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I Ladies' I TIE I SH<! You will find here all th< est novelties in Patent C0I1 Dull Pumps, Patent Instep Pumps, Two-eyelet lies, Pumps, Tnstep Straps and I Two-evelet Ties. Pumps that will hot slip at the heel, but fit close and comfort- ^ able, in every style mu that goes to make up the season's latest TEE ROY A: $ i H a Lioai NssX' I 93311 1 High I Apparel f J At Fair, He I cy|Yfj| ASHIXGTONIAS I wiUJl -co?fi.', : vyvyvjr manship of its F and confidence tl : i fair and honest?never exoi i| same quality would cost els< II THE NEWEST J, j NOVELTIES IN il ?Tailored Cloth S I ?Black Silk Taffet i| ?Linen Coat Suits, | ?Linen Dresses, $1 I T inorprip WaKtd I* ^ V ? * V V ? CORSETS FITTI Newest shapes in An.ei Kabo, Royal Worcester and WM. H. McKNEV A Safe and Sure Remedy. Bromnial (> i, (For external use only.) ; A speedy, effective, sooth- ! ing relief for I HEADACHE, Neuralgia and all other ! Aches and Pains. ; Ask your druggist for BROMALI* , Now on sale at 1 Thompson's. Slmms", Ebbltt House, ? ? ?<i. __i? t\_,A , * Henry firans , u uonneu ?. ivmpic fiu? i i Store. People*?, Richard son* ?v Atkinson*? \ i and many others. ' 4 apl-&0t,2rt 1 < m a ? * '&8I j C. W. McHUGh| 5 piano house, ?j 1 708 iath St, I ? Just North of Q. g PIANOS 5 of the highest quality at *5 I Right Prices. % a JalMOt.28 S ' KEEP 51 lIL,. ' ? HYIUI HOUSE! : t? j Iff: I- =1 * Your friends will enjoy It i * PALMER'S i ?g GINGER ALE, i 5 $1.50 per case of 2 dozen bottles, j r At rour dealer's or phone West 190. * I ? Samuel C. Palmer, L 1066 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. < mh290t.28 j ^PfRisk to Run? You don't run any risk when you come here. Our "D., K. & B. system has made thousands of satisfled customers?best evidence in the world for our superior work. Special for the rest of this week: rjold-fllled frame or mounting, guaranteed for twenty years. ?* with spherical lenses :: DAHTZIC, KETCiSUW &BS80WS), ' Washington's Beet Optician*. 903 E ST. N.W. (????"** mb? rm.w.3in.2? Very Showy., ?The Delivery Wagon* we ataow po aeaa many diatlartive feature* that 1 dtvidualize them. Your lnapectkm invited. TP Votirnr r?rri*ge 464-4S6 Pa. av tie a UIUIlj?,Repository, Phone M. 27 ?10d ... } test Creation in 1 Footwear? | ROYAL| DSO [DBS. L, 802 7thSt. I MMM^^ 7VZ " Reliable Qualities in Ladies' j <s, Suits and Furnishings. : Pennsylvania Avenue. ?Class or Women | >nest Prices. <S have confidence in this house ] the quality, the style, the work- j teady-to-wear Outergarments? ] tat the prices asked are always j rbitant?neyer as much as the | j where. s VPRIL SUITS & WAISTS uits, $18 to $55. a Coat Suits, $27.50. is $12 Up. . 15 Up. $1 to $15. < i , H ED BY EXPERTS. rican Ladv, Thompson's, Ferris Corsets at vl V CO., 933 Pa. Ave. t???mn?i?????n?!nn??n????n?? li. Night-time. noon time. C) f I\ Any time at all:? gjgiffjELl It'* aoon time for apoon-time, 1jjl And Campbell's Soup for Don't wait until you are out of Campbell's Tomato Soup. Keep a stock on hand. ? Some kinds of soups have their particular seasons and occasions. But there's hardly a day without some good occasion for WtanfiMS* i Tomato Soup It is suitable for almost any meal. And you needn't fear having it too often, for there is no dish more wholesome. And feware more nourishing. You > couldn't encourasre a bet 3 |j ter habit than eating this * pure and palatable soup. ^ Why not order half a dozen , right now? And how about the 2 ! other Campbell's Soups? | 21 kinds * 10c a can JrST^ADI>R IK?T Si If net sstisfled, the 2 greepr returns your |^^///// w HWuhMH ^ ! J09BPH[CAMPBELL ffl 1 Camden N J Look for the |S\^^J red-and-white ^,1?^ ;; label i i * < i > PAINT?^ ' ! A j Ready to Apply. The best and most dependable ready-mixed paint you can buy. Best for lnside or outside use. Bright, lasting and economical. Small can, 10c. t F.eo'Myth&Co. ' ? 418 7th St. * / I "NT For a serviceable between-se; ish model, to be developed in na mends itself. The yoke effect, original. The buttons are covert loops are of self-tone silk cord. ' stitute the sole trimming of the to its smart appearance. The on ii its oddly shaped ton line, are new : of the skirt is cut away at the fo j inches and a pleated flounce inser HAIR SHOULD BE TO HARMON] Carftful Inspection of the back of the v head after the hair is dressed would re- b suit In more becoming coiffures. Cer- ^ ] talnly a woman would learn that unless : the contour is suggested or regarded pro- ij : portlonateiy in the way false braids are c; pinned on she cannot look attractive. The present turban fashion is trying h I enough at best, making women look many tl years older than they are. But when It s; Is put on without careful placing of puffs d and switches it becomes grotesque. I think, on reflection, that the most im- tj ' * emooaocfiil bQlr^POS.QinP' n f | porxanx 'puml ui ou? lu> p..???..0 ti | Is well balanced proportion. For exam- ' o | pie, if a heavy braid is pinned on it must h t (fo at such a part of the head as to ? | balance the weight evenly. If a pompa- f, * dour is high the reet of the coiffure ci | must be extreme. If it is not the pompa- a | dour appears even larger than it is. So si 11 it is with the turbans that are the foundai tlon of many of the present masses of w f false hair. The caplike arrangements! u . must be adjusted with an eye to line, and i tl - I too often this is not done. T There is no danger of their being placed d [| too far on the head, and it is failure to n | do this which causes many a homely re- h j suit. If the turban projects unduly over t! j the head when the dressing is complete tl If it has a curiously bumpy look suggestive n j I of an extension in the wrong place. A | Spring Dishes. I b Baked Beans. J The Boston bean pot is an ordinary j glazed earthenware pot sold for this especial purpose. Buy small pea beans, | pick over carefully, rejecting all imperfect ones, and after washing through three or four waters, soak over night in warm water. The next morning drain. put on fresh water, add a saltspoonful of ^ 1 soda and parboil until the skins crack t | when you blow upon them. Strain and | pack the beans in the earthen pot. When e | the pot is about one-third full, take onehalf pound of streaked salt pork, score tl the rind and put rind side up in the cen- f, ter near the top. Put in the rest of the beans, allowing the rind of the pork to c just show above the beans. Take one Sl good desertspoonful of salt, two of molasses, a teaspoonful of mixed mustard n and a rjuarter teaspoonful of red pepper. v Dissolve all in a pint of hot water and h pour over the beans. If you are partial ^ to the taste of onions, a few slices may t be put in at the same time. Add hot a i water enough to cover the beans, and s bake slowly, covered, all day, or put in "v the oven at *5 o'clock and bake all night. P Add water from time to time to keep j moist, tipping up the pan to see if there j, is water enough, until the last two or 0 three hours; then let them simmer gently v until done. The beans should be soft and ^ tender, but whole, the pork cooked to a (| jelly and the whole brown on top yet I moist. a In making beans the New York way, ^ j they are boiled longer until almost mushy, f then bakPd in the oven only long enough t W I to become firm without being brown. No v j molasses Is added. Baked Beans Witi. Apples. c j Another ta^ty way of baking beans is h with apples.. To make soak one pint pea h beans over night. In the piorning cover p with fresh water and bring to a boil. I When the scum rises skim it off. bring * again to a boil, then drain. Rinse and b pour over the beans a quart of water, one- d half cup sugar and salt and pepper to a season. Bring again to a boil, and sim- * mer until the skins crack. Put into a h bean pot one pound of fresh pork, unless you prefer one-half cupful olive oil h or drippings, one large onion sliced, two u good-sized potatoes paeled and cut in c halves and two apples peeled, cored and cut in halves. Pour the beans into the d pot. cover and bake four hours in a moderate oven. If the beans bake dry, * add a little more boiling water. _ r Cauliflower. a Like other members of the same family, the cabbage or Brussels sprouts, cauliflower has a decided though delicate fla- E vor of its own and does not need complicated sauces to make it palatable. a To prepare it, trim oft the outside leaves and cut the stalk even with the flower. r Put upside down in a pan of cold salt t water for fifteen or twenty minutes, then put into a generous kettleful of rapidly r boiling water to which a pinch of soda r has been added. This keeps ft white. Cook about ten minutes, then pour off r this water, Cover with more boiling water, j adding a little salt, and cook twenty minutes or until tender. It should not be f so soft as to fall to pieces. 0 If there is any scum on the water remove before lifting out the cauliflower. c Put into a hot vegetable dish and cover j s r I r H&?vds2KS ANTUNG FROCK. < % V t / ason frock this neat bat styl.tural-color shantung, recom1 *.*. I i _ i.1 V. 1 * IJUILUI1CU IU LUC UIUUSC, IS ;d with the material and the rhese buttons and loops congown and conribute largely e-piece skirt and girdle, with r and pretty. The front gore ot for the depth of about ten ted. DRESSED [ZE WITH FACE rell shaped head Is one of the greatet eautiee of nature, and whenever it 1 overed its presence must still be sug ested. In putting on the original hai urban a woman should place It as Arm T and securely as she can, pinning 1 arefully that It may not slip. Another detail that will Improve th eads of many women who do their ow air is beginning the coil a little a/bo-v !ie nape of the neck. If they will ir pect the lay figures in coiffeurs' wlr owb they will see that the twist i laced at least three inches above th ape of the neck?a wisely selected posl on for two reasons. One is that th ape of the neck there is pretty and th ther that the contour of the head ca e more strictly aennea in graceful pre ortion. Thirdly, a detail of which wom n generally may not he aware, the el ?ct is less trying to the face when th r?il starts a little high, rather than low nd it may he done without in any wa icrlflcing the turban fashion. It is also far more becoming, making 'oman appear younger, to allow the nai ral hair to show loose and wavy afbou ie face from the ears to the temple! he fad aiTected now, of placing the co lrectly against the edge of the hair, ha othing to commend It and is not don y the best dressed women. They plac lie twist a couple of inches back fror fie edge, waving their own hair if it i ot naturally fluffy. MARGARET MIXTER. ith a white Bechamel or Hollandaisi luce. If preferred, the flowerets may b roken, mixed with tha sauce, thei arved as a garnish for sweetbreads o hicken. EMMA PADDOCK TELFORD. Fads and Fancies. A touch of color in frills and on collar i a feature of the newest blouses in lin is and lawns. The figured colored ma {a later tVin t0 IIAI.VJ I man LliC yiaui guuun. I Iny check in white is favored. A prett ffect, also, is the white grounc lowing a row of color dots. Strips o lis description are hemmed and used a rills to finish the front closing and fo dgirig the collar and cuffs. A deep, ric hinese blue on white is attractive, an r> is wood brown. A pretty model in an infant's robe see ecently was of finest lawn trimmed wit al insertion and edging. There was road panel down the front from neck t em of val insertion and groups of fin ucks alternating. It differed from th verage panel in that the lines ra traight up and down Instead of cross rise, so the panel was necessarily th ame width throughout the entire lengtl t extended from sleeve to sleeve, an joked handsome. No outline was neede< f course. A frill of the lawn trimme vith insertion and edging finished th iottom. The sleeves were bishop, endin 11 tiny bind cuffs and lace frills. Tinsel thread for working embroider nd other fancy stitches can now b ought on cards. This is a convenier orm. because it is impossible for th hreads to become tangled and to caus paste. It is cftlled eordonet. The card contain hifty-six yards and costs twenty-flv ents. An excellent polish for furniture ma ,0 mo^o nHtK r?no nunoa nf Kaacwa v 'C IIIU.W4. ? ?vi? Vttv vy u JI w *-? 1 l/r^or?aA| U1I> alf ounce of castile soap and one-hal int of turpentihe. It should be allowed to stand for twer y-four hours, shaking the bottle oeca ionally. Next day the Ingredients shoul e thoroughly shaken and when all ar lssolved sufficient water added to mak quart. The wax and the soap ahoul >e shaved as fine as possible befoi eing put Into the bottle. Allow the bottle to stand at least twelv ours, when the polish will be ready fo se. It should be about the thickness o ream. The sheath costume is wholly abar [oned. Never was linen for suits In greate avor. There is a distinct Japanese note 1 iew draped costumes. Every Paris gown now baa its paras< s part of the costume. The sequin bag for calling is one c he Parisian novelties. White satin girdles are beaded with lattern in black cut Jet. Pongee and shantung silks claim muc ittentlon in spring styles. Hollyhocks appear as decoration o nany of the hats of French origin. The more flaring and turned up of th >rim the more up-to-date the hat Plaid zephyrs are shown in a gret nany of the children's models for sun ner. Linen coats are "finger length" an nore closely fitted to the figure tha ast season. Taffetas in checks and stripes are muc avored for contrasting colored lining if coats. The silk prospect is bright, and bplgh olored costumes are predicted for th ummer resorts. | Lansl 11 420 to 426 7i ^ Fine Imported Me | Swiss, 28 inches wide, i Thousam W< X Crowds after crow X advantage of the grea | buying Imported Mer & worth 35>c and SOc, at % and he on hand early i for yourself one or moi k ah For an opportuni t in a lifetime. The su; | the day out, Remem X a yard, at I ? I Women': | To Be So | Women's New Spu $ IN BLACK Af^D C ]f Worth up to 1 $10.(0 *1* ~i Women's New Spa | IN BLACK AND C Worth nap to I Fashion's _ | AT ORE \ 75c and 85c Satin=l i Foullards ........... y \ Y 24-inch Silk and Satin Finish F< * X all-silk fabric; beautifully finished; 1 rlety of patterns and colorings to sel at A eluding plenty of space dots. 75c an< f; 5 $11 26=nimch Afll=slllk Sal J t ChSoe A A beautiful satin and lustrous e A soft and clinging: one of the m n A silks for spring wear; in every w; (e ^ for street and evening wear. $1 v s | 85c 27=inch Tussah ,! X Pongee ? V 27-inch All-silk Tussah Ponge e V which is in so much demand at n V showing them in a full line o ?- V wanted shades, including plenty i- A ural color. Strictly all silk. 85c A ciaJ e ^ : I Black Ore it *|? ii jij 75c Black amid White ? A 42-inch Black Mohair, with a e A of white; thoroughly dust prool A bright, lustrous finish. Actual vah g cial price, per yard k $1.25 Priestley's Blac y 43-lnch All-wool English Voile, ? y which they guarantee every ya I ontloPnctnrv it hflS thi g ^ pet ICtliJ oauoiov ?.'?? J , . v . IV..; ?..., , JJt crisp mesh which does not crush r .1. $1.2.5 value. To go tomorrow at price, per yard ? $h<0>? Imported Hen 40-lnch Fine Imported Black Y rietta. with* a beautiful luster and Y finish; the quality that draper ni? s Y dally adapted for one-piece dress - X of $1, special, per yard v $1.25 Black BSagc y X Tomorrow we will offer our A wale Diagonals, which is In great < f A season; it is very firm and will A shown In a beautiful black. Speci s Y morrow only, per yard h >?**? ,KK,*>4X,,XwW,,W,,W"H,,X"K' cl ? EULOGIES BY ASSOCIATES. a e Services in Memory of Late Repr n sentative James B. Perkins. e In honor of the late Representati l. James B. Perkins of New York, who di d in this city recently, eulogies were <1 ^ livered In the House yesterday. Ref< e ence was made by several of the spea g ers, most of whom were from Mr. P? kins' own state, to his devotion to dut y as shown by Ms request shortly befo I? he died that in case of his death t e House should not adjourn out of respei e His earnestness, independence of thougl kindliness, modesty and nobility we !f praised, and there was appreciation e pressed also of his literary ability. v Among the speakers were Represent j tives Payne, Fassett. Parsons, Golde If Bennet and Drlseoll of New York, Cla of Missouri, Lowdfn of Illinois and D , \idson of Wisconsin. L- ? e NOT TO COERCE STRIKERS. e ________ d ? No Federal Interference With Ne ? York Tugboat Men. lf Secretary Nagel, after conference ye terday with Gen. George umer, suVcrvi ing inspector general of the steambo >r service, has decided not to send back work the captains, masters arid pilo n who resigned their positions because foi jj of the railroad companies entering Ne York from New Jersey declined to accei >f to their, demands for an increase of $5 month, and an eight-hour day, and oi a day off a week. h The Secretary holds to the belief th the men have a right to give up the n positions if they are not satisfied with t! terms offered them, and that it is beyoi Ie the province of the federal governme t to coerce them in any way to acce< , to conditions that are distasteful to thei Gen. Uhler said after the conferen that he did not intend to go to New Yor a as requested by the representees of tl n railroads, and he doubted if there w: ^ need for it. rs * Swift & Company's sales of fresh bei it in Washington, week ending Saturda ie April 2, 1910, averaged 9.28 cents per I 5?AdvL trnrgh i th St. 417 ircerized Embroidered Dot! and worth 39c and 5?c, at Is of Yards ? CS\XVO/Ch /Tt\ 11A T /Ttv/f &11 ^ ^tU>lUUl 11 vim ds thronged this departme test bargain they had ever cerized Embroidered Dotte . such a price. If you did no tomorrow morning and ? redresses of this beautiful m ty of this kind only comes pply we have left will hard! ber they are worth from 39c ? lew SpF: Id at Wonderful R ring Suits, Women' OLORS, IN BL $25, M )0 1 ing Suits, Women' COLORS, IN BL $45. M 10 1 I > Most Fav? IAT PRICE CONC1 finish f $1.35 36=5n ...... VC saline .... nulards; positively an . . ?.?"l"cht A11"8j a great va- hi?h* lustrous f ect from, in- H?<T most wanted m i S5c values. summon wear; $1.3o. Special .. ;ln de e<rj)? S1.7S 36=in ^ de Soie ... finished fabric; very 36-inch All-s ost favored -=.*-?, and full suits; vi anted shade this material is alue guaranteed to t cial $2 40=inclh e! an '.ll-rilk fabric FOUlflrdS . this time. We are 40-inch All-si f the most assortment of ! of the nat- ?^ These silks are > value. Spe- one of the seai $2.00 value. Sp< :s? Goods in MohaSr, 49c. $11.00 neat hair-line stripe 50-Inch All-w f; it has a kind; a thoroug le, 75c. Spe- 4vC correct weight 1 Oo value To yard k Voile, 98c. B. Priestley's make. ?9C OiiUK ird to wear Strictly All-w e wiry and using very exter ^positively a beautiful crow the special wearing qualltic special price, per rietta, 79c. 89c Blac Silk-finished Hen- ... , , permanent All-wool 43-1 jely. Espe- = even twill; the ? ies. Instead TOjT Si"1 .J*"11 "0t Cf u ^ black; wear gua yard mall, 98c. _? Rlac' Regular $1.25. Wide- OU&C, demand this 50-inch Moha' not sag; thorough dust al price, to- width, 50 inches go at our special a. J th^REDUE n, J TT~il They comfon rk .S ~ fectively red a" ?ents of hipf / from one \ REDUS0, 1 W J bSt, incur I LaW^ if/Wff7 OTer kips I M4A I [?/ Made of do s~ | I V y'.n | 1111/ batiste, tastei s" I / V.M I J Three pairs of 1 at I / J/'ffllllf Sizes 19 to 36. ts I I / / ' l 'If /I Ktuuau' *7" /( ur I rV / / III IIHIIll large figures. w y / // fj ltfw 1 similar to Style 7 . Tit// / i I ffijfi/lM superb "Diamond l If $M$ tily trimmed. T ne I / // I SIMS Size9 1910 36> I / // fi fffi W.kNUFORM at I I I llj j M lines of alluring gx ,ir I i LMm nuform' ^41 He I In //r \ j[ f jlfn Medium bust, inc ld 1 rlTT ' ' W-ll durable coutil nt % ^ H llj attached. Sizes V U fg / k! If NUFOKM / WEINGARTEN B 4 A'fcEfcfcgllfcr Z1 ?r Monroe Street House Sold. b! Charles W. King, r., has sold through the real estate corporation of Boss & ?r Rro.! to 425 8th St. I Led and Figured JJ iE o>f Swisses | flay. | tnt today eager to take | ' known. Just think of | d and Figured Swisses, *{* >t get here today be sure S secure ^ MR ,ateri= L ? > once I X lylast I m f L v t : to 5<0>c * J ing Suits | eductions. | _ fvr C* ? c? . JL s new sprung suns, x ACK AND COLORS, | /ortfo yp to $35, v S15.0Q) | s New Spring Suits, f .ACK AND COLORS, f forth yp to $50. | ;2?.oo ! * . -a [Dred Silks f 2SSI0NS. ! ch Sat5n *^$1.00 I lk Satin Messaline; a very soft and abric; one of the season's y aterials for spring and ^ ? /Ok/> a very good value at 11 0>U'(IP X ch Black Peao^ jj ^CJ) | ilk Black Peau de Sole, for coating ?w ery heavy and reversible; strictly all silk, and ^ n <r vear. (1.75 value. Spe- II JrJ\3 ?> French $fl.25f * * ? ? * * *5* Ik Satin French Foulards; a very large *{ styles and coloring's to select from. Y all exclusive designs, and <?? .? =p X son's best productions. 1] A a Big Sailed t Black Panama, 75c. ? ool Panama, the wiry and crisp A ;h dust-repellent fabric; the A for summer wear; positively ? > go at the special price, per v zk Tailor's Serge, 75c. Z 'ool Serge, the quality the tailors are .J. isively this season; shown in .J. black; we guarantee the t=a = A ss in every particular. Our yard " A ? k Imperial Serge, 75c. * nch French Serge, with the tine and ? quality that shakes the dust X ush; shown in an ideal A ranteed; 89c quality. Special, V y k Mohair Sicilian, 49c. g lr Sicilian, the reversible kind, and a A -resister. Remember the a/t>l A i; positively 75c quality. To A price, per yard : " * A X~X~X~X~X^:?X~X^~X~X~xk~X* the tash- f /G??ax^:?^fc25!W\ ^ culptured V*/ u c e measure- II jPjjl^ i and abdomen A Cun|M^k to fhre inches i|f | M vl :he aid of attach- J|r l| VI Style 770 {As B' Iff | 19 1 Medium high nl"" jl 1 |H 1 ed waist, long |||[ |L ! and abdomen. j&=L^SrW flft rable coutil or J (Iff r /I fully trimmed. f^rli / 71 lose supporters. f II I J Price, $3.00 i r4. For tall, lp ? 1 ^ Construction II MrCililSQ ft 70. Made of *1 raSMHT fcL Cloth," dainhree pairs of hose smppoaters. ^ Price, $5.00 1 [ are popular priced corsets, modeled on I ace. Varied styles?every figure fitted. r8 CAs pictured) For average figures. I rurved waist, extra skirt length. Made I and batiste, lace trimmed. Supporters M 18 to 30. Price $1.00 M TV FORM models from $1J? So SSM. M Sold by ?n Htm. M R0S., Makers Phelps one of his houses on the south side of Monroe street, west of 16th street, to S. H. Cunningham, for gft.aon. This is the last of sir houses recently sold by Mr. King on the square in question, *?