Newspaper Page Text
FOE RENT?HOUSES. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. FOR RENT? PHONE MAIN 668. HE1SKELL A McLERAN. 1403 H ST. N.W. ESTABLISHET> 1887. NOT INCORPORATED. FURNISHED HOUSES. Large number of various sizes, choice residen tial sections. lowest rentals. List at office. Permits to Inspect on application. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Various sizes, choice apartment houses, lowest rentals. List at office. Permits to inspect on application. UNFURNISHED HOtTSES?SELECTED LIST. - 1V#0 J7tb h 50i)0 1737 S, lOr, b 50.00 1423 U. lOr. b 50.00 F'raont & llth.0r.M7.50 1702 Oregon.lOr.b. 45.00 1734 17th. 9r. b...45.50 1739 Col rd, lOr.b.45.50 1810 S. 9r, b 40.60 1534 T. 9r. b 40.50 2020 12th. lOr. b. .40.00 1751 Corcoran.9r.b.40.00 1748 Ore av. llr.b.40.00 2140 P. lOr. b 40.00 1750 Ore av. llr.b.40.00 J139 135 1529 1*15 1218 1512 'Jl>01 131* .120 1440 1312 Mas? ar.52r.4h8.000 1234 16th 30r 5b. .6,000 R. 25r. 6b...4.000 N H %v,17r.3b. .20? N H aT.lftr.3b..200 24th; 10r. 3b.. 150 N H av. 12r.3b.12S Corcoran.30r. b.100 Kal. 14r. 2b.. 10 ? L. 14r. b 8R.OO 16tb. 12r 2b..88.00 R I av.12r.2b. 75.00 1401B el moa t. 12r. 2b75.00 1818 Lam't,llr.3b.70.00 ?JO ?Wyomln?.12r.h65.0 > \ 421 E ne. 7r 30.00 1328 21st. lOr. b. .6500 23JO 20th. 14r, 3b.flB.0O, 1T?3 P. 12r. b 65 00 2123 R. lOr. 2b...60.00, 911 M. llr. b 60.75 I 1748 End ill. Or. b.52.50 i 1335 E. 2(1. 4r 60.0?! 3916 Ches'ke.Or.b.27.50 3922 Ches'ke. 6r.b27 50 012 F ne 22-50 Guv at. Hyattsville. 6r. b 18.00 3517 Holmead. 9r. b List of Bslfonr. "?* "^5.00 from. i. v45.00 ppbbleton. 6?". "? w M?P.>i0.0f?A?45.00 MadtiJ' $??<??>Stores. Gr,nt...70.00 ^ office or od application. APARTMENTS. ElN-ron. Col rd A lltb nw, ,".r. b. ..3S.50 Exeter. 5r. b 35.00 1712 14tb. 6r, b. .35.00 Greenway. 4r. b, WHSOO Naples. Sr. b, k...22.50 1ih*> D sw. 4r 8.00 1000 18th sw........18.00 Kalorama. 18.00 ROOMS. Grant pi. 6lngle rooms, up; sulto 6 ? or 9th A Grant pi. 150' 430 8th dw 100 927'S E. remodel. Offer OFFICE Victor bid*.. 9th s?. ana $10 to $45; sol tea from $75 up. M7 14tb: single rooms frurn $14 .ooins, $75. ?"?11 F n.w., single room.*. $7. $10. $1">. M8 10th st.: slnele rooms from $8 to $18. 1403 H. st. 3r. 411.23.00 18tb A Kalorama..15.00 617 La 2r 30.00 Busch bide. E Offer 1346 P? If, 3d fi.80.00 j 527 lltb. 8 fia Offer STABLES. 1742 Oregon 12.50 2314 18th 10.00 1438 Belmont 1100 911 M 10.00 js^-sa.tu !~on ' RENT?UNFURNISH ED. 1753 N st. n.w.. 18 rooms. 5 baths $200.00 lfK?l 18tb st. n.w.. 10 rooms and bath.. 55.00 1329 Harvard St.. 8 rooms and hath 50.50 TVe have a number of desirable furnished houses in the n.w. section: rent. $75 per mo. and upward. TVLEIt A RUTHERFORD (Inc.t. 730 15th st. n.w del8-28t* FURNISHED. FOR RENT NEAR CONN. AVE. N.W. Handsome home, lo rooms. 3 hatbs. 4 porches; window seats; completely FURNISHED: hand somely finished and decorated: brand-new. Investigate this offer. N. L. SANSBURY. 710 13th n.w. Main 2094. FOB RENT We have a large number of desirable furnished houses, a list of which will be given or mailed upon :ippli<atiou. TUOS. .1- 1ISHER A CO. (Inc.), ? 708 15th st. n.w. u-?20-tf.l2 TOR RENT?VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED HOUSES: SOME LOCATED IN THE MOST FASHIONABLE SECTION OF THE CITY; RENTING AT FROM $50 PER MONTH UP. TYLER A RUTHERFORD (Inc.). 730 15TH ST. N.W. del8-28t* UNFURNISHED. FOR RENT 17 Grafton st.. Chevy Chase. 16 rooms, 2 baths, hot-water heat $83.33 1323 91st St. n.w., 9r., b.. furnace beat... 85.75 2721 Ont. rd. n.w., 10r.. b.. steam heat... 45.75 303 S st. n.e.. Sr. and b.. furnace beat.. 35.50 1536 T St. S.w.. 7 rooms and bath 32.80 1840 3d st. n.e.. Sr.. b., furnace 32.50 1807 3d n.e.. Sr. and K. furnace heat.... 30.50 .<51 3d st. n.e., Or., b.. furnace beat 24.50 833 3d st. n.e.. 6r., b., furnace beat.... 24..">0 1233 B st. s.e.. 6r. and b.. latrobe heat.. 25.50 1808 8th n.w.. 6r.. b.. latrobe beat 23.50 922 1st st. n.w., 6r., b., latrobe heat-... 22.50 ?154 E st. n.e., fir. and b., latrobe heat.. 3?.50 1240 D st. s.e., 6r., b., latrobe heat 18.50 1238 D st. s.e.. Sr. and b.. latrobe heat.. 18.50 1216 Half st. a.e., 3 roams 11.50 STORES*. 1724 Pa. ave. B.W.. dwelling. Sr., b 70.00 1005 M st. n.w., storeroom 25.00 COLORED. 2142 II st. n.w.. 5 rooms 10.00 THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COM PANY. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. de30-d.eSu 21" NORTH CAPITOL. SR. AND BATH. $45.50 1640 K st. n.w., 10 rooms and bath.... 35 50 123 10th st. n.e., 9 rooms and bath 80.50 826 20th st. n.w., 9r., b.; newly papered 25.5 > 733 6th at. n-e*. 7 r oots, bath 24.00 1230 Morse st. n.e.. 6 rooms and bath... 20.50 1433 G st. n.e.. 6 rooms and bath 18.50 ial3-tf.3 J. L. KOLB. 923 New York avo. FOR RENT?207 1ST ST. N.E.: OVERLOOKING Capitol grounds; 6 rooms. 2 baths; rant, $25.50 per month. Inquire Room 304, Washington Loan and Trost. Phone M. 148. jal3-3t RENT FROM SHANNON A LUCHS, 713 14TH N.W. \ QUICK. COURTEOUS SERVICE. FOR RENT-NEAR 10TH AND MASS. AVE.; baa nine fine rooms and bath; good condition; rent, $40.50 per mo. Get particular* at once. FOR RENT-IN FINE PART OF* N.W. SEO tion; comparatively new borne of six large, well arranged rooms: large eon<-reted cellar; improved beating system; large front and rear vards. TbU home has always been occupied !>y a careful owner and is iu absolutely per fect condition. Rent reduced. $30.50 per month. In order to rent it immedlatelv; a snap. SHANNON A LUCHS, M. 2345 713 14th st. n.w. M. >345. FOR RENT IN BEAUTIFUL WOODLEY PARK. Brand>a*w house, lo fine rooms and 8 bath*. HOT-WATER HEAT: corner; colonial porch. Handsomely finished and decora tea. Quick tenant, $65."0. 1317 Monroe st. n.w. Fine little 7-room borne iu good order; a.m.i. Hot-water heat. Jnst vacant. Keys here. Only $32.50. 130 R st. n.e. Handsom'; little home, almost new; 7 cheerful looms; tiled barb: HOT-WATER Lent; re duced to ONLY $30.50. Was $35. Best section of s.w. NEW ft-room house; FURNACE beat; near 2 car lines; perfect order; strictly up to date. Before Renting Get My Complete List of FOR-RENT Propertiea. V U SANSBURY. 719 13th n.w. Main 2994. I OR RENT?3106 i7TH N\W., lilt., 3B...$$o.oo For Rent??157 IStb st. n.w.. lor., b $.*>".i?i For Rent?2106 l.-t st. n.w., 9r., b $37.50 For Rent?201 Channlnc ?t. n.e.. 6r.. b...$18.50 jal3-5t C. M. FORREST. 612 F st. n.w. FOR RENT 17th St. n.w. near K *t., lOr. and 4b..$75.00 F st. n.w. near 17th st.. 9r. and b 40.50 *tb st. n.w. near O ?t.. lOr. and b 4O.O0 l* st. n.w. near 5lb, 9r. aud l> 40.50 V" st. u.w. near 5?h. 7r. and b......... 37.50 S st. n.w. near lotb. Or. and b 35.50 A st. s.e. near 9tb, 9r. and b 35 5*> t> st. n.e. near 10th, 9r. and b 35-50 .">18 Columbia road n.w.. fir. and b 22.5?> '1th st. s.w. near E, 6 rooms 15.30 W st. n.w. n?-ar 14th. 5-room brick 13.50 COLORED TENANTS. Spring road n.w. near 14tb. 5 rooms. .. .$10.50 Kenilw<>rtb, D. C., 6 rooms 12.00 CHAS. S. MFIR A CO.. 1403 N. T. ave. I uR RENT ?GOOD LOCATION. NEAR PE.V -lon office. 12-room house, suitable for room ing or boarding purposes; convenient to cars. Rent. $15.50. ? HAS. S. MUIR A CO.. 1403 N. Y. ave. FOR RENT-DESIRABLE N.W. SECTION^ ?-onvenlent to 14th si. cars: newly papered and ^minted tbrooKhojit. Large yaras. Rent rc? 4uced to $37.5". CHAS. S. MVIR A CO.. 1403 N. T. ave. For "RENT-NICE SECTION < >F ?TH ST? nw.: lo rooms and bath; walking distance W departments; rent only $25 50. CHAS. S. MUIR A CO.. 14<i3 N. T- ave. FI^R RENT-UNFURNISHED. HOUSES. <"?21 4th et. n.w., I2r. and b.. fuma<'#.. ,$.W75 S st. n.w., '.?r. aud l?atb, furnae<-.. 40.75 2131 F st. n.w.. 7r. mikI l>ath. latrobes.. 25.50 1741 N. J. ave. n.?.. 7 room* and batb... 28.50 135 D st. s.e.. 6 rooms and batb 22.50 FLATS. The Vernon. 1774 U st. n.w.. 5 rooms and bath, ateam beat ....$33.50 GASCII A BIRGE. 1S28 N. Y. avo. n.w. lalS-tf lOR RENT-BY n. L. RUST. 1400 H 8T. N.W. 1.143 13th. 1 Or.2b.$86.00 Saranac, 6r. b....40 0<) 1735 S, Or. b .CO.O> Nantucket. 5r. b..:?00 ll*V> N, lor, b....50!l0 liuilata. 4r. ?....2X00 1225 N. llr. b 5'V90 lail Kaloram?.5r,b27.50 1671 81st. lOr, b...50. 0 1H T. fir. b 24.5o *06 18th. llr. b. ..43.00 2305 17th, flr. b. .21.50 1710 Corc'n, 9r. b.45.00 2>?2:l Sherman. 6r.b.9 50 1<>33 29th, lOr. b. 1548 N J av. 5r,b.l8.50 3 acre* 42.00 767 Glrard. 4r. b. 18.25 1748 Ore av, lOr.b.40.00 912 F. 2r 15.00 1:130 9th, lOr. b. .40.00 ir.l2Rosed'le ne.4.bl4..M) 1827 Ore av.lOr.b.3*-0O COLORED TENANTS. 1408 lltb. 9r. b..35 73 2?24 K nw. ?r. b.22.50 1705 N Y av.Ur.h37.50 , 2031 L. 3r, 457 M. llr. b 35.65 f 2410 P. 4r 10.00 H?4 C se. Or. b.. .30.50 ' 5 Davis ct. 4r 9.50 ir.15 28th. Sr. b. .35.50; STABLE 213 6th ne. 6r. b...25 50: R 1716 E. 24 stls.3O.00 ?28 R 1 av. 6r. b..2:i.50 R 2012 H nw.5stls20.00 1522 N Cap. 6r. b..22.50; B 1142 18th. B stls 8.00 1614 Marlon A).30 STORES. K-37 Marion. 6r.. .16.30 1849 8th, 6r 15.50 APARTMENTS, t"'orenee Ct. 5r. b.50.00 23 Roanoke. 6r. b.50.00 1^ 14th. 6r. b..45.00 ? 8038 14th. a to. dw.80.00 1251 9tb uw.sto.dwtiO.oO 212 7th aw,aio.dw60.r?0 3012 H.ato.dw.sta.50.00 913 E, store 4??.75 30? 12th 40.00 FOR RENT?413 N. Y. AVE N.W.; NICE TEN room house, large lot; conveniently located; rent only $30.5o mouth. 1228 2d at. ?.?. (col.); nice five-room briek; only $10.50 month. Navy nl. s.e.; four-room bricks: each. $8.80 month. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 1423 F. jall-3t FOR RENT?HOUSES. UNFURNISHED. 30.50 30.50 25.50 22.80 FOB KENT-NEW DWELLING. SIX EOOMS. batb. cellar. fnnm--e; all improvements; 1443 a st. !!.<?.. n<-nr Md. ave.; conreolont to ter minal Baltimore and Annapolis car line; rental. $22.5" moritb: key next door. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 Now Y?rk aTe. ja12-3t . FOR RENT? 635 4th !?t. n.c.; 8 rooms anil bath; $25.50 per month. 037 4th st. n.c.; 8 rooms and t>ath; $2.'}..10 p<T month. CLIFTON LAUGH LIN. 140> TI st. n.w. ja!2-5t FOR KENT?282? 11T1I ST. N.W.; 8 LARGE rooms and bath: furnace heat: delightful neighborhood: rislit nn car line; $32.50. ELLERSON & VVEMI'LE. 007 llth St. n.w. ini2-:it FOR RENT?Ml C ST. S.W.; RMS. AND modern bath, cellar: furnace heat; exce lent condition; good location: convenient to govern ment departments; $32.50 per month. R. HARRISON JOHN-ON. Phone Main 2385. 306 7th st. s.w. jal2-6t FOK RENT? 170S Q n.w., 10 rooms and bath $t'.0.00 1353 Fin-lid St., 10 rooms and bath ."0.00 301 loth s.w., 9 rooms and bath 1527 Wis. ave.. 1<? rooms and bath 1525 Wis. ave. n.w., 8 rooms and ba(b.. 403 4th st. n.c., 6 rooms and bath COLORED. 2020 E st. n.w.. 8 rooms and bath 22 50 no20-tf _ WEAVER BBOS-. 1416 F st. n.w. FOR IC(T-331 9T1I- i*T. N.E.: SIX ROOM brick, li"t :md colli wntcr. drum heater. 2o?>i] repair. :it $lo..vt. Key at store 0th and F n.c. r. W. TI CKER A BRO.. 720 A st. de23-301*4 FOR RENT ~-l-VM_II ST. NVW., TWO-STORY, bay-window brick, o rooms and bath; a.m.i. \ Inquire 3)38 12th st. n.w. jall-3t* " GET OI K BIG FOR RENT LIST. FOR RENT-ONE ??F THE BRIGHTEST AND nicest two-story apartments iu town; ?14% M st. n.e.: ^ rooni- and bath. Rent, $14.50. BOSS A. PHELPS ilu- >, 010 14th n.w. .lall-5t GET OUR RKi FOR RENT LIST. FOR RENT-ONE OF THE BEST NEW HOUSES on Columbia Heights; 1443 Monroe st.; 7 large rooms and batb: excellent condition. Ilcut, $37.50 month. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.). 010 14tb n.w. jall-5t FOR RENT-230 2D ST. N.E.; 10 ROOMS AND hath; good condition; convenient to cars and Union station: $33 per month. CIIAS. A. SHIELDS. 1336 New York ave. n.w. jail-3t FUR RENT ? $18.50 - NICE SIX ioT" ROOM bouse, 51t? 5th st. s.e.; convenient and in tlr&t class i-onditlon. SHANNON & LI CHS, 713 14tb n.w. jall-ot Fort RENT--OR LEASE. DESIRABLE DWELT. ing, 1510 II st. n.w.; suitable for reinodeline into it business building: will give long lea;?i at $2,400 year. TIIOS. J. FISHER & '?<>., Inc.. "38 15th st. .ial0-tf FOR RENT?617 P ST. N.W.; 2 STORY nXv window brick; Sr., batb, ccllar; $27.50. Apply 1216 S st. n.w. Jal0-7t* FOR RENT? 1451 R1 av, 1 Or, b. $50.75 1(H>7 E Cap. 7r. b.32.50 68 O nw, Or, *? 21.'<0 409 I ne. 7r. b...22.50 610 D se,5r,w.s&.g.l6.5?i GEO. Phone M. 13o3 jaO-rtt'-S 103 Ky av se.Or.b.25. V) K??8 1> ?e,5r,w,s,g 16.50 7t? 12th se.Or.w.s.c 15 1205 O se,6r.w,s.g.l4."0 421 12tb se. 6r,w,s.g. 15 51 h 5th se,5r,w,?.gl3 50 HENDERSON, 14 IS F fit. n.w. rOR RRNT? $300..21st nw, I4r, fnr $150..728 13th nw,store $ 2.Y.407 7t* nw. store *100.. 1825 24tb nw,12r $100...1310 G aw. lOr $37.50.. 1528 Q Bw. 7r >: ' 60 .10 2 22 ' nw. r $35.50 .1320 W nw. Sr "ft C se. 8r $35 . 432 Oth nw. ball $80. .2542 13tb nw. lOr *33.50.. .222 G nw. 8 $75.1823 18tbnw,10rtfur $32.50. .4026 5tb nw. Sr S75...472 Pa av nw. sto $70 1729 Q nw. lOr *70. ...20<"'4 G nw, 13r 9M6 K nw. i4r $60 1742 U nw. 6r $60... 1251 Otb nw 8r $60 1735 S nw. lOr $60.-1809 24th nw, lOr 860..1625 14th nw. 12r $60..1813 24tb nw, Ur ?55..1746 Coi rd nw,10r $50.90..1011 N H uv,12r $50..1000 22d nw. lOr $30.50. .4012 5th nw, 8r $30...318 13>,4 nw. lOr $30...432 9th nw. ball $27.50.182oInsrles!de,lirr 50...907 4th rw. Sr ' $25.50 630 A ?e. 6r $25.>>..1308 Wallacb,6r I ?"I .803 flth nw.sto. 2r $25...2228 Dti-itui, 5r $25.. 32d st. sts. dwg *2:?.40. . 15lo Col nw. 7r $"2 50...171" Euclid. 5r ] $22,50..1114 5th ne. 7r *50.1812 Newton nw.lor j $22 512^ 2d ee, 6? $50.. 107 Seaton nw. 8r $48.25.. 1921 K nw, lOr ,5ti i" "'iTmiint. lr $45. ..3161 18tb nw, 9r $45. .3012 13tb nw. 13r $40.10 009 N H av,10r $40.65.2213 Wash cir.9r $40.65.-2207 K nw. lOr $40.60..1016 22d nw. !>r *i0 'filO v r? n r $40. Forest Glen.Md.13r $38.10.1003 N II av.10* $37.50. .705 5th $21 51B 2d se, or ! $2o 56 P nw, or $17.50.325 Mass a. ne.6v $17.80..222 Mass nw. Or $17...021 Pa av uw. 1r $16.50. ..24 8U 15 nw.5r $15.40.-443 5th ne. fir $15 400 O ne, stable $14.40,632 <l!rard u w.5r : im?j Frion sw. 5r: $10.30.914 21st nw. sto Tbe Pope bldg, offlcea APARTMENTS. $85 The Ver- ill s, $37.50. -The Phoenix, 5r $80.Nortliumberland, 7rj$36..Tbe Landmore, 5r $65.The Marlborough.3r | $35. .The VVyonilng. 3r $50. .The Vers 1 lie -, 5r $50 to $200.The Dresden $50.Northumberland. 4r $45...Tbe Victoria, 5r $45 The Milton, 6r 35..The X^andmore, 5r 35.Tbe Marlbo ough.2r 36 Tbe Milton. 4r 32.50...The Versailles ??? .-...* j.?.l"u, m j *32.50. The Phoenix, or $45.Tbe Marlborough,3r $28.5t?.The Earllniiton,3r $45...The 3r; *25. The Landmore. 4r $4<? 120?; G nw, 5r $25.The Cumberland.2r $1<)...The Victoria, 5r! $25.Northumberland. 2r $40..The Wyoming, 4r $22.50...Tbe Versailles $40 Tbe Milton, 5rf $18 Tbe Terrace. 3r $35 The Miller. 5r 1 $15 to $37.50..Meridian $35..The Versailles. 4r For complete Hat of property for rent aeod for weekly bulletin. SWARTZELL, RHEEM A HENSEY CO., 727 15tb B.w. FOR RE N'T 1753 N, lf.r, 5b... .$200 1520 N H av.16r.3b.200 316 C. 20r.2b.? H..61.50 1025 22d, 2153 K. Or. b.aml.45.50 800 23d. 8r. st. h..45.00 2517 Pa av.9r,t>,lat35.65 2118 G. 14r, b 35.80 1679 31st, Or. b....32.50 2319 Pa av.9r.b.lat35.50 500 B se. 10r.b.lat35.50 .917 Pa av. Sr. b..32 '? 1207 L. 8r. b 30.75 911 23d. 8r. b 30.67 :*09 23d. Sr. 3009 O. lOr. b. Iat.30.n0 2404 Pa av,Or,b.lat30.50 3126 10th. 6r,b.lat26.50 3225 N. 7r, b. lat.26.00 3223 N. 7r. b. iat.26.00 (?:o 22d. 7r, b, lat.25.50 1518 Kingman. Or. b. lat 23.50 2426 K. 7r. w, lat.22.30 2^f?9 Olive av.6r.blS.oO ft28 4th ne.6r.w.Iatl5.50 2608'.4 L. 6r, w... 15.50 '3't L? ne, 5r, w.,14.50 3414 O. 5r. w, cei.14.50 For full office. BY WESCOTT A WILCOX. 1907 Penna. ave. 14 2?jth, 5r. w...12.50 040 27th. Or.w... 12.50 2438 Va av, 4r.w 11.50 2702 K, 6r, w 11.50 APARTMENTS. THE CARLISLE. 1218 N, non-housekeeping? 3 rooms, bath...80.50 2 rooms, batb...23.50 2 rooms, batb... 16.50 2215 Pa av, 5r.b..25.50 2631 L. 4r, b 13.75 COLORED 2S"K4 N. 7r. b. lat.28.50 1126 10th. 6r.b.lat25.">0 719 23d. 4r. w 1H.50 014 27tb 6r. w. .12.^? 2032 W Alex ct.4r.w9.25 COLORED-FLATS. 2114 Champlaln av. 1st ti. 5r, b 25.50 2210 E. 5r, b 22 50 5f)l 23d. 2fl. Sr, b.20.50 505B 23d, 1. 5r. b.18.50 OFFICE ROOMS. 4S2-4S0 L a a v. heated rooms. .$10. $12.50. $29 STORES. 1928 Pa 35.50 list of small houses and flats apply at J. C. WEEDON &. CO., 224 E. CAK HOUSES. 12r.2b $60.00 547 14th sc. 6r,b $19.50 I33U Emerson ne, 6r.b 1310 Emerson uc, 6r,b 703 16th ne. 6r,b 210 Otb nc, 6r.b. 1431 S C av se,0r.bl6.5t) 6"2 K ne. 6r 16.50 1417 Duncan nc, 6r.b. 16SO Kramer n^, 6r.b 1000 K te.Or.... 724 10th se.5t . . 124tt llth sc. ur. 1240 K se, 5r... 1070 Kramer nc, 5r 206 FOR RENT 408 A se. lOOOMd av c.l0r,b52.50 223 2d sc. 9r,b.. 40.00 105 13th se, Cr.b. 35.50 119 O nc. 8r.b.. 30.50 512 1? *f, 7r.b.. 30.50 310 B ne, Or.b. . 30.50 225 A ne. 8r, b.. 28.00 123 10th ne. 8r,b 30 50 300 C ne, Sr.b.. W.50 427 lOtb nc. 7r.b 20 50 123 Ky av se.Orb 28.50 18 10tb ne, 6r.b. 27.50 914 N C av se.Sr.b20.50 916 N C av se.Sr.b26.50 618 A ne,7r,b.. 26.50 214 Ky av se, 6rb26.00 ?37 4th ne.Or.b.. 25.50 636 A se, 7r,b... 25.50 33o N C av ae,6r,b?>.50 23 5tb se, 7r,b.. 25.00 66 K nw. 6r,b... 25.40 403 4th ne, Or.b 22.80 1121 E ne.6r,b.. 22.50 135 D se, 6r,b.. 22.50 615 A *e, 6r,b... r2.J<? 158 D D'!. Or.b.. 22.60 1303 B se, 6r,b.. 20.50 416 8tb ne, 7r,b. 22.50 454 N J av sc,6r,b20.50 520 10th ne. 6r,b 25.00 1218 D ne,6r,b.. 20-50 18.50 18.50 17.50 17.0o .. 15.50 15.50 13.50 13.50 11.50 10.00 0.50 1?.50 ?iC!> 435 115 se. .?r.. FLATS. F ne, Or.b. .$30.50 7tli lie, 5r,b 22.50 10th nc, 5r,b 22.50 lOlh sc. 5r,b 21.50 529'i Otb ne,5r,b 20.00 527^ Oth ne, flr.b 19.50 710 lOtt se, 509 15tb se, 12^!7 Duncan 4r.b. . 4r,h 5r,b ne, 17.50 17.00 14.50 142.3 E no, 4r.b..13.50 APARTMENTS. The Aliller*. 120 Md av ne,3,4,5r,b,$30, 32.50. 35 Glendower, 21 6th n", 4, 5r,b,$27.00,27.50.30.ti0 218 4th se. 5r.b $28.00 JaS-sa.ti^tb.St FOR RENT?BY JAMES F. SHEA. 643 Louisiana ave. n.w. 909 E Cap.llr.h.$50.75 045 Florence ne, 6r, 1029 ?tU nw.9r.b..50.5o b 15.50 1206Va av sw.FY.b35 30 127 Prospect ne. 6r, 37 Adams. 7r. b...32-50' - 212 12th ew, 8r.b.32 50 1101 N H av.l0r,b.30.50 611 B se. Sr. b --30.50, 915 N J av nw,10r.b30.50 2<)6 loth ne.7r.b. .2^ 51 134?; A se, 7r, b.27.50 Kft ' ne. 7r. I'..25.50 117 15tb sc. 6r, b.25.5 1 1317 1st nw. 6r, 1.25 40 74 L uw. 6r, l> 22.5'? 2;^. 6th aw, 6r. b.22."i0 W?2 K ne. 6r, b. ..22 50 1X02 1 n.v 7r. b .22 -Vt 119 K nw. Or, b...21.50 618 M sw. Or, b..20.50 760 7th si*. Or. b .IS.50 134 Heckinan se. Or. b 17.50 917 3d se. Or, w^lfi.3rt IWV. 7th se. Or. w. 10.50 1323 Montello av ne. 6r. b 1?..V? 311 McLean sw,6r,bl5.50 4?t.'! I s>v. Or. W..15.50 815 Linworth sw, 6r, b 15.50 517 llth se, 6r, w.lj.jO w 15.50 1322 Union sw. Or, w 12-50 1689 Gales ne. 5r. tv 11.50 APARTMENTS. 1343 11 nc,5r,b,ht.25.00 " x -i. 4r. b.20.00 650V3 Morton ne. 5r, b , 15.50 COLORED. 306 Mo av, lOr. b..30.00 2507 M nw. Or. w.17 50 155 N -c. 6r. w.. 10.00 220 Sullivan ct sw, 3r, w 9.00 S17 E Cap. 3r,w..7.0t) 1240 4tb, basement.7.UO STORES. 1301 II ne. #lo.sta45.00 1341 H ne. st, 2r.32.50 2<? 1204 7'h ?w. 2r.sto.25.50 Water sw....20.00 STABLES. Rear 925 N J nw.10 00 Rear 915 N J nw. .8.50 Rear 1140 13th nw.8.00 FOR RENT? NW.2031 I. l2r 3.$45 00 NW.520 IOth. 3r.b30.00 NW.406 O. 6r. b..25.40 NW.921 E. ?r, b. .20.50 NW.520 10th. 3d 130-00 NW.817 22d. Sr.. 18.50 NW.1943 Otb. Or...16.50 NW.2010 E. Or. ..16.40 NW.2027 E. Or... 16.40 NW.2516 East p?.4r. b 15.50 NW.1426 NJ NW.5I3 21st NE.714 SW.219 SW.616 SW.314 6r. b. RW.625 SE.1100 av.5rl5.40 4r. ,i2.5?> L, 6r, b..22.50 Otb. 9r. b.25.50 Va av.8r.b25.50 McLean av, 16.40 C. Or 15.40 Oth. 13r.b.30.00 APARTMENTS. The Vineetta, 5r,b?7 50 Tbe Vineetta. 4r.o22.59 OFFICES-NORTHWEST. Central building, offices I Gunton building, offlcas Call at office for information regarding alley properties, stable, etc.. I have for rent. For further Information apply at office. >ab-tf J. W. PILLING. 1410 F st. n.w. FOR RENT-BY L. J. MILLS. 005 8TH N.W. 23*>6 Champlaln.*>r$22.50 1 206 P nw. sto. 6r. 18.50 1911 8tb nw. 6r.b.22.50| 1014 5tb ne. 6r.b..25.00 1649 3d nw. 6r. b.28.50 I 37 JetTerson. 5r... 12.50 201 Morgan nw.6r.bW.501 Flat, 1751 Willar\120'.5 J deC3-tr j FOE BENT?HOUSES. UNFURNISHED. FOU RENT 2u03 13Tb n\\ .9r.b$75.00 !*><( K Cap. 12r. b-.50.75 811 21st nw.llr.b50.70 407 E Car-. Or. b..47.50 2140 I' nw. l??r. b.40.50 145". W nw. Sr. t>.441.00 1120 1Mb nw.8r.b..4O.??0 .>? P nw, Sr. b..42.50 .'?00 I' nw, 8r, b. .37.50 1012 S nw. 7r. b. .35.00 U33 Kth tie, Or, b..30.00 1320 I ne, Or. b. .20.00 27<"?0 11th nw.lir.b.Z^.SO 131.'! 1'la av ne.6r.b22.30 ini 1 1'la arne.0r.b22.50 42." 7th sw. Sr. 2b.21.50 919 1" ue, Or. b...20.30 1141 Ta av se.0r.b21.60 725 ?th ne. Or. b..20.50 824 11 se. fir. s. w. 10.50 H10 11 sw, Or, s, wlti.OO 820 I* se. Or. s. w. 15.00 !?,*.* r?Tll IHT, a- VI o43 tirh ne. 6r, b..30.00 | 2107 1. nw. 4r. b.14.50 2;! K r.e, llr. b .30.00! 1210 Mil nw. 2r. b..0.50 RENT?BY B. F. SAUL CO.. 7TII ft L N.W*. 1029 9th nw.10r.bSM0.50 j 4:::; Wash nw.5r,wl4.50 . _ ? IIA I 1 I IV _.. f> - __ 1A AA FOR a :un ii? . ivi . | 937 S nw. 9r. b. .45.00 l 1008 4th ne.Sr.w.. 10.00 Yn? *Mass ' nv.ftrb. .45.50 j 52-1 .lohnson ct nw. 1342 T nw. Sr. b.35.50 ? 1127 >bl av n?-.7r.b."0.50 1013 N J av.8r.l>. .28.50 (ViS N Y av nw.7r,l>27.50 1213 L nw, 7r. b..27.50 7<> N Y av nc.Cr.b25.50 1910 9th nw, Or.b.25.33 SSI l.'Uh ne. 9r. b.23.50 703 Girnrd. Or. b..23.00 1230 Morse ne.6r.h22.50 205 Morgan nw.6r,b22.50 418 I' nw. 6r. b. .22.50 7ltt R I av nw.6r.wl7.50 2.M1 t>th nw. 6r. w.15.30 311 Ky av se. Or.b. 15.30 1507 B uc. 5r, b.. 15.30 44 Decatur ne.5r.wl0.00 COLORED TENANTS. 1917 12th nw.4r.blS.00 JaS.ff 4r. w 9.00 STORES. l.V.S 7th nw 50.00 202s Ga av nw... 15.00 20.14 Ga av uw... 14.50 610 La av, basem't.S.OO STABLES. R'r 1613 19th nw, garage 15.00 Rear 2713 Ga av, sta A- 2 acres. ..12.00 Rear 2151 ?tb uw, 4 stalls 10.00 lt'r 925 N .T sv Dw10.00 OFFICE ROOMS. 512 F nw. 3r. b. .40 00 512 F nw, 1r 10.00 WAREHOUSES. Freedman's alloy..40.00 FOR RENT? " $55.65?3331 18th?nw,10r $40.50-824 D K, 10r SIS.50?27 -".<1 ne, flat S17.50?1418 'N C a\,flat $12.00--Foxball rd. 7r $10.00?402 4th se, 3r $]n on -1712 E Cap. Or $15.00 btore 1332 11th so, hthI dweiline lltb nw.Or nw,office ,, ... 11th kc. sto $10.00?2923 WU> av. 5r $10.50-1236 Half se. 5r $.12.50?1926 1 112.50- 506 T) :;i2..v>- T?.7 in Ji8?t * IjRWis & '.TONE.s" COT. 617 E st. n.w FOR RENT BEFORE RENTING Get my complete list of properties In all sections. Several special Inducements. N. L. SANSBURY. j? 710 13th n.w. Mala 20M. FOR RENT TIIOS J. FISHER ft CO. (INO.), Real Estate, Loans anil Insnrance. 738 16th st. n.w. UNFURNISHED. 2001 1152 2b. 1517 per 3d fl annum...1,200 nw, 12r, b. 2417 I8tb nw. 10r. hot-water heat.. .50.50 1329 Harvard nw, 9r, 3b. b-w heat. .. .50.50 1149 Fairmont nw. lOr. b 50.50 J033 Q uw, lOr. b.50.5O iK;8RI av nw,10r,b60.')0 1322 11th nw. lOr. b. b. h*. at 45.00 117 II nw & 807 2d nw, store ft dwg..40.00 1810 S nw. lOr. b.40.00 WOT 10th uw,9r b.37.50 0725 N II av uw, ?r. b, h. heat 37.00 1*12 InglcsJde ter racc nw, llr, b. steam heat 35.00 910 Westminster nw. 9r, b 35.50 1410 Cbapin, 9r,b.35.-l8 1224 6ti. i,w.Sr.b.K0.92 :X>13 P uw. Sr. new sanitary pltjmb'g.27.50 :/>l Pel av ne. 9r.30.0<> 37 N Y av nw.8r.b..10.00 122 15th ne. 6r.b..20.50 1353 Md av n*-.6r,b25.5o Cor N C av & 14th no. 6r, b 20.00 701% R I ar nw, 7r, b .2(l.j0 1721 T nw. 6r 20.00 1785 Mass av nw, 20r. 3b $5,000 213S R nw. 20r. Ob. per annum 4.000 1753 N, lOr. 3b. [kt annum " 100 C100 16th, 12r. 3b. 1.800 Kal KT.12r.3bl.20O lMh nw. 13r. r.. annum 800 Frazee Lanndrv. 18th & D nw 200 1015 10th nw. 12r, b. stable 135 1418 M, 14 r, 2b 100 1400 L nw. I2r 100 1012 14th nw. 12r, 2b 95.00 905 E nw, 14r 90.00 201 1 nw. 24r. 3b.85.00 209 N Cap. 12r. 8 bed rms, h-w bt.new80.0f> "?213 Q nw. 6r.2b65.00 1724 Q nw, 9r, b.OO.nO 1741 Q nw, l2r...00.0u 1352 Columbia nl. 10r. 2b. U w h't...60.00 3.131 18th uw. 10r,l>56.13 1516 P. 13r, b 55. OU 1229 Harvard nw,10r, h-w beat 50.50 1W4 Columbia id, 12r, h-w beat....?? OFFICES. 1514 n nw,annnm.4,5'M? \' '21 Union Trust bldg. 15th 1421 F nw. rm 9.-10^00 ft H nw $15 to $40 020 F nw $10 to $23 STORES. N.E. corner 15th and F n w SS.oOi) 1312 O nw. sto, dwg. 1 I31S O nw. sto. dwg. per annum 1,200 per annnm 1,200 ? li?t1 Vt av nw...25.00 STABLES. A number of desirable (tables for rent, rapfiiif from $10 np. TTNSFRPASSED FACILITIES FOR THE COL LECTING OF RENTS FROM ALL CLASSES OF PROPERTY. THE ABOVE IS ONLY A PARTIAL LIST OF THE PROPERTIES IN OI'R CHARGE. BUT WE SHALL BE GLAD TO FURNISH COM PLETE BULLETINS ON APPLICATION AT THIS OFFICE. THOS. J. FISHER ft CO. (Inc.). 738 15th st. n.w. FOR RENT 101G 9th uw,12r.$80.00 j FLATS. 907 4th nw, 8r.. .27.00 ; 1214 Mass av nw.r>r4'>,00 607 3d ne, 6r....25.5o 1314 14'b nw. Or.32.50 616 M nw, 8r... .30.00 1 3025 Dumbarton av. . ! 5r 22.50 Sta. 1322Md av ne.7.50 H. F. MANDLER CO. <Ine.?, Look for the Red Arrow Sign, 702 11th st. n.w. ja6-tu, FOR RENT 2004 G. 13r, b. an offer invited. 813 21st. llr.b.hwh50.00 915 S nw,9r,b.fnr..40.0ij 2403 Pa av uw.8r.b37.50 1330 E Cap, 8r. b.35.50 K0!? 22d nw, Hr. b..35.<X) 316 X C av ae.?r.b.25.50 707 20th uw. 7r.b..25.5U F1.ATS. .OO.'W 711 20th. 7r, b 20.30 2223 H nw. 6r. b.2r>.50 3240 O, Or, w 16.50 1134 Penn. 6r. b. ..16.50 1015 N Y av nw. 5r. and stable 15.50 508 33d nw. Or.w.. 15.00 1329 L se. 9r. w.,.8.50 2001 17th, Or.b.cel.27.50 1918 Pa av. Hat. 3r. steam heat 25.00 801 19th nw. 3r, b.22.50 20 Q nw, or, b...22.5t> 120SV4 C aw, Cr.b.22.50 1200V. C ne. Or, b.21.50 1205>A C ue. 5r.b.21.50 410 15tb se. 4r. b. 15.00 415% 10th 8e.4r.b.l5.00 907 27th nw.Sr.w.12.50 1028 30th nw.6r.W12.50 SCORES AND BUSINESS PROPERTIES. 19th st. and Pa. ave., corner store 75.00 STABLES AND SHOPS. R 201C E nw.9 stls.20.00 i Rear 54 N se 10.00 GEO. W. LINKINS. _dea4-tT 800 intb st. n.w. FOR RENT?D D.THOMPSON ft CO., 1335 F N.W. Store, 13th A li ne.45.00 1313 Union sw,<1.50 720 Qutm-y nw.6r,b30.00 14:j<5 Pierce pi nw. 7r. b 20.50 1008 7th ne. b.20.50 2424 17th nw. Jat.16.8o 618 L se, 6r 15.50 1331 3d sw. 6r,b.. 1550 222 Ana rd, 6r. ...12.00 1081 Gales ne, 5r.12.0u delO-d.e.Su FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED. 2108 16th.18r.6yr.$4,0001 6 18th. 13r. 2b.83.3$ 131 r. M. 12r, b. 1311% M. llr. b. 1731 R nw, 10r.. 70.00 . .60.00 ..40.00 NW cor 19th and Q nw. 19r 100.00 1732 K. 12r. 2b..100.00 1459 Harvard St...83.33 A few desirable furnished houses. Store, 1407 R st. n.w $30 per mo. STONELH1GII COURT. A few very desirable apartments now vacant In Stoneleixb Court at from $50 to $165 per month. OLMPIA. 14th and Euclid sts. Outside apartments, one of 7 rooms and one of 0 rcoms; bright and cheerful. FITCH. FOX ft BROWN, de27-tf 1406 G st. n.w. FOR RENT 2404 14th n.w.; 10 r"oms and bath; $40.00. TH06J. J. FISHER ft CO. (Inc.), d?22-tf 738 15th st. o.w. FOR RENT-BY R. O. HOLTZMAN. REAL ES tate aud Insurance Broker, 1420 N. Y. ave. 1410 I nw. 16r. per ?unum $2,000 1322 R I av,10r..100.80 1900 H nw, lOr...55.00 933 N Y av. 9r...50.0T 1218 12th nw, hr..45 >;7 1027 Lamont, Or...45.00 2418 lltb. Or 45.00 1S45 R nw. lOr...42.50 1o21 9th nw. 10r..38.75 725% 6th nw. 8r..88.t? Claiborne. Or 37.5 > 1443 W. 7r 30.50 2019 Flagler, 6r...28.50 020 6th sw, Sr...27.50 1627 Lamout, 3r. .27.50 16* 17 7th nw.apt :;3.27.50 1850 D nw, 5r 25.00 1455 W. Sr 40.50' Claiborne, 2r 22.50 1620 Rises, lOr. ..40.00 1.154 I> nw. 5r 15.00 2027 P nw. 10r. ..4o.0<) 1617 Rlggs, 10r..40.?j0 512 ?th nw. Sr...40.00 FURNISHED. 1424 K, 5r 130 I 14th ft L, 5r 128 R I av ft 9ib. 10r... .125 ! OFFICES. Busch buildinK. 04 rooms, per annnm... .$12,000 6th and H n.w $12.50 and $15.00 1426 N. Y. ave.. 3d floor $13.00 STORES. Cafe. 6th and H...40.00 119 4% 16.00 117 4% 13 30 2?4 9th nw, 12x80.75.00 2<>4'i 9th 75.I'm) 1827' 14th, ato. cel.80.00 R'r part 43 O nw.50.00 STABLES. Jackson alley 40.00 FOR RENT-1023 VERMONT ATE.. 12 ROOM8, 2 baths. $95 per mo. Also 1025 Vermont ave., 14 rooms. 2 baths. $105 per mo. These house* are communicating and dealrable for boarding bouses. Auply estate of DANIEL S. EVANS, 1420 N. Y. ave. ?l?l-tf 1210 KENYON ST. N.W., COLUMBIA HGTS.? A new 3-story pressed brick bouse of 10 large, cheerful rooms and two tiled batha. of elegant design and :'nlsh, suitable for a M. C. or other family of means. Hot-water beat and all other modern Improvements. Rent, $50. JOHN W. MORRIS. 614 F at. n.w. no25-tf FOU KENT W. II. WALKER. 729 15th at. n.w. 3216 R n.w., 10 rins. and 2 bathe $78.00 2010 Cliffbourue, 9 rms., 3 baths 75.00 1906 Calvert n.w.. 10 rooms, bath 67.73 170M 21st n.w., 9 rooms, bath 50.00 2015 19th n.w., 9 rooms and 2 baths... 48.00 2017 19th n.w., 10 rooms and bath 46.00 1456 Irving n.w., 10 rooms and bath.... 45 60 1612 Monroe, 10 rooms and bath 46.50 1365 Irving n.w., 12 rooms and bath.... 42.50 1811 1st n.w. S rooms and bath 87.80 1327 5th u.w.. 6 rooms and bath 28.50 626 5th 11.e.. 6r., bath and stable 35.50 3320 P n.w., 6 rooms and bath 25.00 no25-th,8a,tu-tf FOR RENT - BEAUTIFUL DUTCn COLONIAL, facing south. 1329 Harvard. Col. Heighta; five bedrooms, three baths; hot water; two CM lines; $80.50. Key 1343 Harvard. oc$l-tf WAN i ED?HOUSES. WANTED-BETWEEN 14TH AND 16TH STS.. in Mt. Pleasant; detached or seml-detacbcd; two baths; five bedrooms; hot-water heat; room for garage; price not to exceed $8,500. Owners and ageuts, give foil Information. Ad dresa Box 65. Star office. Jall-3t WE MUST HAVE MORE HOUSES-TO DIS po?e of your property advantageously list it with the widc-fiwake office, where each piece will receive personal attention of a bustler. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 1423 F. ; jal-30t WANTED - HOUSES FOB RENT; OWNERS having vacant bouses will cot mis* It by plac ing same with me; I give my penonal atten tion to renting. look after repairs and submit same to owners: have bad 20 yean' experience. THEO. FRIEBUS. 1320 New Tork ave. nol8-tf r FOE SALE?HOUSES. FOR SALE?NEAR CONN. AVE. AND S; A lii? bargain; 10 rooms and 2 baths; hot-water heat; gas and electric light. Price, $8,500. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.), 910 14th n.w. I FOR SALE-NEAR 10TH AND P; 8 ROOMS. | i new hath; 2 stories; lot 1:0x115 to alley; back stairway; excellent condition; big rooms; $4,170. BOSS k. PHELPS (Inc.), 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE?VALUABLE BUSINESS CORNER downtown. Prle?. $9,000. Owner might con sider a trade. What have you to offer? Suit able for any business. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.), 910 14th n w. 1 FOR SALE?BEST HOME ON CAPITOL HILL. I not fur from Capitol; 8 rooms on 2 floors; hot water heat; 20x120 to alley. Price reduced. ? $o,.fOO. BOSS 4. PHELPS (Inc.), 910 14th n.w. i FOR SALE?COLUMBIA HEIGHTS; 8 ROOMS i on 2 floors: excellent condition; 4 rooms deep; 20 feet wide; beautiful square. Price, $5,7<H). BOSS ? PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE-NEAR 10TH AND EAST CAPITOL b rooms and modern bath: 2-story brick S?.aI'A^: 'es:> Iban four years ago. Price, $3,800: bargain. BOSS fi PHELPS (Inc.), 910 14th n.w. F2.R ^ALE-PRETTIEST PART OF COLI'M ? -i "v^ta an<i one of the prettiest and l>est "'lilt homes; handsome front; 1Sx12o paved alley; 8 rooms; $6,750. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.), 910 14th n.w. ! FOR SALE?A $9,000 HOME FOR $6,000: 12 I rooms, modern bath: furnace beat: I'-'xlOO to paved alley; south of L and west of 9th; well built. BOSS & PHELPS (InO, 910 14th n w. FOR SALE - HERE'S A REAL BARGAIN, the kind that sells within a week: 7 rooms; .0x100; 4 bedrooms; rented $33 month- Price, $4,500: near Canitol and East Capitol st. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE?NEAR CTII AND M N.W.. FINE neighborhood; 12 rooms and bath: brick stable; large lot; belougs to estate. Price, $6,500; assesg.-d $6.7.10. BOSS A PHELPS (Inc.), 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE?ON TENN. AVE. NEAR LINCOLN : Park: 8 rooms 8nd tiled bath; hot-water h'-at; IS fCet wide; finely built; beautiful square. ! Price, $5,500. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14tb n.w. FOR SALE?ARMY AND NAVY SECTION: central n.w. Ten rooms; 2-story brick stable; lot 22x145. Will rent for $50 month. Price, $6,500. Co*t $8,500. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE?WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE OF downtown. 10-room brl^k; two-story dhob Stable; lot 20x125; cost $7,500. Price. $4.2o0. BOSS A PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n..v. i FOR SALE-HERE'S ANOTHER CENTRALLY located house with a 2-story brick stable near 14th; 7 rooms and bath; Tcry good repair. $5,250. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE-A 10% INVESTMENT. 2 WELL built 7-room brick houses, central n.w. One lias brick stable. Rent, $675 year. Frietf. $(3,750. Big bargain. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.). 010 14th n.w. FOR SALE?HERE'S ANOTHER 10% INVENT ment. 8 rooms and bath. Rented for $42.50 month. Price, $4,500. Best section northwest. White tenants. , BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE-WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. 10 rooms; hot-water heat: trimmed in oak. Price. $6,500. A similar bouse recently sold for $8.25d nearby. BOSS A- PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE?WYOMING AVE. WEST OF CONN, are. On one of the choicest squares of Wash ington. Has ten roonis and two baths. Price $12,000. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. i NEAR II AND N. H. AVE. 10 ROOMS. TILED bath, hot-water heat; elegantly built. Cost $8,500. Owner must sell quickly. Price re ' auced to $5,750. BOSS & PnELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. JERK'S ONE NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. 10 rooms, tiled bath, hot-water heat. Lot l^x.^O to paved alley. Cost $S,750. Price reduced to $5,800. BOSS & PIIELPS (Inc.J. 910 14th n.w. MOUNT PLEASANT, ON ONE OF THE BEST squares; 10 rooms and bath, botw.iter heat; four rooms deep; 19 feet wide. Cost $9 000. Price. $7,250. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE?$9,50". ? The heart of Washington Heights. A better location could hardly l>e found. Handsome ex terior and Interior; lo large rooms: 2 fine bathrooms; hot-water beat; wide and deep lot. MOORE A HILL (Inc.). 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?$16,500. New English basement house; beautiful 11 room residence, just off Connecticut ave., on a street noted for fine homes and well known residents, A full $20,0TO value. See this by all means If in the market for a home of class and distinction. MOORE & HILL (Inc.), 1333 G St. n.w. FOR SALE?$15,500! Seuii-detacbed, colonial. A charming 12-room houie; modern in every detail; unimpeachable residence neighborhood n.w.; greet covered front porch: nearly 25 feet wide; an elegant borne, yet cozy and comfortable withal MOORE A HILL (Inc.), 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?$1:1.500. Thirty feet frontage. A semi-detached home in fashionable section, n.w., just off Connec ticut ave.; exceptionally well located; new; very deep lot; 2 bat us; a very attractive house, aud one that has bceu much admired. MOORE A HILL (Inc.t, 1333 G st. n.w. FOR mXlE ?$12,500. Beaut'ful eo.'onial home; pew; could not be reproduced for the price; 12 rooms; r> baths; parquet floors; hot-water heat; no better built house In Washington; one of the handsomest colonial-style houses in city. MOORE A HILL (Inc.). 133.1 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?$12,?)00. " Surrounded by detached hfines; one of the most select residence streets in n w., near Connecticut avenue; 12 rooms; porches; 30 feet frontage. MOORE & HILL (Inc.), 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE? $19,000. ? Fashionable northwest; west of lCtli St.; new house: planned by architect of interna tional reputation; 12 rooms; I baths; 12 closets; 25 feet wide; deep lot; built to last. MOORE & HILL (Inc.). 1333 G st. n.w. [ FOR SALE?$ t>.500. 16th st.; best section of tli's beautiful rcsl I dence thoroughfare; not a uew house but '? good old-styl<- brick that can be remodeled at moderate cost into a tine dwelling; lot 22Mi feet wide by good depth to an alley; the ground alone In worth the price. MOORE A HILL (Inc.). 1^33 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?$17,000. A corner, Washington Heights. Forty feet front; 12 rooms; hot-water heat; 3 baths; a good house at a figure below value. MOORE & HILL (lne.>, 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?$20,000. Detached home; northwest, west of Connec ticut avenue; la rooms: modern; Torches; (?table; thirty thousand feet of ground; front age on two streets; b'-uutlful and sightly lo cation; nothing like this for the money in Washington. MOORE & HILL (Inc.). 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?$14,O00. ? 'lose to Sheridan Circle; ii beautiful homo admirably located in the society center of Washington; 14 rooms; nearly 28 feet wide; an opportunity for one who wishes :i Hue homo at a moderate figure MOORE & HILL {Inc.). 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?$16,000. Millions in tine homes close by this house of 10 rooms and 2 baths; 2-story brick stable; a beautiful borne, built as well as can be built, and cheap at the price. MOORE A HILL (Inc.). 133,': G st. n.w. ! FOR SALE?$9.?>00. West of 16th st.; desirable residence street; j J1 roonis; up-to-date; side light; price is low ! for such a house. MOORE A IIILL (Inc.), 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?$14,000. Fashionable N st. between 17th and 18th sts.; attractive 10-room house; 4 rooms on first floor; could be remodeled into English base ment. MOORE A HILL (Inc.). 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?$45,000. 16th sr.; beautiful 15-rootn home on the Ave nue of the Presidents, north of and n ar Scott Circle; side lot; remarkably well built; a bouse of high grade. MOORE & HILL (Inc.), 1333 G st. n w. FOR SALE?$15,000. Near 14th and N sts.; good as a home or Investment; could remodel Into apartment; 14 rooms, and lot 26 feet by over 100 deep; note the generous width; built like a battleship; well rented. MOORE A HILL (Inc.), 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?$12,500. This could hardly be better located. Close to 16th st., Conn, ave., Mass. ave. and N st.; immediate neighborhood of the best; hereto fore listed at $16,000; 12 loons; hot-water heat: 4 looms on first floor; side light; could be remodeled at reasonable cost into four-story bouse with cellar: nearly 21 feet wide. MOORE A HILL (Inc.), 1333 G st. n.w. FOB SALE-A NORTHWEST CORNER. Attractive 6-room bouse, 2 principal streets, convenient to three car lines; bouse iu line re pair ; $4,500. MOORE A HILL (IncJ. 1S33 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?$3,500; NEW TWO-STORY AND cellar brick dwelling, located at 2336 Ontario road n.w. Itents for $20.50. McLACHLEN BANKING CORPORATION, jalo-7t Cor. 10th and. G sts. FOR SALE?3630 10TH ST. N.W. Only one left. Best and most conveniently arranged small bouse in the city; nothing like it; no dark rooms; pantry with outside window; bot-waier heat: laundry tubs; covered front porch; sis . bright rooms; reception hall; tiled bath and vestibule: plenty of large closets. Open every day until dark. For sale exclusively, at $4.550. by ALEX. MILLAR, owner and Builder, i 2018 lat it. n.w. 1213 Ohio ave. n.w. j Jal2-3t ! ! FOR SALE?A BARGAIN; 1309 0TH ST. X.W.; 18-story brick. 9 rooms, suitable for business purposes: $8.60O; easy terms. Apply OW .ER, within, 10 to 11 a.m. only. Jal2-tf FOR SALE?HOUSES. FOR SALE ' 4.iIaJ's *vo- 1-tli and 1,'ttb n.w., one of tne finest home* in central u.w.; ill ft. wide; contains 12 rooms. 2 tiled bath*. tiled vestl J'Hlf laundry. wnnnl-' toilet; bot-ivalcr h.?t; hardwood Moors throughout; ix|?cnsiTc plumb ing and gas fixtures. <"<jti 1 :ind gas ranges, fcrery room bright and sunny. Sevcu bed rooms. In perfect condition, Price. $15 O"' WAGSTAFF, & WIII'JK, Inc.. !>">4 14th u.w. FUR SALE ? T* On the Heights. west of lfith st.. and on ono of the nicest streets for residences. :t-stv. brick. 2?? ft. wide. Alley. !?r. and tiled bath, llot-water hont, ga* and ?dee. litbt: concrete cellar; wrrauUi' toilet. Laundiv. Front and rear porches. Price. $7,150. WAGSTAFF & WHITE. Inc.. t*<?4 Hth n.w. FOR SALK - ~ ~~ lu a most desirable location u.w.. near cars, wi nndcairabc element; e very til iug to make this tbe home yon want. ?tu north side <.f street. 3-sty. press. >d brick; Ktr.. 2 tiled baths; hot-water beat: gas and elec. lipbt; concrete cellar and laundry. 1'mnt and rear porches. Hardwood trimmings. First floor of oak. Price, $7,075. WAGSTAFF & WHITK. Inc.. i???4 14th n.w. !FOR SALK I <?n the Heights, nest of 18th. Best bar pain ?i' have. ;t story brick. ]ii rooms and " baths, including servauts' Iwitli. Hot-water beat, s?hs and i*l?r light; ix?M?r and lauu i (J i.v. 1" ront and fiir porches, I.aryc bay t\ in dov . IlardnoiHl finish. House tborousbit* up to-date. Price Srt.sfiO. Terms WAGSTA1 F A WHITK. Inc.. 004 14tii n.w. run SAI.K - In a line Iix'iitlnii n.w., n^ar cars; S r'Mim' and 2 baths. Hot-water heat. Gas and olec > trie light. Cellar a"d laundry. Front and rear porches, price. $5.50*L You can't get a better value. WAGSTAFF Ac WHITK. In<-;. 904 14tb n.w. | FOK SALE- " Hern is a home that cost $8,000. We will sell it now for $tV5oft. Iii tir^t-class condition. On oue of the best avenues it.w. 1) rooms and bath. Hot water hent. Hardwood trimmings. Concrete cellar and laundry. This Is just ih" i home you are looking for. Let us show it | to you. j WAG STAFF & WHITK. Inc.. Put 14th n.w. FOU SALK? ~~ ~ ~~ | nkar nrrn st. and mass. ave. n.w. Handsome press-brick residence; S large I rooms, modern bath; newly papered and painted; lot 20 bv 100; cost S*.u<V?- present i owner much iu need of cash will sell for I' $5,000; should rent for $40 a month. GARDINER A DKNT. Inc.. 812 14tli st. n.w. FOR SALE?DOWNTOWN RKSIDEN'CE. I/Ocated witbin walking distance of tbe down towu section: large ."1-story bay-window brick, 12 rooms. nKidern liatb: modern heating plant; SIDE LIGHT; very wide and deep lot; price onlv .<12.000. | GARDINER A DKXT. Inc.. *12 14th st. n.w. FOR SALE?CAPITOL HILL. New bouse, built for owner's home; 10 large rooms, expensive batb and plumbing fixtures; hot-water heat; hardwood tiuish; good lot; price. $7,000; trust of $4,.".00 at 7f,\ balance easv. GARDINER A DENT. Inc.. M2 Hth st. n.w. FOR SALK?WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. High-class location, not far from Highlands apartment: 10 large rooms, 2 baths; hot-water heat; wjde and deep lot; adjoining property sold for $10,000; price of this, SS.."/iO: a bar gain. tiARDlNER & DKNT. Inc.. S12 14tb st. n.w. i FOR SALE?NKAR -YIH ASH M STS. N.W. Massive appearing -'1-story brick; *.? rooms, modern batb and heating plant; lot 20 bv 100; I price, $0,500. GARDINKR A- DKNT. Inc.. 812 14th si. n.w. FOR SALK-ON THK HKMHITS. Tbree-stor.v press-brick, lo large rooms, 2 haudsome tiled baths, concrete cellar; laundry tubs and' servant's closet; hot-water heat; HACK STAIRWAY: hardwood finish; many handsome cabinet mantels; expensive decora tions; large front porch; U-story rear porches; lot 145 feet deep to alley: a rare opportunity to get a new bouse in u first-class location at a low figure; price only $?i,0r>0. GARDINER & DKNT. Inc.. 812 Hth st, n.w. FOR SALE?$5,500. A nearly new bay.window brick resident* on a beautiful square northeast, near four ear lines; 6 rooms and reception hall: tiled bath; hot-water beat; rear porehes; lot 21 feet wide. Exceptionally well constructed. STONE &. FAIRFAX. K142 New York ave. ja12-2t FOR SALE?$2,500. Rented for |23 a month. Two solid brick houses, near M st. n.w.; lots 100 feet deep lo alley. Alnays rented. Cheap enough to resell. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. jal2-2t FOR SALE?$4,200. Renting for $.'?.50 a month. Two good six-room bouses oft 12th st. n.e. near II: good lots. Houses iu fine condition. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. Jal2-2t FOR SALE-$4,500. Renting for $.'{0 a month. On I st. near North Capitol; 11 rooms and bath; lot 21x80: in first-class condition. Suit able for home or investment. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. jal2'2t FOR SALE?$?,000. " West of Columbia road. An attractive 3-story house faeinj* south on a pretty square; two (2) batbs; steam beats twenty feet wide; a very desirable location. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York are. Jal2-2t FOR SALE?$4,500. Rent, $30.50. Business property on II st. n.e. near 9tb; furnace heated; lot IKxOO to allev. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. jal2-2t FOR SALE?$8,000. THE IlEST BARGAIN ON WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. See it before you decide on any other bouse. Tbe locution is tbe best, west of Columbia road. A tine bouse; first floor, four rooms; second and third floor*, six bedrooms and two baths; steam beat; lot deep enough for stable. See it Mt once if you want a snap. ? STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. ja12-2t FOR SALE-$4,000. HERK IS THE llOFSE YOU SHOULD Bl'Y. because It is the best value you can get for your money. Nearly new; six rooms aud bath; furnace beat. 27 feet wide. West of, ?th st. n.w. Nice surroundings. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. ja!2-2t FOR SALE?$5,200. " Have you been looking for a modern bousu j in a central location'/ Wc have one?west of Oili aud south of T. Three stories, four rooma on a floor; furuaec beat; worth $tj,50o. Owner, having taken the property for a debt, offers it for $5,200 on very easy terms. On a square built up by beautiful residences. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1312 New York ave. ja 12-2t FOR _SALE-PRICK. $2,GOO; RENTING FOR $22-50 a aiontb; brick dwelling on lutb st. n.w.; offered so low to settle estate. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. ,1al2-2t FOR SALE?I WILL SELL MY SPLENDID H room brick residence, .1557 joth st. n.w.. north of Park road, for $4,550. It is 20 feet front with large yard; kitchen on main Boor. Will take $&Nj cash. Address W. H. D , Star ??f Oce. jal2-:;t FOR SALE?1202 TO 1208 KENYON ST.. CO lumbla Heights: the best built new 10-rocm bouses in the city for the price?$8,500. JOHN W. MORRIS. 614 F st. n.w. d?I-tf FOR SALE A CHANCE FOR HOMESEEKERS TO BFY THE RIGHT KIND OF HOMES. IN THE RIGHT PLACE, FOR THE RIGHT I RICE. No houses in this city compare with theui. Rich men should buy poorly built houses; they have tin- means to keep repairing them. THESE HOUSES ARE FOR PEOPLE of MODERATE MEANS; T11EY ARE BUIL1 RIGHT. LOTS 20x110, PUBLIC ALLEY. Lo < ated lietwcen the 14th and 11th st. car lines Beautiful, convenient location. Six very large rooms. Cellar entirely hI?h? the ground, equal to a story, gives each bouse a three-story effect. Tiled bath. Servant's toilet. Spacious front porch. Two-story back porch affords a magnificent view of the city Laundry room. Electric current for lighting. Combination electric and gas fixtures. The flooring in first story is of genuine quar tered oak. laid over a well set subfloor, dust proof and noiseless. Tbe flooring in second story is of selected gralu edge Georgia pine. The wood trim throughout is of genuine CAB INET OAK. beautifully finished. Numeroua roomy closets. The builder of these houses has been building for the Washington public for the past twenty-five years, aud has earned a reputation for integrity and first-class work manship not surpassed by any. Some of the leading citizens own houses of his construction reference to them cau he given. THE PRICE OF KACH HOUSE IS $.-,.500 THE TERMS CAN BE MADE TO SFIT THE CONVENIENCE OF ANY THRIFTY PERSON FOR FACTS. FULL DETAILS AND INTKR %IEW address Box 00. Star office. Jall-tf.eSu FOR SALE-K ST. BETWEEN 15TH AND Conn. ave.. house very desirable as a residence or for physician's residence aud office: lot 27x 100. Price, $17,000. , ... 1IEISKELL A- McLERAN, 1408 II st. n.w. INSPECT THESE AND MAKE MONEY. * OWNER IJAS TO LEAVE CITY AT ONCE OWING TO ILL HEALTH, hence will sacri fice the following properties: GREAT IN\ EsTMENT?10 good brick houses n.w.: always rented for $85 month; price of all. $7,750; terms. EXTRA GOOD INVESTMENT?4 two-sforv brick houses near 6th and N sts. n.w.- alwav's rented, $41.75 month; price of all $4 S50* , terms. 3 FINE 2-story brick bouses in large court near Ca pi top rents $28.50 month; price of all. . $2.&>0: terms. BEAUTIFUL 6 rooms and batb corner brick bous?, Columbia He'ghts; perfect repair; re- i duced to $4,200; terms. I ^ jiai-6?BK ttEAL EST^TE BROKERS, 1423 F. ! FOR SALE ? IN A FINE NEIGHBORHOOD n.w., between S and U. 16tb and 18tb. This house Is in good condition, and will be sold at.a price that is a sacrifice. It is a three story pressed-brlck, 10 rooms and two tiled baths; servant's room in cellar, which is con crete; large laundry. All of the rooms are large, and the house is on the north side of the street. Jn tbe rear there is a large vard and a two-story back porch. Price, $7,0o0. and a bargain. Good terms will be made. Address Box oli, Star office. Jail 3t FOB SALE?HOUSES. $5,150. ?v?st sT ""*' to build. THE GREATEST BARGAIN IN Till: CITT. Without a !-iexception. this boas'" is 0111* i of the N-st offer* ever on th-- market. In a I Tory desirable iK'itiiliorhmil. It's :i rrd brick. I with BROWNSToXE TlllM. * nntains li mag nificent rooms and t bath. Very finest con- ( struct ion am! material*. In excellent condi tton. THK IIOFSE AM) IX) 1 0?ST TUB (iWVKR s7.??h>. v ^nHt>! S1IANXOX & I AC US, 71.1 14th st. n.w. ja!2-2t $5,250. 11 ROOMS ANI) BATHS. CIjOSE To 1IT1I ST. Taken In trad". thi? house is beins nlTomi $2.<MI below Ms actual valw. We hare another in the same row for sale at $7.2,?. This is one of thova UllKAT RIO BAR'JAINS that is seldom offcH to the public. Inspect It at once. SHANNON A LI CHS, 713 14th st. n.w. jal2-2t sr., m mi. HOME t'KN'l R Al. NORTHEAST. I ted hi )h>' most convenient part of the northeast. \ Uautiful modern home ?f 0 rooms and tiled hath. HOT-WATER HKAT. Hardwood trim throughout. Lisht. eon. -i?-te cellar uDder entire house. In AI condition. ?mner anxious to sell has reduced price con siderably. SHANNON" & LUCI1S, 713 11th st. n.w. ja12-2t S4.2S". NEW IIOFSE 1\ THE NORTHEAST. V??ry dosiraMy K^atcd. Mod' rn. ??r' sign houie. with a frontage of over 2** feet. Contains <i riK>m< and tiled 1>ath. Hardwood trim: modern heating system. In excellent con dition. A bargain at this low price. SHANNON A LI CHS. 713 14*ta at. n.w. 1*12 2t DOME IN' GOOD SEt'TlON COLUMBIA TCGTR. IIOT WATER HEAT. Modern and very tin* eonditlon. < on tains fi spacious rooms and twd 1>aih. Hardwood throughout. Larg<e lot. fei cellent neighborhood. SHANNON A LUCHS. 713 14th st. n.w. Js12-2t $.">.500, ^ COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, .11'ST OFF 14TTI ST. The only house of Its kind on the bill offered for sale." Nearlv new 6-room and tiled bath house. Colonial design. Hardwood trim. HOT WATER HEAT. Except lonally fine n?ight?ir hood. An cscepllonal opportunity to> secure the most desirable style house on the Heights. Easv terms. ? SHANNON A LL'CHS. 713 14fh st. n.w. ja!2-2t $4.50O. ON IRVING ST. NEAR 11TII. Modem i?-room and tiled hatb home of eelo nial design. Vr-r P"*' healing system. Iluc eonditlon. Go<^l neighborhood. The only house in the hloek being offen-d for sale. < ueap. Can arrange very easy terms. SHANNON & IXClIS, 713 14th st. n w. ja 12-2t FOR SALE SIX NEW 6 ROOM. CELLAR AND i hatli houses Just finished: will sell as a whop' I at ji his sacrifice: must have money. Address | BUILDER. Star office. Jail-St* ! FOR SALE-CORNER RESIDENCE IN MT. ' I'leasant: hot water; hard wood: nine looms; a splendid house in this delightful nei?hl>or bood; price. $W,000; trust, $0,000. 0 per cent. Address Box 40. Star office. jail f.t? ^ FOR SALE-10 ROOM. BATH. BA^ WIN dow, press brick: arranged for two-family tint; all modern improvements; convenient to two car lines iu the improved section of the northeast. Price, $4,250 Will sell on reason able terms. II. R. HOWENSTEIN CO.. 1314 F at. u.w.^ Jalo-gt FOR SALE-LESS THAN $5,000. 1205 4TII ST n.w-.: briek; 8 rooms: furnace; newly reno vated. THE THILLIPS CO., 330 John Marshall pi. JalO-tf FOR SALE? _ Handsome homes In northwest, Washington Heights and Chevy ChH6e. T^all or phone if looking for a home. REE. L. YEU.0TT. 1410 H ut Pbone M 7579. SUBURBAN PROPERTY. FOR SALE. FINE SUBURBAN HOME, HAIJ' BLOtTC FROM ears; large verandas; *.? rooms and bath; lm*! crn plumbing and beating; splendid shade trees; lot 137x130 feet to alley. Can be used as flats. Owner leaving city. Apply 413 Mouut View place. Anaeostla. D. C. Jal3-3t FOR SALE- $25 MONTHLY; NO CASn PAY ment required. Acre lot. improved by house with S rooms and bath; all modern improve ments; new paper; poreh ft. long: lot 82 by 030; poultry house, etc.; located one block from school in Riverdale. Md. Also 8-room house, with acre of land: $20 monthly. Apply to W. R. WILSON. Rivet-dale, Md. ja!2.3t FOR SALE-FRIENDSHIP HEIGHTS. Now is the time to buy a suburban home. I offer one. now, at $800 less than its value; easy terms. Key at otHee, Wis. ave. and N st. HENRY W. OFF LIT. Ja?-5t CHEVY CHASE. THE "SUBURB BEAUTIFUL** OF WASHINGTON. You can buy in Chevy Chase with the assur ance that you are locating In the most de sirable residential section of the suburb* sod that you are making au investment of the most promising sort. Chevy Chase Is beautifully located at the highest point on Connecticut avenue. The ap proach is attractive and always will be. Car service is excellent. There are church, school and store facilit'es; water, sewer, gas, elec tric lights, telephones, macadamized streets, granolithic sidewalks, shade trees, parking, etc. Prices range from 25c to 50c per sq ft., Ac cording to location. Every section of Chevy Chase is desirable?every section Is rapldJ/ building up with the most attractive bomss. For plats, prices and particulars see THOS. J. FISHER & CO. tine.). 738 15th st. n.w. Phone M. C830. After 5 p.m. call M. 6740 I. _oci>-tf INVESTMENT PROPERTY. TWO STORY BRICK N.E.; RENT, $23.50; price, $3,000. Two-storv brick. 11 at. n.e.; rent, $20.50; price. $2,750. Two-story brb-k. good street n.w.; rent. $37.50; price, $4,350. On avenue n.w.. 2-story dwelling: rent, $11.50: price, $5,000. tin business street; rent, $5.".: price. $.*;.750. I Residence downtown; BUSINESS FUTURE; 20 feet front; rent, $40; price. $5,000. Near 14th and S sts. n.w.; substantial press briok; lent. $35.50; pric?\ $4.25?t. Near 14tli st. and It. I. ave.; 3-story build ' Ing ami brick stable; rent, $00 month; price, | $7,250. I Two-storv brick n.e.; good location; rent, I $2* 50; price. $3.25". Through street n.w., near 14 th st.; rent, $32.50; price. $3.25?>. On numbered street n.e.; good location; two gisMl bricks; rent, $31: price. $3,50"*. Nrw house n.w. section; all modern conven iences; rent. $38.50: price, $3.50o. New and well built 2-story brick n.w.: tiue tenants; rent, ?2.">.".o; price, $3,000. Three good bricks s.e.; rent , $35; price, Near Sth and II sts. n.e.; flue building; rent. $40: price. $4,6."?0. CARDINER DENT.Jnc.. M2 14th st. ii.w.__ REAL ESTATE! :_ TARTY INTERESTED IN SOUTH CEORCIA LANDS WOULD LIKE TO HEAR PROPOSALS FROM IMMI GRATION AGENTS AND OTHERS FOR COLONIZATION OF THIS LAND. ADDRESS. BY LETTER OX'LY. C. L. Y.. ROOM ?il". 6 WALL ST., NEW YORK. Jal3,15&17 3t 14 FOR EXCHANGE. rft)R EXCHANGE-FOR TWO t2) FAMILY apartments; We offer two )2i good pieces of business property for exchange for 2-fam!ly flats. One near Boston House; 3 stories; store; steam heat. , . A good, substantial store and dwelling west of 13th. I'rice, $10,000 STONE & FAIRFAX 1342 New lork ave. Ja'2-tf FOR EXCHANGE?CONN. AVE., NORTH OF Higlilauds ai<?trtments; beautiful, arisio-ratic section; new bouses: 2 baths; hardwood fin ish ? ? bedrooms; side yards; price. $16,5<H). Take other smaller property as part payment. 11neii for a c<nk! deal. MOORE t HILL (INC.). 1333 G ST. N.W. Ja8-sa.rn.tu.tb.f-5t FOR EXCHANGE ? MASS. AVE. CORNER near Scott Circle; the home for a bus'nes* man; 11 rooms; in flue condition; pilce, S15 000: trade clear for a block of lots. MOORE &. HILL (INC.). 1333 G ST. N.W. Ja8-sa.Su, FOR EXCHANGE?A FINE VIRtJINIA COUN try estate near Arlington; 15 minutes from Willard IL'tel: plenty of ground; excellent villa; good improvements; price, $30,00u. Want city property. MOORE & HILL (INC.), 1333 G ST. N.W. FOR EXCHANGE?LOT 20x100; NEAR 16TH and R ?ts. n.w.: trade clear or subject to trust, and put in cash, for equity in good house; price. $2 square foot. MOORE & HILL (INC.) 1333 G ST. N.W. FOR SALE?LOTS. FOR SAI-E?NOTICE TO BFILDERS. Beautiful corner block of ground, on grade, with 15-foot alley; located in northwest. Price very reasonable. D. II. JOHNSON CO.. jal3-3t* 1303 H B.w. A $9,000 I>?T FOR $?5,00?t. N". SIDE R. I. AVE. JUST W. OF 14TH. FOR QUICK SALE. TERMS TO SUIT. 25X138. BRICK STABILE. ALLEY. ONLY VACANT PIECE IN THIS MOST DESIRABLE SQUARE. J. B. W1MER, REAL ESTATE, 12?1 G ST. Jail St HORSES AND VEHICLES. One cfnt i word Mrb time for IS w?rd? :> WANT El? To 1H V A~PA1R Ml' GOOt> < AI! rI.ihorse*; mom I** stylish. well t>r>>kou tn city us? s. K'-ntl**. sound and not t*vi ??1 <1. An' one bavins Mich f?f sal. at nt??l< rat*' price .t*l (ln'?, giving |iarti>-ulars, l'?>x I'm, Station N, Wanbilijiton. I?. JaU-r;t* ONK < oMl'lN\TH>N AM) >\l?l?ll. IMt*l a??th n.w. Jail! {iieai*~ioi: i asii~new~a\i?"sn <?\iha*i? delivery wapons. carriages. Imesk?. ?!nj!o h I il?uW'' harness. blankets and robe* of all kn-l-. ?iREKVN. :k>4 Wth n.w .tali .It* ge? >im;k"m. oXnteT i2mTiTl$F~n iar-. est assortment of vehicles of all kinds, inoln.) ins grocery ami ci|>ro? waeons and harn.??, at nholcstle price* to the retailer, jsfc i*?t.? Bl * YOUK BLANK ETS \ND~~ ROBES M C<HiSWFIX'S, l^rc- Mjtwre blanket*. 75c t.p large plush ivibes. up: full-Hood stab ? blankets. 9Rc. rain ? overs, $!..'*>. Large ? * ?orttnent ?if new and wniiil hai?d harnes*, St tip; vebi.les. $15 op. 209-211. 212-214 11 tk n.w Pboae M. 1477. uo2?-tf WANTED?^HORSES & VEHICLES. VANTED to" HI V .1 I'Ml' KF \T M RRl 1 :mbI b.?r?e. GARDINER A. DENT. >12 1? a at. n.?. __ Jail "! ^ AUTOMOBILES. 1"U KALE- OUUJNMl lltjilKI" 1,A N DA I * I l*'t: iu |?erfect cnaillti^u: prle?* r*"a*oim!?1e. ln 'lll'r- .11 Id fONT t. AHM.E, la l.".-?>t' J Ton sai.)> <"< ?i.i mitia i-i >.? Tni?% i~ a\nat let broujrhaiD. excellent condltloii: 111 -.11 * t i sreat ^icrifi. r. Apply IJ?\\.\RI> r r 174H K M jvw_ Jalo-Rt two seated ha Kir: i.u.' fn7?' sT uriV. cheap, or will trade for diamond* cr real ? * I tate. 5l? Metropolitan Bank bide 1al2-tf FOR SALE FORD TO? RINiT <AIV MmDI I. S, lftOft; folly equipped; special prlcc to In mediate purchaser MOTOR CAIt CO.. 4'^> Munsey hide Jal2-tf Iww kTTck i? ?I dstf.r. i iTTTy rquipfei ?" newly painted, s.vwl condition. at a hanrsia "AFTER MOTOR CAR CORPORATION. Mnn sey Iddg. jal2-tf EMF Tt H'BINO ~TvR : liuv Dljfima>: I!**) model- sliphtlv ime at a Karg*in OAP TEK MOTOR CAR CORl*ORATUH(, Muaaer huildinK. ja!2-tf FOR RENT SPACK K<?R ONE AT'TO: W>U" lurlek on ;8t>-ft. alley; $? p<-r month. . P21 12th ?t. n.w. Jail 3t* A FEDERAL TAXI<"AR AT $8 PER UOTR Hiarantees speed, cbarauter. prlracy and aafe ty. A bappy hour awaits you?the aerrloe wl'l ^surprlae you. I'bone Mulo 0870. S?18-tf.4 rai jTrpoixTED s and 7 fassexoer automobile, by tbe bour. day or week. Rate*. $3 to $0 per bour. DEWdY OARA<*E. 1^1? L at. d.\t. Pboae North 4350. ocl4-00t!4 EFEfTRIV U TMOHILK.S~ I'SEO WATER-' lejb and Rakera. new Golumhiaa and Dctroila. DITONT SALES COMPANY. Fbone Main 508. FUh and Q ate. *.w. Agents for Lorler. Columbia, Detroit. se22-? AUT0M0BILESF0R HIRE. FOR HIRE- HANDSOME 4 i > UNDER PRI *ate cara. $2 A $"> per br. or tatlmcti-r; apta-lal :*tcs It* day; tlj<-nt.-ry, roeeptioun or <-allinp. CENTRAL ALTO CO., l?S3 F u.w. 1'h.M. 1055. JaMM FINE WHITE" STEAM AUTOMOBILES FOR hire. $3 I>er hour; 5 and 7 paaat-Bcer; by hoar, day or week; driren by practical man. PHOVS LINCOLN 1434. aeSO tt.4 MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN. I MONEY TO MAN IN SCM8 TO SFIT AT COtt: rent rates of lot<re&t cio real cttate la ti.o District of Columbia. FITCH. FOX i BRO\TW, Jal-tf 140il Q at. n.w. PRIVATE TaRTY HAS MONEY TO LOAN OV pianos, houaehold cooda, etc.; only threa boor-* Uutii-e required. Ueaaonable ratea. No "com pany" or red tape. Contideptlal. DK GRAFF, 610 Metropolitan Bank bid* , fifth floor, to left. del4-tf MONEY TO LOAN?LET US MAKE YOCR NEW loans and replace old onea at lowest rates of Interest. All transaction roil dotted with eco nomical consideration fOr borrowera. WM. H. SAUNDERS ft CO.. 1*07 ? ?L ?.?. nol2-90t,5 LOANS ON STOCKS, INSURANCE POUriES. indorsed notes or any good collateral. No de lay, middlemen or red tape. R. R. BENNETT. 512 Met. Bank bldg Pl.on. Main 6S0fl. Jy22-tf WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING SUMS IN HANI? to loan on D.~C. real eatate: 9500. $1.00<i, $2.0<?). $2,500. $3t.u00. $4,000, $S.O0<?. $6,000, and other kiitna np to $20,000; ecoaonii eal consideration for borrowera. Jell-tf MOORE ft HILL (Inc.). 1333 G at. FIRST AND SECOND TRUST LOANS. We will loan mt>n- on your property than any other concern. Lowest rates. All amnunte. Pay ments arranged to buit you. NO DELAYS. OPEN UNTIL 5:% P.M. NATIONAL LOAN ft INVESTMENT CO.. Thompson Bldg.. 703 lftth at. n.w.. 2d floor. Opposite Treasury. Next to Drug Storo. ap2t>-tf MONET TO liOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Low interest. Reasonable fees. P-otnpt action. LARGE LOANS A SPECIALTY GEO. W. LINK INS. M0 1?TH ST. N.W. mbl6-tf MONEY TO U>AN ON APPROVED CITY RKAL estate at lowest current rates of Inter eat. Spe cial privilege* with respect to prior payment*. Large amounts a specialty. TYLER ft RUTH ERFORD. 730 15th at. m.w. tpfl-tf.S LOANS NEGOTIATED ON APPROVED COL lateral, such as Stocks, Bonds, Bldg. and Lo.n A.-?'n Shares, Old-line Life Insurance Bolide-. Svndicate Certificates, etc. No delay. C. A. BAKKli, Rooms 50-52, 1110 F. Phoua M. 017. mblO-tf MONEY TO I.OA.N AT LOWEST RATES OF IN terest ou D. C. real estate. No unreasonabia delay. WALTER H. ACKER, mh29-tf.S 1420 F at. a.w. M ONEYTO LOAN ON D. C. REAL EST ATE ~ Low?-st rates of interest. Payment on prior pal iu amounts of $10o or more received ;it any In terest period. THE F. II. SMITH CO MP VXY. Bond bldg-. 1408 New York ave. n.w. no2-tf IF YOF WANT TO U<JHROw7>iTToAN, BI T or sell on real estate, I <sn save you time and casb, as I give personal attent'ou to all deal-< dHB-tf.4 J. EAR IN CAPSBT. 626 L'ith at. a.w^_ educational! IN WAHHINr.TON. FIA'NNS BUSINESS OMLLEtiE SHORTHAND, typewritlug, bookke<.'ping. A<lults taught pri vately. $ti j moutb. Twenty-five years In pub lic an<l private schools. Mr*. EMILY A. FLYNN, Principal, s.w. cor. Sth and K sts. n.w. jaK-DOt FRENCH LANGUAGE SCHOOL. New terui; elasae* or private leseons. ThoronrIt method to pronounce*'ell, speak, read, understand. MLLL. V IHl'D'HOMME.310 s?. jaS-d,eSu.4 MESDEMOISELLES MA RET. NATIVE FRENCH tpaebers (ditilomaj; highest references; long e\ perlroce ciasaes and private lu>-tructioo W l'rejich. Tr.-inslatiou work in ICngllsh, Fren^b, German, Italian. Spanish. 1719 Urtb at. o.w. ja5-14t'4 V STRAYER'S Business College, | Old Masonic Temple, 9th & F. ? ?fS A w<-ll equipped sch'ol for teaching ??? Shorthand, Typewrit inc. B<K>kkeepior, Bask- ??? ing. English, etc. CIVIL SERVICE prep- ,=? ar.'itlonau specialty. <J? Good positions secured for graduates. ,3, or money refunded. X At this tluje we have more calls f?r J. graduates tbau we can fill. BUSINESS - MEN KNOW THAT ORADUATE8 OK T STRAYER S ARE EXCEPTIONALLY *** I WELL QUALIFIED. Student* enrolling V dallv. Call at once. Visitors welcome. %? ' )a.-tf,28 *2 . B. FRANK GEBEST, TEACHES OF PIANOFORTE Pupil of Barth. Schwareaka. Moaikowaky. Phono N. 6559. Studio. 1227 14th at. o.w. sel6-tf.S Stenographic Academy, Shorthand tan^bt tn 150 bourfe' actual Ktudj. Individual Instruction. Positions guaranteed COLORADO BUILDING. Mrs. W. J. ERSKINK, Principal. HALL=NOYES SCHOOL. Boys and girls. 0 a.m.. ages 7 to 20. Full graded and high school depts. ADULTS. 7 P.M., graded and college preparatory. Certifi cate admits to ?-ollege. Two new business coures* tinder expert. $5 per mo. New chemistry course. Seventh vear. Sept. 27. Catalogues. Phone Main 3877. FRANCES MANN nALL, A. M.. se21-tf Principal. 221 E at. n.w. OUT OP WASHINGTON. MONTROSE- SELEl'T BOARDING SCHOOL IN the country for girls aud small boys: terms very moderate; location the most healthful part of Slaryland. Miss HAKDEY. ClarkavlUe. Md. aul-tf WANTED?LOTS. WANTED?I WILL BUY ONE TO TWENTY five lots In any section of tbe city and pay vou all casb within a week. If you mean bual ness. answer this ad. Bos 22. Star office. nel-tf FARMS. FOR KENT-FARM IN MART LAND; 10 ACRES: 5 miles from D. C. line: new 4-rootn cottage: good barn; excellent water; fine road. Room 70'-. Metropolitan Bank bldg. jail 3t? , EXPERT PACKERS. CHINA, BRIC-A-BRAC AND FURNITURE. Work done by contract or the hour. Estimates furniabed. Goods moved, stored or shipped. MERCHANTS' TRANSFER AND STORAOEOaL. m E rt. n.w. PkoM MOO. ?**?* i-..'-#