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TOWNSMENAT ODDS Many Minds Counsel on Chevy Chase Development. DEBATE OF SPECIAL LEVY Plan Is Put Under Scrutiny by Advocate of Charter?Election Next Monday. The opponents of the incorporation of Chevy Chase, a proposition to be decided at the election next Monday, assembled last night in the Chevy Chase library and expounded opinions on the undesirablllty of the charter, and advocated, in lieu, a special 'evy plan that purposes to continue the suburb under the government of the Montgomery county commissioners, but provides for the special committee to supervise expenditure of taxes. A number of charter advocates were present and asked many questions. How He Would Trust Neighbors. "Any of my neighbors within the range of my vision I'd trust on this committee to expend the suburb's money," said C. C. Tucker, an advocate of the special levy plan. "But there are not five neighbors whom I'd trust with making municipal laws, because they're not trained for it." "There are plenty of men in this village capable of running the place under the charter." retorted V. E. Ilodges of the charterites. "That's got nothing to do with it," piped a voice far back In the room. "What we want is an assurance that the gutters and sidewalks will be Improved at once." "The health of the place is the vital question," interjected another property owner. "How about the sewer farm? What's going to become of that? Where's the title to and what has the road bill got to do with sanitation, anyhow?" Some two hours later the question of controlling swine, cattle and automobiles on the streets came up for temporary disniuinn followed hv a declamation of the control of the village's morals at somei far distant data. Adjournment Comes Suddenly. A resolution to adjourn was hastily offered and just as hastily carried, with but one dissenti||? voice. "Before we disperse," said the voter agalhst adjournment, "I want to tell you the advocates of the charter will hold a mass meeting Thursday night in this place. It's your duty to be here." The advocates of the special levy plan made points in favor of their scheme. In brief the plan is modeled after the administration of the affairs of suburbs in Baltimore county. It provides for the appointment of five trustees by the property owners of both sexes and all colors, who shall have supervision over the expenditure of the taxes. These are regularly collected from the suburb's residents by the county and turned over In a lump sum to the trustees. In everything else the suburb Is governed as a part of the county. The backers of the special levy plan . oppose the charter chiefly on the grounds that by creating a municipality the taxes are bound to increase and, added to those of the state and county, will create a heavy burden on the residents. They oppose the plan also upon the ground that numberless ordinances will be enacted, municipal salaries will have to be paid, police powers created and other municipal necessities, which will but add to the burdens already on the shoulders of Its people. < Government under the special levy plan. - * - ?J- ?leU ell tkie an#t 1 fl V bay. Will UQ ? rv n * wjin on uua otiu enable the taxes to be collected and disbursed at the lowest possible expense. Police protection, sewerage and like matters will be provided for and come under control of the Montgomery county commissioners through the medium of several county laws, notably the L<ee road law. The meeting was presided over by Dr. James Dudley Morgan. Among those taking an active part in the discussions were E. E. Stevene, C. C. Tucker, H. P. Oat ley, W. T. 8. Stevens, Vernon E. Hodges, T. E. Roberts, O. R. Richards and Maj. Burke. SECRETARY NAGEL LAUDS CITY'S WEALTH OF TREES j Strongly Indorses President's Views on Making This the Most Beautiful of Municipalities. Secretary N'agel of the Department of Commerce and Labor strongly indorses President Taft's speech before the bankers Saturday evening on making Washington the most beautiful city in the world. "I don't believe there is a lovelier place on earth," the Secretary said, "than this already beautiful city when it is in its full spring glory. I don't speak so much for the 'marble palaces,' as Senator Bailey calls our government buildings, although I believe In strength and artistic beauty they should truly r-present the nation, but for Washington's world ef magnificent trees. I rather incline to the natural than to the artificial beauty of our parks. I am a great walker, and I love to walk here because It gives me an opportunity to see nature at her beet. "Take Rock Creek Park, for Instance, with its wealth of greenwood. As much as T admire flowers I would not want to see that park disfigured with hothouse beds. Rather its great wealth of magnificent trees. I don't know that I ever aw a place that had a wider variety of trees. Down in Potomac Park and through the Mall there Is every variety of foliage from the lightest tints of green to a deep copper color, and what splendid specimens of the forest they are! "I am proud of Washington, and I want to see the nation take that deep interest in it that a great peo pie should In their capital. Why. do you know, the very trees here seem to reflect the composite elements of our people In their form and variety, from the lordly monarch of the forest to the handsomest of shrubbery. I don't want to see the flne trees spoiled in the beautifleation of the city. I want to see them preserved and cared for and nursed. If necwssary, to keep them in health and vigor, for then we shall have their greatest beauty. This is not a new sentiment with me, for I have nursed back into life trees on my own small place at home. When Mrs. Nagel has asked me why I did it, I have replied, 'Well, tt I help tl.e tree this year next year It will care for itself, but if I help a man he will want me to help him the rest of his life.' " paemee's clever device. Captures Chicken Thief by Dae of Electric Alarm. MTODLBTOWN. Conn., April 10.?After months of frequent stealing of his chickens Henry I. Nsttleton. a farmer, near Durham, rigged In his bedroom an electric alarm that would Inform him of the opening of the hennery door. At* 2 sfdock yesterday morning the alarm rang Donning rubber boots and an overcoat, he rushed out and found a man with a bag at the hennery. The men grappled. In the tussle Nsttleton whs hurt, hut he overcame his opponent. Mrs. Xettleton brought a lantern, by the light of which the couple say they recognised Frederick Hall, a well to-do neighbor. Hall did not appsar yesterday morning and Nettleton got a warrant for his arrest on a theft charge. ? * j. % Fur | HE days for the sj oj. for the long, hot s j must give way to prairie grass furniture mi vytuir viuisM ' Window and ; HE attention of housekee] i /T \ real estate dealers, archit in High-grade Screens is points in our Cabinet-mac Guaranteed rustless wire. 14-n Wire secured in frames by sp Mortised and tenon joints?al Frames painted to match wo< Full-length guides, admitting window. Screens held in position by necessary?easily removed. Will not stick, swell or deter Work easily and perfectly in All work done in our own sli personal supervision. Deliveries made in reasonable est consistent with quality. Telephone or write your requ where in the District free of charj Awniogs E make to order, in a iv ((.III windows. doors and p enter into their const to suit every fancy, we are introducing The "New Mo This is without doubt the m< stormproof, economical, neat and best air circulation. It is easily a taken down, and can be stored in ; ton, and exclusive with us. Let us "Vudor" Pot HE most pleasing and satis if \ throw the porch into coo' VpsLy ing it too dark for practic of the sun and at the sam< tion of air. They are strong, light Shown in a fast color of dark gfe 4x7.8 feet, 3 6x7.8 feet, 3 8x7.8 feet, 3 10x7.8 feet, 3 "Sherwood" Metal Frame Adjustable Window Screens. ' 1 I. ? 1 They ftt any ordinary window, leaving | no cracks. for the entrance of (lies or other insects. The frames are of pressed ! steel, rigid, durable and neat in appearance. The screen cloth cannot loosen or sag, and they are impervious to moisture. Can be used under the sash, or as stationary screen on the outside. Altogether, the most perfect adjustable stock screen made. High. Closed. Open. ftice. , t 8-inch 20-inch 33-inch 30c 24-inch 20-inch 33-inch 40c 24-inch 22-inch ^7-inch 45c ~T ? w 30-inch 22-inch 37-inch 55c 1 30-inch 24-inch 44-inch 65c ' Slip Cover Sfteciai. For a limited time we will make Slip ] Covers to order, for the average 5-plece 1 parlor suite, of fine imitation striped j linen, in neat effects, allowing 25 yards for making?perfect fit guaranteed?at . the special price, < $7.50 the suite. ( I ' ? Stoop Seats. A Comfortable and Handy Cushion, suitable for use on stone or iron steps, porches, etc. Covered with cretonnes, 1 denims and velours. 25c and 50c each Fourth floor, G ?t. ChSma & Japan At Munch Less ME carry only merito know that merit coui Mattings should insu special purchase. Patterns and colorings are n< ties are such as we can sell with < tings of reliance. A rare opportunity for saving ? __ importance?wnen every one is a mer. The purchase is large, but ea Finest Rice Straw Matting, pi flowers?beautiful patterns. Special price, 50c yard, S 180-warp Double-dyed rich and attractive. Special price, 25c yard, 1 1150-warp Double-dyed Special price, 20c yard, 1 100-pound Lintan Pair Special price, 25c yard, 1 90-pound Lintan Pain* Special price, 22V?c yard, 80-pound Palmed Sear Special price, 20c yard, 1 70-pound Seamless Ma ' Special price, 17J4c yard. Four lit rt'?>r. ?J ? . * f Woo Special St rushing >ring cleaning and renova ummer. Carpets and rugs airy swiss muslins and m jst be used. Tomorrow o< )m=ma_de" Door Screens. pers, apartment house owners, ects and all who are interested directed to the following-salient ie Window and Door Screens, tesh fine, insect proof, line forced in groove. II joints water proof glued. >dwork, or as otherwise desired, ventilation at top or bottom of springs in groove, no adjusting iorate. all kinds of weather. lops on the premises, under our - short time and prices the lowest for estimate; men sent any!>e* to Order. first-class manner, Awnings for >orches. The best materials only ruction. Materials and colorings In addition to the regular style del" Awning. ost perfect Awning made. It is durable; perfectly sanitary, witli tdjusted, easily recovered, easily a small space. New in Washingestimate. rch Shades. fying Pofch Shades made. They I, mellow shadow, without makal use, excluding the bright rays t time permitting perfect circulain weight and work very easily, en. 12.25 each. >3.0? each. A AA CHtn. ?5?50 each. Ready-made Screen Poors. Now showing a complete lirte of Stoci Screen Door*. Made of seledted pint natural varalsh finish; filled with goo grade black japanned wire Cloth, an complete with all (necessary Pictures Shown in four styles. 2 ft. 6 in.x6 ft. 6 in. 2 ft. 8 in.x6 ft. 8 in. 2 ft. io in.x6 ft. io in. 2 ft. 8 in.x7 ft. 51.25, $1.50, $3.50 and $5.50 each 3 ft. 4 in.*7 ft. 3 in., $3.00 each. Cross-Stripe Summer Curtains. Showing a large and attractive line o light, airy, summer curtains, in cross striped effects. A most desirable curtail for windows or doorways for the eumme home. Full line of colorings?green, red pink, blue, tan, brown, yellow, etc. Si.oo, $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00 paii Couch and Hammock Pillows. A diversified collection of Special! Made Pillows, suitable for the couch poroh, hammock or canoe. Covered i light and dark cretonnes, crepes, etc. $1.00, $1.50 and $1.75 each. iese Mattings > Thamt Usual. rious merchandise because w< its for much. The merit of the? re a rapid clearance of the entire ?w owd deairahle and the nnali satisfaction and confidence?mat, and it comes at a time of double rranging the home for the sum?rly selection is advised. lain white or with colored woven by the roll. Value, 75c. Fine Japanese Matting by the roll. Value, 35c. Bingo Matting, by the roll. Value, 36c. ned Matting. by the roll. Value, 40c. ed Matting. , by the roll. Value, 30c. nless Matting. by the roll. Value, 25c. tting,.&ojd quality, by the roll. Value, 22 ^c % bwarb NEW YORK?WAS tie of Hand Bags Now in Pro ;s for tt ting arc at hand, and with th must rnma nn anH hp rPITilj 4??wwv wmav MAAV? *-* tadras. Upholstered furnitun :curs the first showing of our : Snimmer 11 aod Smiminnier For the Cottage, I N the sixth floor you will fii ^>\\ Furniture, gathered with everywhere. The styles r day furniture back throuj first settlers. Our collection of Porch Furnit We have everything you could w resting place?porch couches, settf hang on the sunny side. The Lawn Furnishings?ther Settees, Chairs. Tables, Hammock tion and kind. Tents with every a] door games?Tennis. Croquet, Bi Garden Sets, Swings, etc. "Old Hickory" Rockers. Andrew .Tackson style, made of second growth hickory. $1.75 to $10.00 each. "Old Hickory" Chairs, including armchairs and dining chairs. $1.25 to $10.00 each. "Old Hickory" Tables, with finished I top; for lawn or veranda. $6.00 to $11.00 each. "Old Hickory" Settees, with woven hickory splint seats. $3.50 and $5.00 each. Genuine "Crex" Chairs and Rockers, In numerous designs and styles. <fcf? +? Ct r iv\ >*?Ti iu ipij.w Rattan Tea Tables, with lower shelf. $7.50 each. 1 Rattan Reading Chairs, with book rest i on side. ' $11.50 each. Green Rattan Settees, with closely woven cane seat and apron front. $30.00 each. Gffeen Rattan Porch Swings, with ropes of same color. * $15.00 each. Weathered Oak Porch Swings, bolted construction; complete with ropes and hooks. $5.00 each. Large Porch Rockers, with double reed seat and slat back. $2.00 each. Refrigerators, : ' Ice Chests, Etc.. Hardwood Refrigerators^ with galvanized metal lining, mineral wool insulation, removable flues i and all the other latest and best devices. J $6.95 to $50.00 each. ? Porcelain-lined Refrigerators, with solid ? oak case, wire shelves, etc. We show all ' the popular designs, including the apartment house style, for narrow spaces. $15.00 to $50.00 each. Golden Oak Refrigerators, with porce1 ?Mm Kir, drain nine, mineral lam uiuiiif ioiuw*?wv vi.ft wool Insulation, etc. $15.00 each. 1 Ice Cheats, with galvanised steel lining, two rows of shelves and best insulation. $3.95 to $20.00 each. Sixth floor, G st. Qo*Carts and f Baby Carriages. n Our complete stock will satisfy I any demand. From the Simple Folding Go-Cart to the Handsome English Coach or Perambulator there is a splendid array, and at all prices. Collapsible Hood Go-Carts, with metal frames and reclining backs. Strong, well made, sightly carts. 1, Special price, $8.50 each. n English Coaches, with enameled body and leather cloth top, in tan, green and carmine. Enameled iron pusher, rubbertired wheels; foot brake; anti-friction wheel fastener. Special price, $15.00 each. English Perambulators, with strap 1 gear, best rubber tires and blue > or green enameled bo^y. Each.. $27.50 Collapsible Folding Go-Carts, a cart that folds perfectly flat: very compact; can be conveniently carried on . cars. etc. Each ^5,OQ We have installed in our work; rooms the latest and most mod. ern device for re-tiring GowCart and Carriage Wheels of every de. scription. Charges moderate; . work first-class and guaranteed. 8ixtk floor, O at. ; Kodaks, Cameras, Photo Supplies, Etc. 1 This department is replete with an extensive assortment of Kodaks Cameras and Photo Sup plies, including a complete line I of the famous Eastman Kodaks. Printing and Mounting in a first-class manner at reasonable cost. No. 1 Brownie Kodak*, each.., $1.00 No. 2 Brownie Kodaks, each... $3.00 No. 3 Brownie Kodaks, each.., $4*00 No. 3 Flexo Kodaks, eaoh....... $5-00 No, 3 Bull's Bye Kodaks, each, $8.00 No, 1 Folding Pocket Kodaks. each $IO.OO We carry complete lines of Films and Film Packs of all kinds; also all kinds of Papers, Chemicals, M ount s?in fact, ' everything for the amateur pho~ tographer. hmSli Seer. TVnth it. Woodward d %oi 5HINQT0N?PARIS. gress==Maln Floor, Elevent ie Sumi cm come the planning and fi ictfd with parquetry floors o i must be stored for the sumi summer furniture and all the 3urim5ture ! ' FyrnSsihgogs ,awn and Porch. id a choice collection of Summer taste and discrimination, from itn the gamut from the present- j jh centuries to the days of the \ ;ure leaves nothing to be desired, ish to make the porch an ideal ;es, chairs, tables and screens to e never were so many. Large :s and Swings of every descripppliance for setting up. All outase Ball; and for the children, Large Porch or Veranda Rockers, witn 1 double reed seat and back and broad j i-m?. * $3.50 each. .Large, Roomy Porch Rockers, with double woven reed seat and high back. $2.25 each. High-back Rockers, with double reed 1 seat. Very comfortable. Special price, $1.95 each. , "Jumbo" Rockers, with heavy posts, double reed seat and back and large arms. $5.00 each. Sewing, Nursery or Veranda Rockers, with double reed seat; natural finish. 79c each. Canvas Hammock Chairs, adjustable to four positions. 1 Si.oo and $1.25 each. Folding: Camp Stools, with carpet or canvas-top seat. 25c to $1.00 each. Folding Lawn Settees, put together with screws. $1.00 each. Iron-frame Lawn Benches, with hard maple seatj bolted construction. $3.50 to S5.00 each. Reclining Couches, with cane top and adjustable head rest. $8.50 each. Croquet Sets. i A game that is Just as interesting to the grown-ups as to the children. We are showing a "large ] assortment of the worthy kinds, < and call attention to the following items: Good Croquet Sets. Bach $1.00 Croquet Sets, varnished. Each.. $1.50 Children's Croquet Sets?special. Each E 4-ball Croquet Sets, high-grade. Each IhZ.OO E Croquet Sets, with long mallets. _ ? Each ^ Semi-professional ^ ^ Croquet Sets. Each $3-5? and $3-9o Professional Croquet Sets. Each $5.00 Fourth floor, Bleveuth it. ^ Lawn Swings. We are showing a large line of Lawn Swings, of the best makes and in all sizes and prices. Good. Strong Swings, with seats t for two. Each v3*9o Good, Strong Swings, with seats ^ for four. Each Strong, Well Made Swings, with seats 11 for four: put together with screws and painted in a pretty shade of red. cy'.rvr, Einph . ao.oo 8teel Lawn Swings. Each $8.50 and $12.50 s< The Celebrated "Paris" Lawn 8wing, in Each.8.,,e.s'...$5.oo, $7.50 and $10.00 I Fourth floor. Eleventh ?t. "? Tents. - " Nothing will give a child more ^ genuine pleasure than a tent. It n can be rigged up in the playroom, s< on the lawn or in the back yard. ^ We are showing an excellent assortment in white and striped effects. White, $4.95 each, up. Striped, $4.95 each. Fourth floor, Eleventh ?t. ^ G Coaster Wagons. G Special attention is called to M the "Star" Coaster, which is the s best wagon of this kind made. It ? is ball-bearing throughout, has B combination tongue and steering Q handle and broad flat wheels? v made expressly for speeding. The bed of the wagon is so constructed that it can be removed at will. Made in three sizes, $3-95? $4-95 and $5-95 each. j Fourtk floor, ?t. Hand Cars. * I, . , < "The Keystone" Hand Car, $4.95 each. "The Keystone" Tandem Hand Car, $8.95 each, ( 1 Ball-bearing Hand Cars, with : cushion tires, $10.95 each. ffwtb tor, El wont h ?t. _______ ' I Loth rap. : for op ? h Street. ner He xing of the home as cool r fragrant matting. Hea\ mer, and in its place rattar : cool accessories for your i First Qualii Cut ( E offer but one qual ill (II II ev*?" small, do we off glass, for defects car A comparison c jlayed and prices at which mark s especially invited. Bonbon IMjbe*. each Sl.OOanduj) ram Dlafeet, each $2-75 and Up n?w#r tun, nci and up Water Pitch era, each $2.50 and Up Celery Trafa, each $2.25 and Up Oil Craeta, eacfc $1-95 and Up . Attention is asked to the ma arate tables, at $2.75, $3.95 ant Exhibition of Japanese Wind ory Bells?and T1 ME'VE a native Japan boo booth, adjoining gether these dainty know the legend of "The gallant Japanese lover . . ? ? ?> ?? < > r' chime ot Memory Bens to nis ah Lng Miss Lotus San, and the p every passing breeze, tinkle fron him." So here is a charming offeri hang in some friend's window th and chime each morning a daint 10c to $1 Infants and Sfleepoir mE maintain one of tl America and have a fants' Basketware, sive stock of Bassinettes, each from $3.00 Scale Baskets (for weighing), each from ........ .$375 Moth Pr Wayne L'edared Wardrobes. lach 50C Up Uanahan'a T O r 1 n A RaffS. tftnuaiiHii 0 ? ?*?...? CT> ? ;&ch 40c up Manahan'a Tarine Sheets. osen, 50c. Each 5C Sulphur Candles. Each tjc and IOC Oriental Camphor, pkg., 18c; c ozen 2}>2.0J Fifth floor. Every Lawn ai Standard Quality flmplei Guaranteed "Coloniall" Lawn Mowers. _ The most satisfactory low-priced Mower italnable: high-grade construction irougnout. $2.25 each, upward. 'Lawn JKing" 3a 111 Bearing Mowe r. No better Mower can #be produced. :igh 9-inch wheels, four revolving nlves, pawl and racket patent posttlve ,r-u- nawl cast steel; hardened, station r ? ry knife has lipped edge, against which svolvlng knives shear, making mower slf-aharponing; well finished hardwood andle. $4.95 each, upward. Garden Well made and serviceable farden Hoes, each 25c and harden Spades, each .... 50c and 75c rarden Rakas, each l8c to 50c nion Hoes, each 25c and 3OC [attock Hoes, each 45c to 75c cuffle Hoes, each 30c pc. Garden Sets, each. 65c and $1.00 [edge Trimmers, each $2.00 arden Picks, each 65c deeding Hoes, each 30c and 35C i Fifth Doer. Rags Repairec E beg to call attenti ft I 11 I 11 Repairing and Cleai W this class of work economy?makes Ru ?restores them to their original For the past four years we menian expert, who repaits Rugs not detect the mended places. T1 by an oriental process wnich kil colors, silky sheen and gloss. We will be pleased to call a Rugs and Carpets. We also stor< Fevth flaw, O H. n r~.~7 " f ? ji : * - *> #5 " t-* ' * * *. >me. and inviting as possible y curtains and hangings i, reed, birch, hickory and summer home. ty Brilliant Mass. ity?the best. At no price, hower else. Better no glass than poor inot be hidden. >f the individual pieces here di?:ed, with those shown elsewhere, lea Onm Tray a, each.. .... $5jooafidup Sugar and Cream Sat a, each $2.25 and tip Oomporta, carh $1.50 and up stud Bwwia. wti.......... $2.75 and tip Fruit Diahet. each.......... $2.25 2nd Up Sponn Traye, each.... $1.00 and up ny excellent values shown on sep- ' I M (Ml the niece. ? / the Making of Chimes or Mem? leir Significance. ese in his native dress, in a bam our Japanese section, putting tocheery little Chimes. Do yon these Memory Bells? , marching away to war, sends a iss Cherry Blossom or his Charmretty painted bits of glass, with i casement, fondly, in memory of 0 ng?a chime of Memory Bells to at his story it may tell and tinkle y greeting in fond remembrance. 0.00 each. ? Toilet ig Baskets. ie largest Basket Departments in Iwavs eiven much attention to In showing an unusually comprchenToilet Baskets, each from... ,f$c Bassinette Mattresses, each from ______ $*-75 eventives. Lavender Camphor, pkg , 10c; e dozen S?I.IO Crystalline Camphor, pkg., 10c; c doz*i $I<&) * Cedar of Lebanon and Camphor, pkg., 10c; dozen ?pl OO Synthetic Camphor, tan 25c Japanese Camphor, can 2jC id Garden Need. * merits at Moderate Prices. j "Colonial" Lawn Grass Seed i Is a reallj- superior combination of the best grasses, and lias been prepared with especial reference to the soil of Waihington and vicinity. Its reputation Increases with its ever-widening distribution. 25c pound. I Guaranteed Hose. Such as we have supplied with un?arjrIng sHceess for five seasons?Hose that with reasonable care will afford year* of wear. Brass couplings, patent bands that may be adjusted quickly and easli* ? in a word, tly roughly satisfactory hose. Extra 7?ply# 12c foot. "Colonial," 15c foot. Hose Reels. Hardwood; sturdy; capacity, 100 fe*' ? of hose. 60c each. All-metal Reels, $1.75 each. II Tools. ; hence the most economical. Wooden Lawn Rakes, each 33 c Wire Lawn Rakes, each 40c Grass Hooks, each 25c Pruning Shears, each .... 25c and 5OC Hand Weeding Forks, each IOC Garden Trowels, each ?jc to 15c Wheelbarrows, each ................ $3.50 Lawn Edgers, each 65c Lawn Weeders, long handles; pre- rrc vent back tire, each ? g amid Cleaned. on to our unrivaled facilities for ling Oriental Rugs and Carpets, is properly done it is a matter of igs and Carpets wear much longer color and softness, have had the services of an Arby hand so cleverly that you canic cleaning and washing are done Is all germs, restores the natural *? nd give you an estimate on your e them at small cost. .? mm. . ' - - 1