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MANY LIVES IN PERIL ? Bomb Exploded in New York Tenement House. BLACK HAND SUSPECTED Big Hole in Floor of Second-Story Hallway. WILD DASH OF OCCUPANTS Hundreds Bush From Building in Night Attire?Police With out Beliable Clue. NEW YORK. December 20.?Hundreds of excitable denizens of the lower Rast ! Side, where the extortionist* masquerade j under the name of the Black Hand, were brought shrieking down the stairways 1 in night attire early this morning, when a tremendous explosion in the five-stdry double-decked tenement at 27 Prince street shook the adjoining blocks and startled the inhabitants into the belief that they were all in imminent danger | of death. Some time during the night a would-be ! assassin had stolen unobserved into the ! hallway of the tenement and had care- I fully placed a bomb exactly in front of the door leading to the dining room in the apartments of Domenico Ambrose, who lives on the second floor with his ! wife and four children. Michael Desando, who runs a t>arber shop in the west store of the two on the ground floor, , also lives with his family on the second j floor* and U Is believed by the polic.j that the bomb was meant for Desando I and not for Ambrose, and was placet! ! by mistake in the position where it ex ploded. Twelve Families in Peril. In all, twelve families were sleeping on the four upper floors when the shock of the bomb awakened them. In the west store on the ground floor is sit uated the counting house of the French and Italian exchange and loan bureau. The bomb was fitted out with a time fuse, for a five-inch length of tuSe was p^L-ked up alter the turmoil had some wnat subsided. Some arrangement to delay the instant explosion in order to give the marauder or marauders time to escape would also appear to be indi cated by the fact ti^at no one was seen running from the scene of the explosion, despite the fact that four policemen were within half a block when the heavy crash was heard. Wild Dash Follows Explosion. When the explosion occurred the ten ants made a wild dash to the street.' Furniture and trunks were hurled out the windows, and many of the excited tenants began firing their revolvers. The- entire neigh borhood was aroused when the po lice reserves came from Mulberry street and from Elizabeth street. One of the first tenants to rush to the street was Desando. He had costly dia monds pinned to his nigiit clothes, show ing that he kept his valuables by him even in his sleep. Desando is an uncle of Antonio S. Scletta, the six-year-old boy j who was kidnaped by Black Hand men three years ago. The kidnapers de manded a ransom of $1,000. The child was found in Chatham Square seven weeks after he was stolen, and his father declared he had not paid a cent of ran ? O ill ? ? . Wrecks the Hallway. After the excitement had quieted down the police entered the building. They found that the hallway of the second floor had been wrecked, and a great hole had been torn In the floor, so that one standing near the rent could get a good view of the rear of the barber shop and the hallway on the first fioor. Al though the building was badly damaged, no one had been injured. An attempt to burn the same building was made about two weeks ago. Oil was poured through the hall and stairs and streamers of oil-soaked paper ran from the cellar to the roof. The fire was extinguished before much ? damage was done, but the police decided to keep a sharp watch on the house. UAKER CITY GIRLS WANT HIGHER WAGES Follow Example of Their New York Sisters and Go on Strike. PHILADELPHIA, December 20? Fol lowing the example of their sister work ers in New York, several thousand shirt waist makers of this city went on strike here today for increased wages and bet ter working conditions. * In accordance with the program laid out for them at three largely attended mass meetings, held last night, the mem l>ers of the Ladies' Garment Workers I'nion and a large number of non-union sympathizers reported at their places of employment at the usual hour this morning. Exciled by the enthusiastic meetings of the previous evening, they had difficulty In applying themselves to their work until the time agreed ^ipon lo strike had arrived, when they left their work benches and machines and re ported at strike headquarters. Decided by Committee. The strike, which has been agitated for some time, was determined upon at a meeting of the strike committee of the union last Saturday night. Their action was ratified at three big mass meetings held last night in various halls. Ad dresses were made by John T. Murphy, president of the Central I.abor L'nion; . Oarence O. Pratt, national organizer of ! the Amalgamated Association of Street Railway Employes of America: Mother Jones, J. Rosenberg of New York, in ternational president of the Ladies' Gar ment Workers' Union, and the officers of the local union. Recognition of the union and increases in wag. s amounting to 20 per cent are demanded. WILL VISIT PORTO BICO. Secretary Dickinson to Hake In vestigation There for Mr. Taft. Secretary Dickinson has returned to this city from Springfield, 111., where he made a legal argument in behalf of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, with which he was connected before he entered the government servic. Tomorrow afternoon he will leave on the j president's yacht Mayflower, for a tvisit to Porto Rico to investigate political con- 1 ditions for the benefit of the President, especially with reference to the extension Of citizenship to the inhabitants. He will l)? accompanied by Uen. Edwards, chief of the insular bureau: Col. J. R. Kean, of the medical department of the army; Mr. Pedigo, his private secretary, and Caruth ers Ewing, a personal friend from Mem phis. The party is expected to return to this city January 10, next. Would Change Street Name, A change in the name of V street be tween Florida avenue and luth street ex tended to Vernon avenue, by wheh it was once called. Is provided In a bill in troduced today by Senator Dick. Woodward & Lothrop, Woodward & Lothrop, Woodward & Lothrop, New York?Washington?Paris. Nc.w York?Washington?Paris. New York?Washington?Paris. Christmas Cards, Booklets, Calendars and 0^9 S,,amps,.for us* <?" a? Beginning today store will remain open until 9 P.M a letters and packet's?for sale 8 ? ^ Diaries?Main floor, Eleventh and G Streets. on our main floor, ioth street side. * Christmas Problems=Hints How to Solve Them. * T's ChHstmas time. 4'What Shall I Give?" So many persons are putting that question to themselves just now. The one sensible solution of this puzzle is to make sure that each gift is a response to a desire. Practical giving is not always giving practical things. The gifts that bring happiness are the pretty things long craved and yet given up as luxuries. The person who sheds happiness abroad at Christmas time is the wise one who has tactfully ascertained what in each case is the most longed-for luxury or necessity, as it happens to be. Here are a few suggestions for gifts for perplexed Christmas buyers: I Special Sale of Women's Fmir Coats. /pOULD you think of giving a more rich, beautiful, practical /[ \ or serviceable gift to the mother, wife, sister or sweetheart than a Fur Coat? We have just received a new lot?similar to those ad vertised about 10 days ago?and shall place them on sale tomof row morning at very special prices. They are in ana lull lengths, and are of rich caracul. Russian pony, near seal and electric seal. All are made and lined in the very best manner. $1165.00 Coats, $1100.00 each. $95.00 Coats, $75.00 each. $62.50 Coats, $47.50 each. $57.50 Coats, $45.00 each. We also offer in connection with the above coats a lot of Black Wollf Fur Sets, ?? .. * At nearly half the regular price. These sets consist of a large rug muff and large shawl collar finished with head and tails. Rich, soft and beautiful pieces. Special price, $25.00 each. Regular price, $42.50. Also showing a large line of Black Fox and Black Lynx Sets? two very popular furs this season. Also a large and attractive line of Children's Fur Sets in the better makes at $1.75 to $18.75 the set. Third floor. G ?t. * * Dainty Shirt Waists As Xirmias Gifts. S dainty, attractive and serviceable gifts Shirt Waists are coming more and more into favor each year. Neatly boxed they make very practical presents, and nowadays there is such a large and choice variety from which to select Our assortment is grandly complete, including many of the new 1910 styles and designs. The following models are very attractive: $1.25 Cross-barred Muslin Shirt Waists, front tucked to form yoke with an embroid ered panel; back cluster tucked; lace trimmed collar; long sleeves finished with lace-trimmed six-inch $I.OO cuffs; fasten in back. Each * India Linon Shirt Waists, entire front of embroidered insertion and tucks; tuck ed back; lace-trimmed tucked collar; long sleeves finished with deep tucked cuffs. Each Fine India Lawn Shirt Waists, front of clusters of fine and medium tucks and fastened on side under swiss em broidery edge, plait and three large pearl buttons; back cluster tucked; long* sleeves, with deep cuffs of swiss embroid ery edge; hand-embroidered collar. <>2 q5 Each * ' " Fine Batiste Shirt Waist; front tucked to form yoke; joined on shoulders with wide swiss embroidery insertion; fasten down front under swis* embroidery plait and graduated fine plaited ruffle edged with eluny lace: back cluster tucked; col lar of swiss embroidery insertion and fine tucks edged 'with cluny lace; long sleeves, cluster tucked, with tucked deep cuffs fin:shed with swiss embroid ery insertion, beading and cluny lace. Each *<Jvj Third floor. G at. Fine Batiste Shirt Waists; front cluster tucked to form yoke; fasten in front, underplait edrad with swiss embroidery and graduated plaited ruffle trimmed with German Valenciennes lace; back tucked to match front; long sleeves; tucked col lar, and sleeves trimmed with o swiss edge. Each ?P3,ulJ Very Fine Batiste Shirt Waists, front of fine tucks to form yoke; fasten in front to side under broad plait of two rows of swiss insertion, tucks and scalloped swiss embroidery, finished with wide graduated plaited ruffle; back cluster tucked: tucked long sleeves with tucked cuffs trimmed with insertion and edging; collar of em broidery Insertion, tucks and seal- <?/; yr loped edge. Each *PV-/D Fine Marquisette Shirt Waists, with yoke, collar, back and front of German and French Valenciennes insertion; front finished with hand-c rochet Irish lace, wide German Valenciennes in sertion and clusters of fine tucks finished with Irish crochet and buttons; back finished with German and French Valenciennes insertion and clusters of fine tucks; long sleeves elaborately trimmed with wide German Valenciennes insertion and fine tucks; deep cuffs of German and French Valenciennes insertion and Irish crochet insertion; fasten in back. _ Each *I2*75 Holiday Gloves for Women amid Child rem. UR Glove stock is splendidly complete and ready to meet all demands you may .make upon it at this holiday season. Whatever you may need in the way of Gloves for your self or for gifts, you have the widest possible field for choice here. Gloves for walking, driving, dress or evening wear; street shades, white, pearl and delicate tints. Boys' and Girls' Street and Dress Gloves. Women's. Mousquetaire Evening Gloves, S to 34 button length; in black and white. Kt and -*?? Button Length Gloves, in pink, sky blue, violet, pearl and darker shades to match costumes. 10-button-length Suede Mosquetaire Gloves, in mode, champagne, pearl, French gray, tan, black and white. 2-clasp Kid Gloves. In white, black, tan, mode, navy blue, green, red and gray. One-clasp Gloves, for street wear, $1.00, $1 $1.50 and $2.00 a pair. One-clasp Heavy Castor' Gloves, new gray shade, $1.50 a pair. Children's. Misses' 2-clasp Kid Gloves, in tan, brown, black and white, $1.00 a pair. Misses' 2-clasp Pique Gloves, $1/(0 a pair. Misses' and Boys' Street Gloves, $1.00, $1.25 and S1.50 a pair. Warm Gloves. Women's Auto Gauntlet Gloves, fleece lined. $3.50 a pair. Wftmen's Reindeer Gloves, fur lined, $6.00 a pair. Women's Fur-back Gloves, fleece lined* $3.50 a pair. Women's Riding Gauntlets, $2.00 and $8.50 a pair. Women's Dogskin Gloves, fleece lined, $1.50 and $3.00 a pair. Women's Cashmere Gloves, 25c, 50c and 75c a pair. Women's 8ilk Gloves, lined. 75c and $1.00 a pair. Boys' Lined Gauntlet Gloves, in all styles. 50c a pair, upward. Children's Knit Gloves, all sires and colors. Angora Gloves for women and children. Infants' Mittens. "W. & L." Specials. i-clasp Pique Glace Gloves, in tan, black and white, $1.25 a pair. i-clasp Cape Gloves, $1.00 a pair. 8 and 12 button length Kid Mousquetaire Gloves, in black, white and pastel shades, pique sewn, $2.25 a pair. Main floor, G ?t. Austrian Gold Glassware, HESE rich, artistic, imported pieces afford a wide range for selection. Nothing is more suitable for gift purposes. Nut Bowls $1.25 up FVuit Dishes Handled Bonbon Dishes 65c Up Footed Almond Dishes 75c Up Salad or Berry Dishes. ., $2.75 up Fifth flour. G at. $2.75 up Va8es 85c up Comports $1.25 Up Individual Almond Dishes, doz $5.50 Up Special! Sale off Evening Dresses. E have just purchased from a prominent manufacturer, af a great concession, a lot of Evening Dresses, and shall place on sale tomorrow morning at about half regular price. They are made of soft messalines, satins, etc., in all the light and dark shades, including peach, corn, dark gray, white and black. Some have high necks and some low necks, made in the latest models, including the new draped overskirt effects and the full skirted effects with draped girdle. Some are finished with dainty shirring and French roses of self material; others with silk lace insertion of gown color. These dresses arc suitable for all afternoon and evening functions?dances, theater, receptions, etc. Special price, $116.50 each. Values up to $35.00. Eveimfling1 Coats and Capes. We have just received and placed on sale an attractive line of Evening Coats and Capes, which are very appropriate to wear with the above dresses. The)- are shown in all the pastel shades. Some are made in military effect, with black velvet collars and jet buttons and lined in self shade. Others are richly braided. Also Black Satin and Black and Gray Moire Silk. Also Street Capes, in black, blue, oxblood, gray and tan. Prices range from $112.50 to $75.00 each. Third floor, G st. Women's Bath Robes As Xmas Gifts. ^ OMEN'S Eiderdown and Blanket Cloth Bath Robes, in pink, light blue, lavender, red and gray, with high neck, long sleeves, finished with wide satin bands and belted at waist with cord. $4.00 each. Women's Eiderdown Bath Robes, with high neck, long sleeves, finished with satin bands and belted at waist with cord. $5.00 each. Women's Blanket Cloth Bath Robes, good quality, in neat fig ured effects, with high neck, long sleeves, finished with wide satin bands and belted at waist with cord. $6.50 each. ThU<l floor. Eleventh St. Women's Shoe Slipper Trees m AKE very acceptable Xmas gifts. Nothing is more useful than a gift of this kind. Prac tically indestructible and very necessary for shoes and slippers to keep them in proper shape. A gift that is sure of appreciation. Women's Pac Flat Self-adjust able Shoe Trees. $1.00 a pair. Women's Pac Flat Spring-ad justing Slipper Trees. 75c a pair. Third floor. Tenth st. Xmas Candies, Special 1Mb. Box. S S O R T E D Chocolates and Fancy Candies; pure, fresh and desirable. Last year the demand for these Special Boxes was such we were not able to meet the re quirements of those who delayed placing orders. 5=1 b. Box, $11.00. Special Assorted Chocolates exclusively, or with Bonbons. 4-lb. box, $1.00. Fifth floor, Tenth st. White ? Goods Department. O ENABLE Christmas shoppers to get the bene fit of the advance styles we have just opened 3,000 yards Imported White Shirting Madras, In new 1910 styles, and in fifty attractive patterns. 29c the yard. 9^-ond floor, Eleventh st. n Blanket Department. UST received 500 Blue and White Crib Blankets, In the following designs: "Teddy Bear," "Bunny," "Chick ens," "Goose" and "Possum." 1 75c each. Each blanket neatlv boxed. Second floor, G St. Willow Furniture As Xmas Gifts. E ARE showing a large stock of this pretty and comfort able furniture, which is so much used nowadays in the bed room and living room. It is made of the best imported willow and constructed throughout by hand. One of these big easy chairs or rockers would make a very desirable gift for the father or husband. Included are: Armchairs, $4.00 to $12.50. Arm Rockers, $6.00 to $13.50. Reading Chairs, $8.25 to $10.50* Tables, $4.50 to $10.00. Settees, $1*8.50 to $25.00. Children's Chairs and Rockers, $2.50 to $4.00. ? Special: Another purchase of those pop ular "Bar Harbor" Chairs, made of the best French willow in nat ural color and fitted with W. & L. upholstered seat cushion. A very acceptable gift. $5.00 each. Value, $8.00. "Santo" Pneumatic Cleaners. The Gift for the Housewife11. E are showing a complete line of both electric and hand power "Santo" Pneumatic Cleaners. A simple device?easily operated?a wonderful saver of time and labor for housekeepers. It removes automati cally all dust and dirt from floors, rugs, carpets, furniture, pictures, curtains, draperies, walls, ceilings and fixtures. The "Santo" Elec tric Cleaner can be attached instantly to any electric light socket and a child can do the work of cleaning. The "Santo" Hand Ma chine is easy of operation and very efficient. Will not injure the most delicate fabrics?freshens rugs and hangings?brightens the polish in hardwood floors?obviates the use of a ladder for overhead cleaning?exceedingly durable and is inexpensive to operate. These machines may be seen in operation at any tim? in our Housefurnishing Department. "Santo" Hand Machine, $35.00 each. "Santo" Electric Machine, $1125.00 each. Fifth floor. Eleventh at. , , Woodward & Lothrop. Silks for Xmmas Presents. ILKS are always an appropriate, useful and acceptable Christmas present, whether in dress, skirt or waist lengths. To select from we offer a very large and varied stock: Brocade, Peau de Cygne, Indro, Peau de Soie, Messaflme, Mikado, Armure Vega, Satin Ouchesse, Shantung, Poplin, Moire Antique, Crepe de Chine, Diagonal, Moire Velour, Crepe Meteor, Satin de Lyon, Surah, Faille Francaase, Electra, Liberty Satin, Satin Directoire, Habutai, Armure, Gros de Londres, Salome, Satin Majestic, Satin Shantung, Cotele, Ottoman, Cachemire de Soie, Tussah Croise, Gros Grain, Foullard, Etc. We will cut any desired length for a dress, skirt or waist and put it up in a neat box. The box protects and adds grace to the gift. We are also showing in our Silk Department 24-inch Crepe de Chine, In a great variety of beautiful and unique designs and many col orings. These goods were especially designed for Head Throws, Theater and Automobile Scarfs. 2x/2 yards required for a scarf. $1.00 the yard. We show also as appropriate Christmas gifts: Hand-embroidered Japanese Silk Waists In white only, embroidered in self-color. $4.00 the waist pattern. Second floor, G #t. Beautiful Gift Linens. ? ? i ? ? ? ? i . i ? XQUISITE Linens of our direct importation. Prominent among them are elegant Hand-embroidered Linens. Su perb L^ce-trimmed Linens, Beautiful Japanese Hand drawn Linens, etc. An assemblage of unmatchable linens, especially adaptable for Holiday Gifts. Special attention is called to an importation of fine damask Round Pattern Cloths Which we have just received and placed on sale. They arc cut round and scalloped, and the designs are round. Sizes 36. 45. 5.;, 72 and 81 inches in diameter are included. Prices, $2.25 to $12.00 each. Also to an importation of Hand-embroidered Linen Pillow Cases, some embroidered and scalloped, others embroidered and hemstitched. Scalfloped=$2.00, $3.00, $3.75 and $4.50 pair. Embroidered=$3.00, $3.50, $3.75 to $6.00 pair. Second floor, Eleventh at. Bamboo Utility Boxes. E ARE now showing a very large assortment of Hair boo Utility Boxes?useful and ornamental pieces of furniture for the home or for gifts?ranging from the small shoe'box to the large window scat or skirt box. They are well constructed throughout, of thoroughly kiln-dric 1 lumber?no danger of warping?covered with best quality fane; Japanese matting and neatly trimmed with fancy bamboo. Many are fitted with casters. Prices range from $2.25 to $18.50. Also showing a large assortment of Cedar Boxes, in all m/? > and in natural and piano finish, ranging in price from $5.00 to $20.00 each. As very special values we offer: A lot of Bamboo Boxes, in a nice size. A lot of Skirt Boxes. covered with ?????<! suitable for shirt waists, etc. Offered at .Japanese matting, well bound with >? the oak and fitted with tasters. Special price, $3-50 each. A lot of Cedar Boxes, made of the best grade of cedar and covered with good quality matting. Special price, $4.50 each. Second floor, F at. Special prices, $7.50 and S8.00. A lot of Skirt Boxes, well made and well finished. Can also be used for wiu dow seats. Special price, S5.00 each. Chafing Pishes, Coffee Percolators, Yea IKeltHes and Metall Wares. IFTS that are for service and that will help to ornament the home, too. Such articles as gifts will certainly be re ceived with much pleasure and thankfulness;. The qual ity of the item^ mentioned below has been thoroughly tested, the construction cannot be surpassed and the efficiency of each piece is guaranteed by us. Nickel Coffee Percolators $2.00 tip Coffee Machines: nickel and OO UD copper ^3' 5 O Clock Tea Kettles; ?2.85 Up nickel, copper and brass Chafing Dish Forks and Spoons g nickel, copper and silver J r Nickel Baking and Serving $j up Dishes Alcohol Flagons, for chafing dish or coffee machine; nickel. ?| r0Un copper and brass u r Trays for chafing dish and coffee machine; copper, nickel ?> and brass 05C lip Electric Disc Stoves, com- ^ plete with cord i}>0.50 Up Electric Irons, complete with _ cord *p5-0? uP Alcohol-Gas Lamp? and Stoves 35c Up Crumb Trays and Scrapers; nickel, brass and copper 5?* Attention Is Invited to Qjr Special Chafing Dishes at ?5.00 Each, Representing an unusual value. Best nickel plating on copper: ivory enameled food pan; black trimmings; best regulating lamp. Fifth floor. Eleventh at.