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"Ss rm ? ' t " " i i i ?5^ mm CO.STUNES Pinner Costume Willi Plumed Hat Modified Russian Types Dominate Styles?The New Belt in Sections Lingerie Frocks With Sashes at the Knees? Leghorns Turned Up in a New Fashion?Paris Notions in Sleeves. purine palm trees s?sr.iin>t ? ldue sky. *?n?1 }< hluci s<a lapping on twinkling, Vllow ands" ^ I'o drajlg' d a <!??/.? Ii IN I ?? rest ?*l I r ? ? ? n?J ~ of whom t!i< ) il><- was oii?- upstnirs flft?r a ??<>zy lun.-heon tmp day to "look i.tvci t r.e I'i<lm U'-a. h tots." An.l thri.-^ lu*kv friend- who -;?< nt a I*"'. t.?I.?"?'?r over t ?? i ? j.-11 \ tin<'i y t .os*' in..-' ahsoridr^ sartorial .?? titration*. " n? w s;.'? ?!?>111c? -." "T" ? ? ??nm. i:> ? .1 I'.etty. whisking ??iit of t ?? ?.v,?r<irol?' a <-<>at and skirt suit I>"m ti>- tailor-- pressing I M > wouldn't spoil.I a hotievmoon .it I?1 UI |5ea<li7 Who wouldn't shako the duft of New York or rather the slush and tn< snow iinrcRrf' : u 11 y frum o?, ?' - f eei and depart ;ti a ? omfortald ? Pullman for th?* d' lisrhts >>f w hi' - I-ij- kl 1:* tty ?Jo ! t -: o-!?-? - Ma r i ie. I. Irish Crochet Trousseau Frock, for Palm "Beach Wear iron. "is in\ Uussian traveling suit, the short rnatv" * * * It was >hort ?seareel. below the hip ?ami there was a trig ja'tntiness about it as Hetty slipped it on and buekle'l tip- broad patent leather belt around her waist. The < ?>!??? was wood brown, an indeser i ha bb?> In otic of l! .soft new basket - \\ >a\ ? witul'-it stuff-. "Hi own t h o ultra fashionaI>i ? in nigli-elass l'ati- tailor made* now. ' interpreted Het I \ iti pnrenthese;-. "and basket weaves the swagger ma tt-rial for spring suits'" "Isn't the skirt pr?*tty short f<>i niarrb'd woman'.'' ventured a bride <?,' Xovember, eritleallv. It looks awfully young.' "That i'i~t it t ?? t?? t1 l;?-t t ?1 r?j iiti to-be-Ma n ied. "That's wh\ evervhody 1 ikes the short skirts they look ? vounc, provided one hasn't h.|>~. i; ? ?alls for sui-li -tunning footwear. *?><?. This isn't a- sliort a- m> limn suit or the dinner danee dr?-ss I shall show you lat?-r. It's the fad yon know You see. the skirt of t ij> basket weave suit has ONE DRESSES CHARMINGLY EVEN EN TETE-A-TETE WITH SELF. PARKER'S HA!R BALSAM CV#' *'f N* . ? ! hair. 1 f- TOtfl a Jt:\ >j ??*; c *? vr Fn n ' 5 it-<* ??<? <ir*y }?n r to *s V ' it i pr rf, < - i * * " . r. . 3-*.?r.d .ii'u i ?!lt> 'I . '- t fail :: automuhih- n ? s si.-1< > is im isiiiKiasti lurgntiir. which on? in fri'> t ? ; tin* ? vc< inst<Ni?1 ?;f I >11 ? t:< <!is'l>r: ,1 ing' SOgB>-. \n:ol y .i! > ? .? l r- : : .? I.oilis \ \" 1 -tp<\ v it: the :-h?>:'! 1> im in froW ;i"d t mri.??<i din t tlx up :ii I'm back, IJ 111 i< .. ill l.i v ul". The Debutante, in hep Dancing FpocK a Palm "Beach Feature a littW i:11>i.- shaped lik<- an ovoi'.skirt and last t>> tlx1 pleat- bHow: really in oik- pioc-f. but an ovirskir' '?fTe<-t I-J\ ??!?> tliiitK. my tailor is 1.1 what Ti? ? ? .ill - "111? ?? 1 ili* ?! Itn.-s.. n -lyi . that is. with a taiil* ?>t sunn- s< rt ??. other to th<- kn?*?> and t!,o waist i? 11? ? in. I don't tin- tailors likr '? it is zoi'nz to In- too i-a-\ to niak*- sm-li fl 11?* *1 -!>>"-;? -1 ??* i I ma's at lioni'-. <>i t > chop otT a nil hHt in last s>-a'-oi. s . i>.. ? * y ;? t tins fheckwl mohaii sul for \ain|?l?"*. Ki-t t v i a itm 111 np dasit intf little affair of black ami ?nil sluphcTil i-lif?i-k?''l moliaii of soft. suppi. quality. It cam*' I'mni Paris, but any bod\ with a fjrain ? ?? dressmaking i.r ? ?lit could cup' il The little Kri-rii'li <urt hail ? kil i -kirt set bflov. a ?I? ?? p yokf wlii> i \<a shaped *o intitule an apron overskirt. i fobl < xti'inlins ovi-r tin- kilt pleating !iki- an overskirt hem. The < ";:t v\ a ; niailc like a small ho\blouse, vit.i very little fit tint; at the seams ami fas; - ened down one side of tin- front from - .ould'-i to 1 ? ni with small Mark silk Imtion.-'. The round turnovei collar ? f idag-k licit'' silk va- ina IHied 1?\ ttiing ???!->? |? inoii c run-', and over both i ollar ami ? "ift".- tui iHMl-lta-'k liiiK'-rio coll ir ml tuffs ? ?!" lurked Icitisti- and fin< .? ? ,-]fi (?niliruiilcrv It1;* ?!??? "?;?! :?? of i i>- SaniU\ litt'e sii t \ st> ;1111 ? i .hi hp." i i '? . ' ? was i>t lealhei \ :!i ?' ? ? ?!' ni ami < 1 Russian <? I:i ????IW'TM. til i 1 >1!::?: l>nds of <? l> v !- Ic.iilii'! hoiim' ii?'!d in Hie enil |>i"oi.; ? t;.it !.nitons. * * * ' i:. It.-. . ji.hs." r?-iw>i all ?! Rett *. f- ???II 1- .? :; !? ??; itariv -landpomt ?<- a I"o.i- ???a ?. .i"ii .; i ? Vvfrjthing - io !?? ? ? ol! T ? :a\c ionic ill willi a villi, ;? i -I f ore 'a; ? \ anil i .-?? plain ami luii in's-iikc t ??* are. the sma'i-r. "Ilf<* aif t".n i r>i> suits ;il-n. ' ? oli |ir.t:?d Itekt ??. I trying t; ?? w ool ? ostumcs ??to i ni.ti'l ->. ami uponi?r a Ioiir ;?a>: i-In >a : tailor's box. "< >h. how I ?' ? ? 11 ' v\a- lilt K?'*H>t'u! ex ? '.aina t ion. as jpic ~!iii - ?fi iif-lil up io vi?-\v One was ? it' blue liifSn. ;i shad ? Hr iit-r than i:av>, and sli(iwt>rt ;t veritable] Tolstoi smock or ? aftan. faffing' half way i" the knee and fafienim; far to ti;e hit side of tie- front, i >:;tlining t!: ij?|<*k open its: whi<"'.i last yeai would have liff'n railed hufeh,'* I ut this year. Betty assured us. wa- pure IIussiaM wa ?? a two-iii' h band ?i' Ror deep-tot i'<! :'d iMd blue emhro'd e: y. This ? i.ibroidery .-Hip ? "it!: ued down t i? ? ? sir' op?ni:'K ol t Tiifl broad, t..<i-e b?*tt was of jiitti'iit ? ? n?r, and s<-arlet <-alf with a dull yi !. buckle, "So ; a -? inatini;i\ kiddie and vitnninji," ia:5Ri ed i!'Hy "cxadl'. like a little <?':aj>'s pff y frot a." Till other linen i 0-111:11 ? ai>o - .)?r i t '? tunic < ff< t; or rather a littIr- jpina fOte overdress which f* I to th>- kn<H at the front and a trifle Ijlkvci :i: ba< : The "bib"' ot the pinafore :?mi '.:ed up a< fa. as the bif-t over a bodi'e of vitj fine :ill-OV?'r embroidery. wiiiihad s!e. s to the rjlmw ti 11 i^ :'?-<! w it h cuffs ot tlv- green itteri. "Vou -11." B?tt> t ;i 11*-? 1 to onr aitt-niio' . "the neck is cin out in t ? new wa> ? 11 ii:? - up to i he ?"?at iii? at front and Ihih and .-traiijhl arni-s h:i!f Win out on tiie should, r seam so that the throat shows more 011 the sides than at front or hack. That brings out the pretty tA<2?prpc/ciae Cg/T^OMT one/ ^MAUY^JT ( OW far *an I betid?" IP tin test ?'i tin modern forgot; I U '?i Sllow ? n?. < II i- my JL waist?" Slipph ness, that sine II11H tlO!I of '-OI M>l I X ??<?!Icriff. .? t> ? ?-ff. ? i .l ined at and Un lit st models :ire a- i?J t anil 'iiSaa!*1 a liie tlesll il?ll" <?ii tlie fiKUle Xo Somali : I ? i I i vr iitteil I ? a ll'W ? ??! >? t -hotj'd ;n ro; t i? tinbss she t51 !? Ii' foitabli- sittlriK >? the H<??? in li "l'.ii seenis a jj?j-etty seve:e t* si lm ? . i n i In best corset. l>;it ii' pruppi'ly adjusted to 'he lit'tlli there nil t ea sots .i eot set should nut lit- as ? (inift" tah'' in this ,">:-it,nn it - wiien it > \\ fitrtr is s I u ? i |J'J. rile tlollblf js Hist women (rct'pi e?s??tl i'tst as tie fittei adjusts ml IffPf : hi hi in tie 'iirn. f. "iiinfl to feel t hut a ft?"s*M > ? jinn It? ! i ":?Ie oiiee i* h; i. left t lie ma n uf.i it u; . s initios is not trin. bj any mean . Inil evt r\ w.| equipped corset denartmenj ! as >:s alt* ration room! wiiei e cutsets may be * hipped off. iak< ii in t>] aJjered in .? t;;ot ways in suit indiv.duai i'n-;ire n e I.-. These slifiht alterations are impo s11?'* to make at liomf; for s?pe? .a I scis- ors anil needles are required t?? mnnipti? 11?? the heavy toutils mi l whalebone, but so deftly i? the work done b> tin- expert ilnpets employed tha the remodeled cor net is quite as daint.v and perfect as wlnm fre?h from the manufacturer Yei\ often a corset that w uld be i n ptfSMb y In sr for a short an 1 l inmp i-ui * may be made wt arable !>? nt*b'i-T inch or two off tin 1 out . below the waist in the front, nhoi'- tin- lieu: ?? Minis in sitt ns. .Maiiv wniticn .-nlTer jlprtures In omitting: to have tins nple altera tion made, and w I i 1?- ltmki c very trim .mil smart \\ i> i standi "jr. a .? in miser\ When sitt lttu u?i a low chair. Often a longer-waistnl corset ma\ If worn if the bones are t? nt in front n i!,is manner at tin bottom atnl the corset clipB'd off all around tin top. To do tills the In>? and iilibiui iiiniiiimx tnu.-t b'- removed and t! i ? ? corset trimmeil off with a sp< eial knife ami then neatlv relinislvd in fore tl t lace is attached again. Rv< i tins o|icratioH liow evi, will lie uccom j.!i> 11<?< 1 by 11? f obliging rorsf't depart ment for half a dollar or so. Ii IS always Wisest to have M rOIX't lit:?? i J. and tin- shops usually offer to to I : i - ? ? of eha ? g? ail cm sots uvt'l $'_? ill ;>: io< . No woman who !? s]n i ts* in r Sow u* .<?:?] <?!? li.-ure would spend b.-s than tnis lor i:- i-oisoi and. indeed. ten. twenty afid ? >? i thirty dollars ai>- often paid I'M a h'.uh-?h.s ooi. ! !>\ f. i11 i i??: - able V.onu !'. Si 111' "f 'i ?? 11?? V\ IllOdel* aii- so J?i ?*l I \ one feels it is a | ? i y Ilia!. 1 111? \ "t|;.;s; lr ? ? ? i ? : <-?I I)i |iV lioijio .s. Tr oiis.wi .il! r'irsPls. made of I iresden i iii l.oii. s> i 'li wound round and round the fii'inv. inMiii'u be'iig evident on I he outside; and there ;i I o while siik r'll'f'IS with ruffled potiii-ojua;i.n!ii?i that are I a -ci ::a t ingl> da int > I II." i-or'c I llnstralod is of pale blue satin Inora.i'. a:: I shows llio *;?? -*i J sw ? j i!f 11* - s o i i ; > ? mod* r n I*" i' ? * A <*h model. t ho Hi sh bring sofilx. yet tirmly. confined by t '??? cat i I'ir'i. ? ii i nrs't material rather tian i>\ ? V r ? -1 >? honing This ri i i thii'i- linn - as long below The wiist. .1 - 11 Is .lit XI. Ill holies I'l i.lliliq oilly 11: i! f ivny on tlrs joji. idwi-r portion. V. \v corsets a!??? much lower busted in effect. deep u 11ssois" being s- t in from top '<i waist Ii11? - in front, to "lot the tigure" down, a"! t '.is low busted eff-er is much more becoming to the stout woman who, ro matter how trim she looks when standing ui> i:i a high-hus:ed corset, is anything hut graceful when seated, with a.I her fle.-h pushed up lu:n:dly toward b? i* necl; A new corset, but !?; ?;? ?-xc'usive dressmaker, to insure perrc lines in her efisi iiMu -. is ideal -o far as omtVo t arid mm ??? a'-o ? ?mi ertii d. This ?? u" et i- really t.'llti -hoi i from 1 ll-i T? ? l>u' from I ? i o km- ,- a ? i a11 i ? 11 ? i;ea? oi w iii t -ilk elast'i ? ?I ? i TI ii. ' I;' f! i hices Sout'ly om r ih'' i:ps a!id i i -? 11- a d ^ most lo\ i l> slop Hg in. . ?? t'" a' e-oi i' ? ; r ? - il'>m and com ort to the vein Ati'diu ? attachnn !; t of the sort si hi wehlrng ex tends up over the bust, givim; a rounded, girlish cos.tou- Hi lis "re without exag gerated proportions In this cois-t the wearer can bend, stoop and < veti le-line with deli-'lit fill i use mid freedom The new very long inset must be ad justed with three separate I ces, and tw(nty yards of hiring; are none too man\ for the tout woman's corset. The be n sh led being who ns d io boast siu ?never changMl hci roistt iaer-s from on? year tn another" did not real'ze that thi reby she was causing the bad linns which her tftiure developed into later on. A corset so adjusted is hound in ride tip little liv littie, and the tle-h. thus pushed downward, settle- around the hi|>s and abdomen. This inimi ul method of wear ing 'he corset produced a pressure upon tlic dei:< ate pelvic organs, which \*as the dire-t cansi' nf many of tin serious break downs i: i health hi' tin- las? generation of women. Nowadays. cutsets are more hygienic. They are built t-> support the oi^aiis lit' th- body, and while drawn (irmly about the lower part of the trunk, give areat freedom to t hi tnu-cles about the waist ami tn the diaphragm and lungs above. One be-ins is arranged across the top ? it the en: set. fo if or live i y elets down Nnother Is nrne:p d at tip- low -r edge, lac'ng half n dozen eyelets 111? 1-5 ?t!i of these la- ngs ar< left with I??nends to !i" tied after the ? orsei j- adius! *d. The lacing al t! center nf t !:? nirse! !S fas tened at 1 !(? and bottom, ??it long loops ale left di;?ftl\ at the waist, and there are pulled in and tied around at the ft out of the enrset. t In top lacing !>eing the last tn adjust and the most l<? isely t!??? 1. A siiffi jentlv inoM' ni<nb 1 should be seeded in the first place and .ill tin lac ings pulled out very loosely, so that the cor et will fasten n front a< eas I. as a shirt waist, and will seMb far down on the figure. The la- ngs are then drawn up slightly, beginntne wl'li th- bottom section. When the corset moderately snug the garters should N* fa-ten?d t-> the stockings and the tig;rc -tr.te'.ed out upward, the arms he'nc raise 1 :ar above the head, so that the corset will settle firmly downward n t'e p >s t!cn which it .s to keep a'l day. N"W tar lacing are nail?,- tightened and ti? d. Neghges gro" niorc and mote ? I'sivad inglj pretty The finest, softc-t fabrics are used, oiten chiffon being \ei!ed with ?hiffnti of a contrasting tint t ? produce the lovely, elusive "dream, c olors ' that make any woman look beaut ful. A little bnuiioir jacket is of shell pink truss.Mine Willi in=ertio:i of real val lac#- set in h> hand, the yoke of \al and cluny be ing also put togtiher entirely by hand stitchery . Ii is the daintiest of band work that makes most of the imported French n"g lige garments expensive; but it is worth while putting the cMtu time and W:itn Summery XT at of rial :.? tluD) ? a I In s lOUlder." ilistl'Hi IMl IV t l > artistically. * * * To emphasize this throat t?? should. r curve flip npck way edged at bark and front with a row of tln\ green linen coveted buttons, which extended in ?* double line down the outei sid? <?? the sleeve. Hero's a hat to tnateh t ? g ecu linen. ' Hetty draught <? r .? big k>x from under t lie i?ed. "It's ( idled the "Mar ?' Shape, and i.- .1 hr.irn|-ue\\ - itnmer model. You know everything last spring sloped down in Inverted basket stylc This year everything1 turns up." The bat was of coarse gre<-n straw, with a slightly rolling In in? and a mammoth crown separate from tlie brim and set ting out mvr it t<> within a few in -lies of where the roll liegan. In front and a bit to one side t;.-- brim was caught back to tliis big crown with a caboehoti of pal pink and yellow ioscs in a nest of jit>????> leaves. ?'Flowers are going |.> he It on milli nery tliis summer.'" prophes'e I lletty. "The whisper conies straight from l*a ris." "Here's a new leghorn, too." added she. busy with the strings of anot ler bin hat box. "Now where do you think if is turned up. girls? Right across the hack, with roses tumbling f' rward Now isn : that deliclously old-tiniejr fo' vonv" l.eghorns introduml the subject lin gerie frocks. Of course Ilett \ had se. - eral, for these dainty costumes are a feature of the southern sujntnerland. * * * "I want vo l ' oil ?? I: sl.-e,.? enjoined our bride-lo*i>e. holding up fo: our inspection a diaphanous affaii ol sheer white batiste honeycombed with \fords and yards ot va" lace. "You see they are all In one with the yoke, atid no shoulder ot arm seam. That's the very lates: Paris notion. Yon ??i! 1 ? rind it on imported blouses and dresses yet. but ii is so pretty and gives >u< h a graceful shotddei line tha' ii is sure to be adopted by eve: y'todv." She slipped into the delicate frock. and while the maid fastened the infinit* siinal hie-* but tons down the l?a? Is. Ftett> called mir at tention to the tuniSf overdress, wi:ch fell helow the kc?-e and turned :;> "? iflV" or tahy at intervals at t h ? lower edge, the tabs being made o' pin tucking and la - ?? inserticH Through Bicye ta:the ma d presentl>" passed .1 broad, -of satin ash <tf pale blue ribbon, knmt ii-g it loosei> It the ftck so that the ends dropped over the shiit to the ankles "You sec." observed Itetty. moving about the room, ' it is <i uite Inns ? and do^ku't girt stround nt> knees a bit wh?-u I 1 k or s The re<i 1 l'rench ones ar< so liglit that positively one htr- t?> mime along like Cio <"io San in "Aiadaun Hm tertly". b| ml dressmaker says t is exaggerated st \ |e i.- not fot \m, ri<;<u Mtnen^ v.! ? ? prefer g:a?-e and liea tty to nHBre ;addpn I'ccentrieit> * * * "Tlu si s amine!' t itiRs a i ? 01 u : a!: of it." Hetty informed i .? She opi !l?'i| doo! o .Miotll'l WilHlKlU* tl ! d took out a stunrng top- .wi of ?:)?? w ' soi ' 1"air northoa-t storm* i idll you to th<- vory marrowhoiios at Calm !*.????. !. Tliis whito scrgf ?-oat i !<?? d:i\s lilr?- t :it. ami for motoring and fo: < 'ifil :ift< ; :<oous m f>,? n?*#ro:iiohilo ^ oil <ii'i i kt "V. what a !i?'Ki otnol,il< !-" W'lix. it'-- a . ul ??tii:> > i air o u li"!: \* it a liii > i aHa< hltiont. T ? la rki'-s. t un tla-m almost as- tast a it>> 111 ? *' -11 ? - Hi' r !'?? Slliootil I oail.-. Von t '? top. lilt--" a l?-lt ai-rops ttio t.fx k a11<I . iIT.? anil slanting p..? k<-t?- what d?w it r.'uiind >i. i ?,!' ' \ liusslati ofth-?-r's storm ? oat. ti\ T at i- what it i* moant !?> imitatf; at t!.?- lining " B?-tt\ u :-k? il t at insido out and t o ga\ost of f1amo-< olored .-atin linings was icv<-.i!imI a t.? ?? v flamo shado spriri kh-d ou'i w it-' w it?* polka spot* n? hie a* a uuaittr. ? It's Krom-h." <|Uotli Hftt* an<l that -<-tt!??<! il Now t ?': tlx- >11 ?? \ ? lot he.*, " fa id ' ? ? onr??\ v ?? ?- \-1 m -ct to stop at t. >? hou-l. h ;t ?' . r. ar?* sovoi a 1 poo I'h* m ti.*> villa ? olony who at going t-i ask us to <]innoi'c and lum-hoon-. and t ? :i tl ?=?!<? will ho fats at ti ?? grilh-' a ia! daW'OS ovor at t iio 'liOUftO l>oai' a: .1 otli?-i affairs calling tor sp? ? ia!I\ [>r<tt>- fro?k?. This Httlo satin a 11 fri'oot! fro, k i- for t< as and hridg*." S!.-- sl:>?????! us a (harming ? ostuni'1 <>r s?iio|;.. may ?aiin motoor with a <lrapi>'1 liodho onihrouloivd in smokv hhio. Thor? was a till:i< ovotdross to tho knoos. with a d??p 1 <-ni tltroijih w ! kh ran a soft s--li ??! satin riK'.ton iu tho smokv bin* shado, t ? <? ? o!?>! showine only at tlio hH'-V whor?- tii#* -as i omor??-d trom tho lion: and was tio?l iu a loo so knot and otids T'.is tunh- ??v?-r<lr?iss hung ahovo a with < ???! 'h'.iti' ?? wI:i? !i lav an im li ojttio on l!?? ? t'oor all around. Morufuc and >'\? nine dr<"=sos short." afs'-i tod ilott \ ; "dinnov uowii- ami aftor t-,ooit dross.-s long and gracotul " * * ? Not t - * sh'-vos in aid gray satin," a?Mo?l s ??. Tlioy s<^> in to 1??-? -? nvod up on ti.o arm and wrinklod. don't ti;o\ I'.ut that's ti.o vory latest ^ti.light. ti^: t-titimg slw<>s as>* all out now Kvoi > hory ?!< t? ? -1ptiffs and so tl>o drossniakt-r.s liavo ? <mii; romisoii on thJ* Not had is it'.' Thoro was a hat to inato'i t '.o gr.i\ aft< rii"on ??ostum?'-a hie s' ndy-ln in:u #-d iuo?it l of ?ilvor n<^t shir rod o\ i-r .-hk'Ho hluo 4 iiifl'on. T'.<? trim iiiiiuj- with sil\ i 1 a? - and ostiirh pluino? in ih<- 'aint' st s a.l>- oi apiii-ot pir.k. Th< ? onihiii.ition oi ti o -o(t pra>. -niok> l>hi* and t iitit pink i-o|oring w is most ? harni *ng | ;. t t < shon< d lis also a hotol ditm^i gow n <i- p?-?a< h pink v?-lv?-t ?? f a <i'ialit\ as voft as ? liffoii T was a di a\?<?<J hodt< ? <it whito la< <? and a nuIilMiA trimming of pi-a'l ornam*-:iis and troy- to mak<- a1 impr--ssi<>ii." st a tod i:?tf. "upon t' i l,..ttl s. ;.'st s who look foi inipr?'Mi\ < ??-! :'in? s "tl a h o< . I'.i-fi- ?? t n ia!t\ ? ?l up < .ti a of !'.<> ? >.!f was pi ??.-??l:tid wit a " h!--k> w <^d nine ga't.-r" of ^old.\?d|ow silk - liiifd m#-! ? lastii . i >1 ? .ti a v'agrantiv tviin.nod w ith ?a \ rii>| ..|t I'osi iti*- .,11 m t'no l.liky > i -1! o w shaih' That," RMty told tis grav?-l>. ov.i . oit?- oi ;on will hav?- an ofTVi of marriage h.-i'oi.? ti < ti-iir is out. Corsets Make Up Below the Hip What They Lack Above It. patient work on .1 K;irm??iit of this >?wt, for result i- so cliarm ti?. *S . Ii .t siiowl<l In- <if goo?l material siti<l .-lioni.l >?'11' to 1 In- <!ty **!#'.iu#*r> now ami tint) Tims ? ar?*full\ usrd. t? v Ml retain il~ i<r<-ttitK*-s fo.- s wral stri ?ons \u rxtif'ttX'lv t'rtvliinn.ih|<? t'!i-'v-pw,r# ?? i.- n'a<]?- wit a ,-oam rntiititiR l'rom s!iotil<l< i' t.> n>t on tin- tt|i|?<-r s|op\#?. "I"|, i s upper '? al.-o ttK*k???l. 1'n* tu?-k? ??xt- tuli'ti; (i ? ?! t . >id.' m .mis ar<l tluti lutvinu i<|' ?" I ?' c< ittrr a\i:u. tt.rrc ti.- j form i?oim&.