OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, April 19, 1910, Image 10

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1910-04-19/ed-1/seq-10/

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I W "the busy corner"
i SILK FROCKS?$15 to $25 val- 1 A A /f]\|f]\ j
$ ucs. One-piece, pleated; plain I D\lw ;
* and fancv taffetas, messalines, r \jj/
jSf _^iTnnr ~
bciim iuuidiu?, pungcca ....... j
a $A>? kind. Also 2-eyelet Ties, VdIIIJ
^ Bluchers and Straight Oxfords. Ajj
S All leathers. Women's sizes...
I LOW SHOES?$4 kind. Black] A ? [?
g Suede Eclipse Ties. Women's y) 0 0 dJ
a sizes. The most up-to-date styles gA
of 1910. Special, a pair.:.
i$2.oo kinds. Misses' sizes. Of 0 v(j) dJ/
gun .metal and patent coltskin.
The newest models of 1910. Pair J
SILK GLOVES?50c values;] A A
double finger tips; 2 clasp. Black, 1 ?=K \U / D
white, tan and gray. Women's \ (yj y/ \ J
Gloves, all sizes j
LISLE GLOVES?50c values. 1 A IN
Women's 16-button-lencrth Lisle- "// H\ /fi)
S thread Gloves, in black, white /[}[ flj) (jj
x and tan. For 3 days
I REAL HAIR NETS?25c qual- ] A A
g ity. All-over style, in all colors. [ l/T)
g Extra large. Useful for auto f \u/ \ J
wear. Special, 3 days for
H SILK GLOVES?$1.00 values. Ipl Ipl
g Women's sizes; 16-button length. |n\ |m\ / u
g All pure silk. Black, white and Bj/ (U/ \ J
% colors. A pair?v?,.,. ?
I! TURBAN PINS?25c value. |. A A
Choice of shell or amber color. I J] / U
Variety of different styles. For ^ k \J/\J
the turban coiffure
SEWING SILK?6c a spool reg- (H) /' \
ularly. In black, white and col- I 11 u
ors. loo-yard spools. Special, (y) W \ J
one dozen spools, for 3 days...
CHATELAINE?$3.64 value.] A Itfji
Three-piece set. Made of sterling "J) 0 IT d'
silver. Two different combina- j[j|
tions. Choice of either.,
value. 54 inches long. Gun met- 1\ "
al, oxidized and gold plated j all \ J/ (V / IJ
set with assorted stones. Choice..
?49c value. With pendants, fes- // I (f\I
.toon effect, in assorted styles, 1 uji (J II.
Dainty and attractive novelties. ^
value. Size 16 by 20 inches. 12 | T\ \L J / ^
different subjects; in colors; i-in. V )J fl / ill
$ mission-finish molding J ^ ^ w
I* OVAL PICTURES?$i value. ] Z[ /Th
Size 9^2x19 in. Marines and /J\ \U/"
landscapes. 13/2-inch molding. " fl / ly
Dustproof backs. Each
PLAY SUITS?Rough rider ] ZT /Av ^
models, of khaki cloth. Sizes A. to I m\ IIII fl?
g 9 years. Regularly $1.00. For ' y/ \y
? this sale only (4th floor)
I I^WN SWINGS?Ferris make. 1 A J[(Q)
2 passenger; 7 ft. high; folds yj 0 it Qj)
flat; nicely painted. Sell regular- ffh
ly at $3.50. For this sale
wood. 3J/2 feet long; fold flat, 7/11 /
Choice of natural, red or green, (J (I / ly
Never sold under $1.2^, ?,
GO-CARTS?Collapsible, with1 A J[
full hood. Adjustable footrcst. VJ olfU
Reclining back. Upholstered in ?7]
leatherette. Regularly $? 1
\ J
\ - ' Mf
\ * 1
As diamonds are polished by rubbing <
by co-operation and interchange of opinion
days ago a proposition was made to arranj
putlive the traditional "nine days wonder"
of the appeal made by some buyers, and t;
unprecedented sale only merchandise in gre
attention and bring to the store the greatesi
: WOMEN'S SHIRTS ? Our 1 A p
Matchless Linene Shirts, laun- xx 1/^/fi)
dered link cuffs. Only 600. Not f O (yjHj
obtainable elsewhere j
; SKIRTS?30 different styles, of 1 V 0 ?
! Altman voiles, chiffon panamas, j In 0 0 0
tropical worsteds, mohairs* etc. f
Worth $10 to $15 j
S i L K COAT S?Sample line. ^ A M
Full and 34 length; full lined yJauU
and half lined. Also Lace Coats.
Values $20 to $40 ,
TAILORED SUIT S?Choice 1 fjjj Inl /f|j/T|j
of 187 Coat Suits, including all ! ^tJ^oWU/
our imported novelties, plain and f(Q)[[ JJ
fancy. Regularly $^0 to $8f.. j
1 COAT 'SUITS ? Plain and j A W Mb
fancy; cloth and silk. Very lat- j | 1/^oVU'
est spring models. Every desired | J (y/
colorT Regularly $30 to $40.... j
SERGES ?$1.25 quality!' A1
wool, Storm and French Serges, I /fi)
in 2 shades navy and black; 48 ^ [J ((j) \y
and 50 inches wide. A yard...
' WOOL C H E C K S ? $1.25 to 1 'A fil
<t5l.'7C dualities. All frnnH
checks; 54-inch. Black, white (Q) (y)
and colors. Special, a yard....
FRENCH SUITINGS ?$1.75 ] A flj C
and $2 qualities. Strictly all- | 0 0 dP
wool. Gray effects, stripes and ^
FOULARDS?85c quality. 24 I (H)
inches wide. Neat designs, scrolls n /T)
and dots; in blue and white and I" SjJ (Q) Uj
black and white. Yard * j '
SILKS?Satin Rajah and Satin 1 If? /H\ Pongee.
Regularly $1.25 yard. , ln\ \k f
Sixteen good shades. For this yj \y
sale only, a yard
ROUGH PONGEES?All silk. * A /fi)
36 in. wide. Regular 69c qual- ^ H\ /f^
: ity. Splendid line of shades and j (MJ \IJj II n
black. For this sale only, yard.. j
LINEN SUITING ?Pure1 /fi) jp
linen, 90 inches wide; soft finish; /
Belgian or round thread Irish \J/ (y/ \ J
weaves. Regularly $1.00 yard, j
NAPKINS?20-inch Union LiiT1 JT A
en Lunch Napkins. Neat red bor- j/\ *JJ /T)
ders and hemmed, ready for use. ; /U\\ \
75c value. For this sale, dozen.. J
^PATTERN CLOTHS ? 64x8c V /f^ O
inches. Imported; mercerized. | ^ / T)
Regularly sold at $1.10. This '
sale only ^
PERSIAN LAWN?Fine White 1 ^ A
Lawn, 40 inches wide; nice and /T)
sheer. A quality selling regularly i I n
; at 25c a yard. In this sale, yard. ] ^ ^
; WHITE GOODS?Regular 19c 1 /Th ,
Grade White Corded, Checked
; and Plaid Lawns, in 10 styles, r 01/ u II
w m i " j \N</ |
Nice sheer goods. This sale, yard j
S' NAINSOOK ?' 10-yard pieces' V VI
| Soft-finish 40-inch Fine White i 0 ^ ly/
[ Nainsook, that sells regularly at \ |
| $1.50 per 10-yard piece. Piece, j
:rs' UN
mmm ii
against each other so brilliant ideas are developed
At an impromptu gathering of buyers for thi
re a three-day sale which would create a sensati
and be remembered for months. Co-operation w
aken up by others. They all agreed to select foi
atest demand at this time, and to quote prices be
t crowd in its history.
i t t r r-t~tt it t t i t t t i i t t t-1 r-f-t t t t t
WAISTS?300 Sample Lingerie / E
; Waists, sizes 36 and 38. Trim- 1 0 W
med with laces and embroideries. J
Worth up to $6.50. 1 of a kind.
1 % %, ?, t ? t t 1 > tut ?tiiittt Ttttt t 1 t ? 1 t j t t t 1 t it t
;; WAISTS?Tailoredmodels, 1 L I (Q
: pleated, of madras, dimity, Per- ' D ii u
sian lawn and pure linen. .Values | 4
up to $3.00. All sizes.
: TRIMMED HATS?Choice of] A (Qj E
just 379 Trimmed Hats. Never ^JJ 0 %D ll
sold before under $5 and $7.50. /[][
While they last, in this sale.... ]
; of 22 different shapes. $7.50, lK 0 y/ y)
; $8.95 and $10.50 Leghorn hat
shapes. Some black velvet faced.
I! VEILINGS?Choice of any 25c- 1 A /fi\ f| ^
: a-yard Mesh Veilings, in black or yj |!
colors; plain, fancy and dotted. /02
Newest conceits, at, yard
: CHILDREN'S and Misses'1 (f]\/H\
Roll-brim Sailors, trimmed with ^(xLJ/
silk ribbon band, bows and (Lj (l7 \ J
streamers. 75c and $1 values..
f mmmmmmmmmmmmr--- ------- - - - ^ .
blue sailor collars; blue cuffs and ? /fi
nnrlrpf frimmprl wi h irKlfA* A fft I II \l /Til ll I I
b IM1&AAU1W mtll LV vy/ \y/ \yi i
18 years. This sale only. I
| INFANTS' DRESSES?Square 1 (H) /H\
; and round yokes; full skirt, deep UJ1
hems; yokes trimmed with lace, (y) n]/ Uj
embroidery or hemstitching.... v
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ROMPERS?Heavy chambray. T I
Two shades of blue, tan and old >7] |
; rose, finished with piping; 1 to 6 " | J \y
years. Price for this sale only.. j
? ________ _ _ _ _ ______________________ <1
PETTICOATS?Sateen or per- |/T (f \ ^
caline; deep ruffles, shirring and , // \I I /"
emb. flounces; good colors; 38 to ' [j n / \|j
42 lengths. $1 quality. This sale j
GOWNS?Choice 50 styles; of R /H\
cambric, nainsook or muslin; // UJ j
;; high, round or low necks. Never [J flj/ II1
sold under $1.00. This sale..... ^
PF.ART. BUTTONS?:v a rorA 1 /rt\T) / :
; regularly. Fresh water pearl, in
four sizes. These are the best (Lk \y
quality. Special, a card, for...
LUNCHROOM?For three] Ifjl
days Strawberry Short Cake will j)^ /T6
be served with lunch at the ex- Lj/ 111
traordinary price, per order.... j
LUNCHROOM ? Tomatoes, ] A A
fresh, stuffed with chicken salad, [ IJ / Tl
will be served with lunch for \^J/ \ J
;; three days, per order
I r O T T O \T C ATTT * riTTP 1 A
; OUU 1 n. Fj L // \\
BRAIDS?15c value. Black, ( j/T)
white and colors. Special in this \l / \ J
sale, a 12-yard piece, for
GUIMPS?10c a yd. regularly. - |H\
All silk, in black, white and com- // I "
binatiorts of color. Special in (Lk \ J
this sale, a yard, for only )p
1 , _ , ,<
:: UMBRELLAS?75c to $1 val- } IT j/J ues.
American taffeta, English 1 /J\ / I
gloria covers. Men's and women's [J
sizes. Plain and fancy sticks... j
11 i 1
mm fi
I and enlarged
s store several V. TIlF?@ dSy
as? I 1 WED I
* this proposed ^2 THILJI
? ji II ^ TT>?
>una to compel 4 ^ IP IK!
-4.-4.~4.-4.4.4. 4'V4 -t 4
DAYS ;lEjjj
Wednesday 1
Thursday 2
Friday 3
COAT SUITS?Plain tailored. 1 A A Afl
fancy serge, diagonal worsteds, [ (0?*$
shepherd checks, etc. Worth $18 \lj[
to $29.75. In this sale. .
SILK PETTICOATS?Taffeta, (fi\ ' j6 Q
Deep umbrella ruffles, shirring o4^ Si
and pin tucks. Black and plain f A])
colors. Regularly $5.00 J
MESH VEILINGS?50c qua!- ' (f])A fl
ity. Fancy effects; dotted de- 1 ^
signs. Some of the very newest
conceits; in black and colors. .. j
DEVILED CRABS?1 fc each] |fl
usually. Special, and served up Mm
in our very best style. For 3 days (y/ \y
we will serve them for........
?u?.. .. . .. ma 1
RUFFLES?Corset dept. will ] (f]) A
sell 39c Shirt Waist Ruffles, 3 j /p
ruffles edged with white cotton 1 (y/ ^ \y|
torchon lace and ribbon, for.... j
FUR REPAIRING-?For three 1 M '
days of this sale we will allow off "/q
the regular prices of fur repairing
done during the summer...
?39c kinds. Fine gauge, split "JJ HVffi
soles, Hermsdorfs black, splice l(j] yfttj
heels and toes, wide hem. Pair.
COLLEGE SONGS?50c val-1 /| A
ue. Remick's collection. Con- Ml ilJi/fl)
sists of 117 songs, paper bound, [ JL m
in an attractive cover. Special.. j
?50c value. Remick's collec- >11 /P
tion. 121 of the world's greatest ^ fl/UJ
songs. Attractively bound, copy J
SHEET MUSIC ?lOc a cony ' ([^""1
regularly. 120 titles to select HwP
from. Well known standard \
music. 2 copies for 5c, or each.. J

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