Newspaper Page Text
SPECIAL NOTICES. ANNVAL REPORT OK TUB WASHINGTON AMERICAN LEAGUE BASE BALIj CU B. We. the undersigned. the secretary and s ma of th*' hoard of trustees of ihr? Washing ton American league Raw Ball Hub. Incorpo rated, of Wiulilnctnn, I?. r do hereby certify that the capital stock of the r?I<1 eor|?oratlon I* tlflO.OoO.?K>, all of wliirh has l>een actually paid fa. and there an- no existing debts, except cur rent expense*. BENJAMIN S. MINOR, HENRY P. BLAIR, E. J. WAI-SH. W. II RAPLEY. I. BF.NMAMIN S. MINOR, ?e.retary of the Wartilngtnn American I,eaguc Bane Hall Club, incorporated. of the District of Columbia, do fcerehy mrcur that the fact" stated In th? above certificate are true to the twit of my knowledge and l?e!1?tf. BENJAMIN S. MINOR. Secretary Washington American league Rase Ball Club. Subscribed nod (worn to before me, a notary public In and for the District of Columbia, this 14th da-v of .Tannery. A. D. 1M0. NEENAH I.ACB. Notary Public. D. C. CORRECTLY Engraved Wedding Stationery. PBICE ADVANTAGES are not flic only argu ment that favor Rallantyne engraving, Correct ness is another joint equally ini|K?rtant. Our experience and equipment are at your serv>e. WM. BALLANTYNE & SONS, Bookseller*. Stationer*. Engravers. 42S 7rh st.,14 < EKTIFICATE OK FI l.L PAID STOCK Of THE ?' 11A-S. S4'HNKII?ER BAKING CO. VYe. the undersigned. the president and a ma jority of the directors of The Cliaa. Schneider Baking Co., a cori?oration duly organized and "listing under the law a of the District of Co hirohla. do hereby certify tliat the total capital stock of the saiil company is one hundred and fifty thousand dollar* i$15o,00<>>, as fixed by lt.s certificate of Im-orporatlon, and that all of aaid stock has been Issued and fully paid In. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seal this seventeenth day of January, 1910 WM. RF.RENS. President, J AS. F OYSTER. W. BHRENS. Jr.. E. R. FORI*. Majorltv of the Director*. SOMERSET It. WATERS, Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this Beven teenth dav of January. 1??10. iSeal.i WM. S. TORBF.RT. Notary Public, D. C. "I NEVER DISAPPOINT." Wedding Invitations -IN THE LATEST STYLES. ENGRAVED i AND PRINTED. AT THE LOWEST j PRI^TiS FOR PERFECT WORK. BYRON S. ADAMS. ENGRAVER, Pimne <T;o 812 llth street. Possessing Our Own hours. ?manufacturing facilities sash. vve're able to turn out BLINDS. In,nw?rk anfl fini?h U)\\ KST POS STAIR- SIBI.E PRICES always. WORK. I-*C?me to us for figures before placing orders. Geo. M. Barker, SV,i8",*j BUILDING MATERIAL. jalS-d.eSu. 14 ANNEAL REPORT OF THE MALNaTI STONE COMPANY. - January 17. 1910.? We hereby J certify that tli.- capital stock of *aid ?-oinpanr i? ?1 o/khi fully !>aid np. und that the com pany ha* no ?xlsting debts. ("HAS. J. MALNATI. President. LENA MALNATI. VIRGINIA B. MALNATI District of Columbia, to wit: I. CHAS. J. MALNATI. President of the above company, do solemnly swear that the facts contained in the above report are true to the liest of my I knowledge aud lielief. CHAS. J. MALNATI. Stihscril<ed and sworn to l>efore me this 18th dav of .lanuarv. A. D. 1!?1<?. tSeal.i JI'DSON T.* tn iJ^ Jr.," Notary Puhlle. it Tennessee" Is a -Its x*>pularity is due to its superior qual ity and purity. Best for medicinal C| purposes. Large bottle "J* 1 Shoomaker Co., 10 IT W1IJ, BE TO THE INTEREST OF THOSE who saw the accident at 1st and B s.w. Wed nesday. Jan. 12. on the trailer of Capital Traction car. to address W. E. PALIFER, Senate Drafting Room. Grafton=a Dependable Roo? Man. ?You are assured honest work and honest charge* when you have the roof repairing done by Grafton. Hurry-up Jobs a specialty. Grafton <& Son, lnc4?n^>f 7n*T lalH-lOd THE ANNCAL MEETING OF THE POLICY holders of the Mutual Investment Fire Insur ance Company of the District of Columbia for the e'ectlou of trustees for the ensuing year and for other business will be held at the offices of tho company. 732 10th st. n.w.. on Monday, January 24. 1010. at 9 o'clock a.m. Polls open from" a.m. to K p.m. All policy holders are requested to be present and Tote, as a proxy vote is not allowable. HORACE L. REALL. Secretary. Printing That Es Decidedly Superior. ?This Bis Print Shop, with Its excellent equip ment. can do your printing quickly, attractively and at a reasonable charge. Judd <& Detweiler, Inc. THE BIG PRINT SHnP. 420-22 11TH. ialS-likl WE. THE I'NDERSIGNED, PRESIDENT AND trustees of the Modern Drug and Mtg. Co., Ine.. hereby certify that the capital stock of said company Is five thousand dollars, fully t<aid. ami the amount of debt of $.1.">2G.,'{4. F J. DIEl'DONNE. .lOHNStiN R. CARPENTER C. C. DIEIDONNE. S. A. TERRY. Notary Public. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE ML'TPAL Investment Fire Ins. Co. >rf the District of Co lumbia at th* close of business Dec. .HI. lfKHJ: Amount of preifHuiu notes $4;S.>0?.Vi Amount of cash on hand 4!?1.6*i Amount of securities "i.fifO.Ort Amount of lire losses for year *?10.00 BERNARD LEONARD. President. HORACE L BE ALL Secretary. Blank Books, ABU Descriptions. lt>10 Iharies while they last at greatly re ?lu'-ed prices. E. Morrison Paper Co., 1009 Pa. Ave. X.W. J?17 tf.lo NEED A Q00D ROOFER? REPAIRING ROOFS OCR SPE41ALTY. IDfiM CI AnMn? 1412 G St. n.w. 1 !v\/accompany, I'hone Main 14. 1*17 ^ Sntash='Goes tlhe Window. That's th*' time our "hurry-up glazing service" will prove invaluable. We'll re place the broken gla'ss in short order. Won't charge much, either. Hodgkin's r-Kls^&?l???vm ial.ltofeIl-10 THE \NNI AI. MEETING OF THE STOCK t .l.l-i - . f the HOME PLATE GUSS INSl'R '.NCK COMPANY or THE ?'ITY OF WASH INtlTON, for 'he election of trustees, will be icjd at the office of tile company. No. ftl^ F s' n.w National Cniou building, on Wed ro-idav. January 19. IMft, at 1 :4S o'clock p ui. I'olN op< n fro>n 2 to o'clock p m I'HIIJP F. L.VRNEU, Secretary. \i?TICE TO STOCKIIOIJiERS. The 70tli r<gular quarterly dividend of 1%% iias lieeu declar.-d on the capita] stock of the Washington Loan and Trust Company, |>ayahle February 1. mja. when checks for dividends will f.e mailed to all stockholder* of registered ad dress. The book*, of the ??oinpanv will he closed for the transfer of stock from January 21 to February 1. 1 J?!??. l>ofh dates Inclusive. Stockholders who have changed their addresses vince date of lu?t dividend will pleare notify the i?mi?ny. HARRY G. MEF.M, J?15,ll>.20 Treasurer. Rochdale Co-operative Society. The annual meeting of the society will be held at tarroll Ins-itnte Hall. J'lfi 10th st. n.w.. on Tl F.SDAY EVENING. January IS. 1!iI0> at 7:Sa o".-1.?k sharj? Election of offl cers for ensuing >ear will o?-eur. Memls'rs will present their trade h.i*k *! the door. P.V <?RI?ER OF THE ENKCI'TIVE "MMMITTEE. Jal5-3t.eSu JAM ARY 12. A I> 1010.?THIS IS TO OIVE notice that the undersigned has lost certificate No. lisn. for ."..ono shares of the capital stock of The \lary Mining Company of Arizona, and has applied to said company for the Ibsuancc of a new certificate for the said lost eertlti 1 cafe. All persons are hereby warned ajt-tinst attempting to transfer said stock or exercise anv acts of ownership over the same. MARK F. FINLEY. 192> 1 st. n.w. ^)ai:: 10t?eS:i,10 Worch's Piano House ? tffcrs a choice selection of piano* for renting purpose*. I prigh's from JS.Hi"> up % HI'GO WORCH. lllO ?i t a 1 ? Masquerade Costumer, D2? N. Y. AVE N.W. Phone M. ::7M. ?*?24 -!a?t.4 CALL N. ;?2. BPRLINGTON STABLES, FOR CARRIAGES OF ANY KIND. Good teams, prompt service aud prices reasonable. R*. infmbrr the call? N. 82. j?4-DOt,4 SPECIAL NOTICES. COAL Thai 5s COAL. Don't bu.v ?iirt. (-linkers. etc. Buy here *sn<1 get clean. reliable rosl. Try ue. R. J. a M. C. Grace, tT?iv Ja4-;i0t,6 ? Speed ASS You Earn and Be Always Poor. We help you save and make your money work. The Home Building Association, 1W07 PENNA. AVE. AXIl *00 10TJI ST. N.W. announcement. Notice is hereby given that on and after this rfate Edward Floy Caverly will rejwesent E F. Hutton & Co. a* manager of their Wash ington branch office. Thomas L. Flume having withdrawn from the joint management to con tinue the local stock exchange business on hl? own account at 1301 F St. n.w. January 15, lft W. jal.VIOt DR. JAEGER'S i WORLD RENOWNED UNDERGARMENTS. AGENCY FOR ENTIRE LINE. TYSSOWSKI BROS., phone M 2009. 726 lBth at. Jall-rtui,10 _____ PALMISTRY. MR. OAOTTD. THE RENOWNED PALMIST, will reveal to you from your hand what you de sire to know ??l.ncernlng all business or personal affairs. 1622 Q st. n.w. ITjone North 1130. deS-901.4. WEATHER FORECAST. Clearing and Colder Tonight; Wed nesday Fair and Colder. For the District of Columbia, rain* fol lowed by clearing and colder late tonight. Wednesday fair and colder; minimum temperature tonight about 38 degrees; brisk and liigli south and southwest winds. shifting to northwesterly. Minimum temperature past twenty-four hours, 38; a year ago. 22. The storm reported as being central over western Kansas Monday morning moved rapidly northeastward, and this morning Its center is over lower Michi gan, where the pressure is below 29-20 inches. During the last twenty-four hours this storm caused general precipitation in the plains states and in all districts east thereof, except in the south Atlantic states. ' Precipitation was In the form of rain and snow in the north Atlantic states, the lake region and the upper Mississippi valley. Another storm of marked intensity lias moved from Alaska to the region north of Montana. It has caused much warmer i weather in the northwestern states, rain and snow in the northern Rocky moun tain region and rain and severe southerl> gales on the Washington and Oregon coasts. \ change to eolder weather will over spread the districts east of the Mlssissip pi river during the next thirty-six hours. Storm warnings are displayed on the Atlantic coast from Hatteras to East port, and on the Washington and Ore gon coasts. The winds along the New England ana middle Atlantic coasts will be brisk and high south and southwest, shifting to Biorthwepterly; on the south Atlantic coast moderate to brisk southerly, shitt iing to west and northwest; on the east gulf coast moderate to brisk southerly, shifting to north and northwest. Steamers departing today for European ports will have brisk and high south and southwest winds, shifting to north westerlv, unsettled weather and i ain folio we'd by fair, to the Grand Bauks. The following heavy precipitation nn inchest has been reported during the past twenty-four hours: Portland, Ore., 1.02. Records for Twenty-Four Hours. The following were the readings of the thermometer anil barometer at the weather bureau for the twenty-four hours beginning at 2 p.m. yesterday: Thermometer?January 17, 4 p.m., 41; 8 p m., .'59; 12 midnight, 40. January 18, 4 a.m., 41; 8 a.m., 4T>; 12 noon. 54; 2 p.m., 58. Maximum, 08, at 2 p m., January 18; minimum, 38, at 9 p.m., January 17. Barometer?January 17, a p.m., :t0.i:i; 8 p.m., .".O.oj*; 12 midnight. January 18. 4 a.m.. 29.87; 8 a.m., 29.81; .noon, 3o.75; 2 p.m., ??.70. Tide Tables. Todav?Low tide. 7a.m. and 8:20 p.m.; liigh tide, 1:07 a.m. and 1:40 p.m. Tomorrow?Low tide, 8:!B a-m. and 9:24 p.m.; high tide, 2:'tt a.m. and 2:37 p.m. The Sun and Moon. Today?Sun rose 7:1ft a.m.; sun sets 5:05 p.m. Tomorrow?Sun rises 7:16 a.m. Moon sets 1:18 a.m. tomorrow. The City Lights. The city lights and naphtha lamps all lighted by thirty minutes after sunset; extinguishing begun one hour before sun rise. All arc and incandescent lamps lighted fifteen minutes after sunset and extinguished forty-five minutes before sunrise. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Q STREET NORTHWEST between .'C^l and .'{.'Id street?Jeremiah Cullinane, trustee, to Charles Mueller, part lot 21 >4. square 127!?; *1,200. 1154 IRVTNG STREET NORTHWEST - Mabel S. Bliss et vir, Louis D., to Frances C. Lewis, part lot 8, square 2H72: *10. 1 M STREET NORTHWEST between 18th j and lotli streets?Michael J. Keane et al., trustees, to Erank L. V\ lse, lot 3, square 14??; $2,400. TAKOMA PARK?Cornelia E. llavenner to Tony Guiffre, lot 39. block 4; $1<>. Til IRTEENT11 AND WALTER STREETS SO I'TI TEA ST? Eliza C. Hutchinson to Florence D. McAuliffe, lot 157. square 1015; $10. BROOK LAND?Samuel R. Henry et ux. to Frederick Barker, lot 3, block 8; *1?- , LANIER 1 iETGHTS?John L. arren et ux. t<> Esther F. Noble, lot 339; $UK CHICHESTER?Norman E. Ryon to Harrv G. and Kate E. Lugenbeel, lot 712: $10 MOUNT PLEASANT HEIGHTS? Henry J. Harris to Lillian J. Weber, lots 40 and 41. square 4; $10. 1817 15TH STREET NORTHWEST James L. Ewin et ux. to Margaret G. Parsons, lot 12i>. square 206; $10. WILLARD STREET NORTHWEST be tween 17th and 18tli streets-Margaret Davis to Daniel E. Douty, lot 20i), square 151: $W. D STREET NORTHWEST itetween 21st and 2"Jtl streets?Laura V. Seller to Maggie Burg'lorf, part original lot 2, square K3-; lots 2. 3, 5, 6, square 612; lots 3 and 8. square 613, and lot 4, square south of 667; $10. WHITTINGH AM?1Owen II. Fowler et ux. to Georgia W. Johnson, lot 40. square 5?<?7. $1<?. William Saunders to Ida C. Plummer. lot 22, square 5097; $lo. SQUARES 736. 1??12, 1088, COUNTY? Thomas K. Noble et ux. to John L. Warren, lots 14 to 22. square 1088; lot ".?0. blo? k 2o, addition to \jp Droit Park lot 91. block 2t>, addition to I-e Droit Park; lot 2f?. square 736; lot 8. squafc lol2, and lot 310, Lanier Heights; Slo. Army Orders. Sergt. Augustus iVacey. Hospital Corps, Wa-lter Reed (Jeneral Hospital, District ?f Columbia, will report to Lieut. Col. Louis A. I*i Garde. Medical Corps. Army Medical Museum, for duty at the mu seum. The following transfers are ordered: First IJ*Mit. Sherrard Coleman, from the tKh Cavalry to the 8th <*avalry. First Lieut. John II. Howard, from the 8th Cavalry to the 9th Cavalry. Capt. Henry II. Scott. Coast Artillery Corps, is relieved from treatment at the Walter Reed General HospitiiJ and will return to his proper atatioti. I^eave of absence for one month is granted Capt. William A. Wickllne, Med ical Corps. By direction of the President. And upon the application of First Sergt. Patrick Do ran. Battery B. .">th Field Artillery, that soldier will be placed upon the retired list. l>?ave of absence for two months and twenty days Is granted Second Lieut. John S. Upham, 15th Infantry. WILL ARREST COURT Warrants Issued for Those Who Condemned Americans. MADRIZ SENDS MESSAGE Believed That Prompt Action Will Be Taken Against Those Who Had Groce and Cannon Shot. MANAGUA. Nicaragua. January IK.? rresident Madriz has sent a message to the supreme court demanding the bring ing to trial of all implicated in "the mis carriage of Justice which resulted in the shooting of the Americans. Groce and Cannon." This is believed to indicate that prompt action will be taken against Salomon Selva. the prosecuting attorney in the ease; Gen. Medina. and possibly Zelaya. Medina is said to have documents ex culpating himself and establishing Ze lava's responsibility. Warrants for Court-Martial. Warrants have been issued for all the members of the court-martial. Selva has been arrested in L*>on, but Gen. Medina is resisting arrest here. He lias barri caded his home and has declared that lie Is ill and in no condition to be re moved to jail In his message President Madriz says: "Zelaya does not appear officially in the proceeding* of the court-martial. It is possible, however, that Medina will be able to produce documents which the supreme court may consider sufficient for the implication of Zelaya. There is no evidence so far that Zelaya was guided by the proceedings, only that he refused to commute the sentence and ordered that the sentence be carried out. I know that the sentence was Illegal, according to a law higher than the executive." Message From Estrada. President Madriz announces thai he has received a communication from (Jen. Estrada^ in which the leader of the revo lutionists questions his sincerity and al leges that the refusal of the president to discuss the peace question in Costa Rica was a pretext to gain time. Madriz has replied, protesting his sincerity and his readiness to prove it by sending peace envoys to any place that Gen. Estrada may select. It 1s reported that the government is short of ammunition and is now manu facturing hand grenades. Albert Halo, a representative of the bureau of American republics, who ar rived here Sunday, declared that his visit has merely to do with the routine busi ness of the bureau. Senor Martinez, a prominent conservative, has left for Guatemala on a secret mission. It is supposed that he" has gone to Persuade President Cabrera to recognize the gov ernment of Madriz. Madriz Seeking American Favor. The only news received at the State De partment today from Nicaragua confirms the newspaper report to the effect that President Madriz is taking active meas ures to bring to justice the persons re sponsible for the killing of the Americans, Cannon and Groce. This information came from the United States consul In Managua and it is the opinion of the State Department officials that Zelaya may be Implicated, together with Gen. Medina and Solomon Selva, the attorney who prosecuted the two men before the court-martial. Madriz is making every effort to secure the favor of the United States -and to that end it is predicted that he will go to any length, even to the sacrifice of his late friends. His ulti mate object,"it is declared, is to secure the recognition of this government, and if he deems it necessary he may endeavor to "have Zelaya returned to Nicaragua to stand- trial for complicity in the death of the Americans. SALE PAPERS SIGNED. Abell Interests in Baltimore Snn Transferred to Grasty. BALTIMORE. Md? January 18.?It was learned today that the papers have been signed by two of the three "interests con trolling the A. S. Abell estate, transfer ring to Charles H. Grasty the control of the stock in the A. S. Abell Company, which publishes the Baltimore Sun. The Abells, it is understood, will retain a large interest in and be connected with the management of the paper. It is understood further that the change will not mean any revolution either i? the policy of the Sun or its personnel. Mr. Grasty was formerly managing owner of.the Baltimore Newe. Stibse qufntly he lifcamc identified with the St. Paul Despatch and Pioneer Press, having only recently disposed of his interests ii those papers. Mr. Grasty is credited with having bought the Baltimore World, an afternoon paper which was sold under foreclosure about a week ago, but he has steadfastly refused either to affirm or deny that story. Woodmen Honor Policeman. Bicycle Policeman B. P. Williams of the ninth precinct was recently presented with a gold ring bearing the insignia of the Woodmen of the World. It was a recognition by Oak Camp, No. 4, of his work as a member of the camp. THE COURT RECORD. Court of Appeals. Present: The Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Rohb and Mr. Justice Van Orsdel. No. HUO. Patent appeal. Arbetter agt. I>ewis; argument concluded by Mr. F. P. Fish for appellant. No. 025. Patent appeal. landmark ast. de Farrantl; argument commenced by Mr. G. J. Harding for appellant and eont'n ued by Mr. Melville Church, and con cluded by Mr. G. J. Harding for appel lant. Adjourned from day to day until Tues day, February 1, 1H10. District Supreme Court. EQUITY COL'RT NO. 1?Justice Ander son. Phillips agt. Phillips: leave to withdraw certain exhibits granted; plaintiff's at Emulsified Oil When the doctor says you must take Cod Liver Oil he means Emulsified Oil and not the crude oil which is very heavy and hard to digest Scoffs Emulsion is the world's standard prepa ration of Cod Liver Oil; it is very easily digested and im mediately absorbed, and will not upset the stomach like the crude or plain oil. ALL DRTTOOISTS fend 10c., nam* of pap?r ??<! this *1. for ear beautiful Havings Rank and Child's Sketch Book. Kach bank contains a Good Luck Penar. SCOTT & BOWNE. 409 Pearl St. N. Y. I i H HAVE YOU SEEN L Guar New Homes? N.E. Cor. 7th and K Sts. N.E. ill 750 Onfiy $300 Cash Oniy $300 Cash Balance Monthly. Sample House Always Open, Heated and Lighted. 6 Rooms and Bath; , Steel Construction; Wide Colonial Porches Best Window Shades; Hardwood Finish; Lots 20x64 Feet. H. R. Howenstein Co., 13114 F St. N.W. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. ?INVESTORS? ?SPECULATORS? Lopk over this list care fully. It is seldom one has an opportunity to pick up such bargains. For various reasons the follow ing well located properties are of fered at prices much below value. Some of them must be sold to set tle estates, others on account of trusts coming' due, several were taken in exchange and are offered at greatly reduced prices: .*16,000 will buy five brick houses. TWO OF THEM CORNERS, on a lettered street west of 14th, good, substantial brick houses, with cel lars; must be sold to settle estate. $21,000 will be considered for five (5) 3-story 10-room brick houses, each 21 feet front, on a lettered street, near North Capitol and H streets; out - of - town corporation must sell. Renting for $100 a month. $4,500 each. Each renting for $41 a month, 2 nearly new 8-room buildings In Bloomingdale; cellars, furnace heat; no better income producers. $.">,500?Three-story brick dwell ing and 2-story brick stable, on an avenue, northwest; 10 rooms, cel lar, hot-water heat; lot 18x100. $0,500?To settle estate; 12-room brick dwelling and 2-story brick stable. Lot 44x100, alley: on a numbered street south of M street. $7,100?Columbia Heights between 13th and 15th, 12-room brick dwell ing, three (3) bathrooms, HOT WATER HEAT, 2 stairways; built to sell for $12,000; $K,250 onee loan ed on it. A wonderful bargain. $10,000 will buy a Massachusetts avenue residence, near J6th street, formerly held at $16,000: $42,000 was loaned on it; now renting for $75 a month, should bring $100; a very low price for such a magnifi cent location. $7,500? Leased at $00 a month, a corner restaurant, on Penna. ave nue northwest. A splendid income producer. $12,500?Renting $115 a month. Business corner west of 13th; good, substantial building; 30 feet front. $5,750?A very low price for one of those attractive 3-story houses on Vou street between 17th and 18th; STEAM HEATED. $5,500?Near Conn, avenue and R street, 8 stories. 10 rooms, 4 on a floor; hot-water heat; many clos ets. $5,150? Renting for $43, New York avenue near 7th street north west. Store and dwelling. $3.250?A new house on the Heights; HOT-WATER HEAT; 2 stories, cellar, tiled bath, porches. $3,500?New houses west of 14th street on the Heights; taken in ex change for land; price reduced; very pretty; 6 rooms, bath cellar, furnace, jjsTONE & FAIRFAX, | 1^42 New York Ave. torneys, Newmyer &. O'Brien; defendant's attorneys, ? W. H. Holloway and J. B. Archar. Helphenstine agt. Helphenstine; rule as to contempt returnable January 31: plaintiff's attorneys, Thompson & Las key; defendant's attorney, M. Hufty. Durfee agt. Durfee; rule as to contempt returnable January 31; plaintiff's attor new, W. C. Halderston; defendant's at torney, Leon Tobriner. Orme ast. Orme; rule as to alimony and suit money dismissed; as to counsel fee continued; plaintiffs attorney. Wilton J. Lambert; defendant's attorney, Jo seph D. Sullivan. O'Connor agt. Buckland; leave to sell certain lot granted and reference to au ditor; plaintiffs attorney, L. C. William son. Lincoln ai;t. McDermott Contracting Company; order appointing S. Dana Lin coln receiver: bond, $10,000; plaintiff's at torney, P. M. Brown. McCallum agt. McCallum: pro confesso ordered and cause referred to Margaret M. Murray; plaintiff's attorney, A. S. Worthington; defendant's attorney, M. A. Ballinger. Farrington agt. Farrington; rule as to alimony returnable January 21; plaintiff's attorney. A. D. Smith; defendant's at torney, A. B. Webb. Young agt. Young: leave to file supple mental bill granted; plaintiffs attorney, A. B. Webb; defendant's attorney, C. M. Mattingly. EQFITY COURT NO. 2?Justice Barnard. Copeland agt. Beall; decree pro con fesso: plaintiff's attorney, W. II. Sholes. Wolfley agt. Wolfley; divorce a vln. mat, decreed; plaintiff's attorney, C. W. Arth; defendant's attorney, W. P. Pluin lev. Ix>unt agt. Ixwnt; rule, returnable Jan uary 21: plaintiff's attorney, I. Q. H. Al ward; defendant's attorneys, Dutton, Johnson & Wallace. Indian Protective Association agt. Chase; argued and submitted: plaintiff's attorney, Moore & Minor; defendant's at torneys, Chase & Robson. Cumberland agt. Grayson: argued and submitted; plaintiff's attorneys, Irving Williamson and Thomas Walker; defend ant's attorneys, Gittingt* & <'hamberlaln. May agt. May: commission ordered to issue; plaintiff's attorney, R. M. .Thomas; defendant's attorney, A. Coulter Wells. CIRCUIT COURT NO. 1?Justice Wright. Douglas agt. Davis et al.; on trial, plaintiff a attorneys, T. L. Jeffords and Have You Seen 1728 Park Road? FOR SALE BY BOW? & PHELP* IT'S A BEAUTY TOR SAU5--D ST. N.W BETWEEN 9TH AND lOtb; large lot; annual rent. $2,200. Price, $27,500. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.*. 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE?E ST. N.W. BETWEEN 9TH AND 10th; lot 30xlfl0 to 30-ft. paved alley. Ex cellent site for any business. This Is the only lot of this size for sale in this convenient section. Prio?\ $20,000. BOSS & PHELI'S (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE-WITHIN A FEW FEET OF 9TII and New York ave. Has a frontage of 30 feet. Property in this section has a great future. Price. $15,000. j BOSS A PHELPS (Inc.). ft 10 14th n.w. FOR SALE- ON 14T1I ST. NEAR L. A VERY substantial building. Annual rental value, $2,000. Price. $24,500. BOSS A PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE?18TH NEAR G ST. N.W. WELL rented. Price, $30,000. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.), 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE-ADJOINING THE CORNER OF 11th and H eta. Fine lot. Substantial build ing. Price. $16,000. BOSS & P11FLPS (Inc.), 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL CORNER RESI dence, west of Conn. ave.. just nortb of Mass. ave. We consider this the best house in Wash ington for the money. The bouse is finely built and in flrst-elasa condition. Faces south plenty of sunshine. Price, $12,000. Surrounded by very expensive homes. BOSS A PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14tb n.w. FOR SALE?ON "K" ST. NEAR 16TII; ONE of those swell old homes with large rooms and plenty of light; nearly .'!0 feet wide to an alley; adjoining and opposite homes valued as hifii as $300,000. We can sell this bouse for about the same amount as it Is assessed for. Price, $15,000. Homes In this neighborhood of this class are seldom for sale. BOSS A PHELPS (lnc.>, 910 14tb n.w. FOR SALE?BEAUTIFUL CORNER RKSI dence on Mass. ave. near 14th. This house has been valued as much as $17,500. The owner is very anxious to sell, and has reduced the price to $12,000. The house Is beautifully arranged. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.), 910 14th n.w. ! FOR SALE-ONE OF THE FINEST HOMES on Vermont ave., near Mass. ave. Contains lb I rooms and three baths; hot-water beat; very large, modern (-table; large lot: all rooma are large; oak floors. This is one of the best built homes in Washington. Cost $25,000. Price, i $14,000. BOSS A PHELPS fine.). 910 14th n.w. I FOR SALE?NEAR THE CORNER OF CONN, ave. and ,4S" st.; 11 rooms and two baths; hot-water heat; every modern convenience; built by a prominent builder. Owner must sell, i Price rednced to $ft.500. BOSS A PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. ! FOR SALE?BEST BUILT AND LOCATED two-story apartment in Washington; rented at $41 per month. Prl"*e, $4,500. Never vacant. MOSS A PHBLPS (Inc.), 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE -SIX-ROOM HOUSE ON ?TH ST. between M and N n.w. R<*nt, $300 year. Price. $3,500. Houses of this class in this s neighborhood are never vacant. BOSS A PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. j FOR SALE- A $iru>00 PROPERTY FOR $G.50t>. Will rent for >50 month. Contains 15 rooms I and a stable. Ixvated in central northwest. BOSS A PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. I FOR SALE-TWO SIX-ROOM BRICK HOUSES, best section of northwest, on lettered street: rented for $15.30. Price of each, $1,850. 10% investment. BOSS & PHELPS (In*.). 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE TWO K-ROOM BRICK HOUSES and a brick stable; rented for $57 month. Price, $6,750. Never vacant. Best section central northwest, on car line. BOSS A PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE BRICK STABLE IN CENTRAL northwest. Something seldom offered. 50x100. Price, $4,500. Well rented. BOSS & PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. FOR SALE- TWO BRICK BUILDINGS. EACH has six rooms, large storeroom and bath. Rented for $55 month. Price. $7,750. L? c-atcfl on 7th st. n.w. near Fla. ave. Lot 40x110 to alley. BOSS A PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14th n.w. C. A. Douglas: defendant's attorneys, D. S. Mackall and J. C. Gittings. CIRCUIT COT'RT NO. *2?Chief Justice Clabaugh. United States ex rel. Phillips agt. Sec retary of Interior; time to submit bill of exceptions and file transcript extended to March 1; plaintiff's attorneys. Tucker & Kenyon: defendant's attorneys, Clem ents, I.awler & Iluidekoper. Carver agt. Great Falls and Old Do minion Railway Company; on trial; plaintiff's attorneys, H. H. Glassie and M. T. Cllnksoales; defendant's attorney, Wilton J. Lambert. CRIMINAE COURT NO. 1?Justice Gould United States agt. Albert H. Wlllard; murder; empanelling of jury: panel ex hausted and fifty additional talesmen or dered; attorney T. C. Taylor. United States agt. J. Barton Miller; em bezzlement: defendant surrendered by surety; surety released and new bail at $5,000 given with J. J- Minahan surety; attorneys, H. E. Davis and J. K. Laskey. CRIMINAL. COURT XO. 2?Justice Staf ford. In re estate of Melende H. Smith: on trial; caveator's attorneys. J. A. Johnson and J. A. Burkhart; caveatee's attorney, W. G. Johnson. PROBATE COURT?Justice Barnard. Kstate of Mary W. MofTat; letters of administration granted to Thomas Brad ley: bond, $4,(>00; attorney, John B. Ear ner. "Estate of Mary A. Gibbons: order to sell jewelry; attorneys, Gordon & Gor don. Estate of Alice T. Anderson; will dated April 19011, filed. Estate of Rosa G. Slmms; order ap pointing R Golden Donaldson collector; bond. *10,000; attorneys. Cole & Donald son. Eftate of J"ohn J. Abert: will admitted to probate* and letters of administration d. b. n. c. t. a. granted to W. Stone Abert; bond, $2,400; attorney, W. Stone Abert. Estate of Emmeline M. Richardson; will dated July 15. 1X90, filed. Estate of Mary A. Connolly; will dated July 2S, 1908, filed. r Interior View in Bancroft Street Home**, I-ookmc Kroni Foyer Hall t<> Dlninu Room. A FIRESIDE IN WASHINGTON". A Home Built for the Family, But Priced for the Business Man. DESCRIPTION": The distinct portrayal of a French type of architecture endows these homes with that grace of structure which is inseparable from the characteristic French i dwelling. The front elevation reproduces in every detail the c<- j sential features of the typical French" design. The warm tones of the hard-baked bricks form a striking contrast to the soft gray stone trimming. The tiled roof, the French windows inclosed with iron railings, the escutcheons on the walls, embody that individuality which form^ the charm of French homes. The very simplicity of the entrance constitute* it-; artis tic value, as will be realized after a step across the threshold into the impressive fover-hall. where i< located the great brick fireplace that gives the hall its name. Against the quaint background, in old tapestry effect, the stairway de scends into the broad hall, extending acro>> the entire width of the house, in an odd fashion which leaves the approach to the dining room beyond free from obstruction. A com modious cloakroom extends beneath the >tairs. The entire woodwork throughout the house is in ma hogany finish, in combination with cream-tinted wood, the deep red of the mahogany contrasting effectively with the soft hue of the ivory-white trim. Parquetry flooring has been laid in every room throughout the house, an unusual feature in a private structure. A casual inspection will determine the superiority of the high-class structures we present, while a thorough investi gation will prove our estimate of the property values to be a just one. To one^who desires a residence in Washington the sale of these homes teems with possibilities, not only as a profita ble investment, but as a means of establishing a family in a pre-eminently desirable environment. Sample homes are now completed and are open for your inspection. 2112 and 2117 Bancroft St. N.W. Prices, $17,000 to $21,000. We have never seen an equal of this home, offered in Washington at this price. Your time will be well invested in inspecting this home. Bancroft street is situated just west of Connecticut ave nue and is the first street north of Florida avenue. Even the casual observer will appreciate this location as ideal for home purposes. Shannon & Luchs, Sales, Rents and Loans. 713 14th Street N.W. Look for our Green and White Sign. Real Estate Owners Why We Sell. 300 applicants listed in our office in thirty days wanting vari ous kinds of real estate i- not an unusual condition. You can get the benefit of this demand, and, in addition to that, you get all the advantages of the largest or ganized selling force in Washing ton. The Service We Offer You Is Well Directed Energy. We inspect every properly listed with us. Shannon & Luchs, Sales, Rents and Loans, 713 14th St. N.W. Ijook for Our GreoD and Whit*' St?n. FIRE ON MURRAY HILL. Hotels and Business Houses Menaced by Flames. ?NEW YORK, January 18.?Fire in tl.e 5th avenue business and hotel district to day caused alarm to guests in nearby hotels and routed out occupants of sev eral fashionable residences which still re main on the edge of the Murray Ilill slope. The fire was in the piano warerooms on f?th avenue opposite the Holland House, next door to the old Livingston residence and a door away from the Calumet Club. The adjacent buildings were threatened and their occupants left hurriedly and there was some alarm among the guests of the Holland House. These were speedily reassured, however, when It was seen that the flames were being brought under control. The Are was confined to the lower part of the building and the damage was not heavy. Announcement is made of the engage ment of Miss Bertha Maria Webster, daughter of CJeorge X. Webster of Xew York, to Theodore M. Bradley of Balti more. The wedding will take place In the spring. The Secret Of our success in rent ing houses at this time I of year lies in the fact that we apply Personal Attention To every detail. The amount of money saved property owners by its use is enormous. Come try it. Shannon & Luchs Rent Department, . 713 14th St. N.W. Ixwk for our Green and White Sign.