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I Hov ?< .. !| ma || isn't eve Sal SuScs pis Cflothes by the J* Clc Best tin< shij vit; Why? 1 I ; ; | NEW YORK. WAS | Julius Gaij ? F Street, Corn< We Pay Particular At ij! " Store Hours: 8 " 1 Su '' I ^NTIRELY new li & tailors from st: $ terials. :? Also Two and T X In the more dressy mat from materials especially % made under our special < > ? suits of individuality ai i store's productions. f Dresses For *> $ Afternoon, evening an ' ii, ?Rich, Cre ?delightful) ?and perfec ho?c 70? a a box of (yjv home with any one, any ' ' confidence that th Made /%n fVio rifomicpc?frp \ Ull Vllv AAV ' iHeeves^l &- a ESTABLISHED 1842. ^ Vy w Xr Mf Kr 'It Para to Bay tba Boat." CHAS. M. STIEFF, Direct Branch Warerooma of Factory, 1008-1010 F St. N.W. SECOND HAND PIANOS AT ALE PRICKS. Including some of our own make, nad 1 .lightly used Player Piano* at low fljguraa. Tuning by Factory Expert*. J. O. CO.NL1KF. Manager. tnh!8 tf.28 e>?- 4i fee a a a .( Our Upholstery Department - i* equipped to render you the rery beat aerrl<* at the ainalieat charge. Glad to sub, , niit eatlmate. George Plitt Co., Inc., Painting. Paperbanglng. Upholstering. Phone N. 4128. 1727 7th at. n.w. ? >? 2tV1 & . A v many Clothiers who us kers" are really entitled 1 one other in Washingto ecause they arc tat we control every cut jry prick of the needle ksClothes-bestness. The; inly spoken in the assum] nearly every Clothes sell vantage is?is the differe >thes and every other lir :t differences of fit, ch; p, assortment, quality, pric al feature, you see. * % We'd like you business m at our special models of Suits. They'll dress you $15 $20 ISife? $z <& ^nnsylvania Avenue an< ' T ' ' ~ MK^X*XK?X^xkk^~X?XKK?X* ? HINGTON. PARIS. ? j ? i n .rl flMie^r uv. |j ir Thirteenth. % j X 1 tention to Mail Orders. *:* , A.M. to 6 P.M. i li its. I j X < T 3 nes made by expert men ? -j rictly men's-wear ma- | ] s I 2 $3 'i r>: c.,,1 ? 5 nrcc i ict-c oiyica g j erials. These suits are ? 2 y ^ selected by us and are < orders?the result being $ nd characteristic of this $ All Occasions 1 9 d strictly formal wear. X v amy; y delicious, 1 :tly wholesome. I a )lafc??, pound. Reeves Chocolates you?send a box to where, with absolute ey'll prove entirely in our own factory :sh and clean always. 200 F St. II c=j ^ ^ vyo i i . i i " i ^ i . i I Loss off 11 Nerve Force, 1' which weakens the whole body, S may be produced by Eye Strain. I Our examination and prescribing S correct lenses cures this trouble, f Feast Optical Co., \ Twenty Tears Eyesight Specialists, j i | 11213 F Street. jj , .<a Men's & Ladies' SPRING SUITS Cred,t-STYLISH MILLINERY Jitat pay os a little each week or month. H. ABRAMSON,* 1012 7th St. N.W. mhl6 30t.20 , s.?l / e the cognomen , of to the title? There n. I i Saks=made I of the shears and is the answer to advantage of this is Dtionof makership er. Just what that :nce between Saks le. They are disaracter, workmanre?includes every en to have a look Business Men's properly, $25 1 Seventh Street i i i I Mrf.DAV j? i?uwu^rft 11 ; Modern, Sanitary ;; RefriseraiurS l Arc without^ question the best refrigerators made. ^iictouu ixtiu^tidiui V/U. |: 620 f st N.w.Mf?E?. : , tnh2K-ft0t.fSii.58 * The "G" St. Shoe Store "on the sunny side" Sure Comfort IX OUR 66 Easy If it" Shoes, $3*50 & $4'?? UXEQUALED IX QUALITY. STYLES ARE FAULTLESS. Robt. Cohen & Son, 1115 G St. N. W. ip4 m,v,f,40 I ANY BRIDE ?a ?win b? deLamps lighted with a and gift from this Shades, unl<iuo esta,JCandlesticks H'hment. and T h e T11 e Sconces, Shop fe,noted Door for showinB Knockers, artistlc Pottery, th,np* ,hat Marble I ar* T.T * ? , out of the orBenehes, | dinary. j ;\iiunun:>. | inspection alI | ways welcome. Ij. H. CORNING, i The Tile Shop, S ?p4-in. w.f.40 K. ?5faaf TuillllllBiHIHnSlatilllilHSIHIIIII ! fry' IMBALL i K\ PIANOS I ,1^1'I.AYKR. | PIANOS, j I 523 i ith St. N.W. I T.P. Culley &; Son. flinHiuBsmiiRssxsssssBiiHiiinHni apl-ft0t.20 IHl ^Thll II u jiir vv u v ?Here's a Chance 1 iT\\ tvn 0 ?to secure a < CP 311 B y genuine bargain 4 K(TK in the choicest < jg California Lem- * f Per Doz. on Cling Peach- < I Cans for es- Pears* Api'1" ? ? , cots and White 4 it ClllOICC Cherries. |n ex- 1 (? tra heavy sirup 4 ' * I ?very delicious. * J t While they last. ? Fruit. Z'l "" I * J G. G. Corn well & Son, t i ? Grocers and Importers, < II 1412-1418 Penna. Ave. 1 ap4m, w,f,40 * 1 MISS KATHE fhJ .Ml* '.Jv -4 ^. V I I I ft * wm\ ,j| * aSSHI 111 WL W ^M % - fl >V?T*bV^V K^Tfl7?i7(9^!dawV^k ftU3|3K^B|^2?A2LA?K^K&^fl ? FOR WHOM MRS. ELKIX! I IN THE WORLD OF SOCIEIY '{ >> | MISS BROWN CENTRAL FIGURE I OF MRS. ELKINS' BALL. :* Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Eno Will Also f Entertain?Weddings. ? Other Event. !! The datire of tonight, which has been ^ anticipated with so much pleasure for f several months, will be at Rauscher's * when Mrs. Blkins will entertain the $? younger set for her debutante niece, Miss Katherine Brown. > ? Mr. and Mrs. William Phelps Eno will % give a large reception tonight. r f Mrs. Matsui, wife of the Japanese ? counselor of embassy, gave an informal luncheon today. There were twelve euests. "I " MaJ. William A. Horton. U. S. A., and Capt. Matthew A. Delaney, Medical Corps, U. S. A., entertained at luncheon | yesterday at the Chevy Chase Club in honor of .Miss Harriet Anderson, niece of Mrs.- Taft, who goes to the White House today to complete her Washington j- visit there. Mr. and Mrs. Edson Bradley chaperoned I the party, which included Mrs. Herbert Wadsworth, Mrs. Herbert Shipman, Count tess Luise-Alexandra von Bernstorff, Miss Dorothy Williams, Miss Carol Newberry, Miss Harriet Southerland, Maj. George E. Squicr, U. S. A.; Dr. Cary T. Grayson, f. S. N.; Lieut. Gilbert J. RowclifT, U. S. N.; Lieut. John C. Fremont, U. S. N., and Lieut. Edward T. Constein, U. S. N. Miss Harriet Andei son. who is also al the White House, was Mr. and Mrs. Preston Gibson's guest at a luncheon yesterday, at which were also present Miss Katherine Elkins. Miss Irene Catlin of St. Louis, Admiral Cowles, Mr. Basil Miles and Capt. Sowerby of the British emI bassy. ? ?a ??-- njoro th(> honoi ^1 (Japi. ana ivuo. jjcuhj ??~ - guests yesterday at a luncheon at th< * Chevy Chase Club, when Mrs. Morris ! Evans was hostess. ? Mrs. James Robert McKee, Miss Mary Ixjdge McKee and Benjamin Harrison " McKee, daughter and grandchildren ol the late President Harrison, are expected this afternoon from New York, to be the ? guests of Mrs. Arthur la?e for several [ weeks. ! ' Miss Katherine Clabaugh and hei n fiance, Mr. George Boale Bloomer, were 52 tlie guests of honor at a breakfast yesf'l terday morning at the Chevy Chase Club, when Mr. Cuthbert Brown, ?bo will be be?st man at the wedding, April 16, enter,k" tallied a party. LJeut. and Mrs. Russell Train, brother-in-law and sister of the host, acted as chaperons. , Miss Dea Perry Street, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Street, and Mr. Edgar j Stephen Patterson of Grand Rapids were married last Saturday at noon at the ;'2 family residence on hth street. The Rev. :* A. H. Ames, assisted by the Rev. Charles ? K- Guthrie, performed the ceremony. The :U house was decorated with palms and !J pink flowers. M; The bride wore a pale salmon-pink * broadcloth gown and a large picture hat ^ with plumes to match. She carried orR chids and farlayense fern. . Mr. and Mrs. Patterson will live in in Minneapolis after their wedding trip. y Miss Margaretta Symons and Miss Alexis. andrine Pitch will he among the bridesg maids attending Miss Gwendolyn Burgwin > and Mr. Joseph Home Holmes at their m marriage in Pittsburg. Miss Evelyn Uifu ford, also of this city, is of the bridal j* party. A series of dinners, etc., is being given for the bride and her attendants. K The ceremony will be tomorrow after? noon. ks Few home weddings are as beajitifullj u arranged as was that of Miss Mary Por!J ter Everson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. k John Quincy Everson of Pittsburg, and _ Mr. Lewis Warrington Chubb, son of Col and Mrs. Charles St. John Chubb of this city, which took place last Monday evening at the bride's home. Rev. Dr. Warren G. Partridge of the First Baptist 5 Church performed the ceremony in the *, presence of a few intimate friends. The 6 bride was attended by her sister, Miss |> Grace Reese Everson, as maid of honor, ~n who wore a pink messaline costume under a tunic of white chiffon, and bordered > with pink roses. She carried an armful f of roses. The attendant bridesmaids, r Miss Harriet Schreuder and Miss Ruth f* Potter, the latter of Swarthmore, Pa., f wore white lingerie frocks and carried i* maidenhair ferns studded with pink rose% buds. The bride's gown was of white ? satin, trimmed with rose point lace. Her &> veil was caught with orange blossoms, and she carried a shower of white rtoses ?? and valley lilies. Mr. Charles Chubb ol Columbus served as his brother's best ' man. * At the reception following the cere' monv the bride's parents received with * ,the bridal party. Mrs. Everson's toilet ? 'was of gray satin. The decorations ? were carried out with Easter lilies, potted 1> spring blossoms, palms and ferns. Covi|> ers were laid for twelve at the bride's ?? table, which was placed In the library. i> Killarney roses were used for the cen RINE BROWN * S**T:*V v M & ^^^Bk B Jf fet \ II N^H . ? ,. '-M'-'y .->' . ' .. i'S?;:;j^...:'.... ' . '. ... :;.v' ' ' : VVi;..v;-,; it & fc' / <V "* '* 4- * ^ A V 5 GIVES A DANCE TONIGHT. | terpiece. Mr. Chubb and his bride 1 make their home at 114 Savannah aver Edgewood Park, Pittsburg, after Junt The bridegroom is a graduate of O State University, class of 1WVS. and present is employed by the Westingho company of Pittsburg. His parents, v | were recently in Columbus, were in Pi burg for the weuding. One of the most interesting wedding; the year in New York will be that Miss Marjorie Gwynne Gould. el< i daughter of Mr. and Mts. George Gould, and Mr. Anthony Joseph Dre jr., at St. Bartholomew's Church on afternoon of April 10. at 4 o'clock, large reception will follow at the h< of Mr. and Mrs. Gould, No. 857 5th a nue. Miss Gould's attendants will elude Miss Margaretta Drexel. who come from London for the wedding; 5 Marjorie Curtis, daughter of Dr. i Mrs. H. Holbrook Curtis, who is mucl demand as a bridesmaid; Miss H Hamilton, a daughter of Mr. and J William A- Hamilton of this city, an cousin of Miss Gould; Miss Elsie Nil daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjai i Nicoll; 'Miss Beatrice Claflin, daughtei Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Claflin of > York and Lakewood, and Miss Doro Randolph, daughter of Mr. Philip S. Randolph of Philadelphia, who also a place in Dakewood. There will also ? in attendance Miss Vivien Gould, bride elect's next younger sister, land little girls, Ellin Mackay. daughter of and Mrs. Clarence H. Mackay, and E< Gould, another of Miss Gould's sist Mr. Armstrong Drexel will be best r for his brother, whose future brother law. Viscount Maidstone, will be , usher, George N. H. Grlffln of Engla Craig Biddle and John Fell of Philai I nVilfl .Tnlitift W Vnvpa William Phi lander Stewart, jr., who is a cousin Mr. Drexel. and Kingdon Gould and Gould, -brothers of the bride. Mr. Dr? will give his bachelor dinner April 16 The wedding of Miss Constance Satt lee and Mr. Frederick W. Rhinelanof New York will be on the 28th this month. The engagement was announced y teraay in Atlanta, Ga., of Miss Elm V. Nance and Dr.' Paul L. Joachim \ this city. The bride-elect is the sect ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Nar . The wedding will be In June. . i ! At the marriage Wednesday afterm > at St. James' P. E. Church. Madli - avenue. New York city, of Miss Eli beth S. Rogers and Lieut. Henry Sheh Green. U. S. M. C., Bishop Courtney t " officiate, and tbe bride will be gi' s away by her father, William A. Rog? > She will be attended by Miss Marguei Stuart Knox of Old Point Comfort maid of honor. The Misses Jacquel r Hendrick of New York, Dorothy Holf \ Cron?vnite of Governors Island. Mar - Sellers Almy and Helen Almy of Phi 1 delphia, Kathleen Brandreth Green. ? sister or the bridegroom, and Clara S* 1 of Washington will be bridesmaids. Lie Randolph Coyle, U. S. M. C., will ast as best man. and Ensign Charles Blackburn and the Messrs. Andr : Smith, Kenneth McAlpin. Lieuts. Vic Morrison. John Mott Enochs and Jul 1 Wilcox will be ushers. J Former Ambassador and Mrs. Hei ' White, who went abroad recently 1 route for Buenos Aires, are now at R nochau near Bresleau, Silesia, visit their son-in-law and daughter. Count i Countess Hermann von Slierr-Thoss. their ancestral castle, who have a la party gathered there in their honor. 1 castle is in a village of only 600 inhs tants. i Miss Gladys Mc.La^kland, daughter Representative MeLackiand, is going California Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Perry M. De Leon will give a da tonight following Mr. Claude,N. B nett's lecture. Both events are for benefit of the Confederate Memo: Home. Miss Susan Kean, Mrs. Wilkes and M Maddox are in charge of the tablea "July 4t.h, 1776," which will be In series to be given Thursday nig Among those who will take part Lawrence "Lee, who will represent ancestor, Richard Henry Lee; Represe atlve Hamilton Fish, Howard Glim and Miss Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Larz Anderson are peoted at Weld, their Jamaica Pit i | ^viaaa., nuiur auiuc luiic IIUD wctrn, Mrs. Anderson Is to christen the gove : ment's new torpedo boat at the F river shipyards Saturday. The boat named for her father, the late Com? ; dore George H. Perkins. ' Mr. and Mrs. George B. Lowery ' tended the K. C. charity ball last we ?the latter wearing her wedding dress ; white satin and Irish lace. [ Saturday evening, at her home on H vard street. Mrs. J. Roderick McKey i tertained the Katipuneros, former re dents of the Philippine Islands, now 1 | ing in Washington. i Mrs. George W. Smith, widow of R( resentatives Smith, Is visiting Lieut. Li. Ozburn and Mrs. Ozburn at Annapo i Mr. Ozburn is an instructor at the aci ; emy. Owing to Mrs. George T. Marye, having been called away by the sudci illness of her mother, the seventh of 1 series of parlor talks given by Mrs. K suth Niles for the benefit of St. Thorn Church will not be held at her residen as announced, but will take place at i residence of Mrs. F. F. Fletcher, 1 Massachusetts avenue tomorrow evenii April 5, 8 o'clock, subject "Pari*." * Births Reported. The following: births were reported the health office during the past fort eight hours: Frederick J. and Bessie M. May, boy. Frank and Marie Peter, girl. Warren and Annie ?C. Tolson, girl. Gisberto and Agnesa Pleri. girl. William J. and Mary Madigan. girl. Edward and Katherine Folllard. girl. Charles and Delia Mannix, boy. Jesse A. and Minnie B. Simpson, boy. George and Jessie H. Young, girl. Robert E. and Elizabeth A. Lankfor girl. Joseph and Rula Mack, girl. Walter and Ruth Mason, boy. Douglas and Ida Baslerville. boy. Deaths Reported. The following death? were reported the health office during the past fort eight hours: Alice Young. 4ft years. 1826 Californ street northwest. Alfred D. Casey, 3 months, 183ft 6 street northwest. Infant son of Bessie M. and John Bu leson. T day, 720 6th street northeast. Florence V. Richardson, 2 hours, 90f G street southwest. Henry Moorman, 4o years, Freedmer Hospital. Katie Epps, "2 years. Tuberculosis He pital. Oscar Blackford, .11 years. Ift24 12 street northwest Washington Whiting, 65 years, 3^* Fe 'on street northeast. Maramba Bowles, 4S years. 107 Be ning road, !>. C. Edward R. Ruffln, 23 years, 63 G stre northwest. Edward Brooks, .16 years, 3213 14 street northwest. Clement T. Crawford. 53 years, 11 D street southeast. Martha F. Brown, 61 years, Sumn avenue, Hilisdale, D. O. Herman Willson, 1 month, 11 Dennis place, Tenleytown. Jennie L. Eee. 7 months, ft2f> Flort avenue northwest. Thomas Taylor, 7 months, Freedmet Hospital. Horace W. Reed, 11 days. 1614 D str? southeast. George White. .13 years, 214 14V* str< ? southeast. i Joseph Scott, 56 years, Freedmet Hospital. A Margaret Welsh. .16 years. 23th strei I Good Hope Hill, D. C. Catherine F. Hay. 70 years, lft,15 V< mont avenue northwest. Matilda X. Elliott. 50 years. Tien apartment. 1521 L? street nort.iwest. Columbia Grimes. S.1 years. 125o W consin avenue northwest. Owen Riley, 71 years, Home for t AKed and Infirm William J. Elliott, jr., 24 years, ( East Capitol street. Theodore Denny, .1 years, 12.17 12 street northwest. Margaret V. Harrison, 1 year, 19 Quln street northeast. _ Martha Gills, 60 years, 2116 X str? northwest. !vm Taylor Root, 24 years, 410 I strt northwest. } Mary Hawkins, 0 years. Children's He hl? pital. at use > * vho MEMORY OF BRADDQCX. * tts- __________ . Ambassador Bryce to Dedicate Pai 3 Ot * of Surrounding His Grave. jav James Bryce. the British ambassad xei. to the United States, will this summ the dedicate a small national park to t A memory of Gen. Edward Braddock, w lost his life through disregarding the a in- vice of the colonial troops in the ill-fat will expedition against the French at F< liss Duquesne. His remains have rested a lonely grave on the. mountain si ope near LTiioiuown, cuuni;, ra., i Irs. 15o years. d a Some patriotic citizens of that coun roll, recently purchased a tract of abc twenty acres about the grave, whi ;ew after Its dedication by the British ambi ,thy sador next summer will be turned o\ p. to the government as a national park, has tJJ BOSTON SHBINEBS COMING. two ______ Will Stop in Washington on Way ers New Orleans. nan ?{n_ Aleppo Temple of the Mystic Shrir an from Boston, Mass.. is due to arrive tnd, Washington shortly after T o'clo* Ine- Wedne8da>' morning, on its way to ti of meeting of the Supreme Council at Ne Jay Orleans. The party will remain In tl >V?1 until .4 A- In 1-a ? # t n. *-?? .* until * .'/U U V,IUV ?v All L1IC anc noon, when it will leave for the sou er_ by the Atlantic Coast Linei While he der the Boston Shriners will have lunchei of at the New Willard and spend the spare hours in sightseeing. Past Potentate Louis A. Dent, wl was recently elected as one of the re of resentatives of Almas Temple to tl md Supreme Council, has resigned becau ice. of important business matters whli prevent his leaving the city at tli time. It is said an election will 1 held Thursday by Almas Temple choose his successor. The W&shingti rf" Shrine contingent will leave' for Ne vj[{ Orleans Friday. ren 11 '[tse CRIPPLES RIVALS IN RACE. as ???? Neither Candidate for a Michigs ion Office Is Able to Walk. lI&a MENOMINEE, Mich., April 4.?T rift pending municipal election develops i ut. Interesting race for the office of cl ''il1 treasurer of Menominee. The rival ca ,e^ didates both are cripples, Walter Hair tor republican, and Michael Cain, democri ian Hains never has walked in his life, ai wis rival Cain, formerly chief of poli of Menominee, is helplessly paralyzed. nrv Cain declares that he will engage os- competent deputy. Hains will attend ing the duties of the office himself. He mov ind about in a wheel chair, at rsre ~ !&! MARRIED. SCHIFFLETT?CAMPBELL. On Sunday ev< ing, April 3. 1910. at 7:30, Ht Rorkville. M br Rev. White. Mr. CLARENCE SCH1F LETT and Miss MYRTLE CAMPBELL, tx lo of Washington. D. C. , nee DIED. f"" ANDERSON. On Sunday. April 3, 1910. at a.ui., CLAUDE S.. beloTed son of James rial atul Elizabeth Anderson, aged twenty-fc years. May he rest in peace, tlss Funeral from his late residence. 1329 9th str< UX northwest. Wednesday, April 8. at 9:30 a.r v.! thence to Immaculate Conception Chun ht where mass will be said for the repose of 1 ,nl* soul at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends inviu are his BABOOCK. On Monday. April 4, 1910. RO ? 4. PiDT.W n A UfWV Af Uooew Ill* ?'?? *- f^ns>vyvrv>o>t ovu v? mvu*^ ore and Emmltt Marcella Babcoek, a red ni months. Funeral service* will be held at Book Cre cemetery Tuesday, April 5, at 3 p.m. exljn BAKER. On Sunday, April 3. 1910, at 5: ' a.m., at her residence. 634 7th street nori east, FANNIE A., beloved wife of Artb rn* E. Baker. ore Interment in Wethersfleld, Conn. (Hartford { Is pers please copy.) noBANKS. Departed this life Sunday, April 1910. at 11:30 p.m., at 37 Patterson stn northeast. THOMAS BANKS. Survived at- wife, four brothers and two sisters, ek. Funeral from bla late residence Wednesdi of April 6. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends 1 vlted to attend. CASHELL. Suddenly, on April 2. 1910, at h ar- home, near Olne.v, Md.. GEORGE C. CAS1 en- ELL, axed sixty-nine years. ;si- Funeral services at residence at 11 o'clock a.i iv. ' Tuesday. CHARLTON. On Saturday. April 2, 1910. at p.m., ERNEST E. CHARLTON, beloved ? op. of Ann Virginia and the late William 1 y Charlton, aged thirty-two years. US' Cease to weep, for tears are vain; Calm the tumult of thy breast. For he wb<? suffered Is at rest. God glvetb His beloved sleep. Funeral Tuesday. April S. at 3 p.m.. from t jr., residence of bis brother. 436 6th street sout ien west. Relatives and friends invited to i the ??* OS- FRITSCH. On Monday. April 4. 1910. suddenl as' at Garfleld Hospital. GEORGE J. FRITSC1 re, aged fifty-nine years, the Notice of funeral hereafter. 441 GATBLY. On Sunday. April 8. 1910. at tl nS> residence ef his brother Peter. 1802 6 street southwest, THOMAS S. GATELY, tffi thirty-nine years. beloved Mia Of Mufwt and the late John Gately. at Funera 1 services at St. l?minVa Church, 4t% and E atresia southwest, Wednesday. April ?, y- at 9 a.m. 2 HOWI.tV. On Saturday. A . rll 2. 1010, (VU:1B p.m.. at her residence. 1125 5th street northeast. - WINIFRED C. HOWLEY (nan K^Tlni. beloved wife of Edward El Howlre. Funeral on Monday. April 4. at S:Sn p.m. In. tertnent at Lynn. Mam. iLynn. Nfa**., Ytena pioaao copy, i JE8POP. Departed thia ltfo on Friday, AtwC 1, 1910. In Washington. D. C., TOJZABBTH KATHFR1NE JK*snp. widow of Dr. Samuel S. Jessop. d. Interment private, at Rock Creek cemeteiy. JOHNSON. Departed thla life. In fall triumph of faith, on April 2, 1910. at 4:45 p.m., ALICE X. JOHNSON, beloved daughter of Jacob and Alice Johnson and airier of Gertrude Parker. Edward, James, Boat and Dtale! Johnson. Asleep In Jesus." . Funeral Tuesday. April 5. at 2 p.m.. from tha al home of her parents, 2154 Sth street nerthy west. KELI.Y. On Sunday. April 3. 1910. e^ 8:1.1 la o'clock p m.. at Iter residence. 1233 Xortn Capitol street northeast. ELLA B., beloved daughter of the late Lieut. John T. and th Eliza Kelly. Funeral Wednesday, April 6. ft 9 o'clock Ltu; thence to St. Aloysius Church, where requiem ir" high mass will bo said. 2 *4 LANOWORTHY. tin Sunday. April 3. 1910. at Brooklyn N. Y . of pueumonia. ADPTB . s MORGAN LANG WORTHY, wife of J. S. Langworthy. McKXIOHT On Sundav. April 3. 1910. at U p.m.. AXMK F.. SlcKNIGHT. widow of th James M< Knight and eldest daughter of the late Anthony and Mary Pro*ton. eigbty-flve n_ years old. Funeral from hor late residence. 1319 Q street, Wednesday. April ?. at 2 o'clock. Kindly n- oinlt flower*. 2 >et PAVAR1V1 On April 3. 1910. at 11:45 a.m . ISADOKK PAVaRINI. belored husband of , h Cherubina Pavarlnl and son of Roaa and n Alexander Pavarlnl. Xotlee of funeral hereafter. 08 REYXOLDS raised peacefully away at Mnaer ph'*? TVnn.. Sunday. April 3. 1910. JOSEPH. win of the late Joaeph and Mary Levtaa Reynolds of Washington. P C. on Funeral from ehapel. Oak HIU cemste^, Wednesday. April 6, at 3 o'clock p.m. da SLATTERY. On Sunday. April 3. 1910. at 2:80 s p.m.. at his residence. |?lo New Jersey atenne northwest. OAXTEL JT'LIEX. beloved f?? of Panic! and Mary A. Slattery. a (red twen!e* ty-nlne tear*. Funeral Tuesday. April .V at 8:30 thence to tet the Immaculate Conception Obureh. where maaa will he said for the repose of fata naul l'g at 9 o'clock. A apeolal aeaatnn of Washington Lqdge. Xo. IS. B. P. O. Klks. will he held -in the lodgernom en Tuesday, the 5th -Instant. at 8 o'clock a.m . for ?r- the purpose of attending the funeral of nw late brother. DANIEL J BLATTERY. Jr.. a member (.v of Kansas Citv 1/vige. No. 28 ' By order of ROBERT M. M-W1M. Atteet: F.xaired littler. '?* RICHARD O'BRIEX. Secretary. he SMITH. <?n Sunday. April 3. 1910. at 11 p.a>. THOMAS H. SMITH, heloted huahand ef tl6 I.illy P. Smith Funeral from tlrayaon s undertaking parlors. 843 Florida aTenue northwest. Wednesday, April l" 8. at 1 p m.; thence to People's Congregational Church. M street, lietween 8th and tth cv streets northwest. Relatives and friend* intlted. t !et SWBKVEY. On Monday. April 4. 1910. nt 12:43 a.m.. ELLEX, widow of Patrick vet Sweeney. Funeral from her late realdence. Xo. 1745 8th >5_ street northwest, on Wedneaday, April 8. at 8:3u a.m. Requiem mass at the Church of Immaculate Conception at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment at Mount Olivet cemetery. i TOBIX. On Sunday. April 3. 1910. at 7.15 p.m.. at her residence. 1713 Xew Jersey avonua rk n?rihwf?t, MARY J.. beloved wife or jadm E. Tobin. Notice of funeral hereafter. lor VAN YORIS. On Sunday. April 3. 1910, at ft a.m.. at hie residence. ftlft I afreet nortft>?" west. Wn.IJAM F. VAN VORIS. he rra.rer. Tuesday. April at 8:30 a.m. laterment at Kingston. N. Y. id* WARD. On Sunday. April 3. 1910. at 11:1ft ed p.m.. GT'ST A VIS W. WARD, in the aeventythird rear of hla age. ,rt Funeral Wednesday. April ?. at 3 p.m.. from In residence of hla daughter. Mrs. Mary E. , Swart. 1A20 S street northwest. _ ft of or In Memoriam. t ALBERT. In loving remembrance -of our huall>" hand and father. GEORGE L. ALBERT. >ut who left ua two years ago today, April 4. ch irKW" The other side, arrayed In white. 18 " For ua a loved one waits. '?r He rails. "Fear not?1 ain thy guide Fp to the pearly gatec!" BY HIS WIFE. SARAH J. ALBERT. AltD DAUGHTERS. AMOS. In *?d but loalng remembrance of out (lfir daughter. MARY E. AMOS, who 4#to parted this Jlfo one roar a go today. April 4, 190ft. Death Iohtor otir hearts all deeolate; Ho plucks our fairest, sweetest flowrra; e. Transplanted Into bliss, they now ]n Adorn immortal bowera. ck BY men PARENTS. ROBERT H. AND HEN. ItlETTA HARRIS. lie In the noontide of life she baa left; The rrown and the goal hare been won. he And the hands that hare wrought for the Mattar r_ With toiling and labors are done. th BY HER BROTHER. T. HENRY ROBINSON. re BROWNE. In memory of MARJORIE LfJ3n CBILliB BROWNE, who left ua one year ,ir ago today., aged three years and eight months. Lay her playthings all away; HO She will neTor need them more; p. Gone the etmlight of our day; ^ Gone to yonder golden ehore. tlf* BY HER PARENTS AND HER SISTTER ETHEL se MAY. sh ,<o FREAR. TO otir dear father and grandfather. W. H. FREAR. who fell asleep in Jesna he April 4. 189S. Thanks be to God, who giwto eth us the rirtory. an BY HIS CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN. W GILES. In sad bnt loring remembrance of onr deroted husband and rather. CHARLES W. GILES, who fell asleep In the arms of Jesna two years ago today. April 4. 190S." In that life and land of glory Shall we know ei;rh other there? ,? BY HIS LOVING WIFE AND SUN. JOSEPH!** ln AND MILTON GILES. 1 HOLT. In sad but loving remembrance of hit he dear husband. JOHN M. HOLT. who departed this life two rears ago today, April 4, 1908. an Loved in life, remembered ln death, ty BY HIS LOVING WIFE, nTIGNOR. ln ead hut loving remembrance of s* my dear daughter. LILIAN STEWART TTOIt. NOR. who departed this life ten yeara ago rjd today. April 4. lltno. Twas eventide when the Master's voire Called softly. "Come and rrat; My suffering child, come now and lay a Thy head upon My breaat. She amlled and sweetly answered. "Yea, to My mind on Thee is stayed: es Ajid though through the valley of death I walk, With Thee I'm not afraid." BY HER MOTHER. WII>ON. In memory of FRANK A. WILSON, who died three years ago today. April 4. 190T. MOTHER AND SISTERS, to* d.. 1 nh FUEEEA1 DIEECTOES. W. R. SPEARE, rCNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBAUOBL 8 940 h street w.w. A. WASHINGTON. DL <L ,ur Phones Main J?? Frank A. Speare, Mgr. M ^ * * * ****?^M? V WIN. H. SARDO & CO. tiia FUNERAL DIRBCTOES AND EMBALMB8& ;4. 408 H at. n.a. E?adw? eh*pal. Pboaa IlaealaiiA B- PRANK QEIER'S SONS, SL 111* SKVHNTH a. N.W. IMm chapal. Talaphana call North IH " THOS. M. HINDLE, 3P UNDERTAKER 6TH^AND H N.W. ur j. WILLIAM IAS. Faaaial Uhmar aad Bmtial?r. Llrm to MUMettoa. Ooapa? dlooa chapal aad aodm crematoria*. Modiat price*. S3S Pa. art. Talapboaa call IMS. IS S n a a mrntrve CAaio i: K. nAKVCi o br SUNtoAL DIRBCnOM AWD DOAUfBl J USB 14THST N.W. Telepboa^ North Ui: S J. T. CLEMENTS, i&ssrrrJoseph F. Birch's Sons, * .Tom m st. n.w. ?;areaa* ? Qeorge P. Zurhorst, . !iD rOKBEAL P_AKLOW. B01 Ug_QMPWt<fc FUHEBAL PE8KHW. Superb Clusters, S 5=W5SV d,*""?, T* Blackistone s, 1^% If- JriB-M " y'uFH-Tiii pt^igif' fnzarrasE* ? Geo. C. Shaffer 3 ssaxwog"