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FOR SALE?HOUSES. FOR SAI.K?$5, l.V>? A WELL BUILT MODERN RESIDEXCE. SPLENDIDLY LOCATED near LINCOLN PARK. SEE 150 12th ST. S.E.. ADJOINING COR. OF R ST. this PRETTY NEW DWELLING CONTAINS 6 rooms AND reception hail. PANTRY. CELLAR UNDER ENTIRE HOUSE. HOT-WATER heat, LAUNDRY' TT'BS. SERVANT'S TOI LET. 8-STORY REAR PORCH, OAS AND ELECTRICITY. IT IS FINISHED THROUGH OUT IN CHEST NTT. with OAK STAIR WAY: EXPENSIVE WALL PAPERING AND HIGH GRADE fixtures. REASONABLE TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED. JAMES F. shea. 643 LA. AVE. N.W. FOR RALE?$3.100?COLONIAL STYLE BRICK dwelling, 20 ft. front; tf rooms and batbr.iom; near Sth ami K sts. n.e. Rent, $22.50. FOR sale -$8,250?NEARLY NEW BRICK dwelling on I st. bet. titb and 7tu Bts. s.w.; 6 rooms and bath. Rent. $22. FOR SALE ? $3,250 ? MODERN BRICK dwelling. ti rooms anil bath: cellar and fur nace beat: well lor a led on Washington Ugts. Under rental at $22.50 per mo. JAMES F. SHEA. 64.1 LA. AVE. N.W. FOR SALE--$'>.000?FINE HOME IN CENTRAL northwest: parlor, reception hall, ilini.ig room, pantry and kitchen: 5 bedrooms and bathroom, cellar; hot water heat; situated on U st. bet. 17fb and lMh sts. n.w. Owner is nnxioun to sell this property to use the pro ceeds of sale iu a building operation. Act quickly. JAMES F SlIEA. 643 I.A. AVE. N.W. IOR SALE?- NORTH CAROLINA AVE RESIDENCE. NEAR LINCOLN PARK: 2 story and cellar bar window brick dwelling. with 6 rooms atxl tiled bathroom: pantry: furnnc" lieat. This Is a proposition which should ,'nte.* est you. FOR SALE?H> ROOMS. 2 RATH rooms, in this northwest home; situ ated on W st. bet. 13th and 14th sts. n.w.. fnrnace heat. FOR SALE? $5,650? 1KTH ST. N.W. RESI DENCE; story, bay window brick dwelling. 0 rooms and bath; cellar. JAMES F. SHEA. LA. AVE. N.W. FOR SALE?$Ji.SOO- FAIRMONT ST. N.W.: 2 STORY AND CELLAR BAY-WINDOW BRICK DWELLING: t> rooms and bathroom. cellar: furnace heat; close to 11th st. car line. FOR SALE?J.7.00M?A SUPERB MODERN HOME ON MASSACHUSETTS AVE. N F... near cor. of loth st., close to East Capitol st. and Lincoln Park; psrlor, reception liall. din ing room, pantry ami kitchen on 1st floor; 1 bedrooms on 2d floor and modern sanitary bath room; 2 bedmoms on top floor: cellar under entire house. HOT-WATER HEAT: house trimmed throughout In eliestnut and out; cupcrb fixtures; gas and ELECTRIC LIGHTS. Tin- location is one of tlie be<.t on CAPITOL HILL; the house will favorably bear your critical inspection. Sec us for further par ticulars. JAMES F. SHEA. 643 LA. AVE. N.W. I'OR SALE ? S4 50?? -- KrflT'ST S.W. RESL DF'NCE. CliOSF. TO DEPT. OF AGRICUL TURE; 0 rooms and bath brick dwelling. FOR SALF^$3.50?u Brick dwelling on F st. n.w.. CLOSE TO UNION DEPOT; 0 MB* and bath. JAMES F. SIUIA. 649* LA. AVE. N.W. $7,250. SACRIFICE OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS HOME. OWING TO FORECLOSURE this magnificent rrojierty is being offered at a ridiculously low price. In the very heart of this fine section. A bay-window brick ??f 10 spacious toouis and 2 tiled baths. Hanlwo.*l throughout; beauti fully dei-orated: TILED KITCHEN: steam heat: FINEST TWO-STOItY BRICK STABLE IN CITY on rear; excellent condition. A POSITIVE SACRIFICE. See It at once. SHANNON & LUCHS. 713 14th st. n.w. jal4 2t $6,250. nOME O.N il EIGHTS. You can't buy another house of this char acter on the hill for less than $6,750. It s a N-autiful lo-room bouse; excellent condition; yery finest construction; improved beating plant; kitchen contains gas and coal ranges. A snap at $6,250. SHANNON & LUCHS, 713 14th st. n.w. J?14 2t $4,250. $500 LESS THAN SAME HOUSE NEXT IKR1R An offer you can't afford to overlook If you *raat to nave money in selecting your home. Close t.? car line. 4Y1LUMRIA HEIGHTS. A bay-window brick of 6 rooms and reception ball. Modern beating system. Hardwood throughout. Excellent condition. Can't be du plicated less than $4,750. SHANNON & LUCHS, 713 14th st. n.w. H14 2t $6,500. ON fairmont ST. Unquestionably one of the finest streets oc fh? Heights, where values are uniformly good. Formerly the home of a prosperous business man. Very fine condition. I?ts of extras. Contains 10 rooms and tiled hath. Superior heating system. Cheap at $6,500. SHANNON A LUCHS, 713 14th st. n.w. 9*14 2t $4.6fiO. GOOD CORNER IN BLOOMINOT>ALEl Improved by a modern house of 6 rooms and tN*d bath. fV>ncTete cellar under entire bouse. Hardwood throughout. A great many extra futures. In A1 condition. l<arge lot with garage in rear. Good heating system. A very desirable corner. SHANNON Sc LUCHS, 713 14th at. n.w. Jal4-2t S4.1SO. RIGHT OX NORTH CAPITOL ST. Modern colonial-design 6-room house. The only one in the row for sala at less than $4.65o. Very fine condition. Ownec needs larrer house. A <-uey little home you will ap prarlat* SHANNON & LUCHS, 713 14th st. n.w. Jal4-2t $5,150. WITniX 3 MINUTES WALK OF WAR DEPT. A fine bay-window brick residence of 10 large rooms." New hath. House In very line ref*1r. Exceptionally convenient neighborhood. A l?arg*in at $5,150. SHANNON A LUCHS. 713 14th St. n.w. Jal4-2t $5.oon. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE Excoiient residence section, where renters are scarce. House built l?y one of Washington's best builders. Modern in every respect. In perfect repair. The cheapest house In this whole section. SHANNON A- LUCHS, 713 14th st. n.w. Jal4 2t ?SOn SALE -CT$.Y2?W>. REDUCED FROM $6,500. Tills beautiful honie. containing ?? large r?>oms and i>orceIatn bath; n^ar 16th and T sts. n.w.; in perfect condition; must lw? sold at this faeriflce to close an estate. Terms, $2,250 cash, balance 3 years at f>r'c. Sec ROBERT C. SHINN. 1125 14th n.w. Jal4-3t For sale - CI/OSE TO SCOTT CIRCLE. Splendidly built home for $4.S5rt Six rooms, porcelain bath, furnace heat, open fireplaces. Lot 20.5*100. BARE opportunity TO SECURE MODER ATE PRICED HOME IN CHARMING LO< ATION. TIIOS. J. FISHER * CO.. INC.. Jal4 3t 73R 15th st. n.w. FOR SALE SPLENDID washington HEIGHTS HOME. $7.."ViO. Ten rooms, first-floor kitchen, modern bath, steam heat. ? Weil bnilt arvd most i-ouvenientlv located. THOS. J. FISHER A CO.. INC.. Ja!4-3t 738 15th st. n.w. FOR SALE- - WE INDULGE IN NO "BIJND" ADVERTISING. By "blind" advertising we mean no tices put In simply signed "owner" or with a newspaper ho* number. THOSE ADS ARE PLACED IN MOST CASES BY' BRO KERS SIMPLY TO GET NAMES OF PEOPLE WHO COULD POSSIBLY BE INTER ESTED l\ REAL ESTATE. AND THEY LAND IN THE LAP OF THE AGENT HAV ING PROPERTY FOR SALE. Our policy la different. We advertise over our uwn name just what we have to sell, and the possible l>uyer isn't pestered with impossible propositions. STONE &. FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. } FoitvaLK NKW lliil >KS. ALL SECTIONS. SEE US ABOUT THEM. WILL GIVE LOWEST PRICES. $2,soo to $4o,'mo. SEND FOR LIST. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. jal2-wA? inspect THESE AND MAKE MONET. OWNER HAS TO LEAVE CITY AT ONCE. OWING TO ILL HEALTH, hence will sacri fice the following properties: GREAT INVESTMENT 10 good brick houses n.w.; always rented for $J? month; price of all. $7,750: terms. EXTRA GOOD investment?4 two story brick houses near 6th anil N sts. n.w.; always rented, $41.75 month: price of all, $4,800; terms. 3 FINE 2-story brick houses in large court near Capitol: rents $28.50 month; price of all, $2.65o; terms. beautiful 6 rooms and bath comer brick hous% Columbia Heights; perfect repair; re duced to $4.2*10; terms. new YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 1423 F. JalA6t FOB SALE?HOUSES. FOR SALE?A BARGAIN; 1300 !>TH ST. N.W.; 3-story brick. 9 rooms, suitable for business purposes; $6,50o; easy terras. Apply OWNF.R, within. 10 to 11 a.m. only. ja12-tf FOIt SALB?1202 TO 12ns KRNYON ST.. CO-" l'jmbia Heights; the beat built new 10-(oom boosts In the city for the price?$8,900. JOHN W. MORRIS. 614 F at. n.w. del tt FOR SALB?A CHANCE FOR HOMESEEKERS TO Bl'V THE RIGHT KIND OF HOMES, IN THE RIGHT PLACE. FOR THE RIGHT Plilt'E. No houses in this city compare with them. Rich men should buy poorly bnilt bonnes; they have the means to keep repairing them. THESE HOUSES ARE FOR PEOPLE. <>F .MODERATE MEANS; THEY ARE BL'ILt RIGHT. LOTS 20x110, PUBLIC ALLEY. Lo cated between thn Hth and 11th at. car llnea Beautiful, convenient location. Six very large rooms. Cellar entirely abov# the ground, equal to a story, gives each house a three-story effect. Tiled bath. Servant's toilet. Spa.'ions front porch. Two-story back porch affords a magnificent view of the city. Laundry room. Electric current for lighting. Combination electric and gas fixtures. The flooring in first story is of genuine quar tered oak. laid over a well set subfloor, dust proof and noiseless. The flooring In second story Is of selected grain edge Georgia pine. The wood trim throughout is of cenuine CAB INET OAK. beautifully finished. Numerous roomy closets. The builder of these houeee has been building for the Washington public for the past twenty-five years, and lias earned a reputation for integrity and first-class work manship not surpassed by any. Some of the leading citizens own houses of his construction, reference to them ran be given. THE PRICE OK EACH HOUSE IS $5.r>00. THE TERMS CAN BE MADE TO SUIT THE CONVENIENCE OF ANT THRIFTY PERSON. FOR FACTS. FULL DETAILS AND INTER VIEW address Box 60. Star office. jall-tf.eSu FOR SALE LESS TH AN *,->.000. 1205 4TH iST n.w.: brick: S rooms; furnace; newly reno vated. T1IE PHILLIPS CO., 330 John Marshall pi. JalO-tf FOR SALE- - Handsome homes in northwest. Washington ] Heights and Chevy Chase. Call or phone if" looking for a borne. REE. L. YELI.OTT. Ja7-30t.0 1410 H st. Phone M. 7579. FOR SALE HEADQUARTERS FOR REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. WE OFFER THE BEST PROPERTIJ5S AT THE LOWEST PRICES. OWNERS WHO WISH TO SELL QUICKLY PLACE THEIR PROPERTY WITH US. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY WITHOUT SEEING OUR LIST. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1312 New York are. ? ' ? ? FOR SALE?BUSINESS PROPERTY SUBSTANTIAL TWO-STORY BUILDING ON] 7ih st. n.w. Price, $3,5(io. GARDINER A- DENT (Iiu-.K 812 14th s,t. n.\ NEW BUILDING ON 7TH ST. N.W.; LEASED] $t>io a year. Price. $7,000. GARDINER A- DENT iln.-.i. 812 14th st. n.w. GOOD 3-STURY BRICK BI'ILDING <>N mi] st. n.w. Rent, $!**? a v?-ar. Price. $10,0<M). GARDINER A DENT tlm.t. 812 14th st. n.w. LARGE BRICK BI'ILDING ON 7TH ST. N.W. Rent. $800 a vrar. I'rice, $12,<>00. GARDINER & DENT tlnc.t. 812 14th st. n.w.] 14TH ST. NEAR R. I. AVE. N.W.. 3-STORY building; 50 feet wide. Itent, $2,(*K) a year, l'ri.-e, $3O.o00. GARDINER A DENT (Inc.). 812 14tb Bt. n.w.] CORNER STORK AND DWELLING, N.W., under rental at $1.4<h> u year. Price. $18,000. | GARDINER A- DENT (Inc.). 812 14th st. n.w.] 14TH ST.. NOT FAR oTT; MODERN 3 story brick building; hot-water beat: good lot. Rent, aliout $2,0oo a vear. Price, $25,000. GARDINER A DENT* t Inc.). 812 14th st. n.w. H ST. N.W., WEST OF OTII ST.; GOOD 3 story building; modern beating plant; lot con tains over 2.50?i sq. ft. Rout, $2,2.V) a year. Price. $25,000. GARDINER & DENT (lnc.>. 812 14th at. n.w. 14TH ST.: NEW BUILDING. UNDER LEASE] at $Otio a year. Price. $H.5(J0. GARDINER A DENT (Inc.). 812 14tb st. n.w. smith O.N HEIGHT'S, NOW UNDER lease for term of years to n-sjs-nsible tenant at $72<> a venr. Price, onlv $8,000. (tAUDI.NEK A DENT (Inc.?, 812 14th St. n.\ N E A H 14TH AND U STS] N.W.: STORE I Imlldlng. leased for $000 a year. Prb-e, $8,000. GARDINER A DENT (Inc.), 812 14th st. n.w. N. Y. AVE.. SOUTH SIDE. BETWEEN 9TIII and 10th sts., 2-story building: lot over 21 feet front by 90 feet deep to a wide alley;] the lowest priced property in this block. Price, only $ 12.500. GARDINER A DENT (Inc.). 812 14th at. n.w. Exclusive Agents. FOR SALE?D ST. N.W. BETWEEN 0TH AND Kith: large lot; annual rent, $2,200. Trice, $27,SOO. BOSS A PHELPS line.). 010 14th n.w. FOR SALE-E ST. N.W. BETWEEN OTH AND l'ith: lot SOxlOu to 30-ft. puved alley. Ex cellent site for any business. This Is the only lot of this size for sale iu this convenient section. Price. $20,000. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.). 810 14th n.w. FOR SALE- WITHIN A FEW FEET OF ?TH and New York ave. Has a frontage of 30 feet. Property in this section has a great future. Price. $15,000. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE?ON 14TH ST. N EAlt"L A VERY substantial building. Annual rental value, 12,000. Price. $24,o00. BOSS A PHELPS (Inc.), 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE? 13TH NEAR G ST. N.W. WELL I rented. Price. $3o,koo. BOSS A- PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. FOR SAI ?E~ AI (JOINING THE CORN ER OF | 11th and II st*. Fine lot. Substantial build ing. Price. $1K.noo. BOSS A- PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. INVESTMENT PROPERTY. FOR RALE- BEST BUILT AND LOCATED , two-story apartment in Washington; rented at $41 per month. Trice, $4,500. Never] vacant. BOSS A PHELPS (Inc.), 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE -SIN-ROOM HOUSE ON 6TH ST.' between M and N n.w. R--nt, $300 year. Price. $3,500. Houses of this class in this i neighborhood are never vacant. BOSS A- PHELPS (Inc.I, 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE A $1o.000 PROPERTY FOR $tt.aOO. Will rent for $50 month. Contains 15 rooms and a stabie. l?-?cat?-d In central northwest. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.), 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE TWO SIX-ROOM BRICK HOUSES^ best s?*ctlon of northwest, on lettered street; renred for $15.50. Price of each, $1,850. 10% investment. BOSS A PHELPS (Inc.), 910 14tb n.w. FOR SALE TWO 8-ROOM ~BRICK ? HOUSES | and a brick stable; renred for $57 month. Price. $0.T5m. Never vacant. Best section central northwest, on car line. BOSS A PHELPS (In<-.>, 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE- BRICK STABLE IN CENTRAL northwest. Something seldom offered. 50x100. Price. $4,500. Well rented. BOSS A PHELPS (Inc.), 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE TWO BRICK BUILDINGS^ EaFh has alx rooms, large storeroom and' bath. Rented for $55 month. Price. $7,750, Lo cated on 7th st. u.w. near Fla. ave. Lot | 40x110 to alley. BOSS A PHELPS One.). 910 14th n.w. IF YOU WANT-A ?5 UARA NTEED INVKST inent paying 12%. with no risk, write for par ticulars. P. O. Box 2450. Jal5-3t 2513 17TII ST., DOCILE ~\I'T., RENT FOR $42.0(> per mo.; jrood condition: over 9 per cent Interest. Price, $5,500. J. JEROME LIGHT FOOT. 1404 H st. u.w. CLOSE t7Mli.N ST ATI OV SPLENDID OPENING FOR HOTEL, BOARD ING OR ROOMING HOUSE. House contains 21 rooms. Lot ?7xlO> feet to 25-foot alley. I*rice, $ll,50ii. Get particulars of this bargain at once. THOS. J- FISHER A CO.. INC., Ja14-3t 738 15th st. n.w. SUBURBAN PROPERTY. FOR SALE. ~ FOR S.VI.F. TN SILVER SPRING PARK. A room tmise; lot 5?*15f>; young fruit and out buildings; price. $3,500 cash, or $2.imk> . ash ?nd balance monthly. Apply to Box 7?t. Silver Spring. Md. Jal5 2t* CHEVY CHASE, THE SUBURB WHERE EVERY HOME POS SESSES AN ADDED CHARM AND VALUE OWING TO THE BEAUTY OF THE SURROUNDING llOMEi. CheTy Chase offer* the hotneseeker every requisite to home comforts. Here the pur chaser gets every city convenience at sub urban prices. The restrictions at Chevy <!hase a'e a guarantee against undesirable.' conditions of any kind. The location gives absolute as surance of steadilv enhancing values. The "CHEVY CHASE SPECIAL CARS" provide car service unequsled. For plata, prices and particulars, see THOS. J. FISHER A <X>.. Inc.. Phone M. 0830. 73H 15th st. n.w. FINE SUBURBAN HOME. HAI> BL0CK~FROM ] cars; large \erandaa; 9 rooms and bath; mod ern plumbing and heating- splendid shade trees; lot 137x130 fe?t to allev. Can be used as flats. Owner leaving <-lty. Apply 413 Mount View place. Anacostls. D. C. Jal3 3t ' FOR REVfi FOR RENT?iAT TAK(>M.V I'ARK, FINE IIKSI dence; lO rwinn and bath; large grounds; shade. Rent, $35:5<j. ALSO--Attractive 6-mom and balh cottage; large lot. Re?. $2M.(M). H. L. THORNTON, Takoma Agent. Ja15-3t (107 13tb at. n.w. WANTED. WANTED -TO RENT UNFURNISHED HOI SE at Chevy Chase. Address Box 113, Star office. I FOE EXCHANGE. FOK EXCHANGE-FOR EXCHANGE ? SEE list of exchanges on third page, first part, this issue of The Star. MOORK & H1U. UNC.). 1333 G ST. N.W. Foil EXCHANGE ? SPLEMMO HOME ON Washington Heights; 10 rooms; hot-water; trust. $5,000; trade at $8,500 for cheap lots. MOORE & HILiL (INC.). 1333 G ST. N.W. FOR EXCHANGE?CONN. AVE.. NORTH OK Highlands apartments; beautiful, aristocratic section; new houses; 2 baths; hardwood fin ish; 6 bedrooms; side yurde; price. $1H.500. Take other smaller property as part payment. Open for a good deal. MOORK & HILL (INC.). 1333 G ST. N.W. FOR EXCHANGE ? MASS. AVE. CORNER near Scott Circle; "the home for a business man; 11 rooms; in fine condition; price, $15 .ortO; trade clear for a IfliX-k of lots. MOORE A- HILL. (INC.). 1333 G ST. N.W. FOR EXCHANGE?A FINE VIRGINIA COUN try estate near Arlington; IS minutes froua Willard Hotel; plenty of ground; excellent villa; good improvements; price, $30,00u. Want citv property. MOORK & HILL (INC.). 1333 G ST. N.W. FOR EXCHANGE?LOT 20x100; NEAR 16TH an.l R #ts. n.w.: trade clear or subject to trust, and put In cash, fur equity In good house; price. .<2 square foot. MOORE * HILL (INC.). 1333 G ST. N.W. FOR EXCHANGE?ACREAGE AND LOTS. Vir ginia. for exchange on Great Falls and Old Dominion electric street car line; free trans fers to'ail Washington; lots 50x200. at $300 to $500; acres (43.560 sq. ft.), $1.00*1 to $1,250; 5 to 10 acres, $800 to $1,000 ]>er acre. Trade dear for equities in Washington houses. Good offers made. See us. MOORK A- HILL (INC.). 1333 G ST. N.W. FOR EXCHANGE - FOR EXCHANGE ? SEE list of exchange* on third page, first part, th's !s*uc of The Star. MOORE A- HILL (INC.). 1333 G ST. N.W. FOR EXCHANGE- nOUSES FOR GR( >T NIX WK WILL GIVE HOUSES FOR LOTS. CON VKRT VOI R UNPRODUCTIVE GROUND INTO INCOME-PAVIXG PROPERTIES. WE CAN TRADE Till* FOLLOWING: 2 THREE-STORY MODERN BRIO* AND STONE RESIDENCES. NEAR Q AND 17TH STS. N.W.: 10 ROOMS AND 1IATH; RENTAL, $3".n<> EACH. ONE FINE BUSINESS PROPERTY. NEAR 12TH AND II STS. N.W.. n.WING FINE LARGE STOREROOMS, WITH OFFICES OR APARTMENTS ABOVE. LIEBKRMANN & HAWN. 1303 F ST. FOR EXCHANGE A NUMBER < >F SMALL brick house*, well rented.' clear of incum brance. for unimproved ground. Several smj^ll. well rented brick houses, for laitrcr residence, two-story flat or small apart ment. Resilience on Heights for equity in small apartment. Several small properties and pari cash for business i?roperty. Handsome $!?,o00 Cleveland Park home; want offer. $2T>.000 <-(piity in well rented apartment for farm. A specialty of city, suburban and farm ex changes. ja1.V2t I,. E. F. PRINCE. 721 Bond bid*. FOR EXCHANGE - A BUSINESS PR' iPERTy! rented for $."!.'* ( a month. THE CHARLES EARLY Co.. 615 Uth st. n.w. Ja14-3t FOR EXCHANGE?ONE OR MORE SIX-ROOM houses iii city for vacant ground suburban northwest; give location. Box {tS. Star office. Ja14-3t* FOR EX< 'HANGE MY $1,500 EQUITY IN pretty, well located ti-room cottage in Chicago. What have you In or near Washington? W. McDONNELL. 1353 Wallach place; phone North 6960. ja14 3t* FOR EXCHANGE FOR TWO (2) FAMILY apartments: W? offer two (2) pood pieces of business property for exchange for 2-family flats. t>ne near Boston House; 3 stories; store; steam beat. A good, substantial store and dwelling we*t of 13th. Price. $10,000. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. Jal2-tf FOE SALE OE EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE? THESE BEAUTIFUL NEW HOMES. ."".57 isth st. n.w.; 10 rooms, hot-water heat, colonial jiorch. beautiful yard. Reduced to $7.7*10. Easy terms. 1751 Oregon ave.. fashionable n.w.; 7 rooms. Lot-water heat. hardwood trim, colonial porch. A beautiful little home. Onlv $5,500. Easy terms. C. M. FORREST. 612 F st. n.w. MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN. TO LOAN?$2.000, $2,.".00. $3,000. $3,500. $5,000 and $8,000 in hand to loan ou D. C. real es tate at 5% Interest. Also other sums. Commission, LIKBERMANN A HAWN. 1303 F ST. MONEY~T^rix(ANT\'FU>VVEST RATES\ $500, 5 per cent; $1,000, 5 per cent; $1,600, 5 per cent; $2,000. 5 per cent; $2.5tl0, r. per cent; and anv amount desired ou District real estate. WILLIAM K. ELLIS, 525 11th st. n.w. Jal5-3t WANTED-- $1,000 AT GC; INTEREST FOR ONE year on city property worth three times amount asked; libera} commi.sslon. Box 10f>, Star office. jal4-3t* $ 1.500. $2.5<?o. $4.o<?? TO LOAN ON DISTRKM improved realty at 5'i'Jf-: other sums in smaller amounts at 0r'r. GEO. F. GRAHAM A CO.. 1420 N. Y. ave. jal4 3t? MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT AT CUlt rent rates of Interest on real estate in tuC District of Columbia. FITCH. FOX & BROWN, Jal-tf 14<>6 G st. n.w. PRIVATE f-AKTY HAS MONEY TO LOAN ON pianos, household *oods. cte.; only three hours' notb-e required. Reasonable rates. No "com pany" or red tape. Confidential. DE GRAFF. 510 Metropolitan Bank bldg., fifth floor, to left. del4-tf MONEY TO LOAN?LET US MAKE YOUR NEW loans and replace old ones at lowest rates of Interest. All transactions conducted with eco nomical consideration for borrowers. WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO.. 1407 F st. B.w. nol2-90t,5 LOANS ON STOCKS. INSURANCE POLICIES. Indorsed notes or any good collateral. No de lay. middlemen or red tape. It. R. BENNETT. 512 Met. Bank bldg. Phone Main 6808. Jy22-tf WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING SUMS IN HAND to loan ftn D. C. real estate: $500, #1.000, $1,V?0, $2,000, $2,50", $3,000. $4.00.), $5.<)00. W. 000, and other 611ms up to $20,000; economi cal consideration for liorrowers. Jell tf MOORE A HIIX (Inc.), 1333 Q st. FIRST AND SECOND TRUST LOANS. We will loan more on your property than any other concern. Lowest rates. All amounts. Pay ments arranged to suit you. NO DELAYS. OPEN UNTIL 6:30 P.M. NATIONAL LOAN & INVESTMENT CO., Thompson Bldg., 703 15th st. li.w., 2d floor. Opposite Tn-asury. Next to Drug Store. ap2t> tf MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Low Interest. Reasonable fees. Prompt action. LARGE LOANS A SPECIALTY. GEO. W. LINKINS, SOU 19TH ST. N.W. mhl6-tf MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED CITY REAL estate at lowest current rates of Interest. Spe cial privileges with respect to prior payments. I.urge amounts a specialty. TYLER ft RUTH ERFORD. 730 15th st. n.w. fe?-tf,5 LOANS NEGOTIATED ON APPROVED COL lateral, such as Stock*, Bonds, Bldg. and Lean Ass'n Shares, Old-line Life Insurauce Policies. Syndicate Certificates, etc. No delay. 0. A. BAKER, Rooms 50-52, 1110 F. Phone M. 517. tnhlO tf MONEY TO IX)AN AT LOWEST RATES OF IN terest on D. C. real estate. No unreasonable delay. WALTER H. ACKER. mh2l)-tf.5 1420 F st. n tr. MONEY TO LOAN ON D. C. REAL ESTATE Lowest rates of Interest. Payment on prlnc.pal In amounts of $l'Ht or more rec.-ived at any in terest period. THE F. II. SMITH COMPANY. Bond bid*.. 1408 New York ave. n.w. no2 tf IF YOU WANT TO BORROW OR LOAN, BUY or sell ou real estate, I can save you time and cash as I gi*e personal attention to all deals. dee-tf.4 J. EAKIN GADSBY. 526 13th st. n.w MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN os District of Columbia Real Estate . at lowest rates of interest. ALL TRANSACTIONS CLOSED PROMPTLY. Thos. J. Fisher & Co.. Inc., 788 FIFTEENTH STREET. ocM-tf ETTG WEAVING. RUGS WOVEN FROM~OLD cTlfl^TS?" THK only weaving factory in the city. WASHINGTON RUG WEAVING CO., Ml 5th st. n.w. Phone Main 4325. oc20-U0t.4 MEDICAL. DR. FISK ELGIN, Expert lu treatment of special diseases, chronic & acute. Roth sexes. Consultations cinftdentl&I. Medicine furnished. Prices moderate, 202 E n.w. Phone 2224 Main. Office hrs., i) to 1, 3 to 8. no22-C0t* Dr0 Reed, Specialist, 804 II 7th St. 11 VIPAP^* SUCCESSFUL ? ? H PRACTICE IN Dlsearcs of the Brain and Nervoue System, Skin. Bipod. Heart, Stomach, Lirer. Kidneys. Bladder, Nuae Throat and Lungs. Stricture, Varicocele and Hydrocele cured. No pain. No losa of time. Blood Diseases and Disorder* of the Urinary organs promptly relieved and permanently cured by safe methods. Charges low. Fre consulta tion in person or by letter. Hours: 10 to 1 aud 8 to tf; Sundays. 10 to 1. ae21-tf.20 HERB SPECIALIST. MFG. OF HERB REMEDIES, WHICH ARE guaranteed to cure or relieve any and all ail ments; men's complaints a specialty. M. A. LOUIS & SONS. 1748 7th at. o w. J*l-305t(4 a LOAN COMPANIES. Side Entrance on 9th St. Private Offices. Financial Assistance Is Always Available. ?Inst apply to Horning for a lean on Dia monds. Watches or Jewelry. You'll (ft the mrnier promptly TP ami without publicity. In- ft j) tfp'St at th<' low rate of.... Loans Made to Salaried People. HORNBNQ, 9th & D, <ST" jal4-18d START THE $ NEW YEAR RIGHT. I .Square yourself around and be square T with eTcry oue. Get the cash from ''The Y Old Reliable" to ttcjin lftlO In the proper spirit. If you keep house we will make <?* you a loan TODAY. ?# Cali, write or telephone Main 8035. * ? "The Old Reliable," J ' | Washington Loan Co.,;[ ROOM 1. flin r ST. n.w. ?? F. J. SCHNEIDKR. Mgr. $ 6"fr?'S"S"g"8"fr' de2S-tf.2?? WE LOAN ANY AMOUNT From to No Publicity, No Commissions, No Delay a. A loau of J2.V00, only 91.1 A per month. A loan of $50,00, only $1.59 per month. A loan of $75.00, only $2.29 per month. A loan of $100.00, only $2.06 per month. On Furniture. Pianos, Indorsed Nolea, etc. We pay up loans and advance more money. PRIVATE OFFICES. Commercial! Discount Co. Metropolitan National Bank Building, 613 15tb st. n.w., opposite D. 8. Treasury. oc24-90t.2A Phone M. 7108. If you are in needof money Any amount, you can get It here Immediately. H. K. Fulton's Loan Office (ESTABLISHED 1ST0). 314 9TH ST. N.W. Loans made on Watches, Diamonds. Jewelry, apS-tf. 14 Gold. Silverware, etc. CUT RATES ON FURNITURE AND PIANO LOANS. Borrow J.V); pay back $5.4R per mo. Borrow $75: pay back $7.99 per mo. Borrow $100; pay back $10.40 per mo. These payments Include principal, interest and all charges except 50c notary fee. NO PAYMENTS DUB UNTIL MARCH Compare the above payments with what other companies charge, and see how much you save by dealing here. We also make Loans on Indorse ment. Borrow $50; pay back $10 per month for 6 months. LIBERAL, discount for set tlements AHEAD OF TIME. CITIZENS LOAN & TRUST CO., No. 409 Commercial Bank Bide., N.W. Cor. 14th and C. St*. Take Elevator to Fourth Floor. dc-22 !K)t.4?t NATIONAL Loan and Investment Co., OSSST 703 85T03 IT. PRIVATE QUICK CHEAP ON FURNITURE S ON PIANOS 0 ON ANYTHING WE CAN OFFER (5) WE MAKE LOWEST ItATES Ayr NO CHARGES FOR IN THE CITY. Vj?b DRAWING TAPERS. National Loan & Investment Co., 703 15TH ST.. NEXT TO DRUG STORE. Jal-tf MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE And others, including women keeping house, without security; easy payments; offices In 65 prinrlpal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. D. II. TOLMAN. Room 608, 533 15th st. n.w. se29-tf,6 L0A1 ? X fc s ?? Any Amount | From $110 to 2? On Furniture, Pianos, Teams, etc., ?-> g at rates that defy competition. g | OUR'RATES. I 3.">c a week pays $10 Loan. ft 50c a week pays $15 Loan. ? $ 7r.c a week pays $20 Loan. ' 90c a week pays $2ri I.oan. jg $1.05 a week pays $30 Loan. W $1.50 a week pays $50 Ixian. >? Mt $2.10 a week pays $75 Loan. ? $2.75 a week pays $100 Loan. Other amounts in proportion. You can pay monthly if you wish. Ss 5* These payments include interest a and principal; no other charges, f* First payment made due ^ to suit you. J Mutual Loan Company, 2* 913 G Street N. W. M de2r. tr MONEY TO LOAN -OX DIAMONDS, WATCHES and Interest. 3 per cent. TEWELRY LOUIS ABRAHAMS, 483 9TH ST. N.W. delO-tf rew company, new mm. Organized for the purpose of loaning money to those who cannot afford to pay high rates, on FURNITURE. PIANOS, TEAMS and to SALAICIED EMPLOYES on plain note without security. $50-12 monthly installments of $5.80; $100-12 monthly installments of $11.25! POSITIVELY no other charges. Other amounts In proportion. FIHST PAYMENT MADE DUE TWO MONTHS FROM DAY YOU GET THE LOAN WITHOUT EXTRA COST. We will make you a lower rate than any one else, no matter what that rate Is, providing yon are GOOD PAY. We are catering to the better clam of business. Other loan companies, etc., paid off. l/fl 11224 Q St. No W. wor- 13th). Rooms 20 and 21, Second Floor Front. ? Phone Main 4tH). ap27-?f Has Gift Buying Consumed Your Money? We will make you a loan on furniture or sala ries at the lowest rates of Interest. Prudential Loan & Trust Co., Room 3, Warder Building, 9TH AND F STS. N.W. oc20-90t,14 NEED MONEY TODAY ? Lowest rate? In city. Loans, $10 and upward. Columbia Guarantee Co. "Reliable aa a bank," 6113 F St. N.W. Office hours, 8 a.m. to 0 p.m. den 90t,20 Phono Main 353#. g)--.. ....... | LOAN COMPANIES. MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE AND others upon thplr own notes, without security. In cluding women keeping bouse; easiest terms; con fidential. Knowing ones who bare dealt elsewhere especially invlteo. My proposition will please. H. ELWOOD. Rm. 416, Jenifer bide., 7th * D. aeJO-tf.6 Strictly Private Loams, $10 and Up, ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. ETC., WITHOUT REMOVAL. WE GUARANTEE LOWEST RATES, QUICK EST SERVICE AND ABSOLUTE PRIVACY. IT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL HERE IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT BORROWING. POTOMAC GUARANTEE LOAN CO., 925 F St. N.W. SECOND FLOOR. SINGER BUILDING. de26-tf.30 Phone M. 638 OCEAN TRAVEL. ARGENTINE -AND ALL BRAZILIAN PORTS the La rjje. Now anil Fast Passenger Steamers of the LAMPORT & HOLT LINE Sailing from New York Sth and 20th each month. 16 DATS TO RIO JANEIRO. 23 DAYS TO BUENOS AYRES. For rates, etc., apply local ticket scents or BI SK & DANIELS. General Asents, 301 Produce Exchange, New York ? Days to TMDU I I "The Land of the Hummingbird." Finest Hotels. Excellent Accommodations. Golf, Polo. Tennis. Bathing and Fishing. Handsomest Island In West Indies. Best reached by Large, New Steamships of the ROYAL DUTCH WEST INDIA MAIL. Office: 17 State Street, New York. 14 tp-RBwe&a ynftiii COMPAGNIE GENERALE TRANSATLANTIQUB Direct Line to Havre?Paris (France). Sailing every Thursday at 10 a.m. from Pier No. 42. North River, foot Morton at.. N. T. ?La Lorraine Jan. 20a*La Savoie Feb. 10 ?La Tonraine.. ..Jan. 27l*La Provence. ..Feb. 17 La Bretagne... .Feb. 3B*L? Touralne. ..Feb. 21 ?Twin-screw iteamers. GENERAL AGENCY. 19 State at., N. T. E. P. ALLEN, Agent, 14th at. and N. Y. are. Telephone Main 758. mhl-3QBt* AMERICAN LINE PLYMOUTH ?CHERBOURG - SOUTHAMPTON PHILADELPHIA?QUEENSTOW N?LIVERPOOL Atlantic Transport L5ne NEW YORK-LONDON DIRECT. RED STAR LINE NEW YORK?ANTWERP?PARIS. WHITE STAR LINE NEW YORK -QUERNSTOWN-LIVERPOOL. PLYMOUTH ?CHERBOURG ? SOUTHAMPTON BOSTON TO " ?T*l* & SOW VIA AZORES, MADEIRA AND GIBRALTAR ARABIC Jan. 20, special Alexandria sailing Cretic Jan. 29. Mar. 12 CELTIC (20.004 tons* Feb. 2. Mar. 16 CEDRIO <21,035 tonsi - Feb. 1? Romanic Fel>. 26, Apr. 2 Canonic ? .Mar. 24. May 4 WASHINGTON OFFICE. 1S06 F ST. N.W. R. M. HICKS. PasBenger Agent. de24-tf.eSu ?11 Modern Safety Devices (Wirelesa, etc.) LONDON?PARIS-HAMBURG. Waldersee.. .Feb. 26 Aug.V Mb-5 ?P. Lincoln... .Mar. 12 ?Pres. Grant.. Mar. 10 & mwi ?P.Lincoln..-4an.20.S?am t IG.Wi ?Pres. Grant... Feb. 8 tKai'n tAmerika Feb. 12 {Pennsylvania...Fe>b. 18 tRitr Carlton a la Carte Restaurant. (Hamburg direct. 'Omits Plymouth. Italy and the p%ji|e REACHED BY OUR BfflEliTEllMEM SERVICE The aplendid. large steamships CINCINNATI. Jan. 20; HAMBURG, Feb. 15. March 20. etc., for Gibraltar, Naplea and Genoa (with occasional calls at the A tores and Ma deira Ialandfc). Excellent connection with steam ers of Hamburg & Anglo-American Nile Co.'a services up the Nile through EGYPT. Travelera* Check* Issued. Tourist Dept. for Trips Everywhere. HAMBURG AMERICAN LINB. 45 Broadway. New York. Or E. F. DROOP & SONS CO.. 13th and G n.w., Washington, D. C. de25-sa. 57u, t u. w. th-11 CUNARD LINES From Piers 51-52-56, North River, N. Y.. 9 a.m. Liverpool Service. Calling at Fishguard. South Wales. Quickest Route to Loudon and Continent via Fishguard. WEDNESDAY FROM NEW YORK. MONDAY IN LONDON. MAURETANIA?LUS1TANIA. Largest. Fastest Steamships Afloat. SAIL WEDNESDAYS. Wireless Telegraph. Submarine Signals. Lusltanla Jan. 19 I Mauretania Feb. 0 Campania Jan. 38 ! Campania Feb. lfl Umbria Feb. 2 Umbria Feb. 2? THREE SPECIAL CRUISES. All Magnificent New 20.000-ton Strs. Jan. 22?Feb. 19?Mnr. 6. I Via Azores, Madeira. Gibraltar. ALSO TWO SPECIAL CRUISES SAXONIA TO ITALY. Feb. 5-Mar. 19. HUNGARIAN AMERICAN SERVICE. To FIUME via GIBRALTAR. GENOA, NAPLES. TRIESTE. Carmania..Jan. 22, noon Pannonla...... Feb. 13 Saionia... Feb. 5. noon Caronia Feb. 19 Travelers' checks issued?good everywhere. THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP CO., LTD.. 21-24 State at.. New York, Opposite the Battery, Or 126 State St., Boston, Mass. G. W. MOSS. Agent. 1411 G at. n.w.. Washington. fel4-d.eSn.312t p^orth Qermao J^loyd Large, Fast and Luxurious Twin-screw Express and Passenger Steamships Equipped With Wireless and Submarine Signals. PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURG- BREMEN. Express Sailings Tuesdays at 10 A.M. Pr. Fried.Wilh. .Jan. 18 I Kaiser Wm.d.Gr..Feb. 8 Kronprinz Wm...Jan25! Kaiser Wm.d.Gr Mar. 8 BREMEN DIRECT. Twin-screw Sailings Thursdays at 10 A.M. Zleten Jan. 27 I*G.Washington..Feb. 24 Roon Feb. 10 I Rheln March 3 ??'alls at Plymouth ami Cherbourg. GIBRALTAR-NAPLES-GENOA -ALGIERS. Mediterranean Sailings Saturdays at 11 A.M. ?Berlin (new)...Jan. 231 K. Albert Feb. 12 fGr. Knrfuerst...Feb. 5 I Itarbarosgu Feb. 2C ?Omits Algiers. tOrlent cruise. Independent A round-the-world Tours. Travelers' Checks Good All Over the World. Apply OELRICHS & CO.. General Agenta, 5 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. WASHINGTON OFFICE, 1337 F ST. N.W. E. F. DROOP & SONS CO., 13th ft G sts. n.w. je?.0-312t.eSc BERMUDA New Weekly Service by 6,000 Ton R. M. S. P. "Orotava" FROM NEW YORK EVERY WEDNESDAY. Pier 50. North River. New York. FROM BERMUDA EVERY SATURDAY. Comfortable voyage. High-class Cuisine. Orchestra. Electric Fans lu all rooms. JAMAICA-COLON, BARBADOS. Etc. Clyde Jan. 22 I Nile Feb. 19 Ortona Feb. 5 [ 'I ncus Mar. 6 Tours of 12 to 25 days from $95 up. CRUISES-DE LUXE TO THE WEST INDIES 18 TO 54 DAYS. $S5 to $350 UP. ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET CO.. SANDERSON & SON. G. P. & F. A., 22 State st.. N. Y. R. M. MELVILLE. Toronto and Adelaide ata. R. M. HICKS. 1306 F at. n.w. G. W. MOSS, 1411 G st. n.w. STR8 MEDITERRANEAN, ADRIATIC FROM NEW YORK WEDNESDAYS, 1PM To and from Italy, Greece and Austria wltk scheduled calla at GIBRALTAR (eaat), AL GIERS (west) and AZORES (east). TWIN-SCREW 8. S. MARTHA WASHINGTON ALICE, LAURA. ARGENTINA, OCEANIA. Further Information and 1910 aailings furnished b* PHELPS BROS. & GO.. General Agenta. 17 Battery place, .New York City, or any local agent. 14 If Going to Europe Have your mall addressed care the London office of The Washington Star. No. 3 Regent Street. London, England. If desired, mall will be for warded to all parts of Europe and the Conti nent. Tourists are requested to register at onr office upon reaching London. Washington Star, London Office, No. 3 Regent St. de20-tf TEAMS FOE HIRE. TEAMS SUPPLIED FOR ALL PURPOSES AT short notice. TEAM OWNERS' ASSOCIATION. 1047 Jefferaon st. n.w.; phone W. 46-K. jaS-tf.4 EDUCATIONAL. Uf WASHINGTON. ORIENTAL SCHOOL OF MIND AX1> SOUL CULTURE?I*htl??ophy. psychology. occultism. (')mii mid private Instruction*. SWAVI AB HA YANANDA, 1638 14th st. n.w. ll-nnr and parlor l?r-tnr??*? by appointment. Jsl5-2t* FLYXX'S BUSINESS OTOJJiGE -SHORTHAND, typewriting. bookkeeping. Adult* taught pri vatclv. $6 a month. Twenty-tlvo years In pub. lie and priTit<> schools. Ml*. EMILY A. FI.YXX. Principal, s.w. oor. 8th and K sts. n.w. Ja3 90t FRKXCH LANGUAGE SCHOOL,. Xfw term; classes or private lessons. Thorough method to pronounce swell. speak. read. understsnd. MLLE. V. PIIUD'H0MME.310 Ind.av.n.w.,nr 3d st. Ja8-<i.eSu,4 MESDEMOISELLFS MARKT, NATIVE FRENCH teachers (diploma); highest references; Ion* ex perience clsssm and private Instruction In French. Translation work In English, Frcnch. German, Italian. Spanish. lTia 13th at. n.w. js3-14t*4 STRAYER'S Business College, Old Masonic Temple, 9th & F. A well equipped school fop teach In* * Shorthand, Typewriting. Bookkeeping. Bank- ?g? Ing. English, etc. CIVIL S1"R\ ICK prep aration a specialty. Good positions secured for graduates, or money refunded. At this time we have mot* calls for graduates than we can fill. BUSINESS MEN KNOW THAT GRADUATES OF STRAYER'S ARE EXCEPTIONALLY WELL QUALIFIED. Students enrolling dally. Call at once. Visitors wel<-ome. $ :e o * h <al-tf,28 MR. B. FRANK QEBEST, TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE. Pupil of Barth, Schwarenka. Mosxkowsky. Phone N. 6669. Studio. 1327 14th at. B.W. se!6-tf,5 . Stenographic Academy, Shorthand taught in 150 honrs* actual study. Individual Instruction. Positions guaranteed. COLORADO BITILDTXO. Mrs. W. J. ERSKINE. PrinclpsL HALL=NOYES SCHOOL. Beys and girls. 9 a.m., ages 7 to 20. Pall graded and high school depts. ADULTS. 7 P.M.. graded and college preparatory. Certifi cate admits to college. Two new business couresi under expert. $r> per mo. New chemistry courss. Seventh year. Sept. 27. Catalogues. Phone Main 3877. FBAXCES MANX HALL, A. M., se21-tf Principal. 221 E st. n.w. THB Berlitz School or LANGUAGES 723 14th st. n.w. CORNER NEW YORK AVENTTE. (NO OTHER BRANCH IN WASHINGTON.) Telephone Main 3217. 350 BRANCHES IN ALL LEADING CITIES. Prlvste snd Claas Lessons st School or Residence Day and Evening. Best Native Teachers. Pupils hear and speak the foreign language exclu sively from the first lesson. Trial lessons free. Free Conversation Circles and Pronunciation Courses. EVENING POPULAR CLASSES. $2 PER MONTH. NOTICE. The Berlitt School does not employ canvass? rs. In order to avoid deception all arrangements shonld be mads at the office, hv msll or tele* phone. ael9.21.then se26,Su.tu.S,tf,85 OUT OF WASHINGTON. MONTROSE?SELECT BOARDIXG SCHOOL IN the country for girls and small boys; terms very moderste; location the most healthful part of Maryland. MIsa HARDEY, Clarksvllle. Md. aul-tf __ ^ RAILROADS. RATES, TICKETS. INFORMATION. All IJnes. BEEKMAN'S Sgff* 1416 New York ave. Phone Main 1902. Seaboard Air Line SCHEDULE. 10:08 A.M. DAILY?"Florida Fast Mall." Through coaches and Pullman sleepers to Sa vannah and Jacksonville. Parlor car Jackson ville to Tampa. Through sleepers to Atlanta and Birmingham. Dining cars. 4:23 P.M. DAILY.?"The Flamingo." Quickest Florida train. Through coaches to Jacksonville. Pullman sleepers to Jacksonville. St. Angustine, Palm Beach, Miami and Knights Key. Con necting for Havana. Dining cars. 7:00 p.m.?"Seaboard Florida Limited." Solid Pullman electric-lighted through sleepers to St. Augustine. I'alui Reach. Miami and Knights Key. Connection for Nassau and Havana. Club, observation and dining cars. 7:25 P.M. DAILY ? "Seaboard Express." Through coaches and Pullman sleepers to Savan nah, Jacksonville and Tampa. Also to Atlanta. Birmingham and Memphis. Dining cart. Ticket Office, 1418 Xew York ave. ?.w. E. A. HARWOOD. C. T. A. C. B. RYAN. G.P.A.. G. Z. PHILLIPS, D.P.A.. Portsmouth, Va. Washington, D. 0. ic Coast Line. ?? I11 1 til. Notice.?Time of arrivals and departures and connections not guaranteed. 4:20 a.m. dally?Through sleeping cars and coaches to Jacksonville. 4:06 p.m. dally?'Throngh sleeping cars to Jack sonville, Fla.; Port Tampa. Fla. (for Havana); Kniehts Key. Fla. tfor Havana": Solid Florida train through Charleston and Savannah. Throngh coaches to Jacksonville. UNEXCELLED DIN ING CAR SERVICE. 7:10 P.M. daily except Sunday?"FI.ORIDA SPECIAL," solid Pullman vestibule train, elec tric lighted, to Charleston. Ssvannah. Jackson ville, St. Augustine. Ormond. Palm Beach, Miami, Knights Key. with direct connection for Havana. Dining, stateroom, drawing room, li brary and observation cars. 10:00 p.m. daily?"Palmetto Limited"?New train to Florida; through sleepers to Jackson ville. St. Petersburg. Fla.; Charleston. S. C.; Savannah. Augusta, Atlanta. Git., and Wilming ton. X. C.: dining cars and coaches. For tickets and all information apply to th? OFFICE OF THE LIXE. 1410 XEW YORK AVE. XORTHWEST. AXD UNION STATION. GEO. I?. JAMES. D. P. A.. Washington; T. C- WHITE, G. P. A.; W. J. CRAIG, P. T. M.. Wilmington. N. C. Chesapeake*OMoRa511way Published only as Information, not guaranteed. 2c00 P.M. Daily.- For Virg n!a. West Virginia and Kentucky points. Pullman sleepers. 6:30 P.M. Daily.-CIXCIXNATI-ST. LOUIS CHI CAGO SPECIAL. Solid train to St. Louis, with Pullman sleeper to Chicago. Stops oniy at important stations. Pullman s finest equip ment. 11:10 P.M. Daily.?F. F. V. LIMITED for Cin cinnati, Louisville, the west, southwest and northwest. Pullman sleepers. C- <fc O. a la carte Din ins Car Service. Chesapeake and Ohio offices at 613 Pennsyl vania avenue, 1330 F street and new Union sta tlon. Telephone Main 106H and 2206 for tickets baggage checks, reservations and taxlcabs. Baltimore and Ohio R. R. LEAVE XEW UXION STATION. ROYAL BLUE LINE. "EVERY OTHER HOUR ON THE ODD HOUR" TO PHILADELPHIA AXD NEW YORK. NEW TERMINAL. 23D STREET, NEW YORK. ?7.00 a.m. Diner. Pullman Parlor. i.HO a.m. Diner and Pullman Parlor Car. .00 a.m. Diner and Pullman Parlor Car. .00 a.m. Observation Parlor, 5-hour Train. ?1.00 p.m. Diner and Pullman Parlor Car. ?3.00 p.m. "Royal Limited." All Pullman, Mr. t4.00 p.m. Coaches to Phllsdelphla. ?5.00 p.m. Diner and Pullman Parlor. *8.On p.m. Coaches to New York. ?12.15 n't. Sleepers to New York. ?2.52 a.m. Sleepers to Phlla. and New York. ATLANTIC CITY, f7.00. *9.00. tll.00 a.m., tl-09, *3.00 p.m. TO RALTIMORE. "EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR." (Week days. 7.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m.) ?2.52, t5.00, t6.30. *7.00, *7.20, t8.00. *8.80. ?9.00. t?.30. flO.00. *11.00 a.m.. *12.00 noon, 112.05, *1.00. ?1.15. t2.00, *3.00, t3.20. 13.30. t4.00, t4.45, *5.00, t5.03, *5.30, t6.00. "d-SO. t7.00, *8.00, t9.00, *10.00, *10.35, *11.30. *12.15 night. westward. CHICAGO. *1.27. *5.30 p.m. CINCINNATI. ST. LOUIS and LOUISVILLE. ?9.10 a.m., *4.05 p.m., *12.40 night. PITTSBURG, *910 a.m., *1.27, '8.10 p.m.. ?12.30 night. CLEVELAND, *9.10 p.m. COLUMBUS, *5.30 p.m. WHEELING. *9.10 a.m.. *5.30 p m. WINCHESTER, t9.10 a.m., f4.05. t5.00 p.m. FREDERICK. t8.20, 19.10. J9.15 a.m.. (1.30, t4.05. +5.45 p.m. . HAGERSTOWN. 19 10 a.m., f5.00 p.m. ANNAPOLIS. *7.30. f8.00 a.m., fl2.06 noon. t3.20. |3.30. (5.30 and tti.OO p.m. ?Dally. tExcept Sunday. {Sunday only. TELEPHONES at all of the following ticket offices: 1417 G St. N.W., Main 1591: 619 Penn sylvania ave.. Main 278; New Union Station Ticket Office, Malu 7380; Information Bureau. Main 7380. Southern Railway. N.B.?Following schedule figures published only as Information, and are not guaranteed: For Atlanta. Birmingham. Mobile. New Or leans, Aidievlile, 9 a.m. and 10:45 p.m. daily. 9:00 a.m. dally for Chattanooga and Memphis. For Roanoke. Knoxvllle. Chattanooga. Birm ingham. New Orleans. 10:10 n.m. dally. For Roanoke, Knoxvllle. Chattanooga. Mem phis. Nashville. 4:10 a.m. dally (sleeping car open after 10 p.m.). Tor Atlanta, Birmingham. Columbia. Charles ton Augusta. Aiken, Savannah. Jacksonville and Florida points, 4:15 p.m. dsily. Touriet cars for California Mon.. Wed., Thar*., F Local'Harrisonburg. 8:30 a.m. dally; 4:3# p.m. week days; for Strasburg Jet.. 1 p.m. wsek {lays: for Danville, 7:30 a.m. dally, and for Charlottesville, 7:30 a.m. and 4:55 p.m. dally; for Warren ton. 4:56 p.m. dally and f p.m. week dan. Frequent trains to snd from Bluemost. L. S. BROWN, General Agent. STEAMSHIPS. CLARK'S l'JTH ANNUAL. CRUISE FEB. 5 TO APRIL 19 DOT P m _ By S. S. Groaaer Kurfuerat THE QNI.Y ORIENT CRI'ISE THIS WIXTBR I nder the able Management of FRANK O. CLARK S*Tf?dru,T** Including 24 DAY? IN K?^\PT AND THE HOLY LAND. costing only S400.00 and tip. Including ?h<?re exruraiona, 'to SPECIAT. FkATI'RKS Madeira, f adl*. Seville. Algiers, Malta. C-onatanMnople. Athena. Rome, the Riviera, etc TVketa p*?d to stop over In Europe, to include I'aaalon IMay. etc. KJ"ROrE OBERAMMERrtAU Toura. $270 up. I'RANK C. CLARK. TIium RMg . New Tnrk. R \t HICKS ISOrt F at. n.w.. C.FX.RGE W. MOSS. 1411 O at. n.w. jalS-tf.2C Waahtngton. POTOMAC RIVER BOATS. MARYLAND. DELAWARE AND VIRGINIA RAILWAY CO. PCTIEDl LE IN EFFECT MAT IB. Steamer* leave Washington every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 4 p.m. for river landing* and Baltimore, arriving ?t Bnltlmor? early Monday, Wednesday and Friday tnorninga. Returning. leave Rnltl:ii'>re. Iler No. R. Light at., Monday. Wedneaday and Saturday at 6 p. as, arriving In Washington early Monday. Welaen day and Friday mornings. All riwr freight mukt be prepaid. I'avnpr accommodation* strictly flrat-claaa. Electrically lighted and CUltilM perfect. fcTEPHKNRON A BRO.. Agenta. Telephone Main 745. 7th St. Wharf. m>14tf.20 TOURS. DAILY TOl'RS TO FLORIDA, $83.50 ALL FXPEVRFS?11 DAYS HIGHEST CLASS HOTELS. PI LLMAXS. ETO. Visiting JACKSONVILLE. ST AI GI STINE. ETC. Ask for detailed Itinerary or for ANY OTHER TR11' Y??r Wisn. One-way Tickets by Rail or Water Everywhere. Beekman's, 1416 New York Ave. Phon# Main 1!WI2. LOAN SOCIETIES. ON DIAMONDS, Watches, Jewelry, Etc. A jtlillanthrople Institu tion. These are the lowest rate* obtainable and ar? of fered by a dignified bank ing Institution which haa th* lndor?< tnent of every bank and trust company In tb? city Capital, $1,000,000 Loana made In any amonnt. All loans held on a year, with privilege of renewal. Redemptions can l?o made at any time. WE Wllii redeem yonr valnshies from pawn brokers and make new loana at greatly reduced ratea of lntereat. Prudential Loan Society, X. W. COR. 12TH AND O STS. Private entrance on 12tU at. Phone M. 3538. jal-tf.2S THE ENGLISH LORD. I Relations Between British Aristoc racy and Commons. Prfncesa Bariatinsky, In I/ondon M. A. P. My first visit to England was late In last summer, when I came en tourlste with my husband, and while here I had so many propositions to appear on the. Eng lish .stape that I was tempted to accept one of them. During my stay in England, a period al together amounting to about four months. I have been Immensely interested In studying English people and in compar ing the conditions of life here with thoae prevailing in my own country. I think the upper classes?the very up per classes?in most countries are much the same type. Centuries of power, posi tion and wealth produce a type that has a singularly clear sen*?e of its own im portance. a tremendously strong Instinct of self-preservation, and a most righteous regard for class privilege, as if it were a divine thing. Those are the common characteristics of the aristocrats of all countries, and their manners an<l habits are much the same; but the English aristocrat has. I think, a livelier sense of the responsibility of his position than the Russian lord. I heard of a great English peer who mas staving at the house of a Russian noble man in St. Petersburg some little while ago. The former had promised to open a new hall in a town, the greater part of which belonged to him, on a certain date, and during his visit to 8C. Petersburg re ceived a letter from his agent in England telling him that the opening ceremony had been lixed to take place the follow ing week. The English peer Informed hi* host that he must take his departure, and explained to him the reason why he had to do so. "The people, you see. would be disap pointed if I was not there," said the Eng lish lord. The Russian lord laughed: he could not understand any one In his guest's position disturbing himself lest he might disappoint the people. 'You must find the people an awful nuisance." lie said as he bid his guest good-bye. Hut I don't think the English lord agreed with his host; as a matter of fact. I have never been In any country where such friendly relations seem to exist between the lords of -the earth and the tillers of it as in England. Man Overcoming Natural Defects. From the Ixtndon News. ' Animals do not employ machines, but i some animals formed to live chiefly on I dry land can swim, and some animals fonmed to live chiefly In the water can move about on dry land, the primary ! and most efficient balance exerted in each case being that which is moFt often serviceable to the animal in ques tion. But there is yet a third element, from which man has been hitherto de barred, in which animals can exercise I a third form of balance, namely, the | far less viscous fluid known as air. j Birds which depend chiefly on flight, like the albatross, the seagull or the eagle, have the instruments adapted for flight most highly developed and show an obvious ungainlitiess when they walk on land. Birds which are able to fly, but pass a large part of their ex , istence on land, can walk extremely | well, such as barnyard fowls. Some birds seem almost equally at I home In all three forms of balance; for j a wild duck flies fast and far; it is com pletely at home in the water, and It walks al>out on land with very consider able freedom. Man, having been born, it would appear, witli only the form* of balance necessary to walking on land.* capable of full development, has already learned to attain the balance necessary for swimming In the water with a cer tain ease, and Is now beginning^ to learn the third form of balance necessary for the air. As he has no "natural" wings, he is at the present moment In much the same position as the bicyclist or the I sculler?he has, in fact, to control the I movements of something interposed be : tween hint and the air, by means of his I own sense of balance. Neither running nor dimming will assist him In the new element he has set out to conquer, expect in the one point that the sense of balanee exer cised in these must be still further and still inore delicately exercised In the third. By steps which are clearly and publicly recorded the Wright brother* proved that a certain formation of planes would not only imitate the glid ing motion of a bird with wings out stretched, but would maintain their sta bility when propelled through the air. and. Indeed, largely depended for their stability upon the strength of that pro pulsion. Motherly, Prom the London Opinion. "Well, Eflle, dear, I hope you've been a little mother to your brother while I've been out?" "Oh, yes, I have. I've smacked him quite a lot." The new Washington post cards have George's .picture on one-half and his wife's picture on the reply card, thus recognizing woman's right to the last word.?Des Moines Register and I reader.