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Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, August 29, 1909, Image 20

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The Midsummer Throngs Are
Having Fine Weather.
Dwellers Under Canvas Are Well
Many Do Mot Like the Bigid. Blue
8peclal Correspondence of The Star.
ATLANTIC CITY, August 28, 1909.
Atlantic City haa been blessed with the
most perfect weather that can well be
imagined, and the midsummer vacationist
should send us a vote of thanks. Clear,
cool air, bright sunlight and a pleasant
breeze, and. best of all, the surf Just the
right temperature for bathing, have made
the resort the magnet for throngs.
Everything is overflowing with people.
One goes to the theater and every seat is
occupied, or to the piers and has to hunt
for chairs. The beach chairs are all
filled and the Boardwalk and beach
Next month Atlantic City will welcome
the Knights Templar, and the Atlantic
City Commandery of the Knights Tem
plar are already training for the big
street parade and costume drills to be
given here, when thousands of Templars
from all over the state will invade the
resort. ,
The Templars will come to the shore
during what has been designated as "Ma
Sonic week," when the city will have as
its guests a distinguished visitation from
nearly every branch of Masonry.
With the Templars there will be the
Shriners, the Tall Cedars and others.
It was a crisp, cool, sunshiny morning
this week when we strolled into the tent
village at Chelsea. Some curiosity as to
how the tented city had withstood the
recent storms led to some questions: "Oh,
storms, we just enjoyed them; we have
been coming down here for four years
and rent these comfortable tents," said
one old lady, who was standing in the
tent doorway. "I love the restfulness of
the life here; the very worst cases of In
somnia are sure to be cured here. There
is nothing more soothing than to go to
sleep with the sound of the tent curtains
gently flapping in the sea breese and the
long, soothing sweep of the breakers on
the beach. Even rain on the tent roof
sounds soothing and pleasant, for we are
dry inside.
"Yes, there must be several hundred
of us here. We return year after year
and are all very sociable."
One of the mysteries of human nature
is the great audiences that sit watching
the base ball played on the record board
at the Million Dollar Pier and Young's
Ocean Pier. These people have come
down from the city ostensibly to get away
from former interests and to luxuriate in
out-of?door sport and the sight of the
great ocean. Instead, they coop them
selves up in stuffy auction rooms and
haggle over dusty rugs, or sit inside the
pier watching the records of the national
The great out-of-doors, with its many
offerings of surf bathing, sailing and fine
vistas of water to refresh city eyes, all
goes for naught. Being indoor people
nine-tenths of the year they cannot shake
off the habit.
Atlantic City being in the throes of a
Sunday-closing proposition it is hard to
predict what effect an edict of that sort,
really enforced, would have on the place.
Many outside papers predict dire things
if the Sunday blue laws are enforced. No
one can prophesy with certainty. It would
really seem as if there were enough out
door attractions to offset the saloon al
lurements, but the sight of the auction
fiends and indoor base ball cranks gives
us cause to doubt.
The Hotel Ostend is entertaining Louis
Toledo Herrate, minister of Gautemala,
who is staying here for the season, ac
companied by his family. Commodore
Theodore Porter, U. S. N., of Baltimore
is here with Mrs. Porter. Admiral Roelker
and Mrs Roelker of New York, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Elliott of Hagerstown, Md.,
are among the well known people here.
Gen. H. R. Anderson. U. S. A., of Bal
timore, with Miss Anderson and Miss
Ruth, is at the Hotel Dennis.
The St. Charles is entertaining a noted
churchwoman in Mother Perpetua, su
perior of the General Sisters of the Holy
Cross, St. Mary's Convent, Notre Dame,
Mr. P. J. Haltigan of Washington Is at
the St. Charles.
Mr. Philip T. Lorlmer of Washington
is staying kt the Hamilton Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Calvert are making
a stay at the Glaslyn-Chatham.
Mr. Frederick W. Pratt Is visiting his
daughter, M's. Dickens, wife of Admiral
Dickens of Washington, who is stopping
at Haddon Hall.
Among southerners at the Hotel Strand
are Representative and Mrs. Ollie M.
James of Kentucky, Judge Mason of
Fredericksburg, Va.. who is with his son,
H. J. Wallace, mayor of Fredericksburg,
and J. E. Beale of Washington.
Washington peop'e registered at Atlan
tic City hotels:
Holmhurst?Mr. and Mrs. W. Cowhlg,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Roth, Miss M. Stehl.
Raleigh?Mrs. A. Morse, Daniel B.
Morse, Minnie Hartman, Lulu C. Hart
man, James B. Sherkels, J. B. Miller.
Loralne?Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Harris and
faml'y, Herbert Rich, Melvln R!ch,
George Callaway. Emery Marvel, Mr. and
Mrs. E. G. Valentine.
Rpssmore? Joieph W. Ireland, G.
Schmidt. Robert Miller, P. D. Hirsch.
Phillips House?Mrs. J. Harrison, Mrs.
H. Gambrill.
Haddon Hall?M. E. Newman, F. M.
McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Walker.
Miss Wa'ker, C. M. Murdock, Mrs. Carl
Ponce De Leon?Mary F. Madlgan. Cora
Garrity. Ida Garrlty, E. R. Moseley, Mr.
and Mrs. H. Boice.
Monticello? Elizabeth Phillips, Kath
ryn Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Terry.
Avoea?Mrs. J. Bean, Miss D. Schmidt.
Chalfonte?C. A. Lehman, A. R. Darrah,
R. L Harrington.
Warwick?Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, Miss
M. Stewart, John C. Stewart, Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. B. Harding. J. Bienshein.
Craig Hall?Mr. and Mrs. 8. Harris,
Ml as W. Harris, William gmith, jr., Mrs.
Smith and daughter.
Grand Atlantic?Mr. and Mrs, J Kna/pp,
Mrs. L. Kennedy, Mr. and; Mrs. H. Warn,
Mr. and Mr#. C. King, Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George B.
New-bold, H. W. Young, E. T. Dexter.
Lexington?S. Embivy, E. Enibrey, M.
Green, L. Watkins, -Clara Maxwell, Ger
trude Bell, Anna Berner, Anna Rotn, 1.
Henry. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wllso^ and
daughter. _ ,,
Dennis?Mrs. H. H. McComas, Master
McComas, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Campbell,
P. J. Nee and family.
Rudolf?J. Letts, Mr. and Mrs. Lu Kicn
and children, Mr. and Mrs. Norentnal. _
Chetwoode?Mr. and Mrs. Louise Steele,
\ J. Danbet, Mr. and Mrs. William
Brooklnre. William Hughes, M. Vinson.
Grand Atlantic?Mrs. A. Gordon, Ray
mond Gorman, Gertrude Gorman, Henry
Gordons Abraham Strajon, Miss N. Ed
wards, Mies R- Edwards.
Shoreham?Edwin Adt, C??xles Carry,
Gertrude A. Kummer, G. Petfnen, _ -
Clayton. . _ ?
Ebbltt House?Jennie Manning. 13.
Manning. Grace Brereton. a*-.-..??*
Tennessee?Mr. and Mrs. H. Sherwood
and daughters, Harry I. Donaldson.
Young's?George A. Deatel, Thomas
Rice. Dick Taylor.
Imperial?W. Chambers, Miss Chambers,
Mr. and Mrs. P. Parker.
Majestic?James Carter, Miss M. Callan,
Charles M. Carter.
Wiltshire?Mrs. J. Wrenn, Miss Wrenn,
Mrs. J. Rlggen, Miss Q. RI?Sen*
New England?Mr. and Mrs. Frances
Connelly, Miss M. Greenwood, Miss H.
Mademword, Joseph Bryan, Mr. and Mrs.
E. Halbaoh and son, Harry Herflrth, J.
Marshall, M. Torren, Mrs. Torren, M.
^Clarendon?Lucy Merrlan, Marie Ogden,
Grace Polkinhorn, P. A. Johns.
Watkins?Mr. and Mrs. R- S. Taylor,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Robinson.
Special Correspondence of The Star.
August 25, 1909.
Washingtonlans are much In evidence
at the various White mountains resorts,
where records for travel have been brok
en during the past week, and hotels
have been obliged to resort to cots and
tents to make room for all applicants.
Col. F. A- Towne, U. S. A., retired, who
is spending the summer at his old nome
in Lancaster, gave a motor P^y.
Crawford House at Crawfoni Notch, Mon
day, with a luncheon served there for his
party. Col. D. R. Larned, U. R A., is
spending the summer at the Crawford
HMrse" I. M. Fisher and family of Wash
ington are spending the month at tne
CMnfChartesUA. Fiske of Washington Is
spending two weeks at the Fabyan
House, where the White mountain trains
bring hundreds of people daily to start
on the wonderful scenlo trips through the
Crawford and Franconia notches and to
the summit of Mt. Washington.
Lieut. Commander G- P. Gelm of An
napolis Is spending the season in Inter
vale, N. H., at the Idlewlld.
Miss Nellie Rohr of Washington is at
the Intervale House at Intervale, and
Gen. and Mrs. Thorp are a1 so ,in Inter
vale, having come from W ashlngton to
the Hotel Bellevue. ? ,
Maj. J. M. Wright, U. S. A., of Wash
ington, is spending some weeks at the
Mountain View House in Whitefield,
where Miss A. E. Vail and Mr. E. W.
Vail have lately arrived from Washing
F. 8. Osgood of Washington is at the
Sunset, in North Conway, for a few
The Kearsarge, at North Conway, is
entertaining C. 8. Clark, U. 8. N., for
the month, and Miss I. H. Dugran is
also there from Washington.
Ezra Gould, the tennis champion of
Washington, has been prominently iden
tified with sports at Maplewood, where
he has been spending the month.
Mrs. H. B. Noble of Washington is at
the Maplewood cottage "for a few weeks.
A. P. Rice of Washington is at Jack
son, where he is spending a month at the
Glen Ellis House.
Special Correspondence of The Star.
TfATCTC GEORGE, N. Y., August 26, 1900.
The week past may well be said to have!
been the banner week of years at the
lake, for everything focussed Into the
past few days so that the round of gayety
was more than full.
Today the Lake George Club starts Its I
first annual tennis tournament with a |
big list of entries.
The Lake George Country Club Is pre
paring for its first annual celebration
of Labor day, which will be in the form
of a water carnival. A regatta will be
called late in the afternoon, and after the
banquet at the clubhouse in the evening
there will be a parade of illuminated |
boats off the clubhouse. |
The Sagamore Hotel held its annual |
season's danoe Wednesday evening, the
affair being extensively attended by cot
tagers up and down the lake. The list |
of patronesses was Mrs. John Boulton
Simpson, Mrs. W. E. Reis, Mrs. John J.
Howe, Mrs. John S. Frothingham of New
York. Mrs. Theodore I. Lewis, Miss Burn
ham of Philadelphia. Mrs. Carl H. De
Silver of Brooklyn and Mrs T. L.
Krumbholz, Sagamore.
The Hotel Marion is the center of at
traction for shorthand reporters here in
attendance on their national convention.
On the 20th the field day of the Lake
View was enthusiastically carried out by
the guests. This was followed by the
season's mask ball, which thronged the
house with a merry party of guests.
Special Correspondence of The Star.
August 28.1909.
The arrival of several automobile tour-l
ing parties added much to the gayety of
the Springs.
Card parties and receptions continue to
be popular. Early in the week Capt. and
Mrs. Worth G. Ross of Washington enter
tained four tables of progressive bridge
whist, an elaborate supper in the cafe fol
lowing the conclusion of the game. Mrs.
Grace H. Shields of Keswick won first
prize. Miss Rebecca Worthington of
Washington second prize and Miss Maude
Walmsley the consolation. The same
evening Mrs. C. S. Witherstine of Phila
delphia entertained at five-hundred The
first prize wa? won by Mrs. H. Clifford
Smith of Philadelphia and the second by
Mrs. J. A. Norrls of Washington, D. C.
Thursday Miss Rebecca Worthington of
- - : ? ^ ...
Washington entertained at eight-hand eu
chre The first prize was won by Mrs.
Thyrza V. Mclihenny and th?. seF?n
Mrs J A Norris. both of Washington.
5"; Morton C. Stout of Baltimore enter
tained two tables of bridge whist
same evening. The first prize was won by
wrq v""* Woodward and the second by
rani Worth G Ross, both of Washing
ton, the consolation prize being drawn by
Miss Maude Walmsley lcy
Friday morning Miss Maude Walmsley
gave a conundrum party to a lar^ "
k 0tN'rg"ir?toho* S5-SSS and the
fec'cn^ioVr]" A.' North,'of WashiM
ton. Prizes were also given to Mrs. C. b.
Witherstine of Philadelphia and Mrs. H.
????' P?rtle?
h??h2!n ISren at the river amon^hoje
entertaining being Capt. and William
G. Ross of'Washington and Mr. William
xr Dunkin of Charleston, S C.
Saturday Mrs. N. E. Irwin of Annapo
lis entertained her friends at.a_
party, prizes being won by Mi^ Maude
Walmsley of Philadelphia. Mrs. Morton C.
StouVand by I)r. John D. Epes of Balti
mAFbowling party of Jive, in honor of Miss
Maude Walmsley of ?hl^e,p!*i%r
given by Capt. Worth G. Ross of Wash
fnirtnn at which Miss Walmsley won the
flrstp'rlze S,a 1?. D. C. Holder ol New
0ASS?,tta"SSi'? ot the past wgkjr.
Special Correspondence of The Star.
SPRINGS, W. Va.f August 28. 1900.
Another week of fair August has passed
away with extensive entertaining, smart
dinners and suppers being the most popu
^Mn^d Mrs. E. D. 8. Meyers gave an
elaborate dinner, covers being laid for .
0lMr. and Mrs. Bradford Merrill of New j
York entertained some of the younger set
It an after-dance .upper. The
beautifully decorated for the occason
The guests were Mrs. William Hurlburt,
Miss Steinman. Miss Phinizy. Miss e
rill. Miss Dorothy Merrill, Mr. Tom ? -
dleton, Mr. Jackson Christain. Mr. W. R.
Cornelius and Mr. J. Steinman.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Dav s gave ataUy
ho party for Mrs. N. Morrison, Miss Mar
garet Stewart and Miss Wilson. The
Ltive point was the Old Sweet for din
ner. The return by moonlight was made
in record time, Mr. Davis being an ex
M Chatard had a morning of
bridge In her cottage porch in hpnor of
m? S B. Avis. Who is the house gues,
?Ros^P^r^,y entertained^
nf ladies with seven-hand euchre, tne
dainty prize being won by Miss
M ' o Phinizv save a delightful water
melon ''."'KX.TS!1
daughters. Those enjoying the feast in
eluded Misses Hamilton, Jones,
Murphy, Branch. Merrili. Tay or,
and Potts, and Messrs. Jones, Weil, JacK
son, Christain, Blunt, Snead, flams, Cor
nMrsf r" Ro^ Perry was again a hostess,
having a bridge party on her cottage
porch Mrs F? P Palen was the lucky
P A^nort exciting paper chase took Place
here, making the start in front of the
hotel, then down the Glen A"dre*Lj"?
and up to the ridge of Greenbrier moun
tain. Mr. A. B. Davis, assisted by Mr.
Murray Jones, marking out the
course for the hunters. Mr. Wilfred
Blunt was whi^. Those in at the
were Mrs. John A. Thayer, Mrs. William
Hurburt and Mr. W. Blunt. Others par
ticipating were Miss Mary Cooke Branch,
Miss Hamilton, Miss Jones, Mr. Lawrence
Lewis, Mr. Jackson Christain and Mr. T.
B. Snead.
" Some recent Washington arrivals are
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Warwick. Mr. and
Mrs George G. Shaffer, Miss S. C. Lpton
and M^R- Ross Perry, jr., the latter at
his parents' cottage.
Special Correspondence of The Star.
DEAL. BEACH, N. J.. August 28, 1900
One of the largest turnouts of horse
back riders ever seen in Deal resulted
this morning from the announcement
early in the week that there would bfc
a paper chase, starting from the Deal
casino at 10:30. Between fifty and sixty
riders turned out and rode through the
Deal golf links and into the farmint
ountry to the west, covering a circuit ot
six or seven miles.
Among the Washingtnnians now at the
iSS ta are Mrs. F.-R Voorhees
Miss Catherine Voorhees, Mr. and Mrs.
Merman I,. Godfrey. Miss Helen Godfrey,
VI r T R Woodruff, Mr. DeWitt Hold
man and' Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bv&ns
The St. Elmo is entertaining, among
Its end-of-August visitors Mr. Elliot*
Yovnge Mr P. Y. Porter, Mr. and Mrs.
N- p kilgore. Miss Lillian F. Everett.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A Bowman and
family, and Mr. Ralph Schwab, who will
stay until well into September.
Special Correspondence of The Star.
BELMAR, N. J., August 28, 1909.
Washington arrivals at the Hotel Co
lumbia include Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mor
rison. Miss Helen Morrison and Mr. Ir
vine Morrison.
The Buena Vista is entertaining Mr.
Wallace Morgan. Mr. H*nry
Miss Eleanor Morgan and Miss Estelle
Francis of Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Florence. Miss
Florence and Mr. Layton Monroe of
Washington are summering at the Me?
r0Mr.Ian"d Mrs. J. N. Bushwell and Mr.
James N. Bushwell, Jr.. of Washington
ard sojourning at the Colorado.
All Given Over to Honor Queen
and Court.
1,500 Decorated Boats in Water
Moonlight, Weather, Crowds and
Everything Are Just
Special Correspondence of The Stnr.
ASBURY PARK, N. J., August 28, 1909.
Fifty thousand people who are spend
ing the week In town have on two occa
sions had their proportions swelled to
twice this number in attendance upon
the baby parade festivities thus far run
off. These were the Deal lake carnival
of Thursday night, and the children's
festival, a new feature of the carnival,
run off this afternoon in Ocean avenue,
where, upon an open stage, 800 young
sters sang and appeared in tableau.
Again tonight there will be a great as
semblage, when the opera, "The Mocking
Bird," is given in the open air, and then
an interval until Tuesday night, when
Queen Tltanla will be crowned in the
amphitheater. The masque fete of the
following evening and the baby parade
next Thursday afternoon will mark the
close of the festival.
It got a splendid start this Thursday
with the Deal lake event. Rain, which
had been threatening in the afternoon,
went elsewhere, leaving a clear moonlight
evening, and tremendous crowds gath
ered around the Allenhurst and As bury
Park shores between the Park avenue
and Main street bridges. Great grand
stands, extending from the Park avenue
bridge nearly to Emory street on the
south side, were filled with thousands
that had come In large parties, repre
senting clubs and hotei delegations, and
bent upon having as lively a time as
possible. The carnival differed from
last year's lake fete in that the tableaux
on the stage, which, at best, can be ar
ranged so that a mere fraction of those
assembled could view it, were omitted.
Entertainment came chiefly from the
remarkable spectacle, that of 1,500 gayly
decorated boats, most of them lighted
with Japanese lanterns and some with
tiny electrical apparatus, as they plied
to and fro In serpentine figures. Maj.
Gen. P. Farmer Wanser ran off the event
with military precision, with the aid of
nearly a full regiment of National Guards
men and a battery that saluted her high
ness, Queen Tltania, with a volley of
twenty-one guns and from time to time
fired signal guns for direction of the pa
It was the young queen's first appear
ance as such. She was dressed in a God
dess of Liberty costume, made chiefly
from an American flag of silK. With the
queen, who appeared upon a barge, and
who is known otherwise as Miss Henri
etta Biker of South Orange, appeared the
members of her court, all In court cos
tume. Among them were Miss Marie
.Leonard Cassidy of New York, Miss Mil
dred Louise Burton of Asbury Park, Miss
Marian Adele Scuville of Brooklyn, Miss
Marjorle Antoinette Hatch of Rochester,
Miss May Elizabeth Crombie of New
York, Miss Edna Katherine Mincho of
Brooklyn and Miss Alice Strobridge of
Baltimore, who is known as the Princess
Cinderella of the carnival.
Of course, the greatest event of those
to come is the baby parade, which prom
ises this year to be participated in by
about 800 youngsters. At present the list
is close to the 500 mark, and experience
has shown that the large proportion of
entries come in in the last few days of
registration. The parade will be run, as
heretofore, upon Ocean jivenue, carpeted
wi.h canvas from the casino to the sta
dium, already erected at the foot of (1th
avenue. The distance is two-thirds of a
mile, and gives an opportunity for 00,000
or 70,000 people other than those who may
have grandstand seats to witness the
babies as they are marched up and down
In the various classifications in gala at
J.ate arrivals from Washington at the
Hotel Monmouth include Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Potbury, Miss A. Potbury and Mr.
Edwin Potbury, jr., who will spend Sep
tember here.
Registered at the Grand Avenue from
Washington are Mr. A. L. Sinclair and
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Opydyke.
From Washington at the Southern are
Mr. H. M. Gaston, Jr., and Mr. R. H.
Stopping at the Brunswick, where they
will make a protracted stay, are Mr. W.
S. Skinner and Mr. J. S. Shivcs of Wash
'"washingtonians at the Victoria include
Mr and Mrs. Frank E. Altemus and Mr.
: Frank Altemus, jr., who will remain for
! the balance of the season.
Mr. S. M. Sellgh of Washington is reg
istered for a sltort stay at the Edgemere.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Urling and Mr. Neil
' Urhling of Washington are among the
recent arrivals at the Bolton, where they
will stay over carnival week.
Mr. J. 9- Tomlinson of Washington la
a late arrival at the Belvedere.
Among the visitors from the capital
city at the Albion are Mr. Fred Binden
berger, Mr. Herbert Clark and Miss
? Mrs.rtHu^1 Frl'el and Miss M. F. Davis
of Washington are registered at the Vic
toria fbr some weeks.
Stopping at Sunset Hall are Mlsa Annie
Buhring. Miss Maud Warden and Mr.
Odeil Smith of Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. W. JC. MoCarmon of
Washington are making their headquar
ters at the ?Westminster, while spending
some time at the shore. Wo.hlT.?
Mr. Thomas W. Smith is a ^Vash ng
tonlan now at the j
Mr P H. Howe of Washington is spend- |
ing several weeks at the Fifth Avenue
HMrfie' and Mrs. H. C. Finkelstein of
Washington are among the recent
rivals at the Charles. I
Enjoying the ocean breezes at the oo
lumbla are Mr. B. W. McLean, and Mr.
Chapwell of Washington. .-viand
Washingtonians now at the Maryland,
where they are enjoying the Jf! ??v
of carnival week are Mr. and Mrs. aiey.
Miss Virginia Eley, Mrs. H. E. Nesbit,
Mr. Wallace Nesbit, Miss B. Nesbit and
Mr. John A. Donogan. ,
The Delphian is entertaining Mr. J*??
Mrs. L. Jones, Mr. J. M. Parens. Miss
Elizabeth Williams, Miss Anna Burns and
Mr. C. E. Harson of Baltimore.
Miss Martha Nicol and Miss Lulu Nicol
of Washington are making their head
quarters during a short stay at the Bol
t0Mr E E. Julia ss of Washington is reg
istered at the Coleman House. j
Mr. George M. Davis is a Washington
arrival at the Manhattan.
Mr. R. A. Phillips of Washington Is
spending some time at m*
StoODlne at Norwood Hall are Mr. M.
L. Robb'ns and Mr. S. K. Forrester of
Special Correspondence of The Star.
WARRENTON, Va., August 28, 1909.
The last german of the Waxrenton
German Club was held in the town hall
Friday evening, August 27. Mrs.
Thomas Semmes of New Orleans, Mrs.
Helm of Baltimore, Mrs. Stokes of
Richmond, Mrs. J. B. Britton, Mrs. G.
B. Stone, Mrs. Edward Carter, Mrs. J.
W. Belt of Warrenton were chaperons
The german was led by Dr. Charles
Fair, with Miss Helen Payne of At
lanta, Ga. The other coupieswcreiMlss
Fearn of Washington with Prosser
Tabb of Baltimore; J. A C. Keith and
Miss Camilla Welford of Richmond,
Cant. Brooke Payne, U. S. A., wivn
Mrs. Brooke Payne; Miss Fa^nl? Sco"
of Richmond with Mr. Hugh
Miss Ann Gordon Stone with Mr. John
Stone, Miss Letice Clarke of Mobile
with Dr. John Selby, Miss Taylor of
Alabama with Mr. William F. Jennings,
Miss Grace Maury with D*
Miss Mary Nelson with Mr. Dougias
Lees, Miss Wilbur of Philadelphia with
Mr. Chapman of Baltimore, Miss Bar
bara Hoge of Washington wUh Dr.
Henry of Washington, Mrs. M. G. Doug
las with Dr. M. G. Douglas, Miss Lowe
with Mr. T. N. Fletcher, Jr.. Mrs
Thomas Owens with Mr. Owens of
Washington city, Miss Foster of
ineton with Mr. Will Slaughter of The
plBns. Miss Wheeler of Washington
with Mr. Winston Payne, Miss Eliza
beth Payne of Norfolk with Mr. Hay
wood Spllman, Miss Margaret Hoge of
Washington wlthhM^thHa^ren,Aiffld
T,OVe of Savannah with Mr. .ajireu
Horner of Washington, Miss Emily Fair
with Mr. Foster Slaughter, Miss Mar
garet Williamson of Washington with
Charles Deare, Miss Louise Evans
with M% Charles JefTries, Miss Mary
Payne of Norfolk with Mr. Inman
Payne, jr., of New Orleans: Mrs. J.
Carroll Payne of Atlanta with Mr. J.
D Lowndes, Miss Helen Payne of At
lanta with Mr. Arthur Clarke. Messrs.
Charles White of Washington, Morson
Keith of Richmond, Gaylard Clarke of
Mobile were among the stags
Amon<r the visitors were Mrs. Burr
Harrison and Mrs. Feame and Mr. and
Mrs. Hoge of Washington, D. C.; Mrs.
Fred Savage of Baltimore, Mrs. Charles
Swens of Norfolk, Mrs. W. R. Robins
and Dr. W. Dudley Powers of Michi
Special Correspondence of The Star.
August 2S, 1909. j
Hundreds of people from Washington
and the country places near here journey
ed to the Grove and Joined the local resi
dents in packing the big Auditorium
Thursday evening for the event of the
season, a minstrel show by members of
and for the benefit of the Grove Athletic
\s*ociation. From every standpoint the
performance was a success. The program
was composed of an old-fashioned circle
with the usual black-face chorus and
'unny end men, for the first part. In
??_t t_.? Andrew J. Cummins sang a bass
Inri the Arguers Dramatic Club of
WasWngton presented tarce. "The
' lnUthe circle 'the "local association was
assisted by Harry Stevens, tenor;
Dana Hoiland. basso, and W A Morsell
Rprt Riddle, end men. W. A. Hath
away was the interlocutor. The music
^ in charge of N. P. Foster. F. B.
Couch and P S. Foster were the accom
panists Dr. A. T. Utz was property man.
There was Plenty of good singing, as
well as bright, new. sparkling jests from
The funny men. On the Jones' end
were B Riddle and W. C. Foster, while
the" tarn bos" were W. A Morsell and
i t McCathran Besides these the circle
fncVuded Harry Stevens. W. M Browning.
Mr Lealrin A H. Smith, Edwin Thorap
fjn J P Campbell. E. Cook. E. Myers,
D E Garges. E D. Hathaway. R. L.
Dutton. W B Hardy. H. V. Hunt. Dana
Holland J. T. Meany. J. McCathran. D.
E Wiber W. R. Metz and S. Scrivener.
The carts in the farce were taken by J.
O AHen J J Gorman and D. E. O'Con
nell, all of Washington.
A fine display of new pictures on the
American vitagraph was given in the au
ditorium last evening. A different pro
gram Is booked for tonight. ... .
Another large picnic party took the trip
to Seneca Locks. Md.. yesterday. The day
was spent In boating and framing. Tne
Darty consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Percy S.
Foster, Mrs. W. H. De Shields, Mrs.
Leach. Mrs. Hinson, Mr. and Mrs. Nor
man P. Foster, Miss Mae De Shields, Miss
Ethel Foster. Miss Dorothy Leach, Edwin
Thompson, J. McCathran and Charles De
Dr. Francis Woodman of the Medical
Corps and Lieut. C. M- Walker, 1st Regi
ment, District National Guard, have re
turned from the recent war game near
L. Cabell Williamson has returned from
Norwich, Conn., where he participated in
the reeent national roque tournament.
Miss Mae De Shields has returned from
Colonial Beach. Va., where she was the
guest pf Miss May McKenzie.
Mr. and Mrs. P. 6. Foster entertained
Dr. and Mrs. George S. Samson, summer
residents of Gaithersburg, Md., at dinner
Rev. Zed H. Copp. probationary officer
of the District Juvenile COuri. will preach
here tomorrow morning.
The preliminaries in the quoit tourna
ment were completed last week. The rat
ing for the semi-finals is as follows:
Class A?Rev. A. Osborn, .188; A. H.
Smith, 335; J. T. Meany, 329; R. P. Clark.
312; E. Cook. 309; S. J. McCathran. 2)7;
C. C. Archibald, 2S4; M M. Browning,1
284; W. B. Hardy, 281, and M. W. Per
ley. 262.
Class B?E- Meany, 251; E. Archibald.
248; W. A. Hathaway. 230; J. L. Ivrick,
212; R. L Dutton, 210; C. P. Sample, 200;
H. H. Osborn. 199: L. F. Hunt. 196; A. T.
JJtz, 191. and G. S. Fonnan. 140. Play fn
semi-finals is now in progress. Four men
in each class will be chosen to pitch finals
Labor day.
Special Correspondence of The Star.
ALLENHURST, N. J., August 28, 1909.
The Allen hurst Club was about the live
liest place oq the coast this week, and
the week's record of social activities there
outdoes any other of the present season,
remarkable as some of them have been.
Among the special events was a card
party Monday, a cotillon Tuesday, the
play "Polly From Peoria," repeated in the
club ballroom Wednesday night by the
Allenhurst Comedy Club; an elaborate
concert Thursday night, under the au?
spices of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church,
following a largely attended bridge party
in the afternoon; another bridge last
evening, and a full-dress hop this even
The Allenhurst Club is entertaining Mr.
and Mrs. Bertrand Stoll, Miss Katherine
A. Stoil. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ingra
ham. Miss Emma L. Willetts, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles A. Leyland and Miss Lillian
Phillips of Washington.
t From the Capital city at the Curlew are
Mrs. L>. A. Gissing, Mr. and Mrs. C. R
Irving, Miss Dorothy Irving, Miss Kath
erine Gunther, Mr. Ralph Westcott, Miss
McKee and Miss S. D. Booth, who will
remain until well into September.
At the Dunes, where they will stay un
til the first of October, are Mrs. Fred
Woodcock, Miss Florence Woodcock. Miss
Adrienne Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Hastings
and Miss Clara A. Moorehead of Wash
Special Correspondence of The Star.
SEA GIRT. N. J.. August 28, 1909.
The regular Saturday night dance at
the Parker House tonight was largely
attended. Several hundred invitations
had been sent out among the hotel
visitors and cottagers at the neighboring
resorts of Spring Lake and Point Pleas
ant, and among the officers and regulars
quartered here at the state camp, and
the assemblage was a brilliant one.
The week-end hop at the Tremont oc
curred tonight, and the event was the
chief cocial feature of the week at that
Among the late arrivals at tha Parker
House from Washington are Mr. and Mrs.
?2. R. Leech, Miss Margaret Leech, Miss
W. C. Thatcher, Miss Lillian R. Evans,
Miss Bartram and Mr. R. L. Simpson.
The Tremont is entertaining among its
lata arrivals Miss Lillian G. Heins, Mr.
and Mrs. George A. Everett, Miss Susan
L. Hope and Mr. N. T. Willis of Wash
Special Correspondence of The Star.
NEW LONDON, Conn., August 28, 1909.
One of the most beautiful ocean trips
about here is that to Fort Gull, and those
who are' fortunate enough to be Invited
upon the government boat. Gen. Nathan
iel Greene or those who can secure
passes are fortunate, for the sail is a
most interesting one, the boat stopping at
Forts Michie and Wright, where the boys
may be seen employed at their various
Sunday was a gala day for New Lon
doners, two large excursions arriving
there from Fall River and from Provl*
dence, and the crowds filled the main
thoroughfare and overflowed into the
side streets, while postcard venders
Shouted themselves hoarse and the supply
of peanuts ran out long before the de
mand was satisfied.
The barn dance has become one of the
most popular dances of the season, and a
number of young people have many spec
tators watching them each morning danc
ing in the Grlswold ballroom.
Special Correspondence of The Star.
OCEAN CITY, Md., August 28, 1909.
September is the best month of the
year at this resort, and if people would
only appreciate the fact, that would be a
rush month instead of August, which is
really one of the least attractive months
of the year. In September the fishing,
gunning and bathing are at their best
and the weather is perfect, with cool, dry
northwest winds prevailing.
Mr. and Mrs. Durant Church of Bast
Orange, N. J., are staying a couple of
weeks with Mr. Church's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Melville Church of Washington.
Mrs. Durant Church was formerly Miss
Gladys Wright.
Recent arrivals from Washington in
Atlantic Hotel?J. E. Taylor, A. A. Mc
Cleary, M. E. Danforth, U. H. Lentz, C.
W. Henry. Mrs. E. N. Meloy, Miss C. R.
Plimhimmon Hotel?C. W. Henderson,
Miss Virginia Hammond, C. H. Shaffer,
J. R. CochrUn, C. C. Kelley, C. B. COffin
Hamilton Hotel?Mrs. H. G. Arnold, C.
S. Pomeroy, Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Has
brouck, Misses Dorothy and Laurel Has
brouck, W. R. Stelnmetz. D. S. Venables,
G. W. Moore, W. C. Hooker.
Oceanic Hotel?A. V. Burdine and wife,
Katherine England.
The Nordlca?Mrs. Sargent Olds.
Mt. Vernon Hotel?Mr. and Mrs. H. W
Tracy, Archie W. Tracy, Paul B. Tracy,
Gertrude V. O'Connell.
Avond-al?R. W. La Mot and wife.
Colonial Hotel-Frank G. Whitney, C.
B. Keene and wife, Mrs. B. F. Burns,
Eugene Meads.
Mt. Pleasant Hotel?M. Stearn.
Special Correspondence of The Star.
OCEAN GROVE, N. J., August 28, 1909.
While old-fashioned hymns will take the
place of oratoric and florid harmony for
the next ten days in Ocean Grove, secular
pastimes will be diverted from the audi
torium, the great center of music, to the
beach and lakeside.
Rev. David L. Richards, D. D., is a
prominent Washington visitor at the New
Philadelphia, where he Is spendiflg a
Mies M. W. Haynes and Miss G. McGlll
of Ellicott City, Md., and Miss A. M.
Haynes of Baltimore are visitors at the
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Lindsay. Miss Edith
W. Lindsay, Miss Mary E. Woodall, Miss
Amy E. Woodall and Mr. Carey W. Lind
say of Baltimore are spending the late
summer days at the La Pierre.
Washington is represented at the Foun
tain House by Miss Olive Wright, Mr. H.
K. Snow and Miss Helen Curbridge.
The Alaska is entertaining Miss Stella
Mullican and Miss Florence JfulUcan. of
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Torbert of Wash
ington recently arrived at the Seaside for
their annual outing.
The Alaska numbers among its visitor*
Mr. A. IS. Shoemaker of Washington.
Happy Winners of Prizes at
Recent Fair.
Comings and Goings of People From
Week-End Gatherings and fos
Longer?A Breaker*
Special Correspondence of The Star.
August 28, 1900.
The past week has been a busy one ia
the social world with euchre parties, cos
certs and benefits.
Those winning prises at the Masonic
fair: Mr. Coghill of Southeast Washing
ton, horse; S. E. Davis of Occoquan, Va.,
a diamond ring; Mrs. Kimmeil of Colum
bia road a lace pocket handkerchief; Mr.
John Wilson, sofa pillow; a carved Ivory
carving set, E. Littleton. Washington; tea
set, Mrs. E. E. Johnson, Washington;
sofa pillow, Mrs. T. R. Venable, Colonial
Beach; Wallachian centerpiece, Mrs. John
M. Ruppert, Washington; embroidered
luncheon set, Mrs. J. H. Johnson, Wash
ington; decorated art lamp, J. O. Hefllne;
knitted shawl, G- M. Henault, Washing
Mr. J. T. Selby, a member of the Balti
more Motor Tacht Club, who has been
cruising about the Chesapeake bay and
Potomac river aboard his handsome
launch the Page, spent last week at the
Beach, accompanied by Mr. R. Edgar
Dr. Frank W. Horn baker of Occoquan,
Va., has been spending his vacation at
the Beach aboard bis launch the Avo
lonte, having as his guest Mr. S. E.
Mrs. William Lansdale and children of
Washington are spending the summer at
the Wyman cottage, having as their
guests Mrs. Frank McDonald and Miss
Bertha Hough. Mr. Lansdale joins his
family each week end.
Miss Annie B. Lepley has returned to
Dr. William Q. Schafhlrt last Monday
night took a party of young folks for a
cruise aboard his launch, the Rosamond.
His guests were MlsSes Annadell Haisllp.
Norme Worthington, Mary Loretto and
Angelia Hull, Marie Vermillion, Grace and
Anna May Garner; Messrs. Jack Deeds,
Milton Allen, Albert Landvoigt Anthony
Terwissa, Rowland Brennan, and Mrs. A.
E. Haisllp chaperoned the party.
Mrs. Ella Hopkins, Mrs. A. R. Ver
million and Mr. S. G. Taylor have re
turned to their Washington homes, after
visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bchackleford.
Also Mr. Albert Harrison of Baltimore,
Md., has returned to his home.
Mr. C. E. Worthington of Washington
has joined his family at their oottage
home on Losing avenue.
Mr. W. A. Pyles of Anacostia, D. C-.
spent the past week with his family, and
returned with them to their Washington
home last Friday.
Mr. Fred Wohlfarth of Washington is
visiting his sister, Mrs. Volney Eaton.
Miss Katie Brown Is also Mrs. Eaton'e
Dr. and Mrs. Wilbur M. Phelps of
Washington are the guests of the letter's
mother, Mrs. P. H. Eaton, until Labor
Dr. and Mrs. J. Ramsey Nevitt and
children of Washington, accompanied by
Dr. Nevltt's mother, Mrs. M. E. R.
Nevitt, are - stopping at the Herkimer
Mrs. F. L Seal and son, Mr. Edward
R. Seal, have returned to Washington,
after being the guests of the former's
sister, Mrs. Frank H. Walker, at her
bungalow on the front. Mrs. Walker is
now entertaining her niece, Mrs. J. H.
Wilkin s, and son, who have just returned
from summering in Canada and Lincoln.
Mr. Frank H. Walker arrived at the
Beach the past week aboard his launch
Gailavant, having had a very rough and
stormy passage from Baltimore and An
napolis. Mr. Walker was accompanied
by Messrs. David M. Moore, William R.
Hodges of Washington and L. I. Taylor
of Baltimore, Md.
Mrs. E. A. Lake of Washington is
the hostess this week to a house party,
when her son and his wife. Mr. and
Mrs. Archie M. Lake, and Mrs. Albert
Lake and Mrs. Weigel, are her guests.
Mrs. Lake's grandchildren. Mr. Roscoe
Bangs of Washington and Miss Laura
Louise Bangs of Chicago, I1L, are her
guests also.
Mrs. E. F. Vermillion of Washington, at
her river-front home, is entertaining her
sister, Mrs. C. L. Petty, Mrs. W. A.
Ltndon, Mrs. Frits Kennedy and son
Clyde, and Mrs. L. A. Brooks and her
son, Frank Vermillion, and Philip Roache.
Mr. and Mrs. Thqmas Lucket and fam
ily otf Washington are sojourning at the
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gould of Southeast
Washington are occupying their cottage
on the river front and Lafayette street,
and will remain till late fall. Mr. Gould
has named his place Cesea and has as his
guests Mrs. Gould's sister, Mrs. E. R.
Milllgan, and daughter, Mrs. G. H. Hol
land of Brooklyn. N. Y.
Mrs. Charles Alvin Smith, with her son,
of Waahington, is a guest at the home
named for her late husband this week.
Mrs. E. Hulse, Miss Alice Athey, Miss
Mamie Poore, Miss Florence Milstead,
Mrs. E. Gosnel and Mr. Fred Wells of
Washington are also guests at the Smith
Memorial Home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harvey of Wash
ington are at their cottage on Losslng
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jenkins, Mrs.
Minnie Elchelberger and Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Thomas of Washington are
spending August at the Mann cottage.
Dr. William C. Fowler of Washington
was the guest the past week of Mr. and
Mrs. John Chancey, also Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Harper and Mrs. William Chan
cey of Washington.
Mrs. M. S. Day, Mrs. Dr. Bronson and
Mrs. Adelaide Johnson of Washington
were guests of Mrs. H. M. Chapin the
past week, at her beach front home.
Mr. A. William Morsell of Washington
is visiting Mrs. Ella D. Adams.
Mr. Guy H. Corbett of Washington is
with his family at their river-front home.
Messrs. Philip Roche, Roscoe Bangs
and- Frank Vermillion arrived at the
beach last Saturday, aboard their launch.
Shamrock 11. having as their guests Dr.
William E. Whitson and F. M. Bock.
Capt. and Mrs. J. R. Bowen of Wash
ington are sojourning at Cedar Croft. Mr.
and Mrs. W, F. Heusted and daughter of
Washington are also guests there.
Company G of the 1st Regular Virginia
Volunteers of Alexandria, Va., Is camp
ing at the northern end of the beach,
with Capt. F. L. Haymaker in command.
H. Beverly, first lieutenant, and C. May,
second lieutenant.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Coleman and chil
dren of Washington will spend the bal
ance of the season at the Linweod Housa.
also Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Adams and chil
dren of Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Warren of Wash
ington are spending two weeks as guests
at the Linwood House.
Misfc Corlnne Eaton, after visiting her
aunt. Mrs. L. B. Harrison, at her home
lh 'Wilder street, has returned to Wash
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Pflleger. after
spending August with the letter's mother,
Mrs. A. E. Johnson of Southeast Wash*
lngton, at her home, Rosedale, have re
turned to their home In Philadelphia, Pa:
Mrs. Johnson also entertained her niece
and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Turey
of Philadelphia, and hor cousins. Miss
Grace Shipley, Mm George Jacobe and
Miss Marie Watkins fef the Capital city.
The Misses Kellher of Washington
(Continued on Third Page.)

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