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PARTICIPATING IN F ^b s wfi V.; - liWl *v.?^v - > -.,...> .;...y, >> I 4 11 I! ^ pale staff of t!ic Cook & Stoddard Com- i pony an?l will demonstrate Franklin ears. ; Mr. Barnes recently returned from a trip i to the factory, at Syracuse, N. Y., where , he made a study of the Franklin car. * * * The survey of the new macadam road- j way which is to be constructed between < "Washington and Alexandria has been j completed and estimates for the work will be received the coming- week. Ac cording to plana it will bo necessary to widen the roadway in the vicinity of l.una Park, and it ts possible that a car track spur will have to be moved. Assistance is being rendered by the Department of Agriculture in. constructing the road. * * One Important thing for the motorist to observe Is that the gasoline is strained before putting it into the tank. A very lit- J tie grit or dirt Is sufficient to close up the carburetor. Some troubles, of course. ' cannot be guarded against, but dirty gasoline is something that should never c?uso inconvenience, although It frequently does through carelessness. ^ *** i; Tyrus Cobb, an Idol of the. base ball , world. Is driving a car in the good roads tour from New York to Atlanta, which i( started from New York Monday morning, . October 25. That Cobb Is one of the star ' attractions of the tour cannot be doubted. He received a tremendous ovation in New York city at the start of the tour. , Cobb is a southern boy, and, in fact, he represents his native town of Royston, Ga., In this tour. The board of trade of , Royston wired to Cobb In Detroit, at the close of the world's series, asking him to drive a car as its representative, and he finally completed arrangements to do so. Cobb is driving a car which is scarcely < less known than himself. He is driving , the celebrated Chalmers-Detroit "30," which has come to be known all over the country as "Old Reliable." because ! of the many strenuous Journeys it has undertaken and successfully completed. This car was driven last summer and fall 208 miles a day for 100 consecutive days, , a total distance of 20,800 miles. * 1 * * Mrs. Jean Newton Cuneo. wife of a well known New Yorker, is participating on the New York-Atlanta endurance run and is driving a Rainier touring oar which is being used by the press. She is an automobt'e enthusiast and is considered an ex- 1 pert at piloting a big machine. I * * * Ray Owen, who is driving a new model four-cylinder Reo car on the New YorkAtlanta tour, is one ot" the veterans of the great Pittsburg endurance run of 1908. known as the run of the Mudlarks. Private owners are taking part in the good roads tour over the National highway in greater numbers than in any other tour In the history of automobillng. Many are not accompanied by mechanics, depending wholly upon themselves to make any repairs which may be found necessary. * a Mr. and .Mrs. Charles W. Render enjoyed u two-day trip last week Jn a l.ocomobile roadster, visiting Rockville, Frederick and Kmmitrburg. returning to the city via KUieott City and Raltitnorc over the new boulevard. m m Former Senator J. It. Henderson has purchased a lf'10 Matheson "Six" touring car and limousine body also. The touring car has a seating capacity of five persons and the limousine seven. The ? ar will bo delivered within t lie next few aays. * * * S A. tVin>or returned a few days aeo from a business trip to the Quaker city. * Kxten*ivr improvements arc belli;; made ? '< * A e * V, vo fp \ * |m &on* isund hotoh pakkwnv l r 5-?5him|t SXB COttHTVKOADS 7.49Mlt*SfL wwl lofcw otcircuit lg.6*?uk|j IEW YORK-ATLANTi $^I3K*sxPS^f^SEjH iy^^^K?-?it' ,*r' iBWyt^K-- ' Iv ;,^. - ' -^1^ B^TtII":'-f *: *f ^^FJ\ ti flH Ik ... / v 1 ^S amiMg .,> ij i : . i'. ' m m . x &jL-.\^^T . . ' v?> ^ A. ^BL > ' -^1 <v< # :o the Interior of the Central parage on S'ew York avenue. The pillars and floorng In the center of the spacious building lave been removed, thus affording ample light and additional floor space. The stockrooms will be located on the upper floors, while the repair shop will remain n Its present location. As a result of the mprovements. 14,000 feet of clear floor space will be afforded. * ? Mr. and Mrs. Ed B. Terry and Mrs. M. P. Terry motored to Rldgcville, Md., last 3unday In Mr. Terry's Bulck touring car. ind after spending the day returned home n the evening. The trip was via Rock,-iile. Washington Grove, and thence over :he new- Eaytonsville pike. * * A. B. Dulln and a party of friends enjoyed a trip over the boulevard to the Monumental City the past week In his Jldsmobile touring car. * Details have practically been completed Tor the National Automobile Show, which tvill open in the Auditorium-Armory, Atanta, Ga., November 6, continuing to the 13th. The revised list of exhibitors shows that sixty-seven of the leading motor ;ar m alters have contracted for space? i remarkable showing for the itrst automobile exposition of the south. Atlanta :an rightfully be proud of the response makers have made to the call from the south for a show. With the scores of ac:essory exhibitors, this is by far the largest list which ever exhibited at a "first show." * * Always see that the spare parts carried jn the car?especially the valves?are of the proper size for the engine, so that there may be no annoying delay If they should be suddenly called into requisition. ? * Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mulford are on their honeymoon this week in the Dozier six-cylinder stock car that holds the world's record of 1,196 miles In twentyfour hours. Ralph Mulford, who drove this car at Brighton Beach, was married the day before the race and he and his bride are now making a tour through England. They will be accompanied by C. A. Emise, who Is driving the Lozler car that 'finished second In the big race. Both of these Lozler cars broke the world's continuous twenty-four-hour record. Car No. 2, driven by Mulford and Patsdlke, made 1.196 miles and the other Lozler made 1,189 miles. The former non-stop race record, 1,000 miles, was made by a Renault on the same track. August 27-28. The winning Lozler cars, therefore, made, respectively, 146 miles and 119 miles more than were ever made by any car in a continuous twentyfour-hour race. These cars are regular slx-cyllnder fifty-horsepower Brlarcllff stock models, and ufter they have been equipped with new bodies they will be placed in stock one#! more and offered for sale at regular prices. J. K. McDonald of Philadelphia arrived in this city during the early part of the week, having driven over the road in Ids Locomobile. He is making his headquarters at the Standard garage, where he expects to remain for about I xo weeks. ? * The Plynn Motor Car Company has closed a contract for the handling of the Stearns automobile in this city. * * The adoption of the gasoline power motor to commercial uses and the reduction of the coat of the engines have put them within reach of the oyster dredgers and fishermen along the Potomac, and now fully half the larger boats used in oysteriiK and fishing are so equipped. The fishermen use power-driven boats to visit and fish their nets and to carrv the catch to the shipping point, and the 0 foNDEKMLT CUP^ACE. ZZ. \THEATLEYffiLWjWEER3TAB rXA.WAPE9UA5WEE30Tys V ENDURANCE RUN1 <, .f *4;y- ^ ^ ^ IP* jlBfe-'^Py. ' ^mH|I I J . * &g?f^ v*--*-'.. > '/BBBK^ ' vi^'v r I^H^H - .^yy,w}v>> \.- ;U.. . >A.i,\?' SHjV^ oystermen up? them In towing: the dredge boats and other work about the beds. * * ? The definite date has been Anally decided upon for the flag to flag endurance and reliability run from Denver to the City of Mexico. According to the revised conditions the contestants, of which there will be not less than twenty, will leave Denver Monday, November 22. and end in the City of Mexico the week of December 13. when an automohil* >hn? will be held In the federal district. The conditions are practically the same as those of the Olidden tour except for the fact that there will be no technical examination" at the end of the tour according to present plans. m * * Frank Richards, a well known motorist of this city, is enjoying a hunting trip at Hughesvllle, Md. He motored there a few days ago in his Pope-Toledo touring car. a * * A. Stanley Zell and "Jack" Sperry lert Friday in a Peerless touring car over the road to New York. Early yesterday morning they motored over to Eong Island and witnessed the start of the Vanderbirt cup races. * * * II. E. Turner, a local enthusiast, has bought a Pope-Hartford touring car. The car is the new 1910 type, four cylinder, forty SOrsepower. The car was delivered during the past week. * ' Claude E. Miller has returned from a ten-day trip to New York, having motored from the metropolis to the National Capital in fast time. 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Thompson of New York, accompanied by Miss Jane Mitchell and F. R. Smith, passed through Washington recently en route for the Euray Caverns and a tour of the Shenandoah valley. The car was a sixty-horsepower Stearns, the property bf Mr. Thompson, who was driving. * * From indications it now appears that there will be enough changes in the motor cars, motorcycles and accessories that are to be exhibited at the tenth national automobile show, in Madison Square Garden, New York, January 8-15, to keep the enthusiasts busy studying them, and a thorough inspection of the new fea lures will be a task to complete In one day. Although the motor car and everything pertaining to It will be sufficient to hold the attention of the public, the scenic surroundings in wh'ch will be set the annual array of the automobile industry's lustrous gems are promised to be so gorgeous and striking that the visitor may be excuted if for the moment he forgets ' the utilitarian phase of the exhibition aid feasts his eyes on the "Garden beautiful." . In Regard to Feet. From the London Globe. Anthropologists assert that Die Frenchman's foot is long, narrow and well proportioned. Tho Scotchman's foot, according to these authorities, is high and thick, strong, muscular and capable of hard work. The Russian's foot possesses one peculiarity, the toes being generally webbed to the first Joint. The Tartar's foot is short and heavy, the foot of a certain type of savage, and the toes are ho same length. The Spaniard's foot is renerally small, but finely curved. The 'nghshniar.'s foot is in most cases, short and rather fleshy, and not as a rule as irontf, proportionately, as it should be. "Talk is cheap." quoted the moralizer. "Huh!" rejo ned the demoralizer. "You just wail till your wife begins to explain I - t- ? ?.-v ? * nuu. I Wny sllU llt*uu? IIF: iiiuucj'. ?v nui&gu ' News. LAPS -27e.06HLE? ?315 LAM-18a6011tl,E3 KES 10LMO;K440W&LE3 4 n The I Our 1910 Car. Tl,c I mot I proximates perfection. A fan I of refinement. Proven reliabi] and the minor changes sugge % Safety. 'ic more you s you understand car of SAFE construction. 1 record for Safety. Every Lc confidence in his car?the mo plcte his trust in its Safety. ? Development. Wc conic We have been DEVELOPU high-class car can not be pr< long experience. When you the most satisfactory car that the benefits derived from d< established and experienced c Touring Can TheS 21 ^ | THE BROr X BY LOUIS JOS ? (Copyright, 1900, by L W All rights reserved, including that of J Including the S< CHAPTER HI?Continued. t "The boat," affirmed Quain, too dis- * couraged for tiie obvious retort ungra- t clous. He stooped and caught up a frayed end of rope, exhibiting it in wit- j ness to his statement. "Ain't it h?II?" ^ he inquired, plaintively. ~ Amber's gaze followed the rope, the | f further end of which was rove through j ? the ring of a small grapnel anchor half ( I burled in the spongy earth. "Gone!" he ' echoed, dismally. "Gone away from here," said Quain. deliberately, nodding at the rope's end. "The tide floated her off, of course, but how this happened is beyond me. 1 ^ could kill Antone." He named the Por- \ tuguese laborer charged with the care of i the boats at Tanglewood. "It's his job } to see that these cables are replaced J when they show signs of wear." He cast i the rope from him in disdain and wheeled 1 to stare baywards. "There!" he cried, E leveling an arm to Indicate a dark and f fleeting shadow upon the storm-whipped j J waters. "There she goes-not three hun- . dred feet off. It can't be Ave minutes J since she worked loose. I don't see } why ! If It hadn't been for that ; d??d cartridge ! It's the devil's : own luck!" A blur of snow swept between boat and shore: when it had passed the former c was all but indistinguishable. From a * full heart Quain blasphemed fluently. < "Rut if she holds as she stands." f he amended, quickly, his Indomitable t spirit fostering the forlorn hope, "she'll go aground in another Ave minutes and <i I know Just where. I'll go after her." "The deuce you will! How?" ? "Thorp's an old skimmy up the shore t a ways." Already Quain was moving: off * in search of it. "Noticed her this morn- * Jug. Daresay she leaks like a sieve, hut a at worst the water's pretty shoal inshore 1 hereabouts." c "Cold comfort in that." ( "Better than none, you amiable " s "Can you swim?" Amber demanded. ^ pointedly. <1 "Like a fish. And you?" f "Not like a flsh." ? "D? n." Quain brought up short with F a shin barked against a thwart of the a rowboat he had been seeking, and in roeI ognition of the -mishap liberally insulted i his luck. a Amber, knowing that his liuri was as J inconsiderable as his Ill-temper, which a was more than lialf-feigned to mask his t anxiety, laughed quietly, meanwhile in- y specting their find with a critical eye. d "Toil don't seriously mean to put off in o this crasy hencoop, do you?" he asked h "Just precisely that. It's the only h way." o "It's simple madness. I won't " a "Von don't want to stay here all night, w do you?" b "No, but " tl "Well, then, lend us a liand and don't stand there grumbling. Be thankful for s what you've got, which is me and my b enterprise." u "Oh. all right." e Together they put their shoulders to the bows of the old, flat-bottomed rowboat. a with incredible exertions uprooting it t from Its ancient bed, and at length bad fj it afloat. o Panting, Quain mopped his forehead y with a handkerchief much the worse for s a day's association with gun grease, and t< peered beneath his hand Into the murk s that veiled the bay. s "There she Is," he declared, confident- r !>'. "aground." He pointed. "I'll fetch nri with her in no time." I, But Amber could sees nothing In the e leant resembling the catboat. and said so Q with decision. a "She's t.>ere, all right." Insisted Quain. s " 'Taln't my fault If you're blind. Here, t! hold this, will you. while I find me a pole q of some sort." Jle thrust into Amber's h hand an end of rotten painter at which h the rowboat strained, and wandered off n Into the night. In the course of time re- w turning with an old eel-pot stake, flotsam b of some summer storm. "Pure, bull- p headed link!" he crowed. Jubilant, bran- fi dishing his trophy, and jumped Into the p boat. "Now sit tight till I come back? Huh?hat?" p "I'm com big, too," Amber repeated, u quietly. U "The h?11 you are! D'you want to sink ii 9 Mm \ Best Built < Locomobile for iqio is the or car that most closely ap ious car in its highest stage [ity with increased quietness sted by experience. ec of automobiles the more the necessity of selecting a The Locomobile has a clean ?comobile owner has perfect re lie runs it the more cornhave been building the Lo bile for ELEVEN YEARS. it for eleven years. A xluced except through such buy a Locomobile you get : can be made; you also get jing business with a longirganization. ? Roadsters tandan 21 Fourteen vJZE BELL I EPH VANCE I oil Josepk V??o? ) ^ translation into foreign languages, candinuvian. ^ is? What do you think this is. anyway? in excursion steamer? You stay where 'ou are and I?I say?take care of this ill I come back, like a good fellow." He thrust the butt of Ids shotgun into Vmber's face, and the latter, seizing it. vas rewarded by a vigorous push that sent him back half a dozen feet. At the lame time the painter slipped from his :rasp and Quain, lodging an end of the sei-pot stake on the hard sand bottom. >ut his weight upon it. Before Amber ould recover the boat had slid oft and vas melting swiftly into the shadows. After a hit Qualn's voice came back. 'Don't fret. Davy. I'm all right." Amber cupped hands to mouth and sent i cheerful hail ringing in response. Slnultaneously, the last, least, indefinite blur hat stood for the boat In the darkness, anished in a swirl of snow, and he was ilone with the storm and its misgivings, "pon these he put a check?would not Iwell upon them; but their influence none lie less proved strong enough to breed n him a resistless restlessness and keep ilm tramping up and down a flve-yard itretch of comparatively solid earth?to md fro. stamping his feet to keep his >lood circulating, lugging both guns, one icneath either arm, hunching his shoullers up about his ears in thankless atempt to prevent wet flakes from sifting n between tils neck and collar?thus, inermlnably it seemed, to and fro, to and ro. In the course of time this occupation lefeated its purpose; the very monotony >f it sent his thoughts winging back to iuain; lie worried more than ever for his rlend. reproaching himself unmercifully or that he had suffered him to go alone -or at all. Quain had a wife and chilIren; that thought proved insupportable. ' Had lie missed the catboat alto tether? Or had he gained it only to tind he motor disabled or the propeller fouled rith the wiry eel glass that choked the ;hoals? In either instance he would be it the merey of the wind, for even with he sail cioso reefed he would have no hoiee other than to fly before the fury. )r had the boat possibly gone aground o hard and fast that Quain had found timself unable to push her off and loomed to lie in her. helpless, against the tilling of the tide? Or (.last and most ;rudged guess of all) had the "skimmy" roved as unseaworthy as its dilapidated ippearantM had proclaimed It? Twenty minutes wore wearily away. raiMiig ever more densely, the snow drew iti Impenetrable wan curtain between imber and the world of life and light ,nd warmth; while with each discordant last tho strength of the gale seetned to rax. its high hysteric clatnor at times rowning even the incessant deep bellow f the ocean surf. Once Antber paused 11 his patrol, having heard, or fancying 0 had heard, tho staccato plnt-plut-plut f a marine motor. On impulse, with a welling heart, ho swung his gun skywards and pulled both triggers. The doule report rang in his ears loud as a liunderclap. In the moments that followed, while he tood listening, with every fiber of his eing keyed to attention, the sense of his tter Isolation chilled his heart as with old steel. A little frantically he loaded and fired gain, but what at first might have been bought the faint far echo of a hail he 1 the end set down reluctantly to a trick f the hag-ridden wind; to whose savage oice he durst not listen long; in such a torni. on such a night, a man had but o hearken with a credulous ear to hear trange and terrible voices whispering, hrlektng, gibbering, howling untold horors. An hour passed, punctuated at frequent itervals bv gunshots. Though they voked no answer of any sort, hope for luain died hard in Amber's heart. With 11 his might he labored to convince hltnelf that his friend must have overtaken he drifting boat, and, forced to reiin uish his efforts to regain the beam, i ave scudded across the bay to the raalnmd and safety; but this seemed a surtise at best so far-fetched, and one as ell not overlong to be dwelt upon, lest y that very Insistence Its tenuity be emhasised. that Amber resolutely turned rom it to a consideration of his own light and problematic way of escape. His understanding of his situation was ainfully accurate; he was marooned pon what a flood tide made a desert iland, but which at the ebb was a penisula?a long and narrow atrip of sand, I wbii Car in Americ Manufacture. Thc, senibh IS. We make our car tli Mechanism, Levers, Motors, all OUR OWN. Even thc M; paratus arc made in the Locoi The "30" Locom< i shaft-drive system that you mi powerful, adequate for all m town car; perfect for touring and of the highest quality of The "40" Locomc who wants a seven-passenger distance touring. Comniooiou and SAFE. Very Easy Ridir Demonstrations. struction, equipment and finis ance at the hands of a courteo Limousines j Garagi ith Street N.\ J bounded on the west by the broad, shalI low channel to the ocean, on the east | connected with the mainland by a sandbar which half the day lay submerged. He had, then, these alternatives?he might either compose himself to hug the leeward ~ide of a dune till daybreak (or till reliet should come) or else undertake a five-mile tramp on the desperate hope I of finding at the end of It the tide out : and the sandbar a safe footway from | shore to shore. Between the two he * j vacillated not at all; anything were preI ferable to a nieht in the dunes, beaten by the implacable storm, haunted by the thought of Quain; and even though he were to find the eastern causeway under water, at least the exercise would have served to keep him from freezing. Ten minutes after his last cartridge had been fruitlessly discharged, he set out for the ocean beach, pausing at the first dune he came upon to scrape a shallow trench in the sand and cache therein both guns and his game bag. Marking the spot with a bit of driftwood stuck upright, he pressed on, eventually pausing on the overhanging lip of a twentyfoot bluff. To its foot the beach below was aswlrl knee deep with the wash of breakers, broad patches of water black and glossy as polished ebony alternating with vast expanses of foam and clotted spume, all aglow with pale winter phosphorescence. Momentarily, as he watched, at once fascinated and appalled, mountainous ridges of blackness heaved up out of the storm's gray heart, offshore, and, curling crests edged with luminous white, swung in. to crash and shatter thunderously upon the sands. Awed and disappointed. Amber drew back. The beach was impassable; here was no wide and easy road to the east, such as he had thought to find; to gain the sandbar he had now to thread a tortuous and uncertain way through the bewildering dunes. And the prospect was not a little disconcerting; afraid neither of wind nor of cold, he was wretchedly afraid of going astray in that uncertain, shifting labyrinth. To lose one's self in that trackless wilderness * ! A demon of anxiety prodded him on? he must learn Quain's fate or go mad Once on the mainland it were a matter of facility to find his way to the village ! of Shampton. telephone Tanglewood and charter a "team" to convey him thither He shut his teeth on his determination and set his face to the east. Beset and roughly buffeted by the gale; the snow settling in rippling drifts in the folds of his clothing and upon his shoulders clinging like a cloth; his face cut by clouds of sand flung horizontally with well nigh the force of birdshot from a gun, ne dowt 11 10 uie diasi hhu piouucu steadily 011. Imperceptibly fatigue benumbed liia senses, blunted the keen edge of his emotions; even the care for Quain became a mere dull ache in the back of his perceptions; of physical suffering lie was unconscious. He fell a prey to freakish fancies?could stand aside and watch himself, an atom whirling In the mad dance of the tempest, as the snow-flakes whirled, as little potent. He saw himself pitting his puny strength of mind and body against the infinite force of the elements; saw himself fall and rise and battle on. gaining nothing?an atom, sport of high gods! To the flight of time he grew quite oblivious. Ids thoughts wandering in the past, oddly afar to half-remembered scenes, to experiences more than half forgotten, both wholly irrelevant; picturesque and painful memories cast up from the deeps of the subconsciousness by some inexplicable convulsion of the imagination. For a long time he moved on in stupid, wondering contemplation of a shining crescent of sand backed by a green, steaming wall of Jungle; there was a dense blue sky above, and below, on the beach, dense blue waters curled lazily up the feet of a little, naked, brown child, that played contentedly with a shell of rainbow hues. Again be saw a throng upon a pier-head, and in its forefront an unknown woman, plainly dressed, with deep brown eyes wherein despair dwelt, tearless but white to the lips as she watched a steamer draw away. And yet again, he seemed to stand with others upon the threshold ] of the cardroom of a Hongkong club?in , a glare of garish ligfct a man in evening . dress lay prone across a table on whose . aLsorbent, green cloth a dark and ugly stain was widening slowly. But for the most part lie fancied himself walking J through scented, autumnal woods, beside , a woman whose eyes were kind and dear, whose lips were sweet and tempting?a * s"irl he had known not an hour but whom ; already he loved, though he himself did not dream It nor discover it till too late. And with these many othu- visions formed and dissolved in dreamlike phantasamagoria; but of them all the strongest and most recurrent was that of the girl in the black riding habit, walking by his side down the aisle of trees. So that presently the tired and overwrought man believed himself talking with her, reasoning, arguing, pleading desperately for his heart's desire; and wakened with a start, to hear tho echo of her voice as though she had spoken but the instant gone, to find his own lips framing the syllables of her name-"Sophia!" Thus strangely he came to know that beyond question he loved. And he stopped short and stood blinking blindly st a nothing, a little frightened by the depth t fe I :a. I -.oconiobile is not an "As- I -d" car. Xo high-class car I irouchout?Axles. Steering I Transmissions, Brakes, are igneto and the Ignition Apmobilc Factory. )bile. A five - passenger I car with a unique ist investigate. Convenient, otor service. Handy as a Beautiful in appearance, material and workmanship. >bile. The logical choice I of the customer car for family use or longis and Luxurious. Reliable 'gWc invite you to examine the Locomobile?its con>h. Test its road performus and careful operator. Landau lets eCo., v. and strength of this passion which had come to him with such scant presage, realizing for the first time that his need for her was an insatiable hunger of tho soul. And she was lost to him; half a world lay between them?or soon would. All his days he had awaited, a little curiously, a little skeptical, the coming of the thing men call love, and when it had come to him he had not known It nor guessed It until its cause had slipped away from him. Beyond reeall? Abruptly he regained consciousness of his plight, and with an effort shook h>s senses back into his head. It was not precisely a time when he could afford to let his wits go wool-gathering. And ho realized that he had been, in a way, mors than half asleep as he walked: even now he was drowsy, his eyes were heavy, his feet leaden?and numb with cold besides. He had no least notion of what distanc e he might have traveled or whether he had walked in a straight line or a circle, but when he thought to glance over his shoulder?there was at the moment, perhaps, more wind with less snow than there had been for some time?he found the lighthouse watching him as It had from the first; as If he had not won a step away from It for all his struggle and his pains. The white, staring eye winked sardonically through a mist of flakes, was blotted out and turned up a baleful red. It seemed to mock him, but Amber nodded at It with no unfriendly feeling. It still might serve his purpose very well, if his strength held, since he had merely to keep his back to the light and tiie ocean beach upon his right to win to the Shampton sandbar. Whether soon or late. Inflexible of purpose in the face of all his weariness and discouragement, lie was on the point of resuming his march when lie was struck by the circumstanc e that the whitened shoulder of a dune, quite near at hand, should seem as if frosted with light?coldly luminous. Staring, speculative, he hung In the wind?inquisitive as a cat, but loath to waste time in footless inquiry. The snowfall, setting in with augmented violence, decided him. Where light was there should be man. and where man, shelter. His third eager stride opened up a wide basin in the dunes, filled with eddying veils of snow, and set. at some distance, with two brilliant squares of light?windows In an invisible dwelling. In the space between them, doubtless, thei-e would be a door. But a second time he paused, remembering that the island was ? ? ? . ^ ? ? .1 mm J, ? ? , J mm m m said to De unirmanuea. cmiy jrmrm*lie liad asked and been so informed. Odd! So passing strange he hgjd it. Indeed, that he was conscious of aVingular reluctance to question the phenomenon. That superstitious dread of the unknown which lies dormant in us all in Amber stirred and awoke and held him back like a strong hand. Or. if there be such a thing us a premonition of misfortune, he may be said to have experienced It in that hour; certainly a presentiment of evil crawled In his brain, and he hesitated at a time when he desired naught In the world so much as that which tho windows promised?light, heat and human companionship. He had positively to force himself on to seek the door, and even when he had stumbled against its step he twice lifted his hand and let Jt fall without knocking. There was not a sound within that I e could h**ar above the clatnor of the goblin night. In the end, however, he knocked stoutly enough. (To be continued tomorrow.) a 1 Life Near South Pole. From MoCI ure's. Tho food supplies consisted of .sugar, pemmiean. biscuits, cheese, plasmon. chocolate, tea, cocoa, "emergency ration,*" and "emergency Oxo." i*ugar. which has great heat-giving properties, was an Important Item. The biscuits weighed about twelve to the pound, and were made of whole meal, with 22 per cent of plasnjr added. Jn The pemmiean was made of the byt part of beef, ground down and mlxM fcith tit) per cent of lard. There are many duds of pemmi?-au on the market, but hat procured for the expedition from 7openhagen wan particularly /rood. Th* Dlasinon powder van added to our tee. ind we found it a valuable preparation. The "emergency ration." which consisted >f crushed bacon, peas and beans, was added to pemmican and powdered biscuit :o make "hoosh." the chief Item of the imited menu. We had hoosh in the nornlng and evening. with biscuits; and :he chocolate and cheese, also with bisiuits. were used on alternate days for uncb. We drank tea at lunch, and ocoa at break ast and dinner. Ka>h nan's outiU of garments consisted of two >airs of Jaeger pajama trousers, singlet, ihlrt. guernsey. Burberry overalls, ten >alrs of heavy socks, three pairs of tinnetkoe. Balaclava cap for the head, with Burberry covering, large muffler and fur nitts, hung from the neck by pleoes of ampwick so that they would not be lost vhen taken from the hands. With this >uttit we were absent from the hut about /ne-thlnd of a year. Washing la not tossible on a sledging Journey, though t the winter quarters wo were fairly r?gilar In our ablution* , I