live with her as companion. This he was not willing to do, and lie never saw his cousin again. The Blakes returned to England and, after husbands death, Mrs. Helen Blake lived and di<*d at Karl s ( oiut. Next of kin was advertised for by order of the court of chancery, as she had died in testate. Expectations Not Realized. Daniel Sheridan came to England about 1KK5 in order to claim his share of the ? Blake millions." He left behind him a farm of several hundred acres, some cattle and a petroleum well. He was then a man of about seventy, and, after a visit to Dublin to procure certain doc uments. he went to lodge at the house of a widow in London. Mrs. Plush, who lived in Millbank street, opposite the house of lords. His story and his papers satisfied her, and he lived for four years at her house, running up a long bill for lodgings, in the expectation that he would come into the fortune. It was a pathetic circumstance that while the old man was vainly fighting for the fortune letters came from his son and daughter in Quincy, 111., asking whether he had forsaken them, and as slimine that he was living in luxury on the wealth of Mrs. Blake. The old man was very secretive, and would never let them know the truth, nor would he re turn without his wealth to America. "It's my money." he would protest, "and I ani not going; back without it." The difficulty appeared to be to obtain the requisite evidence to prove the re lationship. In any case. Daniel Sheridan never obtained the money from the crown, and about 1H00 he had to move into St George's workhouse, taking his papers with him. He took his discharge one day, saying he would go pea-picking, and for a yeur or so Mrs. Plush lost sight of him. Then one day all her friends began sending her copies of a newspaper article: "From Poverty to Af-i fluence; Daniel Sheridan Comes Into His Immense Fortune?$2,500,000." In the Workhouse. This article revealed that the unlucky Irish-American was in Larr?beth work house, and Mrs. Plush and her son went io see him. He greeted them warmly, fully accepted the news of his fortune and invited the son to go back to Amer ica with him. But the months went by, the crown did not give up the for tune and Daniel Sheridan took his dis charge, and Mrs. Plush has never seen him since, or heard news of him. It must be fifteen years since the American claimant vanished. He was an old man I then, and penniless, and the probabilities i are that lie is dead. \ AT OLD FAITHFUL INK Resembles an Immense Nor wegian Log House. WALLS OF GREAT LOGS Ingenious Employment of the Rustic Idea. UNPLANED PLANK PARTITIONS Nearly All of the Material of the Building Found Within a Radius of Six Miles. BY W1T.T.TAM K. riRTlS. Spat ial rVrp'spniulenee of Tin- Star and the j rhti'ngo Record-Herald. OLD FAITHFUL INN. August 14. 1909. There are five hotels and two lunch stations in the Yellowstone Park, all un der the management of the Yellowstone Park Association, of which Mr. H. W. t/hild of Helena is the president and gen eral manager. They have a total capac ity of about 1.20O guests, and during the last Sunday night of July they had 1.2W travelers sleeping under the five roofs the largest number on record. This does not include the guests at the Wylie per manent camps, six little villages of tents and the various other temporary camps which probably gave shelter to as many more. The season opened June 5 and closes September 'JTp?130 days. At the middle period. July 31, the total numbe? of ar rivals at all the live hotels had been 7.510, the average daily arrivals being ItU at each. It is expected that the total wi run beyond 15,000 for the season. t,ne average number of people entertained at all the hotels daily for the first half or the season has been 673. Old Faithful Inn, which stands in tne center of the. Upper Geyser Basin, s al most as interesting as the wonder ful phenomena from which it takes its name, and it is probably the most curious hotel in the world and absolutely unique. It resembles a Norwegian log house, only it is larger than a dozen of the largest jog houses in that country combined, being 375 feet long, with a wfng in the rear for the dining room, which is seventy-nve by sixty feet in size. The foundation is of concrete and boulders. The walls file .of logs from twelve to eighteen inches in , diameter, sawed on two sides and with, the bark exposed on the exterior and m-j terior. The pitch roof, which is eight-six J feet high, is covered with large redwood shingles called "shakes." The outside of 1 the foundation is partially covered with i moss, and the uncut rocks show the natu- i ral weather stains. The roof projects four feet over the walls and is broken by ga- j bles which are supported by natural crooked limbs of trees. All the brackets and braces throughout the house are of; similar material, which has been fitted in with remarkable ingenuity, the bark in many cases being left untouched. These "crooks of the bough" were found in the forests surrounding the hotel by, five woodsmen who were brought here from Wisconsin to look up freaks of timber for ; this purpose. There are about five hun dred of them and they present all sorts of fantastic shapes. Rustc Idea Prevails. The rustic idea prevails throughout the entire building. The main feature is an office rotunda, 70 by 75 feet in size, open 86 feet to the roof, which is supported by trusses of pine logs and braced with poles. The first and second floors have wide balconies overhanging the rotunda, which are also made of logs and sup ported by crooked limbs. The stairs are of logs roughly li *wn and fastened with rude iron bolts and wooden puncheons. All the balustrades, braces and railings are made of poles and crooks. In the center of the rotunda is an enor- i mous stone chimney of uncut stone, 10; by 10 feet, and projecting through the j roof to th3 height of J?5 feet. Some ol j the blocks of rough stone used in the; chlmnev weigh a ton and a half. There j is a crow's nest In the angle of the roof i seventy feet above the office, which leads to a platform upon the poak outside, where a searchlight is operated upon the active geysers for the entertainment of the guests every evening. The effect is extraordinary. There are eight fireplaces in the chim ney, two of them being very large, and they ar.> equipped with titanic andirons. I tongs, shovels, pokers, cranes, pot hooks [ and other furniture which corresponds, j The pokers are six feet long; the andirons are six feet high, and their feet are four j feet long. In one of the fireplaces is a corn popper that will hold half a bushel, with a handle seven feet long. It is used every night. When the guests come in from watching the play of the searchlight upon the geysers th?y are welcomed with the cheerful sound of the popping corn, and shortly after one of the bell boys passes it around in a great old-fashioned dishpan. . , On the front of the chimney, facing the entrance. Is a rude clock with a face five feet in diameter, placed forty-five ieet above the floor. The pendulum Is twenty two feet long and the weights, which hang from chains made of inch wrought Iron, resemble ammunition canisters. The pointers and the figures on the dial are in proper proportion. The Dining Room. There is a similar chimney and fireplace In the dining room, over which hangs one of the most curious mantels you can imagine?an immense log 16 feet long and IK inches In diameter, hewn down flat and swung by two anchor chains from the roof. A sideboard and cupboard on either s!de of the fireplace are made of similar materials. The furniture of the dining room corresponds. The electroliers are made of pine poles laid crosswise and are suspended from the roof by rude Iron chains. All of the electric light fixtures are made to resemble candles. The china, which was made especially for the hotel, is in harmonv with the furniture, being of the old-fashioned Norwegian patterns. the ice water for drinking is drawn from a hollow log. through a hidden pipe running from the refrigerator, and the waste basin is chiseled out of an enor mous rock. There are ,-ozy nooks and corners every where furnished with big Quaker rocking chairs' and writing desks, which are al ways occupied by women addressing pos tal cards. The first thing the ordinary tourist does when she lands at a hotel Is to rush frantically to the newsstand to see if any new post cards are to be found there and to buy a packet of one-cent stamps. The mail bags whi h go out every morning from each of the hotels con-! tain a bushel or more of post cards. The newsstand clerks tell me that there is no more demand for photographs, but they sell several hundred post cards daily. All of the interior partitions of Old Store Hoyrs Are From 8 to 5; '? Store Closes at 6. flKHT & COMPM 513-515-517 7th ST. Selling Another Lot off Those $112.50 and Dresses at $7.95 Another lot of those quick-selling Suits in the light-weight worsteds going on -ale. Thev are in a new one-piece design that is very striking and graceful. The cloth> are light weight and make a splendid change for a wash suit on a coolish day ? the right weight, too, t<> wear into early fall?very smart patterns?stripes, plaids and checks on various gray-toned grounds, and a variety of black and white effects in popular checks. Trimmings are of black, vrto E=j /rw set off with jet buttons. A black tie gives a very smart t<i>uch. These dresses /W bought regularly would retail at $12.50 to $((>.50. Your choice now foronlv.... 0 Second Floor. Trumiks amid Screens Redmiced $3.00 Canvas-covered Trunks $1.98 $5.00 Canvas-covered Trunks $398 $8.00 Canvas-covered Trunks $5.98 $7.00 Leather Suit Cases $4.98 $5.00 Leather Suit Cases $3.98 $1.50 W aterproof Suit Cases 98c ]8-inch Hardwood Screens 14' 24-inch Hardwood Screens 23c 30-inch Hardwood Screens j?>c Si.00 Screen Doors 59c Si.50 Fancy Screen Doors S?>c $2.00 Fancy Screen Doors Si.29 --Third Floor nialiirc"1 .Inn arP ?,f unP'aned, unmatched ^!ie rrat'ks bfl,nP covered by in the There Is no plastering anywhere with vn ?"Se' The floors arp covered v?..L ? esian r"s-s- the furniture is of pattern- an?l the brass bed orderi arf?of# nLstlc, dw,,*n?. made to oraei.4 All of the hardware, even the of ^ ia.m- the 100148 on t,ie doors, is tect uHh i lr?n< d^slened by the archi renr^t ^ I13"1"1?1"6 ?Ut 0,1 a" a,lvil l?> Xon " t ?'tplttf* who has a blacksmith shop at Livingston, and is shoeing horses eie at this blessed moment, Colepitts n ?f ren}arkahle skill and taste, an eflre('' that adds a monv Zr tlV charm and tlie hnr * wonderful iiotel. The iron hfr8,,3? studded with w rough t hole mri .J re Is a sri11 and a Peep hole like those of the medieval castles fnnc !]aMeries; the bo,ls aie two feet latHi ,n ulameter. and the want f?,' 33 mUCh as a man woultJ "?rii io carry. The kitchen is 35x90 feet in size- the for" wh!Sh25x35.s fee,t and the refrigera Ul? 'inert with white Ptiamel ^et. There are a stock mei?; " lceho"se- a cooling room, for a.nd vegetables; a laundry. ' | J I'ff'it plant, a carpenter shop fnJcnln?,Lr?0m' aI1 equipped in the most ingenious manner with labor-saving ap Cy efectrici^" the dishes are The Water Supply. The water supply and fire protection comes from a reservoir one mile dis tant and 150 feet above the hotel, which gives a stro/i gpressure. The reservoir is fed .from a spring which has a canacity of 95,000 gallons a day, anl stationary fire hose runs through every corridor both evfry f00t of 1he building, both inside and out. There are bath wiVi h conne? ted with many of the suites, which are especially furnished for the f ,?u suests who come here to stay for the summer. rnn'it ??rtiro supports a wid- balcony of the . S an covers a driveway where the stages receive and discharge their loirs S 11 is supported by cribbed Z * rl g?"pon foundations of boul H offite winter Is made of rough 'heavv ? i,np ?f logs st|Jdded with rune- hi b?,tS' A bel1 on thp roof is ["n5nni a rflpe dropping to the office to announce the meal hours. Al l* !?tP! has rooms for 350 guests, and -irger number have been accommo dated on several occasions since we have Deonie e?Mt h 1 d,n,ng room will seat 230 people without crowding, and a staff of anera?hl ,S a,Ways ^pt sufficient to look if V maximum number of guests The building cost $175,000. and all of the st?<k h'*? ? fnrnu nithin a radius of six miles. The furniture and equipment cost $55,000, and cost nrr ?n wagons and sleighs at a cost of b.u, cents per hundred pounds from ni""y ?"*?? im-four P,InT,re;lr^CUri0JSh0PS' neWS and photo giapli stands, and a dark room in which kodak fiends can develop their films. Noth ing teems to have been forgotten. The Architect. The architect of Old Faithful Inn was Robert C. Reamer, who was born in Ober lin, Ohio, and began his professional career in the office of Mortimer L. Smith & Sons of Detroit when he was only twelve years old. A few years later he1 Chattanooga with his parents and ther? rnSi?in ?Taftarnan for an arcbltect J he went to Chicago and de-! ?*"?d furn ture for A. H. Andrews & Co. *?, ?**?? out to California, opened an office at San Diego and did all of Spreckels work there for four years ???e, .oftlh,s work at Coronado Beach at tracted the attention of Mr. H W iih president of the Yellowstone Park \sso bfndOJ1fhfand hH br?i'Kht Reamer here to build this wonderful hotel. On the lour That hr?m Ca,'forn!a Mr- Child explained that ne wanted something unique and ap propriate, and Mr. Reamer made the pre-I !ir.^Vketches ln ,he sleeping car dur ing th?? journey. He has erected several other artistic buildings in the park, in cluding a rustic railway station for the Northern Pacific at Gardiner. an exquisite lungalow, which is used as a commissarv store, and another equally artistic building Hr?W? i1 ? 'esides at Mammoth Hot Springs. The stables and storehouses of the hotel and stage companies at Gardi ner and at Mammoth Hot Springs are quite remarkable in their design and Mr i Reamer's genius is apparent in several other places. He has recently completed a design! for a five-hundred-dollar hotel at Mam moth Hot Springs, which I described in a etter from \N ashington last May at thei time the plans were submitted for the an proval of the Secretary of the interior It will he quite as uni<iue as Old Faithful %n and twice as large. The specification^ are now being prepared, and if conditions are favorable the work of construction wiii he undertaken next spring This proposed hotel will cover as much ground as the Capitol at Washington be-! ing i.iH feet long by 450 feet wide with ! ? bedrooms and 350 bathrooms, and will, be surrounded by a wide porch. The ma terial will be logs and boulders found on ' tne ground, ^nd the principal feature will be a rotunda 200 by lfni feet in siZe and 4?> feet high, the roof being supported by ? tlw"e rows of natural tree trunks with the bark and branches untouched, carrying out a resemblance to the surrounding foi - ests. The same idea will be repeated in the dining room, which will be xo by 1??-? j feel in size with a ceiling 4-> teet high i of logs supported by sixty natural tree trunks from 18 to 24 inches in diameter. Another Hotel Being Planned. i Mr. Reamer is now engaged in making a design for a unique hotel to tie erected at the Canyon of the Yellowstone. T he ! location has not been selected, but It Is , proposed to place the building where its | windows will command a view of the can [ yon and the falls so far as possible, and i the design and material will be in such perfect harmony with the surroundings | that it will be difficult to tel! where na 1 ture ends and art begins. , 1 am willing to assert that the present l hotel at the canyon is the ugliest building : in the world. It is as ugly as the big ice houses that deface the banks of the Hud son river, but at the same time it is an illustration of the well established prin ciple tiiat one cannot judge accurately b\ j appearances. The attractions are all in side. and it is one of the most admirabi> i kept and one of the most comfortable 1 hospices a tired traveler ever entered. L t ?all the hotels in the universe were as ; well kept as that at the Yellowstone can i yon there would be more happiness and , 1 contentment among mankind. . , The hotel at the Yellowstone lake i' the pride of the association. It is co- , lonial In design, with a broad portico, supported by rows of lofty pillars, and 1 | faces one of the most sublime views in 1 the park. Yellowstone lake is thirty- , j five iniles long and averages from half a mile to five miles in width. At the . southern pnd its estuaries project like the thumb and fingers of a human stand. and are separated by pine-dad peninsulas. The water is 300 feet deep in places, clear, cold and pure and of a grayish . gteen color, which is almost the precise; shade of the sage brush. The roadway | . follows the shore. The lake is tiie neat 'est point reached by the Cody stage l'n^ ! which comes from the Burlington rail ' road comes from the entrance. The Yellowstone l^ake Hotel is intend ed for permanent guests, and sportsmen i come there annually for the fishing in I the neighborhood. Although there are 110 I great natural phenomena in the neigh borhood, there are many attractions, and the I^ake Hotel is more like those you find at the conventional summer resorts > than any other place in the park. ? -t] | LEESBTJEG, VA. | L.BDSBURG. Va., August 23, 1000. By order of the commander, Col. Ed mund Berkeley, the annual reunion of the survivors of the Rth Virginia Regiment Infantry will be held at the residence of Ludwell Hutchinson, one mile south of Little River Church, Loudoun county, Sat urday, August 28. The 8th Virginia Regiment Chapter, U. D. C., will serve luncheon. Mrs. Belle Moore, widow of Robert Moore, died at the home of her son. John Moore, in Aldie, Loudoun county. Friday night. She was seventy years of age. Burial was*made in the cemetery near Aldie Sunday. , . Samuel Hatcher of Purcellville, this county, has purchased from Bernard Deck a farm containing I.*) acres situ- ( ated near Purcellville. Hanson Gill, who has been engineering j in Mexico for the past few years, has taken charge of the office of treasurer of Loudoun county to finish the term of his father, John L. GUI, who nas enteied , upjjn the duties of secretary of the Mutual L-Tie Insurance Company of Loudoun county at Waterford. Rev. James VV. Morriss,.D. p.. of Rich mond, Va., who can<e toLeeshurgSatur- , dav to hold services at bt. James Kpisio- , pal Church Sunday, was summoned home, early yesterday morning by the serious illness of his mother. Rev. \\. H. Bulk hardt, the rector of St. James ? b?,n "' Orange. Va.. no services were held at the ^ church yesterday. The nien's meeting of the local orgam zation of the Young Mens Christian As sociation was held at the courthouse Sun day afternoon. !>awrence I. Lee of | Shepherdstown. W. Va.. who is sPe"ding the summer in Leesburg. made an address and special music was rendered. Rev. James B. Mitchell o; Orlando, Ha., delivered a lecture at the courthouse in Leesburg Friday evening on the subject. -The Old South and the New A large crowd attended. Mr. Mitchell formerly resided in I^eesburg. D , Rev Harrv M. Moffitt of the Presbj i terian Church of this town preached at | Ashburn, Loudoun county, Sundaj moin ing. William Dai ley, a transfer man at Parkersburg. \V. Va.. while in a local chemical works became thirsty and took a drink from a bottle containing a * .eat fluid which he supposed was water. It was formaldehyde. Physicians pumped Dailey out as soon as the mistake was discovered, but he is still in a serious con dition. ALONG THE RIVER FRONT. Arrivals. Schooner W.lling. melons from a lower Potomac point to the dealers; tug Eugenia, with .1 tow of sand ami grave - laden lighters from Piscataway creek; (schooner Five Sistei s, cord wood, from a Potomac point to leal dealers; sloop Wasp and scliooner Ida watermelons, from a hay point, at Alexandria; tug Minerva, with a tow from a down-river point; schooner M ils, wood, from iTigu Point 10 dealers here. Sailed. Schooner liall:#* K. light, for a Polnmnf point, to load back to U?:s city; s hooner Karl Bishop, light, for a river point, to load lumber back to this city; tug l?. M Key. light. foi a river point, to bring back a tow; schooner K. F. Carpenter, light, for a Virginia point to load; schoon er Cogswell, light, from Alexandria, for a Potomac point, to load hack to ;lus city; schooner William Cunningham. 1 e! < for a Potomac creek, to load cord wood ba> k to this city; schooner Isaac Solomon, light, for a flown-river point, to load lumber back to the dealers here; George W. Pride, with a tow of lighteis for a river point. Memoranda. Parge O'Donnell 1 as been chartered to load ties at Alexandria for New .York; barge Nanjamoy will load pulp wood in Mattawoman creek for Philadelphia; schooner Sequin, from Alexandria, has ar rived light at Raltimorc, to load coal for n New England point; schooner Oak land is in Wades bay loading for this eit\ ; schooner .lames Clark is in the St. Mary river loading wood for the naval ordnance foundry here; schooner Peri is in A quia creek loading lumber; schooner Robin Hood has sailed from Baltimore for the Rappahonnock river to load lumber; schooner Murray Yandiver has gone to the York river to load lumber. Harbor Notes. In consequence of the low prices for hard crabs the past two weeks and the poor returns received for them, the crab bers at Rock Point Coltons and other points along the river are not shipping many. A number of the crabbers last week, after furnishing bait, lines and labor, received less than i"> cents per barrel for the crabs shipped to this mar ket. Camp-meeting time down the river is on the wind up, and many who went, from this city to King George and West moreland counties. Va? to attend these religious gatherings, are returning home. The steamer Capital City, which arrived here yesterday evening from river points, had aboard over L'.V) persons, who were returning to their homes in this city, and the Baltimore line steamer also had a large passenger list. Travel from river points to this city will l>e heavy for the next month or six weeks. | ANACOSTIA AND VICINITY. Mrs. William Hawley of Brooklyn. N. Y.t is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William Mushake of Nichols avenue. Anacos.ia Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Fillius and tamily of Congress Heights have returned from a vacation at Piney Point, Md. The Epworth League of the Anacostia M. E. Church gave a picnic to Great Fal'a last Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William K. Tew of Good Hope road are spending several days with their son, Henry Tew of Troopsbui , N. Y. Rev. Mr. Gillfllan of Washington is conducting the services in the Emtnanu.-i Church, Anacostia, in the absence of its rector, who is on a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Thompson of Map e View place have returned from Brad dock Heights, .Mil., where they have Inn visiting. A housew-arming for the new Roman Catholic school 011 \ street wiil be held Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday and Fri day evenings of this week, when the ni - ters, who are to have charge of t! s school, will be presented to the members of the congregation. Admiral Cowles Acting- Secretary. Read Admiral W. S. Cowles, thief of the bureau Of equipment, is temporarily at the head of the Navy Department, in the absence from the city of Secretary Meyer. Assistant Secretary Winthrop and R? ar Admiral W. P. Potter, chief of the bureau of navigation. Admiral Cow es is a brother-in-law of e\-President Roose velt. He enjoys the distinction also of being the only officer on the retired list to hold an important naval assignment. He has been chief of the bureau of equip ment for several years, and was trans ferred to the retired list on account of age in August. l'.iOS. SCENES ON LOCAL PLAYGROUNDS. GAME OF TETHER BALL. ? GIRLS PLAYING BASE BALL.