Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING STAR WITH SUNDAY MORNING EDITION. Bosineaa Office, Utk St. tad PeaaaylranU iram. The Evening Star Newspaper Company, European Office: $ Begent St.. London. England. New Tork Office: Tribune Building. Chicago Office: First National Bank Euiliiaff. The Eveninc Star, with th* Sunday mornlns edition. Is delivered l>y carripra within the city at .*i?? cents per month. Orders may he sent by mall or telephone Main 2440. Collection is made by carrier at the end of each month. By tnall. postage prepaid: T>aily. Snndar ln?"!nded. one month. <W cent*. T>ailr. Sunday excepted, one month. cents. Saturday Star. fl year. Sunday Star, #1.50 year. Pages 1=4 Wvmim Part 2 WASHINGTON, D. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1909. Enterprising and ad- t vertising arc almost synonymous terms. LEAVE "WANT ADS" AT STAR BRANCH OFFICES. If not conienlent to call at The Star ofTW, 11th street and Penn sylvania avenue, leave your ad vertisement at any of the follow lowintf IJranoh Offices: WANT AOS, 1 CEXTT A WOBD. Minimum, 15 canta only. NORTHWEST BRANCHES: Bmlfrtri's Pharmacy. !>th xnil R. I. rtTe. nutier A Field. Drorglsts. 3d and Indiana ara. Cnmniereia* nanh B'dg.. Postal Telegraph. *>1syvp:]'s Drug Store. 7th and T sta. Fred R. Campbell. Drugs. 42<W Ga. a*e. Thos. A. Dohyns. l.Sth and Columbia road. D'ipont Phsrir?cy. 20rh and P sta. Eoplr's Drue Store. 14th and Clifton sta. Rmffnn. O. W.. 11th at. and Park road. Centner's Drn* Store. 14th and H at>. Gn't den here's Rniwan of Information. H?rbsf'? Drue Store. 2Sth and Pa. a?e. IToItwlair's New-ssfHnd. 17fS Pa. a*e. Interior D?t>t Sth and F. Postal Telegraph. S. Kann. Snn? A Co.. Information Bnreaa. i-'ln-'s TVie Store. ISfh and I st*. W II. Davis. Drue Store. nth and S. Vstlonal flotoj Postal Telegraph. PTtmsn's P^nrmiHT 14th and R. I. ave. R'.?? f- ?Ofh and K. Roland Wallnre. Newsstand ani Satlonefy Store n.'to ftth st. n.w. f"rfon Station. Postal Teloersph. r*nt'ed Stales Pantfol. Postal Telegraph. WnodTard A lyithrop. Superintendent's dMk. 1??^ r"onn<"*t|r?it it>? Postal Tel"graph. Qoirley's Drue Store 21?t and G ata. GKonr;Trrr>\VN: nT>onneirs r?ni?r Store. 32d and M at*. O p .nn^ll's Dnig Store. Sid and P ata. Pride's Pharmacy. ?Sth and P eta. NORTHEAST. rentier's pharmacy. 4th and Stanfn pi. n.a. F K Richardaon * Co.. X. r*ap. and P at*. Kenealv's Pharmsry. V Capitol and I ata. C I- Kranae. ?th and K sts. n.e. Tarlor A I.amh. 11th and E. Capitol ata. Mooradfn's Pharmacr. 13th and H ata. n.e. Yeatman. D. A.. Pharmacy. 7tb and H n.a. SO CTHEA ST. Rridlov's Dr"ir Store. 8th and E ats. a.a. O'Donnell's Dm? Store. 3d and Pa. are. a.*. M. S Fealy, Druggist. 11th and Pa. *??. SOUTHWEST. ilth sf. whnrf. Postal Telegraph Office. Sullivan's Drnz Store. 7th and I> ata. l.W. Charles S. Walter. 901 4Vi at. a.W. TENLEYTOWX. D. C. George 1". Parton. Druggist. Wlacoacia m ANACOSTIA. D. a T F. Williamson. Dry Oooda Store. 151 Mrhola are, a.e. WANTED?SALESMEN. WANTED AN KXPKRIEnT'ED REAL ESTATK salesman in a well established office. Address uith imrticuinrs. Box 100. Star office. ?* WANTED?HELP. MALE. WANTED BOYS. $lo REWARD IS OFERED BY ? ? ,\.,K. for Industrial Dept. of ?. s|h | Mission. 1230 p?. aV(, ? w for iarRPSt ? I'M'itIty of papers and mu-azlues delivered by April 1. 1!?1U. Boys will be paid for each S00 ??. "i papt-rs delivered. del6-31 SALE55MJIX. TH-VS. i^Otl'EI^s. SPICE. RICE. A good live man to represent an up-to-date f^LPn!Br^?sive ""'st be a salesman. kBow th.- lines, also the retail trade; address gating experionc- and outline of territory de >ired: we have the right proposition for the rignt man. 1!. FISCHER A CO., UK) FRANKLIN ST . del6-2t NEW YORK. WANTED _ EXPERIENCED MAN TO T\KE charge cigar and periodical store. Apply to 6.30 p.m.. ?lo 14th at. n.wt del?l-2t* Ww?i^TSALES51 (UGARS IN v\ash ngton: must farniah bond. Address Bo* IPJ. Mar offlco. %VANTT4D_ EXl'ERIENCED C.ROCERY CLERK ? 87 tTttde- Apply 428 ?th at. n.w. WANTBD-rrTE YOUNG men as DESI onatratora in onr toy department. Ap ply to Soperintendent. S. KANN, SONS A CO.. before 10 a.m. ?WANTHl ^OIJ('ITOR FOR TEA AND COFFEE. v. b.. 8tar office. WANTKI* YOI'NG MAX BETWITEN 15 AND 20 in real estate office; must he a hustler and able to handle typewriter; salary. per week to Ni?rt ? Kuod chance for advaoce. Box 20C> Star ??fflce. j W aNTED-YODNO MAN FOR GENERAL OF n? e .?ork. iuust be quick and accurate and good _penn?n. Address Box 2f*>, Star office. deUf-3t? WANTED YOI'NG SETTLED MAN* FBOM THE ? ountry. not imder 21 years, to learn lunchroom hnslness: must ta aolck, sober, reliable and willing to work: a good opportunity and ad vancement to right man. Address at once J. ?>? V. Star offi.-e. del4-3t WAVIHi-a WHITE BUY TO DELIVER OR^ to.?, U.,H Jfr,Hery storP: salary. Apply 1 st. n.e. de!4-3t* u \NTKIi an i:Xf'EIUEN('El) YOI NG MAX Jv, Mawr ch"nc,: for adT,d;;ss'' w VNTED ? B< mTkMEX. INVE1ST1GATE VT I','; ,>'n'a.'.''st ^"bscription suo ess of the <'?<> THE HARVARD CI.ASSPiS "I>R < H AK1.ES \\ . ELIOT'S FAMOl'S FIVE-POOT SHELF OF BOOKS." Plenty reply < ards and JK's*\\'l\ i-o-operatjou. M. WALTER I?l NNK will be at 120 McGUl bldg. for a ""?rt time. de!4-7t W ANTED - R?iISTEREI> DRUGGIST DOWN town store; state reference. Address Bo* 166 Star office. del4-3t* ' V \NTED ? STENOGRAPHER AND TYPE w liter: with some knowledge of book^ keeping pref- rrwl. Address Box 103. Star or r ? . state experience and references. dell tf RRI'inil BOYS- r*0* i? to is fears of age. for bun^'.e wrappers, stockrooma tlvm^ry mh^.jus and door aerrlce. Apply to Superintendent. WOODWARD ft LOTHlfijfr noStf.eRn V ANTED ASK ME HOW YOU CAN STAR* rngT,8HKtro?TC 'T\ * tlKAf f.M K. kp4,rt. N. Y. del .'{fit? WANTED AN INT1:1.I.H;ENT I'KRSOV u ?v earn Jl<?) monthly 'Orresponding news fSI^ra; n-> can racing; sei>d for Dartlru!? PRESS SYNDICATE, fc-kport. X V.' ^. MAX.* OB FS11AIE. S KANN. SONS A CO. WISH To EMPLOY 25 GIRLS AND BOYS OVER mVtT?^yOF aoe applyJ\mK MKIUATEI.Y. de 14-31 V vNTHn YOl XG MAN OR WOMAN CLERK* by pension attorney. Address, stating salary and elperi. nce. a. I* U>?Yf> CO., *227 SL . "I'L *t - Hult'more. Md deli-3? T^X(L^wEX AVD. LADY STKNOOHAPIIERS bookkfep^T, forni?hed frre of ckarce t>* STRAY kit S BI" SI NESS COLLEGE. 0th amd F ?t?. Phone M. .1430. W0\?tt fxtbsaxe: *i h,<; salary to women capa rr j J)"n>r i">sItlon of unusual possibilities ? ffered by a London, Psrls and N-w York cot toil ITT r,'0 th'T" of pp,,T*'B ability. We want JitMt *ix iii??r.- d?-monsipmtorn. <>ur con?et ban i?eei\ed n?. ?,ou? mh?a|, from the I?ndon |"|\? rvt for being one of the ( 1 ' OILSETS IN THE WORIJJ rh?n^-e f..r the right hoimd to secure a I-si?ion of nijjh siandiiiif <*nrs?>t has met with WriTe Hl<i, MONBY POSITIVE. . 2 "nce fi?r pitrti'Mjiari! |0 xO-KA M.N . ..K^rr COMPANY. Suite D ^28.30 \\<st ..stii St.. New York city. de10-5t V an;i kd a7n excellent skamstuesh inhit.-i t. do household mending well. \pply J-et. and n., M * w deleft* Y\ AN Iki> EXPEK1EXCE1) YoFnTj LADY FOR -t?re; permanent Pa>ltion.^^Ap WANTEIi STE N 0< iRAPHEU VND TYPF writ.-r in l.ading real e.?.,e office;.usth^ T**arJ" f,ractlc?l expeHence In tak iiig dictation and ejpert on Remington ma warts, $8 a week. Address statin? ei |.. ii. n. e, L. R. p.. star offlie. delf-St W A NTED EX I'ERIENCED TYPIST AND RTT ti'igrapher Apply to W M. Balderston vtl? Palais Royal. A. USXER. WANTED^ BIMOHT. NEAT (ilRIJS. 16 YEAR~8 of age as pan-el wrappers and floor meaaen BCTGS^Vh ?J K!,..SCh"b' Wlth ?OIJ>EN W A NTED?SA I^SLADY" IN FANCY GOODS s.ore until ?'hrl?tmas; state age and expSSSS? if any. Address Box ISO. Star offit-e. de!4-3t* WANTED-GIRLS TO ISABEL BOTTI,E?. CALL _ I ?tQrf "Kl F st. n.w. dtrtl tf W A NTH) - A N IN TeOJg&Tt- PERSON MAY earn flOU monthly corresponding for news capers: no canvaaaing. Send for nartlculara PRESS SYNDICATE Lack^rt. V Y. d.1^)??' ?NO, LADY APPLY at store, 61^ a at. b.w. 4el~tf ' WANTED?HELP. FEMALE?DOMESTIC. WANTED ? A RELIABLE AM) OBLIGING woman for genera 1 housework: no washing: none need apply without references. Ijaa l?tn ?t. n.w. del.>-<t WANTED?BEL!ABLE WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework; tvfs. Apply 111-1 N s! WANTED?WHITE WOMAN OR GIRL TO COOK and take care of house: small family. Address H. A. BUSCHER, Good Hope Drug Store. delfi-3t WAXTKD? WHITE. (J(H>D COOK AND DO LIGHTEST HOUSEWORK: GOOD WAGES. AI'I'LY DAILY AFTER :? O 'lAH h. THE CONNF.I TICUT. A I'A RT M EN'T 31. WANTED-?I'LAIN COOKS. CHAMBERMAIDS. lmiwlreafieii, hv tin* day: hi'imtjiI housework ers. $10. flS. EXCHANGE, HM5 11th st. n.w. de!6-2t WANTED?A GOOD COOK FOR FAMILY OF tire; no washing or ironing: must he agreeable and willing to do general work, and nights. Apply between and 10 a.m. 1?1R 3d st. u.w. iien?-..t WANTED?WOMAN Foil GENERAL HOUSE work: referents. 1340 Kenyan st. n.w. WANTED?GIlll* FOR GBNKIIAI, IforSEJVOKK in apartment. 41 "The OIlfTbourue,' 18o5 f^il Ten St. n.w. del.V2f WANTED?WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; 3 in family; stay nights; city reference required. ISIS Park road. de!5-3t i WANTE1>?A WHITE GIRL AS CHAMBERMAID ami waitress: references. 1VJ0 li?th st. del4 .'It WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOl'SE work; reference. 1218 Columbia road. del 4-3 ! WANTED ? Ill'TLERS. COOKS. GENERAL honseworker*, chambermaids, waitresses, etc.. wanting good positions call at BUREAU Ob' DOMESTIC REQUIREMENTS. 1410 H st. O.W uoS-tt WANTED?SITUATIONS. One cent a word for 15 words. MAXaE. BELLBOYS; ELEVATOR MAN; RUN DELIV erv auto; coal wagon driver; express drivers. EXCHANGE. 1635 11th st. n.w. del6-2t BUTI.ER. C1IAFFFEFR AND FIREMAN OR janitor: three reliable men. thoroughly compe- ] tent. EUREKA. 1011 New York ave. del~-2t j COOK OR TO WORK AROUND BARROOM? I'lace by honest colored man: ohliglnc and willing worker. Call 410 1st st. n.w. del<>-3t* .CHEF BY THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED IN every style: private family; two years last : place: embassy ref. Box ISO. Star office. del.VSt* t j TIIE MULTI-COPY COMPANY. 23 B ST. N.W., J furnish secretarial, stenographic and clerical j * j help to fill congressional and business positions. WITHOUT CHARGE. We ba%e on file over ; two hundred applications for positions. no23-30t i Wanted?by 11-year-old coloreirfi?y. | work of any kind. 1T>22 3d st. n.w. DOMESTIC. BUTLER. VALET OR COOK. FIRST-CLASS, i Japanese: want position or entire charge of gentlemen: lone experience; best references.] Box 194. Star office. del6-2t* FEUALE. A GENTLEWOMAN HIGHLY IIF>X>M M EN I >E3 ? desires re?i>onsible position in private family or office where the courtesies due her will l>e ap preciated. Address Box 17r>, Star office. i de!5-2t* I EARLY MORNING WORK. SEWING. LADY'S maid or day's work: neat colored girl. Ad dress Box 201, Star office. del6-2t^ ??.? ? i REFINED WHITE GIRL WOULD LIKE TO keep house for settled lady; reasonable. Ad dress Box 177. Star office. de!5-3t* TYPEWRITING?TYPEWRITING TO DO AT, home; neatly and accurately done: careful at-1 tentlon to punctuation and business letters, j etc.; rates reasonable. 1612 8th st. n.w. | WANTED ? FUR GARMENTS REMODELED, i CORSETS made to order. CLARA CUNNING HAM. 735 11th st. n.w. Phone ilaia 3467-Y. drt-IIOt ' ! WELL EDUCATED YOUNG LADY TYPE wrlter desires position; office work or eashler. Address M. C. D.. 1WS 14th n.w. del4-3t* DOMESTIC BY COLOREI> GIRL. PLACE AS CHAMBER maid or waitress, or both. 417 K st. n.w. deltt 2t BY COLORED WOMAN. TO DO GENERAL housework. 213H 8th st. n.w. BY RELIABLE COLORED WOMAN, TO DO I general housework. 2316 Ga. ave. COOK IN PRIVATE FAMILY-PLACE BY RE- j liable colored woman; good reference. 1224 27th st. n.w. EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS, WASHING TO take home or day's work out. 412 L n.w. de!5-2t* FIRST-CLASS ENGLISH WAITRESS OR CHAM hernia id wishes situation; references. Write Box 174. Star office. delo-3t* HOUSEWORK ER GIRL, PLACE TO ASSIST In housework or nurse. 31S 22d st. n.w. HOUSEWORKER BY COMPETENT WOMAN, general housework, private family; stay at night. l<t:t? 33d st. n.w. HOUSEWORK ER ? BY RELI ABLE COLORED girl, place general houseworker. 1925 9th st. n.w. HOUSEKEEPER-MANAGING HOUSEKEEPER desires position; references. 322 East tol at. del5-4t* REFINED WIDOW DESIRES POSITION AS housekeeper for widower or bachelor. Addrcs-. i K.. 246 East ave., Hlghlandtown. Baltimore, Md. del4-tn,,Su-4t* WANTED?BY WHITE WOMAN, PLACE VS I chambermaid; sewing, darning and mending specialty. Address 1515 9th n.w. de!5 3t? | ~ WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS. " | One cent a word each time for 15 words 3 times. j IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SELL YOU CA-N ' avoid lots of worry If yon send for one whs i baa a reputation of 20 years' fair dealing. | delfl-tf MARCUS NOTES. 426 9tii st. n.w. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WORN clothing, ladies", gents' and children's shoes, hats: send postal or phone; will call. J. TARSHES. 1306 7th n.w. PhoUe North 490 deKl-tf WANTED ?TO BUY OLD FEATHER BEDS. When selling why not drop postal to an old re liable flrm.' II MARKS. :?n 7th. opposite Saks', or phone Linen 2331 Y. delft tf WANTED DIME SAVINGS BANK STOCK. Write address, number of shares and lowest price. BUYER. Star office. WANTED large quantities old news papers. books and magazines. 2.V per hundred pounds. Drop card for wagon. 1237 Morse st. de!6-4t H. BAUM & SON. 912 PA. AVE. N.W.?AN opportunity to dispose of all kinds of furni ture. We are In the market to buy slightly used furniture, store fixtures and office furni ture of every description. H. BAUM Jk SOS, phone M. 1254. delg-tf i WANTED- ALL THE OLD. USELESS GOLD and sliver Iving Idle in your possession; corals, diamonds, cameos, Jewelry and silverware Itought. C. F. KARR. Jeweler. 614 13th. above F. nol-tf.4 WANTED'"'pawn TICKETS FOR DIAMONDS and jewelry, (.'ash paid for old gold, silver, platinum, coins, etc. LOUIS ABRAHAMS. 433 0th. de6-tf WANTED - FURNITURE. CARPETS. BRIC-A t>r?c. etc.. to Include In our sale* every Satar dsy. 10 a.m.; good results: prompt returns. Will call upon request. WESCHLER'S. 1)20 Pa. ave. n.w. nol6-90t WANTED -FI'RN1TURE AND CARPETS. 00N tenta of houses a specialty, for cash; fair and square dealings. ocl-00t.4 ALBAUGH. 9tb and R HIGHEST CA?H PRICES PAID FOR CAST-OFF clothes, lsdles*. gentlemen's and children s. Address postal; will call any time. H. BLBN STEIN. 1314 7th st. n.w. Phone North 4390-Y. se7-tf WILL CAM. IN MY UNLETTERED WAGON and pay you the highest prices for ladlss, gentlemen's, children s discarded clothing of all descriptions. Address postal or phone and I will call. W. RICE. 1332 7th n.w. Ph. N. 1TM. ?u23-tf n PERSONALS. CHRISTMAS T1ME? AND BANK NOTE rhymes make your nerves tingle. < 'ash It will Jingle for men's worn shoes, 50c to $2.50; coats, lials. etc. Mall postal today, come wheu vou sav. JUST1US OLD STAND. 610 D. delrt-ti.5 t HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR INDIES' and gents' worn garments of all kinds: *also shoes, bata. stc. THE BARGAIN STORE. 1246 7th st. n.w. Drop postal; will call prom.?tly. dell-tf.4 WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR worn garments; ladles', gentlemen's, children's shoes snd bats. Address postal, I will call. N.Y.Bargain Houae. 1306 7th n.w.; Ph.N.3260-M. de??0t* COIXINS' WIRELESS TELEPHONE STOCK In large and amall blocks; shares, $2.&0. Par ticulars apply J. GOLDENBERG. Gayety The ater. Baltimore, Md. de4-14t* BRADFORD'S DETECTIVE AGENCY. 224 COL ORADO BUILDING. 14th and G; phone Mala 2525. Expert investigation#; all aectlons. After u m. phone residence. Columbia 1924. ?-?Ot** FOE SALE?MISCELLANEOUS. One cent a word for 15 words 3 times. K< lit SALE ? EVENINt ? DRESS COAT AND vest. 40 cheat, Inquire 1105 24tb at. n.w. del?-3t* . KOH SALE?SEVERAL SIZES SECOND-HAND engine ami boilers: also new one* in Write ns your wants. E. J. CODD t O.. <00 S. Caroline at., Baltimore, Md. delw-.u KOH SALE?GOOD WARM OVBHWATS AND suits from $2 up: unredeemed pledges. COI.? LATERAL LOAN CO.. 437 11th n.w. deH?-Ot* FOR SALE?FOUR VIOLINS IN GOOD OON dition. Address Box ltt8. Star office. del.i-<>t FOR SALK -LUMBER. RKIOK AND 22.000 SO. ft. A.A. double-strength giHss. I<?xl2 and and large sasli: three greenhouses: 14th and K s.w. W. M. SMITH. de1.?-6t* FOR SALE-A YOUNG. FRESH <X>W: 8UWf**T to tuberculin tent. Mrs. B. STl-BKNEK. Bl? donirtmrg, Md. del5-31 PIANO BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS: $500 G a bier |25o $??"<, Needham $3fMI V.?se $"'?,J $700 Sobmer ? ? ? $2'v> I'ianos for rent, tuned and shipped. Sobroer, Baldwin. Rla*lus. Regent and Worch Pianos. Hl'GO WORCH. lllo G. Worch building. del5-tf.8 i STANIVARD MAKE UPRIGHT PIANO. *100: ? other high-grade pianos, $175. $200. $225, and $300, on terms to suit you. Opfn evenings till lo. HELBIG BROS.,E* tab. 2T yrs.. 1742 7th. delS-tf.4 FOR *SALE -B-GALl.ON OOFFF.E URN, IN GOOD I condition: must be sold at once. PURE DAIRY LUNCH. 035 D at. n.w. de14-3t i PACKING CASES MIR SALE CHEAP. SHANO H AI AND CAIXJUTTA CURIO CO.. 1024 Oman, ave. del4-3t* CONTENT'S CORNER HOUSE. 12 ROOMS; BAY windows on two sides; 8 rooms furnished and occupied with roomers; cheap; party to as sume lease; low rent: rent of roomers pays j rent. Box 159. Star office. de!4-3t* SOLITAIRE DIAMOND" RING: BLUE-WHITE and perfect: coat $00; price. $0.">. Address Box 157. Star office^ det4-3t? H AIGLET & DAVIS UPRIGHT PIANO FOR i sale; perfect condition; $100 cash. Box 155, ! Star office. del4-3t* ONE FIRST-CLASS POOL T A15LK. Ft I LLY equipped: 2 solid ivory cue balls: prices very reasonable. Can be seen at ltiltt P n.w. del4-e?i.3t REMINGTON TYPEWRITER XlT (T WITH cover; in excellent condition: serial No. 43000; a bargain for $20. Address Box 154. Star office. del4-3t? ___ __ SEVERAL FINE OIL PAINTINGS. INCLUDING one Charlotte <V>rday. painted by well known local artists: will sell at very low prices. Ad ; dress Box 161. Star office. de!4-3t* | PIANO BARGAINS ? USED UPRIGHTS. $9.S. $12li; squares, $7; organs, $5. Player-pianos, $275; flftv rolls music. LAWRENCE'S, 506 10th. Tuning, $1.50. de!4-3t* IF LOOKING FOR GENUINE ANTIQUES cheap, call at 2713 M st. n.w. Bargain. If bought this week. . dei4-3t* FOR SALE?A BRUNSWICK BILLIARD AND pool table, In good condition. Address W. W. i B.. Star office. del0-7t FOR SALE - HANDSOME UPRIGHT GRAND piano at great sacrifice. Richly finished mahog. any and in beautiful condition; only used about | six months: has fine deep tone of superb quality and the finest touch and action. This piano is unsurpassed by any make at any price. Onst $400. and can be bad for only $185 spot cash If sold at once. Owners leaving the city and de sire to close tbelr indebtedness on it. A great r bargain for some one. Fully guaranteed, and ! new stool and scarf go with it. Call at once. GRIMES' PIANO STORES, 1212 F St. de7-tf,12 j OPEN EVENINGS. SPECIAL XMAS BARGAINS IN HIGH GRADE PIANOS. A number of Pianos, taken In exchange for , player-pianos, are offered now at astonishing I bargain prices, and on easy terms. Weser 1 Bros.. $175; Vose, $290; FrankliP, $175; Cock ering. $150: Knabe. $190; Weber, $225; Decker Bros., $150; Steinway Grand, $200; Hunting tun. $175; Milton. $1?0. O. J. DcMOLL ft CO.. de4-10d Cor. 12th and O sts. FOR SALE?1,000 FINE TAILORED OVER coats; the best the taller makes, at $3 to $10;! slightly used: and It's a clear saving for tlM wire and baby for a good visit from Santa Claus; call on as. examine the stock; every one a bargain to tbe man we can fit; on* price only. JUBTH'S OLD STAND, 61? D n.w. nn27-60t SAFES-FULL LINES OF FIREPROOF1 SAFES at our sales rooms; safes bought and sold and I exchanged. Write or telephone. Will send rep resentative. YORK SAFE AND LOCK CO., 8-1 W. German st.. Baltimore. Md. JeS-tf.B FOL SALE - GOOD QUALITY OPAQUB shades, fitted to your window*, only 35c; ths best quality oil opaque shades. 00c, bung free. We call with sample*. KLEEBLATT'S! 11 tb and H sts. n.*. ap22-tf SHOWCASE AND STORE FIXTURES. JOHN 0. 8CHERER. JR., MFG. CO.. 4e4-tf Baltimore. . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. SALOON. N.W.: MIXED TRADE. BOX lflft. Star office. de!6-8t* FOR RENT?$32 A MONTH FOR CIGAR STAND on 7th st. near L. with liowling alley now run ning in rear; good show windows; a fine op portunity. L. E. F. PRINCE. 721 Bond bldg. del?-:it ! WANTED-ACTIVE YOUNG MAN WITH $600 or more to take full charge of publication num bering among its stockholders prominent men in almost every state in the O. S. Address Box 202. Star office. d*16-3t* A CO-OPERATIVE LOAN ASSOCIATION. IN corporated for $60,000, par value $10 per share, offers a limited amount of its stock for **Je to capable man as manager. Address Box 19?. Star office. d?16-3t* Foli SALE- AN FOQUIPPED LUNCHROOM with living room at 1428 P st. n.w. del0-6t YOU CAN BUY STOCKS EVERY DAY. YOU . can buy this interest but once?now. $250 gets It; only one of tbe kind for sale. In quirers answered In order of receipt. Address SUBSTANTIAL. St?r office. del?-3t FOR RENT?IMMEDIATELY. AT LOW RATE, whole or part of furniture of tan-room honse. 1352 Columbia road. del6-3t EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD GROCERY. N.W. LO cation: daily business, S80; no opposition. THORNTON. 1505 Pa. i**e. n.w. <iel5-4t* FOR SALE?H ALF INTEREST IN MOVING picture show: cheap Jf purchased at once; party has other matters calling for entire at attentlon; good opening. Address Box 17t. Star office. del6-3t* BEST EQUIPPED OYSTER HOUSE IN CITY; tine location; good business; sell for half co?t of fixtures. CAPITAL BUSINESS BX CHANOE, 942 B n.w. del4-tu,th,sa,3t* TWO MOVING PICTURE THEATERS. FINE locations: money makers; bargains. CAPITAL BUSYNESS EXCHANGE, 942 F, n.w.,3t* FOR- sTuTtHA AND COFFEE STAND IN market; oolv one in market. 1345 R n.w. dei4-8t* MOVING PICTURE BUSINESS; EXCELLENT location southeaat; under management; fine business and value at $1,275. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS, 1413 F st. d?14-3t CAFE. LOCATED IN PAYING APARTMENT; rent, only $25; large number boarders; pries, $800. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. 1423 F. dei4-3t HARDWARE STORE; PRICE ATTRACTIVE AT $1,000; cheap rent; rooms; sales, $15 da'iy; location best. NEW YORK BUSINESS BRO KERS. 1423 F. del4-3t GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS: transient; street northwest; rent. $20; good house: only asking $050. NEW YORK BUSI NESS BROKERS. 1423 F. d?14-8t CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT GROCERY; corner northeast; opposite school; rent, $20; six rooms; sacrifice, $400, owing to slckn?ss. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS, 1423 F. del4-3t IF YOU MEAN BUSINESS AND REALLY want to buy a saloon look into this one. 10 year lease: price. $3,750; Independent, of brew eries or whisky houses. If you <tr? thort we will lend vou $1,500. MERCHANTS' BUSI NESS EXCHANGE, 10th and D els. n.w., Latei-t News office. del3-6t CAFE. RIGHT AT LARGE MANUFACTURING department; dally business. $30 to $40. THORNTON. 1505 Pa. ave. n \v. de!4-3t? MTkPcIGAR. NEW SSTAN D; EXCELLENT business; rent, $22. Also others. THORNTON. 1505 Pa. ave. n.w. del4-3t* " CERTIFICATE OF INVESTMENT. Principal and 2V* quarterly guaranteed. Every Investor amply protected by an abso lutely safe amount of high-grade collateral. Any amount accepted. Small Investments a specialty. Write for details or call st our office. AMERICAN FUNDING CORPORATION A OA* 14*1 U r*i. A. W. de?-:<ot FOE BENT?HALLS. FOR RENT To organl cat ions. The Moose Hall, 911 Ejre n.w.; nicely fur nished ; reasonable. See Janitor, on premises. del2-7t Tommy Muttonhead propounds to his teacher the perplexing query. "If times fi were 33 what would the half of 20 be?" The other pupils solved tlie problem readily, but Tommy could not see how a thing that was not what they said it was had anything: to do with something else that is not what they say it is. SOLUTION OF GUESSING CONUNDRUMS. In regard to that double-headed conundrum in which you were asked to tell how "Stupid Jim" knew that the cow weighed 87G pounds and why he expected to find a cow at home like the one concealed in the busl es. our clever puzzl sts say that Jim knew the weight of the cow "because he saw it wade.'' and that he surely expects "a cowhidlng" when he gets home. FOR REtfT?BOOMS. One cent a word for 15 words. FURNISHED. FOiR RKNT FURNISHED?1738 F ST. N.W.. A large second-floor frout room: alcove and bay windows; jlfl; references exchanged. TH K K E N EATL\ FURNISHED ROOMS FOR 'l.h.k.: heat, pas and bath. 132.1 8th ?t. n.w. dei?-2t* 1440 X N.W.? BEAUTIFUL, LARGE ROOM, southern exi>osiire. $10: lovely alcove mom: suitable for two; phone. de14-4t* l-?2 P ST\ N.W. ? THIRD-STORY LA RGE front room in private family: men preferred. 1372 HARVARD ST. X.W. -REASONABLE; DE llghtful locution; large, newly pa|>ered front room: three car lines; private family. del*J-7t THREE ROOMS. AM ACCOMMODATIONS, FOR family of three or four: on same floor. 1132 10th st. n.w. del6-4t* 144? IRVING ST.?NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; ?-onvenlent to cars; private family. del6-3t* IX A REFINED AND REAl'TIFI'IJA' AI'I-OINT ed private home: family of two; three most at tractively furnished rooms on 2d floor; two chambers, sitting room and bath: singly or en suite; table service if desired: reference's. 1742 S at. de!6-2t* TO ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN, LARGE front room, second floor, facing south; near Capitol; hot-water heat; telephone service. 310 Md. are, n.e. del5-2t* 1715 1ST X.W.-2 CONNEOTINO ROOMS, COM pletely furnished for light housekeeping; everv thlng new: gas range. del5-3t* 1012 11TH ST. X.W.?LARGE. NICELY FUR nlshed 2d-floor front room; hot-water heat: pri vate family. dcl5.lB.18* 1130 7TH ST. X.W.?TWO OR THREE NICELY furnished rooms; hot and cold water; bat..i; reasonable. (lei 5-31 421 HTH X.E.?TWO XEWLY FURNISIIKD j rooms for light housekeeping; heat and jtau. ! Owner. , de!5-3t? 126 6TH X.E.?FINE, BRIGHT, 2D FLOOR room, adjoining bath; house near Capitol and Union station. del5-4t* TWO NICELY FI'RNISHED SECOND-FLOOR I front rooms, centrally located, for men. Apt. 83. the Clalliorne, 6th and H n.w. dol4-3t 1115 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. X.W.-3 OR 4 furnished rooms, housekeeping; adults; modern how de!4-3t* 1215 RHODE ISLAND AVE.?TWO ROOMS, l.h.k.; no children. del4-3t* 1372 HARVARD 8T. N.W. ? REASONABLE: delightful location; large, newly papered front room: 3 car lines; private family. del0-7t THE TERMINAL HOTEL. 44 G ST. N.E. Strictly atag hotel, modern, up-to-date, steam heated, newly furnished, with ample baths for use of guests, tl.oo per day. We can accommo date a few desirable permanent roomers at specially low monthly rates. Call and Investi gate: It will pay you. de3-tf 1523 K ST. N.W.-FURNISHED ROOM TO gentleman. Apply I to 8 o'clock. selT-tf FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. THREE ROOMS, THIRD FLOOR. SINGLE OR en suite; light housekeeping. 80rt 18th st. n.w. dc!6-3t* UNFURNISHED. THREE NEWLY PAPERED ROOMS; SINK AND range In same: bath on same floor. RU M st. I nw' dc!6-3t TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS' with a private family. 1200 Q n.w. 1812 INGLESIDE TERRACE, MT. PEASANT? Four bright, outalde rooms, aecond floor- steam heat; gas; <27. de!5-3t* 1108 BTH ST. 8. E.?THREE UNFURNISHED rooms; gas, heat and bath; l.h.k.; $15 per month. de!5-3t 1 UNFURNI8HED FLAT, 121 BTH N.E.-FOUR rooms; beat and private bath; cheap. del6-3t* FOR RENT?2D FLOOR NO. 904 F ST. N.W.. over O'Donnell's drug store; suitable for den tist or manicuring. Apply Room 1 006 F *t. at. a.w. del4-3t* THE DORCHESTER. 12th and Md. are. s.w ? three stories, good oat* look; heat and hot water; statlon ?17 wash tubs; large clothes-drying platform; spacious rooma, with closets; newly papered and painted: $5 per month; gas connections for cooking; slot gaa meter. One block from 11th at. cars. Appiy Janitor. oc5-tf WANTED?ROOMS. TWO NIUELY FURNISHED ADJOINING RMS. for two gentlemen: good central location, rl cinity of Thomas Circle preferred: rates mod erate; permanent. Address Box 162. Star office. ROOM FN AN APARTMENT, NOT TO WXOEED $10. by gentleman In Treasury. Box 188, Star ??oe. del5-3t* ROOMS AND BOARD. One cent a word for 15 words. 1416 K ST. N.W.-PLEASANT ROOMS. t*>M fortably furnished; steam heat; baths each floor; home table. del6-2t* 1013 O ST. N.W.?FURNISHED OR UNFUB nlshed rooms, with board; single or en suite. del<Wt* 1880 II ST. X.W. ? FIRST AND SECOND floor front rooma. with hoard. del6-3t* 1404 MASS. AVE. - VERY LAROE ROOMS, nicely furnished, for two or three; good home table. d?10-2t 1118 K ST. N.W.? LOVELY ROOM ON 2D floor, with board: all outside rooms, del0-.1t FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND LARGE FURNISH ed room, $18; to gentleman. Box 188. Star office. 810 15TH ? BEAUTIFUL 2D FLOOR FRONT room, overlooking McPherson Square; also small single room; transients accommodate"!. ?1el6-4t* WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD: FURNISHED rooms; well located In the northwest; private family: gentlemen preferred. Box 170. Ktar office. del5-5f 1762 COLUMBIA ROAD ? LARGE, BRIGHT, comfortably furnished rooms; two parlors; ex cellent table; two car lines. del5-10t* 2117 CALIFORNIA AVE.?ELEGANTLY fTTrT nlsbed front rooms; southern exposure; t>bone; electric lights; bath; hoard If desired. delS-tf 1620 9TII N.W.?LARGE BEAUTIFULLY FUR nlshed front room, with or without l?oard; suitable for two. del5-3t TH REE ROOMS EN 8UITE: SOUTH ERN~EjT I>o?ure: private bath; suitable member Con gress. or others. 1483 R. 1. are. d*18-5t* XO. 5 GRANT PLACE-LARGE FRONT PAR lor; well heated; also two hall rooms.,3t 1343 UIRARD?VERY ATTR ACTIVE. SUXM rooms; large closets; fine bathrooms; telephone: excellent Ikome table. dell-7t* THE RICARDO, 1618 17TH?NICE BOARD1NO house; front rooms: permanent and transient guests taken; moderate prices. de?-2lt* 1305 EUCLID ST.?IN REFINED HOME, TWV large, handsomely furnished front rooms, sontli era exposure; excellent tsble snd service; ref erences exchanged. no20 tf FOR RENT?WAREHOUSES. FOR RENT-WAREHOUSK. 1532 PA. AVE. s7e SUITABLE FOR CHEMICAL LABORATOP. OR LIGHT MANUFACTURING: BRIO OTNCRBTB FLOOR; LARGE SPAfl RENT. $00.00 MONTH. UEBEBMANN * HAWN, ?303 F 8T del5-2t * FOE KENT?OFFICES. TWO BOOMS; COMFORTAHLY FURNISHED: rent same us unfurnished. Apply 400 Bond buildiug. delfl-3t 1210 G ST. X.W. Entire 2d (U?r. new, handsome build ing ? 21x10ft; steam heat; freight elevator$83.38 OOR. 8TH AND H STS. X.W. Two large communicat ing rooms on Istd.. one sa. from patent office: steam heat 30.00 THE 1. H. SMITH COMPANY. E O SMITH. LEE I>. LATIMER, NEW YORK AVE FOR RENT? HALF OF A I-AROE OFFICE: extremely central; thoroughly equipped; spleu did opportunity to become well located at LOW RENT. II. F. MANDLER CO.. "02 llth Ht. n.w. FOR RBXT? DESIRABLE OFFICE, $15 PER month; also me $25. Apply 210 Bond bldg. de2-30t FOR RENT? JUST A FEW FINE ROOMS AND suites In the modern and handsome METROPOLITAN BANKBUILDIXQ, 15th at. opposite U. S. Tre"u,7. R?ntglt rrom $18 to $35 monthly. Including heat, light, elevator and Janitor service. A. F. FOX COMPANY. Rental Agents. 14th at Now York are., or In bulldlag. FOR RENT? _ . . I Two beautlf Jl office rooms on Pa. are. racing i the post office; reasonable to desirable tenant. I Also floe communicating offices on llth ?t. front. Apply MANAGER. Star bldg.. llth and Pa. are. ! JelT-tf j FOR kb^.ion. TRUST CO. BUILDINQ. Fine offices. $15 to $40. Heat, light, elevator and Ja?itor ?etrlct. THOS. J. FISHER CO.. lac.. 73S 15th n.w.,tu-tf FOR RENT?STORES. FOR RENT- ON 14TH ST. N.W.: FINE Bl Sl NESS STAND: LARGE STORE. CELLAR. 2 STOItY BRICK STABLE OR WAREHOUSE IN REAR: SPECIAL INDUCEMENT IF TAKEN AT ONCE. STONE & FAIRFAX. KM2 New York ave. n.w. rte1?-5t FOR RENT?LARGE MODERN STORE. 12th st. n.w bet. "G" st. & N. Y. avc. 22 ft '?lde bv 100 ft. to alley. CELLAR. STEAM IlfcAT. VERY LOW REDUCED RENT TO DESIRABLE TENANT. SEE US. LIEBERMAXN & 1IAWN. 1303 F st. (lei.1-21 VERY LARGE. WELL LIGHTED. STEAM heated basement at 718 18th ?t. n.w.; suitable for anv business; rent reasonable. JOSEPH H. CPRRAX. 315 9th n.w. de!4-eod.3t FOR RENT? 2457 18th st. n w.. large storeroom. suitable ror tillor ......$27.50 THE F. II. SMITH COMPANY. E Q SMITH. LEE D. LATIMER, 140ft XEW YORK AVE. del2-Su.tu.tli.3-. FOR RENT?SI OR E ROOM. 15.0x87, WITH offset 80x30, In Victor buIldlnK, cor. 9th at. and Grant place n.w. Very desirable. HEIS KELL & McLKRAN. 1408 H st. n.w. dell-Ct FOR RENT?1110-12 14TH N.W.; NEW STORES; heat: water; parquetry floor; cellar; decora lions to suit: gas and electricity. d?8-eo.Bt J (>H?j_W .__C H IT J} REjfS. 1412 G n.w._ LOST AND FOUND. One cent u word each time for 15 word* 3 times. LOS-"T -BETW EE N Hl'YLER'S AND WOOD ward & Lothr?p's. alligator skin purse. Re ward ir returned to 1075 31st st. Miss ROB ERTS. LOST?BETWEEN 20TH ST. AND KALORAMA road and National Theater, gold chain with three Jade peadants. Liberal reward If re turned 230S 20th st. n.w. deld-3t LOST?PACK AG E PHOTOGRAPHS, GROUP three bovs. Return to Palne's Studio, 923 F St., or 2504 14~h st. Reward. LOST-BLACK MARTEN MUFF, IN VICINITY or Palais, December 14, about 0 p.m. Miss A. M. GOODWIN, 1800 Vt. eve. Phone North 1732. Reward. del.VSt* LOST?A DIAMOND RING. LIBERAL RE ward It returned to ALFRED RAY, 518 lOth st. n.w. del5-8t* LOST-DOG. LARGE BRIXDLE BULL. MAI^E, Sundav. Reward. 1762 T st. n.w. Phone r?. 1016. ' dfl.VSt LOST-AX ENGLISH BULL; WHITE BODY, black over eyen and answering to th? name or Nero. Reward If returned to F. HORNER. 905 N st. n.w. d?14-8t TAKEN FROM TOILET AT HARVEY'S-ONE Lion-head gold ring set with 7 diamonds. Re ward if returned or for Information leading to recovery or same. C. W. HOGELAND. 1016 Pa. ave. n.w. del4-3t* LOST?SOLITaTrE DIAMOND RING. DEO. 3 or 4- Finder -dense call 800 11 n.w. and re c?it? reward. del4-8t*_ LEGAL NOTICES^ SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia, holding I*robate Court.?No. 16322, Administration.?This is to give notice that the subscriber, or the District or Columbia, has ob- j taiued rrom the Probate Court or the District or Columbia lettevs testamentary on the estate of Honorlne Jardin. late of the District of Colum bia decoased. All ]>ersons having claims against the' deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authen ticated. to the subscriber on or before the 14t'n dar of Decemlmr. A. D. 1910; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate' Given under my haud this 14th day of December. 1909. EUGENIE MARIE MACE. 1757 You st. a.w. (Seal.) Attest: JAMES TANNBR. Register or Wills for the District or Columbia, Clerk or the Probate Court. CHARLES H. STANLEY. Attorney. delfi-la w.3t SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia, Holding Probate Court. ? No. 16314. Vdminlstration. This is to give notice: That the subscriber, of Hie District or Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, letters of administration on the estate of Timothy Finn. late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All i?er?>ns having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to ex hibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 8th day of December. AJ>. 1910: otherwise they may by law lie excluded rrom all benefit or said estate. Given under my hand this 8th day of December. 1009. EDWARD S. STEWART. Bond hldg. (Seal.) Attest: .TAMES TANNER. Register or Wills ror the Dlrtrict of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. ED WARD S. STEWART. Attorney. de9 law-3t STTREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia. Holding Probate Court. ? No. 16301. Administration. This Is to give notice: That the subscriber, or the District of Columbia, ha# oh. talned rrom the Probete Court of the District of Columbia letters of administration on the estate of Aix?alom T. Compton. late of uie District or Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereor, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, ? >n or berore the eleventh day or Xovember, A. l>. 1910; otherwise they may .by law be ex rluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this eleventh day of Xovember. 1909. FREDERICK A. FENNING. <>iitury hulld ng. (Seal.) Attest: JAMBS TANNER. Regis ?er of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk f the Probate Court. FREDERICK A. FEN IXC. Atrr-n--?- 1 <w.8t WINDOW CLEANING. WINDOWS. HOUSES AND OFFICE8 CLEANED. MODERATE PRICES. LEON U CAHOON. ACME WINDOW CLEANING CO.. 021 O ST. N.W. PHONE MAIN 7159. ?C7-90M Ni APARTMENTS TO LET. J UNI AT A?X ANTU CK ET. 1418-142?? W st. n.w. EVERY ROOM AX OUTSIDE ROOM: abun dance of light and air; large front and sloe la wan; with every convenience; beat aeirlce. including heat and bot water; 4 * rooms; only $28 to $42. Early callers cure the beat. __ ? del0-14t H. L. RUST. 14?0 H at. nw. THE VARE, 014 MARYLAND AVE. N.E.?OR. and b.; convenient f<? Capitol. iVngrvssional li brary and Union station; all outside rooms; hot - water heat; Janitor; $3t>; close to all car lines. delO-lOt* FOR RENT?ONE FINE FIVE-ROOM AND BATH apartment; located In best part tit Washington Heights; woodwork and pairing in perfect or der; imposing marbled public hallways; juai ready for occupancy; building almost uew Rent, STx' month. Includes heat, hot water and Janitor service. A real bargain. Inspect It. SHANNON & IJTCH8. M. 2345. 713 14tli st. n.w. M. .345. FOR RENT ? CHEAPER AND HEALTHIER than the ordinary apartment. A brand-new house of six large, comfortable rooms; par quetry floors; hardwood trim; Instantaneous water heater; jiositive and most economical heating system; large lawns; eoloolal porches. Rent. $27.50 p?-r month. Located in fine sec tion of Heights. A Rem. SHANNON & IX"CHS. M. 2845. 713 14th st. n.w. M 234.1 FOR RENT?FIVE \Vra>L. ARRANGED ROOMS and bath: located in one of the handsomest and liest equipped apartment houses on Washington Heights. Every' room Is large and well lighted. The present tenant has just bought a home and will sacrifice this beautiful apartment at $40.?0 month to rent It immediately. IV>n't fail to inspect. SHANNON 4 LUCHS. I M. 2345. 713 14th st. n.w. M. 234.Y FURNISHED AI-ARIMKNtT 4 ROOMS AND bath, the Champ'.ain. TU,MX deir>-3t* 4 ' 1407 F 'sr.' n.w FOR REXT?CHOICE APARTMENTS "THE CL1FFBOURNE," Calvert st.. Wash. Hts. Verv reasonable rentals. I irst-eiasa house. 4 and ?"> room flats; $37.50 and $3.*i 00. "THE DENVER." Chapin st.. Colunbia Hts. Front flats; elevator: '1 rooms: $:'..t to $4_..<0. "THE MISSISSIPPI." 1430 W st n.w. All bright outside rooms; 4 rooms and bath each; $31.r>0 and $33.00. "THE SAGAMORE," 1*24 S st. n.w. Only one flat. 4 rooms and bath; new bniia ing; reasonable rent. .. 1003 19TH ST.?3 rooms and bath; $30.00; ?on able for doctor or dentist. 710 11TH ST. N.W'.?Non-housekeeping Hats; - rooms an?l bath: $20.00. ... WILLARD ST. N.W.?Two-family flat bldg.; *A fli*>r. Or. and attic: $27.50. LIEBERMANN & HAW'N. 1303 F ST. deir?-2t FOR RENT DOWNTOWN APARTMENT. Fine n room and bath, second-floor apartment, 717 11th st. n.w. Rent. $35 per month. T A. HARDING CO. (Inc.). deir>-0t 1344 O at. n.w. FOR RENT? . , . CORNER N.W.; fine aid* lawn. 6 rooms and bath; near all car lines. ONLY ?28.50. deir-4t MOORE & HILL. IXC.. 1333 Q at. FOR RENT? COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. 2700 ]lth St.. 2d-floor flat. 0 rooms, bath, furnace, separate cellar and yard. ^ ou cannot beat it for the price. $23.50. del.'. 4t MOORE & HILL. INC.. 1333 G st. A Tilt ACTIVE APARTMENTS. Desirable neighborhood. The Newton. Gth and E n.e. Five rooms and bath; $30 and WILLIGE, GIBBS & DANIEL. 60rf-05 13th. del4-8t ONE MONTH'S RENT FREE. VKRY ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM AND BATH APARTMENT, all large, bright rooms, roomj closets, every convenience, elevator, telephone, electric lichts. excellent service. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY. E O SMITH. LEE D. LATIMER, del2-6t ' 1408 NEW YORK AVE. FOR RENT -BEAUTIFULLY I^CATED AT L.IN coin Park; two extra Coe hot-water-hestec , apartments; 5 and 6 rooms; tiled bath; onlj WH.UCE" GIBBS & DANIEL, 008-806 18th. del2-0t TO DESIRABLE COLORED TENANTS. 19(X> 3d st., 3r., b.f steam beat, janitor, $32.90. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY. E Q. SMITH. LEE D. LATIMER, 1408 NEW YORK AVE. THE PARKWOOD. 1746 K STREET. JUST WEST OF CONNECTICUT AVENC*. New seven-story fireproof building, most desirable and convenient loca tion ; Ideal arrangement of rooms; hand tome! v finished and decorated; ex cellent service; every conceivable convenience; one of the handsomest and most exclusive apartment houses in the city. . All above the first floor are house keeping apartments of seven rooms, servants' rooms and bath, the rent! ranging from $80 to $10O. _____ Apartments are lighted, and Inspec tion can b? made day or evening. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY. E. Q. SMITH, LEE D. LATIMER, W 1408 NEW YORK AVE. ael2-Su.tu,th.3t TO LST-BY THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY. E Q. SMITH. LEE D. LATIMER. 1408 NEW YORK AVENUB. 1 HE PARKWOOD. 1740 K ST. N.W. ELEGANT 7 STORY APARTMENT HOUSB, JUST COMPLETED. APARTMENTS OF 1 LARGE ROOMS. BATH AND SERVANTS ROOM. $S0 TO $100 . Apartments are lighted, and lwp*ctlti cm be made day or evening. THE DUPONT, 1717 20th at. n.w. Overlooking Conn. ave. and R One apartment. 5 rooms and bitk, $50. THE DAMARISCOTTA, 818 1STH ST. N.W.. BET. I AND K STS. Southern exposure. Private phones. Elevator. Suites of 5 rooms and bath, $45 and $30 THE BALFOUR ANNEX. 1003 U et. n.w. Handsome new building, to be completed about Feb. 1; very attractive apartmenta of 1. 2 and 3 rooms. reception hall and bath; strictly up-to-date In every particular; electric lights; private phones. Reservations being made now. Rents, $18.50 to $37.50. THE NORTHAMPTON. 1405 W ?t. B.w. 0 rooms end bath, all outaide rooms, el era toe, telephones, best of service; low rent. 1419-21 COLUMBIA ROAD. New four-story apartment honae, 5 room* reception hall and bath; $42.50, $45.00. THE MANOR HOUSE, _ COR. MONROE ST. AND HOLMEAD A\E, Columbia Heights. Very desirable apartments, 4 and 6 rooms and bath; unusually attractive; southern ex posure; private phones; porches; $40 to $50. THE BALTIMORE. 1015 Swann st.. bet. 10th st. and N. _H. ave. 5 rooms and hath, porch. $82.50. Steam heat: Janitor service. 338 Adams st. n.e.. 6 rooms and bath...#20.50 607 R. I. ave. n.e., 5 rooms and bath... >0 20 941 Md. ave. s.w.. 4 rooms, water 10.50 THE OTTAWA. ? Only ONE left; 7 rooms and bath; NEW building; large back porches; all outside rooms; strictly up to date. CAMBRIA AND MAJESTIC. We have one 5-room and one 4-room apartment here; all outside rooms: will psper entire spartment If necessary. N. L. SANSBURY, 719 13th n.w. Mala 2904. dell-#a.Su,tu,th,sa-St FIVE ROOMS AND BATH; CENTRAL l/JCA tlon. Apply MANAGER, the Ooywood 1M? L st. n.w. dell-tf FOR RENT - APARTMENTS APARTMENHJ Before renting an apartment be sore to get my complete list; mailed upon request. GEO. HENDERSON. Phone Main 1303. 1418 F St. n.w. dell-Of * FOR RENT?BY B. F. SAUL CO.. 7TH ft L. N.W. 1712 14tb nw, tir.b$85.<W l">;Mi 7th nw,0r,b..30.00 1628 14th nw,0r,b.30.00 Lafayette. 1807 7th nw, 5r, b 27.50 31 Mass nw, 6r. h.25.00 1711 4th nw.Sr.b. .90.00 1400 N Cap, Sr. b. 17.54 1245 H ne. 4r, b.. 16.80 1818 5th nw,4r,b..10.50 1917 12th nw,4r.b. 16.00 616 La av nw. 4r.. 15.50 39 Qulncy nw.5r.b.24.50 ; 512V* M ne. 6r. b. 14.80 26 T ne. 5r. b 24.00. 1019 7th nw. 2r.b.13-00 813 R nw. 5r. b...22.50 1359 U nw. lr, b.. 12.60 405 P nw. 4r. b ..20.50' 1412 Duncan. 4r.wl2.50 810 Fla av nw.Br.b20.6Q dell-tf "OAKLANI>" APTS.. 2019 COL. ROAD; FIVE and seven rooms; "Stanton," 128 C st. n.e., five and seven rooms; all conveniences. OSCAR W. WHITE, 1116 F St. dell-6t THE CECIL. 1BTH AND L STS. N.W.?TWO* room bachelor apartment. Apply at Cecil. dell-tf FOUR ROOMS AND BATH; VERY BEST Lo cation, See MANAGER, the Ooywood. 1338 L at. n.w. dell-tf FOR SUBLEASE, IN THE WYOMING. AN tirely new four-room and bath apartment; one of three rooms and bath; lmmedians pot session: cafe' in buildlnc. SWARTZELL. R1IEEM * HBNSBY OO^ de8-eo,5t 727 ltdMl. J APARTMENTS TO LET. FOR RENT?AT THE PORTNKR. ONE 8 room unfurnished housekeeping apartment; southern exposure. Apply at the office. de!0-7t FOR RENT?FOR CHOICE COLORED PAMt lies. new sj>ai ttr.ent*. 4 rooms and hath; all modern. 2422 an<1 2424 17th ?t. n.w. t Hts." I. Price. $10.50 to $20. 1>. l>. THoMl'* RON tc CO.. 1333 F st- n.w. delO-6t.eSu FOR RENT?APARTMENTS. THE MONTGOMERY. North Capitol and M sts. n.w. Roof garden for exclusive use of tenants. All outalde rooms. All modern improvements. No. 23- 4 rooms and listh $32.64 No. 4 rooms and l>ath $30 0<| THE REGIN*. 1224 1 at. n.w. Convenient location. Good condition. No. 8?6 room* and hath $42 !V? No G~ Begin* ft rooms and hath $40 00 THE PTODDERT. 30th and Q ?ra. n.w. Good neighborhood. I/'W rent. 6 rooms and bath ,$so.oo THE SEMINOLE. 1444 W at. B.w. No. 40?6 rooms and batb $37.80 TWO FAMILY HOUSES 1(VC. E at. n.e . 2d floor, fir. and h.... $23-00 1007 E at. n.e.. 2d floor. 5r and b $23.00 1007 E at. n.e.. lat floor, fir. and b $23.nO THE WASHINGTON IX)AN AND TRUST OOM PANT. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. de9-d.eSu FOR RENT? $20.r>0 60S K at. ?.?, r. rooms and hath. deft tf J L. 023 N. Y. it*. b.w. ASHLEY APARTMENT"IIOUSB~COMPANY?" 18th and V sts. n w. One very desirable apartment. with all mort em improvements; containing five rvnti sod reception hall: telephone and Janitor service: also apartment suitable for hoiisekeei lng of doctor's office on grade floor. Apply SAMUEL TALBERT. 302 Jenifer building, 7th and D Ota. de8-10t SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. Owing to lateneaa of the rent inn sesaoa. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUILDING. the "KONvurrr." 2814 11TH ST. N.W.. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. BRIGHT. NEW BUILDING. RIGHT UP T?> DATE; EVERY CONYENTBM0S. ALL LARGE ROOMS: VERY LIGHT. APARTMENTS OK 5R & BATH. $32 So TO $35. HOT-WATER HEAT: JANITOR SERVHT DESIRABLE PARTIES CAN MAKE ADVAN TAGEOUS APRANGEMENTS BY APPLYING TO BELT. O'BRIEN ft CO.. INC. (AGENT). de4 tf.eSu 130!? G ST. N.W. 1445 E CAP. ST.. 6R. AND B $18 M 723 7tb at. s.w.. 5r. and b 17.75 PHILLIPS CO.. 330 John Marshall place. ?ol'Stf THE ELBBBON. 1210 Columbia road n.w. 5-r>>on> and bath apt.: $34. THOS. J. FISHER ft OO. (Inc.). del-tf 738 16th n.w. THE OREGONIAN. 18th and Oregon ave. Two blocks below U ?t.: ready for occu pancy. Choice 2. 3 and 4 room bachelor and housekeeping APARTMENTS. Can be arranged as 6 rooms and two hatha It desired. Prices, $25 to $32 per month. All rooms fare street. Long-distance phone la each apartment. Apply to OWNER, at building, or TIIOS. J. FISHER & CO. (Inc.). del-tf 738 iBth b.w. THE FRANKI.IN. 1915 14th st. n.w.? r? rooms and bath " $32 .AO THE FaTRFAX. 1200 E. Capitol at.? 5 and ft rooms ind batb $32.50 to $45.00 THE LOUISA. 210 New York ave. n.w.? 4 rooms anil bath . $28.50 THE AUGUSTA. N. Y. and If. J avea. n.w.? 4 rooms and bath $25.00 and $32.50 THE EMERY. 1812 G at. n.w.? 3 room* and bath $27.60 THE HAWTHORNE, 1527 I at. n w.? 4 rooms and hath $2T? THE COLONIAL. 30th and N ata. n.w.? 4 rooms and bath $?50 THE SORRENTO. 2233 18th at. n.w. 8 rooms and both $42.80 THE DEVONSHIRE. 1751 Columbia rd. n.w.? 0 rooms and bath $45.00 THE MT VERNON. 1Mb and N T. ave n.w.? 3 and 4 rooms and bath. . . $SO.OO and $37h% no28-tf WEAVER BROS.. 1410 F st. n.w. FOR RENT?IN THE TORONTO APARTMENT HOUSE. Dupect Circle, one two room fnr nlahed bachelor apartment. $00 per mouth; one furnished four-room housekeeping apart ment. $75 per month. no24-tf FOR RENT?A FEW CHOICE APARTMENTS, $ and 4 rooms. In the Knlcherbocker. Mint wood place. Washington Heights. An op-to4ata apartment house. THOS. J. FISHER * CO .Inc.. 738 15th at. B.W. no22-tf FOR RENT-UPPER FLAT 1746 WILLABD ST. n.w.; 6 rooms snd bath. $27 50. THOS. J. FISHER ft CO.. lac, no21-tf 738 15th at. n.w. FOR RENT??EAT NOT FURNISHED: UPPEB and lower apts., 5 rooms and bath each; 2710 14th st. n.w.; $30 each. THOS. J- FI8HER ft CO.. Inc.. no3-tf 738 15th at. n.w. THE BEIJ.EVTTE, 1921 19th st. n.w., Waahlngton Heights. POSSESSES THE CHARM OF THE IDEAL HOME. Overlooking the magnificent Dean estate. "The Oaks. Surrounded by handsome homes. TWO SPLENDID SUITES OF EIGHT ROOMS AND BATH: SERVANT'S BOOM WITH TOILET THOMAS J. FISHER ft CO. Gnc.L 738 Iftth at. aelS-tf THE BALFOUR (Formerly the Westover, 16th and (7). 5 snd 6 room apts.. $50 to $66. noS-tf.4 Elegantly remodeled. SPECIAL INDUCEMENT!! 30 T ft. n.e.: upper flat of 6 rooms, baths Vfc sq. from car; excellent condition; rent la only $24.50. JOHN W. CHILDRESS. 1*12 O at. B.w. nol6-tf FOR BENT-APARTMENT. 2D FLOOR; 1K4 Glrard St. n.w.; 6 rooms and bath.. $30 50 THOS. J. FISHER ft CO . Inc.. no6-tf 788 IBth at. a.w. THE SARANAC. 1209 NORTH CAPITOL ST. 7 large outside rooms, with bot-water hu and other modern lmproTements: $40. JOB W. MORRIS. 614 F st. b.w. ?el7-tt '4 THE IROQUOIS. 1410 M st. B.W., near Thomas 0 rooms and bath. 2d floor f4T.?o ?3 roomt and bath. Sd floor. 8 rooms snd bath, 6th floor. 4 rooms and bath, 6th floor 40.00 5 room4 and bath, 6th floor 47.0U ? rooms and bath, 6th floor 80.00 THOS. J. FISHER ft OO., tee.. oc30-tf 738 15th it. a-w. THE CONCORD. NEW HAMPSHIRE AMU Oregon a Manager. Oregon svsa.; 4 aad 6 room apt*. Apgty^ta THE STERIJNO. 1918 CALTERT ST. N.W. Delightful secontLlloor apartmentt 8 rnaipe and bath; all oatMde moms MO.OO Third-floor apt., 6 rooms and bath $66.00 \ery desirable fourth-floor apartment of 4 rooms and bath $50.00 THOS. J. FISHER ft 00. (Inc.), oel-tf T88 18th at. aw. THE SHERMAN. 15TH AND L BTfi. N.W.?8 room housekeeping apartment for rest. Apply at Sherman. oc7 tf "THE ALBEMARLE" 17th at. and N. H. are. n.w. Beautiful 4 and 5 room a part menta. THE VIRGINIA. 2120 G ST. N W.-SEYERAT. fine apartments of three snd (our rooms aad bath; prlcea ranging from $25 to $35. See Jan itor to inapect. Apply GEO. J. EA8TBRDAY. Ames bonding. 1410 O st. n.w. seS-tf FIRMUHED. FIVBVROOM HOISEKEEPING APARTMENT. ?ery desirable; lln?- library; no children; near Highland*. Call 431 Bond bklg delrt .it FURNISHED APARTMENTS ? A LIRT OF apartments specially selected (In first -else* apartment hoiiH*s only!, furnished In good taste, may be noen at this otflce. By appolni uient we will personally accompany per*": ? desiring to Inspect, glring them every facility for makng a satlsfactoiy aelectlun. Our knorwledge of locations and conditions will be useful in this regsrd. HEISKELL ft McLERAN, 1403 H st. u.w FURNISHED APARTMENT: SPECIAL OPPOR TUNITY; TORONTO APARTMENT HOUSE. 6th floor, corner 20ih and P; 5 riiis., bath snd kitchen; all outside rooms; attractive and homelike (bric-a-brac, pictures, library, etc.. Included!; sub lesse; largely reduced rental If leased at once. Apply HEISKELL ft Mc LERAN. 1403 H at. n.w. Phone M. 088. de!8-6t THE CECIL, 15TH AND L STB. W W?SIKOLB room and bath furnished apartment, Bright and attractive. Apply at Cecil. dell-tf THE CECIL. 15TH AND L X.W.-FIVE-ROOM furnished apt. for rent. No. $08; attiwttva aad comforts bis; all bright rooms; by the year ec shorter term. Apply at Cecil. Fl'RTTISHED OR l'l?TIUr?! TO SUBLET?THE FARRAGUT. TWO ROOMS and batb. furnished or unfurnished, to Joae 15 or October 1 next, as desired. A4draaa Box